Grad Bash 2024 - Universal Orlando
The Class of 2024 will have the opportunity to attend Grad Bash at Universal Studios Orlando on Saturday, April 13, 2024. Grad
Bash is a fun-filled night when seniors from all over the United States gather to “ride the movies” and celebrate together in a
drug-free, alcohol-free environment. Both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure are open to our students. The night also
includes popular music by various DJs throughout the parks. This is a wonderful opportunity to make lasting memories.
Permission slip
s will be available January 9 January 26. A completed permission slip/release/responsibility form is required
from every senior SHS student attending Universal regardless of age. Forms must be completed and turned in at time of first
payment for the Universal trip. The permission slip/release/responsibility form must be signed by the parent/guardian of the
student, even if the student is 18 or older.
Tickets may be purchased, with completed permission slip, January 10 January 26 ONLY.
When: Saturday night, April 13, 2024
Time: Students will meet in the cafeteria at 1:00pm. Following an overview of expectations, students will board charter busses
and depart at approximately 1:30pm. We will be admitted to the parks at 4:00pm. The parks close at 2:00am. We arrive back at
Springstead by approximately 4:30am Sunday morning (April 14, 2024).
Attire: Hernando County dress code will be strictly enforced, abiding by the Hernando County Schools Code of Conduct, in
addition to the dress code as per Universal guidelines.
Cost: The cost for access to both parks and transportation is $180. This does NOT include meals. Annual passes are NOT allowed
as this is a special event. Total fee of $180 must be paid in full when completed permission slip is turned in. There will be no
exceptions for payment to meet deadlines of Universal Orlando. **If you have purchased the senior bundle, your Grad Bash ticket
has been paid for as part of your package, you are still expected to follow all the rules and expectations set forth**
NOTE: Tickets are purchased in advance, and they are NOT REFUNDABLE. Students must have NO major disciplines
(ISS, OSS during the second semester beginning January 9, 2024), notices of obligation, and may not be on the 90%
attendance list in order to attend. Students must be in good standing from the time of purchase until the trip or they will
NOT be allowed to attend. Students with any ISS/OSS during second semester (January 9 – April 12) may not attend. The
administration and class sponsors reserve the right to review the disciplinary and conduct records of all students to
approve/disapprove of their privilege of attending this event.
Expectations: We expect our students to conduct themselves as the young adults that they are as they are representing both their
school and their family. If a student misbehaves and the parks must take disciplinary action, we will contact their parent/guardian,
and it will be their responsibility to drive to Orlando and retrieve their student. Chaperones from SHS will be in both parks at all
This is a school sanctioned field trip, th
erefore, students MUST ride the busses to and from the park.
**In addition, students MUST be on track to graduate (GPA, credits), and have their senior grad fee paid (cap & gown)
BEFORE they can purchase a ticket.
Please contact either of the senior sponsors with any questions or concerns, Mrs. Taaffe, 352-797-7010, ext. 252; or email or Mrs. Fedorow, 352-797-7010 ext 276, or email
Students must adhere to Hernando County School’s Student Code of Conduct, and adhere to the policies and procedures
of Universal Orlando.
Grad Bash 2023 April 28 Itinerary **Park in the Mariner lot ONLY!
Arrive: SHS Cafeteria 1:00pm **ALL times are approximate (Except the arrival to SHS @1:00 pm)
Depart: front of school 1:30pm
Arrive: Universal 3:45pm
Depart: Universal 2:15am
Arrive: SHS front of school 4:30am
The buses will depart the parking lot of Universal promptly at 2:15am. The return time on Sunday morning is an
approximation, but please have transportation home arranged prior to our return to SHS.
If you need medication while at Universal, you must submit your release form listing any clinic approved medications that would be
on Universal grounds. You must carry a copy of this form while at Universal. If this form is not completed and verified by the clinic,
you may not take medications into the park.
1) Before departing Springstead High School, all participants for this trip will meet in the cafeteria with the belongings they intend
to bring on the trip. Administration reserves the right to inspect each student including purses, wallets, pant legs, waistbands, cell
phones/cases, etc.
2) After check in, students cannot leave for any reason until it is time to board the bus. You must ride the same bus to and from
Universal Orlando in the same seat.
3) Universal employees reserve the right to check everyone upon arrival and deny entry to anyone who has possession of items that
are not permitted or are not in proper dress code.
4) Follow the dress code provided by Universal and Springstead High School, abiding by the Hernando County Schools Code of
Conduct. Dress code will be checked before getting on the bus. You will have to leave and change if you are not appropriately
dressed. If you do not make it back by the time of departure, your money will NOT be refunded.
5) Anyone misbehaving on the bus or on Universal grounds will have his/her parent/guardian contacted. The parent/guardian will
have to drive to Universal and pick up his/her student. At this point, the student is the responsibility of the parent/guardian. Once
the parent/guardian has been notified, the student must wait for the parent/guardian to arrive in security. The student will not be
allowed to board the bus or receive a refund.
6) No belongings may be left on the bus while you are in the park. Please do not bring electronics, pillows, jackets, etc. to leave
on the bus. The same bus may not bring us back to Springstead High School.
7) While in Universal, if you do not feel well or need to contact the chaperones send a message on our group in ParentSquare.
(Issued by Universal Orlando)
Grad Bash Dress Code
• Dresses, skirts, capris or shorts (all hemlines no shorter than mid-thigh)
• Casual pants (including jeans, khakis)
Casual blouses and tops, tank tops which must have 3 inch straps
• Comfortable shoes (including tennis shoes, dress sandals, boots and flip-flops)
• Purses size of 8.5" x 5.5" (half a piece of printer paper or under)
• Fanny packs
• Hats
• Yoga Pants
• Drawstring bags size of 8.5” x 5.5” (half a sheet of printer paper or under)
• College and professional team name or logos (no jerseys of any kind permitted)
• Shirts with sleeves (polos, dress, and t-shirts)
• Bags, tote bags, purses, backpacks larger than 8.5” x 5.5” (half sheet of printer paper)
• Clothing with excessive holes/shredding, obscene, offensive language or graphics
• Visible undergarments, spandex body suits
• Tank tops or undershirts
• Clothing that exposes excessive portions of the skin that may be viewed as inappropriate at a
school function (e.g., bikini tops and bottoms)
• Short shorts or nylon Basketball shorts, pants falling below the waist
• Area codes displayed on clothing
Accessories such as chains, spiked collars or studded/spiked belts
• High School team name or logos (nothing SHS affiliated)
• No jerseys of any type
Your bag/purse may ONLY contain:
Debit Card/ Cash
Chapstick/Feminine products
Car keys
Portable Charger & cord
Air pods/ear buds
*If you have any other items, they must be stored in your car or friend's car at school. Any items left at school will need to be picked
up the next school day (Monday, April 15, 2024).
*Universal Orlando reserves the right to refuse entry into the park, or require the purchase of appropriate clothing for non-compliance
with the dress code.