George Mason University
3301 Fairfax Drive
Arlington, Virginia 22201
(tel) 703-993-9150
Ph.D., M.A., Brandeis University, Comparative History
B.A. Barnard College, Distinction in History
FRHS Fellow, Royal Historical Society
Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University
Patrick Henry Professor of Constitutional Law and the Second Amendment, 2013 to
Professor of Law, 2006
National Endowment for the Humanities
Director, Division of Research Programs, 2005-2006
Princeton University
Visiting Professor, Politics Department, 2003-2004
Fellow, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, 2003-2004
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Senior Advisor, Security Studies Program, Center for International Studies, 1997-present
Bentley University
Professor of History, 1992-2006; Associate Professor, 1988-1992
Chair, Department of History, 1992-1994
Massachusetts Center for Renaissance Studies
Visiting Scholar, 1999-2001
Bye Fellow, Robinson College, Cambridge University
Founder and Director, New England Heritage Center,
National Park Service Consultant
Early American Legal and Social History, 1982-1983
Boston University
Assistant Professor of History, 1978-1979
Northeastern University
Assistant Professor of History, part-time
Fellow, James Madison Society, Princeton University
Fellow, Royal Historical Society
Board of Advisers, American Council of Trustees and Alumni
Past President, Northeast Conference on British Studies
Bye Fellow, Robinson College, Cambridge University
Major Fields of Specialization: Constitutional and Legal History, The Individual and the
State, especially the development of individual rights in Great Britain and America; War
and Society; Crime, Violence and Public Policy; Comparative Constitutional Law
Additional Fields: Early Modern Britain, Irish History, Early Modern Europe
Courses Teaching: War and Law, Common Law and American Rights, Comparative
Constitutional Law, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Advanced Constitutional Law: The
The Tragedy of Benedict Arnold, Pegasus Books, May 1, 2018. Nominated for the
George Washington Book Prize.
Peter’s War: A New England Slave Boy in the American Revolution, Yale University
Press, December, 2008. Nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Paperback, November 2010.
Guns and Violence: The English Experience, Harvard University Press, May, 2002,
paperback September 2004. This book examines the relationship between armed citizens
and violent crime by analyzing the English experience from the late Middle Ages to the
present. The book was reviewed in the Wall Street Journal and Fox News online and
widely discussed both here and abroad.
Brazilian edition, translated into Portuguese, CEDET (Centro de Desenvolvimento
Profissional e Tecnologico), July, 2014.
The Struggle for Sovereignty: Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts, 2 vols.,
Liberty Classics, May, 1999. I edited, introduced and compiled this collection. The tracts
deal with key constitutional debates and issues basic to modern American and British
political philosophy and practice.
To Keep and Bear Arms: The Origins of an Anglo-American Right, Harvard University
Press, 1994, paperback, 1996. A best seller on Amazon. First full-scale study by a
professional historian of the origins of a significant and controversial liberty, the right to
be armed. Three printings in its first 6 months.***Cited with approval US Supreme
Court, District of Columbia v. Heller (June 26, 2008), and by US Circuit Court of
Appeals in Shelly Parker et. al. vs District of Columbia, March, 2007. Also cited
Supreme Court opinion, Jay Printz, et. Al., June 1997. ***Singled out by Supreme Court
Justice Antonin Scalia as an “excellent study”, A Matter of Interpretation: Federal Court
and the Law (Princeton, 1997), pp. 136-7. Widely cited in court opinions and scholarly
literature, including the US Supreme Court. Translated into Portuguese by a Brazilian
publisher, August 2014.
Caesar’s Due: Loyalty and King Charles, 1642-1646, Royal Historical Society
Monograph Series (London, 1984), Humanities Press (USA, 1984). This is an analysis of
public opinion and loyalty during the English Civil War.
The Scene of the Battle, 1775, Department of the Interior (Fall, 1985). Original
investigation of the people and setting of the battle of Lexington and Concord. It has
been used in both historical writing, and as a guide for restoration of the Minute Man
National Historical Park.
The Right to Be Armed: The Common Law Legacy in England and America” in
Firearms and Common Law edited by Aspen Institute, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly
Press forthcoming.
Chapter 2, “The Second Amendment right to self-defence: The core freedom in the new
century”, The Second Amendment and Gun Control: Freedom, Fear and the American
Constitution, ed. Kevin Yuill, Routledge Press, pp. 25-35, London, 2017.
Judicial Nullification Continues: Connecticut Judge Defies Law Prohibiting Suits
Against Gun Manufacturers,” Academic Commentary, JURIST, May 2, 2016, repr. in
Encyclopedia of Gun Control and Gun Rights, 3
ed., Gray House Publishing,
forthcoming, October, 2017.
“Magna Carta in America: Entrenched,” chapter 6, Magna Carta: The Foundation of
Freedom,pp. 120-135. Official book of the Magna Carta Trust to mark 800
anniversary of Magna Carta, August, 2014.
Freedom and the Rule of Law: The Ingenious British Legacy” in Freedom and the Rule
of Law, ed. Anthony A. Peacock (Lexington Books, 2010), pp. 23-40.
“On Writing History for the General Public: Response to Hochschild.” Recent Themes on
Historians and the Public: Historians in Conversation, ed. Donald A. Yerxa (Columbia,
South Carolina, 2009), pp. 106-108.
”Abridged: The Second Amendment,” in You Decide: Current Debates in American
Politics , Longman Publishers, 8
ed. (Jan. 2012).
“The Novelty of James Madison’s Constitutionalism,” in James Madison and the Future
of Limited Government (Washington, D.C., 2002).
“The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: The Common Law Tradition,”
Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 2 (Winter,1983) reprinted in The Bill
of Rights and American Legal History, ed. Paul L. Murphy, Garland Press (1991);
in Controversies in Constitutional Law, Gun Control and the Constitution, vol. III,
Garland Press (1993); in Gun Control and the Constitution: Sources and Explorations on
the Second Amendment (Garland Press, 1994)
Trustees and Alumni, forthcoming, Summer, 2018.
