Invasive Species Initiatives
in the Northeast States
Samantha Schultz, Audrey Bowe, Carrie Brown-Lima, Grace Mortellaro
New York Invasive Species Research Institute
March 2019
The information in this report was collected from various online resources including websites and online
reports. Following web research, we requested experts who work with invasive species within each state to
vet and provide suggestions, corrections and any additions for their resident state.
We are grateful for the invaluable input of in-state experts as well as the further contacts within each state
they shared. Thank you to everyone who shared their time and knowledge to assist in the creation of this
Special thanks to Karen Feldman of the Adirondack Park Agency for the feedback on and inspiration for this report.
Cover Images: Blank US Northeast Region Map, World Maps 2019; North America Satellite Orthographic, NASA 2005
State Maps: Heubi 2006, Wikimedia
Process & Acknowledgements
Donna Ellis, Co-chair (now retired), Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group
Charlotte Pyle, Co-chair, Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group
Greg Bugbee, Associate Scientist, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Nancy Olmstead, Invasive Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
John McPhedran, Invasive Aquatic Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of
Water Quality
Gary Fish, State Horticulturist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
Jennifer Forman-Orth, Environmental Biologist, Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
Jim Straub, Lakes & Ponds Program Coordinator, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation
New Hampshire:
Jenica Allen, Aliate Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire
Amy P. Smagula, Limnologist/Exotic Species Program Coordinator, New Hampshire Department of Environmen-
tal Services
Karen Bennett, Extension Forestry Professor & Specialist, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Douglas Cygan, Invasive Species Coordinator, New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food
New Jersey:
Linda Rohleder, Director of Land Stewardship and Coordinator of the LH PRISM, New York- New Jersey Trail Con-
Kyle Clonan, Assistant Watershed Protection Specialist, New Jersey Water Supply Authority
New York:
Audrey Bowe, Research Assistant, New York Invasive Species Research Institute at Cornell University
Carrie Brown-Lima, Senior Extension Associate/Director, New York Invasive Species Research Institute at Cornell
Amy Jewitt, iMapInvasives Coordinator, Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program
Nick Decker, Resource Manager, PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Rhode Island:
Lisa Tewksbury, Research Associate, University of Rhode Island
Kevin Cute, Marine Resources Specialist, Coastal Resource Management Council
Josh Mullhollem, AIS Management Coordinator, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Elizabeth Spinney, Invasive Plant Coordinator/Outreach & Education, Vermont Department of Forests, Parks &
Bob Popp, Botanist, Wildlife Division, Vermont Fish & Wildlife
Shawn Good, Fisheries Biologist/Chair of the Aquatic Invasive Species Strike Team, Vermont Fish & Wildlife
Table of Contents
Process & Acknowledgements ................................................2
Introduction .................................................................4
State-by-State Initiatives: A Quick Look .......................................5
Connecticut ..................................................................6
Maine ........................................................................8
Massachusetts ...............................................................11
New Hampshire ..............................................................14
New Jersey ...................................................................18
New York .....................................................................20
Pennsylvania .................................................................23
Rhode Island .................................................................27
Vermont .....................................................................29
References ...................................................................32
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Invasive species negatively impact the environment and economies around the world. Despite regulations
and laws at the state and federal level, new invasive species continue to be introduced into North America at
an alarming rate. In the United States, invasive species control legislation falls within the jurisdiction of indi-
vidual states. While this means legislation and programs are well tailored to meet each states’ needs, it also
leaves room for inconsistency in legislation and control eorts on a regional scale, as well as missed oppor-
tunities for collaboration given many issues that states contend with are shared by their neighbors.
The purpose of this document is to outline the invasive species initiatives of each Northeastern state to
document and compare the organizational structure and key players involved in these eorts. We see this as
a rst step towards building a framework for regional communication and collaboration on invasive species
This report details the dierent invasive species initiatives taken on by private groups, government organiza-
tions and partnerships within each state. Information is organized by state, beginning with legislative bod-
ies, management plans, and government organizations and concluding with private organizations.
The search for this information began with a compilation of online resources and was subsequently com-
plemented with expert review and input from representatives in each state. For the purpose of conciseness,
in this report we highlight state-wide or large-scale initiatives that target multiple species. Smaller-scale
eorts directed at specic species have been exclulded from this review. To the best of our knowledge, this
information is accurate as of March 2019.
State-regulated leadership and documentation of invasive species priorities and management eorts dier
vastly between some states, and are lacking entirely from others. State invasive species programs are highly
dependent on adequate funding, a fact that has become increasingly clear through the compilation of this
report. Some states have comprehensive plans for invasive species management, which include terrestrial
and aquatic species, and others only have plans for aquatic species due to legislation from the federal gov-
ernment. Section 1204 of the Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 (amended as the Nation-
al Invasive Species Act of 1996) specically calls for states to develop comprehensive nonindigenous aquatic
nuisance species management plans in return for funding.
The table on the next page summarizes Northeastern state invasive species programming structures.
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State-by-State Initiatives: A Quick Look
State Invasive
ment Plan
List of
ment Areas
Connecticut Yes Yes Aquatic
EDDMapS Yes Yes No
Maine No No Aquatic
Yes Yes No
Massachusetts No Yes Aquatic
EDDMapS Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No EDDMapS Yes Yes Yes
New Jersey No No No EDDMapS In Congress No Yes
Ne w York Yes Yes Compre-
Yes Yes Yes
Pennsylvania Yes No Compre-
Yes Yes Yes
Rhode Island Yes No Aquatic
EDDMapS Yes Unknown Yes
Vermont No Yes No NA Yes Yes Yes
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Groups with State Lawmaking Inuence
In Connecticut, the Connecticut Invasive Plants Council (CIPC) is a state-mandated group
that meets regularly to determine which species should be listed as invasive or potentially
invasive and recommended for regulation. Meeting minutes, annual reports and other meet-
ing information are listed on the website for the Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group
(CIPWG). See for more details.
The Invasive Plants Council meets at least twice annually and members are associated with the following organiza-
University of Connecticut
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
Sprucedale Gardens
Lake Waramung Task Force, Inc.
Planter’s Choice, LLC.
The Nature Conservancy
The Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE)
Connecticut Department of Agriculture
The Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIPWG) serves in an advisory role to the Council. This group was
created in 1997 as an ad hoc assembly started by Donna Ellis and the late Les Mehrho, who served as co-chairs.
The group is governed by a Steering Committee, whose membership is currently in ux, and hosted by University of
Connecticut. They hold meetings 1-2 times a year which are open to the public. Membership is uid due to the nature
of the group; members step up for various outreach activities, technical education activities and work on a biannual
symposium. They work to gather and convey information on the presence, distribution, ecological impacts and man-
agement of invasive species; to promote uses of native or non-invasive ornamental alternatives throughout Connecti-
cut, working with researchers, the public, government agencies and private industries to manage invasive species. For
more information, visit
Management Plan
Connecticut does not have a formal management plan for invasive species due to lack of resources. They do have a
management plan specically for aquatic nuisance species, prepared by the Connecticut Aquatic Nuisance Species
Working Group. When threatening invasive species are detected, state, federal and other stakeholders meet to decide
on a course of action on a case to case basis. To view the aquatic nuisance management plan visit: http://www.ctiwr.
Involved Government Organizations
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) is the most involved state govern-
ment agency when it comes to invasive species. If control steps are necessary, this organization facilitates them by
taking measures to control and remove invasive species on state land while oering assistance to private landowners
seeking to manage invasive species on their property. This organization works with invasive insects, aquatic and ter-
restrial plants. Specically, the Environment Conservation Branch, within the DEEP, consists of two bureaus: The Bureau
of Natural Resources (manages the states natural resources- sh, wildlife and forests) and The Bureau of Outdoor
Recreation (manages statewide recreational lands and resources). The departments website provides management
resources to the public for both at home management and means for reporting IS. For more information, visit their
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The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station is a state agency dedicated to investigating problems that hinder
agricultural productivity, environmental safety and human health through research. This entity has a program for sur-
veying invasive aquatic plants to track the spread and record the arrival of invasive plants, as well as provide baseline
information to determine if water chemistry plays a role in invasion. They also conduct research on management to
test eectiveness of dierent control methods. See more at:
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service for Connecticut works with partners from other agencies and
organizations to share information, provide education and achieve goals relating to invasive plant management. They
provide invasive plant sheets, workshops, identication and educational materials. See
wps/portal/nrcs/detail/ct/technical/ecoscience/invasive/?cid=nrcs142p2_011122 for more details.
The Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey (CAPS) is a collaborative eort by federal and state agricultural orga-
nizations to raise public awareness about introduced pests by means of surveillance, detection and monitoring
of invasive, exotic pests. These pests range from weeds to invertebrate organisms and insects. Their goal is to
increase awareness to prevent the introduction and spread of potentially invasive, exotic pests in Connecticut
before they become established. The sta conducts surveys at various sites that could serve as potential pathways
in introducing pests into the environment and set insect traps to monitor for insects. USDA APHIS has partnered
with the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. For more information, see
The Sea Grant program is funded by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the State of
Connecticut and the University of Connecticut. Like other Sea Grant programs, Connecticut Sea Grant encourages
stewardship of marine resources through research, education, outreach and technology transfer. See https://sea- for more information.
Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) have been attempted but none are currently active.
The Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE), soon to become Invasive Pest Atlas of New England, is a com-
prehensive web-accessible database of invasive and potentially invasive plants in New England that is updated by
a network of professionals and trained volunteers. It was established by the University of Connecticut, which later
partnered with the University of Georgia (UGA) for continued data collection. IPANE data is available via EDDMapS,
housed the Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health within UGA. The program promotes early detection
and rapid response to new invasions. They have an app that allows users to report sightings of invasives in the
eld. A similar app called Outsmart (originally developed by the University of Massachusetts) has recently merged
with IPANE to create a single New England regional app under the Outsmart brand; IPANE will remain the web
brand, but the app brand will be Outsmart. For more information visit
Non-Government Organizations
The Connecticut Land Conservation Council hosts an annual conference and works to conserve native land
through eorts including IS management. Many other states have a very similar coalition of land trusts dedicated
to conservation. See for more information.
The University of Connecticut hosts a website with information, news, publications and educational materials
relating to mile-a-minute vine in Connecticut; it includes distribution information, identication information, infor-
mation regarding biological control, control options for homeowners, a similar species guide and contact informa-
tion for various personnel. Visit for more information. They also have an integrated pest
management program which has some information regarding invasive species. They provide factsheets for some
invasive species that may impact homeowners. For more information, visit for more
Involved Government Organizations Cont.
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Groups with State Lawmaking Inuence
In the state of Maine, there is no formal invasive species focused committee that advises
lawmakers. Various committees and task forces advise state departments.
