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Dining & Hospitality
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Acade mic Year 2017- 2018
Welcome to the team!
Dining & Hospitality Services employs over 250 students on campus. You are
joining a team that has won 4 national awards in the first three years of
operation, along with other recognition. In Catering, students go above and
beyond to represent our university and provide excellent customer service at
events. In both the residential dining halls, The Lodge and Roaring Fork,
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students serve a diverse selection of meals to the residential students and their
guests. Café 65 provides quick, efficient service to faculty, students, staff, and
university guests alike. Clyde’s Gastropub is the only place to purchase beer
and wine on campus, and also serves a variety of culinary dishes. Alpine
Express, our new convenience store, along with our coffee shops across campus,
serve coffee, espresso beverages, and daily-made pastries. Together, we serve
over half a million meals each year!
As a student employee of Dining & Hospitality Services, you have undertaken
the duty of representing our university, treating all of our customers with
respect, and providing top-notch service day in and day out, to promote
positivity throughout our campus.
This handbook is designed to provide you with an overview of the basic
expectations of all student employees. In addition, office locations, pay system
basics, and contact information can be found here. Please review this guide
thoroughly, as you will be responsible for all of the information it contains.
Contact your respective Dining Manager or Student Director if you have any
questions or concerns regarding this handbook. Once again, welcome to the
DHS team.
Welcome Guide
Welcome to the Team!……………………………………..2
Our Mission .................................................................... 5
Operating Principles ...................................................... 5
Student Employee Expectations ....................................... 5
Training ......................................................................... 8
Personal Appearance ..................................................... 9
General Staff Uniform ................................................. 9
Catering and Clyde’s Staff Uniform ............................ 9
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Shift Meal Policy .......................................................... 11
Smoking Policy ............................................................ 12
Schedules ...................................................................... 12
GPA Requirement ....................................................... 12
Absences ....................................................................... 13
Safety ........................................................................... 13
Incident Report ........................................................... 14
Other Useful Resources ................................................ 15
Personal Conduct ......................................................... 16
Discrimination and Harassment ................................... 16
Discrimination ....................................................... 16
Harassment ........................................................... 16
Sexual Harassment ............................................... 17
Reports ................................................................. 17
Relationships ......................................................... 18
Safe Food-Handling Procedures ................................. 18
Gloves .................................................................... 18
Handwashing ........................................................ 19
Food Storage ........................................................... 20
Sanitation Guidelines .................................................... 20
Sickness ........................................................................ 20
If You Want To Get Paid ........................................... 21
MyLeave ................................................................... 21
Student Jury Duty ................................................... 22
Paychecks and Payroll Services ............................... 22
Merit Increase .......................................................... 23
Customer Service .......................................................... 25
Attendance ................................................................... 26
Points System ........................................................... 26
During the Academic Year ................................... 26
During Summer Break: ........................................ 28
Resignation .................................................................. 29
Transfer Policy ........................................................... 29
Behavior Requiring Disciplinary Action ..................... 30
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General Behaviors .................................................... 30
Use of Property ........................................................ 31
Personal Behaviors ................................................. 31
Student Manager Positions .......................................... 32
Student Director Position ............................................ 33
DHS Contact Information .......................................... 34
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Our Mission:
Operating Principles:
§ Sanitation and safety are the first orders of business.
§ Always treat people with dignity and respect, whether they are
your co-workers, supervisors, or guests.
§ Provide excellence in product, customer service, and value.
§ Take 100% personal responsibility for your work.
§ Share your knowledge.
§ Exhibit professional behavior at all times.
§ Find opportunities to recognize accomplishments and provide
personal growth.
§ Promote sustainability at UCCS through procurement and best
practices, thereby impacting the greater global community.
Employee Expectations
Know your schedule
You own your schedule for the semester. It’s yours! If you need to make
a change to your schedule or you are unsure of your hours, contact your
Unit Manager or Student Director to set up an appointment. A two-week
notice is required to drop an unwanted shift.
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Always be on time
Employees are expected to arrive on-time and ready to work at the start
of their shift. Otherwise, it is required that proper call-in procedures are
followed. Check out with a manager before leaving at the end of a shift
Give 100% while you are working
We are a team here at Dining & Hospitality Services! Every team
member must contribute and work cooperatively.
