34-1-101. "Purchaser" defined.
The term "purchaser", as used in this act shall be construed to
embrace every person to whom any estate or interest in real
estate shall be conveyed for a valuable consideration, and also
every assignee of a mortgage or lease, or other conditional
34-1-102. "Conveyance" defined.
The term "conveyance", as used in this act, shall be construed
to embrace every instrument in writing by which any estate or
interest in real estate is created, alienated, mortgaged or
assigned, or by which the title to any real estate may be
affected in law or in equity, except wills, leases for a term
not exceeding three (3) years, executory contracts for the sale
or purchase of lands, and certificates which show that the
purchaser has paid the consideration and is entitled to a deed
for the lands, and contain a promise or agreement to furnish
said deed at some future time.
34-1-103. Letters of attorney; not a conveyance.
The preceding section shall not be construed to extend to a
letter of attorney, or other instrument, containing a power to
convey lands as agent or attorney for the owner of such lands.
34-1-104. Letters of attorney; recordation; effect as
Every letter of attorney, or other instrument, containing a
power to convey lands as agent or attorney for the owner of such
lands, and every executory contract for the sale or purchase of
lands, only when acknowledged by such owner, may be recorded by
the county clerk of any county in which the lands to which such
letter, instrument or contract relates, or any part of such
lands, may be situated, and when so acknowledged, and the record
thereof when recorded, or a transcript of such record duly
certified, may be read in evidence in the same manner and with
like effect as a conveyance recorded in such county.
34-1-105. Letters of attorney; recordation; when
revocation valid.
No letter of attorney, or other instrument so recorded, shall be
deemed to be revoked by any act of the party by whom it was
executed, unless the instrument containing such revocation be
also recorded in the same office in which the instrument
containing the power was recorded.
34-1-106. Form and capacity of conveyances.
Conveyances of land or of any estate or interest therein, may be
made by instrument executed and acknowledged by the party from
whom or which the estate or interest is intended to pass.
34-1-107. Quitclaim deed.
A deed of quitclaim and release shall be sufficient to pass all
the estate which the grantor could lawfully convey by deed of
bargain and sale.
34-1-108. Married women; right to convey generally.
A married woman may, by her deed or mortgage, convey her real
estate in like manner as she might, if she were an unmarried
34-1-109. Married women; right to convey all interest in
land divested from husband; effect of conveyance.
In all cases where the interest of the husband in any tract or
parcel of land has been, or shall be, divested by process of
law, or by voluntary conveyance or otherwise, the wife may, by
her separate deed, release and convey to the purchaser, his
heirs or grantees, all her interest in such tract or parcel of
land, whether in possession or expectancy, in the same manner as
though she were sole and unmarried; and any deed by the wife so
executed and acknowledged, shall be a valid and sufficient bar
in law and equity to any right or choice of dower, or other
interest which she may thereafter assert in such premises.
34-1-110. Married women; conveyance by nonresident.
When any married woman, not residing in this state, shall join
her husband in any conveyance of real estate situated within
this state, the conveyance shall have the same effect as if she
were sole, and the acknowledgment of proof of the execution of
such conveyance by her, may be the same as if she were sole.
34-1-111. Conveyance by tenant for life.
A conveyance made by a tenant for life or years, purporting to
grant a greater estate than he possessed or could lawfully
convey, shall not work a forfeiture of his estate, but shall
pass to the grantee all the estate which such tenant could
lawfully convey.
34-1-112. Claim of adverse possession not to invalidate
No grant or conveyance of lands or interest therein shall be
void, for the reason that at the time of the execution thereof,
such land shall be in the actual possession of another, claiming
34-1-113. Acknowledgment of conveyances; generally.
Execution of deeds, mortgages or other conveyances of lands, or
any interest in lands, shall be acknowledged by the party or
parties executing same, before any notarial officer. The
notarial officer taking such acknowledgment shall comply with
the requirements of W.S. 32-3-109.
34-1-114. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-1-115. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-1-116. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-1-117. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-1-118. Where conveyance to be recorded.
A certificate of the acknowledgment of any deed, mortgage or
conveyance, or proof of the execution thereof, before a notarial
officer, shall entitle such deed, mortgage or conveyance,
certificate or certificates aforesaid, to be recorded in the
office of the county clerk in the county where the land lies.
34-1-119. Duties of county clerk generally.
(a) The county clerk of each county within this state
shall receive and record at length all deeds, mortgages,
conveyances, patents, certificates and instruments left with him
for that purpose, and he shall endorse on every such instrument
the day and hour on which it was filed for record. The county
clerk shall not record any document until the address of the
grantee, mortgagee or assignee of the mortgagee is furnished to
the county clerk, but this requirement shall not affect the
validity of the recording of any instrument except to the extent
provided in W.S. 34-1-142(b). Only instruments which are the
originally signed documents, including electronic documents
recorded pursuant to the Uniform Real Property Electronic
Recording Act, W.S. 34-1-401 through 34-1-407, or properly
certified or authenticated copies thereof may be properly
recorded. A document is properly certified if in compliance with
Rule 902 of the Wyoming Rules of Evidence or other applicable
rule or statute.
(b) Whenever a transfer on death deed is filed with the
county clerk pursuant to W.S. 2-18-103, the county clerk shall
furnish the following information to the Wyoming department of
health, division of healthcare financing within fourteen (14)
days of recording the deed:
(i) The name of the grantor;
(ii) The name of the grantee;
(iii) The legal description of the property being
34-1-120. Unrecorded conveyance void as to subsequent
purchasers recording first.
Every conveyance of real estate within this state, hereafter
made, which shall not be recorded as required by law, shall be
void, as against any subsequent purchaser or purchasers in good
faith and for a valuable consideration of the same real estate
or any portion thereof, whose conveyance shall be first duly
34-1-121. Recorded instrument as notice to subsequent
purchasers; recordation of instruments issued by United States
or state of Wyoming.
(a) Each and every deed, mortgage, instrument or
conveyance touching any interest in lands, made and recorded,
according to the provisions of this chapter, shall be notice to
and take precedence of any subsequent purchaser or purchasers
from the time of the delivery of any instrument at the office of
the county clerk, for record. Any and all instruments or other
documents, or copies of instruments or other documents duly
certified by any agency, department or bureau of the United
States or the state of Wyoming having charge of the records of
the instruments or other documents, conveying, remising or
demising, or otherwise affecting:
(i) Real estate on any Indian reservation and
relating to any period the real estate may be or has been held
by the United States in trust for an Indian or Indians or Indian
tribe, or restricted against alienation under the laws of the
United States, or any interest in the real estate; or
(ii) Real estate, or any interest therein, or any
assignment thereof, issued by the United States or the state of
Wyoming, or any agency, department or bureau of either thereof,
including mineral leases and assignments thereof, certificates
of purchase or payment for public lands issued by the receiver
of the land office, shall be entitled to record under this
chapter, and the record of all instruments or other documents
shall have the same effect to all intents and purposes as though
the same were acknowledged and otherwise executed as required by
the provisions of this chapter relating to conveyances.
34-1-122. Force and effect of conveyances prior to act.
All conveyances of real estate heretofore made and acknowledged
or proved in accordance with the laws of this state in force at
the time of such making, acknowledgment or proof, shall have the
same force as evidence, and be recorded in the same manner and
with like effect as conveyances executed and acknowledged in
accordance with the provisions of this act.
34-1-123. Admissibility of conveyance or record thereof as
All deeds, mortgages, conveyances or instruments of any
character, concerning any interest in lands within this state,
which shall be executed, acknowledged, attested or proved in
accordance with the provisions of this act or the laws of this
state, or the local laws of any mining district wherein such
real estate is situate, in force at the date of such
acknowledgment, attestation or proof, may be read in evidence,
without in the first instance additional proof of the execution
thereof, and the record of any such deed, mortgage, conveyance
or instrument, whether an original record of any mining
district, or a copy thereof deposited in the register's [county
clerk's] office of any county, in accordance with the laws of
this state (as a part of the records of such mining district) or
a record of such recorder's office, when the same appears by
such record to be properly acknowledged, attested or proved in
accordance with the laws of this state, or of the proper mining
district in force at the date of such acknowledgment,
attestation or proof, or a transcript from any such record,
certified by the register [county clerk] of the proper county
where such deed, mortgage, conveyance or instrument ought by law
to be recorded, may, upon the affidavit of the party desiring to
use the same, that the original thereof is not in his possession
or power to produce, be read in evidence with like effect as the
original of such deed, mortgage, conveyance or instrument
properly acknowledged, attested or proved as aforesaid, but the
effect of such evidence may be rebutted by other competent
34-1-124. Federal land office instruments; generally;
railway maps and affidavits; recording and recording fees.
Patents heretofore or hereafter issued by the United States, for
lands and certificates of purchase or payment for public lands,
heretofore or hereafter issued by the receiver of any land
office of the United States, shall be entitled to be recorded
under the provisions of this chapter, and the record of all such
instruments shall have the effect to all intents and purposes,
as though same were acknowledged and otherwise executed as
required by law; provided, that any railroad company, having a
right-of-way or station grounds, acquired in conformity to an
act of the congress of the United States, requiring a map
thereof, to be approved by the secretary of the interior, shall
file with the county clerk, of any county in this state, wherein
such right-of-way and station grounds may be, a copy of such
map, duly authenticated, together with the affidavit of any
officer or agent of such railroad company, describing by quarter
sections the lands within such county, affected by such right-
of-way, which were public lands when such map was approved, and
it shall be the duty of such county clerk to record said
affidavit, and file said map, and to note upon the abstract of
lands of his office as to each quarter section so described,
that a right-of-way across the same is claimed by the company
filing said map; provided, further, that the fee for filing said
map and recording said affidavit, shall be two dollars ($2.00).
34-1-125. Federal land office instruments; as evidence.
The certificate of purchase or payment issued by the receiver of
any land office of the United States, or the record thereof, or
if the same be lost or destroyed or beyond the reach of the
person entitled thereto, secondary evidence of its contents, is
proof of the title to the lands described therein, equivalent to
a patent against all except the United States or the holder of a
patent from the United States.
34-1-126. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-1-127. Effect on purported absolute conveyance of
unrecorded deed of defeasance.
When a deed or mortgage purports to be an absolute conveyance in
terms, but is made or intended to be made defeasible by force of
defeasance, or other instrument for that purpose, the original
conveyance shall not be thereby defeated or affected as against
any person other than the maker of the defeasance, or his heirs
or devisees, or persons having actual notice thereof, unless the
instrument of defeasance shall have been recorded in the office
of the county clerk of the county where the lands lie.
34-1-128. Recorded assignment of mortgage.
The recording of the assignment of a mortgage, shall not in
itself, be deemed notice of such assignment to the mortgagor,
his heirs or personal representatives, so as to invalidate any
payment made by them or either of them to the mortgagee.
34-1-129. Husband or wife may appoint each other as
attorney-in-fact to control interests.
A husband or wife may constitute the other his or her
attorney-in-fact to control or dispose of his or her property,
or any inchoate or other interest therein and may revoke the
same to the same extent and in the same manner as other persons.
34-1-130. County clerk to discharge mortgage or deed of
trust on record when certificate of release recorded.
Any mortgage or deed of trust shall be discharged upon the
record thereof, by the county clerk in whose custody it shall
be, or in whose office it is recorded, when there shall be
recorded in his office a certificate or deed of release executed
by the mortgagee, trustee or beneficiary, his assignee or
legally authorized representative, or by a title agent or title
insurer acting in accordance with the provisions of W.S. 34-1-
145 through 34-1-150, acknowledged or proven and certified as by
law prescribed to entitle conveyances to be recorded, specifying
that such mortgage or deed of trust has been paid or otherwise
satisfied or discharged, and the county clerk shall make a
reference to such release in the record.
34-1-131. Force and effect of section 34-1-130 on
mortgages and deeds of trust executed and deeds of trust
discharged prior to act.
The preceding section, as hereby amended, shall apply to all
mortgages and deeds of trust, heretofore as well as those which
may be hereafter, executed and the release or discharge of any
deed of trust heretofore made in accordance with said section,
by the trustee named in said deed of trust or his successor, is
hereby legalized and declared to be as binding upon all parties
in interest as though such release or discharge had been made
after the passage of this act.
34-1-132. Liability of mortgagee for failing to discharge;
damage limitations; definition.
(a) A mortgagee shall, within thirty (30) days after
having received by certified or registered mail a request in
writing for the discharge or release of a mortgage, execute and
acknowledge a certificate or deed of discharge or release of the
mortgage if there has been full performance of the condition of
the mortgage and if there is no other written agreement between
the mortgagee and mortgagor encumbering the property subject to
the mortgage.
(b) A mortgagee who fails or refuses to discharge or
release a mortgage within the thirty (30) day period required by
subsection (a) of this section is liable to the mortgagor or his
assignees for:
(i) All actual damages resulting from the mortgagee's
failure or refusal to discharge or release the mortgage; and
(ii) Special damages in the amount of one-tenth of
one percent (.10%) of the original principal amount of the
mortgage for each additional day after the thirty (30) day
period until the mortgage is released or discharged. Special
damages authorized by this paragraph shall not exceed one
hundred dollars ($100.00) per day.
(c) Notwithstanding any assignment of the mortgage, the
mortgagee of record is liable for the damages specified in
subsection (b) of this section unless, within sixty (60) days
after receipt of the request for discharge or release as
provided by subsection (a) of this section, he furnishes to the
person making the request the name and address of the current
assignee or holder of the mortgage who has legal authority to
execute the discharge or release.
(d) As used in this section "mortgagee" means the
mortgagee named in the original mortgage or, if assigned, the
current holder of the mortgage or the servicing agent for the
current holder of the mortgage.
34-1-133. Release; mortgage of deceased nonresident
Whenever any nonresident of this state shall die without this
state, owing, at the time of his death, debts secured by
mortgage or other incumbrance upon real or personal property
situated in this state, and the debtor shall make voluntary
payment of such debt to the executor of the last will and
testament of such deceased person, or to the administrator of
the estate of such deceased person, whose letters testamentary
or of administration, as the case may be, were issued from the
proper court of the state or territory of the United States,
where such deceased creditor resided at the time of his death,
it shall be lawful and competent for such executor or
administrator to execute a full and valid release, and
acquittance of such debt, and of the mortgage or other
incumbrance securing the same; provided, that there shall be
attached to such release and acquittance, and made a part
thereof, a full and complete transcript of the records of the
court issuing such letters testamentary or of administration, as
the case may be, certified to by the clerk of such court, or
other proper custodian of the records thereof, under his hand
and under the seal of such court, fully exhibiting the due
appointment and qualification of such executor or administrator,
and there shall also be attached to such release and made a part
thereof, a certificate under the hand of the presiding judge of
such court, or the clerk thereof, that at the date of such
release, the person or persons executing the same, was such duly
appointed and qualified executor or administrator, as set forth
in such release. Any release so executed shall be admitted to
record, in this state, in the office of any of the county clerks
and upon being recorded in the proper office, the county clerk
shall discharge the mortgage or other incumbrance in such
release mentioned, in the manner provided by law, but this
section shall not be construed to authorize any administrator
appointed by the courts of any other state or territory of the
United States, to exercise any power, within the state other
than the power to receive voluntary payments of debts due to his
intestate, and to release mortgages or other incumbrances upon
property situate in this state and securing such debts.
34-1-134. Release; mortgage of bankrupt corporation
It shall be the duty of any county clerk within the state of
Wyoming, upon request of any person and the filing in his office
of a certified copy of an order of discharge of any receiver or
trustee in bankruptcy of any national or state bank, trust
company or building and loan association, to cancel of record
any unreleased and unassigned mortgage or deed of trust of
record in his office in which such national or state bank, trust
company, or building and loan association, is mortgagee by
releasing the said mortgage or deed of trust in the record where
the same has been placed of record, and said release shall be
effective and constitute a discharge of the lien of said
mortgage or trust deed upon the real property covered by the
same in the same manner and to the same effect as if said
release had been made by the mortgagee thereof.
34-1-135. Covenants; not implied in conveyances;
No covenant shall be implied in any conveyance of real estate
other than a conveyance of oil, gas or other minerals whether
such conveyance contains special covenants or not.
34-1-136. Covenants; not implied for payment of sum
secured by mortgage.
No mortgage shall be construed as implying a covenant for the
payment of the sum thereby intended to be secured, where there
shall be no express covenant for such payment contained in the
mortgage, and, if no bond or other separate instrument to secure
such payment shall be given, the remedies of the mortgagee shall
be confined to the lands mentioned in the mortgage.
34-1-137. Fees tail prohibited; future interests of fees
tail; worthier title doctrine abolished.
(a) The creation of fees tail is not permitted. The use in
an otherwise effective conveyance of property of language
appropriate to create a fee tail, creates a fee simple in the
person who would have taken a fee tail. Any future interest
limited upon such an interest is a limitation upon the fee
simple and its validity is determined accordingly.
(b) The doctrine of worthier title is abolished as a rule
of law and as a rule of construction. Language in a will, trust
agreement, beneficiary designation or other governing instrument
describing the beneficiaries of a disposition as "heirs," "heirs
at law," "next of kin," "distributees," "relatives" or "family"
or language of similar import, does not create or presumptively
create a reversionary interest in the transferor.
34-1-138. Perpetuities; short title.
This act may be cited as the "Model Rule Against Perpetuities
34-1-139. Perpetuities; time limits for vesting;
restrictions on selected lives; legislative intent.
(a) No interest in real property shall be valid unless it
must vest not later than twenty-one (21) years after some life
in being at the creation of the interest and any period of
gestation involved in the situation to which the limitation
applies. The lives selected to govern the time of vesting must
not be so numerous nor so situated that evidence of their deaths
is likely to be unreasonably difficult to obtain. It is intended
by this subsection to make effective in this state the American
common-law rule against perpetuities for interests in real
(b) A trust created after July 1, 2003, owning or holding
property other than or in addition to interests in real
property, shall continue for up to one thousand (1,000) years
after the trust's creation, unless some earlier term is
expressly set forth in the trust instrument, so long as:
(i) Repealed by Laws 2019, ch. 47, § 2.
(ii) Repealed by Laws 2019, ch. 47, § 2.
(iii) The trust is governed by the laws of this
(iv) The trustee maintains a place of business,
administers the trust in this state or is a resident of this
state; and
(v) The trust terms require that any power of
appointment over the trust property, other than interests in
real property, terminate and all such interests in trust
property vest or terminate no later than one thousand (1,000)
years after the trust's creation or such earlier date as is set
forth in the trust instrument.
(c) Repealed by Laws 2019, ch. 47, § 2.
(d) Repealed by Laws 2019, ch. 47, § 2.
(e) If a trust owns or holds both interests in real
property and interests in property other than real property,
subsection (a) of this section shall apply to any real property
interests held in the trust and subsection (b) shall apply to
the remaining property of the trust.
34-1-140. Establishing joint tenancy or tenancy by
entirety in real or personal property.
(a) A joint tenancy or a tenancy by the entirety as to any
interest in real or personal property may be established by the
owner thereof, by designating in the instrument of conveyance or
transfer, the names of such joint tenants or tenants by the
entirety, including his own, without the necessity of any
transfer or conveyance to or through a third person.
(b) Unless the deed specifies another form of ownership,
the designation of tenants on an instrument of conveyance or
transfer of real property as "husband and wife," "spouses" or
similar language, shall be deemed to establish a tenancy by the
entirety under subsection (a) of this section.
34-1-141. Easements.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section,
easements across land executed and recorded after the effective
date of this act which do not specifically describe the location
of the easement are null and void and of no force and effect.
(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section,
agreements entered into after the effective date of this act
which grant the right to locate an easement at a later date and
which do not specifically describe the location of the easement
are null and void.
(c) For purposes of this section an easement or agreement
which does not specifically describe the location of the
easement or which grants a right to locate an easement at a
later date shall be valid for a period of one (1) year from the
date of execution of the easement or agreement. If the specific
description is not recorded within one (1) year then the
easement or agreement shall be of no further force and effect.
(d) For purposes of this section the specific description
required in an easement shall be sufficient to locate the
easement and is not limited to a survey.
(e) For purposes of this section options to obtain
easements at a later date shall not be considered easements or
agreements pursuant to subsections (b) and (c) of this section
and shall be for a period not to exceed seven (7) years.
34-1-142. Instrument transferring title to real property;
procedure; exceptions; confidentiality.
(a) When a deed, contract or other document transferring
legal or equitable title to real property, including instruments
conveying ownership of structures on lands not owned by the
transferring party, is presented to a county clerk for
recording, the instrument shall be accompanied by a statement
under oath by the grantee or his agent disclosing the name of
the grantor and grantee, the addresses and contact information
of the grantor and grantee, the date of transfer, date of sale,
a legal description of the property transferred, the actual full
amount paid or to be paid for the property, terms of sale and an
estimate of the value of any nonreal property included in the
(b) No instrument evidencing a transfer of real property
may be accepted for recording until the completed sworn
statement is received by the county clerk. The validity or
effectiveness of an instrument as between the parties is not
affected by the failure to comply with subsection (a) of this
(c) For instruments transferring title as described in
this subsection, the presenting party may omit from the
statement the amount paid or other consideration exchanged for
the property, the terms of the sale and an estimate of the value
of any nonreal property included in the sale that would
otherwise be required to be included in the statement under
subsection (a) of this section:
(i) An instrument which confirms, corrects, modifies
or supplements a previously recorded instrument without added
(ii) A transfer pursuant to mergers, consolidations
or reorganizations of business entities;
(iii) A transfer by a subsidiary corporation to its
parent corporation without actual consideration or in sole
consideration of the cancellation or surrender of a subsidiary
(iv) A transfer which constitutes a gift of more than
one-half (1/2) of the actual value;
(v) A transfer between husband and wife or parent and
child with only nominal consideration therefor;
(vi) An instrument the effect of which is to transfer
the property to the same party;
(vii) A sale for delinquent taxes or assessments or a
sale or a transfer pursuant to a foreclosure;
(viii) Any other transfers which the state board of
equalization and department of revenue exempts upon a finding
that the information is not useful or relevant in determining
sales-price ratios.
(d) The sworn statements shall be used by the county
assessors and the state board of equalization and the department
of revenue along with other statements filed only as data in a
collection of statistics which shall be used collectively in
determining sales-price ratios by county. An individual
statement shall not, by itself, be used by the county assessor
to adjust the assessed value of any individual property.
(e) The statement is not a public record and shall be held
confidential by the county clerk, county assessor, county board
of equalization, the state board of equalization and the
department of revenue. A statement may be disclosed pursuant to
W.S. 39-13-109(a)(i) to any person wishing to review or contest
his property tax assessment or valuation. The statement shall
not be subject to discovery in any other county or state
(f) Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 174, § 3.
(g) As used in W.S. 34-1-142 through 34-1-144:
(i) A "review" is considered the initial meetings
between the taxpayer and the county assessor's office pursuant
to W.S. 39-13-109(b)(i);
(ii) "Contest" means the filing of a formal appeal
pursuant to W.S. 39-13-109(b)(i);
(iii) "Geographic area" may include any area
requested by the property owner or his agent within the
boundaries of the county in which the subject property is
(h) The state board of equalization shall adopt rules and
regulations to implement W.S. 34-1-142 and 34-1-143 which shall
include forms to be used and which shall be used by county
assessors and county clerks.
34-1-143. Information to be furnished to department of
revenue and the state board of equalization.
The county clerk shall place the recording data on the statement
of consideration paid and deliver the statement to the county
assessor. The county assessor shall furnish information from the
statements of consideration to the state board of equalization
and department of revenue as the board or department shall
require, and when disclosed under W.S. 34-1-142(g) and
39-13-109(b)(i), any person or his agent wishing to review or
contest his property tax assessment or valuation and the county
board of equalization. The county assessor may furnish
information from the statements of consideration to a county
assessor in another county in this state to be used as provided
by law.
34-1-144. Penalty for falsifying statement.
It is a misdemeanor for a person to willfully falsify or
publicly disclose, except as specifically authorized by law, any
information on the statement of consideration required by W.S.
34-1-142 and 34-1-143. Upon conviction the offender is subject
to a fine of not more than seven hundred fifty dollars
($750.00), imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or
34-1-145. Definitions.
(a) As used in W.S. 34-1-145 through 34-1-150:
(i) "Beneficiary" means the record owner of the
beneficiary's interest under a trust deed, including successors
in interest;
(ii) "Mortgage" means as described in W.S. 34-2-107;
(iii) "Mortgagee" means the record owner of the
mortgagee's interest under a mortgage, including a successor in
(iv) "Satisfactory evidence of the full payment of
the obligation secured by a trust deed or mortgage" means the
original cancelled check or a copy of a cancelled check, showing
all endorsements, payable to the beneficiary, servicer or
mortgagee and reasonable documentary evidence that the check was
to effect full payment under the trust deed or an encumbrance
upon the property covered by the trust deed or mortgage;
(v) "Servicer" means a person or entity that collects
loan payments on behalf of a beneficiary or mortgagee;
(vi) "Title agent" means a title insurance agent
licensed as an organization under W.S. 26-23-316 and bonded as a
title abstractor under W.S. 26-23-308 or 33-2-101;
(vii) "Title insurer" means a title insurer
authorized to conduct business in the state under the Wyoming
Insurance Code;
(viii) "Trust deed" means as described in W.S.
34-1-146. Reconveyance of trust deed or release of
mortgage; procedures; forms.
(a) A title insurer or title agent may reconvey a trust
deed or release a mortgage in accordance with the provisions of
subsections (b) through (f) of this section if:
(i) The obligation secured by the trust deed or
mortgage has been fully paid by the title insurer or title
agent; or
(ii) The title insurer or title agent possesses
satisfactory evidence of the full payment of the obligation
secured by a trust deed or mortgage.
(b) A title insurer or title agent may reconvey a trust
deed or release a mortgage under subsection (a) of this section
regardless of whether the title insurer or title agent is named
as a trustee under a trust deed or has the authority to release
a mortgage.
(c) No sooner than thirty (30) days after payment in full
of the obligation secured by a trust deed or mortgage, and after
notice is given pursuant to W.S. 34-1-132, the title insurer or
title agent shall deliver to the beneficiary, mortgagee or
servicer, or send by certified mail to the beneficiary,
mortgagee or servicer, at the address specified in the trust
deed or mortgage or at any address for the beneficiary or
mortgagee specified in the last recorded assignment of the trust
deed or mortgage a notice of intent to release or reconvey and a
copy of the release or reconveyance to be recorded as provided
in subsections (d) and (e) of this section.
(d) The notice of intent to release or reconvey shall
contain the name of the beneficiary or mortgagee and the
servicer if loan payments on the trust deed or mortgage are
collected by a servicer, the name of the title insurer or title
agent, the date and be substantially in the following
Notice is hereby given to you as follows:
1. This notice concerns the (trust deed or mortgage) described
as follows:
(Trustor or Mortgagor):________________________________
(Beneficiary or Mortgagee):____________________________
Recording Information: ________________________________
Book Number:___________________________________________
Page Number: __________________________________________
2. The undersigned claims to have paid in full or possesses
satisfactory evidence of the full payment of the obligation
secured by the trust deed or mortgage described above.
3. The undersigned will fully release the mortgage or reconvey
the trust deed described in this notice unless, within thirty
(30) days from the date stated on this notice, the undersigned
has received by certified mail a notice stating that the
obligation secured by the trust deed or mortgage has not been
paid in full or that you otherwise object to the release of the
mortgage or the reconveyance of the trust deed. Notice shall be
mailed to the address stated on this form.
4. A copy of the (release of mortgage or reconveyance of trust
deed) is enclosed with this notice.
(Signature of title insurer or title agent)
(Address of title insurer or title agent)
(e) If, within thirty (30) days from the day on which the
title insurer or title agent delivered or mailed the notice of
intent to release or reconvey in accordance with subsections (c)
and (d) of this section, the beneficiary, mortgagee or servicer
does not send by certified mail to the title insurer or title
agent a notice that the obligation secured by the trust deed or
mortgage has not been paid in full or that the beneficiary,
mortgagee or servicer objects to the release of the mortgage or
reconveyance of the trust deed, the title insurer or title agent
may execute, acknowledge and record a reconveyance of a trust
deed or release of a mortgage:
(i) A reconveyance of a trust deed under this
subsection shall be in substantially the following form:
(Name of title insurer or title agent), a (title insurer or
title agent) authorized to conduct business in the state does
hereby reconvey, without warranty, the following trust property
located in .... County, state of Wyoming, that is covered by a
trust deed naming (name of trustor) as trustor, and (name of
beneficiary) as beneficiary and was recorded on ....,
....(year), as document number ...., or, if applicable, in Book
.... at Page...., (insert a description of the trust property):
The undersigned title insurer or title agent certifies as
1. The undersigned title insurer or title agent has fully paid
the obligation secured by the trust deed or possesses
satisfactory evidence of the full payment of the obligation
secured by the trust deed.
2. No sooner than thirty (30) days after payment in full of the
obligation secured by the trust deed, the title insurer or title
agent delivered or sent by certified mail to the beneficiary or
servicer at the address specified in the trust deed and at any
address for the beneficiary specified in the last recorded
assignment of the trust deed, a notice of intent to release or
reconvey and a copy of the reconveyance.
3. The title insurer or title agent did not receive, within
thirty (30) days from the day on which the title insurer or
title agent delivered or mailed the notice of intent to release
or reconvey, a notice from the beneficiary or servicer sent by
certified mail that the obligation secured by the trust deed has
not been paid in full or that the beneficiary or servicer
objects to the reconveyance of the trust deed.
(Signature of title insurer or title agent)
(ii) A release of a mortgage under this subsection
shall be in substantially the following form:
(Name of title insurer or title agent), a (title insurer or
title agent) authorized to conduct business in the state does
hereby release the mortgage on the following property located in
.... County, state of Wyoming, that is covered by a mortgage
naming (name of mortgagor) as mortgagor, and (name of mortgagee)
as mortgagee and was recorded on ...., ....(year), as document
number ...., or, if applicable, in Book .... at Page....,
(insert a description of the trust property):
The undersigned title insurer or title agent certifies as
1. The undersigned title insurer or title agent has fully paid
the obligation secured by the mortgage or possesses satisfactory
evidence of the full payment of the obligation secured by the
2. No sooner than thirty (30) days after payment in full of the
obligation secured by the mortgage, the title insurer or title
agent delivered to the mortgagee or sent by certified mail to
the mortgagee or servicer at the address specified in the
mortgage and at any address for the mortgagee specified in the
last recorded assignment of the mortgage, a notice of intent to
release or reconvey and a copy of the release.
3. The title insurer or title agent did not receive, within
thirty (30) days from the day on which the title insurer or
title agent delivered or mailed the notice of intent to release
or reconvey, a notice from the mortgagee or servicer sent by
certified mail that the obligation secured by the mortgage has
not been paid in full or that the mortgagee or servicer objects
to the release of the mortgage.
(Signature of title insurer or title agent)
(iii) A release of mortgage or reconveyance of trust
deed that is executed and notarized in accordance with paragraph
(i) or (ii) of this subsection is entitled to recordation in
accordance with W.S. 34-1-119 and 34-1-130. Except as otherwise
provided in this paragraph, a reconveyance of a trust deed or
release of a mortgage that is recorded under this paragraph is
valid regardless of any deficiency in the release or
reconveyance procedure. If the title insurer's or title agent's
signature on a release of mortgage or reconveyance of trust deed
recorded under this paragraph is forged, the release of mortgage
or reconveyance of trust deed is void.
(f) A release of mortgage or reconveyance of trust deed
under this section does not discharge an obligation that was
secured by the trust deed or mortgage at the time the trust deed
was reconveyed or the mortgage was released.
34-1-147. Objections to reconveyance or release.
A title insurer or title agent may not record a reconveyance of
trust deed or release of mortgage if, within thirty (30) days
from the day on which the title insurer or title agent delivered
or mailed the notice of intent to release or reconvey in
accordance with W.S. 34-1-146(c) and (d), the beneficiary,
mortgagee or servicer sends a notice by certified mail that the
obligation secured by the trust deed or mortgage has not been
paid in full or objects to the release of the mortgage or
reconveyance of the trust deed under W.S. 34-1-146(e).
34-1-148. Liability of title insurer or title agent.
(a) A title insurer or title agent purporting to act under
the provisions of W.S. 34-1-146 who reconveys a trust deed or
releases a mortgage is liable for the damages suffered as a
result of the reconveyance if the obligation secured by the
trust deed or mortgage has not been fully paid and:
(i) The title insurer or title agent failed to comply
with the provisions of W.S. 34-1-146 and 34-1-147; or
(ii) The title insurer or title agent acted with
gross negligence or in bad faith in reconveying the trust deed.
34-1-149. Application of provisions.
The provisions of W.S. 34-1-145 through 34-1-148 apply to any
obligation secured by a trust deed or mortgage that was paid
prior to, on or after July 1, 1999.
34-1-150. Other sections not affected.
W.S. 34-1-145 through 34-1-149 do not excuse a beneficiary,
mortgagee, trustee, secured lender or servicer from complying
with the provisions of W.S. 34-1-132.
34-1-151. Property disclosure statement.
(a) Unless disclosure is waived as provided in subsection
(b) of this section, every seller of vacant land shall provide
to any prospective buyer a property disclosure statement that
includes, but is not limited to, the following information:
(i) Whether the property is being offered as a
unified estate;
(ii) If fee ownership of the underlying mineral
estate has in any way been severed in the chain of title from
the surface estate;
(iii) The availability and location of public
(iv) The name of the entity that maintains the roads
and the level of maintenance available;
(v) The availability of water and sewer
(vi) The availability of fire protection services;
(vii) The existence and location of any easements
across the land known to the seller or recorded in the records
of the county clerk.
(viii) Repealed By Laws 2012, Ch. 45, § 2.
(b) A buyer may waive disclosure of the information
required under subsections (a) and (e) of this section.
(c) No transfer subject to this section shall be
invalidated solely because of the failure to comply with the
provisions of subsection (a) of this section. However, any
person who willfully or negligently violates or fails to perform
the duties prescribed by subsection (a) of this section shall be
liable in the amount of actual damages suffered by the buyer.
(d) For purposes of this section, "vacant land" means
(i) With no habitable dwelling;
(ii) Not within the boundaries of a platted
subdivision, or city or town; and
(iii) Less than one hundred forty (140) acres.
(e) Unless disclosure is waived as provided in subsection
(b) of this section, every seller of land not within the
corporate boundaries of any city or town shall disclose in
writing to any prospective buyer whether fee ownership of the
wind estate has in any way been severed in the chain of title
from the surface estate, including the existence of a wind
energy agreement as defined in W.S. 34-27-102(a)(i).
34-1-152. Ownership of pore space underlying surfaces.
(a) The ownership of all pore space in all strata below
the surface lands and waters of this state is declared to be
vested in the several owners of the surface above the strata.
(b) A conveyance of the surface ownership of real property
shall be a conveyance of the pore space in all strata below the
surface of such real property unless the ownership interest in
such pore space previously has been severed from the surface
ownership or is explicitly excluded in the conveyance. The
ownership of pore space in strata may be conveyed in the manner
provided by law for the transfer of mineral interests in real
property. No agreement conveying mineral or other interests
underlying the surface shall act to convey ownership of any pore
space in the stratum unless the agreement explicitly conveys
that ownership interest.
(c) No provision of law, including a lawfully adopted rule
or regulation, requiring notice to be given to a surface owner,
to an owner of the mineral interest, or to both, shall be
construed to require notice to persons holding ownership
interest in any pore space in the underlying strata unless the
law specifies notice to such persons is required.
(d) As used in this section, the term "pore space" is
defined to mean subsurface space which can be used as storage
space for carbon dioxide or other substances.
(e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to change
or alter the common law as of July 1, 2008, as it relates to the
rights belonging to, or the dominance of, the mineral estate.
For the purpose of determining the priority of subsurface uses
between a severed mineral estate and pore space as defined in
subsection (d) of this section, the severed mineral estate is
dominant regardless of whether ownership of the pore space is
vested in the several owners of the surface or is owned
separately from the surface.
(f) All instruments which transfer the rights to pore
space under this section shall describe the scope of any right
to use the surface estate. The owner of any pore space right
shall have no right to use the surface estate beyond that set
out in a properly recorded instrument.
(g) Transfers of pore space rights made after July 1, 2008
are null and void at the option of the owner of the surface
estate if the transfer instrument does not contain a specific
description of the location of the pore space being transferred.
The description may include but is not limited to a subsurface
geologic or seismic survey or a metes and bounds description of
the surface lying over the transferred pore space. In the event
a description of the surface is used, the transfer shall be
deemed to include pore space at all depths underlying the
described surface area unless specifically excluded. The
validity of pore space rights under this subsection shall not
affect the respective liabilities of any party and such
liabilities shall operate in the same manner as if the pore
space transfer were valid.
(h) Nothing in this section shall alter, amend, diminish
or invalidate rights to the use of subsurface pore space that
were acquired by contract or lease prior to July 1, 2008.
34-1-153. Ownership of material injected into geologic
sequestration sites; liability for holding interests related to
a sequestration site or giving consent to allow geologic
sequestration activities.
(a) All carbon dioxide, and other substances injected
incidental to the injection of carbon dioxide, injected into any
geologic sequestration site for the purpose of geologic
sequestration shall be presumed to be owned by the injector of
such material subject to W.S. 35-11-318 and 35-11-319 and all
rights, benefits, burdens and liabilities of such ownership
shall belong to the injector. This presumption may be rebutted
by a person claiming contrary ownership by a preponderance of
the evidence in an action to establish ownership.