Management Plan
Maine has a State of Maine Action Plan for Managing Invasive Aquatic Species which, in ad-
dition to outlining Maines approach to managing invasive aquatic species, makes the state
eligible for modest federal funding to support invasive aquatic species programs. This plan has not been updated
since its adoption in 2002, but is being revised in 2019 under the leadership of the Interagency Task Force on Invasive
Aquatic Plants and Nuisance Species (see partnership section). To view the current plan visit:
Involved Government Organizations
The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (MDACF), has multiple organizations that
work with invasive species. The department is split into 4 dierent bureaus with various programs within these
The Bureau of Agricultures Division of Animal and Plant Health runs the Horticulture program. This pro-
gram produced an Invasive Plant Report in 2008, describing how to develop processes and criteria to assess
the danger posed to naturally occurring ecosystems by invasive terrestrial plant species and to determine
which invasive plant species are of signicant concern. Since then, they have generated a list of invasive plants
in the horticulture trade which are now prohibited from sale in Maine. To view their list or learn more visit:
The Division of Forest Health and Monitoring within the MDACF was established in 1921 to protect the
forest, shade, and ornamental tree resources of the state from signicant insect and disease damage and to
provide pest management and damage prevention for homeowners, municipalities, and forest land owners
and managers, thereby preserving the overall health of Maines forest resources. To learn more see https:/
The Maine Natural Areas Program (MNAP) provides education and outreach to the public about terrestrial
invasive plants, and provides management recommendations to landowners and land managers. They also
house the state iMapInvasives, an information clearinghouse for citizen invasive species sightings, and man-
age the information submitted. MNAP convenes the Terrestrial Invasive Plant Scientic Advisory Committee
which provides advice to MDACF on matters relating to invasive plants, including an advisory, non-regulatory
list of invasive plants maintained by MNAP. Visit for more information.
The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) Bureau of Water Quality funds local programs to
prevent, detect and control invasive aquatic plants in inland waters. This work is largely done in partnership with
outside cooperators including NGOs and lake associations. Visit
index.html for more information. MDEP also convenes the Interagency Task Force on Invasive Aquatic Plants and
Nuisance Species. For more information visit:
The Maine Department of Marine Resources has programs to monitor and manage Maines coastline resources
for the public benet, remediating coastal pollution, mapping the benthic habitat, engaging local coastal citizens
in stewardship and promoting smarter municipal planning. Numbers of native and non-native species are record-
ed continually. This information is used to identify and track the movement of IS. See
dmr/ for more information.
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW) implements work programs focused at IS pre-
vention, detection, monitoring, remediation, and enforcement, with a focus on sh and wildlife invasive organ-
isms. DIFW coordinates and partners with other state and federal natural resource agencies to tackle areas of
mutual concern, including issues more global in scope. See for more information.
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The Courtesy Boat Inspection (CBI) program is available by a partnership between MDEP and the Lakes Environ-
mental Association and others to educate citizens and prevent the spread of aquatic invasive plants. The program
oers grants to communities interested in starting a program of their own. MDEP also funds a program with the
Lake Stewards of Maine that provides classroom and hands-on training in identication of aquatic plants and
plant monitoring. Additionally, MDEPs Invasive Aquatic Species Program provides information on permits, licens-
es, monitoring and reporting, prevention, early detection and control. View
invasives/index.html for more information.
The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) is a collaborative eort by federal and state agricultural orga-
nizations to raise public awareness about introduced pests by means of surveillance, detection and monitoring
of invasive, exotic pests. These pests range from weeds to invertebrate organisms and insects. Their goal is to
increase awareness to prevent the introduction and spread of potentially invasive, exotic pests in Maine before
they become established. The sta conducts surveys at various sites that could serve as potential pathways in
introducing pests into the environment and set insect traps to monitor for insects. The USDA APHIS partners with
the MDACF Division of Animal and Plant Health. The MDACF additionally partners with the University of Maine,
Soil and Water Conservation Districts, State Parks and public and private campgrounds. For more information see
iMapInvasives is housed by Maine’s Natural Heritage Program, an information clearinghouse for citizen reporting
on invasive species sightings. This helps the state to map invasive species presence and detect important invasive
species early on. Previously, Maine used the Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE) and is currently transition-
ing to using iMapInvasives as their primary mapping tool for invasive plant species. Visit https://www.imapinva- for more information.
Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) have been attempted in Maine but none are cur-
rently active.
The Gulf of Maine Area (GoMA) Census of Marine Life focuses on developing an ecosystem-scale understanding
of biodiversity. The goal of this organization is to advance the knowledge of biodiversity patterns and ecological
processes over a range of habitats and species. This information will be used as a foundation for ecosystem ap-
proaches to management, improving our stewardship and use of oceans and their coastal margins. To learn more,
The Got Pests? Program helps homeowners quickly identify pest problems and obtain information on least-risk
management options through pictures. This program was created through a collaboration with the Maine Board
of Pesticides Control, University of Maine Cooperative Extension Pest Mangement, Maine Forest Service, and
Maine Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Council. To learn more, visit
The Sea Grant organization of Maine is hosted by the University of Maine. They focus specically on threats that
could impact the coastal communities of Maine. They produce outreach materials, conduct research and monitor
invasive species along the coast. They also value education programs and scholarships to encourage higher edu-
cation about marine topics. For more information, visit:
Non-Government Organizations
The Maine Invasive Species Network was created by the University of Maine as a communication tool in 2009.
This group meets annually and its role is to serve as a platform for information exchange so that collaborative proj-
ects can be identied and mapping, outreach and research can be supported. Learn more at: https://extension.
The Maine Land Trust Network has been organized by Maine Coast Heritage, the network is made up of 94-mem-
ber trusts and organizations. This network hosts an annual meeting and serves to conserve Maine’s natural land-
scape. Members can apply for grants to fund conservation eorts. Land trusts carry out invasive species manage-
ment and education to varying degrees. For more information see:
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Non-Government Organizations Cont.
The Insect Pests, Ticks and Plant Diseases Project is maintained by the University of Maine Cooperative Exten-
sion, utilizing an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach to encourage better practices when managing
agricultural crops and ornamental plants. They have programs related to this larger project for dierent agricultur-
al crops. For more information visit:
The Lake Stewards of Maine (formerly Maine Volunteer Lake Monitoring Program) works to protect Maine lakes
through widespread citizen participation in the gathering and dissemination of credible scientic information
pertaining to lake health. They train, certify and provide technical support to hundreds of volunteers that monitor
lakes within Maine. To learn more, visit:
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Groups with State Lawmaking Inuence
The state of Massachusetts does not have a state-mandated invasive species council or
committee. The need for a group to provide recommendations to lawmakers on invasive
species was recognized and the Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group (MIPAG)
was formed as a voluntary collaboration of stakeholder organizations in 1995. Since its
inception, MIPAG has worked to assess and make recommendations as to which invasive
species should be banned from sale within the state, and is the only group in Massachusetts
to regularly meet about these issues. Some of these recommendations have been adopted into legislation. Because
this group is not a mandated entity, funding issues have hindered its ability to update its lists and recommendations.
To learn more see: The current members of this group include belong to these
organizations and stakeholder groups:
Massachusetts Department of Transportation (DOT) Highway Division
New England Nursery Association
Massachusetts Audubon
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
New England Wild Flower Society
MA Department of Agricultural Resources
MA Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program
MA Department of Conservation and Recreation
MA Department of Agricultural Resources
The Nature Conservancy
Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape Association
Small Planet Landscaping
UMass Extension, Landscape, Nursery and Urban Forestry
USDA Forest Service
The Trustees of Reservations
Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions
Nursery and Landscape Association of North America (NLAE)
Management Plan
In 2002, the Massachusetts Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan was published by the Massachusetts Aquatic
Invasive Species Working Group. While this working group is no longer active, many of the strategies outlined in the
management plan have been implemented and are still actively being carried out by partner agencies. To view the
plan visit:
Involved Government Organizations
The Massachusetts Oce of Coastal Zone Management’s (CZM) Marine Invasive Species program is involved in
a variety of marine invasive species management issues including the Marine Invasive Monitoring Information Col-
laborative (MIMIC) citizen science monitoring program, which has been monitoring sites throughout New England
for marine invasive species since 2006. The MIMIC program is coordinated by CZM and is a partnership of several
state and non-prot organizations that recruit and train volunteers. This program supports early detection and
monitoring for coastal invasive species as well as public education and outreach regarding invasive species. Ad-
ditionally, CZM coordinates a more formal rapid assessment survey of New England coastal sites every few years
with a team of taxonomic experts to document new introductions and monitor distribution trends of established
invasive species. The latest survey was conducted in the summer of 2018; the report will be released soon. CZM
also provides marine invasive species outreach materials including volunteer monitoring data story map, rapid
assessment survey reports, and fact sheets. CZM provides technical assistance to communities regarding (cont.)
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invasive species management issues, such as seaweed accumulation on beaches and following up on invasive
species reports. CZM actively participates in regional initiatives such as the NEANS panel meetings. To learn more,
The Massachusetts Lakes and Ponds Program is managed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation.
This program monitors and educates the public on the prevention of the spread of aquatic invasive species
throughout the inland bodies of water in Massachusetts. The purpose of this group is to provide community
groups with resources to monitor water quality for public safety. Invasive species management is an import-
ant component in maintaining water quality. For more information, visit:
The Forest Pest Education and Outreach Program was developed by the Massachusetts Department of Agricul-
tural Resources for the education and outreach for forest pests. This includes management and control programs
as well as pathways for reporting potentially invasive species. To learn more, visit:
The Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program has a webpage discussing invasive plants with general
information, additional resources and some information about what dierent organizations throughout the state
are doing to control invasive species. For more information, see:
The Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species (NEANS) Panel is a regional panel established under the federal
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force. Massachusetts is a member state and representatives from the Department
of Conservation and Recreation, and Department of Environmental Protection Agency, and the MIT Sea Grant
Program serve on the panel. See for more information.
Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs) have been attempted in Massachusetts. These
groups are partnerships that typically focus on invasive plant management. The SuAsCo CISMA has been suc-
cessful and manages invasive species in the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord watershed, covers 36 towns and
has a total of 41 partner organizations. Visit for more information. The Westeld River
Watershed Invasive Species Partnership (WISP) has also been successful, with the goals of promoting cooperative
eorts to manage invasive species and protect native habitats in the watershed through education, early detec-
tion, eradication and management. Unfortunately, CISMAs are not always successful and management eorts can
cease due to inadequate funding and resources.
Massachusetts has two Sea Grant programs: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant and Woods
Hole Sea Grant. Both are funded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association. These organizations
fund research and outreach relevant to the maintenance of coastal resources. For more information about the
MIT Sea Grant program visit For more information about the Woods Hole Sea Grant visit:
The Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE), soon to become Invasive Pest Atlas of New England, is a com-
prehensive web-accessible database of invasive and potentially invasive plants in New England that is updated
by a network of professional and trained volunteers. IPANE data is available via EDDMapS, housed the Center for
Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health within University of Georgia (UGA). The program promotes early detection
and rapid response to new invasions. They have an app that allows users to report sightings of invasives in the
eld. A similar app called Outsmart (originally developed at the University of Massachusetts) has recently merged
with IPANE to create a single New England regional app under the Outsmart brand; IPANE will remain the web
brand, but the app brand will be Outsmart. To learn more, visit:
Involved Government Organizations Cont.
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Partnerships Cont.
The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) is a collaborative eort by federal and state agricultural orga-
nizations to raise public awareness about introduced pests by means of surveillance, detection and monitoring of
invasive, exotic pests. These pests range from weeds to invertebrate organisms and insects. Their goal is to in-
crease awareness to prevent the introduction and spread of potentially invasive, exotic pests in Massachusetts be-
fore they become established. The sta conducts surveys at various sites that could serve as potential pathways in
introducing pests into the environment and set insect traps to monitor for insects. The USDA APHIS partners with
MDAR for this program. See for more
information. The USDA APHIS also funds an educational eort called the Massachusetts Introduced Pests Outreach
Project. MDAR and UMass Extension Agriculture and Landscape Program contribute to this project whose target
audience is professional trade groups, government sta, environmental organizations, and other groups that
would benet from updates in invasive pests at high risk of introduction. For more information, see: https://massn-
Non-Government Organizations
The Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition is a large organization that promotes conservation by providing ed-
ucation, tools, networking, and advocacy support for land trusts and their partners. Each year this group hosts
a conference as well as small regional events. Members of this group contribute to invasive species control and
management and sometimes receive state funding. The coalition has a total of 171-member land trusts and con-
servation groups. Visit for more information.
The Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC) is a non-prot organization that edu-
cates and advocates for the conservation of wetlands, open spaces and diversity. The information spread by this
group includes management information but the amount of management that is carried out as a result of this
groups outreach is dicult to quantify. To learn more, see:
The Electronic Guide to the Invasive Plants of Nantucket is a product of a partnership between the Maria
Mitchell Association and the Departments of Computer Science and Biology at the University of Massachusetts
Boston. This guide documents the biodiversity of Nantucket Island, focusing specically on terrestrial plants; it
is geared towards teaching the public how to identify invasive species and teach them about the threat they are
to natural habitats. To view the guide, visit:
The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program of University of Massachusetts, Amherst Extension aims
to provide research-based information, education and cost-eective techniques for growers and managers to bal-
ance high quality yields and reducing adverse eects on humans and the environment. They incorporate mecha-
nisms for accurate estimate of both pest and benecial insect populations, including economic and environmental
cost and benet assessments. Find out more at:
The Marine Bioinvaders Program which is hosted by MIT Sea Grant Coastal Resources disseminates scientic
and technical information. Their site highlights research, monitoring programs and management actions geared
towards aquatic invasive species, water and sediment quality and habitats within the geographic areas of Boston
Harbor and Massachusetts Bay, coastal Massachusetts and the Gulf of Maine. Their site was last updated in 2009
and it is assumed this group is no longer active. To view their resources, visit:
The Coastal Habitat Invasives Monitoring Program is hosted by Salem Sound Coastwatch and has the mis-
sion to protect and improve the environmental quality of Salem Sound and its surrounding watershed. They are
a non-prot organization that works with citizens, businesses, and governmental agencies through partnership,
scientic investigation, education and stewardship. Visit for more
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New Hampshire
Groups with State Lawmaking Inuence
The New Hampshire Invasive Species Committee (ISC) is an advisory group for the Com-
missioner of the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food (DAMF)
that works on matters concerning invasive species in the state. They meet regularly to
review information, evaluate and discuss potentially invasive plant, insect and fungi species
of concern, host guest presentations on related topics, develop outreach and educational
materials, formulate management practices as guidance for the control of invasive species,
and prepare lists of proposed prohibited and restricted plant species for terrestrial and riparian habitats. They are not
charged with the evaluation or listing of aquatic plant species, which is conducted by the Department of Environmen-
tal Services under RSA- 487: 16-a. Members of the New Hampshire ISC are listed below:
New Hampshire Department of Agriculture
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
New Hampshire Department of Resources & Economic Development
New Hampshire Department of Transportation
New Hampshire Department of Fish & Game
The College of Life Science & Agriculture of the University of NH
University of New Hampshire (UNH) Cooperative Extension
A representative for environmental interests
A representative for Horticultural interests
A representative for General public interests
A representative for Livestock owners & feed growers interests
To learn more about the New Hampshire Invasive Species Committee visit:les/
The Exotic Aquatic Weeds and Species Committee (EAWS) is a standing legislative committee, tasked with enhanc-
ing aspects of the state’s response to aquatic invasive species. They discuss the exotic species growth in the state and
other related topics during their monthly meetings. For more information, visit:
Since January 1, 1998, the sale, distribution, importation, propagation, transportation and introduction of key exotic
aquatic plants has been prohibited and punished by the Department of Environmental Services (RSA 487: 16-a-
b). This law was designed as a tool for lake managers to help prevent the spread of nuisance aquatic plants, with the
hopes that preventing transport over land will stop the spread between waterbodies. To view a summary of New
Hampshire Aquatic Nuisance Species Laws, visit:
Learn more at:
Management Plan
In January 2006, the Department of Environmental Services and the Fish and Game Department entered into a
Memorandum of Agreement about how exotic aquatic plant control projects, or any projects dealing with aquatic
plant management, will be handled. The plans, outlined below, are to ensure there is a strategic, well-organized pro-
cess that is tailed to best manage growth of aquatic vegetation on a waterbody-by-waterbody basis. The Department
of Environmental Services takes the lead in drafting the management plans, but includes input from the lake residents,
municipalities, the Fish and Game Department, and other stakeholders in the health and integrity of the waterbody
and its surroundings. In 2007, a total of 19 draft plans for 19 dierent waterbodies were prepared by the Department
of Environmental Services. These plans guide management for ve-year increments and can be accessed online using
the Lake Mapper application (listed below). If a waterbody has a plan in place, it will be listed in the pop-up box as a
link, for a selected waterbody.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 14
Aquatic plant management plans are required to include the following:
The current status of the aquatic vegetation in the pond (Is it native, exotic, wide spread, localized, etc.).
The chemical, physical, biological, and ecological characteristics of the pond.
The designated uses of the waterbody.
The goals of aquatic plant management for that waterbody.
The desired outcomes of any management actions.
The possible control mechanisms based on all of these above referenced criteria.
The use of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies.
The selected control strategies.
The monitoring plan following implementation of control strategies.
A schedule for control actions and monitoring.
To learn more about these management plans and their requirements, visit:
visions/water/wmb/exoticspecies/intro_management.htm There is not a comprehensive statewide management plan
for invasive species at this time.
The Lake Mapper Application is available at:
Involved State Government Organizations
The Division of Plant Industry of the Department of Agriculture, Markets, and Food participates in an inter-
state and international network of plant protection agencies whose goal is to reduce the transport of econom-
ically injurious plant pests by certifying the condition and quality of nursery stock. This division licenses New
Hampshires Plant Dealers and inspects nursery stock sold within New Hampshire, as well as stock shipped both
nationally and internationally. Additionally, the Divisions Invasive Species Coordinator has created a Cooperative
Statewide Invasive Species Management Program. This project was initiated in 2012 as a cooperative eort with
the NH Department of Transportation (DOT). Since 2018, integrated vegetation management has been conduct-
ed, targeting some of NHs worst upland invasive species focusing on state and federal highway systems as well
as state owned lands. Since its inception, over 120 acres of Japanese knotweed have been managed and over
20,000 woody invasive species eradicated. The DOT has seen the success of this program and has authorized two
personnel from each district to become licensed as herbicide applicators as of 2016. To date, there are 10 – 14
DOT employees licensed to apply herbicides. This program is also made available for demonstration purposes for
towns/municipalities. In 2018, the DAMF’s Division of Plant Industry also began a pilot project targeting Tree of
Heaven, in the preparation for an introduction/detection of spotted lanterny. The Division of Plant Industry also
hosts a website with a section devoted to invasive species and their management, along with annual reports of
their Statewide Invasive Species Management Program:
invasive-plants.htm. To view the best management practice guide they developed for Japanese Knotweed, visit:
The Forest Health Section, situated within the New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands, was originally
established as the white pine blister rust control program in 1917. The Section has expanded overtime, and now
implements and enforces forest health regulations to prevent the introduction or spread of exotic insects and
diseases. Their mission is to: Provide and maintain forest and tree pest control programs in coordination with other
state and federal agencies; provide detection, identication, evaluation and assessment of forest pest problems
on a statewide basis; provide leadership in all forest pest problems, keeping current through systematic detection
programs and close liaison with other sources of information; maintain close contact with all segments of the
forestry profession in forest insect and disease matters; provide service for identication of forest pests cooperat-
ing in this regard with the UNH Cooperative Extension, NH Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service, and the U.S. Forest Service and assist and coordinate in the control of forest
insects and diseases, cooperating with the U.S Forest service, Department of Agriculture, and the New Hampshire
landowners and landowner associations.
Management Plan Cont.
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As of July 2011, New Hampshire issued a state-wide ban the importation of untreated rewood without a
commercial or home heating compliance agreement. Firewood is a major source of damaging insects and diseas-
es. This ban will help protect the health on New Hampshires forests. For more information on this division or the
statewide ban, visit: https://www.nhd.org/forest-health/.
The Department of Transportation (DOT) has a Bureau of Environment that specically focuses on invasive
species. This Bureau has developed Best Management Practices (BMPs) with input from Maintenance Districts, the
Roadside Development Section, the Bureau of Construction, and the NH Department of Agriculture. These BMPs
provide recommendations to help prevent the spread of invasive plants caused by maintenance and construction
activities. In 1997, the DOT became involved in a partnership with the NH Department of Agriculture, Markets &
Food (DAMF), and the Division of Plant Industry to cooperatively manage purple loosestrife with the use of a bio-
control. The program is no longer actively monitored by the DOT but insects are available for purchase. They were
also previously involved in the NH Coastal Watershed Invasive Plant Partnership (see below). For more information,
The Natural Heritage Bureau was mandated by the Native Plant Protection Act of 1987 to determine protective
measures and requirements necessary for the survival of native plant species in the state, to investigate the condi-
tion and degree of rarity of plant species, and to distribute information regarding the condition and protection of
these species and their habitats. To learn more, visit: https://www.nhd.org/About-Us/Natural-Heritage-Bureau.
