China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
In Their Own Words:
Science of Military Strategy
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
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China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
In Their Own Words
The “In Their Own Words” series is dedicated to translations of Chinese
documents in order to help non-Mandarin speaking audiences access and understand
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China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
National Key Discipline Theory Works of National Defense University
The Science of
Military Strategy
(Revised in 2020)
Zkey positionIAN
Xiao Tianliang
FUZkey positionIAN
Lou Yaoliang
Kang Wuchao
Cai Renzhao
Guofangdaxue Ckey positionanshe
Editor-in-Chief Xiao Tianliang
Associate Editor Lou Yaoliang Wuchao Cai Renzhao
Guojiazhongdianxueke Lilunzhuzuo
National Defense University Press
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
Editor-in-Chief Introduction
Xiao Tianliang, vice president of National Defense University, rank of lieutenant general, doctor of military
science, professor, doctoral tutor, academic leader of military strategy discipline, collective study guide of
the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee. Graduated from Zhengzhou Antiaircraft Artillery
Academy and National Defense University successively, served as acting platoon commander and company
commander of a certain army group army, director of the Military Strategy Teaching and Research Office of
the Strategic Teaching and Research Department of the National Defense University, acting deputy
commander of a destroyer detachment of the Navy, acting deputy chief of staff of the South China Sea
Fleet, National Defense Deputy Director and Director of University Strategy Teaching and Research
Department. He has been engaged in the teaching and research of China's military strategy for a long time,
and has successively published monographs such as "Science Technology and Future Military Strategy,”
"Research on War Control Issues,” "Non-War Use of Military Forces,” and participated in the editor-in-chief
of "Contemporary China's Military Strategy" and "Military Strategy Theory" "New China's Military Diplomacy,”
"Strategy" and other works. He was invited to study at Georgetown University in Washington, USA, and
gave lectures in Japan, Zambia, Tunisia, and other countries. He has successively won the Second Prize of
National Teaching Achievement Award, First Prize of Military Teaching Achievement Award, Military Talent
Education Award, Military Science and Technology Progress Award, PLA Book Award, National Defense
University Quality Class Award, National Defense University Liu Bocheng Research Achievement Award,
and was selected for the Ministry of Education’s New Century Excellent Talent Support Program.
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
Science of
(Revised in 2020)
Xiao Tianliang
Deputy Editor, Lou Yaoliang
Kang Wuchao
Cai Renzhao
National Defense University Press
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
Book Cataloging in Publication (CIP) Data Strategy; edited by Xiao Tianliang. Beijing: National
Defense University Press.
I. (1) War...II.(1) Xiao...III.(1) Military strategy--Strategy
. (1) E8l
Chinese Version Library CIP Data Core Word (2014) No. 232227
Strategic Science Xiao Tianliang Editor-in-Chief
Publishing and distribution; National Defense University Press
Address: No. 3, Hongshankou, Haidian District, Beijing Postcode: 100091
Tel: Distribution Department 010-55479710
Chief Editor Room 010-55479705
Responsible Editor: Huang Jianguo
Responsible proofreading: Deng Yanfang
Cover design; Zheng Chunlong
Typographic open printing plate
Sales: Xinhua Bookstore
Edition: Beijing Lianzhong Hengchuang Culture Co., Ltd.
Brush: Beijing Futai Printing Co., Ltd.
Original: 787 mm x 1092 mm 1/16
Sheets: 28.75
Number: 372
Print Number: 20001-23000
Volume: April 2015 First edition May 2017 revision
Revised in August 2020 2nd printing in September 2020
Price: 60.00 Yuan
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
Part I
Chapter 1 Introduction to Strategy
Section 1 The Meaning and Constituent Elements of the Strategy
Section 2 The Classification and System of the Strategy
Section 3 The Basic Characteristics of the Strategy
Section 4 The Influencing Factors of the Strategy
Section 5 Strategic Thinking of Contemporary China
Chapter 2 Strategic Judgment
Section 1 Strategic Judgment Introduction
Section 2 Requirements for Strategic Judgment
Chapter 3 Strategic Decision
Section 1 The Main Features of Strategic Decision-making
Section 2 The Main Content of Strategic Decision-making
Section 3 Basic Requirements of Strategic Decision-making
Theoretical Works of National Key Subjects
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
Chapter 4 Strategic Planning
Section 1 The Meaning, Types and Functions of Strategic Planning
Section 2 Contents, Procedures and Requirements of Strategic Planning
Chapter 5 Strategy Implementation
Section 1 Strategic Implementation Introduction
Section 2 Principles of Strategy Implementation
Chapter 6 Strategic Evaluation
Section 1 The Meaning and Role of Strategic Assessment
Section 2 The Content of Strategic Assessment
Section 3 Procedures and Methods of Strategic Assessment
Part II
Chapter 7 Prevention and Handling of Military Crisis
Section 1 The Connotation and Characteristics of Military crises
Section 2 The Prevention of Military Crises
Section 3 Handling of Military Crisis
Chapter 8 Strategic Deterrence
Section 1 Basic Concepts of Strategic Deterrence
Section 2 China’s Strategic Deterrence Thought
Section 3 Methods of Strategic Deterrence
Section 4 Guidance of Strategic Deterrence
Chapter 9 Military conflict in New Domains
Section 1 Military Conflict in Space
Section 2 Military Conflict in Cyberspace
Section 3 Military Conflict in the Deep-Sea Domain
Section 4 Military Conflict in the Polar Domain
Theoretical Works of National Key Subjects
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
Section 5 Military Conflict in the Biological Domain
Section 6 Military Conflict in the Intelligent Domain
Chapter 10 War Planning
Section 1 Characteristics of War
Section 2 War Determination
Section 3 War Operation Design
Section 4 Constructing Strategic Deployment
Section 5 Organization Strategic Coordination
Section 6 Making Overall Strategic Guarantees
Section 7 Implementing War Mobilization
Section 8 Planning for Political Work
Chapter 11 War Operation
Section 1 Strategic Reconnaissance and Strategic Early Warning
Section 2 Strategic Projection and Strategic Deployment
Section 3 Strategic Assault Section
Section 4 Strategic Counter Air Attack
Section 5 Strategic Blockade Section
Section 6 Border Defense
Section 7 Island Operations
Section 8 Sea Mobile Operations
Section 9 Cyber Electromagnetic Space Warfare
Section 10 Public Opinion Jurisprudence Struggle and Psychological
Offense and Defense
Chapter 12 Battle Situation Control
Section 1 Definitions and Characteristics of Battle Situation Control
Section 2 Principles of Battle Situation Control
Section 3 Controlling the Opening of the War
Section 4 Controlling the Development of Battle Situations
Theoretical Works of National Key Subjects
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
Section 5 Controlling the End of War
Chapter 13 Operational Guidance
Section 1 Basic Operational Thoughts
Section 2 Operational Guiding Principles
Section 3 Art of Operational Guidance
Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
Section 1 Main styles of Non-war Military Operations
Section 2 Basic Characteristics of Non-war Military Operations
Section 3 Strategic Guidance for Non-war Military Operations
Chapter 15 Overseas Use of Military Forces
Section 1 The Strategic Significance of the Overseas use of Military
Section 2 The Main Features of the Overseas Use of Military Power
Section 3 The Strategic Guidance for the Overseas Use of Military
Part III
Chapter 16 Strategic Guidance for Military Force Construction and
Section 1 Basic Law of Military Power Construction and Development
Section 2 Military Force Construction and Development under New Era
Section 3 Building a New Military Power System
Chapter 17 Army Construction and Development
Section 1 Army Construction and Development Trend
Section 2 Army Capability Requirements under New Era Conditions
Section 3 Main Measures for Army Construction and Development
Chapter 18 Navy Construction and Development
Section 1 Naval Construction and Development Trend
Theoretical Works of National Key Subjects
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
Section 2 Naval Capability Requirements Under New Era Conditions
Section 3 Main Measures for Naval Construction and Development
Chapter 19 Air Force Construction and Development
Section 1 Air Force Construction and Development Trends
Section 2 Air Force Capability Requirements under New Era Conditions
Section 3 Main Measures for Air Force Construction and Development
Chapter 20 Rocket Force Construction and Development
Section 1 Rocket Force Construction and Development Trend
Section 2 Rocket Force Capability Requirements under New Era Conditions
Section 3 Main Measures for Rocket Force Construction and Development
Chapter 21: Military Space Force Construction and Development
Section 1 Military Space Force Construction and Development Trend
Section 2 Military Space Capability Requirements Under New Era Conditions
Section 3 Main Measures for the Construction and Development of Military
Space Forces
Chapter 22: Construction and Development of Cyberspace Forces
Section 1 Cyberspace Power Construction and Development Trends
Section 2 Cyberspace Capability Requirements Under the New Era Conditions
Section 3 Main Measures for the Construction and Development of
Cyberspace Forces
Chapter 23: Construction and Development of Joint Logistics Support
Section 1 Joint Logistics Support Force Construction and Development Trend
Section 2 Joint Logistics Support Force Capability Requirements Under the
New Era Conditions
Section 3 Major Measures for the Construction and Development of Joint
Logistics Support Forces
Chapter 24 Construction and Development of Armed Police Forces
Section 1 The Construction and Development Trend of the Armed Police
Section 2 The Capability Requirements of the Armed Police Forces under the
New Era Conditions
Section 3 Main Measures for the Construction and Development of the
Armed Police Forces
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
Chapter 25 Construction and Development of Reserve Forces 436
Section 1 Reserve Force Construction and Development Trends 436
Section 2 Reserve Force Capability Requirements under New Era
Conditions 440
Section 3 Main Measures for Reserve Force Construction and Development
Postscript 451
Theoretical Works of National Key Subjects
China Aerospace Studies Institute Jan 2022
The science of strategy is a theoretical system about strategy and a discipline that studies the overall
guiding laws for the use and construction of military forces. Its main task is to reveal the essence,
characteristics, and basic principles of strategy, to study the guiding laws of military conflict and army
building as a whole, and to provide systematic and scientific theoretical guidance for the formulation and
implementation of strategy. Strategy has developed with the development of military practice, especially
strategic practice, and is closely related to the development of disciplines in various fields such as politics,
economy, diplomacy, science and technology, culture, and geography. Different countries and armies have
different strategic theoretical systems under different historical conditions.
1. The emergence and development of strategy
The science of strategy originated from the practice of military conflicts in human society, especially the
guidance of war, and developed with the deepening of human understanding of the rules governing the use
and construction of military forces. In the long historical process, both the East and the West have produced
a large number of military theories containing rich strategic thoughts, and they have mutually influenced
each other on the basis of relatively independent development, and gradually formed a relatively complete
and distinctive strategic theory system.
(1) The emergence and development of strategy in China
In ancient China, there were frequent wars. War directors continued to summarize the practical experience
of war and rose to a rational understanding, resulting in a large number of military writings, some of which
involved strategic content, and some directly discussed strategic issues. The more famous ones are "The
Art of War of Sun Tzu,” "The Art of War of Wu Zi,” "The Art of War of Sun Bin,” "The Art of Sima,” "Wei Liao
Zi,” "Six Taoism,” "The Three Strategies of Huangshi Gong,” "Tang Li Wen Dui" and "Wu Jing Zong Yao,”
and many more.
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Among them, "The Art of War by Sun Tzu" is an outstanding representative and the earliest and most
influential strategic theory work in the world. Its strategic ideas such as the "security army,” "scheming
against diplomats,” "bearing soldiers without fighting,” "knowing the enemy and confidant, and never dying in
a hundred battles,” have maintained their immortal vitality to this day. Therefore, "The Art of War by Sun
Tzu" is called the originator of military science, and Sun Tzu is also called the master of strategy. The
leading position of ancient China in strategic research is recognized by the world. After entering modern
times, the development of China's strategic theories has been relatively slow and there are few theoretical
works. At the beginning of the 20th century, Clausewitz's "On War,” Jomini's "Introduction to the Art of War"
and other Western strategic masterpieces gradually spread to China, which had a greater impact on China's
modern strategic theories.
In the process of establishing the theory of proletarian revolution, the classic Marxist writers made scientific
expositions on a series of fundamental issues such as war and revolution, strategic guidance, and army
building. They created the Marxist strategic theory and promoted the epoch-making development of the
world strategic theory. It also laid a solid foundation for the creation and development of the strategic theory
of China's revolutionary war. The Chinese Communists represented by Mao Zedong, in leading the Chinese
people to carry out the magnificent revolutionary war practice, guided by Marxist military theory, closely
integrated the reality of the Chinese revolutionary war, absorbed the essence of useful strategic theories
from ancient and modern China and foreign countries, and formed unique characteristics. The strategic
theory of the Chinese Revolutionary War. His representative works include Mao Zedong's "Strategic Issues
in the Chinese Revolutionary War,” "Strategic Issues in the Guerrilla War against Japan,” "On Protracted
Warfare,” "War and Strategic Issues" and other military treatises. These works solved the major strategic
issues in the Chinese Revolutionary War and the War of Resistance against Aggression, systematically
expounded the strategic guiding principles of the Chinese Revolutionary War and the War of Resistance
against Japan, formed a complete strategic theory system, and advanced China's strategic research to a
new stage. This strategic theoretical system has been further enriched and developed in the practice of
military conflict after the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, with the continuous development of national defense
construction and military conflict practice, our military has paid close attention to the development of world
strategic theories. Starting from the actual military conflicts of defending national security, defending
territorial sovereignty, and safeguarding the unity of the motherland, it has actively studied and explored new
ideas. Under the historical conditions, the characteristics and laws of national defense construction and
military conflicts, strategic theories continue to innovate and develop, and the strategic theoretical system is
improving day by day.
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After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, guided
by the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, China's strategic theory
research has seen unprecedented prosperity. Especially after the strategic transformation of the guiding
ideology for national defense and army building in the mid-1980s, many strategic monographs have been
published, mainly including the "Strategy Course" of the Military Academy, the "Strategy" of the Academy of
Military Sciences, and the National Defense University. "Introduction to Military Strategy" etc. After the end
of the Cold War, the international strategic situation has undergone profound changes. New military changes
in the world have flourished, and the form of warfare has accelerated. Our military adjusted its military
strategy in a timely manner, established a military strategic policy for the new period, and strengthened its
response to local wars and military forces under high-tech conditions. A number of new strategic theoretical
results have been achieved in the study of modernization issues. Marked by "Strategy" published by the
National Defense University in 1999 and "Strategy" published by the Academy of Military Sciences in 2001,
China's strategic research has developed to a new historical stage.
After entering the 21st century, in the face of new strategic situations, new forms of war, and new historical
missions, the Central Military Commission has enriched and improved the military strategic guidelines for the
new period. Our military has won the local war under the new era conditions as the core, focusing on the
new situation and new characteristics, and systematically studied the overall issue of the use and
construction of military forces. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the
in-depth development of reform and opening-up and economic globalization, national interests continue to
expand overseas and new spaces, and security issues in the ocean, space, network, electromagnetic and
other fields have become increasingly prominent. The country is still both facing severe traditional security
threats and the increasing non-traditional security threats, especially the threats from the maritime direction
have increased significantly, which has become the focus of military strategic guidance. Our army has
formulated a military strategic policy under the new situation at the right time, and provided strong guidance
for the construction and use of military forces under the new situation. Our military theorists have made new
explorations and summaries on a series of major military strategic issues. The Academy of Military Sciences
and the National Defense University have successively compiled new editions of "Strategy." The 19th
National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly put forward Xi Jinping's thought of strengthening
the army. Subsequently, the Central Military Commission established the military strategy for the new era,
and clearly regarded Xi Jinping's military strategy as the fundamental guiding ideology of military strategy in
the new era, in order to achieve the party's goal of strengthening the army in the new era. Building a world-
class army and winning informatized wars provide scientific guidelines and fundamental follow-ups.
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(2) The emergence and development of strategy in the West
The development of ancient Western strategic theories is relatively lagging behind China. There is no classic
military theory writing like Sun Tzu's Art of War. The main strategic ideas are scattered in some military
historical works. For example, in the 5th century BC, the Greek historian Herodotus's History of the Greek-
Persian War, Thucydides's History of the Peloponnesian War, and the Athens historian Xenophon's The
History of Greece and Anabasis,” Ancient Roman commander and military strategist Caesar's "Gaul Wars,”
"Civil Wars" and so on. Entering the Middle Ages, the development of Western military science was slower.
As Engels pointed out, "the entire Middle Ages was a fruitless era in terms of tactical development, as in
other scientific aspects."[1] Strategy is no exception.
After the 16th century, with the rise of capitalism, Western strategic research has been greatly developed. In
the first half of the 19th century, Clausewitz of Prussia and Jomini of Switzerland summed up the experience
of the Napoleonic Wars and other wars in Europe at that time, and respectively published the classic
strategic works ”War Theory'' and ”Introduction to the Art of War'', which became modern an important
milestone in the development of strategic theory. From the beginning of the 19th century to the Second
World War, with the widespread use of warships, tanks, aircraft, missiles and other weapons and equipment,
the form of war has undergone major changes. Western strategic thinking is very active, and some typical
characteristics of mechanized warfare have appeared one after another. Its strategic works mainly include
Mahan's "The Impact of Sea Power on History (1660-1783),” Douhet of Italy's "Air Domination,” and Fuller's
"Mechanized Warfare" by Fuller, Germany, and Ludendorff's "Total Warfare,” etc, which have had a
significant impact on the development of modern Western strategic theories.
In the two world wars, the scale of the war was huge, the battlefield space was vast, the combat styles were
various, and the strategic influence was far-reaching. The summary and reflection on the practice of the two
wars further promoted the development of Western strategic theory. After the Second World War, with the
rapid development of nuclear technology, aerospace technology, precision guidance technology, and
information technology and its wide application in the military field, historical breakthroughs have been made
in the level and effectiveness of weaponry and military combat methods and styles. Significant changes
have taken place, which has greatly promoted the innovation and development of strategic theories. Some
new strategic theories, such as limited war theory, nuclear war and nuclear deterrence theory, high frontier
theory, air-to-ground integrated warfare theory, arms control theory, low-intensity conflict theory, high-tech
war theory, etc. continue to emerge.
1. "Marx and Engels Military Collection" Vol. 1, Warrior Press, 1981 edition, p. 363.
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During this period, the most representative strategic theories in the West mainly included: Liddell Hart's
"Strategy,” Beaufort's "Introduction to Strategy,” and "Grand Strategy" by Collins of the United States. While
the military is strengthening strategic research, local scholars and non-governmental organizations have
begun to enter the field of strategic research and strategic consulting, such as the RAND Corporation in the
United States, the London Institute for International Strategic Studies in the United Kingdom, and the
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute in Sweden, which have become important strategies.
Think tanks and consulting agencies continue to put forward innovative strategic thoughts and theoretical
viewpoints to enrich and improve the strategic theoretical system.
Since the 1990s, with the further development of information technology and its extensive use in the military
field, the world's military reforms have advanced in depth, and the form of warfare has accelerated, and
information-based warfare has gradually become the basic form of warfare. Western countries led by the
United States have emerged in succession with a large number of new strategic theories and operational
concepts reflecting the characteristics of the information age, mainly including "five-ring target strikes,” "rapid
decisive operations,” "preemptive strikes,” "network-centric warfare,” "air-sea integrated warfare,” the third
offset strategy, "global rapid strike,” "global integrated operations,” "multi-domain operations,” "distributed
killing,” "operational clouds,” "mosaic warfare,” "strategic air and space campaigns," "hybrid warfare,” etc.,
marking that Western strategic theory has gradually realized the transformation from mechanized war
strategy theory to informationized war strategy theory, and is developing to intelligent war strategy theory.
2. The main content of strategic research
As the science of studying the overall guiding law of military force utilization and construction. The main
content of strategic research includes the basic principles of strategy, the strategic guidance theory of
military force application and the strategic guidance theory of military force construction.
The basic principle of strategy is the basic theory that reveals the essential characteristics and operating
rules of strategy, which has relative stability and general guiding significance. It mainly studies the meaning,
composition and characteristics of strategy, the influencing factors of strategy, the main strategic thinking,
the basic content, requirements and methods of strategic judgment, decision-making, planning,
implementation, and evaluation.
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The strategic guidance theory for the use of military power is an applied theory that studies the methods and
methods of the use of military power and reveals the overall guiding law of military conflicts. It has distinct
characteristics of the times. In the current and future period, information-based local war is the main form of
war that our country will face in the future. At the same time, non-war military operations are increasing, and
they have also become an important way of using military power. Therefore, military forces use strategic
guidance theory to mainly study the guiding laws of war and the guiding laws of non-war military operations.
The main research of war guidance theory: the characteristics of informatized local wars and the design and
planning of wars, the influence of military intelligence on the guidance of modern military warfare, the style
and organization of strategic operations, the thinking, principles and art of combat guidance, and the control
of war principles and guidance, as well as strategic guidance for military conflicts in new areas. The main
research on the strategic guidance theory of non-war military operations: the main styles, basic
characteristics and strategic guidance of non-war military operations, and the main characteristics and
strategic guidance of the use of military forces overseas.
The strategic guiding theory of military power building is an applied theory that studies the macro-design,
guidelines and principles of military power building and reveals the overall guiding law of military power
building and development. It is necessary to study the general laws of military force construction and
development as well as the special laws of different historical stages. In the new era, the main research is
the guiding principles of military force construction and development under the development of
mechanization, informatization and intelligent integration; army, navy, air force, rocket force, military space
force, cyberspace force, joint logistics support force, armed police force and reserve strength building and
development trends, capacity requirements and main measures, etc.
3. The basic trend of the development of strategy
Strategy is an open theoretical system, which develops with the development of social changes and military
practice. Under the conditions of the new era, extensive and profound changes are taking place in politics,
economy, military, science and technology, culture, etc. The development of strategy will present the
following main trends.
(1) The space and field of strategic research continue to expand
In order to provide scientific guidance for military practice, strategic research must pay close attention to the
development and trend of military practice. Wherever the space and field of military conflict develop, the
tentacles of strategic research need to be extended. In the new era, the space and field of military conflict
continue to expand, so the space and field of strategic research attention are also expanding.
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One is to expand overseas. With the deepening of reform and opening-up and the enhancement of
comprehensive national strength, China's national interests have expanded to vast areas overseas, and
security issues in overseas personnel and property, overseas trade, strategic resource acquisition, and
strategic channels have become increasingly prominent. Strategic research must pay attention to the
expanding national interests, answer and solve the problems of how to safeguard the country's overseas
interests and how to implement correct strategic guidance for overseas military operations. The second is to
expand into new spaces and fields. While national interests are extending overseas, they are also rapidly
expanding into three-dimensional and multi-dimensional space. Not only is the maritime struggle very fierce,
the security issues of space and network are also becoming increasingly complex, and they have become
the new commanding heights of military conflicts. Space strategy, cyberspace strategy and other new space
strategies have emerged one after another, opening up new development directions for strategic theoretical
research. The third is to expand into non-traditional security fields. The threats to national security are
becoming more and more complex and diversified. Strategic research should not only pay attention to
traditional political and military security issues, but also pay attention to and research information security,
financial security, energy security, cultural security, biosecurity, international terrorist activities, and
transnational issues. For non-traditional security issues such as crime, dealing with non-traditional security
threats has become an important subject of strategic research. The continuous expansion of the strategic
research space field will greatly promote the development of strategic science.
(2) Issues that need attention in strategic research are increasing
The development of military practice has continuously promoted the innovation of strategic theory. While the
research space and field of strategy are constantly expanding, the content of research is also constantly
enriched. It mainly includes the following aspects: first, the strategic issues in space, network, deep sea,
polar regions, biology, intelligence, and other space fields. It is necessary to continuously strengthen
strategic research in these new areas and formulate corresponding strategies to provide correct theoretical
guidance for military conflict and force building, and to expand and enrich China's military strategic system.
The second is the strategic planning and guidance of information warfare. China lacks the practice of
informatized warfare, and the strategic planning and guidance of informatized warfare is still in the
exploratory stage. What are the characteristics and laws of informatized local wars that China may face, how
to contain crises and control the war situation, and what strategic guiding ideology and operational principles
should be established all need to be studied in depth. The third is the strategic issues related to intelligent
warfare. With the further development of the military revolution, information-based warfare has become
increasingly mature, and has begun to show distinctive features of intelligence. It is necessary to study the
characteristics and laws of intelligent warfare, winning mechanisms, development trends and other major
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The fourth is the strategic issue of non-war military operations. Non-war military operations, as an important
way of using military forces in peacetime, have an increasingly prominent role. However, our country’s
previous strategic theories paid more attention to war issues. Non-war military operations, especially
overseas non-war military operations, are the weak link in strategic research and must be strengthened.
Fifth, other new major strategic issues. Issues such as theater strategy, strategic planning, and strategic
evaluation are all major issues that need to be paid attention to in strategic research in the new era.
(3) The methods and means of strategic research continue to innovate
In the past strategic research, methods such as the combination of theory and practice, the combination of
history and reality, systematic analysis, and comparative analysis were usually used to closely link the
factors and various factors of strategic practice. Conditions and the whole process, comprehensively and
systematically analyze and study the internal relations of the emergence and development of strategic
theory, and reveal its basic laws. In the new era, these methods must be adhered to. At the same time, with
the development of high and new technology, especially computer technology, network technology,
simulation technology, big data, cloud computing, etc., and its wide application in the military field, the
methods of strategic research have undergone profound changes. New research methods and methods
such as virtual reality, online confrontation, and war games. They analyze and compare the various
elements of the strategy and the main conditions of influence through a digital system composed of
information technologies such as computers, networks, and databases, and conduct simulation operations,
"calculations" and inspections for the formulation and implementation of strategies. These new methods and
means not only adapt to the large amount of information, scientific and timeliness requirements of modern
strategic research, but also make up for the shortcomings of traditional methods of more qualitative analysis,
less quantitative analysis, more subjective judgments, and less testing methods. The mode of strategic
research has undergone a historic transformation from rational speculation to systematic argumentation.
With the continuous enrichment of strategic practice and the application of new concepts and new
technologies in the military field, the methods and means of strategic research will continue to be innovated
and developed.
(4) Strategic studies are more closely related to other disciplines
Strategy is the highest field of military academic research, and it is in a leading position in the entire military
academic research. It is closely related to military disciplines such as combat science and tactics. Under the
new historical conditions, the political nature of war has further increased, and tactical actions often have a
strategic impact. The boundaries between strategy, campaign and tactics have become blurred. The areas
where strategy and campaign science and even tactics meet have expanded and the relationship has.
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become closer. The increase in the styles of military conflict and the expansion of the fields have made
strategic studies closely related to other disciplines of military science. Strategy has a universal guiding role
for these disciplines, and at the same time it constantly absorbs and utilizes the research results of these
disciplines. As the influence of politics, economy, science and technology, diplomacy, law, and other factors
on military activities has further increased, the relationship between strategy and social sciences, natural
sciences, and technical sciences has become increasingly close.
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Part I
To strengthen the country and the army, strategy is first. To study and research strategy, we must first clarify
the basic concepts, study the basic theories, and master the basic principles. This Part is the basic theory of
strategy, which aims to reveal the basic connotation, basic principles, and operating laws of strategy. On the
basis of explaining the basic issues of strategy, the five links of strategic operation are discussed in detail,
namely, strategic judgment, strategic decision-making, strategic planning, strategic implementation, and
strategic evaluation. Among them, making correct strategic judgments on the security situation facing the
country is the starting point for strategic operations. On the basis of strategic analysis and judgment,
strategic directors make strategic decisions, identify threats, distinguish between enemies and friends, clarify
goals and tasks, and make strategic deployments. In order to implement the various contents of the strategic
decision, it is necessary to formulate a strategic plan, and then pay for the implementation of the strategy,
and implement the content of the strategic decision and plan into all links and stages of military conflict and
army building. Finally, there is an evaluation of the strategic operation process. This is the complete process
and basic principle of strategic operation. By revealing this basic principle, this part provides theoretical
support for the strategic guidance on the use and construction of military forces in later chapters.
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Chapter 1 Introduction to Strategy
The science of strategy uses strategy as a research target. The concepts, constituent elements, system
structure, main characteristics and influencing factors of strategy are the basic issues of strategy.
Section One: The Meaning and Constituent Elements of Strategy
What is a strategy? What are the elements of a strategy? These two basic questions are the starting point
for the study of strategy.
1. The meaning of strategy
Strategy is the overall planning and guidance for the use and construction of military forces. With regard to
the use of military power, it is necessary to plan and direct war as well as non-war military operations; it is
necessary to plan and guide military confrontation as well as to plan and guide military cooperation. In terms
of military power building, it is necessary to plan and guide the overall construction of military power, as well
as to plan and guide the construction of various elements and parts of military power; it is necessary to plan
and guide the building of the ability to win wars, but also to plan and guide the implementation of non-
compliance. The capacity building of war and military operations must not only plan and guide the current
construction, but also plan and guide the long-term construction.
Strategy emerges in the practice of military conflict and develops with the development of the practice of
military conflict. As early as in ancient times, people had simple strategic awareness and strategic thinking,
and many military books containing rich strategic thinking appeared, with many concepts similar to "strategy”
such as "stratagem,” "military strategy,” "logistics,” "imperial court war plans" and "warfare plans,” but the
term "strategy" came into being later.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
At the end of the third century AD, Sima Biao, a historian, and military strategist in the Western Jin Dynasty,
published a book titled "Strategy,” which was the earliest use of the term "strategy.” In the 6th century (580),
the Eastern Roman Emperor Maures wrote a textbook strategikon (meaning "general") for training senior
generals, and the English word "strategy" evolved from this.
After the word "strategy" appeared, its meaning was not defined for a long period of time. It was not until the
18th century that clear strategic definitions began to appear. The earliest definition of strategy was Prussia's
[Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von] Bülow. In the book "The Newest Tactics,” he made a clear distinction
between strategy and tactics for the first time. He believed: "Strategy is the science of conducting military
operations beyond the horizon and artillery range, and tactics are the science of conducting military
operations within the above-mentioned range."[1] After that, a large number of definitions of strategy
appeared. However, because the connotation of strategy develops along with the development of military
conflicts, especially the practice of warfare, coupled with the differences in subjective understanding, the
understanding of the connotation of strategy is not exactly the same in different periods, different countries,
and different scholars. Jomini believes: "Strategy is the art of conducting war on the map and the art of
studying the entire war zone. Tactics is the art of fighting on the spot where a conflict occurs and deploying
forces according to local conditions. It is the art of the use of forces at various points on the battlefield"[2]
Clausewitz put forward: "Tactics is the use of the army's knowledge in combat, and strategy is the use of
combat knowledge for the purpose of war."[3] Helmuth von Moltke the Elder believes that strategy is "the
actual use of the tools in one’s hands by a commander in order to achieve the purpose given to him." ".[4]
Liddell Hart pointed out: "Strategy is the art of allocating and using military tools to achieve political goals."[5]
The "American Military Dictionary" states that "Military strategy is the use of a country's armed forces, an art
and science of, through the use
1. The Strategic Research Department of the Academy of Military Sciences: "Summary of War and Strategic
Theories,” Military Science Press, 1989 edition, p. 466.
2. [Switzerland] Jomini: "An Introduction to the Art of War,” People's Liberation Army Publishing House,
1986 edition, p. 87.
3. [Germany] Clausewitz: "On War,” Commercial Press, 1978 edition, p. 103.
4. [UK] Liddell Hart: "Strategy,” Warrior Press, 1981 edition, p. 46.
5. [UK] Liddell Hart: "Strategy,” Warrior Press, 1981 edition, p. 448.
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of force or threat of force, achieving the goals of national policies. [1] “The Soviet Military Encyclopedia"
states that strategy is "a component and the highest field of military academics, which includes the theory
and practice of the state and armed forces preparing for war, planning, and conducting wars, and strategic
battles." [2] The Japanese Defense Research Institute states: " Military strategy is about the use and
planning of military power." [3]
China’s modern definition of strategy originated from Mao Zedong’s interpretation of strategic issues. In
1936, Mao Zedong pointed out in the "Strategic Issues of the Chinese Revolutionary War" that "strategic
issues are a thing of studying the laws of the overall situation of war." “Studying the laws governing the
guidance of war with an overall perspective is the task of strategy.”[4] According to this, the 1972 edition of
the Military Language of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army defined strategy as “planning and guiding the
overall situation of the war.” In 1978, the Commercial Press published “Modern Chinese Dictionary" which
states that strategy is "the plan and strategy that guides the overall situation of the war." The "Chinese
Military Encyclopedia" and "Chinese People's Liberation Army Military Language" published in 1997 state
that strategy is also called military strategy, which means "the overall strategy of planning and guiding war."
The "Strategy" published by the Academy of Military Sciences in 2001 also states that strategy is "the overall
planning and guidance of the overall process of war preparation and war implementation."[5]
China's modern strategic theories are mainly based on the long-term practice of the Chinese Revolutionary
War. After the founding of New China, it also faced the threat of a full-scale war for a long time. How to deal
with a possible large-scale war is the focus of strategic guidance. Therefore, defining strategy as the
planning and guidance of the overall war is in line with the objective reality at the time. However, since the
1980s, especially after the end of the Cold War, the international strategic situation has undergone profound
changes, and peace and development have become the theme of the times. Although war is still the focus of
strategic guidance, the need and practice to achieve political goals through non-war military operations has
greatly increased. Anti-terrorism, stability maintenance, security police,
1. [United States] Russell F. Wegley: "US Military Strategy and Policy History,” People's Liberation Army
Press, 1986 edition, p. 3.
2. "Soviet Military Encyclopedia" Volume 1, People's Liberation Army Publishing House, 1986 edition, p.
3. Strategic Research Department of the Academy of Military Sciences: "Summary of War and Strategic
Theories,” People's Liberation Army Press, 1989 edition, p .459.
4. "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1991 edition, p. 175.
5. Strategic Research Department of the Academy of Military Sciences: "Strategy,” Military Science Press,
2001 edition, p. 15.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
border containment, escort protection, international peacekeeping, and overseas evacuation have become
important methods for the use of military forces. These non-war military operations also need to be planned
and guided by military strategy. Therefore, in the context of the era of peace and development, military
strategy should not only focus on guiding and winning possible wars, but also on guiding non-war military
operations. For this reason, the "Introduction to Military Strategy" published by the National Defense
University in 1991 and the "Science of Strategy" published in 1999 have redefined strategy. They state that
"strategy is the planning and guidance of the overall situation of military conflicts."[1] Military conflicts here
include wars and non-war military operations. Expanding the target of strategic guidance from the overall
situation of war to the overall situation of military conflict is the enrichment and development of strategic
In the 21st century, the complexity and uncertainty of security threats facing our country have further
increased. Traditional security threats and non-traditional security threats are intertwined, and external and
internal threats are intertwined, requiring our military to have the capability to respond to multiple security
threats and complete diversified military missions. The military's non-war military operations have become
more frequent, with great political influence and large numbers of participants. This has increasingly become
a major issue of strategic guidance. Practice has further proved that expanding the target of strategic
guidance from the overall situation of war to the overall situation of military conflict is in line with the
characteristics and requirements of the times.
However, the definition of strategy as "planning and guiding the overall situation of military conflict" is not
very clear in the expression, and it has not directly expressed the content of guiding the construction of
military power. It is easy to be understood as only referring to the use of military power. As the general
strategy of the country's military field, military strategy takes charge of all military work, not only guiding the
use of military power, but also guiding the construction of military power. Especially in peacetime, military
power building is an important part of military strategic guidance. Therefore, under the conditions of the new
era, strategy should be defined as "planning and guiding the overall use and construction of military forces."
2. The elements of strategy
The constituent elements of a strategy are the basic components of a strategy and the concrete embodiment
of the content and form of the strategy. The content of strategy is rich and varied, and its constituent
elements can be studied from different angles. Various strategic writings have different discussions on the
constituent elements of strategy.
1. Wang Wenrong: "Strategy,” National Defense University Press, 1999 edition, p. 18.
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But as far as the essential characteristics and functions of strategy are concerned, the three elements of
strategic goal, strategic policy and strategic means are indispensable and should become the basic
components of strategy.
The strategic goal is the basic requirement that the country puts forward to the military conflict in order to
achieve the overall political goal. It is the basic orientation of the military conflict in a certain period and the
final result to be achieved in the overall situation. It is mainly to solve the problem of "what to do.” It is not
only the starting point of strategy formulation, but also the end point of strategy implementation. It
fundamentally stipulates the content, scope, scale, process, and limits of military conflicts, and determines
the direction and objectives of military force utilization and construction. Strategic goals also directly
determine and influence strategic tasks. Because the strategic task is to realize the strategic goal, and it is a
major problem that must be solved to achieve the strategic goal. As an important part of strategy, strategic
goals must be scientific and clear. The so-called science means that the strategic goal cannot be set too
high or too low; it must be able to meet the needs and be realistic. If the goal is set too high, it exceeds the
limit of national interest requirements, and it exceeds the permission of objective conditions, it will be difficult
to achieve, and even lead to failure; if the goal is set too low, the function and role of the strategy will not be
fully utilized, and national security will also have no reliable guarantee. The so-called clearness means that
the strategic objectives must have both qualitative stipulations and quantitative restrictions; they are neither
too abstract nor trivial; they are both easy to grasp and easy to implement.
The strategic policy is the general program and principle that guides the overall situation of military conflict
and military force building. It stipulates the basic ways to achieve strategic goals and accomplish strategic
tasks, stipulates the focus, main strategic directions, main combat styles and operational principles of
military conflicts and military force building within a certain period of time, stipulates the main forces to be
used, the process and duration of military conflicts, etc., mainly to solve the "how to" problem. The strategic
policy is an important part of the national policy, is the reflection of the national policy in the military, is the
action norm that guides the construction of military forces and the practice of military conflict within a certain
period of time, and is the main body and core of the strategy. Whether the strategic policy is correct has a
decisive influence on the process and outcome of military conflicts. In the military field, strategic policies are
highly prescriptive and authoritative. They play a macro-directional role. They are the "leader" in command
and traction of various tasks, and are the basis for the use and construction of military forces, and the
preparation and implementation of military conflicts. At the same time, the strategic side also has a
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
major influence on the country's political, diplomatic, and national economic planning and layout. The
strategic policy is the product of the combination of subjective and objective. It must be based on the
strategic instructor's scientific understanding and accurate judgment of the subjective and objective factors,
conditions, and development trends of both sides in the military conflict. Scientific analysis and judgment of
the strategic environment is the basic prerequisite for formulating strategic policies. At the same time, the
establishment of the correct strategic policy is a reflection of the subjective ability of the strategic instructor.
The victory or defeat of a military conflict mainly depends on the balance of the military forces of the two
sides, as well as political, economic, and natural conditions, as well as the ability of both sides to
subjectively guide. Strategic instructors cannot go beyond the limits permitted by objective conditions to
seek victory, but they should give full play to their subjective initiative and actively strive for victory within the
scope permitted by conditions. The correct strategic policy is the correct understanding of the objective
conditions by the strategic instructor and the basic guarantee for victory in the military conflict.
Strategic means are the power and mode of action to achieve strategic goals. Any strategy is built on a
certain strategic force and needs to be realized in a certain way. Strategic means mainly solve the problem
of "what to do,” that is, what to use to conduct military conflicts and how to conduct military conflicts. It is the
specific action of the strategic instructor to use military forces to carry out military conflicts in accordance
with the requirements of strategic goals and strategic policies. Strategic goals and strategic guidelines
stipulate the goals, directions, programs, and guidelines of strategic actions, as well as the basic ways to
achieve the goals, but they are not the actions themselves. Only through strategic means can they be
implemented and implemented. To a large extent, strategy is the unity of goals and means. A strategy
without strategic means does not exist and is meaningless. Strategic means take military power as the core,
and also include comprehensive power including political, economic, diplomatic, scientific and technological,
cultural, geographic and other related forces. It can be real power or potential power; it can be hard power or
soft power. Its mode of action can be either a war action or a non-war military action; it can be through
deterrence or actual combat. The essence of military strategy is to comprehensively use strategic forces,
especially military forces, to achieve established strategic goals through various methods and methods.
Strategic goals, strategic policies, and strategic means are an organically connected whole, which together
constitute a complete strategic framework. They rely on each other and are closely related. They are
inseparable under any time, space, and environmental conditions. Only through the best match between
each other can the best effect be achieved.
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Section Two: Strategy Classification and System
In different historical periods, different countries have different strategic interests, different security threats,
different environmental conditions, and different strategies. Therefore, the manifestation of strategy is
complex and diverse.
1. Strategic classification
The scientific classification of strategies can reveal and grasp the characteristics and essence of various
strategies while further understanding the common laws of strategies, so that people can have a more
comprehensive understanding of strategies, and provide basis and reference for decision-makers to choose,
formulate and implement strategies correctly. From different perspectives, strategies can be classified into
different categories.
According to the basic style of military operations, there are offensive strategies and defensive strategies.
Offensive strategy is an offensive strategy on the whole, usually implemented by the party with the
advantage in strength. In terms of strategic guidance, they often take preemptive actions and launch
surprise attacks, striving for quick decisions. Defensive strategy is a defensive strategy on the whole, usually
adopted by the weaker party, and mostly for self-defense in nature. The real defensive strategy is the unity
of defensiveness and enthusiasm. It is an organic whole that closely combines strategic defense and
offensive in battle. The offensive actions and defensive actions under the conditions of informatization and
intelligence are more closely related, the conversion is more rapid, and the development trend of integration
is present.
According to the duration of military operations, there are quick-decision strategies and lasting strategies.
Quick-decision strategy strives to achieve the strategic goal in the shortest time. It is usually adopted by the
stronger and is connected with the offensive strategy. Persistent strategy is based on long-term combat,
consumes the enemy in protracted contests, accumulates small victories to make great victories, gradually
changes the balance of power, and finally defeats the enemy. It is usually adopted by weaker parties, and is
connected with the defensive strategy. The strategy adopted by our country during the War of Resistance
Against Japan is a typical lasting strategy.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
Under modern conditions, there are more and more restrictive factors in war, and the consumption and cost
are getting bigger and bigger. Quick fight and quick decision are usually the first choice of strategic
According to the scale and scope of military operations, there are comprehensive war strategies and local
war strategies. A total war strategy is a strategy that implements comprehensive mobilization, the whole
country meets the enemy, and a comprehensive contest. It involves a wide range, large scale, high intensity,
and determination, and it is related to the survival of the country. A local war strategy is a strategy with
relatively limited war objectives, scope, and scale.
According to the nature of the weapons used, there are nuclear war strategies and conventional war
strategies. The emergence of nuclear weapons and their immense destructive power have had a significant
impact on all aspects of warfare and strategy, and nuclear war strategy has emerged as the times require.
Different from nuclear war strategy, the strategy that guides the use of conventional weapons in warfare is
called conventional war strategy. Due to the increasing number of countries possessing nuclear weapons,
conventional wars are often conducted under nuclear deterrence, and their strategy is also a conventional
war strategy under nuclear deterrence conditions. According to the content of military activities, there are
military force utilization strategies and military force building strategies. The strategy for the use of military
power is the planning and guidance for the use of military power, including the style of use, methods and
means, guiding ideology, and principles. Military force building strategy, also known as military force
development strategy, is divided into the overall military force development strategy and the development
strategy of various services and arms. Its content includes development goals, development steps,
construction priorities, and strategic measures.
In addition to the above-mentioned strategic classifications, there are other classification methods. For
example, according to the use of military forces, there are actual combat strategies and deterrence
strategies; according to the space domain of military operations, there are land strategies, air strategies,
maritime strategies, space strategies, network strategies, etc.; according to the level and scope of military
operations, there are alliance strategies, national military strategies, and theater strategies.
Among the above divisions, the division according to the basic pattern of military operations is the basic
division method. Offense and defense are two basic modes of action, and offensive strategy and defensive
strategy are the basic types of strategies.
2. Strategic system
A strategic system is an organizational structure composed of strategies at different levels. Different
countries have different strategic systems due to their national and military conditions.
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The US strategic system has a four-level structure, namely, national security strategy, national defense
strategy, military strategy, and theater strategy (service strategy). The national security strategy is
promulgated by the President of the United States, which is mainly reflected in the "National Security
Strategy" report issued by the president from time to time. The defense strategy is issued by the Secretary
of Defense, which is reflected in the "National Defense Strategy" issued from time to time by the U.S.
Department of Defense and the "Four-year Defense Evaluation Report" published every four years. The
military strategy is issued by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which is mainly reflected in the
"National Military Strategy" report. Theater strategies and service strategies are formulated by theaters and
services, and are reflected in the working documents, reports, and combat plans of each theater, as well as
various documents and transformation roadmaps promulgated by the various U.S. services.
The Russian strategic system is inherited from the Soviet Union and is divided into four levels: national
security concept, national defense policy, military doctrine, and military strategy. The national security
concept is a formally adopted by the state regarding the use of existing resources and potential to ensure
that individual, social, and national security are protected from internal and external threats in various
activities such as politics, economy, military, spiritual life, culture and science, ecology, and information. The
whole set of viewpoints is the highest program and basic basis for the Russian Federation to resolve
security issues. National defense policy is the policy and viewpoint of a country, political party or other social
and political organization that involves the establishment of military organizations, preparation and use of
force to defend the country and strategic interests, and is an organic part of the country's general policy.
Military doctrine is the basic thoughts and viewpoints of a country on the nature, purpose, and nature of
future wars, as well as the preparation and implementation of wars by the country and the military in a
certain period of time. Military strategy mainly studies the nature of future wars, the country's preparations
for war, and the organization and combat methods of the army.
Before the 1980s, our country had not clearly put forward the concept of strategy at other levels except
military strategy. With the continuous development of strategic guidance practice and strategic theory,
various levels of strategic concepts have emerged one after another. At present, the more consistent view is
to divide China's strategic system into three levels: the first level is national strategy, including national
security strategy and national development strategy; the second level is military strategy, which is planning
and guidance for the overall use and construction of military forces, obeying and serving the national
security strategy and national development strategy; the third level is theater strategy, service development
strategy and military strategy in major security fields, which is the concrete development of military strategy.
The theater strategy is the overall planning and guidance for the use of military forces in each theater. The
service and arms development strategy is the overall planning and guidance for the construction of the
service and arms. Military strategies in major security fields include military strategies such as nuclear,
marine, space, and cyberspace. It is the overall planning and guidance for the use and construction of
military forces in all major security fields.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
Section Three: The Basic Characteristics of Strategy
Everything has its inherent essential attributes, and strategy is no exception. The essential attribute of
strategy, namely the basic characteristics, is expressed through its specific content and form.
1. The political nature
The political nature of strategy is determined by the subordination of military to politics. Strategy is the
embodiment of political strategy. It is the country's major policies. It has a profound political background in
the military field. Politics has a dominant and decisive role in strategy. The ways and methods of force
application and construction have a decisive influence. Strategic obedience to governance is a basic rule.
The formulation and implementation of the strategy must stand at a political height, proceed from the overall
situation of national interests, and make macro-planning to ensure the realization of the political goals of the
party and the country. When making strategic decisions and strategic guidance, strategic instructors must
recognize the political background, analyze political conditions, clarify political goals, and consider political
consequences. Under any circumstance, the strategy cannot go beyond the political goals of the country,
nor can it exist independently from politics. Strategy is also counterproductive to politics. The correct
strategy can create conditions for the realization of political goals, while the wrong strategy can lead to
military conflicts and even war failures, which will cause serious political consequences.
2. Overall nature
The overall situation is the most basic characteristic of a strategy. Strategy is at the highest level of the
military field and is the highest decision-making on military issues. We must always grasp the overall
situation of the entire military conflict and take care of all aspects, parts, and stages of the use and
construction of military forces. Of course, the overall situation can be divided into levels.
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Anything that is relatively independent and has the nature of taking care of all aspects, parts, and stages can
be called the overall situation. For example, the world can be an overall situation, a country can become an
overall situation, and an independent theater can also become an overall situation. However, as a country's
military strategy, its overall situation has its specific objects and scope. Specifically, it regards the entire
country as the overall situation, and various theaters and various directions as its part; it regards the entire
military conflict as the overall situation, and various styles of struggle as its part; it regards the entire war as
the overall situation, and campaigns and battles as its parts; it regards the entire military power as the
overall situation, and the parts that make up the military power are its parts; it regards army building as the
overall situation, and the construction of various armies (arms) and units is its part. In the military field,
strategy has the highest level, the broadest scope of guidance, has a commanding role, and is the basis and
they follow various military activities.
Strategy guides the entire process of military force utilization and construction. This process is not only
relatively independent, but also a link between the past and the future, and it can include several stages of
development. The strategy under certain historical conditions should be planned as a whole for the entire
process of military force utilization and construction during that period. Based on the overall situation, based
on reality, and focusing on the future, predict the development trend of military conflict and army building,
appropriately distinguish the strategic stages, clarify the specific strategic policies and strategic tasks of
each stage, and according to the development and changes of objective conditions, make adjustments in a
timely manner so that strategic guidance always conforms to the objective reality of development. The
guidance of strategy on the use and construction of military forces is often achieved through the planning
and resolution of key issues that have a decisive impact on the overall situation. This key is the focus of the
overall situation. The most important thing for a strategic instructor is to pay attention to the overall situation
and handle various relationships in the overall situation. Therefore, when establishing and implementing a
strategy, we must be good at analyzing various factors and contradictions that affect the overall situation,
grasp the main contradictions that play a decisive role in the overall change, and find effective methods and
countermeasures to solve this contradiction to ensure the strategic purpose.
3. Confrontational
Military conflicts, especially wars, are confrontations and contests between hostile parties with military forces
as the main body. The process of strategic guidance is a process in which the opposing parties use their
respective strengths to game and fight. Confrontation is a distinctive feature of strategy. The political nature
of the strategy determines that it must be confrontational.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
Any strategy serves the interests of a certain nation, country, and political group, and this service is often
realized in a struggle full of contradictions and conflicts. Any strategy is proposed in response to specific
threats and challenges. Strategic opponents are the target of confrontation, and military power is the
material basis of confrontation. Giving full play to subjective initiative and flexible use of various forces and
fighting methods are important conditions for seizing the initiative in confrontation. Therefore, the
antagonism of strategy requires that a country must build a military force that can effectively safeguard
national interests based on the characteristics of the targets of military conflict; it requires strategic
instructors not only to have superior strategies and excellent organizational command skills, but also there
must be an unyielding spirit of struggle. Only in this way can we flexibly use and give full play to the
maximum effectiveness of military forces in the fierce confrontation between the two opposing parties and
win the victory in the military conflict.
The antagonism of strategy has the characteristics of integrity. Compared with the antagonism of campaigns
and tactics, the antagonism of strategy is mainly embodied in the overall planning of the use and
construction of national military forces, which has a broader space and time range. The antagonism of
strategy also has the characteristics of continuity. Whether it is in peacetime or wartime, whether it is a war
method or a non-war method, the antagonism of strategy always exists.
4. Strategic nature
Strategem are tactics and schemes proposed by strategic guides based on objective conditions. In a certain
sense, strategic guidance is a contest of wisdom and strategy between the opposing parties on the basis of
certain material strength. Since ancient times, any strategy has embodied certain strategic thinking. "The Art
of War" is a strategic masterpiece full of strategic thoughts, which clearly advocates "scheming in the army.”
Practice has proved that strategically superior strategies can often produce results that are difficult to
achieve by pure material power, or become a "multiplier" of material power, allowing material power to exert
extraordinary effects, and even achieve the goal of "winning war without fighting." In the history of world
wars, there are countless examples of using strategy to get out of trouble, turn weak to strong, and finally
defeat the enemy. Military strategists in Chinese history have paid great attention to winning by wisdom.
This is an excellent tradition of Chinese military strategic culture. The strategic guidance is mainly
manifested in judging the situation, weighing the pros and cons, strategizing, foresight, overall planning,
tactics, and flexible response, winning surprisingly and other aspects.
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5. Relative stability
The development and changes of the military conflict and army building situation will inevitably require
corresponding adjustments and changes in strategy. In other words, strategy must develop along with the
development of military conflict and army building, and there is no immutable strategy. However, strategy is
the overall planning and guidance for the use and construction of military forces. It is at the highest level in
the military field. It has a wide range of guidance and a significant and far-reaching impact. As long as the
overall strategic situation and objectives and tasks have not undergone fundamental changes, strategy must
maintain basic stability. Therefore, strategy has relative stability. This relative stability is mainly reflected in
the following aspects: First, the target of strategic guidance is relatively stable. The object of strategic
guidance is the overall situation of military force utilization and construction. Since the nature and extent of
threats to national security within a certain period of time are relatively stable, the main opponents, strategic
directions and methods of military conflict must also be relatively stable. At the same time, the strategic
goals and overall thinking of army building must remain relatively stable at a certain stage of development.
Therefore, as long as the overall situation has not undergone fundamental changes, the strategy needs to
remain stable. Second, the basic guiding principles of the strategy are relatively stable. Strategy is the
country's fundamental military policy, and its basic guiding principles are governed and restricted by the
theories and policies followed by the country, so it is basically stable for a certain period of time. Third, the
basic content of the strategy is relatively stable. The strategy is mainly expressed through the stipulation of
strategic objectives and tasks, strategic guidelines, and strategic means. These contents have a wide range
of guidance, are comprehensive, forward-looking, and oriented. Once determined, they will become the
norms and basis for action, and they must be basically stable.
Section Four: Strategy Influencing Factors
Although the strategy is manifested as the subjective guiding activity of the strategic instructor, it is based on
objective material conditions and is affected and restricted by various factors.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
1. National interests
National interest is the sum of the material and spiritual needs for the survival and development of a
sovereign country. It is the starting point and end point of formulating and implementing military strategy,
and the primary factor in determining military strategy. National interests include two major aspects, survival
interests and development interests, and their specific content and manifestations are diverse. From the
perspective of its importance to the country, it can be divided into core interests, important interests, and
general interests; from the perspective of the fields involved, it can be divided into political interests,
economic interests, military interests, etc.; from the perspective of time span, it can be divided into current
interests and long-term benefits; etc. Generally speaking, a country's territory, sovereignty, security, unity,
stability and development are the core interests of the country, but their importance and status in the overall
situation develop and change with different historical conditions. For example, when a country faces the
threat of war, security interests are particularly prominent; when national security is guaranteed to a certain
extent, development interests will become prominent. National interest is the highest criterion for considering
national strategic relations and the basic focus of strategic guidance. The strategic instructor must take the
national interest as the supreme criterion to solve and deal with various strategic issues. Different interests
have different influences on the strategy. The first concern of the strategy is the core and important interests
of the country. Under the conditions of the new era, while focusing on national territorial sovereignty security
and unity, the strategy should also attach great importance to safeguarding the country’s security interests in
politics, economy, science and technology, culture, biology, information, and energy. Effective measures
must also be taken to safeguard the country’s overseas channels and the safety of overseas personnel and
property, as well as safety in various fields such as space, networks, and electromagnetics, so as to provide
strong strategic support for the expansion of national interests.
2. National policies
The military strategy of any country is directly controlled by its national policy. In essence, military strategy is
a part of the national policy and a concentrated expression of the national military policy. National policies
collectively reflect the country’s political and economic interests and the will of the ruling group. The nature
of a country is different, its policies are bound to be different, and military strategies also have essential
differences. Peace-loving countries are committed to peace and development, seeking peace and stability in
the international and regional situations, and usually pursue self-defensive and defensive national defense
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policy and military strategy. Countries with expansion and aggressiveness tend to seek dominance in
international affairs and even promote power politics and hegemonism, usually pursuing an offensive
national defense policy and military strategy of external expansion.
