December, 2019
Governor Acting Commissioner
Acknowledgement and Introduction
Understanding New York State Department of Corrections & Community
Locating an Inmate
Sending Mail to an Inmate
Emailing an Inmate
Telephone Calls
Visiting Guidelines
Visiting Misconduct/Violations
Rules Specific to the Visiting Room
Visitor Checklist
Grave Illness/Death of a Family Member
Inmate Monies/Inmate Accounts/Release Debit Cards
Inmate Commissary
Inmate Misconduct
Inmate Complaints/Grievances
General Information About Programs and Services
Medical/Dental/Mental Health Services
Returning to the Community Community Supervision
Frequently Asked Questions
Handbook Evaluation
Appendix A Addresses and Phone Numbers of Facilities in New York State
Appendix B Mileage Chart
Appendix C Allowable Items
Appendix D Programs Serving Families of Adult Inmates
Appendix E Costs Associated with Inmate Tablet Program
This handbook was revised with the help of many of the divisions within the Department of Corrections
and Community Supervision. The handbook was translated in its entirety, into the Spanish language
to supplement the Department's English website component by the Division of Hispanic and Cultural
Incarceration is not a sanction that is served solely by inmates. Incarceration affects families, friends
and communities throughout this State and Nation. The term incarceration is reflected negatively given
its cause (crimes and victims), its portrayal in the media, and how it has been used in the past. An
inmate’s ability to rehabilitate, better themselves and to achieve goals can be overshadowed by
society’s misguided understanding of incarceration. The New York State Department of Corrections
and Community Supervision is committed to ensuring that its mission is achieved; To improve public
safety by providing a continuity of appropriate treatment services in safe and secure facilities where all
inmates' needs are addressed and they are prepared for release, followed by supportive services for
all parolees under community supervision to facilitate a successful completion of their sentence.
Having a family member, loved one or friend incarcerated in state prison may present challenges and
stresses to maintain one’s relationship with that person. Though their incarceration may impact their
ability to be present in your daily activities, the New York State Department of Corrections and
Community Supervision offers several programs for inmates to have access to their loved ones.
This handbook has been designed to help you to understand more about the New York State
Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, and the services and programs that it offers
inmates and their families. Hopefully, this will guide you and offer you information to aid you in your
ongoing support of your incarcerated loved one.
The New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) is headed by
the Commissioner. The Commissioner has final responsibility for the overall management and
operation of the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision to ensure the
care, custody, and respectful treatment of individuals sentenced to state prison, as well as those
inmates who are under community supervision.
The agency employs approximately 30,000 employees and houses approximately 43,500 inmates in
52 correctional facilities.
Community Supervision is responsible for the supervision and reintegration of inmates released from
prison by action of the New York State Board of Parole, by conditional release, release to a period of
post-release supervision or those sentenced to direct parole supervision. There are currently
approximately 36,500 parolees under Community Supervision.
The Department is not responsible for inmates housed in city or county correctional facilities or local
police lock-ups. For information about local facilities, please contact the specific city or county facility.
Every correctional facility has an administration. These are people who manage the correctional facility.
Each facility has a Superintendent, and most facilities have Deputy Superintendents for Security,
Programs, and Administration. Security staff consists of Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants, and
Correction Officers. There is also a myriad of Program and Administrative staff from the civilian ranks
including Offender Rehabilitation Coordinators, Supervising Offender Rehabilitation Coordinators,
Grievance Supervisor, Teachers, Education Supervisors, Recreation Program Leaders, Chaplains,
Institution Stewards, Nurses, Principal Account Clerks, Maintenance Supervisors, Plant Utilities
Engineers, Food Services Administrators and Stores Clerks, and other support staff.
Generally, staff can be reached during week days, however, many Chaplains are available in the
evenings and on weekends. Watch Commanders work on weekends, evenings and on holidays, and
are the security personnel in charge of the prison during those periods.
Often, Chaplains and Offender Rehabilitation Coordinators are the primary contacts with family
members. Chaplains and Family Services staff can be contacted in reference to family matters at
DOCCS Central Office, Albany, during normal business hours.
A Department Identification Number (DIN) is assigned to each inmate admitted to the New York State
Department of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS). It is an internal number used as an
identifier for the inmate while he/she is in the custody of the Department. This number can be used to
locate your loved one, and you need to know this number. If you do not know this number, you may
find it by using our online Inmate Lookup service. You will need to know the inmate’s complete name
and birth date for a successful search. The website (www.doccs.ny.gov) will show you the name of the
facility where the inmate currently is assigned. It is recommended that just prior to visiting the inmate;
you should try to find their location by utilizing this website or by contacting the facility directly.
Unscheduled transfers, although infrequent, could result in you traveling a long distance only to find
that he/she is no longer at that facility. PLEASE NOTE: Inmates with Youthful Inmate status are not
listed on the Department’s website.
Inmates, including youthful inmates, can also be located by calling the DOCCS Central Office at (518)
457-5000 during normal business hours. If an inmate is in the process of being transferred, his or her
location will not be available until he or she arrives at the next destination. That information takes a few
days to be updated in our system. It is the inmates’ responsibility to notify you of their new location.
Telephone calls upon transfer or return to a facility: Within 24 hours of arrival at a new facility an inmate
will be permitted one collect telephone call to his/her family. If security precautions prevent the inmate
from placing this call, a staff person designated by the Superintendent, usually from the Guidance and
Counseling Unit, shall make the call to a person of the inmates’ choice. This procedure does not apply
to an inmate in “transit status” or temporarily housed at a transit facility overnight or for a weekend
during transfer. It does apply to inmates in transit units in Auburn and Sing Sing Correctional Facilities.
Inmates who are “out to court” or in a hospital for a period of 5 days or more will be allowed to make a
collect telephone call within 24 hours of returning to the correctional facility. Collect calls from an outside
hospital, other than a secure ward, may be made only with the approval of the Superintendent or
Inmates who violate their parole, and are returned to prison, will be allowed to make one collect
telephone call to a person of his/her choice within 24 hours of their arrival.
Correspondence is allowed and encouraged. The sending and receiving of mail by inmates will be
restricted only to the extent necessary to prevent a threat to the safety and security of the facility, or
the safety or well-being of any person, and to prevent unsolicited and unwanted mail. PLEASE NOTE:
No inmate may correspond with any person who is on his/her negative correspondence list. No inmate
may correspond with any person who is listed on a court Order of Protection which prohibits such
People sending mail into the correctional facility are personally responsible for the contents of their
mail. Inmates and all correspondents are advised that sending obscene, threatening, or fraudulent
materials through the mail may be a crime under state and federal laws. The Department will urge
prosecution whenever such mail is brought to its attention. Unauthorized items shall either be returned
to the sender at the expense of the inmate, or otherwise disposed of. Such will be the choice of the
inmate and accomplished at the inmate’s expense. PLEASE NOTE: Dangerous contraband will not be
All mail sent to the inmate must be clearly marked with the inmate’s name, DIN and return address in
the left top corner of the envelope. Envelopes may include your personal letters and photographs. Do
NOT send nude photographs or Polaroid photos. Do NOT send postage stamps or letters from other
people, except children. A limit of 5 pages of printed or photocopied materials (an individual newspaper
clipping will be considered one page) may be received within a piece of regular correspondence. (Note
the following exception in the next paragraph). In order to facilitate media review, pages or clippings
must not be taped, glued, or pasted together or to other papers.
Not to exceed once every four months, an inmate may make a written request to the Superintendent to
receive in excess of 5 pages of printed or photocopied legal papers specifically related to his or her
current legal matter (e.g., legal brief or trial transcript relating to the inmate’s active case) within a piece
of regular correspondence. If approved, the piece of correspondence must be received within 30 days
All incoming mail will be opened and inspected for printed or photocopied materials, or contraband.
Checks, money orders and cash will not be accepted via packages and mail at DOCCS facilities.
Please note that printed or photocopied materials may delay the offender receiving the letter due to
Media Review procedures. Again, postage stamps are not allowed.
All mail that you receive from an inmate should be well marked with the inmate’s DIN and correctional
facility address and other clear indications that the letter is from a correctional facility.
The Department is pleased to announce the “Inmate Tablet Program” (Directive #4425) has been
implemented this year. DOCCS is working with a secure vendor to provide each inmate with access
to a tablet that contain educational materials. On these tablets, inmates also now have the opportunity
to purchase music, videos, e-books and through this secure network, a messaging system to
communicate with family and friends, as approved by the Department. These tablets do NOT have
access to the internet.
Inmates may only send and receive secure messaging to and from community members who have
established an account with the kiosk service provider and have registered that inmate to their account.
Inmates and community members using secure messaging must adhere to all applicable provisions as
outlined in Directive #4422, “Inmate Correspondence Program,” regarding mail, contraband and inmate
The Department will NOT print incoming emails or attachments for inmates.
All incoming and outgoing messages are subject to content screening by authorized staff. Secure
messages and associated attachments that violate policy will be rejected. Inmates will receive a
rejection notice in their in-box. Stamps will NOT be refunded for rejected messages. If an inmate is
found to have authored a message in violation of Department policy, he/she may be issued a
misbehavior report. The Superintendent may terminate or suspend secure messaging privileges for
any community member, if the Superintendent has reasonable cause to believe that such action is
necessary to maintain the safety, security and good order of the facility. The Department is not
responsible for any funds lost as a result of the suspension of accounts for actions found in violation of
Department policy as outlined in section V of Directive #4425. Should your messaging privilege be
terminated or suspended, you will receive a notice in writing, which you will have 60 days to appeal.
You will be provided with a written decision within 45 days of the receipt of the appeal. Appeals should
be sent directly to the following address:
Deputy Commissioner and Counsel
New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
The Harriman State Office Campus
1220 Washington Ave
Albany, NY 12226-2050
Community members who have established and account with the kiosk service provider may also send
videograms. Videograms may be sent at a higher rate (rates are available in Appendix E- Cost and
Fees Associated with Inmate Tablet Program) and are subject to the same review and provisions as
outlined above. Community members may send videograms to the inmate, however the inmate cannot
send them in return. It is your responsibility to ensure the content of your videogram meets DOCCS
policy provisions.
Secure messaging stamps are purchased at the kiosk using funds in the inmate’s Kiosk Media
Account. Community members may purchase secure messaging stamps for inmates through the kiosk
service provider and will be available to the inmate for use in the inmate’s Kiosk Media Account.
JPay is the independent vendor currently providing the secure network. Please contact them directly at
1-800-574-5729 or WWW.JPAY.COM in order to establish your account and/or make purchases in
regard to the Tablet Program.
This booklet was put together as a broad guideline. Each facility is different. For specific information,
contact the facility in question. Generally, inmates may receive a package through the mail or at a visit
from anyone who is not on a negative correspondence or negative vendor list. A package which does
not have a return address will not be delivered to the inmate. For a complete understanding of
packages, refer to Directive # 4911, Packages & Articles Sent or Brought to Facilities on the
Department’s website www.doccs.ny.gov.
At most correctional facilities, inmates are allowed two food packages per month, and the combined
weight cannot exceed 35 pounds (see exceptions for TV facilities). Food packages received from both
visitors, and through the mail, shall be included in the two-packages limit. Food items must be
commercially or hermetically sealed and contain no alcohol. For exceptions, please review the list of
allowable items (Appendix C).
Additional packages containing non-food items such as clothing, tobacco, etc. may be received by an
inmate and shall not be counted against the food package limit. Be advised, there are limits on the
amount of personal property an inmate may accumulate based on physical and/or programmatic
considerations. There are also restrictions on color of clothing, please review list of allowable items
(Appendix C).
Exceptions to the above package rules exist for inmates in Special Housing Units (SHU), inmates on
“loss of package” sanctions, “reception”, or “in-transit” status, Shock, Drug Treatment Centers, CASAT,
and Work Release Centers. For example, no packages may be received at any time by an inmate in
SHU except books, periodicals, and legal materials. For specific information about these special
populations, contact the facility in question.
Additionally, an inmate who is located in a “TV Facility” may only receive 2 food packages per calendar
year from family, friends, or other personal sources, as well as items ordered directly by the inmate
from approved vendors. These packages may only contain food items and may not exceed 20 pounds.
The following are classified as “TV Facilities”:
Attica Clinton Elmira
Five Points Great Meadow Shawangunk
Southport Cadre Wende Upstate Cadre
The Department’s “Call-Home” program allows inmates to make phone calls as a way to maintain
contact with family and friends. The inmate may only call you collect. This means you will have to pay
for the call.
An inmate is only permitted to call persons on their approved telephone list and may only have up to
15 telephone numbers on their approved list at any time. Phone numbers may only be added or deleted
at the request of the inmate. This is generally done on a quarterly basis when the inmate meets with
his or her assigned Offender Rehabilitation Coordinator. If, you do not wish to receive telephone calls
from an inmate, you need to notify the facility, in writing, and your name will be entered on the inmate’s
Negative Correspondence and Telephone List. The inmate will be immediately notified in writing that
you have been removed from his/her “Telephone List” and that disciplinary action may be taken if the
telephone is used in any manner to contact you. In addition, your telephone number will be removed
from the telephone system.
According to the type of facility, inmates are permitted to make phone calls every day, including
holidays, between the hours of 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. A schedule for phone calls will be established.
Calls will automatically be terminated when the facility specific time limit has been reached, preceded
by a warning. No call shall exceed 30 minutes. When other inmates are waiting to place calls, a 10-
minute limit may be imposed.
PROHIBITED CALLS: The following rules are some of the restrictions you should be aware of regarding
calls made by inmates. Inmates are prohibited from placing telephone calls to the following (unless the
individual called is a member of the inmate's immediate family, e.g. spouse, child, parent, grandparent,
brother, sister, aunt, or uncle):
A. Present or former employees of the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
and their families.
