Student Employee
Appalachian Campus Dining
Intro to Appalachian Campus Dining
Dress code
Work conduct
Adverse Weather Policy
Topics to Cover
Disciplinary action
Drop and Add Policy
Health and Safety Regulations
Student Resources
Campus Dining is the largest student
employer on campus .
As a part of Appalachian State
University, we acknowledge the
importance of student education.
In order to maintain a positive work/
school balance it is the responsibility of
students to commit to a work schedule
that ensures all-around success.
Our Primary Goal:
To provide quality service to
our customers, which include
students, faculty, and staff of
Appalachian State University
Appalachian Campus Dining is excited
to have you join our team!
Dress Code
Students must show up to work in attire that
adheres to the following guidelines
No tank tops or sleeveless shirts
Closed toed shoes (eg. tennis shoes, hiking or work boots)
Shorts must hit the thigh at fingertip length
An Appalachian Food Services Hat
A beard guard is required for facial hair
Watches and bracelets are not permitted. A simple
wedding band is permitted, but no other rings are
Student who work at either McAlister’s are
required to fulfill franchise uniform requirements
Khaki pants or shorts
A belt
Shirt and hat provided by supervisor
Closed toe shoes
Food Services Hat
Closed-Toed Shoes
Only Wedding band
Yosef-Approved Work Clothing
T-Shirts (appropriate and professional)
Wedding Band
Food Services Hat or Hair Net
Jeans with holes
Cutoff Shirts
Open-toed shoes (sandals, Crocs)
High-Heeled shoes
A personal hat
Shorts or dresses more than 6 in above the knee
Successful Conduct
Only use cell phones or listening
devices and headphones during
assigned breaks.
Be an example to others.
Use downtime to help your
supervisor with additional assigned
Arrive on time, and clock in and out
to keep your paycheck accurate.
Respect employees and customers.
Communicate clearly and
respectfully with co-workers and
supervisors (no profanity).
Keep your workstation clean.
Unsuccessful Conduct
Coming to work drunk or under the
influence of drugs (immediate dismissal)
Stealing food, bottled drinks, milk, or
juice (immediate dismissal)
Eating any food that has not been
Chewing gum
Using your phone while on shift
Doing Homework
Wearing headphones during your shift
*Doing the above results in disciplinary action.
Important Dos and Don’ts
If something starts to ruffle your
feathers, remember to “be a duck.”
A duck is someone who maintains a
calm, cool, collected demeanor
while working vigorously underwater
but glides on the surface.
of customer service
Remember the 5 E’s
Unit phone numbers can be found
next to unit names on AsULearn
Unsatisfactory attendance,
reporting late, and leaving early
without permission are grounds for
disciplinary action and/or
immediate dismissal
Calling out sick/unable to attend
It is the student’s responsibility to find
another student employee from the same
unit to work the shift
Use the GroupMe or other methods to
find a suitable replacement
Notify supervisors 12 hours in advance of
the shift
Students accepting sub positions are
bound by “no show” rules
Disciplinary Policies
Call out without a sub (Call/No Show)
Minor infractions (eg. showing up late, not
adhering to dress code, phone or ipod usage)
Unauthorized break
*The first 30 days of employment
is a probationary period in which
students may be terminated at
the discretion of management
Oral Warning: First Warning
Written Warnings: Second Warning
Failure to show up for work (No Call/No Show)
Failure to comply with first Oral Warning
Student forfeits raise
Two Written Warnings will result in a TNH
(Temporary No Hire) from your unit
Two No Call/ No Shows
Coming to work under the influence of drugs
or alcohol
Creating a hostile or disrespectful work
Grounds For Immediate Dismissal:
Adverse Weather Policy
Campus Dining is an essential department and remains open during
inclement weather, therefore students are expected to report as scheduled.
If students do not feel they can safely arrive at their work location, they
should contact their supervisor as soon as possible to allow for adequate
notice of their absence.
Unit contact information is listed on AsULearn
If you have a shift that lasts 4 hours or more, you are eligible* for a 15
minute break on the clock
If you have a shift that lasts 6 hours or more, you are eligible* for a 30
minute break
off the clock
These breaks are given at the discretion of the supervisor.
*Breaks are not guaranteed, but are given when possible
Payroll Procedures
To Enroll in Direct Deposit
1. Log in to Appalnet
2. Click “Student Tab”
3. Click “Direct Deposit Enrollment”
4. Enter bank Routing and Account
This may take up to three weeks to take effect. In
the interim, students can expect a paycheck to be
sent to either their listed campus address or the
campus Auxiliary Office
Students are paid twice per month
Paydays are on the 15th of the
month and the last day of the
month. If these dates fall on a
weekend, payment is issued on
the preceding Friday
If a student does not have direct
deposit the check will be sent to
the student coordinators office
and then your listed local address.