The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department holds responsibility for prohibiting, restricting and managing
invasive aquatic animals in New Hampshire. They conduct reviews of special aquatic permits for herbicide appli-
cation to determine potential impacts on aquatic animal habitat. They provide assistance in the designation and
enforcement of restricted use areas on waterbodies. Coordinates and performs education/outreach activities that
include information on exotic species. A section of their website is dedicated to aquatic nuisance species in New
Hampshire and another section is dedicated to planning successful invasive species projects. To learn more, visit:
The Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (Great Bay NERR) has mapped twenty of the most eco-
logically damaging invasive plant species on their properties since 2005, allowing for strategic prioritization for
management. They also have cooperated in the New Hampshire Coastal Watershed Invasive Plant Partnership (see
below). For more information, visit:
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) has two programs associated with inva-
sive species:
The Exotic Species Program coordinates activities associated with the control and management of exotic
aquatic plants. It was initiated in 1981 and has 5 focus areas: Prevention of new infestations, monitoring for
early detection of new infestations to facilitate rapid control activities, control of new and established infes-
tations, research towards new control methods with the goal of reducing or eliminating infested areas, and
regional cooperation. To learn more, visit:
The Wetlands Bureau works with the Exotic Species Program to review projects where wetlands work is pro-
posed that may impact or cause exotic plant infestations. These groups also work together to amend/establish
regulations and rules to allow for specic control activities in jurisdictional areas. For more information, visit:
The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program at the University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
provides resources regarding invasive plants. The University makes specimens of invasive species available for
verication, provide outreach and education materials through the NH Lakes Lay Monitoring Program (NHLLMP)
and Cooperative Extension. To learn more, visit:
The New Hampshire Coastal Watershed Invasive Plant Partnership (NH CWIPP) is no longer active but their
website remains active as a reference of the partnerships former activities. It was formerly a cooperative weed
management area (CWMA) in the state. They would inventory, monitor and prevent the spread of invasive plants
Involved State Government Organizations Cont.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 16
across jurisdictional boundaries. They also worked with municipalities, private landowners and state and federal
land managers to control native species and restore native habitats. To learn more, visit:
The Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE), soon to become Invasive Pest Atlas of New England, is a com-
prehensive web-accessible database of invasive and potentially invasive plants in New England that is updated
by a network of professional and trained volunteers. It was established at the University of Connecticut, which
later partnered with the University of Georgia (UGA) for continued data stewardship. IPANE data is available via
EDDMapS, housed the Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health within UGA. The program promotes early
detection and rapid response to new invasions. They have an app that allows users to report sightings of invasives
in the eld. A similar app called Outsmart (originally developed at the University of Massachusetts) has recently
merged with IPANE to create a single New England regional app under the Outsmart brand; IPANE will remain the
web brand, but the app brand will be Outsmart. For more information, visit:
The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) is a collaborative eort by federal and state agricultural orga-
nizations to raise public awareness about introduced pests by means of surveillance, detection and monitoring
of invasive, exotic pests. These pests range from weeds to invertebrate organisms and insects. Their goal is to
increase awareness to prevent the introduction and spread of potentially invasive, exotic pests in New Hampshire
before they become established. The sta conducts surveys at various sites that could serve as potential pathways
in introducing pests into the environment and set insect traps to monitor for insects. This program is coordinated
by the USDA APHIS and the DAMF. The Forest Pest Outreach and Survey Project is another project in conjunction
with the USDA APHIS to provide outreach on injurious forest insect pests, specically Emerald Ash Borer and Asian
longhorned beetle. Additional information can be found at:
The NHBugs program is a collaboration of forest health agencies based in New Hampshire working to keep the
public informed about invasive forest pests. It is a website maintained by the University of New Hampshire Coop-
erative Extension, in collaboration with the New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food. To learn
more, visit:
The document: “Picking Our Battles: A Guide to Planning Successful Invasive Plant Management Projects is
a guide for communities and landowners to strategically prioritize the control of upland, wetland and intertidal in-
vasive plant species. This was a collaboration between the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, NH Natu-
ral Heritage Bureau, and Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve along with over 120 community members,
natural resource managers and academics. This document can be found at:
The New Hampshire Sea Grant organization is hosted by the University of New Hampshire and focuses on
addressing needs specic to their state promoting stewardship through research, extension and communication
eorts. A big project they are currently working on is exploring options for using the green crab as a food market
product. Learn more about their program at:
Non-Government Organizations
The Lake Host Program under the New Hampshire Lakes Association is a courtesy boat inspection program for
community groups, marinas and owners of ramps not open to the public to prevent the introduction and spread
of aquatic invasive species, plants and animals, from waterbody to waterbody. For more information, visit: https://
The New Hampshire Rivers Council (NHRC) has a River Runners Program to do volunteer monitoring for inva-
sives. They work with individual river groups throughout the state and share information about AIS with those
groups. To learn more about this organization, visit:
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services runs the Weed Watcher Program, which is a group of
volunteers who spend time monitoring for invasive aquatic plants. For more information on how to get involved,
Partnerships Cont.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 17
New Jersey
Groups with State Lawmaking Inuence
New Jersey maintains a website for an Invasive Species Council on the New Jersey Depart-
ment of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) page, however this council is no longer active
and the content has not been updated since 2009. To view this website, visit: https://www.
There are currently two bills related to invasive species in the New Jersey House and Senate:
A4585/S3091 which would establish an “Invasive Species Task Force”
A4460/S3086, which will prohibit the sale, distribution, or propagation of certain invasive plant species with-
out permit from the Department of Agriculture
Additionally, a third bill (listed below), also under consideration, does not mention invasive species but could be used
as a management technique for invasive species tting the certain circumstances” required.
A3764 would permit the stocking of triploid grass carp in waterbodies under certain circumstances
Management Plan
A draft New Jersey Strategic Management Plan for Invasive Species, published in 2009, is available on the NJDEP
website. The plan was approved by the then active NJ Invasive Species Council but never adopted by the governor.
There are currently eorts by various working groups to stimulate interest in the development and acceptance of a
statewide Invasive Species Management Plan, with a new administration that may determine the environment a key
initiative. To view the draft management plan, visit:
Involved State Government Organizations
The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) does not have active programs for the
control and management of invasive species. In the past, the NJDEP was active and proposed bills to prohibit the
sale of a list of invasive plants but these were never incorporated into state law. The only invasive species that are
prohibited in New Jersey are those prohibited federally. Some municipalities have adopted ordinances prohibiting
the new planting of invasive species and specically name past nuisance invasive species. For more information
about this organization, visit:
The New Jersey Water Supply Authority manages for invasive species across the reservoirs and water supply
canal in their jurisdiction, as well as their preserved landholdings. To learn more, visit:
The Division of Plant Industry within the New Jersey Department of Agriculture protects New Jerseys food
crops, forests and other plant resources against injurious plant insects and diseases through detection, control and
eradication programs. For more details, visit: The NJDA Division of
Plant Industry includes the Phillip Alampi Benecial Insect Rearing Laboratory which develops insect rearing
techniques and mass produces benecial insects. Much of the research, insect production, and insect releases are
aimed at invasive species control. Visit their site for more details about this program:
The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) is a collaborative eort by federal and state agricultural organi-
zations to raise public awareness about introduced pests by means of surveillance, detection and monitoring of in-
vasive, exotic pests. These pests range from weeds to invertebrate organisms and insects. Their goal is to increase
awareness to prevent the introduction and spread of potentially invasive, exotic pests in New Jersey before (cont.)
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 18
they become established. The sta conducts surveys at various sites that could serve as potential pathways in
introducing pests into the environment and set insect traps to monitor for insects. The USDA APHIS partners with
the state plant regulatory ocial and the state plant health director to administer this program. For more informa-
tion, visit:
The Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE), soon to become Invasive Pest Atlas of New England, is a com-
prehensive web-accessible database of invasive and potentially invasive plants in New England that is updated by
a network of professional and trained volunteers. IPANE data is available via EDDMapS, housed the Center for Inva-
sive Species and Ecosystem Health within University of Georgia (UGA). The program promotes early detection and
rapid response to new invasions. They have an app that allows users to report sightings of invasives in the eld.
A similar app called Outsmart (originally developed at the University of Massachusetts) has recently merged with
IPANE to create a single New England regional app under the Outsmart brand; IPANE will remain the web brand,
but the app brand will be Outsmart. For more details, visit:
The New Jersey Sea Grant strives to advance knowledge and education through their research, education and
extension programs that work with the local community to achieve their goals. They are aliated with the College
of New Jersey, Rutgers University, William Paterson University and many more. They contribute leading research
in the eld of marine and environmental science, focusing on specic priority areas. For more details, visit: http://
Non-Government Organizations
The New Jersey Invasive Species Strike Team (NJISST) within the larger organization of Friends of Hopewell
Valley Open Space (FoHVOS) is the most active group working to combat invasive species in New Jersey. This
organization does not receive state funding and takes on a coordination role between partners throughout the
state, hosting a state meeting annually. Partner organizations include townships, conservation organizations, and
land trusts. The NJISST uses EDDMapS (see above under partnerships) as a central repository for all of its records.
The strike team has developed its own cell phone application entitled New Jersey Invasives. This app has photos
and information to aid in the identication of invasive species. Users can report the presence and upload photos
of invasive species they may nd. See for more information.
The Rutgers Cooperative Extension New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Center for Vector Bi-
ology conducts basic and applied research to better understand and address societal issues related to mosquitoes
and other insects that impact public health. More information can be found at:
reach/. The NJAES also maintains a New Jersey Weed Gallery, a collection of photos and descriptions of agricultural
weeds found in New Jersey. For more information, visit:
The Native Plant Society of New Jersey has plant lists that detail information on native plants of every kind, the
habitats in which they are found, their habits, propagation, and guides to their maintenance and care. This is a co-
operative eort of professional horticulturalists, landscape designers, botanists and industry professionals. To view
these lists, visit:
Partnerships Cont.
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Ne w York
Groups with State Lawmaking Inuence
New York State has both an Invasive Species Council and an Invasive Species Advisory
Committee. The council meets at least quarterly and generates and revises invasive species
policy. It is co-led by the NY Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the NY
Department of Agriculture and Markets (DAM). The nine members of the council include the
Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Conservation
Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Markets
Commissioner of Transportation
Commissioner of Education
Commissioner of the Oce of Parks
Commissioner of Recreation and Historic Preservation
Secretary of State
Chairperson of the NYS Thruway Authority
Director of the NYS Canal Corporation
Chairperson of the Adirondack Park Agency
The purpose of the NYS Invasive Species Advisory Committee is to provide the council with current information
and guidance. The advisory committee often assists the council in drafting legislation. This committee can have up to
25 members either specied by the law or stakeholder organizations. Membership is subject to change. To learn more
about both the Invasive Species Council and the Advisory Committee, visit:
Management Plan
New York State has a Comprehensive Invasive Species Management Plan, which was published in 2018. It details
state eorts to:
Maintain and expand partnerships
Streamline and centralize information ow
Set invasive species management priorities and improve preparedness
Engage and inform the public
Improve prevention and early detection
Improve response to invasive species
Recover ecosystem resilience
Evaluation of success
To view the management plan, visit:nal.pdf
Involved Government Organizations
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NY DEC) is the most involved government
entity in New York State when it comes to invasive species management. Many of these eorts are funded by
NYSs Environmental Protection Fund. Additionally, the NY DEC often partners with other organizations (detailed
further in the Partnerships section). To learn more, visit:
The New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse ( is an invasive species clearinghouse created in 2008
with funds from the Environmental Protection Fund provided to the NY DEC. This site provides the public with
information on the invasive species that are problematic in NYS. In 2015 this funding ran out and the site is now
managed by New York Sea Grant. To view this website, visit:
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 20
The New York Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM), Division of Plant Industry plays an im-
portant role in the prevention, detection and response to invasive species. In eorts to prevent the introduction
of agricultural pests, NYSDAM partners with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS),
the federal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) the National Plant Board, and other state agencies and
municipalities. NYSDAM monitors and surveys for invasive pests and diseases so that they can be prevented, de-
tected, managed or eradicated. Pathways of introduction are evaluated to develop prevention strategies. NYSDAM
also develops and implements quarantine policies and regulatory requirements for agricultural commodities as
well as policies regarding the safe import and export of agricultural commodities. To learn more, visit: https://
The New York Invasive Species Research Institute (NYISRI) is funded by the Environmental Protection Fund, and
is housed by Cornell University. This organization facilitates communication between invasive species research
and manager communities and promotes programs and projects to improve the scientic basis of invasive species
management. This organization also ensures research is conducted in needed areas so that management practices
are optimized. For more information, visit:
The New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) takes invasive species into account when scoping,
planning, designing, constructing, and with maintenance of highway facilities. The department is required by law
to prevent the introduction of invasive species, provide for their control and minimize the economic, ecological
and human health impacts that invasive species can cause through its weed management programs and during
the movement of their equipment. For more information about this group, visit:
To view their procedures and control methods, visit:
tal-analysis/manuals-and-guidance/epm/repository/4-8invas.pdf and
The Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISMs) were formed by the New York State De-
partment of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) to unite resource managers, non-governmental organizations,
industry, resource users, citizens and other state agencies and stakeholders managing invasive species. These 8
regions cover the entire state. The roles of PRISMs include: Planning regional invasive species management, de-
veloping early detection and rapid response capacity, implementing eradication projects, educating - in coopera-
tion with DEC contracted Education and Outreach providers, coordinating PRISM partners, recruiting and training
volunteers and support for research through citizen science. To learn more about PRISMs, visit: https://www.dec.