(b) Except as provided in W.S. 35-11-318 and 35-11-319, no
owner of pore space, other person holding any right to control
pore space or other surface or subsurface interest holder, shall
be liable for the effects of injecting carbon dioxide for
geologic sequestration purposes, or for the effects of injecting
other substances for the purpose of geologic sequestration which
substances are injected incidental to the injection of carbon
dioxide, solely by virtue of their interest or by their having
given consent to the injection.
34-1-154. Removal of restrictive covenants in violation of
(a) Any person who holds an ownership interest of record
in real property in this state, or any attorney, title insurance
company or title insurance agent authorized to do business in
this state and acting on behalf of a person with an ownership
interest in real property in this state, may record a new
instrument to remove any restrictive covenant contained in any
conveyance encumbering or otherwise affecting the transfer or
sale of, or any interest in, real property that:
(i) Is held to be void and unenforceable by a final
determination of the supreme court of Wyoming or the supreme
court of the United States of America; or
(ii) Is in violation of the acts prohibited by W.S.
40-26-103 through 40-26-109.
(b) Except as provided in W.S. 34-1-156, any person who,
in good faith, delivers or records any instrument pursuant to
subsection (a) of this section shall be immune from civil
liability. The immunity provided in this subsection shall not be
available to any person who:
(i) Represents or attempts to represent that the
restrictive covenants pertaining to paragraphs (a)(i) or (ii) of
this section, which are void and unenforceable or prohibited by
law, are valid and enforceable; or
(ii) Honors or exercises or attempts to honor or
exercise restrictive covenants pertaining to paragraphs (a)(i)
or (ii) of this section, which are void and unenforceable or
prohibited by law.
34-1-155. Process for removing restrictive covenants in
violation of law.
(a) In accordance with W.S. 34-1-154, a new instrument
removing a restrictive covenant that is in violation of law may
be recorded by filing the new instrument with the county clerk
for the county in which the real property is located.
(b) A new instrument filed and recorded under this section
shall contain all of the following:
(i) The title of the filed and recorded prior
instrument to which the new instrument pertains;
(ii) The name and mailing address of the person
filing and recording the new instrument;
(iii) The name and mailing address of any owner of
record of the real property on whose behalf the new instrument
is being filed;
(iv) The legal description of the real property
subject to the provisions in violation of law as specified in
W.S. 34-1-154(a);
(v) A clear reference to the provisions in the prior
instrument that are in violation of law as specified in W.S. 34-
1-154(a) and have been stricken from the new instrument.
(c) Upon receiving a new instrument that complies with the
requirements of subsection (b) of this section, the county clerk
for the county in which the real property is located shall file
and record the new instrument.
34-1-156. Civil action for removing enforceable covenants.
(a) Any person whose real property is subject to, or is
benefitted by, a restrictive covenant that was removed under
W.S. 34-1-155 and who believes the restrictive covenant is
valid, may petition the court having jurisdiction over the
property. The petition shall state the grounds upon which relief
is requested, and shall be supported by the affidavit of the
petitioner or his attorney setting forth a concise statement of
the facts upon which the petition is based. The clerk of court
shall assign a case number to the petition and obtain from the
petitioner a filing fee of thirty-five dollars ($35.00). Upon
the filing of the petition the following shall apply:
(i) The court may enter its order, which may be
granted ex parte, directing the person who filed and recorded
the instrument to appear before the court at a time no earlier
than six (6) nor later than fifteen (15) days following the date
of service of the petition, and order the person to show cause,
if any, why the relief provided in this subsection should not be
granted. Service under this section shall be made in accordance
with the rules of civil procedure;
(ii) If, following a hearing on the matter the court
determines that the restrictive covenant under subsection (a) of
this section is valid and enforceable, the court shall issue an
order so stating and awarding damages of up to one thousand
dollars ($1,000.00) as determined by the court or actual
damages, whichever is greater, costs and reasonable attorneys'
fees to the petitioner to be paid by the person who filed and
recorded the instrument;
(iii) If the court determines that the restrictive
covenant is void and unenforceable, the court shall issue an
order so stating and shall award costs and reasonable attorneys'
fees to the person who filed and recorded the instrument to be
paid by the petitioner.
34-1-157. Ownership of fossils and artifacts.
(a) The ownership of any fossil, artifact or non-
fossilized animal remains discovered in the strata below the
surface lands and waters of the state is vested in the owner of
the surface estate, unless otherwise governed by W.S. 7-4-106.
(b) When used in any instrument, the term "minerals" does
not include fossils, artifacts or non-fossilized animal remains.
(c) As used in this section:
(i) "Fossil" means any fossilized remains, traces or
imprints of organisms, preserved in or on the earth's crust,
that are of paleontological interest and that provide
information about the history of life on earth, but does not
include coal, oil, gas or other hydrocarbons;
(ii) "Artifact" means any material remains of past
human life or human activities that are of archaeological
34-1-158. Prescriptive easement for water conveyance.
(a) A prescriptive easement for a water conveyance may be
established if a water user has used and maintained a water
conveyance under a claim of right for a period of ten (10) years
during which the use has been:
(i) Continuous and uninterrupted consistent with the
historical and traditional use by the water user of the water
conveyance system. A temporary change of use under W.S. 41-3-110
or a cessation of use, so long as the water rights are not
abandoned under W.S. 41-3-401, shall not be deemed an
interruption under this paragraph;
(ii) Open and notorious; and
(iii) Adverse.
(b) If a water user establishes paragraphs (a)(i) and (ii)
of this section, there is a rebuttable presumption that the use
has been adverse under paragraph (a)(iii).
(c) The holder of a prescriptive easement for a water
conveyance established as provided in subsections (a) and (b)
(i) File a notice describing the prescriptive
easement consistent with the requirements of W.S. 34-1-141 in
the office of the county clerk in which the prescriptive
easement or a portion of the easement is located;
(ii) Access, use, maintain and repair the water
conveyance located within the easement in accordance with law.
Maintenance, as used in this section, shall include the right of
the holder of the prescriptive easement to temporarily remove
infrastructure in or spanning the water conveyance system
provided that:
(A) Before the temporary removal for maintenance
purposes of infrastructure that a landowner uses for ingress or
egress, the holder of the prescriptive easement shall provide
reasonable written notice given the extent and estimated time
for maintenance but in no case shall notice be provided less
than seventy-two (72) hours before any temporary removal;
(B) Any temporary removal of a landowner's
infrastructure for the purpose of water conveyance system
maintenance shall be reasonable and minimize any burden on the
landowner. The holder of the prescriptive easement for a water
conveyance shall replace the landowner's infrastructure in a
timely manner in consultation with the landowner.
(d) As used in this section:
(i) "Water conveyance" means a man made canal, ditch,
drain ditch or pipeline that conveys water for agricultural
purposes including any appurtenant headgates and diversion
(ii) "Water user" means a water user or the water
user's predecessor who owns an adjudicated or valid
unadjudicated water right being conveyed in a water conveyance.
(e) The width of a prescriptive easement for a water
conveyance shall be based on the size of the water conveyance
and the volume of water in the water conveyance system and
(i) Be of a reasonable width sufficient to utilize
equipment suitable for the operation and maintenance of the
water conveyance;
(ii) Be from the center line of the water conveyance
system but may vary from each side of the center line to
reasonably facilitate the size of equipment, placement of dredge
material and the topography that the water conveyance system
(f) The state engineer's office shall post to its website
an informational document regarding legal aspects related to
water conveyance easements. This document shall not constitute
legal advice. All real estate transactions involving property
through which a water conveyance passes through shall include
notice of this document.
34-1-201. Short title; definitions.
(a) This article shall be known and may be cited as the
"Uniform Conservation Easement Act".
(b) As used in this article, unless the context requires
(i) "Conservation easement" means a nonpossessory
interest of a holder in real property imposing limitations or
affirmative obligations the purposes of which include retaining
or protecting natural, scenic, or open space values of real
property, assuring its availability for agricultural, forest,
recreational or open space use, protecting natural resources,
maintaining or enhancing air or water quality, or preserving the
historical, architectural, archeological or cultural aspects of
real property;
(ii) "Holder" means:
(A) A governmental body empowered to hold an
interest in real property under the laws of this state or the
United States but does not include the Wyoming board of land
commissioners after the effective date of 2008 House Enrolled
Act 15; or
(B) A charitable corporation, charitable
association or charitable trust, a primary purpose or power of
which includes retaining or protecting the natural, scenic or
open space values of real property, assuring the availability of
real property for agricultural, forest, recreational or open
space use, protecting natural resources, maintaining or
enhancing air or water quality, or preserving the historical,
architectural, archeological or cultural aspects of real
(iii) "Third-party right of enforcement" means a
right provided in a conservation easement to enforce any of its
terms granted to a governmental body, charitable corporation,
charitable association or charitable trust, which, although
eligible to be a holder, is not a holder;
(iv) "This act" means W.S. 34-1-201 through 34-1-207.
34-1-202. Creation; conveyance; acceptance and duration.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this article, a
conservation easement may be created, conveyed, recorded,
assigned, released, modified, terminated or otherwise altered or
affected in the same manner as other easements. The provisions
of W.S. 34-1-141 shall apply to this article.
(b) No right or duty in favor of or against a holder and
no right in favor of a person having a third-party right of
enforcement arises under a conservation easement before its
acceptance by the holder and a recordation of the acceptance.
(c) Except as provided by W.S. 34-1-203(b), a conservation
easement is unlimited in duration unless the instrument creating
the easement provides otherwise.
(d) An interest in real property and any interest in
minerals including any leasehold interests are not impaired in
any way by a conservation easement unless the owners of those
interests consent to the conservation easement.
(e) This act shall not alter the law of Wyoming regarding
the primacy of the mineral estate and any easement created
hereunder shall not limit the right of a mineral owner or his
lessee to reasonable use of the surface for the purpose of
mineral exploration and production unless the owners and lessees
of the entire mineral estate and geologic sequestration right
are a party to the conservation easement or consent to the
conservation easement.
34-1-203. Judicial action; modification; termination.
(a) An action affecting a conservation easement may be
brought by:
(i) An owner of an interest in the real property
burdened by the conservation easement;
(ii) A holder of the conservation easement;
(iii) A person having third-party rights of
enforcement, as named in the instrument creating the
conservation easement.
(b) This article shall not affect the power of a court to
modify or terminate a conservation easement in accordance with
the principles of law and equity.
34-1-204. Validity.
(a) A conservation easement is valid even though:
(i) It is not appurtenant to an interest in real
(ii) It can be or has been assigned to another
(iii) It is not of a character that has been
recognized traditionally at common law;
(iv) It imposes a negative burden;
(v) It imposes affirmative obligations upon the owner
of an interest in the burdened property or upon the holder;
(vi) The benefit does not touch or concern the real
property; or
(vii) There is no privity of estate or of contract.
34-1-205. Applicability.
(a) This article shall apply to any interest created after
its effective date which complies with the requirements of this
article, whether designated as a conservation easement or as a
covenant, equitable servitude, restriction, easement or
(b) This article shall apply to any interest created
before its effective date if it would have been enforceable had
it been created after the effective date of this article unless
retroactive application contravenes the constitution or laws of
this state or the United States.
(c) This article does not invalidate any interest whether
designated as a conservation or preservation easement, a
covenant, equitable servitude, restriction, easement or other
designation that is enforceable under any other law of this
34-1-206. Uniformity of application and construction.
This article shall be applied and construed to effectuate its
general purpose to make uniform the laws with respect to the
subject of the article among the states enacting it.
34-1-207. Eminent domain; taxation.
(a) Conservation easements shall be subject to the state's
power of eminent domain in the same manner as any other real
property interest.
(b) The real property tax imposed upon real property
subject to a conservation easement shall not be less than the
amount of the ad valorem tax for the property had it been levied
and assessed based upon the taxable value of agricultural land
of similar productive use and value under W.S. 39-13-101(a)(iii)
and 39-13-103(b)(x).
34-1-301. Definitions.
(a) As used in this article:
(i) "Historic preservation right" means a
nonpossessory property right stated in the form of a
restriction, easement, covenant or condition or, with or without
limitation, in any other form in any deed, will, plat or in any
other instrument executed by or on behalf of the owner, or in
any condemnation order of taking, appropriate to preserving the
significant physical character and visual characteristics of
structures having architectural, historical or cultural
significance, together with any associated real property,
whether or not improved, as determined eligible to the national
register of historic places by the Wyoming state historic
preservation office;
(ii) "Owner" means any person possessing a fee simple
title to real property and any person possessing any other
interest in the property including a contract purchaser, a
lessee and a tenant.
34-1-302. Conveyance; acceptance by grantee.
(a) An owner may convey a historic preservation right in
real property to the state, any city, town, county, joint powers
board or other political subdivision of the state or to a
nonprofit corporation or trust whose primary purpose includes
the preservation of buildings, structures or sites of
historical, architectural or cultural significance.
(b) The conveyance of a historic preservation right
pursuant to this section shall not take effect until the
conveyance is accepted by the grantee. Acceptance of the right
may be conditioned upon any requirements imposed by the grantee
including compensation by the grantor for the management of the
(c) Any conveyance of a historic preservation right shall
bind only the interest of the grantor. Any conveyance of a
historic preservation right by a person with limited interest in
the property shall only be valid to the extent it does not
violate the provisions of the instrument under which such
grantor holds his limited interest.
34-1-303. Historic preservation rights specified; release,
transfer or assignment restricted.
(a) An instrument conveying or reserving a historic
preservation right may require, prohibit, condition, limit or
control any of the following with respect to the grantor or
(i) Access or public visitation;
(ii) Affirmative acts of alteration, restoration,
rehabilitation, repair, maintenance, investigation,
documentation, payment of taxes or compliance with law or local
ordinance or resolution;
(iii) Conditions of operation or use;
(iv) Acts detrimental to preservation;
(v) Any other acts or uses relating to the
preservation of structures or improvements or appurtenances.
(b) A historic preservation right:
(i) Includes any preservation restriction imposed by
agency rule or regulation or by local ordinance or resolution
and is not unenforceable because of lack of privity of estate or
contract, lack of benefit to specific property or because of the
benefit assigned;
(ii) Shall be enforced in accordance with its terms
and transferred, recorded and indexed in the same manner as fee
simple interests in real property subject only to limitations
provided in this article;
(iii) May be transferred or assigned only to the
state, any city, town, county, joint powers board or other
political subdivision of the state or to a nonprofit corporation
or trust;
(iv) Shall not affect a restriction, easement,
covenant, third party right of enforcement or condition
otherwise valid under law nor diminish the acquisition of real
property and the historic preservation right by purchase, gift,
grant, eminent domain or otherwise in accordance with law or the
lawful use of the property for public purposes.
34-1-304. Enforcement by civil action.
The state, any city, town, county, joint powers board or other
political subdivision of the state or any nonprofit corporation
or trust holding a historic preservation right may enforce the
right by initiating a civil action seeking injunctive relief,
specific performance or damages.
ARTICLE 4 - Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act
34-1-401. Short title.
This act may be cited as the "Uniform Real Property Electronic
Recording Act".
34-1-402. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act unless the context otherwise
(i) "Document" means information that is:
(A) Inscribed on a tangible medium or that is
stored in an electronic or other medium and retrievable in
perceivable form; and
(B) Eligible to be recorded in the real property
records maintained by the county clerk.
(ii) "Electronic" means as defined in W.S.
(iii) "Electronic document" means a document received
by the county clerk in an electronic form;
(iv) "Electronic signature" means an electronic
sound, symbol or process attached to or logically associated
with a document and executed or adopted by a person with the
intent to sign the document;
(v) "Person" means as defined in W.S.
(vi) "State" means as defined in W.S.
(vii) "This act" means W.S. 34-1-401 through
34-1-403. Validity of electronic documents.
(a) If a law requires, as a condition for recording, that
a document be an original, be on paper or another tangible
medium or be in writing, the requirement is satisfied by an
electronic document satisfying this act.
(b) If a law requires, as a condition for recording, that
a document be signed or originally signed, the requirement is
satisfied by an electronic signature.
(c) A requirement that a document or a signature
associated with a document be notarized, acknowledged, verified,
witnessed or made under oath is satisfied if the electronic
signature of the person authorized to perform that act, and all
other information required to be included, is attached to or
logically associated with the document or signature. A physical
or electronic image of a stamp, impression or seal need not
accompany an electronic signature.
34-1-404. Recording of documents.
(a) A county clerk who implements any of the functions in
this section shall do so in compliance with rules promulgated by
the department of enterprise technology services pursuant to
W.S. 34-1-405.
(b) A county clerk may:
(i) Receive, index, store, archive and transmit
electronic documents;
(ii) Provide for access to, and for search and
retrieval of, documents and information by electronic means;
(iii) Convert paper documents accepted for recording
into electronic form;
(iv) Convert into electronic form information
recorded before the county clerk began to record electronic
(v) Accept electronically any fee that the county
clerk is authorized to collect;
(vi) Agree with other officials of a state or a
political subdivision thereof or of the United States on
procedures or processes to facilitate the electronic
satisfaction of prior approvals and conditions precedent to
recording and the electronic payment of fees.
(c) A county clerk who accepts electronic documents for
recording shall continue to accept paper documents as authorized
by state law and shall place entries for both types of documents
in the same index.
(d) As used in this section, “paper document” means a
document received by the county clerk in a form that is not
34-1-405. Administration and standards.
(a) The department of enterprise technology services shall
promulgate rules in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative
Procedure Act to implement this act.
(b) The department of enterprise technology services in
adopting rules pursuant to this section shall consider:
(i) Standards and practices of recording offices in
other jurisdictions that enact substantially this act;
(ii) Technology used by recording offices in other
jurisdictions that enact substantially this act;
(iii) The most recent standards promulgated by
national standard setting bodies, including the Property Records
Industry Association;
(iv) The views of interested persons and governmental
officials and entities;
(v) The needs of counties of varying size, population
and resources; and
(vi) Standards requiring adequate information
security protection to ensure that electronic documents are
accurate, authentic, adequately preserved and resistant to
34-1-406. Uniformity of application and construction.
In applying and construing this act, consideration shall be
given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect
to its subject matter among states that enact it.
34-1-407. Relation to Electronic Signatures in Global and
National Commerce Act.
This act modifies, limits and supersedes the Electronic
Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, section 7001 et
seq. of title 15 of the United States Code but does not modify,
limit or supersede section 7001(c) of title 15 of the United
States Code or authorize electronic delivery of any of the
notices described in section 7003(b) of title 15 of the United
States Code.
34-1-501. Home based child care limitations.
For residential property subject to a covenant that does not
clearly and expressly prohibit child care, the provision of
child care in a family day care home is a residential use of
property and is a residential purpose. For purposes of this
section "family day care home" means a private residence or
other structure in which day care is provided to not more than
ten (10) children on a regular basis.
34-2-101. Word "heirs" or other words of inheritance not
necessary to convey fee simple; presumptions.
The term "heirs", or other words of inheritance, shall not be
necessary to create or convey an estate in fee simple, and every
conveyance of real estate shall pass all the estate of the
grantor therein, unless the intent to pass a less estate shall
expressly appear or be necessarily implied in the terms of the
34-2-102. Form of warranty deed.
Conveyances of land may be substantially in the following form:
Warranty Deed.
A. B., grantor, (here insert name or names and place of
residence), for and in consideration of (here insert
consideration) in hand paid, conveys and warrants to C. D.,
grantee, (here insert grantee's name or names and place of
residence) the following described real estate (here insert
description) situate in the county of ...., state of Wyoming.
Dated this .... day of .... A.D. ..........
.................. A. B.
34-2-103. Form of warranty deed; effect; implied
Every deed in substance in the above form, when otherwise duly
executed, shall be deemed and held a conveyance in fee simple,
to the grantee, his heirs and assigns, with covenants on the
part of the grantor, (a) that at the time of the making and
delivery of such deed he was lawfully seized of an indefeasible
estate in fee simple in and to the premises therein described,
and had good right and power to convey the same; (b) that the
same were then free from all incumbrances; and (c) that he
warrants to the grantee, his heirs and assigns, the quiet and
peaceful possession of such premises, and will defend the title
thereto against all persons who may lawfully claim the same. And
such covenants shall be obligatory upon the grantor, his heirs
and personal representatives, as fully, and with like effect as
if written at length in such deed.
34-2-104. Form of quitclaim deed.
Quitclaim may be in substance in the following form:
Quitclaim Deed.
A. B., grantor (here insert grantor's name or names, and
place of residence) for the consideration of (here insert
consideration) conveys and quitclaims to (here insert grantee's
name or names) all interest in the following described real
estate, (here insert description) situate in the county of ....,
in the state of Wyoming.
Dated this .... day of .... A.D. ..........
.................. A. B.
34-2-105. Form of quitclaim deed; effect generally.
Every deed in substance in the form prescribed in the foregoing
section, when otherwise duly executed, shall be deemed and held
a sufficient conveyance, release and quitclaim to the grantee,
his heirs and assigns, in fee of all the then existing legal or
equitable rights of the grantor in the premises therein
described, but shall not extend to after acquired title unless
words are added expressing such intention.
34-2-106. Form of quitclaim deed; effect without word
A deed of quitclaim, without the use of the word "release" shall
be sufficient to pass all the estate which the grantor could
lawfully convey by deed of bargain and sale. And all deeds of
quitclaim, heretofore given to real estate in this state, shall
have the same effect as deeds of quitclaim and release and shall
operate the same as if the word "release" had been used therein.
34-2-107. Form of real estate mortgage.
Mortgages of land may be in the following form:
A. B., mortgagor, (here insert the name or names and place
of residence) to secure the payment of (here insert the amount
of indebtedness, when due, rate of interest, and whether secured
by a note or otherwise), do hereby mortgage the following
described real estate (here insert description thereof) situate
in.... county, state of Wyoming.
The mortgagor agrees to pay all taxes and assessments on
said premises and to keep the buildings thereon insured in a sum
not less than $ .... during the life of this mortgage, payable
to the mortgagee; and in case he does not the mortgagee may
insure said building or buildings and pay said taxes and all
amounts so paid shall be added to and considered as part of the
above indebtedness hereby secured. In case of default of payment
of either interest or principal then the whole indebtedness
herein secured shall become due and payable, and the mortgagee
may proceed, pursuant to law, to foreclose on said property and
in case of foreclosure the mortgagor hereby agrees to pay all
costs of the same, including an attorney's fee of $ ....
Dated this .... day of .... A.D ....
.................. A. B.
34-2-108. Form of real estate mortgage; effect; when
covenants implied.
Every such mortgage when otherwise duly executed, shall be
deemed and held a good and sufficient mortgage in fee to secure
the payment of the moneys therein specified; and if the same
contains the words "and warrants", the same shall be construed
the same as if full covenants of seizin, good right to convey
against encumbrances, of quiet enjoyment and general warranty,
as expressed in section one of this act were fully written
therein; but if the words "and warrants" are omitted no such
covenant shall be implied.
34-2-109. Master form mortgage; recording authorized;
entitlement on face; need not be acknowledged.
An instrument containing a form or forms of covenants,
conditions, obligations, powers, and other clauses of a mortgage
may be recorded in the office of the county clerk, upon the
request of any person, on tender of the lawful fees therefor,
shall record the same in his registry. Every such instrument
shall be entitled on the face thereof as a "Master form recorded
by .... (name of person causing the instrument to be recorded)".
Such instrument need not be acknowledged to be entitled to
34-2-110. Master form mortgage; index.
When any such instrument is recorded, the recorder shall index
such instrument under the name of the person causing it to be
recorded in the manner provided for miscellaneous instruments
relating to real estate.
34-2-111. Master form mortgage; use by reference.
Thereafter any of the provisions of such master form instrument
may be incorporated by reference in any mortgage of real estate
situated within this state, if such reference in the mortgage
states that the master form instrument was recorded in the
county in which the mortgage is offered for record, the date
when and the book and page or pages where such master form
instrument was recorded, and that a copy of such master form
instrument was furnished to the person executing the mortgage.
The recording of any mortgage which has so incorporated by
reference therein any of the provisions of a master form
instrument recorded as provided in this section shall have like
effect as if such provisions of the master form so incorporated
by reference had been set forth fully in the mortgage.
34-2-112. Master form mortgage; matters not recorded.
Whenever a mortgage is presented for recording on which is set
forth matter purporting to be a copy or reproduction of such
master form instrument or of part thereof, identified by its
title as provided in W.S. 34-2-109 and stating the date when it
was recorded and the book and page where it was recorded,
preceded by the words "do not record" or "not to be recorded",
and on a separate page from the matter to be recorded as a part
of the mortgage in such manner that it will not appear upon a
photographic reproduction of any page containing any part of the
mortgage, such matter shall not be recorded by the recorder to
whom the instrument is presented for recording; in such case the
recorder shall record only the mortgage apart from such matter
and shall not be liable for so doing, any other provisions of
law to the contrary notwithstanding.
34-2-113. Cancellation form for mortgage or deed of trust;
recordation; effect.
(a) A cancellation or discharge of mortgage or deed of
trust may be in the following form substantially:
Certificate of Discharge
This certifies that a (mortgage or deed of trust, as the
case may be) from .... to .... dated .... A.D .... and recorded
in book .... of .... on page ..... has been fully satisfied by
the payment of the debt secured thereby, and is hereby cancelled
and discharged.
Signed in the presence of .... county clerk of .... County.
Filed and recorded .... A.D. .... at .... M.
County clerk
(b) Such cancellation or discharge shall be entered in a
book kept for that purpose, and signed by the mortgagee or
trustee, his attorney-in-fact, executor, administrator or
assigns, in the presence of the county clerk or his deputy who
shall subscribe the same as a witness, and such cancellation or
discharge shall have the same effect as a deed or release duly
acknowledged and recorded.
34-2-114. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-2-115. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-2-116. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-2-117. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-2-118. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-2-119. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-2-120. Repealed By Laws 2008, Ch. 20, § 3.
34-2-121. Conveyance and encumbrance of homesteads void
unless spouse joins; exception.
Every owner or occupant of a homestead as established herein may
voluntarily sell, mortgage, or otherwise dispose of or encumber
the same; provided the instrument of writing conveying,
mortgaging, disposing of or encumbering such homestead shall
contain in substance the following words: "Hereby releasing and
waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead
exemption laws of this state", and shall be freely and
voluntarily signed and acknowledged by the owner and the spouse
of the owner of said homestead. The foregoing provisions shall
not be applicable to nor shall compliance therewith be required
for full legal effectiveness of any conveyance of property
directly from husband to wife.
34-2-122. Notice of trust or representative capacity of
In all instruments conveying real estate, or interests therein,
in which the grantee is described as trustee, agent, or as in
any other representative capacity, the instruments of conveyance
shall also define the trust or other agreement under which the
grantee is acting. In all instruments conveying real estate, or
interests therein, in which the grantee is described as a trust,
the instrument of conveyance shall also define the trust or
other instrument and shall be deemed to have vested title in the
trustee or trustees of the trust. For purposes of this section,
it shall be sufficient to define a trust by providing in the
text of the instrument the name of the trustee or trustees and
the name of the trust, the date of the trust or other agreement,
or by referring by proper description of the affecting record
book, page, document number or file, to the instrument, order,
decree or other writing, which is of public record in the county
in which the land so conveyed is located and in which the
required information appears; otherwise the description of a
grantee in any representative capacity in each instrument of
conveyance shall be considered and held to be a description of
the grantee, only, and shall not be notice of any trust, agency
or other representative capacity of the grantee who shall be
held as vested with the power to convey, transfer, encumber or
release the affected title. Whenever the grantee shall execute
and deliver a conveyance, transfer, encumbrance or release of
the property in a representative capacity, it shall not
thereafter be questioned by anyone claiming as a beneficiary
under the trust or agency or by anyone claiming by, through or
under any undisclosed beneficiary. Trust property in the name of
the trustee, agent or representative and owned only in that
capacity shall not be subject to execution for the grantee's
individual obligations.
34-2-123. Notice of trust or representative capacity of
grantee; prior conveyances.
Any instrument which complies with this act shall be effective
regardless of when it was executed or recorded. All instruments
of conveyance to, or transfer, encumbrance or release of, lands
or any interest therein within the state of Wyoming, which name
a grantee in a representative capacity, or name a trust as
grantee, and which fail to provide the information required by
W.S. 34-2-122, shall cease to be notice of any trust or
representative capacity of the grantee and shall be considered
and held to be a description of the grantee only, who shall be
held to have individually, the full power to convey, transfer,
encumber or release the affected title and no conveyance,
transfer, encumbrance or release shall thereafter be questioned
by anyone claiming with respect to the affected property, as a
beneficiary or by anyone claiming by, through, or under an
undisclosed beneficiary, provided that this section shall not
apply if the grantee or any beneficiary or beneficiaries or
other properly interested person shall file for record in the
proper office of the county in which the land is situated, a
statement, duly verified, describing the affected lands and
interest therein, setting forth the interest of the person or
entity making the statement, defining the representative
relationship, and setting forth the information required by W.S.
34-2-122, or referring by proper description to an instrument of
public record in the county in which the matters shall appear.
The identity of any successor trustee may be established by a
recorded statement, duly verified, of the successor trustee
specifying his name and address and the date and circumstances
of his succession, and confirming that he is currently lawfully
serving in that capacity.
34-2-124. Priority of mortgages or specific liens on
A mortgage or other specific lien on real property shall take
precedence over the lien of taxes levied against any other
property than the property subject to such lien.
34-2-125. Private seals.
Hereafter it shall not be necessary to use private seals on any
instrument in this state.
34-2-126. Unsealed writings.
There shall be no difference in evidence between sealed and
unsealed writings and every writing not sealed shall have the
same force and effect that it would have if sealed. A writing
under seal may, therefore, be changed or altogether discharged
by a writing not under seal. An agreement in writing without
seal for the compromise or settlement of a debt is as obligatory
as if the seal were affixed.
34-2-127. Recitals in instruments.
Recitals in any written instrument shall have no greater effect
than they have heretofore had in writings not under seal.
34-2-128. No implied tenancy except by sufferance.
In this state there shall not exist the relations of landlord
and tenant, by implication or operation of law, except a tenancy
by sufferance. Upon the expiration of a term created by lease,
either verbal or written, there shall be no implied renewal of
the same, for any period of time whatever, either by the tenant
holding over or by the landlord accepting compensation or rent
for or during any period of such holding over. Such holding over
by the tenant and acceptance of rent by the landlord shall
constitute only a tenancy by sufferance, with the rights,
duties, obligations and incidents of such tenancy.
34-2-129. Leases; renewal.
No lease which shall have expired by its own limitation shall be
again renewed except by express contract in writing, signed by
the parties thereto, whether the original lease be written or
verbal. Nor shall any other tenancy than that by sufferance
exist after the termination of the original lease, unless
created as aforesaid, by express contract in writing.
34-2-130. Leases; expiration of oil, gas or other mineral
leases; failure to record cancellation or other termination.
If any lessee, his personal representative, successor or assign,
as the case may be, after an oil, gas or other mineral lease has
expired, been cancelled, surrendered, relinquished or otherwise
terminated shall for the space of twenty (20) days after being
thereto requested, fail, refuse or neglect to record in the
office of the county clerk of the county wherein the lands
described in said lease are located a recordable certificate or
deed of discharge or release thereof, he shall be liable to the
lessor, his heirs or assigns for all damages occasioned by such
failure, refusal, or neglect, to be recovered in a civil action.
The lessor's request for discharge or release shall be in
writing and delivered to the lessee by personal service or
registered mail at his last known address. A letterpress or
carbon or written copy of said demand, when shown to be such,
may be used as evidence in any court with the same force and
effect as the original.
34-2-131. Tax deeds; definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Tax deed" means any conveyance executed by or on
behalf of the state, or any county, municipality, or other
taxing or assessment unit thereof, which conveys or purports to
convey real estate pursuant to any sale, foreclosure, forfeiture
or other proceeding to satisfy the lien or indebtedness of any
tax or special assessment;
(ii) "Former owner" means any person whose interest
or estate has been conveyed or purportedly conveyed, or
extinguished or purportedly extinguished, by execution of any
tax deed, and any other persons claiming by, through or under
(iii) "Grantee" means the grantee named in any tax
deed, and any other persons claiming by, through or under him;
(iv) "Possession" refers to possession, and to the
extent of possession, as determined by the rules applicable in
determining the existence of adverse possession under a written
instrument constituting color of title, and includes possession
by tenant or agent.
34-2-132. Tax deeds; 2-year limitation.
(a) No action, suit or other proceeding shall be commenced
by the former owner to set aside, declare invalid or redeem from
a tax deed or the sale, forfeiture, foreclosure or other
proceeding upon which it is based or to recover possession,
quiet title or otherwise litigate or contest the title of the
grantee, if:
(i) Two (2) years or more have elapsed after the date
of recording the deed in the office of the county clerk for the
county in which the real estate described in the deed is
situated; and
(ii) The grantee has been in possession of the real
estate continuously for a period of at least six (6) months, at
any time after one (1) year and six (6) months have elapsed
since the date of recording of the tax deed.
(b) The limitation in subsection (a) of this section
applies regardless of whether the tax deed or any of the
proceedings upon which it is based are void or voidable for any
reason, jurisdictional or otherwise. If the deed is executed
substantially in the form prescribed for the execution of tax
deeds, the limitation shall apply regardless of whether the deed
is deemed void upon its face. The period shall not be extended
by reason of the minority, insanity, imprisonment, nonresidence,
or death of any person, or by reason of any other fact, or
34-2-133. Tax deeds; possession and affidavits of
(a) Possession by the grantee for a continuous period of
not less than six (6) months at any time after one (1) year and
six (6) months have elapsed since the date of recording the tax
deed extinguishes forever all the claims, right, title and
interest, including the right to possession, of the former
owner, and vests in the grantee any title conveyed or
purportedly conveyed by the tax deed. Proof of possession by the
grantee and the record of the tax deed constitutes conclusive
evidence of the legality and effectiveness of the deed and any
proceedings upon which the deed is based, and of the title of
the grantee. As a means of proving possession and preserving
evidence of possession under a tax deed, the then owner or
holder of the title conveyed or purportedly conveyed by the tax
deed may, at any time after two (2) years from the date of
recording of the tax deed, file for record in the office of the
county clerk in which the real estate is located an affidavit
substantially in the following form:
State of .... )
) ss
.... County )
I, ...., (name) residing at .... (address), being first duly
sworn, depose and say that on .... (date) a tax deed was issued
to .... (grantee) for the following described real estate: ....
.... that said tax deed was filed for record in the office of
the county clerk for .... county, ...., on .... (date), and
appears in the records of that office in .... County as recorded
in book .... page .... of the .... records; that I am now in
possession of such real estate and claim title to the same by
virtue of such tax deed; that I have been in possession of such
real estate for a continuous period of not less than six (6)
months immediately preceding the date of this affidavit; and
that the facts concerning the possession of such real estate
from the date of recording the tax deed to the date of this
notice are, insofar as known to me, as follows:
Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... day of ...., (year).
Notarial Officer in and for
.......... County
......... (state)
(b) In any action, suit or proceeding in which the tax
deed, any proceedings upon which it is based, or the title of
the grantee is contested or drawn in question, a certified copy
of the record of any affidavit of possession and claim under tax
deed which has been of record for not less than sixty (60) days
constitutes prima facie evidence of the facts recited therein
and of the application of this act.
34-2-134. Tax deeds; liberal construction; legislative
This act shall be liberally construed to effectuate the
legislative purpose of giving stability and effect to record
titles, of confirming and clarifying the titles of persons in
possession, of providing a means of correcting procedural and
jurisdictional defects without necessity of resort to further
proceedings, and of rendering tax titles marketable and
protecting purchasers thereof against remote claims.
34-2-135. Tax deeds; provisions cumulative and
retroactive; effective date.
Nothing in this act shall be construed to extend the period of
any other applicable statute of limitations or to permit the
commencement of any proceeding or the enforcement of any claim
or interest which is barred by lapse of time or for any other
reason. This act shall apply to tax deeds heretofore or
hereafter recorded, but the commencement of any action, suit or
proceeding shall not be precluded by this act until two (2)
years after its effective date. No affidavit shall be recorded
pursuant to this act until two (2) years after its effective
date. This act shall not apply to tax deeds issued only covering
severed oil, gas, hydrocarbons and other minerals and estates
34-2-136. Form of special warranty deed.
Conveyances of land may be substantially in the following form:
Special Warranty Deed
A. B., grantor, (here insert name or names and place of
residence), for and in consideration of (here insert
consideration) in hand paid, conveys and specially warrants
against all who claim by, through, or under the grantor, but
against none other, to C. D., grantee, (here insert grantee's
name or names and place of residence) the following described
real estate (here insert description) situate in the county of
...., state of Wyoming.
Dated this .... day of .... A.D. .....
............................. A.B.
34-2-137. Form of special warranty deed; effect.
(a) Every deed in substance in the form prescribed in W.S.
34-2-136, when otherwise duly executed, shall have the effect
(i) A conveyance in fee simple to the grantee, the
grantee's heirs, and assigns, of the property named in the
special warranty deed, together with all the appurtenances,
rights and privileges belonging to the property; and
(ii) A covenant from the grantor that:
(A) The granted property is free from all
encumbrances made by that grantor; and
(B) The grantor will forever warrant and defend
the title of the property in the grantee, the grantee's heirs
and assigns against any lawful claim and demand of the grantor
and any person claiming or to claim by, through, or under the
grantor, but against none other.
(b) Any exceptions to a covenant described in paragraph
(a)(ii) of this section, may be inserted in the deed following
the description of the land.
34-3-101. Form.
