RHS Human Resources
Last Updated 08/17/2020
Student Team Member Guide
Letter from the Vice President ...................................................................................................... 4
Working Together to Deliver Outstanding Spartan Experiences .................................................. 5
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Practice ..................................................................................................................................... 5
People ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Guest Service Standards .............................................................................................................. 6
Our Philosophy .......................................................................................................................... 6
Our Strategy .............................................................................................................................. 6
Our Tactic .................................................................................................................................. 6
Our Effort ................................................................................................................................... 6
People ....................................................................................................................................... 6
Purpose ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Practice ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Guidelines ................................................................................................................................. 6
Student Employment Information .................................................................................................. 6
Definition of a Student Team Member ....................................................................................... 7
International Students ............................................................................................................... 7
Student Team Member Responsibilities .................................................................................... 7
Criminal Background Checks .................................................................................................... 8
EEO: Equal Employment Opportunity ....................................................................................... 8
FERPA ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Requests for Verification of Employment .................................................................................. 8
RHS Policies and Procedures ....................................................................................................... 9
Work Schedules ........................................................................................................................ 9
Attendance Policies ................................................................................................................... 9
Hours Worked Per Week ........................................................................................................... 9
Holiday and Break Scheduling ................................................................................................ 10
Final Exam Week Scheduling ................................................................................................. 10
Rest Periods ............................................................................................................................ 10
Reporting to Work During Severe Weather ............................................................................. 10
Getting Paid ................................................................................................................................ 10
Accurate Reporting of Time ..................................................................................................... 10
Overtime .................................................................................................................................. 11
Compensation and Payday ..................................................................................................... 11
Direct Deposit or PayCard ....................................................................................................... 11
Job Performance and Evaluations .............................................................................................. 11
Training and Supervision ......................................................................................................... 11
Performance Evaluations ........................................................................................................ 12
Quality and Quantity of Work ............................................................................................... 12
Work Characteristics and Attributes .................................................................................... 12
Job Knowledge and Skills .................................................................................................... 12
Promotional Opportunities ....................................................................................................... 13
Unsatisfactory Performance ................................................................................................ 13
Problem Resolution ................................................................................................................. 13
Resignation ............................................................................................................................. 13
Termination ............................................................................................................................. 13
Additional RHS Policies .............................................................................................................. 14
Personal Appearance/Dress Code Policy ............................................................................... 14
Phone Use Policy .................................................................................................................... 14
Department/Office Phone .................................................................................................... 14
Personal Cell Phone ............................................................................................................ 14
Musical Devices ................................................................................................................... 14
Removal of Property from the Workplace Policy ..................................................................... 15
RHS Acceptable Use of Computer Systems Policy................................................................. 15
Rules Governing Personal Conduct of Student Employees .................................................... 15
Workplace Expectations ............................................................................................................. 17
Sustainable Practices .............................................................................................................. 17
Tolerance and Civility .............................................................................................................. 17
Employment Laws and Regulations ........................................................................................ 17
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil Rights
Act (MPDCRA) ..................................................................................................................... 17
Anti-Discrimination Policy .................................................................................................... 18
Driver and Chauffeur Licenses ............................................................................................ 18
Drug-Free Workplace Policy ................................................................................................ 18
Family Medical Leave Act Policy ......................................................................................... 18
Firearms Policy .................................................................................................................... 18
MSU Computer Use Policy .................................................................................................. 19
MSU Ordinances ................................................................................................................. 19
Tobacco-Free Ordinance ..................................................................................................... 19
Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy ......................................................... 19
University Reporting Protocols ................................................................................................ 20
Safety Policies and Procedures .............................................................................................. 21
General Emergencies .............................................................................................................. 21
Fire Alarm ............................................................................................................................ 21
Severe Weather Warning .................................................................................................... 21
Tornado Warning ................................................................................................................. 21
Power Outage ...................................................................................................................... 21
Guest Emergencies ............................................................................................................. 22
Michigan Right-To-Know Law .............................................................................................. 22
Building Access ....................................................................................................................... 22
ID Card/Spartan Card Support ............................................................................................ 22
Helpful Links for On-Call Team members ................................................................................... 23
University Reporting Protocols Acknowledgement ..................................................................... 24
Letter from the Vice President
Welcome to the Division of Residential and Hospitality Services at Michigan State University!
We are glad that you are part of our team. Our divisional services touch all parts of campus, and
without you on our team, we would not be successful. Without you, we would not be able to
serve 30,000 meals a day to the guests, faculty, and team members that eat in our dining
facilities around campus. Without you, we would not be able to serve all those hot dogs and
tubs of popcorn on a Football Saturday. Without you cleaning the hallways, greeting guests with
a smile at the front desk or designing our lounges and living spaces to look great and feel
comfortable, our guests would not be able to call the residence hall where they live “home.”
None of these things would be possible without you.
I appreciate you making the commitment to be a part of our team. Good Luck!
Vennie Gore
Vice President for Auxiliary Enterprises
Michigan State University
Working Together to Deliver Outstanding Spartan
As an integral component of a world-class research university, Residential and Hospitality
Services is woven throughout the very fabric of the MSU community.