3. Safe environment
The security environment refers to the objective conditions and conditions that affect security faced by a
country in a certain period of time. A correct understanding of the security environment is the prerequisite
and basis for scientifically formulating military strategies. The process of formulating a strategy is, in a
sense, a process of analyzing the security environment, judging security threats, and proposing strategic
countermeasures. The security environment includes the international security environment, the surrounding
security environment, the domestic security environment, and the security environment of a certain direction
and a certain region. The security environment at each level contains multiple elements, such as political
security, military security, and economic security. They all have an important influence on the formulation
and implementation of military strategies. Among them, the environment formed by political and military
factors has a decisive influence on military strategy. Security issues formed by factors such as economy,
geography, technology, and culture have a long-term impact on military strategy. Changes in the security
environment will inevitably require corresponding adjustments in military strategy. Under the conditions of
the new era, the complexity, diversity, and uncertainty of security threats continue to increase. Military
strategic guidance must firmly establish a comprehensive security concept and comprehensively safeguard
national security.
4. Comprehensive national strength
Comprehensive national power is the sum of all material and spiritual power of a country, that is, the sum of
political, economic, military, technological, and spiritual power that can be used immediately or mobilized for
military conflicts, especially wars. Military conflict is not just a contest of military strength between the two
opposing parties, but also a contest of overall national strength. Therefore, comprehensive national power is
the objective material basis for formulating and implementing strategies. It is not only the basic support of
strategic means, but also has a direct impact on the determination of strategic objectives. The
comprehensive national strength of a country mainly includes the following elements: First, natural
conditions and humanistic conditions. This includes the territory's area, geographic location, topography,
energy, minerals, forests, water conservancy and other resources, population quantity, quality, structure,
regional distribution, ethnic composition, and religious beliefs, etc.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
The second is the political situation. This includes the country’s political nature, regime system, government
agency effectiveness, organizational control capabilities, and diplomatic capabilities. The third is the
economic level. This includes industrial and agricultural production capacity, as well as finance and foreign
trade. The fourth is military capabilities. This includes the quantity and quality of armed forces, weapons and
equipment, system establishment, military theory, etc. The fifth is science and technology. This includes
technological level, innovation ability and achievement transformation ability, etc. Among them, military
capability is the backbone of war strength and potential, which has a direct influence and restriction on
strategy. The strategic director must coordinate the relationship between military forces and other various
forces, give full play to the overall advantages of comprehensive national power, and effectively maintain
national security.
5. Strategic Cultural Tradition
Strategic cultural tradition is a relatively stable cultural characteristic of a country in its strategic behavior. It
is a concentrated reflection of the country's or nation’s historical experience, national characteristics, values
and cultural accumulation in the strategic field. The strategic cultural tradition has a profound and lasting
influence on strategy: First, it influences the understanding of the role of force. In the western mainstream
strategic cultural traditions, the role of force in international politics is very emphasized and even blindly
trusted. Therefore, the use of violence has been praised in the modern West, and some big countries still
believe in the use of force or the threat of force at every turn of the ‘powerist’ policy. Different from the West,
in China's strategic cultural traditions, the idea of wary warfare is very prominent. It has always emphasized
good-neighborly friendship, peace, and defense. Practice has shown that the different understandings of the
role of force in China and the West have completely different influences on strategy. The second is to
influence the understanding and judgment of the strategic environment. Different strategic cultural traditions
provide strategic decision-makers with different concepts and models for understanding and judging the
strategic environment. In the western mainstream strategic cultural traditions, "survival competition" and "the
weak eating the weak" are the basic concepts for understanding the world. It is believed that competition
and conflict are human nature, and the "survival of the fittest" of social Darwinism is regarded as the basic
law of the international society. The Chinese strategic cultural tradition recognizes the unity and dependence
of the world more and emphasizes peaceful coexistence and harmonious coexistence. The third is to
influence the determination of strategic objectives. Affected by the strategic cultural traditions, the strategic
goals formulated by some western countries in history have obvious expansion, and grabbing benefits and
establishing hegemony have become the main goals of military strategy. In China's strategic cultural
tradition, the expansion policy of "following ethics and diligence" does not have legitimacy. Therefore,
China's strategic goal has always been to resist aggression, achieve reunification, defend peace, maintain
stability, etc., which is obviously defensive.
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Since the founding of New China, it has always adhered to the military strategy of active defense, which fully
reflects the essential characteristics of China's strategic cultural traditions.
The above are some of the basic factors that influence and restrict the strategy. They are not only different
from each other, but also closely related, and they work together in the formulation and implementation of
military strategies.
Section Five: Strategic Thinking of Contemporary China
Strategic thinking is a rational understanding of the overall issues of military strategy. It is a scientific
revelation of the objective and guiding laws of the use and construction of military forces. It has distinctive
features such as politics, times, innovation, guidance, and inheritance. Strategic thinking embodies the
fundamental position, viewpoints and guiding principles of the party and the country in understanding military
issues, especially war issues, and is the theoretical basis for establishing military strategies.
Contemporary China's strategic thinking was formed and developed in the long-term revolutionary war of our
party and our army and the practice of military conflict and national defense and army building after the
founding of New China. It is concentratedly embodied in the representatives of Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping,
Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao, and Xi Jinping. In the party’s military guidance theory established by the party’s
central leadership collective. The party’s military guiding theories include Mao Zedong’s military thoughts,
Deng Xiaoping’s thoughts on army building in the new era, Jiang Zemin’s thoughts on national defense and
army building, Hu Jintao’s thoughts on national defense and army building, and Xi Jinping’s thoughts on
strengthening the army. These ideas formed and developed under different historical conditions, answering,
and solving different major historical issues. Mao Zedong's military thought mainly answered the question of
how to build a new proletarian people's army and win the armed struggle under the historical conditions of a
semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, and how to build a modern national defense after gaining national
power. Deng Xiaoping's thinking on army building in the new period mainly answers the question of how to
create a path of a better army with Chinese characteristics and build a powerful modernized and regularized
revolutionary army under the historical conditions of peace and development as the theme of the times and
the country's reform and opening up. Jiang Zemin's thinking on national defense and army building mainly
answers the question of how to actively promote military reforms with Chinese characteristics under the
historical conditions of the vigorous new military revolution in the world and the in-depth development of
China's socialist market economy to ensure that the people's army wins the battle and does not degenerate.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
Hu Jintao's thoughts on national defense and army building mainly answered the question of how to
advance the scientific development of national defense and army building and fully fulfill the historical
mission of the military in the new century and new stage under the historical conditions of major
development, major changes and adjustments in the world, and China's comprehensive construction of a
well-off society. Xi Jinping’s Thought on Strengthening the Army provides a clear answer to the historical
background of profound changes in the world situation, profound changes in war patterns and combat
styles, and the entry of socialism with Chinese characteristics into a new era. Basic issues such as how to
strengthen the army, what to fight, and how to win the war. Contemporary Chinese strategic thinking is an
important part of the party's military guidance theory, and it is the development and application of the party's
military guidance theory in the field of military strategy.
1. People's War Strategic Thinking
People's war is a war organized and armed by the broad masses of the people to resist class oppression or
resist foreign invasion. The conduct of a people's war is in the fundamental interests of the oppressed
classes and nations, and is the driving force for the development of human history. The strategic thinking of
the people's war is a reflection of the Marxist historical materialism on the issue of war. Its core is: believe in
and rely on the people, mobilize, organize, and arm the people, fight for the fundamental interests of the
people, and the broad masses of people actively support and participate in it. Wars, the fruits of victory in
wars belong entirely to the people. The revolutionary war led by the Communist Party of China, with the
people's army as the backbone, unswervingly rely on, mobilize, and organize the broad masses of the
people, establish a solid revolutionary base area, focus on armed struggle, closely coordinate with other
forms of struggle, and implement the main corps and the local corps. Combining the regular army with the
guerrillas and militias, and the armed masses with the unarmed masses, is a thorough people's war. The
strategic thinking of the people's war is an important content of Mao Zedong's military thinking and a magic
weapon for our army to defeat the enemy. The strategic thinking of the people's war is an open theoretical
system. Whether it is war style or strategy and tactics, it is created by the people. The strategic thinking of
people's war has a penetrating power that transcends time and space, and the power of truth contained in it
is permanent.
Under the conditions of the new era, the composition of forces in both the form of war and the form of
society has undergone great changes. Significant changes have taken place in the military structure.
People's war is facing a series of new situations, new problems, and new challenges.
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First, the mass base has changed. The adjustment and optimization of the basic social economic system,
the establishment and development of the market economy system, and the optimization and adjustment of
the industrial structure have broadened the scope of the mass basis of people’s war. The increasing
demand for the protection of interests of various social classes has increased the support of the masses in
the war. The second is the change in the form of participation in the war. The scope of the battlefield is
wider, the mobilization of war is quick, and the means for various forces to participate in the war are
becoming more abundant. The main way the people participated in the war changed from direct participation
to indirect participation, and from human participation to technology, especially information. The forces
involved in the war mainly came from trained reserve forces. The third is the change in countermeasures.
Modern people's war is a systematic confrontation, with increasing dependence on economic power, and
more complicated political struggles. Only by making full use of the country's comprehensive national power
to contend with the enemy and coordinating various forces to carry out a comprehensive attack can the
overall victory be achieved.
Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, to innovate and develop the strategic thinking of
people's warfare, we must expand our horizons, broaden the field, study new characteristics, and grasp new
laws from a new starting point. No matter how the situation develops, the magic weapon of the People's War
can never be lost, but we must grasp the new characteristics and requirements of the People's War under
new historical conditions, innovate content and methods, and give full play to the overall power of the
People's War. The first is to optimize the new force structure of the People's War. On the basis of
comprehensively strengthening modernization, we will continue to develop and improve China's "three-in-
one" armed force system, attach great importance to the people's use of technical means, strengthen
technical support and technical participation, maximize military resources, and give full play to overall
advantages. The second is to innovate the strategies and tactics of the People's War. Grasp the
development trend of the world political and economic situation, coordinate the development of the national
economy and social stability, adapt to the characteristics and laws of informationized warfare, innovate new
ideas and methods for building momentum on the battlefield, maximize one's strengths, and actively attack
the enemy. Enrich and develop people's war strategies and tactics. The third is to consolidate the social
foundation of the People's War. Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the high-tech
content of weapons and equipment is getting higher and higher, and the overall technological content of
combat forces is increasing. The masses of the people not only need to have a high military quality, but also
have a high technological and cultural quality. The people's war in the information age is characterized by
high technology. The people's participation in the war is no longer ordinary human and material support. In
addition to meeting the needs of the army's material support and wounded treatment, it is more important to
mobilize and organize communications. Technical forces in areas such as transportation, engineering,
electronics, machinery, computers, intelligence, etc., use a variety of technical knowledge and skills to
support military operations and implement various technical guarantees.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
Supporting the advancement of science and technology and participating in war with science and technology
are important ways and means to innovate the strategic thinking of people's war.
2. Active defense strategic thinking
Active defense, also known as offensive defense and decisive defense, is a defense against offensive
enemies with active offensive actions. The active defense strategic thinking created by the Chinese
Communists in the practice of revolutionary war raised the active defense from the operational principle to
the strategic level, and realized the dialectical unity and organic combination of the defensiveness of war
and the enthusiasm of action on the strategic level. Its core is: combining offense with defense, combining
offense and defense, insisting on the unity of strategic defense and offensive in battle, adhering to the
principles of defense, self-defense, and post-attack, and insisting that "We will not attack unless we are
attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack.” The active defense strategic thinking is the
product of the combination of Marxist military theory and the reality of China's revolutionary war, and it is the
basic point of our party's military strategic thinking. During the Chinese Revolutionary War, it was mainly
manifested in the adoption of active combat and offensive actions in strategic defense, massive
consumption and annihilation of the enemy, transformation of the strength of the enemy and ourselves, and
creation of conditions for the transition to counter-offensive and offensive; strategic counter-offensive and
offensive were carried out in a timely manner, and thoroughly annihilate the enemy and win the final victory
in the war. After the founding of New China, in order to adapt to the development and changes of the
situation and tasks, it further inherited and innovated the strategic thinking of active defense, making it the
fundamental strategic thinking to defend national sovereignty, security and development interests, and to
guide the use and construction of military forces.
Under the conditions of the new era, the nature of China's socialism, the fundamental interests of the
country, and the objective requirements of taking the road of peaceful development determine that China
must unswervingly adhere to the strategic thinking of active defense, while constantly enriching and
developing the connotation of this thinking. This is conducive to occupying the moral high ground, grasping
the political and diplomatic initiative, conducive to the use of force to stop fighting, to ensure the peaceful
development of the country, and it can also prevent us from falling into the quagmire of war.
Active defense is fundamentally defensive, and the essence is active. To innovate and develop active
defense strategic thinking, we must recognize the fresh situation, solve new problems, respond to new
challenges, and be strategically enterprising and brave to assume responsibility.
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Further broaden strategic vision, update strategic thinking, move forward, and guide the center of gravity,
prepare and stop wars, safeguard rights and stability, deterrence and actual combat, war operations and the
use of military forces in peacetime, focus on far-reaching strategies, shape a favorable situation, and
comprehensively manage and control crises, and resolutely contain and win the war.[1] One is to actively
create a favorable strategic environment. Pay close attention to international and domestic political,
economic, military, diplomatic, science and technology, geography and other aspects of the situation and
development trends, deeply analyze the causes of changes in the international strategic environment and
domestic strategic environment, further move the focus of strategic guidance, and actively use non-war
means to create a favorable strategic situation for us. The second is to attach great importance to crisis
management and containment of war. It is necessary to thoroughly analyze the strategic situation, actively
carry out military conflicts, comprehensively use political, economic, military, and scientific and technological
forces, conduct strategic deterrence at an appropriate time, and do its utmost to control crises and contain
the outbreak of war. The third is to pay more attention to safeguarding national development interests. With
the continuous deepening of China's reform and opening up, economic and social development is
increasingly dependent on the outside world, overseas interests are increasing, and security needs are
becoming stronger. Actively respond to the complex and severe security situation, pay more attention to
safeguarding overseas interests, and safeguard the country's period of strategic opportunities. The fourth is
to continuously deepen the close coordination between military conflicts and political, economic, and
diplomatic struggles. Recent local wars in the world have shown that political, economic, and diplomatic
struggles are always going on at the same time as military conflicts, and political, economic, and diplomatic
struggles have increasingly profoundly affected the process of war. The space for mutual coordination
between military conflicts and political, economic, and diplomatic struggles is expanding, and the importance
of mutual coordination has become more prominent. Fifth, scientifically grasp the new connotations of
defensiveness and offensiveness. To cope with the complicated security environment and military conflict
situation, defense has more selectivity and offense has greater flexibility. It is necessary to scientifically
grasp the dialectical unity of defensiveness and offensiveness, initiative, and enthusiasm, insist that you fight
yours, I fight mine, and always put yourself in an active position. Sixth, strive to innovate the offensive and
defensive methods of information warfare. With the evolution of the form of war, the means of offense and
defense have become more abundant, and the integration of all links has become closer. Integrated
offensive and defensive planning has become an important feature of strategic guidance. It is necessary to
establish the theory of offensive and defensive operations that meets the needs of future wars, strive to
create combat methods that are compatible with new forms of war and national conditions and military
conditions, innovate asymmetric tactics, and add to use it flexibly to ensure victory in future wars.
1. Information office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China: Military Strategy, People's
Publishing House, 2015 edition, p. 10.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
Seven is to further optimize the military strategic layout. Based on the security threats facing the country, we
must make solid preparations for military conflicts, comprehensively improve the ability to prepare for war in
the new era, and build a new era military strategic layout based on defense, multi-domain coordination, and
balance and stability.[1]
In short, to innovate and develop an active defense strategy, we must adhere to the following principles:
obey and serve the national strategic goals, implement the overall national security concept, strengthen
preparations for military conflicts, prevent crises, contain wars, and win wars; create a strategy that is
conducive to the peaceful development of the country and the situation, adhere to the defensive national
defense policy, adhere to the close cooperation in the political, military, economic, and diplomatic fields, and
actively respond to the comprehensive security threats that the country may face; maintain a balance
between rights and stability, and coordinate the two overall situations of rights and stability, and safeguard
the country's territorial sovereignty and peace. Maritime rights and interests, safeguard the security and
stability of the surrounding areas; strive to take the initiative in military conflict strategy, actively plan military
conflicts in all directions and fields, seize opportunities to accelerate military construction, reform and
development; use flexible strategies and tactics to give play to the overall effectiveness of joint operations,
Concentrate superior forces and comprehensively use tactics; based on dealing with the most complex and
difficult situations, adhere to the bottom line thinking, and make solid preparations to ensure proper
response and adequate measures; exert the overall power of the people's war and insist on using the
people's war as an important magic weapon to defeat the enemy and win victory, expand the content and
methods of the people’s war, and promote the transformation of war mobilization from human mobilization to
scientific and technological mobilization; actively expand the space for military security cooperation, deepen
military relations with major countries, neighboring countries, and developing countries, and promote and
establish a regional security and cooperation framework.[2]
3. Strategic Thinking of Strengthening the Army by Science and Technology
It is necessary to fully implement the strategy of strengthening the military through science and technology,
adhere to the strategic basis of independent innovation, aim at the frontiers of world science and technology,
strengthen forward-looking planning, and design, and accelerate the development of strategic, cutting-edge,
and disruptive technologies.
1. Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China: “China’s National Defense in the
New Era,” People's Publishing House, 2019 edition, p. 10.
2. Information Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China: "China's Military Strategy,”
People's Publishing House, 2015 edition, p. 11-12.
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Continuously increase the contribution rate of technological innovation to the building of the people's army
and the development of combat effectiveness. Strengthening the army with science and technology means
applying advanced science and technology to improve weapons and equipment, optimize the structure of
the army, innovate military theories, and improve the quality of officers and soldiers, so as to build a
powerful army commensurate with the country's international status and compatible with national security
and development interests. The strategic thinking of strengthening the military through science and
technology is the product of strengthening the quality of the military in adapting to the development of the
times and the trend of the new military revolution. The core of the strategic thinking of strengthening the
military through science and technology is to rely on scientific and technological progress to improve the
combat effectiveness of the military, strengthen the quality of the military, promote the strategic
transformation of military construction, and improve the military's combat capabilities and the quality of
military conflict preparations. To implement the strategic thinking of strengthening the military through
science and technology, it is necessary to make full use of the national scientific and technological
innovation achievements, vigorously strengthen national defense scientific research, improve weapons and
equipment, improve the scientific and technological quality of officers and soldiers, establish a scientific
system and organization, improve scientific and technological innovation capabilities and scientific
management levels, and effectively improve the ability to win informationized warfare.
Under the conditions of the new era, the rapid development of science and technology, especially high and
new technology marked by information and intelligent technology, and its widespread use in the military
field, have a significant impact on the generation of military combat effectiveness, thus profoundly changing
the mode of combat effectiveness generation. It is necessary to establish the idea that technology is the
core combat capability. Information capabilities play a leading role in the generation of military combat
effectiveness. Information-based weapons and equipment have become a key material factor in enhancing
combat effectiveness. Joint combat capabilities based on network information systems have become the
basic form of combat effectiveness. The scientific and technological qualities of officers and soldiers are
particularly important in the composition of combat effectiveness. significance. Strengthening the quality of
the military with information and intelligence as the main symbol, and vigorously improving the scientific and
technological content of military building are important trends in the development of the world's military. The
use and construction of military forces implement the strategic thinking of strengthening the military through
science and technology, and actively promote the transformation of military construction from quantity and
scale to quality and efficiency, from manpower-intensive to technology-intensive, and to effectively shift the
growth of the military's combat effectiveness to relying on scientific and technological progress, especially
based on scientific and technological progress. Information technology is the main symbol of the
advancement of high and new technology, continuously increasing the scientific and technological content of
the military field, relying on scientific and technological progress to improve the quality of training, and
relying on scientific and technological progress to enhance the military's combat capabilities. We must
unswervingly take informatization and intelligence as the development direction of military modernization,
implement the system construction thinking, and promote the accelerated development of informatization
and intelligence. We must persist in making the building of new combat forces a strategic priority to enhance
our military's new-quality combat capabilities. Attach great importance to independent innovation in the
development of national defense technology and weapons and equipment, stand at the forefront of world
scientific and technological development, keenly grasp the development trend of world military changes and
future military conflicts, and strive to achieve major achievements in some basic, cutting-edge, strategic, and
disruptive technological fields. Make breakthroughs and master key defense technologies and core
technologies with independent intellectual property rights.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
Efforts will be made to advance the strategic project of talents, and create a large number of new high-
quality military talents who can adapt to the military's informatization construction and win informatization
4. Military reform strategic thinking
Military reform strategic thinking is a rational understanding and ideological system about profoundly
understanding, proactively adapting, and actively responding to the rapid development of science and
technology and the accelerated transformation of society that have caused revolutionary changes in the
military field. The core of the strategic thinking of military reform is to make major changes and innovations
to outdated or unreasonable and uncoordinated elements in the military field to adapt to the objective
requirements of technological development, evolution of war patterns, and social changes. The strategic
thinking of military reform with Chinese characteristics was formed and developed to meet the challenges of
the world's new military revolution.
The world’s new military revolution originated in the 1970s. It is not only a revolution in military technology
and military organization system, but also a revolution in military management. The essence is
informatization, and major breakthroughs in computer and network technology are important germination
factors. The main performance is: the increase in the degree of informatization of weapons and equipment,
the longer, faster, and more accurate firepower strikes, and the more transparent battlefield; the army is
organized into lean, integrated, modular, small and versatile, and the command structure is flat, and the
control is real-time, information transmission is more smooth; the military theory system is expanded to new
fields, and theories such as integrated operations, irregular operations, space warfare, and cyber warfare
continue to deepen and develop; the quality of officers and soldiers is improved, and joint operations
commanders must have land, sea, air, and space command capabilities in many fields such as, internet, and
electricity. The world’s new military revolution has caused a change in the form of war from mechanization to
informatization and intelligence, making the style of war show non-contact, non-linear, and asymmetric
characteristics. The form of combat has developed from combined operations to integrated joint operations,
and combat characteristics are manifested as information-led, elite combat, system support, and joint
China started the historical process of military reform with Chinese characteristics in the late 1990s, and
gradually formed a systematic and complete strategic thinking. The strategic thinking of military reform with
Chinese characteristics adapts to the development trend of the world's military reforms, starting from China's
national and military conditions, with the overall goal of building an informatized army, with mechanization
and informatization as the dual historical tasks, and using informatization to drive mechanization and
mechanization to promote the leapfrog development path of informatization, through deepening reforms,
realize the overall transformation of military construction from mechanized and semi-mechanized to
informatized and intelligent, and build the people's army into a powerful, modern and regularized
revolutionary army that can win future informatized wars.
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The fundamental goal of military reform with Chinese characteristics is to follow the "three-step" strategic
concept to gradually realize the informatization of national defense and the military, and to win informatized
wars; the essence and core is to realize the informatization of national defense and the military; the
fundamental guarantee is to adhere to the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. The main contents
include: aiming at building an informatized army and taking the road of leapfrog development; striving to
cultivate and bring up a large number of high-quality new military talents; striving to develop military theories
with Chinese characteristics; we must upgrade weapons and equipment; actively and steadily adjust and
reform Institutional establishment; adhere to strict management of the army and unswervingly adhere to the
party's absolute leadership over the army; vigorously strengthen ideological and political construction,
unswervingly put ideological and political construction at the top of all constructions in the entire army, and
further strengthen the sense of military spirit and make officers and soldiers firmly establish a correct world
outlook, outlook on life, and values.
Military transformation is affected by many factors such as technological progress, economic development,
and social environment. It is manifested in major breakthroughs in military technology, especially key
technologies, the development of military systems and command and control systems, the innovation of
combat theory systems, and the adjustment and optimization of military system establishment and
organizational structure. At present, the world’s new military revolution is accelerating, and military electronic
technology is developing rapidly. Space and cyber offensive and defensive technologies have become the
new commanding heights of military competition. Nanotechnology, near-space technology, and hypersonic
technology have made new breakthroughs. Weapon equipment is precision, intelligent, and stealth. The
trend of informatization and the use of unmanned platforms is more obvious, and the form of warfare is
accelerating to evolve into informationized warfare. Major countries in the world are stepping up their military
transformation. The world's new military revolution has provided our military with a rare historical
opportunity, and at the same time it has also presented severe challenges. We must accelerate the
advancement of military reforms with Chinese characteristics, narrow the gap in military strength with world
powers, and strive to master the strategic initiative of military competition. Under the conditions of the new
era, accelerating the advancement of military reforms with Chinese characteristics is a major strategic task
of our military's modernization. It is necessary to firmly establish the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought
on Strengthening the Army in national defense and military construction, strengthen the scientific planning of
national defense and military construction, grasp the focus of deepening reform and development from the
overall strategic perspective, and enhance the scientificity, guidance and feasibility of strategic planning.
Efforts to improve the effectiveness of modernization and continuously improve the ability to win
informationized warfare.
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Chapter One Introduction to Strategy
5. Military-civilian integration strategic thinking
Military-civilian integration strategic thinking refers to the overall planning of economic construction and
national defense construction, maximizing the use of national resources, improving the effectiveness of
national defense and military construction, and realizing the unity of a prosperous country and a strong
military. The core is that economic and social development takes into account military needs, and national
defense and military modernization are deeply integrated into the economic and social development system.
The strategic thinking of military-civilian integration is the inheritance and development of military-civilian
dual-use, military-civilian integration, and military-civilian ideas. From a level point of view, it has been
upgraded from a negotiation mechanism based on the military and civilian aspects to the level of national
development strategy; in terms of scope, it has expanded from application areas to formulating policies and
regulations, and implementing military-civilian joint training of talents; in terms of degree, from the "plate-
style" docking deepening to integration into a system. The implementation of military-civilian integrated
development is not only conducive to the modernization of national defense and the military to obtain deeper
material support and development stamina from economic construction, but also conducive to economic
construction to obtain more powerful security guarantees and technical support from the modernization of
national defense and military. It is a way to rejuvenate the country and strengthen the army.
Under the conditions of the new era, the development of the scientific and technological revolution and the
industrial revolution has made the integration of national defense economy and social economy, military
technology, and civilian technology more and more extensive, and the integration deeper and deeper. The
dependence of society has increased unprecedentedly, and the trend of military-civilian integration and
front-rear integration in information warfare is more obvious. Promoting the integrated construction of
military-civilian integration has become a policy trend in the use and construction of military forces. To
promote the in-depth development of military-civilian integration, it is necessary to strengthen overall
coordination at the national level, give play to the leading role of military demand, and better integrate
national defense and military construction into the national economic and social development system. We
must adhere to the unity of a rich country and a strong military, strengthen unified leadership, top-level
design, reform and innovation, and implementation of major projects, deepen the reform of national defense
technology and industry, form a deep development pattern of military-civilian integration, and build an
integrated national strategic system and capabilities.[1] The main measures to fully implement the strategic
thinking of military-civilian integration and promote the in-depth development of military-civilian integration:
first, integrate military development needs into the economic and social development system. The main
thing is to focus on national defense science and technology.
1. Xi Jinping: "Decisive victory in an all-round construction of a moderately prosperous society, and the great
victory of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Report at the 19th National Congress of the
Communist Party of China,” People's Publishing House, 2017 edition, p.54.
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We will integrate the development of weapons and equipment into the national scientific and technological
innovation system, integrate the construction of major national defense facilities and battlefields into the
national infrastructure construction system, integrate the training of military talents into the national
education system, integrate military life service security into the social service security system, and further
improve military-civilian integration. A national defense mobilization system that integrates the military with
the people, so that economic construction and national defense construction are mutually promoted and
integrated, and the national defense and military modernization process is consistent with the national
modernization process. The second is to make full use of national resources to accelerate the development
of national defense and the army. In-depth study of the characteristics and laws of military-civilian integrated
development, grasp key links, and implement key breakthroughs. The fields of economy, science and
technology, education, and human resources must be integrated in a wider range, higher level, and deeper
level. Relying on social security resources must implement social security. The third is to realize the benign
interaction of military-civilian integration. Promoting military-civilian integrated development, building, and
consolidating national defense and a strong army are the common responsibilities of the entire party, the
nation, and the entire military. Conscious response, mechanism optimization, clear responsibilities, and
effective measures are the keys to promoting military-civilian integrated development. We must adapt to the
development and changes of the situation and tasks, actively explore new ideas and methods for military-
civilian integrated development, strive to improve "compatibility" benefits, and achieve "win-win"
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Chapter 2 Strategic Judgment
Mao Zedong pointed out: "The correct deployment of the commander comes from the correct determination,
the correct determination comes from the correct judgment, and the correct judgment comes from the
thoughtful and necessary reconnaissance, and the coherent thinking of various reconnaissance materials.
The commander uses all possible and necessary reconnaissance methods to remove the various materials
of the enemy’s situation obtained through reconnaissance, remove the false and preserve the truth, think
about the other, from the outside and the inside, and then add his own situation to study the comparison and
mutual relationship between the two sides, and thus form judgments, make up their mind, and make plans.
This is the entire process of understanding the situation before making every plan for strategy, campaign, or
battle. "[1] To correctly judge the situation, It is the basic basis for formulating routes, guidelines and policies.
Strategically judged accurately, strategically planned scientifically, and strategically won the initiative, the
cause of the party and the people will be promising.[2] Strategic judgment is the process of analyzing,
predicting, judging, and drawing conclusions on major issues related to national security and military conflict.
It is the premise and basis for strategic decision-making and strategic guidance, and has a significant impact
on the overall use and construction of military forces. The essence of strategic judgment is to reveal the
nature and internal relations of things through complicated phenomena to obtain a correct understanding of
the overall situation of the strategy. Its main purpose and task is to analyze the international and domestic
environment facing national security and development in a certain period from the overall situation, discover
threats, distinguish between enemies and friends, predict the end of the battle, analyze the comparison of
1. "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1991 edition, p. 179-180.
2. Xi Jinping: "Speech at the Symposium to Commemorate the 110th Anniversary of Comrade Deng
Xiaoping's Birth,” People's Daily, August 21, 2014, second edition.
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forces, evaluate strategic risks, and weigh the pros and cons, so as to provide a reliable and objective basis
for strategic decision-making and guidance.
Section One: The Content of Strategic Judgment
Strategic judgment involves politics, economy, military, diplomacy, science and technology, culture, and
other fields as well as international, peripheral, and domestic aspects. The content is very extensive, usually
including security environment, national interests, characteristics of war, power balance, and strategic risks.
1. Safe environment
The security environment is the primary content of strategic judgment, and the correct judgment of the
security environment is the prerequisite for the correct formulation of military strategy. The judgment of the
safety environment is carried out on the basis of accurately grasping the theme and characteristics of the
One is to judge the world strategic situation. The world strategic situation is related to the survival and
development of a country, and affects the objects, nature, goals, and enemy-friend relations of a country's
military conflicts. It is the international environment and conditions for the implementation of military
operations, and has important constraints and influences on strategy. To judge the world's strategic
situation, we should grasp the world's strategic structure, the nature and status of the relationship between
the major powers and the main forces, and the basic trend of the development of the security situation. On
this basis, it focuses on the analysis: the current status and development trends of various contradictions
and disputes in the world, the trends of international hotspots, the root causes and inducing conditions that
lead to crises, conflicts and even wars; the attitudes of major powers to the world's major disputes and
hotspot issues, possible and the degree of involvement, the military policy of the relevant country and the
ability to take military actions; the significant impact of major changes in the international political and
economic situation on the relations between major powers and alliances; the composition, nature,
development trend and possible joint actions of military alliances between countries; the adjustment of the
geostrategy of major countries and the possible strategic impact on us; when wars and other military
operations occur, the reaction of international public opinion, the attitudes of major countries and
international organizations, the possibility of triggering a chain reaction, the restrictive effect of international
law, and the impact of war consequences and effects; international political turmoil, economic crises and
terrorist activities, the influence of the expansion of our national interests; etc. Through comprehensive
analysis, make overall judgments on the world's strategic situation, and focus on the relationship between
friends and enemies in international struggles, major strategic opponents, international forces that may be
sought or used, and various international factors and the effect and influence on the implementation of wars
and other military operations.
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Chapter 2 Strategic Judgment
The second is to judge the surrounding safety environment. Peripheral security environment refers to the
conditions and factors of neighboring countries or regions that affect their own security, which has a direct
impact on the country's military strategy and preparations for military conflict. The peripheral conditions and
factors that affect national security have both favorable and unfavorable aspects. However, the focus of
strategic judgment is to analyze its adverse effects, especially whether neighboring countries use force or
use force as a backing to infringe or endanger China's sovereignty, security, and development interests.
Judging the surrounding security environment should mainly start from three aspects: first, to see whether
there are fundamental conflicts of interest and major strategic differences between the neighboring countries
and our country; second, to see whether they have military forces or war potential that endanger China’s
security or infringe upon China’s sovereignty and interests; third, to see whether it adopts a policy of hostility
to our country, especially whether there is an attempt to use force or threat of force and military deployment
against our country. Through comprehensive weighing and comprehensive analysis, we can identify the
source, nature, and extent of threats to our country's security, and clarify the main strategic opponents and
main combat targets, especially the type, intensity and harm of military conflicts and wars that may occur. In
the coming period, in the face of major changes unseen in a century, we should focus on analyzing the
national security strategies and military strategic adjustments of the world's major powers and their impact
on the security of our surroundings; the trends of the world's major powers in strengthening their military
alliances and making strategic deployment adjustments in our surroundings and its impact; the basic
policies, strategic guidance, military deployment and possible use of military forces in disputes between
neighboring countries and China on land territories, island sovereignty and maritime rights and interests,
especially the factors that may lead to military conflicts and wars, and clarify with whom to fight, where to
fight, what kind of battle to fight, etc.
The third is to judge the domestic security environment. The domestic security environment is the main
objective basis and condition for the use and construction of a country's military power, and it has a major
impact on planning and guiding the overall situation of military conflicts. Judging the domestic security
environment mainly includes three aspects: the political aspect, mainly the implementation of the party and
the country's major policies, the domestic political stability and social stability, the morale of the people, the
hostile forces, especially the situation of "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, and the "three forces"
(international terrorist forces, national separatist forces, religious extremist forces), and others’ activities and
other security risks, etc.; military aspects are mainly military strength and war potential, especially the
degree of preparation for military conflict, joint combat capabilities, national defense mobilization capabilities,
etc.; in terms of economy and science and technology, it mainly refers to the country's economic situation,
economic layout, and technological level.
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2. National interest needs
National interest needs are the basic focus of strategic judgment. To judge the needs of national interests, it
is necessary to distinguish between core interests, important interests and general interests according to the
connotation of national interests and the degree of harm that may be caused when threatened, and focus on
confirming the core interests that are related to the country's survival and development foundation and
lifeblood, and use this to determine the bottom line and timing of the use of military means, and clarify the
goal orientation of military conflicts and the strategic effects pursued. It is necessary to place specific military
operations in the overall layout of national security and development to understand and grasp, determine the
degree of connection between military operations and the overall national interest, the status and role of
military conflicts in the overall national struggle, and political and diplomatic struggles versus military
conflicts. The requirements and constraints of the military, especially the requirements for the timing, scale,
method, intensity, and battle control of the use of military means. Focusing on the basic trend of the
expansion of national interests and the challenges it faces, identifying the nature, main direction, space, and
field of the threat, and determining the focus of military conflict preparations, the focus of strategic planning,
and the thinking, methods and military forces used by military forces on this basis. The direction of future
construction and development. It is necessary to comprehensively analyze, weigh and compare benefits,
costs, and risks, and conduct strategic risk assessments on the possible consequences of using military
means to achieve specific interest needs.
3. Characteristics and trends of war
Analyzing the characteristics and trends of war, understanding the overall situation of current world wars and
peace, and revealing the basic laws of modern warfare are important basis for correctly formulating military
strategies and planning strategic guidance.
The first is to analyze the basic trend of contemporary war and peace. It mainly includes: the basic
contradictions of the contemporary world and the root causes that may trigger war; the possibility of
hegemony triggering war and its restrictive factors and mechanisms; the strategic trend and development of
the hegemonic country's threat of war; the influence of hegemonism, national separatism, religious
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extremism, and international terrorism on war and peace; the characteristics and development trends of
world powers in planning and responding to local wars; the different characteristics and manifestations of
modern local wars and armed conflicts; hegemonic countries and its vassals are the situations of military
interference in the affairs of third world countries by competing for geostrategic advantages and
safeguarding vested interests; wars and conflicts caused by conflicts in territories, borders, ethnic groups,
religions, and economic rights in developing countries. Through the analysis of the overall characteristics
and trends of contemporary war and peace, grasp the focus of current international conflicts of interests, and
identify the nature, types, and manifestations of war threats.
The second is to analyze war patterns and development trends. The form of war reflects the overall state of
war based on certain social productive forces, composed of certain pillar military technologies and dominant
combat methods. With the development of human society, the form of war has experienced three stages:
cold war, hot war, and mechanized war. It is currently in the stage of information warfare and is evolving to
intelligent warfare. Analyzing the development trend of war forms should focus on the analysis: the multi-
polarization of the world structure and economic globalization restrict the scale, means, and intensity of
information warfare; the impact of nuclear, chemical and biological threats on modern warfare, and nuclear,
chemical and biological weapons in warfare and the role of high-tech groups represented by information
technology and artificial intelligence technology on the material and technological foundation of modern
warfare; the prominent role of information intelligent weaponry and precision strike capabilities in modern
warfare; the continuous expansion of war space and its profound changes to the combat style; the
continuous enhancement of the antagonism of the war system and its requirements for multi-domain
integrated joint operations.
The third is to analyze the wars that our country may face and their characteristics. Correctly grasping the
characteristics and trends of modern warfare is an important basis for judging the wars and characteristics
that our military may face in the future. The wars that our country will face in the future have not only the
commonalities of similar wars in the world, but also their own personalities. A concrete analysis of the wars
that our country may face and their characteristics should focus on revealing individual characteristics while
grasping the common development trend of world wars. To this end, it is necessary to reveal the types of
wars that our country may face in the future, combat objects, scales of wars, and their main aspects from the
perspectives of the political objectives and constraints of the war, changes in the battlefield environment, the
comparison of forces between the enemy and ourselves, and the application of high-tech science and
technology in the military field and other main features.
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4. The power balance
Military conflict, especially war, is a contest of comprehensive strength between the two opposing parties
based on military power. Analyzing the comparison of forces, we should make a comprehensive comparison
of the military, politics, economy, technology, diplomacy, geography, and other aspects of the two sides to
determine the comprehensive strength of the two sides, grasp the strengths and weaknesses of the two
sides, and the strengths and weaknesses, so as to correctly formulate military strategies and plan military
conflicts. Prepare and implement strategic actions to provide a reliable basis. Analyzing the power balance
focuses on the following aspects.
The first is the balance of military power. Judging mainly from the scale of the armed forces of both sides
and the potential for war mobilization, the level of weaponry and equipment development, the basic
characteristics of military strategy and combat thinking, and the ability of strategic commanders and their
command organizations to organize and direct wars. It is not only necessary to analyze the power
comparison with the direct combat target, to judge the possibility of provocation and create major crisis
events, but also to pay attention to the comparison with the main strategic opponents and their alliance
forces, and to judge their military intervention capabilities and possible methods. At the same time, we must
also pay attention to the power comparison with other opponents who may take the opportunity to provoke
conflicts, so as to provide a reliable basis for me to formulate strategic strategies and adopt strategic
measures. Analyzing the power comparison of information warfare, it should shift from platform comparison
to system comparison, from focusing on quantity and scale comparison to focusing on quality and efficiency
comparison, from static comparison to dynamic comparison, and from two-dimensional comparison to multi-
dimensional and multi-domain comparison. In terms of combat capability, more attention is paid to the
comparison of information combat capability, electronic warfare capability, long-range combat capability, and
multi-domain combat capability.
The second is the comparison of political and diplomatic conditions. Mainly by analyzing the nature of the
country, political and legal systems, political security situation, basic internal and external policies, alliances,
and influence in the world, etc., to determine whether the state regime has the ability to gather morale and
unite other political forces in the country. Support and implement the war policy, and strive for strong support
and cooperation from the international community, international organizations, and alliance countries. In the
context of the multi-polarization of the world, local wars often have a significant impact on the regional and
world situation. Strategic instructors must pay full attention to the political and diplomatic situation of both
sides when formulating military strategies.
The third is the comparison of economic and technological power. It is mainly through the analysis of the
country's overall economic strength and technological development to determine the ability of both sides to
support war, the ability of economic and technological power to transform into actual military combat
methods, and the impact on the process, outcome, and combat methods of the war.
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Chapter 2 Strategic Judgment
The fourth is strategic geographical conditions. Mainly to investigate the terrain, weather, hydrology,
transportation, resources and other natural conditions of the battlefield and related areas, the geographical
layout and mutual relations of military, political, and economic forces, and the situation of strategic locations,
focusing on identifying the geographical conditions of the battlefield and strategic actions.
In short, to scientifically carry out the comparison of power, it is necessary to combine the military power
comparison with other power comparisons, the hard power and soft power comparisons, the actual power,
and the potential power comparison, and finally the formation of the comparison of the comprehensive
strength of the two sides, and thus judge its impact on military strategy.
5. Strategic risk
Strategic risk is the overall risk that may occur in the implementation of strategy, especially in response to
military conflicts and wars. Military conflicts and wars are fierce confrontations between the armed forces of
both sides, which are related to the national security and development of the overall situation, and are
themselves a high-risk action. Modern military conflicts and wars involve diversified opponents, speeding up
the combat process, many uncertain factors, major consequences, and higher risks. Therefore, judging
strategic risk is an indispensable and important content of strategic judgment. Judging strategic risks usually
starts from the following aspects.
The first is the possible price of military conflicts and wars. Regardless of the scale of military conflicts and
wars, once they are implemented, they will inevitably suffer losses while gaining strategic benefits, and they
may pay varying degrees of costs in economic, diplomatic, military, and other aspects. Economic costs
should be analyzed: the economic costs that we may pay to create a favorable environment, conduct war
mobilization, and guarantee the implementation of operations, the possible economic damage to the
enemy's key attack areas, and the economic losses caused by the economic and trade sanctions and
financial attacks imposed by the hostile forces, the possible impact of blocked maritime strategic channels
on trade and strategic resource imports, etc. The political and diplomatic costs should be analyzed: whether
the relevant countries have increased doubts about us, the influence of international public opinion on me,
whether the image of peaceful development will be damaged, how much pressure and attack will be affected
by anti-China forces, and whether our diplomatic relations with major countries in the world will go
backwards and so on. Military costs should be analyzed: the possible losses of personnel, equipment, and
base facilities of participating troops, whether actual combat capabilities and combat weaknesses are
exposed, and whether the surrounding security situation will further deteriorate.
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The second is the risk of military conflict or war escalation. Once a military conflict or war escalates, we will
face a variety of strategic risks. First, it is necessary to judge whether we will respond to untimely and
inappropriate risks, including whether we will suffer major losses in personnel and equipment, whether we
will lose favorable opportunities for countermeasures, whether it will affect the morale of the military, and
whether it will cause the other party to make strategic misjudgments, etc. Second, it is necessary to judge
the risk of conflict and war escalation, including the scale and spatial scope of the expansion, whether it will
be limited to the scope of conventional warfare, or will it be escalated to nuclear war, and whether it will
affect the important strategic opportunity period of the country's development and its surrounding areas. The
security environment has a major impact on the national strength, military strength, and economic
affordability. Third, it is necessary to judge the strategic risks that may be caused by the frustration of
military operations, including whether it will affect the smooth progress of follow-up operations and whether it
will have a destructive impact on local or global targets.
The third is the risk of external military intervention. The security environment around China is severe and
complex, and there is always the risk of military intervention by external forces in military conflicts and wars.
Once the scale of military conflict expands and external forces intervene by force, we will face a severe
situation of "one-to-two" or even "one-to-many.” The judgment of the risk of external intervention mainly
includes: whether the direct combat opponent has a close alliance relationship and strategic interest ties
with external forces, the possible ways and extent of military intervention by external forces, whether direct
and substantive military intervention will be carried out, and a comparison after military intervention of the
overall strength of the enemy and ourselves, whether our political goals can be achieved, etc.
The fourth is the risk of triggering a chain reaction. The linkage of security issues around China is
increasing, and problems in one strategic direction may trigger a chain reaction in other strategic directions.
The judgment of the risk of triggering a chain reaction includes: in which strategic direction a chain reaction
may occur, whether a chain reaction will occur in multiple directions at the same time, the threat sequence of
a chain reaction in multiple directions at the same time, the nature and scale of the chain reaction, the
favorable conditions and unfavorable factors of us dealing with the chain reaction .
In short, military conflicts are highly uncertain, risky, and benefits and costs coexist. To objectively judge
strategic risks, it is necessary to analyze the possible strategic benefits while carefully studying the possible
costs in political, military, diplomatic, economic and other fields, as well as the risks of war escalation,
external intervention and chain reaction, and from the perspective of system integration, weigh and compare
the possible benefits with the costs and risks, draw corresponding judgments and conclusions, and provide
a basis for strategic decision-making.
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Chapter 2 Strategic Judgment
Section Two: Requirements for Strategic Judgment
Strategic judgments must use the dialectical materialist world outlook and methodology, seek truth from
facts and scientifically analyze and understand the objective situation, reveal the intrinsic and essential
connections of military conflicts, and prevent subjective assumptions. To this end, the following requirements
should be implemented.
1. Comprehensive Judgment
To make strategic judgments, we must stand on the overall perspective and objectively analyze the situation
to prevent partiality and generalization. The integrity of military conflict and the overall nature of strategy
require that strategic judgments must be objective and comprehensive, fully estimating the various
possibilities of the development of the strategic situation, reducing the uncertainty of the overall
understanding of military conflict, and avoiding subjective and one-sided analysis and research. And cause
major strategic mistakes. In the history of military conflict, it is not uncommon to see examples of losing
strategic initiative due to poor insight into the overall situation. "Those who do not seek for the entire world
cannot seek for a while; those who do not seek the overall situation cannot seek a single domain." Strategic
judgment must stand at the height of the overall situation of national security and military conflict, and take
objectively existing actual conditions and trends as the object of analysis, from the facts. Starting from the
true colors of events, state of affairs, and actual processes, we integrate all aspects of the situation for
systematic analysis and dialectical thinking to reflect the actual situation of military conflicts. It is also not
possible to divorce from reality and rely on subjective wishes and preferences, or preconceived to
investigate and analyze strategic phenomena. To objectively and comprehensively examine the various
factors and conditions related to the overall situation, one must see both the positive and the negative. It is
long and the enemy is short; it is necessary to pay attention to the analysis of traditional security factors that
affect national unity and territorial integrity, but also to analyze many non-traditional security factors under
the conditions of the new era; it is necessary to pay attention to both the factors that threaten the national
security interests and the interests of the country. Factors affecting national development interests; we must
pay attention to both the conditions that lead to crises and wars and the conditions that promote peace and
development; we must pay attention to both military factors and the analysis of politics, economics,
diplomacy, science and technology, culture, law, and resources It is necessary to understand the basic
tangible factors such as the enemy’s strategic intentions, military deployment, and the quantity and quality of
weapons and weapons, as well as to understand the opponent’s history, philosophy, characteristics of the
commander-in-chief, and other high-level intangible factors that affect the direction of the war; it is necessary
to consider not only the situations that may occur under normal conditions, but also unexpected situations
and complex and difficult situations.
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In short, we must focus on the overall interests, make comprehensive judgments on the basis of a
comprehensive analysis of relevant conditions, enhance the objectivity and reliability of strategic judgments,
grasp the overall, overall picture and development trend of the strategic situation, and prevent concentrating
on one point and generalizing, to overcome the one-sidedness and the tendency of absolute and
simplification of either-or.
To make strategic judgments, it is necessary to stand at the height of the overall situation of national security
and military conflict, and conduct a comprehensive investigation and mastery of strategic intelligence from a
high level of strategic thinking to prevent missed judgments and misjudgments. It is necessary to have a
comprehensive understanding of the enemy’s situation, as well as to fully grasp our situation, as well as the
relevant international conditions and geographical environmental conditions. The mastery of the enemy’s
situation should be based on a comprehensive grasp of the situation in peacetime, in accordance with the
needs of preparing and implementing specific military operations, combined with the latest and multi-method
strategic reconnaissance and identification, to find out the enemy’s military, political, diplomatic, and
economic relevant circumstances, especially the latest strategic developments of the enemy, may lead to
sudden changes and vicious changes in the situation, thereby posing a major threat to China. The grasp of
our situation is mainly achieved through situation reports and notifications of relevant military and local
departments, investigations of social conditions and the actual combat capabilities of the troops, battlefield
surveys, weapon effect tests, and verification exercises. To master the international conditions, we must
grasp the main trends of the international strategic environment through the characteristics of the times, the
international pattern, the relationship between major powers, and the security situation of the world and
surrounding areas, it is necessary to grasp the beneficial side of the international strategic environment;
more importantly, we must grasp the unfavorable aspects of the international strategic environment. At the
same time, we must also focus on development, thoroughly investigate the instability, variability, and
plasticity in the international strategic environment, and grasp the various international conditions that we
may strive for and use. To master the geographical environment conditions, it is necessary to strengthen the
reconnaissance and forecasts before wars and military operations on the basis of comprehensively grasping
their relatively stable conditions, focusing on their unstable and variable conditions, and mastering the law of
their changes and their relationship with our side’s actions.
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Chapter 2 Strategic Judgment
In short, it is necessary to comprehensively grasp strategic intelligence to provide accurate and reliable
objective materials and basis for the formulation of military strategies, and prevent missed judgments and
misjudgments from affecting the effective development of military conflicts.
2. Systematic Judgment
The so-called systematic judgment is to conduct a coherent, comprehensive, qualitative, and quantitative
scientific analysis of the information obtained and the situation. The system judgment should highlight the
following: First, analyze the conflict of interests. In the analysis of conflicts of interest, it is necessary to
analyze the conflicts of interests with the main combat targets and major strategic opponents, as well as the
collateral contradictions with the secondary opponents; it is necessary to analyze the conflicts of interests
with the enemy country, as well as the conflicts with its alliances or organizations. Contradictions of
interests; it is necessary to analyze the contradictions in national unity and sovereignty, as well as the
contradictions in security interests, economic interests, etc.; it is necessary to analyze the contradictions of
traditional security interests involving the mainland and surrounding areas, as well as those contradictions of
interests involving overseas, space, and the network and electromagnetic domains. The second is to
analyze the enemy's strategic intentions. Strategic intent is the basic idea and plan for achieving the purpose
of war and military operations. To analyze the enemy's strategic intentions, we must not only understand the
basic characteristics of its political nature, strategic orientation, and high-level strategic thinking, decision-
making, and behavior in general, but also specifically analyze its calculations and ideas to achieve specific
goals under specific conditions; both pay attention to its public announcements, but also pay attention to the
analysis of its secret and undisclosed true intentions; it is necessary to analyze the basic purpose of the
enemy's war and military operations, as well as to analyze the enemy's political, military, and economic
aspects. Specific goals: It is necessary to analyze and evaluate the enemy's strategic goals, as well as the
strategic means and strategic steps that the enemy may take to achieve its intentions. The third is to analyze
the power balance between the enemy and ours. That is, to examine the enemy's military strength and war
potential that endangers the country's security or violates its sovereignty and interests. The analysis of the
power balance between the enemy and ours should not only analyze the military power comparison of the
two sides, but also analyze the degree of support that the political and diplomatic operations of the two sides
may receive in the international arena, and the difference in economic support for war and military
operations, so as to determine the comparative situation of comprehensive strength of the two sides; not
only analyze and evaluate the quantity and quality of the military forces of both sides, but also analyze and
evaluate the war mobilization capabilities of both sides, especially the systematic confrontation capabilities
of the two sides' information warfare, non-contact, non-line combat capabilities, and use and protection and
the capabilities of weapons of mass destruction; not only the analysis and evaluation of hardware such as
the level of weapons and equipment and the scale of military forces of both sides, but also the analysis and
evaluation of their operational thinking, the ability of strategic commanders and their command agencies to
plan, organize and command wars and other software.
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The fourth is to analyze the deployment situation. That is to examine the targeted military deployment of the
enemy infringing or threatening our country’s sovereignty and interests and a series of combat readiness
actions against our country. The analysis of the deployment situation should not only analyze the military
deployment of face-to-face combat objects, but also analyze the strategic deployment of major strategic
opponents in the periphery and the world; not only must pay attention to the existing military presence, but
also predict the possibility of rapid deployment in wartime or crisis. It is necessary to analyze not only the
fixed deployment of theaters and directions, but also its mobile deployment across theaters and directions;
not only analyze the deployment of the main strategic direction, but also pay attention to the secondary
strategic direction. Deployment, and the relationship between the primary and secondary strategic
deployments; it is necessary to analyze not only the deployment of the strategic internal line, but also the
deployment of the strategic external line; it is necessary to analyze the military deployment of the strategic
front, but also the military deployment of the strategic depth and the strategic rear; it is necessary to analyze
the deployment on land as well as the deployment in the electromagnetic field of ocean, air, space and
network. On this basis, analyze its impact on our army's operations, and evaluate the feasibility of our army's
Through systematic and comprehensive analysis, make a scientific judgment on the threat: If a country
(group) has a fundamental conflict of interest with its own country, it also pursues a policy of hostility to its
own country, and at the same time has military forces that endanger its own security and use force to
resolve it. Attempts and deployments of interest disputes constitute a real threat to the national security. If
there are conflicts of interest, but they do not have the military power to endanger their country, nor have
they taken realistic targeted military actions and deployments, or although there are conflicts of interest and
strong military strength, they have not adopted policies and measures that are hostile to their own country.
Actions and deployments threatened by force can be regarded as potential threats. According to the ability
and degree of threat differentiations, it is a comprehensive threat to the overall security of the country the
overall interests have the ability to infringe and those who attempt it; those who only have the ability to
infringe and attempt to infringe on the local security and interests of the country are a partial threat.
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Chapter 2 Strategic Judgment
3. Key judgments
The so-called key judgments are to conduct an in-depth analysis of major issues and aspects related to the
overall situation, reveal the nature of the phenomenon, and draw correct conclusions. Since strategic
judgment involves politics, economy, military, science and technology, geography, culture, history, law, etc.,
the authenticity of the intelligence obtained by strategic reconnaissance is mixed, and the details are
different. If you want to implement correct strategic judgments, don’t be fooled by the enemy’s large number
of concealment and deceptive measures; should find those basic aspects that reflect the confrontation
between the enemy and ourselves from the complex surface phenomena, and grasp the basic factors that
determine the overall situation of the military conflict, so as to achieve a deep understanding of its inner
nature. At the same time, although the strategic situation is complex and changeable, it is often the main
contradictions and key issues that restrict the development of the situation that determine the transformation
of the strategic situation. Therefore, to reveal the essential connection of the strategic situation, it is
necessary to conduct in-depth thinking on the basis of comprehensive understanding of the situation,
removing the waste and the keeping the essentials, removing the false and storing the truth, from the other,
from the outside to the inside, and strive to grasp the main contradictions that determine the essence of
things and the main contradictions. On the one hand, focus on the key parts and major issues that have a
major impact and dominance on the overall situation. It is necessary to extend the understanding of the
surface conditions of the enemy's forces, deployment, trends, and posture to thinking about the internal
connections and causal relationships hidden behind the surface conditions. Through various phenomena
and disguises, we must find the roots, identify the intentions, and reveal the essence. Under the conditions
of informatization and intelligence, the amount of information in the strategic domain has increased
unprecedentedly. On the one hand, it can disperse the traditional "fog of war" to a large extent, but at the
same time, it has caused the flood and excess of information to a considerable extent. And overload, thus
increasing the difficulty of strategic judgment. The correct strategic judgment is only related to the valuable
strategic information and intelligence, and is not necessarily proportional to the total amount of strategic
information. Therefore, to do a good job of strategic judgment under the conditions of informatization and
intelligence, it is necessary to overcome the phenomenon of information flooding, pay attention to the
identification, filtering, and screening of related information, and obtain as much as possible through the
"information noise" and "fog of war" to grasp the essence and understanding of the specific situation.
