Evolving Finite-State Machines Controllers for the Simulated Car Racing
Bruno H. F. Macedo
Gabriel F. P. Araujo
Gabriel S. Silva
Matheus C. Crestani
Yuri B. Galli
Guilherme N. Ramos
Faculty of Technology, University of Bras
ılia, Brazil
Department of Computer Science, University of Bras
ılia, Brazil
Autonomous vehicles have many practical applications, but the de-
velopment of software controllers for such use has several difficul-
ties. This work presents a finite state-machine model with evolved
parameters as a suitable solution for a self-driving car, an approach
that enables a clear division of behaviors in states, providing an
easy way to test different configurations and simplifying the search
for better controllers by allowing changes only in selected states.
A 5-state and a 3-state drivers were evolved through genetic algo-
rithm, and a learning module developed to improve their behaviors.
These were compared to each other and to AUTOPIA, the current
state of the art controller for the Simulated Car Racing Champi-
onship, using The Open Racing Car Simulator. Results showed that
the proposed model has potential for racing, besting one of AU-
TOPIAs qualifying marks, and provide insights on developing and
configuring the model.
Keywords: finite-state machine, genetic algorithm, TORCS, sim-
ulated car racing
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1 Introduction
Recent history has seen an increasing amount of resources and
scientific research being applied to the automation of day to day
tasks [Terzic et al. 2008; Bejczy 2012]. One of the more desirable
goals is the advent of self-driving cars, which should drive safely
and efficiently, within traffic laws [Carbaugh et al. 1997; Barth
et al. 2013], improving on the current issues of traffic in urban roads
by aiming at shorter response times, better fuel consumption, and
lower levels of pollution. Such drivers, however, face several diffi-
cult challenges such as perception, navigation and control [Luettel
et al. 2012].
Besides the complexity of executing the task, the process of de-
veloping driving algorithms is also complicated since testing is a
frequent necessity and real driving systems are expensive. Creating
and testing solutions can be aided by realistic car racing simulators
which can closely simulate the roads, other vehicles, and their com-
plex interactions [Caldeira et al. 2013]. Such software tools also
present a well defined environment which may be used not only
for applications of machine learning results, such as neuroevolu-
tion [Cardamone et al. 2010] or human pose recognition [Shotton
et al. 2011], but also for comparing Artificial Intelligence (AI) so-
lutions for specific problems such as path planning [de Freitas et al.
2012], controlling human non-playable character [Lucas 2008], car
racing [Loiacono et al. 2010], among others.
The Open Racing Car Simulator (TORCS) is a modern, modular,
highly-portable multi-player, multi-agent car simulator [Wymann
et al. 2014], one of the most advanced racing games available, and
frequently used as a platform for comparing driver solutions in the
Simulated Car Racing (SCR) Championship [Loiacono et al. 2010;
Loiacono 2012]. TORCS/SCR controllers handle a car through
an sensor/actuator interface, similar to the ones used in real au-
tonomous vehicles, albeit much simpler. This abstraction resembles
how the robot Stanley [Thrun et al. 2006] handled itself to become
the first winner of the DARPA Challenge for autonomous driving
cars. This paper uses a finite-state machine (FSM) controller to ex-
ploit the advantages of a divide-and-conquer approach by consid-
ering the task’s various situations as distinct states (racing, getting
back on track, etc.).
FSM is a well-known mathematical model with widespread ap-
plications such as controlling air conditioning systems [Bernaden
1999], highway surveillance systems [HyunKim et al. 2013], and
even simulated car racing [Perez et al. 2009]. Such solutions are im-
plemented as software and configured according to a specified set
of parameters, and defining the best possible configuration is usu-
ally a huge combinatorial problem for which exhaustive systematic
searches become unfeasible.
Several machine learning approaches have been applied to this
issue (heuristic algorithms [Quadflieg et al. 2014], evolutionary
algorithms [Nallaperuma et al. 2014], modular fuzzy architec-
tures [Onieva et al. 2012], sensory-to-motor couplings [Butz and
onneker 2009], among others). One of the most successful opti-
mization methods is Genetic Algorithm (GA), which has been ap-
plied to a myriad of problems such as non-linear systems identifica-
tion [Wang et al. 2003], biomedicine prosthesis development [Wang
et al. 2009], agent behavior forecasting [Bharathi et al. 2007], im-
proving classifiers [Pedrycz and Succi 2005], and others.
This work uses a GA for searching for optimal parameter settings
for the proposed FSM based driver, using TORCS as test bed. The
rest of this paper is structured as follows: Section 2 introduces the
TORCS/SCR, finite-state machines, and Genetic Algorithms con-
cepts involved; Section 3 details the proposed controller model.
Section 4 describes the evaluation and validation process; and Sec-
tion 5 presents concluding remarks.
2 Related Work
Scientific research has been enormously aided by the evolution of
simulators, which greatly simplify and reduce initial development
costs. These tools have been widely used in several areas, such
as medical education [Zhang et al. 2007], aiding decision mak-
ing [Levy et al. 2002], aviation industry [Duncan and Feterle 2000],
and automotive research and development [Xue et al. 2011]. In the
field of Machine Learning (ML), simulations are specially helpful
for training and learning through experimentation.
Advanced car simulators model several elements of a vehicular dy-
namics, including inertia, suspension types, differentials, friction,
aerodynamics, and others [Wymann et al. 2014]. These models
represent an approximation of real systems, and the differences be-
tween model and real system results that stems from the simplifi-
cations made have to be considered [Whitton and Moseley 2012],
so these tools cannot completely replace experimentation on ac-
tual cars. However, current simulators provide such realistic expe-
riences, and enable a simpler, faster way to experiment that they are
ideal for the initial development phase.
