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Marine Training Services
Victorian Marine Licence Training and/or PWC
Endorsement Course
1. Aim
The course is designed to assist individuals in obtaining the knowledge required to qualify for the
recreational Marine Licence and/or PWC endorsement. Marine Training Services is an approved
Transport Safety Victoria provider (RTO no. 4653). Approved marine licence training courses are
valid for 12 months. Course instructor details are listed on the Marine Training Services web site
(http://www.marinetraining.vic.edu.au/rboc.htm) or can be obtained by telephoning Marine Training
Services on 03 5229 5432.
Individuals who have successfully completed a Marine Training Services approved Marine Licence
Training Course, may apply for a licence consistent with the course completed, without sitting a
licence test at VicRoads. To obtain a Victorian Marine Licence, individuals must take their marine
licence training course certificate of attainment to VicRoads, along with appropriate evidence of
identify (a licence fee applies). Applicants are required to meet basic medical and eyesight standards.
The certificate of attainment issued upon successfully completing the marine licence training course
and/or personal watercraft endorsement is valid for 12 months from the date of issue. There are no
extensions to the certificate of attainment once the 12 month validity period has elapsed.
All boat operators require a licence to operate a powered recreational vessel in Victoria. The Marine
Act 2010 states that:
any person who operates a registered recreational powerboat must have a licence
operators of personal watercraft (PWCs) must have their licence endorsed accordingly
interstate licences will be automatically recognised in Victoria.
2. Types of licence
2.1 General Marine Licence
A general marine licence is required by any person 16 years of age and over who is operating a
powered recreational vessel.
2.2 Restricted Marine Licence
A restricted marine licence is required by any person over the age of 12, but under the age of 16, who
is operating a powered recreational vessel.
2.3 Restricted Marine Licence conditions
Holders of a restricted marine licence may act as master of a recreational vessel only if:
a. operating during daylight hours between sunrise and sunset
b. must operate at speeds of less than 10 knots and
c. not operating a vessel that is towing a person, another vessel or object.
Once a restricted master turns 16, the restricted marine licence automatically becomes a general
marine licence.
Please note it is illegal for persons under the age of 12 years to operate a powered recreational
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2.4 Personal Watercraft Endorsed Marine Licence
Master of PWCs obtain an endorsement on their general marine licence in order to operate this type
of vessel.
For a Personal Watercraft (PWC) endorsement, you need to be at least 16 years old.
Note: A PWC endorsement may not be issued as a standalone licence. If an endorsement is required,
a marine licence must first be obtained.
3. Marine Licence
Any person operating a powered vessel must carry their marine licence at all times.
4. Course Content
1. Trip preparation
2. Safe operation
3. Emergency procedures
4. Personal Watercraft (PWC)
5. Course Duration
The course delivery time is 3.5 hours.
6. Course fees
Please contact the office on 03 5229 5432 for current course fee.
Please note: all fees are subject to change in line with annual consumer price index increases. For the
most updated Marine Licence Training Course fees please contact the office on 03 5229 5432.
No credit card payments are processed without the authorisation of the applicant.
This fee is for training, assessment and certificate issue. Your licence fee is paid direct to VicRoads.
7. Course Assessment and Re Assessment
Course assessment is a multiple choice exam.
The minimum passing grade for both the marine licence test is 26/30 and for the PWC endorsement
test is 13/15.
At the completion of the assessment students will be advised whether they have passed or failed.
Where a student is not successful in attaining the required number of correct answers they may be
given the option to attempt a different version of the test. This may be attempted immediately
following the first attempt. Where an applicant is not successful on the second attempt they may not
attempt the test again on the same day. Reassessment can be conducted at a later date by arrangement
with the instructor. Students who are found not competent can attend another course and repeat the
8. Marine Licence Ineligibility
Pursuant to regulation 30 of the Marine Safety Regulations 2012 (Vic) the following persons are not eligible
to apply for a marine licence:
A person who is disqualified from obtaining a marine licence, during the period of that disqualification
A person who is the holder of a marine licence that has been suspended, during the period of that
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A person who is disqualified from obtaining a licence or other authority to be the master of or to
operate a recreational vessel under
o (i) the law of another State or Territory, or
o (ii) the law of another country,
in circumstances which, if they occurred in Victoria, would have resulted in the person being disqualified
from obtaining a marine licence in Victoria
A person who is the holder of a licence or other authority to operate a recreational vessel issued by
another State or Territory that has been suspended, during the period of that suspension
Persons aged under 16 years of age are not eligible to obtain a personal watercraft endorsement
Applicants should also note that they will be required to meet the health requirements for operating a car,
motorcycle or boat and this may include further testing where appropriate.