B. Present or former employees of Federal, State, and local criminal justice agencies,
including, but not limited to, police agencies, district attorneys, Federal and local
correctional agencies, Probation departments and the families of such employees.
C. Jurors involved in the conviction of the inmate, and their families.
D. Judges involved in the conviction or indictment of the inmate, and their families.
E. Crime partners who are not incarcerated.
No inmate may place a telephone call to the residence of a victim of the crime(s) for which he/she has
been convicted, or is presently under indictment, regardless of whether immediate family members
maintain the same residence, unless prior written authorization has been received from the
No inmate may call the phone number of any person listed on a court Order of Protection which prohibits
telephone communication; unless the order specifically states that the inmate is not prohibited from
communication by phone with another person at that same phone number.
Inmates are prohibited from making telephone calls for the purpose of harassing or intimidating any
person. Staff and inmates are advised that such telephone calls may violate Federal and/or State laws.
Facility Superintendents shall report serious and/or continuing telephone calls of this nature to the
proper law enforcement authorities.
Inmate telephone calls and telephone conversations are restricted to the telephone number dialed or
otherwise placed by or for the inmate. Telephone call forwarding, third party phone calls, and calls to
1-800 numbers are prohibited. Inmates will be subject to disciplinary action should they violate these
PLEASE NOTE: All inmate telephone conversations are subject to electronic monitoring and/or
recording by Department personnel.
The New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision has entered into a new
agreement with Securus Technology, who will be providing the inmate telephone system at each state
operated facility at a reduced rate. Those wishing to accept calls from incarcerated individuals in NYS
Correctional Facilities are required to have an account with Securus. An account can be created by
visiting the website (www.securustech.net) or calling them at 1-800-844-6591. For further information
Department’s website at www.doccs.ny.gov.
Visitation by family and friends is encouraged and can be a positive influence during an inmate’s time
in prison, as well as after the inmate’s release. Research has shown that an inmate who receives
regular visitation adjusts much better once he or she is released from prison when the privilege is used
to maintain a positive relationship.
In addition to enhancing the safety of our correctional facilities, DOCCS wants to ensure that
visiting is family friendly and the visiting experience for inmates and their loved ones is positive.
Visitors who violate visitor rules may be prosecuted and/or lose visiting privileges. Rules are
established to keep everyone safe and offer a positive experience.
Directions and Mileage
Correctional facilities are sometimes hard to find and may take longer to reach than you originally
anticipated. Please refer to the addresses of state correctional facilities (Appendix A). The DOCCS
website gives directions to correctional facilities from Albany, New York. Directions may also be
obtained through Map Quest on the internet or by calling the correctional facility.
Who Can Visit?
With little exception, anyone can visit an inmate, as long as it is during visiting hours, the visitor has
proper identification, and the inmate agrees to the visit. Visitors are required to sign a statement
indicating that they have been advised of and agree to abide by the rules and regulations regarding
visiting. Make sure you know how many visitors may visit at one time. Each facility is different.
Sometimes special arrangements for extra visitors can be made through the Superintendent’s Office,
with several weeks or a month’s notice. You can call the facility to find out about special arrangements.
Special Permission Visitors
The following individuals can only visit with special permission:
A former inmate who was incarcerated at the facility where he/she requests to visit
A formerly incarcerated person who has been released within the last 5 years
A person who is currently under Parole or Probation supervision.
A Department employee.
An active volunteer for the Department.
A current contract employee.
A person with pending or past criminal proceedings may be denied pending approval by the
If any of these conditions applies to you, permission must be sought by writing to the Superintendent.
Permission from the Superintendent must be granted before a visit can take place. A Superintendent
may deny visiting privileges to visitors with criminal histories if he or she feels that the visitor’s presence
could create a threat to the security and good order of the facility. Criteria to be considered shall include,
but not be limited to, the purpose of the proposed visit, the former institutional adjustment of the ex-
inmate, the nature of the pending criminal proceeding, and the time frame between release and the
proposed visit.
NOTE: In addition to the Superintendent’s approval, Probationers and Parolees also need written
approval from their Probation or Parole Officer.
Visiting Days and Times
Except in cases of emergency and instances of termination, suspension, or revocation of visiting
privileges, the number, length and frequency of visits by each visitor will be limited only as necessary
to accommodate all visitors who arrive during the scheduled visiting time.
Visiting days and times are different for each facility. For your reference, this information is included in
Appendix A of this handbook. They are influenced by the security level and population concerns of the
facility. Some facilities only allow visits on certain days of the week. Examples include visits by last
name (A-L) (M-Z), or by the inmate’s DIN. As a rule, maximum security facilities allow visiting on a daily
basis. Medium and minimum-security facilities allow visiting on weekends and holidays. Work Release
facilities allow visiting for inmates in restriction units only. Shock Incarceration inmates allow visiting
every other weekend.
PLEASE NOTE: Inmates designated as SHU status (Special Housing Unit) are limited to one visit per
week, excluding legal visits that have been approved. Contact the facility for the specific visiting
schedule. Loss of visitation privileges may be imposed as a sanction for certain misbehaviors, please
contact the facility prior to you intended visit.
Visiting hours vary by facility, and some facilities include evening hours. At times, such as holidays,
visiting rooms can become very crowded, and on rare occasions, visitors may be asked to end their
visit early to accommodate other visitors waiting to participate. As policies may vary from facility to
facility, inquire from the facility specific information regarding their visitation overcrowding procedure.
It is recommended that visitors learn as much as possible about the facility they are going to visit.
Contact should be made with the facility prior to your initial visit to determine its visiting policy.
Visitor Processing Areas and Visiting Rooms
Visitor processing is slightly different at every correctional facility. Some facilities have a Visitor
Hospitality Center where you can wait, change clothes and relax until you are called for your visit.
Visiting rooms vary. Some visiting rooms are like high school cafeterias with chairs, tables, and vending
machines. Other visiting rooms have a counter that wraps around the room where inmates sit on one
side and visitors on the other side. The inmate will sit facing the Correction Officer’s desk. Often there
are vending machines in the room or in a nearby room. There are restrooms in the area as well. It is
always a good idea to bring change for the vending machines. Generally, once you are in the visiting
room, you cannot leave without terminating your visit.
Depending on the correctional facility, activities for children vary. Most facilities have a specialized area
where children can watch videos and play games. Normally, you cannot take toys or stuffed animals
into the visiting room.
The Superintendent may deny, limit, suspend, or revoke the visitation privileges of any inmate or visitor
if the Superintendent has reasonable cause to believe that such action is necessary to maintain the
safety, security, and good order of the facility.
Visitors are required to furnish proof of identification, which includes the following: All adult visitors will
be required to present photo identification when being processed to visit an inmate in DOCCS.
Acceptable forms of photo identification must be valid, and current (not expired) and may include:
A driver’s license with photo
A Department of Motor Vehicles non-driver photo identification
Government issued photo identification
Armed Services I.D. with photo
Employment identification with a photo
To ensure faster processing, it is recommended that you use the same identification at every
visit, regardless of who you are visiting and where. Your photograph will also be taken for the visitor
identification system. For minor children only, birth or baptismal certificates may be used for
identification purposes. Lawyers and other persons entering for official visits can use:
Government issued employee photo identification.
A court issued employee picture identification or a Unified Court System attorney secure
pass identification card.
Visitors Under 18 Years of Age
All minors must be escorted by an adult who is approved to visit or an adult in an official capacity
with proper identification and the approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee. The adult
escort will be responsible for the behavior and conduct of the minor while on facility property, as
well as identification of the minor.
Children of inmates will be allowed to visit without written permission. The inmate’s name should
appear on the child’s birth certificate as verification of relationship. No visit will be permitted if a
court order prohibiting such visit is on file with the facility.
Children of inmates who are 16 years of age and older will be admitted without adult escort.
Unmarried minors under 18 years of age must have written permission from their parent or
guardian to visit an inmate, if they are not accompanied by their parent or guardian. Written
permission may be mailed to the facility in advance or presented by the accompanying adult at
the time of the visit.
Married persons under 18 years of age who are related to an inmate do not need the permission
of a parent, guardian, or an adult escort in order to visit an inmate. However, proof of age and
marriage will be required.
Small Children
If you arrive with a small child, you will be allowed to take a diaper bag, three (3) diapers, and plastic
baby bottles into the visiting room. (Milk is not always available at the facility. It is a good idea to bring
your own). All articles must be searched beforehand. A suitable area within the perimeter of the visiting
room is provided for the changing of diapers.
The introduction of contraband to the facility is ABSOLUTELY PROHIBITED. Do not bring weapons,
drugs, alcohol, cell phones, memory cards and other posted items into the correctional facility.
Contraband is defined as:
Anything in possession that would constitute an offense under the law applicable to the public.
Anything which could be used to cause death or serious physical injury, including, but not limited
to, a hand gun, shoulder gun, cartridge, knife, explosive, or dangerous drug (including
Anything that is introduced into a correctional facility with the intent to transfer to an inmate
without the permission of the Superintendent or designee.
Anything that is not specifically authorized to be possessed by an inmate in a state correctional
facility according to the rules of the Department or local rules of the facility. (Cell phones, alcohol
and money are among the items inmates are not permitted to possess).
If you are caught with weapons, drugs, passing drugs, or if there is reasonable suspicion that you are
involved with drugs, your visits can be suspended forever, and criminal charges can be filed against
you. If this happens, your loved one may have outside criminal charges pressed against them which
could lead to a new sentence and more prison time. In a correctional facility, promoting prison
contraband is a felony offense. Such a situation could result in your being arrested in a town far from
home, your children (if they are with you) being taken by Child Protective Services, prison time, and
other serious disruptions to your life.
All persons entering a correctional facility are subject to search, as a condition of entry. Visitors who
refuse to comply with search procedures will not be permitted entry into the correctional facility.
Substance Detection/Canine Presence
Visitors being processed into correctional facilities are entering a secure area. People, vehicles and
property are subject to search. DOCCS’ canines are used for this purpose. Therefore, in addition to
the regular security screening upon entry to the facility, a canine may be used as an additional
screening tool for you and your property/vehicle.
Metal Detector
You will have to pass through a metal detector. Clothing containing metal (e.g. decorative buckles,
buttons or studs) or wire, including, but not limited to underwire bras, may cause the metal detector to
alert and require further processing. If you wear clothing containing metal, you may have to go through
a limited visual search, personal item search, or strip search before entry into the facility will be
permitted. If you choose not to go through the additional search, your visit will be denied. Your decision
to decline to be searched will not affect future visits. Special processing arrangements can be made
for visitors who are the recipient of a pacemaker or defibrillator and wish not to walk through the metal
Limited Visual/Personal Item
If a metal detector alerts and the visitor cannot reveal or remove the detected object due to its personal
nature, staff may pursue several search options. If you do not want to be searched, you will be allowed
to leave. Deciding to leave instead of being searched will not negatively impact your ability to visit in
the future.
Limited Visual Search
A limited visual search is a search done in a private area where an officer or staff member of the same
gender will visually inspect the area in question. The visitor will lift any clothing or under garments
necessary, to show the staff that no contraband is hidden on the visitor’s person in the area in question.
If a staff member of the same gender is not available, a personal item search is used instead.
Personal Item Search
A search of personal items may be conducted as an alternative to a limited visual search or when a
staff member of the same gender is not available. The visitor is allowed to enter a private area or room
to remove items of a personal nature including braces, underwire bras, etc., and given a paper bag in
which to place the personal items. The visitor is also allowed to wear a large white shirt as an outer
covering during reprocessing procedures. The visitor will be reprocessed via a hand scanner or walk-
through metal detector. The bag and its contents shall be discreetly inspected for contraband.
Strip Search
If a visitor to a correctional facility has complied with all of the search processes and a supervisor
determines that further processing is warranted, the Superintendent or the officer of the day may
authorize a consensual strip search after reviewing the matter.
The Superintendent must have reasonable cause to believe that contraband is concealed upon
the person, based upon specific and explainable facts and inferences reasonably drawn from
those facts.
The visitor has the option to submit to the requested search procedure or to refuse.
If a visitor refuses to submit to a strip search the visit will be denied.
Refusing to submit to a strip search is not proof of guilt and future visits cannot be denied
because you refused a strip search.
If you submit to a strip search, a security supervisor must obtain your written consent on Form #2061
Notice of Consent to Search. In the case of a minor child, the consent must be given by a parent,
guardian, or a person in an official capacity regarding the minor. Strip searches shall be conducted in
locations heated to a level of human comfort for disrobed persons.
Strip searches shall be conducted by an officer of the same gender as you. In unusual circumstances,
you may be told that your child has to be strip-searched. In this case, the parent, guardian, or person
in an official capacity who has escorted the minor to the facility shall be requested to be present, and,
at the discretion of the officer, may participate in the strip search. If at any time during the procedure
the minor objects to the strip search, the procedure shall be terminated immediately.
It may take time for the person to come to where you are to do the search. If you pass the search, you
will be allowed to visit. If you do not pass the search, your visit will be denied, future visits can be
denied, and the State Police may be called to arrest you if illegal contraband is found. There may be
other negative consequences.
Cellular phones, pagers, personal digital assistants, cameras, recording devices, two-way
radios, laptop computers, “smart” watches or other similar electronic devices are prohibited from
entering correctional facilities.
