Supervisor Follow-Up Instructions for an Employee Resignation
1. Upon receipt of verbal notice of resignation, instruct the employee to submit their resignation by
2. Upon receipt of the emailed notice of resignation, submit the notice to the Oce of Human Resources
(OHR) by uploading the resignation letter to the Separation Notice web form. You may need to save
the email as a PDF document, rst, then upload to the web form.
a. Departing employees may need to be coached on the proper resignation protocols, including
providing the proper notice period. Discuss any concerns with OHR. Proper notice periods
are as follows:
i. AFSCME-represented employees are encouraged to provide two (2) weeks written
notice to their supervisor.
ii. Classied employees must provide at least two (2) weeks written notice to their
supervisor. In certain circumstances, Classied employees may be asked to provide
thirty (30) days advance notice, at the discretion of their supervisor or Director.
iii. Executive and Professional Administrative sta must provide at least thirty (30) days
advance written notice to their supervisor.
iv. Faculty members are encouraged to provide at least ninety (90) days advance written
notice. Faculty are expected to complete the academic year in which the notice is
v. Sworn Police Ocers and others subject to the Memorandum of Understanding
with the Fraternal Order of Police must provide at least two (2) weeks written notice
to the Chief of Police or their designee.
vi. Contractual employees should provide a minimum of two (2) weeks notice to their
supervisor, unless the contract species otherwise.
b. If an employee fails to provide a resignation letter, create a new document and state “Employee
First & Last Name has provided verbal notication of their intent to resign eective DATE. A
letter or email notication was requested but not received. I have accepted their resignation
eective DATE.” Sign or type your name below and save as a new document. Use this as your
upload document.
c. Employees are discouraged from utilizing leave during their notice period.
3. Create a plan to meet with the resigning employee to allow for knowledge transfer and status updates
on various work tasks or projects.
a. Create a schedule and utilize calendar invitations to manage these meetings. The duration and
frequency of these meetings will vary greatly, depending on the responsibilities of the resigning
b. Redirect benets, payroll, or other employment related questions to the FAQ document
posted on the OHR website and/or encourage the employee to reach out to OHR directly at
4. Upon receipt of the Separation Notice web form, OHR will initiate the Clearance Workow in
5. Use the below checklist to oboard your employee and plan for what comes next.
6. Click here to review the Employee Resignation Instructions, if desired.
Supervisor’s Checklist for Employee Resignation
Set specic meeting dates and times for updates on existing work tasks and projects, the transition of
said tasks and projects to the appropriate individuals, as well as overall transfer of knowledge.
Determine appropriate routing for incoming calls and emails to the departing employee.
Forward extension, as determined above.
Forward email and/or set appropriate auto-reply, as determined above.
Plan for any going-away celebration(s), as appropriate to the situation.
Decide if you are replacing the position. If so, begin the recruiting planning process now. Do not
wait until the employee has left the University.
If lling the position, review the job description and update accordingly.
Initiate the job posting in MEMS (may be done by a designee). Recruiting eorts are permitted to
run concurrently with a departing employee’s notice period.
Determine the need, if any, for temporary or contingency hiring.
Click here to submit a Request for Temporary Employee, if needed.
Click here to submit a PF10 Request for Contractual Employee, if needed.
Collect all University property, on or before the employee’s nal day of employment.
Keys Access Badge Laptop Cell Phone
P Card Parking Pass Uniforms Tools
Other: __________________________________________________________
Document what was collected and, if possible, conrm via email with the employee. The departing
employee and/or the supervisor may use the Return of Property form for this purpose.
Work with the employee to reset and document passwords and lock codes for any equipment. Do
not share the new password with the departing employee.
Ensure any biometric lock (i.e. thumb print, facial recognition) is disabled on cell phones, laptops,
and any other equipment with similar capabilities.
Send email communication to co-workers, other departments/employees, and/or vendors the
employee may have worked closely with, as appropriate.