The Open Racing Car Simulator
is a platform that is renowned for
its highly credible physics modeling engine and yet user-friendly
interface with very customizable environment for car racing simu-
lations [Loiacono et al. 2013; Wymann et al. 2014], and has widely
SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2015 | ISSN: 2179-2259
Computing Track – Full Papers
XIV SBGames – Teresina – PI – Brazil, November 11th - 13th, 2015
used in AI research for developing and comparing solutions [Loia-
cono et al. 2010]. It considers factors such as collision, traction,
aerodynamics, and fuel consumption; and provides several circuits,
vehicles, and controllers [Loiacono et al. 2010; Loiacono 2012],
enabling all kinds of possible in-game situations. Additionally, it
is open source, with an active community, making it possible to
suggest modifications of its source code (and encouraging them) to
better suit specific needs. It has been used as a standard platform
for simulated racing since 2007 [Loiacono 2012].
TORCS tracks
differ in categorization according to the surface
they simulate, and there are three types available: road, with asphalt
surface in wide variety of environments; oval, which also have as-
phalt but are generally wider and have smoother curves than road;
and dirt, which are usually short and bumpy tracks with dirt or ice
surfaces. Each type has its own characteristics that influence the dy-
namics of the cars and the necessary driver abilities during a race.
There are also several cars available
, each with its specific weight,
suspension, differentials, tires, aerodynamic and other proper-
ties [Wymann et al. 2014]. The AI controllers available with
TORCS are called robots, and they are linked to the game engine
and have access to its internal model. External drivers are called
controllers, and can these can be dynamically linked to the game
engine, like the robots, or communicate through the SCR interface.
The Simulated Car Racing Championship is a competition between
controllers built on TORCS [Loiacono et al. 2013]. It was the
first simulated car racing championship organized as a joined event
of major scientific conferences: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation, the ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference, and the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelli-
gence and Games [Loiacono et al. 2010], and has been accepted by
researchers as suitable platform for evaluation and comparison of
controllers [Wymann et al. 2014].
Controllers are ranked according to performance during the cham-
pionship, which consists of several races on different tracks di-
vided into legs, spread through the conferences [Loiacono et al.
2010]. Each race has three stages: warm-up, where the controllers
race alone on the track before being evaluated (to encourage on-
line learning); qualifying, where the driver races alone for a fixed
amount of time; and the main race, where the best controllers in
the previous stage race against each other and are scored using the
Formula 1 point system
The software for SCR extends the TORCS architecture by structur-
ing it as a clientserver application, incorporating real time process-
ing, and physically separating the driver code and the race server
through a sensors/actuators model abstraction layer [Loiacono et al.
2010]. These changes provide an even more interesting environ-
ment for researchers, they enable any kind of controller implemen-
tation (as long as it can communicate via UDP connections) and
define a clear abstract sensor/actuator interface between controller
and simulated car, which can be easily adapted for testing the con-
troller with a different simulator or even a real car.
Car control is based on the drivers perceptions and the available
actions; inputs are data about the car status (gear, fuel level, etc.),
the race status (lap time, distance raced, etc.), and car surroundings
(track borders, obstacles, etc.); outputs are steering, acceleration
and breaking, gear. There are 19 range finders available, these pro-
vide distance readings between the car axis and the track and their
configuration can be customized by the developer. Further details
for sensor and actuators are presented in the Simulated Car Rac-
ing Championship Competition Software Manual [Loiacono et al.
SCR controllers have been developed using several AI techniques,
such as neural networks, fuzzy logic, potential fields, and genetic
algorithms [Loiacono 2012]. In the competition, the race tracks
are unknown and several drivers incorporate machine learning pro-
cedures to improve their performance in the Championship [Loia-
cono et al. 2010], attempting to not only develop a controller that
can handle tracks with diverse characteristics, but exploiting the in-
formation available during the stages. These procedures can essen-
tially be online, which learn by moving about the environment and
observing the results, or offline, which learn solely by simulating
actions within an internal model [Mitchell 1997].
Several approaches to implementing a controller have taken part
in SCR, including imitating the human behavior [Cardamone et al.
2009; Muoz et al. 2010]. Mr. Racer, which won the last three cham-
pionships (2011 to 2013), employs several heuristics and black-box
optimization methods in a a modular structure in order to repro-
duce human-like mechanisms [Quadflieg et al. 2014], and applies
a Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), to
evolve parameters offline.
In the GECCO leg of the 2013 competition
, AUTOPIAs perfor-
mance stood out from the other competitors. It implements a fuzzy
architecture with gear, steering and speed control modules which
are optimized offline by a genetic algorithm and an online learning
mechanism for landmarking lane exit points to avoid leaving the
track [Onieva et al. 2012].
Not surprisingly, many participants use combinations of offline
and online learning, as well as a modular approach to implement-
ing them [Loiacono et al. 2010; Perez et al. 2009; Cardamone
et al. 2009]. Modularity may advance development and optimiza-
tion by allowing parts of the controller to be improved indepen-
dently[Quadflieg et al. 2014; Onieva et al. 2009], or to separate
driving behaviors and work on them separately.