“Defying the Supreme Court: Federal Courts and the Nullification of the Second
Amendment” Charleston Law Review, symposium on Second Amendment, forthcoming.
“Freedom to Speak, Freedom to Hear: Ending the Heckler’s Veto,” American Council of
Trustees and Alumni, October, 2018. Distributed to college presidents and trustees
throughout the country.
“The Right to Be Armed: The Ninth Circuit Giveth Then Taketh Away,” JURIST Guest
Columnist, October 1, 2018.
“Benedict Arnold—Nine Things You Didn’t Know about America’s Most Infamous
Traitor,” militaryhistorynow.com, July 19, 2018.
“Five Best Books on Treason,” Wall Street Journal, June 23, 2018.
“Where Are the Moderates?” History New Network, June 24, 2018.
“Building a Culture of Free Expression on the American College Campus,” American
Council of Trustees and Alumni, April, 2018. 25,000 copies printed.
Stand Your Ground: A History of America’s Love Affair with Lethal Self-Defence,
review, Beacon Press, The Historian, forthcoming.
Court Opinion Puts Residents of Chicago Closer to Getting Their Second Amendment
Rights,” JURIST, comment, January 31, 2017.
“The Second Amendment: A Fundamental Principle of American Liberty” special section
The Washington Times in honor of 225
anniversary of ratification of the Bill of Rights,
December 13, 2016.
Gun Culture in Early Modern England, Lois G. Schwoerer, review, The Journal of
Interdisciplinary History, vol. 48, no. 1, Summer 2017, pp. 87-89.
After Orlando an Attack on the Usual Wrong Suspects,” LawNewz, June 18, 2016.
“Judicial Nullification Continues: Connecticut Judge Defies Law Prohibiting Suits
Against Gun Manufactures,” Academic Commentary, Jurist, May 2, 2016. To be
reprinted in Encyclopedia of Gun Control and Gun Rights, 3rd edition.
“What are the real issues in the US gun control debate?” BBC History Magazine, January,
2016, pp. 14-15.
The Second Amendment: A Biography, Michael Walden, review, Indiana Magazine of
History, vol. 111, issue 4, December, 2015, p. 458-459.
“Vermont: When Armed and Safe Is Not Good Enough,” Academic Commentary, Jurist,
May 27, 2015.
Infringement,” reprinted in special issue, “Law of the USA”, Ukrainian Law Journal:
Law of the USA, vol. 2 (2013), pp. 251-257.
A Distinct Judicial Power: The Origins of an Independent Judiciary, 1606-1787, Scott
Gerber, review, Reason Papers, vol. 342, October, 2012, pp. 215-221.
“Arming America Controversy,” Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History,
Politics, Culture, and the Law, ed. Gregg Lee Carter, 3 vols., 2
ed. (Santa Barbara,
2012), pp. 45-49.
The Road to London’s Riots Paved with Good Intentions,” London Society Journal,
Issue 462,Winter 2011/Spring 2012, pp. 15-16.
“Self-Defense in England: Not Quite Dead,” Journal of Firearms and Public Policy, Vol.
23, 2011, pp. 60-75.
Whatever the Judges Say It Is? The Founders and Judicial Review,Journal of Law &
Politics, University of Virginia School of Law, Vol. XXVI, No. 1 (Fall, 2010), pp. 1-37.
repr. in Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Ninth Constitutional Law Conclave, vol. xxvi:1,
2013, pp. 27-73.
“Slavery in New England and the American Revolutionary War,” The Journal of the
Historical Society, vol. X, no. 4, December, 2010, pp. 415-436.
“McDonald versus City of Chicago: The Second Amendment Made Clear, the Fourteenth
Amendment Made Murky,” Online Colloquy, Northwestern Law Review, 105:85,
October 27, 2010; Northwestern Law Review, vol. 105, issue 1.
“Growing Up in Interesting Times,” review of Emmy E. Werner, In Pursuit of Liberty:
Coming of Age in the American Revolution, Reviews in American History, Vol. 38, No.
3 (September, 2010), pp. 420-424.
The Supreme Court and the Uses of History: District of Columbia versus Heller,”
UCLA Law Review, vol. 56, no. 5, June, 2009, pp. 1377-1398. Repr. Pennsylvania Bar
Institute, Ninth Constitutional Law Conclave, vol. xxvi:1, 2013. pp. 13-36.
Invited Comment on Practicing History without a License” by Adam Hochschild,
Historically Speaking, vol. IX, No. 4, March/April, 2008, pp. 14-15. Reprinted in series
Historians in Conversation, forthcoming.
Anthony Brundage and Richard Cosgrove, The Great Tradition: Constitutional History
and National Identity in Britain and the United States, 1870-1960, review, American
Historical Review, April 2008, pp. 466-7
Clive Emsley, Hard Men: Violence in England since 1750, review, English Historical
Review, Vol. CXXII, No. 499, pp. 430-31.
The UN’s Global Campaign to Disarm Civilians: Wisdom or Folly?” Breakthroughs,
vol. XIV, no. 1, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Spring, 2005, pp. 22-30.
“Firearms (non-military),” essay for Encyclopedia of the New American Nation,
Scribers, in press.
Regular contributor to website of Social Affairs Unit, UK (socialaffairsunit.org.uk). The
Social Affairs Unit is a British foundation that publishes “intelligent comment and
serious articles and reviews on culture high and low” contributed by a roster of
distinguished British scholars. See published essays below.
“Democracy’s Inconvenient Truth: Ireland Rejects the EU Treaty
July, 2008
“Time for the Police to Be Armed and for Home Owners to Have the Right to
Protect Themselves,” December 8, 2005.
