Kentucky Summative Assessments
Released Items
Grade 11 Science
Page 2
Jesse and his dad were stopped in traffic because a work crew was painting a metal bridge. Jesse
asked his dad, “Why do they need to paint the bridge?” His dad explained that the paint was
needed to prevent the chemical reaction of rusting.
Iron + Oxygen Iron (III) Oxide
Jesse says, “Rusting is a chemical reaction? I thought rust was just something that happened.
Which of these statements will help
Jesse understand rust is actually a
chemical reaction?
A Rust is not on the periodic table, so
it is not a chemical.
B Color change is a common
indicator of chemical reactions.
C Rusting is a rapid process that can
be observed while it is happening.
D The reactants both must be in the
same phase for a chemical reaction
to occur.
Released Item Performance
Kentucky Summative Ass essments
Spring 2
Grade 11
Item: SCHS1617_11
Book Q uestion Number: 1
Standard: HS-PS1-2
Item Type: MC
Key: B
Number of
Item Score
Item Breakout Statistics - Answer Cho ice Options
Student Grou p
A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%)
All Students
African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
White (non-Hispanic)
Two or more races
Mi grant
English Learner
Economically Disadvantaged
Students with Disabilities
31,424 66% 0.66 4% 66% 13%
15,606 69% 0.69 3% 69% 12%
15,816 63% 0.63 5% 63% 15%
2,997 56% 0.56 6% 56% 20%
40 65% 0.65 5% 65% 10%
701 74% 0.74 3% 74% 9%
2,476 62% 0.62 5% 62% 13%
38 68% 0.68 3% 68% 11%
23,911 67% 0.67 4% 67% 13%
1,256 67% 0.67 4% 67% 14%
97 58% 0.58 8% 58% 11%
884 42% 0.42 9% 42% 21%
16,108 61% 0.61 5% 61% 16%
1,644 47% 0.47 7% 47% 20%
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08292023 KYRELIT1-000000-0000209
Page 3
Jesse’s family decides to conduct an experiment about rust to help Jesse understand. They predict
what will happen when rusting nails are placed into a glass jar.
Jake says, “When the nails rust, the jar will get heavier.
Paula says, “When the nails rust, the jar will stay the same weight.
Dad says, “It depends.
Jesse says, “When the nails rust, the jar will get lighter.
Jesse’s family members immediately tell Jesse that his prediction can’t be right.
Which one of these statements best
explains why the rest of Jesse’s family
told Jesse his prediction can’t be
A When things rust, they fall apart.
B Chemical reactions always make
things heavier.
C The rusting reaction doesn’t
remove a substance.
D Rusting gives off a gas that makes
the rust heavier.
Released Item Performance
Kentucky Summative Ass essments
Spring 2
Grade 11
Item: SCHS1617_02
Book Q uestion Number: 2
Standard: HS-PS1-7
Item Type: MC
Key: C
Number of
Item Score
Item Breakout Statistics - Answer Choice Options
Student Group
A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%)
All Students
African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
White (non-Hispanic)
Two or more races
Mi grant
English Learner
Economically Disadvantaged
Students with Disabilities
31,429 65% 0.65 13% 8% 65%
15,605 66% 0.66 11% 8% 66%
15,822 64% 0.64 15% 9% 64%
2,997 51% 0.51 17% 14% 51%
40 63% 0.63 18% 5% 63%
701 74% 0.74 7% 7% 74%
2,479 57% 0.57 16% 12% 57%
38 45% 0.45 21% 18% 45%
23,912 67% 0.67 12% 7% 67%
1,257 61% 0.61 14% 10% 61%
97 48% 0.48 20% 11% 48%
886 36% 0.36 20% 25% 36%
16,109 59% 0.59 15% 10% 59%
1,645 45% 0.45 23% 14% 45%
Page 1 of 1
08292023 KYRELIT1-000000-0000202
Page 4
The family debated why they believed their predictions were correct. The conversation soon
turned to Dad’s comment, “It depends.” Dad explained his answer by saying, “It really depends
on whether we put the lid on the jar. Either Jake or Paula could be right.