9. Dates & time of Availability of Lecturers
Contact information is available on the following page. Lecturers are available for contact between
the hours 09:00 12:00 and 13:00 17:00 Monday to Friday. If for some reason a lecturer is
unavailable, staff will take your name and contact phone number and a lecturer will call you back at
the earliest convenience.
Contact Person Academic Coordinator CVO Mrs Claire Cashion
By Phone 03 5229 5432
By Post Marine Training Services
17 Swanston Street
Geelong Vic 3220
By Fax 03 5229 5432
In Person The office is located at
17 Swanston Street, Geelong Vic 3220
10. Welfare and Guidance Services
For student welfare and guidance services contact Dr Cindy Nelson on 03 5229 5432.
11. Access & Equity
Marine Training Services will ensure that trainee application and selection processes comply with
access and equity principles. All Students will be treated with equal merit and equal availability of
all activities.
12. Complaints, Grievances and Appeals
May be made in person or in writing to:
Cindy Nelson
Marine Training Services
17 Swanston Street
Geelong Vic 3220
Phone 03 5229 5432
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13. Course Inquiries
Marine Training Services
17 Swanston Street
Geelong Vic 3220
Ph/Fax. 03 5229 5432
website. www.marinetraining.vic.edu.au
ABN. 29 079 878 596
APPENDIX A Refund Policy
APPENDIX B Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
APPENDIX C Evidence of Identity Requirements
APPENDIX D Privacy Statement
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Appendix A
Refund Policy
This policy/procedure provides all staff and students information on the ability to apply for a
refund of tuition fees in certain circumstances.
The following procedures ensure all students are treated fairly and with integrity when applying for
refunds. All refunds applications are to be submitted to Marine Training Services (‘MTS’) Staff and
the following procedures followed in assessing the application.
All refund information is made available to students through the enrolment process and is included
on the ‘Enrolment Form’ which the student signs prior to acceptance into a course of study with
Marine Training Services and money accepted from a student.
All ‘refunds’ are to be signed off by MTS Staff and applications processed within Fourteen (14)
days of the application being placed.
Refunds due to non delivery of course by Marine Training Services
Tuition fees to be refunded in full if:
The course does not start on the agreed starting date
The course stops being provided after it starts and before it is completed
Refunds under the above conditions will be paid in full to the student within 14 days.
Marine Training Services may arrange for another course, or part of a course, to be provided to
students at no (extra) cost to the student as an alternative to refunding course money. Where the
student agrees to this arrangement, Marine Training Services will not be liable to refund the money
owed for the original enrolment.
Refunds based upon student application
All applications for refund must be made in writing by way of the ‘Application for Refund’ form
(see following) and submitted to MTS Staff.
Please note where the student breaches the Marine Training Services Policies and Procedures
no refund is payable. Where a student withdraws from the course without extenuating
circumstances* only a partial refund is payable.
Applications for refunds are to be processed by MTS Staff within 14 days from the date of
The assessment of refund applications shall be granted as indicated below:
Outline of Refunds
Withdrawal prior to agreed start date
Full refund
Withdrawal after the agreed start date and prior to course completion
50% refund
Course withdrawn by Marine Training Services
Full refund
Marine Training Services is unable to provide the course for which the
original enrolment and payment has been made
Full refund
* Students may have extenuating circumstances that prevent them from attending scheduled course
dates that may include but are not limited to illness, family or personal matters, or other reasons that
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are out of the ordinary. Where evidence can be successfully provided to support the student’s
circumstances, course fees may either be transferred to the next available course where applicable,
or a refund of unused course fees will be issued. This decision of assessing the extenuating
circumstances rests with Mr Vic Goy and shall be assessed on a case by case situation.