4. Forward-looking judgment
The so-called forward-looking judgment is to grasp the development trend of the situation and make
dynamic and foreseeable judgments. In strategic confrontation, the complexity of the strategic situation
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determines that strategic judgment is dynamic. Strategic instructors should focus on the development and
changes of major situations related to national security and the overall situation of military conflicts, grasp
the basic laws and trends, and carry out uninterrupted system analysis and dynamic judgments. The
strategic judgments that have been made must be constantly supplemented and corrected in accordance
with the new and changed circumstances. When the situation undergoes a turning point, it is necessary to
break through the existing judgments and make new strategic judgments. Since strategic judgment is a
forward-looking thinking activity with strong predictability, it is necessary to pay attention to the connection
between the past, the present and the future. Through tracking research and advanced research, we can
fully estimate the various possibilities of the development and change of the war situation and grasp the
development of things. On the basis of medium- and long-term strategic forecasts and early warnings, we
can make timely and accurate judgments on the current situation. Since war is evolving, strategic directors
must update their concepts in time, get rid of the stereotypes of mechanized warfare, and use development
vision and keen insight to accurately predict the new situations and problems that may arise in future
informatized wars and intelligent wars, and make a strategic foresight in line with the new situation.
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Chapter 3 Strategic Decisions
Strategic decisions are decisions made on major issues regarding the use and construction of military forces
from an overall perspective, and are the highest-level decisions in the military domain. Its main task is to
stipulate the strategic objectives, tasks, and policies of military conflict and army building, and determine the
method of military force utilization and construction methods in accordance with the characteristics of the
strategic environment, national interest requirements and military strategic thinking. Strategic decision-
making is the basic basis for strategic planning and implementation of strategic actions. It is directly related
to the success or failure of military conflicts, and even affects the future and destiny of the country.
Section One: The Main Characteristics of Strategic Decision-Making
Strategic decision-making has a macro-oriented and leading role. Compared with decision-making in other
fields, strategic decision-making has outstanding antagonism, risk, creativity, timeliness, and foresight.
1. Stark confrontation
Strategic decision-making is the decision made by the strategic instructor on the countermeasures we
should take in response to the other's attempts, possible actions, and security threats to us. It is obviously
antagonistic. It is not only a competition of the will and strength of the two parties, but also a game of
strategy and art between the two parties. It requires that the strategic director must give full play to his
subjective initiative on the basis of objective material.
Strategic decision-making is also manifested in the process of intelligent confrontation between the opposing
parties relying on and using military strength. It is a competition between the strategic directors of the two
sides to compete for superiority and active subjective guidance.
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Strategic decision-making must be moved by the enemy's change and anticipation of the enemy. Whether in
wartime or peacetime, the battle of strategic decision-making is the first to begin. Even in peacetime,
strategic directors must compete with their opponents in decision-making confrontation without gunpowder.
Only by making strategic decisions that are superior to the enemy can we master the strategic initiative in
the struggle.
2. Huge risk
In the process of strategic decision-making, due to the complex relationship between national interests and
the continuous development and change of the military conflict situation, there are many uncertain factors,
especially the extreme difficulty and danger of war, which determines that strategic decision-making has
huge risks. Strategic decision-making requires not only timely and decisiveness, but also caution and
correctness. Once a mistake occurs, it will directly lead to passive military conflicts and even ruin the future
and destiny of the country and the nation. As Mahan pointed out: If the strategy is wrong, then the
commanding talent of the general on the battlefield, the bravery of the soldiers, and the brilliant victory will all
lose their role, although they can play a decisive role if the strategy is correct.
In a practical sense, making a strategic decision is to choose a country's plan of military conflict action.
Choosing a plan means giving up the rest of the plan. Therefore, this is a typical risk choice. Strategic
instructors must make correct strategic decisions. Among many military action plans, it is quite difficult to
choose the best plan that meets the requirements of the country's strategic interests and the actual needs of
military conflicts. In view of the importance of this choice, the risk pressure on the strategic director is also
very huge.
3. Extraordinary creativity
Strategic decision-making is the concentrated expression of subjective guidance ability in military conflict,
and it is a highly creative thinking activity. Strategic decisions must correctly reflect the objective laws of
military conflicts and actively guide the effective implementation of military conflicts. This requires strategic
instructors to proceed from the objective laws of the occurrence and development of military conflicts, and
creatively put forward policies and strategies for launching struggles and winning victory.
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Chapter Three Strategic Decision
Due to the constant changes of the time and space conditions, targets, military strength and other factors of
the struggle, the strategic decisions of military conflicts in different periods are not the same. In particular,
war has the characteristics of non-replicability. Therefore, strategic decision-makers need to make more
than previous creations based on the actual military conflict at the time, and make flexible and appropriate
strategic choices for different objects of struggle and different strategic goals. For example, after the
outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, Mao Zedong made decisive decisions in accordance with
the changes in the strategic situation, turned the Kuomintang army from the target of attack into the target of
cooperation, united all patriotic forces, formed the most extensive national united front, worked together to
resist Japan, and was creative. The land put forward the strategic general policy of a protracted war, thus
winning the great victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan.
Strategic decision-making permeates strategy and art. Any successful strategic decision is the product of
strategic use, and the process of strategic decision is actually a creative strategic confrontation process. In
order to achieve unexpected strategic effects and make decisions correct, the strategic director must use
tactics. Especially in the information age, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly, and the battlefield
situation is highly transparent. Without superb strategic art, it is difficult to achieve strategic goals smoothly.
Therefore, correct strategic decision-making must be foresight, good judgment, anticipating the enemy,
flexible and changeable, superior to the enemy, and winning with wisdom.
4. A high degree of timeliness
Strategic decision-making is carried out under certain time and space conditions, often for certain objects,
and its effective time is also limited to a certain period of time. Because of this, the timeliness of strategic
decision-making is very prominent. Especially in the case of war, the two opponents are fighting fiercely
under the same time and space conditions, the situation is changing rapidly, the fighters are fleeting, and the
timeliness of strategic decision-making is more demanding. When the two armies compete, time is
opportunity and time is victory, especially in the new era. This requires strategic instructors to weigh the pros
and cons within a limited time, seize opportunities, make decisive decisions, and strive for victory.
After the strategic decision is formed, it is necessary to guide the military conflict in a specific period.
However, if the strategic objectives, strategic environment, and war situation change during this period,
strategic decision-making will inevitably be adjusted accordingly to adapt to the changed reality of military
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5. Significantly forward-looking
Strategic decision-making is a strategic choice made by focusing on the use and construction of military
forces for a period of time in the future. It requires strategic instructors to be good at using predictive
thinking, focusing on the development and changes of things, and making correct predictions and judgments
on the possible development trends of military conflicts. In order to make strategic decisions in line with the
development of military conflicts, and to enhance the pertinence of guidance. Only by accurately grasping
the characteristics and laws of the development of military conflict, and correctly predicting and judging the
development trend of military conflict, can it be possible to make correct strategic decisions.
In the process of guiding the Chinese revolutionary war, the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries
attached great importance to the correct strategic foresight of the war process and the development trend of
the war. Mao Zedong pointed out: "When a strategic instructor is in a strategic stage, he should count to
most of the subsequent stages, or at least to the next stage. Although it is unpredictable in the future, the
farther you look, the more vague, but the general calculation. It is possible, and it is necessary to estimate
the future prospects."[1] Mao Zedong’s strategic forecast is not a detailed study of the development process
of war, but an exploration of the law of war, and grasps the basic trend and trajectory of war development
from a macro perspective. For example, the determination of the protracted war strategy of the War of
Resistance Against Japan is derived from Mao Zedong's correct strategic prediction of the development
trend of the War of Resistance Against Japan. The course of history fully confirmed Mao Zedong's foresight.
When Mao Zedong made strategic decisions during the war years, his outstanding foresight played a major
role in the victory of the Chinese revolution.
Under the conditions of the new era, whether it is the use of military force or the construction of military
force, the forward-looking requirements for strategic decision-making are even higher. We must focus on the
evolution of war patterns and the development of the new military revolution, based on the continuous
improvement of the country's economic and technological level, make forward-looking strategic decisions,
set scientific and reasonable goals and steps, choose appropriate methods of use, and ensure the
implementation of military conflicts and construction of military forces are proceeding smoothly.
1. "Mao Zedong Military Collection" Volume 1, Military Science Press, Central Literature Press, 1993 edition,
p. 742-743.
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Chapter Three Strategic Decision
Section Two: The Main Content of Strategic Decisions
After the strategic instructor has made an accurate judgment on the strategic situation, he must make
decisions on major issues related to the use and construction of military forces. The main contents usually
include the following aspects.
1. Determine strategic goals and tasks
The strategic goal is the overall political goal to be achieved by the strategy. It is the overall requirement of
the national strategy for military conflict. It is the basic historical mission of military conflict given by the
country to safeguard strategic interests in a certain historical period. It fundamentally regulates military
conflicts. The basic content, scope of activities, and development process of the power industry determine
the direction and goal of power construction and use in a certain period of time. Strategic tasks are the
realization of strategic objectives, and are the main tasks that must be completed in military conflicts in the
process of achieving strategic objectives.
The first link of strategic decision-making is to determine the correct strategic goals. Without goals, there is
no strategy. Strategic objectives can usually be divided into general objectives and sub-objectives. The
overall goal is the country's overall strategic requirements for military conflicts from a strategic perspective. It
is subordinate to the country's overall goals and overall policies, and focuses on reflecting the country's
fundamental interests. Sub-objectives are the results to be achieved in various periods, stages, or fields of
military conflict.
To determine the strategic objectives, we must proceed from objective reality, based on the national security
strategy and national development strategy, and comprehensively consider the political, economic, military,
diplomatic and other aspects to determine. When determining strategic goals, the various means that can be
used, including military means such as land, sea, air, space, information, and networks, should be
considered in conjunction with non-military means such as politics, economy, diplomacy, science and
technology, and culture. To achieve the strategic goal needs to be consistent with possible strength and
China is a socialist country that implements an independent foreign policy of peace. The strategic objectives
of military conflict have the basic characteristics of opposing aggression, opposing hegemonism, and
maintaining national security and world peace.
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The fundamental interests of our country in the new era are concentrated in developing the economy,
strengthening the country, and enriching the people, and realizing the Chinese dream of the great
rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Therefore, the strategic objectives of military conflict should focus on
consolidating national defense, creating a favorable security environment, resolutely containing and winning
wars, and ensuring the peaceful development of the country.
After the strategic goal is determined, in order to facilitate the grasp and realization, it should be embodied
as a strategic task. According to the requirements of the strategic objectives, the strategic instructor should
stipulate the strategic tasks of the use and construction of military forces in accordance with the nature,
degree, direction, and the enemy's movements and attempts of the threat to national security in a certain
period of time, as well as the actual situation of their own forces. Strategic tasks can also be divided into
general tasks and specific tasks. The overall task is a major strategic problem that needs to be solved in
order to achieve the overall strategic goal, and it is also an objective requirement for achieving the overall
goal. The specific tasks are the further refinement of the overall tasks, which can be divided into tasks in
various periods, stages, or in various theaters and fields.
When defining strategic tasks, responsibilities should be clear, reasonable distinctions, appropriate in scope,
in line with overall needs, and feasible. To this end, we should fully consider the characteristics of the times
and the new changes in the international strategic situation, and focus on accomplishing diversified strategic
tasks. We must pay attention to responding to traditional security threats as well as non-traditional security
threats. The strategic tasks of military conflict in peacetime should mainly focus on containing threats and
provocations from opponents, responding to emergencies and armed conflicts, safeguarding national
sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national development interests, and ensuring national political and social
stability. When a war breaks out, the overall task of the war and the specific tasks of each stage and each
strategic direction should be clearly defined, and the main targets to be attacked, the important goals to be
captured or defended, and the expected results to be achieved should be clearly defined.
2. Develop a strategic policy
The strategic policy is the basic way and method to achieve strategic goals, is the concentrated expression
of the party and the country's military policies, and is the general program and general principles that guide
the overall situation of military conflicts. Strategic policy is the core of strategy. Formulating strategic policies
based on the requirements of strategic objectives is the core content of strategic decision-making. Whether
a strategic policy is correct or not is of decisive significance for the process and outcome of military conflicts.
Under peaceful conditions, the correct strategic policy can enable a country to gain a firm foothold in
complex and changeable international struggles, create, win, and maintain strategic initiative; under war
conditions, the correct strategic policy often determines the victory or defeat of the war. When formulating a
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Chapter Three Strategic Decision
strategic policy, the following main issues should usually be clarified.
One is the main strategic opponents and main combat targets. The strategic instructor should specify the
main strategic opponents and main combat targets based on the nature, degree, and type of threats on the
basis of the conclusions of strategic judgments. Methods such as interest analysis are usually used to
determine the targets that pose a comprehensive and major threat to national security as the main strategic
opponents, and the targets that may have direct military conflicts with them are determined as the main
combat targets. Those who only pose a potential military threat and do not lead to direct military
confrontation at a time can be regarded as potential combat targets. In the same period, when faced with
several threats or several opponents, a major strategic opponent and a major combat target must be
determined so as to focus on the key response and attack, and avoid creating too many enemies, double-
sided or multi-sided combat.
The second is strategic key areas and main strategic directions. The key strategic areas and main strategic
directions are the contradictions between the enemy and the enemy, the focus of the struggle, and the
center of gravity for the use of forces. They are the areas and decisive directions that affect the overall
struggle of the struggle. They are also the focus of strategic deployment and combat readiness. The
strategic key areas and main strategic directions are usually determined based on the main combat objects.
Generally, the main combat objects are the most threatening to us, the most harmful or the areas and
directions that are likely to attack; or according to the enemy's strategic intentions, situation, geographical
environment, and battlefield conditions, choose the region and direction that is most conducive to your own
concentration of forces to develop an offensive, which can inflict a decisive blow on the enemy, thereby
shocking and disintegrating the enemy's overall situation. At the same time, the key strategic areas and
main strategic directions are unified, and there should be only one. For regions and directions that are less
threatened but still have important influence, they can be regarded as strategic sub-key areas and sub-
strategic directions. Of course, strategic key areas and main strategic directions and strategic sub-key areas
and secondary strategic directions can be mutually transformed under certain conditions.
The third is the basis of war preparations. The basic point of war preparations is the foothold of military
power building and war preparations, mainly to solve the problem of what battles are going to be fought in
the future. The base point of war preparations should be determined according to the degree of threat a
country is threatened by the enemy and the type, scale, combat object, and combat style that the country
may face. This base point usually refers to the form of war that threatens me the most, has the highest
intensity, and is most likely to be carried out.
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For example, whether it is based on fighting a full-scale war or a local war, a nuclear war or a conventional
war, and a war under normal conditions or an informationized war.
The fourth is the strategic guiding ideology and principles. The strategic guiding ideology is the basic point of
view that guides the overall situation of military conflict, is a scientific summary and theoretical summary of
the rules of war guidance, and is a concentrated expression of strategic intent. The strategic guiding
ideology is the core of the strategic policy, and has a macro-oriented and guiding role in the use and
construction of military forces. Defining the strategic guiding ideology should be based on the characteristics
of the times, basic strategic thoughts and theories, overall strategic intentions, and the political, economic,
military, scientific and technological, and physical geography of the enemy and the enemy. Focus on the
analysis of the overall requirements for the use and construction of military forces to achieve strategic goals,
so as to maximize the effectiveness of military forces and obtain the greatest strategic benefits. The
strategic guiding principles are the macro requirements for the use of military forces in order to implement
the strategic guiding ideology.
The fifth is basic combat thinking. Combat ideology is the basic point of view that guides operations, and
basic combat ideology is combat ideology with overall guiding significance. According to the characteristics
and development of future wars, the establishment of basic warfare thinking that conforms to the rules of
war guidance is an important content of military strategy and an important prerequisite for the correct
guidance of combat operations from a strategic point of view. Strategic instructors should, based on the
situation of the main strategic opponents and main combat targets they face, comprehensively consider the
actual situation of their own military forces, and determine the basic operational thinking. Generally, the
basic combat methods, main combat forms, main combat styles, and division of strategic stages should be
clearly defined. With the development of military theory and science and technology, changes in war
patterns, and continuous improvement of combat capabilities, we should continue to innovate and develop
basic combat thinking.
Sixth is the strategic guidance of military conflicts in various theaters and fields. Focusing on the overall
requirements for achieving strategic goals and tasks, and based on strategic guiding ideology, principles,
and basic operational thinking, clearly putting forward strategic guidance for military conflicts in various
theaters and related fields is an important content of formulating military strategic guidelines. The strategic
instructor should be based on the status and role of each theater and field in the overall military conflict,
combined with the natural geographic environment, the combat situation of the theater (field), the mutual
strategic relationship of the theater (field), and the comprehensive consideration of its own strength. Usually,
it is necessary to clarify the main struggle objects, main forms of struggle, basic guiding ideology and
principles in the theater (area).
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Chapter Three Strategic Decision
Seventh is the military strategic layout. Military strategic layout refers to the overall configuration of relevant
strategic resources (military forces, materials, facilities, etc.) in order to win the strategic initiative of military
conflicts and according to the requirements of achieving strategic goals. Including the deployment of military
forces, logistical resource allocation, battlefield construction, etc. The military strategic layout is an important
content of the strategic policy. In the military strategic layout, it is necessary to target the main strategic
opponents and main combat objects, highlight the strategic key areas and main strategic directions, have
strategic depth and flexibility, take into account other regions and strategic directions, maintain the balance
and coordination of the strategic layout, and maintain national security. The strategic layout is coordinated to
achieve advanced layout and pre-setting.
Eighth is the general requirement for military power building and military conflict preparations. The strategic
policy not only guides the use of military power, but also guides the building of military power. The overall
planning for military power building and military conflict preparations includes the determination of overall
goals, directions, and principle requirements. The basic foundation is the strategic objectives and tasks
determined by the military strategic policy, the basis of war preparation, the strategic guiding ideology, and
the basic combat ideology. At the same time, it fully considers the development of the country's
comprehensive national strength, targeting the main strategic opponents and main combat targets, and
scientifically and rationally.
3. Clarify strategic deployment
Strategic deployment is the overall arrangement made by the strategic commander of the tasks,
composition, configuration, and strategic actions of various forces in order to achieve the established
strategic goals. It is a specific force deployment action under the guidance of the strategic policy. It mainly
includes: the tasks, organization, and configuration of various theaters, various strategic directions, various
services and arms, strategic reserves, national defense technology industry, strategic rear system, and the
planning and arrangement of various military operations. Strategic deployment should be determined based
on the strategic objectives, strategic guidelines, and the actual situation of military forces, combined with the
enemy's situation and the characteristics of the geographical environment. It is necessary to focus not only
on concentrating the main force on the main strategic direction, but also using the necessary force for the
secondary strategic direction, and always maintain a strong strategic reserve team. An integrated strategic
system based on key information systems. In order to ensure that the opponent can be effectively contained,
prevent and respond to emergencies in peacetime, and that operations can be carried out smoothly during
wartime, and the victory of the war can be won.
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4. Propose strategic measures
Proposing strategic measures is to achieve strategic goals, implement established strategic guidelines,
complete strategic tasks, and propose practical and feasible measures and methods of overall significance.
It usually includes: the methods and specific methods and steps of military forces (army, armed police, and
reserve forces, etc.); various services and arms, reserve forces, national defense technology and defense
industry, national defense mobilization, national defense engineering, national defense transportation and
communications, etc. The overall plan, key points, ideas, approaches, steps, and methods of military conflict
preparations. To put forward strategic measures, we must comprehensively consider all aspects of military
conflict and army building under the guidance of strategic guidelines, focus on the characteristics and laws
of military conflict, base on the reality of army building, and ensure that the strategic measures are
comprehensive and practical.
Section Three: Basic Requirements for Strategic Decisions
Strategic decision-making plays a decisive role in the use and construction of military forces, which greatly
affects the overall military strategy and the outcome of war. It must be ensured that it is scientific and
effective. To this end, the following basic requirements should be implemented.
1. Obey the overall situation and judge the situation
Strategic decision-making is related to the success or failure of military conflicts and army building, and has
a major impact on national security. Therefore, the overall fundamental interest of maintaining national
security and development must be taken as the center of strategic decision-making, and the strategic
objectives and tasks of military conflict must be stipulated accordingly, and the scale and intensity of war
and peace, advance and retreat, and military operations must be determined. It is necessary to weigh the
various local issues on the overall basis in order to grasp the main contradictions or important critical points
that have a decisive effect on the overall situation. It is not only necessary to examine the needs of current
interests and the current struggle situation, but also to focus on long-term interests, look at the development
needs of the entire struggle process, and consider long-term considerations.
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Chapter Three Strategic Decision
2. Focus on needs and base on the possibilities
When making strategic decisions, it is necessary to fully estimate and foresee the needs of the country's
development and security for the use and construction of military forces, but also to carefully consider the
country's ability to withstand a certain period of time and the reality of existing military forces; it is necessary
to do the best, but also to do what is possible. We must focus on the needs of future wars to develop military
forces, and we must also base ourselves on existing equipment to deal with emergencies and win possible
wars. It is necessary to seek the most advantageous and effective ideas and measures from the best
possible combination of needs.
In the process of using and building military forces, there are always contradictions between needs and
possibilities, and the principle of doing something and not doing something must be implemented. In the use
of military power, it is necessary to concentrate superior forces and weapons in strategic key areas and
main strategic directions, win a battle, and avoid punishing troops and pushing forward on the front line. In
building military power, it is necessary to highlight key points, concentrate financial and material resources to
complete the most urgently needed projects, and avoid greed for more completeness and equal division of
power. For projects that are in need but are beyond their ability or are too risky, they should not be done
temporarily; for goals or projects that can be done or not, they should be avoided as much as possible; for
goals or projects that are not worth the loss, they should be resolutely not done in order to concentrate
efforts, and solve the most urgent major issues that have a major impact on the overall situation.
3. Overall planning and grasping the center of gravity
Strategy’s guidance to the overall military conflict is often achieved through the planning and resolution of
key issues that have a decisive impact on the overall situation. This key is the focus of the overall situation
and is the main contradiction. When making strategic decisions, strategic instructors are faced with complex
situations and many clues. They must grasp the most critical links, find the key position that affects the
overall struggle, and achieve effective control of the overall situation. As Mao Zedong pointed out: "The most
important thing for a person in command of the overall situation is to focus his attention on the overall
situation of the war.”[1] Our party's strategy in previous revolutionary wars fully reflects the ability to grasp
the key and guide the overall situation. Features. For example, in the War of Liberation in the
1. "Mao Zedong Military Collection" Vol. 1, Military Science Press, Central Literature Press, 1993 edition, p.
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strategic decisive battle stage, Mao Zedong focused on the national battlefield situation, chose the first battle
target in Liaoshen, grasped the core link of the national battle situation, and laid the foundation for the
smooth implementation of the Pingjin Campaign and the Huaihai Campaign through the Liaoshen
Campaign, and then captured the national battlefield victory.
4. Calm and prudent, decisive, and firm
Calmness and decisiveness are two complementary aspects in strategic decision-making. Calmness and
prudence require that strategic decision-making should be holistic, repeatedly weighed, foresighted, and
seeking the best combination of purpose and means. Being decisive and firm requires that in the timing,
content, and handling of the situation, seize the opportunity and act decisively to turn the possibility of victory
into reality. In peacetime, special attention must be paid to the cautious lifting of troops. If it is not a last
resort, it is not a certainty, and should not resort to force lightly; only use force decisively when no use of
force is sufficient to safeguard national sovereignty, interests, and overall stability. When using the means of
war as a last resort, we must fully prepare to start the first battle. When the situation is clear and the
situation is favorable, resolutely make up your mind, seize favorable opportunities, develop offensives, and
win decisive battles.
5. Promote democracy and respect science
Democracy should be promoted, which means that strategic directors are required to be good at
concentrating collective wisdom and implementing democratic decision-making. Under modern conditions,
military conflicts are very complicated, and the knowledge, methods, and content involved in strategic
decision-making are very complicated, and it is difficult to make correct judgments and decisions based on
personal wisdom alone. Strategy instructors should be good at listening to opinions from all quarters,
absorbing correct opinions and avoiding decision-making mistakes.
Respect for science is to follow the objective laws of the development of things and ensure that correct
strategic decisions are made. Strategic decision makers should be good at discovering and grasping the law
of development of things from complex and changeable things, and formulating corresponding strategies
and methods. Especially in the case of war, when the situation develops unfavorable to one's own side, one
must keep a clear head, comprehensively analyze all aspects of the situation, and make correct decisions.
For example, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, when Mao Zedong criticized the "theory of
subjugation" and "the theory of quick victory,” he scientifically analyzed the international and domestic
situations of China and Japan at that time, and accurately predicted that the War of Resistance would go
through strategic defense, strategic stalemate, and strategic defense. In the three development stages of the
counter-offensive, the correct conclusion that the War of Resistance against Japan is a protracted war was
put forward, and this correctly guided the Chinese people's struggle against Japan.
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Chapter Three Strategic Decision
6. Pursue advantages and avoid disadvantages, maximize strengths, and avoid weaknesses
In the practice of military conflict, the same objective thing often produces different effects on both sides of
the hostile. To benefit the enemy is to harm oneself, and to harm the enemy is to benefit oneself; the
enemy's strength is relative to one's own weakness, and the enemy's weakness is relative to one's own
strength. The secret of strategic decision-making lies in weighing the pros and cons, comparing the
strengths and weaknesses, promoting one's strengths and avoiding their shortcomings; avoiding the
enemy's strengths and attacking the enemy's shortcomings; you fight yours, I fight mine; avoiding strong and
attacking weak, relying on reality and strike the emptiness; concentrate strength to fight the enemy's key
points; concentrate the absolute superior force weapons at the decisive time, direction and field to give the
enemy a fatal blow; implement asymmetric operations, etc. Through correct strategic decisions, we must
give full play to our own advantages, make full use of all available conditions and factors, and actively create
a situation that is beneficial to ourselves but not to the enemy, increase our freedom of action and room for
maneuver, and trap the enemy. In a passive position, in order to "impose his will on the enemy, but not allow
the enemy’s will to be imposed on him," always maintain the active position of military conflict.
7. Multi-handed preparation, striving to be active
When making strategic decisions, strategic instructors must not only pursue the best results, but also be fully
prepared to deal with complex situations. In particular, they must focus their strategic decisions on dealing
with the worst possible.. The more you think about the difficult side and the more fully prepared you are, the
more active you will be in the military conflict and the greater your confidence in winning. In terms of struggle
goals and strength preparations, we must make more preparations and have multiple action plans,
especially to be prepared to compete with powerful enemies in the most difficult and most unfavorable
situations. In the way of fighting, we must adhere to both deterrence and actual combat. We must take the
initiative to actively contain the war, strive to prepare without fighting, and win without fighting; we must also
give full play to our subjective initiative during wartime and use active struggle ways and means such as
asymmetric warfare to win the war.
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Chapter 4 Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is the overall arrangement of concretizing the content of strategic decision-making into
strategic actions. It is a link connecting strategic decision-making and strategy implementation, and an
important link of strategic guidance. Once the strategic plan is determined, it becomes a programmatic
document for the overall planning and guidance of the use and construction of military forces.
Section One: The Meaning, Types, and Functions of Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is the product of the development of strategic activities to a certain stage. Its form and
content are continuously enriched and developed with the development of strategic practice activities. The
understanding of its meaning, type and function is also a process of continuous deepening.
1. The meaning of strategic planning
Strategic planning is a medium- and long-term strategic design for the use and construction of military forces
to achieve certain strategic goals, with the allocation and control of strategic resources as the core. Its
meaning is mainly reflected in the following aspects.
First, strategic planning is the concretization of strategic decision-making. Strategic planning is a bridge
between theory and practice, and an intermediate link in turning thought into action. To implement the
strategic objectives, strategic guidelines, strategic guiding ideology, and principles stipulated in strategic
decision-making into actions, corresponding planning plans must be formulated and detailed into specific
operational goals, programs, approaches, steps, measures, etc.
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Chapter 4 Strategic Planning
Second, strategic planning is an overall mid- and long-term design. Strategic planning mainly considers and
studies major issues in the use and construction of military forces in a certain period in the future. Through
overall, comprehensive, and long-term macro-design, it clarifies the overall thinking and concept of major
military activities in a certain period in the future.
Third, the core of strategic planning is to allocate and control strategic resources. Through reasonable
planning and organization, the optimal allocation of strategic resources such as manpower, material
resources, and financial resources can be realized, and the efficiency of military force utilization and
construction can be improved. Especially under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the
organizational structure and organization of the military are becoming more and more complex, and there
are more and more factors affecting military conflicts. The process of resource allocation and control is
complex, the field is diverse, and the content is diverse. It is more necessary to strengthen the deployment
at the strategic level. Regulation, avoid duplication, eliminate waste, reduce risk, save resources, and
improve efficiency.
Fourth, strategic planning directly stipulates and restricts the use and construction of military forces.
Strategic planning is highly authoritative and must be resolutely implemented once it is promulgated.
Strategic planning not only points out the basic direction of military force utilization and construction, but also
stipulates the key points, measures and time limit of military force utilization and construction. Constraining
military activities through strategic planning is conducive to completing the scheduled tasks of military force
utilization and construction in a planned and step-by-step manner.
2. Types of strategic planning
There are many manifestations of strategic planning, which can be classified from different angles. For
example, according to the level of planning, it can be divided into general strategic planning and sub-
strategic planning; according to the scope of application of the plan, it can be divided into military force
utilization planning and military force construction development planning; according to professional fields, it
can be divided into professional field master plans and major special projects. Planning and organization for
various departments, services and arms, and theaters; according to the execution time limit of the plan, it
can be divided into long-term strategic planning and medium-term strategic planning; according to the
planning system structure, it can be divided into development strategies, construction plans, and
implementation plans; and so on. These types are not separated from each other, but closely related. From
historical practice and future demand, we should focus on the following types of strategic planning.
The first is the development plan for military power building. The organizational structure and composition of
the modern army are becoming more and more complex, the modernization level of weapons and
equipment is getting higher and higher, and there are more and more factors affecting the outcome of wars.
The process of resource allocation is full of various strategic risks. Therefore, we must attach great
importance to the formulation of construction (and) development planning.
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The military power building development plan mainly refers to the strategic planning of the military system
establishment, scale and structure, weapons and equipment, national defense technology, military training,
personnel training, battlefield construction, etc., generally consisting of the three levels of military
development strategy, the military construction plan, and the implementation plan.
The second is the war plan and the non-war military action plan. War plan refers to the overall planning and
arrangement of the country's preparation and conduct of war. The non-war military action plan refers to the
action plan and arrangement for the country to use military forces to perform non-war military missions. The
war plan and the non-war military action plan are mainly determined based on factors such as the security
threats facing the country, the nature of the war, strategic objectives, military strategies, the combat forces of
the enemy and ourselves, the strategic environment and possible development and changes. The main
contents are: based on the main changes in national security threats, the possible actions of strategic
opponents and main combat objects, the overall concept of war plans and non-war military operations plans
is proposed; based on the overall goals of conducting war and conducting non-war military operations,
Clarify the tasks, methods, and requirements of various stages, levels, armed forces, and national defense
economy in pre-war preparations, war implementation, wartime guarantees, and post-war arrangements;
clarify the political, military, economic, diplomatic, and propaganda measures adopted to achieve the goals
of strategic operations; clarify the effective connection and specific requirements of the strategic plan and
the campaign tactical action plan.
The third is the strategic resource allocation control plan. Strategic resources refer to important resources
such as manpower, material resources, and financial resources possessed by a country that can be used for
military activities, and are the material guarantee for the use and construction of military power. In order to
prevent the unreasonable allocation of strategic resources for military construction from causing repeated
construction, decentralized construction, and waste of resources, and to ensure the coordinated
development of various services and arms, various theaters, and various fields, it is necessary to vigorously
strengthen strategic planning. Through strategic planning, scientifically formulate strategic resource
allocation control plans, optimize the scale and structure of strategic resource allocation, rationally choose
the direction and way of strategic resource use, maximize the comprehensive benefits of strategic resource
allocation, and ensure that limited strategic resources maximize military potential and role.
The fourth is a cross-departmental and cross-field coordination plan for major issues. The use and
construction of military power is a complex giant system that involves the military and even the country's
multiple departments and fields. Only through careful planning and coordination can the actions of various
departments and fields be unified, achieve efficient cooperation, and prevent deviation of direction and
influence of military force utilization and construction.
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Chapter 4 Strategic Planning
Fifth is the overall planning of national defense construction and economic construction. Formulate a plan for
the overall planning of national defense construction and economic construction, and strengthen decision-
making, coordination and control of major issues in the coordinated development of national defense
construction and economic construction from a strategic perspective. At the same time, it can also ensure
that economic construction will receive more powerful security guarantees and technical support from the
modernization of national defense and the military. Practice has proved that the coordinated development of
national defense construction and economic construction involves many areas of the country, the military,
enterprises, and society. The content covers many aspects of people, finances, materials, and science and
technology. If there is no scientific strategic plan, it will not be smoothly, orderly, and efficiently carried out.
Especially under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the boundaries between national defense
economy and social economy, military technology and civilian technology are becoming more and more
blurred, and the combination is becoming wider and wider. The dependence of war on all aspects of society
is further increasing, and the deep integration of military and civilian is accelerated. In this situation, the
organization and implementation of the coordinated development of national defense construction and
economic construction has become more complex, coordination is more difficult, and the importance of
strategic planning has increased unprecedentedly. Therefore, we must do a good job in the long-term plan
for the coordinated development of national defense construction and economic construction, demonstrate
the goals and tasks of medium and long-term development, coordinate the key development areas and
directions, grasp the construction of major special projects and major projects, and formulate guiding
implementation opinions. Promote the deep integration of national defense construction and economic
construction to ensure the rapid, coordinated, sustained, and high-quality development of national defense
3. The role of strategic planning
Strategic planning, as a top-level design in the military field, plays a particularly important role in practice.
One is the overall planning role. The essence of formulating a strategic plan is to determine and predict the
strategic environment, war patterns, combat styles, equipment development and other factors related to the
use and construction of military forces, and to stipulate the direction and objectives of the use and
construction of military forces in general to prevent them from deviating from predetermined goals and
The second is the role of regulation. Strategic planning is an important basis for leading organs at all levels
to perform top-level design, macro-control, and strategic management responsibilities. Within a certain
range and field, it has a special function of regulating and restricting the behavior of various units and
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Its normative role is mainly manifested in regulating the basic direction, focus, and time limit of the use and
construction of military forces. Therefore, to formulate a strategic plan, it is necessary not only to draw a
grand blueprint, but also to clarify the basic tasks; not only to put forward guiding ideology and principles, to
solve the problem of "why,” but also to put forward the key and basic tasks, and clarify the problem of "what
to do.” Ensure that the scheduled tasks in the planning cycle are completed in a planned and step-by-step
The third is coordination. Whether it is short-term strategic planning or mid-to-long-term strategic planning, it
is a continuous process of execution. In this process, only when the upper and lower levels have clearly
defined the strategic goals to be achieved and what kind of efforts should be made to achieve the goals, can
actions be taken in a coordinated manner. Due to the long development cycle of national defense
engineering and weaponry, the intensity of investment, and the large number of participating forces, it is
even more necessary to formulate correct strategic planning to strengthen communication and coordination
across military regions, services, arms, theaters, departments, fields, and disciplines. Only by uniting the
whole region and acting in a unified way can the successful implementation of major projects be ensured.
Section Two: Contents, Procedures and Requirements of Strategic Planning
There are various manifestations of strategic planning, but each type of planning has its specific content,
working procedures and internal requirements.
1. The content of strategic planning
Generally speaking, after making a strategic decision, it should be further refined into a detailed strategic
plan. Strategic planning is not only a process, but also a text that guides actions. The main content of the
strategic plan includes the following aspects.
The first is situation research and judgment. Mainly on the basis of established strategic judgments and
strategic decisions, further specifically clarify the international strategic situation, the surrounding security
environment, the domestic security situation, the basic situation of military conflicts and army building, etc.,
which are faced during the planning cycle, and use it as an overall plan in the planning cycle. The
prerequisite basis for the use and construction of military power. Among them, we should focus on analyzing
the main contradictions in the use and construction of military forces during the planning cycle, the
outstanding problems that need to be resolved, the opportunities and major obstacles to development.
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Chapter 4 Strategic Planning
The second is the guiding ideology. Clarify the guidelines and principles for the use and construction of
military forces during the planning period, and provide a basis and follow for the use and construction of
military forces. It usually includes guiding theories, basic policies, and basic requirements.
The third is the goal task. It is mainly to further refine the established strategic decisions into the expected
results of the use and construction of military forces during the planning cycle in accordance with the
requirements that are consistent with the military strategic policy and adapt to the strategic judgment,
including the overall objectives, objectives at each stage, and main tasks.
The fourth is the overall layout. It mainly focuses on the use and construction of military forces in the
planning cycle, and makes overall planning and strategic arrangements for the key points of use and
construction, major tasks, etc. from the two dimensions of time and space, so as to form the desired military
force configuration and corresponding strategic posture.
The fifth is resource guarantee. It mainly refers to raising military force utilization and construction resources
during the planning cycle, reasonably determining the amount and allocation ratio of resources, and
ensuring the reliable realization of strategic planning goals and task arrangements. The use of military forces
and the guarantee of construction resources should focus on preparing for war, focusing on important
resources such as human resources, weapons and equipment, construction funds, combat preparation
materials, military facilities, network information, and electromagnetic spectrum, and optimize and adjust the
allocation standards, investment scale, and support channels, eliminate the contradiction between resource
demand and supply, and maximize resource efficiency.
Sixth is a key step. The main purpose is to clarify the general stages, main links, and time points for the
implementation of the strategic plan. Strategic planning is rich in content and involves a long period of time.
There are many uncertain factors in the implementation process. It is necessary to scientifically divide the
stages and clarify the tasks to be completed in each stage.
Seven is to implement measures. It mainly refers to the various supporting measures and specific methods
to be adopted to ensure the completion of the tasks of the strategic plan and the realization of the objectives
determined by the strategic plan.
2. The procedure of strategic planning
The formulation process of the strategic plan mainly includes deployment tasks, demand analysis,
investigation and research, research and drafting, evaluation and demonstration, promulgation, and
implementation, and other segments and steps.
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The deployment task is the first stage of making a strategic plan. The main work at this stage is to plan and
formulate the lead department to understand the intention and clarify the tasks. Strategic intent is the overall
grasp of the overall strategic situation of the country and the military, and is closely related to military theory,
national security environment, strategic tradition, and comprehensive national strength. Therefore, to
formulate a strategic plan, the lead department must deeply understand the connotation and essence of
strategic decision-making, understand the strategic intentions and relevant instructions of the superior, and
grasp the correct direction of the strategic plan; clearly formulate the task, theme, object, main purpose, and
core content of the plan, basic goals; determine the basic framework concept, personnel composition, start
and end time, schedule and funding requirements and other issues, organize the start of the planning work.
The second is demand analysis. In the demand analysis stage, the military demand department organizes
relevant units to coordinately analyze the strategic situation, strategic priorities, strategic tasks, and strategic
capabilities faced by the use and construction of military forces, and form the planning needs of the whole
army or the units in this field. The lead department in the formulation of the plan organizes the relevant
departments and units of the organs at the same level to comprehensively analyze factors such as resource
security, technological level, and industrial capacity, and propose measures to implement the requirements
of the strategic plan.
The third is investigation and research. It is mainly based on strategic decision-making, centering on the
theme of a specific strategic plan, in-depth investigation, and research, collecting information and materials,
fully understanding the situation, proposing measures and methods, and providing support for the
formulation of the plan. It is necessary to fully grasp the situation, strengthen analysis and research, and
ensure that the situation materials and research demonstrations are comprehensive, accurate, and reliable.
The fourth is to study and draft. The main task of the research and drafting stage is to organize and carry out
the drafting of the strategic plan according to the established strategic decision, and form the draft of the
strategic plan. In the drafting process, democracy should be fully promoted and opinions and suggestions
from all quarters should be widely absorbed. It is usually divided into three steps: the first step is to
determine the overall framework of strategic planning. According to the expression needs of the strategic
planning theme, the content is broken down in detail to form a detailed writing structure and outline with
prominent themes, reasonable structure, clear levels, and accurate expressions. The second step is to
prepare a draft text. According to the basic tasks of strategic planning and the intentions of each strategic
planning subject, a number of alternatives to achieve the planning goals are formed. On this basis, a
comprehensive demonstration is carried out and a practical and feasible plan is selected as the main priority
of the plan. The third step is to enrich and improve the specific plan. On the basis of comprehensive
argumentation, we will weigh and optimize the uncertainties, risks, comprehensive benefits and other factors
that may appear in the future, and form a relatively complete plan draft.
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Chapter 4 Strategic Planning
The fifth is evaluation and argumentation. It is mainly through qualitative, quantitative, and comprehensive
analysis to conduct professional consultation and evaluation of selected strategic planning texts, find
existing problems and loopholes, and enhance the objectivity and scientificity of the planning plan. It is the
highest decision-making level for the strategic planning text. Determine to provide a scientific basis. Among
them, it should focus on analyzing the implementation of major decision-making in the strategic planning
text, assessing the implementation of national security and development strategies, military strategic
guidelines, military strategies in major security areas, theater strategies and the overall development
strategy needs of the army, and demonstrating strategic design and strategic goals. The scientificity,
effectiveness, and realizability of the core content of strategic planning texts such as strategic tasks,
strategic layout, strategic focus, strategic arrangements, and strategic measures.
Sixth, it is promulgated and implemented. After the strategic plan is formed, it can be promulgated and
implemented, and the strategic plan will be transferred from the formulation stage to the implementation
management stage. Various construction and work must be promoted in accordance with the clearly defined
tasks and responsibilities of the strategic plan.
In the implementation process of strategic planning, timely feedback and adjustment should be made to
correct deviations. Methods such as normal supervision, special inspections, and comprehensive
assessments can be adopted to accurately grasp the implementation of strategic plans for each service,
each theater, each field, and each force, check and evaluate the implementation, strengthen work guidance,
strengthen strategic control and resource overall planning, and coordinate and solve in a timely manner
major problems encountered, and organize the mid-term assessment and summary assessment as
3. The requirements of strategic planning
The formulation of strategic planning is a foreseeable, innovative, and antagonistic work. It must proceed
from objective reality, coordinate the overall situation, forge ahead, insist on demand-driven planning, and
plan to dominate resource allocation to ensure the strategic planning is scientific and effective.
(1) Grasp the overall strategic situation
Strategic planning determines the resource allocation method and allocation pattern of military force
utilization and construction, covering all aspects, parts and stages of military conflict and army building.
Therefore, to formulate a strategic plan, it is necessary to look at the overall situation from a strategic height
and accurately grasp the overall development trend of the use and construction of military forces.
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In terms of time, it must run through all links and the entire process of planning the use and construction of
military power; in terms of space, it must have a global perspective, the overall situation of the country and
the overall sense of the military, pay attention to macro planning, highlight the key points, and prevent
everything from being trivial and comprehensive.
(2) Starting from objective reality
The formulation of strategic planning must proceed from objective reality, insist on going from practice to
practice, prevent falling into subjectivism and formalism, do things for granted, and replace objective reality
with subjective wishes. The formulation of a strategic plan is hard work, and it is necessary to go deep into
reality and master a large amount of first-hand information. In the process of formulating strategic planning,
we must be good at starting from reality and obtaining insights that are consistent with the actual situation;
be good at digging out the essence of the problem through continuous and repeated investigations through
phenomena and superficial layers. Only in this way can we ensure the scientificity and effectiveness of
strategic planning.
(3) Actively pioneer and innovate
Strategic planning is a plan and vision for the future, which must be highly foreseeable and creative. In the
process of strategic planning, the first thing that enters the minds of planners is usually the existing
experience, established plans, success, or failure cases. But history cannot simply be repeated, and future
practice cannot be guided by past conclusions alone. Only by maximizing the subjective initiative and
surpassing the original experience and tradition can we formulate a truly valuable strategic plan. To make
strategic planning adapt to the ever-changing objective conditions, it must be foresight and bold innovation,
so as to ensure that the continuity and stability of the planning can be maintained without major changes in
the strategic environment.
(4) Strengthen overall planning and coordination
Strategic planning is a complex planning system composed of overall planning and many professional
individual plans. There are various connections between many specific strategic plans. For example, there is
a certain connection between the various departments of strategic planning, the makers of strategic
planning, the content of strategic planning, and the resources used in strategic planning. This requires that
we must strengthen the overall planning and coordination of planning, improve the planning formulation
system, build a planning management working mechanism, and do a good job in all kinds of vertical and
horizontal overall planning and coordination. From a vertical perspective, maintain the temporal and logical
sequence of strategic planning, so that related strategic planning can be connected with each other without
conflict; horizontally, between different strategic plans at the same level and within the same time period.
Coordinate with each other to reduce contradictions and conflicts between each other.
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Chapter 4 Strategic Planning
(5) Combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis
The formulation of strategic planning is a complex system engineering, which requires extensive use of
qualitative and quantitative methods. We must learn from modern scientific management results and
advanced tools, innovate military strategic planning theories, establish strategic planning models, develop
strategic planning systems and software, improve the scientific level of strategic planning, and make the
goals and tasks established by strategic planning more clear, specific and quantified, to make the allocation
of strategic resources more optimized and precise. First, plan strategic ideas from the combination of
qualitative and quantitative, and use the planning of future wars to guide the formulation of strategic plans.
The strategic conception mainly solves the problems of who to fight, how to fight, and what to fight with. This
is the core of strategic planning. After clarifying this issue, the top-level design and overall arrangement from
top to bottom, from far to near, are carried out on major issues such as strategic objectives, strategic tasks,
combat thinking, strategic capabilities, and strategic resources. Second, from the combination of qualitative
and quantitative, the system structure is drawn up, and the strategic planning is precisely designed. System
architecture refers to the methods and tools used by all levels, fields, and types of people to efficiently
design complex systems. Use complex system architecture design methods to conduct qualitative and
quantitative argumentation and analysis of key elements, interrelationships, realization paths, and risk costs
of strategic planning, find contradictions and conflicts, adjust expected indicators, optimize implementation
measures, and ensure goals and measures are built on a scientific and reliable foundation. In recent years,
the system architecture has increasingly become an efficient tool and overall support system for the precise
design of strategic planning for the military of major powers. Third, carry out strategic simulations and
wargames from the combination of qualitative and quantitative to comprehensively demonstrate strategic
planning. Fourth, do a good job of strategic evaluation from the combination of qualitative and quantitative,
and enhance the scientific, practical, and reliable strategic planning. Strategic evaluation is an important link
and effective tool for formulating strategic planning. It is a comprehensive evaluation and estimation of the
effect of formulating or implementing strategic planning. It has basic characteristics such as independence
and comprehensiveness. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of the strategic evaluation team,
improve the regular and institutionalized strategic evaluation mechanism, improve the relevant laws and
regulations, and enhance the effect of strategic evaluation.
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Chapter 5 Strategy Implementation
Strategy implementation is a strategic practice activity that uses strategic means to achieve strategic goals,
in accordance with the requirements of strategic guidelines and strategic planning, and the development and
changes of the strategic situation.
Section One: The content of the strategy implementation
Strategy implementation involves all aspects and each field of military work, and the content is very
extensive, but it can be summed up mainly in two aspects: army building and preparation for military conflict;
military conflict implementation.
1. Army building and preparations for military conflict
Army building and preparations for military conflict are both closely linked and have differences. From the
perspective of the relationship between the two, the main aspects of army building and military conflict
preparations are the same and consistent. Army building is the basis of military conflict preparations, and
military conflict preparations for specific combat objects in a certain strategic direction are themselves. An
important content of army building, at the same time it can lead and promote army building. Judging from the
difference between the two, army building is a regular military activity, which is basic, comprehensive and
long-term, and pays more attention to ability traction; while preparations for military conflict are often carried
out in response to a certain actual security threat, and have a strong pertinence and phased nature, and put
more emphasis on demand traction. It can be seen that both are important content of strategy
implementation, and they can be planned and implemented as one at the same time.
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The content of army building is specifically discussed in the second part of this book. This chapter analyzes
and studies strategic implementation from the perspective of military conflict preparation.
(1) Strategic intelligence preparation
Strategic intelligence preparation is an intelligence gathering and processing activity to meet the overall
needs of military conflicts. Its main tasks are: to find out the enemy's war strength, strategic intentions, war
preparations, and other situations required by the overall situation, to make strategic decisions, formulate
strategic plans, and plan and guide wars and wars for strategic commanders and their strategic command
institutions. War military operations provide the basis. Strategic intelligence preparation should focus on the
following aspects.
One is the enemy's strategic situation. The enemy's strategic situation refers to the actual or potential
combat targets, the military, political, economic, and technological situation of the strategic opponent. The
military situation is mainly: military policies, strategic guidelines, and combat ideologies and principles;
military strength and war potential; the structure and function of the combat system; the organization,
equipment, and combat capabilities of combat forces; military deployment and changes. The position,
characteristics and functions of the military objectives of value; strategic presetting, strategic support and
strategic projection capabilities; battlefield construction and war mobilization capabilities; combat readiness
and degree of war preparedness; the quality, experience and characteristics of senior military and political
leaders. The political situation is mainly: the political system and its decision-making and operating
mechanism; the division of various political forces and political demands; social public opinion and popular
opinion; nationality, religion, social conditions; the influence of historical and cultural traditions, etc. The main
aspects of economic science and technology are: economic development and human, material and financial
resources; traffic conditions; resource conditions; degree of foreign economic relations; scientific and
technological level and R&D capabilities.
The second is related international conditions. Relevant international conditions refer to the overall status of
the international strategic environment and various related factors. Mainly: the development and evolution of
the international structure; the relationship between various international forces, especially the major
powers; the focus of international struggles and the dynamics of regional hotspots; the surrounding security
environment and the status of neighboring countries; the status of international political alliances and military
alliances; the status of international organizations and the role of international law; trends in international
public opinion, etc.
The third is the strategic geographical situation. Strategic geographic conditions refer to various geographic
factors closely related to war, strategic combat operations and other operations, including physical
geography and human geography.
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Mainl is the role of geographic location; the composition and characteristics of land and sea territories;
terrain, landforms, hydrology, vegetation, tides, climate, weather and other natural geographic conditions
and their impact on military operations; geographic space for military conflicts in the ocean, air, and space
environment; important places, main points, and points of strategic significance, etc.
The success of strategic intelligence preparation is directly related to the success or failure of the strategy,
requiring strategic command organizations to attach great importance to the preparation of strategic
intelligence. At ordinary times, we must pay attention to the improvement of the strategic intelligence system
and improve the operational efficiency of the entire strategic intelligence system. It is necessary to broaden
the means and channels for obtaining intelligence so that intelligence from various sources can be mutually
confirmed and supplemented. It is necessary to enhance the pertinence, foresight, and timeliness of
intelligence, and increase the practical value of intelligence. Intelligence preparation should be continuous
and uninterrupted to maintain the continuity of intelligence. We must attach great importance to the
reorganization, analysis, and evaluation of intelligence, and increase the utilization rate of intelligence.
(2) Preparation of strategic plans
The preparation of the strategic plan is the specific idea and plan of the implementation method of the
strategic action. The main content of the strategic plan preparation includes the following aspects.
The first is situational judgment. Situational judgment refers to the analysis and judgment of the enemy's
situation, our situation, the battlefield environment, the international background, and the reaction of relevant
countries. The enemy's situation is mainly: the enemy's strategic intentions, the organization, capabilities
and deployment of combat forces, the quantity and quality of weapons and equipment, combat
characteristics and main operational styles, possible combat methods and means, possible external
interventions, etc. Our situation is mainly: the combat power invested and its comparison with the enemy,
the ability to seize the comprehensive control of the battlefield with the main content of space, air, sea, and
information rights, and the operational readiness and support status. The battlefield environment is mainly:
the characteristics of the natural environment of the combat area, the socio-economic conditions and the
impact on military operations, the material and technical resources available for use, the potential for war
mobilization, etc. The international background and the reactions of relevant countries are mainly: the
international environment when the operation was initiated, the reaction and attitude of the international
community after the operation was initiated, the actions that the relevant countries may take and their impact
on military operations, etc.
The second is to clarify the purpose and tasks. Purposes and missions refer to the military objectives and
specific combat missions to be achieved by strategic operations. It mainly includes areas, seas, and
airspaces that should be seized or guarded, enemy groups to attack or fight, strategic targets to be
destroyed or defended, disaster impacts to be eliminated and regional security to be maintained, etc.
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The third is to organize forces and distinguish tasks. Force composition refers to the allocation and
combination of combat forces of various services and arms participating in strategic operations, which
mainly include scale, structure, and various element ratios. Task division refers to the specific division of
tasks borne by various forces in the organization, specifying their action areas, and specific requirements for
performing tasks.
The fourth is to stipulate the combat direction and strike targets. The operational direction refers to the
direction of action determined to achieve strategic goals. It usually includes the main combat direction and
the secondary combat direction, and there can only be one main combat direction. Strike targets refer to the
strategic objectives that need to be struck in order to achieve strategic goals. They usually include key strike
targets and non-key strike targets. Key strike targets usually point to the enemy’s important political, military,
and economic key targets, which are the joint points of the enemy’s war system.
The fifth is to choose combat operations. Combat operations are diverse, divided into offensive operations
and defensive operations according to types; according to space domains, they are divided into land
operations, maritime operations, air operations, space operations, cyber, electromagnetic, space operations,
and so on. It is necessary to focus on the most critical issues in the implementation of the strategy, foresee
the initial situation and possible progress of combat operations, and clarify important matters related to
combat operations. Not only must we envisage the development of our combat operations, but also the
possible combat operations and development of the enemy.
The sixth is to clarify the command, coordination, and support matters. It mainly clarifies the command
relations at all levels of various participating forces, the principles, methods and means of coordination, and
the objectives, forces, content, methods and requirements of reconnaissance intelligence support,
information support, logistics and equipment support.
To prepare for the strategic plan, we must persist in proceeding from reality and find a balance between
needs and possibilities. It is necessary to grasp the overall strategic situation and organically integrate the
first battle and the continued battle, current actions and subsequent actions, and local actions and overall
actions. It is necessary to formulate a variety of plans, make a variety of preparations in advance, and
always maintain the strategic initiative. We must pay attention to conducting scientific demonstrations and
simulation experiments to improve the scientific nature of the plan.
(3) Strategic Force Preparation
Strategic force preparation is a basic condition for coping with crises and winning wars, and it has a
prominent position in preparing for military conflict. To prepare for strategic forces, we must focus on the
following aspects.
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The first is to form joint combat forces. The formation of joint combat forces refers to the scientific allocation
and combination of combat forces in order to form a multi-domain integrated joint combat force system. The
specific composition of combat forces varies depending on the purpose, style, scale, and battlefield
environment of the combat. Usually include: information warfare unit, land warfare unit, sea warfare unit, air
warfare unit, conventional missile warfare unit, special warfare unit, integrated support unit, etc. The number
and scale of each combat unit should be compatible with the combat mission it undertakes. If necessary,
various combat groups or clusters can also be formed by expanding the scale of combat units or by
aggregating different units.