If no address is listed, the
paycheck will be sent to the
campus Auxiliary Office
Questions can be directed to the
Student Coordinator’s Office at 828-262-6145
Tiered Pay Rate System
Tier 1: Entry Level
$7.75 hourly plus raises
Positions: FSA, BSA
Tier 2: Mid-Level
$8 hourly plus raises
One semester experience in Tier 1 required
Positions: McAlister’s, Power Bar, baristas,
markets, cashiers, and kitchen aids, and
Tier 3: Advanced
$9 hourly plus raises
Two semesters experience
Positions: Student Managers and
Administrative Assistants
$10 hourly
Two semesters experience in Tier 2
required or supervisor approval
Student employee pay is determined by position worked and experience.
Semester Raises
In order to receive a service raise, employees must:
Work a minimum of ten consecutive weeks per semester
Work a minimum of nine hours per week
Completed manager evaluation meeting
Not have any written warnings
Not have dropped more than one shift in a semester
(with the exception of class conflict and medical reasons)
Campus Dining offers a $0.25/hour raise each semester worked for
students who uphold all attendance and personal conduct guidelines!
Drop and Add Policy
Adds are welcome throughout the
entire semester
Once claimed, the shift is yours for
the entire semester
Switching shifts is technically a
drop. A notice will have to be
worked before new shifts are
If you become aware of an open
shift that you would like to claim,
please call the Student
Coordinator’s Office immediately
Shifts are claimed for an entire semester
Students are allotted one shift drop per
semester without penalty
A two-week notice is required for every
dropped shift
Shift drops due to a class schedule
conflict or medical reasons are the only
exceptions for not working a notice
Drops beyond the one allotted will
result in the forfeit of a semester raise
Adding a Shift
Dropping a Shift
Health and Safety Regulations
Washing Your Hands is the most effective way
to stop the spread of germs! Wash them:
When you start your shift
After handling food, especially raw meats
After using the bathroom
After touching your face, hair, phone, etc.
If you are showing signs of
illness such as:
Fever and sore throat
Infected wounds or cuts
… please inform your supervisor!
If you have been diagnosed or
exposed to:
Hepatitis A
Strep Throat or any type of Flu
Tips for a Safe Workplace
Always be aware of your surroundings; don’t rush!
If something spills, or glass/dishes are broken, clean it up immediately. Don’t
put others in harm’s way!
When food prepping with knives:
Make sure to use proper techniques. Ask a full-timer if you need assistance
Pay attention and avoid distractions
Don’t rush
Handle hot items with extra care
If you see an injury or safety concern, notify your supervisor immediately
Keep pathways clear of carts or other objects, and make sure walk-in coolers
and freezer floors are clean and uncluttered
Use equipment properly. If you are unsure of anything, ask a full-timer or
Use caution and care when using cleaners, sanitizers, and chemicals. If you
have a spill of bleach or degreaser, contact a supervisor or full-time employee.
Equal Opportunity Employment
Appalachian State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
Employer. The University does not discriminate in access to its educational
programs and activities, or with respect to hiring or the terms and conditions of
employment, on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender
identity and expression, political affiliation, age, disability, veteran status,
genetic information, or sexual orientation.
For any concerns regarding your experiences working in Food Services:
Talk with your Supervisor or Student Manager
Call or meet with Student Coordinators
Call or meet with University Ombuds OR Student Employment Office
Student Resources
Student Learning Center
The Student Learning Center aims to
provide students the insights they need to
navigate their college environment
successfully. Two of the six Core Services
for all students are:
University Tutorial Services
Academic Strategy Instruction
At Campus Dining, we employ students! We realize that balancing a work life, social life, and
school can be hard. If you need support, here are some helpful resources our campus offers:
Counseling Center
The Counseling Center provides resources for
students experiencing life transition
complications, mental health issues, emergency
issues, relationships issues, and more.
The Student Coordinators Office
For questions involving:
Work schedule changes
Dropping and adding shifts
Pay information
Resignations (submitting a
two- week notice)
For questions involving:
Unit and assigned tasks
Sanitation and safety standards
Calling out & finding substitutes
University breaks
Who To Contact with Questions
Unit Supervisors
Phone: (828) 262-6145
Office Hours: 8 am- 5 pm Monday-Friday
Refer to AsULearn or shift schedule for phone numbers
Review the Knife Safety Handout
and PCI Training video,
then proceed to the
Training Quiz on AsULearn.
And don’t forget to finish the Pre-work checklist!
*Policies are subject to change without notice, it is the responsibility of the student to stay informed of
current policies set forth by the Student Coordinator’s office and approved by Campus Dining