Cell phone use is not pe rmitte d during work
This sends a message to our guests that they are not important, and
increases the chance of spreading germs from your hands to our guests’
Headphones are not permitted
For the safety of each employee, headphones are not permitted. An
impaired hearing ability can be dangerous to all employees in a working
Employees must cover their shifts
Every team member is expected to show up to work on-time to keep
operations running smoothly and efficiently. When 2 Work is the official
method of shift coverage in DHS.
Call in to work at least 2 hours before shift
It is very important that employees do not come to work sick. Each unit
has their own specific call-out number, which you are required to call in
order for an absence to be considered excused.
We ar a complete, clean uniform
This includes the employee shirt, hat and name tag we have provided for
you. Employees are required to wear fitting black pants, or plain jeans
and black closed toed shoes while at work. Non-slip shoes are highly
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recommended for your own safety. Your hat is to be worn with the bill
forward. Nail polish and acrylic nails are not permitted.
Catering & Clyde’s:
This includes the employee shirt and name tag we have
provided for you. Employees are required to wear fitting black
pants and black closed toed shoes while at work.
Jewelry is not permitted
Employees are not permitted to wear any jewelry from elbows to
fingertips with the exception of a single unadorned ring. Bracelets,
watches etc. are not permitted. If earrings are worn, they must be
minimal and no longer than one inch. Necklaces must be worn under the
DHS uniform t-shirt.
Be flexible regarding work assignments
You may be required to change duties at a moment’s notice to
accommodate the needs of the business. You may also be cross-trained
in multiple positions.
Provide a UCCS email and phone number
Check your email regularly .Email is the University’s primary form of
communication. It is important for us to be able to reach employees
quickly, and for employees to respond to all e-mails in a timely manner.
Students must work at least 10 hours/week
All student employees may only work up to 50 hours during each two-
week pay period. International students may only work up to 20 hours
per week, or 40 hours every two weeks.
Working unde r the influence is never permitted
Employees are not permitted to come to work under the influence of
mind-altering drugs or illegal substances. If an extenuating medical
circumstance exists, the permission to work will be left to the discretion
of the Unit Manager.
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Students are required to complete online training courses and quizzes
concerning food service, emergency protocol, and employee guidelines.
These training courses are required in order to promote success within
the DHS team.
There are four required CU trainings that all student employees must
complete within 60 days of hire. The first two can be accessed through
the My UCCS Student Portal.
1. CU- Discrimination and Harassment (code U00135)
2. CU- Information Security and Privacy (code U40058)
3. CU- Violence Prevention (255-3725 to schedule an apt.)
4. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Survey
follow the instructions in this link:
5. CU- Fiscal Code of Ethics (code F00001)
A series of cash handling trainings are required for any students
employed in retail or residential dining.
1. CU- Fiscal Code of Ethics (code F00001)
2. CU- Cash Control (code U00065)
3. CU-Identity Theft Prevention Program (code U00077)
4. CU- IT Security PCI DSS v3 (code U00143)
Dining and Hospitality Services will require you to complete an online
ServSafe Course if you are a student manager. Your student director will
email you access to the course. Catering and Clyde’s employees are
required to complete a “Tips Training” course as well.
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Personal Appearance
Well-maintained personal hygiene and a professional appearance are
essential. Health requirements and local laws dictate the dining services
standards in regards to personal appearance. All employees are required
to comply with these standards to promote health and professionalism
within DHS.
General Staff Uniform
§ Black baseball cap with the bill facing forward
§ Black Dining and Hospitality Services Staff t-shirt
§ Nametag
§ Fitting black pants or jeans with no holes, rips, or frays, no
§ Closed-toe shoes (preferably non-slip)
Catering and Clyde’s Staff Uniform
§ Students should wear black casual business pants
§ UCCS polo shirts for casual Catering events
§ For formal Catering events, a black dress shirt is required
(provided by DHS)
§ Black socks and shoes
Dining & Hospitality Services will supply the uniform that each
employee must wear while at work. Students are also required to
wear fitting pants and closed-toe shoes (these must be black for
catering and Clyde’s students). Non-slip footwear is preferred. All
clothing must be kept clean and free of food stains or holes.
Additional Regulations
§ Do not take aprons out of the work area or into restrooms.
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§ Shorts, sleeveless tops, miniskirts, leotards, spandex-type attire,
yoga pants, pants with holes, sweatpants, and pajama pants are
not permitted.
§ Facial piercings (e.g., nose, lip, and eyebrow piercings) must be
minimal and may have to be removed prior to the start of a shift.