A deed of trust to secure debts or indemnify sureties may be in
the following form, or to the same effect:
This deed, made the .... day ...., in the year of ....,
between .... (the grantor) of the one part, and .... (the
trustee) of the other part; witnesseth: That the said .... (the
grantor) doth (or do) grant unto the said .... (the trustee) the
following property (here describe it), in trust to secure (here
describe the debts to be secured or the sureties to be
indemnified, and insert covenants or any other provisions the
parties may agree upon); witness the following signatures and
seals (or signature and seal).
34-3-102. Trustee's sale; generally.
(a) The trustee in any such deed, except so far as may be
therein otherwise provided, shall, whenever required by any
creditor secured or any surety indemnified by the deed, or the
personal representative of any such creditor or surety, after
the debt due to such creditor, or for which such surety may be
liable, shall have become payable, and default shall have been
made in the payment thereof, or any part thereof, by the
grantor, sell the property conveyed by the deed, or so much
thereof as may be necessary, at public auction, for cash, having
first given notice of such sale as hereinafter prescribed, and
shall apply the proceeds of sale, first to the payment of
expenses attending the execution of the trust, including a
commission to the trustee of five percent (5%) on first three
hundred dollars ($300.00) and two percent (2%) on the residue of
the proceeds, and then, pro rata (or in the order of priority,
if any, prescribed by the deed) to the payment of the debts
secured and the indemnity of the sureties indemnified by the
deed, and shall pay the surplus, if any, to the grantor, his
heirs, personal representatives, or assigns. Every such notice
of such sale shall show the following particulars:
(i) The time and place of sale;
(ii) The names of the parties to the deed under which
it will be made;
(iii) The date of the deed;
(iv) The office and book in which it is recorded;
(v) The quantity and description of the land or other
property, or both, conveyed thereby;
(vi) The names of the persons secured or indemnified
(vii) The amount secured and the time when payable;
(viii) The amount of credits, if any, to which the
same is subject;
(ix) The amount of the principal and interest claimed
to be due and unpaid, and for which the sale will be made.
34-3-103. Trustee's sale; notice.
Notice of sale mentioned in W.S. 34-3-102 shall in every case be
the same as the notice provided in W.S. 34-4-104.
34-3-104. Trustee's sale; form of deed for auctioned
Every deed for real estate sold under a deed of trust may be
made in the following form, or to the same effect:
This deed, made the .... day of .... between A. B., trustee, of
the first part, and C. D., of the second part, whereas the said
trustee, by virtue of the authority vested in him by the deed of
trust hereinafter mentioned (or by an order of the district
court of the county of ....) made on the .... day of .... (as
the case may be), did sell as required by law, a certain tract
(or lot, as the case may be), of land, situated in the county
(or city, town or village, as the case may be), of .... conveyed
by E. F. to the said A. B., trustee (or to G. H., trustee, as
the case may be), by deed bearing date the .... day of ...., and
recorded (if it be recorded), in the office of the recorder of
the county of ...., and bounded and described therein as
follows: (Here insert the description and quantity as set forth
in the deed of trust and any other description deemed
necessary); at which sale the said C. D. became the purchaser
for the sum of .... dollars. Now, therefore, this deed
witnesseth that the said trustee hereby conveys and grants to
the said C. D. the said real estate hereinbefore described, with
all the right, title and interest held by the said E. F.
therein, to have and to hold the said real estate and premises
unto the said C. D., his heirs and assigns forever.
Witness the following signature and seal.
34-4-101. Application.
The provisions of this act shall apply to all mortgages
containing a power of sale executed prior to the passage
thereof, not having been foreclosed, and nothing in this act
contained shall be construed as limiting the power of parties to
a mortgage to provide therein as they may see fit as to the
manner of foreclosure and sale, and when such provision is made,
foreclosure and sale may be made in accordance therewith, or in
accordance with the provisions of this act.
34-4-102. Foreclosure by advertisement.
(a) Every mortgage of real estate, containing therein a
power of sale upon default being made in any condition thereof,
may be foreclosed by advertisement within ten (10) years after
the maturing of such mortgage or the debt secured thereby, or
after the recording thereof, in the cases and in the manner
hereinafter specified.
(b) The time within which such proceeding may be commenced
under the power of sale shall begin to run:
(i) As to any mortgage executed after May 21, 1945,
from the date of such mortgage, unless the maturity of the debt
or obligation secured by such mortgage be clearly stated in or
is otherwise readily ascertainable from the provisions of such
(ii) (A) As to any mortgage executed prior to May 21,
1945, at the latest of the following dates:
(I) The tenth anniversary of the maturity
of the debt or obligation secured by such mortgage if clearly
stated in or otherwise readily ascertainable from the provisions
of the mortgage;
(II) The tenth anniversary of the recording
of the mortgage if no such maturity date is clearly stated in or
readily ascertainable from the provisions of the mortgage;
(III) The stated, renewed, or extended
maturity date recorded on or before December 31, 1971, in the
manner provided in subdivision (B)(II) of this paragraph.
(B) The owner and holder of any debt or
obligation secured by a mortgage executed prior to May 21, 1945,
the maturity date of which either:
(I) Is not clearly stated or otherwise
readily ascertainable; or
(II) Has been renewed or extended by
agreement, payment, or other act of the debtor, may, on or
before December 31, 1971, record in the office of the county
clerk in the county in which such real estate is located either:
(1) An agreement signed and
acknowledged by the debtor as a conveyance of real estate,
stating the agreed, renewed or extended maturity date of such
debt or obligation; or
(2) An affidavit of the owner and
holder of such debt or obligation, stating such maturity date
and the date, form or manner of the agreement, payment or other
act of the debtor fixing such date.
(c) No mortgage in which the maturity of the debt or
obligation is not clearly stated or otherwise readily
ascertainable, which was recorded on or before May 21, 1945, and
for which no stated, renewed or extended maturity date is
recorded on or before December 31, 1971, may be foreclosed by
advertisement after December 31, 1971; and no such mortgage
recorded after May 21, 1945, may be foreclosed by advertisement
commenced more than ten (10) years after the date of such
34-4-103. Prerequisites to foreclosure.
(a) To entitle any party to give a notice as hereinafter
prescribed and to make such foreclosure, it is requisite:
(i) That some default in a condition of such mortgage
has occurred by which the power to sell became operative;
(ii) That no suit or proceeding has been instituted
at law to recover the debt then remaining secured by such
mortgage, or any part thereof, or if any suit or proceeding has
been instituted, that the same has been discontinued, or that an
execution upon the judgment rendered therein has been returned
unsatisfied in whole or in part;
(iii) That the mortgage containing the power of sale
has been duly recorded; and if it has been assigned, that all
assignments have been recorded; and
(iv) That written notice of intent to foreclose the
mortgage by advertisement and sale has been served upon the
record owner, and the person in possession of the mortgaged
premises if different than the record owner, by certified mail
with return receipt, mailed to the last known address of the
record owner and the person in possession at least ten (10) days
before commencement of publication of notice of sale. Proof of
compliance with this subsection shall be by affidavit.
34-4-104. Publication and service of notices; generally.
(a) Notice that the mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale
of the mortgaged premises, or some part of them, shall be given
by publishing the notice for four (4) consecutive weeks, at
least once in each week, in a newspaper printed in the county
where the premises included in the mortgage and intended to be
sold, or some part of them, are situated, if there be one; and
if no newspaper be printed in the county, then notice shall be
published in a paper printed in the state and of general
circulation in the county. Prior to first date of publication,
a copy of the notice shall be served by certified mail with
return receipt requested upon the record owner, the person in
possession of mortgaged premises, if different than the record
owner, and all holders of recorded mortgages and liens
subordinate to the mortgage being foreclosed, which appear of
record at least twenty-five (25) days before the scheduled
foreclosure sale. The notice shall be sent to the last known
address for the addressee, which shall be the address set forth
in the mortgage or lien filed of record unless another address
has been recorded in the real estate records or has been
provided to the foreclosing mortgagee or lienholder. Proof of
compliance with this section shall be made by affidavit of an
authorized representative of the foreclosing mortgagee or
lienholder. A person or entity who acts in reliance upon the
affidavit without knowledge that the representations contained
therein are incorrect shall not be liable to any person for so
acting and may assume without inquiry the existence of the facts
contained in the affidavit.
(b) If there are sale proceeds in excess of the amount
necessary to pay the foreclosing mortgagee, judgment creditor or
other lienor in full, then within ten (10) business days
following the sale of real estate by foreclosure, the
foreclosing mortgagee or lienholder shall serve a copy of the
sale results to the record owner of the mortgaged premises and
all holders of recorded mortgages and liens subordinate to the
mortgage or lien being foreclosed. Sale results shall be sent
by certified mail with return receipt requested to the last
known address for the addressee, which shall be the address set
forth in the mortgage or lien filed of record unless another
address has been recorded in the real estate records or has been
provided in writing to the foreclosing mortgagee or lienholder.
The sale results shall include the amount due the foreclosing
mortgagee or lienholder as of the date of sale, the name of the
successful bidder and the amount of the successful bid. If the
certificate of sale awarded to the successful bidder includes
the required information, the foreclosing mortgagee or
lienholder may comply with this section by serving a copy of the
certificate of sale.
34-4-105. Publication of notice; contents.
(a) Every such notice shall include:
(i) The names of the mortgagor and of the mortgagee
and the assignee of the mortgage if any;
(ii) The date of the mortgage and when recorded;
(iii) The amount claimed to be due thereon at the
date of the notice;
(iv) A description of the mortgaged premises,
conforming substantially with that contained in the mortgage;
(v) The time and place of sale; and
(vi) A statement that "The property being foreclosed
upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will
not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser
should research the status of title before submitting a bid."
34-4-106. Time, place and manner of sale generally;
mortgagee, judgment creditor or lienor shall be present or
The sale shall be at public vendue, between the hour of ten
(10:00) o'clock in the forenoon, and five (5:00) o'clock in the
afternoon, at the front door of the courthouse, or the place of
holding the district court of the county within the county in
which the premises to be sold, or some part of them, are
situated, and shall be made by the person appointed for that
purpose in the mortgage or by the sheriff or deputy sheriff of
the county, to the highest bidder. The sheriff or deputy
sheriff shall not hold the sale unless the foreclosing
mortgagee, judgment creditor, other foreclosing lienor or an
authorized agent of the foreclosing party is present at the sale
or has previously waived to the sheriff conducting the sale the
right to appear and bid at the sale. The sheriff conducting the
sale shall not be considered to be the authorized agent of the
foreclosing party unless the foreclosing party has given the
sheriff a specified opening bid to be presented by the sheriff
on behalf of the foreclosing party and the sheriff actually
presents the opening bid. Any foreclosure sale conducted
without complying with the terms of this section is void, in
which case the mortgage, power of sale, judgment or other lien
which is the subject of the voided sale is not extinguished or
exhausted, but may be properly foreclosed in a subsequent
foreclosure sale in compliance with applicable law.
34-4-107. Manner in which distinct tracts or lots sold.
If the mortgaged premises consist of distinct tracts or lots the
foreclosing mortgagee may offer for sale separately sufficient
tracts or lots as shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due
on such mortgage at the date of the notice of sale, with
interest and costs and expenses allowed by law, or the
foreclosing mortgagee may offer all such distinct tracts or lots
to be sold as a whole.
34-4-108. Mortgagee may purchase; by whom sale made;
mortgagee, judgment creditor or lienor shall be present or
The mortgagee, his assigns, or his or their legal
representatives may fairly and in good faith, purchase the
premises sold upon foreclosure of any mortgage by advertisement
under power of sale or any part thereof, at the sale; and
whenever the mortgage shall provide for the mortgagee to sell
the premises at the foreclosure sale, notwithstanding the
provision, the sale may be made by the sheriff, or deputy
sheriff, or by the mortgagee at the option of the latter. The
sale shall be postponed, if the foreclosing mortgagee, judgment
creditor or other foreclosing lienor, or an authorized agent of
the foreclosing mortgagee, judgment creditor or other
foreclosing lienor, is not present at the sale or has not
previously waived in writing the right to appear and bid at the
34-4-109. Postponement of sale.
A foreclosure sale may be postponed from time to time by
inserting a notice of the postponement as soon as practicable in
the newspaper in which the original advertisement was published
and continuing the publication until the time to which the sale
shall be postponed, at the expense of the party requesting the
postponement, provided that the original advertisement is
published at least once a week, over four (4) consecutive weeks,
and the notice of postponement is published at least once a
week, over two (2) consecutive weeks.
34-4-110. Successor to officer making sale may execute
If the term of service of the officer who makes sale of any
lands and tenements as provided in chapter 243 of the Wyoming
Compiled Statutes of 1910 expires, or if such officer die, be
absent or unable for any cause to make a deed of conveyance of
the property sold, any successor of such officer may execute
such conveyance.
34-4-111. Costs and expenses; generally.
The costs and expenses of the foreclosure sale, which shall be
paid out of the proceeds of the sale, shall include the costs of
advertising, the fee of the officer or person making the sale
and executing the deed, said fee not to exceed ten dollars
($10.00); and an attorney or solicitor's fee if there be a
stipulation therefor in the mortgage.
34-4-112. Costs and expenses; attorney's fees.
Whenever an attorney's fee is provided for in any real or
chattel mortgage, or the note or notes secured thereby, such
attorney's fee shall not be allowed or added to the mortgage
debt in any foreclosure by public advertisement and sale, unless
it shall appear by the affidavit of an attorney admitted
generally to practice in this state representing the mortgagee
or his assigns in such foreclosures, or the party instituting
such foreclosure, which affidavit shall be filed with the
sheriff or person who shall conduct the sale under such
foreclosure, and said affidavit shall state therein that there
has been and is no agreement, express or implied, between such
attorney and his client, nor between him and any other person
except a practicing attorney of this state engaged with him as
an attorney in the foreclosure proceeding, for any sharing or
division of said fee so to be allowed or added to the debt
involved, and said fee when so allowed or added to the debt
shall be only as compensation for services actually rendered in
the foreclosure proceeding by an attorney admitted to practice
in this state and residing therein. Provided, however, that in
the foreclosure of real estate mortgages, this section shall in
no wise affect the title to the real estate involved in such a
34-4-113. Payment of proceeds.
(a) After any sale of real estate made as herein
prescribed, proceeds from the sale shall be paid over by the
officer or other person making the sale in the following order:
(i) Payment of the reasonable expenses of collection
and enforcement and, to the extent provided by law, reasonable
attorney's fees and legal expenses incurred by the foreclosing
(ii) The satisfaction of obligations secured by the
mortgage being foreclosed;
(iii) The satisfaction of obligations secured by any
subordinate or junior mortgage or other lien on the real estate
sold at the foreclosure sale; and
(iv) Surplus proceeds on demand to the mortgagor, his
legal representatives or assigns, and if no demand is made, then
the foreclosing mortgagee, officer or other person making sale
may retain the surplus proceeds for disposition to the mortgagor
or may dispose of the surplus proceeds in accordance with W.S.
34-24-101 et seq.
(b) If the foreclosing mortgagee receives a demand for the
proceeds accompanied by the materials required by W.S.
1-18-104(c) and signed by the holder of a subordinate or junior
mortgage or other lien within thirty (30) days after the results
of the sale are served in accordance with W.S. 34-4-104,
proceeds remaining after distribution under paragraphs (a)(i)
and (ii) of this section shall be paid over by the officer or
other person making the sale as agreed upon by all parties in
interest, or by court order, to the subordinate mortgagees or
lienholders in accordance with their priority and to the extent
of their interest.
(c) Subject to the other provisions of this section, a
mortgagee shall account to and pay a mortgagor for any surplus,
and the mortgagor is liable for any deficiency.
34-5-101. When executed out of state; exceptions.
All deeds and conveyances of real estate given and recorded in
the state of Wyoming prior to January 1, 1925, the execution of
which shall have been acknowledged before a notarial officer out
of this state, where the certificate of official character
attached to such deeds or other conveyance fails to state that
such deed or conveyance was executed and acknowledged according
to the laws of the state or territory in which the same was
executed, shall be deemed as valid and binding as if such
certificate had contained the statement aforesaid, and shall be
so construed by the courts, and the record thereof shall have
the same force and effect as if such certificate had contained
said statement; provided, that such record shall in no wise
affect the right or title of any person acquired in good faith
and for a valuable consideration before the said January 1,
1925; and provided, further, that this section shall not be
construed to affect any judgment or decree rendered by any court
of the state before that time.
34-5-102. Instruments not witnessed; exceptions.
All deeds, mortgages or other instruments executed five (5)
years prior to January 1, 1935, not witnessed, and admitted to
record, which, under the laws of the state of Wyoming should
have been executed in the presence of one (1) witness, shall be
deemed as valid and binding as if the same had been executed in
the presence of a witness, and shall be so construed by the
courts of this state, and the records thereof shall have the
same force and effect as if such deeds, mortgages, and other
instruments had been executed in the presence of a witness;
provided, that such record shall in no wise affect the right or
title of any person acquired in good faith and for a valuable
consideration five (5) years before the said 1st day of January,
1935; and provided, further, that this section shall not be
construed to affect any judgment or decree rendered by any court
of the state of Wyoming before that time.
34-5-103. Certificate of acknowledgment; failure to state
acknowledgment was according to law; liability of county clerk.
All deeds, mortgages, powers of attorney and other instruments
executed and acknowledged in any other state, territory or
district of the United States five (5) years prior to January 1,
1935, affecting property or property rights in this state, but
where the person taking the acknowledgment has omitted to state
in his certificate of acknowledgment that such deed, mortgage,
power of attorney or other instrument was executed and
acknowledged according to the law of such state, territory or
district, and when the laws of this state in relation to such
certificate have in all other respects been complied with, shall
be deemed valid and shall be so construed by the courts of this
state, and such instruments shall be entitled to record and the
record thereof shall have the same force and effect as if such
deeds, mortgages, powers of attorney or other instruments had
been acknowledged in the manner provided by the laws of this
state, and in case any county clerk shall have received for
record such defective instruments, he shall not be liable in an
action for damages for having received for record and recorded
any such deed, mortgage, power of attorney or other instrument.
34-5-104. Certificate of acknowledgment; incomplete.
Any conveyance of real estate made ten (10) years or more prior
to January 1st, A.D. 1935, purporting to be acknowledged before
any justice of the peace, within or without the state of
Wyoming, where such justice of the peace did not state in his
certificate of acknowledgment the date of expiration of his
office, or where no certificate, or a defective certificate is
attached to such deed by the county clerk or clerk of court of
the county of such justice of the peace as is required by law in
case such acknowledgment is taken before a justice of the peace
outside of the state of Wyoming; and any conveyance of real
estate made ten (10) years or more prior to January 1st, A.D.
1935, purporting to be acknowledged before any notarial officer,
where such notarial officer did not attach his seal to such
certificate of acknowledgment, or did not state therein the
expiration of the time of his commission; and any conveyance of
real estate made ten (10) years or more prior to the 1st day of
January, A.D. 1935, where such conveyance does not purport to be
properly witnessed; and any conveyance of real estate made ten
(10) years or more, prior to the first day of January, A.D.
1935, purporting to be executed by any corporation, where there
is any defect or irregularity in the execution or acknowledgment
thereof, shall, if the same has been heretofore recorded ten
(10) years or more prior to January 1st, 1935, in the office of
the county clerk of the county where the real estate therein
conveyed is situate, be deemed as valid and as effective and
binding as though the defects and irregularities therein, herein
mentioned, did not exist and as though in these respects the
same had been executed in full accordance with the laws of this
state, and the record, or the certified copy thereof, shall be
admitted in evidence in all actions or proceedings with the same
force and effect as though the defects and irregularities
therein, herein mentioned, did not exist, and as though in these
respects the same had been executed in full accordance with the
laws of this state.
34-5-105. Defects in mortgage releases and assignments;
time limits for civil action.
Any and all mortgage releases and assignments of mortgages which
have been heretofore recorded in the office of the county clerk
of the county wherein the real estate therein is affected is
situate, and have been of record five (5) years or more prior to
January 1, 1935, purporting to cancel and discharge or assign
any mortgage, and purporting to be executed by any mortgagee his
agent or attorney, or by any assignee of said mortgage, or
purporting to be executed by any person acting for a corporation
which is either mortgagee or assignee of said mortgage, shall be
deemed to be valid, and the lien of such mortgage, shall be
deemed to be canceled in case of release, and the mortgage
deemed duly assigned, in case of assignment, notwithstanding any
defects in the execution of such release or assignment.
Provided, however, that the holder of any mortgage or the
assignee thereof, which said mortgage is defectively released,
or assigned as hereinbefore specified, and which has remained
unchallenged, by the proper action in court, or other legal and
proper proceeding, on the records aforesaid for the period of
five (5) years or more as aforesaid, shall have until the first
day of January, 1936, in which to commence an action in a court
of competent jurisdiction in this state, for the assertion and
enforcement of his rights, or to set aside such release or
assignment, and if not so commenced as herein mentioned, then
such release or assignment shall be deemed valid against such
persons and all rights as against the same shall be barred.
34-5-106. When executed by executor; generally.
In all cases where a conveyance of real estate situate in this
state has been made by an executor, administrator or
administrator de bonis non, of any deceased person, whether
appointed and acting in this or any other state, and the fact of
the sale or the conveyance of such real estate has been reported
to the court in which such executor, administrator or
administrator de bonis non was appointed and acting, and the
proceeds of such sale or conveyance, or any part thereof have
been distributed, it shall be prima facie evidence that the
person or persons so receiving said proceeds or any part
thereof, either directly or through any agent or assignee,
consented to such sale and conveyance, and intended thereby and
did thereby, vest in the purchaser under such sale, and the
grantee in such conveyance all the right, title and interest
which said person or persons, so receiving said proceeds or any
part thereof, had in and to the premises so sold and conveyed at
the time of such receipt, and did by so receiving such proceeds
or any part thereof, intend to be estopped from claiming any
further right, title or interest in and to such real estate.
34-5-107. When executed by executor; deceased entryman.
Any conveyance of land situate within this state, for which no
final proof had been made by a deceased entryman or for which no
patent had been issued to such deceased entryman under the land
laws of the United States during the life of such entryman,
which said conveyance has heretofore been made by an executor,
administrator or administrator de bonis non of such deceased,
appointed and acting by the authority of an order of court of
this or any other state, and any conveyance of any land situate
in this state heretofore made by any such executor,
administrator or administrator de bonis non of a deceased
person, whether made under the provisions of any will, foreign
or domestic, or any order of court, foreign or domestic, shall
be valid and binding, inter alia, upon any heir or devisee and
upon any successor in interest of such heir or devisee by
whatever manner, in the following cases: First, when such
conveyance has with knowledge or means of knowledge of such
conveyance, been treated as valid by any such heir or devisee,
and the successor in interest thereof, or by such successor in
interest, for the period of five (5) years after such conveyance
has been ordered or approved by any such court or judge thereof;
secondly, when such conveyance has not been sought to be set
aside in any court of competent jurisdiction within five (5)
years from and after the filing of such conveyance in the office
of the county clerk of the county wherein such land is situate.
34-5-108. Foreign administrator.
Any conveyance of real estate heretofore, ten (10) years or more
prior to January 1st, A.D. 1935, recorded in the county where
such real estate is situate, executed by any foreign
administrator, executor or administrator de bonis non, appointed
and acting under an order of any court of any state of competent
jurisdiction over estates of decedents in such state, when such
order was made by the court wherein such executor, administrator
or administrator de bonis non was appointed or the judge
thereof, and when such conveyance was made in conformity to the
laws of the state in which such administrator or executor was
appointed, and any conveyance heretofore, ten (10) years or more
prior to January 1st, A.D. 1935, recorded in the county where
such real estate is situate, executed by any such executor,
administrator or administrator de bonis non, under the
provisions of any will duly probated in any court of competent
jurisdiction wherever situate, when such conveyance was made in
conformity to the law of the state in which such administrator
or executor or administrator de bonis non was appointed, shall
be as valid and binding upon the heir and devisees of the
decedent and their successors in interest, as though such
conveyance were made in conformity with the laws of this state;
provided, such conveyances herein mentioned were made in
accordance with due process of law in such state.
34-5-109. Copies of proceedings in foreign courts.
Duly certified copies, according to law, of the proceedings in
foreign courts, mentioned and referred to in W.S. 34-5-107,
34-5-108 and 34-5-110, when recorded in the office of the county
clerk of the county where the land involved is situate, such
records, or the certified copies thereof, shall be competent and
prima facie evidence of the truth of the contents thereof, and
the regularity of the proceedings therein set forth.
34-5-110. Adverse claims; when adverse claimant barred
against purchaser.
Any claimant having acquired any vested right in and to the said
real estate conveyed as aforesaid in the two (2) preceding
sections, adverse to the purchaser under the conveyances
executed as aforesaid in the two (2) preceding sections, which
said adverse claim was acquired five (5) years prior to January
1, 1935, shall have until the first day of January, 1936, in
which to commence an action in a court of competent jurisdiction
within this state, to assert and enforce such adverse right, and
such vested right shall during the period herein allowed for the
commencement of such action, not be affected by the provisions
of the two (2) preceding sections, but from and after the time
so allowed for the commencement of such action, unless such
action has been brought as herein mentioned, all rights of such
adverse claimant in and to such real estate shall be forever
34-5-111. Adverse claims; action by heir against
In any action contemplated in the preceding section, commenced
and brought by an heir or devisee of such deceased person in
this action contemplated, or the successor in interest of such
heir or devisee, if it shall appear that such heir or devisee
had knowledge, either by personal notice, or constructively
under the laws of the state where the estate of such deceased
person was administered, of the fact of the sale or the
conveyance of such real estate mentioned in the two (2)
preceding sections, or where such person appeared in the
proceedings in court relating thereto, it shall be prima facie
evidence against such devisee and heir, and against any
successor in interest of such heir or devisee without adequate
consideration, that such heir and devisee consented to such sale
and conveyance, and intended thereby, and did thereby, vest in
the purchaser under such conveyance, or sale, all the right,
title and interest which such devisee and heir had in and to
such real estate so sold or conveyed at the time of such sale or
conveyance, and meant to be estopped thereby to claim any future
title or interest therein, and if such action is brought by the
successor in interest of such heir or devisee, it shall be
presumed in the first instance, that such successor in interest
is such without adequate consideration, and provided further,
that in all such actions, all such conveyances shall be prima
facie of the effect as vesting the complete and clear title of
the property conveyed in such conveyance in the grantee therein.
34-5-112. Effect of preceding sections on pending
litigation; enforcement of rights of minor heir in conveyed
The provisions of W.S. 34-5-104 through 34-5-108, 34-5-110,
34-5-111, inclusive, shall not affect any pending litigation.
And any right which any minor heir may have in and to any
property conveyed, transferred or released as in said sections
mentioned, may be asserted by bringing an action in any court of
competent jurisdiction within one (1) year after such minor heir
becomes an adult.
34-5-113. Where release of homestead or marital status of
grantor not indicated.
All conveyances by which any estate or interest in real estate
is created, alienated, mortgaged or assigned, or by which the
title to any real estate may be affected in law or in equity
wherein there is no release or waiver of homestead or the
marital status of the grantor is not set forth, and which have
been or hereafter may be recorded for a period of ten (10) years
in the office of the county clerk of the county wherein such
real estate is situated, it shall be conclusively presumed that
said real estate was not used, occupied or claimed by the
grantor, or the spouse of the grantor as a homestead at the time
of said conveyance.
34-5-114. Gifts to religious and educational uses;
No gift, devise, bequest, transfer, grant or conveyance of real
or personal property to religious, educational, charitable or
benevolent uses, which shall in other respects be valid under
the laws of this state shall be deemed invalid by reason of the
indefiniteness or uncertainty of the persons designated as the
beneficiaries thereunder in the instrument creating or
constituting the same.
34-5-115. Gifts to religious and educational uses;
existence of prior trust agreements in will.
No such gift, bequest or devise contained in any will executed
in accordance with the requirements of law shall be deemed
invalid by reason of the incorporation by reference in the will
of any written or printed resolution, declaration or trust
agreement, identified as existing prior to the execution of such
will, and adopted or made by any corporation or corporations
authorized by law to accept and execute trusts, creating a trust
to assist, encourage and promote the well being or well doing of
mankind, or of the inhabitants of any community, provided that a
copy of such resolution, declaration or deed of trust, certified
by the secretary or assistant secretary, or other officer or
officers, of such corporation or corporations under its or their
corporate seal or seals, shall have been filed for record in the
office of the secretary of state of the state of Wyoming, the
secretary of state being hereby authorized and directed to
receive and record such resolution, declaration or deed of
trust, upon payment of the fees provided by law.
34-5-116. Gifts to religious and educational uses; valid
notwithstanding terms are included only by reference.
(a) Any gift, devise or bequest so made to any such
corporation in trust for the uses and purposes contained in such
resolution, declaration, or deed of trust, shall be valid and
effectual, notwithstanding:
(i) That the terms, conditions, uses and purposes of
such gift, devise or bequest, are included only by such
reference in the will; and, or
(ii) That such resolution, declaration, or deed of
trust, has been or may be, amended in accordance with the
provisions thereof.
34-5-117. Gifts to religious and educational uses;
application of W.S. 34-5-114 through 34-5-117.
All the terms and provisions of this act shall be deemed
applicable to all gifts, devises, bequests, transfers, grants or
conveyances of real or personal property heretofore made, as
well as to those hereafter made, and to all such resolutions,
declarations, or deeds of trust as are hereinabove referred to
which have been heretofore filed for record as hereinabove
provided, as well as those which shall be hereafter so filed for
34-6-101. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3.
34-6-102. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3.
34-6-103. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3.
34-7-101. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3.
34-7-102. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3.
34-7-103. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3.
34-7-104. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3.
34-7-105. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3.
34-7-106. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3.
34-7-107. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3.
34-8-101. Short title.
This act shall be known as "The Comprehensive Curative Act", and
may be quoted and cited as such.
34-8-102. Provisions cumulative.
The provisions of this act shall be cumulative and in addition
to all other like acts and statutes previously enacted.
34-8-103. When defective instruments validated by
operation of law.
When an instrument of writing, in any manner affecting or
purporting to affect the title to real estate, has been, or may
hereafter be recorded for a period of ten (10) years in the
office of the county clerk of the county wherein such real
estate is situated, and such instrument, or the record thereof,
because of defect, irregularity or omission, fails to comply in
any respect with any statutory requirement or requirements
relating to the execution, attestation, acknowledgment,
certificate of acknowledgment, recording or certificate of
recording, such instrument and the record thereof shall,
notwithstanding any or all such defects, irregularities and
omissions, be fully legal, valid, binding and effectual for all
purposes to the same extent as though such instrument had, in
the first instance, been in all respects duly executed,
attested, and acknowledged and recorded.
34-8-104. Enumerated defects.
The defects, irregularities and omissions mentioned in W.S.
34-8-103 shall include all defects and irregularities in respect
to formalities of execution and recording, and all defects and
irregularities in, as well as the entire lack or omission of
attestation, acknowledgment, certificate of acknowledgments, or
certificate of recording, and shall apply with like force to
instruments whether or not the real estate involved is
homestead; and shall apply to instruments in which the marital
status of any grantor is not given.
34-8-105. Instruments as evidence after validation.
From and after its validation by the operation of W.S. 34-8-103,
such instrument shall impart notice to subsequent purchasers,
encumbrancers, and all other persons whomsoever so far as and to
the same extent that the same is recorded, notwithstanding such
defects, irregularities or omissions; and such instrument, the
record thereof, or a duly authenticated copy, shall be competent
evidence to the same extent as such instrument would have been
competent if valid in the first instance.
34-9-101. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 226, § 2.
34-9-102. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 226, § 2.
34-9-103. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 226, § 2.
34-9-104. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 226, § 2.
34-9-105. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 226, § 2.
34-9-106. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 226, § 2.
34-9-107. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 226, § 2.
34-9-108. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 226, § 2.
34-9-109. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 226, § 2.
34-9-110. Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 226, § 2.
34-10-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Marketable record title" means a title of
record, as indicated in W.S. 34-10-103 which operates to
extinguish such interests and claims, existing prior to the
effective date of the root of title, as are stated in W.S.
(ii) "Records" includes probate and other official
public records, as well as records in the office of the county
(iii) "Recording", when applied to the official
records of a probate or other court, includes filing;
(iv) "Person dealing with land" includes a purchaser
of any estate or interest therein, a mortgagee, a levying or
attaching creditor, a land contract vendee, or any other person
seeking to acquire an estate or interest therein, or impose a
lien thereon;
(v) "Root of title" means that conveyance or other
title transaction in the chain of title of a person, purporting
to create the interest claimed by the person, upon which he
relies as a basis for the marketability of his title, and which
was the most recent to be recorded as of a date forty (40) years
prior to the time when marketability is being determined. The
effective date of the "root of title" is the date on which it is
(vi) "Title transaction" means any transaction
affecting title to any interest in land, including title by will
or descent, title by tax deed, or by trustee's, referee's,
guardian's, executor's, administrator's, master in chancery's,
or sheriff's deed, or decree of any court, as well as warranty
deed, quitclaim deed, deed of trust or mortgage;
(vii) "This act" means W.S. 34-10-101 through
34-10-102. Purpose.
This act shall be liberally construed to effect the legislative
purpose of simplifying and facilitating land title transactions
by allowing persons to rely on a record chain of title as
described in W.S. 34-10-103, subject only to such limitations as
appear in W.S. 34-10-104.
34-10-103. Effect of unbroken chain of title; marketable
record title.
Any person having the legal capacity to own land in this state,
who has an unbroken chain of title of record to any interest in
land for forty (40) years or more, shall be deemed to have a
marketable record title to such interest subject only to the
matters stated in W.S. 34-10-104. A person shall be deemed to
have such an unbroken chain of title when the official public
records disclose a conveyance or other title transaction of
record not less than forty (40) years at the time the
marketability is to be determined, which conveyance or other
title transaction purports to create the interest, either in the
person claiming the interest, or some other person from whom, by
one (1) or more conveyances or other title transactions of
record, the purported interest has become vested in the person
claiming the interest, so long as nothing appears of record, in
either case, purporting to divest the claimant of his purported
34-10-104. Effect of unbroken chain of title; exceptions.
(a) Marketable record title is subject to:
(i) All interests and defects which are inherent in
the chain of record title. However, a general reference in the
chain, to easements, use restrictions or other interests created
prior to the root of title is not sufficient to preserve them,
unless specific identification is made therein of a recorded
title transaction which creates the easement, use restriction or
other interest;
(ii) All interests preserved by the filing of proper
notice or by possession by the same owner continuously for a
period of forty (40) years or more, in accordance with W.S.
(iii) The rights of any person arising from
prescriptive use or period of adverse possession or user which
was in whole or in part subsequent to the effective date of the
root of title;
(iv) Any interest arising out of a title transaction
which has been recorded subsequent to the effective date of the
root of title from which the unbroken chain of title of record
is started. However, the recording does not revive or give
validity to any interest which has been extinguished prior to
the time of the recording by the operation of W.S. 34-10-105;
(v) The exceptions stated in W.S. 34-10-108(a) as to
rights of reversioners in leases, as to apparent easements and
interests in the nature of easements, as to water rights, as to
mineral interests and as to interests of the state of Wyoming
and of the United States.
34-10-105. Certain interests null and void.
Subject to matters stated in W.S. 34-10-104, marketable record
title shall be held by its owner and shall be taken by any
person dealing with the land free and clear of all interests,
claims or charges whatsoever, the existence of which depends
upon any act, transaction, event or omission that occurred prior
to the effective date of the root of title. All such interests,
claims or charges, however denominated, whether legal or
equitable, present or future, whether asserted by a person sui
juris or under a disability, whether such person is within or
without the state, whether such person is natural, corporate,
private or governmental, are null and void.
34-10-106. Perpetuation of interest.
(a) Any person claiming an interest in land may preserve
and keep effective his interest by filing for record during the
forty (40) year period immediately following the effective date
of the root of title of the person whose record title would
otherwise be marketable, a notice in writing, duly verified by
oath, setting forth the nature of the claim. No disability or
lack of knowledge of any kind on the part of anyone shall
suspend the running of the forty (40) year period. Notice may be
filed for record by the claimant or by any other person acting
on behalf of any claimant who is:
(i) Under a disability;
(ii) Unable to assert a claim on his own behalf; or
(iii) One (1) of a class, but whose identity cannot
be established or is uncertain at the time of filing the notice
of claim for record.
(b) If the same record owner of any possessory interest in
land has been in possession of the land continuously for a
period of forty (40) years or more, during which period no title
transaction with respect to the interest appears of record in
his chain of title, and no notice has been filed by him or on
his behalf as provided in subsection (a) of this section, and
his possession continues to the time when marketability is being
determined, the period of possession is equivalent to the filing
of the notice immediately preceding the termination of the forty
(40) year period described in subsection (a) of this section.
34-10-107. Contents of notice of claim.
To be effective and to be entitled to record, the notice of
claim shall contain an accurate and full description of all
lands affected by the notice which shall be set forth in
particular terms and not by general inclusions. However, if the
claim is founded upon a recorded instrument, then the
description in the notice may be the same as that contained in
the recorded instrument. Notice shall be filed for record in the
office of the county clerk of the county or counties where the
land described is situated. The recorder of each county shall
accept all such notices presented to him which describe land
located in the county in which he serves and shall enter and
record full copies thereof in the same way that deeds and other
instruments are recorded. Each recorder shall charge the same
fees for the recording thereof as are charged for recording
deeds. In indexing the notices in his office each recorder shall
enter the notices under the grantee indexes of deeds under the
names of the claimants appearing in the notices.
34-10-108. Application.