2.2 Finite-State Machines
One of the most simple and intuitive models for implementing dif-
ferent behaviors is a finite-state machine, a model which views a
system as a black box with a number of inputs and outputs with a
finite number of possible states, of which it can be in only one at
any given instant [Belzer 1992]. FSMs have been widely used in AI
application [Millington and Funge 2006], mostly due to its inher-
ent characteristics of flexibility, modularity, and intuitive behavior,
among others [Buckland 2005].
States are usually implemented with hard-coded rules concerning
a specific situation [Buckland 2005], which in turn demands small
amounts of processor time, and can be easily implemented in dif-
ferent manners. The different driving behaviors can then be coded
in parallel with less effort, and easily translated into different states
of a FSM. Such approach has successfully been used in SCR [Loia-
cono et al. 2010; Perez et al. 2009].
The proper configuration of states and transitions, however, are a
more complex problem. Several possible solutions exist to solve
this, from a hard coded approach bases on trial and error to different
machine learning techniques (or the composition of both).
2.3 Genetic Algorithms
GAs are a particular kind of genetic optimization mechanism, in-
spired by evolutionary algorithms from Darwin’s theory of natural
selection [Holland 1984]. They are probabilistic search procedures
designed to work on large spaces [Goldberg and Holland 1988],
and have been successfully applied in many areas such as non-
linear systems identification [Wang et al. 2003], prosthesis develop-
ment [Wang et al. 2009], economic dispatch [Bharathi et al. 2007],
neuroevolution [Stanley et al. 2005], data classifiers [Pedrycz and
Succi 2005], and others.
This well-known approach works by generating successor solutions
by repeatedly mutating and recombining parts of the best currently
known solutions, replacing a fraction of the population by off-
spring [Mitchell 1997]. This is interesting because it works with
little information on the problem’s domain, the only requirements
related specifically to the problem are a representation of a solution
for it and a means for evaluating it’s quality (fitness).
SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2015 | ISSN: 2179-2259
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XIV SBGames – Teresina – PI – Brazil, November 11th - 13th, 2015
In the context of a simulated self-driving car controller, a solution
can be seen as a representation of some of the driver’s parameters
(or configurations) and the fitness a measure of its performance,
considering speed, safety, fuel consumption, or whatever is the de-
veloper’s interest. Considering SCR, the fitness depends on the
stage of the competition; in warm-up it could be anything from dis-
tance raced or average speed to the amount of information gathered
from the track to be used in the following stages, which have their
own metrics. In the qualifying stage, fitness should be the distance
driven during the given simulation time as that is what defines the
participants to the race. In the race, though the winner gets more
points, several other factors must be considered into play, such as
average speed, car damage, and opponents position (and points in
the Championship).
3 FSMDriver
Driving a car can be intuitively divided into several behaviors, and
thus provide a straightforward implementation as a finite-state ma-
chine model. Such model’s configuration parameters can be op-
timized through a genetic algorithm, and the TORCS/SCR plat-
form provides a standard measure of driver quality, while its sen-
sor/actuator interface enables it to be readily replaced by actual
robotic prototypes (or other more advanced simulators) for fur-
ther testing. This work proposes to use these ideas for evolving
a controller for a car, the FSMDriver, as one more step towards
autonomous vehicles.
3.1 Driving Behaviors
A state in the FSM model considered here defines a racing be-
havior, deciding the driver’s output solely based on the given sensor
input (a Moore machine [Ajzerman et al. 1971]). The FSM imple-
ments a transition function that, at every game tick, analyzes the
sensor inputs, as defined by SCR’s interface, and decides which
state best represents the current situation, triggering a change in
states if necessary. The current state then processes the sensor read-
ings and defines the proper actuator outputs according to its imple-
Intuitively, a single Driving state could be a definite solution for
such FSM model, but self-driving cars are obviously involved in
several distinct situations, each of which could be translated into a
state and, if possible, developed independently from the others. Not
only does this approach make it easier to develop and test changes,
it also enables parallel implementation.
Considering TORCS/SCR as the testing environment, it is clear that
two antagonistic situations which require specific behaviors exist:
Racing, for situations where the car is in “proper” racing condi-
tions, and Recovery, for when it is in such situation that distinct
actions are required to return to the racing conditions. These can be
further divided into the more specific behaviors for implementation:
Straight Line: for racing straight ahead;
Curve: for racing through a curve;
Out of Track: for recovering from leaving the track or facing
the wrong direction; and
Stuck: for recovering from being unable to move forward.
Each of these states implements its racing policies as follows.
Straight Line attempts to go as fast as possible parallel to
the track axis by accelerating at full throttle, and changing gears
according to RPM thresholds. Curve steers towards the direction
towards the track sensor with the largest reading (see Figure 1a)
with 60% throttle, braking in case it starts to slide in the X axis.
Out of Track attempts to return to the track, facing the right
direction, adjusting its speed and steering according to its current
orientation concerning the track (see Figure 1b). Stuck tries to
get unstuck by using the reverse gear and hard steering for a limited
amount of game ticks and then switching to Out of Track or a
Racing state.
The transition function for this FSMDriver, presented in Algo-
rithm 1, is quite intuitive. The car is considered stuck if it can
only move in a very slow speed or not at all for some duration,
it is considered inside the track by direct sensors reading and in a
curve if the readings from the range finders in both sides are not too
Algorithm 1 FSMDriver Transition
if car is stuck then
state Stuck
if car is inside track then
if car is in curve then
state Curve
state Straight Line
end if
state Out of Track
end if
end if
Initially, random configurations for the states’ parameters were set
and manually adjusted until an acceptable behavior was achieved,
i.e. such a configuration in which a car could successfully com-
plete a race. In the beginning, the Recovery states (Out of
Track and Stuck) were constantly triggered, and therefore were
first to be adjusted for improved behavior. Eventually their settings
were such that the Racing behaviors could be focused on. These
too were manually and arbitrarily set through trial and error, consid-
ering the driver’s performance (time and damage) and skill (visual
analysis of tests).