§ The health code requires hair restraints for all Dining & Food
Service employees. This means that every employee must wear a
hat or hairnet.
§ Hair that cannot be satisfactorily restrained by hats will be worn
in a bun. There should be no side ponytails or stray hair hanging
in front of the shoulders or face.
§ Neatly trimmed moustaches, sideburns, and beards are permitted.
§ Non-slip shoes are highly recommended. Bare feet, sandals,
crocs (with holes), and similar open-toed footwear present a
serious safety hazard and are not allowed. Your shoes must be
sturdy, low-heeled, and completely enclosed.
§ Cover all open cuts, lesions, or wounds with a bandage.
§ Smoking and chewing tobacco at work is not permitted.
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Shift Meal Policy
A meal is earned for every 8 hours worked. For student managers a meal
is earned for every 4 hours worked. Shift meals are a taxable benefit
(valued at $3) and will be tracked for each staff member. For retail
locations, specific meal bundles will be provided at department
discretion and will be eaten in-house. No pre-packaged items or items
typically sold as retail may be consumed as part of this shift meal
benefit. Beverages are restricted to bulk dispensers or brewers (no
bottled beverages or espresso-based drinks).
In all locations, consumption of food and beverages must be in reusable
containers and follow food safety guidelines. The use/possession of
compostable packaged items or cups will be viewed as a retail purchase
and will require the presentation of a purchase receipt. A lack of receipt
will be considered theft and handled as such. Only the Clyde’s staff will
be permitted to purchase their shift meals in Clyde’s. Shift meals in Café
65 are limited to meal bundles.
§ Shift meal benefits cannot be transferred between students or
staff members.
§ Residential and catering students can only use shift meals at the
Lodge or Roaring Fork.
Smoking Policy
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Smoking is prohibited within 20 feet of all University of Colorado at
Colorado Springs building entrances. Smoking is also prohibited where
signs are posted. You are only permitted to smoke in the smoking
designated areas.
Your work schedule will be organized to accommodate the needs of your
class schedule and any other schedules you may have. This schedule is
the same every week (except for catering). It is your responsibility for
the remainder of the semester. Students will be notified of scheduling
procedures in November and April of each year for the following
semester. You may not clock in before the scheduled start of your
shift unless approved by a manager.
GPA Requirement
All DHS student employees must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher to be
eligible to work. Your supervisors will be notified if you do not meet this
Student employees are responsible for finding their own substitutes to
cover shifts in the case of a known upcoming absence. You must upload
the shift that you will be unable to make onto the When to Work trade
board. If you are unable to get your shift covered, you must call out two
hours prior to the start of your shift.
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Simply posting your shift onto the trade board does not relieve you of
your responsibility. You must have someone requesting to cover your
shift AND have a manager approval through When to Work.
Both the safety and welfare of DHS student employees are important to
Note the following precautions
§ Report all accidents, serious or minor, to your supervisor
§ Wipe up spills immediately and be sure to put a wet floor sign
§ Sweep up and dispose of broken china and glass immediately.
Do not use your fingers. Use towels, a broom, and a dustpan.
§ Use hot pads or gloves when handling hot containers and
utensils. If there aren’t any available, notify your student
manager or Unit Manager.
§ Lift only what you can easily handle. Lift with your legs and
arms. Keep your back straight. Ask for assistance lifting heavy
items and move them with a cart.
§ Use mechanical and electrical equipment only after instruction
§ Walk carefully and cautiously on wet floors
§ Walk. Don’t run
§ In case of a fire or other emergency please evacuate the building
calmly and help customers do the same. Find your manager at
the designated meeting spot (see manager for specific location)
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§ Reference the “Emergency Quick-Reference Guide” located near
Incident Report
It is very important to report all injuries that occur on the job to your
manager at the time that they happen. Your manager will file an incident
report online for your injury and send a copy to the risk management
manager. This is for your own protection. Any injuries such as cuts,
burns, etc. that occur at work can potentially be covered by the
university’s insurance if medical attention is required. This prevents you
from paying out of pocket, or through your own insurance for work
related injuries.
§ If an incident occurs that does not require an ambulance,
employees must first seek medical care from Student Health
Center (719- 255-4444)
§ If the Student Health Center is closed, employees should
§ seek the nearest Urgent Care facility. Penrose Community
Urgent Care located at 3205 N. Academy Blvd (719-776-3216)
§ Any physician’s reports received at the designated medical
provider’s office must be given to your supervisor as soon as
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Other Useful Resources
§ University Police Non-Emergency: 255-3111, 3111 campus
phone or
§ Other Emergency: 911, 9-911 campus phone.