We are built on a foundation of integrity, service and effectiveness. We believe in creating and
delivering unequalled experiences, products and services to the students and many guests of
Michigan State University.
We believe in a culture of learning and inclusive collaboration. We are a stronger organization
when all team members feel valued and respected, and our differences and similarities are
Our vision and mission will be realized by adhering to the following values:
Commitment to Student and Guest Experience: We are committed to exceeding the
expectations of the diverse community we serve.
Quality Throughout: In everything we do -- from beginning to end -- we will be passionate about
delivering an outstanding Spartan experience that meets the unique and individual needs of our
Social Responsibility: We will care about and actively work to address social issues, such as
employment, environment and the human condition, that will define this world’s future.
Culture of Safety: We will create and maintain an environment that is physically and emotionally
safe, respectful and inclusive.
Strategic Thinking: As individuals and as teams, we will pursue excellence in strategic thought.
A Mindset of Innovation: We will be an organization that appreciates and learns from the past
while keeping our focus on the future.
Fiscal Responsibility: Smart decisions for future success, based on quality information and our
values, will guide the actions of our entire organization.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: As individuals and collectively, we are committed to a mindset of
inclusive and equitable practices. We will work toward creating an environment free of harm
based on a person’s identity.
Spirit of Partnership: Within our division and in the university community, we commit to a spirit of
collaboration and inclusiveness where all perspectives, beliefs and experiences are valued.
Teamwork and Inclusion: We will succeed individually only when we are passionate about
prospering as a diverse and inclusive team that is committed to equity.
Staff Development: We will be an organization dedicated to continuous learning and the
development of team members. We will provide and support quality, accessible, and inclusive
learning opportunities and encourage all team members to take advantage of them.
Effective Communication: We will strive for organizational clarity through civil, honest, open,
accurate and timely two-way communication.
Guest Service Standards
Our Philosophy
Inspired by our passion for MSU, we take pride in delivering
outstanding Spartan experiences in all we do and to all we serve.
Our Strategy
We exist simply to exceed our guests’ expectations.
Our Tactic
Paying attention to every detail in all we do and to all we serve.
Our Effort
Mountain climber intensity.
I am MSU
I immediately own and address guest concerns
I am proud of my professional appearance, language and behavior
I am responsive to the needs of my guests, partners and team members
I am responsible for creating a clean, safe, and accident-free environment
I am personally accountable for ensuring a spirit of collaboration
I actively participate in daily lineup meetings and the planning of my work
Seek out guest contact
Greet and welcome each guest
Display appropriate body language
Anticipate guest needs
Provide timely follow-up service
Thank each guest
Student Employment Information
Residential and Hospitality Services is made up of student, on-call, part-time and regular team
members. All on-call team members in this division are to adhere to specific Michigan State
University rules, policies and procedures regarding employment.
Definition of a Student Team Member
A student team member is a part-time team member who is duly enrolled at Michigan State
University, is registered for classes and whose primary purpose for being at the University is the
achievement of a degree or certification. During summer semester, an individual may be a
student team member if s/he has been admitted/readmitted and is enrolled for summer or fall
semester classes. Student team members are considered at-will team members, and their
employment is interim or temporary and incidental to the pursuit of a degree or certification.
This definition excludes students who are employed as academic support personnel such as
Graduate Assistants, Undergraduate Assistants, Assistant Instructors, and Academic Advisors.
Questions concerning the employment of students in these categories should be directed to the
Office of the Provost, the appropriate Vice President, or Dean.
You are NOT ELIGIBLE for student employment on-campus if:
You do not meet registration requirements.
You have withdrawn from school, or have been academically dismissed or recessed
You have graduated.
You are a Lifelong Education or MSU Law student.
International Students
To be eligible for on-campus student employment, international students must be pursuing a full
course of study. A full course of study is at least 12 credits at the undergraduate level, 9 credits
at the master's level, and 6 credits at the doctoral level. Questions about work eligibility can be
directed to the Office of International Students and Scholars, 105 International Center, or at
(517) 353-1720.
Students who possess F-1 Visas may be employed on campus during the academic
year up to 20 hours per week and up to 40 hours per week during the summer, whether
enrolled or not enrolled.
Students with J-1 Visas must obtain permission to work on-campus from their
educational sponsor. Once permission has been obtained, the student may work up to
20 hours per week during the academic year and 40 hours per week during finals week,
summer semester, or semester breaks.
Students with J-2 Visas must apply to and receive permission through the Office for
International Students and Scholars to work. Once permission is obtained, the student
may work up to 20 hours per week during the academic year and 40 hours per week
during finals week, summer semester, and semester breaks.
Student Team Member Responsibilities
The work performed by student team members contributes to the success of their departments
and the University. As MSU team members, students have certain work-related responsibilities:
Student team members must complete an I-9 document and all required Payroll forms
accurately and in a timely manner.
Student team members must complete all required compliance and safety trainings prior
to their first scheduled day of work and annually thereafter.
Student team members must adhere to the rules, policies and procedures of Michigan
State University and the hiring department.