Appealing Refund decisions
All students have the right to appeal a refund decision made by Marine Training Services.
Student wishing to access the Complaints and Appeals Procedure from Marine Training
Services should contact the MTS office.
This policy and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove your
right to take action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
Marine Training Services dispute resolution processes do not remove the student’s right to
pursue other legal remedies where they feel necessary.
Further information
If fees have been paid by a third party then refunds will be payable to that third party.
Any information that you provide to Marine Training Services or that Marine Training Services
collects about you (including payments and refunds) can be given to authorised State and
Commonwealth Agencies.
No credit card payments are processed without the authorisation of the applicant
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Marine Training Services
Application for Refund
Full Name:
Course Start Date:
I wish to apply for a refund for my tuition fees paid for course described above and my reasons
for applying for a refund are:
Type of Refund
(all refunds are paid
within 14 days)
Full refund
50% refund
Full refund
Full refund
*Please note where the student breaches Marine Training Services Policies and Procedures
no refund is payable. Where a student withdraws from the course without extenuating
circumstances only a partial refund is payable.
Student Signature: Date:
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Appendix B
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process whereby you are given the option of
claiming recognition of previous learning and experience against the elements of a Unit of
RPL involves a detailed assessment of both your qualifications and skills. You should only apply if
you have a real belief that you already possess the knowledge and skills that are outlined in the
training content.
A person may receive exemption from an element of competency, more than one element of
competency or even the whole unit of competency.
By claiming RPL the duration of learning and training may be reduced.
Types of Evidence
The RPL application must make a claim for recognition against the Learning Outcomes of a Unit of
Competency and justify the claim by providing appropriate evidence. Evidence may come from the
following sources:
Life experience
Training courses and programmes
Work experience
This evidence may include, but not be limited to:
Educational qualifications, certificates, and/or awards
Statement of results/attainment
Information on training programmes completed, eg curriculum
Work history and records
Employment testimonials
Sample of work completed
References or testimonials from past/current work supervisors
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Marine Training Services
Steps to Achieving Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
STEP 1 Application for RPL must be made prior to enrolling in a course and at least
one week before a course commences.
If you feel you may be eligible for RPL, consider if your knowledge and skills will meet all
the Learning Outcomes outlined in a Unit of Competency.
Contact Marine Training Services on 03 5229 5432 to arrange an appointment for an
interview with the Training Managers at the Geelong Office to discuss:
Required elements of the Unit of Competency you wish to RPL
Your responsibility to prove you have the knowledge and skills outlined in the training
How knowledge and skills are assessed
The suitability and validity of your evidence
RPL cost and application process
Upon completion of the interview if you still wish to apply for RPL, you will complete and
submit an RPL Application form with all relevant documentation and the application fee.
The fee to apply for RPL is $100.
Marine Training Services will then assess your skills, knowledge and documentation
Marine Training Services may base their judgement for granting RPL on:
1. Demonstration of Knowledge, by way of questionnaire, checklist or short answer
2. Demonstration of Practical Skills, through practical skill exercises on or off the job,
based on the elements of competency.
You may not be required to complete both of these factors to be granted exemptions, but
there is a strong possibility that both your knowledge and skills may need to be assessed.
Therefore, you may need to do some preparation for the practical exercises.
If your Application for RPL is SUCCESSFUL you will be granted RPL, your record will be
adjusted and you will be advised in writing prior to training commencing.
If your Application for RPL is UNSUCCESSFUL you will not be granted RPL and you will
be advised in writing with reasons.
If your application for RPL is UNSUCCESSFUL and you wish to APPEAL the decision,
you can lodge an appeal in writing with Marine Training Services and your application will
be reassessed.
If the APPEAL is UPHELD you can gain the competency by experience or through
training, then resubmit an application
If the APPEAL is SUCCESSFUL you will be granted RPL, your record will be adjusted
and you will receive notification in writing.