The eight PRISM regions include:
Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program (APIPP)
Capital Mohawk PRISM
Catskill Regional Invasive Species Partnership
Finger Lakes PRISM
Long Island Invasive Species Management Area
Lower Hudson PRISM
St. Lawrence Eastern Lake Ontario PRISM (SLELO)
Western NY PRISM
Involved Government Organizations Cont.
Above, a map of New York State’s PRISM Coverage. Credit: Adirondack
Invasive Plant Program
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 21
The New York Sea Grant (NYSG) is one of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAA) univer-
sity-based programs. With these programs, NOAA works with university extension to conduct research relevant
to coastal areas. NYSG funds research within State Universities of New York (SUNYs) as well as Cornell University
focused on aquatic invasive species. This information is important to the coastal region in the southern part of
the state and areas bordering the Great Lakes. NYSG currently maintains the New York Invasive Species Clearing-
house ( website. To learn more, visit:
The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) is a collaborative eort by federal and state agricultural
organizations to raise public awareness about introduced pests by means of surveillance, detection and moni-
toring of invasive, exotic pests. These pests range from weeds to invertebrate organisms and insects. Their goal
is to increase awareness to prevent the introduction and spread of potentially invasive, exotic pests in New York
before they become established. The sta conducts surveys at various sites that could serve as potential path-
ways in introducing pests into the environment and set insect traps to monitor for insects. CAPS is directed by
the USDAs State Plant Health Director and NYSs State Plant Regulatory Ocer and conducted by the Division
of Plant Industry of the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets. For more information, visit: https://www.
The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) works in partnership with government agencies from New York, Ver-
mont and Québec, private organizations, local communities and individuals to coordinate and fund eorts that
benet the Lake Champlain Basins water quality, sheries, wetlands, wildlife, recreation and cultural resources.
For more details visit:
The New York iMapInvasives program is an information clearinghouse for citizen science reporting. A mobile
app and website was developed so that citizen can report invasive species sightings. Other states have adopted
iMapInvasives as well where it is typically hosted by the states Natural Heritage Program. To learn more, visit:
Non-Government Organizations
The Ecology and Management of Invasive Plants Program at Cornell is directed by Dr. Bernd Blossey and
conducts research to assess the ecological impacts of introduced plant species. This group focuses on potential
mechanisms of how non-indigenous plants may aect native ecosystems and the species living in them. This
group also assists in developing and implementing biological control programs and studying the mechanisms
allowing introduced plant species to become invasive. For more details, see:
The New York Flora Association (NYFA) began in 1990 with the purpose of allowing professional botanists to
promote the study of native plans through eld botany and developing a greater understanding of the plants
that grow in the wild of New York State. This group is an independent non-prot. They host the New York Flora At-
las which is a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state, as well as information on plant
habitats, associated ecological communities and taxonomy. To learn more, visit: https://www.ny
The Lake Champlain Land Trust strives to save the scenic beauty, natural communities and recreational ameni-
ties of Lake Champlain by permanently preserving signicant islands, shoreline areas, and natural communities in
the Champlain Region. For information, visit:
The Lake George Association (Invasive Species in the Lake George Watershed) focuses on performing critical,
in-the-ground projects that make a dierence in Lake George water quality and providing a comprehensive ed-
ucation program that teaches people that their everyday actions help keep the lake clean. For more information,
Partnerships Cont.
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Groups with State Lawmaking Inuence
The Governor’s Invasive Species Council of Pennsylvania is an active advisory panel called
in the state of Pennsylvania. This council meets quarterly to discuss and identify invasive
species and related issues that pose a threat to public health or the state’s natural and ag-
ricultural resources. The group also discusses public outreach, current updates and recom-
mendations for policy development. Within the council, working groups have been formed
with the goal of implementing various components of the council’s management plan titled
“Invaders in the Commonwealth. However, because the council is currently an unfunded mandate, implementation of
the statewide management plan is dicult to achieve. Members of the council are listed on the Pennsylvania Depart-
ment of Agriculture’s website. Represented organizations are as follows:
PA Department of Agriculture
PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
PA Department of Environmental Protection
PA Department of Transportation
PA Department of Health
PA Fish and Boat Commission
PA Game Commission
Western PA Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy
PennAg Industries Association
PA Landscape & Nursery Association
Penn State University
PA Sea Grant
University of Pennsylvania
PA Farm Bureau
PA Lake Management Society
PA Parks & Forests Foundation
PA Transportation Sector
Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts
County Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania
PA State Association of Township Supervisors
As of January 2019, the PA Department of Agriculture is attempting to hire a coordinator for the council to ensure
action is taken to implement recommendations and goals set forth by the council. A new website for the council is
forthcoming and is planned to be hosted as a section within the PA Department of Agricultures current website.
Management Plan
Pennsylvania has a Comprehensive Invasive Species Management Plan that is updated at least every ve years. The
plan was most recently updated in 2017, although without a coordinator, the plan eorts remain stagnant. The plan,
which outlines Pennsylvanias goals for the next ve years, is broken into the following sections:
Examples of Invaders in Pennsylvania
The Need for an Invasive Species Management Plan
The Framework for Response
Moving Forward
To view the management plan, visit:
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 23
Involved State Government Organizations
The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) chairs the Governors Invasive Species Council of Pennsyl-
vania and its Bureau of Plant Industry works to detect, manage and control destructive disease, insect and plant
pests. They also head the Bureau of Animal Health and Diagnostic Services (BAHDS) which protects livestock
and poultry from foreign diseases, thereby protecting food supplies and citizen health. This organization focuses
heavily on invasive species that are of signicance to the states agriculture. They administer the Noxious Weed
Control Law and Noxious Weed Control List, which classies noxious weeds based on the ability to manage and
eradicate by grouping weeds into one of three classes. For more information, visit:
The Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) manages 2.2 million acres of
state forest and 120 state parks. This organization serves on Governors Invasive Species Council of Pennsylvania
and developed its own invasive species management plan in 2011 to establish protocols for prevention, survey
and detection, control and restoration on DCNR land. This management plan was created in response to the Penn-
sylvania invasive species management plan that was established in 2009 developed by the Governors Invasive
Species Council of PA. The DCNR conducts trainings on invasive plant identication and control in both eld and
classroom settings for foresters and park personnel as well as the public. The Bureau of Forestry monitors insects
and diseases that could impact the entire structure of Pennsylvanias forests. To learn more about the department,
visit: To view the management plan, visit:
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (DOT) has developed protocols for developing best manage-
ment practices as well as best management practice protocols of invasive species. This document outlines ways to
incorporate invasive species management into construction, maintenance, movement of equipment, mowing, dis-
posal of plants, soil disturbance and excavation. For more information about this organization, visit: https://www. To view their protocols, visit:
The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) has taken on the role of monitoring, and managing select
aquatic invasive species. The PFBC has a list of banned aquatic species and has also developed species-specic
action plans. To learn more, visit their website: https://www.
The Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) primarily focuses on game species and a secondary focus on non-
game species including species at risk. The PGC published a State Wildlife Action Plan in 2005 and updated it in
2015. The plan is a non-regulatory, proactive conservation blueprint to reduce future costs of wildlife manage-
ment. Invasive species are covered in this plan; however, the main focus of the plan is preventing native species
from becoming endangered. In 2006, the PGC managed the feral swine task force; however, this committee may
be inactive at present. To learn more, visit:
The Pennsylvania Department of Health has developed a program to survey the prevalence of West Nile Virus
by collecting mosquitoes, dead birds and monitoring horses and people. This is to prevent the spread of disease
throughout the environment. For more information about this program, visit:
Conservation Districts have been established in every Pennsylvania county except Philadelphia under the Con-
servation District Law to address the need to support grass-roots conservation eorts. They implement a variety of
programs and provide assistance for a range of issues relative to their county. Each Conservation District is led by a
Board of Directors made up of local residents. They study county natural resource issues and make decisions which
enhance and protect the community. For more details, see
The ve active Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs) cover part of the state to manage invasive species.
These are partnerships between dierent county, state and federal agencies, NGOs, businesses and landowners. The
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy is a partner and has taken on a coordinating role in three of these CWMAs. PA Sea
Grant coordinates the remaining CWMA. Two CWMAs are currently inactive: the Delaware River Invasive Plant Partner-
ship and the Juniata River CWMA.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 24
Active CWMAs include:
Lake Erie Watershed CWMA
French Creek Watershed CWMA
Allegheny Plateau Invasive Plant Management Area
Sinnemahoning Invasive Plant Management Area
Southern Laurel Highlands Invasive Plant and Pest
Management Area
Right, Map of CWMAS with Lake Erie Watershed CWMA in
upper left corner; touching LEW CWMA is the French Creek
Watershed CWMA; to the right of the FCW CWMA is the
Allegheny Plateau IPMA; touching the APIPMA on the right
is the Sinnemahoning IPMA; and down near the bottom,
appearing as many small dots is the Southern Laurel High-
lands Plant & Pest Management Partnership. The other two
large CWMAs (Juniata and Delaware) are inactive.
The Pennsylvania Sea Grant organization is administered by NOAA, Penn State University and the Common-
wealth of Pennsylvania. PA Sea Grant oers adult and K-12 educational programs, funds cutting-edge scientic
research, provides valuable Great Lakes and coastal resources and expertise to communities, decision-makers, and
individuals throughout the state. They developed the “Rapid Response Plan and Procedures for Responding to
Aquatic Invasive Species in PA, a document needed by the Governors Invasive Species Council of Pennsylvania to
apply for certain grant funds. To learn more about this organization, go to their website:
They have created two eld guides specic to aquatic invasive species in their region:les/MidAtlantic%20AIS%20Field%20Guide_Web.pdf
The iMapInvasives program is administered by the states Natural Heritage Program. In addition to mapping
invasive species across the state, the program works closely with state and local organizations/agencies to raise
awareness of early detection/rapid response eorts and high priority species ndings. To learn more, visit: https://
The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) is a collaborative eort by federal and state agricultural orga-
nizations to raise public awareness about introduced pests by means of surveillance, detection and monitoring
of invasive, exotic pests. These pests range from weeds to invertebrate organisms and insects. Their goal is to
increase awareness to prevent the introduction and spread of potentially invasive, exotic pests in Pennsylvania
before they become established. The sta conducts surveys at various sites that could serve as potential pathways
in introducing pests into the environment and set insect traps to monitor for insects. USDA APHIS has partnered
with the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Plant Industry to monitor agricultural pest species.
For more details on this program, visit:
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy was founded in December of 1996 by a group of citizens concerned with the
deteriorating conditions of Pittsburghs city parks. Since 1998 an ocial private interest partnership agreement to
restore the parks. This program is currently active in 22 parks. For more information, visit: https://www.pittsburgh- The Pittsburg Parks Conservancy has also created a eld guide specic to invasive species for their
The PA Master Naturalist Program is a statewide partnership initiative that aims to connect people with their
local ecosystems through intensive natural science training and local conservation service work. They work with a
coalition of community and conservation organizations to ensure they have the necessary volunteer leader-(cont)
Partnerships Cont.
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ship to address the most pressing conservation needs and challenges. They host an annual Bioblitz, a competition
to nd the most species. This is essentially a citizen science program; the observations are shared with scientic
repositories. This program could help scientists identify where invasive species may be present. For more details,
Non-Government Organizations
The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association (PALTA) is a land trust organization, which holds an annual conference.
This association has 92 members involved in conservation eorts including invasive species management. See for more information.