Student team members must respect the confidentiality of all University, department,
and student documents and information.
Student team members have a responsibility to learn their jobs and perform them to the
best of their ability.
Student team members have a responsibility to treat others in the workplace with
fairness and respect.
Student team members have a responsibility to inform their employers of changes in
their class schedules or enrollment status that would affect their student employment.
Criminal Background Checks
Criminal background checks will be completed for all RHS student jobs. The RHS Human
Resources Office will complete a criminal background search upon receiving a completed and
signed copy of the RHS Student Employment Criminal Background Check form.
EEO: Equal Employment Opportunity
In its commitment to diversity and equal opportunity, the University has established policies
regarding employment. The University is an equal opportunity employer and offers uniform
employment opportunities without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, age,
height, weight, marital status, sexual orientation, political persuasion, religion, veteran status or
disability status. In addition, the University applies equal opportunity guidelines during
interviews, hiring, compensation and wages.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that protects the
privacy of student records, including financial, academic and employment. The University
maintains student records and is responsible for their access and release in accordance with
FERPA. The MSU Access to Student Information Guidelines
governs the procedure for the
maintenance and disclosure of information from student records held by the University.
Requests for Verification of Employment
Requests for employment verifications and other inquiries by off-campus sources should be
referred to MSU Human Resources
, 517-353-4434. Your individual department cannot respond
directly to an off-campus request. MSU Human Resources requires a mailed or faxed
authorization signed by the team member subject of the inquiry.
Human Resources
Michigan State University
1407 S. Harrison Rd. Ste.110
East Lansing, MI 48823
Fax: (517)432-3862
Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Closed on University Holidays
RHS Policies and Procedures
Even though we are all a part of Residential and Dining Services and work together as a team
to uphold our Mission Statement, every operation functions independent of one another. In line
with excellent service, Residential and Hospitality Services offers a wide variety of services and
products to the entire community. While this handbook serves as a general guideline for on-call
employment, there will be times where the policies and procedures differ from one unit to
another. The management team in your unit will go over duties, policies, and procedures
specific to the operation in which you are employed.
Work Schedules
Your schedule is planned around your classes and activities and within the framework of our
operation. Some schedules may stay the same during the entire semester, while others may
change on a regular basis. You may be scheduled to work weekends, holidays, and academic
breaks. If you have a conflict due to classes, activities, or any other reason, please see your
student or full-time supervisor. We will assist you in resolving conflicts with your work schedule.
Attendance Policies
Every job is important and yours is no exception. It is necessary that you report to work
according to your schedule.
If you are scheduled to work and are unable to do so (for example: you become ill or
there is a schedule conflict), you are responsible for finding a substitute who is capable
of performing your job. A list of co-workers' phone numbers is available from your
If you fail to report to work without finding a substitute, the absence may be unexcused.
Unexcused absences may result in termination and a negative evaluation.
If you are ill and unable to work, inform your supervisor as soon as possible prior to the
start of your scheduled shift.
If you might be late for work, inform your supervisor. Failure to do so may result in
disciplinary action.
Major emergencies or illnesses will be taken into consideration on an individual basis.
Discuss such situations with your supervisor.
Remember, we are flexible in scheduling. Keep you supervisor informed and you will
remain in good standings.
Please see your supervisor for any department specific policies related to attendance.
Hours Worked Per Week
You may work up to twenty-nine (29) hours per week during the fall and spring semesters. You
may work up to forty hours (40) during opening week, finals week, semester breaks, and
summer semester. Please ask your full-time supervisor for further details.
NOTE: If you are an international student, you generally may not work more than twenty (20)
hours per week during Fall or Spring semesters. Please see the Hiring International Students
information page for specific criteria. High school student positions are regulated by work
Holiday and Break Scheduling
Many units are open and operating during holidays and academic breaks. Please see your
supervisor as to the method of scheduling during these breaks.
Final Exam Week Scheduling
New schedules are created during finals week and are based on your exam schedule and other
academic activities. When making up the schedule, we will also take into consideration when
you are leaving campus. You are required to work during final exam week. Failure to do so may
result in termination and ineligibility to work the following semester.
Rest Periods
A paid, fifteen (15) minute rest period is provided to you when you work at least four (4)
consecutive hours. Depending on your work schedule, you may be offered an unpaid meal
break. Your supervisor will determine when your breaks may be taken.
We encourage you to eat prior to, or at the end of your shifts. If you are scheduled to work
during a breakfast, lunch or dinner period, and are unable to eat prior to your shift, we will make
every effort to give you a meal break during the course of your shift.
If you have a meal plan, please remember to bring your MSU ID card with you when you eat. If
you are not on a meal plan, we offer a discounted meal plan. Your supervisor will provide you
with details of our meal plans.
Reporting to Work During Severe Weather
In the event of severe weather conditions, only student team members whose services are
required for maintenance, food service and other essential operations should report to work.
Supervisors must advise student team members of reporting requirements at the time they are
hired. Students should be paid at their normal rate for the hours they actually work during a
period of severe weather. Students who do not work will not be paid.