After several iterations, this model performed better than some of
the less capable robots available in TORCS, showcasing the FSM-
Driver’s potential for controlling a car.
3.2 FSMDriver5
Initial tests showed that transitioning from Straight Line to
Curve was too swift, hampering performance because the car
consistently entered curves at such high speeds that the controller
was unable to turn and exited the track, so the additional behavior
Approaching Curve was implemented.
Approaching Curve positions the driver towards the outside
of the incoming curve and tries to race at a speed proportional to
the curvature, so less braking would be necessary in Curve. Thus,
a 5-state FSMDriver model (FSMDriver5, illustrated in Figure 2a)
was ready for testing. The range sensors were arbitrarily configured
at every 10 degrees from 90 to 90 relative to the car’s front axis
(that is, a uniform distribution from the left to the right of the car),
as shown in Figure 2b.
Sensor readings provide an the controller’s perception of the car’s
position of location in the track and, since Straight Line aims
to drive parallel to the central axis of the track, the changes in how
the range finders’ input are spread out around their mean value can
be used to switch between states because the difference between
frontal and lateral sensors is larger when driving in a straight line
than in a curve. This variance of the readings is computed as fol-
variance =
] (1)
where RF
is the input from the i-th range finder and µ is the mean
value of all such readings. The resulting value is considered in the
transition function to define the current state of the Racing behav-
ior, as described in Algorithm 2.
After several iterations adjusting the configurations, this model also
had an acceptable performance. However, testing also revealed that
SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2015 | ISSN: 2179-2259
Computing Track – Full Papers
XIV SBGames – Teresina – PI – Brazil, November 11th - 13th, 2015
(a) Sensor input in Curve. (b) Angle between car and track axis in Out of Track.
Figure 1: Range finders readings for FSMDriver model.
(a) States and transitions. (b) Range finders configuration.
Figure 2: FSMDriver5 model.
Algorithm 2 FSMDriver5 Transition
if car is stuck then
state Stuck
if variance is in Straight Line thresholds and the cur-
rent state is not Straight Line then
state Straight Line
else if variance is not in Approaching Curve thresholds
and current state is not Curve then
state Approaching Curve
else if variance is in Approaching Curve thresholds
and current state is not Approaching Curve then
state Approaching Curve
else if variance > 0 then
state Curve
state Out of Track
end if
end if
the transitions between states required were the bottleneck for im-
proved racing. Not only some of the triggers needed a more detailed
analysis to avoid eventual erratic behavior, but the sheer number
parameters considered for transitioning, each with its triggers (see
Figure 2a), and their impact on the model’s behavior during a com-
plete race caused the whole model to be thought over.
Analyzing FSMDriver5’s transitions occurrences within a race, it
was clear that the Recovery behavior had two distinct situa-
tions, which were acceptably handled by the current configura-
tion, and that the major issue was frequent triggering between the
Racing states, which inevitably resulted in the car leaving the
track and jeopardizing its performance.
3.3 FSMDriver3
To reduce the model’s complexity, and considering the intuitive
division of behaviors proposed, a new model where the defined
Recovery behaviors were maintained and the Racing behaviors
were joined into a new state called Inside Track. Figure 3a
illustrates this FSMDriver3 model.
Recovery, though essential for championship disputes, rarely oc-
curred after FSMDriver5 the accepted initial configuration (through
trial and error). The new Racing state implements a very straight-
forward idea, accelerate to an arbitrary target speed towards the
largest open space inside track limits, including both the straight
and the curved portions of the track. The target speed is propor-
tional to the largest sensor reading, and braking is activated if the
current speed is greater than the target speed. Gear changing works
based on RPM threshold as in FSMDriver5.
In order to have more detailed information on track segment straight
ahead, which will guide the movement, more range finders are
placed in front of the car in a uniform distribution (as shown in
Figure 3b), contrasting with FSMDriver5’s equidistant placement.
This different approach to driving lead to a reimplementation of the
transition function, as shown in Algorithm 3:
The new transition dismisses the computation of the variance and
is clearly more intuitive. Initially, configurations resembling FSM-
Driver5’s parameters were set and manually adjusted until a behav-
ior similar to the original driver was achieved. As expected, this
SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2015 | ISSN: 2179-2259
Computing Track – Full Papers
XIV SBGames – Teresina – PI – Brazil, November 11th - 13th, 2015
(a) States and transitions. (b) Range finders configuration.
Figure 3: FSMDriver3 model.
Algorithm 3 FSMDriver3 Transition
if car is stuck then
state Stuck
if car is within track limits then
state Inside Track
state Out of Track
end if
end if
process was quicker than for FSMDriver5 and soon a configuration
better than some robots was available.
Considering both FSMDriver3 and FSMDriver5 models as accept-
able drivers, the next step is to define proper configurations as to
have them behave acceptably as racing controllers, maximizing
their performance in the TORCS/SCR environment.
