User Manual
November 2019
Capacity Expansion Model
© 2019 Copyright. All Rights Reserved.
Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc.
44 Montgomery Street, Suite 1500
San Francisco, CA 94104
User Manual
November 2019
Capacity Expansion Model
Table of Contents
Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................ i
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Structure of This Document ....................................................................................... 5
2 Setting Up RESOLVE ................................................................................................. 6
2.1 System Requirements ................................................................................................ 6
2.1.1 Operating System ................................................................................ 6
2.1.2 Python ................................................................................................. 6
2.1.3 Solvers ................................................................................................ 7
2.2 Installing Python and RESOLVE ............................................................................... 7
2.2.1 Basic Installation & Updating Packages .............................................. 8
2.2.2 Advanced Installation (Conda Virtual Environment) ............................ 9
2.3 RESOLVE Package Organization .......................................................................... 10
2.3.1 RESOLVE Package File Hashes ....................................................... 12
3 Interacting with RESOLVE ....................................................................................... 14
3.1 RESOLVE Scenario Tool ......................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Running Pre-Defined Scenarios ........................................................ 14
3.1.2 Creating New Scenarios .................................................................... 18
3.1.3 Input Data Worksheets ...................................................................... 20
3.2 RESOLVE Results Viewer ....................................................................................... 22
3.2.1 Dashboard ......................................................................................... 22
3.2.2 Portfolio Analytics .............................................................................. 23
3.2.3 Scenario Comparison ........................................................................ 24
3.2.4 Raw Summary Results ...................................................................... 25
3.2.5 Lists ................................................................................................... 26
4 RESOLVE Model Details .......................................................................................... 27
4.1 Raw Input Files .......................................................................................................... 27
4.2 Python Scripts ............................................................................................................ 33
4.3 Raw Output Files ....................................................................................................... 35
© 2019 Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. Page | i |
The core of the RESOLVE model is written in the Python scripting language. The E3 RESOLVE Model is free
software under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
OR HYPERLINKS TO OTHER INTERNET RESOURCES. E3 bears no responsibility for the consequences of any
modifications to the model, including its Python scripts, whether intentional or unintentional.
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1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The purpose of this document is to provide users with the guidance needed to set up and run the RESOLVE
model and to analyze the results of scenarios once they have been completed. RESOLVE is a linear
program written in Python with Excel-based interfaces for scenario development and results processing.
RESOLVE is an optimal investment and operational model designed to inform long-term planning
questions around renewables integration in systems with high penetration levels of renewable energy.
The model is formulated as a linear optimization problem that co-optimizes investment and dispatch for
a selected set of days over a multi-year horizon in order to identify least-cost portfolios for meeting
renewable energy targets and other system goals.
RESOLVE incorporates a representation of neighboring regions in order to characterize transmission flows
into and out of a main zone of interest endogenously. As shown in Figure 1.1, RESOLVE can solve for the
optimal investments in renewable resources, energy storage technologies, demand response, new gas
plants, and retention of existing thermal plants. These least-cost decisions are subject to annual
constraints on delivered renewable energy that reflects the RPS policy, annual constraints on greenhouse
gas emissions, capacity adequacy constraints to maintain reliability, and constraints on the ability to
develop specific renewable resources. RESOLVE simulates operations on sampled days and includes a
linearized version of the unit commitment problem. An overview of constraint groups is shown in Table
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Figure 1.1. RESOLVE Least-Cost Capacity Expansion Model
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1.2 Structure of This Document
The remainder of this document is organized as follows:
Section 2. Setting Up RESOLVE
Describes system requirements for running RESOLVE and recommended installation
Section 3. Interacting with RESOLVE Interfaces
Overview of how to use the Excel-based user interfaces (Scenario Tool and Results Viewer). For
users seeking only to run RESOLVE cases and view model outputs, this section provides the
necessary background to do so.
Section 4. RESOLVE Model Details
More in-depth discussion on core RESOLVE implementation (input/output text files and Python
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Setting Up RESOLVE
2 Setting Up RESOLVE
2.1 System Requirements
The underlying Python code powering RESOLVE has been tested on Windows, macOS, and Ubuntu. Other
Linux distributions will likely also be able to run the model.
The Excel interfaces used to interact with RESOLVE require access to Microsoft Excel. The RESOLVE user
interface has been tested extensively on Windows.
2.1.2 PYTHON
RESOLVE is compatible with the latest Python 3, while also being backward compatible with Python 2. E3
currently uses Python 3.7.3 (64-bit). E3 recommends installing Anaconda to obtain Python, which also
includes some of the mathematical packages needed to run RESOLVE.
