monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/01 17:45
i'm honestly considering selling my MnM to get one of these. I would love to have both, but thats not going to happen
right now. This isn't a sure thing, but I think based on what I've heard from both machines, the OP-1 would better suit my
needs and I know it has a reputation on elektron users as being a more or less serious piece of kit, and not some toy. 
something like this:
is more of what I have in mind doing musically than the typical MnM demo ...sampling is super important TBH. if anyone
could convince me to/not to trade machines I welcome all opinions. The idea is "an all in one box" is what I'm after (i
know one thing can't do everything, but..). its either one of the other, i can't have both right now.
honestly sound quality is not my biggest concern. I think the op-1 lends itself more to my creativity than the
monomachine does. My idea right now is to have one machine combined with something like renoise, and i'd like to keep
it at that for a while. any thoughts would be appreciated.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/01 17:57
haha damn i dont really want to sell the monomachine...i KNow i'll be sad. I just need to find the perfect companion for
the right price.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by tIB - 2012/04/01 18:27
what is it that you are getting from the mono that you want from elsewhere? I was mono-centric for a good few years so I
might be able to help...
the mono is the most creative all in one box Ive played with. the op1 might take that a further, though Ive only spent half
an hour on one. They are very different though, monomachine has more synth power to me, though obviously a load of
fun extras which take it into an entirely different realm. They are both great boxes, with some overlap but very different. 
Fun things Ive paired the monomachine with:
Nord G2 engine- amazing thing, does it all bar sampling. Pricey though and needs a computer. 
Korg Radias - brilliant VA, had great fun arping the drum kits on it which were suprisingly usable. 4 voices too, and great
at digital. Ive also had an R3 which was nice. 
Akai Remix 16- really simple sampling really quickly. rare though... maybe the sp202/404 might do the same. 
Jomox xbase09 - great drum partner. 
A cheap fun things ive played with briefly that look to be great partners:
Akai miniak- Multimode, drum kits, good sound...interface isnt brilliant but not as awful as it first looks. Cheap too. 
Monotribe with midi mod.
Kaoss pad 3
EDIT- let me know your price and what you want and ill do my best!
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/01 19:37
honestly I COULD technically afford both, but the big issue is that my girlfriend will be pissed. but maybe I can risk that (8
years together, this wont break us up). but in this case lets say I have $800 to spend, which I would risk considering the
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but otherwise, lets just say I have $600 to spend if I don't sell the monomachine. Ideally, I would like to stay away from
the computer (meaning vsts and such).
and the third scenario is if i sell my mono for lets say $600. so i may have $1200-1400 to spend at that point.
I know this is like a typical noob type scenario "what should I buy?!?" but I think I'm a little beyond that. I've really been
obsessing over this, reading 100's of posts on here from everything from sp404, korg emx, vsts, vermona drm, etc. and
its really hard to figure out what I should do. Its not like i have a disposable income to buy whatever hardware I want.
What i like about the mono is that I have an awesome hardware sequencer (especially for future hardware I may come to
own), and all the different synths at my fingertips. I love the delay and reverb. Honestly I try to use everything except VO
synth and I really like everything on there, especially the superwave and FM. I love the groovebox concept. I really just
have no gripes with this machine honestly, ive lusted for one since they came out and finally got one last year (Mk1 to be
specific). I really don't want to get rid of it.
I do like the miniak/micron ( i used to have a micron and loved it, despite my limited tweaking abilities at the time), but Ive
heard there is an issue as those synths mainly use NRPN's which the mono can't communicate with (please correct me if
I am wrong!) As far as the radias, that might be cool, but ive had a microkorg xl which is sort of ultra pared down version
of that, editing was a major issue, even with the pc editor. but really, thats not exactly what I'm looking for unless I ditch
the MnM.
My main issue is that I need drums! I like the bbox drums for other things other than the main beat. Ive got some really
cool arpeggiated bbox patterns that I don't think i could easily replicate elsewhere, but as far as getting a decent bass
drum, snare, hats, etc. (especially with variety) I don't like the MnM for that (its a common complaint that I was aware of
before I bought it). Ideally I want a stand alone drum machine to handle percussion duties. 
another issue is that I dont have a keyboard to play the mono with. I would hate to have to factor that into the cost of new
hardware, as its not exactly a necessity, but it helps a lot.