The Garden with Natives program is hosted by Bowmans Hill Wildower Preserve, located in New Hope,
Pennsylvania; they have general information regarding invasive plants and their threats to natural resources. The
program stresses the importance and benets of using native plants in the garden. Visit
garden-with-natives/invasive-species/ for more details.
The Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM) developed by Pennsylvania State University Cooperative
Extension focuses on agricultural pests and ways to control them to promote food security. PSU’s Cooperative
Extension produces and provides educational materials on pests, diseases, and many other topics to a variety of
audiences. For more information and materials, visit:
The Pennsylvania Flora Project is a database started by the Morris Arboretum that provides information on hab-
itat, growth habit, and the status of various plant species within Pennsylvania. To visit the database, go to: http://
The Nine Mile Run Watershed Association (NMRWA) works on various initiatives, including the largest urban
stream restoration in the US completed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. They work to restore and protect its
watershed ecosystem, while working regionally to support and implement resilient solutions for a healthy urban
environment. They have a blog that describes their projects, some of which are related to invasive species while
restoring dierent areas within the watershed. For more details, visit:
The Friends of High School Park (FHSP) is a non-prot volunteer organization whose mission is to create, man-
age, and preserve an 11+ acre native ecosystem for their community. This project is completed with cooperation
of Cheltenham Township. In 2007, the Cheltenham Township received a grant from the Pennsylvania Department
of Conservation and Natural Resources. They have been able to develop a master plan with detailed management
protocols and timelines to guide their projects. To learn more, visit:
Partnerships Cont.
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Groups with State Lawmaking Inuence
The Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC) is a management agency with
regulatory functions. They are primarily responsible for preservation, protection, develop-
ment and restoration of the coastal areas of the state by implementing their comprehensive
coastal management plans and the issuing of permits for work with the coastal zone of the
state. They authored the federally approved management plan (see below) and receives an
annual federal grant to implement this plan. They have partnered with the Rhode Island
Department of Environmental Management (RIDEM) to provide some of these federal funds for their freshwater
invasive species work. The two agencies have agreed to split the state’s responsibilities regarding invasive species so
that CRMC addresses marine species and RIDEM addresses freshwater species. For more details, visit: http://www.crmc.
Management Plan
In 2007, the Rhode Island Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan was created. It has not been updated since
its publication. The Coastal Resources Management Council is working to implement plans outlined in the state man-
agement plan. To view the plan, visit:
Involved State Government Organizations
The Department of Environmental Management (DEM) serves as the chief steward of the states natural resourc-
es. Their mission is to protect, restore and promote the environment to ensure Rhode Island remains a wonderful
place to live, visit, and raise a family. They have developed a plan to guide their work over the next several years.
Find more information on aquatic invasive species and the prevalence of mosquito-borne diseases at: http://www. and
The University of Rhode Island Biological Control Lab conducts research and implementation programs in clas-
sical biological control of invasive species. Programs have involved the use of insects to control introduced insects
such as the hemlock woolly adelgid, the lily leaf beetle and winter moth, as well as using insects to control invasive
weeds such as Phragmites, swallow-worts, cypress spurge, mile-a-minute, and knapweed. The lab also conducts
surveys for invasive species in partnership with Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (RI DEM)
Division of Agriculture and RI DEM Division of Forestry. For more information, visit:
The Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE), soon to become Invasive Pest Atlas of New England, is a com-
prehensive web-accessible database of invasive and potentially invasive plants in New England that is updated
by a network of professional and trained volunteers. It was established at the University of Connecticut, which
later partnered with the University of Georgia (UGA) for continued data stewardship. IPANE data is available via
EDDMapS, housed the Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health within UGA. The program promotes early
detection and rapid response to new invasions. They have an app that allows users to report sightings of invasives
in the eld. A similar app called Outsmart (originally developed at the University of Massachusetts) has recently
merged with IPANE to create a single New England regional app under the Outsmart brand; IPANE will remain
the web brand, but the app brand will be Outsmart. To learn more information, visit:
The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) is a collaborative eort by federal and state agricultural orga-
nizations to raise public awareness about introduced pests by means of surveillance, detection and monitoring of
invasive, exotic pests. These pests range from weeds to invertebrate organisms and insects. Their goal is (cont.)
Rhode Island
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 27
to increase awareness to prevent the introduction and spread of potentially invasive, exotic pests in Rhode Island
before they become established. The sta conducts surveys at various sites that could serve as potential pathways
in introducing pests into the environment and set insect traps to monitor for insects. For more details and informa-
tion, visit:
The Rhode Island Invasive Species Council (RIISC) aims to protect native biodiversity in Rhode Island. To this
end, they gather and convey information on the presence, distribution, ecological and economic impacts and
management of invasive species, promote the use of native species and non-invasive alternative, and work co-
operatively among all involved parties. RIISC is an outreach program of the Rhode Island Natural History Survey,
The Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station and The University of Rhode Island Cooperative Extension. RIISC
is currently developing measures that can be used to access the impact of invasive species on natural habitats
in the Narragansett Bay Region (which includes essentially all of Rhode Island) and collective capacity (agencies,
non-prots, local groups and private citizens) to deal with the threats. Each year they produce an annual report
with their ndings. To view their reports and read more information, visit: and
The RI Woods, a website hosted and maintained by the University of Rhode Island (URI), Department of Natural
Resources Science, provides information for property owners, businesses, and manufacturers regarding forest pol-
icy and management, inheritance, usage rights, and RI Woods-related products. They aim to be a hub of informa-
tion for all dierent users and an avenue to resources promoting good stewardship and forest health. This website
is a partnership of URI, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Rhode Island Department of Environmental
Management, Rhode Island Conservation and Development Area Council, Rhode Island Forest Conservators Orga-
nization and Rhode Island Woodland Partnership. To learn more:
The Rhode Island Sea Grant is one of the 33 National Sea Grant College Programs working to enhance long-term
economic development and responsible use of the coastal resources and environmental stewardship. They are
administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have partnered with the University
of Rhode Island (URI) and support research, outreach and education programs. Additionally, they partner with the
URI Coastal Resources Center for their extension and with the Roger Williams University School of Law for their
legal program. For more information, visit:
Non-Government Organizations
The Rhode Island Natural History Survey (RINHS) consists of member organizations and individuals seeking
further knowledge and understanding of Rhode Island biota, geology, and ecosystems. They are an umbrella or-
ganization for ecological information in Rhode Island and work to provide sound scientic data that could be used
to make informed management decisions. Additionally, they provide the invasive species portal which provides
resources regarding invasive species and provide some general information on invasive species. To learn more,
The Rhode Island Wild Plant Society stresses the importance of native plants describing all that they do for us
and educate gardeners on why they should use them in their gardens. They do this through oering educational
workshops and programs, cultivating native plants, leading nature walks, partnering with other organizations to
preserve and protect native plants and organize native plant symposium on best stewardship practices. For more
details, visit:
Partnerships Cont.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 28
Groups with State Lawmaking Inuence
The Vermont Invasive Exotic Plant Committee (VIEPC) is composed of representatives
from state and federal government, nonprot organizations and private industry, as well as
concerned individuals. The committees goal is to provide coordination and guidance on in-
vasive exotic plant issues for the public, special interest groups and policymakers, to protect
natural communities, native species, agricultural and forestry interests and human use and
enjoyment of Vermonts natural resources. To learn more, visit:
Together, members:
Promote cooperative eorts to address invasive exotic plant issues.
Educate the public, special interest groups, and policymakers about invasive plants.
Compile information on invasive plants and facilitate access to the information.
Make recommendations to the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets about which invasive species
should be considered for the Quarantine Rule.
Develop and maintain a state watch list of invasive plants.
The Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources has emergency permitting authority to initiate a rapid response
to new invasive species invasion. These permits are available to the Commissioners of the Vermont Department of
Environmental Conservation (DEC) and the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife. More regulations and laws can be
found here:
The Watershed Management Division of the Department of Environmental Conservation manages the Vermont
Aquatic Nuisance Control Program. The goal of this program is “to prevent or reduce the environmental and so-
cio-economic impacts of nuisance (primarily non-native) aquatic plant and animal species”. For more information, visit:
Management Plan
There is no statewide management plan for invasive species currently.
Involved Government Organizations
The Agency of Agriculture Food and Markets’ regulatory branch of Plant Health and Pest Management works
to detect, intercept and control plant and insect pests that threaten native plant and agriculture resources. These
range from plant pathogens, agricultural pests, exports and imports, nursery inspection and seed certication.
They maintain the Vermont Noxious Weeds Quarantine list. For more information, visit: https://agriculture.ver-
Within the Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation:
The Forests and Forestry Division created the 2017 Forest Action Plan outlining goals and planned actions
designed to meet the desired future forest conditions. Additionally, they have funded a Forest Stewardship
Program, Urban and Community Forestry Program, Forest Legacy Administration, Fire Assistance program
and Forest Health Monitoring. They host information on Firewood and Invasive Pests on their Buy It Where
You Burn It page. Each summer they publish Monthly Forest Insect and Disease Observations. To learn more:
The Invasive Plant Coordinator position has been hosted by the department since 2015, funded through
various grants from the Forest Service, and an initial collaboration with The Nature Conservancy Vermont. The
coordinator works with communities, organizations, and other state agencies to provide information (cont.)
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 29
about the impact of invasive terrestrial plants, and connect those people to resources to take action.
The Habitat Restoration Crew is a seasonal crew based out of the Rutland regional oce, hosted from the
department since 2013. They focus on NNIP management on state lands and NNIP outreach through running
programs with volunteers in state parks. This eort was initially funded through a CARP grant, and in 2017
became part of the project that funds the IPC position through a Forest Service grant.
Within the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC):
The Watercraft Decontamination Program is managed by the Vermont DEC, who owns and supervises the
use of watercraft decontamination stations placed strategically at boat launches around the state. This pro-
gram oers free watercraft decontamination to vessels at risk of carrying invasive species.
The Public Access Greeter Program has been in place since 2002, and has resulted in over 100,000 water-
craft inspections, hundreds of intercepts of invasive species and has educated boaters on the threats of AIS.
The Vermont Invasive Patrollers (VIPs) is a dedicated group of volunteers that scour Vermonts lakes, rivers
and ponds for new infestations of invasive plants.
The Watershed Management Division focuses specically on watercraft inspection and aquatic invasive
species and shares information of some aquatic species and how to control these species.
To learn more about the Department, visit:
Within the Department of Fish & Wildlife:
The LIEP Invasive Species Program focuses on Location, Identication, Evaluation and treatment, and Pre-
vention to help landowners manage invasive species. They provide information material on dierent invasive
species. Many projects occurring on state land are overseen by a Stewardship team that consists of FPR, F&W
and DEC sta. More than 50% of the work done using federal EQIP funding is to control invasive plants on
private land. They have an Aquatic Invasive Species Team made up of sheries biologists working on aquatic
invasive sh species and sh pathogen issues primarily through regulation and public education and outreach
on spread prevention measures. They have implemented sh importation and in-state sh transport/move-
ment regulations and have overhauled regulations pertaining to the use of baitsh in Vermont, to reduce the
risk and prevent the spread of sh pathogens. They conduct annual wild sh health testing on Lake Champlain
as well as other inland Vermont lakes to monitor for sh pathogens.
The Department owns more than 98 Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) that are divided into 5 districts
throughout Vermont. In these areas, they manage invasive species infestations and improve wildlife habitat.
These state-managed lands are open to hunting, shing and other recreational activities.