The second is to enhance the combat capabilities of various services and arms. Enhancing the combat
capabilities of various services means strengthening the combat capabilities of various services and arms in
accordance with the requirements of missions and integrated joint operations in accordance with different
combat characteristics. The Army mainly enhances precision operations, three-dimensional operations,
global operations, multi-functional operations, and continuous operations capabilities; the Navy mainly
enhances strategic deterrence and counterattack, maritime mobile operations, maritime joint operations,
integrated defense operations, and comprehensive support capabilities; the air force mainly improves
strategic early warning, air strike, air defense and anti-missile, information confrontation, airborne
operations, strategic projection and comprehensive support capabilities; the rocket force mainly enhances
nuclear deterrence and counterattack capabilities, medium and long-range precision strike capabilities, and
strategic checks and balances capabilities; strategic support forces mainly enhance battlefield environment
support capabilities, information and communication support capabilities, and information security protection
capabilities; joint logistics support forces mainly improve integrated joint support capabilities; armed police
forces mainly strengthen their duties, handling emergencies, counter-terrorism, maritime rights protection,
administrative law enforcement, and emergency rescue capabilities.
The third is to strengthen joint combat training. Strengthening joint combat training refers to, in order to
achieve the purpose of multi-domain integrated joint operations, in accordance with the requirements for
winning information warfare and performing non-war military operations, the important way of integrating
various combat units and various combat elements and integrating the combat capabilities of various
services and arms. Joint combat training should be based on service and arms training, and highlight
training at the strategic and operational levels.
Combat force preparation has a fundamental role in the success or failure of military conflicts. We must
persist in taking combat needs as the traction and make targeted preparations. In accordance with the
requirements of multi-domain integrated joint operations, the combat capabilities of various services and
arms will be aggregated to the maximum extent. Flexible combination of modules to enhance the flexibility of
combat force composition. Focus on key forces, optimize the structure, and resource allocation, and form a
systematic combat capability.
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(4) National defense technology and weapon equipment preparation
National defense science and technology and weapon equipment preparation are activities that provide
technical support for the production of military weapons and equipment and update, adjust, and supplement
the weapons and equipment in the military establishment in accordance with strategic missions and future
combat needs. The preparation of national defense technology and weapons and equipment should focus
on the following aspects:
One is the national defense science and technology preparation. National defense science and technology
preparation refers to the activities of continuously improving the level of national defense science and
technology by strengthening the development and research of national defense science and technology, and
providing advanced scientific and technological support for the realization of national defense and military
modernization. It mainly includes: introducing technology, digesting and absorbing technology, self-research
technology and innovative technology, etc. National defense science and technology preparations must
adhere to the policy of self-reliance as the mainstay and international cooperation as the supplement,
concentrate strength, highlight key points, ensure urgent needs, strengthen pre-research, pay attention to
technical reserves, base the development of national defense science and technology on an independent
basis, and improve the modernization of self-development. The ability of weapons and equipment to
fundamentally solve the problem of autonomy and control.
The second is the main battle equipment preparation. Main battle equipment preparation refers to the
production and equipment of the main assault weapons of various services and arms. Main battle equipment
preparation can be divided into army main battle equipment preparation, navy main battle equipment
preparation, air force main battle equipment preparation, rocket force main battle equipment preparation,
etc. according to military arms; according to combat effectiveness, it can be divided into high-precision
equipment preparation and general main battle equipment preparation; according to time, it can be divided
into planned preparation and emergency preparedness. Regardless of the form of main battle equipment
preparation, it should be carried out based on reality and long-term thinking.
The third is the preparation of supporting equipment. The preparation of supporting equipment refers to the
activity of composing a complete set of weapons and equipment in accordance with the needs of forming a
combat capability in a systematic and structured way. It mainly includes support equipment preparation and
support equipment preparation. Support equipment preparation is mainly direct action support equipment
preparation and information support equipment preparation. Support equipment preparation mainly refers to
technical support equipment preparation and combat support supply equipment preparation. The former is
mainly provided by the equipment department, and the latter is mainly provided by the logistics department.
National defense science and technology and weaponry and equipment preparation are key factors in the
formation of combat effectiveness. We must scientifically demonstrate the strategic requirements for
equipment and technical preparations in military conflicts, and base weaponry and equipment technical
preparations on realistic and long-term objective needs. We must focus on the formation of multi-domain
integrated joint operations capabilities, and coordinate the development of mechanization, informatization,
and intelligent integration.
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In view of the complex preparation of high-tech weapons and equipment, unify standards, strengthen
coordination, combine construction, and use, and improve the combat capability of the system.
(5) Battlefield preparation
Battlefield preparation is a series of activities such as battlefield survey, planning, construction, and
management of a predetermined battlefield based on combat needs, and is an important link in military
conflict preparation. Battlefield preparations should focus on the following aspects:
The first is battlefield survey and planning. Battlefield survey refers to the on-the-spot investigation of
predetermined battlefields (including land battlefields, naval battlefields, air battlefields, etc.). Mainly
ascertain the physical and human geography of the planned battlefield, and master the terrain, soil,
vegetation, hydrology, tide, weather, and other aspects of the relevant area to provide a basis for formulating
combat plans and conducting battlefield construction. Battlefield planning refers to the overall planning and
arrangement of the layout and construction of the predetermined battlefield according to the enemy's
situation, terrain, and strategic intentions, so that the battlefield construction can be carried out in stages,
with focus, and step by step.
The second is the battlefield construction of various services and arms. The battlefield construction of
various services and arms refers to the overall layout, planning, and construction of the planned battlefields
of the army, navy, air force, rocket force, strategic support force, joint logistics support force, and armed
police force. Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the battlefield construction of various
services and arms must be based on the needs of multi-domain integrated joint operations, overall planning,
highlighting key points, system construction, and forming a new era military strategic layout based on
defense, multi-domain coordination, and balance and stability. It is necessary to adapt to the new
requirements of maintaining world peace and the expansion of national interests, and enhance the three-
dimensionality and moderate externality of the battlefield system.
The third is the construction of the battlefield command network. The construction of the battlefield
command network refers to the activities of constructing command projects at all levels and forming an
organic network of interconnectedness in order to ensure the smooth flow of command between all levels. It
mainly includes the construction of a permanent command post for the strategic command organization and
the theater (strategic direction), the establishment of mobile and airborne command facilities and various
backup systems that are easy to survive, the formulation of the battlefield command and control system
network plan, and the establishment of strategies, campaigns, tactical integration, ground, underground, and
mobile command systems coexist, an integrated command platform with multiple functions.
The fourth is the construction of the battlefield communication network. The construction of the battlefield
communication network refers to the construction of an underground communication key position that
communicates smoothly between strategic command organization, theater and combat groups and a
strategic and campaign communication network based on this. It mainly includes the construction of
communication infrastructure, the construction of various ground-based and space-based communication
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platforms, the construction of various radio communication systems, and the construction of various data link
The fifth is the construction of the battlefield transportation network. The construction of the battlefield
transportation network refers to the construction of various transportation routes, pipelines, routes and
related facilities according to the needs of the war, and connect them to form a network. Mainly includes:
railway network construction, highway network construction, aviation network construction, pipeline network
construction, etc. The construction of the battlefield transportation network should take the construction of
railways and highways as the backbone, supplemented by other means of transportation, to form a
crisscross, three-dimensional comprehensive transportation system extending in all directions.
Sixth is the construction of strategic rear bases. The construction of a strategic rear base refers to the
construction of a comprehensive support base based on inherent support facilities, corresponding support
institutions and support forces in the strategic rear to complete strategic logistics and strategic equipment
support tasks. It mainly includes the construction of support facilities, the construction of support institutions
and the construction of support forces. The construction of strategic rear bases is usually linked to the
strategic directions and operational deployment of theaters.
(6) Preparations for War Mobilization
War mobilization preparation is the pre-planning, arrangement and measures taken to achieve rapid and
efficient mobilization in wartime, in peacetime and in the state of war. It plays an important role in ensuring
that the country is quickly transferred to the wartime system when faced with threats. Preparations for war
mobilization should focus on the following aspects:
The first is to build a leadership system for wartime mobilization. The construction of the wartime
mobilization leadership system is based on the state and the military's usual leadership system. By
strengthening the functions of the national, theater and local levels of comprehensive coordination
departments, it becomes a centralized and unified mobilization leadership organization that combines
peacetime and wartime. It mainly includes: the construction of the national mobilization system, the
construction of the theater mobilization system, and the construction of the mobilization system of local
governments at all levels. In peacetime, it is responsible for the organization and guidance of mobilization
preparations, undertaking the mobilization requirements put forward by the army in wartime, and
implementing mobilization support tasks.
The second is to improve the mobilization command management information system. Improving the
mobilization command management information system is to establish a complete mobilization database
through comprehensive investigation and detailed registration of reserve personnel, military and civilian
general equipment and materials, and various means of transportation to provide timely and reliable
information guarantee for mobilization activities.
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It mainly includes: the construction of the mobilization database, the construction of the intelligent
mobilization auxiliary decision-making system, and the construction of the "network" mobilization command
management information system. Form an efficient mobilization command information management network
that connects the military and the ground, connects the three levels of strategy, campaign, and tactics, and
connects multiple fields and multiple departments.
The third is to improve the legal system for mobilization. Improving the legal system of mobilization is a
process of further improving the legal system of war mobilization on the basis of the existing mobilization
laws and regulations. It mainly includes basic mobilization laws and regulations at the national level and
specific mobilization laws and regulations at the local government level. The two complement each other
and form a complete legal system for mobilization.
The fourth is to formulate a mobilization plan. The formulation of a mobilization plan refers to a complete set
of mobilization plans formed by stipulating the number and types of mobilization, distinguishing mobilization
tasks, determining mobilization methods and methods, and the time limit for completing mobilization
preparations. It mainly includes: comprehensive mobilization plan, special mobilization plan, and guarantee
The fifth is to conduct mobilization exercises. Mobilization exercises are carried out on the basis of the
mobilization plan, and the mobilization preparations are tested and further promoted by simulating wartime
situations. It mainly includes: physical mobilization exercises of actual troops, computer simulation
mobilization exercises, etc. It can be a special exercise organized separately by the mobilization
department, or it can be an important part of a large-scale exercise.
Preparations for war mobilization must closely meet the needs of actual combat and be implemented in
accordance with strategic plans and requirements. It is necessary to increase the scientific and technological
content to meet the requirements of war mobilization under the conditions of informatization and intelligence.
It is necessary to integrate the army with the people and prepare for mobilization in close conjunction with
the country's economic construction.
(7) Mental preparation
Mental preparation is a series of measures taken to strengthen the concept of national defense, and to
consolidate and boost the morale of the people. Mental preparation should focus on the following aspects:
The first is national defense education. National defense education for the whole people means to influence
all citizens in a planned and organized way through propaganda and education according to the needs of
national defense and military conflict preparations, so as to stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of the whole
people and the whole society and a high degree of national defense awareness. The education content
mainly includes: national defense theory, national defense knowledge, national defense history, national
defense regulations, national defense situation and tasks, etc.
The second is the education of the military's fighting spirit. The military fighting spirit education is to make
the military complete its missions, through the development of a series of various forms of ideal and
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belief education, the military cadres and fighters' concept of combat readiness will be improved, and the
noble character and spirit of dedication, fighting, and sacrifice will be cultivated. It mainly includes: education
on the concept of combat readiness, education of ideals and beliefs, education of patriotism, education of
dedication, education of discipline concepts, education of will and character, etc.
The third is external public opinion propaganda. External public opinion propaganda refers to the special
struggle carried out by means of external and opinion propaganda to create a favorable social and
international public opinion environment for military operations. It mainly includes: propagating our national
defense policy, refuting the distortion and attacks of the hostile forces; propagating the justice and rationality
of our military actions, and exposing the injustice and brutality of the enemy's military actions.
The fourth is to establish an ideological line of defense. Establishing the ideological line of defense refers to
the establishment and consolidation of one's own line of ideological defense through the development of
education in anti-infiltration, anti-psychological, anti-insurgency, and anti-secret struggles to increase
political vigilance. It mainly includes: strengthening ideals and conviction education, laying a solid ideological
foundation for officers and soldiers' psychological defense, and maintaining the purity of the troops.
To make mental preparations, the party, government, and military must work together to manage and form
an overall joint force. Make extensive and in-depth preparations using various channels. Give full play to the
political advantages of our party and our army and improve the effect of mental preparation.
2. The implementation of military conflicts
Correct strategic decisions in, scientific strategic planning, and solid preparations for military conflicts have
laid the foundation for victory and provided possibilities, but to make victory a reality, it must be achieved
through the implementation of military conflicts. The implementation of military conflict is the process of
completing strategic tasks and achieving strategic objectives through a series of overall organizational and
command activities, the correct use of military forces and various means.
The implementation of military conflict involves a wide range of content, including: choosing military conflict
methods, coordinating various forces and means, commanding strategic actions, regulating the process of
military conflict, and making strategic adjustments. Through these basic organizational and command
activities, strategic directors can transform strategic decisions and strategic planning into military operations
of various forms and scales, and coordinate various forces and means of struggle in a series of military
operations, so as to achieve the purpose of military conflict.
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(1) Choose the way of military conflict
The way of military conflict is the specific type and style of military force use. Whether in peacetime or in
wartime, there is a question of choosing the way of military conflict. Practice has proved that whether the
choice of military conflict method is correct is directly related to the success or failure of military conflict.
Military conflict methods can generally be divided into war operations, non-war military operations and quasi-
war military operations. War action is the highest form of military conflict, and its style can be divided into
full-scale war and local war. In a local war, it can be further divided according to intensity and scale. Non-war
military operations are an important way to use military forces in peacetime. They mainly include: anti-
terrorism and stability maintenance, rescue and disaster relief, international peacekeeping, international
rescue, escort, overseas evacuation, medical service and epidemic prevention. Para-war military operations
are between war and non-war military operations, and mainly include military deterrence, border control,
establishment of no-fly zones and limited military strikes.
The choice of military conflict methods should be determined by comprehensive consideration of various
factors such as the strategic environment, strategic objectives, strategic tasks, and strategic opponents. Our
country adheres to the path of peaceful development and advocates the settlement of various disputes
through political and diplomatic means. The method of war is forced to be adopted when the enemy imposes
war on us and the country's core interests are threatened. It is the last resort of no choice. Under the
conditions of informatization and intelligence, when choosing the mode of war, we must control the purpose,
time, scale, scope, process, and ending of the war to ensure the realization of political goals. Non-war
military operations are military operations taken when security threats and contradictions have not yet
intensified. They are an important means to resolve contradictions, maintain stability, and create peace.
There are many types of non-war military operations, and different modes of action should be selected
according to the nature of the mission. Para-war military operations are carried out when conflicts and crises
have intensified, but the war has not yet broken out. Its main purpose is to contain the crisis, control the
crisis, eliminate the crisis, pursue the soldiers who will be defeated without a fight or a small battle, contain
the war in the bud, and maintain the national security interests.
(2) Coordinating various power means
Military conflicts in any form, especially wars, are coordinated actions of many forces under certain time and
space conditions. All forces and means must always maintain close coordination under various complex and
dynamic conditions, can they form and exert their overall power and win the victory in military conflicts.
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Therefore, coordinating various forces and means is a very important military conflict implementation
activity, especially under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, both sides of the military conflict
emphasize the confrontation between the system and the system, and do a good job in all directions, fields,
and various forces. Coordination with means is particularly important.
The forces and means that need to be coordinated strategically are extremely wide. From a national
perspective, it is necessary to coordinate various forces and means such as politics, economy, military, and
diplomacy. From the perspective of the military, it is necessary to coordinate various theaters (strategic
groups), various services and arms, and various other forces and means. It is necessary to organically link
up the various forces and means required in various strategic tasks, various battlefields (strategic directions)
and various strategic stages (time of struggle) to form an integrated overall force to strike the enemy in a
coordinated manner.
Coordinating various forces and means should be organized in a timely and uninterrupted manner in
accordance with the development and changes of the military conflict situation. For example, after
formulating a new strategy or making major strategic adjustments; before implementing a strategic action;
when a major change occurs during the implementation of a strategic action; when the original coordination
is severely unbalanced or destroyed. The form of organizational strategic coordination should also be
decided according to actual conditions. It usually takes the form of holding a strategic coordination meeting
or a combat meeting to coordinate on a map (sand table, model) or using an information network system.
(3) Command strategic actions
Strategic actions are actions related to the overall situation of military conflicts, are the most essential and
concentrated performance of military conflicts, and occupy a central position. All strategic decisions,
strategic plans, and strategic goals depend on the implementation and realization of strategic actions; all
military conflict preparations and organization and command activities are also carried out around strategic
actions. According to the established strategic decision and the military conflict situation facing, the planned
and step-by-step implementation of various necessary and possible strategic actions is the basic way to
achieve the expected strategic goals and complete the established strategic tasks. Therefore, directing each
strategic action to unfold smoothly and achieve victory is of great significance to the implementation of the
established strategic decisions and strategic plans.
Strategic actions are mainly divided into four basic types: actual combat strategic actions, deterrent strategic
actions, alert strategic actions, and combat readiness (training) strategic actions. In addition, deceptive
strategic actions may be taken under certain conditions.
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The method of commanding a strategic action is mainly determined according to the actual situation such as
the nature, scale, and impact of the strategic action. All strategic operations involving the entire military of
the country should be directly commanded by the strategic command organization. For strategic operations
that only involve local directions and regions, the theater or the service arms that undertake the main
operations are generally authorized to conduct command. Under special circumstances, the command can
also be directly commanded.
Commanding strategic actions is the highest-level command activity, directly related to the overall situation
of military conflict. Therefore, we must have the overall situation in mind, assess the situation, combine the
strong will to achieve strategic goals with superb command art and creative spirit, implement correct
strategic command, and firmly grasp the strategic initiative.
(4) Regulating the process of military conflict
Military conflicts serve political purposes, so the process of military conflicts must be continuously regulated
as the political goals are achieved. Its purpose is to always grasp the correct direction of military conflict,
firmly grasp the initiative of military conflict, and control the development direction of the war situation, so
that military conflicts can properly cooperate with political struggles, prevent struggles from turning in
unfavorable directions, and prevent military conflicts, especially wars, from getting out of control, so that It
can control the course of military conflict according to its own wishes and ensure the realization of political
goals. The core of controlling the process of military conflict is to control the situation of the war. Especially
under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, controlling the war situation is of great significance
for safeguarding national security and expanding national interests.
To effectively control the war situation, it is necessary to give full play to the subjective initiative of the
strategic director in accordance with the characteristics and laws of military conflict. It is necessary to
proceed from the national interests and reasonably determine the objectives; and fully prepare to create a
favorable situation; take appropriate actions to lead the development of the war; adhere to the advantages
and modesty, and end combat operations at an appropriate time. Through careful planning and full
regulation, the goal of effectively controlling the battle situation is achieved.
Controlling the process of military conflict requires not only the guarantee of corresponding strategic forces,
but also the active consciousness and the art of command to control the process of military conflict.
Therefore, to control the process of military conflict, we must organically combine the strength conditions
with subjective efforts to ensure the realization of the goals of military conflict.
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(5) Make strategic adjustments
Strategic adjustment mainly refers to making appropriate amendments or changes to some parts of the
strategy due to changes in objective conditions and continuous deepening of subjective understanding
during the implementation of military conflicts. Strategic adjustment is a frequent and almost inevitable
phenomenon in the implementation of military conflicts. It is an important issue that strategic directors
always need to pay attention to during the implementation of military conflicts. In the process of formulating
a strategy, although the strategic director must make every effort to understand and study the situation, due
to the limitations of many subjective and objective conditions, it is impossible to fully understand various
situations, and his own judgments and decisions cannot be completely objective. In the course of the
implementation of the military conflict, as the struggle between the enemy and ours unfolded, the situation
became clearer, and the original strategy was also tested in the struggle. Under such circumstances, it is not
only necessary, but also possible, to discover and correct certain deficiencies in the established strategy in
time. Therefore, the strategic director must further make necessary modifications to the established strategy
based on the latest findings and the problems exposed in the implementation of the strategy, so that the
strategic guidance is more in line with the objective reality of military conflict. At the same time, we must also
see that during the implementation of the strategy, the two opposing parties are engaged in fierce
confrontation. However, it is impossible to achieve a completely accurate prediction. Therefore, we must
constantly make strategic adjustments in a timely manner in accordance with the development and changes
of the situation of the enemy and ourselves, so as to always maintain the strategic initiative.
Section Two: Principles of Strategy Implementation
The principle of strategy implementation is to organize and lead strategic actions, implement the overall
guidelines that must be followed in the entire process of strategic decision-making and strategic planning. It
is gradually summarized on the basis of a correct understanding of the basic laws of strategic
implementation, and develops as military struggle develops. Under the conditions of the new era, the
implementation of the strategy should focus on the following principles:
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1. Obey the policy and act actively
Military conflict, especially war, has always been a continuation of politics, and it is a special means for a
country (group) to achieve political goals. No matter how complex and changeable the environment is, in the
final analysis, military conflicts serve political struggles. Although political goals can be achieved through a
variety of means and channels, when encountering resistance and difficulties to achieve by other means,
military conflict becomes the last choice. It is in this sense that the highest form of military conflict-war is
bloody politics. Therefore, obedience of military conflict to political needs has become the primary principle
guiding the implementation of the strategy. In actual military conflicts, the following points should be
One is to determine military targets based on political objectives. To determine military objectives based on
political objectives is to consider the choice of military objectives based on the need to achieve political
objectives, rather than simply determining military objectives from the perspective of military advantage. In
layman's terms, it means choosing military targets as they are conducive to the realization of political goals.
Once the military objectives are determined, the choices including the object, style, force composition,
degree, scale, duration, etc. of the military conflict must be consistent with the military objectives and must
be conducive to the realization of political objectives. The second is to strictly control the situation in
accordance with political needs. It is necessary to regulate and control the development of the war situation
according to the realization of political goals, instead of blindly emphasizing the advantages and
disadvantages of the military. The beginning, course, chain reaction, and ending of the war must be
controlled according to the degree of achievement of political goals. Fighting, stopping, advancing, and
retreating on the battlefield must be diverted by political needs. The practice of military conflict has
repeatedly proved that once strategic actions deviate or even deviate from the track of political goals, even if
a military victory is achieved for a while, the ultimate loss of political interests will not only overshadow the
military victory, but will eventually hinder politics. Achievement of the purpose. Therefore, it is necessary to
integrate military rituals with political warfare, and maximize the overall benefits of combining military and
political struggles.
The third is to turn obedience to a political strategy into an active military action. Military obeys politics and
strategy obeys politics. It is not passive, let alone inactive. If you cannot achieve victory in the military, or on
the battlefield, you will not be able to achieve your political goals. Military obedience to politics is empty talk.
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Chapter 5 Strategy Implementation
Therefore, on the battlefield, military is politics, winning wars is the greatest politics, and military victory is
political victory. Therefore, we must take the initiative, boldly innovate, dare to fight, and win, integrate
political goals and political needs into military planning and strategic guidance, and implement political
obedience into military operations.
2. Fully prepare and strive to take the initiative
In military conflict, especially war, which is a fundamental matter related to the life and death of the country,
nation, and political group, the rise and fall of honor and disgrace, and the gains and losses of interests. We
must adhere to the principle of cautious warfare, and strive to adopt careful planning and adequate
preparation. Ensure that they can seize the initiative in military conflicts and win the war under the
complicated battlefield environment. For this reason, the following points should be focused on.
One is careful planning. Careful planning is a prerequisite for adequate preparation. Military conflicts,
especially wars, are full of unpredictable "traps" and "fogs,” which are more elusive and less certain than
other social phenomena. Therefore, careful planning must be carried out before military operations. This is
the guarantee of success. As Clausewitz said, the plan can unite the fighting and requires this unity in every
common action. Napoleon believed that if you don't plan carefully, you will get nothing. Mao Zedong put it
more clearly: "Because of the unique uncertainty of war, it is much more difficult to realize the plan in war
than to realize the plan in other undertakings. However, "all things are planned in advance, and if they are
not planned, they will be abandoned."[1] Without realizing plans and preparations, one cannot win a war.
This is the case with wars, and other modes of military conflict are no exception. Therefore, by formulating a
thorough plan, you can maximize the probabilities and inevitability of military conflicts from a strategic
perspective. Unified, thus successfully resolving the contradiction between the planning of subjective
guidance and the probability of objective reality.
The second is multi-handed preparation. Multi-handed preparation means that we must fully foresee and be
prepared for various complicated situations in military conflicts. Under the conditions of informatization and
intelligence, the situation of military conflict, especially the battlefield situation, is changing rapidly. Without
sufficient foresight, you will be at a loss when the situation changes.
1. "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1991 edition, p. 495.
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In order to cope with complex military conflict situations calmly and with ease, strategic instructors must
prepare for various situations that may arise. To this end, we must proceed from the overall strategic
situation, make a comprehensive judgment on the situation of the enemy and ours, take the main strategic
goal as the main line, and formulate and improve the main action plan for the greatest possible situation. At
the same time, it is necessary to scientifically predict and imagine other situations that may arise, formulate
a variety of strategic countermeasures in a targeted manner, and make corresponding preparations. In the
main plan, it is necessary to not only envisage strategic measures under normal circumstances, but also
envisage strategic disposal plans when complex and difficult situations arise, so as to be prepared with
multiple hands and deal with it freely.
The third is to do what we can. Doing within our means means that the subjective initiative of the strategic
instructor must be established on the basis of objective conditions. Strategic instructors should and can only
seek victory in military conflicts within the scope permitted by objective conditions, and cannot divorce or
exceed actual expectations for success, let alone build subjective guidance on the basis of wishful thinking.
Adhering to the principle of "following our capabilities" requires strategic leaders to comprehensively analyze
and compare the situation of the enemy and ours in all aspects, correctly assess the capabilities and
potentials of both sides, the degree of support that the enemy may receive from other aspects, as well as
the situation of military conflict and the strength of the enemy. The development trend of ebb and flow, etc.,
so as to implement the correct strategic guidance, and implement the main strategic actions after the victory
is sure. When you are not sure of victory, you should stand by, prepare, and wait patiently.
The fourth is to leave room. Leaving leeway means that you should not be full of calculations on the
expected goal, but should leave room for maneuver. The uncertainty of the military conflict determines the
relativity of strategic plans and preparations. No matter how well you plan and prepare, you can't exhaust all
the things that happen as much as possible. Accidents and unexpected events are common. Therefore, to
leave a certain amount of leeway is to give oneself initiative and autonomy to subordinates. In this way, even
if the military conflict situation becomes complicated and serious, it will be able to respond flexibly and
flexibly in strategy, and will not fundamentally affect the realization of the entire strategic plan.
3. Unified command, joint operations
Military conflicts under the conditions of informatization and intelligentization have increasingly higher
requirements for integration and uniting various fields and elements, and higher requirements are
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put forward for centralized strategic command. Centralized and unified command in strategy requires that all
forces used for strategic actions obey a unified strategic will, implement unified strategic thinking and
strategic principles, and act in accordance with unified orders. Only in this way can there be a basic
guarantee for multi-domain integrated joint operations. To this end, there must be a unified command
organization, a complete command mechanism, and a joint combat force.
One is to establish a unified command organization. Whether in peacetime or in wartime, all major issues
related to national security and the overall situation of military conflicts, and all military operations with
overall dimensions must be centralized and unified command and control by the country's highest military
command organization. In order to ensure the implementation of joint operations, at the national level, a
military-wide joint operations command organization should be established and improved; at the theater
level, a theater joint operations command organization capable of unified command and control of various
forces in the theater should be established and improved.
The second is to establish a sound command mechanism. Under the conditions of informatization and
intelligence, strategic command involves a very wide range of fields. It is necessary to focus on the
implementation of military operations in strategic key areas and major strategic directions, but also pay
attention to other regions and strategic directions; both on land and at sea. In order to conduct military
operations in the air, it is necessary to pay close attention to operations in space and the cyber
electromagnetic domain. Under this complicated situation, it is required to establish a complete command
mechanism to realize the integrated command of various forces, levels, and services, and to ensure the
coordinated completion of military conflict tasks.
The third is to establish a joint combat force. War under the conditions of informatization and intelligence is
an integrated operation of land, sea, air, space, network, and electricity. It is a systematic confrontation
carried out by various forces. This requires the establishment of a multi-domain integrated joint combat
force. It is necessary to give full play to the role of information technology, integrate various combat forces,
combat units, and combat elements through comprehensive integration, and continuously improve joint
combat capabilities based on the network information system to ensure the effective implementation of joint
operations. It is necessary to strengthen joint training, enhance the integration of various combat forces, and
better adapt to the requirements of integrated joint operations.
4. Highlight the key points and make overall plans
Whether the strategic director can focus on the key points that are decisive for the overall situation, at the
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same time, taking into account the general is the key to achieving the planned strategic goals. For this
reason, the strategic instructor must take the overall situation, grasp the focus, and adjust the focus at the
right time.
One is to take the overall picture. Whether the strategic instructor can take the overall situation, take care of
the relationship between the various parts in the overall situation, make each part form a joint force, and
ensure the realization of the overall goal is the key to the success or failure of the military conflict. If you take
good care of the overall situation, you can organically link all aspects and stages together, and form a strong
overall power in the overall situation. On the contrary, the various parts will be disconnected, isolated, and
scattered, and doing their own things, the overall development will be affected, and even lead to failure.
Therefore, the strategic director must understand the overall situation, grasp the overall situation, and
control the overall situation.
The second is to grasp the importance. Strategic instructors must grasp the joints that affect the overall
situation, carefully study, and focus on guidance, so as to promote the development of the overall situation.
Although the center of gravity is also a part, the imbalance of the development of things determines the
different roles of each part, and the part at the center of gravity determines the overall trend. Grasping the
center of gravity can grasp the overall situation, and grasping the center of gravity can invigorate the overall
situation. Therefore, the strategic instructor should focus on dealing with the problem of strategic focus, and
coordinate actions in all directions and stages with this as the center, and promote the overall development
toward the predetermined goal. What needs to be emphasized is that within a certain time and scope, there
should be only one strategic center of gravity, and there should not be more than one. Multiple centers mean
no center of gravity.
The third is to adjust the center of gravity in due course. The strategic focus is not static, and the strategic
focus formed in different periods, different directions, and different stages may not be the same. Strategic
instructors must be clear-headed, assess the situation and adjust the focus of strategic guidance in time.
This requires that the factors that can affect the change of the strategic center of gravity be clearly observed,
such as the growth and decline of the enemy's strength, the change of combat targets, and the adjustment
of combat styles - great attention must be paid to all of them. Once major changes are discovered, we must
carefully study and analyze, find the possible trend of the strategic focus change in time, and make strategic
adjustments decisively, so as to coordinate the actions of various parts with the strategic focus as the
center, and promote the smooth development of the overall situation.
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Chapter 6 Strategic Evaluation
With the continuous development of human military practice activities, strategic evaluation has become an
indispensable and important link in military strategic guidance, and has a significant impact on the
development process of strategic activities. Practice has proved that after entering the information age, the
role of strategic evaluation has further risen, and strategic instructors must pay close attention to it.
Section One: The meaning and role of strategic evaluation
Strategic evaluation is produced in the long-term military conflict practice of mankind. It is an objective
requirement for the implementation of scientific guidance on strategic activities. Its meaning and role
continue to develop with the practice of military conflicts, and present the trend of the professionalization of
evaluation of the main body and scientification of evaluation method, and diversification of evaluation
1. The meaning of strategic evaluation
Strategic evaluation refers to the process of using scientific methods to conduct qualitative and quantitative
comprehensive evaluation of strategic activities, and make corresponding evaluation conclusions. It
generally includes pre-evaluation, stage evaluation and effectiveness evaluation.
In the military field, although strategic evaluation activities have long existed, they are mainly characterized
by qualitative analysis. It was not until the 1980s that due to the development of computer technology,
strategic evaluation began to move from static evaluation to dynamic simulation evaluation, and qualitative
evaluation to qualitative evaluation. The combination of quantitative evaluation and development has
resulted in the emergence of a strategic evaluation system that adapts to different evaluation tasks, and the
evaluation theory has also been greatly developed. A professional evaluation agency and a special
evaluation system have been established.
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At present, with the continuous enrichment of strategic evaluation theory and practice, strategic evaluation
has become the basic work of strategic research and strategic decision-making, usually by experts, expert
meetings, or commissioned evaluation agencies, using scientific theories and methods to fight military
conflicts. Evaluation and estimation of major issues related to the overall situation, such as professional
evaluation of strategic objectives, strategic needs, strategic situation, strategic capabilities, weapon
equipment development, battlefield environment and other issues.
2. The role of strategic evaluation
Strategic evaluation is a means of theoretical research. Through the use of corresponding evaluation
methods, a comprehensive and systematic analysis of various factors that affect the overall development of
strategic activities and their mutual relationships is carried out to determine the regular characteristics or
specific problems of overall development. Attribution status, grasp the development trend, understand the
internal relationship of contradictory changes, and draw valuable judgments. Under the conditions of
informatization and intelligence, the role of strategic evaluation has become increasingly prominent, and it
has become an indispensable and important content of strategic guidance. Specifically, it is mainly reflected
in the following aspects:
(1) Strategic evaluation is an important link in the implementation of strategic management
The operation of strategy includes five basic links, namely strategic judgment, strategic decision-making,
strategic planning, strategic implementation, and strategic evaluation. They are a closely connected,
mutually restrictive, and indivisible whole. Strategic evaluation is not only an important part of strategic
operation, but also has an important direct or indirect impact on several other links. It runs through the whole
process of strategic operation and is an important means to control the strategic process.
(2) Strategic evaluation is an important condition for optimizing strategic decision-making
Strategic decision-making depends on the relationship between various forces and various conditions in the
overall strategic situation, and is a comprehensive reflection of subjective and objective factors. Strategic
evaluation can not only provide objective basis for strategic decision-making, but also provide timely and
effective feedback for strategic decision-making, helping strategic decision-makers to clarify which content in
the decision is realistic and correct, and which is not in line with reality and incorrect. This will have an
important impact on optimizing strategic decision-making and improving the level of strategic decision-
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(3) Strategic evaluation is an important basis for strategic adjustment
Strategy concerns the overall situation and has far-reaching influence. Once determined, it must remain
relatively stable. However, when the main factors affecting the strategy, such as the situation and tasks,
undergo major changes, adjustments to the strategy are required. In order to ensure the scientific nature of
strategic adjustment, strategic evaluation must be carried out. The main content of the assessment includes:
assessing and analyzing the current strategy implementation, summing up experience and lessons, and
analyzing the pros and cons; in-depth research and evaluation of the current and future strategic situation,
especially security threats, military missions, national defense and military strength, etc.; and predict and
analyze the possible benefits and risks of strategic adjustments. From a practical point of view, it has
become a common practice for major countries in the world to carry out comprehensive and authoritative
strategic assessments during strategic adjustments.
Section Two: The content of strategic assessment
The content of strategic evaluation involves the overall military conflict and the entire process of strategic
activities, covering three major aspects: war, non-war military operations and army building, including
strategic needs assessment, strategic capability assessment, strategic risk assessment, and strategic effect
1. Strategic needs assessment
Strategic demand refers to a comprehensive description of the required forces or means based on certain
objective conditions, such as strategic environment, strategic power comparison, etc., in the context of
strategic goals or tasks. In other words, strategic demand is conditional and has objective attributes,
including power demand, equipment demand, support demand, and strategic environmental demand.
Therefore, strategic needs assessment is mainly based on the background of strategic goals or strategic
tasks, and under certain conditions, evaluate and estimate the forces, ways and means needed to achieve
strategic goals or complete strategic tasks. Different strategic goals or strategic tasks have different strategic
needs, and different strategic conditions will have different strategic needs.
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Strategic needs assessment is to make quantitative or qualitative judgments on the strength, equipment,
support, environment, and strategic conditions needed to achieve strategic goals or strategic tasks. In the
strategic needs assessment, it is necessary to evaluate the feasibility and reliability of obtaining the required
strategic means and strategic forces according to certain strategic conditions, and determine the attributes
of the strategic needs. It is necessary to make an overall plan for the content of the strategic demand, the
way to achieve it, and the way of development to provide a basis for strategic management.
2. Strategic capability assessment
Strategic capability evaluation is mainly based on military requirements and military operations as the
background, and evaluates and estimates the main military capabilities of combat groups, combat systems,
or combat units under certain confrontational conditions. Strategic capability assessment involves issues
such as military technology, weaponry, military theory, and combat guidance. It must reflect the elements of
strategic capability, such as war potential, war strength, strategic mobility, strategic offensive capability, and
strategic defense capability, and give quantitative or qualitative judgment.
In the strategic capability assessment, it is necessary to quantify the main operational elements related to it,
and conduct a reasonable response to the process and outcome of military operations under certain
conditions through theoretical analysis, simulation calculations, exercise testing, actual combat, and actual
combat summary. Evaluation and estimation, and determine the level of the ability to reach the index or
relevant qualitative conclusions. Through the objective evaluation of strategic capabilities, it provides the
basis for strategic planning and guidance for strategic instructors, especially for strategic instructors to have
a clearer understanding of how to improve military capabilities in a targeted manner and how to use existing
military capabilities to safeguard national interests.
3. Strategic risk assessment
Risk is an objective phenomenon existing in war. Any military action has risks, and the strategic benefit is
proportional to the magnitude of the risk. Therefore, the greater the strategic objective, the greater the risk.
There is no strategy without risk. In other words, strategy is to choose under different risks.
Generally speaking, the gains and losses of interests reflect changes in risks. According to the benefits and
losses, risks can be divided into four categories: first, when the loss of benefits may exceed a certain limit
and endanger the overall situation, any possible risks will therefore be unacceptable, or although the loss of
benefits is not enough to harm the overall situation, risks appear. The probability of success far exceeds the
probability of success. This is an absolute risk and must be avoided by decision makers. Second, the
benefits gained are far less than the price paid, and the military objectives are basically not achieved,
especially the core objectives are not achieved, and the losses suffered are against the security and
development of the country have a major impact, which is a high-level risk; the third is that the benefits and
the costs are roughly the same. Loss, but no overall impact, and the overall situation is still controllable, this
is a medium-level risk; fourth, the benefits clearly exceed the cost, especially to ensure the realization of the
core strategic objectives, and the cost paid is relatively limited, which is a low-level of risk.
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Therefore, strategic risk assessment must achieve three goals: one is to avoid the decision to fall into
absolute risk, and to suppress high-level risks as much as possible; the other is to compare and analyze the
risk of different decisions, and to make reasonable strategic choices; the third is to make accurate
judgments. Some risk factors related to the overall situation should be prepared strategically to deal with
4. Strategic effect evaluation
Strategic effect evaluation is mainly the analysis and evaluation of the results and effectiveness of war, non-
war military operations and army building. Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the
importance of strategic effect evaluation is increasing, and it has become an indispensable part of strategic
planning and guidance. It is an important basis for judging whether the strategic purpose is achieved and
ensuring the sustainable development of the implementation of the strategy. Among them, for the evaluation
of the effects of war, a variety of information acquisition methods must be adopted to comprehensively study
and judge, to make a reasonable evaluation and estimation of the battlefield situation and target changes,
and form a grade evaluation of combat effectiveness, which provides decision-making basis for strategic
planning and command and control.
In short, in accordance with the different requirements of war, non-war military operations, and army
building, the scope of strategic assessment in each aspect is different. In the field of warfare, strategic
evaluation usually involves the overall situation of strategic needs, strategic capabilities, strategic effects,
and strategic risk assessment. In the field of military construction, strategic evaluation mainly focuses on
strategic needs, strategic capabilities, and effect evaluation, of which the latter is the most important, such
as the evaluation of the development of the military, the evaluation of the implementation of major decisions
on the development of the military, and the performance of the development of the military. Evaluation,
annual monitoring, and evaluation of the implementation of the military construction and development plan,
mid-term and summary evaluation of the implementation of the military construction and development plan,
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In the field of non-war military operations, strategic evaluation mainly focuses on the evaluation of strategic
capabilities and strategic effects, of which the former is the focus, such as the evaluation of the ability to
perform non-war military operations, the evaluation of equipment technical conditions for performing non-war
military operations, and the performance of non-war military operations. Civil support capacity assessment,
Section Three: Procedures and Methods of Strategic Evaluation
Strategic evaluation involves a wide range of fields, the evaluation objects are complex, and the evaluation
is difficult. Therefore, standardizing evaluation procedures and methods is an important prerequisite for
ensuring scientific evaluation.
1. Determine the purpose of the assessment
To organize strategic evaluation, we must first determine the purpose of the evaluation and decide the
direction of the evaluation work. Only when the purpose of the evaluation is determined, can the pertinence
of the evaluation work be enhanced and blindness can be avoided. The determined purpose of the
assessment should be as simple and clear as possible, and avoid being inappropriate and all-
encompassing. Theory and practice have proved that single-item evaluation is generally better than
comprehensive evaluation, and it is also easy to organize. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid the
comprehensive evaluation as much as possible. If it is necessary, the comprehensive evaluation can be
broken down into several individual evaluations.
Generally speaking, the purpose of strategic assessment may be the following: in order to find out the base
of army building, strengthen macro-guidance, and evaluate the effect of army building; in order to determine
whether it has the ability to meet the threats and challenges it faces, evaluate the combat capability of the
army; before making major strategic decisions, especially war decisions, assess the possible benefits and
risks; during the implementation of the war, in order to clarify how to proceed in the next step, assess the
effectiveness of combat; and so on. It is necessary to clarify the purpose of the evaluation according to the
needs, and carry out the corresponding evaluation work on this basis.
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2. Construction of evaluation model
Evaluation model refers to a mathematical tool that uses operations research methods or computer
simulation programs to analyze and evaluate the situation of strategy formulation and implementation, and
give clear opinions. In the process of strategic evaluation, the evaluation model is often a key tool to solve
complex and uncertain problems, and it is a scientific method to improve the level of intelligence judgment
and strategic decision-making.
Different objects of strategic evaluation have different evaluation models. For example, the strategic
situation assessment model mainly analyzes the strategic relationship between friend and friend and
assesses the threat level. For the overall assessment of the national security environment, the military threat
assessment model is the most important. Generally, the military threat assessment model takes the
deployment and deployment of the enemy's or potential enemy's military forces as input, and combines the
opponent's strategic intent analysis to estimate the strength of the opponent's military threat to us,
specifically split into three levels of high, medium, and low. The military power evaluation model mainly
analyzes the strength of the enemy and ourselves, and evaluates the strength of the enemy and ourselves.
This type of model is further divided into two types: nuclear power evaluation model and conventional power
evaluation model. During the Cold War, the large-scale arms race under the shadow of the nuclear war
promoted the application of countermeasure analysis in maintaining strategic stability and crisis
management. High-level macro-evaluation models such as the Richardson arms race model and the nuclear
power development model have been developed by leaps and bounds. The conventional power evaluation
model is based on the weighted calculation of the strength of the service and arms. The decision-making
program evaluation model mainly analyzes the results of crisis decision-making programs and war plans,
and evaluates the feasibility of the programs and plans. Such models usually have large-scale and
comprehensive characteristics. Since the 1960s, with the popularization and application of computer
technology, comprehensive large-scale war assessment models such as "Rand Strategic Assessment
System (RSAS)" have emerged, which provide strong support for difficult strategic decisions, especially war
From a technical point of view, it is extremely necessary to construct a strategic evaluation model, but from a
practical point of view, any model is an auxiliary means and cannot replace human decision. Therefore,
strategic decision makers should not get the conclusion of the decision from the strategic evaluation model,
but should use the evaluation model as an auxiliary tool for judgment and decision-making.
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3. Prepare assessment materials
Collecting and sorting out evaluation data and designing evaluation forms are important basic preparations
for strategic evaluation. Both strategic evaluation agencies and strategic evaluators should attach great
importance to them and make full preparations.
(1) Collecting and evaluating data
The objects and purposes of strategic evaluation are different, and the required data are also different. As
far as the strategic capability assessment is concerned, because the scope involved is relatively small, the
required information will be less; but the strategic needs assessment is more complicated, which involves
strategic goals, strategic tasks, strategic resources, strategic environments, strategic opponents, etc. All
relevant parties at home and abroad, inside and outside the military, therefore, there will be relatively more
and more complicated information that needs to be collected and sorted out. Generally speaking, strategic
evaluation agencies and strategic evaluators should pay attention to collecting and collating information
before and during the evaluation process, including: relevant strategic policy documents, strategic evaluation
regulations, strategic confrontation relations and their development trends, and based on actual conditions.
It is necessary to collect the classified data of the evaluation object, the dynamic data of the confrontation
relationship, the statistical data of the special problem, the intelligence data of the combatant, etc.
(2) Sorting out evaluation data
In the process of preparing for strategic evaluation, the collection is often a large amount of scattered,
original evaluation data, which has different attributes. It must be selected, classified, processed, and sorted
according to actual needs, and those data that are not meaningful for evaluation are screened out. It also
analyzes and compares useful data, distinguishes the priority, cleans, and verifies, and classifies it. If
necessary, data processing must be carried out to create conditions for the use of strategic evaluation.
(3) Design evaluation form
The evaluation form is an important document of strategic evaluation, and it must be able to reflect the
actual situation of strategic evaluation comprehensively and systematically. In order to ensure the smooth
progress of strategic evaluation and improve the quality of strategic evaluation, the evaluation form must be
designed scientifically, rationally and in a standardized manner. The first is that the structure of the form
should be reasonable, the upper and lower sides, the left and right sides, and the vertical and horizontal
columns should be unified and internally logical, which is conducive to the correct filling of the evaluator and
reasonable use to improve the efficiency and quality of strategic evaluation. Second, the content of the form
to be scientific, and the content reflected should be consistent with the name of the form, and in line with the
actual situation of the strategic evaluation objects, the overall design should be clear in order to facilitate
understanding and implementation. Third, the form of the form should be standardized, with a
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unified name, reasonable headings, strict specifications, necessary instructions and notes, and the form of
the form should be relatively stable, which is conducive to the use of the form in a wider range.
4. Determine the evaluation index
For strategic evaluation, you must choose the corresponding indicators as the ruler, but only one or two
rulers or one or two indicators are not enough. Several rulers or several indicators are needed to
scientifically evaluate the overall picture of the strategic issue. This requires the establishment of several
interrelated and mutually restrictive indicators constitute an indicator system, each of which can reflect a
certain aspect of strategic issues. The specific requirement is that these indicators must be some clear
concepts, judgments, or experiences. According to the types and characteristics of strategic evaluation
objects, the establishment of a clear and reasonable evaluation index system generally needs to follow the
following principles:
(1) The principle of completeness
To evaluate the completeness of the indicator system, it is required that the sub-indices under any indicator
must be able to fully and comprehensively express the characteristics of the indicator. They constitute the
basic characteristics of national interests. If any one is abandoned, the national interests expressed will be
incomplete. Therefore, when choosing evaluation indicators, we should try our best not to omit indicators,
especially those with decisive significance.
(2) The principle of objectivity
The objectivity of the evaluation index system requires an objective reflection of the status of the evaluation
object, that is, through the comprehensive use of these indicators and their relationship with these
indicators, the internal and external characteristics and movement rules of the evaluation object can be
described reasonably. For example, the evaluation of strategic command capabilities may include: the scope
of obtaining battlefield information, the speed of information processing, the ability to analyze and judge, the
operational efficiency of the command system, the reliability of command means, and the method of
strategic command. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of these indicators can basically evaluate and
estimate the level of strategic command capabilities.
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Under the principle of objectivity, strategic evaluation indicators must also have another feature. They can
not only express the current situation of the evaluation object, and avoid constructing indicators that are
subjective, one-sided, and superficial.
(3) Principle of Comparability
The principle of comparability means that the evaluation indicators at the same level should be of the same
nature or maintain a unified dimension through appropriate processing, so that a unified calculation or
qualitative judgment can be carried out in the higher-level evaluation indicators. In other words, the principle
of comparability requires that the evaluation index system to be constructed should be able to maintain the
same caliber of evaluation indicators from a horizontal perspective and be comparable to each other, so that
the same type of evaluation object can be compared under different conditions according to a unified
evaluation index. Judgment, this is an important principle required by the adversarial characteristics of
strategic evaluation, otherwise it will be difficult for evaluation to get rid of subjective shadows. To implement
this principle, firstly the indicators at the same level in the indicator system are required to be independent of
each other to avoid duplication of calculations; secondly, it is required that the evaluation indicators must
reflect the common attributes of the same type of evaluation objects. Only under the condition of qualitative
consistency can the quantitative or qualitative changes of the assessed object be evaluated.
(4) Principle of testability
The principle of measurability means that the evaluation indicators must be measurable, or directly obtained
by the evaluation object, or indirectly obtained through statistical methods, and the measurability of the
lower-level indicators is the prerequisite for ensuring the measurability of the upper-level indicators. The
requirements include three aspects: first, the evaluation index system should be relatively stable; second,
the meaning of the evaluation index must be clear, with a certain range of values, definition conditions,
collection methods, and estimation methods; the third is a determined evaluation index It must be easy to
measure. Those indicators that seem to be very useful for strategic evaluation but have poor measurability
should be avoided as much as possible, or only used as reference factors in the evaluation.
(5) Non-relevance principle
Generally speaking, a single evaluation indicator is rarely used for strategic evaluation, and multiple
indicators are usually used. These indicators can be divided into different levels by category and nature. An
evaluation index system is formed, and its function is equivalent to a multi-dimensional coordinate system,
which can be used to comprehensively describe specific evaluation objects, and can also be used to
analyze and study different problems.
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Chapter 6 Strategic Evaluation
According to the analytical principle, each dimension of the coordinate system should be non-correlated,
otherwise the evaluated object will be distorted in this coordinate system, which will damage the accuracy
and objectivity of the evaluation. The stronger the correlation between the evaluation indicators, the more
the indicators are repeated in the vertical direction, or the more overlap in the horizontal direction, which
reduces the dimensionality of the effective indicators, resulting in an incomplete description of the evaluation
object. Therefore, the evaluation index must have a clear definition and independent status. In the indicator
system, indicators at the same level cannot overlap, and there is no horizontal causal relationship, while
indicators at different levels must be guaranteed not to be repeated. This requires that the construction of
the strategic evaluation index system must ensure that there is no overlap, no duplication, and no omission
as much as possible, and the non-correlation between the evaluation indicators must be maintained.
(6) The principle of quantification
The principle of quantification is to make the strategic evaluation process specific, time-sensitive, and
quantifiable, enhance the scientific nature of the strategic evaluation, and turn the evaluation conclusion into
something visible and tangible, so as to facilitate the analysis and use of evaluation conclusions , making
the strategy closely combine the purpose of strategic evaluation and the use of evaluation conclusions. With
the development of science and technology, strategic evaluation will pay more attention to quantitative
evaluation, and evaluation will also develop from simple static comparison to dynamic comparison.
Therefore, the principle of quantification has become an increasingly important principle of strategic
(7) Dynamic principle
The principle of dynamism means that the evaluation object should be evaluated during the entire process of
development and change. The evaluation object is affected by internal and external factors, and the
evaluation object is dynamically changing. Under certain conditions, there is a qualitative change between
this state and the other state. This change will naturally cause the evaluation premise and the evaluation
standard to change. For example, in a war, the confrontation between the two armies from the beginning of
the conflict to the end of the victory and defeat is not completely determined by the initial confrontation
action. It is produced by a series of continuous confrontation actions, and the situation of confrontation may
continue to change. Therefore, in strategic evaluation, dynamic evaluation is closer to the truth than static
evaluation. It is an inevitable trend for the development of strategic evaluation theory to establish an
evaluation process based on dynamic confrontation, predict the outcome, and seek conclusions from
dynamic changes, and the focus of dynamic evaluation is to grasp the confrontation. The connotation of
change, especially the constantly changing process of the confrontation background, opponents, and
evaluation objects, and based on this change, the entire evaluation process is completed by appropriately
adjusting the evaluation indicators.
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5. Choose the evaluation method
With the development of weapons and equipment in the direction of high efficiency and diversification, the
military's combat capabilities have been continuously improved, and strategic assessment has become a
specialized subject. For example, on the basis of traditional comparative analysis methods, theoretical
analysis and evaluation technologies, computer simulation evaluation technologies, and exercise verification
evaluation technologies have been successively produced. Strategic evaluation presents a systematic
feature, with a large number of theoretical tools, mathematical methods, and experiments. The method is
introduced into the field of strategic evaluation.
In accordance with the requirements of modern scientific methodology, in order to ensure that strategic
evaluation is objective and reliable, strategic evaluation must be guided by scientific theories, so that
evaluation conditions, evaluation content, data collection, evaluation procedures and methods, etc. meet the
objective requirements of strategic confrontation. Establish a reasonable causal relationship between
variables. However, since the practical activities in the strategic field have the characteristics of both natural
science and social science, the strategic evaluation theory will have the characteristics of both disciplines.
The first is for objects whose relationship between variables is complex and difficult to accurately grasp. It is
necessary to prove the existence and degree of influence between two or more variables in accordance with
the requirements of social sciences to form qualitative analysis conclusions; the for objects with two or more
variables that have a deterministic relationship, it is necessary to use accurate terms to express the
relationship between them in accordance with the requirements of natural science to form a quantitative
analysis conclusion. Therefore, there are generally three methods of strategic evaluation.
(1) Qualitative assessment
The so-called qualitative assessment refers to the method of qualitatively evaluating and estimating the
initial state, confrontation process, transformation relationship and strategic outcome of strategic issues from
the qualitative and prescriptive aspects of strategic issues. The assessment organization or the assessment
subject uses the situation and information they have, according to a certain theoretical model or frame of
reference, relying on its experience, knowledge, and comprehensive analysis capabilities to judge strategic
issues mainly in nature. It is characterized by a high degree of reliance on experience, low evaluation
accuracy, and easy bias due to prejudice, but it is suitable for evaluations with fewer index items and difficult
to quantitatively perform. Commonly used qualitative evaluation methods mainly include experience
comparison method and expert consultation law and so on.
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Chapter 6 Strategic Evaluation
(2) Quantitative evaluation
The so-called quantitative evaluation refers to the scientific method of evaluating and estimating content
such as strategic needs, strategic confrontation, power relations, and war capabilities, mainly from the
prescriptive aspects of the quantity of strategic issues. The evaluator uses a variety of mathematical
methods to reasonably quantify many complex, changeable, and uncertain factors such as strategic actions,
strategic environments, and strategic objects, establish mathematical models, and use modern tools such as
computers to perform simulations or auxiliary calculations. In order to generate or support evaluation
conclusions, this type of evaluation method is also called mathematical model evaluation method.
Commonly used methods include system simulation, exponential method and so on. The quantitative
evaluation method has the advantages of rigorous, precise, and strong comparability, but it is not
omnipotent. When the evaluation object involves the human cognitive domain or the category of spiritual will,
the quantitative evaluation method appears to be inadequate.
(3) Combining qualitative and quantitative evaluation
The so-called combined qualitative and quantitative evaluation refers to the comprehensive application of
the above two methods. This method can distinguish the content of the evaluation object, evaluate the
qualitative and quantitative prescriptive parts of the strategic issue separately, and finally form a complete
evaluation conclusion through synthesis; it can also conduct a qualitative evaluation of the evaluation object
first, and determine the basic nature of the problem, and then carry out a quantitative evaluation to
determine the change law of the quantity, so that the evaluation conclusion is more rigorous and reliable.
