Originating Component: Office of the DoD Chief Information Officer
Effective: May 19, 2023
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division Website
Reissues and Cancels: DoD Instruction 8520.03, “Identity Authentication for Information
Systems,” May 13, 2011, as amended
Incorporates and Cancels: See Paragraph 1.3.
Approved by: John B. Sherman, DoD Chief Information Officer
Purpose: In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5144.02, this issuance:
Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for authenticating person and
non-person entities (NPEs) to DoD information systems, including credential management.
Establishes policy and prescribes procedures for establishing credentials and performing identity
authentication of all entities accessing DoD information systems that authenticate themselves to DoD or
external entities in accordance with DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8500.01.
Establishes sensitivity levels to align with risk management requirements as specified in
DoDI 8510.01, and establishes credential strengths to better align with identity proofing, credential
management, and authentication requirements as specified in the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-63-3.
Implements use of hardware public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates such as the personal identity
verification (PIV) authentication public key certificate, as defined in the NIST Federal Information
Processing Standard (FIPS) 201-2, on the DoD common access card (CAC), as the preferred
authenticator for person entities to use when accessing DoD information systems on unclassified
Provides guidance on using authenticators including hardware and software PKI based, username
and password, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and assertions.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 4
1.1. Applicability. .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Policy. ............................................................................................................................... 5
1.3. Cancelled Documents. ...................................................................................................... 6
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 7
2.1. DoD CIO. .......................................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Director, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA). ................................................ 8
2.3. USD(I&S). ........................................................................................................................ 8
2.4. Director, NSA/Chief Central Security Service. ................................................................ 9
2.5. Director, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency. .......................................... 9
2.6. USD(P&R). ..................................................................................................................... 10
2.7. Director, Department of Defense Human Resources Activity. ....................................... 10
2.8. OSD and DoD Component Heads and the Commandant, United States Coast Guard. .. 11
2.9. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. ............................................................................ 11
SECTION 3: IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES ................................................................................. 12
3.1. Terminology. ................................................................................................................... 12
a. Entity. ........................................................................................................................... 12
b. DoD User Community. ................................................................................................ 12
c. User Types. .................................................................................................................. 13
d. Credentials and Authenticators. ................................................................................... 14
e. Resource Risk Levels. .................................................................................................. 14
f. Cryptographic Module Validation. ............................................................................... 14
g. Assurance Levels. ........................................................................................................ 15
h. IdPs. ............................................................................................................................. 16
i. Impact Levels (ILs). ...................................................................................................... 17
3.2. General Authentication. .................................................................................................. 18
3.3. Person Entity Authentication Requirements. .................................................................. 19
a. Authentication for Access to Low-Risk Resources. .................................................... 19
b. Authentication for Access to Moderate Risk Resources. ............................................. 22
c. Authentication for Access to High-Risk Resources. .................................................... 24
3.4. NPE Authentication Requirements. ................................................................................ 26
a. NPE Authentication to Support Mutually Authenticated Transactions. ...................... 27
b. NPE Device Authentication to Network. ..................................................................... 28
c. NPE Authentication to Static NPE. .............................................................................. 29
d. NPE Authentication to Support CSO Management ..................................................... 30
e. NPE Authentication as a Provisioned User. ................................................................. 30
3.5. CSP Requirements. ......................................................................................................... 31
a. Credential and Authenticator Technology. .................................................................. 31
b. Identity Proofing. ......................................................................................................... 32
c. Credential Issuance. ..................................................................................................... 34
d. Credential Maintenance. .............................................................................................. 34
3.6. IDP Requirements. .......................................................................................................... 34
a. In-Line Reverse Proxy IdP. .......................................................................................... 34
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
b. Break and Inspect Reverse Proxy IdP. ......................................................................... 35
c. General Purpose IdP. .................................................................................................... 35
SECTION 4: APPROVAL PROCESSES ............................................................................................... 37
4.1. MFA Technology. ........................................................................................................... 37
4.2. General Purpose IdP. ...................................................................................................... 38
4.3. E2P. ................................................................................................................................. 40
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 41
G.1. Acronyms. ...................................................................................................................... 41
G.2. Definitions. ..................................................................................................................... 42
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 45
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
a. This issuance applies to:
(1) OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of Inspector General of the
Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other
organizational entities within DoD (referred to collectively in this issuance as the “DoD
(2) The U.S. Coast Guard for Coast Guard-operated DoD systems and networks and for
Coast Guard information systems and networks that directly affect the Department of Defense
Information Network (DODIN) and DoD mission assurance in accordance with the January 17,
2017 Memorandum of Agreement between DoD and the Department of Homeland Security
Regarding DoD and U.S. Coast Guard Cooperation on Cybersecurity and Cyberspace
(3) All DoD Unclassified, Secret, and U.S.-owned networks and information systems
under the authority of the Secretary of Defense (e.g., Non-classified Internet Protocol Router
Network (NIPRNET), SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET), Defense
Research and Engineering Network, Secret Defense Research and Engineering Network,
SIPRNET Releasable, De-Militarized Zone, United States Battlefield Information Collection and
Exploitation System, and other DoD Mission Partner Environments). Information systems
include those that are owned and operated by, or on behalf of, DoD, including systems hosted at
DoD data centers, contractor-operated systems processing DoD owned information, cloud hosted
systems including platform as a service and infrastructure as a service, and systems hosted on
closed operational networks with no connection to the DODIN.
(4) DoD Components using third-party software as a service commercial systems when
used to authenticate users for access to DoD resources.
(5) Information systems supporting physical access control to DoD facilities.
(6) DoD Components granting access to DoD and non-DoD entities including person
entities and NPE (e.g., physical devices, virtual machines, information systems, robotic process
automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence bots, and other processes) logically accessing DoD
Unclassified, Secret, and information systems under the authority of the Secretary of Defense,
including DoD mission partners and DoD beneficiaries.
b. This issuance does not apply to:
(1) Information systems processing, storing, or transmitting sensitive compartmented
information under the existing authorities and policies of the Director of National Intelligence as
directed by Executive Order 12333 and other applicable laws and regulations.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(2) Information systems operated by the DoD Special Access Program (SAP)
community. Due to the highly sensitive nature of SAPs and their materials, these systems must
be managed independently and fall under the purview of the DoD SAP Chief Information Officer
(CIO). For additional details regarding SAP requirements, please contact the DoD SAP CIO
1.2. POLICY.
a. Information system owners must evaluate risks to determine and document the
requirements for authentication for the overall information system in accordance with
DoDI 8510.01. In addition, information system owners must evaluate risk for specific resources
hosted by the information system, and for functional and information technology (IT) privileged
user roles within the information system based on this issuance.
b. Information systems must authenticate all entities using approved credentials as described
in Section 3 before granting access to information or other resources. Information systems that
cannot meet the requirements in Section 3 must obtain a temporary exception to policy (E2P) as
described in Section 4. Information approved for public release in accordance with
DoDIs 5230.09 and 5230.29 does not require authentication to access.
(1) DoDI 8520.02 defines the DoD PKI and provides the approval process for external
PKI Credential Service Providers (CSP). Public key certificates issued by PKIs approved in
accordance with DoDI 8520.02 are approved for authentication as described in Section 3.
(2) Authentication based on DoD approved PKI is preferred for all use cases.
Authentication based on alternative MFA or single-factor authentication such as username and
password is only approved as described in Section 3. DoD-approved MFA is preferred over
single-factor authentication and used, when possible, even when single factor authentication is
(3) An identity provider (IdP) authentication service may be used to perform
authentication and provide an assertion to the information system when:
(a) The IdP meets the requirements in Paragraph 3.6., which are designed to prevent
the unauthorized generation or modification of assertions.
(b) The IdP is either a reverse proxy IdP or is approved as a general purpose IdP in
accordance with Paragraph 4.2.
(c) The IdP can only generate assertions that are at or below the protections it is
operating with for its own assertion signature key as defined in NIST SP 800-63-3. For example,
an IdP that protects its signing key in software that is operated at an Authenticator Assurance
Level (AAL) 2, and can only assert AAL1 or AAL2, even if the original authenticator used an
AAL3 credential.
(d) The information system can determine that the original entity authentication to
the IdP met the authentication requirements for the information system use case as described in
Section 3. This determination can be made where the IdP:
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
1. Only supports a single type of authenticator;
2. Includes information on the original authentication method in the assertion; or
3. Incorporates rules such that it only creates assertions where the original
authentication method is sufficient for the resource being requested.
(4) Organizations that manage information systems that have connectivity to the DODIN
or commercial Internet must not require authorized entities to obtain a new credential solely for
the purpose of logical access if the entity possesses a public key certificate issued by a DoD-
approved PKI. Information systems that are approved for MFA or single-factor authentication in
accordance with Section 3 may also support alternate authenticators if needed to accommodate
access from workstations, mobile devices, or other endpoints that do not support PKI-based
authentication or are not DoD or mission partner owned and managed.
c. Information system owners must use DoD enterprise identity, credential, and access
management (ICAM) solutions when enterprise solutions address information system ICAM
needs. As DoD enterprise ICAM solutions mature, information system owners must re-evaluate
decisions to use locally managed solutions and transition to DoD enterprise ICAM solutions to
the maximum extent possible.