Page 5
Which statements describe why
either Jake’s or Paula’s prediction
could be correct, depending on
whether the jar remains closed or
Select the TWO best answers.
A The mass of the jar will increase
when the jar is open.
B The mass of the jar will decrease
when the jar is open.
C The mass of the jar will increase
when the jar is closed.
D The mass of the jar will not change
when the jar is open.
E The mass of the jar will not change
when the jar is closed.
Released Item Performance
Kentucky Summative Ass essments
Spring 2
Grade 11
Item: SCHS1617_10
Book Q uestion Number: 3
Standard: HS-PS1-7
Item Type: MS
Key: A,E
31,422 31.3% 0.63 50% 38% 12%
15,602 28.6% 0.57 53% 36% 10%
15,818 33.9% 0.68 46% 40% 14%
2,996 29.7% 0.59 49% 43% 8%
40 37.5% 0.75 43% 40% 18%
701 36.2% 0.72 47% 34% 19%
2,477 29.8% 0.60 51% 39% 10%
38 21.1% 0.42 66% 26% 8%
23,908 31.5% 0.63 50% 38% 13%
1,257 30.3% 0.61 49% 41% 10%
97 33.5% 0.67 41% 51% 8%
884 28.8% 0.58 50% 43% 7%
16,106 30.0% 0.60 50% 40% 10%
1,645 31.4% 0.63 45% 47% 8%
Number of
Item Score
Item Breakout Statistics - Score Percenta ges
Student Group
Score 0 (%) Score 1 (%) Score 2 (%)
All Students
African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
White (non-Hispanic)
Two or more races
Mi grant
English Learner
Economically Disadvantaged
Students with Disabilities
Page 1 of 1
08292023 KYRELIT1-000000-0000208
Page 6
Jesse thinks about some things around his home that have rust on them, such as his old bike, the
metal grille on the family’s car, and some tools. He asked his teacher, “Can we predict how things
might rust?” His teacher replied, “Rusting is a type of reaction called oxidation. You need to know
the outer shell electron configuration to predict how a substance will oxidize.
What one periodic pattern would
most likely help Jesse predict the
correct chemical formula for lithium
+ oxygen lithium oxide?
A The atomic masses of these
B The number of neutrons these
elements contain.
C The location of the elements
within their rows (period).
D The location of the elements
within their columns (group).
Released Item Performance
Kentucky Summative Ass essments
Spring 2
Grade 11
Item: SCHS1617_04
Book Q uestion Number: 4
Standard: HS-PS1-2
Item Type: MC
Key: D
Number of
Item Score
Item Breakout Statistics - Answer Choice Options
Student Group
A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%)
All Students
African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
White (non-Hispanic)
Two or more races
Mi grant
English Learner
Economically Disadvantaged
Students with Disabilities
31,419 23% 0.23 24% 31% 22%
15,601 23% 0.23 25% 31% 20%
15,816 23% 0.23 22% 31% 24%
2,997 18% 0.18 26% 33% 24%
40 18% 0.18 30% 35% 18%
701 30% 0.30 22% 24% 24%
2,475 22% 0.22 23% 33% 21%
38 18% 0.18 24% 34% 24%
23,908 24% 0.24 24% 31% 22%
1,255 23% 0.23 25% 30% 23%
97 26% 0.26 18% 34% 23%
883 18% 0.18 24% 35% 24%
16,104 21% 0.21 23% 33% 22%
1,643 19% 0.19 22% 33% 26%
Page 1 of 1
08292023 KYRELIT1-000000-0000203
Page 7
Jesse’s teacher shows him a model that illustrates the electron configuration of lithium (Li)
reacting with oxygen (O) to form lithium oxide. This type of model is commonly used to illustrate
how periodic patterns help make predictions about how elements will bond to form compounds.
Based on this model, Li and O are likely to combine to form lithium oxide.