Ive thought of so many things, like seriously thought about MPC1000, korg ESX, all kinds of software, and nothing really
convinces me its what I need. I really like the responses ive been getting on here regarding if I should go the software
route, but even though it seems the most practical, its my least desired method TBH. I really don't mind having a limited
set up, as long as I have all my bases covered in even the most limited of ways (meaning maybe MnM + drums? or
sampler?) I really think that getting a setup capable of a tweakable live performance (like elektron gear) would motivate
me more to make music.
let me just say (not that it will help much necessarily, as I dont see ANYTHING at all like it) is that I have had the most
fun and came up with the most unique melodies using the Korg DS-10 software on the nintendo ds (also available as
iMS-20 or something on iPad). the kaoss pad thing in the software lets you use the xy pad to input notes (kind of like a
really weird arpeggiator) and edit the filter/volume/pan and it seriously just lets me come up with some crazy stuff i could
never manually program. 
also, as far as unique sounds, ive got some really crazy results from the maelstrom synth in reason (i mean like playing
one chord that ends up being a whole song, tweaking one parameter, without fx). I dont know if this helps, but i think that
letting u know what I'm used to/into can help determine where I should go from there.
anyways I really appreciate your response tIB. I think you were the last one I figured I would get a thoughtful response
from. I really appreciate your advice, and any advice from anyone really.
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Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by tIB - 2012/04/01 20:05
Reading that I think your best bet might be an MPC- would give you a percussion section with lots of bonusses- sample
reason (I started out with reason) and your other stuff, get your drum hits and use it as a midi hub- Ive recorded all
manner of midi wonking from the monomachine into the MPC to send elsewhere- little snippets of the arp at different
speeds... the mute mode on the 2000xl (which I presume the 1000 has) means you can build tracks, adding fills, trills
(and bellyaches) all over the place. They are very powerful machines, Ive never gotten too deep into mine but Id imagine
from a sound design point with all the resampling and effects you have at your disposal (with the mono as well) I think
they would make a good team. Within your budget too... it would definitely do the things the monomachine doesnt do too
well. 
As for other stuff I wasnt too impressed with the drm1 (nice but overly simple and a crap snare), the esx I dont know. For
a simple decent sounding drum box the quasimidi 309 was alright if a little fussy. Synth part too, and stupidly aggressive
filter (with input if it has the expansions). Might be worth looking at as a percussion section for the mono- the fussy part is
the sequencer so sending the mono's seq into it could get you around that. 
Ultimately though the mpc seems to tick all of your boxes.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by poonti - 2012/04/01 21:15
I don't want to cause relationship strain, but if you save a bit more you can get a used MD UW Mkii, perfect companion to
the MnM, or an OT for sampled drums plus so much more. Or a Jomox box for drums.
The OP-1 is a great little swiss army knife, but I'm not sure it meshes well with the MnM, although they are adding new
features to the OS all the time, kind of like Elektron. Also be prepared to ship it back once or twice (like I have to do) to fix
minor issues. Not fun when it's your 2nd piece of gear.
It's hard to find a good all around percussion-centric box for $600-800:
MC-909 maybe (but that's getting old now)
MPC's like TiB mentioned
Jomox XBase-09
I would stay away from the Korg Electribes, they're really easy to use but you'll eventually get sick of the sound....waiting
for Anselmi to call me out on this! :laugh:
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by tIB - 2012/04/01 23:27
another thing to consider if you dont mind diving into some programming would be the yamaha a5000 (or the 4000). Can
be lots of things and has a ton of decent effects. If you dont need the sequencing from the akai it something to think
about, especially as they are dirt cheap now.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by anselmi - 2012/04/02 00:16
poonti wrote:
I would stay away from the Korg Electribes, they're really easy to use but you'll eventually get sick of the sound....waiting
for Anselmi to call me out on this! :laugh:
:laugh: 
well...I sold my ESX-1 because I don´t have time to use so much gear and wanted to get anothe stuff...but I still doubt
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about selling the EMX (I have 2 of them to make DJ-style transitions)...I agree that they´re not the best sounding gear
out there but they sound pretty good and they can kick some serious ass in a big PA...I managed to rock several raves
out with just one EMX and a delay pedal
back to the topic:
1. switch MnM for OP-1? are you crazy?
2. mnonner wrote:
honestly I COULD technically afford both, but the big issue is that my girlfriend will be pissed.
sorry but for imho this is the worst reason ever...if you don´t have to hold a house and/or child do what you want with
your money and make your gf respect your decisions...of course this are not my business but since you decided to share
the situation with us I really feel that I had to write this...:) 
3. I agree with Tib that the MPC could be a good one for you
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by jonah - 2012/04/02 03:19
Why not an ipad? Do something like get a used ipad 2 and if you like it pick up an Alesis IO dock?
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/02 04:58
does anyone know what a used MD UW mk1 goes for?