Religious Apparel
A visitor is not routinely required to remove religious headwear during search procedures. However, if
staff determines, following the use of the hand scanner, that removal of the headwear or any other item
of religious apparel is necessary, the item shall be removed in a private area in the presence of a
security or civilian staff member of the same gender. If there is no staff member of the same gender
on duty, and the visitor still refuses or cannot remove the item due to its religious significance in the
visitor processing area, the visit will be denied
Smoking is not allowed inside the buildings of our correctional facilities. As such, tobacco products
(including matches) for personal use are not recommended to be brought by visitors. Contact should
be made with the facility prior to your initial visit to determine its visiting policy.
Prescribed Routine Medications
All medications must be declared and given to the processing officer. They shall be identified and stored
in a secure area. If the visitor needs the medication during the visiting period, it may be obtained as
directed by security staff.
Visitors should wear clothing that enhances a family atmosphere. Please wear: complete attire with
appropriate undergarments; comfortable footwear (bare feet are not allowed) and weather appropriate
attire when necessary. Inappropriate clothing will result in you being denied entry into the facility. Make
sure you understand the dress code for visitors. It helps to have a change of clothes with you if you are
not sure.
Prohibited Dress
See-through (sheer) clothing, bare midriffs or backs.
Plunging necklines, short shorts or athletic shorts, low tops, backless tops or backless dresses.
Shorts or skirts shorter than mid-thigh length are not allowed.
Bathing suits.
Attire displaying obscene/offensive, derogatory language or drawings; or promoting illegal
If in doubt, you should not wear a questionable item of clothing. Under no circumstances will a visitor
be allowed into the facility dressed inappropriately.
Please be advised, if your bra makes the metal detector go off, you will have to take it off and/or
be searched by an officer. (See policy regarding searches).
If you wear many hair pins and the metal detector goes off because of them, you will be told that
you must take them out of your hair in order to visit. It is easier to do your hair another way.
Be aware that some head wraps may have to come off for you to pass through the metal detector
Many kinds of jewelry make the detector go off. It is easier to remove anything questionable,
carry it with you in the processing area, then put it back on later.
Zippers, metal studs, and decorations can make the detector go off. If this happens, you may be
asked to go into the bathroom, take off the clothing, put on an alternative article of clothing
provided by the Department and kept there for those purposes, and go through the detector
again until you make it through successfully. It is best to wear simple clothing until you become
accustomed to the procedures at the correctional facility.
Visitors who appear to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs will not be admitted inside a
correctional facility.
Checks, money orders and cash may be used to deposit money into inmate’s trust fund account during
a visit. It is best to keep your receipts for your records. Please see instructions at the facility for leaving
funds during visits.
Cross visiting is the participation of two inmates in a visit with one or more visitors. Cross visiting is
permitted with the approval of the Superintendent, and, in cases of immediate family members, is to be
encouraged. Inmates wishing to cross visit must submit requests to their respective Offender
Rehabilitation Coordinator at least one month prior to the proposed visit.
Only persons who are on both inmates’ visiting records may participate in cross visits.
Cross visiting may be limited when necessary to accommodate all visitors.
When a cross visit is taking place the two inmates may participate in a common photograph.
Objectionable Behavior
Objectionable behavior may result in termination of a visit. Such behavior may include, but is not limited
to the following: loud, abusive, or boisterous actions, disruptive or argumentative behavior,
unacceptable physical contact or conduct. While visiting, use good judgment and discretion in dress
and behavior so as not to offend others in the visiting room. You may be tempted to try to have more
physical contact than what is allowed. This can be upsetting to other visitors who have children with
them and can cause your relative or friend to be issued a misbehavior report, as well as your visiting
privileges suspended.
Families with Special Needs
Accommodations: Procedures for acquiring reasonable accommodations are available at each
general confinement facility.
Wheelchairs: For those visitors who require the use of a wheelchair, facilities have made
provisions which allow reasonable accessibility.
Special Events Visits
Each general confinement facility schedules “Special Events Programs” designed to celebrate cultural,
religious, and ethnic affiliations. Special Events Programs also recognize individual and group
achievements and strengthen community and family ties. Under most circumstances, an inmate’s guest
will only be allowed to participate if he or she has visited the inmate at least twice in a New York State
Department of Corrections and Community Supervision facility during the current incarceration. An
exception may be made for an inmate’s legal child, less than 18 years of age, who has not previously
visited, provided that the child is accompanied by an adult visitor who has met the previous visiting
Tele-Visiting (Select Facilities)
The Tele-Visitation Program offers another opportunity for family contacts through video visiting for
those individuals who meet eligibility requirements and are approved by facility staff. This program
supplements face to face visits and builds and/or maintains family relationships between inmates and
their family members in selected communities across the State.
Other Visits
Legal Visits: For inmates and their legal representatives.
Outside Hospital Visits: For inmates in outside community hospitals.
Facility Hospital Visits: For inmates
Visitor Suspensions
Visitor sanctions apply at all DOCCS correctional facilities and for all incarcerated inmates visited. If a
visit is terminated, visiting privileges may be suspended for up to one week until the Superintendent
makes a decision reinstating, limiting, suspending, or indefinitely suspending the visitor’s visiting
Many categories of serious visitor misconduct now include as the maximum penalty imposition of an
“Indefinite Suspension” of visiting privileges. An indefinite suspension of visiting privileges has no
predetermined end date, but instead the visitor may request that the Superintendent of the facility
housing the inmate to be visited review the matter on an annual basis for possible restoration of visiting
Inmate Suspensions
An inmate found guilty of misconduct before, during or after the visitation process, may have his or her
visiting privileges suspended. Certain types of misconduct, such as smuggling contraband, or sexual
misconduct will result in a loss of visits with all visitors.
An inmate found guilty of drug related charges under any circumstances, can lose visiting privileges
with all visitors for 6 months for a first offense or 1 year for a second or subsequent offense.
Posted Rules: All inmates and visitors shall follow posted rules and directions of the visiting room
Allowable items: Allowable items may vary according to facility policy. No large bags or packages
will be allowed in the visiting room. Lockers are available in the front gate area for such items.
Exchange: Visitors will not give anything to inmates, nor will inmates give anything to visitors,
unless it is examined and approved by the officer
Kissing: A visitor and inmate may embrace and kiss at the beginning and end of any contact
visit. Brief kisses and embraces are also permitted during the contact visit. However, prolonged
kissing and what is commonly considered “necking” or “petting’ is not permitted.
Hand Holding: A visitor and an inmate may hold hands if the hands are in plain view of others.
Seating: The officer in charge of the visiting room will make the seating arrangements. Seating
arrangements will not be changed by the inmates or visitors.
Food: Only food and beverages purchased in the vending machines will be allowed in the visiting
room, and only visitors are allowed to use the machines.
Pictures: Pictures of you and your loved one may be made available according to facility policy.
Visitor’s Complaint: Visitors who wish to express a complaint against a staff member should
request to see a security supervisor. Visitors who wish to lodge a complaint of unlawful
discriminatory treatment shall send a written description outlining the particulars of incident,
including date, time, place, name(s) of person(s) involved, if known, and/or other documentation
in support of the claim to:
Director, Office of Diversity Management
New York State Department of Correction and Community Supervision
The Harriman State Campus - Building #2
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12226-2050
Confirm that the inmate has not been transferred and has visitation privileges.
Bring valid photo Identification (ID).
If you have made special arrangements with the facility, call before leaving to be sure that plans
for your visit have been made and are in place.
Check clothing and jewelry for compliance with visiting regulations.
If you are bringing a child and you are not the legal guardian or parent, you must have the
notarized statement from the child’s parent or legal guardian with you.
Before leaving home, check your vehicle for contraband and/or hazardous items. This includes,
but is not limited to, implements of escape, drug paraphernalia, intoxicants, poisons, any items
that pose a danger to others, weapons, such as knives, scissors, or firearms, and any item used
to show a gang affiliation. Remove these items before entering the correctional facility grounds.
Arrive on the designated day during proper visiting hours.
Leave purses, wallets, and electronic devices in your car - either in the glove compartment, or
in the trunk. Be sure to lock your car!
Do not leave any minor children waiting in the car or your visit will be ended.
Remember to treat correctional staff with respect.
Do not have any contraband on you when you enter the facility.
Do not bring anything into the visiting room to give to the inmate. Inmates are not permitted to
take anything from the visiting area.
There are privately operated bus lines that provide transportation to many correctional facilities. Seats
must be reserved in advance. Transportation to facilities may vary according to facility location.
Information pertaining to each facility’s busing services may be obtained by calling the bus company or
obtaining this information via the internet. This information is provided solely as a convenience for
visitors. Neither the facility, nor the New York State Department of Corrections and Community
Supervision assumes any responsibility for the quality of the transportation services provided by
privately operated bus companies.
If you are an immediate family member of the inmate, it is advised that you keep the inmate informed
of any change in your address and phone number.
One of the unfortunate realities that may occur during your loved one’s incarceration may be the grave
illness or death of a family member. It is the family’s responsibility to notify the facility in the event of
grave illness or death of an inmate’s relative. All information related to the illness or death should be
provided as soon as possible. You should notify the Chaplain or Supervising Offender Rehabilitation
Coordinator if the event occurs during regular business hours. After hours, or on the weekend, contact
the facility and ask for the Watch Commander.
If a family member is gravely ill, you may want the inmate to have a final visit with their loved one. If a
family member passes away, you may want the inmate to attend the viewing or the funeral. The
approval for a Funeral or Death Bed Visit rests solely with the facility Superintendent. The only persons
with whom the inmate may visit for funeral or deathbed visits are: father, mother, legal guardian, or
former legal guardian, child, brother, half-brother, sister, half-sister, spouse, grandparent, grandchild,
ancestral uncle or ancestral aunt. All visitations of this type must be within New York State.
The relationship between the inmate and the deceased must be verified by Departmental records, and/
or by furnishing documents that clearly prove the relationship (i.e., birth certificates, obituary notice,
marriage certificates). These documents must be provided in a timely fashion for a favorable decision
to be considered.
Please remember that final approval for an inmate to attend the funeral or deathbed visit rests solely
with the facility Superintendent. PLEASE NOTE: Deathbed visits may only occur at recognized
healthcare facilities.
Inmates are not permitted to physically possess money while they are incarcerated. This includes paper
money and coins. To allow inmates to buy things they need or want; their money is held in their inmate
trust fund account. Jobs, assignments and gifts from family and friends are the usual sources for these
funds. The inmate can use the money in their account to buy items from the commissary or send money
You need to know that often there are court surcharges, fees, or other encumbrances that inmates may
have that are unpaid. Monies coming in from the outside will be applied to those outstanding obligations.
Other than the inmate’s incentive wage, funds may not be available for commissary and other items
until these obligations are satisfied.
DOCCS utilizes a vendor to accept deposits from family and friends for inmate trust fund accounts.
Please see DOCCS Website for options to fund inmate trust accounts.
Inmates receive a monthly print-out of their account balances. Any questions that you may have
regarding the inmate’s account should be directed to the inmate. He/she has access to that information.
Facilities will not give information over the phone concerning the status of an inmate’s account.
At the time of release DOCCS will issue a debit card to each inmate funded with the final balance of
their ICAS account and/or COGI funds. The debit card will be supported by a financial institution
contracted by JPay.
The following are exceptions when inmates will not receive debit cards upon release:
Inmates under 18 years of age;
Inmates released to a warrant/ICE warrant;
Inmate releasing to/from psychiatric centers;
Inmates that are Court ordered discharged.
The facility commissary is a store located inside the facility specifically for inmates. It may carry a wide
variety of items. This includes personal care items such as shampoo, soap, and toothpaste. An inmate
is entitled to a “commissary buy” every 2 weeks if they have available funds and they are not otherwise
restricted by disciplinary dispositions.
PLEASE NOTE: The facility provides personal hygiene items, such as toothpaste, toothbrush, and
soap, if the inmate is in need and makes a request.
The Department has a disciplinary system in effect which inmates must always abide by certain rules
of conduct while in custody at all facilities. When inmates arrive at a reception facility, they are given a
handbook of appropriate standards of inmate behavior that provides the appropriate policy for inmate
rules, penalties and outline procedures. Inmates are strongly encouraged to become familiar with the
Standards of Inmate Behavior.
When a violation of a rule has occurred, the inmate will be issued a misbehavior report. These
misbehavior reports are classified into three categories:
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Once a misbehavior report is issued, the inmate will attend a disciplinary hearing for a Tier II or Tier III
offense. If the inmate is found guilty, he/she will receive a disposition appropriate to the Tier system.
The more severe instances of inmate misbehavior may result in the inmate being transferred to a more
restrictive living condition.
Tier II and III disciplinary “tickets” (misbehavior reports) cost $5, if an inmate is found guilty. This will
come out of the inmate’s account.
At the conclusion of the disciplinary process, if the inmate disagrees with the disposition or the process,
they have the right to appeal the decision.
Inmates can speak to any supervisor regarding the conduct of correctional staff, unlawful discrimination,
harassment, or unfair policy/procedures. There is also a formal grievance process which provides each
inmate an orderly, fair, simple, and expeditious manner, with an appeal method of resolving grievances.
The Department offers an extensive array of programs and services which inmates may utilize to re-
direct their lives to becoming productive, law-abiding members of society. Programs include
educational and vocational training, substance abuse treatment, parenting skills, anger management,
health education, sex offender programming, religious services, and many more. Following is a general
listing of programs available.
Education Programs
The Division of Education oversees all academic, college, vocational, and recreation programs.
Education is also responsible for Language Access Services. The objective of education programs is
to provide inmates with the skills and credentials that will assist them to become productive members
of the community upon release.
Academic Education is provided in all general confinement correctional facilities. The core
academic programs are: Adult Basic Education (ABE), High School Equivalency preparation
(Pre-HSE and HSE), English as a Second Language (ESL) /Bilingual, Cell Study, and Computer
Assisted Instruction. Inmates who are 21 years of age or younger may also receive Special
Education and Title 1 services. All inmates who enter the system without a verified high school
credential are determined to have an academic need and required to participate in school until
attainment of a high school equivalency diploma.