Lewis dot structureElement
Lithium Li
= electron
= electron
Oxygen O
Jesse wonders if he can use this type of model to illustrate how the rusting of iron occurs.
Page 8
Which one of these models best
demonstrates the correct atomic
configuration and electron transfer
that occurs in the formation of iron
(III) oxide?
Released Item Performance
Kentucky Summative Ass essments
Spring 2
Grade 11
Item: SCHS1617_05
Book Q uestion Number: 5
Standard: HS-PS1-2, HS-PS1-7
Item Type: MC
Key: C
Number of
Item Score
Item Breakout Statistics - Answer Choice Options
Student Group
A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%)
All Students
African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
White (non-Hispanic)
Two or more races
Mi grant
English Learner
Economically Disadvantaged
Students with Disabilities
31,412 41% 0.41 15% 27% 41%
15,599 39% 0.39 14% 28% 39%
15,811 42% 0.42 16% 26% 42%
2,995 39% 0.39 14% 30% 39%
40 40% 0.40 10% 33% 40%
701 46% 0.46 18% 17% 46%
2,475 39% 0.39 14% 30% 39%
38 45% 0.45 11% 29% 45%
23,902 41% 0.41 15% 26% 41%
1,256 41% 0.41 14% 27% 41%
97 35% 0.35 13% 34% 35%
880 38% 0.38 15% 31% 38%
16,103 40% 0.40 14% 29% 40%
1,643 38% 0.38 15% 30% 38%
Page 1 of 1
08292023 KYRELIT1-000000-0000204
Page 9
Jesse says, “I can use patterns on the periodic table to predict all kinds of things. I predict that iron
will bond with sulfur to form a molecule similar to the way a molecule forms when rusting
Which one of these patterns of the
periodic table best allows Jesse to
make this prediction?
A Sulfur and oxygen are usually gases.
B Sulfur and oxygen are in different
C Sulfur and oxygen are in the same
D Sulfur and oxygen have similar
Released Item Performance
Kentucky Summative Ass essments
Spring 2
Grade 11
Item: SCHS1617_06
Book Q uestion Number: 6
Standard: HS-PS1-2
Item Type: MC
Key: C
Number of
Item Score
Item Breakout Statistics - Answer Choice Options
Student Group
A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%)
All Students
African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
White (non-Hispanic)
Two or more races
Mi grant
English Learner
Economically Disadvantaged
Students with Disabilities
31,419 38% 0.38 19% 16% 38%
15,600 39% 0.39 19% 15% 39%
15,817 37% 0.37 19% 16% 37%
2,998 33% 0.33 23% 19% 33%
40 38% 0.38 23% 23% 38%
700 42% 0.42 14% 14% 42%
2,473 36% 0.36 22% 17% 36%
38 45% 0.45 24% 13% 45%
23,908 39% 0.39 19% 15% 39%
1,257 39% 0.39 21% 16% 39%
97 36% 0.36 26% 11% 36%
879 28% 0.28 23% 23% 28%
16,106 36% 0.36 21% 17% 36%
1,644 30% 0.30 21% 24% 30%
Page 1 of 1
08292023 KYRELIT1-000000-0000205
Page 10
Now that Jesse understands the importance of oxygen in causing iron to rust, he realizes that the
purpose for painting the bridge is to keep the two reactants separated. If the paint peels, the iron
will begin to rust. He remembers that his dad said meats, apples, avocados, and other foods
undergo this process.
Which one choice best
demonstrates a way to prevent the
process of oxidation that is similar to
the way the painting of bridges
prevents the process of oxidation?
A Meat is kept in the freezer until it is
B Apples aren’t peeled until just
before they are eaten.
C Bacon is soaked in a salt solution
before it is packaged.