(a) Notwithstanding a failure to file a notice of claim,
this act shall not be applied:
(i) To bar any lessor or his successor as a
reversioner of his right to possession on the expiration of any
(ii) To bar or extinguish the title to any railroad
right-of-way or station grounds or to any easement created or
held for any pipeline, highway, railroad or public utility
purpose the existence of which is clearly observable by physical
evidence of its use;
(iii) To bar or extinguish any water rights, whether
evidenced by decrees, or by certificates of appropriation;
(iv) To bar or extinguish any title, estate or
interest in and to any timber or any minerals (including without
limiting the generality of that term, oil, gas and other
hydrocarbons) and any development, mining, production or other
rights or easements related thereto or exercisable in connection
(v) To bar any right, title or interest of the state
of Wyoming and of the United States;
(vi) To bar or extinguish any claim to a conservation
easement by a holder of the conservation easement or by a person
having third-party rights of enforcement. For purposes of this
paragraph the provisions of W.S. 34-1-201 through 34-1-207 shall
be applicable.
(b) Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to
extend the period for the bringing of an action or for the doing
of any other required act under any statutes of limitations,
nor, except as herein specifically provided, to affect the
operation of any statutes governing the effect of the recording
or the failure to record any instrument affecting land.
(c) If the forty (40) year period specified in this act
expires less than two (2) years after the effective date of this
act the period shall be extended two (2) years after the
effective date of this act.
34-10-109. Prohibition against filing notices for purpose
of slandering title to land.
No person shall use the privilege of filing notices hereunder
for the purpose of slandering the title to land, and in any
action brought for the purpose of quieting title to land, if the
court shall find that any person has filed a claim for that
reason only, the court shall award the plaintiff all costs of
such action as the court may allow to the plaintiff, and in
addition, shall decree that the defendant asserting such claim
shall pay to plaintiff all damages that plaintiff may have
sustained as the result of such notice of claim having been so
filed for record.
34-11-101. Recorded affidavit as evidence; subjects;
(a) An affidavit stating facts relating to matters which
may affect the title to real estate in this state, made by any
person having knowledge of the facts and competent to testify
concerning them in open court, may be recorded in the office of
the county clerk in the county in which the real estate is
situated. A certificate of acknowledgement shall not be required
on an affidavit containing a jurat in order to be recorded. A
recorded affidavit or a certified copy thereof is prima facie
evidence of the facts therein stated insofar as the facts affect
title to real estate.
(b) The affidavits may relate to the following matters:
age, sex, birth, death, relationship, family history, names,
identity of parties, marital status, homestead status,
possession, occupancy possession, residence, service in the
armed forces, conflicts and ambiguities in descriptions of land
in recorded instruments, and the happening of any condition or
event which may terminate an estate or interest.
(c) The affidavits shall include a description of the
land, title to which may be affected by facts stated in the
affidavit, and shall state the name of the person appearing by
the record to be the owner of the land at the time of the
recording of the affidavit. For affidavits involving
subsequently discovered real property under W.S. 2-9-203, the
affidavit shall also include a copy of the judicial
determination of the decedent's heirs or right of descent. The
county clerk shall index the affidavit in the name of the record
owner and in the same manner as deeds are recorded.
34-12-101. Application of provisions.
None of the provisions of this act shall be construed to require
replatting in any case where plats have been made and recorded
in pursuance of any law heretofore in force; and all plats
heretofore filed for record, and not subsequently vacated, are
hereby declared valid, notwithstanding irregularities and
omissions in the manner or form of acknowledgment or judge's
34-12-102. Description of townsites and subdivisions;
effect; duty to record.
Every original owner or proprietor of any tract or parcel of
land, who has heretofore subdivided, or shall hereafter
subdivide the same into three (3) or more parts for the purpose
of laying out any town or city, or any addition thereto, or any
part thereof, or suburban lots, shall cause a plat of such
subdivision, with references to known or permanent monuments, to
be made, which shall accurately describe all the subdivisions of
such tract or parcel of land, numbering the same by progressive
numbers, and giving the dimensions, and length and breadth
thereof, and the breadth and courses of all the streets and
alleys established therein. Descriptions of lots or parcels of
land in such subdivisions, according to the number and
designation thereof, on said plat contained, in conveyances, or
for the purposes of taxation, shall be deemed good and valid for
all intents and purposes. The duty to file for record a plat, as
provided herein, shall attach as a covenant of warranty, in all
conveyances of any part or parcel of such subdivisions by the
original owners or proprietors, against any and all assessments,
costs and damages, paid, lost or incurred by any grantee, or
person claiming under him, in consequence of the omission on the
part of said owner or proprietors to file such plat.
34-12-103. Contents of plat; acknowledgment; approval by
county commissioners or governing body of cities or towns;
filing and recording.
(a) Every plat shall contain a statement to the effect
that "the above or foregoing subdivision of (here insert a
correct description of the land or parcel subdivided) as appears
on this plat, is with the free consent, and in accordance with
the desires of the undersigned owners and proprietors", which
shall be signed by the owners and proprietors, and shall be duly
acknowledged before some officer authorized to take the
acknowledgement of deeds. The plat shall meet the approval of
the board of county commissioners if it is of land situated
without the boundaries of any city or town or by the governing
body of the city or town if situated within the boundaries of
such city or town. Provided, however, that any plat of land
which is adjacent to any incorporated city or town or within one
(1) mile of the boundaries of any city or town and which is not
subject to regulation under and pursuant to a comprehensive plan
adopted pursuant to W.S. 18-5-202(b), shall be jointly approved
by both the board of county commissioners of the county and the
governing body of the city or town before the plat shall be
filed and recorded in the office of the county clerk.
(b) If a city or town approval is not required under this
section and the plat is located within one (1) mile of the
boundaries of a first class city or town, or within one-half
(1/2) mile of a town with a population of less than four
thousand (4,000), the board of county commissioners, upon
receipt of a plat application, shall solicit comments from the
governing body of the city or town relating to impacts to the
city or town's infrastructure or other development plans
resulting from the proposed plat and development. The board
shall consider the city or town's comments that are received by
the board at least twenty (20) business days prior to the
scheduled final consideration of the plat proposal and shall
respond in writing to the city or town about any items of
disagreement. To the extent practical, the board of county
commissioners shall ensure that a plat application meets the
(i) Is consistent with any applicable city and county
land use or comprehensive plan;
(ii) Conforms to any adopted street plan of the city,
town or county;
(iii) Contains all areas for streets, roads and
alleys that are dedicated rights-of-way;
(iv) Contains dedicated easements for all existing
and proposed utilities; and
(v) Contains any additional criteria the governing
body of the city or town and the board of county commissioners
agree to through a jointly adopted plan or voluntary agreement.
(c) When executed, acknowledged and approved as provided
in this section, the plat shall be filed and recorded in the
office of the clerk of the proper county.
34-12-104. Townsites; effect of acknowledgment and
The acknowledgment and recording of such plat, is equivalent to
a deed in fee simple of such portion of the premises platted as
is on such plat set apart for streets, or other public use, or
is thereon dedicated to charitable, religious or educational
34-12-105. Townsites; recording fees.
When any person, company or corporation, shall file a townsite
plat, or an addition to a townsite, it must be accompanied by
the fee listed in W.S. 18-3-402(a)(xvi)(O) for the purpose of
filing and recording of said plat. The record of the plat shall
include a description of the lots and blocks.
34-12-106. Vacation; generally.
Any such plat may be vacated by the proprietors thereof at any
time before the sale of any lots therein, by a written
instrument declaring the same to be vacated, duly executed,
acknowledged or proved and recorded in the same office with the
plat to be vacated, and the execution and recording of such
writing shall operate to destroy the force and effect of the
recording of the plat so vacated, and to divest all public
rights in the streets, alleys, commons and public grounds laid
out or described in such plat, and in case where any lots have
been sold, the plat may be vacated as herein provided, by all
the owners of lots in such plat joining in the execution of the
writing aforesaid. No plat or portion thereof within the
corporate limits of a city or town shall be vacated as herein
provided without the approval of the city or town. No plat or
portion thereof for which a subdivision permit has been obtained
pursuant to W.S. 18-5-304 shall be vacated as herein provided
without the approval of the county commissioners. No municipal
or county approval under this section shall be arbitrarily or
unreasonably withheld.
34-12-107. Vacation; streets and alleys.
Streets and alleys so platted and laid out, or which have been
platted or laid out under any prior law of this state regulating
private plats, may be altered or vacated in the manner provided
by law for the alteration or discontinuance of highways.
34-12-108. Vacation; partial vacation; when permitted.
Any part of a plat may be vacated under the provisions, and
subject to the conditions of this act; provided, such vacating
does not abridge or destroy any of the rights and privileges of
other proprietors in said plat; and provided, further, that
nothing contained in this section shall authorize the closing or
obstruction of any public highways laid out according to law.
34-12-109. Vacation; partial vacation; effect on streets.
When any part of a plat shall be vacated as aforesaid, the
proprietors of the lots so vacated may enclose the streets,
alleys and public grounds adjoining lots in equal proportions.
34-12-110. Vacation; duty of county clerk.
The county clerk, in whose office the plats aforesaid are
recorded, shall write in plain, legible letters across that part
of the plat so vacated, the word "vacated", and identify where
the instrument of vacation is recorded.
34-12-111. Vacation; platting by county surveyor;
acknowledgment and recording; conveyance and assessment by
The owner of any lots in a plat so vacated, may cause the same
and a proportionate part of adjacent streets and public grounds
to be platted and numbered by the county surveyor; and when such
plat is acknowledged by such owner, and is recorded in the
clerk's office of the county, such lots may be conveyed and
assessed by the numbers given them on such plat.
34-12-112. Procedure after failure to make plat;
acknowledgment; recording; costs.
Whenever the original owner or proprietor of any subdivision of
any land, as contemplated in W.S. 34-12-102, has sold or
conveyed any part thereof, or invested the public with any
rights therein, and has failed and neglected to execute and file
for record a plat, as provided in section one of this act, the
county clerk shall notify some, or all, of such owners and
proprietors by mail or otherwise, and demand the execution of
said plat as provided; and if such owners or proprietors,
whether so notified or not, fail and neglect to execute and file
for record said plat for thirty (30) days after the issuance of
such notice, the county clerk shall cause to be made the plat of
such subdivision, and any surveying necessary therefor. Said
plat shall be signed and acknowledged by the county clerk, who
shall certify that he executed it by reason of the failure of
the owners or proprietors named to do so, and filed for record;
and when so filed for record, shall have the same effect for all
purposes as if executed, acknowledged and recorded by the owners
or proprietors themselves. A correct statement of the costs and
expenses of such plat, surveying and recording, verified by
oath, shall be by the county clerk laid before the first session
of the county commissioners, who shall allow the same and order
the same to be paid out of the county treasury, and who shall,
at the same time, assess the same amount pro rata, upon all the
several subdivisions of said tract, parcel or lot so subdivided;
and said assessment shall be collected with, and in like manner
as the general taxes and shall go to the general county fund; or
said county commissioners may direct suit to be brought in the
name of the county before any court having jurisdiction, to
recover of the said original owners or proprietors, or either of
them, the said cost and expense of procuring and recording said
34-12-113. Procedure when ownership in severalty and
description uncertain.
Whenever any congressional subdivision of land of forty (40)
acres of land, or less, or any lot or subdivision is owned by
two (2) or more persons in severalty, and the description of one
(1) or more of the different parts or parcels thereof, cannot,
in the judgment of the county clerk, be made sufficiently
certain and accurate for the purposes of assessment and taxation
without noting the metes and bounds of the same, said county
clerk shall require, and cause to be made and recorded, a plat
of such tract or lot of land, with its several subdivisions, in
accordance with the provisions of (this act, and he shall
proceed in such cases according to the provisions of) W.S.
34-12-112, and all the provisions of said section in relation to
plats of towns, cities, and so forth, shall govern as to the
tracts and parcels of land in this section referred to.
34-12-114. Warranty of accurate description; notice if
inaccurate description; proceedings upon repeal.
Every conveyance of land in this state shall be deemed to be a
warranty that the description therein contained is sufficiently
definite and accurate, to enable the county clerk to make
entries as required by law to be kept; and when there is
presented for entry any conveyance in which the description is
not, in the opinion of the county clerk, sufficiently definite
and accurate, he shall note said fact on said deed with that of
the entry for transfer, and shall notify the person presenting
the same, that the land therein not sufficiently described, must
be platted within thirty (30) days thereafter. Any person
aggrieved by the opinion of the county clerk may, within said
thirty (30) days, appeal therefrom to the county commissioners,
by claiming said appeal in writing, and thereupon, no further
proceedings shall be taken by the county clerk; and at their
next session the county commissioners shall determine said
question, and direct whether or not said plat shall be executed
and filed, and within what time, and if the grantor in such
conveyance shall neglect for thirty (30) days thereafter to file
for record a plat of said land, and of the appropriate
congressional subdivision in which the same is found, duly
executed and acknowledged as required by the county clerk, or,
in case of appeal, as directed by the county commissioners, then
the county clerk shall proceed, as is provided in W.S. 34-12-
112, and cause such plat to be made and recorded, and thereupon
the same proceedings shall be had, and rights shall accrue, and
remedies had as are in said section provided. Such plat shall
describe said tract of land, and any other subdivision of the
smallest congressional subdivision of which the same is a part,
numbering them by progressive numbers, setting forth the courses
and distances, and numbers of acres, and such other memoranda as
are usual and proper; and descriptions of such lots or
subdivisions according to the number and designation thereof on
said plat, shall be deemed good and sufficient for all purposes
of conveyancing and taxation.
34-12-115. Selling lots not platted prohibited.
(a) No person shall sell, as defined in W.S.
18-5-302(a)(v), any lots in any town, or addition to any town or
city, until the plat thereof has been duly acknowledged and
recorded as provided in this act.
(b) The provisions of this section are enforceable by all
appropriate legal remedies including but not limited to
injunctive relief or a writ of mandamus.
34-13-101. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 201, § 2.
34-13-102. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 201, § 2.
34-13-103. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 201, § 2.
34-13-104. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 201, § 2.
34-13-105. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 201, § 2.
34-13-106. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 201, § 2.
34-13-107. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 201, § 2.
34-13-108. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 201, § 2.
34-13-109. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 201, § 2.
34-13-110. Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 201, § 2.
34-13-111. Reserved.
34-13-112. Reserved.
34-13-113. Reserved.
34-13-114. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Adult" means an individual who has attained the
age of twenty-one (21) years;
(ii) "Benefit plan" means an employer's plan for the
benefit of an employee or partner;
(iii) "Broker" means a person lawfully engaged in the
business of effecting transactions in securities or commodities
for the person's own account or for the account of others;
(iv) "Conservator" means a person appointed or
qualified by a court to act as general, limited or temporary
guardian of a minor's property or a person legally authorized to
perform substantially the same functions;
(v) "Court" means the district court;
(vi) "Custodial property" means any interest in
property transferred to a custodian under this act and the
income from and proceeds of that interest in property;
(vii) "Custodian" means a person so designated under
W.S. 34-13-122 or a successor or substitute custodian designated
under W.S. 34-13-131;
(viii) "Financial institution" means a bank, trust
company or a savings institution or credit union chartered and
supervised under state or federal law;
(ix) "Legal representative" means an individual's
personal representative or conservator;
(x) "Member of the minor's family" means the minor's
parent, stepparent, spouse, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle
or aunt, whether of whole or half blood or by adoption;
(xi) "Minor" means:
(A) An individual who has not attained the age
of twenty-one (21) years; or
(B) An individual who has not attained the age
at which the custodian is required to transfer the custodial
property to the beneficiary under W.S. 34-13-133, 34-13-138 or
34-13-139, when used in reference to the beneficiary for whose
benefit custodial property is held or is to be held.
(xii) "Person" means an individual, corporation,
organization or other legal entity;
(xiii) "Personal representative" means an executor,
administrator, successor personal representative or special
administrator of a decedent's estate or a person legally
authorized to perform substantially the same functions;
(xiv) "Transfer" means a transaction that creates
custodial property under W.S. 34-13-122;
(xv) "Transferor" means a person who makes a transfer
under this act;
(xvi) "Trust company" means any legal entity
authorized to exercise general trust powers;
(xvii) "This act" means W.S. 34-13-114 through
34-13-115. Scope and jurisdiction.
(a) This act applies to a transfer that refers to this act
in the designation under W.S. 34-13-122(a) by which the transfer
is made if at the time of the transfer the transferor, the minor
or the custodian is a resident of this state or the custodial
property is located in this state. The custodianship so created
remains subject to this act despite a subsequent change in
residence of a transferor, the minor or the custodian or the
removal of custodial property from this state.
(b) A person designated as custodian under this act is
subject to personal jurisdiction in this state with respect to
any matter relating to the custodianship.
(c) A transfer that purports to be made and which is valid
under the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, the Uniform Gifts to
Minors Act or a substantially similar act of another state is
governed by the law of the designated state and may be executed
and enforced in this state if at the time of the transfer, the
transferor, the minor or the custodian is a resident of the
designated state or the custodial property is located in the
designated state.
34-13-116. Nomination of future custodian.
(a) A person having the right to designate the recipient
of property transferable upon the occurrence of a future event
may revocably nominate a future custodian to receive the
property for a minor beneficiary upon the occurrence of the
event by naming the future custodian followed in substance by
the words: "as custodian for .... (name of minor) under the
Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act". The nomination may
name one (1) or more persons as substitute future custodians to
whom the property shall be transferred, in the order named, if
the first nominated future custodian dies before the transfer,
or is unable, declines or is ineligible to serve. The
nomination may be made in a will, a trust, an instrument
exercising a power of appointment or in a writing designating a
beneficiary of contractual rights which is delivered to the
payor, issuer or other obligor of the contractual rights.
(b) A future custodian nominated under this section shall
be a person to whom a transfer of property of that kind may be
made under W.S. 34-13-122(a).
(c) The nomination of a future custodian under this
section does not create custodial property until the nominating
instrument becomes irrevocable or a transfer to the nominated
custodian is completed under W.S. 34-13-122. Unless the
nomination of a future custodian has been revoked, upon the
occurrence of the future event the custodianship becomes
effective and the custodian shall enforce a transfer of the
custodial property pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122.
34-13-117. Transfer by gift or exercise of power of
A person may make a transfer by irrevocable gift to, or the
irrevocable exercise of a power of appointment in favor of, a
custodian for the benefit of a minor pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122.
34-13-118. Transfer authorized by will or trust.
(a) A personal representative or trustee may make an
irrevocable transfer pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122 to a custodian
for the benefit of a minor as authorized in the governing will
or trust.
(b) If the testator or settlor has nominated a future
custodian under W.S. 34-13-116(a) to receive the custodial
property, the transfer shall be made to that person.
(c) If the testator or settlor has not nominated a future
custodian or all persons nominated as future custodian die
before the transfer or are unable, decline or are ineligible to
serve, the personal representative or the trustee, as the case
may be, shall designate the custodian from among those eligible
to serve as custodian for property of that kind under W.S.
34-13-119. Other transfer by fiduciary.
(a) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, a personal
representative or trustee may make an irrevocable transfer to
another adult or trust company as custodian for the benefit of a
minor pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122, in the absence of a will or
under a will or trust that does not contain an authorization to
do so.
(b) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, a
conservator may make an irrevocable transfer to another adult or
trust company as custodian for the benefit of the minor pursuant
to W.S. 34-13-122.
(c) A transfer under subsection (a) or (b) of this section
may be made only if:
(i) The personal representative, trustee or
conservator considers the transfer to be in the best interest of
the minor;
(ii) The transfer is not prohibited by or
inconsistent with provisions of the applicable will, trust
agreement or other governing instrument; and
(iii) The transfer is authorized by the court if it
exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) in value.
34-13-120. Transfer by obligor.
(a) Subject to subsections (b) and (c) of this section, a
person not subject to W.S. 34-13-118 or 34-13-119 who holds
property of or owes a liquidated debt to a minor not having a
conservator may make an irrevocable transfer to a custodian for
the benefit of the minor pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122.
(b) If a person having the right to do so under W.S.
34-13-116(a) has nominated a future custodian to receive the
custodial property, the transfer shall be made to that person.
(c) If no future custodian has been nominated, or all
persons nominated as future custodian die before the transfer or
are unable, decline or are ineligible to serve, a transfer under
this section may be made to an adult member of the minor's
family or to a trust company unless the property exceeds ten
thousand dollars ($10,000.00) in value.
34-13-121. Receipt for custodial property.
A written receipt of the custodian constitutes a sufficient
release and discharge for custodial property transferred to the
custodian pursuant to this act.
34-13-122. Manner of creating custodial property and
effecting transfer; designation of initial custodian; control.
(a) Custodial property is created and a transfer is
effected when:
(i) An uncertificated security or a certificated
security in registered form is either:
(A) Registered in the name of the transferor, an
adult other than the transferor or a trust company, followed in
substance by the words: "as custodian for .... (name of minor)
under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act"; or
(B) Delivered if in certificated form, or any
document necessary for an uncertificated security is delivered,
together with any necessary endorsement to an adult other than
the transferor or to a trust company as custodian, accompanied
by an instrument in substantially the form set forth in
subsection (b) of this section.
(ii) Money is paid or delivered to a broker or
financial institution for credit to an account in the name of
the transferor, an adult other than the transferor or a trust
company, followed in substance by the words: "as custodian for
.... (name of minor) under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to
Minors Act";
(iii) The ownership of a life or endowment insurance
policy or annuity contract is either:
(A) Registered with the issuer in the name of
the transferor, an adult other than the transferor or a trust
company, followed in substance by the words: "as custodian for
.... (name of minor) under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to
Minors Act"; or
(B) Assigned in writing to an adult other than
the transferor or to a trust company whose name in the
assignment is followed in substance by the words: "as custodian
for .... (name of minor) under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to
Minors Act".
(iv) An irrevocable exercise of a power of
appointment or an irrevocable present right to future payment
under a contract is the subject of a written notification
delivered to the payor, issuer or other obligor that the right
is transferred to the transferor, an adult other than the
transferor or a trust company, whose name in the notification is
followed in substance by the words: "as custodian for .... (name
of minor) under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act";
(v) An interest in real property is recorded in the
name of the transferor, an adult other than the transferor or a
trust company, followed in substance by the words: "as custodian
for .... (name of minor) under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to
Minors Act";
(vi) A certificate of title issued by a department or
agency of a state or of the United States which evidences title
to tangible personal property is either:
(A) Issued in the name of the transferor, an
adult other than the transferor or a trust company, followed in
substance by the words: "as custodian for .... (name of minor)
under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act"; or
(B) Delivered to an adult other than the
transferor or to a trust company, endorsed to that person
followed in substance by the words: "as custodian for .... (name
of minor) under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act".
(vii) An interest in any property not described in
paragraphs (i) through (vi) of this section is transferred to an
adult other than the transferor or to a trust company by a
written instrument in substantially the form set forth in
subsection (b) of this section.
(b) An instrument in the following form satisfies the
requirements of subparagraph (a)(i)(B) and paragraph (a)(vii) of
this section:
I, .... (name of transferor or name and representative
capacity if a fiduciary) hereby transfer to .... (name of
custodian), as custodian for .... (name of minor) under the
Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act, the following: (insert
a description of the custodial property sufficient to identify
Dated: ....
.... (Signature)
.... (name of custodian) acknowledges receipt of the property
described above as custodian for the minor named above under the
Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act.
Dated ....
...."(Signature of Custodian)
(c) A transferor shall place the custodian in control of
the custodial property as soon as practicable.
34-13-123. Single custodianship.
A transfer may be made for only one (1) minor, and only one (1)
person may be the custodian. All custodial property held under
this act by the same custodian for the benefit of the same minor
constitutes a single custodianship.
34-13-124. Validity and effect of transfer.
(a) The validity of a transfer made in a manner prescribed
in this act is not affected by:
(i) Failure of the transferor to comply with W.S.
34-13-122(c) concerning possession and control;
(ii) Designation of an ineligible custodian, except
designation of the transferor in the case of property for which
the transferor is ineligible to serve as custodian under W.S.
34-13-122(a); or
(iii) Death or incapacity of the person nominated
under W.S. 34-13-116 or designated under W.S. 34-13-122 as
custodian or the disclaimer of the office by that person.
(b) A transfer made pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122 is
irrevocable, and the custodial property is indefeasibly vested
in the minor, but the custodian has all the rights, powers,
duties and authority provided in this act, and neither the minor
nor the minor's legal representative has any right, power, duty
or authority with respect to the custodial property except as
provided in this act.
(c) By making a transfer pursuant to this act, the
transferor incorporates in the disposition all the provisions of
this act and grants to the custodian, and to any third person
dealing with a person designated as custodian, the respective
powers, rights and immunities provided in this act.
34-13-125. Care of custodial property.
(a) A custodian shall:
(i) Take control of custodial property;
(ii) Register or record title to custodial property
if appropriate; and
(iii) Collect, hold, manage, invest and reinvest
custodial property.
(b) In dealing with custodial property, a custodian shall
observe the standard of care that would be observed by a prudent
person dealing with property of another and is not limited by
any other statute restricting investments by fiduciaries. If a
custodian has special skills or is named custodian on the basis
of representations of special skills or expertise, the custodian
is under a duty to use those skills. However, a custodian, in
the custodian's discretion and without liability to the minor or
the minor's estate, may retain any custodial property received
from a transferor.
(c) A custodian may invest in or pay premiums on life
insurance or endowment policies on:
(i) The life of the minor only if the minor or the
minor's estate is the sole beneficiary; or
(ii) The life of another person in whom the minor has
an insurable interest only to the extent that the minor, the
minor's estate or the custodian in the capacity of custodian is
the irrevocable beneficiary.
(d) A custodian at all times shall keep custodial property
separate and distinct from all other property in a manner
sufficient to identify it clearly as custodial property of the
minor. Custodial property consisting of an undivided interest is
so identified if the minor's interest is held as a tenant in
common and is fixed. Custodial property subject to recordation
is so identified if it is recorded, and custodial property
subject to registration is so identified if it is either
registered, or held in an account designated, in the name of the
custodian, followed in substance by the words: "as a custodian
for .... (name of minor) under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to
Minors Act".
(e) A custodian shall keep records of all transactions
with respect to custodial property, including information
necessary for the preparation of the minor's tax returns and
shall make them available for inspection at reasonable intervals
by a parent or legal representative of the minor or by the minor
if the minor has attained the age of fourteen (14) years.
34-13-126. Powers of custodian.
(a) A custodian acting in the capacity of custodian has
all the rights, powers and authority over custodial property
that unmarried adult owners have over their own property, but a
custodian may exercise any of the rights, powers and authority
over custodial property only in the capacity of custodian and
not otherwise.
(b) This section does not relieve a custodian from
liability for breach of the provisions of W.S. 34-13-125.
34-13-127. Use of custodial property.
(a) A custodian may deliver or pay to the minor or expend
for the minor's benefit so much or all of the custodial property
as the custodian considers advisable for the use and benefit of
the minor, without court order and without regard to:
(i) The duty or ability of the custodian personally
or of any other person to support the minor; or
(ii) Any other income or property of the minor which
may be applicable or available for that purpose.
(b) The court, on the petition of an interested person or
the minor if the minor has attained the age of fourteen (14)
years, may order the custodian to deliver or pay to the minor or
expend for the minor's benefit so much of the custodial property
as the court considers advisable for the use and benefit of the
(c) A delivery, payment or expenditure under this section
is in addition to, not in substitution for, and does not affect,
the obligation of any person to support the minor.
34-13-128. Custodian's expenses; compensation and bond.
(a) A custodian is entitled to reimbursement from
custodial property for reasonable expenses incurred in the
performance of the custodian's duties.
(b) Except for a custodian who is a transferor under W.S.
34-13-117, a custodian has a noncumulative election during each
calendar year to charge reasonable compensation for services
performed during that year.
(c) A custodian is not required to give a bond for the
performance of the custodian's duties, except as provided in
W.S. 34-13-131(f).
34-13-129. Exemption of third persons from liability.
(a) A third person in good faith and without court order
may act on the instructions of or otherwise deal with any person
purporting to make a transfer under this act or purporting to
act in the capacity of a custodian and, in the absence of actual
knowledge, is not responsible for determining:
(i) The validity of the purported custodian's
(ii) The regularity of, or the authority under this
act for, any act of the purported custodian;
(iii) The validity or propriety under this act of any
instrument or instructions executed or given either by the
person purporting to make a transfer under this act or by the
purported custodian; or
(iv) The propriety of the application of any property
of the minor delivered to the purported custodian.
34-13-130. Liability to third persons.
(a) A claim based on a contract entered into by a
custodian acting as such, on an obligation arising from the
ownership or control of custodial property, or on a tort
committed during the custodianship may be asserted against the
custodial property by proceeding against the custodian in the
custodial capacity, whether or not the custodian or the minor is
personally liable therefor.
(b) A custodian is not personally liable:
(i) On a contract properly entered into in the
custodial capacity unless the custodian fails to reveal the
custodial capacity and to identify the custodianship in the
contract; or
(ii) For an obligation arising from control of
custodial property or for a tort committed during the
custodianship unless the custodian is personally at fault.
(c) A minor is not personally liable for an obligation
arising from ownership of custodial property or for a tort
committed during the custodianship unless the minor is
personally at fault.
34-13-131. Renunciation, resignation, death or removal of
custodian; designation of successor custodian.
(a) A person nominated under W.S. 34-13-116 or designated
under W.S. 34-13-122 as custodian may decline to serve by
delivering a valid disclaimer to the person who made the
nomination or to the transferor or the transferor's legal
representative. If the event giving rise to a transfer has not
occurred and no substitute future custodian able, willing and
eligible to serve was nominated, the person who made the
nomination may nominate a substitute future custodian; otherwise
the transferor or the transferor's legal representative shall
designate a substitute custodian at the time of the transfer, in
either case from among the persons eligible to serve as
custodian for that kind of property under W.S. 34-13-122(a). The
custodian so designated has the rights of a successor custodian.
(b) A custodian at any time may designate a trust company
or an adult other than a transferor under W.S. 34-13-117 as
successor custodian by executing and dating an instrument of
designation before a subscribing witness other than the
successor. If the instrument of designation does not contain or
is not accompanied by the resignation of the custodian, the
designation of the successor does not take effect until the
custodian resigns, dies, becomes incapacitated or is removed.
(c) A custodian may resign at any time by delivering
written notice to the minor if the minor has attained the age of
fourteen (14) years and to the successor custodian and by
transferring the custodial property to the successor custodian.
(d) If a custodian is ineligible, dies or becomes
incapacitated without having effectively designated a successor
and the minor has attained the age of fourteen (14) years, the
minor may designate as successor custodian, in the manner
prescribed in subsection (b) of this section, an adult member of
the minor's family, a conservator of the minor or a trust
company. If the minor has not attained the age of fourteen (14)
years or fails to act within sixty (60) days after the
ineligibility, death or incapacity, the conservator of the minor
becomes successor custodian. If the minor has no conservator or
the conservator declines to act, the transferor, the legal
representative of the transferor or of the custodian, an adult
member of the minor's family or any other interested person may
petition the court to designate a successor custodian.
(e) A custodian who disclaims under subsection (a) of this
section or resigns under subsection (c) of this section, or the
legal representative of a deceased or incapacitated custodian,
as soon as practicable shall put the custodial property and
records in the possession and control of the successor
custodian. The successor custodian may enforce the obligation to
deliver custodial property and records and becomes responsible
for each item as received.
(f) A transferor, the legal representative of a
transferor, an adult member of the minor's family, a guardian of
the person of the minor, the conservator of the minor or the
minor if the minor has attained the age of fourteen (14) years
may petition the court to remove the custodian for cause and to
designate a successor custodian other than a transferor under
W.S. 34-13-117 or to require the custodian to give appropriate
34-13-132. Accounting by and determination of liability of
(a) A minor who has attained the age of fourteen (14)
years, the minor's guardian of the person or legal
representative, an adult member of the minor's family, a
transferor or a transferor's legal representative may petition
the court:
(i) For an accounting by the custodian or the
custodian's legal representative; or
(ii) For a determination of responsibility as between
the custodial property and the custodian personally for claims
against the custodial property unless the responsibility has
been adjudicated in an action referred to in W.S. 34-13-130 to
which the minor or the minor's legal representative was a party.
(b) A successor custodian may petition the court for an
accounting by the predecessor custodian.
(c) The court, in a proceeding under this act or in any
other proceeding, may require or permit the custodian or the
custodian's legal representative to account.
(d) If a custodian is removed under W.S. 34-13-131(f), the
court shall require an accounting and order delivery of the
custodial property and records to the successor custodian and
the execution of all instruments required for transfer of the
custodial property.
34-13-133. Termination of custodianship.
(a) The custodian shall transfer in an appropriate manner
the custodial property to the minor or to the minor's estate
upon the earlier of:
(i) The minor's attainment of twenty-one (21) years
of age with respect to custodial property transferred under W.S.
34-13-117 or 34-13-118, unless the time of transfer of the
custodial property to the minor is changed under W.S. 34-13-138
or 34-13-139;
(ii) The minor's attainment of majority under the
laws of this state other than this act with respect to custodial
property transferred under W.S. 34-13-119 or 34-13-120, unless
the time of transfer of the custodial property to the minor is
changed under W.S. 34-13-138 or 34-13-139;
(iii) The minor's death.
34-13-134. Applicability of provisions.
(a) This act applies to a transfer within the scope of
W.S. 34-13-115 made after its effective date if:
(i) The transfer purports to have been made under the
Uniform Gifts to Minors Act of Wyoming; or
(ii) The instrument by which the transfer purports to
have been made uses in substance the designation "as custodian
under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act" or "as custodian under
the Uniform Transfers to Minors Act" of any other state, and the
application of this act is necessary to validate the transfer.
34-13-135. Effect on existing custodianships.
(a) Any transfer of custodial property as now defined in
this act purporting to have been made before the effective date
of this act is validated notwithstanding that there was no
specific authority in the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act of Wyoming
for the coverage of custodial property of that kind or for a
transfer from that source at the time the transfer was made.
(b) The provisions of this act apply to all transfers made
in a manner and form prescribed in the Uniform Gifts to Minors
Act of Wyoming except insofar as the application impairs
constitutionally vested rights or extends the duration of
custodianships in existence on the effective date of this act.
34-13-136. Uniform construction of provisions.
This act shall be applied and construed to effectuate its
general purpose to make uniform the law with respect to the
subject of this act among states enacting it.
34-13-137. Short title.
This act may be cited as the "Wyoming Uniform Transfers to
Minors Act".
34-13-138. Changing the time for transfer of custodial
(a) Subject to the requirements and limitations of this
section, the time for transfer to the minor of custodial
property transferred under W.S. 34-13-116 through 34-13-119 may
be changed to a specified time other than the minor's attainment
of twenty-one (21) years of age, which time shall be specified
in the transfer pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122.
(b) To specify a changed time for transfer to the minor of
the custodial property, the words "as custodian for .... (name
of minor) until age .... (age for delivery of property to minor)
under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors Act" shall be
substituted in substance for the words "as custodian for ....
(name of minor) under the Wyoming Uniform Transfers to Minors
Act" in making the transfer pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122.
(c) The time for transfer to the minor of custodial
property transferred under or pursuant to W.S. 34-13-116 or
34-13-118 may be changed under this section only if the
governing will, trust or nomination provides in substance that
the custodianship is to continue until the minor's attainment of
a specified age, which time shall not be later than the minor's
attainment of thirty (30) years of age, and in that case the
governing will, trust or nomination shall determine the time to
be specified in the transfer pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122.
(d) The time for transfer to the minor of custodial
property transferred by irrevocable gift or the irrevocable
exercise of a power of appointment under W.S. 34-13-117 may be
changed under this section only if the transfer pursuant to W.S.
34-13-122 provides in substance that the custodianship is to
continue until the minor's attainment of a specified age, which
time shall not be later than the minor's attainment of thirty
(30) years of age.
(e) The time for transfer to the minor of custodial
property transferred by a trustee under W.S. 34-13-119 may be
changed under this section only if the transfer pursuant to W.S.
34-13-122 provides that the custodianship is to continue until a
specified time not later than the earlier of:
(i) The minor's attainment of thirty (30) years of
(ii) The time of termination of all present
beneficial interests of the minor in the trust from which the
custodial property was transferred.
(f) If the transfer pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122 does not
specify any age, the time for the transfer of the custodial
property to the minor under W.S. 34-13-133 is the time when the
minor attains twenty-one (21) years of age.
(g) If the transfer pursuant to W.S. 34-13-122 provides in
substance that the duration of the custodianship is for a time
longer than the maximum time permitted by this section for the
duration of a custodianship created by that type of transfer,
the custodianship shall be deemed to continue only until the
minor's attainment of the maximum age permitted by this section
for the duration of a custodianship created by that type of
34-13-139. Extension of custodial term by custodian.
(a) A custodian may extend the custodial term under this
section to an age older than the age that is specified by this
act or a transferring instrument made under W.S. 34-13-122,
subject to the right of the minor to compel immediate
distribution under subsection (c) of this section.
(b) To extend the custodial term under subsection (a) of
this section, the custodian shall give the minor written notice
of the custodian's intent to extend the custodial term. The
notice must specify the duration of the extension by indicating
the new custodial term and must inform the minor of the minor's
right to compel immediate distribution under subsection (c) of
this section. The custodian shall give the notice during the
later of the following periods:
(i) The six (6) month period that precedes the last
day of the custodial term; or
(ii) The six (6) month period that begins when the
minor attains twenty-one (21) years of age.
(c) Rather than permit the extension of the custodial
term, the minor may compel immediate distribution of all or part
of the custodial property by giving written notice to the
(i) During the six (6) month period that begins on
the last day of the current custodial term; or
(ii) Within ninety (90) days after receiving the
custodian's notice under subsection (b) of this section.
