to the recommendations of the Office of the Auditor General Report on An Inclusive Public Service for Racialized Employees
OAG Recommendation
Departmental Response
Description of
Final Expected Outcome/Result
Key Interim Milestones
Organization/ Point
of Contact
(Name, Position, Tel
The Treasury Board of
Canada Secretariat should
provide guidance and share
best practices that will help
organizations establish
performance indicators to
measure and report on
equity and inclusion
outcomes in the federal
public service. This should
include at minimum
a common set of
measurable indicators
that use reliable survey,
organizational human
resources, and other
indicators that show
comparative results at
the racialized employee
group and subgroup
levels against results
for non-racialized
Agree. In support of deputy heads, the
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
will provide guidance and share best
practices, based on reliable survey and
organizational human resources data,
that will help organizations establish a
common set of performance indicators
to measure and report on equity and
inclusion outcomes in the federal public
service in 2024.
The Treasury Board of Canada
Secretariat will also support
organizations in their efforts to
compare the experience of racialized
employees with comparative groups,
on the basis of available data through
implementation of a modernized
approach to self-identification in 2024.
In response to the President of the Treasury Board’s
mandate letter commitment on disaggregated data,
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) has
collected, collated and published additional workforce
employment equity data, both quantitative and
qualitative, on Canada.ca via its websites and data
visualization tools.
TBS has provided guidance and best practices to help
organizations establish performance indicators to
measure and report on equity and inclusion outcomes in
the federal public service using existing data sources.
This guidance and best practices would be
communicated through:
a message from Treasury Board of Canada
Secretariat’s Chief Human Resources Officer
to deputy heads;
an information session with their Designated
Senior Officials on Employment Equity,
Diversity and Inclusion and/or their heads of
Human Resources.
TBS has added or made reference to existing questions
to measure equity and inclusion in the Public Service
Employee Survey.
TBS has enabled organizations to adopt a new
modernized self-identification questionnaire.
TBS has provided guidance to organizations on how to
compare racialized employees with comparative groups
on the basis of available data through implementation of
a modernized self-identification questionnaire.
TBS has promoted the use of the Maturity Model on
Diversity and Inclusion self-assessment tool, which has
been developed with equity-seeking groups to help
departments identify their level of maturity related to
diversity and inclusion and determine the tangible
actions they can take to improve and monitor progress.
March 2025
Early 2024 The Chief Human
Resources Officer sends a
letter to inform deputy heads of
TBS’s actions in response to
the OAG’s recommendations.
By May 2024 TBS sends a
message to organizations with
guidance and best practices
that will help them establish
performance indicators based
on existing data sources.
By October 2024 TBS
delivers an information session
on data sources to officials
from organizations (for
example, Designated Senior
Officials on Employment
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
and/or the Heads of Human
By December 2024 launch of
modernized approach to self-
identification which
organizations can adopt.
By March 2025 - TBS sends a
message to organizations with
guidance on how to use self-
identification data to compare
the experience of racialized
employee with that of other
comparative groups.
Natasha Parriag,
Executive Director,
People and Culture
Sector, 613618-
Nicolino Frate,
Executive Director,
Strategic Directions
and Digital Solutions
All 6 organizations,
supported by the Treasury
Board of Canada
Secretariat, should examine
their existing complaint
resolution processes and
ensure that they specifically
address instances of racism
in the workplace and that
complaints are received and
managed by professionals
trained and experienced in
the area of racism.
Agree. The Treasury Board of
Canada Secretariat will support the
6 organizations in examining their
existing complaints resolution
processes and ensure they
specifically address instances of
racism in the workplace, and that
complaints are received and
managed by professionals trained
and experienced in the area of
racism by March 2026.
Additionally, as part the of the
2021-2022 round of collective
agreements signed with the Public
Service Alliance of Canada, the
TBS has provided support by reviewing draft reports of
the 6 organizations that reviewed their employee
complaint resolution processes to ensure that they
address instances of racism.
TBS has shared best practices for employee complaint
resolution processes identified by organizations with
Heads of HR across the federal public service.
March 2026
March 2024 TBS will provide
support to the 6 organizations
as they initiate their review of
their complaint resolution
processes to ensure they
address instances of racism.
December 2024 TBS will
provide support to the 6
organizations by reviewing their
draft reports following their
review of their complaint
resolution processes to ensure
they address racism by inviting
them to submit a report and
Natasha Parriag,
Executive Director,
People and Culture
Sector, 613618-
Charles Vézina,
Executive Director,
Employee Relations
Total Compensation
Sector, 613-808-
Employer and the bargaining agent
jointly committed to a review of the
employment equity, diversity and
inclusion training courses available
to public service employees with a
view to identify eventual gaps and
improve the promotion of training
opportunities. Once the joint
committee work is completed, the
findings will be leveraged to ensure
Treasury Board policies and
Treasury Board Secretariat
recommendations to the core public
administration support the
prevention and resolution of racism
in the workplace.
An inventory of employment equity, diversity and
inclusion training courses with potential gaps identified
in the inventory with options to address them.
TBS has promoted available employment equity
diversity and inclusion training courses to employees
who are responsible for receiving and managing
offering guidance on the
June 2025 TBS will distribute
to Heads of HR a best
practices compendium.