§ CSPD Non-emergent line: 719-444-7000
§ TESSA Crisis Line: 719-633-3819 (for emergency safe house,
sex assault victim’s assistance and counseling services)
§ CSPD Victim Advocacy Unit: 444-7529, 7649, 7567.
§ Penrose Hospital: 719-776-5000
§ Memorial Hospital: 719-365-5000
§ Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-2433
§ UCCS Counseling Center: 719-255-3265
Personal Conduct
It is important to act professionally at all times.
§ Be friendly, but avoid excessive socializing with other
employees and guests
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§ No horseplay, such as pranks or throwing items.
§ Employees are expected to demonstrate professional behavior,
sound judgment, and proper language use.
§ Any theft is grounds for immediate termination
§ Dining and Hospitality Services adheres to the University’s code
of conduct-
Discrimination & Harassment
Discrimination on the basis of sex, gender, race, orientation, or any
category within protected classes is not tolerated in Dining and
Hospitality Services.
§ No student employee shall not be discriminated against during
the hiring, scheduling, or promotion process on the basis of their
protected class
Any type of harassment, whether intended or perceived to be hostile, is
not permitted and will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
§ Harassment can occur anywhere on or off campus, including in
classrooms, at work, and on social media.
§ Hostile verbal or physical conduct that interferes with an
individual’s work performance will not be tolerated
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§ Behavior that creates a hostile work environment will not be
tolerated from any individual and should be reported
Any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature, including sexual advances,
verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature, and requests for sexual
§ If professionalism cannot be maintained at work, it could be
grounds for termination or other disciplinary action
If you experience discrimination or harassment:
§ Keep a record of the occurrences
§ Ask the individual to stop if it is a case of harassment
§ Report the discrimination or harassment to a supervisor
§ Mandatory Reporting Policy: All supervisors are responsible
employees, and are required by law to report incidents of
harassment. It is also mandatory for supervisors to report
suspicion that a student is in danger at or outside of work
§ All consensual relationships between a supervisor and direct
employee must be disclosed to their supervisor. Failure to do so
may result in disciplinary action
§ Because relationships between employee/supervisor or faculty
member/student are unethical, the student or supervisor may be
transferred to avoid unethical behavior
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You can speak with your Unit Manager or your Student Directors about
issues regarding Discrimination and Harassment. You are also
encouraged to report incidents of Discrimination and Harassment to the
Office of Institutional Equity:
Title IX Coordinator DirectorJulia Paris, J.D.
Academic Offices Building 106
Safe Food-Handling Procedures
Food Safety is very important to us. At any time when working with
food products and equipment, sanitary procedures must be followed.
§ Employees must always wash their hands before putting gloves
on. Employees must change their gloves if they touch their hair,
face or clothes, switch tasks, or leave their station and return. If
your glove has been ripped, you must wash your hands and
change gloves. When wearing a cut glove, you must first put on
a Nitrile glove, then the cut glove and finally another Nitrile over
the cut glove. After using the cut glove, make sure it is scrubbed
with soap and rinsed afterwards. Lastly, lay it out to dry.
§ Employees must wash hands whenever they sneeze, cough,
touch their face, hair or clothes, touch raw food, handle garbage
or dirty dishes, or use the restroom. Employees must scrub their
hands with soap for at least 25 seconds and rinse with hot water.
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Students must use a paper towel to turn off the faucet. Students
must wash their hands every time they change gloves.
§ Cold foods must be maintained at under 40 degrees Fahrenheit
and hot foods must be maintained at over 140 degrees
Fahrenheit. When cooking foods, a temperature of over 165
must be reached. Temperatures must be taken every 2 hours.
§ Please look at the different food temperatures:
o Chicken: 165 degrees Fahrenheit
o Beef: 150 degrees Fahrenheit
o Fish: 145 degrees Fahrenheit
o Pork: 145 degrees Fahrenheit
§ All raw fruits and vegetables must be washed thoroughly.
§ Frequently change gloves, and separate raw and cooked foods to
prevent cross-contamination.
§ Always wear a Cutting Glove when using a knife.
§ Check with your Unit Manager for more information on
preferred food safety procedures.
Food Storage :
This is the order of storing meat and ready to eat items properly.