(d) If a minor does not exercise the minor's right to
compel distribution under subsection (c) of this section, the
custodial term shall be extended as indicated in the custodian's
notice given under subsection (b) of this section, and the minor
may not compel the immediate distribution of custodial property
before the end of the custodial term, as extended.
(e) A custodian may extend the custodial term more than
once under this section.
(f) As used in this section, "custodial term" means the
time provided in or allowed by this act during which the
custodian is directed to hold custodial property until the
property is transferred to the minor.
34-14-101. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-102. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-103. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-104. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-105. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-106. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-107. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-108. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-109. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-110. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-111. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-112. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-113. Repealed By Laws 2006, Chapter 55, § 2.
34-14-201. Short title.
This act may be cited as the "Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act."
34-14-202. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Affiliate" means:
(A) A person who directly or indirectly owns,
controls, or holds with power to vote, twenty percent (20%) or
more of the outstanding voting securities of the debtor, other
than a person who holds the securities:
(I) As a fiduciary or agent without sole
discretionary power to vote the securities; or
(II) Solely to secure a debt, if the person
has not exercised the power to vote.
(B) A corporation twenty percent (20%) or more
of whose outstanding voting securities are directly or
indirectly owned, controlled, or held with power to vote, by the
debtor or a person who directly or indirectly owns, controls, or
holds with the power to vote, twenty percent (20%) or more of
the outstanding voting securities of the debtor, other than a
person who holds the securities:
(I) As a fiduciary or agent without sole
power to vote the securities; or
(II) Solely to secure a debt, if the person
has not in fact exercised the power to vote.
(C) A person whose business is operated by the
debtor under a lease or other agreement, or a person
substantially all of whose assets are controlled by the debtor;
(D) A person who operates the debtor's business
under a lease or other agreement or controls substantially all
of the debtor's assets.
(ii) "Asset" means property of a debtor, but the term
does not include:
(A) Property to the extent it is encumbered by a
valid lien;
(B) Property to the extent it is generally
exempt under nonbankruptcy law; or
(C) An interest in property held in tenancy by
the entireties to the extent it is not subject to process by a
creditor holding a claim against only one (1) tenant.
(iii) "Claim" means a right to payment, whether or
not the right is reduced to judgment, liquidated, unliquidated,
fixed, contingent, matured, unmatured, disputed, undisputed,
legal, equitable, secured or unsecured;
(iv) "Creditor" means a person who has a claim;
(v) "Debt" means liability on a claim;
(vi) "Debtor" means a person who is liable on a
(vii) "Insider" includes:
(A) If the debtor is an individual:
(I) A relative of the debtor or of a
general partner of the debtor;
(II) A partnership in which the debtor is a
general partner;
(III) A general partner in a partnership
described in subdivision (A)(II) of this paragraph;
(IV) A corporation of which the debtor is a
director, officer or person in control;
(V) An incorporated business organization,
other than a partnership, in which the debtor is a member,
partner, manager or other participant, when the debtor's
participation includes the right to conduct the business of the
organization or the debtor controls the organization; or
(VI) An individual, as described in
subdivision (A)(I) of this paragraph, who participates in an
unincorporated business organization, other than a partnership,
and who has the right to conduct the business of the
organization or who controls the organization.
(B) If the debtor is a corporation:
(I) A director of the debtor;
(II) An officer of the debtor;
(III) A person in control of the debtor;
(IV) A partnership in which the debtor is a
general partner;
(V) A general partner in a partnership
described in subdivision (A)(IV) of this paragraph; or
(VI) A relative of a general partner,
director, officer or person in control of the debtor.
(C) If the debtor is a partnership:
(I) A general partner in the debtor;
(II) A relative of a general partner in or
a general partner of, or a person in control of the debtor;
(III) Another partnership in which the
debtor is a general partner;
(IV) A general partner in a partnership
described in subdivision (C)(III) of this paragraph; or
(V) A person in control of the debtor.
(D) An affiliate, or an insider of an affiliate
as if the affiliate were the debtor;
(E) A managing agent of the debtor; and
(F) If the debtor is an unincorporated business
organization other than a partnership:
(I) A member, partner, manager or
participant who has the right to conduct business of the
(II) A person who controls the
organization; or
(III) A relative of a person described in
subdivision (F)(I) and (F)(II).
(viii) "Lien" means a charge against or an interest
in property to secure payment of a debt or performance of an
obligation, and includes a security interest created by
agreement, a judicial lien obtained by legal or equitable
process or proceedings, a common-law lien or a statutory lien;
(ix) "Person" means an individual, partnership,
corporation, association, organization, government or
governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate,
trust, or any other legal or commercial entity;
(x) "Property" means anything that may be the subject
of ownership;
(xi) "Relative" means an individual related by
consanguinity within the third degree as determined by the
common law, a spouse, or an individual related to a spouse
within the third degree as so determined, and includes an
individual in an adoptive relationship within the third degree;
(xii) "Transfer" means every mode, direct or
indirect, absolute or conditional, voluntary or involuntary, of
disposing of or parting with an asset or an interest in an
asset, and includes payment of money, release, lease and
creation of a lien or other encumbrance;
(xiii) "Valid lien" means a lien that is effective
against the holder of a judicial lien subsequently obtained by
legal or equitable process or proceedings.
34-14-203. Insolvency.
(a) A debtor is insolvent if the sum of the debtor's debt
is greater than all of the debtor's assets, at a fair valuation.
(b) A debtor who is generally not paying his debts as they
become due is presumed to be insolvent.
(c) A partnership is insolvent under subsection (a) of
this section if the sum of the partnership's debts is greater
than the aggregate of all of the partnership's assets, at a fair
valuation, and the sum of the excess of the value of each
general partner's nonpartnership assets over the partner's
nonpartnership debts.
(d) Assets under this section do not include property that
has been transferred, concealed, or removed with intent to
hinder, delay or defraud creditors or that has been transferred
in a manner making the transfer voidable under this act.
(e) Debts under this section do not include an obligation
to the extent it is secured by a valid lien on property of the
debtor not included as an asset.
34-14-204. Value.
(a) Value is given for a transfer or an obligation if, in
exchange for the transfer or obligation, property is transferred
or an antecedent debt is secured or satisfied, but value does
not include an unperformed promise made otherwise than in the
ordinary course of the promisor's business to furnish support to
the debtor or another person.
(b) For the purposes of W.S. 34-14-205(a)(ii) and
34-14-206, a person gives a reasonably equivalent value if the
person acquires an interest of the debtor in an asset pursuant
to a regularly conducted, noncollusive foreclosure sale or
execution of a power of sale for the acquisition or disposition
of the interest of the debtor upon default under a mortgage,
deed of trust or security agreement.
(c) A transfer is made for present value if the exchange
between the debtor and the transferee is intended by them to be
contemporaneous and is in fact substantially contemporaneous.
34-14-205. Transfers fraudulent as to present and future
(a) A transfer made or obligation incurred by a debtor is
fraudulent as to a creditor, whether the creditor's claim arose
before or after the transfer was made or the obligation was
incurred, if the debtor made the transfer or incurred the
(i) With actual intent to hinder, delay or defraud
any creditor of the debtor; or
(ii) Without receiving a reasonably equivalent value
in exchange for the transfer or obligation, and the debtor:
(A) Was engaged or was about to engage in a
business or a transaction for which the remaining assets of the
debtor were unreasonably small in relation to the business or
transaction; or
(B) Intended to incur, or believed or reasonably
should have believed that he would incur, debts beyond his
ability to pay as they became due.
(b) In determining actual intent under paragraph (a)(i) of
this section, consideration may be given, among other factors,
to whether:
(i) The transfer or obligation was to an insider;
(ii) The debtor retained possession or control of the
property transferred after the transfer;
(iii) The transfer or obligation was disclosed or
(iv) Before the transfer was made or obligation was
incurred, the debtor had been sued or threatened with suit;
(v) The transfer was of substantially all the
debtor's assets;
(vi) The debtor absconded;
(vii) The debtor removed or concealed assets;
(viii) The value of the consideration received by the
debtor was reasonably equivalent to the value of the asset
transferred or the amount of the obligation incurred;
(ix) The debtor was insolvent or became insolvent
shortly after the transfer was made or the obligation was
(x) The transfer occurred shortly before or shortly
after a substantial debt was incurred; and
(xi) The debtor transferred the essential assets of
the business to a lienor who transferred the assets to an
insider of the debtor.
34-14-206. Transfers fraudulent as to present creditors.
(a) A transfer made or obligation incurred by a debtor is
fraudulent as to a creditor whose claim arose before the
transfer was made or the obligation was incurred if the debtor
made the transfer or incurred the obligation without receiving a
reasonably equivalent value in exchange for the transfer or
obligation and the debtor was insolvent at that time or the
debtor became insolvent as a result of the transfer or
(b) A transfer made by a debtor is fraudulent as to a
creditor whose claim arose before the transfer was made if the
transfer was made to an insider for an antecedent debt, the
debtor was insolvent at that time, and the insider had
reasonable cause to believe that the debtor was insolvent.
34-14-207. When transfer is made or obligation is
(a) For purposes of this act:
(i) A transfer is made:
(A) With respect to an asset that is real
property other than a fixture, but including the interest of a
seller or purchaser under a contract for the sale of the asset,
when the transfer is so far perfected that a good-faith
purchaser of the asset from the debtor against whom applicable
law permits the transfer to be perfected cannot acquire an
interest in the asset that is superior to the interest of the
transferee; and
(B) With respect to an asset that is not real
property or that is a fixture, when the transfer is so far
perfected that a creditor on a simple contract cannot acquire a
judicial lien otherwise than under this act that is superior to
the interest of the transferee.
(b) If applicable law permits the transfer to be perfected
as provided in subsection (a) of this section and the transfer
is not so perfected before the commencement of an action for
relief under this act, the transfer is deemed made immediately
before the commencement of the action.
(c) If applicable law does not permit the transfer to be
perfected as provided in subsection (a) of this section, the
transfer is made when it becomes effective between the debtor
and the transferee.
(d) A transfer is not made until the debtor has acquired
rights in the asset transferred.
(e) An obligation is incurred:
(i) If oral, when it becomes effective between the
parties; or
(ii) If evidenced by a writing, when the writing
executed by the obligor is delivered to or for the benefit of
the obligee.
34-14-208. Remedies of creditors.
(a) In an action for relief against a transfer or
obligation under this act, a creditor, subject to the
limitations in W.S. 34-14-209, may obtain:
(i) Avoidance of the transfer or obligation to the
extent necessary to satisfy the creditor's claim;
(ii) An attachment or other provisional remedy
against the asset transferred or other property of the
transferee in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law;
(iii) Subject to applicable principles of equity and
in accordance with applicable rules of civil procedure:
(A) An injunction against further disposition by
the debtor or a transferee, or both, of the asset transferred or
of other property;
(B) Appointment of a receiver to take charge of
the asset transferred or of the other property of the
transferee; or
(C) Any other relief the circumstances may
(b) If a creditor has obtained a judgment on a claim
against the debtor, the creditor, if the court so orders, may
levy execution on the asset transferred or its proceeds.
34-14-209. Defenses, liability and protection of
(a) A transfer or obligation is not voidable under W.S.
34-14-205(a)(i) against a person who took in good faith and for
a reasonably equivalent value or against any subsequent
transferee or obligee.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in this section, to the
extent a transfer is voidable in an action by a creditor under
W.S. 34-14-208(a)(i), the creditor may recover judgment for the
value of the asset transferred, as adjusted under subsection (c)
of this section, or the amount necessary to satisfy the
creditor's claim, whichever is less. The judgment may be
entered against:
(i) The first transferee of the asset or the person
for whose benefit the transfer was made; or
(ii) Any subsequent transferee other than a good-
faith transferee or obligee who took for value or from any
subsequent transferee or obligee.
(c) If the judgment under subsection (b) of this section
is based upon the value of the asset transferred, the judgment
must be for an amount equal to the value of the asset at the
time of the transfer, subject to adjustment as the equities may
(d) Notwithstanding voidability of a transfer or an
obligation under this act, a good-faith transferee or obligee is
entitled, to the extent of the value given the debtor for the
transfer or obligation, to:
(i) A lien on or a right to retain any interest in
the asset transferred;
(ii) Enforcement of any obligation incurred; or
(iii) A reduction in the amount of the liability on
the judgment.
(e) A transfer is not voidable under W.S. 34-14-205(a)(ii)
or 34-14-206 if the transfer results from:
(i) Termination of a lease upon default by the debtor
when the termination is pursuant to the lease and applicable
law; or
(ii) Enforcement of a security interest in compliance
with article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.
(f) A transfer is not voidable under W.S. 34-14-206(b):
(i) To the extent the insider gave a new value to or
for the benefit of the debtor after the transfer was made unless
the new value was secured by a valid lien;
(ii) If made in the ordinary course of business or
financial affairs of the debtor and the insider; or
(iii) If made pursuant to a good-faith effort to
rehabilitate the debtor and the transfer secured present value
given for that purpose as well as an antecedent debt of the
34-14-210. Extinguishment of claim for relief.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section,
a claim for relief with respect to a fraudulent transfer or
obligation under this act is extinguished unless an action is
(i) Under W.S. 34-14-205(a)(i), within two (2) years
after the transfer was made or the obligation was incurred or,
if later, within six (6) months after the transfer or obligation
was or could reasonably have been discovered by the claimant;
(ii) Under W.S. 34-14-205(a)(ii) or 34-14-206(a),
within two (2) years after the transfer was made or the
obligation was incurred; or
(iii) Under W.S. 34-14-206(b), within six (6) months
after the transfer was made or the obligation was incurred.
(b) A claim for relief with respect to a fraudulent
transfer or obligation under this act involving qualified
transfers to a qualified spendthrift trust as provided by W.S.
4-10-510 through 4-10-515 or involving transfers to an
irrevocable discretionary trust, provided that the trustee may
only make discretionary distributions under W.S. 4-10-506(c), is
extinguished unless an action is brought:
(i) With respect to a creditor known to the settlor,
one hundred twenty (120) days after the date on which notice of
the transfer is mailed to the creditor, provided that the notice
(A) The name and address of the settlor or the
settlor's representative and the name and address of the trustee
or the trustee's representative;
(B) That assets were transferred to a qualified
spendthrift trust or to an irrevocable trust where the trustee
can only make discretionary distributions; and
(C) That the creditor is required to initiate an
action against the settlor and the trustee within one hundred
twenty (120) days from the mailing of the notice or the claim is
forever barred.
(ii) With respect to a creditor not known to the
settlor, one hundred twenty (120) days after the date on which
notice of the transfer is first published in a newspaper of
general circulation in the county in which the settlor resides,
provided that the notice includes the information required in
paragraph (i) of this subsection;
(iii) Notwithstanding paragraphs (i) and (ii) of this
subsection, within the later of two (2) years after the transfer
is made or six (6) months after the transfer is or reasonably
could have been discovered by the creditor if the creditor can
demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that the creditor
asserted a specific claim against the settlor before the
34-14-211. Supplementary provisions.
Unless displaced by the provisions of this act, the principles
of law and equity, including the law merchant and the law
relating to principal and agent, estoppel, laches, fraud,
misrepresentation, duress, coercion, mistake, insolvency, or
other validating or invalidating cause, supplement its
34-14-212. Uniformity of application and construction.
This act shall be applied and construed to effectuate its
general purpose to make uniform the law with respect to the
subject of this act among states enacting it.
34-15-101. Repealed By Laws 2001, Ch. 93, § 1.
34-15-102. Repealed By Laws 2001, Ch. 93, § 1.
34-15-103. Repealed By Laws 2001, Ch. 93, § 1.
34-16-101. Order bill of lading.
(a) Whenever any common carrier, railroad or
transportation company (hereinafter termed carrier), shall issue
a bill of lading for the transportation of property from one (1)
place to another within this state, or between places one (1) of
which is within this state, which bill shall be, or purport to
be drawn to the order of the shipper or other specified person,
or which shall contain any statement or representation that the
property described therein is, or may be deliverable upon the
order of any person therein mentioned, such bill shall be known
as an "order bill of lading" and shall conform to the following
(i) In connection with the name of the person to
whose order the property is deliverable, the words "order of"
shall prominently appear in print on the face of the bill thus:
"Consigned to order of ....";
(ii) The bill shall be printed on yellow paper eight
and one-half (8 1/2) inches by eleven (11) inches long;
(iii) It shall contain on its face the following
provision: "The surrender of this original order bill of lading
properly endorsed shall be required before delivery of the
(iv) It shall not contain the words: "Not
negotiable", or words of similar import. If such words are
placed on an order bill of lading, they shall be void and of no
(v) Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the
insertion in an order bill of lading of other terms or
conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, but
it shall be unlawful to insert in such bill any terms or
conditions contrary to, or inconsistent with such provisions.
34-16-102. Straight bill of lading.
(a) Whenever a bill of lading is issued by a carrier for
the transportation of property from one (1) place to another
within this state, or between places one (1) of which is within
this state, in which the property described therein is stated to
be consigned or deliverable to a specified person, without any
statement or representation that such property is consigned or
deliverable to the order of any person, such bill shall be known
as a "straight bill of lading", and shall contain the following
(i) The bill shall be printed on white paper eight
and one-half (8 1/2) inches wide by eleven (11) inches long;
(ii) The bill shall have prominently stamped upon its
face the words, "not negotiable";
(iii) Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit
the insertion in a straight bill of lading of other terms or
conditions not inconsistent with the provisions of this act; but
it shall be unlawful to insert in such bill any term or
conditions contrary to or inconsistent with such provisions.
34-16-103. Penalty for violation of W.S. 34-16-101 and
Every carrier or officer, agent or servant of a carrier, who
shall knowingly violate any of the requirements stated in W.S.
34-16-101(a)(i) through (v) and 34-16-102(a)(i) through (iii),
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of not
more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisonment not
more than one (1) year, or both.
34-16-104. Issuance by carrier before receipt of goods
prohibited; duplicates.
It shall be unlawful for any carrier, or for any officer, agent
or servant of a carrier, to issue an order bill of lading or a
straight bill of lading, as defined by this act, until the whole
of the property as described therein shall have been actually
received and is at the time under the actual control of such
carrier, to be transported; or to issue a second or duplicate
order bill of lading or straight bill of lading for the same
property, in whole or in part, for which a former bill of lading
has been issued, and remains outstanding and uncancelled,
without prominently marking across the face of the same the word
34-16-105. Prohibited acts; penalty for violation of W.S.
Every carrier, or officer, agent or servant of a carrier, who
knowingly violates the provisions of W.S. 34-16-104, and every
person who negotiates or transfers for value a bill of lading
known by him to have been issued in violation of section 4 shall
be guilty of a felony and upon conviction, shall be punished by
fine not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) or
imprisonment not exceeding five (5) years, or both. And every
carrier, who himself, or by his officer, agent or servant
authorized to issue bills of lading, issues a false or duplicate
bill of lading in violation of the provisions of section 4,
shall be estopped, as against all and every person or persons
injured thereby who shall acquire any such false or duplicate
bill of lading in good faith and for value, to deny the receipt
of the property as described therein, or to assert that a former
bill of lading has been issued and remains outstanding and
uncancelled for the same property, as the case may be; and the
issuing carrier shall be liable to any and every such person
for all damages, immediate or consequential, which he or they
may have sustained because of reliance upon the bill, whether
the person or persons guilty of issuing or negotiating the bill
shall have been convicted under this section or not.
34-16-106. Penalty for fraudulent negotiations.
Every person who receives from a carrier and fraudulently
negotiates for value an order or straight bill of lading
representing property to which he had no, or encumbered, title
at the time of the negotiation of such bill, shall be guilty of
a felony, and upon conviction shall be punished by fine not
exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or imprisonment not
exceeding five (5) years, or both.
34-17-101. Issue of receipt for goods not received.
A warehouseman, or any officer, agent, or servant of a
warehouseman, who issues or aids in issuing a receipt knowing
that the goods for which such receipt is issued have not been
actually received by such warehouseman, or are not under his
actual control at the time of issuing such receipt, shall be
guilty of a crime, and upon conviction shall be punished for
each offense by imprisonment not exceeding five (5) years, or by
a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or by
34-17-102. Issue of receipt containing false statement.
A warehouseman, or any officer, agent or servant of a
warehouseman, who fraudulently issues or aids in fraudulently
issuing a receipt for goods knowing that it contains any false
statement, shall be guilty of a crime, and upon conviction shall
be punished for each offense by imprisonment not exceeding one
(1) year, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars
($1,000.00), or by both.
34-17-103. Issue of unmarked duplicates; exception.
A warehouseman, or any officer, agent, or servant of a
warehouseman, who issues or aids in issuing a duplicate or
additional negotiable receipt for goods knowing that a former
negotiable receipt for the same goods or any part of them is
outstanding and uncancelled, without plainly placing upon the
face thereof the word "duplicate" except in the case of a lost
or destroyed receipt after proceedings as provided for in
section 14, shall be guilty of a crime and upon conviction shall
be punished for each offense by imprisonment not exceeding five
(5) years or by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars
($5,000.00), or by both.
34-17-104. Issue of receipts fraudulently stating
Where there are deposited with or held by a warehouseman goods
of which he is owner, either solely or jointly or in common with
others, such warehouseman, or any of his officers, agents, or
servants who, knowing this ownership, issues or aids in issuing
a negotiable receipt for such goods which does not state such
ownership, shall be guilty of a crime, and upon conviction shall
be punished for each offense by imprisonment not exceeding one
(1) year, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars
($1,000.00), or by both.
34-17-105. Delivery of goods without obtaining negotiable
A warehouseman, or any officer, agent, or servant of a
warehouseman who delivers goods out of the possession of such
warehouseman, knowing that a negotiable receipt the negotiation
of which would transfer the right to the possession of such
goods, is outstanding and uncancelled, without obtaining the
possession of such receipt at or before the time of such
delivery, shall, except in the cases provided for in sections 14
and 36, be guilty of a crime, and upon conviction shall be
punished for each offense by imprisonment not exceeding one (1)
year, or by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars
($1,000.00), or by both.
34-17-106. Fraudulent negotiation of receipt for mortgaged
Any person who deposits goods to which he has no title, or upon
which there is a lien or mortgage, and who takes for such goods
a negotiable receipt which he afterwards negotiates for value
with intent to deceive and without disclosing his want of title
or the existence of the lien or mortgage shall be guilty of a
crime, and upon conviction shall be punished for each offense by
imprisonment not exceeding one (1) year, or by a fine not
exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or by both.
34-18-101. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-102. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-103. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-104. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-105. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-106. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-107. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-108. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-109. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-110. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-111. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-112. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-113. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-114. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-115. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-18-116. Renumbered by Laws 1979, ch. 142, § 3; 1980,
ch. 54, § 1.
34-19-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Land" means land, including state land, roads,
water, watercourses, private ways and buildings, structures, and
machinery or equipment when attached to the realty;
(ii) "Owner" means the possessor of a fee interest, a
tenant, lessee, including a lessee of state lands, occupant or
person in control of the premises;
(iii) "Recreational purpose" includes, but is not
limited to, any one (1) or more of the following: hunting,
fishing, swimming, boating, camping, picnicking, hiking,
pleasure driving, nature study, water skiing, winter sports,
bicycling, mountain biking, horseback riding and other equine
activities as defined in W.S. 1-1-122(a)(iv), noncommercial
aviation activities and viewing or enjoying historical,
archaeological, scenic or scientific sites;
(iv) "Charge" means the admission price or fee asked
in return for invitation or permission to enter or go upon the
(v) "This act" means W.S. 34-19-101 through 34-19-
34-19-102. Landowner's duty of care or duty to give
Except as specifically recognized by or provided in W.S.
34-19-105, an owner of land owes no duty of care to keep the
premises safe for entry or use by others for recreational
purposes, or to give any warning of a dangerous condition, use,
structure or activity on such premises to persons entering for
recreational purposes.
34-19-103. Limitations on landowner's liability.
(a) Except as specifically recognized by or provided in
W.S. 34-19-105, an owner of land, including a lessee of state
land, who either directly or indirectly invites or permits
without charge any person to use the land for recreational
purposes does not thereby:
(i) Extend any assurance that the premises are safe
for any purpose;
(ii) Confer upon the person using the land the legal
status of an invitee or licensee to whom a duty of care is owed;
(iii) Assume responsibility for or incur liability
for any damage or injury to person or property, including to a
third party, whether or not on the property, caused by an act or
omission of the person using the land.
34-19-104. Application to land leased to state or
political subdivision thereof.
(a) Unless otherwise agreed in writing W.S. 34-19-102 and
34-19-103 shall be deemed applicable to the duties and liability
(i) An owner of land leased to the state or any
subdivision of this state for recreational purposes;
(ii) An owner of land on which the state or any
subdivision of the state has an easement for vehicle parking and
land access for recreational purposes.
34-19-105. When landowner's liability not limited.
(a) Nothing in this act limits in any way any liability
which otherwise exists:
(i) For willful or malicious failure to guard or warn
against a dangerous condition, use, structure, or activity,
except an owner whose land is adjacent to a national scenic
trail designated by the United States congress and who has
conveyed an easement across his lands for purposes of a
designated national scenic trail shall owe no duty of care to
keep the adjacent lands safe or to give any warning of a
dangerous condition, use, structure or activity on the adjacent
lands. The installation of a sign, other form of warning or
modification made to improve safety shall not create liability
on the part of an owner of the adjacent land if there is no
other basis for liability;
(ii) For injury suffered in any case where the owner
of land charges the persons who enter or go on the land for
recreational purposes, except that in the case of land leased to
the state or a subdivision of this state, any consideration
received by the owner for the lease shall not be deemed a charge
within the meaning of this section;
(iii) Under W.S. 1-39-107.
34-19-106. Duty of care, not created; duty of care of
persons using land.
(a) Nothing in this act shall be construed to:
(i) Create a duty of care or ground of liability for
injury to persons or property;
(ii) Relieve any person using the land of another for
recreational purposes from any obligation which he may have in
the absence of this act to exercise care in his use of the land
and in his activities on the land, or from the legal
consequences of failure to employ such care.
34-19-107. User liability for damages.
Any person using the land of another for recreational purposes,
with or without permission, shall assume the inherent risk of
using the land for recreational purposes and shall be liable for
any damage or injury to property, livestock or crops or to a
third party, whether or not on the property, caused by the
person while on the property.
34-19-201. Definitions
(a) As used in this article:
(i) "Land" means land, including state land, roads,
water, watercourses, private ways and buildings, structures, and
machinery or equipment when attached to the realty;
(ii) "Owner" means the owner of an interest in land,
a tenant, renter, lessee, including a lessee of state lands,
lawful occupant or person in control of the premises;
(iii) "Trespasser" means a person or persons who
enter or remain upon land in the possession of another without a
privilege to do so created by the owner's consent or otherwise.
34-19-202. Duty of owner of land to trespasser.
Except as provided in W.S. 34-19-203, an owner of land owes no
duty of care to a trespasser and is not liable for any injury to
a trespasser, except that the owner owes a duty not to willfully
or wantonly injure a trespasser.
34-19-203. Artificial conditions highly dangerous to
trespassing children.
(a) An owner of land is subject to liability for physical
harm to a child trespassing on the land caused by an artificial
condition upon the land if:
(i) The place where the condition exists is one upon
which the owner knows or has reason to know that a child is
likely to trespass;
(ii) The condition is one of which the owner knows or
has reason to know and which he realizes or should realize will
involve an unreasonable risk of death or serious bodily harm to
the child;
(iii) The child because of his youth does not
discover the condition or realize the risk involved in
intermeddling with it or in coming within the area made
dangerous by it;
(iv) The utility to the owner of maintaining the
condition and the burden of eliminating the danger are slight as
compared with the risk to the child involved; and
(v) The owner fails to exercise reasonable care to
eliminate the danger or otherwise to protect the child.
34-19-204. Conflicts.
If a statute other than a statute in this article prescribes a
standard or duty of care that differs from that prescribed in
this article, the other standard or duty of care shall control
over the provisions of this article.
34-20-101. Short title.
This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Condominium
Ownership Act".
34-20-102. Condominium ownership recognized; fee simple
estate in air space and common elements; inseparability.
Condominium ownership of real property is recognized in this
state. Whether created before or after the date of this chapter,
such ownership shall be deemed to consist of a separate fee
simple estate in an individual air space unit of a multi-unit
property together with an undivided fee simple interest in
common elements. The separate estate of any condominium owner of
an individual air space unit and his common ownership of such
common elements as are appurtenant to his individual air space
unit by the terms of the recorded declaration shall be
inseparable for any period of condominium ownership that is
prescribed by the said recorded declaration.
34-20-103. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act, unless the context otherwise
(i) An "individual air space unit" shall consist of
any enclosed room or rooms occupying all or part of a floor or
floors in a building of one (1) or more floors to be used for
residential, professional, commercial or industrial purposes and
which has access to a public street;
(ii) Unless otherwise provided in the declaration or
by written consent of all the condominium owners:
(A) "General common elements" means the land on
which a building or buildings are located; the foundations,
columns, girders, beams, supports, main walls, roofs, halls,
corridors, lobbies, stairs, stairways, fire escapes, entrances
and exits of such building or buildings; the basements, yards,
gardens, parking areas and storage spaces; the premises for the
lodging of custodians or persons in charge of the property;
installations of central services such as power, light, gas, hot
and cold water, heating, refrigeration, central air conditioning
and incinerating; the elevators, tanks, pumps, motors, fans,
compressors, ducts and in general all apparatus and
installations existing for common use; such community and
commercial facilities as may be provided for in the declaration;
and all other parts of the property necessary or convenient to
its existence, maintenance and safety, or normally in common
(B) "Limited common elements" means those common
elements designated in the declaration as reserved for use by
fewer than all the owners of the individual air space units;
(iii) "Condominium unit" means an individual air
space unit together with the interest in the common elements
appurtenant to such unit;
(iv) "Declaration" is an instrument which defines the
character, duration, rights, obligations and limitations of
condominium ownership.
34-20-104. Notice to tax assessor; apportionment of taxes;
recording declaration; covenants running with land.
(a) Whenever condominium ownership of real property is
created, or separate assessment of condominium units is desired,
a written notice thereof shall be delivered to the assessor of
the county in which said real property is situated, which notice
shall set forth descriptions of the condominium units.
Thereafter all taxes, assessments and other charges of this
state or of any political subdivision or of any special
improvement district or any other taxing or assessing authority
shall be assessed against and collected on each condominium
unit, each of which shall be carried on the tax books as a
separate and distinct parcel for the purpose, and not on the
building or property as a whole. The valuation of the general
and limited common elements shall be assessed proportionately
upon the individual air space unit in the manner provided in the
declaration. The lien for taxes assessed to any individual
condominium owner shall be confined to his condominium unit and
to his undivided interest in the general and limited common
elements. No forfeiture or sale of any condominium unit for
delinquent taxes, mechanics, laborers or materialmen's liens,
assessments or charges shall divest or in any way affect the
title of other condominium units.
(b) The declaration shall be recorded in the office of the
county clerk where the condominium property is located. Such
declaration shall provide for the filing for record of a map
properly locating condominium units. Any instrument affecting
the condominium unit may legally describe it by the identifying
condominium unit number or symbol as shown on such map. If such
declaration provides for the disposition of condominium units in
the event of the destruction or obsolescence of buildings in
which such units are situated and restricts partition of the
common elements, the rules or laws known as the rule against
perpetuities and the rule prohibiting unlawful restraints on
alienation shall not be applied to defeat or limit any such
(c) To the extent that any such declaration shall contain
a mandatory requirement that all condominium unit owners shall
be members of an association or corporation, or provide for the
payment of charges assessed by the association upon condominium
units, or the appointment of an attorney-in-fact to deal with
the property upon its destruction or obsolescence, any rule of
law to the contrary notwithstanding, the same shall be
considered as covenants running with the land binding upon all
condominium owners and their successors in interest. Any common
law rule terminating agency upon death or disability of a
principal shall not be applied to defeat or limit any such
34-21-101. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-102. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-103. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-104. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-105. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-106. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-107. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-108. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-109. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-110. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-111. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-112. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-113. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-114. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-115. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-116. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-117. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-118. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-119. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-120. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-121. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-122. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-123. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-124. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-125. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-126. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-127. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-128. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-201. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-202. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-203. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-204. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-205. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-206. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-207. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-208. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-209. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-210. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-211. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-212. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-213. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-214. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-215. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-216. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-217. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-218. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-219. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-220. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-221. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-222. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-223. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-224. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-225. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-226. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-227. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-228. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-229. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-230. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-231. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-232. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-233. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-234. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-235. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-236. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-237. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-238. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-239. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-240. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-241. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-242. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-243. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-244. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-245. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-246. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-247. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-248. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-249. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-250. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-251. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-252. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-253. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-254. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-255. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-256. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-257. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-258. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-259. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-260. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-261. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-262. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-263. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-264. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-265. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-266. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-267. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-268. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-269. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-270. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-271. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-272. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-273. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-274. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-275. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-276. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-277. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-278. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-279. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-280. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-281. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-282. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-283. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-284. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-285. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-286. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-287. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-288. Renumbered by order of management council.
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34-21-291. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-292. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-293. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-294. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-295. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-296. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-297. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-298. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-299. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-301. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-302. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-303. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-304. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-305. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-306. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-307. Renumbered by order of management council.
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34-21-314. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-315. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-316. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-317. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-318. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-319. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-320. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-321. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-322. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-323. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-324. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-325. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-326. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-327. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-328. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-329. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-330. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-331. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-332. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-333. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-334. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-335. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-336. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-337. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-338. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-339. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-340. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-341. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-342. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-343. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-344. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-345. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-346. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-347. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-348. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-349. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-350. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-351. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-352. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-353. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-354. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-355. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-356. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-357. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-358. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-359. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-360. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-361. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-362. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-363. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-364. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-365. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-366. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-367. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-368. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-369. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-370. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-371. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-372. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-373. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-374. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-375. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-376. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-377. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-378. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-379. Renumbered by order of management council.
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34-21-381. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-382. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-383. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-384. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-401. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-402. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-403. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-404. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-405. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-406. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-407. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-408. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-409. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-410. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-411. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-412. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-413. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-414. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-415. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-416. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-417. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-418. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-419. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-420. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-421. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-422. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-423. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-424. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-425. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-426. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-427. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-428. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-429. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-430. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-431. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-432. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-433. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-434. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-435. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-436. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-437. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-438. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-439. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-440. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-441. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-442. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-443. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-444. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-445. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-446. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-447. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-448. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-449. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-450. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-451. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-452. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-453. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-454. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-455. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-456. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-457. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-458. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-459. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-460. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-461. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-462. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-463. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-464. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-465. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-466. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-467. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-468. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-469. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-470. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-471. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-472. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-473. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-474. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-475. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-476. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-477. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-478. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-479. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-480. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-481. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-482. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-483. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-484. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-485. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-486. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-487. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-488. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-489. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-490. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-491. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-492. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-493. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-501. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-502. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-503. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-504. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-505. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-506. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-507. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-508. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-509. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-510. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-511. Renumbered by order of management council.
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34-21-515. Renumbered by order of management council.
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34-21-601. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-602. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-603. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-604. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-605. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-606. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-607. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-608. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-609. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-610. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-701. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-702. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-703. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-704. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-705. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-706. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-707. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-708. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-709. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-710. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-711. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-712. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-713. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-714. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-715. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-716. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-717. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-718. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-719. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-720. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-721. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-722. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-723. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-724. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-725. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-726. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-727. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-728. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-729. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-730. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-731. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-732. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-733. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-734. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-735. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-736. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-737. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-738. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-739. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-740. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-741. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-742. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-743. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-744. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-745. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-746. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-747. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-748. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-749. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-750. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-751. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-752. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-801. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-802. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-803. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-804. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-805. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-806. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-807. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-808. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-809. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-810. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-811. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-812. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-813. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-814. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-815. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-816. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-817. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-818. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-819. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-820. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-821. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-822. Renumbered by order of management council.
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34-21-824. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-825. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-826. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-827. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-828. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-829. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-830. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-831. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-832. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-833. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-834. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-835. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-836. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-837. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-838. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-839. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-840. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-841. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-842. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-843. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-844. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-845. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-846. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-847. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-848. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-849. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-850. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-851. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-852. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-853. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-854. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-855. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-856. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-857. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-858. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-859. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-860. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-861. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-862. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-863. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-864. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-865. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-866. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-867. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-868. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-869. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-870. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-871. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-872. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-873. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-874. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-875. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-876. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-901. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-902. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-903. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-904. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-905. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-906. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-907. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-908. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-909. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-910. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-911. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-912. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-913. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-914. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-915. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-916. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-917. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-918. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-919. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-920. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-921. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-922. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-923. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-924. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-925. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-926. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-927. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-928. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-929. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-930. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-931. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-932. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-933. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-934. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-935. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-936. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-937. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-938. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-939. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-940. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-941. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-942. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-943. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-944. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-945. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-946. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-947. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-948. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-949. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-950. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-951. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-952. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-953. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-954. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-955. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-956. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-957. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-958. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-959. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-960. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-961. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-962. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-963. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-964. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-965. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-966. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-1001. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-1002. Renumbered by order of management council.