Fall 2023 setting up of the
TBS-Public Service Alliance of
Canada (PSAC) joint review
committee membership and
governance, as part of the
MOU between PSAC and TBS.
December 2023 - first meetings
of the Joint TBS-PSAC Review
on Employment Equity,
Diversity and Inclusion Training
and Informal Conflict
Management Systems.
Fall 2024 Joint review
committee will complete its
work and share it with
principals of the Joint Review.
December 2024 TBS will
share relevant findings on
training gaps with Heads of HR.
Spring 2025 - TBS will monitor
existing policies and the
supports for their
implementation (for example
guidance, training) to ensure
that they support the prevention
and resolution of racism in the
All 6 organizations,
supported by the Treasury
Board of Canada
Secretariat, should collect
and analyze information
gathered through complaint
resolution processes to
identify root causes of
disadvantage for racialized
employees. Analysis of this
information should
contribute to preventing and
resolving racism in the
Agree. The Treasury Board of Canada
Secretariat will support the 6
organizations in collecting and
analyzing information gathered through
complaints resolution processes to
identify root causes of disadvantage for
racialized employee in the workplace
by March 2026. The Treasury Board of
Canada Secretariat will ensure
racialized employee networks are
consulted in the process.
The Treasury Board of Canada
Secretariat will share harassment
prevention best practices with heads of
human resources of the federal public
service on an ongoing basis during the
analysis period.
Pursuant to Budget 2023, the Treasury
Board of Canada Secretariat is
developing a restorative engagement
program to support employees who
have suffered harassment and
discrimination and to drive cultural
change in the public service. In Fall
TBS has provided support by reviewing the
departmental draft reports of the 6 organizations that
reviewed their employee complaint resolution processes
to ensure they address instances of racism.
A compendium of information gathered by TBS from
organizations through complaint resolution processes
identifying root causes of disadvantage for racialized
employees in the workplace.
TBS has shared this information with Heads of HR of
the federal public service to contribute to preventing and
resolving racism in the workplace.
TBS has shared harassment prevention best practices
with Heads of HR of the federal public service.
March 2026
March 2024 TBS will provide
support to the 6 organizations
as they initiate the collection
and analysis of information
gathered through their
complaint resolution processes
to identify root causes of
disadvantage for racialized
employees in the workplace.
December 2024 TBS will
support the 6 organizations to
complete their review of the
information gathered through
their complaint resolution
processes to identify root
causes by inviting them to
submit a report and offering
guidance on the reports.
May 2025 TBS will distribute
to Heads of HR the
compendium of information on
harassment prevention and
resolution as it pertains to root
causes of disadvantage for
racialized employees.
Charles Vézina,
Executive Director,
Employee Relations
Total Compensation
Sector, 613-808-
Thérese Ngo
Executive Director
Employee Relations
and Total
2023, the Treasury Board of Canada
Secretariat intends to engage with key
stakeholders including employee
organizations representing equity-
seeking communities on the design
of a public service restorative
engagement program.
Recommendations on program structure and design for
a restorative engagement program (REP) have been
developed following the engagement of a panel of
experts and key stakeholders.
June 2025 TBS will monitor
existing policies and the
supports for their
implementation (for example
guidance, training) to ensure
that they support the prevention
and resolution of racism in the
Major milestones for REP:
October 2023 Announcement
of Panel members.
Fall 2023 Stakeholders
submit written submissions.
March 2024 Analysis and
compilation of input from
stakeholders and publication of
What we Heard report
summarizing written
submissions received.
Recommendations on
continuous engagement plan
and design of implementation
process to be provided by
panel of experts.
Each of the six
organizations and the
Treasury Board of Canada
Secretariat should establish
expected behaviours
needed for an anti-racist
and inclusive work
environment and against
which performance should
be assessed for employees.
These behaviours should be
aligned with specific equity
and inclusion outcome
indicators and the
performance measurement
Agree. The Treasury Board of Canada
Secretariat will coordinate with the 6
organizations to establish, within
existing competency frameworks,
expected behaviours needed for an
anti-racist and inclusive work
environment and against which
performance should be assessed for all
employees. This work is expected to be
completed by March 2026.
TBS has engaged with departments and agencies,
including the six organizations mentioned in the audit,
and helped establish expected behaviours needed to
foster an anti-racist and inclusive work environment.
TBS has integrated within existing enterprise-wide
competency frameworks effective and ineffective
behaviours for an anti-racist and inclusive work
environment. These behaviours will be included in
discussions and assessments of performance in the
annual performance management cycle.
March 2026
By Spring 2024, TBS will share
with organizations guidance on
expectations for inclusive
behaviours within existing
competency frameworks and
within public service values and
By March 2025 TBS will
coordinate with organizations to
assess gaps in current
expected behaviours, and
develop clear expected
behaviours needed for an anti-
racist and inclusive work
By March 2026 TBS will help
organizations to reinforce new
expected behaviours within
existing enterprise-wide
competency frameworks and
assessments of performance in
the annual performance cycle.
Natasha Parriag,
Executive Director,
People and Culture
Sector, 613618-