3.4 Offline Learning: Evolving Parameters
To search for an optimal solution, a genetic algorithm was selected
between possible techniques not only due to its successful applica-
tion in similar (and very different) problems, but also because of
its more general nature: only a representation of a solution and a
means to measuring its quality must be specifically defined for the
task. Considering the evolution of the drivers’ parameters, a solu-
tion (or an individual) was represented by a string of bits, which
compose the floating point parameters of the FSMDrivers’ models.
FSMDriver5 has, overall, 22 parameters that need to be specified
in the transition function and states. The function considers 4
threshold values defining 2 intervals, one for identifying the vari-
ance levels for Straight Line and another for Approaching
Curve. Straight Line also considers 4 threshold values, one
for a minimal racing gear, and 3 for identifying RPM values that
indicate when to increase/decrease gear.
Approaching Curve has 3 parameters: a desired position
to enter the upcoming curve (in relation to the track axis), a
lower speed threshold, and a maximum steering value. Out of
Track considers 7 parameters: two angle thresholds defining an
acceptable angle interval for returning to the track, 3 speed thresh-
olds for changing gears, a maximum breaking threshold to avoid
skidding, and decelerating intensity to reduce the speed before en-
tering the curve.
Stuck has 4 parameters, one for defining a starting distance be-
fore considering the car stuck, one for tracking the current speed to
determine if it is still stuck, and two for defining game ticks thresh-
olds, establishing an amount of time to consider before triggering a
transition to this state.
FSMDriver3, on the other hand, has the same 11 for Out of
Track and Stuck as FSMDriver5, and 6 additional for Inside
Track. There is one for a minimal racing gear, 3 for identify-
ing RPM values to increase/decrease gear, one for defining a ratio
between car speed and range finder reading for setting the target
speed, and a base speed value to control brake and acceleration ac-
The solution is then modeled as a string of enough bits to represent
each floating point value for as many parameters as necessary, ac-
cording to the model. The GA also requires a fitness function to
evaluate the solutions, the same for either model. There are several
possibilities (damage taken, similarity to a human driver, etc.), but
his work will focus on the standard metric for SCR: the distance
raced during a fixed time period.
3.5 Online Learning: Staying in Track
An online learning module was included in FSMDriver3 trying to
improve its performance, in an attempt to reduce damage and time
loss for racing out of the track. Whenever the driver enters Out
of Track, the speed and location of this occurrence are recorded
and used in the Racing state. If the speed is over a threshold, the
model assumes the driver has left the track due to excessive speed
and uses this information to slow down the driver in subsequent laps
when approaching the recorded places, trying to remain inside the
This behavior does not interfere with the breaking actions in the
model, but does affect the driver’s performance and, thus, with
the offline learning process. Though any controller can also learn
where it leaves the track (if so), the differences in implementation
of the Racing states in the FSMDrivers considered here are such
that slowing down before the recorded places implies on excessive
additional complexity in FSMDriver5 and, therefore, this learning
module was not implemented for this controller.
SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2015 | ISSN: 2179-2259
Computing Track – Full Papers
XIV SBGames – Teresina – PI – Brazil, November 11th - 13th, 2015
4 Experimental Results
The drivers were developed in C++
and tested in TORCS
and SCR
(v2.1) with the standard car model for SCR: car1-
trb1 [Loiacono et al. 2013]. The experiments’ goals are twofold:
a) compare the performances between the two proposed finite-state
machine models; and b) compare their performance to the current
state-of-the-art AI controller and to a standard TORCS robot.
The FSMDrivers’ parameters are fine tuned through evolution via
genetic algorithm, aiming to improve their racing performances by
changing their values. The GA used standard configurations from
literature, the population size was arbitrarily set as 30 [Grefen-
stette 1986], which leads to 616 generations for a moderate prob-
lem complexity in which the optimal population size was coded as
bitstrings [Rylander 2002]. Selection is done through elitism by
keeping the best 4 individuals from a generation unchanged, and
the other 26 are generated from the best 10 individuals’ reproduc-
tion. This step is done by randomly choosing a pair from the top
10 that are cloned with a 5% chance or generate a pair of offspring
with a 95% probability [Grefenstette 1986]. These offspring are
produced through crossover by partitioning the parents’ bitstrings
at a random position and swapping them. Finally, mutation (a sim-
ple bit flip) is applied to every bit in every individual of these 26
with a 1% probability [Grefenstette 1986].
The fitness of each individual is computed as the distance covered
in the race. The GA communicates with the test platform, simulat-
ing races with the drivers in the desired tracks in TORCS, through
operating system calls to the command line interface and the fitness
communicated through shared memory
The two FSMDriver models had their parameters evolved through
the GA and compared to each other. This considers only the
Racing states, as Out of Track and Stuck are considered
adequate with the manual settings. During this evolution, the learn-
ing module in FSMDriver3 is disabled in order to not interfere with
the learning, and no parameter of this module was included model’s
bitstring representation. To analyze the learning module’s effect,
two instances of the 3-state FSM controller were tested, the FS-
MDriver3+ with it enabled, and disabled in FSMDriver3. When
enabled, the learning module’s threshold speed is arbitrarily set to
85 km/h. All controllers have 5 laps for warm-up, during which
they can adapt to the track, in accordance to the stipulated 2015
Championship rules
Since it is unknown which tracks will be used during the SCR
Championship, a more general and versatile controller is desirable
and, thus, the controllers were evolved considering their perfor-
mance in several tracks types. Three basic driver profiles were de-
sired: a road driver, which should perform well in road and oval
tracks, a dirt driver for dirt roads and a mixed driver, which should
perform well in both types.