Ready-to-eat: Any food cooked or ready to be served.
Swim- Any seafood should be stored at the very bottom.
Walk- Anything that walks on land should be stored above the
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Fly- Any poultry should be stored above all other meats but below
any non-meat products.
o A simple way to remember these rules is Swim. Walk.
Sanitation Guidelines
§ When sanitizing, make sure your sanitizer is clean and replaced
every 4 hours.
§ There are two different-colored buckets. The green bucket is
only for manual soap. The red bucket is only for sanitizer. Please
use a different rag for each bucket
§ Be sure to use soap on any surface that has been in contact with
food. Then use sanitizer and let the surface air dry.
To prevent foodborne illness, it is important that employees don’t come
into work when they are sick. However, as stated previously, all absences
will be documented and can affect merit-based pay increases.
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§ If you are unable to work because of a sickness, notify your
supervisor a minimum of two hours prior to the start of your shift
§ If possible, please try to arrange for a substitute before calling
§ Calling your supervisor at least two hours before your shift
counts as an excused absence; however, it will be documented,
and if it becomes habitual, it can be grounds for discipline or
§ If you become sick during work and must leave, notify your Unit
Manager before clocking out. If the unit manager is not present
and you become sick during work, notify your student manager.
Your student manager will ask you to write down your reason
for leaving and the time you left. This note must be signed by the
student manager and the sick employee before they leave.
Verification of sickness may be requested by your manager
If You Want To Get Paid
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My Le av e
All student employees will keep track of their timecards electronically on
the MyLeave system. Student Employment will enroll students into the
MyLeave system.
§ Each employee will have a punch time card at their location to
be used as verification for the hours that will be entered into My
Leave. If there are any issues or missed pay, your punch time
cards will be a way to verify the hours you have worked
§ Students can access their MyLeave calendar at any computer
where the UCCS Student Portal is accessible. Students must
keep track of hours worked and enter these times accurately into
MyLeave every day. The hours entered should match the
punched time cards.
§ If a student forgets to clock in or out, a supervisor may write in
the time onto the timecard.
§ Every two weekswhen the pay period endsstudents must
submit their MyLeave electronic timesheet before midnight on
Sunday. After submitting the electronic timesheet, a printed
copy of the timesheets and the timecards must be turned in to the
Student Director’s office.
§ If these steps are not completed correctly, students will not
receive their pay on time.
Student Jury Duty
If a student is required to attend Jury Duty during a scheduled shift, they
will enter their scheduled hours that coincide with the amount of time
spent in Jury Duty into MyLeave. These hours will be marked as
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“Student Jury Duty,” rather than as “Student Hourly.” For any questions
regarding this procedure, please contact your Student Director
Paychecks and Payroll Services
Hourly students will be paid bi-weekly. The university requires direct
deposit as the means of payment. There is a two-week delay between
time worked and issuance of a paycheck. Please refer to your student
employment packet for a schedule of the pay periods. Questions or
concerns regarding pay should be directed to the Student Director or
Business Manager.
§ The Student Employment office is located in Cragmor Hall room
104. This office is located on the east side of campus near the
Main Hall.
§ All employment packets must be submitted to this office before
starting work and before payment can be received. The hours for
this office are as follows:
Monday Friday
Academic hours 8:00am to 5:00pm
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Me rit or Minimum Wage Inc re a s e s
Students may be eligible for merit increases based on an individual
performance evaluation that indicates outstanding performance and
attendance. These evaluations will be completed at least once per
academic year for all students. Students eligible for a merit increase must
have worked for DHS for one full semester.
KICKStart Incentive Bonus
KICKStart is an opportunity for students to begin employment prior to
attending Mountain Lion week and help DHS train staff and open units.
This training helps students learn how to balance working and classes
along with training for their specific jobs task.
Students will also participate in variety of activities to get to know
campus as well as make new friends with fellow co-workers. Participants
in this program are eligible for $1 per hour incentive pay above their
standard pay for their position during the KICKStart program.
2017 Catering/Clyde's
GS $9.30 effective%Jan%1,%2017 $10.50 effective%July%1,%2017
SM $10.30 effective%July%1,%2017 $11.50 effective%July%1,%2017
STUMA $11.50 effective%July%1,%2017 $12.50 effective%July%1,%2017
SD $13.50 effective%July%1,%2017 na effective%July%1,%2017
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The program runs from August 10 August 26. For example, if you
work 47 hours, you will receive a $47 bonus payout.