This issuance incorporates and cancels the following DoD CIO memoranda:
a. “Assignment of Program Integration Office Responsibilities for the Department of
Defense Identity, Credential and Access Management Program,” January 3, 2020.
b. “Department of Defense Requirements for Accepting Non-Federally Issued Identity
Credentials,” January 24, 2013.
c. “DoD SIPRNet Public Key Infrastructure Cryptographic Logon and Public Key
Enablement of SIPRNet Applications and Web Servers,” October 14, 2011.
d. “Exceptions to DoD Classified Network Public Key Infrastructure Hardware Token
Logon Requirements,” April 21, 2014.
e. “Implementation and Reporting of DoD Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) System
Administrator and Privileged User Authentication,” July 5, 2015.
f. “Interim Digital Authentication Guidelines for Unclassified and Secret Classified DoD
Networks and Information Systems,” August 20, 2018.
g. “Modernizing the Common Access Card – Streamlining Identity and Improving
Operational Interoperability,” December 7, 2018.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
2.1. DOD CIO.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.8., the DoD CIO:
a. Approves:
(1) MFA technologies for use by DoD information systems.
(2) General purpose IdPs for use by DoD information systems.
(3) E2P for DoD information systems that are unable to meet the identity and
authentication requirements in this issuance.
b. Serves as DoD’s joint lead for identity management activities with the Under Secretary of
Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD(P&R)), pursuant to DoDIs 1000.25 and 1000.13.
c. Chairs the Identity Protection and Management Senior Coordinating Group, in accordance
with DoDI 1000.25, which provides overall ICAM direction and leadership for DoD, including
adjudicating ICAM implementation decisions that cross DoD Component boundaries and
addressing funding, resources, and other barriers to ICAM implementation.
d. Supports meetings of governmental and commercial ICAM working groups and
e. Coordinates with:
(1) The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security (USD(I&S)) and
USD(P&R) on the needs of DoD for identity proofing, identity resolution, credential
management, and authentication.
(2) DoD Components and the ICAM Joint Program Integration Office (JPIO) for
requirements definition and program oversight for enterprise ICAM services that support
identity, credential, and authentication activities.
f. Oversees integration with the cybersecurity risk management framework as defined in
DoDI 8510.01 and NIST SP 800-63-3.
g. Provides guidance to facilitate implementing identity, credential, and authentication
processes and procedures, including maintaining the ICAM Reference Design.
h. Designates an individual to serve as the DoD CIO ICAM lead to support coordination,
including approval requests for MFA technologies and IdPs operated externally to DoD.
i. Maintains a list of approved MFA technologies and approved IdPs in a format that is
accessible to DoD information system owners.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
Under the authority, direction, and control of the DoD CIO, and in addition to the responsibilities
in Paragraph 2.8., the Director, DISA:
a. Provides a senior executive-level individual to lead the ICAM JPIO, provides action
officer level coordination across ICAM JPIO member organizations, and coordinates DISA
operated enterprise ICAM services. Through the ICAM JPIO lead or deputy leads, the Director,
(1) Ensures that DoD enterprise ICAM services operated by the National Security
Agency (NSA), DISA, and Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) meet the needs of DoD,
interoperate with each other, and support interoperability with ICAM services operated by the
DoD Components.
(2) Develops and maintains a DoD Enterprise ICAM Service Implementation Plan to
support the DoD ICAM Strategy.
b. Establishes, operates, tests, and maintains enterprise ICAM services that support identity,
credential, and authentication activities including the DoD PKI, an IdP with MFA service,
automated account provisioning service, and master user record service.
c. Provides cybersecurity services for DISA-operated enterprise ICAM services in
accordance with DoDI 8530.01.
d. Establishes, operates, and maintains a capability for testing the interoperability of DoD
Component, community of interest (COI), and external IdPs with DoD information systems.
e. Coordinates with the Director, NSA to develop and maintain security requirements guides
(SRG) and security technical implementation guides for products and services that support
identity, credentialing, and authentication, including approved MFA technologies and IdP
products, incorporating National Information Assurance Partnership (NIAP) validation when
f. Provides subject matter expertise and technical support to DoD Components for
implementing authentication capabilities and integration with DISA-operated enterprise ICAM
2.3. USD(I&S).
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.8., the USD(I&S) coordinates with the DoD
CIO and USD(P&R) on the needs of DoD for identity proofing, identity resolution, credential
management, and authentication.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(I&S); the authority, direction, and control
exercised by the DoD CIO over the activities of the Cybersecurity Directorate, or any successor
organization, of the National Security Agency, funded through the Information System Security
Program; and in addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.8., the Director, NSA/Chief,
Central Security Service, in coordination with the DoD Chief Information Security Officer
a. Provides a senior executive-level individual to serve as a deputy lead for the ICAM JPIO
and to coordinate DoD enterprise ICAM services operated by NSA. Through the ICAM JPIO
lead or deputy leads, the Director, NSA/Chief, Central Security Service:
(1) Ensures that DoD enterprise ICAM services operated by the NSA, DISA, and DMDC
meet the needs of DoD, interoperate with each other, and support interoperability with ICAM
services operated by the DoD Components.
(2) Develops and maintains a DoD Enterprise ICAM Service Implementation Plan to
support the DoD ICAM Strategy.
b. Coordinates with DISA to develop and maintain SRGs and security technical
implementation guides for products and services that support identity, credentialing, and
authentication, including approved MFA technologies and IdP products, incorporating NIAP
validation where applicable.
c. Supports DoD enterprise ICAM services to address DoD mission requirements through
research and development and technical and security guidance to DoD enterprise ICAM service
d. Provides systems engineering support and testing support, including threat assessments,
for DoD enterprise ICAM services.
e. Provides support and testing support to the DODIN to ensure interoperability with
external mission partners including other Federal Agencies and non-U.S. mission partners.
Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(I&S) and in addition to the
responsibilities in Paragraph 2.8., the Director, Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency
coordinates with the USD(P&R) to:
a. Manage background investigation attributes and artifacts including status of Federal
Bureau of Investigation records checks, background investigation status/final adjudication, ten-
print fingerprint biometrics, and clearance attributes for individuals seeking access to DoD
installations/bases and DoD information systems containing controlled unclassified and
classified information.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
b. Support a robust, reliable connection with the USD(P&R) for the frequent exchange of
background investigation attributes and artifacts.
2.6. USD(P&R).
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.8., the USD(P&R):
a. Serves as DoD’s joint lead for identity management activities with the DoD CIO, pursuant
to DoDIs 1000.25 and 1000.13.
b. Coordinates with the DoD CIO and the USD(I&S) on the DoD’s needs for identity
proofing, identity resolution, credential management, and authentication.
c. Serves as the DoD ICAM lead for person identities, including maintaining DoD’s
Enterprise person identity attribute repository and ICAM person identity data management/data
distribution services, pursuant to DoD ICAM Strategy.
Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(P&R), and in addition to the
responsibilities in Paragraph 2.8., the Director, Department of Defense Human Resources
Activity, through the Director, DMDC:
a. Appoints a senior executive-level individual to serve as a deputy lead for the ICAM JPIO
and to coordinate DMDC operated enterprise ICAM services. Through the ICAM JPIO lead
and/or deputy leads, the Director, Department of Defense Human Resources Activity:
(1) Ensures that DoD enterprise ICAM services operated by the NSA, DISA, and DMDC
meet the needs of DoD, interoperate with each other, and support interoperability with ICAM
services operated by the DoD Components.
(2) Develops and maintains a DoD Enterprise ICAM Service Implementation Plan to
support the DoD ICAM Strategy.
b. Establishes, operates, tests, and maintains enterprise ICAM services that support identity,
credential, and authentication activities including the person data repository, defense self-service
(DS) logon and a mission partner registration service.
c. Provides cybersecurity services for DMDC-operated enterprise ICAM services in
accordance with DoDI 8530.01.
d. Provides subject matter expertise and technical support to DoD Components for
integration with DMDC-operated enterprise ICAM services.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
The OSD and DoD Component heads and the Commandant, United States Coast Guard:
a. Establish DoD Component-level governance for identity, credentialing, and
b. Establish a Component executive lead for ICAM within their respective Component.
c. Establish a DoD Component-level policy for identity, credentialing, and authentication
that addresses requirements identified in this issuance.
d. Coordinate with the DoD CIO and ICAM JPIO to identify requirements for enterprise
ICAM services.
e. Plan, program, and budget to support identity, credentialing, and authentication, including
integrating DoD Component and COI ICAM services with DoD enterprise ICAM services as
they become available.
f. Ensure all information systems owned, operated, or managed by the DoD Component
meet identity, credentialing, and authentication requirements as specified in Section 3.
g. Ensure that DoD Component level, COI level, or locally implemented ICAM services that
support identity, credentialing, and authentication are operated in accordance with the policy in
this issuance and support interoperability and data sharing with DoD enterprise ICAM services.
h. Review and provide approval recommendations to the DoD CIO for MFA technologies,
IdPs, and E2Ps requested by information systems owned, operated, or managed by the DoD
Component as described in Section 4.
i. Participate in DoD ICAM review boards as required.
In addition to the responsibilities in Paragraph 2.8., the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
a. Identifies, reviews, and validates identity, credentialing, and authentication requirements
used by information systems that provide support for joint, allied, and coalition missions.
b. Ensures that Combatant Commanders coordinate requirements to implement this issuance
with their host Military Department.
c. Coordinates implementation and integration of ICAM services that support identity,
credentialing, and authentication for non-U.S. mission partners to ensure compliance with this
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
The terms and concepts in this paragraph are critical to a consistent understanding of
authentication requirements to access DoD resources:
a. Entity.
Any person, role, organization, physical device, virtual device, or process that requests
access to and uses DoD resources. Entities are provided with credentials to verify their
association with a digital identity, which consists of a unique identifier that may have additional
attributes bound to it.
(1) Person Entity.
An individual acting as themselves or in the capacity of a role that is assigned an
identifier and attributes, issued credentials, and provided with entitlements to support
authentication and authorization. Person entities include named individuals, organization roles
(e.g., acting on behalf of an executive), and job function roles (e.g., IT privileged users).
(2) NPE.