For the road driver profile, four road tracks were selected from the
standard TORCS distribution list to compose the training set in the
evolution process. The tracks were arbitrarily selected for certain
features, which might lead to better drivers: Spring, the longest
track available; Wheel 2, with many sharp curves; E-Track 3, a fast
track with sharp curves; and Forza, a fast circuit with smoother
Analogously, four dirt tracks were selected for evolving a dirt pro-
file driver: Dirt 2, Dirt 6, Mixed 1, and Mixed 2, which present
variations of high speed and curve styles. For the mixed driver, two
of each were selected: Spring, Wheel 2, Dirt 2, and Mixed 1.
The best solutions evolved for each profile where then evaluated in a
set of six tracks, different from the ones used before, which present
Code available at https://github.com/bruno147/
Code available at https://github.com/bruno147/
distinct typed, speeds, and curve features for better analysis. These
tracks, shown in Figure 4 and available on the standard TORCS set,
were used in previous SCR Championships [Onieva et al. 2009].
They are two road tracks: Street 1 and CG Speedway 1; one oval
track: D-Speedway; and three dirt tracks: Dirt 1, Dirt 3, and Dirt 4.
4.1 Single Race Results
Table 1 presents the distance covered results for these tests for each
FSMDriver model and profile (best results per track in bold). The
fitness function in this case is the sum of distances covered in all
tracks, considering 10.000 game ticks per track, as per the SCR
rules, so higher values are desirable. The table also includes, for
direct comparison with the current state of the art, results for AU-
TOPIA in three of the same tracks for the same 10.000 game ticks
metric, as presented in [Onieva et al. 2009]. The ‘*’ symbol indi-
cates that the driver does not have data available for the track.
Considering the 5-states FSMDriver in road/oval tracks, it is clear
that the road driver and mixed driver have better results than dirt
driver, since this profile uses road tracks for evaluating individuals
during evolution. Looking at the results for dirt tracks, all profiles
have similar performances except for the dirt driver in Dirt 1. FS-
MDriver5’s road driver and mixed driver are practically equivalent
and at least as good as its dirt driver, and all profiles are quite infe-
rior to the other controllers shown in Table 1.
Looking at FSMDriver3 in road/oval tracks, it is also clear that the
road driver and mixed driver have better results than dirt driver,
as was expected. Considering the results for dirt tracks, mixed
drivers performance was significantly better than the others in Dirt
1 and Dirt 3, but road driver produced the best result in Dirt 4. Vi-
sual analysis of showed that the faster, more aggressive road driver
would leave the track often in Dirt 4s sharper, shorter curves (see
Figure 4f), which lead to it racing a longer distance. Road drivers
result for Street 1 was also the best all around.
FSMDriver3+ profiles (with learning module enabled) also per-
formed as expected in road/oval tracks. For these, FSMDriver3+
had shorter distances than FSMDriver3 for Street 1 (5%) and D-
speedway (18.8%), and a slightly longer for CG Speedway num-
ber 1 (0.7%). This is also expected as the driver learns to slow
down in order to stay in the track. For dirt tracks, FSMDriver3+’s
mixed driver had the best results, better than FSMDriver3 for Dirt
1 (13.9%) and Dirt 3 (18.4%), though worse in Dirt 4 (16.9%).
Comparing the results for road/oval tracks with AUTOPIA
([Onieva et al. 2009]), the current state of the art in SCR, FSM-
Driver3’s road driver was about 11.8% better in Street 1 while
FSMDriver3+ was 6.2% better. In CG Speedway number 1, FS-
MDriver3 and FSMDriver3+ were only 2.5% and 1.8% worse, re-
spectively. In D-speedway, these numbers rise to 15.5% and 31.3%.
Thus, the 3-state FSMDriver model showed potential for competing
on road tracks.
In order to learn more about FSMDriver’s endurance, a new set of
tests using the distance raced in 10 laps as metric was executed,
and the results presented in Table 2. The values represent the time
needed to complete the laps, so lower values are desirable, the
symbol indicates that the driver does not complete the 10 laps
required, and the ‘*’ symbol indicates that the driver does not have
data available for the track.
Table 2 also includes results for the robot Berniw Hist4, provided in
with the TORCS distribution. This was not included in the previous
tests because TORCS only allows a race with the available robots
to run for a given amount of laps (not game ticks). This robot has
intermediate performance, and was arbitrarily chosen from other
robots to provide insights on the controllers performance compared
to a robot’s and to AUTOPIA, as presented in [Onieva et al. 2012].
Direct comparison is not exactly fair because Berniw Hist4 does not
the standard car car1-trb1, it uses the legacy TZ2.
Looking at results for FSMDriver5, only the road driver completed
10 laps in CG Speedway number 1, all other instances had excessive
damage. The 3-state FSMDriver, on the other hand, completed all
track in at least 2 profiles.
SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2015 | ISSN: 2179-2259
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XIV SBGames – Teresina – PI – Brazil, November 11th - 13th, 2015
(a) Street 1 (b) CG Speedway number 1 (c) D-Speedway (d) Dirt 1 (e) Dirt 3 (f) Dirt 4
Figure 4: Test tracks, road tracks (a, b), oval (c), and dirt tracks (d, e, and f) [Wymann et al. 2014].
Table 1: Distance covered (in meters) racing alone for 10.000 game ticks.