34-21-1101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Buyer in the ordinary course of business" means
a person who, in the ordinary course of business, buys farm
products from a person engaged in farming operations who is in
the business of selling farm products;
(ii) "Central filing system" means the system for
filing effective financing statements or notice of those
financing statements established under this act in response to
section 1324 of the Food Security Act of 1985, Public Law
99-198, 7 U.S.C. § 1631 (Supp. 1988);
(iii) "Commission merchant" means any person engaged
in the business of receiving any farm product for sale, on
commission or for or on behalf of another person;
(iv) "Debtor" means the person subjecting a farm
product to a security interest;
(v) "Effective financing statement" means a statement
(A) Is signed, authorized or otherwise
authenticated by the secured party;
(B) Is filed by the secured party in the office
of the secretary of state;
(C) Is signed, authorized or otherwise
authenticated by the debtor;
(D) Contains:
(I) The name and address of the secured
(II) The name and address of the debtor;
(III) An approved unique identification
number of the debtor;
(IV) A description of the farm products
subject to the security interest created by the debtor,
including the amount of such products where applicable;
(V) Each county in this state where the
debtor's farm product is used or produced or to be used or
(VI) Crop year, unless every crop of the
farm product in question is to be subject to the particular
security interest for the duration of the effective financing
(VII) Further details of the farm product
subject to the security interest if needed to distinguish it
from other quantities of the product owned by the same person
but not subject to the particular security interest; and
(VIII) Other information that the secretary
of state may require to comply with section 1324 of the Food
Security Act of 1985, Public Law 99-198, 7 U.S.C. § 1631 (Supp.
1988), or to more efficiently carry out his duties under this
(E) Shall be amended and filed, within three (3)
months to reflect material changes;
(F) Remains effective for a period of five (5)
years from the date of filing, subject to extensions for
additional periods of five (5) years each by refiling or filing
a continuation statement within six (6) months before the
expiration of the five (5) year period;
(G) Lapses on either the expiration of the
effective period of the statement or the filing of a notice
signed, authorized or otherwise authenticated by the secured
party that the statement is terminated, whichever occurs first;
(H) Is accompanied by the filing fee required
under this act; and
(J) Substantially complies with the requirements
of this paragraph even though it contains minor errors that are
not seriously misleading. An effective financing statement may,
for any given debtor or debtors, cover more than one (1) farm
product located in more than one (1) county. However, should
more than ten (10) products, counties or combinations thereof be
listed, an additional fee shall be charged.
(vi) "Farm product" means an agricultural commodity,
such as wheat, corn, soybeans or a species of livestock such as
cattle, hogs, sheep, horses or poultry used or produced in
farming operations, or a product of such crop or livestock in
its unmanufactured state, such as woolclip, milk or eggs that is
in the possession of a person engaged in farming operations;
(vii) "Knows" or "knowledge" means actual knowledge;
(viii) "Receipt of notice" of an existing security
interest means, for purposes of section 1324 of the Food
Security Act of 1985, Public Law 99-198, 7 U.S.C. § 1631 (Supp.
1988), and for purposes of this act, the earlier of:
(A) The date notice is actually received by a
buyer in the ordinary course of business;
(B) The first day upon which delivery of the
notice is attempted by a carrier; or
(C) Five (5) days after the notice is mailed.
(ix) "Registrant" means any buyer of farm products,
commission merchant, selling agent or other person who registers
with the secretary of state to receive the master list;
(x) "Security interest" means an interest in farm
products that secures payment or performance of an obligation;
(xi) "Selling agent" means any person, other than a
commission merchant, who is engaged in the business of
negotiating the sale and purchase of any farm product on behalf
of a person engaged in farming operations;
(xii) "This act" means W.S. 34-21-1101 through
34-21-1102. Central filing system; establishment.
(a) The secretary of state shall establish and operate a
central filing system for effective financing statements. The
system shall provide a means for filing effective financing
statements or notices of such financing statements on a
statewide basis. The system shall include requirements that:
(i) An effective financing statement or notice of a
financing statement shall be filed in the office of the
secretary of state. A debtor's residence is presumed to be the
residence shown on the filing. The validity of the filing is
not affected if the residence indicated is improper or
inaccurate. The secretary of state shall mark the statement or
notice with a consecutive file number and the date and hour of
filing and shall hold the statement or notice for public
inspection. In addition, the secretary of state shall index the
statements and notices according to the name of the debtor and
shall note in the index the file number and the address of the
debtor given in the statement;
(ii) The secretary of state shall compile all
statements or notices filed under this act into a master list
containing the information specified in W.S.
(iii) The secretary of state shall distribute to
registrants the information on the master list in lists by farm
product arranged either alphabetically by debtor or numerically
by the debtor's approved unique identification number. If a
registered buyer so requests, the list or lists for such buyer
may be limited to any county or group of counties where the farm
product is used or produced or to any crop year or years or a
combination of those identifiers;
(iv) All buyers of farm products, commission
merchants, selling agents and other persons may register with
the secretary of state to receive lists described in paragraph
(a)(iii) of this section. Lists produced under the central
filing system shall be used only for the purposes of this act.
Any buyer of farm products, commission merchant, selling agent
or other person conducting business from multiple locations
shall be considered as one (1) entity. Registration shall be on
an annual calendar year basis. The secretary of state shall
provide the form for registration which shall include the name
and address of the registrant and the list or lists described in
paragraph (a)(iii) of this section which the registrant desires
to receive. The form shall also include other information that
the secretary of state may require to comply with section 1324
of the Food Security Act of 1985, Public Law 99-198, 7 U.S.C.
1631 (Supp. 1988), or to more efficiently carry out his duties
under this act. A registration shall not be completed until the
form provided is properly completed and received by the
secretary of state accompanied by the specified registration
fee. A registrant shall pay an additional annual fee as
specified under this act to receive monthly lists described in
paragraph (a)(iii) of this section. A registration may be
amended during the year by properly completing the prescribed
form and submitting it along with the specified fee to the
secretary of state. Registrants shall immediately notify the
secretary of state of any change of address by filling out the
proper form in order to continue to receive copies of the
central filing system master list and to continue to be
considered registered. The secretary of state shall maintain a
record of the registrants and the lists and contents of the
lists received by the registrants for a period of five (5)
(v) The lists requested by registrants under
paragraph (a)(iv) of this section shall be distributed by the
secretary of state on a monthly basis and shall be in written or
printed form. The secretary of state may by rule provide for
the distribution of the lists on any medium and establish
reasonable charges therefor. The secretary of state shall, by
rule, establish the dates upon which the monthly distribution
will be made, the dates after which a filing of an effective
financing statement will not be reflected on the next monthly
distribution of lists and the dates by which a registrant must
complete a registration to receive the next monthly list; and
(vi) The secretary of state shall remove lapsed and
terminated effective financing statements or notices of such
financing statements from the master list before preparing the
lists for distribution under paragraph (a)(v) of this section.
(b) The secretary of state shall apply to the secretary of
the United States department of agriculture for certification of
the central filing system.
(c) The secretary of state shall:
(i) Adopt and promulgate rules to implement this act
if necessary to obtain federal certification of the central
filing system. Additional and alternative requirements made in
conformity with section 1324 of the Food Security Act of 1985,
Public Law 99-198, 7 U.S.C. § 1631 (Supp. 1988) and with the
rules promulgated under it may be imposed by the secretary of
state by rule;
(ii) Prescribe all forms to be used for filing
effective financing statements and subsequent transactions and
all other forms necessary to implement this act.
34-21-1103. Filing.
(a) Presentation for filing of an effective financing
statement, tender of the filing fee and the acceptance of the
statement by the secretary of state constitutes filing under
this act.
(b) A continuation statement may be filed by the secured
party within six (6) months immediately prior to the expiration
of the five (5) year period specified in W.S.
34-21-1101(a)(v)(F). Any continuation statement shall identify
the original statement by file number and state that the
original statement is still effective. The continuation
statement need not be signed by the secured party or the debtor,
whether filed by electronic means or filed in written form.
Upon timely filing of the continuation statement, the
effectiveness of the original statement shall be continued for
five (5) years after the last date to which the filing was
effective whereupon it shall lapse unless another continuation
statement is filed in accordance with this subsection. If an
effective financing statement exists at the time insolvency
proceedings are commenced by or against the debtor, the
effective financing statement shall remain effective until
termination of the insolvency proceedings and thereafter for a
period of sixty (60) days or until the expiration of the five
(5) year period, whichever occurs later. Succeeding continuation
statements may be filed in the same manner to continue the
effectiveness of the original statement.
34-21-1104. Termination; notice.
(a) Whenever there is no outstanding secured obligation
and no commitment to make advances, incur obligations or
otherwise give value, the secured party shall notify the debtor
in writing of his right to have a notice of lapse of his
effective financing statement filed which shall lead to the
removal of his name from the files and lists compiled by the
secretary of state. In lieu of that notice, the secured party
may acquire a waiver of the debtor of that right and a request
by the debtor that his effective financing statement be retained
on file. The notice may be given or waiver acquired by the
secured party at any time prior to the time specified in this
subsection for giving the notice.
(b) If the secured party does not furnish the notice or
obtain the waiver specified in subsection (a) of this section,
the secured party shall, within ten (10) days of final payment
of all secured obligations, file a notice of termination with
the secretary of state. The secured party shall on written
demand by the debtor send the debtor a notice of termination to
the effect that he no longer claims a security interest under
the effective financing statement, which shall be identified by
file number. The notice of termination is valid if signed by
the secured party.
(c) If the affected secured party fails to send a notice
of lapse within ten (10) days after proper demand under
subsection (b) of this section, he is liable to the debtor for
the amount of one hundred dollars ($100.00) and for any loss
caused to the debtor by the failure.
(d) On presentation to the secretary of state of a notice
of lapse, he shall treat it as a termination statement and note
it in the index.
34-21-1105. Information requests.
(a) Oral and written inquiries regarding information
provided by the filing of effective financing statements may be
made at the office of the secretary of state during regular
business hours or at such other times as the secretary of state
may set. The secretary of state shall, within twenty-four (24)
hours after the request, furnish oral confirmation of any
effective financing statement in the system to any buyer of farm
products buying from a debtor, commission merchant or selling
agent selling for a seller covered by such statement. If
requested, oral confirmation shall be followed by written
confirmation mailed by the end of the next business day.
(b) The secretary of state and his employees or agents are
exempt from all liability as a result of any error or omission
in providing information as required by this act, except in
cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence.
34-21-1106. Sales subject to security interest; release of
security interest.
(a) In the case of a farm product produced in Wyoming, a
buyer in the ordinary course of business buying farm products
takes subject to a security interest created by the seller, and
a commission merchant or selling agent who sells a farm product
for others shall be subject to a security interest created by
the seller in such farm product, if:
(i) The buyer, commission merchant or selling agent
has failed to register with the secretary of state prior to the
purchase of farm products, and the secured party has filed an
effective financing statement or notice that covers the farm
products being sold; or
(ii) The buyer, commission merchant or selling agent
received from the secretary of state written notice as provided
in W.S. 34-21-1102(a)(v) that specifies both the seller and the
farm products being sold by the seller as being subject to an
effective financing statement or notice, and does not secure a
waiver or release of the security interest specified in the
effective financing statement or notice from the secured party
by performing any payment obligation or otherwise. If a buyer
in the ordinary course of business buying farm products covered
by the central filing system tenders to the seller the total
purchase price by means of a check or other instrument payable
to the seller and each security interest holder of the seller
identified in the central filing system for those products and
if the security interest holder authorizes the negotiation of
the check or other instrument, the authorization or endorsement
and payment thereof constitutes a waiver or release of the
security interest specified to the extent of the amount of the
(b) A buyer in the ordinary course of business buying farm
products covered by the central filing system shall take subject
to the security interest identified under the system, except
that a registrant or a buyer in the ordinary course of business
making an inquiry under W.S. 34-21-1105 shall not take subject
to the security interest if the central filing system's failure
to correctly provide any of the information specified in W.S.
34-21-1101(a)(v)(D) prevents the buyer from having knowledge of
the effective financing statement.
34-21-1107. Fees.
The secretary of state shall, while determining appropriate fees
under W.S. 34.1-9-525 for original financing statements,
determine appropriate fees for effective financing statement
filings, statements of amendments, continuation, assignment and
release and for statements of termination by rules. The rules
must be adopted in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative
Procedure Act.
34-22-101. Short title.
This act may be cited as the "Solar Rights Act".
34-22-102. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Solar collector," except as provided in
subsection (b) of this section, is one (1) of the following
which is capable of collecting, storing or transmitting at least
twenty-five thousand (25,000) BTU's on a clear winter solstice
(A) A wall, clerestory or skylight window
designed to transmit solar energy into a structure for heating
(B) A greenhouse attached to another structure
and designed to provide part of the heating load for the
structure to which it is attached;
(C) A trombe wall, "drum wall" or other wall or
roof structural element designed to collect and transmit solar
energy into a structure;
(D) A photovoltaic collector designed to convert
solar energy into electric energy;
(E) A plate-type collector designed to use solar
energy to heat air, water or other fluids for use in hot water
or space heating or for other applications; or
(F) A massive structural element designed to
collect solar energy and transmit it to internal spaces for
(ii) "Solar right" is a property right to an
unobstructed line-of-sight path from a solar collector to the
sun which permits radiation from the sun to impinge directly on
the solar collector. The extent of the solar right shall be
described by that illumination provided by the path of the sun
on the winter solstice day which is put to a beneficial use or
otherwise limited by this act;
(iii) "Winter solstice day" is the solstice on or
about December 21 which marks the beginning of winter in the
northern hemisphere and is the time when the sun reaches its
southernmost point;
(iv) "Local government" means a city, town or county;
(v) "This act" means W.S. 34-22-101 through
(b) For purposes of this act, "solar collector" shall not
include a solar collector that is part of a facility that:
(i) Has a rated power capacity of more than five
hundred (500) kilowatts; or
(ii) Would result in a surface disturbance equal to
or greater than one hundred (100) acres.
34-22-103. Declaration of solar rights.
(a) The beneficial use of solar energy is a property
(b) In disputes over the use of solar energy:
(i) Beneficial use shall be the basis, the measure
and the limit of the solar right, except as otherwise provided
by written contract. If the amount of solar energy which a solar
user can beneficially use varies with the season of the year,
then the extent of the solar right shall vary likewise;
(ii) Priority in time shall have the better right,
except as provided in this act; and
(iii) Nothing in this act diminishes the right of
eminent domain.
(c) Solar rights are property rights and as such shall be
freely transferable within the bounds of law.
34-22-104. Restrictions on solar rights.
(a) The solar right to radiation of the sun before 9:00
a.m. or after 3:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time is de minimus and
may be infringed without compensation to the owner of the solar
(b) A solar right which is not applied to a beneficial use
for a period of five (5) years or more shall be deemed abandoned
and without priority.
(c) Solar collectors shall be located on the solar user's
property so as not to unreasonably or unnecessarily restrict the
uses of neighboring property. Unless otherwise permitted by the
local government, no solar right attaches to a solar collector,
or a portion of a solar collector, which would be shaded by a
ten (10) foot wall located on the property line on a winter
solstice day.
34-22-105. County and municipal authority.
(a) Land-use regulations of local governments may
encourage the use of solar energy systems. To encourage the use
of solar energy systems, local governments may regulate:
(i) The height, location, setback and energy
efficiency of structures;
(ii) The height and location of vegetation with
respect to property lines;
(iii) The platting and orientation of land
developments; and
(iv) The type and location of energy systems or their
(b) The local government shall establish permit systems
for the use and application of solar energy. Where a local
government establishes a permit system for the use and
application of solar energy:
(i) A solar permit shall be granted before a solar
right may be established;
(ii) The local government shall grant a solar permit
to any proposed or existing solar collector which complies with
this act. If a local government sets height or locational limits
on structures or vegetation, the local government may restrict
the solar permit to the airspace above or surrounding the
restrictions. The extent of the solar right granted by this act
shall not exceed the extent of the solar right granted by the
solar permit;
(iii) The solar right vests on the date the solar
permit is granted. The solar collector shall be put to
beneficial use within two (2) years except the local government
may allow additional time for good cause shown. The local
government shall certify the right and its beneficial use within
two (2) years of its vesting;
(iv) The priority of new construction with regard to
interference in solar rights shall vest as of the date the
building permit is applied for;
(v) Cities and towns shall regulate solar rights
within their boundaries. Counties shall regulate solar rights
within the county and outside city limits. Local governments
which agree may regulate solar rights jointly;
(vi) Existing solar collector users shall apply for
permits within five (5) years after the date permit systems are
established by their local governments. The priority date for
these solar rights shall be the first date the solar collector
was beneficially used.
(c) No local government shall prohibit the construction or
use of solar collectors except for reasons of public health and
safety or as authorized in W.S. 18-5-501 through 18-5-513.
34-22-106. Recording solar rights.
The granting of solar permits and the transfer of solar rights
shall be recorded pursuant to W.S. 34-1-101 through 34-1-140.
The instrument granting a solar permit shall include a
description of the collector surface, or that portion of the
collector surface to which the solar permit is granted. The
description shall include the dimensions of the collector
surface, the direction of orientation, the height above ground
level and the location of the collector on the solar user's
34-23-101. Definitions.
(a) For purposes of this chapter:
(i) "Lender" means the actual owner of loaned
property or his duly authorized agent, trustee, conservator,
custodian, heir, fiduciary or any other person capable of having
an interest in property;
(ii) "Lender's address" means the most recent address
as shown on the museum's records pertaining to the property on
loan from the lender;
(iii) "Loan" means all deposits of property with a
museum which are not accompanied by a transfer of title to the
property or other evidence of donative intent;
(iv) "Museum" means an institution located in Wyoming
and operated by a nonprofit corporation or a public agency
primarily for educational, scientific or aesthetic purposes and
which owns, borrows, cares for, exhibits, studies or archives
(v) "Property" means all tangible objects, organic
and inorganic, under a museum's care which have intrinsic
scientific, historic, artistic or cultural value.
34-23-102. Notice to lender.
(a) If a museum accepts a loan of property on or after
July 1, 1992 for a period of time exceeding ninety (90) days
that is not subject to a written loan agreement, the museum
shall give the lender the written notice required by this
(b) If a museum holds loaned property acquired between
July 1, 1982 and June 30, 1992 which is not subject to a written
loan agreement, or holds loaned property acquired prior to July
1, 1982 which is not subject to a written loan agreement and
which is not subject to subsection (f) of this section, the
museum may give the lender the written notice required by this
(c) Notice to a lender by a museum shall be deemed given
under this chapter if sent by certified mail to the lender's
address, return receipt requested. If the lender's address is
not available to the museum or if proof of receipt is not
received by the museum, notice shall be by publication at least
once a week for three (3) successive weeks in a newspaper of
general circulation in both the county in which the museum is
located and the county of the lender's address, if any.
(d) The notice shall contain the lender's name, the
lender's address, the date of the loan, a description of the
property loaned, the name, address and telephone number of the
appropriate office or official to be contacted at the museum for
information regarding the loan, an explanation of the lender's
responsibilities to notify the museum of any change of address
or ownership pursuant to W.S. 34-23-103, an explanation of the
lender's right to file a notice of intent to preserve an
interest pursuant to W.S. 34-23-104 and an explanation of when a
museum acquires title to property originally loaned to it as
provided in W.S. 34-23-104(b).
(e) For purposes of this section, a museum is located in
the county of its principal place of business or in the county
in which any branch of the museum is located if the loan is made
to the museum branch.
(f) If a museum holds loaned property acquired prior to
July 1, 1982 which is not subject to a written loan agreement,
and more than ten (10) years have elapsed without written donor
contact indicating the deposit is not a gift, the deposit is
presumed to be a gift. The presumption of a gift under this
subsection may be rebutted by submission of written
documentation by the lender prior to July 1, 1995 establishing
that the deposit was a loan. Failure by the lender to submit
documentation to the museum under this subsection prior to July
1, 1995 shall result in transfer of ownership of the loaned
property to the museum.
34-23-103. Lender's duties.
The lender of property on loan to a museum shall notify the
museum promptly in writing of any change of address or change in
ownership of the property. Failure to notify the museum
pursuant to this section may result in the lender's loss of
ownership in the property.
34-23-104. Intent to preserve an interest.
(a) The lender may file with a museum a notice of intent
to preserve an interest in the property on loan to the museum
within sixty (60) days of receipt of the notice required in W.S.
34-23-102. Filing of the notice does not validate or make
enforceable any claim which would be extinguished under the
terms of a written loan agreement or which would otherwise be
invalid or unenforceable. The notice of intent to preserve an
interest shall be effective for ten (10) years. The museum
shall notify the lender by certified mail, return receipt
requested, within thirty (30) days of the expiration of the
initial ten (10) year period covered by the lender's notice of
intent to preserve an interest. The lender may extend his
intent to preserve an interest for ten (10) years by filing
another notice in accordance with this section.
(b) Failure to timely file a notice of intent after
notification by a museum as provided for in W.S. 34-23-102, or
failure to timely refile a notice of intent within ten (10)
years of the original filing of notice, or failure to claim
loaned property at the termination of the loan period shall
result in transfer to the museum of ownership of the loaned
(c) Failure to file a notice of intent, or to refile a
notice of intent within ten (10) years of the original filing of
notice pursuant to this section, shall result in transfer to the
museum of ownership of the loaned property immediately, or if
any lending agreement is in effect the termination of any
lending agreement.
(d) Notice of intent to preserve an interest shall:
(i) Be in writing;
(ii) Contain a description of the property adequate
to enable the museum to identify the property;
(iii) Be accompanied by documentation sufficient to
establish the lender as the owner of the property; and
(iv) Be signed under penalty of perjury by the lender
or by a person authorized to act on behalf of the lender.
(e) A museum is not required to retain a notice of intent
to preserve an interest which does not meet the requirements of
subsection (d) of this section. Any museum not retaining the
notice pursuant to this subsection shall promptly notify the
lender at the address given on the notice of its determination
that the notice is ineffective to preserve an interest and the
reasons the notice is ineffective. Retention of a notice under
this section is not an implication that the museum accepts the
sufficiency or accuracy of the notice or that the notice is
effective to preserve an interest in property on loan to the
(f) Unless the loaned property is returned to the lender,
the museum shall retain the original or a copy of each notice to
preserve an interest for a period of not less than ten (10)
(g) The museum shall furnish any person filing notice
under this section proof of receipt of notice by mailing a
receipt to the lender at the address given on the notice within
thirty (30) days after receipt of the notice.
(h) The provisions of this section are not intended to
affect or alter the terms of a written loan agreement.
(j) All rights and obligations of a lender in property
loaned to a museum under this chapter shall pass to the lender's
estate upon the death of the lender.
(k) The notice requirements of this section do not apply
to loaned property held by a museum pursuant to W.S.
34-23-105. Conservation or disposal of loaned property.
(a) A museum may apply measures to or dispose of property
on loan to the museum without the permission of the lender if:
(i) No notice of intent to preserve an interest has
been filed or refiled pursuant to W.S. 34-23-104(a) and any
applicable lending agreement has terminated;
(ii) No notice of intent to preserve an interest has
been filed and the lending agreement is still in effect or a
notice of intent to preserve an interest has been filed within
ten (10) years of the proposed conservation measure or disposal
(A) Immediate action is required to protect the
property on loan or other property in the custody of the museum
and the lender cannot be reached at his last known address;
(B) Immediate action is required because the
property on loan has become a hazard to the health and safety of
the public or the museum staff and the lender cannot be reached
at his last known address; or
(C) The lender does not agree to the
conservation measures or to the disposal but is not willing or
able to terminate the loan and retrieve the property.
(iii) The museum holds the property as a presumed
gift pursuant to W.S. 34-23-102(f).
(b) Any museum applying conservation measures to property
pursuant to paragraph (a)(ii) or (iii) of this section shall
acquire ownership of the property or any proceeds from the
disposition of the property. Any museum disposing of property
pursuant to paragraph (a)(ii) or (iii) of this section shall not
be liable for damage caused by sale of the property.
34-23-106. Notice of injury or loss.
A museum shall provide prompt notice to the lender of any known
injury to or loss of property on loan.
34-23-107. Notice of intent to terminate loan.
(a) A museum may provide notice of the museum's intent to
terminate a loan:
(i) To a lender who has filed a notice of intent to
preserve an interest;
(ii) To a lender who has not filed a notice of intent
to preserve an interest if a lending agreement is still in
effect; or
(iii) To a lender of property held pursuant to W.S.
34-23-102(f) if the lender has submitted written documentation
that the deposit was a loan within the period provided by W.S.
(b) The notice shall include a description of the
property, the name, address and telephone number of the
appropriate office or official to be contacted at the museum,
and a statement containing substantially the following
"The records of ....(name of museum) indicate that you have
property on loan to the museum. The museum intends to terminate
the loan. You are required by law to contact the museum,
establish your ownership of the property and make arrangements
to collect the property. If you fail to do so within one (1)
year following the date of notice, you will be considered to
have donated the property to the museum as provided under W.S.
34-23-108. Limitations on actions against the museum.
(a) Any action against a museum for damages because of
injury to or loss of property loaned to the museum is barred
unless commenced within one (1) year from the date the museum
provides notice to the lender of the injury or loss or within
three (3) years from the date of the injury or loss, whichever
occurs earlier.
(b) Any action against a museum to recover property on
loan is barred unless commenced within one (1) year from the
date the museum provides notice to the lender of its intent to
terminate the loan provided under W.S. 34-23-107 or within ten
(10) years from the date of notice of intent to preserve an
interest in the property is filed with the museum under W.S.
34-23-104, whichever date is earlier.
(c) Property loaned to the museum for which the lender
fails to file an action for damages or recovery within the
periods specified by subsections (a), (b) and (f) of this
section shall be considered donated to the museum.
(d) Notwithstanding subsections (b) and (c) of this
section, a lender of property, other than property held by a
museum pursuant to W.S. 34-23-102(f), not provided notice of the
intention of the museum to terminate a loan and providing proof
that the museum received a notice of intent to preserve an
interest in loaned property within ten (10) years immediately
preceding the filing of an action to recover the property, may
recover the property or if the property has been disposed of,
the reasonable value of the property at the time of disposition
plus interest at five percent (5%) per year.
(e) Any person purchasing property from a museum acquires
good title to the property if the museum represents that title
to the property has been acquired pursuant to this chapter.
(f) Any action against a museum to recover property held
by the museum pursuant to W.S. 34-23-102(f) is barred from and
after July 1, 1995 unless the lender submits the documentation
required by W.S. 34-23-102(f) to the museum prior to July 1,
34-24-101. Short title; policy statement; uniform
(a) This act may be cited as the "Uniform Unclaimed
Property Act."
(b) Property shall be deemed to be "abandoned" or
"unclaimed" when:
(i) It is held, issued or owing by a holder;
(ii) The identity, status or present location of the
apparent owner is unknown; and
(iii) The property cannot be paid, distributed or
given to the apparent owner after the dormancy period stated for
the type of unclaimed property in this act.
(c) Property shall not be deemed to be "abandoned" or
"unclaimed" while the character or degree of ownership interest
of the apparent owner in the property is unsettled or disputed
and the holder is notified of this fact.
(d) All unclaimed property shall be placed in the custody
of the administrator, subject to the perpetual right of the
party originally owning or being entitled to the property to
reclaim it upon proper proof of ownership and identity. Except
for escrow agreements pursuant to W.S. 30-5-302, any provision,
contract, agreement, practice, resolution, ordinance, decision,
order or understanding, shall be void as contrary to this public
policy, if the purpose of that provision is to avoid or
contradict the custodial taking of unclaimed property by the
(e) This act shall be liberally construed in favor of the
state and so as to foster the report and turnover of unclaimed
property to the administrator.
34-24-102. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Administrator" means the state treasurer;
(ii) "Apparent owner" means the person whose name
appears on the records of the holder as the person entitled to
property held, issued or owing by the holder;
(iii) "Attorney general" means the chief legal
officer of this state;
(iv) "Banking organization" means a bank, trust
company, savings bank, private banker or any organization
defined by other law as a bank or banking organization;
(v) "Business association" means a nonpublic
corporation, joint stock company, investment company, business
trust, partnership or association for business purposes of two
(2) or more individuals, whether or not for profit, including a
banking organization, financial organization, insurance company
or utility;
(vi) "Domicile" means the state of incorporation of a
corporation and the state of the principal place of business of
an unincorporated person;
(vii) "Financial organization" means a savings and
loan association, building and loan association or credit union;
(viii) "Holder" means a person, wherever organized or
domiciled, who is:
(A) In possession of property belonging to
(B) A trustee; or
(C) Indebted to another on an obligation.
(ix) "Insurance company" means an association,
corporation, fraternal or mutual benefit organization, whether
or not for profit, which is engaged in providing insurance
coverage, including but not limited to accident, burial,
casualty, credit life, contract performance, dental, fidelity,
fire, health, hospitalization, illness, life (including
endowments and annuities), malpractice, marine, mortgage, surety
and wage protection insurance;
(x) "Intangible property" includes:
(A) Monies, checks, drafts, deposits, interest,
dividends and income;
(B) Credit balances, customer overpayments, gift
certificates, merchant stored value cards, security deposits,
refunds, credit memos, unpaid wages, unused airline tickets and
unidentified remittances except balances represented on debit
(C) Stocks and other intangible ownership
interests in business associations except patronage capital of
Wyoming rural electric cooperatives;
(D) Monies deposited to redeem stocks, bonds,
coupons and other securities or to make distributions;
(E) Bonds, notes and any other debt obligations;
(F) Amounts due and payable under the terms of
insurance policies;
(G) Amounts distributable from a trust or
custodial fund established under a plan to provide health,
welfare, pension, vacation, severance, retirement, death, stock
purchase, profit sharing, employee savings, supplemental
unemployment insurance or similar benefits; and
(H) Amounts distributable from a mineral
interest in land.
(xi) "Last known address" means a description of the
location of the apparent owner sufficient for the purpose of the
delivery of mail;
(xii) "Mineral" means oil, gas, uranium, sulfur,
lignite, coal and any other substance that is ordinarily and
naturally considered a mineral, regardless of the depth at which
the oil, gas, uranium, sulfur, lignite, coal or other substance
is found;
(xiii) "Mineral proceeds" includes:
(A) All obligations to pay resulting from the
production and sale of minerals, including net revenue interest,
royalties, overriding royalties, production payments and joint
operating agreements; and
(B) All obligations for the acquisition and
retention of a mineral lease, including bonuses, delay rentals,
shut-in royalties and minimum royalties.
(xiv) "Owner" means a depositor in the case of a
deposit, a beneficiary in case of a trust other than a deposit
in trust, a creditor, claimant or payee in the case of other
intangible property or a person or that person's legal
representative having a legal or equitable interest in property
subject to this act;
(xv) "Person" means an individual, business
association, state or other government (including any
governmental subdivision, agency, entity, officer or appointee
thereof) public corporation, public authority, estate, trust,
two (2) or more persons having a joint or common interest or any
other legal or commercial entity;
(xvi) "State" means any state, district,
commonwealth, territory, insular possession or any other area
subject to the legislative authority of the United States;
(xvii) "Utility" means a person who owns or operates
for public use any plant, equipment, property, franchise or
license for the transmission of communications, including cable
television or the production, storage, transmission, sale,
delivery or furnishing of electricity, water, steam or gas;
(xviii) "Merchant stored value card" means an
electronic promise that is:
(A) Redeemable at a single merchant or an
affiliated group of merchants that share the same name, mark or
(B) Issued in a specified amount, whether or not
that amount may be increased in value or reloaded at the request
of the owner of the card;
(C) Purchased on a prepaid basis in exchange for
(D) Upon presentation, honored by a single
merchant or affiliated group of merchants for goods or services;
(E) Not:
(I) Distributed under an awards, rewards,
loyalty, incentive, rebate or promotional program; or
(II) Sold below face value or donated to an
employee, nonprofit organization or an education institution for
fund raising.
(xix) "This act" means W.S. 34-24-101 through
34-24-103. Property deemed abandoned; general rule.
(a) Except as otherwise provided by this act, all
intangible property, including any income or increment derived
therefrom, less any lawful charges, that is held, issued or
owing in the ordinary course of a holder's business and has
remained unclaimed by the owner for more than five (5) years
after it became payable or distributable is deemed abandoned.
(b) Property is payable or distributable for the purpose
of this act notwithstanding the owner's failure to make demand
or to present any instrument or document required to receive
34-24-104. General rules for taking custody of intangible
unclaimed property.
(a) Unless otherwise provided in this act or by other
statute of this state, intangible property is subject to the
custody of this state as unclaimed property if the property is
deemed abandoned under W.S. 34-24-103 and 34-24-106 through
34-24-117 and 34-24-140 are satisfied and:
(i) The last known address, as shown on the records
of the holder, of the apparent owner is in this state;
(ii) The records of the holder do not reflect the
identity of the person entitled to the property and it is
established that the last known address of the person entitled
to the property is in this state;
(iii) The records of the holder do not reflect the
last known address of the apparent owner and it is established
(A) The last known address of the person
entitled to the property is in this state; or
(B) The holder is a domiciliary or a government
or governmental subdivision or agency of this state and has not
previously paid or delivered the property to the state of the
last known address of the apparent owner or other person
entitled to the property.
(iv) The last known address, as shown on the records
of the holder, of the apparent owner is in a state that does not
provide by law for the escheat or custodial taking of the
property or its escheat or unclaimed property law is not
applicable to the property and the holder is a domiciliary or a
government or governmental subdivision or agency of this state;
(v) The last known address, as shown on the records
of the holder, of the apparent owner is in a foreign nation and
the holder is a domiciliary or a government or governmental
subdivision or agency of this state; or
(vi) The transaction out of which the property arose
occurred in this state and:
(A) The holder is a domiciliary of a state that
does not provide by law for the escheat or custodial taking of
the property or its escheat or unclaimed property law is not
applicable to the property; and
(B) The last known address of the apparent owner
or other person entitled to the property is:
(I) Unknown; or
(II) In a state that does not provide by
law for the escheat or custodial taking of the property or its
escheat or unclaimed property law is not applicable to the
34-24-105. Traveler's checks and money orders.
(a) Subject to subsection (d) of this section, any sum
payable on a traveler's check that has been outstanding for more
than fifteen (15) years after its issuance is deemed abandoned
unless the owner, within fifteen (15) years, has communicated in
writing with the issuer concerning it or otherwise indicated an
interest as evidenced by a memorandum or other record on file
prepared by an employee of the issuer.
(b) Subject to subsection (d) of this section, any sum
payable on a money order that has been outstanding for more than
seven (7) years after its issuance is deemed abandoned unless
the owner, within seven (7) years, has communicated in writing
with the issuer concerning it or otherwise indicated an interest
as evidenced by a memorandum or other record on file prepared by
an employee of the issuer.
(c) A holder may not deduct from the amount of a
traveler's check or money order any charge imposed by reason of
the failure to present the instrument for payment unless there
is a valid and enforceable written contract between the issuer
and the owner of the instrument pursuant to which the issuer may
impose a charge and the issuer regularly imposes such charges
and does not regularly reverse or otherwise cancel them.
(d) No sum payable on a traveler's check or money order
described in subsections (a) and (b) of this section may be
subjected to the custody of this state as unclaimed property
(i) The records of the issuer show that the
traveler's check or money order was purchased in this state;
(ii) The issuer has its principal place of business
in this state and the records of the issuer do not show the
state in which the traveler's check or money order was
purchased; or
(iii) The issuer has its principal place of business
in this state, the records of the issuer show the state in which
the traveler's check or money order was purchased, and the laws
of the state of purchase do not provide for the escheat or
custodial taking of the property or its escheat or unclaimed
property law is not applicable to the property.
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this act,
subsection (d) of this section applies to sums payable on
traveler's checks or money orders deemed abandoned on the
effective date of this act.
(f) As used in this section, "money order" means a money
order issued by a business association and includes a personal
money order or other similar instrument issued by a banking or
financial organization, but not a bank money order, which is
deemed a cashier's check.
34-24-106. Checks, drafts and similar instruments issued
or certified by banking and financial organizations.
(a) Any sum payable on a check, draft or similar
instrument, except those subject to W.S. 34-24-105, on which a
banking or financial organization is directly liable, including
a cashier's check and a certified check, which has been
outstanding for more than five (5) years after it was payable or
after its issuance if payable on demand, is deemed abandoned,
unless the owner, within five (5) years, has communicated in
writing with the banking or financial organization concerning it
or otherwise indicated an interest as evidenced by a memorandum
or other record on file prepared by an employee thereof.
(b) A holder may not deduct from the amount of any
instrument subject to this section any charge imposed by reason
of the failure to present the instrument for payment unless
there is a valid and enforceable written contract between the
holder and the owner of the instrument pursuant to which the
holder may impose a charge, and the holder regularly imposes
such charges and does not regularly reverse or otherwise cancel
34-24-107. Bank deposits and funds in financial
(a) Any demand, savings or matured time deposit with a
banking or financial organization, including a deposit that is
automatically renewable, and any funds paid toward the purchase
of a share, a mutual investment certificate or any other
interest in a banking or financial organization is deemed
abandoned after five (5) years if the location of the owner is
unknown, except where the owner, within five (5) years, has:
(i) In the case of a deposit, increased or decreased
its amount or presented the passbook or other similar evidence
of the deposit for the crediting of interest;
(ii) Communicated in writing with the banking or
financial organization concerning the property;
(iii) Otherwise indicated an interest in the property
as evidenced by a memorandum or other record on file prepared by
an employee of the banking or financial organization;
(iv) Owned other property to which paragraph (i),
(ii) or (iii) of this subsection applies and if the banking or
financial organization communicates in writing with the owner
with regard to the property that would otherwise be deemed
abandoned under this subsection at the address to which
communications regarding the other property regularly are sent;
(v) Had another relationship with the banking or
financial organization concerning which the owner has:
(A) Communicated in writing with the banking or
financial organization; or
(B) Otherwise indicated an interest as evidenced
by a memorandum or other record on file prepared by an employee
of the banking or financial organization and if the banking or
financial organization communicates in writing with the owner
with regard to the property that would otherwise be abandoned
under this subsection at the address to which communications
regarding the other relationship regularly are sent.
(b) For purposes of subsection (a) of this section,
property includes interest and dividends.