A physical device, virtual machine, system, service, or process that is assigned an
identifier and is issued credentials to support authentication and authorization. NPEs
authenticate to information systems independent of individual actions by person entities. NPEs
may be acting on behalf of a person entity, such as RPA bots, but must be independently
authorized to perform any actions. Any resource that authenticates itself to person entities or
other NPE resources, including web browsers is an NPE. Resources that do not authenticate
themselves to person entities or other resources are not considered NPEs.
b. DoD User Community.
DoD provides resources to a broad community of users to support its core mission. DoD
information systems also provide services to beneficiaries and to address non-traditional
missions such as disaster relief or community services.
(1) DoD Internal Community.
DoD internal community includes all entities whose identities are managed internal to
DoD systems and that are issued credentials by a DoD enterprise CSP. The DoD internal
community includes DoD Service members; DoD civilian employees; contractors who work on
DoD computers at DoD facilities; eligible contractors who do not work at DoD facilities as
defined in DoDI 1000.13; eligible non-U.S. persons who work on DoD computers at DoD
facilities; roles managed by DoD; and NPEs that are managed by DoD.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(2) External Mission Partners.
DoD interacts with a broad community of mission partners who do not have credentials
issued by DoD enterprise CSPs. External mission partners include Federal agency employees
and provisioned contractors; DoD contractors; non-U.S. persons, including allied and coalition
partners; other government representatives, including State, local, and tribal government
employees, and external NPEs such as cloud service providers.
(3) Beneficiaries.
DoD provides services to individuals who are eligible for benefits because of their
relationship to DoD. The DoD beneficiary community includes DoD Service members; military
retirees; military spouses and other dependents; and overseas DoD civilian employees. This
community may also include person entities who have been designated to represent a
beneficiary, either by the beneficiary themselves or through a legal process such as dependency
or power of attorney.
(4) Other Entities.
Some DoD information systems provide resources to external entities for a limited
duration or purpose. These entities include vendors, third party providers such as healthcare
providers, non-traditional mission non-governmental organizations, military accession applicants
(recruits), and U.S. citizens.
c. User Types.
Requirements for authentication are dependent on the type of resources being requested.
(1) General User.
Users who require access to information resources provided by the information system
but do not have additional authorities within the information system are general users.
(2) Privileged User.
Users who require access rights beyond those of a general user to perform their job
function, or who require provisioned entitlements that allow them to manage the operations of
information systems, network components, or resources are privileged users.
(a) Functional Privileged User.
A user who has approval authorities within workflows. Functional privileged user
roles are specific to a mission area, such as human resources or finance.
(b) IT Privileged User.
A user who has roles that allow read, write, or change access to manage IT systems,
including system, network, and database administrators, as well as security analysts who manage
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
audit logs. IT privileged user roles are generic to all IT infrastructure, including transport, DoD
and commercial clouds, hosting environments, cybersecurity, and application deployment.
d. Credentials and Authenticators.
This issuance does not use credential and authenticator interchangeably.
(1) Credential.
An object or data structure that authoritatively binds a digital identity, via one or more
identifiers and (optionally) additional attributes, to at least one authenticator possessed and
controlled by the entity associated with the digital identity. For example, a public key certificate
is a credential that binds a digital identity to a public key.
(2) Authenticator.
Something the entity possesses and controls that is used to authenticate the entity and link
it to the entity’s digital identity. For example, the authenticator for PKI is the private key used
by the entity to verify that the entity is associated with the digital identity in the public key
(3) MFA.
MFA uses more than one distinct authentication factor for successful authentication.
MFA can be performed using a single authenticator that provides more than one factor or by a
combination of authenticators that provide different factors. The three authentication factors are
something the entity knows, something the entity has, and something the entity is. Non-PKI
MFA credential types must be approved for use by DoD information systems through the process
in Section 4.
e. Resource Risk Levels.
NIST FIPS 199 defines low, moderate, and high impact regarding the loss of confidentiality,
integrity, or availability. Requirements in this issuance relate to specific resources being
requested, and focus on the assessed confidentiality risk level. For example, an information
system may be assessed at an overall high confidentiality level based on the aggregate data
contained within the system, but a given authentication may only provide access to a limited set
of data that is assessed to be low-risk.
f. Cryptographic Module Validation.
Cryptographic modules used by DoD must be validated through the NIST Cryptographic
Module Validation Program as defined in NIST FIPS 140-3. Cryptographic modules are
validated against the version of NIST FIPS 140-3 in effect when the module is tested.
Cryptographic module validation certificates can be found at
(1) If a validation certificate for a cryptographic module is marked as active, the module
may be procured and used for new and existing information systems.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(2) If a validation certificate for a cryptographic module is marked as historical, the
module may continue to be used for the lifecycle of the system it was procured for but may not
be procured for new information systems.
(3) If a validation certificate for a cryptographic module is marked as revoked, the
module’s validation is no longer valid and the module may not be used.
g. Assurance Levels.
NIST SP 800-63-3 provides an overview of general identity frameworks, using
authenticators, credentials, and assertions together in a digital system, and a risk-based process of
selecting assurance levels. Paragraphs 3.1.g.(1) through (3) provide summary information for
the three types of assurance levels defined in NIST SP 800-63-3.
(1) Identity Assurance Level (IAL).
IAL indicates the robustness of the identity proofing process to confidently determine the
identity of an individual.
(a) IAL1 permits identity and any attributes to be self-asserted.
(b) IAL2 requires identifying attributes to be verified in person or remotely as
described in NIST SP 800-63A.
(c) IAL3 requires identifying attributes to be verified in person by an authorized CSP
representative through examination of physical documentation as described in NIST SP 800-
(2) AAL.
AAL indicates the robustness of the authentication process itself, and the binding
between an authenticator and a specific individual’s identifier.
(a) AAL1 requires single-factor authentication using a wide range of available
authentication technologies. Successful authentication requires that the claimant prove
possession and control of the authenticator(s) through a secure authentication protocol.
(b) AAL2 requires proof of possession and control of two different authentication
factors through a secure authentication protocol using approved cryptographic techniques as
described in NIST SP 800-63B, including cryptographic module validation as described in
Paragraph 3.1.f. and medium baseline protection for verifiers.
(c) AAL3 requires proof of possession of a key through a cryptographic protocol
using approved cryptographic techniques, and a hardware cryptographic authenticator that
provides verifier impersonation resistance as described in NIST SP 800-63B, including verifier
requirements when defining AAL levels, including cryptographic module validation as described
in Paragraph 3.1.f. and high baseline protection for verifiers.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(3) Federation Assurance Level (FAL).
FAL indicates the robustness of the assertion protocol an IdP uses to communicate
authentication and any additional attribute information.
(a) FAL1 permits the relying party to receive a bearer assertion from an IdP. The IdP
must sign the assertion using approved cryptography.
(b) FAL2 permits the relying party to receive a bearer assertion from an IdP. The
IdP must sign and encrypt the assertion using approved cryptography such that the relying party
is the only party that can decrypt it.
(c) FAL3 requires the subscriber to present proof of possession of a cryptographic
key reference in the assertion and the assertion artifact itself. The IdP must sign and encrypt the
assertion using approved cryptography such that the relying party is the only party that can
decrypt it.
h. IdPs.
IdPs are systems that perform direct authentication of entity authenticators and issue
assertions of digital identity and optionally additional attributes based on the credentials
associated with the authenticators. IdPs are used to support many different use cases. Identity
Federation Service, Authentication Gateway Service, and Authentication Brokerage Service are
all terms that have been previously used to describe IdPs. Requirements for IdPs are described
in Paragraph 3.6.
(1) In-line reverse proxy IdPs perform authentication on behalf of one or more
information systems that have physical or logical network protections that prevent remote access
to the information system except through the IdP. These IdPs are used when information
systems do not support required authenticators, to support reduced sign-on for users, or as part of
an overall network architecture implementation. In-line reverse proxy IdPs may be referred to as
“gateways” or “authentication gateways” in other documents.
(2) Break and inspect reverse proxy IdPs support terminating transport layer security
(TLS) sessions at a network boundary to inspect the contents of encrypted sessions. The break
and inspect process represents a reverse proxy IdP authentication where the intermediary system
performing the inspection acts as the reverse proxy IdP. While these IdPs may act as general
purpose IdPs and provide assertions representing the user, many break and inspect reverse proxy
IdPs generate PKI certificates to represent the user. When using break and inspect proxy IdPs
that generate certificates, the attributes provided to the information system are limited because
not all attributes contained in the certificate used by the entity for authentication to the reverse
proxy IdP are provided in the certificate issued by the reverse proxy IdP to represent the user.
(3) General purpose IdPs perform authentication and generate standards-based assertions
which are provided to information systems. General purpose IdPs can either generate assertions
in response to an information system request or can initiate assertions on behalf of the requesting
entity and send the assertion to the information system without a prior request.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
i. Impact Levels (ILs).
Requirements for data hosted in a cloud environment are defined in the DoD Cloud
Computing Security Requirements Guide (SRG) and summarized in Paragraphs 3.1.i.(1) through
(4). For full definitions and descriptions, refer to the DoD Cloud Computing SRG. The DoD
Cloud Computing SRG identifies four ILs: IL2, IL4, IL5, and IL6. IL1 and IL3 are no longer
used. Cloud service offerings (CSO) used by DoD must be approved at the appropriate IL
depending on the type of resources hosted in the cloud. Authentication performed in the cloud,
either directly or through an IdP, must also take place using a CSO approved at the appropriate
IL. For example, if the authentication requirements are IL4, the original authentication cannot be
performed in an IL2 cloud.
(1) IL2.
IL2 includes all data cleared for public release as well as some low-risk unclassified
information, but the information requires some minimal level of access control. IL2 CSO
customers include whomever the cloud service provider chooses to market the CSO to, which
may include government customers, commercial customers, and the general public. Access to
the CSO is via the Internet.