D Avocados are mashed before
serving to increase their surface
Released Item Performance
Kentucky Summative Ass essments
Spring 2
Grade 11
Item: SCHS1617_07
Book Q uestion Number: 7
Standard: HS-PS1-5
Item Type: MC
Key: B
Number of
Item Score
Item Breakout Statistics - Answer Choice Options
Student Group
A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%)
All Students
African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
White (non-Hispanic)
Two or more races
Mi grant
English Learner
Economically Disadvantaged
Students with Disabilities
31,411 39% 0.39 29% 39% 26%
15,598 42% 0.42 29% 42% 24%
15,811 35% 0.35 30% 35% 29%
2,998 27% 0.27 40% 27% 23%
40 43% 0.43 30% 43% 20%
700 45% 0.45 26% 45% 24%
2,472 31% 0.31 34% 31% 26%
38 29% 0.29 32% 29% 32%
23,901 41% 0.41 27% 41% 27%
1,257 37% 0.37 33% 37% 25%
96 19% 0.19 39% 19% 30%
878 25% 0.25 33% 25% 22%
16,101 34% 0.34 32% 34% 26%
1,644 27% 0.27 33% 27% 28%
Page 1 of 1
08292023 KYRELIT1-000000-0000206
Page 11
The oxidization of iron causes the bonding characteristics of the new substance to be different.
Once iron has oxidized, it tends to flake off easily from the original structure, exposing new iron
to be oxidized.
Jesse reads about how bridges sometimes collapse because uncontrolled rusting weakens their
Which one of the following bridges would probably be weakened most rapidly by
oxidation? Explain why you chose this bridge based on the factors influencing reaction
Unpainted iron bridge in Alaska
Painted iron bridge in Alaska
Unpainted iron bridge in Florida
Painted iron bridge in Florida
Released Item Performance
Kentucky Summative Ass essments
Spring 2
Grade 11
Item: SCHS1617_08
Book Q uestion Number: 8
Standard: HS-PS1-5
Item Type: ER
Key: Rubric
29,011 27.7% 1.11 25% 45% 25% 5% 1%
14,789 29.0% 1.16 24% 43% 27% 5% 1%
14,221 26.4% 1.06 26% 47% 22% 4% 1%
2,533 19.2% 0.77 41% 42% 14% 2% 0%
35 27.1% 1.09 20% 54% 23% 3% 0%
682 35.8% 1.43 18% 36% 34% 10% 2%
2,239 24.7% 0.99 30% 46% 21% 3% 0%
34 17.6% 0.71 38% 53% 9% 0% 0%
22,369 28.8% 1.15 23% 45% 26% 5% 1%
1,115 26.3% 1.05 27% 46% 23% 4% 1%
84 19.6% 0.79 36% 50% 14% 0% 0%
717 13.5% 0.54 55% 37% 7% 1% 0%
14,557 24.2% 0.97 31% 46% 20% 3% 0%
1,434 17.5% 0.70 43% 45% 11% 1% 0%
Number of
Item Score
Item Breakout Statistics - Score Percenta ges
Student Group
Score 0 (%) Score 1(%) Score 2 (%) Score 3 (%) Score 4 (%)
All Students
African American
American Indian or Alaska Native
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
White (non-Hispanic)
Two or more races
Mi grant
English Learner
Economically Disadvantaged
Students with Disabilities
Page 1 of 1
08292023 KYRELIT1-000000-0000207
Kentucky Academic Standards Science Rubric
There is evidence in this response that the student has a complete and thorough
understanding of the multi-dimensional question as evidenced by their explanation of the
phenomenon and/or solution to the problem.
The response is complete, thorough and correct and based on appropriate knowledge and
The response does not contain errors or flaws in logical thinking or those flaws are
irrelevant to the accuracy of the answer
The response reflects complete synthesis and understanding of complex ideas
The response is completely coherent and based on effective application of relevant
dimensions (SEP and/or DCI and/or CC)
The response integrates a solution that is completely correct and based on the principles
of engineering design (if applicable)
There is evidence in this response that the student has a general understanding of the
multi-dimensional question as evidenced by their explanation of the phenomenon and/or
solution to the problem.