6. Organizational Evaluation Activities
Strategic evaluation is a behavioral process composed of many links and steps, including not only the
strategic evaluation itself, but also the use of the results of the strategic evaluation, because the strategic
evaluation has a strong purpose. Therefore, strategic evaluation should be institutionalized and
standardized, especially with a relatively standardized evaluation procedure. Strategic evaluation requires
an objective and fair evaluation of the elements involved in strategic activities, but the antagonism of
strategic evaluation objects determines that the evaluation activities must be very complicated, and each
force system or each force unit often affects the objectivity of the evaluation activity. For this reason,
organizational strategy evaluation must solve the following problems: first, determine the scope of evaluation
reasonably. Strategic evaluation generally involves many elements and a wide range of fields, so the scope
of evaluation should be reasonably defined.
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Second, we must strictly regulate the evaluation information. The inaccurate and inconsistent evaluation
information must be reflected in the evaluation results. In order to make the evaluation conclusions reliable,
it is necessary to screen various types of evaluation information according to certain standards, and try to
remove the false and keep the truth. Third, we must conduct targeted evaluation theory training. The
strategic evaluation activities are integrated and systematic. Whether it is the collection of information or
data processing, there are high professional requirements. It needs to be conducted under certain
theoretical guidance and in accordance with certain rules, which determines the necessity of professional
training for the strategic evaluation team. Fourth, we must strengthen the leadership of evaluation activities.
Strategic evaluation has a strong purpose, involves diverse issues, and has comprehensive characteristics,
and some evaluations have time limits. Without unified leadership, there will be no high-quality evaluations.
Therefore, strengthening the leadership of evaluation activities is an important measure to improve
assessment quality. Fifth, we must attach importance to the use of evaluation results, because the
fundamental purpose of strategic evaluation is to provide a basis for strategic guidance, and only through
use can the evaluation results reflect its value.
7. Write evaluation report
The evaluation report is the final result of the strategic evaluation activity, and the content includes: various
comprehensive data obtained in the evaluation activity, various methods, means, theoretical models used
for evaluation, conclusions drawn, and recommendations based on the evaluation conclusions. If what is
being evaluated is not a single object, but a group of objects, then the entire evaluation activity must be
summarized. In addition, the writing of an evaluation report also needs to clarify the format and special
classification and disclosure requirements, and clarify the requirements of laws, regulations, and rules on
specific evaluation reports.
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Part II
This Part mainly studies the strategic guidance of the use of military forces.
Maintaining national security and development interests is a concentrated expression of the fundamental
functions of military forces and their strategic use. In today's era of multi-polarization, economic
globalization, and the in-depth development of social informatization and intelligence, the international
strategic situation and the pattern of strategic competition are undergoing historic changes. China is facing
both rare development opportunities and severe security at the same time. In the process of the great
rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, with the continuous expansion of national interests, the
comprehensiveness and complexity of national security issues have further increased, presenting survival
security issues and development security issues, actual security challenges and potential security risks, and
traditional security threats. The obvious characteristics of intertwining and intertwining with non-traditional
security threats, especially the possibility of crises, conflicts and even wars in surrounding hotspots are
difficult to rule out. Military forces must effectively fulfill the historical mission of the "four strategic supports"
in the new era, provide strategic support for the consolidation of the leadership of the Communist Party of
China and the socialist system in accordance with the requirements of national security and development
strategies, and provide strategic support for safeguarding national sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity,
provide strategic support for safeguarding the country's overseas interests, and provide strategic support for
promoting world peace and development. We must always adhere to the core national security
requirements, advance with the times to strengthen military strategic guidance, actively plan for the strategic
use of military forces in peacetime, and effectively shape the situation, manage crises, contain wars, and win
In the new era, to effectively respond to various emergencies and unexpected events in the military security
field, and to maintain an important historical opportunity period for national development, it is required to
move forward the focus of military strategy guidance, focus on creating an environment and situation, and
effectively prevent and handle crises. Strategic deterrence is an important means to contain war and
maintain peace. It is an important mission of military strategy guidance to explore the construction of a
strategic deterrence system with Chinese characteristics, flexibly use strategic deterrence military combat
forms, and comprehensively improve the strategic deterrence capabilities of military forces.
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With the development of the times, the status and role of new fields such as space, network, deep sea, polar
regions, biology, intelligence, etc. have been rising. Military strategy must pay close attention to the planning
and guidance of military conflicts in various new fields. Winning informatized local wars is the core content of
military strategic planning and guidance in the new era. It requires an accurate grasp of the basic trends of
contemporary war development and the characteristics and laws of wars that the country may face, scientific
war planning, precise guidance of war operations, and strict control of the situation. Flexible implementation
of combat guidance. The increasingly diversified development of military tasks makes non-war military
operations a normal way of using military forces in peacetime. We should focus on the characteristics and
capabilities of non-war military operations, and strengthen military strategic guidance in a targeted manner.
National interests continue to extend overseas, calling for military strategy to vigorously expand the space
for operational planning, in-depth exploration of the ways and means of using military forces overseas,
careful planning of various forms of overseas military presence, and correct guidance of various types of
overseas military operations.
This article is divided into the following nine chapters to study the above-mentioned related issues.
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Chapter 7 Prevention and Handling of Military Crisis
With the development and change of the international strategic situation and the security environment of our
country, the factors of insecurity, instability and uncertainty facing our country have increased significantly.
Crisis has gradually become the normal state of national security, and military crises have also shown an
increasing trend. Military crises are the crossroads of war and peace. If they cannot be effectively prevented
and dealt with, they may get out of control and escalate into war, which will have a major impact and
interference on the peaceful development of our country, and even destroy the hard-won achievements of
reform and opening up. Therefore, we should thoroughly study and explore the characteristics and laws of
military crises, actively prevent crises, strive to manage crises, properly handle crises, control the impact
and impact of military crises within a certain range, and create a peaceful and stable strategic environment
for national development.
Section One: The Connotation and Characteristics of Military crisis
After the end of the Cold War, international military crises frequently occurred, and the incentives were
complex and diverse. The prominent manifestations were the intensified competition for geopolitical and
economic interests, the intensification of ethnic and religious contradictions, and the endless emergence of
national unity and territorial disputes. Study the connotation of contemporary military crises, explore the
characteristics and laws of the occurrence, development, and transformation of military crises, summarize
the experience of crisis prevention and handling, and improve our country's ability to prevent and handle
military crises, which has important practical significance for stopping wars, defending national interests, and
maintaining regional stability and world peace .
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1. Basic connotation
Military crisis is a special phenomenon and form of struggle in international relations. The 2011 edition of
"Military Language" defines a military crisis as a dangerous state that may lead to armed conflict or war
between countries or political groups. American scholars Michael Brecher and Jonathan Wilkenfeld believe
that a military crisis is "a situation caused by changes in the domestic and international environment. This
situation is seen by the country’s policymakers as a fundamental value. A threat to which policymakers have
limited time to respond and may involve the country in military confrontation." It is generally believed that a
military crisis is composed of three factors: one is that the major strategic interests of the parties involved in
the crisis are threatened; the other is that the development of the situation is uncertain, and the time for
decision-making, response and communication is urgent; the third is the relatively major risk that the crisis is
out of control and escalates to war.
2. Main types
The types of military crises can be divided into different perspectives, levels, and scopes.
Divided from the connotation of crisis, it can be divided into traditional military crisis and non-traditional
military crisis. Traditional military crises refer to crises that may lead to military confrontation caused by
traditional factors such as territorial and maritime disputes, resource disputes, ethnic and religious conflicts,
and geopolitical conflicts. Non-traditional military crises refer to military crises caused by non-traditional
security factors such as international terrorism, pirate attacks, and the proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction in the new era.
From the subjective motivation of the crisis, it can be divided into accidental military crisis and deliberate
military crisis. An accidental military crisis means that neither party has the intention to create a crisis. The
crisis is accidentally caused by some unexpected events and accidental factors that are difficult to predict or
control. The risk of such a crisis getting out of control is often small. Deliberate military crises are
deliberately created and can be divided into war-oriented and marginal control. A war-oriented crisis means
that the crisis maker actively ambushes and provokes a crisis in order to achieve a certain political goal. The
relevant country or organization has already decided to launch a war before the crisis occurs.
1. [United States] James Dougherty, Robert Pfaltzgraff: "The Theory of International Relations in
Controversy (Fifth Edition),” translated by Yan Xuetong, Chen Hanxi, etc., World Knowledge Publishing
House, 2003 edition, p. 630.
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Chapter 7 Prevention and Handling of Military Crisis
The crisis is just an excuse. Edge control means that the initiator of the crisis purposely pushes the
confrontation to the edge of war, trying to force the other party to give in, but he is not willing or even
unwilling to lose control of the crisis. The risk or uncertainty of such a crisis out of control is often greater.
From the level of crisis confrontation, it is divided into low-intensity military crisis, medium-intensity military
crisis and high-intensity military crisis. Emergencies in the general sense are usually low-intensity military
crises, also known as quasi-crises, which usually do not cause serious military confrontations and have little
impact on national relations; tense confrontations are mostly moderate-intensity military crises and are also
common military crises. Mostly manifested as planned and premeditated military confrontation behaviors,
which have a greater impact on national relations; armed conflicts are high-intensity crises, also known as
quasi-wars, which are often accompanied by a certain intensity of combat operations, highlighting the game
of national will and the style of war. The risk is large, and the impact on national relations is large, and the
impact is far-reaching.
In addition, the outbreak can be divided into sudden military crisis and gradual military crisis. Sudden crises
are mostly caused by the sudden intensification of a certain contradiction or the use of extraordinary means
by one of the parties in the crisis to achieve a specific purpose; gradual crises are mostly caused by
confrontation between the two parties due to the escalation of confrontation. From the role of participation, it
can be divided into military crises between major powers in the world, military crises within political groups,
military crises between big and small countries, military crises between traditional hostile countries, and so
3. Main features
Military crises may pose a serious threat to the country's major interests and even core interests, and can
easily lead to armed conflicts or wars between countries. Military crises generally have the following main
Chance and inevitability are unified. Military crises often appear as accidents, but inevitability is often hidden
behind accidents. On the one hand, the occurrence and development of military crises are often affected by
a variety of uncertain factors, which are manifested in the randomness and contingency of the events that
trigger the crisis; on the other hand, the occurrence and development of military crises are also
accompanied by some comparisons. The obvious symptoms are the inevitable result of long-term
unresolved conflicts of interest between countries and their intensification at a certain stage. For some
countries, state actors or political groups that do not have fundamental contradictions, even if accidents
occur between each other, since there is no fundamental conflict of interest, the two parties can effectively
resolve the problem through timely communication, thereby avoiding the occurrence of military crises.
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For those countries, state actors or political groups that have fundamental conflicts of interest between them,
due to long-standing grievances and even hostility to each other, once an accident occurs, it is very likely to
lead to an escalation of hostility. If one or both parties believe that they should take the opportunity to
change the status quo by tough measures, a military crisis will be inevitable.
Progressiveness and suddenness are unified. The evolution of military crises has its inherent logic. From the
perspective of gradual development, some seemingly unwarranted crises are essentially quantitative
accumulations, and some extreme crises without internal accumulation, that is, non-human emergencies,
usually do not constitute serious consequences and risks. A large number of military crises will undergo a
gradual accumulation process, and the progressive characteristics of crises must be studied and grasped.
The crisis is in a period of gradual change. Due to its slow escalation, the crisis parties are prone to
paralysis and blind optimism in crisis management. Once a crisis suddenly breaks out or escalates, it often
results in a very passive crisis management and control in a relatively short period of time, and it is difficult
to actively capture the major turning points of the crisis process. Therefore, the prevention and handling of
military crises should focus not only on discovering and using the gradual law of crises, but also on
responding to or hurriedly responding to emergencies.
Confrontation and controllability are unified. Countries, state actors or political groups always try to resolve
mutual interests and contradictions by political, diplomatic, and economic means. They use both soft and
hard and multiple hands. The ultimate bottom line and the most effective trump card in the game are often
military. In particular, the struggle for the interests of major powers is almost all military games behind it, and
military crises show stronger and more direct confrontation than other crises. But this does not mean that the
military crisis itself is uncontrollable. Whether a military crisis is controllable is fundamentally determined by
politics. All parties to the crisis can always find a balance of interests through bargaining to prevent the crisis
from escalating to the final showdown, thereby realizing effective management and control of the military
crisis. Of course, the controllable crisis does not mean the final resolution of the conflict of interest behind
the crisis. The confrontation and control around the conflict of interest are repetitive.
Risk and opportunity are unified. Military crisis is a product of highly intensified contradictions and has a high
risk. Although it has not yet fully resorted to force, there is always the possibility of transforming into war at
any time. It is this high-risk nature that makes it possible for the parties concerned to use the special
opportunity of the military crisis game to show their bottom line, find out their opponents' cards, and finally
reach a compromise. The Cuban Missile Crisis, the Suez Canal Crisis, and multiple crises across the
Taiwan Strait have finally reached a new strategic balance under high-risk conditions.
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Chapter 7 Prevention and Handling of Military Crisis
Section Two: Prevention of Military Crisis
Military crisis prevention refers to the targeted preparations taken in advance to prevent the occurrence of
military crises, including pre-assessment, pre-planning, pre-arrangement, and pre-action. The key is to
ensure that they seize the opportunity and strive for strategic initiative.
1. Basic requirements
Smart crisis management does not lie in the ability to intervene after the crisis has formed and erupted, but
whether it can avoid the occurrence of unfavorable crises. Former UN Secretary-General De Cuellar once
proposed: "One ounce of prevention is worth one pound of treatment." To effectively prevent military crises,
the following basic requirements should be focused.
Plan from the overall perspective. The key to the prevention of military crises is to move the focus forward,
look at the crisis outside of the crisis, and plan the prevention of the crisis from an overall perspective.
Always centering on the core interests of national sovereignty, security, and development, through active
foreign military exchanges and cooperation to shape good relations between major powers and the
surrounding security environment; broaden strategic vision and channels, strengthen strategic layout and
presets, and seek and expand common interests. Increase strategic bargaining chips, and make
preparations for political, economic, diplomatic, military, cultural, public opinion, and other aspects for
possible military crises.
Follow up and study the crisis. Attention should be paid to closely monitoring the development and changes
of potential crises from the overall situation of national security to prevent potential crises from approaching
or reaching the ignition point. To pay attention to the diversification and linkage of national security threat
sources, not only the ignition points from land, sea, air, space, network, polar regions, etc., but also the
ignition points in the economic, information, and social fields. It is necessary to grasp sufficient,
comprehensive, timely, and true intelligence information, and to effectively organize and process it; establish
a mature and complete evaluation system, timely predict the trend of the crisis, and pre-manage the crisis
that may shift the center of gravity. It is necessary to maintain a high degree of sensitivity to crises, be good
at grasping potential or emerging crises, and issue early warnings in time, and make careful and effective
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Make a solid and targeted layout. Enhance the flexibility and pertinence of the response plan, and
continuously improve the plan. Establish simple and efficient crisis communication and control channels that
integrate internally and externally. Establish a complete emergency decision-making and consulting
mechanism, focus on coordination and cooperation at the national level, effectively integrate international
and domestic resources, and strive to eliminate hidden dangers that threaten military security. When a
military crisis occurs or is about to occur, further make plans for rapid response, rapid communication, and
rapid management and control, establish pre-targets, and make full preparations.
2. Main measures
Preventive measures for military crises mainly include three levels: strategic measures, institutional
measures, and implementation measures.
Strategic measures. Strategic measures refer to the medium and long-term strategic countermeasures
formulated to prevent crises, involving national politics, economy, diplomacy, military, and other fields. They
mainly include: building a framework for strategic balance between major powers and forming a mutually
beneficial and mutually dependent security relationship between major powers; adhere to the policy of good-
neighborliness and friendship, while continuing to strengthen relations with most countries, maintain
effective and complex relations with current and potential conflict countries; build multi-level security
relations in the region of interest, through military aid arms sales, joint training, joint counter-terrorism, and
regional security cooperation, arms control and disarmament cooperation and other ways to develop and
maintain common interests.
Institutional measures. Institutional measures refer to a series of institutional arrangements, such as
institutions, mechanisms, and laws and regulations, built to prevent major crises during relatively peaceful
times. Establish an efficient, dexterous, and sound prevention mechanism for the military and the military,
integrate the elements scattered in decision-making, execution, intelligence, and think tanks, into integrated
operations, clarify work principles, methods, scope of tasks and requirements, and ensure handling the crisis
is quick and effective. Strengthen the construction of mechanisms, clarify the authority of each unit within the
crisis management agency, and achieve clear responsibilities and powers. Explore the establishment of
necessary crisis prevention mechanisms with countries with potential and actual conflicts of interest, such as
hotline, emergency contact and consultation, exchange of special envoys, second-track communication,
etc., and strengthen the professionalism and systemicity of joint handling of bilateral emergencies, and
ensure that crises are prevented and controlled at the first time and at the first place, and prevent crises
from causing an overall impact on bilateral relations.
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Chapter 7 Prevention and Handling of Military Crisis
Action measures. Action measures refer to the targeted preventive dynamic measures taken to deal with
different types of military crises, which are usually adjusted and changed according to practical needs and
changes in the situation. There are three main levels: one is to reduce or reduce the suddenness and
unexpectedness of crises through effective crisis forecasting and early warning, so that decision makers are
prepared, stop the crisis in the key stage of the budding state, and make the handling of crises take the
initiative. Crisis prediction usually involves a wide range and a long duration, and has high requirements for
situation tracking and information accumulation, which requires frequent research and analysis. Crisis early
warning is based on predictions, through various channels to continuously grasp relevant intelligence
information, implement real-time tracking and monitoring, and use a combination of qualitative and
quantitative methods to conduct scientific analysis, and to reduce the relatively weak or isolated risks in the
development of security events. The signal is recognized in time, and the unexpected becomes the
expected. The key to early warning is to grasp the various factors and links that restrict the eruption or
escalation of a crisis, and to make judgements on potential opponents' goals, strengths, policy trends, the
possibility of provoking a crisis, and the strategies, tactics, and specific measures adopted. Once it is
confirmed that a crisis may occur, an early warning should be issued in a timely manner and an analysis
report should be reported.[1] The second is to formulate multiple plans for flexible response. Through the
prediction and analysis of the crisis situation, we can imagine the way and scale of the crisis in advance, and
prepare multiple sets of emergency plans. Once a crisis occurs, you can choose a policy according to the
actual situation, thereby shortening the decision-making process, improving the speed of response, and
avoiding helplessness or improper actions in the event of an incident. The emergency plan should be
prepared according to the worst-case scenario, and no blind spots and corners should be left. Although
there are often or even big discrepancies between the scenario and the actual situation of the crisis, when a
crisis breaks out, even a rough plan can greatly reduce the tension and passivity caused by no plan. Nixon
once pointed out: "When preparing for battle, I often find that planning is useless, but drawing up a plan is
indispensable."[2] Because, "Being confident in a crisis depends mostly on
1. Xiao Tianliang: "Research on War Control Issues,” National Defense University Press, 2002, p. 136.
2. RM Nixon: "Six Crises,” Peking University Law Department, Central University for Nationalities Research
Office "Six Times Crisis" translation group translation, Commercial Press, 1972 edition, p. 353.
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adequacy of preparation - where preparation is possible.”[1] The third is to carry out actual combat drills.
Actual combat drills are a key part of crisis prevention. Actual combat drills must be carried out as planned,
using computer simulation, sand table deduction, war chess confrontation, role simulation homework, and
scenario response training, etc. A variety of methods put personnel at all levels in a crisis simulation
environment, and continuously improve key capabilities such as organizational command, inter-
departmental coordination, comprehensive support, and psychological endurance.
Section Three: Handling of Military Crisis
Military crisis management refers to a series of activities carried out by countries, state actors or political
groups to protect their interests and comprehensively use various means to control and guide military crises
to develop in a direction that is beneficial to them. Military crisis management must be based on
safeguarding the fundamental interests of the country, mobilize resources at home and abroad, inside and
outside the military, minimize the development and escalation of unfavorable crises, and ensure that
national security is not greatly affected and impacted. At the same time, on this basis, we will strive to turn
crises into opportunities, amplify established goals depending on the situation, and expand national
1. Basic requirements
Military crisis handling must follow the concept of active management, advocate active and flexible handling,
pay attention to both the negative and positive aspects of the crisis, strive to seek advantages and avoid
disadvantages, seek opportunities in danger, and always grasp the strategic initiative. The basic
requirement is: the first response. The first time is the shortest time from the occurrence of the crisis to the
response. Military crises are sudden, with great risks and unpredictable consequences. The crisis must be
handled quickly and effectively. One is to make decisions quickly. After a crisis occurs, whether the
response is timely and accurate determines the success or failure of crisis management to a large extent.
According to the nature and characteristics of the crisis, in accordance with the needs of political and
diplomatic struggles and the situation of the opponent, the correct decision should be made as early as
possible, and no hesitation should be avoided. The second is to act quickly. Use the institutional measures
established at ordinary times to strengthen communication and contact with relevant parties, quickly
1. R.M. Nixon: "Six Crisis,” Peking University Law Department, Central University for Nationalities Research
Office "Six Crisis" translation group, Commercial Press, 1972 edition, p. 6.
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display or adjust military power as needed, and actively cooperate with political and diplomatic struggles.
The third is to quickly prepare for the emergency. Military crises usually have complex causes and
backgrounds, and it is generally difficult to achieve effect through a single action. After making decisions and
taking necessary actions, it is necessary to quickly and effectively prepare for contingency, focus on the
combined use of multiple methods, comprehensive influence and control, and prevent repeated or
escalation of crises.
Maintain effective communication between all parties. Military crisis management is a strategic game, and
the true intentions of all parties in the crisis play a decisive role in the development and change of the crisis.
Maintaining effective communication and promoting mutual understanding of each other's intentions is an
important prerequisite for preventing the crisis from escalating or losing control. The first is to maintain multi-
channel, multi-level, and multi-method contact to deliver information to the other party in a timely and
accurate manner, and at the same time accurately grasp the information sent by the other party to prevent
misreading and misjudgment. Attention should be paid to the diversification of communication channels,
which can be both official and private, institutionalized channels and temporary channels, and third parties
can also be used. Unless extreme circumstances occur, the communication channel is generally not cut off;
the more dangerous the moment, the more effective communication must be maintained. The second is to
grasp the art of communication and skillfully handle the relationship between concealed intentions and
communication information. It is necessary to have the necessary information transparency, and it is not
possible to reveal the information and details, and carefully design the way, channel, timing, and degree of
information release.
Strive for domestic and international support. Winning broad support and mobilizing all internal and external
favorable factors for our use is an important guarantee for dealing with military crises. National support is the
basic link in the handling of military crises. It is necessary to promptly convey useful information to the public
through various methods such as press spokespersons, media interviews, and personal statements, so as
to win the public's understanding, support and rational response, to resolve rumors in a timely manner, and
to inspire fighting spirit. The understanding and support of the international community is also an important
part of military crisis management. Through hotline notifications, emergency appointments, dispatching
special envoys, and international media interviews, they can explain and publicize their justice first, seize the
commanding heights of international morality, and maximize international public opinion, isolate, and attack
opponents. In modern society, dealing with the media has become a threshold that must be crossed in the
handling of military crises. It is necessary to establish a communication concept that others say that it is not
as good as oneself, laypersons are inferior to experts, and passively speaking is not as good as active
speaking, and be good at guiding, using, and relying on domestic and foreign media, and do not give hostile
forces and people with ulterior motives space to hype or mislead.
Seek the legitimacy of the action. In modern society, acts in accordance with the law have become criteria
universally accepted by the international community. Military crises are highly sensitive and involve more
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and more legal issues. To ensure that crisis management does not leave behind troubles, the best way is to
deal with the crisis in accordance with the law, handle the crisis within a legal framework, and prevent the
law from being given to others. It is necessary to properly handle the relationship between domestic law and
international law, follow national laws, and focus on finding the basis for military actions in relevant national
laws and regulations. When international law conflicts with national interests, insist that national interests are
above all else. Be good at respecting and using international laws and regulations to find a legal basis in line
with their own interests for handling military crises, so as to achieve the purpose of supporting oneself and
restraining opponents. International regulations are usually a "double-edged sword.” Proper use will bring
about positive effects, otherwise it will fall into passiveness. In addition, the laws of other countries should be
properly respected and used to create conditions for the follow-up management of crises.
Appropriate use of military power. In the final analysis, military crisis handling is a contest between strength
and psychology. The most ideal handling method is to achieve the goal of crisis handling peacefully through
political and diplomatic means. However, in actual struggles, without the effective cooperation of military
forces, diplomacy is actually very difficult to make substantive achievements. The handling of military crises
should attach great importance to the use of military deterrence methods, and appropriately demonstrate
strength, determination and will. In the case that deterrence cannot yield to the enemy, appropriate actual
combat methods should be adopted to further deter the enemy, so as to achieve the effect of stopping the
war or preventing the escalation of the crisis with a small battle.[1] It needs to be pointed out that the army
cannot perform a one-man show in handling military crises, cannot divorce military means from the track of
political struggle, and must always obey and serve political needs.
2. Disposal procedures
Military crisis management is an unconventional procedure decision, which has some inevitable universal
procedures and some necessary special requirements. For different military crises, the handling procedures
will be different and focused. Generally speaking, military crisis management mainly includes the following
Collect data. Intelligence information is the prerequisite for military crisis management, and its collection and
analysis should highlight three elements: First, the crisis environment. Including international strategic
environment, surrounding security environment, domestic security environment and other factors, pay close
attention to the degree of concern and basic stance of the people of major powers, related countries, and
potential participating countries on the crisis, track the trends of public opinion at home and abroad, and
keep abreast of changes in crisis influencing factors.
1. Fan Zhenjiang and Ma Baoan: "Military Strategy,” National Defense University Press, 2007 edition, p.
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The second is the dynamics of the crisis. Focus on grasping the opponent's national, social, military, and
civilian conditions, tracking the development and changes of its decision-making environment in real time,
being good at accurately capturing effective information from complex and changeable information, and
grasping the opponent's strategic trends. The third is the characteristics of decision-makers. Including the
composition of the decision-making circle, the decision-maker's personal decision history, decision-making
characteristics, decision-making intentions, decision-making likes and dislikes, decision-making habits,
decision-making will, decision-making environment, etc., capture objective, rational, and true information, be
good at discovering information about one move to control the enemy, and constantly improve the crisis
handling plan.
Determine the nature. Determining the nature is a key link in the handling of military crises. Whether a crisis
is an accidental event or a deliberate plan, whether it is a technical issue or a strategic issue, whether it is a
political issue or a military issue, etc., all directly affect the timing, method, and intensity of crisis response.
Although the crisis has occurred and the strategic intentions and interest relationships of the relevant parties
have gradually become clear, there will still be a large number of uncertain or specious problems. The
characterization of the crisis should be good at removing the fog, seeing the overall situation, and paying
attention to carefulness. The logical reasoning and detail capture are used to grasp the true intentions of the
other party, prevent subjective assumptions, and especially avoid treating isolated incidents as deliberate
Determine the target. The goal is the core element of military crisis management. Goals are often closely
related to risks. The higher the goal, the greater the risk; on the contrary, the lower the goal, the lower the
risk. Generally speaking, people are accustomed to seeking to achieve the optimal goal, but in the practice
of military crisis management, the ideal state of complete victory is difficult to achieve. Military crisis
management objectives should meet the following requirements: first, the target positioning must be clear,
not too general, and abstract, and be as accurate, clear, direct and specific as possible in terms of time,
nodes, quantity, and quality, so as to prevent executors from generating ambiguity or misunderstanding. The
second is to set the target appropriately. Compressing the target deliberately may cause the target to be
abstract, and excessively increasing the target may cause the target to be complicated. When encountering
a multi-target task, pay attention to decomposition, so that different types of performers can understand and
grasp. The third is to change the goal carefully, pay attention to grasp the timing and method of the change,
to prevent leaving convergence errors, and being used as an opportunity by the other party. In the practice
of crisis management, target determination is difficult to take shape at one time, which requires continuous
adjustment and improvement in the process of disposal. When the crisis situation develops smoothly,
consider extending or raising the target in time; when the prospect of achieving the original target is not
clear, the target should be stabilized or cautiously lowered; when the development of the situation is
severely hindered, the decision-making target should be reduced decisively; when the situation develops a
major reversal and the original goal cannot be achieved, the goal should be resolutely abandoned or
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Make plans. The plan is the main carrier of military crisis management. The process of formulating a plan is
actually a process of formulating a plan and selecting the best plan from it. The plan usually includes the
following elements: first, the crisis management goal. This is the basis and premise of the plan. The content
of all plans must be consistent with the crisis management goals, and the goals must be expressed
concisely, clearly, and accurately, avoiding ambiguity and ambiguity. The second is resource allocation.
Reasonable allocation of military, political, economic, diplomatic, social, cultural, public opinion, and other
related resources to ensure the formation of joint forces. The third is the resolution mechanism. The focus is
on the military-civilian coordination mechanism and the organization and command mechanism for disposal
operations. Organizational command mechanism usually adopts four methods of new construction, support,
combination, and transformation to achieve, and the corresponding responsibilities and powers are
stipulated. The fourth is follow-up management matters. Including the maintenance of crisis state, the
restoration of crisis order, the supplement and deployment of related resources, social comfort, and the
restoration and consolidation of resources. Attention should be paid to the feasibility demonstration of the
plan and the evaluation of the exercise.
Implement and adjust the plan. The implementation plan is the practical link of military crisis management.
When implementing the disposal plan, we must always keep a cool head, neither be deterred by the
menacing crisis situation, nor be confused by the ever-changing development and changes. The original
plan made necessary and appropriate amendments to keep close to the reality of the crisis. In program
adjustments, the procedures should be simplified as much as possible. Generally speaking, the higher the
intensity of the crisis and the greater the momentum, the greater the range of program simplification and
omission. The adjustment target must change rapidly with the crisis situation. Some unforeseen new
situations, new problems, and new opportunities may appear in the implementation stage. Make appropriate
corrections. It is necessary to continuously enrich and improve the content of the plan, decisively eliminate
some content that does not adapt to the new situation, change the content of dislocation conditions, enrich
the content of the missing items, and ensure that the content adjustment is consistent with the target
direction of the disposal.
What needs to be emphasized is that the closing of the military crisis is an important part of handling. Before
it is confirmed that the crisis situation has completely subsided, the vigilance and preparation for the crisis
cannot be easily lifted, and the process and rhythm of the closure should be carefully grasped. Whether the
military crisis is truly subdued cannot be seen only on the surface, but more importantly, whether there is an
undercurrent surging behind the surface cessation.
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If the crisis ends without really calming down, it may have unpredictable adverse effects, and the later
response may have to pay a greater price. When it is really necessary to close the game, it is necessary to
grasp the rhythm and intensity, and control the closing steps and scope according to the other party's
intention and strategic situation, so that the closing pace is balanced with the actual changes in the crisis,
and no major repetitions occur in the closing process. When closing the game, we need to bargain and
exchange benefits, pay attention to keeping a proper measure, prevent some goodwill actions from being
misjudged by the other party, and ensure that the game is closed when it is best for us. The situation of
military crises is changing rapidly. In practice, the disposal procedures can be started either sequentially or
simultaneously. As long as it is conducive to the rapid and effective response to military crises, the program
can be flexibly set up and used, and it is not sticking to one pattern.
3. Handling methods
Military crisis handling is essentially the art of compromise. It is a process in which the parties concerned
find the best compromise through fierce gaming. Without compromise, there is no resolution of military
crises. But it must also be emphasized that in handling military crises, attention must be paid to fighting
machines in crisis, gaining profit from harm, and striving to create more favorable national interests on the
basis of compromise. Generally speaking, there are mainly the following four common methods for handling
military crises.
Stop the crisis. Containing a crisis refers to taking effective measures to prevent the crisis from expanding
and escalating to war, and striving to resolve the crisis by peaceful means, which mainly includes controlling
the goal, field, scope, means, intensity, and rhythm of the crisis. The goal of control is to leave greater
leeway and opportunities for crisis management, not to give in without principle. The control field is to isolate
the crisis situation as much as possible, limit it to the original field, and avoid or slow down its spillover to
other fields. The scope of control is to contain the expansion of the geographical scope of the crisis. It is
necessary to limit the crisis between the countries involved and prevent the involvement of external forces.
When one party tries to internationalize, it must coordinate its position with the other party through
diplomatic channels in time, and if necessary, issue a warning to the other party as appropriate until
appropriate sanctions are taken. At the same time, it is necessary to contact countries that are trying to
intervene in the crisis and prevent them from getting involved in the crisis through various means. "[1]
1. Xiao Tianliang: "Research on War Control Issues,” National Defense University Press, 2002 edition, p.
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The control method is mainly to resolve the crisis through peaceful means such as negotiation and
negotiation, and to use coercive measures such as arms embargoes, economic sanctions, military
blockades, and ultimatums with caution to avoid chain reactions or push opponents into a corner, thus not
worth the loss. Control the intensity, that is, the intensity of the reaction cannot be lower than the target, nor
can it exceed the target. Controlling the rhythm is to control the speed of crisis development and the ups and
downs of changes, and to prevent the crisis from getting out of control.
Affect the crisis. Influencing the crisis refers to the whole process of the brewing, occurrence and calming
down of military crises, adopting corresponding measures to exert influence and control on the crisis
situation and development process, eliminate the unfavorable factors brought by the crisis to the greatest
extent, and prevent the crisis from expanding, spreading and escalating. Impact crises are usually divided
into direct and indirect ways. Direct influence is the use of direct elements as a crisis intervention party to
influence the development of the crisis; indirect influence is the use of relevant elements as an "outsider" to
influence the development of the crisis. These two methods can be used at the same time, and the
proportion of the two can be adjusted according to changes in environmental conditions to maximize the
impact. There are usually three prerequisites for influencing a crisis: the risk of non-intervention is obviously
greater than the risk of intervention; it does not cause serious damage to the core interests of related
parties; and it can bear the uncertain consequences that may be brought about by the intervention of the
crisis. In order to avoid the vicious circle of military crisis handling and prevent "the fruit of the last victory is
often the root of the next conflict,”[1] the impact of the crisis should be paid close attention to the impact and
monitoring of the situation after the crisis subsides, so that the crisis is always in a state of control.
Lead the crisis. Facilitating a crisis refers to seizing the opportunities and conditions created by the crisis
situation, making the best of the situation, taking advantage of the situation, and solving problems that are
difficult to solve and break through under normal circumstances. The core of leading a crisis is to turn crises
into opportunities, turn harms into gains, and turn bad things into good things. There are three main types of
profit-guided crises: One is to take advantage of the crisis. Take advantage of the chaotic situation brought
about by the crisis to take action to achieve political goals and avoid the passivity and risks that may be
brought about by actions under normal circumstances. The second is to take the opportunity to make profits.
With the help of the favorable conditions and opportunities brought about by the crisis, the military plans that
have been planned for a long time but have no chance to be introduced are put into practice, so as to avoid
the opponents from being overly alert or reacting strongly, thereby minimizing the negative effects. After the
"9.11" incident, the United States quickly expanded its anti-terrorism efforts. Taking the opportunity to station
troops in Central Asia and the Middle East falls into this category.
1. Gao Jinzhong: "On National Security,” China Friendship Publishing Company, 2002 edition, p 52.
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The Chinese government's decisive decision in December 2008 to send a fleet of naval vessels to perform
escort missions in the waters of Somalia is also a successful example of leading the crisis. The third is to
shift pressure. With the help of the extraordinary situation brought about by the crisis, a new focus can be
formed so as to transfer political pressure, gather the morale of the domestic people, and form a situation of
unity and stability.
Set aside the crisis. Shelving a crisis refers to the problem that it is difficult for the parties involved in the
crisis to make substantive concessions in the short term, and the situation out of control will seriously
endanger the core interests of all parties. Through rational negotiation or the formulation of guidelines, a
stable pattern or situation that is acceptable to each other can be formed. Shelving is divided into "cold
shelve" and "hot shelve.” "Cold shelving" means to freeze the factors that cause military crises for a long
time and leave them to be resolved at an appropriate time in the future. The premise of its existence is that
all parties concerned can remain calm and do not initiate the incident, otherwise it will automatically fail; "Hot
shelving" is the crisis situation. Maintain it to a certain extent, so that the issue is always in a "controversial"
state, in order to achieve the purpose of warning the citizens, regulating the other party and reminding the
international community. The two modes of shelving can be interchanged. When one mode loses the
condition of existence, the other mode should be activated in time, or other methods should be adopted to
manage the crisis.
The prevention and handling of military crises must vary from time to time, from event to event, from place to
person, and from person to person. The intensified strategic competition between major powers is the main
cause of frequent military crises. To deal with increasingly diversified, complex, and linked military crises, it
is necessary to grasp the general trend of world development, find the balance and power point, and use
military crises as an influence on international politics. An important way of global governance, as an
important way to adjust national interests, especially relations between major powers, as a common weapon
to actively improve the situation. To prevent and deal with military crises with new concepts, models, and
methods, to maximize the protection and expansion of national strategic interests, and to always maintain
strategic initiative.
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Chapter 8 Strategic Deterrence
Strategic deterrence is an important content of military strategic planning and guidance, and an effective
means to maintain national security and development. With the extensive use of high-tech in the military
field and the development and change of the international strategic situation, the role of strategic deterrence
has become increasingly prominent. Under the conditions of the new era, it is necessary to use the flexible
use of strategic deterrence methods to create a favorable strategic situation to contain armed conflicts and
wars, delay the outbreak of wars, stop the escalation and expansion of wars, avoid, or reduce war damage,
and maintain the ever-expanding national security and development interests.
Section One: The Basic Concept of Strategic Deterrence
Although the thought and practice of strategic deterrence have existed in ancient times, in the long history of
mankind, its basic concepts have not been accurately defined. After the Second World War, with the
emergence and development of modern strategic deterrence theories, the definition, elements, types, and
functions of strategic deterrence have been studied in depth and deeply revealed.
1. The meaning of strategic deterrence
Strategic deterrence is a method of military conflict to achieve a political goal based on military strength, a
comprehensive use of various means, through clever display of strength and determination to use strength,
makes the other party face unworthy or even unbearable consequences, and is forced to give in,
compromise, or surrender.
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Chapter 8 Strategic Deterrence
Compared with actual combat, strategic deterrence has lower intensity, lower cost, and greater room for
maneuver. Under certain conditions, it can directly achieve political goals. It is an important way of military
conflict and a strategic means to maintain national security. Strategic deterrence can be implemented in
peacetime, and can also be used in crisis or war. Strategic deterrence is aimed at the opponent's
psychology, cognition and decision-making system. Its mechanism is to make the other party realize that
taking a certain action will pay heavy costs and losses when weighing the benefits and losses, which
exceeds its ability to bear and the benefits obtained. The greater the cost and loss foreseen by the other
party, the greater the power it exerts on its psychology, cognition and decision-making, and the more
effective the deterrence.
Effective strategic deterrence must have three basic elements: strength, determination and information
transmission. Strength is the basis of deterrence, and deterrence without strength can only be a bluff.
Strength is divided into hard power and soft power. Hard power includes land, population, economic power,
scientific and technological power, and military power. Military power is its main body and core. Soft power
mainly includes political influence, diplomatic ability, cultural attraction and national cohesion, etc. It has the
function of strengthening and amplifying hard power. Determination plays an important role in the success of
deterrence, and lack of determination will make opponents doubt the authenticity of deterrence. Therefore,
we must use firm willpower and decisiveness to transform the will to safeguard sovereignty and security into
the determination to dare and be good at using force when necessary. The transmission of deterrence
information is to convey the strength and determination to use the strength to the opponent. When the
opponent receives the deterrence information and produces psychological fear and cognitive confusion, the
deterrence has an effect. Through a variety of ways, the strength and determination to use force must be
conveyed to the other party in a timely, fast, and accurate manner, so that the deterred person can correctly
understand the deterrence information and produce the expected deterrence effect.
Whether strategic deterrence can effectively play a role also needs to have an important condition, that is,
whether the deterred person and the deterred person have the same or similar cognitive logic, for example,
both sides want to avoid war, reduce losses, and maintain stability. If the decision makers of the deterred
party take risks and fight to the death regardless of the cost, deterrence will not be effective. Therefore, it is
necessary to carefully study the psychological characteristics and behaviors of the opponent's decision-
makers, flexibly use deterrence methods, and comprehensively apply pressure in a targeted manner to
enhance the effectiveness of military conflicts.
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2. Types of strategic deterrence
The types of strategic deterrence can be distinguished from different angles. According to the nature of
deterrence, it can be divided into offensive deterrence and defensive deterrence; according to the scope of
action, it can be divided into comprehensive deterrence and partial deterrence; according to the comparison
of forces, it can be divided into superior deterrence, balanced deterrence and inferior deterrence; according
to the means of deterrence, it can be divided into nuclear deterrence and conventional deterrence. In
addition, there are some special types of deterrence related to national conditions and military conditions,
such as people's war deterrence. The types of deterrence expand with the development of science and
technology, such as space deterrence, information deterrence, etc. From the perspective of China's strategic
deterrence mission, we should focus on nuclear deterrence, conventional deterrence, space deterrence,
information deterrence and people's war deterrence. Although these types of deterrence have a certain
degree of overlap, they are relatively independent in application.
(1) Nuclear deterrence
Nuclear deterrence refers to the use of nuclear power as a backing, through threats to use nuclear weapons
or determination to implement a nuclear counterattack to shock and contain the deterrent behavior or state
of opponents. The essence of nuclear deterrence is to warn the other party in advance of the ability and
determination to use nuclear weapons or carry out nuclear counterattacks, and the serious consequences
that may be caused by such actions, so that they can develop a sense of fear through the balance of pros
and cons, and are forced to obey the deterrer’s will or abandon the original designs, thus enabling the
deterrer to achieve his own political goals. Nuclear deterrence is based on people's understanding of the
huge damage and destruction of nuclear weapons. In 1945, the United States took the lead in successfully
developing an atomic bomb, and in August of the same year it carried out a strategic bombing of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki, Japan, resulting in unimaginable heavy casualties and destruction, which shocked the entire
world. Nuclear warfare is greatly restricted by the huge destruction and destruction of nuclear weapons, and
the deterrent effect of nuclear weapons has become increasingly prominent. Thus, the idea of nuclear
deterrence came into being. The use of nuclear deterrence is based on the level of development of nuclear
power in countries with nuclear weapons. Generally, nuclear deterrence is divided into three levels: one is to
maximize nuclear deterrence. When the deterrent party has the advantages of quantity and quality of
nuclear power, it can disarm the armed threat through the first large-scale nuclear strike to achieve the
purpose of deterring and coercing the opponent. The second is the minimum nuclear deterrence. It relies on
a small number of nuclear weapons to threaten the opponent's city targets and constitute a nuclear deterrent
to the other party.
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The third is a medium-strength nuclear deterrence. It relies on a "sufficient and effective" nuclear strike force
to threaten the other side with a certain degree of unbearable damage to achieve its own deterrence
purpose. It is a forms of nuclear deterrence between the maximum nuclear deterrence and the minimum
nuclear deterrence.. Nuclear deterrence has great limitations. On the one hand, because nuclear weapons
have great destructive power, they are difficult to use in actual combat; on the other hand, due to the
formation of mutual nuclear deterrence, countries that implement nuclear deterrence also face the danger of
nuclear retaliation, which lowers the credibility of nuclear deterrence, and reduces the function of deterring
(2) Conventional deterrence
Conventional deterrence is relative to nuclear deterrence, and refers to deterrence using conventional
military forces as a means. Conventional deterrence was originally the basic type of military deterrence.
After the Second World War, with the emergence and development of nuclear weapons, the role of nuclear
deterrence became prominent, and the role of conventional deterrence declined relatively. With the
development of the times, the limitations of nuclear deterrence are increasingly exposed, and the role of
conventional deterrence is being valued again. In particular, the development of high-tech conventional
weapons has not only narrowed the gap between combat effectiveness and nuclear weapons, but also has
higher accuracy and greater controllability. Conventional deterrence is highly controllable and less risky, and
generally does not lead to devastating disasters like nuclear war. It is convenient to achieve political goals
and becomes a credible deterrence method.
(3) Space deterrence
Space deterrence is a deterrence carried out by means of space military forces, and is a product of a certain
stage in the development of aerospace and space weapon technology. At present, more and more countries
in the world are engaged in space activities. The military application of space technology is quite extensive,
and the military competition for space is becoming increasingly fierce. The military functions of space
include: reconnaissance and surveillance, missile early warning, weapon guidance, weather support,
surveying and mapping support, space environment detection, etc., which can provide continuous, real-time,
global positioning, navigation, and timing services for all services and arms in joint operations; it can provide
communication support for joint operations with wide coverage, large capacity, strong anti-interference
ability, and good confidentiality performance, meeting the needs of command, coordination, and intelligence
and communication support; the offensive weapon system on the available space platform can conduct
firepower or electronic attacks on the enemy's military targets in space and the atmosphere. It can be seen
that in the war under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the role of space forces has become
increasingly prominent. The use and counter-utilization, destruction and counter-sabotage of space systems
will have a major impact on the process and outcome of the war.
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The main characteristics of space deterrence: first, it is strategically prominent and has a great deterrent
effect on the enemy; second, it is highly dependent on technology, especially space technology, and the
credibility of deterrence must be established on the basis of feasible and reliable space technology; third, the
method of deterrence is flexible, and interference, destruction, destruction, etc. can all be used as
deterrence methods; and fourth, it is restricted by factors such as space laws and international public
opinion. With the development of space technology, some aerospace powers are actively developing space
weapons and forming space forces while developing artificial satellites, spacecraft, manned space stations,
space shuttles, and launch vehicles. The struggle for power is fierce and complex, and the new form of
deterrence, space deterrence, will mature day by day and play an increasingly important role.
(4) Information deterrence
Information deterrence is a deterrence carried out with the momentum and power of information warfare by
virtue of the powerful functions of information science and information technology. With the rapid
development of information technology centered on computer technology, the process of social
informatization continues to accelerate. Information technology is widely used in almost every social field
such as national electric power, communications, finance, transportation, industry, medical treatment,
military, etc. The daily life of the country is increasingly dependent on information infrastructure, information
networks, etc. The survival of the national information system is directly related to the stability of the society,
the normal order of people's daily life, and even the peril of the country. Large-scale information attacks may
paralyze the social information network, thereby causing chaos in the national economic system and
triggering social unrest and unrest. The main characteristics of information deterrence: first, permeability.
Because information has the characteristics of substitutability, transferability, diffusibility, sharing,
predictability, etc., information deterrence can not only penetrate into the military field, but also penetrate
into various fields of society such as politics, economy, culture, science and technology, and expand the
psychological effect on people. The second is ambiguity. In the face of multi-party information deterrence, it
is not easy to determine the source of the information attack; the information network extends in all
directions and affects the whole body, and it is easy to expand the object and scope of deterrence. The third
is diversity. Since both soft-kill and hard-kill can be used as a means to destroy the other party's information
process, the forms of information deterrence are varied, such as unauthorized access, malicious software,
destruction of databases, obtaining electronic intelligence, electronic attacks, etc.
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Chapter 8 Strategic Deterrence
(5) People's War Deterrence
People's War deterrence is a type of deterrence that fully demonstrates and exerts the great power of
People's War to deter the enemy. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it has faced the
threat of large-scale foreign invasion for a long time. Our country is fully prepared to fight the People's War,
deterring foreign enemies' invasion, safeguarding national sovereignty and security, and creating an
example of People's War deterrence. People's War deterrence belongs to self-defense and justice
deterrence. Only the people's army that is highly consistent with the interests of the people can implement
the deterrence of the People's War. The outcome of a war is determined by the nature of the war and the
support of the people. The People's War represents the fundamental interests of the broad masses of
people. It has the political basis for mobilizing and participating in the war by all people, and can maximize
the war potential of the nation and the country. Once the enemy is caught in the vast ocean of the People's
War, it will surely be destroyed. This is the fundamental reason why the People's War has a powerful
deterrent. In addition to politics, organization, leadership and other factors, the deterrence of the People's
War also depends on the country's economy, science and technology, geography, history, culture and other
factors. A country with a vast land and abundant resources, a large population, a developed economy,
advanced science and technology, and a tradition and experience in people's warfare has stronger credibility
for the deterrence of People's War. Although the world is changing, the basic laws of People's War
deterrence have not changed. On the contrary, the development of high and new technology represented by
information technology and artificial intelligence technology has injected new vitality and vitality into it,
making it richer in content and form and more flexible and diverse.
3. The role of strategic deterrence
Strategic deterrence has two basic functions. One is to stop the other party from doing what they don't want
to do through deterrence, and the other is to use deterrence to coerce the other party to do what they must
do. According to different strengths and targets, strategic deterrence has different effects in different periods
and under different circumstances.
In peacetime, strategic deterrence is mainly the use of national military power, combined with political,
economic, diplomatic, technological, cultural and other strategic forces to influence the development of the
situation and delay or stop the outbreak of war. Under modern conditions, even a small-scale local war has
huge losses. Therefore, it is in the fundamental interests of the country to make full use of strategic
deterrence to contain war, maintain national security and stability, and create a good internal and external
environment for national development.
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In general, maintaining an appropriate strategic deterrence will help prevent the situation from deteriorating.
When the strategic situation is severe and there is a danger of war, the use of strategic deterrence may
delay the outbreak of war and create conditions for the country to make other political choices and prepare
for war. When the outbreak of war is imminent, implementing strategic deterrence can either seize the last
chance to avoid war, or gain the initiative in war, especially the first battle, and create a favorable military
situation for entering a state of war.
In wartime, strategic deterrence mainly serves the war, and its function is to show the enemy's strength by
the presence of soldiers near the city, or to show strength with military strikes, and to win the war by
defeating soldiers in small battles. For example, a "surgical" attack on the enemy in a local war is actually an
application of strategic deterrence in war. The two sides of the war are a contradictory unity. In the case of a
strategic balance of power between the two sides of the war, if one party can adopt the correct strategic
policy and skillfully play the role of strategic deterrence, so that the other party can truly feel that continuing
the confrontation does not pay off, it can shake its determination and will and abandon the attempt to
continue the war. Thereby breaking the balance of power in the war. When the two sides of the war are not
balanced, if the strong strategic deterrence is effective, it may quickly form a situation where the strong can
deter the weak; conversely, if the weak take strong strategic deterrence measures, it may also go from weak
to strong.
Section Two: China's Strategic Deterrence Thought
In the long history of human society, there are not only a large number of military deterrence practices, but
also many deterrence ideas that still have strong vitality, such as "stopping the enemy for military,” "the
soldier who does not fight but not the enemy,” and "there is no need to hand over the sword. And cut it,” etc.
However, the theory of deterrence achieved great development and was widely used after the Second World
War. The United States put forward the modern strategic deterrence theory based on the shocking power of
nuclear weapons and the ability to directly achieve political goals. Relying on its powerful nuclear power, the
United States unscrupulously wielded the nuclear stick, waged war, and pursued a policy of aggression and
expansion. The Soviet Union (Russia), Britain, France and other major countries in the world all attach great
importance to the issue of strategic deterrence.
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Chapter 8 Strategic Deterrence
Strategic deterrence, as a way of military conflict, is not the patent of hegemonism. In the practice of military
conflicts more than half a century after the founding of New China, China has attached great importance to
the issue of strategic deterrence. It has not only carried out a large number of strategic deterrence activities
in accordance with the development and changes of security threats and the need to safeguard national
interests, but also established in practice. Strategic deterrence thinking with Chinese characteristics. China's
strategic deterrence thinking is broad, profound and unique, which can be summarized into eight words: self-
defense, limited, flexible, and effective.
Self-defense means insisting on active defense, "We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are
attacked, we will certainly counterattack." Deterrence, like war, has two completely different properties, and
there is also justice and injustice. It is unjust to use deterrence to engage in hegemony, control the country,
and invade and expand. It is just to use deterrence to maintain its own security and maintain regional
stability and world peace. There are three fundamental differences between China’s strategic deterrence
and the US’ strategic deterrence: first, the purpose is different. The purpose of using strategic deterrence of
the United States is to exert pressure on other countries with strong military power, promote hegemonism
and power politics, and serve its global strategy. Our country does not seek hegemony or invade other
countries. The purpose of using strategic deterrence is to contain foreign aggression, safeguard national
sovereignty, security and development interests, and maintain a peaceful and stable internal and external
environment. The second is a different status. The United States regards deterrence as a strategy, that is,
"deterrence strategy.” It is an important part of its military strategy. No matter how the government changes,
no matter how the military strategy changes, the deterrence strategy based on a strong nuclear force runs
through the same line. Although our country also attaches importance to deterrence, the core of our
strategic thinking is active defense, and strategic deterrence is only a means. The third method is different.
The United States' strategic deterrence is based on dominance and expansion, so its use has obvious
initiative and offensiveness. Its proposal and implementation of the "preemptive strike" strategy is the best
proof. Although our country's strategic deterrence also emphasizes striving for the initiative, this initiative is
the initiative under the overall self-defense and defensive strategy. It does not take the initiative to provoke,
and does not use force to overwhelm others, but its use is forced and comes after the enemy has struck.
Limited means to develop a limited strategic deterrent force based on the nature of the country,
comprehensive national power and the basic principles of strategic deterrence to achieve limited strategic
goals. China is a large developing socialist country, and it is impossible and should not engage in an arms
race with the hegemonic power. The Soviet Union developed its armaments uncontrollably in spite of its
national strength, and the lessons were extremely profound. Our country does not use strategic deterrence
as a tool to fight for world hegemony like hegemonic countries, but is committed to building a reasonable
and sufficient strategic force to deter opponents with limited deterrence and maintain national security.
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Flexibility means to maintain national security as the goal, according to the objective situation, assess the
situation, creatively use various deterrent methods, and maximize the deterrence effect of strategic forces.
The flexibility of China's strategic deterrence is mainly reflected in three aspects: First, the principle and
flexibility are closely combined. Adherence to self-defense and post-attack are the basic principles of the use
of strategic deterrence, but it does not exclude the flexibility of the use of deterrence. When national
territorial sovereignty is violated, national unity is challenged, and national development interests are
threatened, our country has the right to use military means at any time, and it can carry out active and
effective strategic deterrence to obtain a military advantage. The second is the close integration of military
means with political and diplomatic means. Military strength is the basic force to implement strategic
deterrence, but it is difficult to obtain the expected deterrence effect by relying on military strength alone.
Therefore, China's strategic deterrence emphasizes the flexible use of political and diplomatic means,
closely cooperates with strategic deterrence, and strives for strategic initiative. The third is the close
integration of various deterrence methods. The overall power deterrence and nuclear deterrence of the
People's War are the basic means of our country's strategic deterrence. The organic combination of the two
can produce a huge deterrent effect. At the same time, develop and use diversified strategic deterrence
methods to improve the overall effectiveness of deterrence.
Effectiveness means that the strategic deterrent force can deal with various threats and ensure the
realization of the goal of defeating others without fighting. China’s security has long been faced with different
targets and varying degrees of threats. How to ensure the effectiveness of deterrence is very important. Any
enemy, including powerful enemies, must be convinced that any aggression and interference against China
will receive due retaliation. This requires that we must attach great importance to the effectiveness of
deterrence in the construction and use of military forces. In terms of strength building, if you only emphasize
the finiteness, you will fall into one-sidedness. The finiteness refers to the quantity, and the small quantity is
built on the basis of reliable quality. When Mao Zedong said that nuclear weapons should be "a little bit
less," at the same time, he especially emphasized the need to be "better." Therefore, while China's strategic
deterrence emphasizes limitation, it must also emphasize effectiveness. Nuclear forces must meet the
requirements of effective retaliation, and conventional strategic forces must meet the needs of safeguarding
national sovereignty, security, and development interests. In the use of strategy, to ensure that strategic
deterrence is effective, there must be firm determination and will. Effective strategic deterrence should have
three basic elements: one is to have a reliable strategic force; the other is to have the determination and will
to use strategic force when necessary; and the third is to make opponents more effective through rapid and
accurate information transmission using proper recognition and understanding of the the two points.