“9/11, 7/7 and Hurricane Katrina: The Benefits of the Disaster Blame Game,”
September 21, 2005.
“The London Bombings: Britain’s Pearl Harbor?” August 25, 2005.
“A Tale of Two Documents: The EU Constitution vs. the US Constitution”
July 4, 2005.
“The Cost of Playing `Let’s Pretend’: an American Perspective on the Demise of
the Irish Moderates,” June 1, 2005.
“Civil Liberties Cannot Be Defended Selectively,” March 30, 2005.
“The People vs Super-Nanny: The Options for Hunters and Householders,”
February, 18, 2005.
“Why Parliament will not restore the householder’s right to self-defence,” January
12, 2005.
“Bashing Burglars: The Right to Self-Defence,” December, 2004.
“That Dog Don’t Hunt: Hunting and Politics in America and Britain,” November,
“A Rescue Effort to Save Diplomatic and Military History,” Historically Speaking,
July/August, 2004, pp. 40-41.
“Self-Defense: An Endangered Right,” cover essay, Cato Policy Report, Cato Institute,
vol. XXVI, no. 2, March-April, 2004.
“Lessons of History: Firearms Regulation and the Reduction of Crime,” Texas Review of
Law and Politics, vol. 8, no. 1, Fall, 2003, pp. 175-187.
H. Jefferson Powell, A Community Built on Words: The Constitution in History and
Politics, book review, American Historical Review, April, 2004, pp. 517-518.
“Gun Control in England: The Tarnished Gold Standard,” Firearms and Public Policy,
vol. 16, Fall 2004, pp. 123-134.
“Terror in Renaissance Europe: A Sampler,” Massachusetts Center for Renaissance
Studies Journal, Spring 2004.
“Gun Laws and Policies: A Dialogue,” Focus on Law Studies, American Bar Association,
vol. XVIII, no. 2 (Spring, 2003).
“Infringement,” Common-Place, vol. 2, no. 4, July, 2002. This was a special issue with
roundtables on controversial aspects of the Constitution. This essay was reprinted in
John T. Rourke, ed., You Decide, Longman’s Publishers (White Plains, 2003) now in its
Akhil Amar, The Bill of Rights: Creation and Reconstruction, book review, American
Historical Review, vol. 107, no. 1 (February, 2002), pp. 177-178.
Don Kates and Gary Kleck, Armed: New Perspectives on Gun Control, review, Ideas on
Liberty, December, 2002, 246-247.
Michael Mendle, ed., The Putney Debates of 1647: The Army, the Levelers, and the
English State, book review, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, January, 2003.
Review essay, Arming America: The Origin of a Gun Culture by Michael Bellesiles,
University of Texas Law Review, vol. 79, no. 6 (May, 2001) pp. 1657-1676. (this law
review is one of the 5 most widely read).
“The Missing Mob, or Why Charles I Was Not Rescued,” North American Society for
Court Studies, Spring, 2000.
Stephen P. Halbrook, Freedmen, the Fourteenth Amendment, and the Right to Bear Arms,
1866-1876, book review, American Historical Review, June 2000, pp. 931-932.
“Doing No Wrong: Law, Liberty and the Constraint of Kings,” Journal of British Studies,
vol. 38, no. 2 (April, 1999), pp. 161-186.
“The Vanishing Right of Self-Defence in England,” Breakthroughs, MIT Security
Studies Program, vol. VIII, no. 1, spring, 1999.
“The Second Amendment and the Individual’s Right to Be Armed,” Statement to the US
Senate Committee on the Constitution, expert witness, September 23, 1998.
“The Origins and Intent of the Second Amendment,” Statement to the US House of
Representatives Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime, expert witness, April 5,
“Gun Control and the Constitution: Sources and Explorations of the Second
Amendment,” review essay, University of Tennessee Law Review, vol. 62, no. 3 (Spring,
1995), pp. 813-821.
“The Creation of a `True, Ancient, and Indubitable’ Right: The English Bill of Rights and
the Right to Be Armed,” Journal of British Studies, 32 (July, 1993), pp. 226-49.
“The Role of the Militia in the Development of the Englishman’s Right to Be Armed:
Clarifying the Legacy,” Journal of Firearms and Public Policy, vol. 5,no. 1 (Fall, 1993),
pp. 139-152.
“Charles II and the Restoration of Royal Power,” The Historical Journal, 35, 2 (1992),
pp. 307-330. (The Historical Journal is published by Cambridge University).
“That Every Man Be Armed: The Evolution of a Constitutional Right,” review essay, The
George Washington Law Review, vol. 54, nos. 2 & 3 (January & March, 1986), pp. 452-
464. This was a special issue on civil right and civil liberties. My essay was reprinted in
Controversies in Constitutional Law, Gun Control and the Constitution, vol. II, Garland
Press (1993).
“The Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms: The Common Law Tradition,”
Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 2 (Winter,1983), pp. 285-314. This
article has been widely cited in books, court decisions and law review articles and
reprinted in major collections, for example, The Bill of Rights and American Legal
History, ed. Paul L. Murphy, Garland Press (1991); Controversies in Constitutional Law,
ed. Paul Finkelman, Gun Control and the Constitution, vol. III, Garland Press (1993); and
Robert Cottrol, ed., Gun Control and the Constitution: Sources and Explorations on the
Second Amendment (Garland Press, 1994).
SELECTED ESSAYS & Op-Eds in Popular Journals and Newspapers
A review of The Tragedy of Benedict Arnold: An American Life, “What drove Benedict
Arnold to give up the Patriot cause and turn treasonous?” Alexis Cope. Washington Post,
July 14, 2018.
A review of Tragedy of Benedict Arnold, “Explaining without condoning a turncoat’s
treachery,” Joseph C. Goulden, Washington Times, July 16, 2018.
“Where are the moderates?” Historynewsonline, June 24, 2018.