The response is generally complete and the question is answered using appropriate
knowledge and skills
The response may contain minor errors or flaws in logical thinking and those flaws may or
may not be irrelevant to the accuracy of the answer
The response reflects a general synthesis and understanding of complex ideas
The response is generally coherent and based on application of relevant dimensions (SEP
and/or DCI and/or CC)
The response integrates a solution that is generally correct and mostly based on the
principles of engineering design (if applicable).
There is evidence in this response that the student has a limited understanding of the
multi-dimensional question as evidenced by their explanation of the phenomenon and/or
solution to the problem.
The response is partially complete and/or the question is answered using limited
understanding of knowledge and skills
The response may contain significant errors or flaws in logical thinking
The response reflects a limited synthesis and understanding of complex ideas
The response may or may not be coherent and based on some application of relevant
dimensions (SEP and/or DCI and/or CC)
The response integrates a solution that is partly correct and may or may not be based on
the principles of engineering design (if applicable).
There is evidence in this response that the student has a minimal understanding of the
multi-dimensional question as evidenced by their explanation of the phenomenon and/or
solution to the problem.
The response is minimal and/or the question is answered using minimal understanding of
knowledge and skills
The response may contain major significant errors or flaws in logical thinking
The response reflects a minimal synthesis and understanding of complex ideas
The response is not coherent or is not based on application of relevant dimensions (SEP
and/or DCI and/or CC)
The response integrates a solution that is minimally correct and may or may not be based
on the principles of engineering design (if applicable).
There is no evidence that the student has an understanding of the material related to the
question being asked in terms of science content and logical thinking skills.
The response is blank, entirely incorrect and/or irrelevant.
Anchor Set
16. I think the painted iron bridge in Alaska because Alaska is a cold, wet place with lots of snow. the water that
remains on the bridge will eventually cause it to rust under the paint. the paint will then spread the rust faster
underneath causing it to deteanate.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 1
Score Point 0
There is no evidence that the student has an understanding of how to determine which bridge would probably be
weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The incorrect selection of a
painted iron bridge in Alaska along with an explanation that is irrelevant indicates a lack of understanding of the
material related to the question.
An unpainted bridge in Alaska would most likely oxidize the fastest. The unpainted bridge has no layer between
the bridge and cold wether from Alaska: that has high oxygen levels. The level of oxygen from the cold air is
more than in warmer air, The colder oxygen is more dense, and the more density makes the oxygen stronger
against the unpainted bridge, which metal is exposed.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 2
Score Point 0
There is no evidence that the student has an understanding of how to determine which bridge would probably be
weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The selection of an unpainted
bridge in Alaska is incorrect. Although an attempt is made to explain oxygen’s effect on the bridge (The level of
oxygen from the cold air is more than in warmer air), the explanation is incorrect, indicating a lack of
understanding of the question.
A painted iron bridge in Flordia would be weakened most rapidly because it has been painted before. “Once
iron has been oxidized, it tends to flake off easily from the original structure, exposing new iron to be oxidized.”
The heat would have a factor on the rapid weakness on the bridge also.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 3
Score Point 0
There is no evidence that the student has an understanding of how to determine which bridge would probably be
weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The response contains a vague
statement regarding heat and rapid weakening on the bridge as well as a quote from the stem material describing
oxidization and flake-off that exposes new iron to additional oxidization. This information on its own is not
relevant. As such, this explanation, along with the selection of an incorrect bridge, indicates a lack of
understanding of the material related to the question.
I believe an unpainted bridge in florida would be weakend the most by oxidation because there would be
nothing protecting the bare iron. Therefore, it would oxidize faster.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 4
Score Point 1
There is evidence in this response that the student has minimal understanding of how to determine which bridge
would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The
selection of an unpainted bridge in Florida is correct. The explanation (there would be nothing protecting the bare
iron. Therefore, it would oxidize faster) lacks elaboration and specifics, but does minimally support the choice of
this bridge.
unpainted bridge in florida due to the heat and humidity of the states location
Anchor Annotation, Paper 5
Score Point 1
There is evidence in this response that the student has minimal understanding of how to determine which bridge
would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The
correct bridge is indicated along with factors in Florida (heat and humidity) to support the selection of an
unpainted bridge in that state. This explanation lacks supporting evidence but is correct, indicating a minimal
understanding of the question being asked.