RESOLVE relies on the open-source Python packages numpy, pandas, and pyomo to formulate the
optimization model and process inputs/outputs. Both numpy and pandas are included when installing
Anaconda. E3 currently uses pyomo version 5.6.6.
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Setting Up RESOLVE
The default, open-source solver to use with RESOLVE is called cbc.
Download, unzip, and
move the executable (cbc.exe) to a folder of your choosing. The final step is to add the folder in which
cbc.exe resides to your PATH system variable, which can be done by following these instructions. E3 has
tested CBC version 2.9.9 (64-bit) on Windows 10. Executables for macOS, and Linux can also be obtained
from the link in the footnote and added to the system PATH following the appropriate instructions for
each operating system or by using the COIN-OR Optimization Suite installer.
If users have licenses for other, commercially available solvers (such as CPLEX and Gurobi
), these can be
used with RESOLVE and may provide significantly faster solution times than cbc. RESOLVE model cases
created for the 2019 CPUC IRP experience very long runtimes and E3 and recommends using a commercial
solver if the user plans to run more than a handful of cases. Both CPLEX and Gurobi provide onsite and
cloud licensing options and other commercial solver vendors may have similar options. As with CBC, to
utilize a commercial solver, you will need to make sure the executable for the solver is added to your
system PATH.
2.2 Installing Python and RESOLVE
In this user guide, we offer two installation instructions:
Basic Installation
Users may want to consider this option if they:
A 64-bit compatible cbc executable compiled by AMPL Optimization, Inc. can be downloaded at the following link:
E3 has tested Gurobi extensively and has observed that in specific instances Gurobi can have numerical issues when solving RESOLVE cases,
resulting in longer runtimes than expected. Solver settings for Gurobi in address most of the numerical issues, but in certain
circumstances the user may need to change solver settings to allow a case to solve with an acceptable runtime. If the user is experiencing
numerical issues with Gurobi on a specific model run, removing some of the Gurobi solver settings in frequently results in
improved performance.
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Setting Up RESOLVE
1. Do not use any other Python-based applications on their computer
2. Are not concerned about the specific version of certain Python packages interacting
with other applications on their system
Advanced Installation
Users may want to consider this option if they:
1. Have previously installed a specific version of Python on their system
2. Have applications or scripts on their computer that require a specific version of Python
or Python packages that are incompatible with RESOLVE
As previously discussed in Section 2.1.2, E3 recommends installing the Anaconda distribution of Python.
This installation method will install or update the packages RESOLVE depends on directly to your “base”
Python location using Python’s standard pip
1. Install the Anaconda distribution of Python.
(Skip this step if you would like to use an existing installation of Python).
During the installation process, you should see “Add Anaconda to the system PATH environment
variable” in the Advanced Installation Options (as shown in the screenshot below). This will
allow us to find the installed Python easily when running RESOLVE.
Read more about pip here
If you are not sure if it is in your PATH environment variable, open a Command Prompt window and type the command “python and press
Enter. If you see a message to the effect of, ‘python’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, you will need to follow the
instructions to add python to your PATH environment variable.
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Setting Up RESOLVE
Note: Users with prior installations of Python should be careful of the implications of installing
another version of Python on their system if they have other Python scripts and dependencies.
2. (Optional) If you have a pre-existing installation of Python, you may want to use the following
commands to update numpy and pandas to the specific versions that have been tested by E3:
pip install numpy>=1.13.3
pip install pandas>=0.24.0
3. Install the specific version of pyomo for RESOLVE using the following commands:
pip install pyomo==5.6.6
This installation method uses conda’s environment
functionality to create a virtual environment to install
a separate version of Python and dependencies specifically for RESOLVE.
Read more about conda environments here
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Setting Up RESOLVE
1. If you have not yet installed Anaconda, follow the first step in the Basic Installation
instructions.RESOLVE Scenario Tool, users will find two options for controlling how the VBA
buttons call RESOLVE from the Scenario Tool:
a. Python Path:
Copy the path you found in step (2) into the yellow input cell. By default, the cell is
blank, and RESOLVE will use the default Python installed on your computer. By inputting
a path here, you are telling RESOLVE to use this specific version of Python.
b. Solver:
By default, this is set to cbc (which is a free open-source solver that can be used with
RESOLVE, see Section 2.1.3). Other options (if the user has correctly installed them) are
cplex and gurobi, and advanced users could modify the Scenario Tool to use additional
solvers if desired.
2.3 RESOLVE Package Organization
While users may wish to review the raw input and output files and Python scripts that constitute the core
of RESOLVE, the RESOLVE package is designed to allow users to run scenarios and analyze results using
only the Excel-based user interfaces for developing scenarios and viewing results. A schematic of the
RESOLVE environment is shown in Figure 2.1.