(2) IL4.
IL4 accommodates Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and other mission critical
data including that used in direct support of military or contingency operations. IL4 CSOs may
support a U.S. Government community or a DoD-only community. Commercial IL4 CSO
customers include all U.S. Government customers (i.e., Federal, State, local, and tribal) and
commercial customers that support them. In some cases, an IL4 CSO may support other
commercial entities, but not the general public.
(3) IL5.
IL5 accommodates CUI that may require a higher level of protection than that afforded
by IL4, as deemed necessary by the information owner, public law, or other government
regulation. IL5 also supports unclassified national security infrastructure. IL5 CSOs may
support a Federal Government community or a DoD-only community. Commercial IL5 CSO
customers include all Federal Government customers (Federal agencies only) which includes
DoD Components and certain DoD contractors operating a DoD system on behalf of DoD.
(4) IL6.
IL6 accommodates information that has been classified up to Secret. IL6 CSOs may
support a Federal Government community or a DoD-only community. IL6 CSOs may only be
provided by cloud service providers under contract to DoD or another Federal department or
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
This paragraph discusses general authentication requirements that are applicable to person
entities and NPEs.
a. Person entities must be authenticated in accordance with Paragraph 3.3. NPEs must be
authenticated in accordance with Paragraph 3.4.
b. Credentials and authenticators used for authentication must either be issued by a DoD
enterprise ICAM service, issued by an external PKI approved in accordance with DoDI 8520.02,
or must meet the identity proofing and credential requirements described in Paragraph 3.5.
(1) MFA technologies must be approved in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.
(2) Memorized secrets and lookup secrets including passwords must meet the
requirements in Paragraph 3.5.a.(3).
(3) Other cryptographic device and cryptographic software authenticators such as Secure
Shell (SSH) keys must meet the requirements in Paragraph 3.5.a.(4).
c. Information systems may rely on assertions provided by an IdP in lieu of direct
authentication if the IdP is operated in accordance with Paragraph 3.6. and is either a reverse
proxy IdP or has been approved in accordance with Paragraph 4.2.
d. This issuance replaces sensitivity levels, credential strengths, and entity environments
previously defined, and updates previously defined use cases.
(1) Sensitivity levels have been replaced with low-, moderate-, and high-risk. Sensitivity
levels 1 and 2 generally align with low-risk resources. Sensitivity levels 3, 5, and 6 generally
align with moderate-risk resources. Sensitivity levels 4 and 7 generally align with high-risk
(2) Credential strengths have been replaced by specific references to credential types
throughout the issuance. Credential strength A and F generally align with username and
password and other single-factor credentials that are AAL1. Credential strength B generally
aligns with MFA credentials that are AAL2. Credential strengths C and G generally align with
software public key certificates which are also AAL2. Credential strengths D, E, and H
generally align with hardware public key certificates that are AAL3. When required, a U.S.
Government adjudicated background investigation must be completed either as part of the
credential issuance process or be independently verified before granting access.
(3) Entity environments have been incorporated into compensating controls and are
defined within each of the authentication requirements for each risk level.
(4) Information systems with a previously approved use case or E2P must evaluate their
implementation and request a new E2P if their use case is not addressed in this issuance.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(5) MFA technologies and IdPs (also known as identity federation services) retain their
approval status until specifically rescinded. A full list of approved MFA technologies and IdPs
can be found at
All person entities requesting access to DoD resources must be authenticated, unless the resource
has been approved for public release in accordance with DoDIs 5230.09 and 5230.29, or the
information system is intended for public collaboration where unauthenticated guest access is
approved. Most information systems authenticate different types of users as outlined in
Paragraph 3.1.c. Each authentication event from a person entity must meet the minimum
requirements for the risk level of the resources being requested. Authenticated users seeking
elevation of privileges (e.g., from a general user to a functional privileged user) must be re-
authenticated if the initial authentication did not meet the requirements for the additional
resources or actions being requested, or for an IT privileged user, using the credential used for IT
privileged user functions. This paragraph defines requirements for authenticating person entities
based on the risk of loss of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the resource to DoD.
These requirements apply for unclassified and classified resources. For classified resources,
these requirements are in addition to existing network and data encryption requirements.
a. Authentication for Access to Low-Risk Resources.
Authentication for access to low-risk resources must be performed as specified in either
Paragraph 3.3.a.(1) or Paragraph 3.3.a.(2). If the IdP or information system performing the
initial authentication is cloud-based, the authentication action must be performed within an IL2
or higher CSO for unclassified resources, or IL6 for Secret resources.
(1) Authentication Requirements without Compensating Controls.
The approaches described in Paragraphs 3.3.a.(1)(a) through (c) are approved for
authentication to access low-risk resources.
(a) Direct.
Information systems may use DoD-approved MFA for direct authentication.
Information systems must also support the use of public key certificates issued by a DoD-
approved PKI for direct authentication.
(b) Assertion Based.
Information systems may use assertions provided by an approved IdP for
authentication provided the IdP authenticated the entity using a DoD-approved AAL2
authenticator. Assertions generated by in-line IdPs may use any format supported by the
information system provided that the information system cannot be accessed except through the
in-line IdP. Assertions generated by general purpose IdPs must:
1. Indicate that the original authentication met AAL2 and IAL2 requirements.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
2. Meet FAL1 requirements.
(c) DS Logon Assertion Based.
Information systems may use assertions provided by DS logon for authentication
provided the assertion meets FAL1.
(2) Authentication Requirements with Compensating Controls.
Authentication using single-factor AAL1 authenticators as defined in NIST SP 800-63B
may be used where at least one of the compensating controls listed in Paragraphs 3.3.a.(2)(a)-(g)
is in place. Authenticators must be managed in accordance with the requirements in
Paragraph 3.5.
(a) Physical Access Controls.
Standalone systems and information systems that are part of closed restricted
networks that are not externally connected to live operational networks; do not have the ability to
access the network infrastructure; cannot transmit, receive, route, or exchange information
outside of the system or network boundary; and that reside in physical spaces that have
commensurate physical controls that restrict access to only authorized users.
(b) Temporary Access.
Information systems that provide access for a limited period of time to support a
specific action, such as employment application, proposal submission, conference registration, or
activities related to a permanent change of station moves.
(c) Schoolhouse or Other Training Environments.
Information systems that only host resources used to support students in schoolhouse
environments or are only used to provide training that do not contain DoD CUI other than the
individual’s own personally identifiable information (PII).
(d) Development, Labs, Ranges, or Test Environments.
Information systems that collect or process test data that are either not externally
connected to live operational networks or that have highly constrained connections that only
permit one-way transfer of test data to the operational network and do not permit authentication
from the operational network.
(e) Development Support Systems.
Information systems that primarily support system development where the
authenticator is stored on an endpoint that is actively managed by a DoD Component or DoD
mission partner and meets DoD standards for endpoint hardening on a DoD managed device.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(f) Medical Devices.
Special purpose information systems that are used for diagnostic or interventional
care that do not support MFA authentication when used in accordance with their medical
compliance requirements.
(g) Nontraditional Mission Partner Systems.
Information systems that are specifically intended to rapidly engage DoD mission
partners in nontraditional missions such as humanitarian assistance, disaster response, or stability
(3) Use Cases.
Low risk use cases often support activities that are outside of the core DoD mission,
provide access to very limited information, or are restricted to accessing information specific to
the entity being authenticated. Low risk access includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Inputting, reviewing, or modifying self-asserted personal information such as a
credit card number, job application, or contact information by the person or their designee.
(b) Reviewing own training records by a person or their designee.
(c) Pre-accession recruits, reservists, and National Guard members who have not yet
been registered in the person data repository and have not been issued a CAC, accessing
resources related to their own record.
(d) Inputting, reviewing, or modifying company proprietary information such as
proposals, contracts, or trade secrets by a representative linked to that company.
(e) Inputting, reviewing, or modifying PII, protected health information, or other
beneficiary information by the beneficiary or their designee.
(f) Interactions with suppliers and other vendors related to specific transactions with
that supplier or vendor.
(g) Managing configuration of medical devices or collecting information generated
by medical devices.
(h) Accessing information resources to support nontraditional missions such as
humanitarian assistance, disaster response, or stability operations.
(i) Accessing information systems that provide resources to support students in
schoolhouse environments or are only used to provide training.
(j) Accessing test or training data randomly generated or otherwise not related to real
world data in development and test systems even if a production system will host moderate or
high risk resources. All development, lab, range, and test accounts must be disabled or
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
transitioned to requiring production-level credentials for authentication before migrating the
information system into production status.
(k) Accessing information systems that provide resources that only support morale,
welfare, and recreation activities.
(l) Accessing development support systems.
b. Authentication for Access to Moderate Risk Resources.
Authentication for access to moderate-risk resources must be performed as specified in either
Paragraph 3.3.b.(1) or (2). If the IdP or information system performing the initial authentication
is cloud-based, the authentication action must be performed within an IL4 or higher CSO for
unclassified resources, or IL6 for Secret resources, respectively.
(1) Authentication Requirements without Compensating Controls.
The approaches described in Paragraphs 3.3.b.(1)(a) and (b) are approved for
authentication to access moderate-risk resources.
(a) Direct.
Information systems may use hardware public key certificates from a DoD-approved
PKI for direct authentication.
(b) Assertion Based.
Information systems may use assertions provided by an approved IdP for
authentication provided the IdP authenticated the entity using a DoD-approved AAL3 credential.
Assertions generated by in-line IdPs may use any format supported by the information system
provided that the information system cannot be accessed except through the in-line IdP.
Assertions generated by general purpose IdPs must:
1. Indicate that the original authentication met AAL3 and IAL2 requirements.
2. Meet FAL1 requirements if the assertion was generated in response to an
information system request.