College programs are offered at many facilities in partnership with colleges, funding sources and
the correctional facility. An inmate must have a verified high school credential to participate in a
college program. For a complete listing of college programs and locations, please refer to the
Department’s website (www.doccs.ny.gov). Inmates with a high school diploma or equivalency
may participate in post-secondary correspondence programs at any facility. The inmate and/or
family member are responsible for the cost of correspondence courses. Correspondence
courses must be from an accredited institution of higher education and approved by the
Education Supervisor at the facility.
Vocational programs are offered in 28 different trade areas. These programs are available at
most general confinement facilities. Inmates who enter the system without a verified work history
or employment skills are identified as having a vocational need and required to participate in a
vocational program. All vocational programs are competency based. Inmates complete tasks
and modules that lead to the earning of job titles. All job titles represent real world jobs. To satisfy
the vocational need, an inmate must complete a cluster of job titles from the Employment
Readiness Title Chart.
Vocational programs offer qualified inmates the opportunity to participate in Department of Labor
Apprenticeship Training Programs. Certain programs also offer Industry recognized
certifications such as NCCER (construction trades), IC3 (computer skills), Serve-Safe (food
Recreational programs offer the inmates the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of
recreational activities, including organized sports, participation with community groups, fine arts,
in-house video programs and wellness programs.
Inmate organizations are intended to provide structured and meaningful leisure time activities
that will assist the re-entry process by instilling teamwork, leadership skills, good sportsmanship
and wellness.
Hispanic and Cultural Services ensure that all limited English proficient individuals have access
to all programs and services within the Department.
Guidance and Counseling Programs
The main purpose of counseling in the Department is to assist inmates in adjusting to facility life and to
establish a foundation for successful re-integration into the community upon release from custody.
Each inmate is assigned an Offender Rehabilitation Coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for
identifying the inmate’s needs, providing counseling and guidance services throughout the
incarceration, and securing appropriate services. Inmates meet with their coordinator within 5 business
days of arrival at their facility. The coordinator will seek information about family and emergency
contacts at that time.
Inmates are encouraged to communicate any facility and interpersonal concerns with their assigned
coordinator who is in the best position to assist them. The inmate’s assigned Offender Rehabilitation
Coordinator is generally the primary person with whom you will have contact.
The Division of Ministerial, Family and Volunteer Services
Ministerial Services: The facility has Chaplains who work closely with the inmate population and
provide religious counseling. There are weekly services in most facilities for the major faith
groups and there are a variety of other religious activities as well. Ministerial Services is also
responsible for meeting the religious needs of inmates who ascribe to less well-known religious
faiths. If you would like to speak with a Chaplain during a visit, please notify the Visiting Room
Officer or call in advance to schedule an appointment.
Family Services: seeks to enrich and strengthen family relationships in anticipation of the
inmate’s eventual return to the community and his/her family reintegration. The Family Reunion
Program provides approved inmates and their families the opportunity to meet in a limited
supervised setting for a designated time in a private home-like setting.
Volunteer Services: promotes the involvement of responsible community persons in the
continuum of services and programs made available to the incarcerated inmate and his/her
Transitional Services
The Department operates a Transitional Services Program to assist inmates in achieving a successful
transition to the community. Participation in the Transitional Services Program is mandatory for all
Transitional Services program components include:
Phase 1-Introductory Phase - is designed to assist inmates to begin planning for their transition
to the community.
Phase II-Thinking for a Change/Moving On - Thinking for a Change is for male inmates and
Moving On for female inmates and Decision Points for Youth (16/17-year-olds) consists of
lessons designed to provide inmates with the cognitive and behavior changing tools necessary
to lead to successful and crime-free lives.
Phase III-The Transitional Phase - is designed to assist inmates in their final preparation for
release to the community. Inmates will be placed in Phase III within 120 days of an approved
release date.
Transitional Services Resource Center each facility shall be responsible for the development
and maintenance of a Transitional Services Resource Center which allows for community
resource information to be printed, stored and organized by release region and topic. The
Resource Center shall be a designated space accessible to all inmates where they can conduct
research regarding available assistance in the communities they are returning to. Resource
material is also available in the general library
Personal Document Procurement Ensures eligible inmates are provided with the opportunity
to secure personal documents.
Aggression Replacement Training (ART) - is designed to assist inmates in identifying and
controlling their aggressive behavior.
Living Safely Without Violence Trauma informed aggression program for female inmates
emphasizes self-regulation practices as a coping mechanism to deal with stress and is an
extension of Moving On.
Inmate Program Associate (IPA) - The purpose of the IPA program is to provide meaningful work
assignments for inmates with advanced education and training, and to assist staff in providing
program services to inmates in each facility.
Network - is a voluntary, therapeutic program that uses a hierarchal process to assist inmates in
learning cooperative work and leadership skills while demonstrating responsible behaviors.
Community Lifestyles - is an open ended residential therapeutic program. It provides a structured
dormitory program that supports the essential correctional goals of order and safety.
Parole Diversion Program (PDP) Designed to provide parolees who have committed a
technical violation of parole terms an opportunity to correct behaviors before it escalates to re-
Re-Entry Units Designed to provide inmates with 120 days or less to release an opportunity to
finalize their release plan for an orderly transition back into society.
Alt 90 Program An open-ended program for individuals without a substance abuse need who
have violated terms of parole.
Medicaid Enrollment Provides assistance to eligible inmates with Medicaid enrollment.
Substance Abuse Treatment Services
Most correctional facilities offer substance abuse treatment services. These services focus on the
treatment of alcoholism and addiction to drugs. Treatment services are recommended for inmates with
a history of drug and/or alcohol abuse, or present with significant risk factors for such abuse. It is
important to understand that an inmate’s refusal to participate in a recommended program may affect
early release. Inmates with a history of addiction and/or alcoholism with special needs such as mental
health issues, sensorial disabilities, developmental disabilities, and long-term medical issues are
provided specialized substance abuse treatment programs.
Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT):
Eligible inmates/parolees may voluntarily accept MAT to complement their substance abuse
treatment and commitment to recovery. Offered at Bedford Hills and Willard Drug Treatment
Campus (DTC) (female); Cayuga, Edgecombe, Elmira, Hale Creek, Marcy, Orleans,
Queensboro, Wallkill, Willard DTC (male).
Additional Treatment Programs
Trauma, Addiction, Mental Health, and Recovery (TAMAR):
TAMAR is designed to assist those inmates who identify with experiences of trauma and who voluntarily
request participation. Participants meet twice per week with trained staff in a closed group format with
the goal of identifying and practicing self-regulation strategies designed to alleviate the signs and
symptoms of their experienced trauma. TAMAR is primarily a group intervention, but may include
activities such as journaling and creative expression. Offered at Albion, Bedford Hills, and Taconic CF
(female); Gouverneur, Greene, Groveland, and Wyoming CF (male). Expansion anticipated.
The Department offers Sex Offender Programming, and Aggression Replacement Training to
inmates that have a need for such treatment.
Veteran’s Services
Facility staff works with Veteran’s Administration staff to make inmates aware of benefits and services
available to him or her. Some facilities have residential programs specifically for veterans. Hyperlink
for complete listing of services for incarcerated veterans: www.doccs.ny.gov/programservices
Every inmate in the custody of the New York State Department of Corrections and Community
Supervision has access to medical, dental, and mental health services.
Medical Services: Medical staff is on-site at all correctional facilities. Inmates have access to
medical services daily through each facility’s sick call procedure. Facilities differ in the level of
medical services they may be able to provide. Inmates with special medical needs (short term
or long term) may be transferred to a facility which can better meet those needs. For the chronic
or terminally ill, the Department provides Regional Medical Units (RMUs) in selected facilities
across the state. When medically necessary, inmates may be transported to a community
hospital for emergency treatment or other medical services.
Dental Services: Inmates receive periodic dental checkups. Follow-up or emergency treatment
is provided as needed. As with medical services, inmates may be transferred to another facility
or to a community hospital for treatment when necessary.
Mental Health Services: NYSDOCCS partners with the NYS Office of Mental Health (OMH) in
providing special programs along a continuum of care for inmates with a mental illness. Upon
reception into the DOCCS system and throughout incarceration as necessary, inmates can be
referred and assessed by OMH staff to determine the amount of mental health services required
and are then assigned to facilities where that level of service is available. Although not on site
at every facility, each facility has a procedure in place for inmates to receive such
services. Services include crisis intervention, individual short and long-term counseling, group
counseling, and special programs and services for those who are eligible. OMH operates several
prison-based reentry and in-reach programs and provides extensive discharge planning to assist
in the transition from prison to community. In collaboration with NYSDOCCS, OMH applies for
entitlements such as Social Security, Medicaid, the Medication Grant Program, and mental
health housing, and arranges post-release appointments with mental health clinics. OMH works
in tandem and community-based providers and the inmate to develop individualized plans to
facilitate continuity of care and successful transition to the community. If, at any time during
your visit, you feel that the inmate you are visiting is experiencing thoughts of suicide or
displaying signs of hopelessness, anxiety, anger or if you notice dramatic mood changes,
please contact the nearest staff member immediately.
PLEASE NOTE: Inmate health information is considered confidential and its release is protected by
the Federal HIPAA Law (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), the New York State Public
Health Law, and the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision policies.
Privacy requirements do not allow the disclosure of specific health information without inmate
authorization. All requests for inmate health information should be directed to the health services unit
at the facility.
Request for mental health information should be addressed to the facility/Satellite Mental Health Unit,
to the attention of the Unit Chief. If the facility does not have a mental health presence, the request
should be forwarded in writing to the Executive Director of Central New York Psychiatric Center,
Maureen Bosco, at 9005 Old River Road, Marcy, NY 13403-0300 or by phone at (315) 765-3600.
Separate written releases must be obtained for disclosing substance abuse treatment information in
accordance with 42 CFR Part 2 and DOCCS Directive #2010 Departmental Records. In
accordance with Department Directives, an inmate must sign a Release of Drug and Alcohol Abuse
Records form #1079 or #1080 to authorize release of alcohol and drug treatment records.
Questions regarding transfers should first be directed to the inmate’s assigned Offender Rehabilitation
The Office of Classification and Movement in Central Office can also be contacted regarding transfer-
related information. You may write to them at:
The Office of Classification and Movement
New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
The Harriman State Campus - Building #2
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12226-2050
Inmates are encouraged to maintain a positive disciplinary record and participate in programs according
to their individualized program plan. Inmates can lose good time for not participating in their
recommended program plan and may not be eligible for early release. Therefore, we encourage you to
support them in maintaining a positive disciplinary adjustment so that they will be more apt to pursue
and attend needed programs.
Generally speaking, there are four ways to be released from DOCCS custody back to the community:
Presumptive Release/Merit Time
Parole Board Release
Conditional Release
Completion of Maximum Sentence (Max-out)
Presumptive Release/Merit Time
There are other avenues for release earlier than the court imposed minimum sentence. An inmate may
be considered for presumptive release based on crime and sentence, satisfactory disciplinary and
program participation, time already served, and prior criminal history. Questions should be directed to
the inmate’s assigned Offender Rehabilitation Coordinator.
Parole Board Release
Parole Board Commissioners may grant discretionary parole release after a minimum portion of the
sentence is served.
Conditional Release
A statutory type of release that the Board of Parole does not have discretion to grant or deny.
Indeterminate sentences, where there is a minimum and maximum sentence imposed, the
inmate must serve 2/3 of their maximum sentence with no loss of good time.
Determinate sentences, where there is a flat length of time, the inmate must serve 6/7 of their
sentence, and have no loss of good time.
Completion of Maximum Sentence (Max-Out)
An inmate is released from prison after serving the maximum term of their sentence. This can occur in
the following instances:
The inmate is not paroled and lost all good time.
The inmate is returned to prison for violating the conditions of their release with less than one
year remaining on the original sentence, and a Parole Board decision that they be held to the
maximum expiration (ME) of their sentence, or, the inmate refuses conditional release.
Frequently Asked Questions
My loved one has been incarcerated. How do I find him or her?
Computerized Inmate information is available on the Department’s website at www.doccs.ny.gov. If
you do not have access to the internet, you can call (518) 457-5000 during normal business hours.
Do I need prior approval before my first visit?
No, unless you meet any of the conditions noted under the visitation section of this handbook.
Otherwise, the Watch Commander, a security supervisor in charge of a particular shift, will allow initial
visits for persons not on an Inmate’s approved visitor record as long as you have proper identification
and the Inmate agrees to the visit. As a first-time visitor, you will be required to sign a statement
indicating that you have been advised of and agree to abide by the rules and regulations regarding
visiting. Please note that your registration information will be entered in a database so that future visits
will be much easier.
Can I send cash directly to an Inmate?
No, please see DOCCS Website for options to fund inmate trust accounts.
Can I send an Inmate an e-mail message?
Yes! Inmates now have access to a secure network through the Inmate Tablet Program. Please refer
to “Emailing an Inmate” beginning on page 6 of this handbook for specific instructions.
Can I place a telephone call to an Inmate?
No. Inmates cannot receive telephone calls. However, if an emergency arises, you should call the
facility and speak to the Inmate’s Offender Rehabilitation Coordinator, a facility Chaplain, or the Watch
Can Inmates phone their family or friends?
Inmates can make collect calls from designated pay phones located in all facilities. Inmates can have
15 phone numbers on their approved phone list at any time. Telephone numbers are added or removed
from the Inmate’s phone list by request of the Inmate only. Please note that all phone calls may be
monitored. Call forwarding and third-party calls are not allowed. Calls to pagers and 800 numbers are
not allowed.
