Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) At-a-Glance
A Quick Guide from HQ RIO
An overview of IMR Requirements and tips to get them completed
The PHA is an annual requirement. You will
complete the PHAQ, an online quesonnaire
accessible via the MyIMR website (the buon shows
up when you’re eligible to take it). A provider from
your unit’s Military Treatment Facility (MTF) will
review and sign o on it. The Mental Health
Assessment (MHA) is also a part of your PHA and is
mandatory. The MHA varies by MTF and AFSC. More
info on the “MTF Instrucons” tab in MyIMR.
Every three years you will be required to complete
an IN-PERSON PHA. Once your PHAQ is reviewed,
you’ll be noed and can make an appointment for
the in-person PHA. During the in-person PHA you
may also receive a MHA. To monitor the status, read
the MTF INSTRUCTIONS tab on the MyIMR website.
The in-person PHA is annual for yers, PRAP, SOB,
and Arming & Use of Force Personnel.
The most important immunizaon is the u shot, an
annual requirement that MUST be completed each
year, typically by mid-December. You can have the
shot administered at an MTF or a civilian doctor’s
oce or pharmacy.
Every ten years IRs are required to receive a Td
(Tetanus) shot. The same requirements and
submission instrucons apply for this as well.
There are other immunizaons that may be required
for accession and deployments (i.e. Hep A & B, MMR,
varicella, typhoid, anthrax).
IRs are required to have a yearly dental exam. Once
every three years, the exam needs to be military*.
For the other years, have your civilian denst ll out
a DD Form 2813 and submit to your unit’s dental
clinic or to the HQ RIO Medical team via myPers.
Every two years, IRs are required to have an HIV test.
This MUST be conducted at an MTF. There are a few
one-me labs/tests done upon entering the Air Force
(DNA, Blood Type/Rh Factor, G6PD, and Sickle Cell).
* This requirement can be substuted with a civilian exam and DD Form 2813 for FY20. Click HERE for the memo.
Your IMR status can be viewed at hps:// This is a CAC-enabled
website that works best in Chrome. The following are tasks IRs must work to maintain GREEN status.
See the following page for more info about each IMR
task, to include melines, processes, and guidance.
To get email nocaons from MyIMR, ensure your email displayed at the top of the page is correct.
The source of your duty email is vMPF. If your duty email is incorrect, go to the AF Portal, search for
“vMPF” and look for instrucons on how to correct the it. Your corrected email should ow
automacally to ASIMS within 2-3 weeks. MyIMR can’t send emails to .com or other non-gov emails.
MTFs are manned and resourced for their
specic assigned populaon.
If you aren’t going to your assigned MTF, they
might not be able to support you right away.
If possible, aend to your medical readiness tasks while serving your AT or IDTs at your
unit. You are entled to service for readiness tasks from ANY MTF as long as you live
more than 40 miles from your assigned unit. However, you may receive pushback when
aempng to make or aend an appointment when not in status. THIS MEMO explains
what you are entled to. THIS MEMO is to share with MTFs. You do NOT need to be in
status to make the appointment, but you do need to be in some sort of status to aend
one. A points-only IDT is ne; bring a copy of your orders or a signed 40A with you to
show proof of status. If you aren’t near an MTF, THIS MEMO explains how to request
help via the Reserve Health Readiness Program.
IMA Medical Readiness myPers Submissions
If you’d like the Medical Readiness team to upload your documents for
dental or u shots, request assistance with the Reserve Health Readiness
Program, or ask a queson, you can submit a cket in myPers.
Here are the steps:
1. Log into myPers and select IMA Management from
the “LEARN MORE ABOUT” menu. This is also where you
go for pay and travel reimbursement submissions.
2. Select Individual Medical
Readiness Requirements
under “PROGRAMS.”
3. The IR Medical Support page houses all the program informaon for IMA Medical Readiness and should
be your “go to” source for informaon. From here, select Submit Medical Requests By Clicking Here.
4. Choose appropriate submission
type and follow the steps. For a
Reserve Health Readiness Program
request, choose the reason/type of
appointment you are needing.
For more informaon about IMR
categories click on the appropri-
ate Program Informaon link.
Which IMR item are you
concerned about?
Contact your
desired MTF to
PHA DentalFlu shotHIV Screening
Go to the AF Portal, search for My IMR / ASIMS, click link
Ensure you are on the IMR Tab
Under the PHA
section click on
the word
Take the PHAQ
Once PHAQ is
complete, you
will be given
instructions on
how to complete
your Mental
Are you
due an in-person
Review the “Last In-Person
PHA” section (See next page
for specific time frames and
AFSC requirements)
PHAQ far
enough ahead of
time to schedule
PHA during in
status time
Under the PHA
section click on
the word
Take PHAQ,
instructions to
complete MHA
Once PHAQ is
you will be
instructions on
how to complete
your in-person
Review the “Dental
Date” section to
determine when your
last dental exam was
Has it
been more than 3 years
since you saw a military
Have your
civilian dentist
complete a
Send DD2813 to
your servicing
clinic for proper
methods) or to
Support) see
page 3
Contact your
desired Dental
clinic to
schedule in
person visit
Contact your
desired MTF to
determine if you
can “walk-in
for an
immediate HIV
blood draw or if
lead time is
required for a
lab order to be
Report to MTF
for blood draw
Review the “HIV
Date” section to
determine when your
last HIV screen was
completed (required
every 2 years)
Click on the
Instructions” tab
to see if your
MTF has
guidance on
HIV screening
flu shot from MTF or
civilian provider?
Click on the
Instructions” tab
to see if your
MTF has
guidance on
like the flu shot
Report to MTF
section for flu
Find source for
flu shot that
accepts your
Ensure your
shows your
name, date shot
name of office/
number of shot
given, and
to your servicing
MTF (contact
MTF for proper
methods) or to
Support) see
page 3
Flu shot due date varies by
year; monitor myPers
message traffic for specific
date, typically mid-
Monitor myIMR to ensure your
status is properly reflected
3 yrs or
2 yrs
and less
Best Practice: Try to complete
IMR tasks while an AT/IDT at
your unit. If not possible, save
an IDT or use points only
IDTs when your IMR comes
Do I need to be
in status (on
See page 3!