The requirements for most veterinary schools are about the
same. There are two paths for a student interested in veterinary
medicine. The first involves the student completing a four year
baccalaureate degree generally with a major in biology and a
minor in chemistry. The student completes a four year program
from an accredited college of veterinary medicine for a total of
eight years. The second path is not as time-consuming. After
completing a three year pre-veterinary curriculum, the student
graduates from a four year program from an accredited col-
lege of veterinary medicine. Total years of education without
specialization is seven years.
Kentucky students have the opportunity to enter veterinary
medical school at Auburn University, Auburn, AL or at Tuskegee
University, Tuskegee, AL. This is made possible by the Common-
wealth of Kentucky’s participation in the Southern Regional Edu-
cational Program. The state of Kentucky pays an amount annu-
ally for each student. Auburn University reserves 38 positions
for Kentucky students and Tuskegee holds two positions. Stu-
dents must meet the admission requirements for the respective
school. If admitted, out of state tuition is waived for Kentucky
students. Under both of the above programs the students select-
ed are exempt from the out-of-state tuition that would normally
apply to a Kentucky resident. Admission is on a competitive ba-
sis with the final selection being made by a committee from each
of the veterinary schools.
Pre-veterinary studies is a pre-professional curriculum, not
a degree program. It is strongly recommended that all pre-
veterinary students decide on a degree goal early in their col-
lege career. Although it is possible to complete pre-vet require-
ments in three years, the majority of students accepted to Au-
burn have a B.S. or B.A. degree.
A minimum of 75 semester hours with an overall grade-
point average of 2.50 (on a 4.0 basis) is required prior to con-
sideration for admission. Due to the high level of competition for
admission to any veterinary school, a student should maintain at
least a 3.0 academic standing on all college work. The average
overall GPA for students accepted to veterinary schools is ap-
proximately 3.45. The student must have completed all of the
required courses or acceptable substitutes by June 15 of the
year of possible acceptance. Courses in certain advanced sci-
ences must be taken within six years of entry to Auburn. All re-
quired courses must have a grade of “C” or greater.
Auburn applicants use the Veterinary Medical College Ap-
plication Service (VMCAS) application, available at: The deadline for Auburn applications is
October 1. Auburn requires the General Aptitude portion of the
Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Tuskegee requires a sepa-
rate application form and the GRE, taken within three years of
application. Additional forms are required for both schools
which are available after June 1.
The following curriculum is designed to meet the require-
ments for both Auburn and Tuskegee. However, some changes in
the pre-veterinary curriculum may go into effect during the
school year. The student has the responsibility to work closely
with his or her pre-veterinary advisor in making certain that
all requirements are met for consideration for acceptance.
All CLEP and advanced placement credit for required
courses must have prior approval by your advisor. Auburn does
not accept correspondence credit for required courses, except
for Animal Nutrition.
For more information contact:
Roberta M. Dwyer, DVM, MS
Department of Veterinary Science
Gluck Equine Research Center
College of Agriculture
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40546-0099
(859) 257-4757 ext. 81122
Pre-Veterinary Curriculum Hours
Written Communication requirement 6
Literature* 3 or 6
Fine Arts 3
Humanities/Fine Arts electives 6
History* 3 or 6
Social sciences electives 9
Pre-calculus/Trigonometry or higher 3
The above courses are waived for students with a B.S. or B.A. degree.
BIO 201/201L Zoology and Lab 4
BIO 202/202L Botany and Lab 4
CHE 111 General College Chemistry I 3
CHE 112 General College Chemistry II 3
CHE 113 General Chemistry I Lab 1
CHE 114 General Chemistry II Lab 2
CHE 341 Organic Chemistry I 3
CHE 343 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I 1
CHE 342 Organic Chemistry II 3
CHE 344 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II 2
PHY 141/143 General College Physics and Lab 4
PHY 142/144 General College Physics II and Lab 4
CHE 460 Biochemistry 3
Animal Nutrition 3
Science Electives*** 6+
*6 hour sequence required; ** Must be taken within 6 calendar years
*** May be taken as an online course
Natural Science Division
Campbellsville University
1 University Drive
Campbellsville, KY 42718-2799
Humanities include literature, philosophy, religious studies, speech, and foreign
Fine arts include art, music, theater, and dance with an emphasis on history
and appreciation rather than performance.