An unpainted bridge in florida would be weatered most rapidly by oxidation. Since there is a lot of rain and salt
in the area it only speeds up the process
Anchor Annotation, Paper 6
Score Point 1
There is evidence in this response that the student has minimal understanding of how to determine which bridge
would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The
correct bridge is indicated along with an attempt to provide factors and results of these factors that would affect
the bridge (rain and salt in the area . . . it only speeds up the process) as support for the selection of an unpainted
bridge in Florida. This level of support indicates a minimal comprehension of the multi-dimensional question
being asked.
Unpainted iron bridge in Florida will rust more rapidly. It is always warm in Florida so thats why it would rust
faster than it would in Alaska. Since it is unpainted their is nothing to keep oxygen from getting to it so it’s
gonna rust quick.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 7
Score Point 2
There is evidence in this response that the student has limited understanding of how to determine which bridge
would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The bridge
selection is correct, and the explanation reflects limited synthesis. The explanation correctly indicates climate will
be a determining factor (It is always warm in Florida so thats why it would rust faster than it would in Alaska),
which supports the selection of a bridge in Florida. Support for the selection of an unpainted bridge is also accurate
(Since it is unpainted their is nothing to keep oxygen from getting to it so it’s gonna rust quick). Note that, as
compared to the previous response, there is additional information here that is relevant and correct, adding more
support that indicates a holistic level of understanding that is more limited than minimal.
I believe the unpainted bridge in Florida will most rapidly oxidize quicker because if its unpainted then the iron
will oxidize quicker and where it is in the heat most of the time, the iron will rust faster. Unlike the others that
are either painted or in the cold which would make the bridge oxidize slower. That is why, the bridge that is
unpainted in Florida will be the most weak and most rapidly oxidized/Rust quickest bridge.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 8
Score Point 2
There is evidence in this response that the student has limited understanding of how to determine which bridge
would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The
unpainted bridge in Florida is indicated and the explanation supports this selection (if its unpainted then the iron
will oxidize quicker and where it is in the heat most of the time, the iron will rust faster). Some additional
development is provided to support the reasoning behind not selecting the other bridges (Unlike the others that
are either painted or in the cold which would make the bridge oxidize slower), reflecting limited synthesis and
understanding. The lack of elaboration to explain why oxidation and rust are more likely to occur on unpainted
iron where it is warm prevents the response from being considered more than limited.
I believe a unpainted Iron bridge in Florida would be the weakest. Due to Heat within Florida, the oxygen atoms
move more Rapidly, causing the iron bridge to rust faster. Also, due to Acid Rain & large amounts of
presipation would cause oxidation to occur over a shorter amount of time. Also, due to main kind adding weight
onto the bridge, oxidation would & will make the bridge weaker.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 9
Score Point 2
There is evidence in this response that the student has limited understanding of how to determine which bridge
would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The most
salient support for the correct selection of the unpainted iron bridge in Florida (Due to Heat within Florida, the
oxygen atoms move more Rapidly, causing the iron bridge to rust faster) is correct and indicates some limited
understanding, although it lacks additional elaboration to clarify why this molecular movement will increase the
rate at which the bridge rusts. The information regarding acid rain and large amounts of precipitation adds some
limited support but also lacks additional elaboration (due to Acid Rain & large amounts of presipation would
cause oxidation to occur over a shorter amount of time). The reasoning behind choosing an unpainted bridge is
not addressed, and the information regarding people adding weight to the bridge is not relevant but does not
The unpainted bridge in Florida would rust the fastest because of the heated climate. Particles move faster and
cause a faster reaction to an iron bridge with no paint. Oxidation would be constantly occuring in a heated
climate rather than a moderate and cool climate like Alaska.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 10
Score Point 3
There is evidence in this response that the student has a general understanding of how to determine which bridge
would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The
explanation supporting the selection of an unpainted bridge in Florida is correct and indicates general
understanding of why the bridge was chosen (because of the heated climate. Particles move faster and cause a
faster reaction to an iron bridge with no paint). The idea of why a bridge with no paint is selected is not clearly
developed, although the final sentence (Oxidation would be constantly occuring in a heated climate rather than a
moderate and cool climate like Alaska) does make mention of constant oxidation, which would be an accurate
result for an unpainted bridge, but this connection is not clearly integrated into the response. As such, the response
reflects a general synthesis and understanding of the complex ideas associated with the question. Note that, in
comparison to Anchor paper 9, in this response the inclusion of the idea of increased reaction time due to heat
and increased particle movement helps to clarify why this increased movement is significant.
