Use Bold Professional...
...for outstanding business results
From a market leading brand Bold
Professional Washing Liquid Lotus
Flower & Water Lily.
A boosted formula for Professional use
with stronger active ingredients vs. Bold
Retail formula.
Designed to deliver outstanding results in
1 wash without pre-washing or pre-soaking.
Use of high performing ingredients
and P&G patented technologies for
great cleaning results and freshness.
Effective as low as 30° temperature.
Satisfy your guests
Cleanliness can help you improve your ratings &
reviews and generate incremental business.
Minimize your total operating cost
Bold Professional Washing Liquid Lotus Flower
& Water Lily superior performance helps you
minimize your total operating cost (linen
replacement frequency, water use…) and save
money for your core business.
Care for your staff
Bold Professional Washing Liquid Lotus Flower &
Water Lily superior performance helps save time
and efforts to your staff who doesn’t need to
rewash several times to get rid of tough stains.
Bold Professional Washing Liquid
Lotus Flower & Water Lily
Bold Professional Washing Liquid Lotus Flower & Lily is a
professional detergent specially formulated to deliver the perfect
balance of cleaning and freshness: professional cleaning results
and long-lasting freshness.
Contribute to a more
sustainable development
Washing your linen from as low as 30°C and
once only will help you save water and energy.
Safe. Simple. Effective.
Where to Use
Usage & Dosing Instructions
Where Not to Use
Technical Description
Research & Development Corner
Technical information
Safety Instructions
Safe to use on all types of white and colored textiles.
Can be used at wash temperatures from 20°C to 95°C. Always
follow the wash instructions as mentioned on the fabric label.
Can be used at all water hardness levels. Adjust the dosage
according to your local water hardness level as recommended
in the dosing instructions.
Can be used for handwash.
Should not be used on wool & silk textiles.
A detergent specially designed for wool & silk is
Should not be used for prewash.
EAN code:
Appearance: Colored liquid
Smell: Pleasant perfume
PH (10%): 8.00 - 8.80
Density: 1.06 g/mL
Water solubility: High
Safe. Simple. Effective.
Adjust the dosage according to your local
water hardness and the soil level of your
laundry items as recommended in the
dosing instructions.
For optimal results, always poor the liquid
detergent in a dosing ball and place it into
the drum on top of your laundry items.
45 ml
35 ml 60 ml
50 ml 75 ml
60 ml 90 ml
25 ml
Bold Professional Washing
Liquid Lotus Flower & Water
Lily unique technologies
act in synergy to ensure
the removal of the tough
stains Professionals
encounter frequently.
Its boosted enzyme
system breaks the
stain into smaller
Its unique polymers
drill into the stain,
opening it up to facilitate
the penetration of the
The multi-surfactants
system dissolves and
removes pieces of stain
which are then
rinsed away.
Light on Bold Professional Washing Liquid superior technologies
on stain removal
Please make sure your employees read and understood the product label and
your COSHH assessment (Chemical Risk Assessment in EU) before using this
product. The label contains directions for use and both label and SDS contain
hazard warnings, precautionary statements, first aid procedures and storage
information. SDS are available on-line at our website or
can be provided to you via the call center (UK 0800 716 854, ROI 1800 535 119).