Driver Street 1 CG Speedway number 1 D-speedway Dirt 1 Dirt 3 Dirt 4
road 3822.76 4114.66 3427.11 2145.49 2205.97 3260.19
dirt 1267.83 2057.47 2936.82 1072.92 2205.82 3260.33
mixed 3822.99 4114.80 3427.06 2145.75 2205.83 3260.31
road 7925.60 8745.49 13196.50 3978.01 3451.26 6757.83
dirt 5103.41 5093.82 8589.13 3525.84 4905.58 5590.78
mixed 5864.48 8714.58 11694.60 5052.38 4920.32 3797.83
road 7532.93 8804.73 10720.20 3678.89 5199.46 3193.44
dirt 4738.76 5102.92 8197.55 3525.84 4214.30 5057.18
mixed 6780.43 8089.41 10943.10 5752.90 5824.93 5614.62
AUTOPIA [Onieva et al. 2009] 7091.8 8970.4 15612.3 * * *
Table 2: Time elapsed (in seconds) racing alone for 10 laps.
Driver Street 1 CG Speedway number 1 D-speedway Dirt 1 Dirt 3 Dirt 4
road 816.6
road 1086.28 483.17 607.35 1150.09
dirt 1274.81 840.02 597.33 1045.62 1307.52
mixed 1096.95 510.86 612.00 408.57 811.96 2157.95
road 1225.24 484.58 709.74 1108.48
dirt 1658.47 1291.31 915.86 597.33 1055.21 1360.71
mixed 1208.84 534.87 646.68 384.93 939.93 1930.19
Berniw Hist4 1143.77 605.76 656.24 460.95 872.97 1127.45
AUTOPIA [Onieva et al. 2012] * * * 339.3 742.4 796.5
Considering FSMDriver3 in road/oval tracks, it is also clear that the
road driver and mixed driver have better results than dirt driver, as
expected. Considering the results for dirt tracks, mixed drivers per-
formance was significantly better than the others in Dirt 1 and Dirt
3, while dirt driver was almost twice as fast in Dirt 4. Due to the
track’s shape, the mixed drivers more aggressive style makes it fre-
quently leave the track, which leads to the slower Recovery con-
ditions, causing this result.
FSMDriver3+ profiles also performed as expected in road/oval
tracks. For these, FSMDriver3+ required a longer time than FS-
MDriver3 for Street 1 (12.8%) and D-speedway (0.3%), but it did
finish CG Speedway number 1 while FSMDriver3 did not. This is
also expected as the driver learns to avoid leaving the track and,
thus, receive damage. For dirt tracks, FSMDriver3+’s mixed driver
had better than FSMDriver3 for Dirt 1 (5.8%), but worse in Dirt 3
(15.8%) and Dirt 4 (14.1%).
Considering the robot Berniw Hist4, it seems that the 3-state FS-
MDriver is better controller, despite the “handicap” of using SCR’s
interface for driving and not having access to additional information
from the simulator (such as track layout).
Finally, comparing the results for dirt tracks with AUTOPIA
([Onieva et al. 2012]), FSMDriver3’s mixed driver was about
20.4% worse in Dirt 1 while FSMDriver3+ was 13.2%. In Dirt 3,
FSMDriver3 and FSMDriver3+ were only 9.4% and 26.6% worse,
respectively. In Dirt 4, these numbers rise to 170.9% and 142.3%.
4.2 Damages
Table 3 shows the damage results for the 3-state models for analysis
of the learning module. The module produced interesting results in
reducing the damage taken in Street 1, Dirt 1, and Dirt 3 tracks,
suggesting that it indeed has the potential for avoiding it. This is
interesting not only because damage is an important factor for the
pointing system, but also because - in excess - it may lead to the
controller abandoning the race.
Analyzing results for CG Speedway number 1, the learning mod-
ule increases damage in 10.000 game ticks, but decreases it in the
longer 10 lap period. Considering that the difference in racing con-
ditions of FSMDriver3 and FSMDriver3+ (from Tables 1 and 2) is
very small, it may be inferred that the learning module has little
impact on the performance but a significant effect on damage for
longer races, also indicating its potential for improving FSMDriver.
However, results for D-speedway and Dirt 4 show that FSM-
Driver3+ takes a lot more damage than FSMDriver3, showing that
its behavior and effects on the controller must be further investi-
gated. Considering Dirt 4, visual analysis showed that though FS-
MDriver3+ leaves the track more often that its counterpart, this ac-
tually leads to it racing a longer distance, which is the fitness func-
SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2015 | ISSN: 2179-2259
Computing Track – Full Papers
XIV SBGames – Teresina – PI – Brazil, November 11th - 13th, 2015
Table 3: Damage points.
10.000 game ticks 10 Laps
Track Profile FSMDriver3 FSMDriver3+ FSMDriver3 FSMDriver3+
Street 1
road 1629 505 6510 4188
dirt 202 903 8778 8279
mixed 167 80 3051 2202
CG Speedway number 1
road 5 0 5 0
dirt 247 344 5826 1118
mixed 0 0 0 1009
road 2 348 1001 4447
dirt 1 1 1 715
mixed 1 1 1 1
Dirt 1
road 4083 798 10044 10796
dirt 764 764 2677 2677
mixed 3217 37 7042 62
Dirt 3
road 947 412 4050 2870
dirt 48 44 577 545
mixed 585 155 2966 2064
Dirt 4
road 911 7098 1048 10382
dirt 0 63 454 2220
mixed 2407 3507 2542 3678
4.3 Analysis
As expected, the controllers evolved on road/oval tracks were
fastest. dirt tracks provide a more difficult environment, sudden
braking often results in unwanted behavior, skidding is noticeably
more common then. The controllers evolved in this end of the evo-
lution process tends to drive in lower speeds to stay within track
boundaries. Mixed drivers tend to evolve some of the faster, reck-
less behavior for road driver, while keeping some of the carefulness
of a dirt driver, producing intermediate results.