(c) A holder may not impose with respect to property
described in subsection (a) of this section any charge due to
dormancy or inactivity or cease payment of interest unless:
(i) There is an enforceable written contract between
the holder and the owner of the property pursuant to which the
holder may impose a charge or cease payment of interest and the
holder regularly imposes such charges or ceases payment of
interest and does not regularly reverse or otherwise cancel them
or retroactively credit interest with respect to the property;
(ii) The holder is specifically exempted by federal
(d) Any property described in subsection (a) of this
section that is automatically renewable is matured for purposes
of subsection (a) of this section upon the expiration of its
initial time period, but in the case of any renewal to which the
owner consents at or about the time of renewal by communicating
in writing with the banking or financial organization or
otherwise indicating consent as evidenced by a memorandum or
other record on file prepared by an employee of the
organization, the property is matured upon the expiration of the
last time period for which consent was given. If, at the time
provided for delivery in W.S. 34-24-120, a penalty or forfeiture
in the payment of interest would result from the delivery of the
property, the time for delivery is extended until the time when
no penalty or forfeiture would result.
34-24-108. Funds owing under life insurance policies.
(a) Funds held or owing under any life or endowment
insurance policy or annuity contract that has matured or
terminated are deemed abandoned if unclaimed for more than five
(5) years after the funds became due and payable as established
from the records of the insurance company holding or owing the
funds, but property described in paragraph (c)(ii) of this
section is deemed abandoned if unclaimed for more than two (2)
(b) If a person other than the insured or annuitant is
entitled to the funds and an address of the person is not known
to the company or it is not definite and certain from the
records of the company who is entitled to the funds, it is
presumed that the last known address of the person entitled to
the funds is the same as the last known address of the insured
or annuitant according to the records of the company.
(c) For purposes of this act, a life or endowment
insurance policy or annuity contract not matured by actual proof
of the death of the insured or annuitant according to the
records of the company is matured and the proceeds due and
payable if:
(i) The company knows that the insured or annuitant
has died; or
(ii) It is determined that:
(A) The insured has attained, or would have
attained if living, the limiting age under the mortality table
on which the reserve is based;
(B) The policy was in force at the time the
insured attained, or would have attained, the limiting age
specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph; and
(C) Neither the insured nor any other person
appearing to have an interest in the policy within the preceding
two (2) years, according to the records of the company, has
assigned, readjusted or paid premiums on the policy, subjected
the policy to a loan, corresponded in writing with the company
concerning the policy or otherwise indicated an interest as
evidenced by a memorandum or other record on file prepared by an
employee of the company.
(d) For purposes of this act, the application of an
automatic premium loan provision or other nonforfeiture
provision contained in an insurance policy does not prevent a
policy from being matured or terminated under subsection (a) of
this section if the insured has died or the insured or the
beneficiary of the policy otherwise has become entitled to the
proceeds thereof before the depletion of the cash surrender
value of a policy by the application of those provisions.
(e) If the laws of this state or the terms of the life
insurance policy require the company to give notice to the
insured or owner that an automatic premium loan provision or
other nonforfeiture provision has been exercised and the notice,
given to an insured or owner whose last known address according
to the records of the company is in this state, is
undeliverable, the company shall make a reasonable search to
ascertain the policyholder's correct address to which the notice
must be mailed.
(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the
company learns of the death of the insured or annuitant and the
beneficiary has not communicated with the insurer within four
(4) months after the death, the company shall take reasonable
steps to pay the proceeds to the beneficiary.
(g) Commencing two (2) years after the effective date of
this act, every change of beneficiary form issued by an
insurance company under any life or endowment insurance policy
or annuity contract to an insured or owner who is a resident of
this state shall request the following information:
(i) The name of each beneficiary, or if a class of
beneficiaries is named, the name of each current beneficiary in
the class;
(ii) The address of each beneficiary; and
(iii) The relationship of each beneficiary to the
34-24-109. Deposits held by utilities.
(a) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, a deposit,
including any interest thereon, made by a subscriber with a
utility to secure payment or any sum paid in advance for utility
services to be furnished, less any lawful deductions, that
remains unclaimed by the owner for more than one (1) year after
termination of the services for which the deposit or advance
payment was made is deemed abandoned.
(b) The provisions of this act shall not apply to deposits
or advance payments made to a cooperative utility subject to the
provisions of the Wyoming Cooperative Utilities Act.
34-24-110. Refunds and payments resulting from judicial or
administrative proceedings.
(a) The sum to be paid as a refund, under an order or
decision of a court or administrative agency or by agreement,
remaining unclaimed for more than six (6) months after it became
payable, is deemed abandoned, regardless of whether the apparent
owner has made any claim to the refund, unless, within the
preceding six (6) months, there has been a communication between
the apparent owner and the holder concerning that sum.
(b) Any sum payable or intangible property distributable
in the course of a voluntary or involuntary dissolution or
liquidation, remaining unclaimed for six (6) months after the
date of the final distribution or liquidation, is deemed
abandoned, unless, within the preceding six (6) months, there
has been communication between the apparent owner and the person
making the payment or distribution concerning that sum or
(c) Intangible property payable or distributable to a
member of or participant in a class action, either one allowed
by the court to be maintained as such or one essentially handled
as a class action, and remaining unclaimed for more than six (6)
months after the time for the final payment or distribution is
deemed abandoned, unless, within the preceding six (6) months,
there has been a communication between the member or participant
and the holder concerning the property.
(d) Intangible property payable or distributable as the
result of litigation or settlement of a dispute before a
judicial or administrative body and remaining unclaimed for more
than six (6) months after the time for the final payment or
distribution is deemed abandoned, unless, within the preceding
six (6) months, there has been a communication between the
apparent owner and the holder concerning the property.
(e) The person actually making or having the duty to make
payment or distribution shall be deemed the holder for the
purpose of this section.
34-24-111. Stock and other intangible interests in
business associations.
(a) Any stock, shareholding, or other intangible ownership
interest in a business association, the existence of which is
evidenced by records available to the association, is deemed
abandoned and, with respect to the interest, the association is
the holder, if:
(i) The interest in the association is owned by a
person who for more than three (3) years has neither claimed a
dividend, distribution or other sum payable as a result of the
interest, or who has not communicated with the association
regarding the interest or a dividend, distribution or other sum
payable as the result of the interest, as evidenced by a
memorandum or other record on file with the association prepared
by an employee of the association; and
(ii) The association does not know the location of
the owner at the end of the three (3) year period.
(b) The return of official shareholder notifications or
communications by the postal service as undeliverable shall be
evidence that the association does not know the location of the
(c) This act shall be applicable to both the underlying
stock, shareholdings or other intangible ownership interests of
an owner, and any stock, shareholdings or other intangible
ownership interest of which the business association is in
possession of the certificate or other evidence or indicia of
ownership, and to the stock, shareholdings or other intangible
ownership interests of dividend and nondividend paying business
associations whether or not the interest is represented by a
(d) At the time an interest is deemed abandoned under this
section, any dividend, distribution or other sum then held for
or owing to the owner as a result of the interest, and not
previously deemed abandoned, is deemed abandoned.
(e) This act does not apply to any stock or other
intangible ownership interest enrolled in a plan that provides
for the automatic reinvestment of dividends, distributions or
other sums payable as a result of the interest unless:
(i) The records available to the administrator of the
plan show, with respect to any intangible ownership interest not
enrolled in the reinvestment plan that the owner has not within
three (3) years communicated in any manner described in
subsection (a) of this section; or
(ii) Three (3) years have elapsed since the location
of the owner became unknown to the association, as evidenced by
the return of official shareholder notifications or
communications by the postal service as undeliverable, and the
owner has not within those three (3) years communicated in any
manner described in subsection (a) of this section. The three
(3) year period from the return of official shareholder
notifications or communications shall commence from the earlier
of the return of the second such mailing or the time the holder
discontinues mailings to the shareholder.
34-24-112. Property held by agents and fiduciaries.
(a) All intangible property and any income or increment
derived therefrom, held in a fiduciary capacity for the benefit
of another person is deemed abandoned unless the owner, within
five (5) years after it has become payable or distributable, has
increased or decreased the principal, accepted payment of
principal or income, communicated concerning the property or
otherwise indicated an interest as evidenced by a memorandum or
other record on file prepared by the fiduciary.
(b) All intangible property and any income or increment
derived therefrom held in an individual retirement account, a
retirement plan for self-employed individuals, or similar
account or plan established pursuant to the internal revenue
laws of the United States, which has not been paid or
distributed for more than ninety (90) days after the earliest of
(1) the actual date of distribution or attempted distribution,
(2) the date contracted for distribution in the plan or trust
agreement governing the account or plan, or (3) the date
specified in the internal revenue law of the United States by
which distribution must begin in order to avoid a tax penalty,
is deemed abandoned unless the owner or beneficiary, within five
(5) preceding years has made additional payments or transfers of
property to the account or plan, was paid or received a
distribution, communicated concerning the property, or otherwise
indicated an interest as evidenced by a memorandum or other
record on file with the account or plan fiduciary.
(c) For the purpose of this section, a person who holds
property as an agent for a business association is deemed to
hold the property in a fiduciary capacity for that business
association alone, unless the agreement between him and the
business association provides otherwise.
(d) For the purposes of this act, a person who is deemed
to hold property in a fiduciary capacity for a business
association alone is the holder of the property only insofar as
the interest of the business association in the property is
concerned, and the business association is the holder of the
property insofar as the interest of any other person in the
property is concerned.
34-24-113. Property held by courts and public agencies.
Any intangible property held by the executive, legislative or
judicial branch of the United States government, or a state or a
county or municipal subdivision of a state, or any of their
authorities, agencies, instrumentalities, administrations,
services or other organizations, and remaining unclaimed for
more than one (1) year after it became payable or distributable
is deemed abandoned.
34-24-114. Gift certificates, merchant stored value cards
and credit memos.
(a) Except as provided by subsection (e) of this section,
a gift certificate, merchant stored value card or a credit memo
is deemed abandoned if the balance remaining is greater than one
hundred dollars ($100.00) and it remains unredeemed for more
than five (5) years after the later of its issuance date or the
last activity by its owner, including partial use, or in the
case of a merchant stored value card, an increase in the card
balance purchased by the owner.
(b) In the case of a gift certificate or merchant stored
value card, the amount deemed abandoned is the balance on the
gift certificate or merchant stored value card as of the day of
abandonment. In the case of a credit memo, the amount deemed
abandoned is the amount credited as shown on the memo itself.
(c) The amount of a gift certificate, merchant stored
value card or credit memo deemed abandoned is subject to the
custody of this state in the following circumstances:
(i) The records of the issuer show that the last
known address of the purchaser of the certificate, merchant
stored value card or recipient of the memo is in this state;
(ii) Repealed by Laws 2015, ch. 127, § 2.
(iii) The records of the issuer do not show the
address of the purchaser or of the recipient and the issuer is a
domiciliary of this state; or
(iv) The records of the issuer show that the address
of the purchaser or recipient is in or is a state whose escheat
or unclaimed property law does not provide for the escheat or
custodial taking of gift certificates, merchant stored value
cards and credit memos, and the issuer is a domiciliary of this
(d) Repealed by Laws 2015, ch. 127, § 2.
(e) A gift certificate or merchant stored value card which
has no expiration date and does not impose a fee of any kind in
relation to the sale, redemption or replacement of the
certificate or card, other than an initial charge not exceeding
the face value of the certificate or card, is exempt from the
requirements of this section.
(f) Repealed by Laws 2016, ch. 73, § 1.
34-24-115. Wages.
Unpaid wages, including wages represented by unpresented payroll
checks, owing in the ordinary course of the holder's business
which remain unclaimed by the owner for more than one (1) year
after becoming payable are deemed abandoned.
34-24-116. Contents of safe deposit box or other
safekeeping repository.
All tangible and intangible property held in a safe deposit box
or any other safekeeping repository in this state in the
ordinary course of the holder's business and proceeds resulting
from the sale of the property permitted by other law, which
remain unclaimed by the owner for more than five (5) years after
the lease or rental period on the box or other repository has
expired, are deemed abandoned.
34-24-117. Mineral proceeds.
(a) Any sum payable as mineral proceeds that has remained
unclaimed by the owner for more than three (3) years after it
became payable or distributable and the owner's underlying right
to receive those mineral proceeds are deemed abandoned.
(b) At the time an owner's underlying right to receive
mineral proceeds is deemed abandoned, any mineral proceeds then
owing to the owner and any proceeds accruing after that time are
deemed abandoned. The sum deemed abandoned is subject to the
custody of this state as unclaimed property if:
(i) The last known address, as shown on the records
of the holder, of the apparent owner is in this state;
(ii) The records of the holder do not reflect the
last known address and it is established that the last known
address of the apparent owner is in this state;
(iii) The records of the holder do not reflect the
last known address, and the holder is domiciled in or is a
government or governmental subdivision or agency of this state;
(iv) The mineral interest is located in this state,
(A) The last known address of the apparent
owner, as shown on the records of the holder, is in a state that
does not provide by law for the escheat or custodial taking of
the property or is in a state in which the state's escheat or
unclaimed property law is not applicable to the property; or
(B) The last known address of the apparent owner
is unknown and the holder is a domiciliary of a state that does
not provide by law for the escheat or custodial taking of the
property or a state in which the state escheat or unclaimed
property law is not applicable to the property.
(c) A holder may not deduct from mineral proceeds any
charge due to dormancy unless:
(i) There is an enforceable written contract between
the holder and the owner of the mineral proceeds pursuant to
which the holder may impose a charge;
(ii) For mineral proceeds in excess of five dollars
($5.00), the holder, no more than three (3) months before the
initial imposition of those charges, has mailed written notice
to the owner of the amount of those charges at the last known
address of the owner stating that those charges will be imposed,
provided the notice required in this paragraph need not be given
with respect to charges imposed before the effective date of
this act; and
(iii) The holder regularly imposes such charges and
in no instance reverses or otherwise cancels them.
(d) Charges authorized under subsection (c) of this
section may be made and collected monthly, quarterly or
annually. However, beginning with the effective date of this
act, the cumulative amount of charges may not exceed twelve
dollars ($12.00) per year, and may only be charged for a maximum
of two (2) calendar years.
34-24-118. Report of abandoned property.
(a) A person holding property tangible or intangible,
deemed abandoned and subject to custody as unclaimed property
under this act, shall report to the administrator concerning the
property as provided in this section.
(b) The report shall be verified and shall include:
(i) Except with respect to traveler's checks and
money orders, the name, if known, and last known address, if
any, of each person appearing from the records of the holder to
be the owner of property of the value of fifty dollars ($50.00)
or more deemed abandoned under this act;
(ii) In the case of unclaimed funds of fifty dollars
($50.00) or more held or owing under any insurance policy or
annuity contract, the full name and last known address of the
insured policy owner or annuitant and of the beneficiary
according to the records of the insurance company holding or
owing the funds. The report shall also include any information
required by W.S. 26-16-505(h);
(iii) In the case of the contents of a safe deposit
box or other safekeeping repository or of other tangible
property, a description of the property and the place where it
is held and may be inspected by the administrator and any
amounts owing to the holder;
(iv) The nature and identifying number, if any, or
description of the property and the amount appearing from the
records to be due, but items of value under fifty dollars
($50.00) each may be reported in the aggregate;
(v) The date the property became payable, demandable
or returnable and the date of the last transaction with the
apparent owner with respect to the property; and
(vi) Other information the administrator prescribes
by rule as necessary for the administration of this act.
(c) If the person holding property deemed abandoned and
subject to custody as unclaimed property is a successor to other
persons who previously held the property for the apparent owner
or the holder has changed a name while holding the property, the
report filed shall contain all known names and addresses of each
previous holder of the property.
(d) The report shall be filed no later than November 1 of
each year for the reporting period ending June 30 next
preceding. On written request by any person required to file a
report, the administrator may postpone the reporting date.
(e) Not more than one hundred twenty (120) days before
filing the report required by this section, the holder in
possession of property deemed abandoned and subject to custody
as unclaimed property under this act shall send written notice
to the apparent owner at that owner's last known address
informing the owner that the holder is in possession of property
subject to this act if:
(i) The holder has in its records an address for the
apparent owner which the holder's records do not disclose to be
(ii) The claim of the apparent owner is not barred by
the statute of limitations; and
(iii) The property has a value of fifty dollars
($50.00) or more.
(f) Reports filed with the administrator under this
section are not public records and are not open to public
inspection until twenty-four (24) months after the date payment
or delivery is made under W.S. 34-24-120.
34-24-119. Abandoned property lists; notice and
publication of lists of abandoned property.
(a) The administrator shall prepare two (2) lists with
information about property paid or delivered to the
administrator under W.S. 34-24-120:
(i) One list shall refer to all unclaimed funds of
fifty dollars ($50.00) or more in the administrator's custody
and shall contain:
(A) The name and last known address of each
person appearing from the holders' report to be entitled to the
property; and
(B) The name and last known address of each
insured person or annuitant and beneficiary from the report of
an insurance company.
(ii) The second list shall refer to property that has
been in the administrator's custody for more than twenty-four
(24) months and shall contain the following information:
(A) The name and last known address of each
person appearing from the holders' report to be entitled to the
property and the name and last known address of each insured
person or annuitant and beneficiary from the report of an
insurance company;
(B) The amount paid or delivered to the
(C) The name of the person who paid or delivered
the property to the administrator;
(D) A general description of the property; and
(E) Other information the administrator deems
appropriate for inclusion in the list.
(b) The lists described in subsection (a) of this section
shall be updated semiannually and shall be available for public
inspection at all reasonable business hours. Copies of each
list shall be available to the public for a fee to be set by the
(c) Within the calendar year following the year in which
unclaimed property has been paid or delivered to the
administrator, the administrator shall advertise the unclaimed
property in a form that, in the discretion of the administrator,
is likely to attract the attention of the apparent owner of the
unclaimed property.
(i) Repealed by Laws 2015, ch. 57, § 2.
(ii) Repealed by Laws 2015, ch. 57, § 2.
(iii) Repealed by Laws 2015, ch. 57, § 2.
(iv) Repealed by Laws 2015, ch. 57, § 2.
(d) The administrator shall not be required to advertise
the name and address or location of an owner of abandoned
property having a total value less than fifty dollars ($50.00)
nor information concerning traveler's checks, money orders and
other similar written instruments deemed abandoned under W.S.
34-24-120. Payment or delivery of abandoned property.
(a) At the time of the filing of the report required by
W.S. 34-24-118 and with that report, the person holding property
deemed abandoned and subject to custody as unclaimed property
shall pay or deliver to the administrator all of the property
shown on the report and remaining unclaimed by the apparent
owner. Upon written request showing good cause, the
administrator may postpone the payment or delivery upon such
terms or conditions as the administrator deems necessary and
appropriate. The property paid or delivered to the administrator
shall include all interest, dividends, increments and accretions
due, payable or distributable on the property on November 1 of
the year in which the report is required, except that interest
accrued on a policy as defined in W.S. 26-16-505(k)(iii) or a
retained asset account as defined in W.S. 26-16-505(k)(v) shall
not be considered unclaimed property. If payment or delivery is
postponed, the property paid or delivered to the administrator
shall include all interest, dividends, increments and accretions
due, payable or distributable on the day that the property is
paid or delivered to the administrator.
(b) The holder of an interest under W.S. 34-24-111 shall
issue and deliver to the administrator a duplicate certificate
or other evidence of ownership if the holder does not issue
certificates of ownership, registered in the name of the Wyoming
state treasurer. Upon delivery of a duplicate certificate to
the administrator, the holder and any transfer agent, registrar
or other person acting for or on behalf of a holder in executing
or delivering the duplicate certificate or other evidence of
ownership is relieved of all liability in accordance with W.S.
34-24-121 to every person, including any person acquiring the
original certificate or the duplicate certificate issued to the
administrator, for any losses or damages resulting to any person
by the issuance and delivery of the duplicate certificate or
other evidence of ownership to the administrator.
(c) When a certificate or other evidence of ownership, or
a bond or other debt security, registered in the name of a
person is delivered to the administrator pursuant to any
provision of this act and is presented by the administrator to
the issuer thereof of [or] its agent, the issuer shall transfer
and register it in the name of the Wyoming state treasurer, and
a new certificate or security, so registered, shall be delivered
to the administrator. The issuer and its transfer agent,
registrar or other person acting on behalf of the issuer in
executing and delivering the certificate or security shall be
fully and automatically relieved from any liability to any
person in accordance with W.S. 34-24-121 for any loss or damage
caused by the transfer, issuance and delivery of the certificate
or security to the administrator.
34-24-121. Custody by state; holder relieved from
liability; reimbursement of holder paying claim; reclaiming for
owner; defense of holder; payment of safe deposit box or
repository charges.
(a) Upon the payment or delivery of property to the
administrator, the state assumes custody and responsibility for
the safekeeping of the property. A person who pays or delivers
property to the administrator in good faith is relieved of all
liability to the extent of the value of the property paid or
delivered for any claim then existing or which thereafter may
arise or be made in respect to the property. The person who pays
or delivers in this manner shall not thereafter be liable for
(b) A holder who has paid money to the administrator
pursuant to this act may make payment to any person appearing to
the holder to be entitled to payment and, upon filing proof of
payment and proof that the payee was entitled thereto, the
administrator shall promptly reimburse the holder for the
payment without imposing any fee or other charge. If
reimbursement is sought for a payment made on a negotiable
instrument, including a traveler's check or money order, the
holder must be reimbursed under this subsection upon filing
proof that the instrument was duly presented and that payment
was made to a person who appeared to the holder to be entitled
to payment. The holder shall be reimbursed for payment made
under this subsection even if the payment was made to a person
whose claim was barred under W.S. 34-24-130(a).
(c) A holder who has delivered property (including a
certificate of any interest in a business association) other
than money to the administrator pursuant to this act may reclaim
the property if still in the possession of the administrator,
without paying any fee or other charge, upon filing proof that
the owner has claimed the property from the holder.
(d) The administrator may accept the holder's affidavit as
sufficient proof of the facts that entitle the holder to recover
money and property under this section.
(e) If the holder pays or delivers property to the
administrator in good faith and thereafter another person claims
the property from the holder or another state claims the money
or property under its laws relating to escheat or abandoned or
unclaimed property, the administrator, upon written notice of
the claim, shall defend the holder against the claim and
indemnify the holder against any liability on the claim.
(f) For the purposes of this section, "good faith" means
(i) Payment or delivery was made in a reasonable
attempt to comply with this act;
(ii) The person delivering the property was not a
fiduciary then in breach of trust in respect to the property and
had a reasonable basis for believing, based on the facts then
known to that person, that the property was abandoned for the
purposes of this act; and
(iii) There is no showing that the records pursuant
to which the delivery was made did not meet reasonable
commercial standards of practice in the industry.
(g) Property removed from a safe deposit box or other
safekeeping repository is received by the administrator subject
to the holder's right under this subsection to be reimbursed for
the actual cost of the opening and to any valid lien or contract
providing for the holder to be reimbursed for unpaid rent,
storage, or any other charges that are reasonable and related.
34-24-122. Amount recoverable by owner.
Whenever property is paid or delivered to the administrator
under this act, the owner is entitled to receive from the
administrator the principal amount turned over to the state.
34-24-123. Public sale of abandoned property.
(a) Except as provided in subsections (b) and (c) of this
section, the administrator, within three (3) years after the
receipt of abandoned property, shall sell it to the highest
bidder at public sale in whatever city in the state affords in
the judgment of the administrator the most favorable market for
the property involved. The administrator may decline the
highest bid and reoffer the property for sale if in the judgment
of the administrator the bid is insufficient. If in the
judgment of the administrator the probable cost of sale exceeds
the value of the property, it need not be offered for sale. Any
sale held under this section shall be preceded by a single
publication of notice, at least three (3) weeks in advance of
sale, in a newspaper of general circulation in the county in
which the property is to be sold.
(b) Securities listed on an established stock exchange
shall be sold at prices prevailing at the time of sale on the
exchange. Other securities may be sold over the counter at
prices prevailing at the time of sale or by any other method the
administrator considers advisable.
(c) Unless the administrator considers it to be in the
best interest of the state to do otherwise, all securities,
other than those deemed abandoned under W.S. 34-24-111,
delivered to the administrator shall be held for at least one
(1) year before he may sell them.
(d) Unless the administrator considers it to be in the
best interest of the state to do otherwise, all securities
deemed abandoned under W.S. 34-24-111 and delivered to the
administrator shall be held for at least three (3) years before
the administrator may sell them. If the administrator sells any
securities delivered pursuant to W.S. 34-24-111 before the
expiration of the three (3) year period, any person making a
claim pursuant to this act before the end of the three (3) year
period is entitled to either the proceeds of the sale of the
securities or the market value of the securities at the time the
claim is made, whichever amount is greater. A person making a
claim under this act after the expiration of this period is
entitled to receive either the securities delivered to the
administrator by the holder, if they still remain in the hands
of the administrator, or the proceeds received from sale, but no
person has any claim under this act against the state, the
holder, any transfer agent, registrar or other person acting for
or on behalf of a holder for any appreciation in the value of
the property occurring after delivery by the holder to the
(e) The purchaser of property at any sale conducted by the
administrator pursuant to this act takes the property free of
all claims of the owner or previous holder thereof and of all
persons claiming through or under them. The administrator shall
execute all documents necessary to complete the transfer of
34-24-124. Deposit of funds; investment of funds; loans;
immunity from liability.
(a) Except as otherwise provided by this section, the
administrator shall promptly deposit in the unclaimed property
account all funds received under this act, including the
proceeds from the sale of abandoned property under W.S. 34-24-
123. Before making the deposit, the administrator shall record
the name and last known address of each person appearing from
the holders' reports to be entitled to the property and the name
and last known address of each insured person or annuitant and
beneficiary and with respect to each policy or contract listed
in the report of an insurance company its number, the name of
the company and the amount due. The claimant's name and last
known address shall be available for public inspection at all
reasonable business hours.
(b) The administrator or his designee shall invest the
funds in the unclaimed property account created by subsection
(a) of this section as authorized by law in a manner to obtain
the highest net return possible consistent with the purposes of
this act. Investment earnings from the account shall be
deposited into the unclaimed property investment earnings
account. There is continuously appropriated to the administrator
from the unclaimed property investment earnings account an
amount equal to the administrator's expenses in carrying out
this act. Annually after the end of each fiscal year the
administrator shall deposit in the general fund investment
earnings earned on the unclaimed property account which exceed
the amount necessary to administer this act for the fiscal year
and which exceeds the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%)
of the immediately prior biennium's appropriation for the
unclaimed property division.
(c) An action or proceeding shall not be commenced against
the state, the administrator or his designee because of an act
of the administrator under this section involving the investment
of unclaimed property funds.
34-24-125. Filing of claim with administrator.
(a) A person, excluding another state, claiming an
interest in any property paid or delivered to the administrator
may file with the administrator a claim on a form prescribed by
the administrator and verified by the claimant.
(b) The administrator shall consider each claim within
ninety (90) days after it is filed and give written notice to
the claimant if the claim is denied in whole or in part. The
notice may be given by mailing it to the last address, if any,
stated in the claim as the address to which notices are to be
sent. If no address for notices is stated in the claim, the
notice may be mailed to the last address, if any, of the
claimant as stated in the claim. No notice of denial need be
given if the claim fails to state either the last address to
which notices are to be sent or the address of the claimant.
(c) If a claim is allowed, the administrator shall pay
over to the claimant the monies received from the holder, or the
net proceeds if property has been sold by the administrator,
together with any additional amount required by W.S. 34-24-122.
If the claim is for property deemed abandoned under W.S.
34-24-111 which was sold by the administrator within three (3)
years after the date of delivery, the amount payable for that
claim is the value of the property at the time the claim was
made or the net proceeds of sale, whichever is greater.
34-24-126. Claim of another state to recover property;
(a) At any time after property has been paid or delivered
to the administrator under this act another state may recover
the property if:
(i) The property was subjected to custody by this
state because the records of the holder did not reflect the last
known address of the apparent owner when the property was deemed
abandoned under this act, and the other state establishes that
the last known address of the apparent owner or other person
entitled to the property was in that state and under the laws of
that state the property escheated to or was subject to a claim
of abandonment by that state;
(ii) The last known address of the apparent owner or
other person entitled to the property, as reflected by the
records of the holder, is in the other state and under the laws
of that state the property has escheated to or become subject to
a claim of abandonment by that state;
(iii) The records of the holder were erroneous in
that they did not accurately reflect the actual owner of the
property and the last known address of the actual owner is in
the other state and under the laws of that state the property
escheated to or was subject to a claim of abandonment by that
(iv) The property was subjected to custody by this
state under W.S. 34-24-104(a)(vi) and under the laws of the
state of domicile of the holder the property has escheated to or
become subject to a claim of abandonment by that state; or
(v) The property is the sum payable on a traveler's
check, money order or other similar instrument that was
subjected to custody by this state under W.S. 34-24-105, and the
instrument was purchased in the other state and under the laws
of that state the property escheated to or became subject to a
claim of abandonment by that state.
(b) The claim of another state to recover escheated or
abandoned property must be presented in a form prescribed by the
administrator, who shall decide the claim within ninety (90)
days after it is presented. The administrator shall allow the
claim if he determines that the other state is entitled to the
abandoned property under subsection (a) of this section.
(c) The administrator shall require a state, before
recovering property under this section, to agree to indemnify
this state and its officers and employees against any liability
on a claim for the property.
34-24-127. Action to establish claim.
A person aggrieved by a decision of the administrator or whose
claim has not been acted upon within ninety (90) days after its
filing may bring an action to establish the claim in the
district court of the county where the claimant resides or in
the district court of Laramie county, naming the administrator
as a defendant. The action shall be brought within ninety (90)
days after the decision of the administrator or within one
hundred eighty (180) days after the filing of the claim if he
has failed to act on it.
34-24-128. Delivery prior to abandonment.
A holder, with the written consent of the administrator and upon
conditions and terms prescribed by him, may report and deliver
property before the property is deemed abandoned. Property
delivered under this subsection shall be held by the
administrator and is not deemed abandoned until such time as it
otherwise would be deemed abandoned under this act.
34-24-129. Destruction or disposition of property having
insubstantial commercial value; immunity from liability.
If the administrator determines after investigation that any
property delivered under this act has insubstantial commercial
value, the administrator may destroy or otherwise dispose of the
property after five (5) years in accordance with rules and
regulations promulgated by the administrator. No action or
proceeding may be maintained against the state or any officer or
against the holder for or on account of any action taken by the
administrator pursuant to this section. The administrator shall
keep a public record of all such property, identifying the
property and the date and nature of the disposition.
34-24-130. Periods of limitation.
(a) The expiration, before or after the effective date of
this act, of any period of time specified by contract, statute
or court order, during which a claim for money or property can
be made or during which an action or proceeding may be commenced
or enforced to obtain payment of a claim for money or to recover
property, does not prevent the money or property from being
deemed abandoned or affect any duty to file a report or to pay
or deliver abandoned property to the administrator as required
by this act.
(b) No action or proceeding may be commenced by the
administrator against any holder concerning any provision of
this act more than ten (10) years after the holder either
specifically reported the property, or gave notice of a dispute
regarding the property, to the administrator.
34-24-131. Examination of records.
(a) If an examination of the records of a person results
in the disclosure of property reportable and deliverable under
this act, the administrator may assess the cost of the
examination against the holder at the rate of one hundred
dollars ($100.00) a day for each examiner, but in no case may
the charges exceed the value of the property found to be
reportable and deliverable. The cost of examination may be
imposed only against a business association.
(b) If a holder fails after the effective date of this act
to maintain the records required by W.S. 34-24-132 and the
records of the holder available for the periods subject to this
act are insufficient to permit the preparation of a report, the
administrator may require the holder to report and pay such
amounts as may reasonably be estimated from any available
34-24-132. Retention of records.
(a) Every holder required to file a report under W.S.
34-24-118, as to any property for which it has obtained the
last known address of the owner, shall maintain a record of the
name and last known address of the owner for five (5) years
after the property becomes reportable, except to the extent that
a shorter time is provided in subsection (b) of this section or
by rule of the administrator.
(b) Any business association that sells in this state its
traveler's checks, money orders or other similar written
instruments, other than third-party bank checks on which the
business association is directly liable, or that provides such
instruments to others for sale in this state, shall maintain a
record of those instruments while they remain outstanding,
indicating the state and date of issue for three (3) years after
the date the property is reportable.
34-24-133. Enforcement.
(a) The administrator, for and on behalf of this state,
may commence an action, summary or otherwise, in the district
court of the county where the defendant resides or in the
district court of Laramie county:
(i) For an adjudication that certain property is
unclaimed and payable or distributable to the administrator;
(ii) To compel presentation of a report or payment or
distribution of property to the administrator;
(iii) To enforce the duty of a person to permit the
examination or audit of the records of that person;
(iv) To enjoin any act that violates the public
policy or provisions of this act; or
(v) To enforce any aspect of this act in any manner.
(b) The administrator may commence an action under
subsection (a) of this section in the following situations:
(i) The holder is a person domiciled in this state or
is a governmental entity of this state;
(ii) The holder is a person engaged in or transacting
any business in this state, although not domiciled in this
state; or
(iii) The subject matter is tangible personal
property held in this state.
(c) In a situation where no state court in this state can
obtain jurisdiction over the person involved, the administrator
may commence an action authorized by this section in a federal
court or state court of another state having jurisdiction over
that person.
(d) The administrator shall be an indispensable party to
any judicial or administrative proceedings concerning the
disposition and handling of unclaimed property that is or may be
payable or distributable into the protective custody of the
(e) The administrator shall have a right to intervene and
participate in any judicial or administrative proceeding when to
do so will be in the best interest of this state, the apparent
owner or the unclaimed property or to conserve and safeguard the
unclaimed property against dissipation, undue diminishment or
adverse discriminatory treatment.
34-24-134. Interstate agreements and cooperation; joint
and reciprocal actions with other states.
(a) The administrator may enter into agreements with other
states to exchange information needed to enable this or another
state to audit or otherwise determine unclaimed property that it
or another state may be entitled to subject to a claim of
custody. The administrator by rule may require the reporting of
information needed to enable compliance with agreements made
pursuant to this section and prescribe the form.
(b) To avoid conflicts between the administrator's
procedures and the procedures of administrators in other
jurisdictions that enact the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act, the
administrator, so far as is consistent with the purposes,
policies and provisions of this act, before adopting, amending
or repealing rules, shall advise and consult with administrators
in other jurisdictions that enact substantially the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act and take into consideration the rules of
administrators in other jurisdictions that enact the Uniform
Unclaimed Property Act.
(c) The administrator may join with other states to seek
enforcement of this act against any person who is or may be
holding property reportable under this act.
(d) At the request of another state, the attorney general
of this state may bring an action in the name of the
administrator of the other state in any court of competent
jurisdiction to enforce the unclaimed property laws of the other
state against a holder in this state of property subject to
escheat or a claim of abandonment by the other state, if the
other state has agreed to pay expenses incurred by the attorney
general in bringing the action.
(e) The administrator may request that the attorney
general of another state or any other person bring an action in
the name of the administrator in the other state. This state
shall pay all expenses including attorney's fees in any action
under this subsection. The administrator may agree to pay the
person bringing the action attorney's fees based in whole or in
part on a percentage of the value of any property recovered in
the action. Any expenses paid pursuant to this subsection may
not be deducted from the amount that is subject to the claim by
the owner under this act.
34-24-135. Interest and penalties.
(a) Unless specifically exempted by federal law:
(i) A person who willfully fails to present a report
to the administrator when due or to perform any other duty
required under this act, other than payment or delivery of
unclaimed property as required by this act, shall pay a civil
penalty of not more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each
day the report is not presented or the duty is not performed;
(ii) A person who willfully fails to pay or deliver
to the administrator any unclaimed property as required under
this act shall pay a civil penalty equal to twenty-five percent
(25%) of the value of the property that should have been paid or
(iii) Any person who fails to pay or deliver
unclaimed property to the administrator within the time period
required by this act shall pay to the administrator interest at
the annual rate of ten percent (10%) above the annual rate of
discount, in effect on the date the property should have been
paid or delivered, for the most recent issue of 52-week U.S.
treasury bills, calculated upon the value of the unclaimed
property from the date that property should have been paid or
delivered. If the property remains unpaid or undelivered for
more than one (1) year after becoming payable or deliverable,
the interest rate for each succeeding year shall be calculated
at an annual rate of ten percent (10%) above the discount rate
on each succeeding anniversary of the date that the unclaimed
property was payable or distributable.
(b) For the purposes of assessing and calculating the
penalties and interest on unclaimed property which was
discovered during an examination or audit and which was not paid
or distributed, as required, the date upon which the unclaimed
property was originally payable or distributable shall be used
as the date upon or from which penalties and interest are
assessed and calculated.
(c) The administrator shall have discretion to waive the
payment of penalties and interest or to reduce the amount of the
interest in an appropriate circumstance.
34-24-136. Agreements to locate property.
(a) All agreements from claimants to pay compensation to a
third-party researcher to recover or assist in the recovery of
property reported under W.S. 34-24-118, made within twenty-four
(24) months after the date payment or delivery is made from the
holder to the state of Wyoming under W.S. 34-24-120, are
(b) An agreement entered into after the twenty-four (24)
month period provided by subsection (a) of this section is
enforceable only if the agreement is in writing.
(c) An agreement by a claimant to pay compensation to a
third-party researcher to recover or assist in the recovery of
property in the possession of a holder is unenforceable if made
within twelve (12) months prior to the scheduled date for the
holder to report the property under W.S. 34-24-118, whether or
not the property remains in the holder's possession until that
reporting date.