Getting Paid
Accurate Reporting of Time
As a Residential and Hospitality Service's on-call team member you are expected to report to
your work area, properly dressed, by the start of your scheduled work shift.
In addition to scanning in and out, you must also sign in and out for each work shift.
Doing so ensures you will be paid correctly even if the time clock malfunctions.
Before leaving your work area, let your supervisor know.
Work only the hours you are scheduled, unless a change is approved by your
A habitual pattern of not using your MSU ID card to clock in and out may result in
disciplinary action.
Arrive at and leave your work area promptly. Time-keeping fraud will result in
termination. Fraudulent activity includes, but is not limited to:
o Clocking in or out for someone else
o Altering beginning or ending times of your scheduled work hours (unless
approved by your supervisor)
o Not clocking out for mealtimes or when leaving the work site
o Reporting hours not actually worked.
Student team members are not permitted to work overtime during fall and spring semester
because they are limited to 29 hours of work per week (20 hours for international students).
During University breaks, student team members may work up to 40 hours a week. Work
beyond 40 hours in a workweek is overtime and will be paid at time and one-half. Overtime is
permitted with supervisory approval only.
Compensation and Payday
Student team members are paid bi-weekly based on rate of pay and the number of hours
worked. Each payroll period begins on a Sunday and ends 14 days later.
While time records are kept in your unit’s payroll office, you are encouraged to keep track of the
hours you work. If you believe there is an error in your paycheck, please bring it to the attention
of your full-time supervisor immediately.
Direct Deposit or PayCard
Upon employment, team members will gain access to the MSU Enterprise Business System
(EBS) where you can view earnings statements, update your state and federal tax withholdings,
set up direct deposit and much more. All team members have the option to select either
deposit or PayCard as their method of receiving their paycheck. For direct deposit, MSU will
safely and confidentially deposit your paycheck electronically into an account you designate at
any financial institution within the U.S. on pay day. The PayCard is a convenient and secure
method of receiving your paycheck on a reloadable VISA Debit Card on pay day.
Job Performance and Evaluations
Training and Supervision
You will be trained in all aspects of your job by designated RHS team members. These team
members may train you in areas that require a certain amount of skill. They will teach you the
proper techniques and safety procedures to ensure that you will be successful in your job. If you
are not sure of something during the course of your workday, please see your supervisor.
Most of your training will be on-the-job. You will be paid for the time you attend required
meetings or training sessions. Be sure to clock in and out for these sessions. Unless you have
been excused by your supervisor, missing required meetings or training sessions will be
considered an unexcused absence.
Performance Evaluations
Performance evaluations are used for determining pay raises and eligibility for rehire. Your work
performance will be evaluated each semester. Your supervisor, at your request, will discuss
your evaluation with you so you may find out how well you are performing your job and identify
ways to improve your performance to be more successful. You will also be given an opportunity
to give us feedback. Remember, your evaluation remains on file even after you leave. You are
welcome to use it as reference information for future employers.
Each unit will determine the frequency and type of evaluation procedure they wish to use. Listed
here are general categories that may be evaluated:
Quality and Quantity of Work
Criteria for evaluating work product, productivity, and the quality of work performed:
Is responsive to deadlines and notifies affected parties when meeting deadlines is not
Plans and observes work time responsibly.
Works effectively and efficiently with all co-workers.
Accurate and thorough in all work assignments.
Completes work with little or no supervision.
Completes work following specific instructions, policies and procedures.
Demonstrates high quality standards in all interactions and work assignments.
Exercises good judgment and makes appropriate decisions in performance of duties.
Work Characteristics and Attributes
Presents and promotes a positive image of the institution through business-like conduct,
attitude, and appearance.
Customer service-focused, exhibiting helpful, friendly, and courteous service.
Demonstrates punctual, reliable, and consistent attendance.
Demonstrates the ability to appreciate and work with a diverse population.
Proactively and willingly acquires new skills, tasks, procedures, and projects.
Self-starter; takes action without being asked.
Willing to accept suggestions and training; takes direction.
Asks questions when needed.
Job Knowledge and Skills
Respects confidentiality of all student and MSU documents, information, records, etc.
Demonstrates knowledge of the position, department, division, and institution mission
and goals.
Ability to accurately follow oral and written instructions, directions, policies and
procedures of the department.
Demonstrates the ability to make sound judgments.
Deals with difficult situations effectively.
Demonstrates effective and appropriate written and oral communication skills.
Promotional Opportunities
We are an equal opportunity employer. You are encouraged to apply for promotions as they
become available. We look for students who display a strong work ethic, demonstrate
leadership qualities and possess good communication skills. We firmly believe in promoting
from within the unit. For further information about such promotional opportunities, see your
Unsatisfactory Performance
Student team members who demonstrate either unsatisfactory work performance or
unsatisfactory work attendance may be warned and given time to correct the problem.
Extremely poor work performance or work attendance may warrant termination without warning.
These actions will be documented:
Warning: Upon display of unsatisfactory performance or attendance, you should be told
in private how job requirements are not being met and allowed a reasonable period to
improve your performance. You must understand that unless work performance or
attendance is improved, you will be terminated. Your supervisor should take steps
toward improved communication or instruction allowing you to achieve satisfactory
Written Warning: If your work performance continues to fall below required standards,
you should be informed in writing of the unsatisfactory performance.