If you have questions about the KICKStart program, please email a
student director.
Customer Service
We strive to provide flavorsome, pleasing meals served by courteous and
helpful employees in a welcoming and clean environment. A few points
to remember to make the customer's experience a positive one:
§ Smile and look people in the eye
§ Respect our diverse customer base
§ Enforcing the rules helps all customers enjoy their meal and
provide a consistent experience
§ When interacting with discontented customers, it is especially
important to be courteous and friendly. Remain calm at all times
and direct customers with complaints to a manager if the conflict
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§ Anticipate the needs of customers by maintaining a clean
environment and making sure food is served neatly and in a
timely manner; no guest should ever wait for empty trays of food
to be refilled.
§ Maintain a clean and neat personal appearance
§ Say "hello" and "thank you," and ask, “How may I help you?”
§ Be enthusiastic and welcoming
§ Have fun, but stay focused at all times. Interacting with
customers and co-workers should never side-track you from the
task at hand
§ If a customer has a question and you do not know the answer,
find someone who does. Do not guess!
Attendance Point System
Points System
Attendance is tracked with a Point System. A worker’s point log runs
from the first day of the fall semester through the last day of Spring
Semester finals week of each year and is reset to zero points for the next
academic year. If a student hired before December acquires 8 attendance
points, he/she will be terminated. Any students hired after January 1 are
able to acquire 4 points before being terminated.
During the Academic Year:
§ Late less than 30 minutes for a shift: 1 point
§ Calling-in 2+ hours prior to your shift will result in 1 point
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§ 30+ minutes late: 2 points
§ Improper call-in: 2 points
§ Late 1/2 of shift or longer: Will vary according to the discretion
of the unit manager
§ No Call No Show (NCNS): 4 points
§ Missed meeting: 1 point
§ *There are two main ways to decrease the number of attendance
points, 1) you must work a shift in which your unit manager or
student manager has called you in to help, and 2) you must work
a total of 4 sub shifts
§ Covering a shift on day-of notice: -1point
§ Working a total of 2 properly documented sub shifts: -1 points
§ Coming in early on day-of notice, or staying late for at least
1hour: -½ point
If an employee correctly calls in for a shift and brings in a signed and
dated doctor’s or professor’s note for the absence, the student will
not receive any points and will be considered excused for the shifts
specified on the message. If a student employee goes to the Student
Health Center, they must ASK for a note saying they were seen on
said day and have it signed by the nurse or doctor.
If an employee calls-in to two locations in the same day, they will
accrue points from the location for which the points earned were the
highest. For example, if an employee calls-in less than one hour
before your Coffee shift and three hours before your Cafe 65 shift.
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You will receive the points from Coffee, resulting in two points for
the day.
§ Non-documented illnesses require that students call in each day
that they are sick. Students are not permitted to call off for
illnesses ahead of time.
§ Students may receive points for leaving a shift at the discretion
of the Unit Operations Manager. Employees are responsible for
the entirety of their shifts.
§ Studying for exams is not an excuse to call off from work. Plan
your time around your scheduled shifts and semester syllabi.
Students are fully responsible for understanding the attendance point
system. Students will be notified by e-mail when they have earned 5
attendance points. Employees are able to verify their attendance points
by checking with their Unit manager or Student Unit Manager.
During Summer Break:
Summer session point logs run from the Tuesday after Memorial Day
August 25th of each year and are reset to zero points for the beginning of
the school year. In a summer session, if a student employee, student
manager, or student unit manager acquires 8 points, they will be
terminated. The point values listed for the academic year are the same for
summer session.
Resigning from Dining and
Hospitality Services
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Dining and Hospitality Services requires that all students who are
resigning their employment give a full two-week notice. This allows
DHS to begin the hiring process to fill the relinquished shifts.
§ If an employee resigns without a full two-week notice, they may
be ineligible for future employment with DHS for the remainder
of their student career.
§ Work study students that resign from DHS may not obtain
another work study job on campus for that year.
§ Summer hours: While scheduling students for summer hours,
preference will be given to students intending to return for the
fall semester. Summer hours will be limited.
Transfer Policy
If an employee wishes to transfer locations (ex. Roaring Fork to Cafe
65), they must provide a two-week notice, inform their student
director(s), obtain the approval of their current unit manager and their
future unit manager, and meet the minimum hour requirement with their
new schedule. Student managers who wish to transfer locations will not
maintain their manager title in the new location for at least one semester
after their transfer. Details of transfers, including pay rates and schedules
are left up to the discretion of the unit managers.