Will I be informed if my loved one is sick?
If the Inmate is admitted to an outside hospital, notification will be made to persons designated by the
Inmate. Please Note: Inmates have the authority to decline notification.
Can I visit a hospitalized Inmate, either in the facility hospital or in an outside hospital?
Yes. Facility Hospital - Inmates may be visited for limited periods of time by persons on their visitor
record, an attorney, or authorized individual. Outside Hospital - Inmates may receive visitors only with
the permission of the doctor, and within the rules of the hospital. Visiting times are only during the
regular hospital visiting hours, and will not exceed two hours, unless the Inmate is on the critical list. A
person can visit an inmate in the hospital if on the visiting record and with the Superintendent’s
permission. All persons requesting to visit an inmate in the outside hospital need to receive permission
from the Superintendent. If approved, visitor will be subject to the visitor’s rules and regulations.
What if someone close to my loved one dies or is very sick?
It is recommended that facility staff be contacted as soon as possible so that the Inmate may be notified
in an appropriate manner and provided with pastoral care and counseling. As soon as possible, contact
the facility where the Inmate is located and speak with the Chaplain, Supervising Offender
Rehabilitation Coordinator, or the Watch Commander. It is the family’s responsibility to notify the
facility as soon as possible in the event of grave illness or death of an Inmate’s relative.
Is there any bus transportation that will take me directly to the prison?
Due to the variations in bus availability, you are encouraged to contact the individual correctional facility
regarding transportation.
How can I find directions to the facility?
Directions to correctional facilities are located on the internet at www.doccs.ny.gov. Additionally, you
can contact the specific facility.
What do I need to bring to visit?
Proper identification and permission, if required (i.e., you are a minor). Additional information can be
found in the section on Visitation.
Can I visit if I am on parole or probation?
Probationers and Parolees must have the prior permission of the Superintendent and the written
permission of their probation or parole officer.
What am I allowed to bring into the visiting room?
You are allowed to bring in money for the vending machines and for purchasing photos where that
service is available. You will also be allowed baby supplies if you have a baby with you (See VISITING
What do I do with my prescription medication?
Visitors who have medication in their possession shall declare and relinquish it to the gate officer.
Medications shall be identified and stored in a secure area. If a visitor needs the medication during the
visiting period, it may be obtained as directed by the facility.
Can I bring a care package for my loved one to a visit?
Yes, you may bring a package for your loved one. The package must be presented at the front gate
prior to the visit. Remember, you cannot give anything to an Inmate during the visit without permission.
Please refer to the section on packages and to Appendix C for further information. Checks, money
orders and cash may be used to deposit money into inmate’s trust fund account during a visit. It is best
to keep your receipts for your records. Please see instructions at the facility for leaving funds during
What days am I allowed to visit and for how long?
See Visiting Days and Times.
What is contraband?
Contraband is any article that is not to be possessed by an Inmate. This includes, but is not limited to:
weapons, alcohol, illegal drugs (including marijuana) money, cell phones, and chewing gum. Any visitor
found in possession of illegal drugs or weapons will be reported to the proper authorities for prosecution.
(See page 10, # 4.)
How can my loved one get a visit with their child who is currently in foster care?
Foster care visits are managed between the agency that oversees and has jurisdiction of the foster
child and the facility they plan to visit. Generally, the facility contact person is the Inmate’s assigned
Offender Rehabilitation Coordinator.
How can my loved one get transferred to a facility closer to home?
The Office of Classification and Movement in Central Office oversees transfers. Your loved one should
contact their assigned Offender Rehabilitation Coordinator to address any concerns about transferring.
How can I marry a person who is incarcerated?
To begin the process, you and your loved one must send a letter requesting permission to marry to the
Superintendent of the facility. The Superintendent will then inform the Guidance Unit, and if a legal
marriage is approvable, the process will proceed.
How do Inmates spend their time in prison?
Inmates participate in required treatment, educational/vocational training, work and recreation
programs unless they are physically unable or constrained by the following circumstances:
intake/transfer processing, keep-locked status, administrative segregation, or court hearings.
Treatment programs include Alcohol and Substance Treatment (ASAT), RSAT (Residential Substance
Abuse Treatment), CASAT (Comprehensive Alcohol Substance Abuse Treatment), Aggression
Replacement Training (ART), Sex Offender Counseling Treatment Program (SOCTP) and Prison
Based Sex Offender Treatment Program (PBSTP). Educational/vocational programs include Adult
Basic Education (ABE), High School Equivalency (HSE) preparation, and various vocational trainings
including custodial and building maintenance, computer repair, horticulture, and welding, to name a
few. Examples of work assignments include food preparation, ground maintenance, as well as industry
production and services.
Families and friends are encouraged to help support their loved one to follow through with their
prescribed program plan in a positive manner and motivate them to use their time constructively.
For more information regarding inmate programming, please visit the following link:
Handbook Evaluation
We hope you found the information in this handbook helpful. We invite you to tell us what you think
about this handbook so that we can make improvements. You can cut out this page or copy the
questions on another sheet of paper. Please take the time to answer these three questions honestly.
1. What material was most helpful to you?
2. What material was least helpful?
3. What would you like to see included in this type of handbook?
Thank you for taking the time to answer these few questions. Please return the completed evaluation
New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision
Division of Ministerial, Family, and Volunteer Services
The Harriman State Campus Building #2
1220 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12226-2050
Adirondack Correctional
PO Box 110
196 Ray Brook Road
Ray Brook, NY 12977-0110
(518) 891-1343
(Essex County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays 8:00 am
3:00 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Albion Correctional
3595 State School Road
Albion, NY 14411-9399
(585) 589-5511
(Orleans County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
(Alternate days by last name A-K,
SHU 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
Holidays 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Altona Correctional
PO Box 3000
555 Devils Den Road
Altona, NY 12910-2090
(518) 236-7841
(Clinton County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays 8:30 am -
2:30 pm
No processing after 1:45 pm
Attica Correctional
639 Exchange Street
Attica, NY 14011-0149
(585) 591-2000
(Wyoming County)
Visiting Hours
Daily 9:00 am 3:00 pm (except if
more than 2 visits Mon-Fri, no
weekend visits are allowed)
SHU 9:30 am - 2:30 pm (Only 1
visit every 7 days allowed)
No processing after 1:45 pm
Auburn Correctional
135 State Street
Auburn, NY 13024-9000
(315) 253-8401
(Cayuga County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 618, Zip 13021
Visiting Hours
Daily 9:00 am 3:00 pm except on
Sat/Sun (Alternate days by last
name A-L, M-Z)
SHU 9:00 am 3:00 pm (Only 1
visit weekly allowed)
No processing after 2:00 pm
Bare Hill Correctional
181 Brand Road
Caller Box #20
Malone, NY 12953-0020
(518) 483-8411
(Franklin County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun 7:30 am 3:00 pm
(Alternate days by last # of DIN)
Legal Holidays 7:30 am 3:00 pm
SHU 7:30 am 3:00 pm (Alternate
days by last # of DIN)
No processing after 2:00 pm
Bedford Hills Correctional
247 Harris Road
Bedford Hills, NY 10507-2400
(914) 241-3100
(Westchester Co.)
Visiting Hours
Daily 8:30 am - 3:30 pm except on
Sat/Sun (Alternate days by last
name A-L, M-Z)
SHU 8:30 am - 3:30 pm (Only 1 visit
weekly Sun-Sat allowed)
No processing after 2:00 pm
Cape Vincent Correctional
PO Box 599
36560 State Route 12E
Cape Vincent, NY 13618-0599
(315) 654-4100
(Jefferson County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays 8:00 am -
2:15 pm
SHU 8:00 am 2:00 pm Sat or Sun
(Only 1 visit per weekend allowed)
No processing after 1:30 pm
Cayuga Correctional
PO Box 1150
2202 State Route 38A
Moravia, NY 13118-1150
(315) 497-1110
(Cayuga County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 1186, Zip 13118
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun 8:30 am - 3:30 pm (By
odd/even date by last # of DIN)
Legal Holidays 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
SHU 8:30 pm - 3:30 pm (By
odd/even date by last # of DIN)
No processing after2:30 pm
Clinton Correctional
PO Box 2000
1156 Route 374
Dannemora, NY 12929-2000
(518) 492-2511
(Clinton County)
Inmate Mail - Clinton Main:
PO Box 2001, Zip 12929
Inmate Mail - Clinton Annex:
PO Box 2002, Zip 12929
Visiting Hours
Main & Annex-
Daily 8:30 am 3:00 pm
SHU 8:30 am - 2:30 pm (Only 1 visit
weekly Sun-Sat allowed)
No processing after 2:00 pm
Collins Correctional
PO Box 490 - Middle Road
Collins, NY 14034-0490
(716) 532-4588
(Erie County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 340, Zip 14034-0340
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays 8:30am -
3:00 pm
SHU 5:00 pm 9:00 pm Sat only
(except-Level III also allowed Sun
only if a visit occurs on Sat) No
processing after 2:30 pm
Coxsackie Correctional
PO Box 200
11260 Route 9W
Coxsackie, NY 12051-0200
(518) 731-2781
(Greene County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 999, Zip 12051-0999
Visiting Hours
Daily 9:00 am 3:00 pm except
Sat/Sun (Alternate day by last
name A-L, M-Z)
SHU 9:00 am 3:00 pm Only 1
visit every 7 days (Sat/Sun visits
alternate by last name A-L, M-Z)
**Legal holidays only 2 visitors
No processing after 2:00 pm
Downstate Correctional
PO Box 445
121 Red Schoolhouse Road
Fishkill, NY 12524-0445
(845) 831-6600
(Dutchess County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box F, Zip 12524
Visiting Hours
Daily 8:30am - 3:15pm
SHU 8:30am - 3:15pm (Only 1 visit
weekly Mon-Sun allowed)
No processing after 2:15 pm
Eastern NY Correctional
PO Box 338
30 Institution Road
Napanoch, NY 12458-0338
(845) 647-7400
(Ulster County)
Visiting Hours
Daily 9:00 am 3:00 pm except
Sat/Sun (odd/even date by last #
of DIN)
SHU Daily 9:00 am 3:00 pm
except Sat/Sun (odd/even date by
last # of DIN
**Legal holidays if Sat/Sun
(odd/even date by last # of DIN)
No processing after 2:30 pm
Edgecombe Residential
Treatment Facility
611 Edgecombe Avenue
New York, NY 10032-4398
(212) 923-2575
(New York County)
Visiting Hours
Parolees 9:00 am 11:00 pm:
Group A Mon Group C Weds
Group B Tues Group D Thurs
Cadres Mon-Thurs 9:00 am
12:00 pm (allowed only one day
per week)
No processing after 10:30 pm
Elmira Correctional
PO Box 500
1879 Davis Street
Elmira, NY 14901-0500
(607) 734-3901
(Chemung County)
Visiting Hours
Daily 9:00 am 3:00 pm
Except: (**Reception- Only after 6
days odd/even date by last # of
SHU 9:00 am 3:00 pm (only 1
visit every 7 days allowed)
No processing after 2:00 pm
Fishkill Correctional Facility
18 Strack Road
Beacon, NY 12508-0307
(845) 831-4800
(Dutchess County)
Inmate Mail:
271 Matteawan Road
PO Box 1245, Zip 12508
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays 8:00 am
3:00 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
SHU Sat/Sun 5:00 pm 9:00 pm
No processing after 8:00 pm
Five Points Correctional
Caller Box 400
6600 State Route 96
Romulus, New York 14541
(607) 869-5111
(Seneca County)
Inmate Mail:
Caller Box 119, Zip 14541
Visiting Hours
Daily 9:00 am 3:00 pm
SHU 9:00 am 3:00 pm Only 1 visit
every 7 days (except Level III
allowed 2 per week)
No processing after 2:30 pm
Franklin Correctional
PO Box 10
62 Bare Hill Road
Malone, NY 12953-0010
(518) 483-6040
(Franklin County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun 7:30 am 3:00 pm
(Alternate days by Last # of DIN:
0-4, 5-9)
Legal Holidays 7:30am 3:00 pm
SHU 7:30 am 3:00 pm Sat or
Sun (only 1 weekend day allowed)
No processing after 2:30 pm
Gouverneur Correctional
PO Box 370
112 Scotch Settlement Road
Gouverneur, NY 13642-0370
(315) 287-7351
(Saint Lawrence County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays 9:00 am
3:00 pm (includes SHU)
No processing after2:00 pm
SHU 200 Sat 5pm-9pm (except
Level II & III Sat/or Sun) 1 visit
every 7 days
No processing after 8:00 pm
Gowanda Correctional
PO Box 350 - South Road
Gowanda, NY 14070-0350
(716) 532-0177
(Erie County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 311, Zip 14070-0311
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun 7:30 am 2:00 pm
(Alternate odd/even date by last #
of DIN)
Legal Holidays 7:30 pm 2:00 pm
SHU 7:30 am 2:00 pm (Only 1
visit every 7 days)
No processing after 1:30 pm
Great Meadow Correctional
PO Box 51
11739 State Route 22
Comstock, NY 12821-0051
(518) 639-5516
(Washington County)
Visiting Hours
Daily 9:30 3:00 pm except
Sat/Sun (Alternate days by last
name A-L, M-Z)
SHU Only 1 visit per week Weds-
Tues allowed (Level III 2 visits per
No processing after 2:00 pm
Green Haven Correctional
594 Route 216
Stormville, NY 12582-0100
(845) 221-2711
(Dutchess County)
Visiting Hours
Daily 7:30 am 2:00 pm except
Sat/Sun (Alternate days by Last
Name A-L, M-Z)
SHU 7:30 am 2:00 pm (Only 1
visit weekly Fri-Thurs allowed)
No processing after 1:30 pm
Greene Correctional
PO Box 8
165 Plank Road
Coxsackie, NY 12051-0008
(518) 731-2741
(Greene County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 975, Zip 12051-0975
Visiting Hours
Sat 9:00 am - 3:30 pm
Sun 9:00 am - 3:30 pm or 5:00 pm
9:00 pm (Alternate days by Last
# of DIN)
Legal Holidays 9:00 am 3:00 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
SHU 200 Sat 5:00 pm 9:00 pm
(Level III additional visit 5 pm-9
pm Weds)
No processing after 8:00 pm
Groveland Correctional
PO Box 50
7000 Sonyea Road
Sonyea, NY 14556-0050
(585) 658-2871
(Livingston County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
8:00 am - 3:30 pm
SHU 8:00 am - 3:30 pm (Only 1
visit every 7 days)
No processing after2:15 pm
Hale Creek ASACTC
279 Maloney Road
Johnstown, NY 12095-3769
(518) 736-2094
(Fulton County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 950, Zip 12095
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays 8:30 am -
2:30 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Hudson Correctional
PO Box 576
50 East Court Street
Hudson, NY 12534-0576
(518) 828-4311
(Columbia County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Lakeview Shock Incarceration
PO Box T
9300 Lake Avenue
Brocton, NY 14716-9798
(716) 792-7100
(Chautauqua County)
Visiting Hours
Recept. Inmates Sat. 9:00 am
3:00 pm
Recept. Dorm F2 Sun 9:00 am
3:00 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
SHU 200 Sat. 5:00 pm 9:00 pm
(call due to restrictions)
Male and
Marcy Correctional
PO Box 5000
9000 Old River Road
Marcy, NY 13403-5000
(315) 768-1400
(Oneida County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 3600, Zip 13403
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Last # of DIN
5 TO 9 = Odd day of week
1 TO 4 = Even day of week
No processing after 2:00 pm
Mid-State Correctional
PO Box 216
9005 Old River Road
Marcy, NY 13403-0216
(315) 768-8581
(Oneida County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 2500, 13403
Visiting Hours
General Pop: 8:00 3:00 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
SHU 5:00 pm 9:00 pm Sat only
(call due to restrictions)
Mohawk Correctional
PO Box 8450
6514 Route 26
Rome, NY 13442
(315) 339-5232
(Oneida County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 8451, Zip 13440
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
8:30 - 3:00 pm.