Termination: If, after at least one written warning, your performance has not improved,
you may be terminated.
Problem Resolution
To promote good communication and the best possible outcome, Residential and Hospitality
Services requests all student team members raise issues of concern with their immediate
supervisor in an attempt to find an informal solution to the problem. A neutral route, such as the
RHS Human Resources Department, is an option for students that feel uncomfortable directing
their concerns to their supervisor. It is the philosophy of RHS, however, that it is often best to
attempt to work through concerns with the staff that is "closest" to the issue.
In the unfortunate event that you have to leave your position, please see your supervisor before
you resign. If there is a conflict, we may be able to help you work out the problem. If you are
sure that you must resign, we ask that you give us at least a two (2) week notice. This will allow
you to remain eligible for future employment. In addition, this courtesy will give supervisors and
co-workers time to replace your shifts.
Student team members are hired for one semester unless advised otherwise by their
department. Departments should provide at least one week written notice prior to releasing
students from their work. Termination without warning is warranted for poor work performance
or attendance; flagrant; willful violation of RHS or University rules; budget constraints; lack of
work; and improper conduct.
Additional RHS Policies
Personal Appearance/Dress Code Policy
Personal appearance at work influences first impressions of guests and has a direct impact on
the reputation of Residential and Hospitality Services. Therefore, appropriate work attire and
personal grooming is required of all team members. The following is expected of all team
Work uniforms and/or nametags provided by RHS must be worn appropriately at all
times during work hours.
Uniforms and appropriate attire must be properly laundered, neatly ironed, and free from
stains and tears.
Footwear should be protective, slip-resistant, and appropriate for the work assignment.
Due to varied work assignments and/or working conditions, some departments will have
additional expectations that will be communicated at the time of hire. Please see your
supervisor for any department specific policies related to personal appearance or dress code
Phone Use Policy
Use of phones by Residential and Hospitality Services team members must be held to a
minimum and must not interfere with the team member’s work and/or the operation of the
Department/Office Phone
Personal calls made from department/office phones require prior approval from
Personal calls may only be made during designated break periods.
Team members must inform their supervisor if an urgent matter arises that requires a
personal call to be made outside of the designated break period.
Personal long-distance calls made from work phones are prohibited.
Personal Cell Phone
Personal calls may only be made during designated break periods.
Team members must inform their supervisor if an urgent matter arises that requires a
personal call to be made outside of the designated break period.
During a work shift, the cell phone must be turned off or on silent mode, and not visible
to guests.
Cell phones may not be used while working, in a work area, or in public areas unless it is
for a business reason.
Musical Devices
Use of headphones, iPods, or other musical devices are not permitted while on duty
unless they are approved for use by your supervisor.
Removal of Property from the Workplace Policy
All team members employed within the Division of Residential and Hospitality Services are
prohibited from carrying out of their workplace any box, package or container without the
consent of their supervisor. Unauthorized removal of any property not owned by the team
member may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Lost and abandoned items must be turned into the designated area in your unit.
RHS Acceptable Use of Computer Systems Policy
The use of computing systems in the Division of Residential and Hospitality Services has
become part of our everyday jobs. Although using these systems is required to complete many
business functions, computer use is also a privilege.
All Residential and Hospitality Services Computing Systems are provided primarily for the
purpose of, or in support of, the fulfillment of job functions. To this end, RHS may restrict access
to certain off-campus networks or communications protocols.
Acceptable use is based on respect: respect for the privacy of others (their passwords, files,
data and mail), respect for copyrights and licenses, respect for the integrity of computing and
network systems. Use should be consistent with guiding ethical statements and accepted
community standards, as well as Guiding Principles of the University and the Division of
Residential and Hospitality Services.
Rules Governing Personal Conduct of Student Employees
Rules of personal conduct for team members are intended to promote the orderly and efficient
operation of the university, as well as to protect the rights of all team members. Violations,
therefore, shall be regarded as cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Termination may result from an accumulation of minor infractions as well as for a single serious
infraction. This statement of Rules Governing Personal Conduct of Student Employees does not
preclude the establishment of additional rules for its team members by any University
departments that are necessary for the effective operation of that department.
Disciplinary actions under these rules do not free a team member from possible criminal
liabilities, nor preclude sanctions established for violations of MSU Ordinances or state or
federal laws.
The following are examples of conduct that are prohibited:
Sexual Harassment: may include, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature or
behaviors which create a hostile environment. Examples of prohibited behaviors include:
o Verbal harassment including, but not limited to, comments or questions about a
person's sexual behavior, sexually oriented jokes, comments or questions about
a person's body, and conversations filled with sexual innuendo.
o Physical harassment including, but not limited to, unwelcome touching, fondling,
patting, pinching or kissing.
o Direct or implied threat(s) that failure to cooperate with the request or advance
will result in negative consequences.
o Having sexually suggestive pictures and/or other sexually oriented objects and/or
sexually suggestive electronic communications in the workplace which may have
the purpose or effect of embarrassing, humiliating, intimidating or frightening
team members, students, clients or visitors.