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Chapter 8 Strategic Deterrence
This basic principle of deterrence tells us that when the power is established, the effect of deterrence
depends on correct determination, strong will and timely and accurate information transmission. The use of
strategic deterrence in our country emphasizes rationality, advantage, moderation, non-belief in evil, not
afraid of pressure, tit for tat, firm will, and daring to win. In the decades after the founding of the People’s
Republic of China, we have proved many times that the Chinese speak for themselves, established our
country’s image of deterrence, and maintained national interests and world peace with credible and effective
strategic deterrence.
Section Three: Methods of Strategic Deterrence
For strategic deterrence to produce a deterrent effect, it must be manifested through strategic deterrence
military actions. The so-called strategic deterrence military action refers to a strategic action taken by a
country or a political group to force the other party to yield to its own will and show its determination to use
force and prepare to use force. It is one of the types of strategic actions, and it is a specific way to transmit
deterrence information and implement strategic deterrence. Strategic deterrence is about seeking
"potential.” Although there are many methods, they are all focused on "potential.”
1. Create an atmosphere of war
Creating an atmosphere of war refers to the use of various means of struggle to create an atmosphere of
war that is imminent, deterring opponents with the pressure of imminent war. The main methods are: Party,
country, and military leaders issue statements declaring their determination to hesitate a war; the National
People's Congress issues a war mobilization order at an appropriate time; announcing that some areas have
entered a wartime state; troops are deployed to prepare for battle; public opinion and psychological warfare,
legal warfare; organize local emergency mobilization, civil air defense, road protection and defense combat
drills; organize the evacuation of front-line masses; issue announcements urging relevant countries to
evacuate nationals and office personnel.
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2. Show advanced weapons
Weapons with the power of mass destruction and destruction, long-range precision strike capabilities and
other special destruction and destruction effects, such as nuclear weapons, precision guided weapons,
space weapons, and new concept weapons, can produce huge destruction and destruction once they are
used. Possessing this type of weapon system and means of attack means possessing the ability to cause
tremendous damage to the enemy. The performance and power of advanced weapons can be displayed
through military parade, weapon display, weapon test and actual firing, actual explosion, etc., so that the
other party realizes that we have advanced defense and counterattack methods, and fears that we will
retaliate. The advanced weapon display can be used for general display of military power without a specific
target, or it can be implemented in a purposeful and planned manner for a specific threat object; it can be
displayed publicly, or it can be processed with ambiguity, leaving the opponent with speculation and
imagination. It can be combined with demonstrations of major military operations such as weapon testing,
force deployment, and military exercises, and can also be implemented through military and diplomatic
activities such as visits during high-level exchanges of visits and visits by warships.
3. Holding military exercises
Military exercises include strategic campaign exercises and tactical exercises, as well as bilateral or
multilateral joint military exercises with other countries’ armed forces. Military exercises against specific
threats are not only an effective method of military training, but also an important way to implement strategic
deterrence. Large-scale strategic campaign exercises can directly produce a strategic deterrent effect; small
and medium-scale tactical exercises can also play a strategic deterrent effect under certain conditions.
Military exercises for the purpose of deterrence can be conducted in public, or in a closed or semi-open
state. Through exercises, we can demonstrate our military's combat capabilities to the opponent, but also
cause the opponent to doubt our intentions, cause psychological panic and produce a deterrent effect.
4. Adjust military deployment
Adjusting military deployment is an important part of war preparations and a way of strategic deterrence.
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Chapter 8 Strategic Deterrence
When security threats increase and may trigger a crisis, appropriate adjustments should be made to military
deployment to send a real deterrent signal to the opponent to make it feel the pressure of the coming war.
The use of readjusting military deployments to implement strategic deterrence should be based on both
fiction and reality. The main methods are: military forces are maneuvering and gathering in a specific
direction; increasing the deployment of new combat warships such as combat tactical missiles, advanced
fighters, aircraft carriers, and other advanced weapons; forwarding strategic materials; implementing large-
scale force forwards to carry out strategic deployment and even campaign deployment to form a combat
configuration; land-based, sea-based or space-based strategic nuclear weapons implement maneuvers, etc.
5. Raising the level of combat readiness
The level of readiness is a reflection of the degree of preparedness for war, and raising the level of combat
readiness means that the intensity of war preparations will increase. When major threat signs appear, it is
publicly announced to raise the level of combat readiness, and coordinated with actions such as adjusting
the deployment of troops, accelerating battlefield construction, strengthening intelligence reconnaissance,
and patrolling vigilance. If necessary, local mobilization will be carried out to set off an upsurge of national
defense education for the whole people, and create an atmosphere in which if the opponent forces the
choice of war on us, we will act resolutely and will not hesitate to fight a battle. This can create a kind of
pressure that will discourage the enemy and give up the planned actions and designs.
6. Implementing information attacks
Implementing information attacks refers to organizing military and local information attack forces to attack
the enemy's command and early warning and air defense and anti-missile systems. The main methods are:
the use of electronic jamming drones to carry out electromagnetic campaigns and feints to create a situation
of military pressure; the use of satellite communication jamming forces to interfere with enemy
communication satellites and maritime satellites; the use of electronic warfare aircraft to detect and guide
the enemy's early warning radar. Implement interference; use various interference forces to interfere with
enemy early warning aircraft and data links; use television interference forces to suppress or replace enemy
TV programs; organize network warfare forces as appropriate to attack the enemy’s potential target network
for war.
7. Restrictive military operations
Restrictive military operations refer to the adoption of forcible control measures in a certain area to squeeze
the opponent’s operating space and restrict opponents’ movement. The main methods are: in the name of
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military exercises, weapon test firings, etc., delimit exercise areas, test areas or no-fly zones (no-sail zones),
and implement control and isolation of local sea areas and airspaces; organize ships and aircraft to
implement oppressive close reconnaissance and patrol, and interfere with the other party's routine military
activities; action near the other party's sea and air lines of communication, threatening the safety of its air
routes and waterways. The purpose of restrictive military operations is to create a situation of force pressure
on the enemy, thereby producing a deterrent effect.
8. Warning military strikes
A warning military strike is a small-scale strike against a specific target with a small number of selected
troops in response to the enemy's serious provocative behavior. Its purpose is not to destroy the opponent's
military power or destroy the other's important targets, but to show the ability to strike and the determination
to strike when necessary, and to enhance the effectiveness of deterrence by means of small battles.
Warning military strikes usually choose a small number of military and political targets that have obvious
deterrent effects, are relatively isolated and easy to fight, and will not harm the people. Strategic combat
missiles or air assault forces are used to implement long-range precision strikes. Long-range artillery
firepower assault or special operations can also be implemented under certain circumstances. Warning
military strikes do not aim at war, but are intended to deter. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly judge the
situation, strictly control the means and scale of strikes, and prevent the escalation and expansion of
operations and evolve into war.
Different deterrence methods are interrelated and interact. They can be used alone or in combination of two
or more, so as to form different levels and strengths of deterrence. Therefore, it is necessary to flexibly use
strategic deterrence methods to achieve the expected deterrence effect in accordance with different
situations such as threat status, threat size, and opponent characteristics.
Section Four: Guidance of Strategic Deterrence
The use of strategic deterrence has its own characteristics and laws, and it is also affected by uncertain
factors, and there are many accidents. Strategic deterrence is an important part of military strategy, which
has an important influence on the implementation of military strategy and the realization of national interests.
Therefore, it is necessary to grasp some important principles and requirements as a whole and apply them
flexibly in the implementation process.
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Chapter 8 Strategic Deterrence
1. Pay attention to comprehensive advantages
Strategic deterrence is a comprehensive struggle that integrates military, politics, economy, diplomacy,
science and technology, and culture. Military power is the main body of deterrence, and struggles in other
fields also have unique and irreplaceable roles. It is necessary to strengthen centralized and unified
leadership, closely coordinate and cooperate to form a multi-domain and all-round deterrent situation against
the enemy, and create an atmosphere and strengthen the effect with the overall advantages of the system.
Pay attention to the legal struggle and the use of psychological offense and defense, and make full use of
legal weapons and public opinion tools to serve deterrence. At the same time, in view of the international
situation and the surrounding environment, carefully manage the relationship between major powers and
various surrounding forces, create a strategic environment that is beneficial to oneself and unfavorable to
the enemy, and create favorable external conditions for the implementation of strategic deterrence.
2. Flexible choice and use of deterrence methods
Strategic deterrence methods include traditional methods such as nuclear deterrence and People's War
deterrence, as well as new methods such as information deterrence and space deterrence. According to the
strategic needs, the development and changes of the strategic situation, and the characteristics of various
deterrence methods, the deterrence methods that can effectively achieve the strategic objectives should be
selected; different methods should be selected according to different struggle objects, especially the weak
links of the strong enemy's strategic system and the sensitive parts of its psychological, cognitive, and
decision-making systems, select as the means that can cause the greatest deterrence and deterrence
effect; pay attention to the comprehensive use of various deterrence methods to form an effective
deterrence system and produce a comprehensive deterrent effect to the enemy; organically combine nuclear
deterrence with conventional deterrence, People's War deterrence and high-tech deterrence, peacetime
deterrence and crisis, and wartime deterrence.
3. Correctly grasp the timing of deterrence
The timing of strategic deterrence mainly includes: when the enemy has the intention to provoke, when a
crisis event occurs, when the enemy adjusts and prepares for battle, and when the enemy initiates an armed
conflict. In military conflicts, we should distinguish the deterrent objects, focus on the development of the
situation, and flexibly grasp the enemy's psychological characteristics, cognition, and decision-making
process. Generally speaking, the best time to use deterrence is when the other party is making strategic
weighing, comparing, choosing and testing, that is, when the other party is trying to take some kind of
harmful action, but it is not very sure yet, and the final determination has not yet been made.
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At this time, show your strength and determination to the other party, and let the other party realize that if
you take action, it will cause serious consequences. It may make it difficult for the other party to form a will to
act despite the risky thoughts, or if the will to act is formed, it will hesitate and not be able to put it into
4. Form a deterrent situation at the right time
The deterrence posture is the use of deterrence and deterrence methods to create a state, and in this state,
one can form a certain degree of deterrence and containment to the other party. The deterrence situation
can be divided into peace time, crisis time and war time. In peacetime, in accordance with the threats to
national security, we should strengthen the building of military forces, steadily advance preparations for
military conflict, continuously enhance military strength and war potential, master as many strategic means
as possible, shape an unrepentant image of deterrence, and deter opponents from invading and attempts
and actions that endanger our country’s interests. When a crisis occurs, we should respond quickly on the
basis of usual preparations, use strategic preset forces and emergency mobile combat forces to show our
military presence and operational capabilities in conflict areas (airspace, sea areas), and prevent opponents
from taking actions that worsen the situation. To deter wars, to contain crises to contain wars. In wartime,
the establishment of a strategic operational layout that can not only meet the needs of current operations,
but also prevent further escalation of warfare, can not only carry out deterrent attacks on direct combat
targets, but also form an effective deterrent position against military intervention by powerful enemies,
forming a favorable situation with a deterrent .
5. Effective transmission of deterrence information
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Chapter 8 Strategic Deterrence
The transmission of deterrence information in warfare, deterrence with war, and deterrence at the same time
means to clearly inform the other party of our political purpose, determination and strength preparation, and
be correctly understood by the other party. In the transmission of deterrence information, it is necessary to
demonstrate our strong power to carry out punitive and retaliatory strikes, point out the serious
consequences that will inevitably lead to if the enemy insists on going its own way and take risks, declare
our determination and will to safeguard core interests at all costs, and show that we are Tolerable limits set
an insurmountable bottom line for the other party, and put forward the terms of exchange that the enemy will
get if it changes its wrong position and behavior. Deterrence information transmission should make full use
of various communication and communication methods, which can communicate directly with the enemy's
decision-makers or indirectly through a third party. Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence,
radio broadcasting, television and other media, as well as the Internet and new media, are all important
ways to transmit information.
6. Actively regulate and control deterrence actions
Strategic deterrence actions must obey the needs of safeguarding national interests, closely cooperate with
political and diplomatic struggles, and regulate and control the methods used, the timing of actions, the
deployment of forces and the transmission of information in a timely manner, especially the timely
assessment of deterrence effects and grasp the strength and rhythm of deterrence to enhance the
effectiveness of deterrence. Efforts must be made to maintain the flexibility of strategic deterrence. The
objectives and means of deterrence must be firm and flexible, pressure and levels, slow and controllable,
and have appropriate strategic leeway to deal with various unexpected situations. It is necessary to
strengthen the use of strategies, plan strategic deterrence with new ideas, assess the situation, grasp the
overall situation, grasp the key points, attack the ambition, and firmly grasp the initiative in the entire process
of strategic deterrence operations.
7. Carefully plan the transition from deterrence to actual combat
Deterrence and actual combat are two closely related military conflict methods. Deterrence must be backed
by actual combat. Deterrence lacking actual combat capability and combat preparation is often difficult to
achieve strategic goals. We must engage in deterrence like actual combat and increase the degree of
deterrence in actual combat. If deterrence can force the other party to give up their attempts and behaviors
to harm us, and achieve the goal of defeating others without fighting, of course it is an ideal result. However,
if the other party insists on going its own way and causes deterrence to fail, if there is no corresponding
actual combat preparation, it can only swallow the bitter fruit of damage to interests and image, and pay a
great strategic price. Therefore, deterrence must be fully prepared for actual combat. If deterrence is
convinced that deterrence is invalid, it must be transferred to actual combat at the right time, and the
established strategic goals must be achieved through actual combat methods. The transformation from
deterrence to actual combat is a qualitative change. It cannot be blindly and rashly. It must be carefully
planned, strictly controlled, accurately grasped, and acted in a timely manner. Deterrence should be
organically combined with actual combat preparations and actual combat operations. Deterrence should be
integrated to prepare for combat. In the process of deterrence struggles, we should be ready to switch to
actual combat at any time to ensure the deterrence effect. In actual combat operations, we strive for
strategic initiative and safeguard national interests.
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Chapter 9 Military Conflict in New Domains
Military conflicts in the new domains are various military activities conducted in the space, network, deep
sea, polar regions, biology, intelligence, etc., domains in order to maintain national security. The new
domains are not only an important domain of military conflict, but also an integral part of international
political struggle, which has an important influence on the country's politics and diplomacy. Therefore, all
countries in the world, especially the big countries, are paying close attention to and planning military
conflicts in new areas.
Section One: Military Conflict in Space
Space has become a new domain for contemporary military conflicts and is a key factor in determining
military reforms. It will have an extremely important impact on the evolution of the forms, methods, and rules
of future warfare. Therefore, paying attention to the situation of military conflicts in space and strengthening
the research on issues of military conflicts in space are very important subjects of military strategy.
1. The status and role of space military conflict
In the context of the new military revolution, space has become a new domain of military conflict, not only
changing the traditional form of warfare of mankind, but also making the struggle for national strategic
interests expand from traditional security territories such as territories, territorial waters, and airspace to new
security territories. The status of military conflict has become increasingly prominent.
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Chapter 9 Military Struggle in New Domains
(1) Provide information support for the implementation of diversified tasks
With the continuous expansion of national interests and the continuous rise of non-traditional security
threats, the types of missions performed are increasing, and the scope of military operations is also
expanding. The space system is characterized by its wide coverage, strong timeliness, and no border
restrictions. It can provide powerful information support for various military operations including in the remote
surrounding areas and important strategic areas of concern around the world. This is an indispensable
condition for crises and emergencies.
(2) Provide information and battlefield support for joint operations
Space power is not only the glue of the modern integrated battlefield, but also the glue of the modern military
power system. In the system confrontation of future wars, once the space information guarantee is lost, the
battlefield will collapse and the war system will also be paralyzed. The strategic intelligence, military
communications, navigation and positioning, and weather information of the US and Russian forces mainly
come from space information systems. Therefore, the military conflict in space surrounding information
confrontation will intensify. The implementation of effective information support and support for land, sea,
and air battlefields will not only be a regular demand for space forces in future wars, but also will be the
normal state of space military conflicts, including battlefield reconnaissance. Space will play a huge role in
anti-reconnaissance, surveillance and anti-surveillance, as well as ensuring early warning, communication,
navigation and battlefield perception, command decision-making, precision strikes and strike effect
(3) Provide core means for the struggle for dominance
Wars throughout the ages have emphasized the struggle for superiority in power. It has developed to the
present and has experienced the struggle for land, sea, and air power, and now it is striding forward to a
higher level of competition for space power. Because of the decisive influence of space control on
cyberspace and other military spaces, it will become the key to defeating the enemy in information warfare.
Without space control, information control will be impossible, and air control, sea control, and land control
will also be like dominoes, and fall quickly one after another. Therefore, the fight for the supremacy of space
has become the core of the military conflict in space. It is an important factor affecting the evolution of the
international strategic landscape and the adjustment of national military strategies. It is a symbol of the
military capabilities of major powers. It is also, aside from nuclear deterrence, a key factor in determining the
world's military security pattern. Due to the particularity of the space environment, the military conflict in
space will provide the core means to fight for the dominance of space.
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2. Characteristics of Space Military Fight
(1) Space military conflict is global and united
Space belongs to the international public domain. As a military space, it has three obvious characteristics:
first, it has space advantages relative to the surface of the earth (including height advantages and horizon
advantages); second, any space facility must obey the special principles of orbital space; The third is that
motion is the basic attribute of all objects in space. Therefore, objects in space always have coexistence and
globality. The more countries participating in space activities, the more space facilities will be established,
the more demand for military activities, and the more complicated the struggle situation will be. This makes
the space environment an intertwined relationship between friend and foe, and interests are related, and it is
very easy to form a relationship of mutual restraint. Not only small countries and weak countries seek the
desire to unite, but also big countries and strong countries have to achieve and enhance their own
capabilities through alliances. Therefore, there is no doubt that space military conflict is inherently global and
(2) Space military conflict has the characteristics of combining the army with the people
On January 31, 1958, the United States, following the Soviet Union, put the "Explorer" satellite into orbit. In
order to draw a clear line with the Soviet Union and flaunt its peaceful desire to develop aerospace
technology, the United States established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in
October 1958. This is an institution set up completely according to civil standards, and it is in line with the
Soviet Union's militarized space projects at the time. A stark difference is formed. Subsequently, the Soviet
Union established the Strategic Rocket Force in January 1960, which highlighted the different choices of the
U.S. and Soviet Union in space strategy. However, in essence, both countries have common political and
military goals. As former U.S. President Kennedy said: "Control of space will be of decisive significance for
the next 10 years. If the Soviets control space, they will control the earth, just as the countries that control
the oceans in the past few centuries ruled the continents... …In this crucial competition, we cannot be willing
to be second. In order to ensure peace and freedom, we must be the first." The political and military goals of
the US space activities are clear. In fact, since more than 95% of space technology can be used for military
purposes, this makes it difficult to distinguish the peaceful development of space from military applications of
space technology. It is precisely because of this that peaceful development and military applications have
become two-handed strategies for military conflicts in space from the very beginning. The essence of the
scientific and technological competition under the banner of peace is a fierce political and military
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For example, the US "Apollo" program, in addition to the purpose of landing on the moon, was also given a
secret test mission to "capture" Soviet satellites. Therefore, the success of the "Apollo" project has had a
significant impact in many fields such as military, science and technology, culture and society. Especially in
the military field, the United States took this opportunity to open its era of space hegemony, and created
unprecedented military hard power and strategic soft power for the United States. The space race between
the United States and the Soviet Union finally ended with the victory of the United States. However, the two-
handed strategy of military conflict in space has remained the same, with the obvious characteristics of
combining the military with the people.
(3) Space military conflict is a kind of high-tech competitive development and utilization of outer space,
which is different from the historical
The struggle between different nations and countries for space on the surface of the earth is basically
similar. It cannot be separated from the political conflicts in the real world and the competition for interests
between countries. Economic and military advantages. As the U.S. space policy reiterated: "Whoever can
effectively use space will enjoy additional prosperity and security, and will have potential advantages."
Therefore, for any powerful country, or superpower at the top of the world's power, no one would be willing
to let their opponents enjoy such obvious advantages. This determines that scientific and technological
competition in the space field will inevitably become an important content of space military conflicts. The
means of space military conflicts first have significant high-tech characteristics, and their essence is high-
tech competition.
(4) The military conflict in space will revolve around dominance of the space
Military conflict in space has successively experienced a development process of political competition,
space competition, peaceful development and military expansion. Judging from the war practice in the last
30 years, Western countries headed by the United States have clearly gained unprecedented war
advantages from space. They have reached a basic conclusion: whoever controls space will win the war. In
fact, the power of space has played a huge role in the Gulf War, the Kosovo War, the Afghanistan War, and
the Iraq War. With the support of space forces, the U.S. military initially possesses the ability to carry out a
global attack on any target at any time and at any place. The dominance of space has been inseparable
from the outcome of the war, which determines that the military conflict in space will revolve around the
dominance of the space.
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3. Strategic guidance for military conflicts in space
The strategic guidance of space military conflict must be based on the role of space forces in the overall
military conflict, starting from the national and military conditions, and based on actual conditions, to
implement the basic concept of actively responding to space security threats, effectively maintaining space
strategic interests, and supporting the overall military conflict. From the perspective of the actual needs of
military conflicts, the use of space power involves diversified military missions in peacetime and wartime,
involving the cooperation of multiple fields, multiple spaces, and multiple forces. The strategic use is
complex and sensitive, and has a significant impact, especially in space offense and defense. The timing
and way of using power is not only related to the strategic situation facing, but also related to the actual
ability, and has certain subjective characteristics. It must be carefully planned and scientifically guided.
(1) Strategic goals
The strategic objectives of space military conflicts are determined by requirements and capabilities
comprehensively, are related to the security environment they face, and have certain characteristics of the
times. With the expansion of national interests, the environment of military conflicts is becoming more and
more complex, the battlefield space is becoming wider, and the requirements for informatization capabilities
are getting higher and higher. Therefore, effectively defending national space rights and expanding national
interests are the basic goals of space military conflicts. Maintaining national space security, effectively
entering and exiting and using space, building a space information highland serving military security,
responding to various security threats and challenges from space, safeguarding the security of space
assets, and being able to serve national politics, economy, technology, diplomacy and social development,
participation in international space cooperation, and non-war military operations are the realistic goals of
space military conflicts.
(2) Strategic guiding ideology
What kind of strategic guiding ideology should be adopted in a space military conflict is not only related to
the military conflict situation, but also related to the actual capabilities possessed. Of course, there are also
subjective factors, such as the will of the decision-maker and the way of strategic choice, so what is
determined? Such strategic guiding ideology involves many factors and a wide range, and it requires
comprehensive analysis to accurately grasp it. The main points are as follows.
One is to adhere to the combination of deterrence and warfare. Emphasize the important position of space
deterrence, deterrence is the main, war is an auxiliary means of last resort, through the flexible use of
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different space deterrence methods and space offensive and defensive operations, to achieve deterrence
during war, deterrence must be used during war, within war there must be deterrence and there must be
restraint when using deterrence in war, the purpose is to maintain the overall stability of space security.
The second is to focus on limited responses. In the strategic guidance of space military conflicts, attention
should be paid to leave room for action, and strive to achieve deterrence against strong enemies, form
advantages against weak enemies, and seize and maintain strategic initiative. Under normal circumstances,
space combat operations should be defensive and limited.
The third is to focus on joint checks and balances. Space security is a global issue. The space interests of
different countries and groups of countries show a relationship of interpenetration and interdependence on
the whole. The relationships are "space-space,” "space-earth" and " earth-space.” All have an extremely
important impact on space safety. For example, the safety of ground-based facilities affects the operation of
space-based systems, and the performance of space-based facilities determines the functions of space
systems. Therefore, joint checks and balances are an important way to deal with space security threats in
the future.
The fourth is to attach importance to the fight for the supremacy of space. The fight for space supremacy is
the core of the space military conflict. In the inevitable confrontation, we must maintain the stability of our
own space system through continuous space support, support, and combat operations.
(3) Strategy application method
The strategic use of space power is different from traditional power. This is not only a new theoretical issue,
but also a realistic and practical issue. Theoretically, the way of using space power is determined by the
mission. Therefore, relative to the surface of the earth, the way of using strategy must be related to the
attempt to enter and use space. Based on this point of view, the strategic use of space forces can be divided
into four basic methods: one is the strategic use related to entering space; the second is the strategic use
related to space support; the third is the strategic use related to space confrontation; the fourth is the
strategic use method related to the space and earth attack. Taking into account the constraints of demand
and actual capabilities, in the future period, the strategic use of space military conflicts may mainly include
the deployment, restoration and reconstruction of space forces. It refers to the ability of other forces to
effectively complete missions through the use of space launch methods, space and ground transportation
and ground-based support systems, including launching satellites, deploying new space facilities,
implementing space-based platform operations, space rendezvous and approaching, and space power
systems restructuring, etc.
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Support the strategic, operational and tactical operations of the joint force. It refers to the rational use of
space forces to support the joint forces to perform diversified tasks, so that the joint forces can obtain the
fastest response speed and maximum combat effects, including intelligence, reconnaissance and
surveillance, missile early warning, environmental monitoring, satellite communications, space-based
navigation positioning and timing, etc. This method of application can enhance the action perception and
rapid response capabilities of the joint force, increase combat potential, and provide comprehensive support
for joint forces.
Space deterrence. Refers to military actions that force the other party to dare not take hostile actions or
escalate actions by displaying space power or expressing determination to use space power, including
earth-to-space deterrence operations, day-to-day deterrence operations, and space-to-earth deterrence
Space is limited to confrontation. Refers to the offensive and defensive military operations carried out by the
two opposing parties using space to gain and maintain control of the battlefield or prevent the enemy from
possessing control of the battlefield. It is also called outer space warfare or space warfare. Limited
confrontation in space includes military operations in and into space, the purpose of which is to contend for
or maintain a certain degree of dominance of the space.
Section Two: Military Conflict in Cyberspace
With the rapid development of information technology, a new type of space-time domain based on
information, including the Internet and electromagnetic fields, was born. While the information network has
provided revolutionary means for the development of human society, a new form of military conflict-
cyberspace military conflict has emerged at this historic moment.
1. The status and role of military conflict in cyberspace
With the rapid popularization and continuous upgrading of network applications, military conflicts in
cyberspace have also developed rapidly from simple to complex, from low-level to high-level, and the role of
cyberspace military conflicts is increasing, as the futurist Toffler predicted; whoever has mastered the
information and controlled the network will own the whole world.
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The U.S. "Four-year Defense Evaluation Report 2010" pointed out: "Although this is a man-made field,
cyberspace has now become a field related to the activities of the Department of Defense like ground, sea,
air, and space." .
(1) Basic support for maintaining national security
Cyberspace is a new man-made field. Space places human activities in various fields such as politics,
economy, and military on top of it, redefines modern sovereignty, political ecology, economic life, and
ultimately redefines national security. Regardless of whether it is a developed country or a vibrant
developing country, the safe and effective operation of its important infrastructure-including energy, banking
and finance, transportation, communications, and national defense industrial bases, must be based on the
security assurance of cyberspace. Once the network is insecure, it may cause the entire state machine to
fail to operate normally, and even lead to loss of government control, social unrest, and ultimately to the
collapse of national security in peacetime. Since entering the 21st century, cyberspace has been used by
some countries to launch "color revolutions" against other countries. The successive outbreaks of political
turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa are often caused by behind-the-scenes operators using social
networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook as the engine, from creating online public opinion to inciting
social unrest. As a result, national regimes that lack the strategic means of military conflict in cyberspace
have collapsed one after another.
(2) An important guarantee for maintaining social security
Cyberspace not only supports the operation of the state apparatus, but also becomes a dependence on the
lives of enterprises, the public, and even individuals. With the continuous growth of Internet use, cyberspace
has gradually become an important area of human daily life and work. Different from the security
maintenance of other spaces, threats from cyberspace can be directly projected to individuals in the public,
which can pose a major threat to the lives and property of the people as a whole of society, and can also
pose a serious partial or even individual threat to specific enterprises and the public. These threats often
come from various terrorism, extremist actors and violent groups. Therefore, military conflict in cyberspace is
not only an important means to maintain national security from an overall and high level, but also an
effective guarantee for the security of the public and enterprises.
(3) The core center that determines the outcome of a war
Accompanied by the informatization of military operations, cyberspace has evolved into a fifth-dimensional
battlefield after land, sea, air, and spacethe cyber battlefield.
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Analyzing the history of war development, we can see that the winning factors of war and the space
development of the battlefield respond simultaneously. Every time a new battlefield is opened up, the
seizure and control of this battlefield will become the key to victory in combat. The opening up of cyberspace
has made the contention of the cyber battlefield a key area that determines the outcome of information
warfare. The practice of high-tech warfare since the Gulf War has shown that cyberspace has become the
primary target of attacks, and the key national infrastructure and government and military systems built on it
can be destroyed through cyberspace. Facts have proven that as the network becomes the center of
multidimensional battlefield space, the highest form of military conflict in cyberspace, cyberspace operations,
has become the core center for winning wars without exception. The victory of the war begins with the
victory of cyberspace. Whoever holds the dominance in cyberspace will win the initiative in the war; whoever
loses this center will fall into strategic passivity. If Iraq failed so quickly in the war, one of the reasons was
that the entire cyberspace was controlled by its opponents. As a result, government functions and military
command were paralyzed, the military and the people's minds became disintegrated, and the resistance
"evaporated" overnight.
2. Characteristics of military conflict in cyberspace
Cyberspace military conflict is a brand-new way of military conflict. Compared with other space military
conflicts, it not only has universal characteristics, but also has new characteristics and new laws as a power
contest between invisible space and man-made space.
(1) Peace and war are vague, and peace and war are connected
Compared with traditional space, the boundary between war and peace in cyberspace is more blurred, and
confrontational behavior runs through peacetime and wartime. Any country is in the process of being
infiltrated and attacked by opponents in peacetime, but the scale and extent of the damage are different. For
example, after the Gulf War, the United States has been carrying out cyber infiltration operations against
Iraq, collecting intelligence, monitoring government and economic targets, and before the launch of the war
in Iraq in 2003, it forcibly took over Iraq’s television media and e-mail system, which enabled thousands of
Iraqi military and political officials. They received a letter of persuasion from the US military in their e-mail
box, and the Iraqi people saw the US military's announcement on TV. And the out-of-control event of Iran’s
nuclear reactor centrifuge in 2010 that shocked the world even more reflected the characteristics of peace
and war. The control program of Iran’s nuclear industry was implanted by a hostile country with a virus
called Stuxnet, which caused a large area of nuclear fuel rods to run out of control.
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The "Stuxnet" incident is a classic case of military conflicts in cyberspace during peacetime, and it can also
be a precursor to the transition to war.
(2) Unbounded time and space, highly flexible
The openness and mutual penetration of cyberspace provide unlimited opportunities for military conflicts in
cyberspace. Compared with other space military conflicts, the coverage of information networks far exceeds
the traditional concept of war zones. Military conflicts in cyberspace are not limited by time and space.
Attacks can be launched at any place and at any time of the network link. Operations can be carried out on
their own land, on the land of an enemy country, or anywhere on the earth where there is a network link. The
cyber attacks that have occurred so far show that the party launching cyber military operations can launch
attacks on the enemy from all corners of the world. In cyberspace, there is no distinction between front and
rear, and there is no distinction between national borders. Since cyber attack operations are not affected by
time and distance, and the process of action can be completed in a very short time, which has the
characteristics of achieving strategic goals in an instant, military conflicts in cyberspace have a high degree
of flexibility.
(3) Cross penetration, destructive
Because cyberspace has a strong permeability to physical space, attacks on the network can involve
various information application fields such as financial networks, commerce networks, transportation
networks, telecommunications networks, and scientific research networks, resulting in enemy
communication congestion and traffic. Chaos and economic collapse have caused command loss of control,
weapon failure, and even destructive effects that traditional military strikes cannot achieve. The Kosovo war
that occurred in 1999 showed that the Yugoslav Federation did not succumb under NATO's high-intensity air
strikes, but it collapsed after the graphite bomb destroyed the hydropower system and paralyzed social life.
Future cyber attacks can achieve this effect more quickly and with a smaller price .
(4) Diversified means and hidden actions
Military conflicts in cyberspace are mainly carried out through viruses and hackers, and these methods have
unlimited diversity, so that cyber confrontations can surpass the limitations of other space military conflicts.
At the same time, due to the natural concealment and anonymity of viruses and hacking methods, there are
many potential attackers, including countries, terrorist organizations, criminal groups, and individuals, so it is
difficult for the attacked party to identify the attacker when it is attacked by a virus or hacker. Especially with
the upgrading of network intrusion technology, more and more high-tech attack methods are very concealed,
leaving no clues. It is difficult for the attacked to determine where the attack came from, and it is even more
difficult to determine the true intention and strength of the attacker, and it may even be possible to be
attacked and afterwards not notice it. This often makes the situation of military conflicts in cyberspace
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(5) Low cost and high cost-effectiveness ratio
Military conflicts in cyberspace are characterized by low investment and high efficiency. In traditional
warfare, the manufacture and production of hard-destructive weapons requires huge manpower, material
and financial support. The research and development of cyber warfare attack technology and weaponry can
be carried out as long as they have the professional skills of information systems and a small amount of
funds. In addition to the necessary knowledge of computer networks, cyber attackers use only ordinary
computers, modems, telephone lines, and software that can enter the network. Once a cyberspace attack is
implemented, it will be able to play the role and benefits that are difficult to achieve by armed operations.
Cyber warfare is also a trump card for a weak country to deal with a powerful country. Limited by national
power, weak and poor countries may not be able to have advanced aircraft carrier battle groups and cannot
afford to purchase more advanced fighters and high-performance weapons and equipment, but as long as
they have computers and smart people can carry out cyber warfare.
3. The main forms of military conflict in cyberspace
Different from other forms of space military conflict, cyberspace military conflict is an invisible and silent new
form of struggle. It is not only active in wars and various conflicts, but also runs through various political,
economic, military, and cultural activities in peacetime. In the struggle for science and technology, various
forms of struggle are shown, mainly in the following categories.
(1) Cyber deterrence
Network deterrence is a means of struggle that can be used in peacetime and wartime. It is divided into two
levels: strategic level and tactical level. Strategic-level cyber deterrence is to deter opponents' cyber-attack
attempts by displaying cyber-attack capabilities and strategic destructive effects. Because cyber attacks can
produce huge damage to the enemy's political, economic, and military objectives, such as the military's
C4ISRK system, the country's transportation key position, and the communication key position. By showing
the effect of attacks on these strategic targets, the opponent is forced to abandon the attempt to launch a
cyber attack. Tactical-level cyber deterrence is mainly to contain scattered and small-scale cyber attacks
and cyber infiltration behaviors, and to ensure the security of the country in various fields during peacetime.
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(2) Network reconnaissance and counter reconnaissance
Due to the large amount of military intelligence information obtained on the network, fast timeliness, and low
cost, "cyber fighters" use viruses, Trojan horses, hacking software and other means to obtain extremely
valuable information without leaving home. All kinds of valuable intelligence, the stealing of important military
information through the network has become an important means of obtaining military intelligence, which
has led to the network intelligence struggle becoming the most prominent form of military conflict in
cyberspace in peacetime. According to statistics from American intelligence agencies, about 80% of the
intelligence it obtains comes from public information, and nearly half of it comes from the Internet. The
"Prism" project shows that the U.S. uses the Internet to conduct full-time network surveillance and steal
intelligence on key countries and targets around the world, and even not sparing its allies, marking the
openness and fierceness of the online intelligence struggle.
(3) Cyber offense
Cyber attacks are war operations in cyberspace, mainly using virus damage, hacker attacks, channel
interference, etc. means to completely destroy the enemy’s command and control network, communication
network, and computer systems of weapons and equipment, etc., making it unable to operate normally or
even paralyzing. While performing soft destruction, traditional hard destruction methods can also be used,
such as the use of strong electromagnetic pulse bombs and other weapons to destroy the network, micro-
robot attacks, etc., to completely destroy the enemy's network system. A cyber attack can affect the national
economy of an enemy country as a whole, destroy its economic and social benefits, and even shake the
enemy's will to war. As the U.S. military once analyzed: “the targets of strategic-level information warfare
attacks will definitely include power generation facilities and communication systems that serve important
strategic targets; simultaneous information attacks on communication nodes distributed in a wide area can
cause serious strategic consequences, and can have an impact on the cognition, belief and will of enemy
leaders." Virus attacks on the above-mentioned important departments will paralyze or even collapse the
national economy, cause the people to lose confidence in national defense security, cause political,
economic and social chaos, and directly affect the country’s war potential. At the same time, cyber attacks
can also directly destroy the enemy's military command system, paralyze it, and gain battlefield advantage.
(4) Cyber defense
Cyber defense is to enhance the protection capabilities of your own network, increase your own network's
defense against enemy reconnaissance, interference, secret-stealing and destruction abilities, maintain
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the normal progress of information acquisition, transmission and processing of one's own side, and on this
basis, ensure the safe operation of national infrastructure, government functions and military systems. In
order to effectively respond to cyber attacks and ensure national cyber security, the United States has held a
"cyber storm" exercise every two years since 2006 to comprehensively test the national cyber security and
actual combat capabilities. For example, the "Cyberstorm" exercise held in 2010 simulated a large-scale
cyber attack on the critical infrastructure of the United States. There were thousands of participants in the
exercise, from seven cabinet-level government departments, including the Department of Homeland
Security, the Department of Commerce, the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, the
Department of Justice, the Department of Transportation, and the Department of Finance, including finance,
chemistry, communications, dams, defense, and information technology, nuclear energy, transportation and
water resources industries, 60 private companies in 11 states, and 12 international partners including
Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, and the United Kingdom, with the goal of
testing the coordinated response capabilities of important U.S. departments during large-scale cyber
4. Strategic guidance for military conflicts in cyberspace
Without cyber security, there will be no national security. Military conflicts in cyberspace are an important
guarantee for national security and serve the overall situation of national security struggles.
(1) Defending the frontiers of the Internet, defending Internet sovereignty and national security
The network has no boundaries, but the network has sovereignty. It can be seen from the turmoil in the
Middle East and North Africa that maintaining cyber sovereignty is an indispensable and inevitable choice to
stop hostile forces from creating social turmoil and subverting political stability. It is necessary to ensure the
safety and reliability of the national and social information network itself through effective cyber defense. On
this basis, we should cooperate with relevant state departments to legally supervise all actions that occur in
cyberspace, stop cyber illegal activities and cyber infiltration, and protect the country’s political, economic
and military lifeline.
(2) Actively defend, contain and win future wars
Responding to cyber attacks and seizing cyber power is the basis for seizing comprehensive control of the
battlefield. At present, more and more countries are beginning to establish military strategies in cyberspace.
The United States has established an offensive strategy, the European Union has adopted a dependent
strategy, and Russia has also adopted an active posture in tit-for-tat. Facts have proven that in the
establishment of cyber military strategy, pure defense is to fight war of attrition, and passive defense is
undoubtedly providing a paradise for cyber invaders. It is necessary to develop strategic guidance for active
defense in cyberspace, deter warfare, seize cyber power, and deter cyberspace and win the future war.
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(3) Carrying out international cooperation on cyber security to maintain global cyber security and world
Cyberspace security is not completely exclusive, because the network is open and connected, belonging to
the international public domain, and all countries in the world have the responsibility to maintain cyber public
security. Faced with the increasingly severe threat of cyber terrorism, for example, terrorists can use any
computer or mobile phone in the world to launch global attacks. This requires the militaries of all countries to
strengthen cooperation and jointly maintain world peace.
Section Three: Deep Sea Military conflict
Deep-sea military conflict refers to deep-sea deterrence, strikes, countermeasures, and defenses carried out
by the two opposing parties around the use and control of the deep sea, and the use of underwater and
related military forces. For the definition of deep sea space, there is no fixed standard in the world, and
different countries and different research fields are not the same. In the field of ocean engineering, it is
generally considered that the water depth greater than 300 meters is deep sea, and the water depth greater
than 1500 meters is called ultra-deep sea. From the perspective of military conflict, due to the main activities
of submarines, mines, underwater combat equipment and other underwater main combat equipment and
deployment in the depth range of several hundred meters, the military deep sea usually refers to a certain
depth under the sea surface. Ocean space for power activities. Since mankind invented submarines, mines
and other underwater weapons and equipment, the space of military conflict has expanded from land and
sea to underwater. Countries around the world have never stopped fighting to use the deep sea, prevent
deep-sea security threats, and seize the dominance of deep-sea struggles. At present, the military conflicts
of various countries around deep-sea space are becoming increasingly fierce, and deep-sea military
conflicts have become an important area in which major countries in the world seize the strategic initiative.
1. The status and role of deep-sea military conflict
(1) Normally has a major deterrent function
Normal deep-sea military conflicts have both conventional and nuclear deterrent effects. The deterrent
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effect comes from the good concealment and powerful assault capabilities of submarines, mines and other
underwater combat forces. Compared with the two world wars, modern conventional submarines have better
stealth performance. The precision strike level and lethality of weapons such as torpedoes and missiles on
board have further increased. The intelligence and destructive power of modern mine weapons have been
newly improved. This makes the enemy have to invest heavily in the development of anti-submarine and
anti-mine combat methods, which makes the conventional deterrence function of deep-sea military conflict
more prominent. Because of this, countries in the world, especially small and medium-sized countries,
attach great importance to the development and construction of deep-sea military forces such as
conventional submarines and mines. With the advent of the nuclear age, the world's military powers are also
racing to develop sea-based nuclear forces. At present, ballistic missile nuclear submarines, strategic
bombers and land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles together constitute a "triad" strategic deterrent
force. Compared with land-based and space-based nuclear forces, sea-based nuclear forces have the
advantages of strong survivability, wide range of maneuverability, and large strike power, and they have the
capability of a second nuclear strike. Especially with the development of anti-missile weapon systems, the
advantages of sea-based nuclear power have become more prominent. It can be widely maneuvered in all
oceans of the world. Sea-based nuclear missiles can effectively avoid the interception channels of anti-
missile systems and ensure the effectiveness of nuclear strikes. The powerful deterrent effect of sea-based
nuclear forces can effectively deter the enemy’s nuclear strikes against one’s own country, preventing the
enemy from easily escalating a military conflict into a nuclear war.
(2) Wartime is an effective means to check and balance opponents
In the two world wars, the deep-sea military conflict represented by submarine warfare and mine warfare
played an important role in combating enemy ships, destroying maritime communication lines, and blocking
enemy ports. Taking submarines as an example, in World War I, the proportion of ships sunk by submarines
on both sides of the war was as high as 80%; in World War II, this proportion remained at about 65%. At the
end of World War II, the United States implemented a large-scale mine war code-named "Battle of Hunger"
against Japan's home base ports, which completely blocked Japan's sea lines of communication and
severely weakened Japan's war potential. The actual combat and confrontation exercises after the Second
World War have repeatedly proved that high-performance deep-sea attack force is an important force for
structural damage and strikes against the enemy. For example, in the Falkland Islands War, the British
attack nuclear submarine sank the Argentine Navy cruiser "General Belgrano" in one fell swoop, forcing all
the Azerbaijani surface ships to withdraw to within the domestic territorial waters and never dared to fight
again. In the early days of the Gulf War, Iraq’s heavily-funded naval ships did nothing, but the more than
1,200 mines deployed have damaged nine ships of the Multinational Force, of which four warships in the
United States were damaged, forcing the multinational force to send a large number of troops to implement
anti-mines. In combat, mines are therefore hailed as "strategic weapons of poor countries."
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During the joint exercise of the U.S. and Egyptian navies in 1986, the old Soviet-made submarines equipped
by the Egyptian navy broke through the defenses of the U.S. aircraft carrier formation several times and
reached the attack position. The escape from encirclement shocked the U.S. Navy. South Korean and Israeli
naval submarines also effectively broke through anti-submarine defenses in joint military exercises with the
United States, and simulated "sinking" the aircraft carrier of the United States Navy. Future joint operations
emphasize system confrontation and asymmetric control of the enemy. With its unique asymmetrical combat
advantages, deep-sea military forces will become an important means of destroying the enemy's system,
fighting small and large, and implementing strategic checks and balances.
(3) Increasing impact on security in other areas
After the Second World War, with the continuous development of deep-sea military power, its strategic
functions have also continued to expand, not only for actual combat, but also for deterrence, not only can
"use the sea to control the sea,” but also "use the sea to control the land." In the Gulf War, the Kosovo War,
the Afghanistan War, the Iraq War and the Libya War, the U.S. and NATO submarines not only blocked the
opponent’s coastal waters, but also used ship-borne cruise missiles to launch a "sea to land" attack on the
other's deep targets. Long-range precision strikes created a precedent for deep-sea military forces to strike
on shore. With the advent of the nuclear age, ballistic missile nuclear submarines, as the second nuclear
strike force, can carry out effective nuclear strikes on the enemy's local strategic targets. With the
continuous development of deep-sea military technology, major countries in the world continue to adjust
their deep-sea military strategies and strengthen the development of new weapons and equipment. Deep-
sea military conflicts are becoming the new commanding heights of modern warfare. At present, the world's
major powers are actively developing a new generation of high-tech weapons such as deep-sea unmanned
submarine vehicles, new nuclear submarines, submarine-launched cruise missiles, and anti-satellite
missiles. With the support of information systems, these weapons and equipment will further improve the
ability to strike underwater targets, be able to carry out rapid global strikes, destroy ground armored forces
and missile bases, effectively intercept enemy air targets, accurately shoot down satellites, and paralyze
information transmission networks, etc. Deep-sea military conflicts can not only directly affect naval
battlefields, but also land battlefields, air battlefields and even space battlefields, thus having a more
profound impact on the process and outcome of the war.
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2. The characteristics of deep-sea military conflict
(1) The battlefield environment is special, and the offensive and defensive imbalance is prominent
The environment of the deep-sea battlefield is special, and the deep-sea military conflict generally presents
the characteristics of being easy to attack and difficult to defend. Compared with battlefields such as land,
sea, air, and space, deep-sea battlefields have poor permeability, and hydrological conditions are changing
all the time. Deep-sea military forces can rely on the complex underwater acoustic environment of the ocean
in the vast sea to maintain the concealment of actions and give full play to its own huge assault power; it is
easy to achieve an offensive effect by launching a sudden and violent attack on the enemy's target.
Although the rapid development of submarine reconnaissance and detection technology after the war has
become more and more abundant, submarine experts from various countries generally believe that due to
the special and complex environment of the deep-sea battlefield, even the world's major powers with highly
developed anti-submarine detection technology are not capable of doing it underwater. Completely
transparent, anti-submarine warfare is still a worldwide problem. In actual combat, deep-sea offensive forces
often involve a large number of counter-forces on the other side, making the deep-sea offensive and
defensive appear imbalanced. In World War II, German submarines posed a huge threat to the Allied
Powers. In order to deal with German submarines, the Allied Powers specially built 5,500 anti-submarine
ships and 20,000 patrol boats. It took an average of 25 ships and 100 aircraft to be able to deal with a
German submarine. During the Korean War in 1952, the Korean People's Army laid more than 3,000 mines
outside Wonsan Port. For this purpose, the U.S. military dispatched 60 minesweepers, more than 30 support
ships, and a large number of minesweeping helicopters to clean up the entire landing plan. It was forced to
postpone it for eight days.
(2) The space of struggle continues to expand, and the focus of the struggle is shifting to the far sea
Due to the high proportion of the earth's surface and strong connectivity, the deep-sea military conflict
involves many fields, the participating forces are diverse, the range of activities is large, and the range of
weapons is long, making deep-sea military conflicts. The space is very vast, almost involving major sea
areas and combat space in the world. From a vertical point of view, the space of deep-sea military conflict
includes not only the space for underwater forces such as shallow water, deep water, and the seabed, but
also the space for activities such as sea, land, space, and networks that participate in countering underwater
forces. Fixed underwater acoustic countermeasures equipment are usually deployed in shallow coastal
waters. Modern submarines generally operate within 300 to 400 meters of water depth, while mine weapons
can be deployed from the sea surface to hundreds of meters deep under the sea. The active areas of forces
such as anti-submarine warfare and mine warfare are widely distributed from underwater to sea, land, air,
space, cyber, electromagnetic and almost all combat spaces.
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From a horizontal perspective, the space of deep-sea military conflict includes both near shore and offshore,
as well as the open ocean. The range of the ship-borne anti-ship cruise missile ranges from hundreds of
kilometers to about 2,000 kilometers. It can strike large surface targets as well as precision strikes against
deep targets on land from outside the defense zone. The submarine-launched ballistic missile has a range
of 12,000 kilometers and can effectively attack intercontinental strategic targets. From the perspective of the
key areas of struggle, the main area of deep-sea military conflict between the United States and the Soviet
Union during the Cold War was the deep ocean. After the end of the Cold War, the United States, which lost
its ocean rival, proposed a naval strategy of "from sea to land.” In recent years, with the major adjustments
of the US military strategy and the intensification of competition among major powers, the US Navy has
proposed a "return to sea control" strategy, vigorously strengthening the construction of underwater combat
capabilities, and promoting the transfer of deep-sea military conflicts between major powers to the far sea.
(3) Diversified fighting forces, focusing on a comprehensive struggle with multiple means
The deep-sea military conflict is a confrontation activity that is supported by the network information system
and involves the participation of multiple services and various maritime military forces. Taking anti-
submarine reconnaissance as an example, it can be carried out in various ways such as satellite
reconnaissance, radio technology reconnaissance, aerial reconnaissance, and underwater early warning
system reconnaissance. Satellite reconnaissance can effectively grasp the deployment and redeployment of
submarine forces, radio reconnaissance can effectively intercept submarine surface communications,
submarines under snorkel navigation are easy to be discovered by anti-submarine aircraft, and submarines
will receive underwater warnings when they pass through important straits in the island chain. The forces
that attack submarines include not only submarines, but also surface ships and shore-based and sea-based
anti-submarine aircraft. The United States, Russia and other countries also attach great importance to the
role of mine warfare. The US military pointed out in the concept of "air and sea combat" that it must make
full use of stealth aircraft to deploy a large number of mines on enemy ports and necessary routes. Due to
the complexity and extensiveness of deep-sea military conflicts, the forces participating in deep-sea military
conflicts include not only military forces, but also national maritime law enforcement forces and maritime
scientific and technological forces, not only national forces, but also other countries and allies. For example,
the US military emphasized the use of the advantages of the allies to implement anti-submarine warfare in
the concept of "air-sea integrated warfare.” The US military believes that it is very important to obtain
Japan's support, because Japan not only has a large number of high-performance aviation and maritime
anti-submarine forces, but also the geographical location of the Ryukyu Islands is particularly advantageous
for anti-submarine warfare. While gaining close support from Japan, the U.S. military also hopes to receive
anti-submarine warfare support from Australia and other countries.
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3. Strategic guidance for deep-sea military conflict
(1) To maintain national deep-sea security and seize control of the sea as the basic goal
Deep-sea military conflict is an important part of maritime military conflict. It obeys and serves the national
security strategy and military strategy. Its basic goal is to maintain national deep-sea security and seize sea
dominance. Due to the differences in the nature, economic capabilities, marine science and technology
level, and deep-sea military conflict capabilities of different countries, the goals of their deep-sea military
conflicts are also significantly different. Hegemonic countries have strong deep-sea military conflict
capabilities and support from military alliances, adhere to foreign military intervention policies, and often aim
to control the deep sea, restrict or even deprive other countries of their deep-sea rights. For example, the
U.S. military considers deep-sea confrontation as one of the five most important factors that determine the
success or failure of operations in the concept of "air-sea combat,” and clearly proposes that the dual goal of
"air-sea combat" is to prevent the opponent from entering specific water or underwater areas. At the same
time, to ensure that the US military and its allies can enter smoothly. China's deep-sea interests are very
extensive. It has deep-sea security and deep-sea oil and gas, mineral, and fishery resources in the offshore
waters, and has strategic route security interests and international seabed resource development interests in
the high seas. China pursues a defensive national defense policy and an active defense strategy. The goal
of the deep-sea military conflict is to safeguard the country’s deep-sea security, seize control of the sea, and
effectively defend the unity of the motherland, territorial sovereignty, maritime rights and development
(2) Comprehensive use of various struggle styles
Highlight deep-sea military deterrence. Because of its unique concealment and huge assault power, deep-
sea military forces have always been difficult forces in the world to deal with. In the face of strategic naval
containment and containment by powerful enemies, deep-sea military forces should show their momentum
in a timely manner, flexibly use conventional submarines, sea-based nuclear forces and other deep-sea
military weapons, show their existence and capabilities where interests are concerned, and deter even
broader seas. Contain the opponent, influence and disrupt the other's established military deployment, deter
the enemy's strategic attempts, and achieve the goal of strategic deterrence.
Attach importance to deep-sea military confrontation. In accordance with the needs of military conflicts, the
deep-sea military forces have the advantage of concealed and sudden strikes, and with the support of the
space system, they closely cooperate with air and surface forces to strike the opponent's surface and shore
targets in a timely manner. In response to the threat of the enemy's underwater attack forces on our sea
formations and targets on the shore, we will effectively strike and destroy enemy submarines and mines.
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In response to the weakness of the enemy's supply line, the enemy's maritime communication line will be
destroyed in a timely manner. If the enemy attacks and destroys infrastructure such as underwater
communications and energy transportation pipelines, deep-sea forces should be used to fight against them
in due course.
One must sufficiently protect the deep-sea combat bases. To maintain national deep-sea security, we must
sufficiently protect our own deep-sea operational bases. As an important infrastructure for deep-sea military
conflicts, deep-sea operational bases will inevitably become an important target for enemy attacks. In
peacetime, hostile countries have taken various measures to conduct reconnaissance, surveillance, and
intelligence collection on our deep-sea combat base ports and the sea areas where our forces are active, so
as to create conditions for seizing the opportunity to win in wartime; in wartime, we pay more attention to our
deep-sea combat bases and forces. The destruction and attack even proposed to destroy our submarine
telecommunications lines when necessary, seize or destroy our submarine energy infrastructure, in order to
block our deep-sea communications and energy transmission. To this end, it is necessary to make full use of
the various deep-sea defense forces of the military and the ground, improve the defense system of the
deep-sea combat base, establish deep-sea defense positions, and form a tight deep-sea defense net.
Deep-sea military conflict is a very confrontational organic whole. Effective deep-sea military deterrence can
avoid confrontation, and effective deep-sea confrontation operations also usually exert a significant deterrent
effect, but whether it is deterrence or confrontation, it is inseparable. To develop effective deep-sea
defenses, if we want to bring out the overall effectiveness of deep-sea military conflicts, we must
comprehensively use various forms of struggle.
(3) Expand deep-sea military combat methods
Expand deep-sea reconnaissance and defense methods. Hostile countries continue to strengthen the
underwater reconnaissance of China's important bases and ports, often sending marine surveillance ships,
submarines and other troops to reconnaissance our underwater military activities, surveying and collecting
our seabed geographic information, threatening our deep sea security. In the face of major deep-sea
security pressures, we should be based on reality and take a long-term view, actively expand deep-sea
reconnaissance and defense methods, strengthen the detection, perception, and surveillance of enemy
deep-sea military activities, and do a good job in deep-sea defense of base ports and important waterways.