“Five Best Books on Treason,” Wall Street Journal, June 23, 2018.
“The `Nice Girl’ Who Saved the Second Amendment,” John Miller, profile of me
featured on cover of National Review, April 16, 2018.
“Two Cautionary Tales of Gun Control,” Wall Street Journal, December 27, 2012, A13.
Widely reprinted on the web.
The Soft-on-Crime Roots of British Disorder,” Wall Street Journal, August 16, 2011.
“The English Riots: How British law fosters disorder,” Powerline Blog, August 19, 2011.
Wrestling with Gun Rights,” Philadelphia Inquirer, May 23, 2010, C. 1, 3.
“A Key Right Recaptured”, invited essay, Huffington Post online, June 26, 2008.
“A Basic Right Rescued,” Reason Magazine online, June 27, 2008.
“Euthanasia and the Sport of Kings”, Social Affairs Unit, May 16, 2008.
“Wonderfully Spared,” Op-Ed essay in honor of July 4, Wall Street Journal, July 3, 2007.
Also featured in the WSJ online Opinion Journal and picked up by Instapundit.
“Mad Dogs and Englishmen,” Op-Ed essay, Wall Street Journal, June 17, 2006.
“Where I come from, our homes are still our castles,” opinion piece, British Sunday
Telegraph, October 31, 2004. The Sunday Telegraph has the second largest circulation
among Sunday papers nationally. Also online at www.telegraph.co.uk. Reprinted in First
Freedom, January issue.
“The Case for Self Protection,” The American Legion Magazine, October, 2004, pp. 40-
44. 2.7 million subscribers, over 4 million readers. This essay has been reprinted in six
different journals.
“Disarming History: How Arming America Was Exposed as a Fraud,” Reason Magazine,
March, 2003, pp. 22-29.
“Gun Control in Great Britain: A Failed Policy,” BBC News Online feature essay,
January 14-15, 2003. The BBC News online is second in size only to CNN news online
and gets 12 million hits a day.
“Gun Control’s Twisted Outcome,” Reason Magazine, November, 2002, pp. 20-25.
“Trigger Unhappy,” cover essay, Financial Times Weekend Edition, June 22, 2002.
“Guns & Violence,” opinion piece, Times Higher Education Supplement, June 21, 2002.
“Targeting a Myth,” cover essay, Focus section, Boston Sunday Globe, May 26, 2002, pp.
D 1-2. This article averaged the 2
greatest number of online hits the entire week.
“Concealed Weapons,” Reason Magazine, vol. 32, no. 8, January 2001, pp. 46-49.
Opinion Piece, “English Are Becoming the Slaves of Ruffians,” The Providence Journal,
December 1, 1998.
Opinion Piece, “Of Guns and Knitting Needles,” The Washington Times, January 14,
Guest Historian, USA Today, Op-Ed page, “Mistrust of government: Key to American
History,” June 23, 1995. This piece was reprinted in USA Today European edition. I
have also written a number of articles on constitutional issues carried by the Knight-
Ridder wire service.
Interviewed on numerous television and radio talk shows, and for the press including the
Interviewed for documentary, “Guns and Freedom” by British producers for full-length
film on the issue, January 12, 2019, forthcoming summer, 2019.
Interviewed for documentary on Benedict and Peggy Arnold for SmithsonianTelevision,
October 13, 2018.
Podcast, Legacy of Anthony Kennedy and nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, Aaron
Feiwald, “Good Law Bad Law,”one of leading law-related podcasts, July 19, 2018.
Gary Shapiro, Bookshelf, KSCO, Serius XM, Santa Cruz, CA, July 12, 2018.
Pat Williams, NBS’s Orlando Magic, WDBO FM 96.5, May 24, 2018.
John Fugelsang, “Tell Me Everything”, Serius XM Radio, May 7, 2018.
Podcast on The Tragedy of Benedict Arnold, Bookmonger, April, 2018.
`The Nice Girl Who Saved the Second Amendment,” John Miller, profile of me in
National Review Magazine, April 16, 2018.
Mike Slater Show, AM 760-KFMB, San Diego, April 4, 2018.
Larry Elder Radio Show, Salem network talk radio, KKL, San Francisco, October 4,
Kojo in Your Community, “Guns, Law & Local Safety,” WAMU 88.5, Arlington, VA,
July 25, 2017.
Bloomberg Radio Law News, New York, December 8, 2016.
Joe Generally, host, Freedom and Prosperity Radio, Virginia, June 15, 2016.
Brian Schimming, guest host, Vicki McKenna, NewsTalk 1310 WIBA, Madison
Wisconsin, August 12, 2014.
Kevin Miller Show, 580 KIDO, Boise, ID, August 8, 2014.
Tim Constantine, “Capitol Hill Show,” August 5, 2014.
Insidesources, online journal, posted July 11, 2014
Larry Altman, Washington Times Radio, “Capitol Hill Show with Tim Constantine,”
to air July 9, 2014.
Interview, Carla Marinucci, Sr. Political Writer, San Francisco Chronicle, July 7, 2014.
Voice of Russia, American Edition, November 22, 2013.
Voice of America, television interview, September 19, 2013.
BBC Breakfast Show, Manchester,England, September 16, 2013.
Ray Suarez, “Need to Know” PBS WNET roundtable on gun history, New York, April
17, 2013.
PBS NewsHour with Kwame Holman, posted online, March 21, 2013.
CBN News, Jennifer Wishon, White House Correspondent, February 5, 2013.
Reuters, New York, February 1, 2013.
Sun News, Brian Lilley Show, Ottawa, January 18, 2013.
NPR affiliate KPCC, “Take Two” news program, Los Angeles, largest NPR affiliate in
LA area, January 16, 2013.
Kudlow Report, CNBC, December 27, 2012.
Mike Pintek Show, 1020 KDKA Newsradio, Pittsburgh, PA, January 4, 2013.