Improper behavior relating to attendance
o Excessive absenteeism.
o Tardiness, leaving work early, or extending break periods.
o Failure to report for overtime work when scheduled.
o Failure to properly report the reason(s) for being absent, if no previous
arrangements were made with the respective supervisor.
Malicious or intentional destruction, damage, defacing or willful neglect of university
Taking or attempting to take property from the university, its students, team members,
visitors or patrons.
Providing false information on the employment application or other records.
Improperly or falsely completing work-related records, including:
o Team members not punching their own time records when reporting to and
leaving from work.
o Making entries on time or production records that do not accurately reflect actual
time worked.
o Providing false information to secure a sickness or disability leave or other leaves
of absence.
Failure to comply with safety rules and regulations including:
o Failure to immediately report all accidents and injuries.
o Failure to comply with and/or follow safety rules and regulations as established
by the University's Police Department and/or Office of Radiation, Chemical and
Biological Safety, and/or unit supervision.
Non-work-related use of official position and influence for personal profit.
Refusal to obey or willful failure to carry out the instructions of the supervisor, including
the assigned duties of the job, when such instructions do not require unsafe or illegal
Neglect of duty and/or due care and/or diligence in the performance of duties.
Unauthorized disclosure of records or other business information.
Misconduct related to the use and possession of alcoholic beverages and controlled
o Consuming or possessing on University premises alcoholic beverages, except
when authorized.
o Consuming or possessing on University premises controlled substances without
a prescription.
o Unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of illegal
drugs or controlled substances.
o Being under the influence of alcohol when reporting to or while at work.
o Being under the influence of controlled substances without a prescription, or
illegal drugs when reporting to or while at work.
Other misconduct such as, but not limited to, the following:
o Use of vulgar or obscene language.
o Threatening and/or intimidating other persons, fighting and/or instigating a fight
and/or horseplay.
o Verbally abusing, physically attacking or obstructing any person.
o Gambling or engaging in other games of lottery.
o Immoral conduct.
o Illegal acts committed by team members when not at work that reflects adversely
upon the University.
o Unauthorized use/possession of University or other property.
o Unauthorized possession of a weapon while on University property.
o Ethnic intimidation based upon a person's race, color, religion, gender or national
Workplace Expectations
Sustainable Practices
Every day, MSU Spartans work to create life-changing solutions for a better world.
One of the values of the Division of Residential and Hospitality Services states that, "We will
care about and actively work to address social issues, such as, employment, environment, and
the human condition, that will define this world's future."
Our actions are powered by more than a century-and-a-half commitment to empowering
ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Working together and collaboratively, we can move
mountains--or preserve them for future generations.
Today, MSU is one of the world's top research universities and one of the nation's top five
sustainable campuses. And every day--through teaching, research, outreach, and campus
innovation--Spartans are working to improve the quality of life at MSU and in communities
around the globe.
The impact? Clean and affordable energy. Access to education and to safe food and water
supplies. Improved health. Less work. More efficiency. And a more helpful and sustainable
future for all.
Tolerance and Civility
MSU strives to build an academic community with living and learning environments that expects
tolerance of viewpoints and civility toward others, whether at public forums, athletic events, in
residential communities, classrooms, or laboratories.
We call upon all who participate in university events to promote tolerance and civil behavior and
to hold themselves to high standards that reflect the university’s commitment to respect
viewpoints that may be different from their own. Only by respecting individuals with diverse
perspectives and ideas can we build an environment of civility that is conductive to advancing
knowledge and transforming lives.
Employment Laws and Regulations
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Michigan Persons with Disabilities Civil
Rights Act (MPDCRA)
Under the ADA and the MPDCRA, an employer is required to make reasonable
accommodations for qualified persons with disabilities, unless the accommodations would
cause undue hardship on the employer. Accommodation requests and issues must be directed
to your hiring department. Under the MPDCRA, you are required to notify an employer that you
are in need of an accommodation within 182 days of becoming aware of the need for
Anti-Discrimination Policy
The MSU Anti-Discrimination Policy states that unlawful acts of discrimination are prohibited.
University community members shall not 1) discriminate against any University community
member(s) through inappropriate limitation of employment opportunity, access to University
residential facilities, or participation in education, social, cultural, or other University activities on
the basis of age, color, gender, gender identity, disability status, height, marital status, national
origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight; or 2)
harass any University community member(s) on the basis of age, color, gender, gender identity,
disability status, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, race, religion, sexual
orientation, veteran status, or weight.
Driver and Chauffeur Licenses
There are several on-call team member job descriptions that require driver and/or chauffeur
licenses for on-call team members. All departments should review the duties being performed
by their on-call team members as far as driving motor vehicles is concerned and, where
necessary, require that on-call team members obtain a chauffeur license. In addition, when
recruiting to fill vacancies, requisitions should clearly state those instances where chauffeur
licenses are required.