3. Meet FAL2 requirements if the assertion was initiated by the requesting entity.
(2) Authentication Requirements with Compensating Controls.
The authentication mechanisms described in Paragraphs 3.3.b.(2)(a) through (e) may be
used when the appropriate compensating controls described in the paragraphs are in place.
(a) Physical Access Controls.
Standalone systems and information systems that are part of closed restricted
networks that are not externally connected to live operational networks; do not have the ability to
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
access the network infrastructure; cannot transmit, receive, route, or exchange information
outside of the system or network boundary; and that reside in physical spaces that have
commensurate physical controls that restrict access to only authorized users, may use single
factor authenticators such as username and password or approved MFA for authentication.
(b) Managed Endpoint.
Information systems may use software public key certificates from a DoD-approved
PKI for authentication if the information system is able to verify that the endpoint the entity is
being used to authenticate from is actively managed by a DoD Component or DoD mission
partner and meets DoD standards for endpoint hardening. DoD managed mobile phones and
DoD managed NPEs are examples of managed endpoints.
(c) Federated Mission Partner Environments.
Information systems that provide access to resources based on country of origin may
accept assertions from an approved IdP for that country that meets AAL3 requirements even if
the IdP authenticated the entity using an AAL2 credential that is approved for use by the country
of origin.
(d) Operationally Constrained Environment.
1. Information systems in operationally constrained environments, such as
denied, degraded, intermittent, or limited bandwidth (DDIL) environments, where PKI based
authentication is constrained by the available network infrastructure or other environmental
considerations, may use software public key certificates from a DoD-approved PKI or use a
DoD-approved MFA for authentication leveraging cached revocation information, provided that
the revocation status information is updated when bandwidth is available.
2. If the system cannot support public key certificate or MFA based
authentication, the system may use single factor authenticators such as username and password if
commensurate controls are also enforced for access to those authenticators. The authorizing
official (AO) for the information system must approve the authentication mechanism based on an
assessment of the risks, capabilities, and operational environment.
(e) Crisis Situation.
Information systems may use software public key certificates from a DoD-approved
PKI, DoD-approved MFA, or username and password for authentication for emergency accounts
that are established in response to crisis situations. These accounts must be disabled when
normal operations resume. These accounts must also be set to automatically disable after a
preset amount of time based on the anticipated duration of the situation.
(3) Use Cases.
Most resources that support the core DoD mission are moderate-risk. Moderate-risk
access includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Logging onto provisioned DoD network accounts.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(b) Accessing CUI (regulatory sensitive information for which access is limited by
law, regulation, or other mandate) except as described in Paragraphs 3.3.a. and 3.3.c.
(c) Accessing payroll, finance, logistics, and personnel management information as a
functional privileged user that can view PII or protected health information for multiple people
as part of their job function (functional privileged users do not include designees that are
supporting multiple beneficiaries).
(d) Accessing closed coalition mission networks supporting operations.
(e) Accessing information systems containing low and moderate-risk resources as a
functional privileged user.
c. Authentication for Access to High-Risk Resources.
Authentication for access to high risk resources must be performed as specified in either
Paragraph 3.3.c.(1) or (2). If the IdP or information system performing the initial authentication
is cloud-based, the authentication action must be performed within an IL5 or higher CSO for
unclassified resources, or IL6 for Secret resources.
(1) Authentication Requirements without Compensating Controls.
The approaches described in Paragraphs 3.3.c.(1)(a) and (b) are approved for
authentication to access high-risk resources.
(a) Direct.
Information systems may use hardware public key certificates from a DoD-approved
PKI for authentication.
(b) Assertion Based.
Information systems may use assertions provided by an approved IdP for
authentication, provided the IdP authenticated the entity using a DoD-approved AAL3
authenticator. Assertions generated by in-line IdPs may use any format supported by the
information system provided that the information system cannot be accessed except through the
in-line IdP. Assertions generated by general purpose IdPs must:
1. Indicate that the original authentication met AAL3 and IAL2 requirements.
2. Meet FAL2 requirements if the assertion was generated in response to an
information system request.
3. Meet FAL3 requirements, if the assertion was initiated by the requesting
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(2) Authentication Requirements with Compensating Controls.
The authentication mechanisms described in Paragraphs 3.3.c.(2)(a) through (g) may be
used when the following appropriate compensating controls are in place:
(a) Physical Access Controls.
Standalone systems and information systems that are part of closed restricted
networks that are not externally connected to live operational networks that do not have the
ability to access the network infrastructure, cannot transmit, receive, route, or exchange
information outside of the system or network boundary, and that reside in physical spaces that
have commensurate physical controls that restrict access to only authorized users may use single-
factor authenticators such as username and password or approved MFA for authentication.
(b) Operationally Constrained Environment.
1. Information systems in operationally constrained environments, such as DDIL
environments, where PKI based authentication is constrained by the available network
infrastructure or other environmental considerations, may use software public key certificates
from a DoD-approved PKI or use a DoD-approved MFA for authentication.
2. If the system cannot support public key certificate or MFA-based
authentication, the system may use single-factor authenticators such as username and password if
commensurate controls are also enforced for access to those authenticators. The AO for the
information system must approve the authentication mechanism based on an assessment of the
risks, capabilities, and operational environment.
(c) Crisis Situation.
Information systems may use software public key certificates from a DoD-approved
PKI, DoD-approved MFA, or username and password for authentication for emergency accounts
that are established in response to crisis situations. These accounts must be disabled when
normal operations resume and set to automatically disable after a preset amount of time based on
the anticipated duration of the situation.
(d) IT Privileged User Account.
When information systems do not support PKI or MFA authentication for IT
privileged accounts, these accounts must either be disabled from remote access or must use a
third-party administration tool that requires hardware public key certificate logon for access to
the authenticator for the account, and must change these account authenticators at least weekly.
If fully automated authenticator changes are supported, authenticators must be changed within
one hour of each account usage.
(e) IT Device Local Logon.
Information systems may use username and password for local logon accounts for IT
privileged users that are used when network access or normal logon is unavailable. These
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
accounts must not be used at any other time, must be restricted from remote access, and systems
must reside in physical spaces that restrict access to only authorized users.
(f) Endpoint Local Logon.
Endpoint systems may use username and password for local logon accounts for IT
privileged users. These accounts must be restricted from remote access, and systems must either
reside in physical spaces that restrict access to only authorized users or must have a capability to
remotely lock or zeroize the device if the device is no longer under the positive control of the
intended user.
(g) IT Privileged Access to Manage CSO.
1. When management interfaces for CSOs do not support PKI authentication for
IT privileged accounts, these accounts must use DoD-approved MFA authenticators. As a
compensating control, access to at least one of the factors must require authentication using a
DoD-approved PKI authenticator so that DoD PKI revocation procedures will apply to the
alternative implementation.
2. The information system AO may temporarily accept the risk of using an MFA
technology that has not yet been approved in accordance with Paragraph 4.1. based on an
assessment of the risks, capabilities, and operational environment, provided that the authenticator
technology has been submitted for approval.
(3) Use Cases.
Some resources that support the core DoD mission, including operationally sensitive
information are high risk. High-risk access includes, but is not limited to
(a) Accessing CUI from unclassified networks where unauthorized access to or
compromise of the CUI could result in severe mission capability degradation, major damage to a
DoD information based resource, or a risk of serious injury or death to personnel but that has not
been specifically authorized to be classified. Types of CUI include combat mission, law
enforcement, or unclassified controlled nuclear information.
(b) Accessing information systems as an IT privileged user.
(c) Authentication to CSO management of application programming interface.
NPEs requesting access to DoD resources or exchanging information with DoD resources must
be authenticated, unless the resource has been approved for public release in accordance with
DoDIs 5230.09 and 5230.29. This paragraph defines requirements for authenticating NPEs
based on the type of transaction. These requirements apply for both unclassified and classified
resources. For classified resources, these requirements are in addition to existing network and
data encryption requirements.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
a. NPE Authentication to Support Mutually Authenticated Transactions.
To support mutually authenticated transactions, the NPE information system hosting DoD
resources must be able to authenticate itself to the entity requesting access to a DoD resource or
to a third-party controller managing the connection.
(1) Authentication Requirements without Compensating Controls.
NPE information systems must use software or hardware public key certificates from a
DoD-approved PKI for authentication in accordance with DoDI 8520.02.
(2) Authentication Requirements with Compensating Controls.
(a) Physical Access Controls.
Authentication using single-factor authenticators may be used by NPE information
systems that are part of closed restricted networks that are not externally connected to live
operational networks; do not have the ability to access the network infrastructure; cannot
transmit, receive, route, or exchange information outside of the system or network boundary; and
that reside in physical spaces that restrict access to only authorized users.
(b) Operationally Constrained Environment.
1. Information systems in operationally constrained environments, such as DDIL
environments, where PKI-based authentication is constrained by the available network
infrastructure or other environmental considerations, may use DoD-approved MFA for
2. If the system cannot support public key certificate or MFA-based
authentication, the system may use single-factor authenticators such as username and password if
commensurate controls are also enforced for access to those authenticators. The AO for the
information system must approve the authentication mechanism based on an assessment of the
risks, capabilities, and operational environment.
(3) Use Cases.
Mutual authenticated transaction includes, but is not limited to:
(a) DoD web server authenticating itself to a web browser as part of establishing a
TLS session. DoD web servers must use public key certificates issued by a PKI that is trusted by
the intended web browser clients as defined in DoDI 8520.02.
(b) DoD service authenticating itself before establishing a TLS session. DoD
services must use public key certificates issued by a PKI provider that is trusted by the intended
client as defined in DoDI 8520.02.
(c) System authenticating itself as part of initiating a session in a zero trust
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
b. NPE Device Authentication to Network.