No processing after 2:00 pm
By last # of DIN = Even/Odd
Corresponds to Even/Odd date on
Moriah Shock Incarceration
PO Box 999
75 Burhart Lane
Mineville, NY 12956-0999
(518) 942-7561
(Essex County)
Visiting Hours
Sundays 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Alternates every other weekend
determined by last # of DIN. (Call
to find out if odd or even
No processing after 2:30 pm
Ogdensburg Correctional
One Correction Way
Ogdensburg, NY 13669-2288
(315) 393-0281
(Saint Lawrence County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
7:30 am - 2:30 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Orleans Correctional
3595 Gaines Basin Road
Albion, NY 14411-9199
(585) 589-6820
(Orleans County)
Mailing Address:
3531 Gaines Basin Road
Visiting Hours
General Pop Sat/Sun, Legal
Holidays 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
S-Block Sat OR Sun 5:00 pm -
9:00 pm
Otisville Correctional Facility
P.O. Box 8
57 Sanitorium Road
Otisville, New York 10963-0008
(845) 386-1490 (Orange County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
7:30 am - 2:30 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Queensboro Correctional
47-04 Van Dam Street
Long Island City, NY 11101-3081
(718) 361-8920
(Queens County)
Visiting Hours
Last # of DIN determines visit
eligibility. Visits rotate every 5
days. Visits are 7 days a week
from 1:00 pm - 3:45 pm. No
processing after 3:15 pm
Riverview Correctional
PO Box 158
1110 Tibbits Drive
Ogdensburg, NY 13669-0158
(315) 393-8400
(St. Lawrence County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
7:30 am - 2:30 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Rochester Correctional
470 Ford Street
Rochester, NY 14608-2499
(585) 454-2280
(Monroe County)
Visiting Hours
No Visiting Hours Inmates
Shawangunk Correctional
PO Box 750
200 Quick Road
Wallkill, NY 12589-0750
(845) 895-2081
(Ulster County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 700, Zip 12589
Visiting Hours
7 days per week
8:30 am - 2:15 pm
No processing after 1:45 pm
If you come on Saturday, you
cannot come on Sunday.
Sing Sing Correctional
354 Hunter Street
Ossining, NY 10562-5442
(914) 941-0108
(Westchester County)
Visiting Hours
Mon to Fri 8:00 am - 2:00 pm.
Weekend by last # of DIN =
Corresponds to Even/Odd date on
No processing after 2:30 PM
Southport Correctional
PO Box 2000
236 Bob Masia Drive
Pine City, NY 14871-2000
(607) 737-0850
(Chemung County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun Legal Holidays
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Sullivan Correctional
PO Box 116,
325 Riverside Drive
Fallsburg, NY 12733-0116
(845) 434-2080
(Sullivan County)
Visiting Hours
7 days per week
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Taconic Correctional
250 Harris Road
Bedford Hills, NY 10507-2498
(914) 241-3010
(Westchester County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
7:30 am - 3:30 pm
No processing after 2:30 pm
Ulster Correctional
PO Box 800
750 Berme Road
Napanoch, NY 12458-0800
(845) 647-1670
(Ulster County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
by last # of DIN = Even or Odd
Holidays for all DIN #s
SHU Sat OR Sun one day only
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Upstate Correctional
PO Box 2000
309 Bare Hill Road
Malone, NY 12953
(518) 483-6997
(Franklin County)
Inmate Mail:
PO Box 2001, Zip 12953
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Holidays
SHU: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Gen Pop. 8:00 am - 2:30 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
SHU depends on privileges, call
to determine what level
Wallkill Correctional
PO Box G
50 McKenderick Road
Wallkill, NY 12589-0286
(845) 895-2021
(Ulster County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
7:30 am - 2:15 pm
No processing after 1:30 pm
Washington Correctional
PO Box 180
72 Lock Eleven Lane
Comstock, NY 12821-0180
(518) 639-4486
(Washington County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
7:30 am - 2:00 pm
No processing after 1:00 pm
Watertown Correctional
23147 Swan Road
Watertown, NY 13601-9340
(315) 782-7490
(Jefferson County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
No processing after 1:45 pm
Wende Correctional
3040 Wende Road
Alden, NY 14004-1187
(716) 937-4000 (Erie County)
Visiting Hours
7 days per week
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
No processing after 2:00 pm
Willard Drug Treatment Campus
7116 County Route 132
PO Box 303
Willard, NY 14588-0303
(607) 869-5500
(Seneca County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
9:00 am - 3:00 pm by dorm
assignment. Call facility
No processing after 2:30 pm
Male and
Woodbourne Correctional
PO Box 1000
99 Prison Road
Woodbourne, NY 12788-1000
(845) 434-7730
(Sullivan County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun, Legal Holidays
8:15 am - 2:45 pm
Alternates Sat or Sun based on
last name, A-L or M-Z
No processing after 2:15 pm
Wyoming Correctional
PO Box 501
3203 Dunbar Road
Attica, NY 14011-0501
(585) 591-1010
(Wyoming County)
Visiting Hours
Sat/Sun 8:15 am - 3:15 pm
By last # of DIN = Even/Odd
Corresponds to Even/Odd date on
No processing after2:15 pm
New York City, NY
Albany, NY
Buffalo, NY
292 miles - 4½ hrs.
165 miles - 2¾
329 miles - 5½
350 miles - 5½ hrs.
260 miles - 4¼
55 miles - 1 hr.
336 miles - 5½ hrs.
205 miles - 3½
356 miles - 6 hrs.
330 miles - 5¾ hrs.
265 miles - 4½
37 miles - ¾ hr.
250 miles - 4 hrs.
176 miles - 3¼
128 miles -
Bare Hill
340 miles - 5¾ hrs.
230 miles - 4 hrs.
322 miles - 5½
Bedford Hills
45 miles - 1 hr.
130 miles -
369 miles -
Cape Vincent
338 miles - 5½ hrs.
197 miles - 3½
237 miles - 4 hrs.
234 miles - 4 hrs.
200 miles - 3½
145 miles - 2½
319 miles - 5¼ hrs.
185 miles - 3¼
382 miles - 6½
259 miles - 6¼ hrs.
315 miles - 5½
31 miles - ½ hr.
128 miles - 2¼ hrs.
25 miles - ½ hr.
310 miles - 5 hrs.
66 miles - 1¼ hrs.
95 miles - 1¾ hrs.
338 miles - 5¾
94 miles - 1¾ hrs.
90 miles - 1¾ hrs.
306 miles - 5¼
- - -
155 miles - 2¾
354 miles - 6¼
215 miles 3¾ hrs.
205 miles - 3½
140 miles -
66 miles - 1¼ hrs.
95 miles - 1¾ hr.
338 miles - 5¾
Five Points
252 miles 4¼ hrs.
191 miles - 3 hrs.
121 miles - 2 hrs.
340 miles 5¾ hrs.
230 miles - 4 hrs.
322 miles - 5½
338 miles 5¾ hrs.
190 miles - 3½
250 miles - 4 hrs.
356 miles 6¼ hr.
315 miles - 5¼
31 miles - ½ hr.
New York City, NY
Albany, NY
Buffalo, NY
Great Meadow
216 miles 3¼ hrs.
70 miles - 1¼ hrs.
316 miles - 5¼
Green Haven
71 miles - 1¼ hrs.
95 miles - 1¾ hrs.
352 miles - 6 hrs.
128 miles 2¼ hrs.
25 miles - ½ hr.
310 miles - 5 hrs.
292 miles 5 hrs.
260 miles - 4¼
64 miles hrs.
Hale Creek
190 miles 3¼ hrs.
45 miles - 1 hr.
250 miles - 4 hrs.
125 miles 2¼ hrs.
38 miles - ¾ hr.
322 miles - 5 hrs.
393 miles 6¾ hrs.
335 miles - 5½
53 miles 1 hr.
244 miles 4 hrs.
100 miles - 1¾
195 miles - 3 hrs.
244 miles - 4 hrs.
100 miles - 1¾
195 miles - 3 hrs.
244 miles - 4 hrs.
120 miles - 2 hrs.
195 miles - 3 hrs.
Moriah Shock
266 miles - 4½ hrs.
150 miles - 2½
343 miles - 6 hrs.
375 miles - 6¼ hrs.
245 miles - 4 hrs.
271 miles - 4½
350 miles - 5½ hrs.
260 miles - 4¼
55 miles - 1 hr.
81 miles - 1½ hrs.
120 miles - 2 hrs.
316 miles - 5¼
- - -
175 miles - 3 hrs.
354 miles - 6¼
375 miles - 6¼ hrs.
245 miles - 4 hrs.
271 miles - 4½
365 miles - 6¼ hrs.
225 miles - 4 hrs.
55 miles - 1 hr.
76 miles - 1½ hrs.
90 miles - 1¾ hrs.
323 miles - 5½
Sing Sing
40 miles - 1 hr.
120 miles - 2 hrs.
363 miles - 6 hrs.
220 miles - 4 hrs.
215 miles - 3¾
140 miles - 2½
102 miles - 2 hrs.
105 miles -
294 miles - 5 hrs.
45 miles - 1 hr.
130 miles - 2½
369 miles - 6¼
94 miles - 1¾ hrs.
90 miles - 1¼ hrs.
306 miles - 5¼
New York City, NY
Albany, NY
Buffalo, NY
340 miles - 5¾ hrs.
230 miles - 3¾
322 miles - 5½
76 miles - 1½ hrs.
90 miles - 1¼ hrs.
323 miles - 5½
216 miles - 3¼ hrs.
70 miles - 1¼ hr.
316 miles - 5¼
315 miles - 5¼ hrs.
167 miles - 2¾
213 miles - 3½
338 miles - 6 hrs.
280 miles - 5 hrs.
- - -
Willard DTC
250 miles - 4¼ hrs.
200 miles - 3 hrs.
130 miles - 2¼
102 miles - 2 hrs.
105 miles - 2 hrs.
294 miles - 5 hrs.
330 miles - 5½ hrs.
265 miles - 4½
37 miles - ¾ hr.
APPENDIX C - 3/25/13
Items listed below may be received through the Package Room by inmates in most
facilities, subject to the following restrictions and qualifications:
General Restrictions:
- No alcoholic content or ingredients.
- No poppy seeds.
- No frozen foods.
- No USDA or Government surplus food.
- No home, bakery, restaurant, or delicatessen-prepared foods.
- No glass containers.
- Items, except for fresh fruits and vegetables, must be received commercially packaged in
airtight hermetically sealed containers impervious to external influence (e.g., sealed cans,
heat sealed plastic bags, vacuum sealed pouches, vacuum sealed plastic jars, glue sealed
paper or cardboard boxes with the inside product being hermetically sealed, etc.).
- All items must have a commercially printed ingredients list on the packaging.
Individual Items
Specific Restrictions and Conditions
a) Beverages/Liquid
b) Beverages/Mixes
c) Bread
d) Canned food
e) Candy
f) Cheese.
g) Coffee
h) Dried coffee cream
i) Fruit
j) Meats
k) Nuts
l) Pastry
m) Raisins
n) Seafood
o) Snacks
p) Tea
q) Vegetables
Including concentrates, must be in cans, pouches or boxes
only; max. Size 32 oz. each.