Though the FSMDriver5 configuration proposed seems intuitively
correct, the performance - obviously - dependent which states are
activated during the race, and, thus, how these states were handled
in the evolution process. A more detailed analysis of race logs in-
dicate that the parameters in the transition function, which define
the current state, are very susceptible to the inputs, resulting in sev-
eral changes in the states which greatly impacts the evolution of
the states’ parameters and, consequently, of those in the function.
By having multiple states acting inside the track the 5-state model
struggles to define the boundaries of different typed of track seg-
ments, and mismatching between perceived and actual states would
often cause the car to leave the track.
This suggests a different approach to development, such as adjust-
ing one state at a time (independently) and then the transition func-
tion or augmenting the FSM from a successful 3-state configura-
tion. Additionally, the variance approach is also very sensitive to
the car’s position at the moment, implying that a different, more
robust metric for establishing the type of track segment the car is
in should be pursued. Another possibility, since the search space is
larger than FSMDriver3’s, is to increase the number of individuals
and/or generations in the genetic algorithm’s configurations.
Considering the 3-state model, it was seen that it quickly achieved
an intermediate level performance in TORCS (compared to FSM-
Driver5 and Berniw Hist4). The less complex finite state machine
model is more compatible with the tested optimization method,
since it has a 23% smaller search space and with the simpler tran-
sition function, which enables completely independent evolution of
the states.
Considering the 10.000 game ticks results, the learning module
produces slightly slower drivers, but both FSMDriver3 and FSM-
Driver3+ had interesting results in all tracks tested, and they bested
AUTOPIAs qualifying mark for Street 1. This is very significant
because it implies that FSMDriver could qualify to the SCR Cham-
pionship’s racing stage (after the qualifying stage) ahead of the cur-
rent state of the art.
Analyzing the results for 10 laps, FSMDriver5 has obviously poor
driving skills for longer races, taking excessive damage and being
unable to complete any. The 3-state models, on the other hand were
able to finish the all tracks. FSMDriver3+ finished Street 1 while
FSMDriver3 did not, which could indicate that the learning module
produces a more careful driver that takes less damage, prolonging
its endurance (a desired feature during the race stage). In these
tests, AUTOPIA was clearly a better driver than the others, despite
not having supremacy in the qualifying.
A visual comparison between FSMDriver and AUTOPIA in a sim-
ulation using TORCS graphical interface revealed that AUTOPIAs
brake, acceleration and recovery policies are better than the ones
achieved with FSMDriver. AUTOPIA barely leaves and track and
is more stable in curves in dirt tracks.
4.4 SCRC 2015
The evolved FSMDriver3+ was submitted to the Simulated Car
Racing Championship 2015 leg, as part of GECCO 2015, under
the name Need4SS
. It performed surprisingly well for such early
stage of development, coming in second place in a few races and
obtaining 144 points in the Noisy Mode Race Stage - only 4 points
behind the 2nd runner up SnakeOil.
5 Conclusions
Self-driving cars are one of the most interesting promises of tech-
nology, but the process of developing a software controller is com-
plex and expensive. Advanced car racing simulators present a well
defined environment for developing such drivers and comparing Ar-
tificial intelligence solutions, and The Open Racing Car Simula-
tor/Simulated Car Racing Championship platforms have been suc-
cessfully used to this end.
This work presented two versions of finite-state machine con-
trollers, an interesting approach that clearly breaks the task into
distinct, independent behaviors (states), facilitating testing differ-
ent configurations and simplifying the search for better configura-
tions. This search was executed by applying a genetic algorithm
with default configurations found in the literature to evolve the con-
trollers’ parameters in the proposed models. The evolved controller
was submitted to the 2015 Simulated Car Racing Championship
and finished in 4th place.
Experimental results showed that profiling the evolution process ac-
cording to the track type has significant impact on the performance.
The 5-state model had an overly complex implementation, in which
the transition function hampered the evolution of the states param-
eters. The 3-state controller had a simple, intuitive model which
SBC – Proceedings of SBGames 2015 | ISSN: 2179-2259
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XIV SBGames – Teresina – PI – Brazil, November 11th - 13th, 2015
was performed well in races, surpassing one of AUTOPIAs marks
which could result in it qualifying ahead of the current state of the
art in SCR Championship’s racing stage.
The learning module potentially leads to better drivers when dam-
age is a concern, with small impact on the performance. However,
its behavior handling sharper curves needs further investigation.
Other ways to improve the controllers endurance are longer periods
in the fitness function and integration of harsher brake policies or
path planning to avoid the car leaving the track. Additionally, a bet-
ter breaking system, such as anti-lock breaking system or traction
control system, could lead to improved performance by reducing
skidding and providing more stable breaking and curve handling.
Considering the offline learning, different techniques could be in-
vestigated and compared to the GAs results. The genetic algorithm
could also be improved through a fine tuning of its parameters, and
a less general approach to representing a solution for the model (re-
placing floating point representations by parameter specific ones),
or even incorporating fuzzy logic to handle ordering issues with
some parameters could simply solve this ordering issue.
Finally, further development on handling opponents must be pur-
sued as focus must be set on developing skills for the racing stage
of the championship, specially for dealing with opponents.
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