Central Line Insertion Checklist – Template
Patient Name/ID#: ________________________________________ Unit: __________________ Room/Bed: __________
Date: _______________ Start time: ___________ End time: ___________
Procedure Location: (Operating Room / Radiology / Intensive Care Unit / Other: ______________)
Person Inserting Line: ______________________________ Person Completing Form: __________________________
Catheter Type: (Dialysis / Tunneled / Non-tunneled / Implanted / Non-implanted / Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter)
Impregnated: (Yes/No) ________ Number of Lumens: (1, 2, 3, 4) ________ Catheter Lot Number: __________________
Insertion Site: (Jugular / Chest / Subclavian / Femoral / Scalp / Umbilical) ________ Side of Body: (Left / Right) _________
Reason for Insertion: (New indication / Malfunction / Routine Replacement / Emergent) _______ Guide Wire Used: (Yes/No) ___
Critical Steps
No* n/a
BEFORE the procedure:
Patient is educated about the need for and implications of the
central line as well as the processes of insertion and
Patient’s latex/adhesive allergy assessed (modify supplies)
Patient’s infection risk assessed. If at greater risk, why?
Patient’s anticoagulation therapy status assessed
Consent form and other relevant documents complete and in
chart (Exception: Emergent Procedure)
Operator and Assistant used appropriate hand hygiene
Equipment assembled and verified—materials, medications,
syringes, dressings, and labels
Placement confirmation method readied
Patient identified with 2 sources of identification
Procedural time-out performed
Site assessed and marked
Patient positioned for procedure
Skin prep performed with alcoholic chlorhexidine greater than
0.5% (unless under 2 months of age) or tincture of iodine or an
iodophor or alcohol
Skin prep allowed to dry prior to puncture
Patient’s body covered by sterile drape from head to toe
All those performing procedure using sterile gloves, sterile
gown, hat/cap, mask, and eye protection/shield
Others in room wearing mask
Catheter preflushed and all lumens clamped
Local anesthetic and /or sedation used ____________________
DURING the procedure: If ‘No’ for any ‘DURING the procedure’ critical items, end the procedure.
Confirmation of venous placement PRIOR TO dilatation of vein
by: ultrasound/ transesophageal echocardiogram / pressure
transducer / manometry method / fluoroscopy
Blood aspirated from each lumen (intravascular placement
Type and Dosage (mL/units) of flush ____________________
Catheter caps placed on lumens
All lumens clamped (should not be done with neutral or positive
displacement connectors)
Catheter secured (sutured /stapled /steri-stripped)
Tip position confirmation via fluoroscopy OR chest X-ray
Sterile field maintained
Lumens were not cut
Qualified second operator obtained after 3 unsuccessful sticks
Blood cleaned from site
Sterile dressing applied (gauze, transparent dressing, gauze
and transparent dressing, antimicrobial foam disc)
AFTER the procedure:
Dressing dated
Verify placement by x-ray
“Approved for use” writing on dressing after confirmation
If a femoral line placed, elective PIC placement ordered
Central line (maintenance) order placed
Patient is educated about maintenance as needed
* Procedure Deviation: If there is a deviation from process, immediately notify the operator and stop the procedure until corrected.
Procedure Notes/Comments: _______________________________________________________________________________
Catheter Measurements: External length ___________________________ Internal length _____________________________
Distribution Instructions: Please return the completed form to the designated person in your area.
© The Joint Commission. May be adapted for internal use. Suggested citation: The Joint Commission. Preventing Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections: Useful
Tools, An International Perspective. Nov 20, 2013. Accessed [user please fill in access date]. http://www.jointcommission.org/CLABSIToolkit
Central Line Insertion Care Team Checklist Instructions
Operator Requirements:
Specify minimum requirements. For example:
o A minimum of 5 supervised successful procedures in both the chest and femoral sites is required (10 total). If a
physician successfully performs the 5 supervised lines in one site, they are independent for that site only. Please
note that in the absence of contraindications, a chest site is preferred over the femoral due to a lower incidence of
mechanical and infectious complications.
o A total of 3 supervised rewires is required prior to performing a rewire independently.
o Obtain a qualified second operator after 3 unsuccessful sticks (unless emergent).
Operator Role: Person inserting the line
Assistant Role: RN, ClinTech, Physician, NP, PA (responsible for completing checklist)
Patient Positioned for Procedure:
For Femoral/ Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter: Place supine.
For Chest/External Jugular: Use Trendelenburg (HOB < 0 degrees) unless contraindicated.
Sterile Field:
Patient full body drape
o Long sterile may need to be added to commercially prepared kits.
Sterile tray and all equipment for the procedure
Ultrasound probe
Prep Procedure:
Scrub back and forth with chlorhexidine with friction for 30 seconds, allow to air dry completely before puncturing site. Do not
wipe, fan, or blot. (Groin prep: Scrub 2 minutes and allow to dry for 2 minutes to prevent infection.)
o Chlorhexidine/alcohol applicator used; Dry Technique: 30-second scrub + 30-second dry time
o Chlorhexidine/alcohol applicator used; Wet Technique: 2-minute scrub + 1-minute dry time
Guide Wire:
Do not cut the guide wire due to the increased risk of losing the guide wire in the patient.
© The Joint Commission. May be adapted for internal use. Suggested citation: The Joint Commission. Preventing Central Line–Associated Bloodstream Infections: Useful
Tools, An International Perspective. Nov 20, 2013. Accessed [user please fill in access date]. http://www.jointcommission.org/CLABSIToolkit