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Appendix C
Evidence of Identity
At the time of enrolment in training and at the time of issue of certification of satisfactory
course completion the applicant must provide Marine Training Services with Evidence of
Identity in accordance with Transport Safety Victoria requirements.
When applying for the Training and Assessment at a Transport Safety Victoria approved licence
issuing provider, certification of satisfactory completion of the approved training, as issued by
Marine Training Services must be presented together with Evidence of Identity (EOI).
The Evidence of Identity (EOI) required is defined as an
Australian Photo Driver Licence
(Also accepted Photo Learner Permit)
Multiple Evidence of Identity
(a Primary proof document AND a Secondary proof document)
Photo Licence
A photo licence means any Australian photo driver licence or photo learner permit which is
current or expired by no more than 2 years.
Multiple Evidence of Identity
For transactions where multiple EOI is required it is necessary to provide:
1. a Primary evidence document (high quality evidence of who the applicant is);
2. a Secondary evidence document (to confirm the current use of the applicant's name in
the community);
3. evidence of Change of Name (where it differs between primary and secondary evidence
4. evidence of residence (where current address as listed on enrolment form differs from that
shown on the evidence of identity document/s). If participants cannot provide evidence of
residence a referee statement must be completed.
Primary and secondary evidence documents must be separate documents.
All documents must be originals as supplied by the issuing authority (or copies certified by the
issuing authority, a Justice of the Peace or a solicitor).
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Primary Evidence Documents
ONE of these documents:
Australian passport,
An overseas passport,
Australian birth certificate or change of name certificate issued by the Registry of Births,
Deaths and Marriages. Birth extracts and Commemorative birth certificates are not accepted,
change of name certificate issued by the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages,
a document of identity issued by the Passport Office (usually issued to travellers to Norfolk
document of identity issued by the Australian Passport Office,
Australian police force officer or Australian Defence Force photo identity card (excluding
civilian staff),
consular photo identity card issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade,
Australian naturalisation or citizenship document issued by the Department of Immigration
(read note 2),
immigration papers (eg. visa) issued by the Department of Immigration,
NSW Photo Card (issued by NSW RTA after 14 December 2005).
ONE of these documents that is current or expired by no more than two years:
Australian defence force photo licence, or
Victorian firearm photo licence.
Secondary evidence documents
In addition to one of the above primary evidence documents the applicant must provide ONE
secondary evidence document from the list below:
Medicare card,
Pensioner Concession card,
Department of Veteran's Affairs card,
current entitlement card issued by the Commonwealth,
student identity card,
credit card or account card from a bank, building society or credit union,
state or federal government employee photo ID card
- Australian Proof of Age Card
- Australian Keypass Card
ONE of these documents that is current or no more than one year old:
passbook or bank account statement,
telephone, gas or electricity bill.
ONE of these documents that is current or no more than two years old:
electoral enrolment card,
armed services discharge papers,
current Proof of Age card issued by Consumer Affairs Victoria,
current Victorian Driving Authority photo identity card.
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Evidence of change of name
The applicant will need ONE of the following documents if the name is different on the primary
and secondary evidence documents:
Marriage certificate issued by a Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Australia,
Divorce papers (showing the name being reverted to),
Deed Poll (issued before November 1986 in Victoria), or
Change of Name Certificate (issued after November 1986 in Victoria).
Evidence of address where the applicant cannot provide it with primary or secondary
If an applicant cannot provide documentary evidence of an address, a referee statement is
acceptable. The referee statement must:
Be signed by a Victorian driver licence holder who has known the applicant for 12 months or
Include the applicant’s name and address, and
Include the referee’s name and address
A copy of the referee statement follows.
Note 1 This refers to an Australian naturalisation or citizenship document issued by
the Department of Immigration
If the applicant is under 16 years of age the document may be in the name of a parent
provided that the applicant is also listed on the document. The applicant’s parent's licence
must be sighted and the number recorded. If the parent does not hold a licence, a statutory
declaration must be provided.
