Public Sector Entities
Included Under the Public Procurement Act
PSEs as of September 22, 2021SNS-IS Procurement - Governance, Compliance and Monitoring Program
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Government Departments
Advanced Education
Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage
Community Services
Economic Development
Education and Early Childhood Development
Environment & Climate Change
Finance & Treasury Board
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Health and Wellness
Intergovernmental Affairs
Labour, Skills and Immigration
Municipal Affairs and Housing
Natural Resources and Renewables
Public Service Commission
Public Works
Seniors and Long-Term Care
Service Nova Scotia & Internal Services
Government Business Units (Offices and Branches)
Acadian Affairs and Francophonie
African Nova Scotian Affairs
Attorney General
Alcohol and Gaming Authority
Buy Local NS
Chief Information Office
Chief Medical Examiner
Communications Nova Scotia
Communities, Sport, and Recreation
Council on African-Canadian Education
Executive Council
Elections Nova Scotia
Freedom of Information and Protection of
Privacy Review Office (FOIPOP)
Gaelic Affairs
Hansard (NS Legislature)
Halifax Convention Centre Corporation
Harbourside Commercial Park Inc.
o Sydney Utilities Limited
House of Assembly Operations
Human Rights Commission
Invest Nova Scotia Board
Labour Relations
Legislative Services
Legislative Committees Office
Legislative Library
Legislative Television Broadcasting Services
Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia
Muggah Creek Remediation Fund
Nova Scotia Archives
Nova Scotia Immigration
Nova Scotia Jobs Fund
Nova Scotia Legislature
Nova Scotia Museum
Nova Scotia Pension Services Corporation
Nova Scotia Police Complaints Commissioner
Nova Scotia Provincial Library
o Cape Breton Regional
o Colchester-East Hants Public
o Cumberland Public Libraries
o Eastern Counties Regional
o Halifax Public Libraries
o Pictou-Antigonish Regional
o South Shore Public Libraries
Nova Scotia Provincial Lotteries and Casino Corp
Nova Scotia Provincial Parks
Nova Scotia Securities Commission
Office of Citizen-Centered Approaches
Office of Emergency Management
Office of Equity and Anti-Racism Initiatives
Office of Immigration
Office of L’nu Affairs
Office of Mental Health and Addictions
Office of the Auditor General (House of Assembly)
Office of the Clerk
Office of the Fire Marshal
Office of Healthcare Professionals Recruitment
Office of the Legislative Counsel
Office of the Premier
Office of Regulatory Affairs and Service Effectiveness
Office of the Speaker
Office of Priorities and Planning
Office of the Ombudsman
Property Valuation Services Corp
Protocol Office
Public Debt Management Fund
Public Prosecution Service
Registry of Joint Stock Companies
Registry of Motor Vehicles
Public Sector Entities Included Under the Public Procurement Act
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Registry of Regulations
Research Nova Scotia
SYSCO Decommissioning Fund
Crown Corporations - Government Business Enterprises
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia
Develop Nova Scotia
o 3104102 Nova Scotia Limited
Halifax-Dartmouth Bridge Commission
Highway 104 Western Alignment Corporation
Housing Nova Scotia
o Cape Breton Island Housing Authority
o Cobequid Housing Authority
o Eastern Mainland Housing Authority
o Metropolitan Housing Authority
o Western Regional Housing Authority
Nova Scotia Business Inc.
o Nova Scotia Independent Production Fund
Nova Scotia Crop and Livestock Insur. Commission
Nova Scotia Farm Loan Board
Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture Loan Board
Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation
o Atlantic Lottery Corporation
o Interprovincial Lottery Corporation
o Nova Scotia Gaming Equipment Limited
Nova Scotia Lands Inc.
Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation
Perennia Food and Agriculture Incorporated
Tourism Nova Scotia
(ABCs) Agencies, Boards and Commissions & Advisory Boards and Councils
Acadia University Board of Governors
Accessibility Advisory Board
Advisory Board of the Public Archives
Advisory Council on Heritage Property
Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Agricultural Marshland Conservation Commission
Animal Welfare Appeal Board
Arbitration Advisory Committee
Art Gallery of Nova Scotia Board of Governors
Arts Nova Scotia
Assistance Appeal Board-Cape Breton Region
Assistance Appeal Board-Cumberland/Colchester
Assistance Appeal Board-Halifax Reg. Municipality
Assistance Appeal Board-Pictou/Antigonish/Guysbor.