Access to DoD operated networks requires the endpoint device to be authenticated before
allowing user authentication.
(1) Authentication Requirements without Compensating Controls.
NPE endpoint or mobile devices must use software or hardware public key certificates
from a DoD-approved PKI for authentication in accordance with DoDI 8520.02.
(2) Authentication Requirements with Compensating Controls.
The authentication mechanisms described in Paragraphs 3.4.b.(2)(a) and (b) may be used
when appropriate compensating controls are in place.
(a) Physical Access Controls.
Authentication using single-factor authenticators may be used by NPE devices that
are part of closed restricted networks that are not externally connected to live operational
networks; do not have the ability to access the network infrastructure; cannot transmit, receive,
route, or exchange information outside of the system or network boundary; and that reside in
physical spaces that restrict access to only authorized users. Memorized secrets and lookup
secrets must be managed in accordance with the requirements in Paragraph 3.5.
(b) Operationally Constrained Environment.
1. Information systems in operationally constrained environments, such as DDIL
environments, where PKI-based authentication is constrained by the available network
infrastructure or other environmental considerations, may use DoD-approved MFA for
2. If the system cannot support public key certificate or MFA-based
authentication, the system may use single factor authenticators such as username and password if
commensurate controls are also enforced, for access to those authenticators. The AO for the
information system must approve the authentication mechanism based on an assessment of the
risks, capabilities, and operational environment.
(c) Guest Networks.
Networks that do not provide access to any DoD resources except those approved for
public release, such as Wi-Fi networks that only provide internet connectivity, do not need to
authenticate NPE devices accessing the network.
(3) Use Cases.
Device authentication includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Endpoint device authenticating to a network domain controller.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(b) Endpoint device remotely authenticating to a network as part of establishing a
virtual private network connection.
(c) Endpoint device authenticating itself as part of initiating a session in a zero trust
c. NPE Authentication to Static NPE.
Information system NPEs may authenticate to each other based on static connection
agreements. These agreements may be included in the definition of the information system’s
boundary, and may incorporate a memorandum of agreement established between organizations
whose systems are interconnected.
(1) Authentication Requirements without Compensating Controls.
NPEs must use software or hardware public key certificates from a DoD-approved PKI
for authentication in accordance with DoDI 8520.02.
(2) Authentication Requirements with Compensating Controls.
Authentication using single-factor authenticators may be used where at least one of these
compensating controls are in place. Authenticators must be changed if information system NPEs
are transitioned from development or test status to operational use cases.
(a) Physical Access Controls.
Standalone systems and information system NPEs that are part of closed restricted
networks that are not externally connected to live operational networks; do not have the ability to
access the network infrastructure; cannot transmit, receive, route, or exchange information
outside of the system or network boundary; and that reside in physical spaces that restrict access
to only authorized users.
(b) Operationally Constrained Environment.
1. Information systems in operationally constrained environments, such as DDIL
environments, where PKI-based authentication is constrained by the available network
infrastructure or other environmental considerations, may use DoD-approved MFA for
2. If the system cannot support public key certificate or MFA-based
authentication, the system may use single factor authenticators such as username and password if
commensurate controls are also enforced for access to those authenticators. The AO for the
information system must approve the authentication mechanism based on an assessment of the
risks, capabilities, and operational environment.
(c) Dedicated Connectivity.
Systems that have a physical or virtual dedicated connection to each other such that
no other system can access the connection and impersonate the system.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(3) Use Cases
Static system authentication includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Establishing a router mesh network or router-to-router communication.
(b) Two or more servers with defined high-throughput connections to exchange
(c) Dedicated imagery circuits and uplinks at Combatant Commands.
d. NPE Authentication to Support CSO Management
Information system NPEs may authenticate to each other based on static connection
agreements. These agreements may be included in the definition of the information system’s
boundary, and may incorporate a memorandum of agreement established between organizations
whose systems are interconnected.
(1) Authentication Requirements without Compensating Controls.
NPEs must use software or hardware public key certificates from a DoD-approved PKI
for authentication in accordance with DoDI 8520.02.
(2) Authentication Requirements with Compensating Controls.
When management interfaces for CSOs do not support PKI authentication, the system
may use single-factor AAL1 authenticators. Use of these authenticators must be documented in
the security plan provided by the vendor and approved by the DoD Cloud Authorization Service.
(3) Use Cases
Static system authentication includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Authentication of tools to a cloud API.
(b) Establishment of the integration between a CSO and an IdP.
e. NPE Authentication as a Provisioned User.
NPEs may be processes acting as authorized entities that authenticate to information systems.
(1) Authentication Requirements.
Authentication requirements for these NPEs, including baseline and compensating
controls, are the same as the requirements in Paragraph 3.3., depending on the risk classification
of the resource being accessed.
(2) Use Cases.
NPE authentication to services includes, but is not limited to:
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(a) Web services, application programming interfaces, and other software entities
acting autonomously.
(b) Backup or other processes initiated by an external information system.
(c) Unattended RPA bot.
(d) Monitoring tools that require access to the monitored system including automated
network scans, vulnerability scans, and host based security systems.
(e) Scripts, automation, and orchestration processes that perform network
management or other tasks.
A CSP issues authenticators and associated credentials to subscribers, including person entities
and NPEs. CSPs are responsible for managing the digital identities associated with credentials,
as well as the credentials themselves, including issuance, maintenance, revocation, and any
privacy impact assessments or System of Records Notices required by the collection, storage,
and use of PII. Information systems that authenticate users based on credentials issued by a DoD
enterprise CSP or DoD-approved CSP can rely on DoD enterprise or DoD-approved CSP for
identity management and credential management.
a. Credential and Authenticator Technology.
CSPs must meet the requirements described in Paragraphs 3.5.a.(1) through (3), depending
on the type of credential being issued. Authenticators used to authenticate resources hosting
resources are considered classified at the same level as the resource being accessed and must be
protected accordingly.
(1) PKI.
Requirements for public key certificates and DoD approval of PKIs are described in
DoDI 8520.02.
(2) MFA.
CSPs supporting MFA, including those that use cryptographic tokens and one-time
passwords as one of the authenticators, must:
(a) Meet all requirements for AAL2 defined in NIST SP 800-63B.
(b) Use MFA technologies that have been approved for use by DoD information
systems using the process described in Paragraph 4.1.
(c) Meet the requirements listed in Paragraph 3.5.a.(3) when one of the factors is a
username and password.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(3) Memorized Secrets and Lookup Secrets.
CSPs supporting username and password based authentication in accordance with
Paragraphs 3.3. and 3.4. must implement requirements in Paragraphs 3.5.a.(3)(a) through (d).
Systems that cannot support these requirements must implement compensating controls that limit
network access to the system, such as requiring physical presence for password entry or
installing an in-line IdP between the network and the information system.
(a) Meet all requirements for memorized secrets as defined in NIST SP 800-63B.
(b) Require passwords to be at least fourteen characters long. Passwords must
support all printable American standard code for information interchange characters.
(c) Store passwords in a form that is resistant to offline attacks. Salt and hash secrets
using a suitable one-way key derivation function that takes the secret, a salt, and a cost factor as
inputs then generates a hashed secret. The salt must be at least 32 bits in length and be generated
by a NIST FIPS 140-3 compliant random number generator to mitigate the use of rainbow tables
by threat actors. Store both the salt value and the resulting hash for each user using a memorized
secret authenticator.
(d) Mitigate online attacks where the attacker attempts to log in by guessing the
password by limiting the rate of login attempts permitted and implementing account lockout after
a maximum number of failed logon attempts has been reached. The maximum number must be
approved by the information system’s AO based on the operational needs of the system.
(4) Single Factor Cryptographic Authenticator.
Single factor cryptographic authenticators such as SSH must meet the requirements of
NIST SP 800-131A. Services leveraging single factor cryptographic keys must provide secure
communication channels (e.g. TLS, SSH) for client connectivity. Clients must only submit its
client authenticator using the service’s secure communication channel after verifying the
service’s authenticator.
b. Identity Proofing.
CSPs must verify the identity of the entity prior to issuing a credential to that entity using one
of the methods in Paragraphs 3.5.b.(1) through (4). The method for identity proofing must be
documented by the CSP and must be reviewed and approved by the AO for the CSP.
(1) Self-Asserted.
Self-asserted identity may only be used for low-risk access where information resources
provided to the entity are not CUI and where PII is limited to that provided by the entity as part
of the registration process. Examples of where self-asserted identity may be used include
information systems supporting civilian job application or military recruiting, conference
registration, and registration to receive requests for proposals or submit proposals. Acceptance
of a public key certificate issued by a PKI provider that is not DoD-approved in order to
establish a TLS session with an external web site is also considered a self-asserted identity. Self-
asserted identity proofing meets IAL1.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(2) Authentication with a DoD-approved Credential.
Identity proofing may be performed through electronic validation of an existing DoD-
approved credential. The IAL of the new credential is the same as the IAL of the credential
used. Examples of authentication using a DoD-approved credential include registration for
public key certificates to support mobile devices using a CAC and validation of a CAC on
NIPRNET workstation prior to issuing an MFA credential for a closed restricted network.
(a) Where authentication of an existing DoD-approved credential is used, the CSP
must maintain a record of the identifier from the existing credential linked to the digital identity
record for the new credential. The CSP may include the identifier in the new credential.
(b) Unless there are form factor technology or network connectivity constraints,
information systems must be configured to use existing DoD-approved credentials without
requiring entities to obtain a new credential.
(3) Documentation Based.
(a) Identity proofing for person entities may be performed through either in-person
visual verification or approved supervised remote visual verification of existing identity
documents, such as a passport, driver’s license, or other government-issued identity credential.