For more information, visit: https://vt
The Vermont Invasives Partnership was created as a joint eort between the University of Vermont Extension,
the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation, the Vermont Department of Environment Conservation
and the Vermont Chapter of the Nature Conservancy. It was funded by the USDA Forest Service Urban and Com-
munity Forestry Assistance Program at the recommendation of the National Urban & Community Forestry Adviso-
ry Council. This website provides information for those interested in learning more about invasive insects, plants
and pathogens. It also guides visitors to the appropriate places to learn more and become involved in various
eorts. For more information, visit:
The iMapInvasives program in Vermont is no longer active due to associated costs with the license and adminis-
tration of the program. It is a citizen science program that helps scientists and natural resource professionals track
and take action against invasive species. It was administered by the Nature Conservancy and they worked with
other organizations and agencies when actions needed to be taken. For more details and information: https://
Involved Government Organizations Cont.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 30
The Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) is a collaborative eort by federal and state agricultural orga-
nizations to raise public awareness about introduced pests by means of surveillance, detection and monitoring
of invasive, exotic pests. These pests range from weeds to invertebrate organisms and insects. Their goal is to
increase awareness to prevent the introduction and spread of potentially invasive, exotic pests in Vermont be-
fore they become established. The sta conducts surveys at various sites that could serve as potential pathways
in introducing pests into the environment and set insect traps to monitor for insects. The USDA APHIS partners
with the Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets to administer this program.
The Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) works in partnership with government agencies from New York,
Vermont and Québec, private organizations, local communities and individuals to coordinate and fun eorts
that benet the Lake Champlain Basins water quality, sheries, wetlands, wildlife, recreation and cultural re-
sources. To learn more about this program, visit:
The Lake Champlain Basin Aquatic Invasive Species Rapid Response Task Force is a multi-agency group of
state and federal partners, implements the Lake Champlain Basin Rapid Response Plan. They facilitate and pro-
mote cooperation among jurisdictions during response to new AIS introductions in the Lake Champlain Basin.
Although there have been numerous recent AIS introductions, member agencies do not actively manage these
The Lake Champlain Sea Grant is based at the University of Vermont and partners with SUNY Plattsburgh and
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAA). They develop and support research, outreach
and education programs. They table at various shing tournaments for outreach to anglers teaching them about
invasive species prevention. They work to empower businesses, communities and individuals to make informed
decisions regarding management, conservation and utilization of their aquatic resources. For more information,
Non-Government Organizations
The Lake Champlain Land Trust strives to save the scenic beauty, natural communities and recreational ame-
nities of Lake Champlain by permanently preserving signicant islands, shoreline areas, and natural communi-
ties in the Champlain Region. They also host a website to help the public learn how to identify aquatic invasive
species. To learn more, visit:
Partnerships Cont.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 31
Connecticut Invasive Plants Council (CIPC)
Charlotte Pyle, Co-chair of the Connecticut Invasive Plants Working Group
Ponak, K. (2013, September 25). Invasive Plants Council. Retrieved from
Water Resources- Invasive Plants.
Invasive Plants Council Membership.
Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIWPG)
Donna Ellis (now retired), Co-chair of the Connecticut Invasive Plants Working Group
Charlotte Pyle, Co-chair of the Connecticut Invasive Plants Working Group
Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group. (2013, July 15). Retrieved from
(2018, December 17). Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group (CIPWG) 2018 Annual Report. https://cipwg.
Management Plan
Connecticut Aquatic Nuisance Species Work Group. 2002. Connecticut Aquatic Nuisance Species Management Plan. http://
DEEP: Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. (n.d.). Invasive Species.
Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. (n.d.). Invasive Aquatic Plant Program (CAES IAPP).
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. (n.d.). Information for Communities: Invasive Plants in Connecticut. https://
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
The Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. (n.d.). CAPS: Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey.
Sea Grant
Connecticut Sea Grant. (n.d.). Invasive Species.
Connecticut Sea Grant. (n.d.). About.
Donna Ellis, Co-chair of the Connecticut Invasive Plant Working Group
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE)
(2019, March 14). Invasive Plant Atlas of New England.
Connecticut Land Conservation Council
Connecticut Land Conservation Council. 2018.
University of Connecticut (Mile-a-Minute)
UCONN. (n.d.). Mile-a-minute Vine.
University of Connecticut (Integrated Pest Management)
UCONN. (n.d.). Integrated Pest Management Program: Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture, Depart-
ment of Extension.
Invasive Species Council
Nancy Olmstead- Invasive Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
John McPhedran- Invasive Aquatic Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Quality
Gary Fish, State Horticulturist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 32
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Management Plan
State of Maine: Action Plan for Managing Invasive Aquatic Species. (2002, October 10).
Nancy Olmstead- Invasive Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
John McPhedran- Invasive Aquatic Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Quality
Gary Fish, State Horticulturist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Invasive Plant Report
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. (2013). Invasive Plants.
Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (MDACF)
Bureau of Agricultures Division of Animal and Plant Health-
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. (2013). Invasive Plants.
Division of Forest Health and Monitoring
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. (2013). Forest Health and Monitoring. https:/
Maine Natural Areas Program (MNAP)
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. (2013). Maine Natural Areas Program.
Nancy Olmstead- Invasive Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
John McPhedran- Invasive Aquatic Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Quality
Gary Fish, State Horticulturist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. (2013). Invasive Plants.
Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP), Bureau of Water Quality
Maine Department of Environmental Protection. (2018). Invasive Aquatic Species Program.
Invasive Aquatic Plants and Nuisance Species
Maine Department of Environmental Protection. (2018). Interagency Task Force on Invasive Plants and Nuisance Species.
Maine Department of Marine Resources
State of Maine: Department of Marine Resources. (2016).
State of Maine: Department of Marine Resources. (2016). Non-Native Invasive Marine Species.
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (DIFW)
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife. (2019).
Nancy Olmstead- Invasive Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
John McPhedran- Invasive Aquatic Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Quality
Gary Fish, State Horticulturist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
Courtesy Boat Inspection (CBI) Program
Maine Department of Environmental Protection. (n.d.). Invasive Aquatic Species Program.
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry. (2013). Cooperative Agriculture Pest Survey (CAPS). https://www.
Nancy Olmstead- Invasive Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry
John McPhedran- Invasive Aquatic Plant Biologist, Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Water Quality
Gary Fish, State Horticulturist, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry
Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 33
iMapInvasives: Sharing information for Strategic Management.
Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group (MIPAG)
Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group. (n.d.). About the Group.
Massachusetts Invasive Plant Advisory Group. (n.d.). MIPAG Member Representatives and Alternates. https://www.massnrc.
Jennifer Forman-Orth (Department of Agricultural Resources)
Management Plan
CZM Marine Invasive Species Publications. (2002 December). Massachusetts Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan.les/documents/2016/08/vz/invasive-species-plan.pdf
Jim Straub (Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation)
Jennifer Forman-Orth (Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources)
Massachusetts Oce of Coastal Zone Management’s (CZM) Marine Invasive Species Program
Maine Invasive Species Program. (2019).
Jim Straub (Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation)
Massachusetts Lakes and Ponds Program
Department of Conservation & Recreation. (2019).
Lakes and Ponds Program. (2019).
Forest Pest Education and Outreach Program
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources. (2019).
(2019). Forest Pest Education and Outreach.
Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program
MassWildlifes Natural Heritage &Endangered Species Program (NHESP). (2019). MassWildlife’s Natural Heritage & Endan-
gered Species Program.
Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species (NEANS) Panel
NEANS: Northeast Aquatic Nuisance Species Panel. (2019). Home.
Jim Straub (Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation)
Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas (CISMAs)
CISMA: Sudbury-Assabet-Concord River Watershed.
Jen Forman-Orth
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sea Grant
MIT Sea Grant: College Program. (2019). About MIT Sea Grant.;
Woods Hole Sea Grant
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Woods Hole Sea Grant. (2019). Extension.
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE)
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England. (2019).
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
(2019). Division of Crop and Pest Services.
(2019). Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey.
Introduced Pests Outreach Project
Massachusetts Introduced Pests Outreach Project.
Massachusetts Introduced Pests Outreach Project.
Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition
MassLand: Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition.
MassLand: Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition. (n.d.). About MassLand.
MassLand: Massachusetts Land Trust Coalition. (n.d.). List of Land Trusts & Partners.
Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC)
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 34
MACC. (n.d.). Who We Are.
Massachusetts Cont.
Electronic Guide to the Invasive Plants of Nantucket
EFG: Electronic Field Guide to the Invasive Plants of Nantucket. (2006). The Electronic Field Guide to the Invasive Plants of
Integrated Pest Management Program
The Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. (2019). UMassExtension: Integrated Pest Management Program.
Marine Bioinvaders program
MIT Sea Grant Coastal Resources. (2019, December 7). What are Marine Bioinvaders?
Coastal Habitat Invasives Monitoring Program
Salem Sound Coastwatch. (n.d.). Coastal Habitat Invasives Monitoring Program.
New Hampshire
Additional Partners for NHDES
Amy Smagula (Department of Environmental Services)
Invasive Species Council
Cygan, Douglas. (2011). New Hampshire Guide to Upland Invasive Species.les/Re-
Jenica Allen
New Hampshire Aquatic Nuisance Species Laws
Summary of New Hampshire ANS Laws.
Exotic Aquatic Weeds and Species Committee (EAWS)
Title L: Water Management and Protection. (n.d.). Chapter 487: Control of Marine Pollution and Aquatic Growth. http://www.
Amy P. Smagula (Department of Environmental Services)
Distribution of Aquatic Plants Law
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. (2018). Law Prohibits Exotic Aquatic Plants. https://www.des.
Details of Long-term Management Plans
Amy Smagula (Department of Environmental Services)
Management Plans for Waterbodies
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. (2017). Long-Term Management Plans for Exotic Aquatic Plants.
Lake Mapper Application
NHDES: Lake Information Mapper.
Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food
Division of Plant Industry
New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food. (2014). Invasive Plants.
Doug Cygan (New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food)
Management Guide for Japanese Knotweed
Cygan, Douglas. (2018). Preventing the Spread of Japanese Knotweed.
New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands
Forest Health Section
NH Division of Forests and Lands. (2018). Forest Health. https://www.nhd.org/forest-health/
Department of Transportation
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 35
New Hampshire DOT: Department of Transportation. (2015). Project Development: Environment.
Doug Cygan
Natural Heritage Bureau
NH Division of Forests and Lands. (2018). Natural Heritage Bureau. https://www.nhd.org/About-Us/Natural-Heritage-Bu-
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department
New Hampshire Fish and Game: Connecting you to life outdoors.
Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (Great Bay NERR)
Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. (2019, March 15). Welcome!
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES)
Exotic Species Program
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. (2017). Exotic Species Program.
Wetlands Bureau
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. (2017). Exotic Aquatic Species Program Report. https://www.des.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program
NH Extension. Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
New Hampshire Coastal Watershed Invasive Plant Partnership (NH CWIPP)
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. (2017). Coastal Watershed Invasive Plant Partnership. https://www.
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE)
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England. (2019, March 15). Invasive Plant Atlas of New England.
Jenica Allen (University of New Hampshire)
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
New Hampshire Department of Agriculture, Markets & Food. (2014). Federal Cooperative Agreements. https://www.agricul-
NHBugs Program
NHBugs: Protecting trees and forests.