Assistance Appeal Board-Western Region
Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Commission
Barbers Act Board of Examiners
Board of Directors Develop Nova Scotia Limited
Board of Directors of the Atlantic Provinces Special
Education Authority
Board of Directors of the Nova Scotia College of
Dispensing Opticians
Board of IWK Health Centre
Board of Management Kings Regional Rehabilitation
Board of Registration of Embalmers and Funeral
Board of the College of Occupational Therapists of
Nova Scotia
Board of the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors
Board of the NS College of Counselling Therapists
Board of the Nova Scotia College of Nursing
Board of the Nova Scotia College of Physiotherapists
Board of the NS College of Respiratory Therapists
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Area Occupational Health and
Safety Advisory Council
Canada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
Cape Breton University Board of Governors
Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training
Council on Mi'kmaq Education
Crane Operators Appeal Board
Creative Nova Scotia Leadership Council
Crop and Livestock Arbitration Board
Dalhousie College & University Board of Governors
Denturist Licensing Board
Disabled Persons Commission
E911 Cost Recovery Committee
Farm Loan Board
Farm Practices Board
Farm Registration Appeal Board
Film Classification Board
Fire Safety Advisory Council
Fire Services Advisory Committee
Gaelic College Foundation Board of Governors
IWK Health Centre Board
Public Sector Entities Included Under the Public Procurement Act
PSEs as of September 22, 2021SNS-IS Procurement - Governance, Compliance and Monitoring Program
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Judicial Council
Labour Board
Law Reform Commission of Nova Scotia
Livestock Health Services Board
Maritime Provinces Harness Racing Commission
Meat Inspection Board
Midwifery Regulatory Council of Nova Scotia
Motor Vehicle Appeal Board
Mount Saint Vincent University Board of Governors
Municipal Boards of Police Commissioners
Natural Products Marketing Council
Nova Scotia Advisory Commission on AIDS
Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency
Nova Scotia Boxing Authority
Nova Scotia Building Advisory Committee
Nova Scotia Crop and Livestock Insurance commission
Nova Scotia Electoral Boundaries Commission
Nova Scotia Health Authority Board
Nova Scotia Health Authority Provincial Drug
Distribution Program
Nova Scotia Home for Colored Children Restorative
Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission
Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission
Nova Scotia Museum Board of Governors
Nova Scotia Police Review Board
Nova Scotia Real Estate Commission
Nova Scotia School Boards Association
Nova Scotia Securities Commission
Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board
Occupational Health and Safety Advisory Council
Occupational Health and Safety Appeal Panel Office
Pay Equity Commission
Peggy's Cove Commission
Police (RCMP) Advisory Boards
Power Engineers and Operators Appeal Committee
Prescription Monitoring Board
Primary Forest Products Marketing Board
Provincial Advisory Council on Education
Provincial Dental Board of Nova Scotia
Provincial Tax Commission
Public Accounting Licensing Committee
Public Archives of NS Board of Trustees
Public Trustee of Nova Scotia
Real Estate Appraisers Association Board of Directors
Regional Library Boards
Round Table on Environment & Sustainable Prosperity
Saint Mary's University Board of Governors
Sherbrooke Restoration Commission
Shubenacadie Canal Commission
Sydney Tar Ponds Agency (inactive)
Tender Opportunities and User Resources
The Schooner Bluenose Foundation
Weed Control Advisory Committee
Workers' Compensation Appeals Tribunal
Workers Compensation Board of Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board
Cape Breton Regional Municipality
County of Annapolis
County of Antigonish
County of Colchester
County of Cumberland
County of Inverness
County of Kings
County of Pictou
County of Richmond
County of Victoria
District of Argyle
District of Barrington
District of Chester
District of Clare
District of Digby
District of East Hants
District of Guysborough
District of Lunenburg
District of Shelburne
District of St. Mary's
District of Yarmouth
Halifax Regional Municipality
Region of Queens Municipality
Region of Windsor West Hants
Town of Amherst
Town of Annapolis Royal
Town of Antigonish
Public Sector Entities Included Under the Public Procurement Act
PSEs as of September 22, 2021SNS-IS Procurement - Governance, Compliance and Monitoring Program
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Town of Berwick
Town of Bridgewater
Town of Clark's Harbour
Town of Digby
Town of Kentville
Town of Lockeport
Town of Lunenburg
Town of Mahone Bay
Town of Middleton
Town of Mulgrave
Town of New Glasgow
Town of Oxford
Town of Pictou
Town of Port Hawkesbury