Dry, maximum size 32 ounces each.
Maximum size 16 oz. each; products must not require cooking
(as designated on the manufacturer's label); microwaveable
containers are allowed.
Sliced or chunk.
16 oz. maximum.
No dried.
Must be ready to eat (i.e., pre-cooked, cured, smoked, cold-
Without shells.
Maximum 2 oz. per food package.
Cooked, cured or smoked only; no shells.
Potato chips, pretzels, cheese twists, crackers, cookies, and
other similar items (or combinations of approved food items,
except for those combinations/mixes containing raisins).
Herbal and flavored tea allowed; no loose tea; no tea labeled
as being for any treatment or cure, "for medicinal purposes"
or "as a dietary supplement," etc. is allowed.
Fresh, that does not require cooking (except in facilities that
permit cooking).
General Restrictions
- Plastic only (except where metal cooking utensils are permitted by the Superintendent under
local permit.
- No double-wall (e.g. foam core or insulated) containers.
Individual Items
Specific Restrictions and Conditions
a) Bowls
b) Can opener
c) Cups
d) Drinking containers
e) Saucers
f) Food storage
g) Spoons,
h) Forks/"Sporks"
i) Plates
j) Thermos bottle
2 quart max.
Manual only; short handle
No larger than 16 oz.
No larger than 16 oz.
2 quart max.
Pliable only
Pliable only
2 qt. max; molded plastic only
General Restrictions
- Tobacco products must be in the original commercially sealed containers.
- Cigarettes must bear New York State Tax Stamps - no exceptions.
Individual Items
Specific Restrictions and Conditions
a) Cigarettes
b) Cigarette roller
c) Cigarette papers
d) Cigars
e) Pipes & pipe cleaners
f) Tobacco, chewing
g) Tobacco, loose
h) Snuff
i) Cigarette tubes
Max. 2 cartons per month; unflavored or menthol only
Limit 1; plastic only
Unflavored or menthol only
Max. 50 per month, unflavored or menthol only
Max. 24 oz. per month
Max. 12 oz. per month
Max. 24 oz. per month
Max. 400 tubes per month, filtered or non-filtered, 100s to king-size,
unflavored or menthol only
General Restrictions
- Dice are not permitted
Individual Items
Specific restrictions and conditions.
a) Athletic Gloves
b) Checkerboards/Checkers
c) Chess sets
d) Dominos
e) Handballs
f) Jigsaw puzzles
g) Playing cards
h) Tennis balls
Baseball (mitt), handball or bag; no metal inserts; no boxing-
type; max. value $50
Folding cardboard board or vinyl; plastic or wood pieces; max.
value $50
Folding cardboard board or vinyl; plastic or wood pieces; max.
value $50
Plastic or wood pieces; max. value $50
In original sealed container only
In original sealed container only
In original sealed container only
In original sealed container only
General Restrictions
- No item may be received which lists alcohol as an ingredient.
- No skin tanning or coloring or hair coloring products.
- Maximum size of any single item is 16 oz.
- No glass, except when approved toiletries cannot be obtained in plastic containers or cans;
then, one ounce glass containers may be permitted when received directly from an approved
store or manufacturer as packaged by them. The containerized items listed below are
acceptable (1) if received in commercially-sealed non-pressurized cans or commercially-
sealed plastic containers, or (2) when received directly from an approved store or
manufacturer as packaged by them.
- No hemp oil or derivatives of hemp in contents.
a) Afro Pick
b) Aftershave lotion
c) Baby oil
d) Comb
e) Cream rinse/conditioner
f) Denture adhesive
g) Denture cleanser
h) Denture cup
i) Deodorant
j) Emery boards
k) Fingernail clipper
l) Hair brush
m) Hair dressing
n) Hairnet
o) Hand/face cream or lotion
p) Mirror
q) Mouthwash
r) Shampoo
s) Shaving items - brush,
cream, cup, soap
t) Soap
u) Soap dish
v) Stick cologne
w) Toenail clipper
x) Toothbrush
y) Tweezers
Plastic; max. length 6"; no handle
Tablets only
Plastic; transparent only
Stick-type only
No file; 2 ½" max.
Plastic; no removable handle or compartment
Non-medicated; incl. cream and gel
8" x 10" max. size; plastic only
Standard size bar; no soap-on-a-rope
No file; 3 ½" max.
a) Facial makeup
b) Hair fasteners
c) Hair spray
d) Perfume/cologne
Eye makeup, face powder, lipstick, rouge, etc., no liquid
Barrettes, bobby pins, hair (bands, rollers, rubber bands), no
Non-aerosol; 3 oz. max. per month
General Restrictions (all clothing items): No quilted clothing or snorkel-type hoods, except
where indicated. No leather (except footwear and belts). No mesh materials (except footwear
Note: mesh materials may not create a pocket). No spandex-type material. No denim. No
removable linings.
Colors: Except as indicated below, blue, black, gray or orange colors are not permitted. Any
shades of colors such as melon, peach, aqua, etc. that are not readily distinguishable from
blue, black, gray or orange are not permitted. Solid colors only, except where indicated.
Value: Except as indicated, no item may exceed $50 in value.
Footwear (# 1 below): No hollow or platform heels or soles. No camouflage design. No metal
shanks/ supports or toes. No pointed toes, spiked heels, pockets, compartments, clog-type or
pump (air-inflation) footwear. No metal/stone or clip-on decorations. Max. Height of heels:
males 2"; females 3". Measure boot height from bottom of heel. Size must be within 1 size of
that being worn by inmate.
Outerwear (# 2 below): Natural fabrics only (e.g. cotton, wool).
1. Footwear
Additional Restrictions and
a) Baseball/soccer shoes
b) Boots
c) Rubber galoshes,
d) Sandals
e) Shoes
f) Shower shoes
g) Slippers
h) Sneakers
Any but blue
Any but blue
Any color
Any but blue
Any but blue
Any color
Any but blue
Any color combination
but blue
Non-removable rubber cleats only 3/8"
Total height 8"
Total height 10"
Must be secure to the foot (use ankle
2. Outerwear
Additional Restrictions and
a) Earmuffs
b) Gloves/mittens
c) Jacket
d) Rain hat
e) Rain jacket/ poncho
f) Scarves
g) Winter knit cap
Black permitted
Solid green only
(including lining)
Clear transparent plastic
Clear transparent plastic
Black permitted
Plastic band (no metal)
Wrist length
Length 3/4 max.; military-style field
jackets are allowed but short-waist
style jackets are not allowed; no hood;
no patches, insignia or decals. None
labeled "chemical protective."
Hood permitted; max. value $20
Male Inmates Only
Additional Restrictions and Conditions
a) T-shirts
b) Briefs, boxers
c) Thermal
Solid colors only
(except for the
Solid colors only
(except for the
Additional Restrictions and Conditions
a) Athletic supporter
b) Baseball caps
c) Shorts
d) Sweatshirts,
No metal or plastic cups; males only
No logos, no military style
Gym or Bermuda style; not to extend below
the knee or higher than mid-thigh; no cargo
style pockets; no form-fitting or spandex type;
no denim; no logos or lettering
Cloth only; hoods permitted; may have a
multiple or solid vertical stripe down leg or arm
only not to exceed 2" in width; no logos; no
zippers; no cargo style pockets
Additional Restrictions and Conditions
a) Shirts/sweaters.
b) Bathrobe
c) Belts
d) Bow ties
e) Handkerchiefs
f) Neckties
g) Pajamas
h) Socks
Solid colors inside and
Solid brown or black
Black permitted
White only
Black permitted
Includes turtleneck, mock turtleneck, and polo
styles; manufacturer's logo (e.g. fox, alligator,
etc.), not to exceed 2" x 2" permitted
Non-elastic; no braided, no metal or stone
decoration, less than 1½" wide, with buckle-
non-removable, no sliding lock style, no “D”
ring style (max. 1½"x1½"), length size
Cloth only; clip-on style only
Cloth only; clip-on style only
No pockets
a) blouses
b) Boots
c) Nightgowns
d) Shawls
e) Shoes
f) Stockings/ panty
g) Bras
h) Panties.
i) Slips
j) Girdle
k) Thermal Underwear
l) T- shirts
m) Pajamas
No blue
No blue
Solid colors only
(except for waistband)
No see-through, midriff or short-cut
Total height 18"
No see-through
1 yard square max. size (incl. fringe)
Stocking/hose requiring garter belts not
No metal underwire, no padding
No thong style, crotch less, front opening or
see-through or lace trim
Full and half
Crew or V-neck only
No see-through; no front opening bottoms
Office Materials
Additional Restrictions and Conditions
a) Mini-calculator
b) Carbon paper
c) Clip board
d) Composition/Notebooks
e) Crayons
f) Dictionaries
g) Drafting pens
h) Erasers
i) File folders
j) Masking tape
k) Paper
l) Pens
m) Pencils
n) Pencil sharpener
o) Rulers
p) Transparent tape
Basic functions only (i.e. addition, subtraction, division,
multiplication, percentages) no scientific functions hand-held only;
$30 max. value
9" x 15" max.; no metal components
No metal components
No sharp points; no internal or refillable ink reservoirs
No metal components
1" maximum width
Writing or drawing; no envelopes
Ball point (non-retractable-style) or felt tip only - no fluorescent
Standard wooden type only
Manual (hand-held); non-removable blade
12" maximum; non-metal
1" maximum width
Audio Equipment
General Restrictions and Conditions
Except as indicated, may only be received directly from
manufacturer or established dealer. See Directive #4920 for
specifics. Not to be altered in any way to meet specifications
(except that an external antenna must be removed by the
manufacturer or vendor). No detachable components. An inmate
may possess and use only 1 audio unit (excluding TV).
a) Cassette Tapes
b) Cassette type cleaner
automatic demagnetizer
c) Headphone Radio
d) Headphones (earphones)
e) Radio
f) Radio/Tape player
g) Tape Player
Specific Restrictions and Conditions
Commercially made; sealed in cellophane or similar material; no
screws; received directly from a distributor, retailer, or
manufacturer only. Subject to Media Review. Religious tapes
may be received from a bona fide religious organization. These
tapes must be in clear packaging and be reviewed by the
Chaplain's office or Media Review.
Local permit only; maximum value - $150.00.
Local permit only; maximum value - $50.00.
Local permit only; maximum value - $150.00; clear (see-through)
case only; no larger than 8 inches x 14 inches.
Local permit only; maximum value - $150.00; clear (see-through)
case only; no larger than 8 inches x 14 inches; no microphone,
talk switch, or recording device.
Local permit only; maximum value - $150.00; clear (see-through)
case only; no larger than 8 inches x 14 inches; no microphone,
talk switch, or recording device.
Printed Materials
General Restrictions and Conditions
a) Books, magazines and
b) Calendar
c) Greeting cards with
matching envelopes
d) Posters
Paper only (no laminates). All material subject to Directive #4572,
"Media Review Guidelines." Newspapers may only be received from
the publisher or an approved distributor via the correspondence unit.
Specific Restrictions and Conditions
New or used. May be delayed through the Package Room up to 6
days for close security inspection if received from other than
publisher or approved distributor
Max. size 18"x14" when opened; no metal components
Maximum size 18" x 14" when opened; maximum of 50 per month;
no electronic cards.
Maximum size 18" x 14"; no metal components.
Typewriters/ Supplies
General Restrictions and Conditions
Typewriter - 1 only; maximum value - $350 w/case (if case is
purchased, it must be a hard case); the typewriter body must be
made of clear, see-through material.
Sources: Items listed below may only be received directly from an
approved commercial source. New only.
a) Portable Typewriter
b) Electric adapter or
c) Typewriter correction
d) Correction ribbon
e) Typewriter print wheel
f) Typewriter ribbons
Specific Restrictions and Conditions
Manual or electric; local permit only; no discs or permanent storage
memory exceeding 7K, except for "correction memory" and internal
spell-check and/or dictionary; no memory upgrade or internal or
external ports usable for data transfer. The Department assumes no
liability for information lost due to searches, power surges, or
outages, etc.
Local permit only.
Replacement only.
One only, on an exchange basis.
Maximum of six.
Musical Instrument
General Restrictions and Conditions
Local permit only; 1 only; maximum value - $200 w/case; a non-
electronic musical instrument, new or used, may be received from
home - otherwise it may only be received directly from an approved
commercial source. An electronic musical instrument, if permitted,
must be new, may only be purchased from and received directly from
an approved commercial source, and may not have voice recording
capability, digitally enhanced or re-manufactured like sounds (i.e.
voices, ringing, phone tones, animal sounds, etc.), a microphone or
any disc or other removable storage device,.
A list of articles approved by an employee designated by the Superintendent must be submitted to
the Package Room before they may be received by an inmate.
General Restrictions and Conditions
a) Beard trimmer
b) Coffee pot
c) Curling iron.
d) Hair/Blow dryer
e) Shaver/electric razor
For in-cell use only.
Specific restrictions and conditions.
Local permit only (electric/cord/cordless/battery, no attachments max
1” blade
Local permit only; non-electric; 9 cup maximum.
Females only; local permit only; UL approved.
Local permit only; UL approved.
Local permit only; electric, cord or cordless or battery.
Specific restrictions and conditions.
a) Extension cord
b) Key ring
c) Magnifying glass
d) Matches
e) Needles
f) Pins safety
g) Rug
h) Saddle soap
i) Shoelaces
j) Sponges
k) Sunglasses w/case
l) Thread
m) Tissues
9 foot maximum; UL approved; 1 only.
Plastic; no handle; 2" x 3" or 3" diameter maximum.
Book only.
Sewing; 2 inches maximum size.
2 inches maximum.