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Setting Up RESOLVE
Figure 2.1. Schematic of RESOLVE Modeling Components
The individual components of the RESOLVE modeling environment are described below:
1. RESOLVE Resource Costs and Build Workbook
Excel workbook containing upstream information on baseline resources, candidate resource
cost and potential, and the Pro Forma financial model. Data updates can be implemented in this
workbook and manually copied over to corresponding sheets in the Scenario Tool.
2. RESOLVE Scenario Tool
Excel workbook that includes a scenario management dashboard and input data worksheets.
The Scenario Tool provides a simple interface to develop and run RESOLVE scenarios after
setting up data inputs to the model.
3. Input Files: inputs/
RESOLVE accepts scenario inputs as tab-delimited (.tab) text files. These are created by the
Scenario Tool and contain the minimal set of data needed to define scenario assumptions. The
inputs directory contains scenario subdirectories with input files for each scenario.
4. RESOLVE Python Scripts: resolve_code/
RESOLVE is written in Python and consists of multiple scripts that (1) read the raw input files, (2)
formulates a linear programming optimization model to minimize total incremental system
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Setting Up RESOLVE
costs, and (3) exports the resulting optimal portfolio of investments and operations across the
analysis time horizon. The resolve_code directory contains the RESOLVE Python scripts.
5. Output Files: results/
RESOLVE prints out results in CSV files. These results files contain all results read by the Results
Viewer, as well as other files that report detailed information. The results directory and
scenario-specific subdirectories are created automatically upon running the RESOLVE code.
6. Results Viewer
Excel workbook that is the interface through which users may review results of a completed
RESOLVE run and compare results across runs. This workbook can be used to import and view
summaries of the raw Output Files for a specific model. Section 3.2 provides a summary of
functionality included in the Results Viewer. Scenario-specific subdirectories in the
results_summaries/ directory containing result summaries for each scenario are created
automatically when results are loaded into the Results Viewer.
Setup script that installs relevant dependencies to configure RESOLVE.
8. environment.yml
Optional file used by conda to define a new virtual environment.
If the user is interested in reviewing inputs and outputs to the pre-built RESOLVE scenarios, the Resource
Cost and Build Workbook, Scenario Tool, and Results Viewer provide can be used directly in Excel without
installing Python or setting up RESOLVE.
File hashes for the current public release of RESOLVE are listed in Table 2.1.
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Setting Up RESOLVE
Table 2.1. RESOLVE File Hashes
SHA-256 Hash
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Interacting with RESOLVE
3 Interacting with RESOLVE
3.1 RESOLVE Scenario Tool
Cells throughout the Scenario Tool are color-coded to indicate how users should interact with them.
Figure 3.1. RESOLVE Scenario Tool Dashboard
The RESOLVE Scenario Tool comes with a set of predefined scenarios. Users can load and run a predefined
scenario as follows:
1. The dropdown menu in cell D6 of the Dashboard lists all predefined scenarios (stored on the
Scenario Settings tab). You can use the Single Scenario Selection dropdown and 1a. Load
Cell Type
Yellow cells indicate user-defined inputs. These can be changed by the user, although it is advised to
choose from any of the existing options through the scenario toggles in the Dashboard tab.
Orange cells indicate values. These can be changed by the user but must adhere to a set of pre-defined
options listed in the dropdown list. For example, True/False toggles or the names of available zones in
the pre-defined cases.
(Note: True/False toggles will change color from green to red to help indicate the toggle setting)
Green cells indicate cells linked to other inputs via formulas. These should automatically update, and it is
advised not to change the formulas to ensure links stay intact.
Fixed or
Grey cells indicate calculations that should not be changed or values that are inactive.
These are hard-coded labels indicating what the cell(s) adjacent to it should be used for.
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Interacting with RESOLVE
Selected Scenario Settings button (shown in Figure 3.2) to load a scenario’s settings into the
Dashboard for viewing.
Figure 3.2. RESOLVE Single Scenario Selection Interface
2. To run scenarios, use the Batch Scenario Run section of the Dashboard to add/remove named
scenarios (listed in the Saved Scenarios list). You may need to press the 2. Refresh Saved
Scenarios List button to update the list. To add selected scenarios, select the cells with the
scenario names you are interested in running, then press the Add Selected button. The selected
scenarios should appear in the Scenarios to be Run list to the right. The Add All button will add
all scenarios in the Saved Scenarios list to the right side. The Remove Selected/All buttons
works similarly.