34-24-137. Foreign transactions.
This act does not apply to any property held, due and owing in a
foreign country and arising out of a foreign transaction.
34-24-138. Effect of new provisions; clarification of
(a) This act does not relieve a holder of a duty that
arose before the effective date of this act to report, pay or
deliver property. A holder who did not comply with the law in
effect before the effective date of this act is subject to the
applicable enforcement and penalty provisions that then existed
and they are continued in effect for the purpose of this
subsection, subject to W.S. 34-24-130(b).
(b) The initial report filed under this act for property
that was not required to be reported before the effective date
of this act but which is subject to this act shall include all
items of property that are deemed abandoned as of the effective
date of this act.
34-24-139. Rules.
The administrator may adopt necessary rules to carry out the
provisions of this act.
34-24-140. Property originated or issued by this state,
any political subdivision hereof or any entity incorporated,
organized, created or otherwise located herein.
(a) All intangible property, including but not limited to
securities, principal, interest, dividends, or other earnings
thereon, less any lawful charges, held by a business
association, federal, state or local government or governmental
subdivision, agency or entity, or any other person or entity,
regardless of where the holder may be found, if the owner has
not claimed the property or corresponded in writing with the
holder concerning the property within three (3) years after the
date prescribed for payment or delivery by the issuer (unless
the holder is a state that has taken custody pursuant to its own
unclaimed property laws, in which case no additional period of
holding beyond that of such state is necessary hereunder), is
presumed abandoned and subject to the custody of this state as
unclaimed property if:
(i) The last known address of the owner is unknown;
(ii) The person or entity originating or issuing the
intangible property is this state or any political subdivision
of this state, or is incorporated, organized, created or
otherwise located in this state.
(b) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall
not apply to property which is or may be presumed abandoned and
subject to the custody of this state pursuant to any other
provision of law.
(c) The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall
apply to all property held at the time of enactment of this
section, or at any time thereafter, regardless of when the
property became or becomes presumptively abandoned.
34-25-101. System of plane coordinates adopted.
(a) The most recent version of the state plane coordinate
system for the state of Wyoming that has been established by
NGS, based on the NSRS for defining and stating the positions or
locations of points on the surface of the earth within the state
of Wyoming shall be known as the "Wyoming Plane Coordinate
System." The Wyoming Plane Coordinate System shall be named, and
in any land description in which it is used it shall be
designated, the "Wyoming Plane Coordinate System" and the zone
used shall be specified.
(b) Repealed by Laws 2024, ch. 3, § 3.
34-25-102. Designation of coordinates.
The plane coordinates of a point on the earth's surface, to be
used in expressing the position or location of such point in the
appropriate zone of this system, shall consist of two (2)
distances, expressed in feet and decimals of a foot, or meters
and decimals of a meter. One (1) of these distances, to be
known as the "east x-coordinate" shall give the distance east of
the Y axis; the other, to be known as the "north y-coordinate"
shall give the distance north of the X axis. The Y axis of any
zone shall be parallel with the central meridian of that zone.
The X axis of any zone shall be at right angles to the central
meridian of that zone. One (1) foot shall equal three thousand
forty-eight ten-thousandths (0.3048) of one (1) meter and shall
be used as the standard unit of measurement for the Wyoming
Plane Coordinate System. The official geodetic datums to which
geodetic coordinates are referenced within the state of Wyoming
including latitude, longitude, ellipsoid height, orthometric
height or dynamic height shall be defined by the NSRS. Height is
the coordinate value of the vertical elements of the NSRS
expressed in feet and identified as ellipsoid height or
orthometric height.
34-25-103. Land extending into other zones.
When any tract of land to be defined by a single description
extends from one (1) zone into other zones, the positions of all
the points on its boundaries shall be referred to as only one
(1) of the zones, the zone which is used shall be specifically
named in the description and the metadata of the observations
shall be included in the description.
34-25-104. Repealed by Laws 2024, ch. 3, § 3.
34-25-105. Recording coordinates.
Coordinates based on the Wyoming Plane Coordinate System,
purporting to define the position of a point on a land boundary,
may be presented to be recorded in any public land records or
deed records in the office of a county clerk. The method and
source for establishing coordinates shall be described in the
land or deed record. In all instances where reference has been
made to coordinates in land surveys or deeds, the combined
factors shall be stated for the survey lines used in computing
ground distances and areas and the metadata of observations
shall be included in the record.
34-25-106. Reference to system on maps.
The use of the term "Wyoming Plane Coordinate System" on any
map, report of survey or other document, shall be limited to
plane coordinates based on the Wyoming Plane Coordinate System
as defined in this chapter.
34-25-107. Description in other surveys; conflicts.
Wherever coordinates based on the Wyoming Plane Coordinate
System are used to describe any tract of land which in the same
document is also described by reference to any subdivision, line
or corner of the United States public land surveys, the
description by plane coordinates shall be construed as
supplemental to the basic description of the subdivision, line
or corner contained in the official plats and field notes filed
of record, and in the event of any conflict, the description by
reference to the subdivision, line or corner of the United
States public land surveys shall prevail over the description by
plane coordinates. Every recorded map, survey or conveyance, or
other instrument affecting title to real property which
delineates, describes or refers to such property or any part
thereof by reference to coordinates based upon the Wyoming Plane
Coordinate System shall also describe the property by reference
and tie to a controlling corner monument of the United States
public land surveys, if applicable.
34-25-108. Application.
(a) Nothing contained in this chapter shall require any
purchaser or mortgagee to rely on a description, any part of
which depends exclusively upon the Wyoming Plane Coordinate
(b) The provisions of this chapter shall not be construed
(i) Prohibit the appropriate use of other datums,
other geodetic reference networks or systems or other plane
coordinate systems;
(ii) Require the revision of any survey, deed, record
or other document prepared or recorded before July 1, 2024 that
uses the Wyoming Coordinate System NAD 1983 or any other
coordinate system previously authorized under this chapter.
34-25-109. Definitions.
(a) As used in this chapter:
(i) "Metadata" means data that describes other data
including utilized geodetic reference system data, applicable
epoch, statement or relative accuracy data and date of
observation data;
(ii) "NGS" means the national ocean service's
national geodetic survey of the national oceanic and atmospheric
administration, United States department of commerce or its
(iii) "NSRS" means the national spatial reference
system or its successor;
(iv) "Wyoming Plane Coordinate System" means the
system of plane coordinates under this chapter that is identical
to the state plane coordinate system as defined for the state of
Wyoming by NGS.
34-26-101. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-102. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-103. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-104. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-105. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-106. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-107. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-108. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-109. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-201. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-202. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-203. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-204. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-205. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-206. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-301. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-302. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-303. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-26-304. Repealed by Laws 2021, ch. 27, § 3.
34-27-101. Short title.
This act may be cited as the "Wind Energy Rights Act."
34-27-102. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Wind energy agreement" means a lease, license,
easement or other agreement, whether by grant or reservation, to
develop or participate in the income from or the development of
wind powered energy generation;
(ii) "Wind energy developer" means the owner of the
surface estate or the lessee, easement holder, licensee or
contracting party under a wind energy agreement;
(iii) "Wind energy right" means a property right in
the development of wind powered energy generation;
(iv) "This act" means W.S. 34-27-101 through
34-27-103. Declaration of wind energy rights.
(a) Wind energy rights shall be regarded as an interest in
real property and appurtenant to the surface estate.
(b) Wind energy rights shall not be severed from the
surface estate, except that wind energy may be developed
pursuant to a wind energy agreement.
(c) A wind energy agreement is an interest in real
property. A wind energy agreement or a notice or memorandum
evidencing a wind energy agreement shall:
(i) Be recorded in the office of the county clerk
where the land subject to the agreement is located; and
(ii) Shall include a description of the land subject
to the agreement.
(d) After a wind energy agreement has terminated, the
surface owner may request the wind energy developer to record a
release of the wind energy agreement in the office of the county
clerk where the land subject to the wind energy agreement is
located. The request shall be in writing and delivered to the
wind energy developer by personal service or registered mail at
the wind energy developer's last known address. The wind energy
developer shall record the release within twenty (20) days after
receipt of the request. If the wind energy developer fails to
record the release within twenty (20) days after the receipt of
the request, the wind energy developer shall be liable to the
surface owner for all damages caused by the wind energy
developer's failure. A copy of the written request shall have
the same force and effect as the original in an action for
(e) Wind energy becomes personalty at the point of
conversion into electricity.
(f) Nothing in this act shall alter, amend, diminish or
invalidate wind energy agreements or conveyances made or entered
into prior to April 1, 2011 provided that a contract, lease,
memorandum or other notice evidencing the acquisition,
conveyance or reservation of the wind energy rights is recorded
in accordance with subsection (c) of this section no later than
July 1, 2011.
34-27-104. Dominance of mineral estate.
Nothing in this act shall be construed to change the common law
as of April 1, 2011 as it relates to the rights belonging to, or
the dominance of, the mineral estate.
34-27-105. Compensation for taking of wind energy rights.
Nothing in this act diminishes the right of the owner of the
surface estate to receive compensation under W.S. 1-26-701
through 1-26-714 for the taking of wind energy rights incidental
to the exercise of eminent domain.
34-27-106. No restriction on transfer of wind energy
Nothing in this act shall be construed to restrict the transfer
of a wind energy agreement, including the transfer of the
surface owner's right to receive payments under the wind energy
34-27-107. Reversion of easements.
Unless otherwise agreed between the surface owner and wind
energy developer, all easement interests acquired after April 1,
2011 for the purpose of producing wind energy shall revert to
the owner of the surface estate if wind energy production has
ceased for a continuous period of ten (10) years or if the
generation of electricity by a turbine has not commenced within
twenty (20) years after the execution of a wind energy
agreement. Reversion of an interest under this section does not
transfer any obligation to restore or reclaim the surface
34-28-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this chapter:
(i) "Transfer" means the sale, gift, conveyance,
assignment, inheritance or other transfer of an ownership
interest in real property located in this state;
(ii) "Private transfer fee" means a fee or charge
payable upon the transfer of an interest in real property, or
payable for the right to make or accept the transfer, regardless
of whether the fee or charge is a fixed amount or is determined
as a percentage of the value of the property, the purchase price
or other consideration given for the transfer. "Private
transfer fee" shall not include the following:
(A) Any consideration payable by the grantee to
the grantor for the interest, in real property being
transferred, including any subsequent additional consideration
for the property payable by the grantee based upon any
subsequent appreciation, development, lease or sale of the
separate mineral estate and its appurtenant surface access
(B) Any consideration payable by the grantee to
the grantor for the interest in real property, other than a
mineral estate and its appurtenant surface access rights, being
transferred, including any subsequent additional consideration
for the property payable by the grantee based upon any
subsequent appreciation, development or sale of the property,
provided the additional consideration is payable on a one (1)
time basis only and the obligation to make the payment does not
bind successors in title to the property;
(C) Any commission payable to a licensed real
estate broker for the transfer of real property pursuant to an
agreement between the broker and the grantor or the grantee,
including any subsequent additional commission for that transfer
payable by the grantor or the grantee based upon any subsequent
appreciation, development or sale of the property;
(D) Any interest, charges, fees or other amounts
payable by a borrower to a lender pursuant to a loan secured by
a mortgage against real property, including, but not limited to,
any fee payable to the lender for consenting to an assumption of
the loan or a transfer of the real property subject to the
mortgage, any fees or charges payable to the lender for estoppel
letters or certificates and any other consideration allowed by
law and payable to the lender in connection with the loan;
(E) Any rent, reimbursement, charge, fee or
other amount payable by a lessee to a lessor under a lease,
including, but not limited to, any fee payable to the lessor for
consenting to an assignment, subletting, encumbrance or transfer
of the lease;
(F) Any consideration payable to the holder of
an option to purchase an interest in real property or the holder
of a right of first refusal or first offer to purchase an
interest in real property for waiving, releasing or not
exercising the option or right upon the transfer of the property
to another person;
(G) Any tax, fee, charge, assessment, fine or
other amount payable to or imposed by a governmental authority;
(H) Any fee, charge, assessment, fine or other
amount payable to a homeowners', condominium, cooperative,
mobile home or property owners' association or to a nonprofit
land trust pursuant to a declaration or covenant or law
applicable to the association or nonprofit land trust;
(J) Any fee, charge, assessment, dues,
contribution or other amount pertaining to the purchase or
transfer of a club membership relating to real property owned by
the member, including, but not limited to, any amount determined
by reference to the value, purchase price or other consideration
given for the transfer of the real property;
(K) Any fee, charge, assessment, contribution or
other amount imposed by the holder of a recorded conservation
easement that is designated to compensate the holder for the
cost of ensuring compliance with the terms of the easement. The
fee, charge, assessment, contribution or other amount may be
determined by reference to the value, purchase price or other
consideration given for the transfer of the real property.
(iii) "Private transfer fee obligation" means an
obligation arising under a declaration or covenant purporting to
affect real property that requires or purports to require the
payment of a private transfer fee to the declarant or other
person specified in the declaration, covenant or agreement, or
to their successors or assigns, upon a subsequent transfer of an
interest in the real property.
34-28-102. Prohibition.
A private transfer fee obligation recorded or entered into in
this state on or after April 1, 2012 does not run with the title
to real property and is not binding on or enforceable at law or
in equity against any subsequent owner, purchaser or mortgagee
of any interest in real property as an equitable servitude or
34-28-103. Recording of existing private transfer fee
obligations; jurisdictions; affidavit of payment; exemption of
mineral rights.
(a) The payee of a private transfer fee obligation imposed
prior to April 1, 2012 or an obligation under W.S.
34-28-101(a)(ii)(H) shall record a notice of private transfer
fee obligation in the office of the clerk for each county in
which the real property is located. The notice recorded shall
meet the following requirements and contain:
(i) A clearly identified disclosure of the existence
and amount of the private transfer fee obligation;
(ii) A description of the type and nature of the
private transfer fee obligation;
(iii) A description of the type and nature of any
penalty which may be incurred as a result of failure to pay the
private transfer fee obligation;
(iv) A legal description of the real property; and
(v) The name and address of the payee. A notice
filed under this subsection shall be amended upon change of the
name or address of the payee.
(b) No court in the state of Wyoming shall have
jurisdiction to enforce a private transfer fee obligation which
is not recorded as required by subsection (a) of this section
against a bona fide purchaser who receives title to the property
after April 1, 2012.
(c) Filing of an affidavit by a grantor with the clerk for
each county in which the real property is located stating that
payment in full of any private transfer fee obligation was sent
by certified mail to the payee at the address listed in the
document recorded under subsection (a) of this section is prima
facie evidence of satisfaction of the obligation.
(d) Nothing in this chapter shall apply to:
(i) A transfer of mineral rights, interests and
(ii) The transfer of any surface right appurtenant to
a mineral right, interest or obligation which has been severed
from the surface estate.
34-29-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this chapter:
(i) "Digital asset" means a representation of
economic, proprietary or access rights that is stored in a
computer readable format and is either a digital consumer asset,
digital security or virtual currency;
(ii) "Digital consumer asset" means a digital asset
that is used or bought primarily for consumptive, personal or
household purposes and includes:
(A) An open blockchain token constituting
intangible personal property as otherwise provided by law;
(B) Any other digital asset which does not fall
within paragraphs (iii) and (iv) of this subsection.
(iii) "Digital security" means a digital asset which
constitutes a security, as defined in W.S. 17-4-102(a)(xxviii),
but shall exclude digital consumer assets and virtual currency;
(iv) "Virtual currency" means a digital asset that
(A) Used as a medium of exchange, unit of
account or store of value; and
(B) Not recognized as legal tender by the United
States government.
(v) "Private key" means a unique element of
cryptographic data, or any substantially similar analogue, which
(A) Held by a person;
(B) Paired with a unique, publicly available
element of cryptographic data; and
(C) Associated with an algorithm that is
necessary to carry out an encryption or decryption required to
execute a transaction.
(b) The terms in paragraphs (a)(ii) through (iv) of this
section are mutually exclusive.
34-29-102. Classification of digital assets as property;
applicability to Uniform Commercial Code; application of other
(a) Digital assets are classified in the following manner:
(i) Digital consumer assets are intangible personal
property and shall be considered general intangibles, as defined
in W.S. 34.1-9-102(a)(xlii), only for the purposes of article 9
of the Uniform Commercial Code, title 34.1, Wyoming statutes;
(ii) Digital securities are intangible personal
property and shall be considered securities, as defined in W.S.
34.1-8-102(a)(xv), and investment property, as defined in W.S.
34.1-9-102(a)(xlix), only for the purposes of articles 8 and 9
of the Uniform Commercial Code, title 34.1, Wyoming statutes;
(iii) Virtual currency is intangible personal
property and shall be considered money, notwithstanding W.S.
34.1-1-201(b)(xxiv), only for the purposes of article 9 of the
Uniform Commercial Code, title 34.1, Wyoming statutes.
(b) Consistent with W.S. 34.1-8-102(a)(ix), a digital
asset may be treated as a financial asset under that paragraph,
pursuant to an agreement with the owner of the digital asset. If
treated as a financial asset, the digital asset shall remain
intangible personal property.
(c) A bank providing custodial services under W.S. 34-29-
104 shall be considered to meet the requirements of W.S. 34.1-8-
(d) Classification of digital assets under this section
shall be construed in a manner to give the greatest effect to
this chapter, but shall not be construed to apply to any other
(e) This chapter shall be considered a consumer protection
statute for the purposes of W.S. 34.1-9-201(b).
34-29-103. Perfection of security interests in digital
assets; control; possession; security agreements; location.
(a) Notwithstanding the financing statement requirement
specified by W.S. 34.1-9-310(a) as otherwise applied to general
intangibles or any other provision of law, perfection of a
security interest in virtual currency may be achieved through
possession and perfection of a security interest in digital
securities may be achieved by control. A security interest held
by a secured party having possession or control, as applicable,
of virtual currency or digital securities has priority over a
security interest held by a secured party that does not have
possession or control, as applicable. Other provisions of law
relating to perfection and priority of security interests,
including W.S. 34.1-9-322(c) and priority of control over
delivery, shall apply, except that W.S. 34.1-9-322(a)(i) and (b)
shall not apply. W.S. 34.1-9-207 shall apply to this section.
(b) Before a secured party may take possession or control
under this section, the secured party shall enter into a
security agreement with the debtor and, as necessary, other
parties. The security agreement may set forth the terms under
which a secured party may pledge its security interest as
collateral for another transaction. Consistent with W.S. 34.1-9-
201(a), the security agreement shall be effective according to
its terms between parties, against purchasers of collateral and
against creditors.
(c) If a debtor is located in Wyoming, a secured party may
file a financing statement with the secretary of state to
perfect a security interest in digital consumer assets or
digital securities, including to perfect a security interest in
proceeds pursuant to W.S. 34.1-9-315(d).
(d) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, including
article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code, title 34.1, Wyoming
statutes, a transferee takes a digital asset free of any
security interest two (2) years after the transferee takes the
asset for value and does not have actual notice of an adverse
claim at any time during the two (2) year period. This
subsection only applies to a security interest perfected by
(e) As used in this section:
(i) "Control," when used in article 9, title 34.1,
Wyoming statutes and this section, consistent with W.S. 34.1-9-
314, includes the following:
(A) A secured party, or an agent, custodian,
fiduciary or trustee of the party, has complied with W.S. 34.1-
8-106, including by means of a private key or the use of a
multi-signature arrangement exclusive to the secured party or
any substantially similar analogue;
(B) Use of a smart contract created by a secured
party to comply with W.S. 34.1-8-106. As used in this
subparagraph, "smart contract" means an automated transaction,
as defined in W.S. 40-21-102(a)(ii), or any substantially
similar analogue, which is comprised of code, script or
programming language that executes the terms of an agreement,
and which may include taking custody of and transferring an
asset, or issuing executable instructions for these actions,
based on the occurrence or nonoccurrence of specified
(ii) "Multi-signature arrangement" means a system of
access control relating to a digital asset for the purposes of
preventing unauthorized transactions relating to the asset, in
which two (2) or more private keys are required to conduct a
transaction, or any substantially similar analogue;
(iii) Repealed by Laws 2023, ch. 66, § 3.
(iv) "Possession," when used in article 9, title
34.1, Wyoming statutes and this section, consistent with 34.1-9-
313, means the ability to exclude others from the use of
property, and includes use of a private key, a multi-signature
arrangement exclusive to the secured party or a smart contract,
as defined in this subsection, or any substantially similar
analogue. "Possession" shall also include delivery of
certificated digital securities, consistent with W.S. 34.1-8-
(f) Perfection by possession creates a possessory security
interest under W.S. 34.1-9-301(a)(ii) in virtual currency or
certificated digital securities, based on the possessory nature
of a private key or any substantially similar analogue, which
may be tangible or electronic.
(g) For purposes of article 9, title 34.1 and this
section, if collateral is required to be "located in a
jurisdiction," a digital asset is located in Wyoming if the
asset is possessed or controlled by a Wyoming bank, trust
company or other custodian, the debtor or secured party is
physically located in Wyoming or the debtor or secured party is
incorporated or organized in Wyoming, based on the following
(i) Whether a security agreement typically
accompanying a possessory security interest or other secured
transaction exists, consistent with W.S. 34.1-9-201(a),
including an agreement describing the possessory nature of a
private key or any substantially similar analogue;
(ii) Choice of law in a security agreement,
evidencing the intent and understanding of the parties relating
to a transaction, including waivers of litigation in
jurisdictions other than Wyoming, access to the Wyoming chancery
court and judicial economy; and
(iii) The relative clarity of the laws of other
jurisdictions relating to a digital asset, consequences relating
to unknown liens in those jurisdictions and the ability of a
court to exercise jurisdiction over a particular digital asset.
34-29-104. Digital asset custodial services.
(a) A bank may provide custodial services for digital
assets consistent with this section upon providing sixty (60)
days written notice to the commissioner. If a bank elects to
provide custodial services for digital assets, it shall comply
with all provisions of this section.
(b) A bank may serve as a qualified custodian, as
specified by the United States securities and exchange
commission in 17 C.F.R. § 275.206(4)-2, or as a custodian
authorized by the United States commodity futures trading
commission or other law. In performing custodial services under
this section, a bank shall:
(i) Implement all accounting, account statement,
internal control, notice and other standards specified by
applicable state or federal law and rules for custodial
(ii) Maintain information technology best practices
relating to digital assets held in custody. The commissioner may
specify required best practices by rule;
(iii) Fully comply with applicable federal anti-money
laundering, customer identification and beneficial ownership
requirements; and
(iv) Take other actions necessary to carry out this
section, which may include exercising fiduciary powers similar
to those permitted to national banks and ensuring compliance
with federal law governing digital assets classified as
(c) A bank providing custodial services shall conform to
the audit, accounting and related requirements specified by the
commissioner and applicable law, which may include entering into
an agreement with an independent public accountant to conduct an
examination conforming to the requirements of 17 C.F.R. §
275.206(4)-2(a)(4) and (6), at the cost of the bank. An
accountant shall transmit the results of any examination to the
commissioner within one hundred twenty (120) days of the
examination and may file the results with other regulatory
agencies as their rules may provide. Material discrepancies in
an examination shall be reported to the commissioner within one
(1) day. The commissioner shall review examination results upon
receipt within a reasonable time and during any regular
examination conducted under W.S. 13-3-702.
(d) Digital assets held in custody under this section are
not liabilities or assets of the bank. A bank, or a subsidiary,
may register as an investment adviser, investment company or
broker dealer as necessary. A bank shall maintain possession or
control, as applicable, over a digital asset while in custody. A
customer shall elect, pursuant to a written agreement with the
bank, one (1) of the following relationships for each digital
asset held in custody:
(i) Custody under a bailment as a nonfungible or
fungible asset. Assets held under this paragraph shall be
strictly segregated from other assets; or
(ii) Custody pursuant to subsection (e) of this
(e) If a customer makes an election under paragraph
(d)(ii) of this section, the bank may, based only on customer
instructions, undertake transactions with the digital asset. A
bank is deemed to maintain possession or control pursuant to
subsection (d) of this section by entering into an agreement
with the counterparty to a transaction which contains a time for
return of the asset and other customary terms in securities or
commodities transactions. The bank shall not be liable for any
loss suffered with respect to a transaction under this
subsection, except for liability consistent with fiduciary and
trust powers.
(f) A bank and a customer shall agree in writing regarding
the source code version the bank will use for each digital
asset, and the treatment of each asset under the Uniform
Commercial Code, title 34.1, Wyoming statutes if necessary. Any
ambiguity under this subsection shall be resolved in favor of
the customer.
(g) A bank shall provide clear, written notice to each
customer, and require written acknowledgement, of the following:
(i) Prior to the implementation of any updates,
material source code updates relating to digital assets held in
custody, except in emergencies which may include security
(ii) The heightened risk of loss from transactions
under subsection (e) of this section;
(iii) That some risk of loss as a pro rata creditor
exists as the result of custody as a fungible asset or custody
under paragraph (d)(ii) of this section;
(iv) That custody under paragraph (d)(ii) of this
section may not result in the digital assets of the customer
being strictly segregated from other customer assets; and
(v) That the bank is not liable for losses suffered
under subsection (e) of this section, except for liability
consistent with fiduciary and trust powers.
(h) A bank and a customer shall agree in writing to a time
period within which the bank must return a digital asset held in
custody under this section. If a customer makes an election
under paragraph (d)(ii) of this section, the bank and the
customer may also agree in writing to the form in which the
digital asset shall be returned.
(j) All ancillary or subsidiary proceeds relating to
digital assets held in custody under this section shall accrue
to the benefit of the customer, except as specified by a written
agreement with the customer. The bank may elect not to collect
certain ancillary or subsidiary proceeds, as long as the
election is disclosed in writing. A customer who makes an
election under paragraph (d)(i) of this section may withdraw the
digital asset in a form that permits the collection of the
ancillary or subsidiary proceeds.
(k) A bank shall not authorize or permit rehypothecation
of digital assets under this section. The bank shall not engage
in any activity to use or exercise discretionary authority
relating to a digital asset except based on customer
(m) A bank shall not take any action under this section
which would likely impair the solvency or the safety and
soundness of the bank, as determined by the commissioner after
considering the nature of custodial services customary in the
banking industry.
(n) To offset the costs of supervision and administration
of this section, a bank which provides custodial services under
this section shall pay a supervision fee equal to two-tenths of
one mill on the dollar ($.0002) relating to assets held in
custody as provided by rule of the commissioner. The supervision
fee shall be deposited by the commissioner into the financial
institutions administration account and may be expended for any
purpose authorized for that account. Fees charged and collected
under this subsection shall be reported as required by W.S. 13-
(o) The commissioner may adopt rules to implement this
(p) A bank may provide custodial services for stablecoin
reserves, provided those custodial services are consistent with
this section and the rules and regulations of the commissioner.
(q) A supervised trust company that is chartered in this
state may provide all the services provided in this section if
it complies with the provisions of this section and the rules
and regulations of the commissioner.
(r) As used in this section:
(i) "Bank" has the meaning ascribed to it in W.S. 13-
(ii) "Commissioner" means the banking commissioner;
(iii) "Custodial services" means the safekeeping,
servicing and management of customer currency and digital
assets. This term includes the exercise of fiduciary and trust
powers involving the exercise of discretion, including
transactions under subsection (e) of this section.
34-29-105. Jurisdiction of courts.
Subject to other jurisdictional limits placed on specific courts
by Wyoming law, the courts of Wyoming shall have jurisdiction to
hear claims in both law and equity relating to digital assets,
including those arising from this chapter and the Uniform
Commercial Code, title 34.1, Wyoming statutes.
34-29-106. Wyoming Utility Token Act; open blockchain
tokens classified as intangible personal property;
characteristics; filing requirements; fee; enforcement
authority; definitions; virtual currency.
(a) This section may be cited as the "Wyoming Utility
Token Act."
(b) An open blockchain token with the following
characteristics constitutes intangible personal property:
(i) The predominant purpose of the token is
consumptive, as defined in paragraph (g)(ii) of this section;
(ii) The developer or seller did not market the token
to the initial buyer as a financial investment, as defined in
paragraph (g)(v) of this section; and
(iii) At least one (1) of the following subparagraphs
is satisfied:
(A) The developer or seller reasonably believed
that it sold the token to the initial buyer for a consumptive
(B) The token has a consumptive purpose that is
available at or near the time of sale and can be used at or near
the time of sale for a consumptive purpose;
(C) The initial buyer of the token is prohibited
by the developer or seller of the token from reselling the token
until the token is available to be used for a consumptive
(D) The developer or seller takes other
reasonable precautions to prevent an initial buyer from
purchasing the token as a financial investment.
(c) Before making an open blockchain token under
subsection (b) of this section available for sale, the developer
or seller of a token, or the registered agent of the developer
or seller, shall electronically file a notice of intent with the
secretary of state and pay a filing fee of one thousand dollars
($1,000.00) to offset the costs of administering this section.
The notice of intent shall contain the name of the person acting
as a developer or seller, the contact information of the person,
or the registered agent of the person and comprehensive details
on the open blockchain token under subsection (b) of this
section made available for sale, as required by the secretary of
state. A form shall be made available by the secretary of state
for this purpose, which shall include a secure electronic form
conspicuously posted on the internet website of the secretary of
state. A developer, seller and the registered agent of these
persons, if applicable, shall have a continuing duty to update
the contact information provided on a notice of intent as long
as the open blockchain token associated with the notice is
actively being sold.
(d) A facilitator shall comply with the following
(i) A facilitator shall, before making any token
available for resale to the public, confirm with the secretary
of state that a notice of intent has been filed pursuant to
subsection (c) of this section;
(ii) A facilitator shall, at all times, have a
reasonable and good faith belief that a token subject to resale
conforms to the requirements of paragraphs (b)(i) through (iii)
of this section; and
(iii) The facilitator shall take reasonably prompt
action to terminate the resale of a token which does not conform
to the requirements of this subsection.
(e) A willful failure by a developer, seller or
facilitator to comply with the duties imposed by this section
shall constitute an unlawful trade practice under W.S. 40-12-
105(a)(xvii). A developer, seller or facilitator is subject to
all applicable criminal statutes, including the fraud provisions
of W.S. 6-3-601 through 6-3-615.
(f) The secretary of state may refer the following to
appropriate state or federal agencies for investigation,
criminal prosecution, civil penalties and other appropriate
enforcement actions:
(i) Suspected violations of this section;
(ii) The developer, seller or facilitator of either
an open blockchain token which conforms to the requirements of
this section or another digital asset which substantially
resembles an open blockchain token, but which, in the
determination of the secretary of state, is being sold for
financial investment or fraudulent purposes.
(g) As used in this section:
(i) "Blockchain" means a digital ledger or database
which is chronological, consensus-based, decentralized and
mathematically verified in nature;
(ii) "Consumptive" means a circumstance when a token
is exchangeable for, or provided for the receipt of, services,
software, content or real or tangible personal property,
including rights of access to services, content or real or
tangible personal property;
(iii) "Developer" means the person primarily
responsible for creating an open blockchain token or otherwise
designing the token, including by executing the technological
processes necessary to create the token;
(iv) "Facilitator" means a person who, as a business,
makes open blockchain tokens under subsection (b) of this
section available for resale to the public after a token has
been purchased by an initial buyer;
(v) "Financial investment" means a contract,
transaction or arrangement where a person invests money in a
common enterprise and is led to expect profits solely from the
efforts of a promoter or a third party;
(vi) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (h)
of this section, "open blockchain token" means a digital unit
which is:
(A) Created:
(I) In response to the verification or
collection of a specified number of transactions relating to a
digital ledger or database;
(II) By deploying computer code to a
digital ledger or database, which may include a blockchain, that
allows for the creation of digital tokens or other units; or
(III) Using a combination of the methods
specified in subdivisions (I) and (II) of this subparagraph.
(B) Recorded to a digital ledger or database,
which may include a blockchain; and
(C) Capable of being traded or transferred
between persons without an intermediary or custodian of value.
(vii) "Seller" means a person who makes an open
blockchain token available for purchase to an initial buyer.
(h) Virtual currency or a digital security, as defined in
subsection (a) of this section, shall not constitute an open
blockchain token.
34-29-107. Production of private keys; prohibition.
(a) No person shall be compelled to produce a private key
or make a private key known to any other person in any civil,
criminal, administrative, legislative or other proceeding in
this state that relates to a digital asset, digital identity or
other interest or right to which the private key provides access
unless a public key is unavailable or unable to disclose the
requisite information with respect to the digital asset, digital
identity or other interest or right.
(b) This section shall not be interpreted to prohibit any
lawful proceeding that compels a person to produce, sell,
transfer, convey or disclose a digital asset, digital identity
or other interest or right to which a private key provides
access, or to disclose information about the digital asset,
digital identity or other interest or right, provided that the
person is not required to produce or disclose the private key
except as otherwise required by subsection (a) of this section.
34-29-201. Definitions.
(a) For purposes of this article:
(i) "Secretary" means the secretary of state.
34-29-202. Registered digital assets; limitations;
(a) The lawful owner of any digital asset or the lawful
owner's agent may register the digital asset with the secretary
in accordance with this article. Digital assets registered with
the secretary shall be deemed to be located within the state for
purposes of all laws and regulations of this state, or any
applicable federal laws not in conflict with this article, which
may impact ownership rights of the digital asset or require
transfer of the digital asset.
(b) Following approval of an application for registration
of a digital asset, the secretary shall provide a registration
certificate cryptographically signed by the secretary for each
registered digital asset that may be attached to or otherwise
associated with the digital asset.
(c) Nothing in this article shall be construed to confer
any ownership, property or other rights related to digital
assets beyond those specifically granted in this article.
34-29-203. Application for registration; filing fee;
(a) Subject to the limitations set forth in this article,
any person may submit an application to the secretary in the
form and containing information as prescribed by the secretary,
for registration of a digital asset. The application shall
contain, at minimum, the following information:
(i) The name and address of the person applying for
(ii) The nature of the digital asset and sufficient
information to identify the digital asset;
(iii) A statement that the applicant is the lawful
owner of the digital asset or the lawful owner's agent and that
to the knowledge of the applicant no other person has a current,
valid registration of the digital asset either in this state or
in any other jurisdiction;
(iv) Cryptographic proof that the lawful owner has
control of the digital asset at the time of application.
(b) The application shall be signed and verified by oath,
affirmation or declaration subject to perjury laws by the
(c) The application for registration shall be accompanied
by a registration fee set in accordance with W.S. 34-29-209,
which registration fee shall not exceed five hundred dollars
($500.00) and shall be payable to the secretary.
(d) The applicant shall be:
(i) A resident of the state of Wyoming if the
applicant is a natural person;
(ii) Incorporated or organized in the state of
Wyoming if the applicant is a business entity.
34-29-204. Examination of application; amendment of
(a) Upon the filing of a complete application for
registration and payment of the registration fee, the
application shall be deemed approved and the digital asset
registered pursuant to this article unless the secretary, at his
discretion, causes the application to be examined for conformity
with this article subject to the following:
(i) The applicant shall provide any additional
information requested by the secretary and may make or authorize
the secretary to make necessary amendments to the application as
may be reasonably requested by the secretary or deemed by the
applicant to be advisable to respond to any rejection or
objection to the application;
(ii) The secretary may revise the application with
agreement of the applicant or may require the applicant to
submit a revised application;
(iii) If the applicant is found not to meet the
registration requirements, the secretary shall advise the
applicant of the reasons. The applicant shall have a reasonable
period of time specified by the secretary in which to reply or
to amend the application, in which event the application shall
be reexamined. This procedure may be repeated until:
(A) The secretary finally refuses registration
of the digital asset; or
(B) The applicant fails to reply or amend within
the specified period, whereupon the application shall be deemed
to have been abandoned.
34-29-205. Term of registration; renewals.
(a) Registration of a digital asset is effective for a
term of five (5) years from the date of registration. Upon
application filed within six (6) months prior to the expiration
of the registration term and in a manner complying with the
requirements of the secretary, the registration may be renewed
for a term of five (5) years from the end of the expiring term.
The renewal fee shall be set in accordance with W.S. 34-29-209,
but shall not exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) and
shall be submitted with the application for renewal of the
(b) A digital asset registration may be renewed for
successive periods of five (5) years under this section.
34-29-206. Public record of digital assets.
The secretary shall keep for public examination a record of all
registered digital assets under this article.
34-29-207. Cancellation of registration.
(a) A digital asset shall no longer be deemed registered
and the secretary shall cancel from the register:
(i) Any registration upon a voluntary request for
cancellation thereof from the lawful owner of the digital asset
or his agent and payment of a fee set in accordance with W.S.
34-29-209, but not to exceed thirty dollars ($30.00);
(ii) Any registration that is not renewed under this
(iii) Any registration if a court of competent
jurisdiction finds:
(A) That the registration was granted
(B) That the registration was obtained
(iv) Any registration when a court of competent
jurisdiction orders cancellation of a registration on any
34-29-208. False or fraudulent representations or
declarations; liability for damages sustained.
Any person who for himself, or on behalf of any other person,
files or registers any digital asset in the office of the
secretary under the provisions of this article by knowingly
making any false or fraudulent representation or declaration,
orally or in writing, or by any other means, shall be liable to
pay all damages sustained in consequence of the filing or
registration, to be recovered by or on behalf of the injured
party in any court of competent jurisdiction.
34-29-209. Powers of secretary of state; filing and other
(a) The secretary has all powers reasonably necessary to
perform the duties required by this article including the
promulgation of rules and regulations necessary to carry out the
purposes of this article.
(b) The secretary shall set and collect registration,
service and copying fees to recover the costs of providing these
services and administering this act. Fees shall not exceed the
costs of providing these services and administering this act.