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mistakem - 2012/04/02 11:08
I sold my monomachine to fund an OP-1. Don't regret it, though miss the Monomachine and will probably buy another
TLDR - Don't do it, but OP-1 is cool.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by Vader77 - 2012/04/03 00:05
i'd get an mpc1000 with JjOSXL2 as its sequencing style really compliments the MnM as you can use the 64 tracks on
any midi channel so its great to use for note/motif data whilst using the monos sequemcer for p'locks.
you can also feed the in's and outs of each machine together and resample the lot
i stil havent been that impressed with the OP1 which is a very simple machine in an appealing package next to the all
powerful mnm imho which is still my fave bit of kit to date
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by darenager - 2012/04/03 02:15
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Get an MPC2000xl and a Kaossilator Pro, the MPC will handle drums and sampling, the Kaossilator Pro will give you
most of what you like about the DS10 and some extra stuff, you could then come up with some cool shit on the Kpro, run
it into the monomachine for mangling, sample it into the MPC, etc.
I reckon you could find both within your $600 if you look hard enough.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by MrSysex - 2012/04/03 07:07
UW mk1 might be harder to come by, and I do realize you're hoping for sampling...
But I was going to say MD mk1 anyway. And I've just upgraded to a mk2 UW, so if you want the mk1 (not UW), I've got
one that'll just about fit in your budget.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by Johnnee - 2012/04/03 10:43
tIB wrote:
A cheap fun things ive played with briefly that look to be great partners:
Akai miniak- Multimode, drum kits, good sound...interface isnt brilliant but not as awful as it first looks. Cheap too. 
Monotribe with midi mod.
Kaoss pad 3
EDIT- let me know your price and what you want and ill do my best!
Oooooh, if you want to buy a miniak for super cheap I'm looking to get rid of mine.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/03 13:07
i decided im going to keep my mnm. i decided against an mpc because i just don't have time to learn it right now (too
much school), and honestly it just seems like I would under use it. I'm just going to stick with what ive got for now
(reason, ableton, monomachine).
I just bought a korg kontrol 49, because that was probably the most essential thing I have been lacking (i haven't owned
a keyboard in over a year). Maybe I should get some speakers? I dont have those either...only decent headphones. So I
think I dont even have the basics covered, I shouldn't be pining after new hardware. I think more important than a drum
machine is learning how to program interesting drum parts (which I can do on my computer). stuff like that...i just have
my priorities mixed up, because I lust after the cool gear everyone else has. I just have to be patient, that stuff will come
when I am ready for it. but honestly if I can't prove to myself that I even have what it takes to keep myself motivated to
write music (i stopped using the monomachine, and all music stuff, 6 months ago...1 month after i bought the damn
thing). so i think i should be careful with my money.
thanks everyone for the advice. it will come in handy later on, and I appreciate all the replies.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by Indigo333 - 2012/04/03 13:10
I am a big MnM abuser... I had the sfx 6/60 first and the picked up the SFX-6 as well. I hear may people talking smack
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(as I know you are not) about how the MnM is thin etc etc. I get some amazing deep drum kicks, snares etc but not really
out of the BBox. Although I do use the Bbox drums a ton and glitch the fuk out of them. In my experience, the MnM can
go so deep and one can craft so many sounds but it takes time and programming. 
So, to your question... there are so many routes but if you need drums and some effects, I would 2nd what Daren shared
with you. Get an MPC or hold out for a MDUW... I like the OP-1 but I feel the Elektron MDUW or the OT would suit you if
you can hold out. Can you not let the cash burn a hole in your pocket and save a bit more or is that just impossible:laugh:
I can't hold a few bucks to save my own life :dry: 
If you have to do this now, I would say keep the MnM, get an MPC and a Kaoss Pro... let us know how you make
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/03 14:14
well after buying the keyboard my budgets down to about $400. I know everyone suggests the mpc, but its just hard for
me to want one. I dont know shit about sampling, TBH, i think id rather learn on my computer because that will cost $0
and then when i get to the point where I want to play out, I will maybe consider one. its good to know they are so cheap. I
just feel like I wouldn't have fun writing music on it. I like the idea of using one live when i get more into sampling, I hate
the idea of playing live with a laptop (which i dont even have, i just have a regular pc). 
Honestly, I couldn't save this money. Its not that I have to spend it right away, its just that its my financial aid money. I
wont get more til the fall, so the likelihood of keeping some stashed away until then, over the summer, is highly unlikely.
Its ok, im over it really. I think if I can't get shit done with what I have now, I dont deserve new gear. Also, theres always
the possibility of a summer job, and maybe i'll get a job at my school next year so who knows, money might not be such
an issue then. I just want to get away from the idea of whats the right gear right now, and just make music. just thinking
about all this has distracted me so much from school. its become an obsession really, I just want to be over it and not
regret buying something I wont use.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/03 14:20
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by tIB - 2012/04/03 15:52
Despite your sensible approach Im going to throw out one more wildcard- korg er1. cheap, fun, stupidly payable
percussion blipper... might be a less spendy way of getting a percussion section.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/03 16:20
tIB wrote:
Despite your sensible approach Im going to throw out one more wildcard- korg er1. cheap, fun, stupidly payable
percussion blipper... might be a less spendy way of getting a percussion section.
ive always wanted one of those actually.