3. Press the 3. Create Input Files button, which will invoke VBA code that prints out the input data
into the appropriate scenario-specific input files in an input subdirectory with the scenario’s
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Interacting with RESOLVE
Figure 3.3. RESOLVE Scenario Run Interface
4. Press the 4. Run Scenarios button to run RESOLVE. This will open a command prompt window
and show text output as RESOLVE runs. RESOLVE runs can take anywhere between 10 minutes
to many hours depending on specific scenario settings and which solver is being used. Note that
the command prompt window will stay open even after RESOLVE has completed running. Running RESOLVE via Command Line
There are a few reasons you may choose to run RESOLVE via the command line. For example, if you are
running on a Linux or macOS machine, a machine without Excel installed, or a machine where you cannot
use VBA macros, you will not be able to use the Scenario Tool to run RESOLVE. Additionally, if you want
to use a non-default solver (as described in Section 2.1.3), the easiest way to specify the name of the
solver is as a command line argument.
To run RESOLVE via the command line, navigate in your selected command line terminal (e.g., Command
Prompt, PowerShell, bash, etc.) to the resolve_code directory. This is generally done using the cd
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Interacting with RESOLVE
command (for change directory). For example, to switch to the directory where you have stored your
resolve_code folder, you would use the command once, as shown below:
>> cd resolve_code
From within the resolve_code directory, you have two options for running RESOLVE cases.
1. The first is to run a single case using the script. There are two command line
arguments that follow. The first argument is required, [scenario name], and is the name of the
single scenario you plan to run. This must correspond to the name of a directory in the inputs
folder. The second argument is optional, [optional: solver name], and is used to specify a
different solver than the default CBC solver:
>> python [scenario name] [optional: solver name]
For example, to run the scenario full_run with and without the solver Gurobi, use the
>> python full_run
>> python full_run gurobi
2. The second option is to run a batch of scenarios using the script by populating the
CSV file called cases_to_run.csv with the list of scenarios you wish to run. runs all of
the scenarios cases_to_run.csv in serial. The command line input is:
>> python [optional: solver name]
To run a batch of scenarios with and without the solver Gurobi, use the commands:
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Interacting with RESOLVE
>> python gurobi
>> python
Users may wish to create and run new scenarios based on existing input data, rather than the pre-defined
scenarios. This can be done by adjusting the dropdowns in the Scenario Definition box on the RESOLVE
To create a new scenario:
0. (Optional) Select and load a scenario of interest in the Single Scenario Selection box
1. Customize the dropdown toggles in the Single Scenario Definition box (as shown in Figure 3.4).
As indicated by the cell color, most of the inputs are dropdowns, but some (such as discount
rate) are direct user inputs.
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Interacting with RESOLVE
Figure 3.4. RESOLVE Dashboard Single Scenario Selection and Scenario Definition Interface
2. Save the new custom scenario by pressing the 1b. Save Current Inputs as New Scenario button.
A macro will prompt the user to enter a new scenario name and saves the scenario settings in
the Scenario Settings tab. If a user would like to overwrite an existing scenario, they can do so
by entering an existing scenario name in the dialog box. The macro will prompt you to confirm
overwriting the scenario.
Note that if a user changes any scenario toggles, they must be saved via the macro button for
them to take effect in subsequent runs.
3. Press the 3. Create Input Files button, which will invoke VBA code that prints out the input data
into the appropriate scenario-specific input files in an input subdirectory with the scenario’s
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Interacting with RESOLVE
4. Press the 4. Run Scenarios button to run RESOLVE. This will open a command prompt window
and show text output as RESOLVE runs. RESOLVE runs can take anywhere between 10 minutes
to many hours depending on specific scenario settings and which solver is being used. Note that
the command prompt window will stay open even after RESOLVE has completed running.
The input data worksheets in the Scenario Tool are categorized into three high-level themes: system,
loads, and resources. Brief summaries of each tab are included in Table 3.1. The cells in these data
worksheets also adhere to the color-coding described at the start of Section 3.1.
Additional documentation of the contents of the data worksheets is provided in the Inputs & Assumptions
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Interacting with RESOLVE
3.2 RESOLVE Results Viewer
The Results Viewer allows the user to look at the summary results of a scenario of interest. It contains
four main worksheets: Dashboard, Portfolio Analytics, Scenario Comparison, and Lists. In addition, it
contains a number of raw summary results files for the scenario of interest.
The Dashboard worksheet is the main worksheet the user will interact with to look at the results of a
single scenario.