Solid color only-no blue, black, orange or gray; max size 3 ft. x 5 ft.;
not braided; label must indicate "fire retardant"; 1 only (does not
include prayer rug).
No leather.
Standard size; non-reflector; maximum value $25 per pair (2 pair only).
No blue, black, orange or gray.
Eyeglass and facial.
General Restrictions and Conditions
a) Sheets
b) Blanket
c) Pillow cases
d) Towels
e) Washcloths
Colors: No blue, black, orange, gray, green or white permitted. Solid
color only.
Specific Restrictions and Conditions
twin size only; 2 sets only per inmate
twin size only; 1 only per inmate; label must indicate "fire retardant"
standard size; 2 only per inmate
standard size bath towel (3 feet x 5 feet maximum)
Jewelry, etc.
General Restrictions and Conditions
a) Wrist Watch/Band
b) Watch battery
c) Wedding band
No stones; no protrusions
Specific Restrictions and Conditions
Time-day-date-audible alarm only permitted; 1 only; max. combined
value - $50
Subject to exchange on one-for-one basis
Maximum value - $150; verified married person only
Jewelry-Females Only
Specific Restrictions and Conditions
a) Bracelets
b) Earrings
c) Necklaces
d) Rings
Maximum combined value of female-only items - $150. No stones.
Wrist or ankle; limit 2; no charms.
Pierced or clip; limit 3 pairs; 1-inch maximum size
Limit 2; maximum length 18 inches.
Other than wedding; limit 2; no protrusions
Religious Articles
General Restrictions and Conditions
- Purchase, receipt, or use of religious articles is subject to the
provisions of Directive #4202, “Religious Programs and Practices”.
- No color restrictions apply unless specified. Where multi-colored
items are permitted, black, blue, gray or orange must not be
- Clothing items cannot exceed $50, head coverings cannot exceed
$20 and beads cannot exceed $20 in value.
- Questions on the identity or authenticity of a religious item shall be
referred to the facility Chaplain.
Specific Restrictions and Conditions
a) Fez
b) Kufi
c) Yarmulke
d) Tsalot-kob
e) Keski/Dastaar
f) Khimar
g) Talit Katan
A brimless, cone-shaped flat crowned, hat not to exceed 3made of
red felt; usually has a tassel -- male only.
A brimless, hemispheric cap that can be made of cloth, or can be
knitted, or crocheted; may have a peak on top; must fit close to the
head; no protrusions (visor, tassels, etc.); male only; may be multi-
colored or black.
A brimless, close-fitting skull cap that can be made of cloth, knitted, or
crocheted; may be multi-colored or black.
A hemispheric head cap that can be made of cloth, knitted, or
crocheted; may have a peak on top; may be multi-colored;
approximately 12 inches at longest point; must fit close to the head;
male only.
A cloth turban head cover; 30 inches x 36 inches maximum; solid
black, blue, gray or orange not permitted; may be multi-colored; limit
A cloth head item; female only; 4 feet x 4 fee maximum; solid black,
blue, gray or orange not permitted; may be multicolored.
A fringed garment worn under the clothing.
h) Tefillin
i) Talit (Prayer Shawl)
j) Guthra (Prayer Shawl)
k) Prayer Robe
l) Prayer Beads
m) Prayer Rug
n) Religious Books
(Bible, Koran, etc.)
o) Religious Pendant with
Chain or Fabric
p) Khimar
Two square leather boxes containing biblical verses with long
leather ties.
No larger than 72”x72”solid black, blue, gray or orange not
permitted; may be multi-colored.
1 yard square; solid black, blue, gray or orange not permitted; may
be multi-colored.
Solid black, blue, gray or orange not permitted; may be multi-
Rosary Dhikr, and Mala Beads black only
One only; may be possessed in addition to rug permitted under
miscellaneous; 3 inches by 5 inches maximum; solid blue, black,
gray or orange not permitted; may be multi-colored value may not
exceed $50.
Subject to the restrictions on printed material covered in Section F-
3 above.
Maximum value of $25; no stones; maximum two inches in
diameter; e.g. medal crucifix, cross, pentacles, Thor’s hammers,
Start of David, chains, crescent with stars and/or moons, scapular.
A cloth scarf-type head covering; female only; no more than 4’x4’
should solid blue, black, gray or orange is not permitted; limit 2
Native American Items
General Restrictions and Conditions
a) Native American Rosette
and Cord
b) Native American
Personal Smoking Pipe
c) Native American Ashtray
or Shell
d) Native American
Medicine Bag
Beaded pendant; attached to a leather or fabric cord.
Not to exceed six inches in length.
For smudging; less than three inches in diameter.
No larger than 2’x3’ and unsealed with a draw string
Abraham House
Telephone: (718) 292-9321
Address: 340 Willis Avenue
Bronx, NY 10454
Website: abrahamhouse.org
The Abraham House works with incarcerated people, formerly incarcerated people, and
their relatives to break the cycle of crime within families. Abraham House’s services
include an alternative-to-incarceration program, a family center offering social services
and a religious community of formerly incarcerated people, after-school programming for
all children, college preparation, and mentoring.
Al Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
Telephone: (212) 941-0094
Address: P.O. Box 862
4 West 43
Street, Suite 308
New York, New York 10036
Website: NYCAlanon.org
Information on 12-Step meetings for family and friends of people suffering with
Angel Tree/Prison Fellowship
Telephone: (800) 552-6435
Address: P.O. Box 960
Peck Slip Station
New York, New York 10272-0960
Website: www.angeltree.org;
Provides religious ministry and support to the children and families of prisoners by
distributing holiday gifts to children of prisoners.
Bronxworks Stronger Fathers, Stronger Families
Telephone: (718) 993-8880
Address: 630 Jackson Avenue, Bronx, NY 10455
Website: bronxworks.org/strong-fathers-stronger-families
Strong Fathers, Stronger Families is a program designed to help fathers find jobs, achieve
economic stability, establish a healthy relationship with their co-parent or spouse, and
enhance parenting skills to make a positive impact on the lives of their children.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens, Inc.
Telephone: (718) 722- 6001
Fax: (718) 722- 6226
Address: 191 Joralemon Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Website: www.ccbq.org
Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens sees its mission as promoting unity among all
persons seeking to develop caring communities and to fulfill their commitment in providing
humane social services to all their neighbors. Catholic Charities sponsors 180 programs
and services throughout the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens.
Child Center of N.Y. (CCNY
Telephone: 718-651-7770
Address: 118-35 queens Boulevard, Sixth Floor
Forest Hills, NY 11375
Website: childcenterny.org
The Child Center of NY began in 1953 as a children’s counseling center in Queens.
Today, we are a powerful community presence throughout NYC, reaching nearly
30,000 children and their families each year. Our mission is to strengthen children and
families with skills,
Children of Promise, NYC
Address: 54 MacDonough Street
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Telephone: (718) 483-9290
Website: cpnyc.org
Children of Promise, NYC (CPNYC) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to
embrace children of incarcerated parents and empower them to break the cycle of
intergenerational involvement in the criminal justice system. To meet the distinct need of
this forgotten population. CPNYC offer comprehensive services through its after-school
program, summer day camp, mentoring initiative and licensed mental health clinic.
Coalition of Families of New York State Lifers
Address: P.O. Box 1314
Wappingers Falls, New York 12590
An organization to help the family members whose loved ones are incarcerated with “life”
in their sentence.
Family Justice, Incorporated
Telephone: (212) 982-2335 or (212) 475 1500
Address: 272 East Third Street
New York, New York 10009
E-mail: familyjustice.org
Website: www.familyjustice.org
Provides training and technical assistance in family case management utilizing a model
that identifies and mobilizes family and community support for the treatment of drug
addiction and other criminal justice related problems. This model is based on La Bodega
de la Familia, a storefront program in New York City.
Hour Children
Telephone: (718) 433-4724
Address: 36-11A 12 Street
Long Island City, New York 11106
E-mail: hour.children@worldnet.ahnet
Provides services to mothers inside and outside correctional facilities. Community-based
programs include: transitional and permanent supportive housing, a comprehensive
employment training and placement program, case management and therapeutic
services, pre- and post-release mentoring, mentoring for children with incarcerated
parents, child care that includes fully licensed day care center, an after-school program,
and a summer camp that enables mothers to go to work or school, thrift shop and a
community food pantry.
Legal Action Center
Telephone: (212) 243-1313
Address: 225 Varick Street
New York, New York 10014
Website: www.lac.org
Provides legal information for people with criminal records, HIV/AIDS, as well as drug and
alcohol problems.
New York State Kinship Navigator Program
Telephone: (877) 454-6463
Website: www.nysnavigator.org
Statewide resource for information and referral for grandparents and other relatives who
are caring for children with incarcerated parents. Provides information on the state and
federal laws governing kinship care, schooling, special needs, medical decision-making,
custody, guardianship, adoption, and much more.
Osborne Association
Telephone: (718) 637 6560
Address: 175 Remsen Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Address: 809 Westchester Avenue
Bronx, NY 10455
Telephone: (718) 707-2600
Website: www.osborneny.org
Provides multiple services and programs for inmates and their families including: a) the
Family Resource Center Hotline (800) 344-3314; b) Family Ties, a program assisting
children to visit their mothers incarcerated at Albion Correctional Facility; c) Family Works,
a program for incarcerated fathers at three New York prisons.
Prison Families Anonymous
Telephone: (631) 943-0441
Address: 1324 Motor Parkway
Hauppauge, NY 11749
A support system for families who now have, or ever had, a loved one involved in the
juvenile or criminal justice system. Meetings are held in Long Island, New York.
Prison Families of New York, Inc.
Telephone: (518) 453-6659
Address: 40 North Main Avenue
Albany, NY 12203
E-mail: Alison.Coleman@rcda.org
Provides information, referrals, reunification support, self-help support groups, public
information, and advocacy.
Women’s Prison Association
Telephone: (646) 292-7740
Address: 110 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Website: www.wpaonline.org
Provides comprehensive services to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women.
Services include parent education, self-help support groups, information, referrals, case
management, mentoring, group activities and gifts for children, nursery, family
reunification support, family therapy, community residential services, as well as legal
services and information.
Aleph Institute
Telephone: (305) 864-5553
Address: 9540 Collins Avenue
Surfside, Florida 33154
Website: www.aleph-institute.org
Provides Jewish religious education, counseling, emergency assistance, and referrals for
Jewish prisoners and their families.
Angel Tree Camping/Prison Fellowship
Telephone: (800) 552-6435
Address: 44180 Riverside Parkway
Lansdowne, VA 20176
Website: www.angeltree.org
Provides religious ministry and support to the children and families of prisoners by
providing a children’s camping program.
Bethesda Family Services Foundation
Telephone: (570) 523-0605
Address: P.O. Box 210
260 Reitz Boulevard, Suite #6
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Website: www.bfsf.org
Provides parent education, self-help support groups, information and referrals, religious
ministry (if requested), family reunification support, and family therapy.
Big Brothers / Big Sisters of America
Telephone: (813) 720-8778
Provides a mentoring program for children. Call the above number and you will be asked
to enter your zip code which will direct you to your local office.
Website: bbbs.org
Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)
Telephone: (202) 688-4200
Address: 727 15
Street, NW, 12
Washington, DC 20005
E-mail: cseymo[email protected]
Website: www.cwla.org
Provides information and referrals, technical assistance to child welfare agencies, and
public information and advocacy.
Fathers Behind Bars, Inc.
Telephone: (616) 684-5715
Address: 525 Superior Street
Niles, Michigan 49120
National Resource Center on Children and Families of the Incarcerated
Website: http://nrccfi.camden.rutgers.edu
The Rutgers University National Resource Center on Children and Families of the
incarcerated website is a resource that addresses children of incarcerated parents. There
is a directory of programs for children of the incarcerated, their parents, and their families.
Visitors can browse a library of helpful material, fact sheets, and research resources for
service providers and families.
Costs and Fees:
A. Money Transfer
Amount Online Phone
$2.00- $9.99 $1.99 $2.99
$10.00- $19.99 $2.99 $3.99
$20.00- $49.99 $3.99 $4.99
$50.00- $300.00 $5.99 $6.99
Item Price
MoneyGram $0.01- $2,999.99 $4.00
Lockbox Free
*The maximum MoneyGram transaction amount is subject to current MoneyGram
B. Music and Media
Time Price
Per JPDS (7-inch) Tablet Free
Per Song $1.00 - $2.50
Per Album $2.00 - $46.00
Games Free - $7.99
Movie and Movie Rental $2.00 - $25.00
eBooks/Audio Books Free - $19.99
*Jpay will provide a tablet to each eligible inmate for the life of the contract. JPay
reserves the right to deny an inmate a replacement tablet should they willfully
damage a tablet. Tablets may be refurbished. The first time each inmate receives
a tablet, they will receive a charger and a set of earbuds. Replacements are
available at an additional cost.
C. Replacement Items
Item Price
Earbuds $5.00
Charger $10.00
D. Secure Messaging Services (prices below are for incoming and outgoing
Item Price
Single Stamp* (per secure message) $0.33
10 Stamp Bundle $3.00
30 Stamp Bundle $8.40
60 Stamp Bundle $15.00
100 Stamp Bundle $23.00
*Single stamp purchases available for inmates only. Stamps purchase up to 6,000
characters per message.
E. Secure Messaging Products
Item Price
Attachment (picture) 1 stamp
Attachment (picture/card) 2 stamps
Videograms* 4 stamps
*Videograms can only be sent in by a community member and the price listed is
the cost to the community member to send the videogram.
F. Tablet Based Education
Item Price
Inmate and Staff use of JPay’s Lantern Free
KA Lite Video Downloads Free
We hope you found this booklet to be useful,
and that it helped contribute to an informed and pleasant experience
with our Department.