Larry Elder Show, KABC AM, Talk Radio 790, Los Angeles, January 2, 2013.
WMAL, “Mornings on the Mall,” Washington, D.C., December 31, 2012.
Daily Wrap Up with Michael Castner, Wall Street Journal, nationally syndicated,
December 27, 2012.
Hancock and Kely Show, KMOX, St. Louis, December 27, 2012.
Interview, Congressional Quarterly, July 31, 2012 on gun control bills in Congress.
5 radio interviews in August-September, 2011 on British riots.
Fox News, May 7, 2010.
Radio Smart Talk, July, 2010.
Voice of America, Mandarin edition, June 30, 2009.
“Roy Basnett Show,” City Talk Radio. 105.9, Liverpool, England, April 1, 2009.
Boston Globe, interview on Peter’s War, March 14, 2009, Arts Section, p. 4.
“Sean Moncrieff Show,” Newstalk Radio, Dublin, Ireland, March 20, 2009.
Janis Pryor, “Commonwealth Journal,” 30 stations around New England, February, 2009.
BBC World News America with Walter Dellinger, anchor Matt Frei, June 26, 2008 on
Supreme Court decision on Second Amendment.
Interview, Chinese Media Net, June 26, 2008.
“To the Point,” Public Radio, March 18, 2008.
Kenji Kohno, NHK, Japan Broadcasting Corporation, April 22, 2007.
Gene Burns Program, KGO Radio San Francisco (ABC Radio’s #1 station for Northern
California), September 22, 2006.
BBC Radio 5, Late Night Live with Phil Williams, December 19, 2005.
Michigan Public Radio, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Jack Losenberry Program, October 5,
BBC Radio 5, Sunday Breakfast Program, March 13, 2005
BBC Radio 5, “Up all Night,” December, 2004.
Dan Pierce Program, largest radio network in New Hampshire, June 24, 2004.
Lee Rogers Program, KSFO-radio, San Francisco, July 7, 2003.
Alan Jones Programme, Radio 2GB Sydney, Australia, Jun 4, 2003.
Documentary film, “Michael and Me,” March 29, 2003 on Michael Moore.
BBC Radio 5, Matthew Bannister host, January 15, 2003.
BBC Radio 5, “Up All Night,” January 2, 2003.
BBC World Service, “Talking Point,” October 27, 2003.
The Global Village, WLIB, National Public Radio, New York City, September 9, 2002.
Glen Mitchell Show, National Public Radio, Dallas, August 23, 2002.
Laura Ingraham Show from Washington, syndicated, AM840, August 16, 2002.
WGBH (PBS TV), “Greater Boston with Emily Rooney,” July 9, 2002. Also appeared
on this program December, 1998.
BBC Radio 4, “Women’s Hour,” July 4, 2002.
Ron Smith Show, WBAL AM1090 Baltimore area, July 2, 2002.
National Public Radio, KPCC Pasadena, “Talk of the City,” June 5, 2002.
Leherer News Hour, PBS, May 8, 2002.
National Public Radio, “Talk of the Nation,” July, 1998, February, 1996.
Wisconsin Public Radio for documentary, aired March, 2001.
Barbara Simpson Talk Show, Radio Station KSFX San Francisco, largest AM station in
Bay area, September,1999.
Appeared in documentary “History of Women and Firearms,” History Channel,
November, 1998.
Peter’s War: A New England Slave Boy and the American Revolution nominated for the
2010 Pulitzer Prize by Yale University Press. Selected as a Caravan Book.
Outstanding Scholarly Contribution Award, Bentley University, 2005
James Madison Program Fellow, Princeton University, 2003-2004
Visiting Professor, Department of Politics, Princeton University, 2003-2004
Earhart Foundation, Research Fellowship Grant, 2003-2004
Innovation in Teaching Award, Bentley College, 2002
Rauch Grant, 2002
Summer Research Grants, Bentley College, 2005, 2004, 2001, 1999, 1995
Faculty Affairs Committee Grant, 2001
Visiting Scholar, Liberty Fund, January-June 2000
Jasper and Marion Whiting Foundation Fellowship, 1996-1997
Earhart Foundation, Research Fellowship Grant, 1996-1997
Fletcher Jones Foundation Fellow, Huntington Library, San Marino, California, 1991
Research Fellowship, Bentley Institute for Research, 1991-1992
Bye-Fellow, Robinson College, Cambridge University, 1989-present
Nominee, CASE Professor of the Year, Bentley College, 1987
Excellence in Research Award, Bentley College, 1986
Visiting Fellow, Harvard Law School, 1981-1982
Fellowship in Legal History, American Bar Foundation, 1980-1981
Mark DeWolfe Howe Research Grant, Harvard Law School, 1980-1981
NEH Fellowship for Independent Research and Study, 1979-1980
Fellowship, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, 1979-80
Disciplining Judges: What to Do About Judicial Nullification
Disciplining Judges: What to Do About Judges Obstructing Executive Policies
Essay on court martials in American Revolution
Presentation, “Campus Free Speech: Building a Culture of Free Expression,” Students for
Liberty, Washington, D.C., January 19, 2019.
Presentation, “The Tragedy of Benedict Arnold,” Fall for the Book Festival, Fairfax, VA,
October 10, 2018.
Presentation, “Benedict Arnold and Peggy Shippen: In Conversation with Park Service
Interpreter,” Northshire Bookstore, Saratoga Spring, New York, October 6, 2018.
Speaker, “Guns & America National Reporting Collaborative” seminar, WAMU 88.5
American University Radio and NPR, Washington, D.C, October 2, 2018.
Presentation, “The Tragedy of Benedict Arnold,” Fraunces Tavern Historic Museum,
New York City, September 17, 2018.
Presentation, “Women and Self-Defense: The Right to Be Armed,” Conservative
Women’s Network, Heritage Foundation, Washington, D.C., June 27, 2018.