Social/behavioral sciences include history, anthropology, economics, geogra-
phy, political science, psychology, and sociology.
Science electives must include at least two of the following: comparative anat-
omy, genetics, embryology, mammalian or animal physiology, microbiology, cell
biology, histology, reproductive physiology, parasitology, or immunology.
College: Freshman Year
Meet with pre-vet / pre-health professions advisor
Learn pre-vet requirements
Think about a major (career options)
Plan a tentative schedule (3-4 yrs)
Develop study skills
Maintain an excellent GPA
Begin extracurricular activities
Participate in pre-vet club (pre-health professions club)
Work/volunteer in veterinary medicine and keep track of hours
for use
in completing your application
Talk to pre-vet upperclassmen to get a reality check
Consider what you will do this summer
College: Sophomore Year
Work / volunteer in veterinary medical area
Meet with pre-vet / pre-health professions advisor
Decide on a major
Fine-tune your college schedule
Maintain an excellent GPA
Check veterinary medical schools’ entry requirements
Consider participating in research
Consider what you will do this summer
Study for the GRE
Apply for the GRE (if you plan to apply after 3 years)
Plan for any special junior year programs (i.e., junior year
College: Junior Year
Complete VMCAS application by October 1 (if applying after 3
Request reference letters
Request / obtain / send transcripts
Complete VMCAS and supplemental applications
Study / apply for / take the GRE
Meet with pre-vet / pre-health professional advisor
Gather information about veterinary schools
Maintain the best GPA you can
Begin preparing VMCAS personal statement
Work / volunteer in veterinary medical area
Visit nearby schools in which you are interested
Consider what you will do this summer
College: Senior Year
Complete VMCAS application by October 1
Complete supplemental application(s)
Request / obtain / send transcripts
Select references / request letters
Provide information
Write thank you notes
Check your e-mail frequently (colleges may contact you if any-
thing is missing)
Work / volunteer in veterinary medical area
Take additional upper level biological science coursesdo well
Interview in the spring
Accept offer by April 15!
Suggested Course Sequence
Freshman Year
Fall Semester Hours
BIO 200 Biological Concepts 4
ENG 111 Freshman Composition I 3
OR 100 Freshman Year Experience 1
MTH 210 Calculus I 4
General Education/Electives 6
Spring Semester
BIO 201 Zoology 4
ENG 112 Freshman Composition II 3
PSY 111 General Psychology 3
TH 120 Fundamentals of Speech or
MAC 140 Introduction to Communication 3
General Education/Electives 5
Sophomore Year
Fall Semester Hours
BIO 202 Botany 4
CHE 111/113 General Chemistry I and Lab 4
CIS 100 Computer Concepts & Applications 3
ENG 210 Lit. Studies 3
Spring Semester
BIO 321 Microbiology 5
CHE 112/114 General Chemistry II and Lab 5
PHY 141/143 General College Physics I and Lab 4
General Education/Electives 4
Junior Year
Fall Semester Hours
BIO 341 Ecology 4
BIO Elective 3-4
CHE 341/343 Organic Chemistry I and Lab 4
PHY 142/144 General College Physics II and Lab 4
Spring Semester
BIO 344 Genetics 4
CHE 342/344 Organic Chemistry II and Lab 5
BIO 348 Medical Terminology 3
Minor/General Education/Electives 5
Senior Year
Fall Semester Hours
BIO 362 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy 5
BIO 480 Senior Seminar OR
BIO 490 Senior Research 1
Minor/General Education/Electives 10
Spring Semester
BIO 422 Animal Physiology 4
BIO Electives 4
Minor/General Education/Electives 8-10
[updated 4/2016]