Where a student team member is required to operate a motor vehicle for the purpose of
transporting merchandise or persons on a regular basis, that student team member
should be required to possess a chauffeur license. A chauffeur license should be
required where a primary responsibility is the operation of a motor vehicle with a seating
capacity of twelve or more persons or which is regularly involved in the delivery of goods
and materials on the public highway.
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
Consistent with state and federal law, Michigan State University will maintain a workplace free
from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of
substances. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of
controlled substances, illicit drugs and alcohol are prohibited on any property under the control
of and governed by the Board of Trustees of Michigan State University, and at any site where
work is performed by individuals on behalf of Michigan State University.
Family Medical Leave Act Policy
The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 provides eligible student team members with up to
twelve weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave. To be eligible, a student team member must have
been employed by MSU for at least 12 months and have at least 1,250 hours of service in a
twelve-month period. Leave is granted to care for a team member's child after birth, or
placement for adoption or foster care; to care for a team member's spouse, son, daughter, or
parent, who has a serious health condition; or for a serious health condition that makes the
team member unable to perform the team member's job.
Firearms Policy
Except as otherwise provided, members of the university workforce are prohibited at any time
while on any property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the University, or elsewhere in
the course of their employment with the University, from possessing or using any firearm. This
Policy applies regardless of whether the member of the workforce has a concealed weapon
permit or is otherwise authorized by law to possess, discharge, or use a firearm.
MSU Computer Use Policy
Access to modern information technology is essential to the pursuit and achievement of
excellence across the MSU mission of instruction, research, and service outreach. The privilege
of use of computing systems and software, as well as internal and external data networks, is
important to all members of the university community. The preservation of that privilege for the
full community requires that each individual faculty member, staff member, and student comply
with institutional and external standards for appropriate use.
MSU Ordinances
The Board of Trustees of Michigan State University adopts ordinances that provide for the care,
preservation and protection of the property governed by the Board, for the security and well-
being of persons on said property, to promote the University’s successful operation, to maintain
good order, and to ensure against undue interference with the lawful activities of persons
coming upon land governed by the Board.
Tobacco-Free Ordinance
Michigan State University’s tobacco-free ordinance went into effect Aug. 15, 2016 banning the
use of any form of tobacco on campus property. The ordinance applies to all property governed
by the Board of Trustees and includes not only main campus but also all MSU sites across the
state, nation and globe.
In addition to traditional tobacco products such as cigarettes and chewing tobacco, the
ordinance also prohibits the use of e-cigarettes and vaporizers. All FDA-approved nicotine
replacement therapy products are permitted for cessation use. Tobacco-Free Ordinance
All team members share in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this ordinance.
Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy
Michigan State University is committed to maintaining a learning and working environment for all
students, faculty, and staff that is fair, humane, and responsible - an environment that supports
career and educational advancement on the basis of job and academic performance.
Relationship violence, stalking, and sexual misconduct subvert the mission of the University and
offend the integrity of the University community. Relationship violence, stalking, and sexual
misconduct are not tolerated at Michigan State University.
“Relationship violence” and “sexual misconduct” are broad terms that encompass sexual
harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.
The purpose of the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Policy
is to define relationship
violence, stalking, and sexual misconduct, describe the process for reporting violations of the
policy, outline the process used to investigate and adjudicate alleged violations of policy, and
identify resources available to members of the University community who are involved in an
incident of relationship violence, stalking, or sexual misconduct.
This policy applies to all members of the University community - faculty, staff, and students
regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity. Further, the Policy applies to all
members of the University community regardless of national origin or any other characteristic
protected under the University's Anti-Discrimination Policy. Members of the University
community shall not engage in relationship violence or sexual misconduct. Persons who do so
are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge for employees and dismissal for
students. The University also prohibits sexual misconduct by third parties towards members of
the University community when the third party has been brought into contact with the member of
the University community through a University program or activity.
If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Roberts, RHS HR unit liaison to the Office of
Institutional Equity, at (517)353-7260 or [email protected]
University Reporting Protocols
The University strives to offer a safe and supportive learning and working environment for all
individuals. In support of that goal, the University has reporting protocols for its employees with
respect to certain conduct involving suspected child abuse, child pornography, allegations of
sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking.
The reporting protocols for University employees are straightforward:
Suspected Child Abuse: If, in your position at MSU, you suspect a child may be
abused or neglected, you must contact the MSU Police Department immediately. The
MSU Police will advise you as to whether you are considered a “mandatory reporter”
under Michigan law and also must file a report with Children’s Protective Services.
Employees who work with children are encouraged to review the
Michigan Department
of Human Services website for information about recognizing child abuse and neglect.
Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, and Stalking: If you receive an allegation of
sexual assault, relationship violence, or stalking related to a member of the University
community (faculty, staff or student), you must report the allegation to the
MSU Police
Department and the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE). This would include an allegation
a MSU community member has sexually assaulted a child. The only employees who
may honor a request for confidentiality from an adult victim of an alleged sexual assault
are the University Ombudsman and those whose conversations are protected by a
legally recognized privilege (i.e., doctor-patient, counselor-patient). Employees are
encouraged to review materials and documents related to Relationship Violence and
Sexual Misconduct at the website
Child Pornography: If you become aware of suspected child pornography on MSU IT
Resources, you must contact the MSU Police Department immediately.