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Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by tIB - 2012/04/03 16:39
I had one for a while, I really liked it- capable of decent blippy sounds and much better drum type sounds when layered.
Also a real nice rhythmic drone type thing when the tempo was cut right down, has audio ins too for wierd gatey type
stuff (which you can already do in the mnm tbh but there you go!). One of the most playable things out there too- very
straightforward and simple interface. I used to take mine to work so my 10 year old urban type kids could lay down beat
to rap over! :lol:
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/04 00:19
I think overall i'll be happy just seeing what my computer can do. I think the fun factor makes something like the electribe
a contender, but as far as the sound quality goes, i think i'll just save my money for something I wont likely end up selling.
ive thought of other stuff like the drumstation, but I think that I would rather just come back to this issue when I have
money so i dont end up buying something I dont really want just because I see it cheap on ebay or something.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/06 14:40
so interestingly enough, i decided on a blofeld. doesn't meet all my needs but I just like what it can do, despite the bugs,
faulty encoders some people report. I just really wanted hardware. plus it has the sampling license which can take care of
a few of my needs.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by poonti - 2012/04/06 14:48
I had an ER-1, which had the amazingly simple Korg way of doing things, and was great for bleeps and bloops, but in the
end it lacked any sort of balls so I got rid of it. I preferred the Korg EMX, although the ER-1 is definitely a cool drum
machine to mess around with.
I think the Blofeld is a great choice, one of the most flexible and great sounding digital synths out there, despite the OS
problems and bugs. Good choice.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by mnonner - 2012/04/06 15:22
i think that working without a dedicated drum machine could lead to some interesting/clever programming. both the
mono and blofeld can do percussion to some degree. I'm really excited to sequence something else with the mono also. I
realized that I really do want to go the hardware route, and even if I spend all my time just learning and dicking around
with both machines for the next few months and not necessarily producing "full" tracks, i'll be happy. plus all my gear will
be color coordinated (MnM + Blofeld + Kontrol 49).
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by prscrptn - 2012/04/08 00:56
A nice option that I have found with the OT is to program your drums via the external MIDI tracks and use your computer
as the sound source. It makes you feel like you have a dedicated drum machine for step input and you can utilize the
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sample library in your computer. There are loads of crazy sound packs out there that have glitch, MD, and various weird
noises that can help you to embrace your computer as an instrument and not just an arranger.
The Ableton drum machines are great for this too... B)
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by poonti - 2012/04/08 02:17
mnonner wrote:
i think that working without a dedicated drum machine could lead to some interesting/clever programming. both the
mono and blofeld can do percussion to some degree. I'm really excited to sequence something else with the mono also. I
realized that I really do want to go the hardware route, and even if I spend all my time just learning and dicking around
with both machines for the next few months and not necessarily producing "full" tracks, i'll be happy. plus all my gear will
be color coordinated (MnM + Blofeld + Kontrol 49).
The nice thing about Blofeld is the multi-timbrality, that is if you can get going without glitches/os issues. I think it should
be fine with 6 midi tracks from the MnM going to the Blo. It's when you start hammering it more MIDI that it starts going
haywire. Anywya, MnM + Bol is a good como. Enjoy.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by Mr. Sound Boy King - 2012/04/13 00:42
poonti wrote:
I had an ER-1, which had the amazingly simple Korg way of doing things, and was great for bleeps and bloops, but in the
end it lacked any sort of balls so I got rid of it.
Just had to pop in and say that running an ER-1 through a Jomox M-Res provides infinite balls.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by poonti - 2012/04/13 02:25
Mr. Sound Boy King wrote:
poonti wrote:
I had an ER-1, which had the amazingly simple Korg way of doing things, and was great for bleeps and bloops, but in the
end it lacked any sort of balls so I got rid of it.
Just had to pop in and say that running an ER-1 through a Jomox M-Res provides infinite balls.
Yes, I'm sure Jomox means "Balls" in some language, somewhere on this earth! :laugh:
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by dubgil - 2012/04/13 02:50
poonti wrote:
Mr. Sound Boy King wrote:
poonti wrote:
I had an ER-1, which had the amazingly simple Korg way of doing things, and was great for bleeps and bloops, but in the
end it lacked any sort of balls so I got rid of it.
Just had to pop in and say that running an ER-1 through a Jomox M-Res provides infinite balls.
Yes, I'm sure Jomox means "Balls" in some language, somewhere on this earth! :laugh:
I miss my ol ER-1, I owned every elektribe ever produced (prior to the SD card models) and the ER1 was my favorite for
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reasons already mentioned. I may consider getting another one day.
Re:monomachine vs. op-1
Posted by zfigz - 2012/04/13 05:01
the blofeld is an awesome choice...i paired one with my mono, and i loved it. sadly, i sold it fairly recently to both save
money and try to rely more on the computer more.
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