Presentation, “Historians and the Right to Be Armed: Case Study in Originalism,”
Originalism Book Camp, Georgetown Law Center, May 19, 2018.
Presentation, “The Tragedy of Benedict Arnold: An American Life, Ridgefield,
Connecticut, annual commemoration Revolutionary War battle fought at Ridgefield,
May 2, 2018.
Appraisal of an article submitted to Yale Law Journal, April, 2018.
Presentation, “Heller after Ten Years,” Campbell University Law School, Raleigh,
February 1-2, 2018.
Presentation, “Historians and the Right to Be Armed: Case Study of Originalism in
Action,” Originalism Boot Camp, Georgetown Law Center, May 24, 2017.
Presentation, “The Right to Be Armed: The Common Law in England and America,”
Aspen Institute Conference, “Firearms and the Common Law,” Washington, D.C.,
September 15, 2016.
Presentation, “Self Defense: Our Most Basic Right or a Threat to Public Safety?”
Federalist Society Lawyer’s Group, Tallahassee, Florida, May 24, 2016.
Chair, Panel, “What Is the Relationship Between Originalism and Judicial Restraint?”
Panel, James Madison conference, “Abraham Lincoln and Statesmanship: Reconstructing
the Law of the Constitution,” May 16-17, 2016, Princeton, NJ.
Panelist, “Recent Developments in Gun Control,” Georgetown Law Center,
Washington, D.C., March 31, 2016.
Presentation on Firearms and Violence, Memphis University School of Law,
Memphis, Tennessee, February 23, 2016.
Witness, Senate Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice,
Science and Related Agencies, to discuss President Obama’s announced plans to
unilaterally take more gun control measures, January 20, 2016.
Presentation, “The Second Amendment and Self-Defence,” Federalist Society Lawyers’
Chapter, Montgomery, Alabama, July 23, 2015.
Keynote Address, “The Second Amendment Right to Self Defence: The Core Freedom in
the New Century,” Firearms and Freedom: The Relevance of the Second Amendment in
the Twenty-First Century, The Eccles Center for American Studies, London, June 11,
Panelist, Law Day, American Bar Association, The Leon Jaworski Public Program
Series, “The Great Charter: What Makes Magna Carta Mythic?” Woodrow Wilson
Center, Washington, D.C., April 30, 2015.
Magna Carta in the United States and Great Britain,” First Triennial Baronial Order of
Magna Carta MC 800
Committee Magna Carta Symposium, April 18, 2015,
Washington, D.C.
Presentation, “Lessons from Abroad: The Slippery Slope of Gun Control,” Annual
National Firearms Law Seminar, NRA annual conference, Nashville, April 10, 2015.
Presentation, “Ground Zero for Gun Control: The District of Columbia and the New
Politics of the Second Amendment,” American Society for Public Administration,
Washington, D.C., March 18, 2015.
Presentation: “Magna Carta Entrenched: The Legacy in America,” Conversations on the
Enduring Legacy of the Great Charter, Library of Congress program on 800
of Magna Carta, December 9, 2014.
Panelist, “Targeting the Truths About Gun Violence and Gun Control,” Department of
Criminal Justice, Bridgewater State University, Massachusetts, October 23, 2014.
Participant, “Legal History of Patents Workshop,” Center for Protection of Intellectual
Property, September 18, 2014.
Constitution Day speaker, “Fighting for Freedom: Blacks, Whites and the American
Revolution,” Marymount University, Arlington, VA, September 17, 2014.
Presentation, Annual Conference, Students for Concealed Carry on Campus, Washington,
D.C., August 5, 2014.
Witness, Senate Judiciary Committee, “Violence against Women Act,” July 30, 2014.
Colloquium, hosted by Rep. Steve Stockman, R. Texas, Capitol Hill, July 9, 2014.
Member, Advisory Board, Crime Prevention Research Center
Presentation, “Will Sticking to Our Guns Mean More Sandy Hooks?” Brandeis School
of Law, University of Louisville, KY, April 2, 2014.
Advisory Panel, Library of Congress exhibit to commemorate Magna Carta, 800 years.
Panelist, Ninth Constitutional Law Conclave, Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Philadelphia,
October 31, 2013.
Panelist, “Guns in America: Policy and Politics,” Pizza & Perspectives, GMU University
Life, GML School, September 11, 2013.
Faculty Presentation, “The Global Gun View: What Journalists Should Know About How
Other Countries Treat Guns,” Poynter Institute, Robert R. McCormick Foundation,
Covering Guns: A McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute, Chicago, April 1-3, 2013.
Guest Lecture, “Sticking to Our Guns: Our Basic Right or a Public Peril,” Philosophical
Society of Washington, Cosmos Club, January 25, 2013.
Speaker, “Fire Power: Second Amendment Rights Panel,” Vanderbilt Law School,
October 12, 2012, Nashville, Tennessee.
Self-Defence: Our Most Basic Right or a Danger to Public Safety? The Anglo-American
Divide,” Alpheus T. Mason Lecture Series on Constitutional Law and Political Thought:
The Quest for Freedom,” James Madison Program, Princeton University, September 28,
“New England Slaves and the American Revolution,” Ninth Annual Fort Ticonderoga
Seminar on the American Revolution, Ticonderoga, New York, September 22, 2012.
Presentation, “Litigating the Second Amendment,” State Solicitors General and Appellate
Chiefs Conference, Washington, D.C., July 12, 2012.
Keynote speaker, “The Battle over Gun Control: Why History Is on Our Side,” World
Forum on the Future of Sports Shooting Activities, Nuremberg, Germany, March 8,
“Law and Disorder: Self-Defense, the Second Amendment, and the Anglo-American
Divide,” Tulane Law School, New Orleans, LA, April 9, 2012.