At the same time, deep sea geological surveys of important combat sea areas and straits should be
strengthened to provide basic conditions for deep-sea confrontation.
Develop new deep-sea attack methods. While the world's major powers continue to develop weapons and
equipment such as submarines and mines, they also focus on changes in the situation, combat needs and
technological development, and have stepped up the research and development of deep-sea combat
methods such as underwater robots, underwater autonomous submarines, and highly intelligent mines. The
United States, Russia, Japan and other countries have developed underwater robots that can be used for
underwater patrol, reconnaissance, and attack tasks. The US military has developed and equipped
underwater autonomous submarines that can be used for special operations, mine countermeasures, and
marine environment monitoring.
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Facing the major challenges of future deep-sea military conflicts, while focusing on the development of new
conventional submarines, nuclear-powered submarines, mines and anti-submarine, anti-mine and other
traditional deep-sea combat methods, we should also focus on the new conditions and characteristics of
deep-sea military conflicts and make comprehensive use of them. The nation's marine science and
technology and resources are expanding the means of deep-sea military conflict.
Improve the establishment of deep-sea troops. In order to strengthen the deep-sea military conflict, on the
basis of improving the construction of the submarine force, the world powers further adjusted the deep-sea
force establishment system, strengthened the construction of the underwater robot force, the deep-sea
electronic warfare force, and the deep-sea logistics support force to effectively complete more complex and
diverse operations and support missions. We should closely follow the development trend of the world's
deep-sea military forces, focus on winning maritime information-based local wars, continuously optimize the
establishment of deep-sea forces, increase the proportion of new-type deep-sea military forces, optimize the
force structure, and improve the ability of deep-sea military conflicts.
Section Four: Polar Military conflict
With the rise of the value of the polar regions, the competition between the major powers around the north
and south poles has intensified, and China's activities in the polar regions have also increased significantly.
The polar regions have become an important direction for our country's interests to expand overseas and far
frontiers, and it has also proposed new issues and tasks for the use of our country's military power.
1. The strategic position of the polar regions
(1) Polar regions are an important part of global channel security
With the global warming, the polar ice caps have shrunk, and the value of waterways in the Arctic has
become increasingly prominent. Compared with other routes, the Arctic route has three advantages: first,
the distance is short. If the "northern route" via northern Russia is used, the distance from Shanghai Port to
the European port of Rotterdam will be shortened by nearly 22% compared to the traditional route via the
Malacca Strait-Indian Ocean-Red Sea-Suez Canal. The second is strong traffic capacity. Unlike the Suez
Canal and the Panama Canal, large freighters passing through the Arctic route can freely pass through the
waterway regardless of the hull size and draft.
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The third is that the incidental costs are low. The number of docking points for ships passing through the
Arctic route is reduced, and the Suez Canal and Panama Canal are not used, and the related expenses and
costs will be significantly reduced. It can be considered that once the Arctic route is really opened, it will
attract the center of gravity of global shipping to move north. The opening of the Suez Canal and the
Panama Canal had a revolutionary impact on the world shipping pattern that is likely to be staged in the
Arctic again.
(2) Polar regions belong to the global "strategic commanding heights"
The two poles are the "strategic commanding heights" overlooking the northern and southern hemispheres.
On the one hand, the Arctic and Antarctic are connected to several oceans, which belong to the "passage"
in world geography, and have important geostrategic value. The air distance between the surfaces of the
two hemispheres is the shortest, becoming two "aviation critical points." As the major powers are
concentrated in the northern hemisphere, the Arctic’s status as an "aviation key position" has become more
prominent. As long as the intercontinental ballistic missiles deployed in the Arctic have a range of up to
8,000 kilometers, they can basically cover the strategic hinterland of major countries such as the United
States, Europe, China, and Russia, and have a short flight distance, which greatly increases the penetration
capability. At the same time, because the complex polar ocean environment and electromagnetic
environment seriously affect the effectiveness of existing anti-submarine technology, the Arctic region is also
an ideal concealed place for strategic nuclear submarines. During the Cold War, the two superpowers of the
United States and the Soviet Union used the Arctic Ocean as a strategic nuclear strike, especially an
important launch site for the second nuclear strike, and attached great importance to the deployment and
cruise of strategic nuclear submarines in the Arctic. At present, the United States and Russia still regard the
Arctic as an important deployment site for strategic nuclear submarines.
(3) Polar regions have significant scientific research value
The Arctic and Antarctic are the most important sources of cold air masses on the earth, affecting climate
change in the two hemispheres. The Arctic has been an important place for meteorological research since
the Second World War. At the same time, the polar region is the place with the most extreme climate and
the most complicated electromagnetic environment on the earth. It is a natural testing field and can be used
for testing various materials and equipment including aerospace equipment. Some countries also use the
polar regions to conduct weapons and equipment tests, especially cold tests of weapons and equipment and
the research and development of some special weapons. For example, the United States conducts research
and development of electromagnetic weapons and meteorological weapons in the South Pole, and conducts
high-frequency active laser (weapon) tests in the North Pole. Russia has repeatedly conducted similar
weapons and equipment tests in the Arctic.
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(4) Polar regions are important resource-rich regions
The polar regions are rich in energy and mineral resources. With global warming, the exploitation value of
polar resources is also increasing, and the possibility of large-scale development and utilization is
increasing. The Arctic has considerable energy reserves. According to preliminary exploration, there are
12.275 billion tons of oil, accounting for 7.26% of the world's remaining recoverable reserves, 47.22 trillion
cubic meters of natural gas, accounting for 29% of the world, and 7.005 billion cubic meters of liquefied
natural gas (which can be converted into 4.31 trillion cubic meters of natural gas). Countries around the
Arctic Ocean are already eager to develop Arctic resources. As early as 2008, Russia issued the Arctic
Strategic Plan, and proposed to make the Arctic become Russia's "primary strategic energy base."
Antarctica is also rich in resources. More than 220 minerals have been discovered in the Antarctic continent
and the surrounding seabed. Coal resources exceed 500 billion tons, oil reaches 100 billion barrels, natural
gas reaches 5 trillion cubic meters, and iron ore can be developed around the world 200 There are also
valuable resources such as combustible ice, fresh water and meteorites. Considering that the geological
exploration of the polar regions by human beings is still very limited, the resource reserves of the polar
regions are likely to far exceed the proven reserves, which will become an important link in the world's
energy and resource security.
2. Characteristics of Polar Military conflict
Military power plays an important role in the competition between countries in the polar regions. Due to the
special geographical environment and international legal status of the polar regions, the use of military
power in this field differs greatly from other fields, and the non-war use of military power is more frequent.
(1) The use of polar military power is restricted by international treaties
In order to prevent countries from getting out of control over the North and South Poles, the international
community has formed a series of treaties to regulate international competition. In Antarctica, the treaty
system with the "Antarctic Treaty" as the core covers most of the activities of various countries in the
Antarctic continent and surrounding waters. It clearly stipulates that Antarctica can only be used for peaceful
purposes, and it is universally recognized and basically complied with by all countries. Although there is no
treaty system covering the entire region in the Arctic, there are also international treaties in the Svalbard
Islands and other regions, which stipulate that it can only be used for peaceful purposes. From the current
point of view, the international community has not loosened its position on the use of military power in the
polar regions, and related restrictions are still tightening. In this case, countries have relatively large
restrictions on the scope and extent of the use of military power, and they are relatively scrupulous about the
reaction of the international community, and military activities are conducted as far as possible under the
existing international treaties and the framework of international law.
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(2) Demonstrating polar military capabilities is an important way for Arctic countries to compete for
sovereignty rights
There are big differences in the use of military power between countries in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
The "Antarctic Treaty" has strong binding force and wide coverage, but there is a struggle for sovereignty
rights in the Arctic region, and relevant countries are still actively displaying military capabilities in the region
to support their own sovereign rights and rights claims. Among the five countries around the Arctic Ocean,
Canada, Denmark, Russia and the United States have all demonstrated their military capabilities in the
Arctic through exercises and deployments. Among them, Russia and the United States have the strongest
strength and the most moves. Since 2007, Russia has resumed combat duty flights of strategic bombers
across the Arctic, and has carried out a series of major military operations in the Arctic, including the
deployment of new strategic nuclear submarines and the test firing of intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Subsequently, the Arctic Strategic Command and the Arctic Brigade were formed to defend Russia's core
interests in the poles. The United States has multiple missile and radar bases in Alaska, Norway, Iceland
and Greenland, Denmark, and has already formed a network of military installations covering the Arctic. In
2009, the U.S. Navy announced the "Arctic Road Map" and announced that it would sort out data on surface
craft, equipment, and personnel suitable for military activities in the Arctic Ocean to lay the foundation for the
future deployment of surface fleets.
(3) Military-civilian mixing is the main way for great powers to achieve a polar military presence
Due to various restrictions, major powers mainly achieve a polar military presence through a mixture of
military and civilians. This situation is more prominent in the Antarctic region where the treaty restrictions are
stricter. The U.S. military has long been involved in scientific research activities in Antarctica. In 1959, the
Ministry of Defense established a "perennial scientific research station" in Antarctica to supervise the polar
"scientific research activities" involving the military. In 2005, it established an Antarctic military-civilian mixed
support task force, which specifically protects various scientific research operations in Antarctica. The US Air
Force "participates in scientific expeditions" in the name of the National Guard and uses large transport
aircraft to transport supplies in Antarctica. In the Arctic region, in addition to the public display of military
capabilities by Arctic countries, the military forces of most countries are also involved in Arctic scientific
research and other scientific research activities. Generally speaking, the United States, Russia, Britain,
France, Japan, South Korea and other countries are actively using military forces to intervene in polar
scientific research activities. The military not only provides military equipment and logistical support for
scientific research, but also directly participates in polar survival and polar military scientific research,
crossing the westerly belt training and other projects. Through this mixed military-civilian approach, the great
powers not only realized their military presence in the polar regions, but also avoided international disputes
to a large extent, and provided strong support for their own polar interests.
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3. Strategic guidance for the use of polar military forces
The principle of the use of polar military forces must be based on the characteristics and laws of the use of
polar military forces, starting from the national conditions and military conditions of the country, combining
needs and possibilities, and maximizing the long-term interests of the country in the polar field.
(1) Strictly obey and serve the country's overall foreign policy and strategy
Polar activities not only involve complex and strict international treaty obligations, but also sensitive
international politics. In particular, some Arctic countries regard the Arctic actions of extraterritorial powers
as an infringement on their "backyard,” and improper use of military power can easily trigger international
conflicts and can even damage the overall situation of a country's foreign relations. For this reason, the use
of polar military forces must be cautious, must strictly obey and serve the country's overall foreign policy,
and obey and serve the country's long-term strategy of operating the polar regions. In specific operations, it
is necessary to conduct unified planning, coordinate diplomacy, commerce, science and technology, and
other fields and departments, and establish effective mechanisms such as notification, consultation, and
evaluation on the basis of full argumentation to ensure the overall strategy of the use of polar military forces
in the country is carried out under the overall situation.
(2) Follow the military-civilian combination of military force application methods
The use of polar military power should be widely referred to the practices of various countries, so that
military power and civil power should be closely integrated, and the multiple benefits of military power should
be used to effectively safeguard the country's interests in the polar regions. It is necessary to give full play to
the role of military forces in supporting polar scientific research and other operations, and actively provide
equipment, technology, and medical support. With the enhancement of the military's long-distance projecting
capabilities, the use of large transport aircraft, military support ships, and special ground transport vehicles
should be considered in a timely manner to provide logistical support for the national polar scientific
expedition, and to further expand the ways and means of military and civilian joint activities in the polar
(3) Highlight the capacity building of non-war military operations such as polar rescue
With the increase of human activities in the polar regions, the possibility of emergencies and disasters has
greatly increased. Non-war military operations such as polar rescues will become important uses of military
forces. The future use of polar military forces should highlight non-war military operations such as rescue
and give full play to the effectiveness of the military in this field. In terms of capacity building, we should
focus on strengthening the situational awareness and monitoring capabilities of the polar regions,
communication capabilities, air, sea and land maneuverability in polar climates, and professional rescue
capabilities, so as to be able to accurately locate, quickly arrive and effective rescue in the event of a
situation and demand for it.
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(4) Actively explore international cooperation
The polar regions are the common property of all mankind. Active consideration and exploration of
international coordination and cooperation are important principles for the use of polar military forces. The
military should maintain an active and open attitude when carrying out operations such as supporting
scientific research and carrying out polar rescues, and extensively develop coordination and cooperation
with the civil and military forces of other countries. We must give full play to the advantages of military
diplomacy, enhance cooperation and exchanges with foreign powers and polar neighboring countries,
further expand the international space, and create a good international atmosphere for safeguarding polar
Section Five: Military conflict in the Biological Field
Biotechnology is an extremely fast-developing science and technology in the world today, and the field of
biotechnology has become one of the fastest-growing and cutting-edge new military fields. The progress of
biotechnology and the intensification of military conflicts in the biological field will inevitably bring new
security threats and new military confrontations.
1. The status and role of military conflicts in the biological field
Military conflicts in the biological field have become the strategic commanding heights of the game between
big powers and the Xinjiang region of national security, and their status and role have been rising.
(1) A new territory for the expansion of national security
With the development of modern biotechnology, the national security territory will be further expanded from
the traditional land, sea, air, space, network, and electricity fields to the biological field. This means that
national security has both a "high, far, and deep" macro frontier and a micro frontier in the biological field.
The biological field has become a brand new territory for the expansion of national security. For example,
the use of new biological weapons, bioterrorism attacks, large-scale epidemic infections, specific ethnic
genetic attacks, and purposeful genetic modification of the ecological environment, food and industrial
products, and the use of environmental factors such as population migration, climate change, and natural
disasters. Biotechnology attacks can not only bring biological damage to specific targets and people, but
also bring large-scale spreading effects and deterrent effects.
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Because these attacks are mainly carried out through the biological micro-sphere, the traditional geopolitical
frontiers are far from being able to effectively protect them, and a new frontier of biotechnology defense and
biological structure protection must be constructed and formed in the biological micro-sphere.
(2) The core driver of the evolution of war patterns
The great development and major breakthroughs in biotechnology will lead the new trend of military conflict
development, cause major changes in the form of warfare, and the emergence of biological warfare. In the
future battlefield, new biological weapons produced by military biotechnology such as genetic weapons,
biological electronic equipment, bionic navigation systems, biological bombs, military bioenergy, military
biosensors, military biomedicine, biological equipment, bionic power, and animal weapons and other new
biological weapons and equipment produced by military biotechnology will become an important warfare
force and will promote a series of new changes in the way of military conflict: first, the target of attack will
change from macro to micro. In previous wars, whether it was cold or hot weapons, or even information
weapons, the human body was the target of attack, and the new type of biological warfare may realize the
transformation from macro to micro attack, until attack targets are based on genes or proteins. The second
is that the attack line changes from a straight line to a curved line to all directions. In previous wars, the
attack lines of weapons were mainly straight lines. In information warfare, curved trajectories and trajectory
change guidance appeared. The new biological warfare attacks may be multi-line or even wireless. The third
is the controllable attack efficiency. The new type of biological warfare can not only control the intensity of
strikes against the target, but also has the characteristics of super-micron, non-lethal and even reversible,
which makes the war more flexible and controllable. Fourth, the attack technology is more complex and
synthesized. Biotechnology and information technology, space technology, materials and engineering
technology together constitute an attack technology group. These new changes may give birth to a new form
of warfare-a new type of biological warfare, and at the same time promote profound changes in the army's
organization system, combat command, combat methods, after-installation support, and combat styles.
(3) Multiplying factors for the improvement of combat capability
The generation of combat capability mainly depends on people, weapons and equipment, and the organic
combination of people and weapons and equipment. High and new technology, including information
technology, often generates combat effectiveness by incorporating these elements. Biotechnology is
different from other technologies in that it can not only be integrated into weapons and equipment to form
combat effectiveness, but also can directly act on combat personnel on both sides of the enemy and have a
two-way effect.
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Acting on one's own side can effectively enhance combat effectiveness; acting on the enemy side can not
only directly kill people, but also paralyze combat effectiveness on a large scale or accurately.
Improve the combat effectiveness of the side. One is to restore the combat effectiveness of personnel.
Breaking the traditional medicine's treatment thinking that the human body is the basic repair unit, and
exploring new ideas for disease cure from the human body's microstructure such as genes, proteins, cells,
etc., the purpose is to maintain the health of soldiers and ensure the normal use of combat effectiveness.
The second is to maintain combat effectiveness. Maintain continuous combat capability of the troops in
various difficult environments, such as severe cold, plateau, fatigue, dehydration, and even enter the combat
capability of biochemical contaminated areas, and enhance the resistance under various stress conditions.
The third is to enhance the combat effectiveness of personnel. Under the normal operating conditions of
combatants, their physical fitness and cognition can be promoted and improved, so that combatants can
complete military operations with better than normal physical and psychological conditions.
Destroy the enemy's combat effectiveness. Biotechnology changes the traditional damage model, and
directly targets the microscopic damage of specific physiological functions, which greatly weakens the
enemy's combat effectiveness. It is predicted that in the future there may be genetic weapons targeting
genes, genomes and proteomes, brain-controlled weapons that can control target behaviors, as well as
creatures targeting the cognitive and nervous system, energy metabolism and physical fitness, single or
multiple physiological functions, and biotech weapons specific populations. These biological weapons
damage the life function by changing the microstructure of the organism, or control the organism, thereby
breaking through the traditional military killing mechanism and bottleneck, and achieving the purpose of
destroying the enemy's combat effectiveness.
2. The characteristics of military conflicts in the biological field
The complexity of modern biotechnology and its mechanism of action makes military conflicts in the
biological field show many new features that are different from other fields.
(1) Special mechanism of action
The "weapons" used in military conflicts in the special biological field are all living organisms except for
toxins. This carrier is obviously different from the carriers of other types of threats, such as nuclear threats,
chemical threats, and explosive threats. Although biological threats are similar to other threats in terms of
the main objects and targets of threats, most of them are human-targeted, but once a biological attack is
successful, its target often becomes a new multiplication vector, which is multiplied by thousands of times,
creating a new and greater source of harm.
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For example, the "SARS" outbreak in 2003 and the new coronavirus outbreak in 2020 have the
characteristics of rapid expansion and spread, and have caused catastrophic consequences.
(2) Complicated style of struggle
Military conflict in the biological field covers a variety of forms such as new biological warfare, biological
terrorist attacks, and sudden epidemics. Some of these threats can be identified relatively quickly, and some
are more difficult to determine the type of virus, the source of the attack, whether it is a natural outbreak or
intentional, and it takes a long time to study to reach a conclusion. For example, a large-scale outbreak may
be a biological warfare, a bioterrorism attack, or a natural outbreak or a biological invasion. In addition to the
diversity of forms of biological threats, the diversity of threat substances (biological agents), and modern
biotechnology are easy to manufacture, easy to carry, and strong in concealment. They are also different
from other forms of security threats, making it difficult to defend against biological threats. It is difficult to
characterize the event. For example, after the "anthrax mail" occurred in the United States in 2001, although
the U.S. government invested a lot of manpower and material resources to identify the source of anthrax for
more than two years, the final identification report still contained many doubts, leading controversy over the
cause of the incident and the qualitative opinions of the perpetrators..
(3) The consequences have far-reaching consequences
In military conflicts in the biological field, it may be humans or animals and plants that carry out biological
threats. Some biological warfare agents have strong environmental tolerance and cannot be instantly killed
by disinfectants. They can survive in the environment for a long time, bring long-term harm, and make
polluted areas become "places of death.” For example, the anthrax and other biological weapons test
grounds in the Soviet Union, and the American anthrax biological weapons research laboratory building,
etc., were eventually abandoned into ruins. Biological warfare agents can attack the nervous system,
immune system, respiratory system, digestive system and even reproductive system of the target, and can
be lethal to humans or objects, or non-lethal, or even functional variability; the impact brought by it may be
overt and immediate, or it may be hidden and long-term, and may even last for several generations. In
addition, to deal with biological threats, it is often necessary to close the contaminated area, evacuate
people on a large scale, restrict transportation, initiate emergency medical rescue, etc., which inevitably
cause major economic losses, and even cause social panic and turmoil.
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(4) Difficulties in effective defense
There are many types of biological carriers used in military conflicts in the biological field. According to the
needs of anti-biological terrorism, the relevant disease control departments of the United States and the
European Union have proposed dozens of important biological agents. The "comprehensive text" of the
protocol negotiation of the United Nations "Convention on the Prohibition of Biological Weapons" included
51 biological agents and toxins on the monitoring and verification list. In the past 40 years, there have been
more than 40 new pathogens, and one to two new pathogens have appeared every year. The primary task
of biological defense is detection, and then prevention, control and traceability. At present, the rapid
detection of the above-mentioned known pathogens is still difficult to achieve completely, and the
prevention, treatment and traceability are more difficult. The above mentioned are only natural pathogens,
and for pathogenic microbial agents reorganized by modern biotechnology, the damage mechanism is more
difficult to grasp and the defense is extremely difficult.
3. Strategic guidance for military conflicts in the biological field
The situation of military conflict in the biological field is becoming more and more severe. We must deeply
understand its importance and urgency, and raise the initiative to seize the military conflict in the biological
field to the height of safeguarding the overall situation of national security, strengthen strategic guidance,
and comprehensively enhance the strategic response ability of military conflict in the biological field.
(1) Top-level planning, advance deployment of biological defense
Biological threats have a wide spread and great impact on social and economic life. It is necessary to plan
as a whole from the national strategic level, integrate national forces, formulate and improve relevant
strategies and policies, strengthen the overall coordination and systematic layout of military conflicts in the
biological field, and improve scientific and efficient systems. Emergency response mechanism to create a
modern national defense that comprehensively responds to biosecurity threats.
In recent years, major countries in the world have introduced military conflict strategies or measures in the
biological field one after another. In the biological field, the United States has successively issued a number
of national-level strategic documents such as "Biodefense in the 21st Century,” "National Strategy against
Biological Threats,” "Chemical and Biological Defense Program Strategic Planning,” and has formed a more
systematic national strategy and biological national defense deployment. The United States also established
a chemical and biological incident response force in April 1996. This force is the only fully self-contained,
self-sufficient mission-oriented force that can be deployed to mission sites around the world in a short period
of time, and is mainly used to quickly respond to chemical and bioterrorist threats. Other major countries
have also introduced biosafety-related national strategies and policies, and have systematically deployed
military threats in the biological field.
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Under the conditions of the new era, effective response to the biosecurity threats facing our country requires
a unified plan and layout at the national level. Strengthen the accurate research and judgment of the
development of the biological field and biosafety risks, establish and improve the relevant laws and
regulations in the biological field, strengthen the legal guarantee for maintaining biosafety, and realize the
scientific, standardized and efficient national biosafety prevention.
(2) Scientific prevention and construction of a strong shield against bioterrorism
The most realistic threat in the biological field is organized bioterrorism attacks. To maintain national
biosecurity, we must highlight the prevention of bioterrorism, strengthen biosecurity safeguards, improve
bioterrorism prevention mechanisms, expand bioterrorism prevention methods, and strive to build a strong
shield against bioterrorism.
In view of the severe situation of the threat of bioterrorism, countries around the world have taken various
powerful measures to prevent and combat bioterrorism. After the anthrax incident subsided in 2001, the
United States quickly adopted a series of measures, including reorganizing the emergency response
system, giving the Department of Homeland Security the function of quickly responding to bioterrorism,
increasing budgets, strengthening biodefense research, and conducting national anti-terrorism joint
exercises. Russia has also strengthened its anti-biological terrorism capabilities in various aspects, including
the promulgation of the Russian presidential decree on anti-terrorism, the establishment of the Federal
Counter-Terrorism Committee, the formulation of a national biosecurity concept, and a specific drug
prevention program to respond to bioterrorism attacks.
To maintain security in the biological field, China should attach great importance to the issue of biological
counter-terrorism, establish a leadership mechanism to prevent biological terrorism and emergency
prevention mechanisms at all levels, build a sensitive, effective and timely emergency response network for
biological terrorist attacks, and strengthen biological counter-terrorism equipment in a targeted manner
Research and technological development, to further improve the medical and medical security system and
response plans for biological anti-terrorism, increase the popularization of scientific knowledge of biological
anti-terrorism among the people, and ensure that timely, scientific and efficient response is possible if
something happens.
(3) Global defense, creating a supporting system for biosecurity
Biosecurity threats have multiple sources, broad time and space, and full spectrum. We must consider,
comprehensively defend, and respond effectively to build a full-spectrum biosecurity defense support
Judging from the practices and experiences of various countries, fully generate military combat capabilities
in the biological field, maintain national biosecurity, and need to build a complete
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system. One is the risk assessment and prevention and control system. Including the determination of the
nature, source, hazard path and degree of the risk of substances, as well as various key target prevention
and control and disposal measures. The second is the risk response strategy optimization system. Including
the situation analysis of incident occurrence, development and disaster, forecast and early warning
measures and optimization of screening, etc. The third is the research and development and support system
of defense materials and equipment. Including the development of prevention and control materials, key
technology platforms and infrastructure construction, etc. The fourth is the personnel team building system.
Including professional team, command and management talent team, analysis, monitoring and early warning
team, emergency response team construction, etc. The fifth is the information network system. Including
important target area information network and basic database construction, as well as emergency response
and rescue personnel, available materials and equipment and other resource databases. Sixth is the
organization and command system. Including all levels of command and management agencies, operating
mechanisms, emergency plans, etc.
(4) Military-civilian integration and seizing the commanding heights of military conflicts in the biological field
Biotechnology has the unique advantages of high versatility and strong compatibility in the whole society.
Due to the pressure of technological innovation and profit-driven, local enterprises are often at the forefront
of the development of biotechnology. The development of military biotechnology must make full use of the
biotechnology resources of the whole society to promote the deep integration of military and civilian
development in the biological field.
At present, developed countries, especially the United States, have adopted a series of measures to occupy
the commanding heights of military conflict in the biological field. One is to strengthen policy guidance. From
the policy level, the United States requires relevant scientific research institutes, other government agencies,
Department of Defense laboratories and facilities, and industrial departments to conduct joint research on
related biotechnology projects, and has formulated a series of preferential policies to encourage the military
and private enterprises to jointly conduct biotechnology research and development. The second is to
increase investment in biological research. For example, from fiscal year 2001 to fiscal year 2012 alone, the
U.S. government invested more than 66.9 billion US dollars in biological defense. In 2020, in response to the
new corona virus epidemic, countries around the world have invested heavily in the research and
development of vaccines. The third is to strengthen infrastructure construction. Numerous military-civilian
research centers and high-level biosafety laboratories have been established, and a lot of work has been
carried out on the computer simulation of biological events (biological warfare, bioterrorism, etc.), and
information monitoring technology, which has played an important role in bioterrorism and major infectious
disease hazard assessment.
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(5) Strengthen international cooperation and enhance the international voice of biosafety
Strengthening international cooperation mainly refers to participating in activities closely related to national
security, such as biological arms control, compliance and non-proliferation. On the one hand, as an organic
component of the international arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation system, biological arms
control, compliance and non-proliferation still play an important role in maintaining world peace and stability;
on the other hand, the current international biological arms control situation is still complicated. The process
of biological arms control and compliance still has a long way to go. In order to safeguard our national
interests and strengthen the initiative in military conflicts in the biological field, we should actively participate
in the international biological conventions and strengthen the right to speak in the formulation of rules.
Actively participate in the implementation of international biological conventions. Attach great importance to
and encourage the international community to actively participate in and implement international regulations
in the field of biosafety such as the Biological Weapons Convention and the International Health
Regulations, promote the realization of non-proliferation and risk management goals, strengthen the political
will of the contracting parties to fully and seriously implement the contract, and promote the global Biosafety
Expand international cooperation in the field of biosafety. Organize forces to strengthen targeted research in
order to expand all-round international cooperation in the field of biosafety; strengthen information
exchange, participate in the formulation of international rules, and enhance the international discourse
power of biosafety. Strengthen the sharing of intelligence information resources, rely on domestic scientific
research institutions and professional information intelligence agencies, establish a multi-level information
collection and research judgment system that combines strategy, technology, and dynamics, and track
national strategic policies, planning plans, and national biosecurity and biodefense-related national
strategies. Laws and regulations, improve targeted services and department sharing mechanisms.
Section Six: Military conflict in the Intelligent Field
With the development of science and technology, the innovative application of artificial intelligence is fully
developed, and various fields of human society are facing an unprecedented wave of intelligence. Affected
by this process, the advancement of military intelligence has accelerated, and the world military competition
around intelligence has begun. Paying close attention to military conflicts in the field of intelligence and
actively seizing the commanding heights of the military intelligence strategy is a major issue for strategic
guidance under the conditions of the new era.
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Chapter 9 Military Struggle in New Domains
1. The role of military intelligence
The innovative application of artificial intelligence in the military field is setting off a wave of military
intelligence. All aspects of the military field are being reshaped, and the form of warfare is gradually evolving
to intelligent warfare.
(1) Military intelligence is an important part of the social intelligence revolution
With the increasing maturity of artificial intelligence supporting technologies, major breakthroughs in artificial
intelligence algorithms, the development of social informatization, and the convergence of big data and other
factors have led to the rapid rise of artificial intelligence, and human society has accelerated from the
information age to the intelligent age. The application effects and broad prospects of artificial intelligence
have not only made it the focus of development and competition among research institutions and
multinational technology giants, but also triggered strategic competition among major countries in the world.
The development of artificial intelligence has formed synergy from all levels of technology, R&D, industry
and national strategy, and the wave of intelligence has become the general trend of the times. In this
process, various fields of human society, including the military field, have been hit by unprecedented
intelligence, and the intelligence of the military field has led other fields in many aspects, leading and
promoting the in-depth advancement of the social intelligence revolution.
(2) Intelligent unmanned systems have become an indispensable battlefield force
With the breakthrough in the development of artificial intelligence technology, its military applications have
entered an explosive period. Weapons and equipment with primary intelligence have shown an increasingly
important role on the battlefield, becoming an indispensable and important force in military operations. In the
battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, U.S. military drones have undertaken most of the combat support tasks
such as reconnaissance, intelligence, and surveillance, and are responsible for about one-third of the air
strike missions. In the 2006 Israeli-Lebanese conflict, the various missions performed by Israeli drones
accounted for about half of the total missions of the Israeli Air Force. Russia has also repeatedly used
unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and combat robots in the Syrian battlefield. Military operations have
become increasingly inseparable from the support of intelligent unmanned systems. Accompanied by the
rising role of the battlefield, the research and development and deployment of intelligent unmanned systems
have shown an accelerated growth momentum, and they have begun to take shape in terms of numbers.
With more than ten years of anti-terrorism war, the number of intelligent unmanned systems in the US
military has increased exponentially. The number of Russian military drones has increased tenfold between
2011 and 2016. Intelligent unmanned systems represented by drones are accelerating the development of
the world. The number of countries and non-state organizations that develop and use drones is increasing,
and more and more intelligent unmanned systems will enter the military of major countries in the world.
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(3) Innovative applications of artificial intelligence are gestating new forms of warfare
The innovative application of artificial intelligence technology in the military field has improved the technical
and tactical performance of existing weapon systems, and has produced many unprecedented intelligent
unmanned systems in form and mechanism. The new type of intelligent weapon equipment has key
advantages such as excellent technical and tactical performance, long continuous working hours, no
discount on execution of commands, greatly shortened training period, and low overall cost, giving it a huge
advantage over traditional weapons and equipment. In the future, the replacement of old and new weapons
and equipment will continue to accelerate with the breakthrough and innovation of artificial intelligence
technology, and intelligent combat systems will inevitably become the dominant force on the battlefield. With
the increase in the use of intelligent unmanned systems and the rising role of their status, all aspects of the
military field will accelerate intelligence. In order to adapt to this major change and give full play to the
advantages of intelligent weapons and equipment, traditional warfare theories, combat methods, and military
organizational structure will have to be adjusted accordingly, and intelligent warfare forms will be nurtured
and formed in this process.
2. The characteristics of military conflicts in the intelligent field
Although military intelligence is still in its infancy, its important value and strategic significance have been
increasingly recognized by the world. The development of intelligent weaponry and seizing new military
commanding heights has become a strategic choice for the armed forces of major countries in the world to
seek future military advantages.
(1) The competition for intelligent major power strategy is becoming increasingly fierce
In order to ensure that they occupy a favorable position in the new round of military competition, the world
powers have successively introduced military intelligence development strategies and plans. Since 2000, the
U.S. Department of Defense has updated and released the roadmap for the development of unmanned
systems in the next 25 years every 2 to 3 years. Provide guidance and reference for the development of
unmanned systems in the industry. The United States has also raised the development of intelligent
unmanned systems to the national level, making overall plans for its research and development, application,
and coordination. France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia and other countries have also actively
introduced similar strategies or policy plans to vigorously develop intelligent unmanned systems. The
development of intelligent weapons has risen from technological innovation to the level of military strategy
with fierce international competition in intelligentization. ,
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(2) Major countries are competing to develop new intelligent weapons and equipment
In the process of the development of intelligent unmanned systems, advanced countries continue to
introduce new innovations in order to ensure decisive technological advantages, and strive to widen the
technological gap with less advanced countries; and later advanced countries actively promote relevant
development plans to prevent backwardness and overcome new technological challenges. Vigorously
develop intelligent weapons and equipment, forming a situation of competition in all fields where you are
catching up with me. Among them, unmanned aerial systems are the primary field for the development of
intelligent unmanned systems. Countries pay the most attention, invest the most, and the competition is
fierce. The U.S. Navy’s X-47B UAV already has key capabilities such as taking off and landing on aircraft
carriers, flying in formation with manned aircraft, and autonomous aerial refueling. Unmanned combat
aircraft such as the "Neuron" led by France, the "Thor" of the United Kingdom, and the "Hunter" of Russia
are also accelerating the development and equipping of troops. Surface and underwater unmanned systems
have also continuously achieved important results, and international competition is gradually taking shape.
The USS "Sea Hunter" unmanned anti-submarine ship was officially commissioned in April 2016. Both the
US and Russian forces are speeding up the formation of combat robot forces that can complete combat
tasks. A new round of competition in the development of unmanned weapons and equipment with
intelligence as the core will be fully launched in the fields of land, sea, air, and space.
(3) The development of intelligent weapons and equipment is increasingly confrontational
The profound adjustment of the international order and the enhancement of the combat effectiveness of
intelligent unmanned systems in the field of traditional warfare have prompted the world's powers to target
the development of intelligent weapons and equipment at wars between major powers, and the antagonism
and directionality have become increasingly obvious. The core of the "third offset strategy" accelerated by
the United States is artificial intelligence. The basic focus of this strategy is to offset the achievements of
major competitors' military modernization in recent years and form a decisive military advantage. These
measures of the United States pose a potential threat to relevant countries, and the struggle around the
world's intelligent military and application will be long-term, complex, and fierce.
3. Strategic guidance for military conflicts in the intelligent field
The advancement of military intelligence has put forward new and higher requirements for army building,
and it also provides a rare opportunity for the late-comer army to leapfrog development and realize
overtaking in corners. It is necessary to actively respond to intelligent challenges, plan military intelligence
development strategies, and seize the commanding heights of future military conflicts.
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(1) Scientific overall planning, and overall advancement of the military's intelligent construction and
The development of military intelligence is an arduous and complex system engineering, which not only
involves the development of various intelligent unmanned systems in the air, ground, water, and space, but
also involves the exploration of intelligent weapon combat methods and theories, and also affects the
establishment of the military system’s adjustment and reform. It is necessary to strengthen overall planning,
advance the layout, guide and control the planning and implementation of various fields and levels, and
actively seize the strategic opportunities for the intelligent construction of the military. The key points include:
first, do a good job in the top-level design of military intelligence. We should focus on systemicity,
complexity, and long-term nature, and formulate and improve military intelligence based on a deep
understanding of the development and evolution of the world’s new military revolution, accurate
determination of the country’s reality and potential security threats, scientific understanding of national
conditions and military conditions, and the contradictions faced by the military at this stage. The
development strategy is to clarify the basic goals, guiding ideology, and basic path of the main ideas of the
military’s intelligent construction. The second is to formulate an intelligent development plan and roadmap.
From the level of national defense and the military, as well as the levels of various services and arms,
formulate more operational strategic plans and roadmaps to form a complete chain of strategic decision-
making, strategic planning, strategic evaluation, and execution supervision to ensure that the strategic
design can be specifically implemented in each area to all links in the field. The third is to grasp the key
points and breakthrough points of intelligent advancement. Efforts should be made to promote the
transformation of ideological concepts, fully understand the meaning of the intelligent revolution, and
consciously establish a new concept that is compatible with future intelligent warfare. It is necessary to focus
and focus on promoting the development and application of intelligent weapons and equipment, and drive
the development of other unmanned systems with the success of aerial unmanned systems, so as to pave
the way for the wider promotion and application of intelligent unmanned systems.
(2) Strive to conquer core technologies and master the initiative in the development of military intelligence
In the wave of intelligence, whether it can break through the core key technologies of artificial intelligence
will directly affect the success or failure of the country in the future world military intelligence development
competition. We should carry out basic research, such as brain science, biological science, etc., to
continuously enhance the original innovation ability in the field of artificial intelligence, and lay a solid
foundation for the development of advanced intelligent weapons and equipment. Step up the implementation
of forward-looking research, dare to carry out leading, exploratory, and disruptive major technology and new
concept research, and strive to overcome some core key technologies, form a technological asymmetric
advantage with the leading countries, and occupy the strategic commanding heights of the future military
intelligence field. Formulate key technology development plans, establish the overall layout and project
structure of key, critical, and general technologies, focus on solving bottlenecks that restrict the
development of weapons and equipment, realize the comprehensive integration of key technologies and
systems, and drive the entire technological system with key developments in technological breakthroughs.
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Chapter 9 Military Struggle in New Domains
Determine the scientific development path and strategy, and strengthen the original design in accordance
with the thought of careful selection, key breakthroughs, and do something to ensure that they will not be
attacked by opponents.
(3) Strengthen forward-looking research and continuously deepen the innovation of intelligent military theory
Facing the new situation of the world military revolution, the military field must pay close attention to the
various new situations and changes brought about by military intelligence, clarify the context of the
development of intelligent weapons and equipment, summarize the characteristics and laws of its
development and application, and continue to deepen the research and innovation of military theory, and
then deeply grasp the development trend and strategic influence of military intelligence, and provide
forward-looking theoretical guidance for military construction and development. When the prelude to military
intelligence has just begun and there is a great demand for theoretical innovation, it is necessary to carefully
study and answer a series of related questions. For example, the current status and prospects of the
development of artificial intelligence, the field, degree and trend of military intelligence, the mechanism of
intelligence influence or the generation of combat effectiveness, the opportunities and challenges of military
intelligence to national security and army construction, how to adapt and promote military intelligence, how
to recognize and grasp the changes in combat methods triggered by the use of intelligent weapons and
equipment, and how to coordinate the development of intelligence and other technical fields. To these major
questions, we should focus on the future, focus on actual combat, and make predictive, creative, and
systematic answers from the theoretical level.
(4) Promote deep military-civilian integration and leverage social resources to develop military intelligence
Strengthening close cooperation with the socio-economic field, digesting and absorbing its research and
innovation results in a timely manner, integrating military intelligence into social intelligence development,
and forming a deep integration of military and civilian development is the only way to accelerate the
development of military intelligence. The key points include: first, strengthen overall planning. Under the
overall strategic framework of the national military-civilian integrated development, planning and guidance
are given from the strategic level, the objectives, tasks, means and ways of intelligent development, as well
as the specific measures of integrated development at various stages, are formulated and implemented.
Special attention should be paid to deepening military-civilian integration in key areas, including deep
learning, machine vision, intelligent robots, etc., and breakthroughs in key areas will drive the overall leap of
military-civilian integration. The second is to improve the system and mechanism. Relying on the national-
level military-civilian integration leadership agency, improve the intelligent leadership coordination
mechanism of military-civilian integration, promote the development of military intelligence as a key area in
the coordinated development of economic construction and national defense construction, and continuously
improve related systems to ensure that needs are matched, resources sharing, benefit compensation and
incentives, supervision and evaluation and other mechanisms receive key guarantees.
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The third is to improve policies and regulations. As a new field, the development of military intelligence is
rapidly changing and uncertain, involving various resource allocations and adjustments to the interests of all
parties. It is necessary to strengthen and improve relevant policies and regulations for the development of
intelligence, break all kinds of obstacles and barriers, and enable the development of intelligence. Military-
civilian integration is guaranteed by policies and regulations. Special attention should be paid to the
establishment and improvement of the intelligent national general standard system, to realize the
coordination and unification of the military and civilian standard systems from the source, so as to promote
the rapid and efficient development of military intelligence.
(5) Correctly handle various relationships and realize the scientific development of military intelligence
The development of military intelligence involves all aspects of military construction, national defense
science and technology, and military industrial enterprises. It is necessary to proceed from the overall
strategic situation, adhere to dialectical thinking, and correctly understand and handle some important
relationships in the development of military intelligence. One is to correctly grasp the relationship between
intelligent weaponry and current weaponry construction. It not only accelerates the development of
informatization and mechanized weapons and equipment, and steadily improves the combat effectiveness of
the troops, but also focuses on the needs of future warfare, takes the development of intelligent weapons
and equipment as the traction, and carries out a forward-looking strategic layout. The second is to correctly
grasp the relationship between learning from foreign military forces and independent innovation. It not only
pays attention to drawing lessons from foreign military advanced technology, but also adheres to the
development path of self-centeredness and independent innovation, and fundamentally grasps the initiative
of military intelligence development in its own hands. The third is to correctly grasp the relationship between
gradual development and leapfrog development. Under the situation that gradual development has become
more and more difficult to meet national security needs, make full use of the historical opportunities brought
by the development of military intelligence, aim at more cutting-edge and disruptive strategic commanding
heights, and adopt extraordinary measures and extraordinary paths, and realize the leap from following and
running to leading in the field of military intelligence.
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Chapter 10 War Planning
Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must focus on innovating war and combat planning, closely follow the evolution
of war patterns and combat methods, closely follow combat tasks, combat opponents, and combat
environments, and vigorously promote the style of research on combat issues."[1] War planning is about the
war to be implemented. Overall planning and organization. The process of war planning is a process in
which the strategic director transforms the political objectives into military objectives based on the
determination of the political objectives of the war, and then carries out the overall design and pre-planning
of the war around the objectives. Correct war planning is the basic guarantee for winning the war.
The planning of information-based local wars, from the perspective of stages, includes planning the start of
the war, the course of the war, and the end of the war; from the content point of view, it mainly involves
grasping the characteristics of the war, making war decisions, designing war operations, constructing
strategic deployments, and organizing strategies coordination, overall planning of strategic guarantees,
implementation of war mobilization, planning of political work, etc. The content of war planning should be the
main body, and its related elements should be organically integrated in the planning of each stage of the war
and the control of the whole battle situation.
Section One: Grasp the Characteristics of War
Grasping the basic characteristics of war and revealing the laws governing war is an important prerequisite
for war planning. Different eras, different conditions, and different types of wars have their own different
characteristics. War guidance regulations also change accordingly and grasping the general characteristics.
1.”Strengthen the clear guidance for preparing for war, and comprehensively improve the ability to win in the
new era,'' Liberation Army Daily, November 4, 2017, first edition.
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The law of contemporary information-based local wars, and then grasping the characteristics and laws that
our country may face wars, is of great significance to the study and solution of war planning problems.
1. General characteristics of informatized local wars
From the survey of the previous major wars since the Gulf War, information-based local wars mainly have
the following basic characteristics.
(1) Restrictive factors continue to increase, with outstanding limitations and controllability
As a social phenomenon under the background of the new era, information-based local wars are not
immune to the influence of the profoundly changing world politics, economy and other conditions, resulting in
increasing constraints on their occurrence and development. From the perspective of political conditions,
under the trend of world multi-polarization, the strategic coordination or strategic cooperation between major
powers has developed greatly, which not only reduces the possibility of wars between each other, but also
gradually increases the binding force on other wars. From the perspective of economic conditions, under the
trend of globalization, the degree of economic ties and dependence of various countries is increasing, which
increases the cost, price and risk of solving conflicts between countries by simply means of war, thereby
restricting the occurrence of war to a certain extent. At the same time, social factors have become more and
more restrictive to war. On the one hand, the attitudes of international and domestic public opinion on wars
have seriously affected the determination and decision-making of strategic directors, thereby affecting the
occurrence and development of wars; on the other hand, the gradual maturity of the international legal
system has brought the functions of the United Nations and other international organizations into play. It also
formed an ever-increasing binding force on the war. The continuous increase of restrictive factors makes the
information-based local wars have more obvious characteristics of limitation and controllability. Of course,
this finiteness and controllability are relative. Wars under different circumstances will have different scales
and intensities. In particular, wars with resolute goals and fierce confrontation still require a lot of investment
and may be formed on a larger scale.
(2) Information capability has become an important factor influencing the outcome, and the competition for
the right to control information is unprecedentedly fierce
Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the combination of information and energy is the
iconic growth point of new combat capabilities. Information capabilities are increasingly becoming a key
factor in warfare. It has the advantage of information intelligence and can effectively transform it. The party
that is superior in decision-making and command can have more control over strategy and battlefield
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The decisive influence of information capability on the outcome of wars has made the struggle to seize
information rights in information-based local wars more intense and complex. The seizure of information
superiority and control of information has not only become the primary goal of warfare, but also an important
prerequisite for seizing control of air, sea, and other combat space. The result exerts an overall influence on
the course of the war. The fight for control of information power mainly uses electronic warfare, cyber
warfare, psychological warfare, and physical destruction. The targets are the enemy's information detection
sources, information channels, and information processing and decision-making centers. At the same time,
various methods are adopted to protect one's own command and control capabilities. The focus of the
struggle for control of information rights is the offensive and defensive operations of the network information
system that concerns the combat systems and combat capabilities of both parties.
(3) The war unfolds in a multi-dimensional space, and the non-contact and non-linear characteristics are
The battlefield space of information-based local wars has greatly expanded. The battle between the two
parties includes not only the confrontation on the tangible battlefields such as land, sea, air, and space, but
also the struggle on the invisible battlefield such as the electromagnetic spectrum, computer network space
and the field of psychological cognition. The multi-dimensional battlefield space has resulted in a high
degree of three-dimensional warfare, and has shown a trend of rapid expansion to outer space, which
makes the air and space battlefields merge and become one, becoming the strategic commanding heights
for seizing the initiative in war. The multi-dimensional and highly three-dimensional combat space has
changed the previous mode of combat operations that were usually only based on a certain dimension of
tangible space on the ground, air, and sea, as well as the situation where they were limited to the immediate
battle line. The warring parties are no longer restricted to the progressive advancement of the three-
dimensional space, but can directly implement non-contact operations. Combat deployment has the
characteristics of globalization and decentralization, and combat operations are simultaneous, in-depth and
full-dimensional, which blurs the boundaries between the front and rear of the war, and the battlefield
confrontation presents a highly fluid and non-linear feature. The development trend of non-contact and non-
line features of information-based local wars is becoming more and more prominent, which does not mean
the elimination or denial of contact and line operations. Under certain circumstances, contact warfare is still
an important means to finally achieve the goal of war, and line warfare still has practical value.
(4) War is manifested as system confrontation, and multi-domain integrated joint operations have become
the basic operational form
The battlefield information network with the C4ISRK system as the center can connect battlefield perception,
network communication, command and control, precision strikes, and support and support systems are
highly integrated, forming an inseparable combat system, leading to increasingly stronger overall
confrontation of war, which has led to increasingly stronger overall antagonism in war, and battlefield
confrontation has focused on the destructive and paralyzed combat system.
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The systematic confrontational nature of information-based local warfare has changed the way in which
forces are used in mechanized warfare, making multi-domain and integrated joint operations gradually
become the basic combat form. Multi-domain integrated joint operations are the advanced stage of joint
operations of various services and arms. Its essence is: based on the network information system, under the
command of a unified organization, centering on the overall strategic intent, through seamless links and
internal integration, the various services and arms and combat forces in the space domain are integrated to
maximize the overall power of the combat system to achieve the best combat results. Multi-domain
integrated joint operations is a dynamic development process, and it must go through several stages of
development from low to high integration level before it can be fully mature.
(5) Major changes in the means of warfare, and the development of warfare to precision
The material means of warfare under the conditions of informatization and intelligence has undergone major
changes, which has promoted the development of warfare in the direction of precision. This is mainly
reflected in the fact that the warring parties are increasingly able to exercise precise control over the course
of the war, the targets and means of attack, as well as the guarantees of the war, and strive to achieve the
goal of the war quickly with a small cost, collateral damage, and optimal use of resources. The first is
precise control over the course of the war. The real-time and precise information acquisition, transmission,
and processing enable commanders at all levels to grasp and control combat timing, power, actions, and
rhythm more accurately and effectively, and the process of war becomes more controllable. The second is
precise control over the targets and means of attack. The development of precision guided weapons has
made the nodes and main points of the combat system and even the war system a key strike target, and
precision strike methods based on accurate detection, positioning, and application of precision guided
weapons, as well as the ability to accurately evaluate strike effects, becoming the main means of combat.
The third is the precise control of war support. Relying on the guarantee information system and with the
help of information advantages, it greatly promotes the accuracy of guarantees and realizes the optimal
allocation and use of resources, so that the principle of accurate guarantees at the right time, place and
amount can be embodied. Fourth, combat organization and management are becoming more standardized,
process-oriented, and refined, making combat process control more precise and efficient. Information-based
local warfare will increasingly pursue high-efficiency, high-benefit, low-risk, and low-cost small and medium-
scale precision operations.
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(6) The development of military intelligence is accelerating, and the intelligence characteristics of
information-based local wars are increasing
Obviously, at present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution in the
world is booming. High-tech clusters represented by artificial intelligence technology are gradually being
used in the military field to promote the rapid development of military intelligence, thereby promoting the
evolution of war from informatization to intelligence. The recent information-based local wars in the world
have shown that weapons and equipment with primary intelligence, including drones, ground robots, etc.,
are increasingly being used on the battlefield, making wars increasingly intelligent. For example, in the Iraq
War and the Afghanistan War, the robots of the U.S. Army's unmanned combat forces replaced combat
personnel with a large number of tasks such as reconnaissance, intelligence, surveillance, communications,
and air strikes; in the Syrian War, the Russian army relied on combat robot companies established military
districts and fleets which entered the battlefield at the right time and achieved good results. Under the
enlightenment and promotion of war practice, the armed forces of the world's major powers have vigorously
promoted the construction and development of military intelligence, mainly including the formulation of
military intelligence development strategies and strategic plans, the research and development of intelligent
weapon equipment and weapon systems, and the construction of unmanned combat forces and combat
systems, develop intelligent combat concepts and combat theories, etc., and actively plan for seizing the
strategic initiative in future wars. It is foreseeable that with the accelerated development of military
intelligence, the weapon equipment system, force establishment system, combat basic support, and combat
styles that give intelligent components will be more and more used on the battlefield, making information-
based local warfare increasingly presents the intelligent features of unmanned combat platforms,
autonomous combat operations, and dexterous combat methods.
2. The main features of the information war that our country may face
The information-based local war that our country may face has not only the commonality of the same type of
war in the world, but also its own individuality. From comprehensive analysis, it mainly has the following
(1) The position of offensive operations is more prominent, and the combination of offense and defense is
Active defense is offensive defense. The strategic mission of defending national interests and the objective
law of war development will make me face a new change in the offensive and defensive relationship of war,
and the position of offensive operations will become more prominent. At the same time, offensive and
defensive operations are becoming one, and defensive operations are becoming more and more of overall
significance. In the future, no matter what type and style of combat operations we carry out, we will still
adhere to the active defense strategic thinking, that is, under the overall defense situation, use active and
powerful offensive operations to achieve the established political goals.
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Especially under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the classification of combat operations
has become blurred, the ability of medium and long-range precision strikes has been continuously improved,
the pace of war has become faster and faster, and the strategic advancement of the enemy is becoming
more and more important, thus further highlighting the strategic position of offensive operations. Since both
sides have strong means of attack, it will create a situation of interlocking battles where there is a defensive
attack and an offensive attack. The success or failure of defensive operations will greatly affect the
execution of offensive operations and even the outcome of wars. This requires that, while highlighting
offensive operations in strategic guidance, both offensive and defensive operations must be planned in an
equally important position.
(2) The war involves a complex international background and may face multiple opponents uniting against
The war that our country may face in the future will mainly be a resolute war for the purpose of safeguarding
the unity of the motherland, defending the national territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.
However, no matter which strategic direction the war takes, it will involve a complex international
background, and there may be a situation where multiple forces will join forces against us. In the historical
process of moving from big to strong and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, some
countries are afraid of our country's rise from the bottom of their hearts and try their best to contain it. Once
a future war breaks out, it will never be an isolated phenomenon, and it will inevitably affect various
international factors. The struggles and contests in the political, diplomatic, economic and other fields will be
very fierce. In particular, China's war to safeguard the unity of the motherland and the maritime direction to
defend territorial sovereignty and rights and interests will go down in an extremely complex international
background, and there is the possibility of multiple involvements. Therefore, the basic point of war planning
must be the ability to effectively deal with multiple opponents uniting against us, and at the same time give
full play to the advantages of our big country, actively carry out political, diplomatic, economic and other
fields of struggle, and strive to create a strategic situation and strategic posture that is beneficial to us, in
order to effectively avoid or minimize the strategic risk to me that external forces join forces. This puts
forward higher requirements for the strategic guidance of future wars.
(3) The strategic directions are highly correlated and interactive, and the possibility of a chain reaction is
difficult to rule out
There is a strong correlation and interaction between various strategic directions in our country. When a war
occurs in one strategic direction, the other strategic directions can easily cause chain reactions. From a
historical point of view, each strategic direction has never been isolated, and there is an obvious correlation
and interaction between each other. Especially in the era of political multi-polarization, economic
globalization, and social informatization, the security threats facing our country have become increasingly
diverse and complex. In addition, behind each strategic direction, there is a shadow of great-power
interventionism, which further strengthens the internal relevance and overall interactivity between each
strategic direction.
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At the same time, the three-dimensional, multi-dimensional, and global characteristics of the informationized
local war space have made the spatial boundaries of strategic directions increasingly blurred. The probability
of strategic targets in each strategic direction being attacked by the enemy's military is irregular, causing
each strategic direction to become an inseparable whole. The characteristics of the chain reaction caused
by the interrelationship of each strategic direction require that no matter in which strategic direction combat
operations are carried out, the situation of each strategic direction must be considered as an overall issue of
controlling the battle situation. It is necessary to strive to prevent possible chain reactions and avoid falling
into multi-line operations, and it can also firmly grasp the strategic focus and implement correct strategic
guidance when a chain reaction occurs.
(4) The People's War will be carried out in a deeper and broader field. The content and form reflect many
new developments
People's War is our heirloom, where our overall strength lies and the foundation of strategic guidance. No
matter how the form of war evolves, we must always adhere to the implementation of the People's War and
inherit and develop the core strategic thinking of the People's War. With the changes in war patterns, war
styles, and war objectives, information-based local wars pose many new challenges to the traditional
methods of people's warfare, and at the same time open up a broad new space for the development of
people's warfare. The People's War under the conditions of informatization and intelligence that our country
will implement in the future will be carried out at a deeper level and in a wider field, and the content and form
will show many new characteristics that are different from previous wars. The justice of the war is organically
combined with the overall interests of the Chinese nation, and it can be sincerely supported and supported
by the broad masses of people; China's good international image and growing status as a world power will
become the use of new united front strategies to seek a favorable international strategic environment for
China. The important basis for the comprehensive use and mutual cooperation of various forms of struggle,
armed struggle forms will have new connotations in the structure of power and the way in which they are
used. The forms of struggle in other fields will also be greatly expanded; at the same time, the increasing
convergence of new economic operations and new war operations in the information age will create more
and more flexible fighting styles for the people to participate in wars. A new type of People's War system
built on the basis of strong comprehensive national power to meet the requirements of informatized local
warfare will surely become a new strategic cornerstone for winning future wars.