Town of Shelburne
Town of Stellarton
Town of Stewiacke
Town of Trenton
Town of Truro
Town of Westville
Town of Wolfville
Town of Yarmouth
Village of Bible Hill
Village of New Minas
Academic Institutions
Acadia University
Atlantic School of Theology
Cape Breton University
Dalhousie University
Mount Saint Vincent University
Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC)
NSCAD University (NS College of Art and Design)
St. Francis Xavier University
Saint Mary's University
Universite Sainte Anne
University of King's College
Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education
Cape Breton-Victoria Regional Centre for Education
Chignecto - Central Regional Centre for Education
Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial
Halifax Regional Centre for Education
South Shore Regional Centre for Education
Strait Regional Centre for Education
Tri-County Regional Centre for Education
Nova Scotia Health Authority Izaak Walton Killam (IWK) Health Centre
Other Public Sector Entities
Acadia Coal Company Limited Fund
Alternative Resource Energy Authority
Association of Municipal Administrators Nova Scotia
Association of Nova Scotia Village
Atlantic Lottery Corporation Inc
Atlantic Provinces Special Education Authority
Canada Games Centre
Canadian Sports Centre Atlantic
Cape Breton University Foundation
Check Inns Limited (inactive)
Coal Research Agreement Fund
Conflict of Interest Commissioner
Conserve Nova Scotia
CorFor Capital Repairs and Replacements Fund
Council of Atlantic Premiers
Council of Licensed Professional Foresters Association of
Nova Scotia
Crown Land Mine Remediation Fund
Crown Land Silviculture Fund
Cumberland Joint Services Management Authority
Divert Nova Scotia (Resource Recovery Fund Board)
Events East
Film and Creative Industries Nova Scotia
Gaels Forward Fund
Gambling Awareness Foundation of Nova Scotia
Gaming Addiction Treatment Trust Fund
Habitat Conservation Fund
Halifax Water
Highway 104 Western Alignment Corporation
Information Access and Privacy?
Law Reform Commission
Public Sector Entities Included Under the Public Procurement Act
PSEs as of September 22, 2021SNS-IS Procurement - Governance, Compliance and Monitoring Program
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Law Foundation of Nova Scotia
Licensed Professional Planners Association
Lunenburg Community Recycling Centre/Municipal
Joint Services
Members’ Retiring Allowances Act
Mi’kmaw Youth Fund
Muggah Creek Remediation Fund
Military Relations
Municipal Finance Corporation
Nova Scotia Centre for Craft and Design
Nova Scotia College Chiropractors
Nova Scotia College of Dispensing Opticians
Nova Scotia Community College Foundation
Nova Scotia Coordinate Referencing System Trust Fund
Nova Scotia Credit Union Deposit Ins. Corp.
Nova Scotia E911 Cost Recovery Fund
Nova Scotia Education Common Services Bureau
Nova Scotia Environmental Trust
Nova Scotia Federation of Municipalities
Nova Scotia Govt Acadian Bursary Program Fund
Nova Scotia Harness Racing Fund
Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation
Nova Scotia Innovation Corporation
o 1402998 Nova Scotia Limited
o 3087532 Nova Scotia Limited
Nova Scotia Jobs Fund
Nova Scotia Market Development Initiative Fund
Nova Scotia Municipal Finance Corporation
Nova Scotia Nominee Program Fund
Nova Scotia Police Complaints Commissioner
Nova Scotia Power Finance Corporation
Nova Scotia Primary Forest Products Marketing Board
Nova Scotia Regional Enterprise Networks
Nova Scotia School Boards Association
Nova Scotia School Insurance Exchange
Nova Scotia School Insurance Program
Nova Scotia Sportfish Habitat Fund
Nova Scotia Strategic Opportunities Fund Incorp.
Occupational Health and Safety Trust Fund
Off-Highway Vehicle Infrastructure Fund
Office of Regulatory Affairs & Service Effectiveness
Office of the Auditor General
Office of the Information & Privacy Commissioner for NS
Office of the Ombudsman
P3 Schools Capital & Technology Refresh Fund
Pengrowth NS Energy Scholarship Fund
Pictou County Shared Services Authority
Police Complaints Commissioner's Office
Provincial Drug Distribution Program
Public Archives of Nova Scotia
Public Debt Management Fund
Public Prosecution Service
Public Trustee Trust Funds
Public Trustee Renova Scotia Bioenergy Inc
Resource Recovery Fund Board Inc
Scotia Learning Technology Refresh Fund
Select Nova Scotia Fund
Sergeant-at-Arms (NS Legislature)
Species-at-Risk Conservation Fund
Sustainable Forestry Fund
Sydney Steel Corporation
Sydney Utilities Ltd.
Sysco Decommissioning Fund
Valley Regional Enterprise Network
Valley Waste Resource Management Authority
Vive l’Acadie Community Fund
Waycobah School Assistance Fund
Western Regional Enterprise Network
1402998 Nova Scotia Limited
3087532 Nova Scotia Limited
3104102 Nova Scotia Limited
3313086 Nova Scotia Limited
Buying Groups
HealthPRO Canada
St. Joseph’s Health System
InterUniversity Services Incorporated (ISI)