Guest speaker, “Peter’s War and the Role of Blacks in the American Revolution,”
Georgia State University College of Law, Atlanta, GA, February 20, 2012.
Guest speaker, “The Right to Self Defence: The Impact of the Anglo-American Divide,”
Duke University Law School, Durham, N.C., November 7, 2011.
Witness, U.S. House Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime, on HR 822,
Reciprocity for Concealed Carry Laws, September 13, 2011.
Presenter, CLE course, “Privileges or Immunities Clause and its relationship to the
Supreme Court’s decision, McDonald v. Chicago, Capitol Hill, October 14, 2010.
Commentator, “Violence, Bondage and Freedom: Ideology and Policy in Early Modern
British Atlantic,” Northeast Conference on British Studies, Burlington, Vermont,
September 25, 2010.
Panelist, “Slavery in New England and the American Revolution,” The Historical
Society, Washington, D.C., June 3, 2010.
Scholarly Advisor, The Student Exchange, “Should America’s Cities be able to ban
handguns?” National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, May 27, 2010.
Panelist, “Rethinking the Second Amendment: The Chicago Gun Case and the Future of
Gun Rights,” National Constitution Center, Philadelphia, May 5, 2010.
Panelist, “Legal Histories, British Histories, and Imperial Histories,” North American
Conference on British Studies, Louisville, Kentucky, November 7, 2009.
Participant, Symposium, “Law and Judicial Duty,” Chicago, October 8-9, 2009.
Guest Speaker, “To Heller and Back: Is there a right to self-defense,” Hartford University
program, “Civil Liberties in the 21
Century,” October 7, 2009.
Guest Speaker, “Slavery North and South during the American Revolution,” James
Madison Fellowship Foundation, Georgetown University, July 14, 2009.
Speaker, Peter’s War, Lexington Cary Library, May 21, 2009, Lexington, Massachusetts.
Speaker, “The Supreme Court and the Uses of History: District of Columbia versus
Heller,” UCLA symposium, “The Second Amendment and the Right to Bear Arms after
D.C. v. Heller,” January 23, 2009, Los Angeles, California.
Speaker, “Beyond the Founding Fathers,” Bill of Rights Institute conference for teachers,
October 25, 2008, Arlington, Virginia.
Speaker, “The District of Columbia v. Heller Opinion”, University of Kansas School of
Law, Lawrence, Kansas, October 14, 2008.
Presentation, “Freedom and the Rule of Law: An Ingenious Legacy,” Freedom and the
Rule of Law conference, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, September 15, 2008.
Presentation, “Is the Second Amendment an Individual Right?” The Independent Policy
Forum, Washington, D.C., June 9, 2008.
Presentation, “The Right to Preserve and Protect? To Alter or Abolish?” conference,
“Sovereignty and the right of Revolution” conference of the Duke working Group on
Political Theory Spring Symposium, Duke University, Durham, NC, April 10-11, 2008.
Presentation, “Values and Characteristics of American Identity from the Founding
Documents and Later,” Bill of Rights Institute, Washington, D.C., April 4, 2008.
Speaker, Heller Case and Second Amendment, University of Maryland School of Law,
March 26, 2008.
President, Northeast Conference on British Studies, 2007-2009
Program Director, Northeast Conference on British Studies, Halifax, Nova Scotia,
October 12-13, 2007
Discussion Leader, Colloquium, “Liberty, Monarchy, and Regicide: The Trial and
Execution of Charles I,” Cleveland, Ohio, October 4-7, 2007.
Constitution Day Speaker, “Inalienable or Obsolete?” Tennessee Tech University,
Cookeville, Tennessee, September 17, 2007.
Presentation, “The Historical Conditions of Free Institutions: Guidelines and Common
Law Practice,” at conference “The Free Society: Foundations and Challenges,” Princeton
University, May 14-15, 2007.
Guest speaker, “Parker v. Washington, D.C. and the Meaning of the Second
Amendment,” Western New England College School of Law, Springfield, Massachusetts,
April 25, 2007.
Presentation, “Slavery in the North: A Biography of Peter Nelson,” Washington, D.C.
Area Legal History Roundtable, American University Washington College of Law, April
20, 2007.
Moderator, Panel on Virginia Ballot Question #1 Banning Same-Sex Marriage, George
Mason School of Law, November 8, 2006.
Invited Participant, “Past as Prologue: The Origins and Future of the Free Society,
“Earhart Foundation, Alexandria, Virginia, October 27-29, 2006.
Presentation, “Individual Rights and Self-Defence in England,” Symposium, The Second
Amendment, George Mason University School of Law, October 7, 2006.
“Stepchild of the Revolution,” presentation, Carriage Museum, Long Island, New York,
December 12, 2005.
Vice-President, Northeast Conference on British Studies, 2005 to 2007; Program
Committee, North American Conference on British Studies, 2006.
Commentator, panel papers, “Reform and Authority in Seventeenth-Century England,”
Northeast Conference on British Studies, Amherst, Massachusetts, October 22, 2005
Presentation at 2005 Firearms Law & the Second Amendment Symposium, George
Mason University, Arlington Virginia, September 24, 2005.
Clausewitz, On War: Teaching a Military Classic,” paper presented at annual
conference, Association for Core Texts and Courses, Vancouver, B.C., April 9, 2005.
Reviewed book manuscript for University of Missouri press, April, 2005.
What you didn’t learn about the Second Amendment in Con Law,” presentation, DePaul
University School of Law, Chicago, Illinois, March 16, 2005.
Member, Board of Governors, The Historical Society.
The Founders and the Debate over Judicial Review,” talk given to Boston College
School of Law Legal History Roundtable, September 23, 2004.
Panel Member, National Endowment for the Humanities, September 21, 2004.
Invited Participant, “Sir Edward Coke on Liberty and the Rule of Law,” international
colloquium, Philadelphia, September 9-12, 2004.