Note 2 This refers to immigration papers (ie. visa) issued by the Department of
If the applicant is under 18 years of age, the document may be in the name of a parent or
legal guardian provided that the applicant is also listed on the document. The applicant’s
parent's licence must be sighted and the number recorded. If the parent does not hold a
licence, a statutory declaration must be provided.
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Referee Statement for Evidence of Address
If you cannot evidence your address in the identity documents you have provided, you are
required to provide a referee statement which must:
be signed by an Australian driver licence or learner permit holder who has known you
for 12 months or more, and
includes your name and address, and
the referee's name and address
Referee Statement
I (referee name), ......................................................................,
of (address), ..........................................................................................................................,
with (Australian driver licence or learner permit no), …….....................................................,
have known (applicant’s name)................................................,
of (address) ..........................................................................................................................,
for at least 12 months.
Referee signature .......................................... date …………………………………
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Appendix D
Privacy Statement
This privacy statement applies to Training and Assessment services provided by accredited training
providers (ATP) who have been granted ATP accreditation by the Director, Transport Safety to
provide those services.
Marine Training Services is committed to protecting personal and sensitive information consistent
with the principles set out in the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic), and, if applicable, the
principles set out in the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth), and any other privacy law.
Personal Information
Personal information is information about you whether fact or opinion from which your identity
could reasonably be ascertained.
Use and Disclosure of Personal Information
Marine Training Services requests you to provide personal information for the purpose of allowing
Marine Training Services to provide Training and Assessment services to you and for the Director,
Transport Safety to manage or administer accredited training providers and undertake the functions
relating to Marine Licences, or as required by law in regard to the Director’s statutory obligations.
Marine Training Services is required to protect and handle your personal information in accordance
with the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic).
Personal information that is collected by Marine Training Services may also be used and disclosed
to government agencies, departments and organisations (for example, Transport Safety Victoria or
VicRoads), and to contractors whose duties require them to use it, in connection with managing or
administering accredited training providers and undertaking functions relating to Training and
Assessment. Such agencies, departments and organisations are required to protect and handle your
personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2000 (Vic) or interstate
privacy legislation.
Your personal information will not be used for training other persons. All persons and companies
referred to in any examples in training materials provided by your accredited training provider are
purely fictitious and any resemblance to existing persons or companies is purely coincidental.
Data Quality
Marine Training Services will seek wherever possible to ensure that the personal information it
collects, uses or discloses is accurate, complete and up to date. In many instances Marine Training
Services relies upon you to provide accurate and complete information and to advise Marine
Training Services should your circumstances change over time.
Data Security
Marine Training Services takes all reasonable steps to protect your personal information from
misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure and securely destroys or deidentifies
personal information when it is no longer needed.
Transfer of Information Interstate
Government agencies, departments and organisations rarely transfer personally identifying
information to organisations outside the state of Victoria, however this may occur in some
circumstances where required or permitted by law. If transferred the information is afforded a
substantially similar level of privacy protection it would receive in Victoria.
Access and Correction
You have a right of access to and correction of information about you. You may gain access to
information about you that is held by Marine Training Services by contacting: Marine Training
Services, 17 Swanston Street, Geelong Vic 3220, 03 5229 5432.
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You may have your personal information corrected with authentication and proof (where legislation
does not prohibit correction) or a note of dissension from an opinion or view may be attached to a
file where this is possible.
Unique Identifiers
A unique identifier is a code consisting of alphabet characters and numerals (not the individual’s
name) that is applied to an individual, for example a drivers licence number.
Marine Training Services does not assign, use or disclose unique identifiers to individuals unless it
is necessary to do so to carry out one of its organisational functions efficiently and does not adopt
an identifier assigned to an individual by another organisation for another purpose.
Each certificate of attainment issued by Marine Training Services on behalf of Transport Safety
Victoria will have a unique certificate number that will be assigned to you.
If you consider that your privacy has been breached or interfered with way you can make a
complaint by contacting: Marine Training Services, 17 Swanston Street, Geelong Vic 3220, phone
03 5229 5432.