The North Carolina Senior Tar Heel Legislature (NCSTHL) was authorized by
the North Carolina General Assembly to assess the needs of older citizens, promote citizen
involvement and advocacy concerning aging issues, and provide information and education to older
adults on legislative process and matters being considered by the NCGA. The NCSTHL develops
recommendations to present to the North Carolina General Assembly for consideration. Each county
appoints one delegate to the NCSTHL for a two-year term. Many also appoint an alternate.
60 years of age or older and resides in the county in which they serve
Genuine interest and concern for older adults in NC
Maintains an email account for communication
Commitment and time to meet the expectations of this position
Attend regional and state orientation
Attend up to six regional meetings per year and three statewide meetings per year, which may
require travel
Participate in virtual committee meetings and information sessions (up to twice monthly)
Provide information to county aging planning committees and participate in meetings upon request
Participate on senior center certification site team visits (one to five times during a five-year
period, depending on the number of certified centers in county)
Respond to phone calls and emails within 3 business days
Maintain a strong relationship with other STHL representative in the county and consult on
matters requiring a vote
Learn about the aging network, funding, and issues aecting older adults in NC by attending
relevant meetings, speaking with older adults in the community, reading relevant emails, etc.
Provides information to the public in the county on relevant issues through informational booths,
group presentations, community forums, legislator forums, newspaper articles, radio shows, etc.
Advocate with public ocials regarding NCSTHL’s legislative priorities on behalf of older adults
Network with other members of the NCSTHL
By completing this application form and signing below, you agree to meet the expectations of this
position to the best of your ability.
SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________________ DATE: _____________
North Carolina Senior Tar Heel
Legislature Application
Application Form
General Information
Name of Candidate: ________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________
Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________
County of Residence: _______________________________ Date of Birth: _____________________
E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Employment Status:
Working Full-time
Working Part-time
If Employed: Name of Employer: _________________________________________________________
Wor k Title : ________________________________________________________________
If not a self-nomination, please provide the following information about the nominator:
Name: ____________________________________________ Phone Number: ___________________
E-mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Highest Level of Education:
High School-GED
Professional Licenses Held (if applicable):
1. Meetings are held during the day. Will this create any conflict?
2. Why do you want to serve on the NCSTHL? If nominating someone else, why do you feel they
should serve?
3. Describe candidate’s experience and knowledge relative to issues aecting older adults:
4. Describe candidate’s participation in groups or organizations for older adults and in councils or
committees which advise or oversee programs which have an impact on older persons:
5. Describe any special skills or attributes which would enhance candidate’s eectiveness as a
member of the NCSTHL:
Attachments (optional: resume, curriculum vitae, or bio):