Member, book prize committee, New England Historical Association, 2004.
“Moral Strangers: Royalist Loyalty, Charles II and the Scots Invasion of 1651,” paper
presented at conference, “Royalists and Royalism: Politics, Religion and Culture, 1640-
1660,” Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, July 23-25, 2004. Also Chair,
session 2, “The Formation of Royalism.”
Invited Participant, “Religious and Political Ideas of Liberty: The French Wars of
Religion,” international colloquium, Oxford University, Oxford, England, July 15-18,
Reviewed book manuscript for Oxford University Press, June, 2004.
Invited participant, “Forum on American History, Culture and Ideas in the Colonial and
Founding Period,” National Endowment for the Humanities, Washington, D.C., April 30,
Invited participant, “Workshop on Military and Diplomatic History,” Cambridge,
Massachusetts, April 29, 2004.
“The Founders and the Debate over Judicial Review,” paper presented at James Madison
Program, Princeton University, April 14, 2004.
Participant, Colloquium, “Constitutional Construction,” Seattle, Washington, April 1-4,
Participant, American Bar Association Dialogue, “Gun Laws and Policies,” May, 2003.
Published as part of their education program in Focus on Law Studies, Spring 2003.
Panelist, “What Rights Does the Second Amendment Protect? A Scholarly Debate,”
Social Law Library, Boston, April 11, 2003.
“Lessons of History: Firearms Regulation and the Reduction of Crime,” International
Symposium, London, May 1-2, 2003.
Director, 2-day colloquium, “Terror and Liberty in the Early Modern Era,”
Cambridge, April 3-6, 2003.
Commentary for Talking History, National Public Radio program sponsored by
Organization of American Historians, January 31, 2003, aired May 19 and available
to National Public Radio stations throughout the country.
Member, NEH Panel on Exemplary Education Projects, grants of up to $250,000,
January, 2003.
Guest Lecture, “The Roots of the `troubles’ in Ulster,” Irish Literature class, November
18, 2002.
Member, Civilian/Military Relations Working Group, MIT Center for International
Studies, 2002-2003.
“The Novelty of James Madison’s Constitutionalism,” presented at American Political
Science Association annual meeting, Boston, August 31, 2002.
“Disorder in the Court: Charles II’s Court in Exile,” presented at New England Historical
Association Conference, Massachusetts Maritime College, April 20, 2002.
Invited Participant, “Unacceptable Weapons: The Politics and Consequences of Weapon
Use Controversies,” MIT Security Studies Program, Watertown Arsenal, Mass.,
March 19-20, 2002.
Guest Lecture, “Guns, Violence and the Law in England,” Legal Studies Program, Univ.
of Massachusetts, Amherst, November 27, 2001.
Commentator, “Contesting the Limits of Religion in 16
and 17
Century England,”
Northeast Conference on British Studies, Worcester, Mass., November 17, 2001.
Invited Participant, conference, “Prison, Law and Liberty,” Hobart, Tasmania, October,
24-26, 2001.
Director, Colloquium for junior faculty, “War, Loyalty and Liberty,” Park City, Utah,
July, 2001.
Panelist, “The Second Amendment: History, Evidence, and the Constitution,” Stanford
Law School and Stanford Humanities Center, California, April 21, 2001.
Panel, “Legislation or Litigation: Congress, Courts and the Role of Lawyers,” Rhodes
College, Memphis, Tennessee, February, 2001.
“The Constitutionalism of James Madison” at conference in honor of 250
anniversary of
Madison‘s birth, Cato Institute, Washington, D.C., March 1, 2001.
Member, History and Social Science Standards Revision Committee, grades K-12,
Massachusetts Department of Education, 2000-2002.
“One Strike and You’re Out: The Impact of the Black Act on Violent Crime in
England,” American Society for Legal History, Princeton, October, 2000.
“The English Revolution in World Perspective,” The Historical Society Conference,
Boston, June 2000.
Commentator, “New Directions in Parliamentary History,” North American Conference
On British Studies, Cambridge, MA, November, 1999.
Joint-director with Prof. Howard Nenner of Smith College, colloquium, “Regicide,
Republic and Liberty: The Trial and Execution of Charles I, “ Amherst, MA, January
28-31, 1999.
“The Missing Mob, or Why Charles I Was Not Rescued,” paper presented to North
American Conference on British Studies, Cambridge, MA, November, 1999.
“The Vanishing Right of Self-Defence in England,” annual conference American Society
of Criminology, Washington, D.C., November, 1998. Also chaired a panel.
Expert witness before US Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution, September 23, 1998.
Regularly review applications for NEH grants.
Director with Dr. John Morrill, Cambridge University, colloquium, “Liberty and the
Struggle for Sovereignty in Seventeenth-Century England,” Southwold, England,
October 30-November 2, 1997.
“The Link between Firearms and Violence: The English Example,” presented at
American Society of Criminology, San Diego, November, 1997.
Chair, Panel, “Peripheries and Center in the Making of 17
and 18
Politics,” Northeast Conference on British Studies, Dartmouth, September, 1997.
“Private Arms: The Legacy and the Challenge,” guest speaker, Scottish European
Association, Brussels, March, 1997.
“The Right to Be Armed: The Anglo-American Experience,” Free University of
Brussels, March, 1997.
“War and Law,” a survey of warfare and the laws of war from the fourteenth century to
the present including the changes in who fights, technology, sense of honor,
treatment of civilians and prisoners-of-war, impact on society.
“Comparative Constitutional Law”
“Constitutional History”
“Common Law and American Rights”
“Irish History: From St. Patrick to `The Troubles’”
“The Minute Men and Their World”
“Comparative Politics: The US and Great Britain”
“The Individual and the State: The Struggle for Sovereignty”
“The Politics of Crime and Violence”
“The Origins and Development of Judicial Review”
“The Evolution of the State: Early Modern Europe”