At least one of the documents used for identity proofing must contain a photograph of the person
(b) In addition, the individual reviewing the documents must be familiar enough with
the type of documents being presented to verify key anti-tamper features of the documents.
Identity proofing based on presentation of documentation meets IAL2 or IAL3 if all of the
requirements for documentation presentation and data collection defined in NIST SP 800-63A
are met.
(4) Third-Party Vouching.
Identity proofing may be performed by a third-party vouching for the identity of the
entity. Examples of third-party vouching identity proofing for person entities are registration of
first responders and registration of coalition partner representatives. Identity proofing based on
third-party vouching is not assigned an IAL in NIST SP 800-63A, as it is dependent on the
identity proofing of the third party and the relationship between the third party and the entity.
(a) The third-party must be able to provide proof of its own identity using one of the
methods described in Paragraph 3.5.b.(2) or 3.5.b.(3)
(b) The third-party must be a known representative of an organization that the CSP
has an existing relationship with.
(c) Third-party vouching identity proofing may only be performed for access to low
risk resources or where credential or documentation-based identity proofing is not possible.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(5) NPE Identity Proofing.
(a) Initial identity proofing for NPEs is generally performed by the sponsor of the
NPE acting as the third-party vouching for the identity of the NPE. Some NPEs support
authentication with their existing credential to request a new credential, while others require
third-party vouching for each credential issued.
(b) Where NPEs support cryptographic attestations as a root of trust, these
attestations should be leveraged to prove key provenance and genuineness from a supply chain
perspective. Identity proofing of NPEs is not addressed in NIST SP 800-63A.
c. Credential Issuance.
(1) CSPs must establish a digital identity and generate credentials that contain identifiers
that are unique across the set of information systems that will use the credential. Identifiers must
not be reused except when issuing a new credential to the entity assigned to the identifier.
(2) CSPs must provide associated authenticators to the entity using a process that
prevents anyone other than the entity from having access to the authenticator. Where third-party
vouching is used for identity proofing, the authenticator may be provided to the third party to
provide it to the entity.
d. Credential Maintenance.
CSPs must maintain credentials, including:
(1) Providing a mechanism for resetting or reissuing authenticators that are lost or
forgotten that enforce identity proofing requirements.
(2) Disabling credentials that have not been used for a specified period of time.
(3) Revoking or otherwise disabling credentials when either the entity is no longer
authorized to hold the credential or the credential is compromised.
Information systems may only rely on assertions provided by an IdP in lieu of direct
authentication if the IdP is operated in accordance with this paragraph.
a. In-Line Reverse Proxy IdP.
In-line reverse proxy IdPs must:
(1) Have an authorization to operate (ATO) at a risk level commensurate with the risk
level of resources hosted by information systems they support. Specifically, if the IdP will
provide assertions to support authentication to resources defined as moderate- or high-risk as
described in Paragraph 3.3., the ATO for the IdP must also be at moderate or high respectively.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(2) Provide customized authentication assertions to each information system they
support using a format that can be consumed by the information system.
b. Break and Inspect Reverse Proxy IdP.
Break and inspect reverse proxy IdPs may act as general purpose IdPs and provide assertions
representing the user, or may generate PKI certificates to represent the user.
(1) Break and inspect reverse proxy IdPs that generate assertions must meet the
requirements identified in Paragraph 3.6.c.
(2) Break and inspect reverse proxy IdPs that generate certificates to represent the user
must meet the requirements in Paragraphs 3.6.b.(2)(a) through (f) and:
(a) Be operated in accordance with the U.S. DoD Web Content Filter X.509
Certificate Policy.
(b) Maintain a Certification Practice Statement that documents technical, process,
and security controls for the issuance of PKI certificates.
(c) When available, use a certification authority product that has been validated in
accordance with the NIAP Protection Profile Module for SSL/TLS Inspection Proxy. If no
validated products are available, then approval from the Director, NSA is required for national
security systems.
(d) Have an ATO at a risk level commensurate with the risk level of information
systems accepting assertions from the IdP.
(e) Limit trust in certificates issued by the IdP to only those information systems
specifically intended to integrate with the IdP.
(f) Be audited at least annually to verify operation is in accordance with its
Certification Practice Statement and the U.S. DoD Web Content Filter X.509 Certificate Policy.
The auditor must demonstrate competence in the field of compliance audits and must be
sufficiently organizationally separated from the audited party to provide an unbiased,
independent evaluation.
c. General Purpose IdP.
General purpose IdPs may be operated by DoD or by external mission partners.
(1) DoD enterprise-, Component-, and COI-operated IdPs must have an ATO at a risk
level commensurate with the risk level of resources managed by information systems accepting
assertions from the IdP, and must meet all of the requirements described in
Paragraphs 3.6.c.(4)(a) through (m).
(2) General purpose IdPs must be approved for use by DoD information systems as
described in Section 4.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
(3) General purpose IdPs used to support access to cloud-based resources must be
approved for use on the IL where the resource resides.
(4) General purpose IdPs will meet the requirements in Paragraphs 3.6.c.(4)(a) through
(m), which will be used when reviewing IdPs for approval.
(a) Provide assertions that contain a persistent identifier for the authenticated entity.
(b) Support assertion standards used by information systems it supports, such as
security assertion markup language, OpenID Connect, and web authentication.
(c) Maintain documentation that describes technical, process, and security controls
for the operation of the IdP.
(d) Be audited at least annually to verify that operation is in accordance with the
IdP’s documentation. The auditor must demonstrate competence in the field of compliance
audits and must be sufficiently organizationally separated from the audited party to provide an
unbiased, independent evaluation.
(e) Either use a signing public key certificate issued by a DoD-approved PKI or use
an out-of-band process with each information system that will rely on assertions from the IdP in
order to verify the public key associated with the signing private key.
(f) Require two-party control for operations involving configuration of the private
key used to sign assertions.
(g) Digitally sign all assertions in accordance with FAL1.
(h) Support encryption of assertions if access to resources that will be facilitated by
the IdP requires FAL2 or FAL3 as described in Paragraph 3.3.
(i) Support subscriber proof of possession of a cryptographic key reference in
assertions if access to resources that will be facilitated by the IdP requires FAL3 as described in
Paragraph 3.3.
(j) Include information on the authenticator type of the original authentication in
assertions or be restricted for use at the lowest AAL supported by the IdP.
(k) Protect its own signing keys using a validated cryptographic module as described
in Paragraph 3.1.f. IdPs that provide AAL3 assertions must protect signing keys using a Level 2
hardware or higher validated cryptographic module.
(l) Actively monitor for adversarial activity and provide immediate alerts for critical
events to a certified and accredited cyber security service provider.
(m) Log all authentication requests and maintain logs sufficient to support review of
logs for evidence of fraudulent activity.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
MFA technologies, including specific implementation methods, must be approved for use by
DoD information systems in accordance with the process described in Paragraphs 4.1.a. through
g. MFA technologies may be vendor products or may be implementations of open source
specifications. Information system owners may evaluate MFA technologies in laboratory, test,
and development environments to determine if they are suitable for operational use before
submitting the technology for approval. MFA technologies may not be implemented in
production environments until approval has been obtained. A full list of approved MFA
technologies is available at (permission
a. Information system owners should leverage previously approved MFA technologies when
possible. Use of previously approved MFA technologies and implementation methods does not
require an additional approval provided that use of the MFA follows the approved
implementation of the MFA solution. Requests for approval of new MFA technologies when
previously approved MFA technologies will not meet requirements must be sponsored by an
information system owner or a DoD Component. Approvals may be reevaluated based on
changes to vendor capabilities or changes in DoD risk profiles.
b. Information system owners will be responsible for developing and implementing
processes for credential management and identity proofing, as described in Paragraph 3.5., when
deploying approved MFA technology credentials.
(1) The sponsor will compile:
(a) A description of the technology and processes for the MFA technology, including
the technology used by the solution, the vendor or vendors providing the solution if applicable,
whether any vendors are partially or wholly foreign-owned, and whether implementation of the
solution will be hosted within DoD or requires a reach-back to vendor systems in a public or
hybrid cloud. Information system owners should contact their DoD Component Supply Chain
Risk Management Office to verify ownership and any other known issues regarding the vendor.
(b) Information regarding the validation status of the cryptographic modules used to
support the MFA technology as described in Paragraph 3.1.f.
(c) An explanation of how the MFA technology addresses a DoD need.
(e) Description of how the MFA technology meets AAL2 or AAL3 requirements and
whether the MFA technology has been independently verified by a third party as meeting the
claimed AAL.
(f) Results from testing or analysis regarding the security and efficacy of the
solution, including any certifications such as cryptographic module validation or NIAP
protection profile validation. MFA technologies that will be used to support authentication to
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
national security systems must demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the NIAP
program or be NSA approved in accordance with the Committee on National Security Systems
Policy No. 11.
(2) The sponsor will obtain a memo recommending approval from the information
system AO or the Component CISO that includes acceptance of risk for using the MFA
c. The sponsor will submit the required information and recommendation for approval to the
DoD CIO ICAM lead.
d. The DoD CIO ICAM lead will coordinate a review of the request with the appropriate
governance body as defined by the DoD CIO or delegated Deputy DoD CIO, and, if
recommended for approval, develop a draft approval memorandum that contains applicable
guidance including specific implementation methods and whether the MFA technology is
approved for use by the national security system.
e. If existing security review documentation is not sufficient, the DoD CIO ICAM lead may
also request a security review of the MFA technology from the NSA.
f. The DoD CIO will review the request and approve or disapprove it. If approved, the DoD
CIO or delegated Deputy DoD CIO will sign the approval memorandum. If disapproved, the
DoD CIO ICAM lead will provide the sponsor with the reason the request was disapproved.
g. If the request is approved by the DoD CIO, the DoD CIO ICAM lead will provide the
approval memorandum to the requestor, and add the approval to the appropriate published list of
MFA technology.
h. The DoD CIO ICAM lead coordinates with DISA, as appropriate, to develop
implementation guidance.