I would say the unpainted iron bridge in Florida because the salty rain fall and higher tempratures would cause
the bridge to rust faster. The upainted bridge would rust much faster than the painted one because it doesnt have
that extra layer of protection to protect it from erroding And I believe the bridge in Florida would rust faster
because of the salt water and warm tempratures, while in alaska it is always cold and might slow down the
rusting proccess.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 11
Score Point 3
There is evidence in this response that the student has a general understanding of how to determine which bridge
would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The
response is generally correct with an accurate assertion that the unpainted bridge in Florida would weaken most
rapidly. The explanation for why an unpainted bridge would weaken most rapidly is generally correct (it doesnt
have that extra layer of protection to protect it from erroding). The explanation for why a bridge in Florida would
be more susceptible to oxidation than one in Alaska synthesizes the climate of Florida (the salty rain fall and
higher tempratures) and explains a lower rate of oxidation in Alaska (it is always cold and might slow down the
rusting proccess). Holistically, the response is generally complete and reflects a general synthesis and
understanding of complex ideas.
The bridge that will weaken most rapidly is the unpainted bridge in Florida. My reason for this is not only is it
exposed to oxygen for not being painted, but also the bridge is open for more elements to affect it. Florida is
known for its sunny beaches which has salt and high humidity. These elements could help the process of
chemically reacting with the oxygen to speed up the oxidation process. Unlike Florida, Alaska is known to be
cold and have snow. Since cold temperatures have matter contract as well as have the bridges being covered in
frost from the weather, it’s more unlikely for the unpainted bridge to rust than the unpainted brdge in Florida.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 12
Score Point 3
There is evidence in this response that the student has a general understanding of how to determine which bridge
would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction rates. The
unpainted bridge in Florida is correct and the explanation that supports the selection of an unpainted bridge is
generally complete (not only is it exposed to oxygen for not being painted, but also the bridge is open for more
elements to affect it). The explanation that supports Florida is generally correct (Florida is known for its sunny
beaches which has salt and high humidity. These elements could help the process of chemically reacting with the
oxygen to speed up the oxidation process). Note that this portion of the explanation would be strengthened with
clarification that the reaction is with iron. Some supporting evidence is included to explain why a bridge in Alaska
is excluded (Since cold temperatures have matter contract as well as have the bridges being covered in frost).
Holistically, the response demonstrates a general understanding.
The unpainted iron bridge in Florida would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation. An unpainted
bridge would be weakened most rapdily because nothing is keeping the iron and oxygen separated, resulting in
nothing hindering the reaction. A bridge would be weakened faster in Florida than in Alaska because of the
warmer weather. Warmer weather allows the reaction to take place faster because the molecules will be moving
quicker. In Alaska, where it’s cold, the molecules would move slower. Therefore, an unpainted bridge in
Florida would be weakened most rapidly by oxidation.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 13
Score Point 4
There is evidence in this response that the student has a complete and thorough understanding of how to determine
which bridge would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction
rates. The response is complete and correct with an accurate explanation for why an unpainted bridge would be
weakened most rapidly (because nothing is keeping the iron and oxygen separated, resulting in nothing hindering
the reaction), and why a bridge in Florida would weaken faster than one in Alaska (because of the warmer weather.