“Picking Our Battles: A Guide to Planning Successful Invasive Plant Management Projects”
Stevens, Rachel, Great Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve and New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. (2015,
September). Picking Our Battles: A Guide to Planning Successful Invasive Plant Management Projects. https://wildlife.state.
Sea Grant
University of New Hampshire. (2019). New Hampshire Sea Grant.
Lake Host Program
NH Lakes: Working for clean and healthy lakes. (n.d.) Lake Host Program.
New Hampshire Rivers Council (NHRC)
New Hampshire Rivers Council: Rivers Make New Hampshire! (2019).
Department of Environmental Services- Weed Watcher Program
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services. (2017). NHDES Volunteer Weed Watcher Program.
New Jersey
Invasive Species Council
State of New Jersey: Department of Environmental Protection. (2009, July 20). New Jersey Invasive Species Council. https://;
Invasive Species Bills
Linda Rohleder (New York-New Jersey Trail Conference)
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 36
Assembly, No. 4460. State of New Jersey: 218th Legislature.
Assembly, No. 3086. State of New Jersey: 218th Legislature.
Triploid Grass Carp Bill
Kyle Clonan (New Jersey Water Supply Authority)
Management Plan
Van Clef, Michael. (2009, August). New Jersey Strategic Management Plan for Invasive Species: The Recommendations of
the New Jersey Invasive Species Council to Governor Jon S. Corzine.
Strategic%20Management%20Plan%20for%20Invasive%20Species%2011.09.pdf; Kyle Clonan- (New Jersey Water Supply
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
State of New Jersey: Department of Environmental Protection. (2019, March 12).
Prohibiting planting invasives in some municipalities
Kyle Clonan (New Jersey Water Supply Authority)
New Jersey Water Supply Authority
New Jersey Water Supply Authority (2017).
Kyle Clonan (New Jersey Water Supply Authority)
Department of Agriculture
Division of Plant Industry
State of New Jersey: Department of Agriculture. (2016). Plant Industry.
Phillip Alampi Benecial Insect Rearing Laboratory
State of New Jersey: Department of Agriculture. (2016). Phillip Alampi Benecial Insect Rearing Laboratory. https://www.cialinsect.html
Kyle Clonan- New Jersey Water Supply Authority)
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
State of New Jersey: Department of Agriculture. (2016). Plant Pest Survey.
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE)
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England. (2019, March 15). Invasive Plant Atlas of New England.
Sea Grant
Sea Grant: NJ Sea Grant Consortium.
New Jersey Invasive Species Strike Team (NJISST)
FoHVOS: Friends of Hopewell Valley Open Space. (2018).
Linda Rohleder (New York-New Jersey Trail Conference)
Rutgers Cooperative Extension New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Center for Vector Biology
Rutgers: New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. (2017) Outreach.
Native Plant Society of New Jersey
The Native Plant Society of New Jersey. (2013). Plant Lists.
New York
Invasive Species Council/Advisory Committee
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. (n.d.). Invasive Species Council.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. (n.d.). Invasive Species Advisory Council. https://www.dec.
Management Plan
(2018, November). New York State Invasive Species Comprehensive Management Plan.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. (n.d.)
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 37
New York Invasive Species Clearinghouse (
New York Invasive Species Information: New York State’s gateway to science-based invasive species information. (2019).
Welcome to the New York Invasive Species Information.
New York Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM), Division of Plant Industry
New York Department of Agriculture and Markets (NYSDAM). (n.d.). Division of Plant Industry. https://www.agriculture.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute
New York Invasive Species Research Institute. Welcome to the New York Invasive Species Research Institute. http://www.
New York Department of Transportation (NYSDOT)
New York Department of Transportation.
DOT Procedures and Control Methods
Environmental Procedures Manual: Chapter 4.8. (2004, September 10). Invasive Species.
Invasive Species Control Methods for Maintenance and Construction. (2004, September 10).
Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management (PRISMs)
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Partnerships for Regional Invasive Species Management
PRISMs map
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. PRISM Map.
Sea Grant
New York Sea Grant: Bringing Science to the Shore.
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
New York State Agriculture and Markets. Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS).
USDA United States Department of Agriculture: Animals and Health Inspection Service. (2019, February 15). Pest Detection.
Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP)
Lake Champlain Basin Program.
New York iMapInvasives.
New York Invasive Species Information. (2019). About NYIS.INFO
New York Flora Association (NYFA)
New York Flora Association. (2019). https://www.ny
Lake Champlain Land Trust
Lake Champlain Land Trust: Helping You and Your Community Conserve the Lake and the Land. (2019). https://www.lclt.
Lake George Association (Invasive Species in the Lake George Watershed)
Lake George Association. Protecting Our Water, Educating for the future. (2017).
Governor’s Invasive Species Council of Pennsylvania
Amy Jewitt (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program)
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. (2019). Governors Invasive Species Council.
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. (2019). Council Members.
Management Plan
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (2011, January). Invasive Species Management Plan.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 38
Pennsylvania Invasive Species Council (2009, May). Invaders in the Commonwealth: Pennsylvania Invasive Species Man-
agement Plan.
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA)
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. (2019).
Nick Decker- Noxious weed law (PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources)
Bureau of Plant Industry
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. (2019). Plant Industry.
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR)
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. (2019).
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. (2019). Invasive Plants in Pennsylvania. https://www.dcnr.
DCNR Management Plan
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. (2011, January). Invasive Species Management Plan.
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. (2019).
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. (2014, May 9). Invasive Species Best Management Practices.
Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC)
Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission. (2019). https://www.
Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission. (2019). Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS). https://www.
Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC)
Pennsylvania Game Commission. (2019).
Amy Jewitt (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program)
Pennsylvania Game Commission. (2019). 2015-2025 Pennsylvania Wildlife Action Plan.
Pennsylvania Department of Health
Pennsylvanias West Nile Virus Control Program. (2018, August 14). Welcome to Pennsylvanias West Nile Virus Control Pro-
Conservation Districts
PACD. (2009). Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts.
Amy Jewitt (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program)
Cooperative Weed Management Areas (CWMAs)
Amy Jewitt (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program)
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. Conservation Science: Protecting Pennsylvanias Plants and Animals. https://waterlan-
Sea Grant
Sea Grant Pennsylvania. (2016).
Sea Grant Pennsylvania. (2016). About.
Field Guides-
Amy Jewitt (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program)
Pennsylvania Sea Grant. (2015). Pennsylvanias Field Guide to Aquatic Invasive Species.
Pennsylvania Sea Grant. (2016). Mid-Atlantic Field Guide to Aquatic Invasive Species.
Pennsylvania iMapInvasives.
Amy Jewitt (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program)
Pennsylvania iMapInvasives. (n.d.). About Us.
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 39
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. (2019). Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey.
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. (2019). Plant Health.
Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy
Pittsburg Parks Conservancy (2019).
Amy Jewitt (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program)
Field Guide: Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy. (n.d.). Invasive Plants of Pittsburgh.
PA Master Naturalist Program
iNaturalist. (n.d.). Pennsylvania Master Naturalist.
Amy Jewitt (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program)
Pennsylvania Land Trust Association (PALTA)
Pennsylvania Land Trust Association. (2019). Conservation 101.
Garden with Natives Program
Bowmans Hill Wildower Preserve. (2019). Invasive Species.
Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM)
Penn State Extension. (n.d.). IPM in Agriculture.
Pennsylvania Flora Project
The Pennsylvania Flora Project of Morris Arboretum. http://pa
Nine Mile Run Watershed Association (NMRWA)
Nine Mile Run Watershed Association. (2016).
Amy Jewitt (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program)
Friends of High school Park (FHSP)
Friends of High School Park. (2019). Goals.
Amy Jewitt (Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program)
Rhode Island
Coastal Resources Management Council (CRMC)
RI Coastal Resources Management Council. (n.d.) Invasive Species.
Kevin Cute (Coastal Resources Management Council)
RI Coastal Resources Management Council. (n.d.) Guide to Marine Invaders in RI Coastal Waters (Reference Cards). http://
RIDEM Invasive Species webpage
DEM Rhode Island. Introduction to Aquatic Invasive Species.
Management Plan
Coastal Resources Management Council, University of Rhode Island, and the Rhode Island Natural History Survey. (2007,
November 7). Rhode Island Aquatic Invasive Species Management Plan.
Department of Environmental Management (DEM)
DEM Rhode Island. Introduction to Aquatic Invasive Species.
DEM Rhode Island. (n.d.) Mosquito Borne Diseases.
University of Rhode Island Biological Control Lab
The University of Rhode Island. (2019). The University of Rhode Island: Biological Control.
Lisa Tewksbury (University of Rhode Island)
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE)
Invasive Plant Atlas of New England.
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
DEM Rhode Island. Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 40
Rhode Island Invasive Species Council (RIISC)
Narragansett Bay: Watershed Counts. (2013, May 31).
Rhode Island Natural History Survey. (2019). RI Invasive Species Council.
Rhode Island Woods
Rhode Island Woods.
Sea Grant
Rhode Island Sea Grant.
Rhode Island Natural History Survey (RINHS)
Rhode Island Natural History Survey. Invasive Species Portal.
Rhode Island Wild Plant Society
Rhode Island Wild Plant Society. (2019).
Vermont Invasive Exotic Plant Committee (VIEPC)
Vermont Invasive Exotic Plant Committee.
Secretary of Natural Resources
Agency of Natural Resources: Department of Environmental Conservation. (2019). Invasive Species Laws and Regulations.
Watershed Management Division
Agency of Natural Resources: Department of Environmental Conservation. (2019). Aquatic Nuisance Control. https://dec.
Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets
Plant Health and Pest Management: Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. (2019).
Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation: Forests and Forestry Division
Agency of Natural Resources: Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation. (2019).
Elizabeth Spinney (Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation)
Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Invasive Plant Coordinator
Elizabeth Spinney (Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation)
Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation Habitat Restoration Crew
Elizabeth Spinney (Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation)
Department of Environmental Conservation
Agency of Natural Resources: Department of Environmental Conservation. (2019).
Watercra Decontamination Program
Josh Mullhollem (Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation)
Public Access Greeter Program
Agency of Natural Resources: Department of Environmental Conservation. (2019). Vermont Public Access Greeter Program.
Vermont Invasive Patrollers (VIPs)
Agency of Natural Resources: Department of Environmental Conservation. (2019). Vermont Invasive Patrollers. https://dec.
Watershed Management Division
Agency of Natural Resources: Department of Environmental Conservation. (2019). Welcome to the Watershed Management
Department of Fish & Wildlife :LIEP Invasive Species Program
Agency of Natural Resources: Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. (2019). https://vt
Bob Popp (Vermont Fish & Wildlife)
Shawn Good (Vermont Fish & Wildlife)
Department of Fish & Wildlife: Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs)
Agency of Natural Resources: Vermont Fish & Wildlife. (2019). Find a Wildlife Management Area. https://vtshandwildlife.
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Page | 41
Vermont Invasives
Vermont Invasives. (n.d.) Invasive Species.
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS)
Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey. (n.d.). CAPS Resource and Collaboration Site.
Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP)
Lake Champlain Basin Program.
Elizabeth Spinney (Department of Forests, Parks & Recreation)
Lake Champlain Basin Aquatic Invasive Species Rapid Response Task Force
Lake Champlain Basin Program. (2019). Lake Champlain Basin Rapid Response Action Plan for Aquatic Invasive Species.
Sea Grant
Lake Champlain Sea Grant. (2018). Lake Champlain Sea Grant Home.
Lake Champlain Land Trust
Lake Champlain Land Trust. (2019).
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