Behavior Requiring
Disciplinary Action
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Dining and Hospitality Services supports progressive or corrective
discipline; this means penalties become more severe each time an
employee is disciplined. Except for very serious wrongdoings, an
employee is rarely discharged for a first offense. The concept of
corrective or progressive discipline holds that an employee be discharged
only as a last resort after every effort has been made to help that person
correct problematic behavior and/or deficiency in performance.
Corrective measures may include special instruction, coaching,
counseling, verbal warnings, and written warnings. The following is not
a complete list of behaviors that could result in disciplinary action. Each
area may have additional rules for employee performance leading to
disciplinary action.
Gene ral Be haviors
§ Loafing, loitering, sleeping, or engaging in unauthorized
personal business.
§ Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information records.
§ Falsification of records or providing false information to
employees who are responsible for record keeping by an
authorized person.
§ Failure to comply with health, safety, dress code, and sanitation
requirements, and rules and regulations.
§ Negligence in performance of assigned duties.
§ Not following food safety or personal hygiene policy.
§ Chewing gum or tobacco while on shift.
§ Falsifying hours in the My Leave system. This would be
grounds for immediate termination.
§ Eating food that is not part of your meal benefit.
§ Falsification or theft of any kind is grounds for immediate
Use of Property
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§ Unauthorized or improper use of University property or
equipment including vehicles, telephone or mail service.
§ Unauthorized posting or removal of notices or signs from
bulletin boards.
§ Unauthorized use, lending, borrowing, or duplication of
University keys.
§ Unauthorized entry to University property, including
unauthorized entry outside of assigned hours of work or entry to
restricted areas.
§ Use of another student’s Student ID card or informationto use
their meals, meal plan, or other information. This would be
grounds for immediate termination.
Personal Behaviors
§ Threatening another person or attempting / causing bodily harm
to another person.
§ Threatening or intimidating others, interfering with others, or
using abusive language towards others.
§ Unauthorized possession of weapons.
§ Making false or malicious statements concerning other
employees, supervisors, students or the University.
§ Unauthorized solicitation for any purpose.
§ Inappropriate dress or lack of personal hygiene that adversely
affects proper performance of duties or constitutes health / safety
§ Unauthorized possession or improper use of uniforms.
§ Failure to exercise good judgment, or behaving discourteously
when dealing with fellow employees, students, or the general
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Student Manager Positions
§ It is expected that student managers attend meetings, as they will
be important to the communication and efficiency of the Dining
& Hospitality Services team. Missed meetings will be recorded.
3 missed meetings can result in termination.
§ All student Managers will complete online ServSafe training
within 14 days of being promoted to student manager. Failure to
complete this training within two weeks or inability to pass this
training will result in immediate dismissal. The time required to
do the training will be recorded in MyLeave and the student will
be compensated accordingly.
§ Student managers will be responsible for ensuring quality of
service, customer happiness, and smooth operations within their
assigned DHS location.
§ Student Managers are expected to demonstrate professional
behavior, sound judgment, and proper language use.
Student Director Position
Limits and Application Process
§ Incoming Student Directors will be required to train for a full 8-
week period and must be able to work throughout the entire
summer session.
§ Preference will be given to candidates in current student
manager ranks.
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§ Any candidate who is interested in applying for the open
Student Director position will be formally interviewed by a
panel to which the student must also give a presentation.
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DHS Contact Information
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Residential Lodge manager
Heather Wagner
Lodge Kitchen
Banquet Manager
Samran Maier
Catering Kitchen
Banquet Assistant Manager
Nick Kenyon
Retail Student Director
Jasmine Nelson
Residential Student Director
Amber Bivins
Material’s Handler
Maurice Paez
Residential Dining Manager
Rebecca Bogardus
Roaring Fork Kitchen
Clyde’s Manager
Jordan Zepeda
Clyde’s Kitchen
Clyde’s Bar
Bakery Manager
Russell Allen
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Jonathan Graves
Cafe 65 Kitchen
Columbine Coffee
Dwire Coffee
UC Coffee
UHall Coffee
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CBord Administration
Polly Moorman
Joel Bagley
Assoc. Director of Business Ops.
Russell Saunkeah
Exec. Chef & Assistant Director
Mark Hayes
Exec. Director of Auxiliary Services