Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Process
Now that I have completed all the coursework and the CalAPA, what do I do to receive the
Preliminary Administrative Services Credential?
*Preliminary Administrative Services Credential: for individual who has completed the requirements, and has an offer of
employment in an administrative position.
Certificate of Eligibility: for individual who has completed the requirements, but does not have an offer of employment in an
administrative position.*
In order to be recommended for the Preliminary Credential with the Commission on Teacher
Credentialing (CTC), an applicant will need to:
1. Ensure that their basic teaching or service credential is current and renewed prior to
submitting your application packet to the Credential Analyst & Counselor in the University of
California, Irvine’s School of Education office
o Please note that the expiration date of your basic credential will be tied to your
administrative services credential.
o For example, your basic credential will expire on 3/1/2025. You submitted your
application packet on 2/27/2024. Your administrative services credential will be issued
with an expiration date of 3/1/2025.
2. Submit an application packet with the following documents to the Credential Analyst &
Completed credential application via DocuSign at
o Fill out section # 1 (Please provide an email address that is not an AOL or a School
District email address).
o For section #2 Application Type Requested, selectNew Credential/Permit”.
o For section #3 Choose Document Type, select “Administrative” and “Other” under
Services Credential.
Please indicate “Preliminary” or “Certificate of Eligibility” in the space under
o Leave section 4, 5, and 8 blank.
o Fill out section 6, 7 and 9.
*DocuSign will be digitally delivered to UCI School of Education’s credential analyst after you click finish/complete. *
ONE official transcript reflecting grades for all required courses
o Please order an official transcript over here:
resources/academic-records/transcript-credits-grades. Transcript requests need to
be ordered online through your online account by requesting a digital transcript via
Parchment. The digital transcript must be sent to UCI School of Education’s
Credential Office at For Step-By-Step directions with
screenshot, please visit
*Please make sure your grade has been posted PRI OR to ordering your transcript. Please allow up
to two weeks after the course end date for your instructor to submit the final grades*
Official verification of at least five years of successful employment on a valid California teaching or
services credential
o If you did not provide this at the time of admissions, you must provide it now. If you did
provide it at the time of admissions, you do not need to resubmit it. (Note: Verification
needs to be on school district or employing agency’s letterhead. Verification needs to
be signed by your school district’s Director of Human Resources, Director of
Personnel, Superintendent, or Assistant Superintendent. Signature must be official,
which is defined as ‘wet ink’ or digital using Adobe or DocuSign.)
Verification of employment as an administrator (NOTE: Verification needs to be on school district
letterhead or you may submit the CTC’s form, found on the CTC website at Verification needs to be signed by your
school district’s Director of Human Resources, Director of Personnel, Superintendent, or
Assistant Superintendent. Signature must be official, which is defined as ‘wet ink’ or digital using
Adobe or DocuSign.)
o If you are filing for your Certificate of Eligibility, you will not submit this
UCI charges $127.50 for processing the Preliminary Credential. Please pay $127.50 via
After your recommendation has been submitted by UCI’s Credential Analyst and Counselor, you will
receive email instructions from the CTC regarding payment:
A valid credit or debit card will be necessary to make payment of $102.65 directly to the
Commission on Teacher Credentialing through the CTC website. This payment of $102.65
must be paid within 90 days of recommendation. If payment is not received within the 90
days, the recommendation is dropped out of the CTC’s system and you would have to be
re-recommended by UCI’s Credential Analyst and Counselor.
I did not receive the CTC’s email regarding payment. What should I do?
Please check your spam or junk folder. If you do not see the CTC’s email but you have received an
email from our department informing you that your recommendation has been processed, you may
complete your recommendation by following the directions found here:
How do I prove to my school district that I will be receiving the credential?
Once all required documents are submitted and the credential analyst has processed your credential
recommendation with the CTC, you will receive an email requesting payment from the CTC. For more
detailed directions on how to pay for your credential after UCI has recommended you, go to After payment is received and the
CTC completes your application process, you will receive a second email confirming the payment for
your credential. You can use this email as verification for your district that your credential is being
processed. Recommendations completed online are normally processed within 10 working days and
posted to the CTC website. Employers and education agencies seeking proof that a document has
been granted by the Commission may use the “Search for an Educator” button on the CTC website at and key in the SS# and DOB of the person whom they wish to verify to view
the electronically displayed information for the official record.
What if I have completed the coursework and performance assessment, but I do not yet have a job
as an administrator?
It is still very important to submit all of the documents required above EXCEPT for the verification of
employment as an administrator to the credential analyst. The credential analyst will apply for a
Certificate of Eligibility, which has no expiration date. You will indicate on your downloaded CTC
application you are applying for your Certificate of Eligibility under Term. Once you obtain an
administrative position, you and your school district will need to file for your Preliminary Administrative
Services Credential with the CTC.
What will I do to clear the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential?
In order to clear the credential you must complete a Clear Administrative Services Credential program
and be recommended for the clear credential. See the UCI DCE’s website, for more information on the Clear
Administrative Services Credential program. Note: To be admitted to UCI DCE’s Clear Credential,
you must enroll in the program within one year of your initial hire as an administrator.
IMPORTANT: It is extremely important that you apply for either your credential or the Certificate of
Eligibility immediately after completing the required coursework and CalAPA cycles. We will not
make a credential recommendation if the coursework and CalAPA cycles have not been completed
within the last 5 years.
Who can I contact for more information?
UCI DCE, Education Programs
949-824-7945 or
UCI School of Education
Credential Office
Licensure and Certification Disclosures
University of California programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to
prepare the student for California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for
professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or
certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated
with the University of California and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.
The University of California has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or
professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students planning to pursue licensure or
certification in other states are responsible for determining whether, if they complete a University of
California program, they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is
made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).