Figure 3.5. Results Viewer Dashboard
The Dashboard contains the following macro buttons:
4. The Refresh List of Scenarios macro lists all subdirectories that exist in the results directory.
Note that if a RESOLVE run is interrupted mid-run, a results folder will be created but no results
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Interacting with RESOLVE
will be available. Consequently, the user will not be able to load results for that scenario until the
simulation has completed running.
5. After selecting one of the scenarios from the list under “Scenarios with Results”, the Retrieve
Results of Selected Scenario macro will load all summary results files into the appropriate
worksheets (named raw_ + file name) for the selected scenario.
A common cause of errors is the fso.GetFolder() function in the VBA macro. If this function raises an
error, go to Tools > References > find and tick 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime'.
The Dashboard worksheet contains key summary results for the CAISO zone, such as the resource
buildout, portfolio costs, etc. The worksheet also includes graphs on the right side of the tables.
The year columns are grouped using Excel’s grouping functionality (see Data > Outline > Group), and can
be expanded and minimized by clicking on the “+” or-“ signs in the columns sidebar, or by clicking on the
numbers (1,2) on the top left of the spreadsheet. Note that expanding the grouped columns will interfere
with the formatting of the charts. If the user has created a RESOLVE scenario that looks at a different set
of years than the default case (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2026, 2030), the “Regroup Columns” macro
will regroup the columns to show the representative set of years.
This worksheet contains more detailed summary tables that are pulled from the raw summary results
worksheets and processed where necessary.
The results are grouped using Excel’s grouping functionality (see Data > Outline > Group), and can be
expanded and minimized by clicking on the “+” or -“ signs in the rows/columns sidebar, or by clicking on
the numbers (1,2) on the top left of the spreadsheet. If the user has created a RESOLVE scenario that looks
at a different set of years than the default case, the “Regroup Columns” macro will regroup the columns
to show the representative set of years.
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Interacting with RESOLVE
This worksheet is set up so the user can compare summary results of multiple scenarios. It allows the user
to select scenarios of interest and to compare the summary results of these scenarios for a year of interest.
The summary results are the same as those shown on the Dashboard for an individual scenario.
Figure 3.6. Results Viewer - Scenario Comparison Worksheet
To compare a set of scenarios, follow the steps below:
1. Refresh the list of available scenarios by pressing “Refresh List of Scenarios. This macro lists all
subdirectories that exist in the results directory. Results files must be present for all scenarios for
the scenario comparison function to work.
2. [Optional] If necessary, remove any scenarios you don’t want to compare from the “Scenarios to
Compare” list by using the “Remove Selected” or “Remove All” Button.
a. The “Remove Selected” macro will remove the selected scenario from the list of scenarios
listed under “Scenarios to Compare”. Note that in this context, selected scenario means
the cell that is selected within the “Scenarios to Compare”. If a cell outside of this box is
selected, a warning will pop up and the macro will stop.
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Interacting with RESOLVE
b. The “Remove All” macro will remove all scenarios listed under “Scenarios to Compare”.
3. Add scenarios of interest to the “Scenarios to Compare” list using the “Add Selected” or “Add All”
a. The “Add Selected” macro will add the selected scenario to the list of scenarios listed
under “Scenarios to Compare”. Note that in this context, selected scenario means the cell
that is selected within the “Saved Scenarios Menu” box (not the value in cell D8). If a cell
outside of this box is selected, a warning will pop up and the macro will stop.
b. The “Add All” macro will add all scenarios listed under “Saved Scenarios to the list of
scenarios listed under “Scenarios to Compare”.
4. Select a year of interest in cell I8 (shaded yellow). Please ensure that this is a year for which there
are RESOLVE results.
5. Compare all selected scenarios by pressing the Compare macro button. This macro will load the
summary results for each of the scenarios listed under “Scenarios to Compare” to the Dashboard,
and then copy the results for the year of interest to the Scenario Comparison table. It can take a
few minutes to compare the results of many scenarios because the “Retrieve Results of Selected
Scenario macro on the Dashboard is called upon many times in a row.
The set of worksheets that start with “raw_” contain a copy of the raw summary results files for the
scenario of interest. Whenever the macro “Retrieve Results of Selected Scenario is run, these
worksheets are updated. Note that while the user should be able to find all the information needed in the
first three tabs, if there is interest in investigating the “raw_” tabs to filter or edit any specific data,
rerunning the “Retrieve Results of Selected Scenario macro will overwrite any changes that have made.
In that case, make sure to press the “Retrieve Results of Selected Scenario button twice to ensure all
the “raw_” tabs are fully refreshed.
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Interacting with RESOLVE
3.2.5 LISTS
This worksheet contains a set of lists to support the functions in this workbook. The user should not
change anything in this worksheet.