Employees who have questions about the reporting protocols may contact the MSU Police
Department or the Office of Institutional Equity.
Contact Information:
MSU Police Department Office of Institutional Equity
87 Red Cedar Road 408 W. Circle Drive, Room 4, Olds Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824 East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 355-2221 (517) 353-3922
Emergencies: 911 [email protected]
police.msu.edu oie.msu.edu
Safety Policies and Procedures
All on-call team members employed within the Division of Residential and Hospitality Services
shall be in compliance with safe practice standards in the workplace. These standards are a
matter of professional knowledge and within official codes and regulations of the university.
Each department is responsible for the establishment and preservation of safe conditions and
safe practices within the work area. On-call team members are expected to comply with all
established safety practices and procedures and are to immediately report any accidents or
safety problems, regardless of the degree of severity, to a supervisor.
As an student team member, you share in the responsibility for the health and safety of yourself,
our residents and guests, your co-workers and other members of the MSU community.
Ask for instructions before using unfamiliar equipment.
Ask for help when lifting heavy items.
Keep your work area clean.
Use safety devices that are provided.
Wear personal protective equipment when necessary or instructed to do so.
Wash your hands after using the restroom, coughing, sneezing, touching your hair,
eating, or wiping your face.
Report unsafe working conditions.
If you are injured on the job, regardless of the degree of severity, notify your supervisor
immediately. Your supervisor is required to fill out an accident report and see that you get
medical attention if necessary.
General Emergencies
Each unit has posted emergency procedures for team members to follow. Safe areas have been
designated for each building and are prominently displayed. It is your responsibility to know
which area is safest during a crisis. All team members will be expected to help in directing
guests to shelter areas or appropriate exits of the building. For emergencies, supervisors will
contact MSU Police.
Fire Alarm
Remain Calm. Usher customers and staff to the designated safe location outside the building
and remain there until further instructions.
Severe Weather Warning
Usher customers and staff to the recommended safe location within the building and remain
inside until further instructions.
Tornado Warning
Remain Calm. Stay away from windows, doors, large objects and electrical power equipment.
Usher customers and staff to the recommended safe location within the building and remain
inside until further instructions.
Power Outage
Remain Calm. Wait until your supervisor can advise you and be prepared to assist disabled
Guest Emergencies
In the event of a guest injury, team members must render initial assistance and then inform a
supervisor or manager about the accident so they may determine a further course of action.
Michigan Right-To-Know Law
On-call team members will be told their rights under the law if they will be or could be exposed
to hazardous chemicals. You must be informed of the specific safety procedures necessary to
work with these materials.
Building Access
If you have issues with building access on your MSU ID, please contact your supervisor.
ID Card/Spartan Card Support
Your MSU ID card is used to clock in and out for work. If you lose your MSU ID or if it is not
working, please visit the MSU ID Office for a replacement.
MSU ID Office
International Center
427 N. Shaw Lane, Room 170
East Lansing, MI 48824
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Fri 8am to 4:45pm
Closed on University Holidays
Helpful Links for On-Call Team members
Interactive Campus Map
RHS Student Employment
Direct Deposit
MSU Police Department
Meal Plan Options
Olin Health Center
Office for International Students and Scholars
MSU Counseling Center
Career Services Network
Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives
Associated Students of MSU
MSU Neighborhoods
MSU ID Office
CATA Transportation Services
MSU Federal Credit Union
Recreational Sports and Fitness Services
MSU Payroll
University Reporting Protocols Acknowledgement
First Name Middle Name Last Name
(Please Print)
a team member of the Division of Residential and Hospitality Services at Michigan State
University, acknowledge that I will abide by the provisions outlined in the University Reporting
Protocols for suspected child abuse, child pornography, allegations of sexual assault,
relationship violence, and stalking:
Suspected Child Abuse: If I have reason to suspect a child may be abused or
neglected, I will contact the MSU Police Department immediately.
Sexual Assault, Relationship Violence, and Stalking: If I receive an allegation of sexual
assault, relationship violence, or stalking related to a member of the University
community (faculty, staff or student), I will report the allegation to the MSU Police
Department and the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE).
Child Pornography: If I become aware of suspected child pornography on MSU IT
Resources, I will contact the MSU Police Department immediately.
For further information on the University Reporting Protocols: Child Abuse, Sexual Assault,
Relationship Violence, Stalking, and Child Pornography and related FAQ document, please
visit: hr.msu.edu/policies-procedures/university-wide/reporting_protocols.html
_____________________________________________ ___________________
Signature Date
_____________________________________________ ___________________
Name of Department PRINT Supervisor Name
Team Member Guide Acknowledgement
I, ____________________________________ (First-Middle-Last Name), a team member of the
Division of Residential and Hospitality Services at Michigan State University, acknowledge that I
have received a copy of the RHS Student Team Member Guide and applicable unit
addendum(s), that I have reviewed and understand them and will abide by their provisions.
Signature Date