General purpose IdPs must be approved for use by DoD information systems in accordance with
the process described in Paragraphs 4.2.a. through h. Requests for IdP approvals must be
sponsored by an information system owner or DoD Component. Approvals may be reevaluated
based on changes to IdP provider capabilities or changes in DoD risk profiles. Information
system owners may evaluate IdP solutions in laboratory, test, and development environments to
determine if they are suitable for operational use before submitting the IdP for approval. IdP
solutions may not be implemented in production environments until approval has been obtained.
A full list of approved IdPs is available at
(permission required).
a. The sponsor will compile:
(1) A description of the IdP, including who operates it, the vendor or vendors providing
the solution if applicable, whether any vendors are partially or wholly foreign-owned, what
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
community of users the IdP supports, and what credential types and authentication actions are
supported by the IdP (e.g., PIV public key certificate based authentication or username/password
(2) A list of the CSPs the IdP validates credentials from, and, if the IdP is also a CSP,
how identity proofing is performed prior to issuing credentials.
(3) Documentation on how the IdP ensures the security of its own operations.
(4) How the IdP will meet the requirements identified in Paragraph 3.6.c., including the
results from any existing security reviews.
(5) How DoD information systems will be able to authenticate assertions from the IdP
(e.g., information about the public key certificate used by the IdP to digitally sign assertions,
assertion format, assertion contents, which identifier(s) within the assertion are unique).
(6) Whether users who will be authenticated by the IdP will also be registered using the
mission partner registration system to map identifiers provided by the IdP to DoD internally
managed identifiers to support identity resolution.
(7) If the IdP is operated by a DoD Component, information regarding the ATO status of
the IdP, including any identified risks and planned remediation actions.
b. The sponsor will obtain a memorandum recommending approval from the information
system AO or the Component CISO that includes acceptance of risk for using the IdP.
c. The sponsor will submit the required information and recommendation for approval to the
DoD CIO ICAM lead.
d. The DoD CIO ICAM lead will coordinate a review of the request with the appropriate
governance body as defined by the DoD CIO, and if recommended for approval, request
interoperability testing for the IdP from DISA. If disapproved, the DoD CIO ICAM lead will
provide the sponsor with the reason the request was disapproved.
e. If existing security review documentation is not sufficient, the DoD CIO ICAM lead may
also request a security review of the IdP from the NSA.
f. If interoperability testing is successful and the security review does not identify
unacceptable concerns, the DoD CIO ICAM lead will develop a draft approval memorandum
that contains applicable guidance including the IAL and AAL that the IdP is approved for and
any other restrictions on the use of the IdP.
g. The DoD CIO or delegated DoD Deputy CIO will review the draft approval memorandum
and approves or disapproves it.
h. If the request is approved by the DoD CIO, the DoD CIO ICAM lead will provide the
approval memorandum to the requestor, and add the approval to the appropriate published list of
IdP technology.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
i. The DoD CIO ICAM lead will coordinate with DISA as appropriate to develop
implementation guidance.
4.3. E2P.
The information system owner of information systems that are unable to meet the authentication
requirements in Section 3 must obtain an E2P in accordance with the process in Paragraphs 4.3.a.
through f. Requests for E2Ps must be sponsored by an information system owner or DoD
Component and submitted via the E2P Portal at
a. The sponsor will compile:
(1) A description of the information system or set of information systems, including
justification for why the information system cannot meet the authentication requirements in
Section 3, such as constraints on the user community or technical limitations of the information
system or its environment.
(2) The desired alternative authentication, including the identity proofing process,
authenticator technology, and credential issuance and management processes.
(3) The risk level of the resources that will be accessed using the desired authentication
(4) Whether the request is for a permanent use case or a temporary approval. If the
request is for a temporary approval, include the expected date the information system or set of
information systems will be brought into compliance, or the external dependencies preventing
b. The sponsor will obtain a recommendation for approval from the information system AO
or the Component CISO that includes a vulnerability assessment and acceptance of risk for using
the alternative technology and process. The vulnerability assessment must be submitted with the
risk acceptance letter.
c. The sponsor will submit the required information and recommendation for approval to the
DoD CIO ICAM lead.
d. The DoD CIO ICAM lead will coordinate a review of the request with the appropriate
governance body as defined by the DoD CIO, and, if recommended for approval, develops a
draft approval memorandum that contains applicable implementation guidance and contact
information for the requestor.
e. The DoD CIO will review the request and approves or disapproves it. If approved, the
DoD CIO will sign the approval memorandum.
f. If the request is approved by the DoD CIO, the DoD CIO ICAM lead will provide the
approval memorandum to the requestor.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
authenticator assurance level
authorizing official
American standard code for information interchange
authorization to operate
common access card
chief information officer
chief information security officer
community of interest
cloud service offering
credential service provider
controlled unclassified information
denied, degraded, intermittent, or limited bandwidth
Defense Information Systems Agency
Defense Manpower Data Center
DoD instruction
Department of Defense Information Network
defense self-service
exception to policy
federation assurance level
Federal Information Processing Standard
identity assurance level
identity, credential, and access management
identity provider
impact level
information technology
Joint Program Integration Office
multi-factor authentication
National Information Assurance Partnership
Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network
National Institute of Standards and Technology
non-person entity
National Security Agency
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
personally identifiable information
personal identity verification
public key infrastructure
robotic process automation
special access program
SECRET Internet Protocol Router Network
special publication
security requirements guide
Secure Shell
transport layer security
Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security
Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this issuance.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
assurance level
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Any DoD Component, COI, or local information system that issues
its own credentials.
An individual who is designated to represent a beneficiary, either by
the beneficiary themselves or through a legal process such as
dependency or power of attorney.
digital identity
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
functional privileged
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
hardware public key
A public key certificate where the associated private key is
established and stored in a Level 3 hardware validated cryptographic
A function that maps a set of characters to another set of characters
such that it is computationally infeasible to determine the original set
and such that two different sets of characters will have different hash
high impact
Defined in NIST FIPS 199.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
identity proofing
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
information system
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
IT privileged user
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
low impact
Defined in NIST FIPS 199.
mission partner
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
moderate impact
Defined in NIST FIPS 199.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
person entity
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
privileged user
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
public key certificate
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in DoD Enterprise ICAM Reference Design.
Defined in Committee on National Security Systems Instruction
Act of documenting and verifying condition or capability needed by a
user to meet mission needs.
A random number generated prior to hashing a password to ensure
uniqueness and prevent reverse attacks.
sensitivity level
To express how the risk of unauthorized access or unauthorized
dissemination will impact DoD missions or business processes using
that data. Sensitivity levels have been replaced by risk levels in this
software public key
A public key certificate where the associated private key is
established and stored in a Level 1 validated cryptographic module.
virtual device
An application that can emulate a physical device, or provide
functionality like that provided by a physical device without
emulating any specific physical device.
virtual machine
A computer system created using software on one physical computer
in order to emulate the functionality of another separate physical
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
Committee on National Security Systems Instruction 4009, “Committee on National Security
Systems (CNSS) Glossary,” March 2, 2022
Committee on National Security Systems Policy No. 11, “Acquisition of Information Assurance
(IA) and IA-Enabled Information Technology (IT) Products,” current edition
Department of Defense Cloud Computing Security Requirements Guide (SRG), March 6, 2017
DoD Directive 5144.02, “DoD Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO),” November 21, 2014, as
DoD Enterprise Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) Reference Design,
June 2020
DoD Identity, Credential, and Access Management (ICAM) Strategy, March 30 2020
DoD Instruction 1000.13, “Identification (ID) Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services,
Their Dependents, and Other Eligible Individuals,” January 23, 2014, as amended
DoD Instruction 1000.25, “DoD Personnel Identity Protection (PIP) Program,” March 2, 2016
DoD Instruction 5230.09, “Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release,” January 25, 2019,
as amended
DoD Instruction 5230.29, “Security and Policy Review of DoD Information for Public Release,”
August 13, 2014, as amended
DoD Instruction 8500.01, “Cybersecurity,” March 14, 2014, as amended
DoD Instruction 8510.01, “Risk Management Framework for DoD Systems ,” July 19, 2022
DoD Instruction 8520.02, “Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Public Key (PK) Enabling,”
May 24, 2011
DoD Instruction 8530.01, “Cybersecurity Activities Support to DoD Information Network
Operations,” March 7, 2016, as amended
Executive Order 12333, “United States Intelligence Activities,” December 4, 1981
Memorandum of Agreement between the Department of Defense and the Department of
Homeland Security Regarding Department of Defense and U.S. Coast Guard Cooperation on
Cybersecurity and Cyberspace Operations, January 17, 2017
National Information Assurance Partnership “Protection Profile Module for SSL/TLS Inspection
Proxy,” August 23, 2019
National Institute of Standards and Technology Federal Information Processing Standard
(FIPS) 140-3, “Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules,” March 22, 2019
National Institute of Standards and Technology Federal Information Processing Standard
(FIPS) 199, “Standards for Security Categorization of Federal Information and Information
Systems,” February 2004
National Institute of Standards and Technology Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS)
201-2, “Person Identity Verification (PIV) of Federal Employees and Contractors,”
August 2013
Available at
DoDI 8520.03, May 19, 2023
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-131A, “Transitioning
the Use of Cryptographic Algorithms and Key Lengths,” March 2019
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-63-3, “Digital Identity
Guidelines,” June 22, 2017, as amended
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-63A, “Enrollment and
Identity Proofing” June 2017, as amended
National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-63B, “Authentication
and Lifecycle Management” June 2017, as amended
United States Department of Defense Web Content Filter X.509 Certificate Policy, October 10,