Warmer weather allows the reaction to take place faster because the molecules will be moving quicker). The
conclusion, which is provided in the final sentence (Therefore, an unpainted bridge in Florida would be weakened
most rapidly by oxidation), is completely supported by the accurate and coherent information that precedes it.
The unpainted iron bridge in Florida would most rapidly weaken due to oxidation. There are two factors that
would attribute to the oxidation, one being the lack of paint on the bridge. This easily exposes the raw iron to
oxygen, speeding up oxidation. The other factor influencing the reaction is the warm, moist air of Florida. Not
only does the air have the ability to carry oxygen molecules, but the warmth is also a catalyst, which speeds up
the reaction. Comparing this to the cool, dry air in Alaska, the unpainted bridge there would not weaken as fast,
along with the other painted bridges in Florida and Alaska.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 14
Score Point 4
There is evidence in this response that the student has a complete and thorough understanding of how to determine
which bridge would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction
rates. The response is complete and correct with an accurate assertion that the unpainted bridge in Florida would
weaken most rapidly. The explanation for why an unpainted bridge would weaken most rapidly is correct (lack
of paint on the bridge. This easily exposes the raw iron to oxygen, speeding up oxidation), as is the information
for why a bridge in Florida would weaken faster than one in Alaska (warm, moist air of Florida. Not only does
the air have the ability to carry oxygen molecules, but the warmth is also a catalyst, which speeds up the reaction).
The error of describing the warm air as a “catalyst” is considered irrelevant and does not detract from the overall
accuracy and thoroughness of the response.
The unpainted iron bridge in Florida would probably be the most rapidly weakened by the processes of
oxidation. This is because, of course, the paint of a painted bridge would act as an insulator or barrier between
the iron and oxygen, suggesting that the painted bridges in Florida and Alaska could likely be ruled out – they
do not expose the iron bridges to oxidation like the unpainted bridges would. Then, it can be determined that the
Florida unpainted bridge would be the most rapidly weakened as opposed to the unpainted Alaska bridge
because temperature is a factor that affects the speed of particles. Oxygen atoms in the air, due to their gas form,
are more likely to collide with each other and surrounding structures (i.e.: the unpainted bridge) as a result of
higher temperatures. The higher the temperature, the faster the oxygen atoms will move and collide, leading
them to more rapidly oxidize the iron in a bridge. Therefore, since Florida temperatures tend to be higher than
Alaskan temperatures, it can be concluded that the unpainted Florida bridge would weaken from oxidation the
most rapidly.
Anchor Annotation, Paper 15
Score Point 4
There is evidence in this response that the student has a complete and thorough understanding of how to determine
which bridge would probably be weakened most rapidly by oxidation based on the factors influencing reaction
rates. The response is complete and correct with an accurate assertion that the unpainted bridge in Florida would
probably weaken most rapidly. The explanation for why an unpainted bridge would weaken most rapidly as a
result of oxidation is correct (the paint...would act as an insulator or barrier between the iron and oxygen),
thorough, and synthesized to rule out a painted bridge in either state (suggesting that the painted bridges in Florida
and Alaska could likely be ruled out-they do not expose the iron bridges to oxidation like the unpainted bridges
would). The explanation supporting the unpainted Florida bridge is also correct and thorough (temperature is a
factor that affects the speed of particles. Oxygen atoms in the air, due to their gas form, are more likely to collide
with each other and surrounding structures [i.e.: the unpainted bridge] as a result of higher temperatures. The
higher the temperature, the faster the oxygen atoms will move and collide, leading them to more rapidly oxidize
the iron in a bridge). The conclusion provided in the final sentence (Therefore, since Florida temperatures tend to
be higher than Alaskan temperatures, it can be concluded that the unpainted Florida bridge would weaken from
oxidation the most rapidly) is supported by the accurate and thorough information that precedes it.
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