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In terms of strategic guidance, we must focus on the new characteristics and requirements of the People's
War under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, and innovate and implement the strategies and
tactics of the People's War to give full play to the new mighty power of the People's War.
Section Two: Determining War
Making a decision to war is the process by which the strategic director makes decisions on major issues
related to the overall situation of the war, such as "to what extent" and "how to fight,” and the basic decisions
made when the national security is facing serious threats. The core content of war planning. Generally
speaking, the Supreme Military Command of the country will make corresponding war plans in advance
based on the strategic judgments that may face war in a period in the future, and the battle planning is often
based on the usual planning plans with necessary changes or amendments. We must focus on the overall
situation, scientifically analyze, and unite decisiveness and prudence, daring and good fighting in correct
strategic decision-making.
1. Determine the political and military objectives of the war
The political purpose of a war is the ultimate effect of the war stipulated by the country's highest political
authority, which reflects the overall political requirements of the military, and determines the direction and
nature of the war. The military goal of a war is the military effect that should be directly achieved by the
strategic combat operations determined by the country's highest military command based on the political
goals of the war. It is a specific sign of achieving political goals by military means. Determining the political
and military objectives of the war is the core task of war planning, mainly to solve the problem of "how far to
To determine the political purpose of a war, it must be based on the overall requirements of the national
development strategic objectives for a certain period of time, based on the conclusions of strategic
judgments on the strategic situation, especially the degree of security threats, and fully consider the military
strength and war potential status, from the effective maintenance of national sovereignty, security and unity.
Proceeding from the actual needs of the war, correctly and reasonably stipulate the overall result that the
war needs to achieve.
To determine the military objectives of a war is mainly to clarify the question of "what is the outcome of the
war." The so-called combat result is the final situation reached through strategic combat operations. Any
strategic combat operation serves to achieve a political goal, and the final posture should be to directly
achieve a political goal or create favorable conditions for the realization of a political goal.
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The military objectives of informatized local wars are often closely related to the strike targets, control
ranges, duration and scale of strategic operations, and sometimes they can even be directly defined and
identified by specific combat indicators.
To determine the military objectives of a war, the following basic requirements should be complied
Understand political intentions and make military goals consistent with political goals. It is necessary to
correctly understand the political intentions of the party and the country, accurately grasp the specific
political goals to be achieved in the war, and fully understand the specific requirements of the military's
receiving tasks and the coordination of military conflicts with political and diplomatic struggles, so as to
clarify the combat results to be achieved.
Proceed from reality and adapt military objectives to strategic capabilities. We must not only focus on
strategic needs, but also base on our own military strength and war potential, comprehensively compare the
combat capabilities of the enemy and ours, match military objectives with our strategic combat capabilities,
and ensure that military objectives are established on the basis of certainty, truthfulness and reliability. It is
neither possible to propose tasks that cannot be accomplished in isolation from reality, nor to set goals that
are too low or too small to affect the realization of political goals.
Pay attention to the comprehensive trade-off between cost and benefit, and strive to obtain the greatest
benefit at the least cost. It is necessary to fully consider the complex and difficult situations that may arise,
fully weigh the pros and cons, and strive to minimize the risks and costs. At the same time, we must dare to
bear a certain risk and pay a certain price in order to strive for the greatest strategic benefit.
Military objectives should be specific and indexed so that they can be easily understood and implemented.
Military objectives cannot be too general and abstract, they must be as specific and clear as possible, with
strong pertinence and maneuverability. The determination of military objectives should be linked with the
clarification of strategic combat missions of various services and arms, strategic groups (clusters) or
directions, spaces, and time frames, and focus on the requirements of the final combat results, and the
overall objectives should be broken down and refined into the overall battle situation into phased goals or
specific war action goals.
Maintain the relative stability of military targets and adjust them in due course according to the situation.
Once a military goal is determined, it should be resolutely implemented and cannot be changed at will.
However, in the course of the implementation of war, the development of the objective situation may not be
exactly the same as expected. While maintaining the relative stability of the military objectives, it is
necessary to make necessary amendments to the established military objectives as appropriate to make the
strategic guidance consistent with the reality of the war.
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2. Determine the operational guiding ideology
The operational guiding ideology is the basic ideology that guides the overall operation of the war. It plays
the role of unifying the various services and arms, various strategic groups (clusters), and various directions
and space strategic operations, and mainly solves the problem of "how to fight."
To determine the operational guiding ideology, we should focus on the following points: first, it should be
based on the characteristics and laws of the war we are facing. Without understanding and mastering the
characteristics and laws of warfare, one cannot correctly guide warfare, and the strategic guidance of
information-based local warfare depends to a large extent on or embodied in combat guidance. The second
is based on the actual situation of its own military power. What kind of force is there to fight what kind of
battle, combat guidance cannot surpass the combat capability of one's own military force. The third is based
on the combat characteristics of combat opponents. Only by fully understanding and accurately grasping the
combat characteristics of the main combat targets can we use our strengths to avoid weaknesses, attack
weaknesses with the long-term, and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of combat guidance. The
fourth is based on our army's basic combat thinking. As an important content of the national military strategy,
our army’s basic combat thinking is determined by focusing on the general characteristics and laws of the
wars we face in a certain period of time. For the war to be carried out, the specific operational guiding
ideology must be based on the basic combat thinking. And further deepen and refine it. The operational
guiding ideology should focus on the following content:
Basic combat styles and main combat styles. The basic form of combat is the basic manifestation of combat
operations, and it has a commanding and standardizing role in the construction of the combat system and
the use of military forces in planning the overall war. Determining the basic form of combat is a major issue
that needs to be resolved in strategic guidance. The basic form of warfare to be carried out under the
conditions of informatization and intelligence should be closely centered on the main body of multi-domain
integrated joint operations based on the network information system, based on the actual situation of the
structure of the joint operations force and the degree of integration of the joint operations. On this basis, it is
necessary to further determine the main combat styles that embody the basic combat forms, which must be
considered and clarified in combination with different stages of the battle situation, and specific requirements
for its connection and conversion issues must be put forward.
The focus of combat guidance. The focus of operational guidance has a decisive influence on the process
and direction of operations. In combat guidance, the focus should be placed on combat operations that are
critical to the overall situation, and use this as a key position to promote the development of the entire
combat process. Combat operations that are critical to the overall situation of informatized local warfare are
increasingly focused on the battle for comprehensive control of the battlefield.
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Therefore, the focus of combat guidance should first be on the acquisition of comprehensive control of the
battlefield, combined with the actual situation of the war and its own power situation, and the "control" of vital
issues such as air control, sea control, and information control, especially important areas. The
comprehensive control of the battlefield at critical times shall be specified and clarified. At the same time, it
is necessary to closely integrate the military objectives or core strategic tasks at each stage of the battle
situation, as well as to grasp the stage of the battle situation and the transformation of the main combat
styles, and clarify the focus of the corresponding combat guidance.
The main method of warfare. The method of warfare is the specific application of the rules of warfare
guidance, and it is the link that connects combat power and combat methods with military objectives and
combat missions. The main methods of warfare play a decisive role in achieving the military objectives of the
war. The systematic confrontation characteristics of information-based local wars lead to the combat
effectiveness and the outcome of the war mainly depending on the results of the system confrontation
between the two sides of the war. Therefore, the determination of the main combat methods should fully
embody the essentials of precise strikes against the enemy, the essentials of the combat system that breaks
paralysis, and the principles of flexible, mobile, and autonomous combat.
3. Determine the use of power and strategic deployment
Determining the use and strategic deployment of forces is to further determine the method, quantity, and
type of forces to be used based on the established military objectives and operational guidelines, to specify
the tasks and deployment of each strategic force, and to solve the problem of "how to fight" the basic
For informatized local wars, the following principles should be emphasized in determining the use of power
and strategic deployment.
Combine to win. Regardless of scale and intensity, information-based local warfare is a system confrontation
of multi-force, multi-unit, and multi-element integration. The success or failure of combat operations mainly
depends on the high integration of combat systems, real-time linkage, and the full display of overall combat
effectiveness. Therefore, we must first focus on joint victory, determine the method, quantity, type and
deployment of the use of forces, and build a multi-domain integrated combat system based on the network
information system that takes the power system as the main body and is conducive to the overall
Elite soldiers win. In information-based local wars, elite weapons often play a leading role in the process and
outcome of the war. In addition, the political purpose of the war is limited. The space for direct engagement
between the enemy and the enemy is relatively small, and both have the means of directly attacking the
other's key targets, so they are used. Elite forces with medium and long-range precision strike capabilities
have become the primary and inevitable choice for planning the use of forces.
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Both offensive and defensive. The realization of military goals and the achievement of war goals must rely
on powerful offensive actions. However, under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, defensive
operations are not only carried out at the same time as offensive operations and run through the entire
process of the war together, but also greatly affect the success or failure of offensive operations. It is
required to determine the use of forces and strategic deployment, and the principle of both offensive and
defensive must be adhered to. Build and form a force deployment system and force deployment situation
that integrates offense and defense, offense and defense, and offense and defense.
Determining the use and strategic deployment of forces should not only be based on the beginning of the
war, but should also focus on the follow-up strategic stages, overall planning the use and deployment of
forces in each strategic stage, and put forward specific requirements for the adjustment of forces and
deployment in each strategic stage. Regarding the use of forces and strategic deployment in the established
strategic stages, adjustments should be made according to the objective conditions of the development of
(the) war.
4. Determine the timing and strategic stage of the war
Selecting the timing of the launch of war and the division of strategic stages of war have always been major
strategic issues that need to be resolved in the determination of war. The timing of the initiation of an
informatized local war is directly related to the start of the war, especially the effect of the first battle, which
greatly affects the development of the entire war process. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively
analyze the international and domestic strategic situation, pay close attention to the movements of the direct
combat opponents, and carefully study the attempts and deployments of the strong enemy's possible military
intervention, and strive to initiate a war and launch a war and begin operations when the opponent is
insufficiently prepared, unfavorable or unexpected.
The strategic stage of war is the pre-estimation and division of the war process by the strategic director.
Scientifically predicting the course of war and correctly dividing strategic stages are of very important
strategic significance for enhancing the pertinence and effectiveness of war guidance. The division of the
strategic stages of an informatized local war should be carried out closely around the beginning of the war,
the follow-up process, and the end of the war, and make it a prerequisite for war planning and a basis for the
control of the battle situation including military objectives, combat guidance, and use of power.
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Chapter 10 War Planning
Section Three: Designing War Operations
War actions are military actions taken to achieve established military objectives. Designing war operations
means to pre-conceive and plan possible military operations based on the determination of warfare, that is,
the determination of military objectives. It is the bridge between the implementation of strategic intent and
war action, and is an important content of war planning, which is usually embodied in the war action plan.
1. Classification of war operations
As the main link and concentrated manifestation of war implementation, war action contains various
contents. According to the basic types, they can be divided into offensive and defensive military operations;
according to scale and intensity, they can be divided into large-scale (high-intensity), medium-scale
(medium-intensity), and small-scale (low-intensity) military operations; according to the battlefield space,
Military operations can be divided into land, sea, air, space battlefields, electromagnetic spectrum, and
computer cyberspace; according to their nature, they can be divided into preventive, emergency, and
decisive military operations; according to styles, they can be divided into strategic reconnaissance and early
warning, strategic projection and deployment, strategic assaults, strategic counter-air attacks, strategic
blockades, border defense, maritime mobile operations, island operations, cyber electromagnetic warfare,
public opinion and legal struggles, and psychological offenses and defenses and other military operations.
According to its mission and scope, war operations can be carried out by troops of different levels or sizes.
In an information-based local war, no matter what level the force carrying out the war is at, it is the direct
target of strategic command.
2. Methods of designing war operations
The design of war operations is carried out on the basis of the determination of the war. The basic methods
are: first, the main combat styles determined according to the general strategic intent and the determination
of the war, and the two basic types of offense and defense, determine the specific style of warfare; second,
it is to determine the specific goals to be achieved in the corresponding war operations based on the military
goals determined by the war determination, including the phased goals and the final goals; the third is to
determine the timing of the implementation of the corresponding war operations based on the timing of the
war and the situation of the enemy and the enemy determined by the war determination. Sequence and
stage, and put forward specific requirements for the interconnection and stage transition in the
implementation process; the fourth is to determine the use of strategic forces, including combat forces,
support forces, and reserve forces, especially strategic operations, based on the pattern of war operations
and their target requirements. The organization, configuration, coordination and action principles of the
group (cluster); the fifth is to form a war action plan; the sixth is to evaluate the war action plan, predict the
possible results, the possible risks and the cost to be paid, and optimize and perfect the plan.
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3. Requirements for designing war operations
The design of war operations should comply with the following basic requirements.
Focus on the effective achievement of military goals and unify needs and possibilities. It is necessary to
design war operations closely around established military objectives in accordance with the overall strategic
intent, so that each war operation becomes an organic part of the entire chain of war. In order to achieve the
established military goals, all aspects of the enemy and ours should be fully considered when designing war
operations, especially the comparison of military strength and war potential, based on the actual ability of the
military to perform strategic combat tasks, so that the design of war operations meets strategic needs and is
“Persist in you fighting yours, and I’ll fight mine,” and organize and use your power completely
autonomously. War action design is an important field in which subjective initiative is exerted in strategic
guidance, and it is a concentrated expression of strategic will, strategic level, and planning ability. It is
necessary to give full play to the strategic enthusiasm and initiative, not to be swayed by the enemy, not to
follow the enemy's routine, and to completely control the freedom of when and how to move strategically.
Efforts should be made to create a favorable strategic situation and design war action patterns and methods
that can maximize their own advantages and reduce the enemy's advantages, so as to maximize strengths
and avoid weaknesses, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and effectively dominate the battlefield
and dominate the battle. It is necessary to combine strategic firmness, planning with flexibility, and
adaptability, so that the design of war operations will not only adhere to a clear purpose, but also maintain
sufficient flexibility and tension.
Based on coping with complex and difficult situations, formulate a thorough war action plan. When designing
war operations, we should strive to take into account various factors and conditions, fully estimate various
difficulties and problems, and formulate contingency plans for possible complex and difficult situations, and
make multiple preparations to prevent falling into extreme passivity due to sudden changes in the situation.
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For example, in the judgment of the enemy's situation, it should be envisaged that it may take risks, strong
enemies may intervene with high intensity, and chain reactions may occur in other strategic directions; in the
course of action and the control of the battle situation, it should be envisaged that the development of war
may be deadlocked or even dangerous. Circumstances such as the fact that the combat process is beyond
the scope of expectations and it is difficult to continue the fight as originally planned.
Take care of the overall situation, grasp the focus, and focus on convergence. War operations have a
significant impact on the overall situation of war. Its design should be based on the overall strategy.
According to the overall strategic intent, various war operations carried out by various strategic forces in
various periods, spaces or areas of struggle should be comprehensively planned to form a whole and join
forces. We must proceed from the needs of the overall situation, always focus on the war actions that are
decisive for the overall situation of the war, and use this as a key position to coordinate other war actions. In
particular, we should focus on carefully designing the leading war actions at the beginning. We must pay
attention to the coordination and cooperation of various war operations, and do a good job in the
convergence and conversion of war operations at different stages in order to improve overall combat
The details are appropriate to enhance the macro-guidance and operability. The design of war operations
must not only provide macro guidance, but also facilitate actual grasp and operation; it must have overall
ideas and plans, as well as specific and detailed plans and requirements. On some macro issues, it can be a
framework conception, with some outline content, so as to avoid over-uniformity, so as to leave room for
necessary development. However, the anticipation and handling of specific actions and specific situations
should be designed as detailed as possible to enhance operability.
Section Four: Building Strategic Deployment
The strategic deployment of war is the organization, task differentiation, and allocation of military forces from
the overall strategic perspective. Its main function is to quickly gather strategic energy within a certain time
and space, form a favorable strategic situation, and provide power support and support for the
implementation of war operations and the implementation of strategic combat tasks. Constructing strategic
deployment is not only an important content of war planning, but also an important manifestation of the
results of war planning.
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1. The content of strategic deployment
In the information-based local war, the content of strategic deployment mainly includes: division of combat
directions; division of tasks of various services and arms; organization, division and configuration of strategic
groups (clusters), strategic echelons, and strategic reserves; strategic rear organization, task division and
configuration, etc.
The essence of strategic deployment is the overall layout and arrangement of the use of military forces
within a certain time and space, based on the needs of war and the actual conditions of military forces,
combined with the characteristics of the geographical environment and space domain. The basic elements
of strategic deployment are goals, strength, space and time. War action objectives determine the nature,
function, and structure of strategic deployment; the overall scale and capabilities of military forces determine
the way and benefits of strategic deployment in wartime; spatial conditions affect the regional distribution,
focus and distance of strategic deployment; time factors affect the construction of strategic deployment of
timing and speed. Strategic instructors should build a strategic deployment to create a favorable situation for
the preparation and implementation of war operations and the realization of military objectives at all levels,
so as to ensure that forces can be quickly mobilized at the decisive time and direction, and offensive and
defensive operations can be carried out smoothly.
2. The method of constructing strategic deployment
The construction of wartime strategic deployment should be based on the general strategic deployment in
peacetime, on the basis of war determination, and closely integrated with specific war action patterns.
(1) Division of combat directions
The combat direction is a strategic direction of action that has an important impact on the overall situation of
the war. It is directed to a military strike target or a strategic defense target. It has a certain width and depth,
including land and related airspace and sea areas. The division of combat directions should be based on the
requirements of military objectives and combat guidelines determined by war determination, comprehensive
analysis of the enemy's strategic attempts, strategic situation, and battlefield conditions, and full
consideration of the characteristics of war action patterns. The combat direction is divided into the main
combat direction and the secondary combat direction. As far as strategic offensive operations are
concerned, the main combat direction should be chosen in the direction that is most conducive to one's own
concentration of forces or the use of combat effectiveness, which can give the enemy a decisive blow, and
thus produce shock and disintegration effects on the overall situation. The main combat direction of strategic
defense operations should be chosen in the direction that is most threatened by the enemy and the most
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Regardless of strategic offensive or strategic defensive operations, there should be only one main combat
direction in the same period of time.
(2) Formation of strategic forces
Strategic forces are military forces capable of step-by-step strategic combat missions, including forces in
various theaters, strategic directions, and various services and arms. It is necessary to clarify the strategic
combat tasks and other tasks undertaken by each force in accordance with the overall military objectives
and war operations tasks, combined with the characteristics of various forces, and proceed from the needs
of implementing war operations and performing strategic combat tasks, and carry out necessary and
reasonable organization and division. Usually divided into battle zones and war action plans, organized into
several combat groups (clusters) and strategic reserves. Combat groups (clusters) can be organized
individually by service or arms, or they can be combined across services and arms, and combined according
to theater forces. The strategic reserve team is usually composed of combat forces with strong mobile
capabilities and is directly controlled by the strategic command organization. The deployment of various
parts of the strategic forces should facilitate the use of various strengths, rapid response to various
situations, and the implementation of multi-domain integrated joint operations. To organize strategic forces,
it is necessary to concentrate the main forces on the main operational direction, use the necessary forces on
the secondary operational directions, and establish and maintain a strong strategic reserve team; the
strategic cover force, the strategic strike force, the strategic support force and the strategic reserve must be
arranged in an overall manner. Make it reasonable in space to form a comprehensive and focused strategic
combat system with internal and external line coordination, land, sea, air, and space, network and power
integration; the need for strategic deployment and strategic maneuver must be fully considered to maintain a
certain degree of flexibility in the deployment of strategic forces.
3. The requirements for constructing strategic deployment
The following basic requirements should be complied with in constructing a wartime strategic
Focusing on the formation of a favorable strategic situation, it can quickly gather energy and effectively
respond to various situations of war. The basic point of view for constructing wartime strategic deployment is
to form a favorable strategic posture that meets the overall needs of war. According to the requirements of
military objectives and operational guidelines, strategic forces should be rationally grouped and separated,
placed in appropriate positions, and maintained a certain degree of flexibility to form a joint, integrated,
offensive and flexible strategic combat system, so that strategic deployment and energy gathering can be
implemented quickly, and effectively carry out various offensive and defensive strategic combat missions.
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Highlight the main combat direction and form a reasonable and coordinated force layout. The main combat
direction is the focus of military conflict in wartime, and therefore the focus of strategic deployment. It is
necessary to correctly determine the main combat direction of offense and defense based on the needs of
military objectives and the situation of the enemy and our battlefield, and determine the allocation and
distribution of strategic forces based on this. The main force should be concentrated on the main combat
direction to ensure that the enemy can be decisively attacked with superior force, and at the same time, the
necessary force should be deployed in the secondary combat direction to effectively play its auxiliary and
cooperative role. The various services and arms, various strategic groups (clusters) and other strategic
forces should be arranged in a coordinated manner so that they can not only accomplish their respective
tasks and exert their respective advantages, but also facilitate mutual coordination and support. We should
take full care of strategic spaces such as land, sea, air, space, network, and electricity, and pay attention to
the influence and control of strategic points, points, and channels. The coordination, balance and relative
stability of the overall layout should be maintained by rationally distinguishing and configuring the various
elements of the strategic deployment.
The combination of forward deployment and in-depth deployment maintains the necessary strategic
reserves. Strategic deployment should focus on the need to achieve military objectives, focusing on forward
deployment, giving full play to the strategic assault function of front-line forces, and deploying mobile forces
in strategically deep areas that are convenient for maneuvering, so that they can proceed at any time to
carry out strategic combat tasks. The strategic reserve team is of great significance for coping with
unexpected situations, stabilizing the battlefield situation, transforming the balance of forces, and
accelerating the process of war. It should be properly organized according to needs and deployed in
appropriate positions in the strategic depth to ensure that it can be quickly put into combat. Once the
strategic reserve team is used, it should be regrouped immediately to maintain a strong follow-up combat
Both inside and outside, offensive and defensive. The construction of wartime strategic deployment should
fully embody the principles of both internal and external considerations, offensive and defensive
considerations. It should not only focus on the needs of external offensive operations, but also consider the
needs of internal stability maintenance operations; it is necessary to establish a strong offensive deployment
that meets the requirements of military objectives and establish it. It can deal with the defense deployment of
the enemy's counter-production warfare and resist the military intervention of the powerful enemy, and form
a coordinated supporting system, maintain the tenacity and stability of the overall combat layout, and ensure
the orderly development of the strategic combat process.
According to the development and changes of the war situation and battlefield situation, timely adjust the
strategic deployment. The strategic deployment is more stable than the tactical level deployment of the
campaign. Changing the strategic deployment will have a significant impact on the overall situation of the
war. It should be cautious and it is not appropriate to make frequent changes to the strategic deployment in
a relatively short period of time. However, the strategic deployment must also have a certain degree of
flexibility, that is, there must be emergency preparations and pre-plans when constructing. Once the war
situation and battlefield situation undergo major changes, the original strategic deployment should be
adjusted or changed decisively as needed.
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Section Five: Organizational Strategic Coordination
Strategic coordination is an organization and control activity that enables various strategic forces and their
actions to form an organic whole in accordance with the overall strategic intent and strategic plan. The
careful organization of strategic coordination is a basic measure to achieve strategic unified command and
unified action, an important function of a strategic instructor and an important content of war planning, and
an indispensable prerequisite for the formation and exertion of overall combat power.
1. The content of strategic coordination
Strategic coordination is generally organized by strategic commanders and their strategic command
institutions, and mainly includes the following contents.
Coordination between various strategic forces. This is the focus of organizational strategic coordination,
including: coordination between the basic combat forces of the services and arms, as well as special combat
forces, and information combat forces; coordination between strategic combat groups (clusters); combat
forces that directly undertake strategic combat tasks and Coordination between strategic support forces and
strategic support forces, etc.
Coordination between various combat spaces. It mainly includes: coordination between battlefields such as
land, sea, air, space and electromagnetic spectrum, cyberspace; coordination between main battlefields and
auxiliary battlefields, and flanking battlefields; coordination between main combat directions and secondary
combat directions; coordination among strategic frontiers, strategic flank, strategic depth, and strategic rear.
Coordination between the various operational stages. It is mainly to design the connection, alternation and
conversion between the various combat phases, clarify the starting timing, objectives, tasks and main
actions of each combat phase, organize and coordinate each combat phase, especially when the combat
phase transitions, each service and each strategic group (cluster) the actions of combat troops.
Coordination between various strategic operations. It mainly includes: coordination between strategic
offensive operations and strategic defensive operations; coordination between combat operations such as
the control of information, space, air, and sea control; control of integrated battlefield control, air defense and
antimissile, and network-electric confrontation Coordination between operational operations such as
information warfare, firepower warfare, mobile warfare, special warfare, and coordination with public opinion
warfare, legal warfare, and psychological warfare; among key combat operations and supporting and
auxiliary combat operations Inter-coordination; coordination between regular combat operations and
irregular combat operations; coordination between combat operations of various services and arms;
coordination between combat operations and support and support operations; coordination between war
operations and non-war military operations, etc.
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Coordination between military conflicts and struggles in other fields. War has never been a purely military
issue, so strategic coordination is not only organized in the military field, but also involves politics, economy,
diplomacy, science and technology, law, public opinion and other fields. For this reason, we must pay full
attention to the coordination and cooperation between military conflict and political and diplomatic struggle,
as well as military work and economic and social work, and between military departments and government
departments. Under certain circumstances, it may also carry out strategic coordination with neighboring
countries and friendly forces.
2. The method of organizational strategic coordination
Strategic commanders and their strategic command institutions organize strategic coordination and
usually adopt the following methods.
(1) Determine the procedures for organizational strategic coordination
Clarify strategic coordination matters. After making the strategic determination, the strategic commander
should clarify in time: the time, place, form of the organization strategy coordination, and the preparation of
the participants and agencies; the division of the strategic coordination phase; the purpose, coordination
focus and coordination relationship of each strategic coordination phase, etc..
Prepare a strategic coordination plan. The comprehensive planning department of the strategic command
organization is mainly responsible for the overall design of strategic coordination and the anticipation of
major coordination situations; the relevant departments of each service branch and each strategic group
(cluster) prepare their own coordination plans.
Organize strategic coordination actions. It is usually organized in the form of a meeting, and the
comprehensive planning department of the strategic command organization or the main service arms put
forward a coordination idea, participate in the discussion of the parties involved in the meeting, and clarify
the tasks and requirements of strategic coordination on this basis.
Implement the strategic coordination concept. According to clear coordination items, the strategic command
organization drafts a strategic operation plan or a separate strategic coordination plan, drafts and issues
strategic coordination instructions according to the plan.
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(2) Selection and comprehensive application of various specific methods of strategic coordination
Time coordination method. That is to say, using combat time as the coordinated control standard, through
the time regulation of various services and arms, various strategic groups (clusters), various combat phases,
and various combat operations, coordinate various forces and operations, master the combat process and
rhythm, and realize the control of war operations and operations. The overall control of the battle situation.
The time coordination method is an important way to achieve precise coordination in informationized local
Space coordination method. That is to use the battlefield space elements as the coordinated control
standard, and through the differentiation and design of land, sea, air, space, electromagnetic and
cyberspace, the combat operations in each battlefield space can be coordinated and integrated into an
organic whole. Under normal circumstances, various services and arms are organized and coordinated by
distinguishing land battlefields, naval battlefields, and air battlefields. Strategic groups (clusters) organize
and coordinate by distinguishing combat directions. When multiple combat forces operate in the same
space, they can organize and coordinate by region or by distinguishing high and low levels of space.
Target coordination method. That is to take the strike target as the coordinated control standard, and
organize and coordinate by assigning the strike target to the combat unit or strategic group (cluster) of the
corresponding service arms. Since the implementation of medium and long-range precision strikes against
important targets of the enemy is the basic combat method of information-based local warfare, the
comprehensive application of the target coordination method and the time coordination method has become
the basic method usually adopted in the organization of strategic coordination.
(3) Adopt different forms of strategic coordination according to needs
Meeting coordination means organizing and coordinating in the form of a meeting. Usually organized by a
strategic commander, with the participation of the commanders of various services and arms, various
strategic groups (clusters) and related parties, using maps, sand tables or command system platforms, on
the spot or through video or telephone conference systems to clarify strategic coordination related matters.
Sometimes, it is also possible to coordinate with the parties concerned through consultation.
Plan coordination, that is, organize coordination based on the pre-prepared draft strategic coordination plan.
Usually, the strategic command organization or strategic commander convenes the commanders of various
services and arms, various strategic groups (clusters) and related personnel to study and negotiate the draft
coordination plan.
Ad-hoc coordination refers to the coordination organized temporarily according to changes in battlefield
conditions during the implementation of war operations. Ad-hoc coordination is usually a supplement,
adjustment and improvement to plan coordination. When the battlefield situation has undergone major
changes and the original coordination plan is no longer applicable to the new battlefield situation, new
coordination should be organized decisively.
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3. Requirements for organizational strategic coordination
Organizational strategic coordination should comply with the following basic requirements.
Focus on the overall strategic situation and implement unified coordinated control of various forces and
actions. When organizing strategic coordination, the strategic commander and its command organization
should stand at the overall height and carry out comprehensive planning and overall planning. In view of the
system confrontation characteristics of informatized local wars, we must make overall arrangements and
implement full control of all strategic forces, combat styles, combat directions, battlefields, and combat fields,
so that they can be controlled in terms of time, space, objectives, and tasks. Cooperate with each other,
maintain the coordination of war operations and the mutual use of combat effects, so as to give play to the
overall power of multi-domain integrated joint operations. According to the overall strategic intent, a
comprehensive, thorough and flexible strategic coordination plan should be formulated, and a combination
of macro-control and hierarchical control should be adopted to ensure that various forces can act in the
overall situation under any circumstances. It is necessary to take care of the overall situation throughout the
entire process of war so that actions at all stages and seasons can be developed around a unified will and
serve achieving a unified goal.
Correctly distinguish and grasp the coordinated master-slave relationship, and be good at grasping the
center of gravity and joints of strategic coordination. When organizing strategic coordination, we must pay
attention to distinguishing and grasping the priority, sequence, severity, and urgency of the coordination
objects and their coordination relationships, highlight the key points, grasp the joints, and place the focus of
attention on the decisive parts and actions. In terms of strength, it is necessary to organize and coordinate
around the service arms or strategic groups (clusters) that perform the main tasks or play a leading role; in
space, it is necessary to organize and coordinate around the main battlefield and main combat directions; in
terms of time, it is necessary to revolve around important stages Organize and coordinate with key seasons;
in action, it is necessary to organize and coordinate around the main combat styles or key combat
operations; in terms of means, it is necessary to organize and coordinate around the main means of struggle
and areas of struggle.
Implement uninterrupted coordination to maintain orderly and efficient strategic coordination. When
organizing strategic coordination, it is necessary to fully consider the possible coordination disorder or
damage during the war, and make a record in advance. It is necessary to improve the ability of information
acquisition and feedback, timely grasp the process, effects and problems of strategic coordination,
accurately evaluate the effect of strategic coordination, and correct deviations based on the evaluation
results of the implementation of coordination matters.
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Adhere to planning coordination, strengthen supervision and control, coordinate various relations in a timely
manner, and organize ad-hoc coordination in a timely manner based on the development and changes of
battlefield conditions. It is necessary to establish and improve the coordination mechanism between the
combat units of the various services and arms, and the strategic groups (clusters). Multiple coordination
methods should be used comprehensively, and they should be ensured through various command methods
and communication methods. When coordination is out of balance or damaged, effective measures should
be taken quickly to adjust and restore to ensure the orderly, uninterrupted and efficient operation of strategic
Strive to achieve precise coordination. When organizing strategic coordination, timeliness, synchronization,
procedural and accuracy should be emphasized. It is necessary to change the previous rough coordination
practices and establish a sense of precise coordination. In particular, we must emphasize the time factor in
coordination, and strive to achieve more real-time coordinated and synchronized operations. It is necessary
to establish and improve an integrated command information system to provide command information
support for the implementation of precise coordination. It is necessary to carefully formulate coordination
plans, attach great importance to quantitative calculations, specify the time, location, sequence of
operations, and methods of combat tasks performed by combat units of various services and arms and
strategic groups (clusters), clarify coordination relationships, and strictly coordinate discipline. While
emphasizing precise coordination, we must also pay attention to grasping the relevant standards to prevent
the over-detail or over-broad bias in the coordination regulations that does not conform to the actual
situation, so that the coordinated action is both accurate and flexible.
Section Six: Overall Planning and Strategic Guarantee
Strategic guarantee is the general term for various guarantee measures taken by the military to smoothly
carry out war operations and complete strategic tasks. Its basic function is to provide necessary material
conditions for the preparation and implementation of war or strategic operations. The planning and
organization of the strategic guarantee for the execution of the war is not only one of the contents of the war
planning, but also the necessary guarantee for the execution and realization of the goals, tasks, and
requirements put forward by the war planning.
1. The content of strategic guarantee
As far as the strategic guarantee for carrying out a war is concerned, it mainly includes the following
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(1) Strategic intelligence guarantee
Strategic intelligence support is to make full use of various types of strategic reconnaissance intelligence
resources, unify the organization of various strategic reconnaissance and detection forces, reconnaissance
acquisition and extensive collection of strategic intelligence information, and carry out a series of activities of
strategic situation integration, integrated intelligence processing, intelligence distribution and sharing, and
the application of intelligence operations. To organize strategic intelligence support, it is necessary to
coordinate the various strategic reconnaissance intelligence forces and methods of the military and the
military, and focus on the organization of strategic early warning, strategic reconnaissance, and strategic
intelligence fusion. Mainly use national and military strategic early warning systems to obtain and release
early warning information of enemy air and space strategic strikes and cyberspace attacks; use strategic
reconnaissance systems to obtain enemy strategic trends, strategic attempts, strategic deployments,
strategic actions and other intelligence; use military-to-ground strategies Intelligence sharing channels and
mechanisms, fusion and processing of multi-source intelligence information, provide strategic intelligence
such as battlefield comprehensive enemy situation, trend intelligence, target intelligence, etc.
(2) Strategic Information Assurance
Strategic information assurance is the comprehensive use of various information technologies, information
resources and related professional forces at the strategic level to provide information transmission,
information processing, information use, information security and other means of guarantee and
comprehensive information services for strategic command and military operations. To organize strategic
information security, various military and local strategic information security forces and methods should be
coordinated, focusing on the organization of communication network security, command system security,
data information security, electromagnetic spectrum management and control, battlefield environment
security, cryptographic notification security, and network information defense. Use the integrated strategic
communication network and national information and communication facilities to provide strategic
communication and command information system support; scientifically allocate electromagnetic
frequencies, strengthen military-civilian joint management, provide reliable military frequency support, and
release relevant electromagnetic environment information; follow a unified technical system and standards,
build a unified data sharing environment in accordance with standards and specifications, collect various
combat data resources, manage and maintain combat databases and related data resources;
comprehensively use military battlefield environment support forces and methods, unify battlefield time and
space benchmarks, monitor and detect multi-dimensional three-dimensional battlefield environment and Its
development and changes, the timely release of major battlefield environment forecasts and warnings and
risk assessments, the provision of battlefield environment information services and comprehensive
navigation and positioning support for planning decision-making, combat command, force operations and
fire strikes, implementation of artificially affecting local battlefield environment operations, control battlefield
environment information combat applications, prevent enemy agents’ interference and damage, and
maintain the stable operation of the battlefield environment protection system; comprehensively use network
security protection and cryptographic techniques to build a network information defense system.
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(3) Strategic logistics support
Strategic logistics support is a collective term for various logistics professional support activities organized
and implemented at the strategic level. The organization of strategic logistics support should coordinate
military logistics support resources and national defense mobilization logistics resources, and focus on the
organization of war funds, military energy, transportation and delivery, war storage materials, emergency
procurement, and medical services. According to combat needs, organize the financing and supply of
combat funds; strengthen communication and coordination with relevant state agencies and enterprises,
comprehensively use military and military resources and support forces, and carefully organize the
financing, storage, and storage of clothing, supplies, oil, new energy, materials and equipment. Supply
guarantees such as distribution and allocation; coordinate and organize the medical evacuation of the
wounded and sick across theaters, organize major epidemic treatment and health protection, and make full
use of national medical resources to implement strategic medical support; determine the resource scale,
delivery capacity, and delivery time of strategic delivery, unify dispatch of military-to-regional railway,
highway, waterway, and air transportation forces; unified deployment of military-to-regional support forces to
carry out rush repairs and construction of battlefield facilities such as airports, positions, ports, and
warehouses to provide relevant guarantees for mission troops.
(4) Strategic equipment support
Strategic equipment support is a collective term for various military equipment support measures organized
and implemented at the strategic level. The organization of strategic equipment support should coordinate
the military support forces and military industry enterprises, and focus on the organization of equipment
deployment, equipment technology, and advanced ammunition support. According to the actual needs of the
war, adjust the strategic equipment reserve, and focus on adding the reserve for major battles; accurately
predict the equipment support needs, and organize the deployment of equipment and materials, emergency
procurement, and equipment replacement according to the principle of ensuring the focus, to ensure that the
equipment and materials are replenished on time and in quantity; organize military industry enterprises to
develop emergency equipment, expand the production scale of urgently needed and new-type equipment;
rationally allocate relevant military industry enterprises to support front-line forces, and enhance the
equipment and technical support capabilities of various strategic forces.
2. The method of overall strategic guarantee
The main methods for the overall planning of the strategic guarantee for the execution of the war are
as follows.
(1) Forecasting the demand for strategic guarantee
According to the determination of war and the type and style of strategic operations, judge the possible
scale, intensity, and duration of war, and then predict the corresponding demand for strategic guarantee. At
the same time, also should analyze the current situation of the military's strategic support capability and the
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possible support provided by the national war mobilization capability should be analyzed, and the degree of
satisfaction of the strategic support needs should be predicted. On the basis of strategic forecasts, various
strategic guarantee plans and programs are drawn up to clarify the task standards of strategic guarantee.
(2) Mobilizing and marshalling strategic support forces
Focus on the strategic support forces of the military in active service, combine with reserve support forces
and local support forces, mobilize all possible forces and means, and establish a military-civilian integrated
combat, logistics, and equipment support force system. To adapt to the characteristics of informatized local
warfare, adopt diversified methods to rationally organize strategic support forces, and pay particular
attention to the concentrated use of elite support forces. Establish a strategic support command organization
to clarify the command relationship of support forces. Grasp the situation of local war resources and
formulate support and guarantee plans. Establish and maintain strategic support reserve forces, organize
rapid support forces with comprehensive emergency support capabilities, and implement emergency support
in response to unexpected situations.
(3) Determine the strategic guarantee layout
Focusing on the actual needs of warfare, the strategic support forces should be rationally deployed. While
establishing the strategic deployment and strategic operational layout, the operational support, logistics
support, and equipment support layout are determined. Properly allocate support forces in the strategic front
and strategic depth, main combat directions and secondary combat directions, combat areas and non-
combat areas, and focus on strengthening support forces in the frontline and main combat directions.
Reasonably divide the guarantee area and clarify the corresponding guarantee relationship and guarantee
tasks. Establish a support network and nodes with different functions, establish a comprehensive or
professional forward support base as appropriate, and deploy a military station network in a timely manner.
(4) Coordination of strategic guarantee actions
Unified planning of strategic support actions and comprehensive use of strategic support means. All kinds of
security activities are organized and implemented by relevant strategic security agencies according to their
respective responsibilities and professional classifications, according to different security objects, security
content and security requirements. At the same time, focus on the coordination of strategic support
operations and strategic operations, strategic support and campaign support, gradual support and leapfrog
support, fixed support and mobile support, general support and special support, the military's own support
and local front support, etc., in order to reduce internal friction and enhance the joint force.
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3. The requirements for overall planning of strategic guarantees
The following basic requirements should be complied with in the overall planning of strategic
guarantees for the execution of wars.
Fully prepare and enhance your ability. Strategic support has a wide range of fields, multiple contents, heavy
tasks, and high technological content. Only by making adequate preparations can it meet the needs of war
in the new era. Strategic support preparation includes personnel, materials, equipment, technology, facilities,
mobilization, plan preparation, etc. Wartime preparations should be based on peacetime preparations in
order to realize the rapid transformation of strategic support capabilities.
Combination of military and civilian, integrated linkage. Information-based local war is a contest of
comprehensive national power, and strategic support should rely on the country's overall strength, and
transform the capabilities of industry, transportation, energy, scientific research, and other aspects into war
support capabilities in a timely manner. It is necessary to actively mobilize and make full use of local support
resources, coordinate military and civilian strategic support forces as a whole, and form an integrated
strategic support system with overall linkage.
Make overall plans and ensure key points. Organizational strategic support must stand at the overall height,
closely focus on the requirements of military objectives, and conduct overall planning. The focus of strategic
support should be placed on the parts that are related to the overall situation, focusing on the main
battlefields, main combat directions, troops undertaking main combat tasks, and key combat operations. At
the same time, we must also take appropriate care of other guarantee objects and make up for the weak
links in the strategic guarantee chain in a timely manner.
Fast, flexible, precise and efficient. Information-based local wars require that strategic guarantees must be
fast, flexible, precise, and efficient. The foresight of strategic guarantees should be enhanced, starting from
the most complex and difficult situations, formulating various contingency plans, and making corresponding
preparations to ensure rapid response. Various support methods should be used flexibly according to
combat needs and actual conditions to ensure timely and uninterrupted strategic support. We should make
full use of automated guarantee methods, pay attention to information transmission and feedback, and make
guarantees more accurate and reliable. We should make decisive decisions, simplify procedures, and
coordinate scientifically to improve the effectiveness of comprehensive support.
Strengthen defense and ensure the safe operation of the strategic guarantee system. The strategic support
system of informatized local war is often one of the enemy's key targets, and its survivability is facing severe
challenges. We must pay attention to the defense of the strategic support system and incorporate it into the
overall defense plan and deployment. It is necessary to equip important targets with strong defensive forces,
actively and tenaciously carry out anti-reconnaissance, anti-air strikes, anti-electronic interference, anti-
special attacks, etc., strictly organize camouflage, vigilance and protection, and ensure the safety of
strategic support command organizations, support bases and support forces, and make strategic support
activities safe, smooth and orderly.
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Section Seven: Implementation of War Mobilization
War mobilization is an activity in which the country uniformly mobilizes human, material, and financial
resources on a national or local scale to meet the needs of various resources for war. The rapid, orderly,
and efficient implementation of war mobilization is a key position for quickly transforming war potential into
military strength. It is an important content that must be paid attention to in war planning, and is of great
strategic significance for winning the war.
1. The content of war mobilization
War mobilization is a large system, and its content usually includes the following seven points:
One is the mobilization of the People's Armed Forces. The mobilization of the People's Armed Forces refers
to the mobilization of reserve forces such as reserve forces, militias, pre-commissioned personnel of active
forces, and non-formation reserve personnel. The people's armed mobilization is the focus of war
mobilization, and it occupies the primary position in all mobilization fields. The main contents are: recruiting
reserve forces and individual personnel, supplementing and expanding combat forces, maintaining or
enhancing the combat effectiveness of multi-domain integrated combat forces, especially new combat
forces; organizing militias and various professional support teams and provides service support for multi-
domain integrated joint operations.
The second is the mobilization of the national economy. The mobilization of the national economy refers to
the process in which the country transfers the relevant departments of the national economy from the
peacetime state to the wartime state in an organized and planned manner in order to meet the needs of war.
National economic mobilization aims to provide material guarantees for war. It usually includes industrial
mobilization, agricultural mobilization, commercial and trade mobilization, fiscal and financial mobilization,
science and technology mobilization, and medical and health mobilization. The main contents are:
organizing relevant national economic departments (industry) to transfer to the wartime system; organizing
wartime production and raising all kinds of urgently needed materials; raising and distributing funds to
maintain fiscal and financial order; dispatching medical and health resources to meet wartime medical and
health care support requirements.
The third is equipment mobilization. Equipment mobilization means that in order to meet the needs of multi-
domain integrated joint operations, the nation improves the production and support capabilities of weapons
and equipment during wartime with plans and organization. Its main contents are: expanding the
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production of weapons, equipment and ammunition; organizing scientific research, developing new
equipment, transforming and upgrading existing equipment, and ensuring special needs for joint operations;
requisitioning military and civilian general equipment and materials to make up for the lack of military
equipment; forming and expanding equipment technology. The support force is responsible for equipment
maintenance and support tasks.
The fourth is information mobilization. Information mobilization refers to the requisition, deployment and use
of national and civilian network information resources to meet the needs of war. Its main contents are:
requisition or deployment of local information networks, frequency-use equipment and channels,
electromagnetic spectrum, surveying and mapping geography, navigation time-frequency, meteorological
and marine resources; organize cyberspace combat support forces to participate in cyber attack and
defense operations; organize electronic countermeasures support and support forces and participate in
electronic countermeasures; organize communication support forces to undertake wartime emergency
communication support tasks; do a good job in monitoring and control of Internet public opinion.
The fifth is transportation mobilization. Transportation mobilization refers to the organization and use of
national and social transportation facilities, equipment, tools, and related professional technical forces to
ensure the transportation of combat personnel, materials, and equipment. The main contents are: the
requisition of civilian transportation; the provision of traffic guarantee for the army's troop projection, material
supply, and the evacuation of residents; and the organization of professional forces to protect the roads.
Sixth is the mobilization of civil air defense. Civil air defense mobilization refers to the activities carried out
by the state to protect the safety of people's lives and property, launch and organize the people to guard
against enemy air strikes, eliminate the consequences of air strikes, and reduce the losses of air strikes. The
main contents are: launching air defense alarms to assist in air reconnaissance; organizing urban population
and material evacuation and shelter; protecting important economic targets; organizing urban air defense
control; timely eliminating the consequences of air strikes.
Seven is political mobilization. Political mobilization refers to the ideological mobilization, political
propaganda and spiritual attention carried out by the state to the people and the army, and a series of
activities to win international support to win the war. The main contents are: unify the ideological
understanding of the whole people, encourage and gather the morale of the army; extensively carry out
diplomatic activities and external propaganda, and strive for the understanding and support of the
international community.
2. Methods of Implementing War Mobilization
War mobilization is generally organized and implemented by the country's top leadership, and its
basic methods are as follows:
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(1) Decide when to mobilize
Whether the start time of mobilization is appropriate, is directly related to the strategic initiative and even the
victory or defeat of the war. When deciding to mobilize, it should be based on the timing of the war and the
time required to complete the mobilization process. The timing of the mobilization of informatized local wars
must be timely and accurate. To this end, it is necessary to fully grasp the situation of the enemy and
ourselves, especially to make basic judgments on their own mobilization preparations and mobilization
(2) Determine the scale of mobilization
The provisions on the total amount of war mobilization should be as consistent as possible with the war
demand. The scale of mobilization is too small to meet the needs of the war and affect the outcome of the
war; if the scale of mobilization is too large, it will cause a waste of resources and affect the lives of the
people during the war and the economic reconstruction after the war. Accurately grasping the scale of war
mobilization depends on accurately predicting war needs. According to the possible duration of the war and
its specific war action patterns, it is necessary to calculate as accurately as possible the troop strength,
material and service support requirements, and combine the usual actual soldiers and computer simulation
exercises to obtain mobilization reference data close to the actual war to achieve this. An appropriate
amount is sufficient to adapt the scale of mobilization to the needs of war.
(3) Choose the mobilization method
War mobilization methods are generally divided into two types, namely secret mobilization and public
mobilization. Secret mobilization can conceal strategic attempts and achieve the effect of unintended
hostility; open mobilization will have a strong political appeal and can obtain the greatest mobilization benefit
in a relatively short period of time. In this regard, it is necessary to fully consider the strategic needs
according to the actual situation of the war, and choose one of the mobilization methods, or a combination of
the two methods.
(4) Issue a mobilization order
The mobilization order is an order to announce that the whole country or a local area will be transferred from
normal to wartime. It is a sign and basis for the official start of war mobilization. The content usually
includes: the dangers of war and the situation of war faced by the country; the will and determination of the
country to respond to security threats and defend territorial sovereignty; the requirements of the country or a
local area to change from a normal state to a wartime state; the adjustment and powers of the national
mobilization command organization, etc. The mobilization order should also specify the specified
mobilization levels, mobilization tasks, mobilization requirements, and mobilization guidelines. The theater,
service arms, and mobilization command institutions at and below the provincial level should follow this, set
the mobilization determination at this level in a timely manner, and quickly start mobilization action.
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(5) Organization, mobilization and coordination
Organizational mobilization coordination refers to the activities of horizontal communication and cooperation
between departments and units related to organization and mobilization, including two aspects: internal
coordination of the organization and external coordination of the organization. Organizational coordination
refers to the coordination between various fields within the organization mobilization system and between
relevant regional mobilization departments. It mainly solves the allocation of human and material resources,
the mutual support between various mobilization fields and between relevant regional mobilization
departments. Coordination issues: organizing external coordination is mainly to organize the coordination
between the mobilization department and the troops receiving support to solve the problem of supply and
demand, and to ensure that the mobilized personnel and materials can be delivered to the needed troops in
a timely and accurate manner. The organization of wartime mobilization and coordination should be
continuous and uninterrupted.
3. Requirements for the implementation of war mobilization
To implement war mobilization, the following basic requirements should be observed.
Uphold the unified leadership of the party and the country over war mobilization. War mobilization is a
national act, involving various fields of politics, economy, military, diplomacy, science and technology, and
social life. It has a wide range of work and complex organization and implementation. Only under the unified
leadership of the party and the country can the whole country form a unified will and action, make concerted
efforts to do a good job of mobilization, and provide a reliable guarantee for winning the war.
Keep up with combat requirements and strive to be precise and efficient. War mobilization under the
conditions of informatization and intelligence must be guided by the needs of strategic combat missions, and
be coordinated, accurately and efficiently organized and implemented. It is to make the time node of
mobilization activities consistent with the preparation and implementation process of strategic operations. It
is necessary to accurately grasp the timing of the start of the mobilization, and strive to implement various
mobilization tasks before the launch of the war, and the completion time of the main mobilization activities is
closely linked to the time for the execution of the main strategic operations. At the same time, it is necessary
to strengthen real-time control of mobilization activities to ensure timely and on-the-spot delivery of
mobilized military resources. The second is to make the amount of mobilization consistent with the scale and
intensity of strategic operations. It is necessary to accurately predict the demand for soldiers, materials, and
service support for strategic operations of various scales and styles, and to achieve adequate amounts as
much as possible. Generally, an overall plan and step-by-step implementation can be adopted, and margins
should be reserved for dealing with complex and difficult situations.
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The third is to make the quality structure of mobilization targets consistent with the composition of strategic
combat forces. It is necessary to focus on the characteristics and requirements of the formation of multi-
domain integrated joint combat forces, correctly select and specify the mobilization targets, and especially
pay attention to the scientific and technological content of mobilization in various fields, and ensure that the
mobilized soldiers and equipment are professionally matched and have a reasonable structure to fully meet
the needs of multi-domain united joint operations.
Highlight the key points and make overall plans. War mobilization has a wide range of contents and involves
a wide range of areas. In the process of implementation, it is necessary to grasp the key points and make
overall plans. In the field of mobilization, the mobilization of the people’s armed forces should be placed at
the center of the mobilization work, while taking into account the mobilization work in other fields; in the
support of combat operations, priority should be given to ensuring the main combat directions, major
strategic operations, especially the main offensive operations. Direction and main operations, while taking
into account other combat directions and other strategic operations; in terms of the relationship between
support operations and adherence to production, priority should be given to the manpower requirements for
army expansion and formation of support teams, while taking into account the labor needs of key production
departments In the relationship between meeting the needs of war and guaranteeing the needs of life,
priority should be given to the need for a unified deployment of various resources in warfare, while taking
into account the needs of ensuring the basic lives of the people in theaters.
Insist on mobilizing in accordance with the law and using multiple methods. Under the conditions of the
socialist market economy, multiple forms of ownership coexist, and interest subjects are diversified, which
makes the social relations involved in war mobilization increasingly complex. We must rely on complete laws
to regulate and implement mobilization in accordance with the law. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust the
mobilization work method from administrative means to legal means, and at the same time to combine legal
means with administrative, economic, and educational means to ensure the smooth development of war
Section Eight: Planning for Political Work
Wartime political work is the ideological and organizational work of the Communist Party of China in our
army's operations. It is the fundamental guarantee for achieving the party's absolute leadership over the
army, consolidating and improving the combat effectiveness of the army, and winning the war. It is the
lifeline of all work during wartime. Planning and organizing wartime political work has always been an
important content of our military's war planning, and it highlights the characteristics of our military's war
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1. The main content of political work during the war
Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, wartime political work has a broader field and richer
content. It runs through the whole process of war and penetrates into every combat element, unit and
(1) In-depth combat mobilization
Extensive and in-depth combat mobilization is one of the basic forms of wartime political work. Its purpose is
to unify the thinking of the officers and soldiers participating in the war, condense the will to fight, stimulate
fighting enthusiasm, strengthen the courage to overcome the enemy and all difficulties, and ensure the
smooth completion of various combat tasks. The key points are: vigorously publicize the nature and purpose
of our combat operations, and unify our thinking into strategic determination and deployment; vigorously
carry out patriotism, revolutionary heroism, and our army's glorious traditional education, so that the majority
of officers and soldiers are firmly committed to safeguarding national sovereignty and security. The will to
fight against development interests inspires the heroic spirit of not being afraid of hardship and not afraid of
(2) Complete organization and deployment of human resources
Ensuring that the party (regiment) is well organized and deploying cadres and replenishing troops in a timely
manner is the basic condition for victory in combat, and it is also the organizational guarantee for victory in
combat. In information-based local wars, a large number of advanced weapons and equipment with great
lethality are used on the battlefield, and casualties are inevitable. The task of ensuring a sound troop
organization and a complete combat system is extremely difficult. Political work in wartime must be based
on the most complex and difficult situations, and do a good job in the organization and the deployment of
human resources.
(3) Strengthen the joint awareness of participating forces
Information-based local wars cannot be won without wars or alliances. It is the top priority of wartime political
work to ensure that the forces participating in the war are truly united in terms of ideology, organization, and
action. Efforts must be made to educate and guide commanders at all levels and participating officers and
soldiers to strengthen the concepts of coordination, support, cooperation, and sharing, so that the sense of
jointness is integrated into the blood, the overall victory becomes the way of thinking, and the active
collaboration becomes the mode of behavior. The value pursuit and action consciousness of the
participating forces.
(4) Stimulating the fighting spirit of the troops.
The fighting spirit is cohesion and sublimation of soldiers’ ideals and beliefs, the will and the quality, the
confidence in winning, the fighting style, psychological qualities and discipline
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concepts in war. It is the manifestation of the internal motivation and unique temperament of soldiers in
combat, and an important factor in the formation of combat effectiveness. Informatized local war is not only a
confrontation of informatized and intelligentized high-tech weapons and equipment, but also a competition of
human fighting spirit. In wartime political work, it is important to continuously inspire the fighting spirit of
participating officers and soldiers.
(5) Strengthening military propaganda and news control
Military propaganda is an important content of political work during wartime, and it is highly ideological,
combative and strategic. Strong military propaganda is of great significance for unifying the army's thinking,
inspiring and encouraging the will of officers and soldiers, educating and uniting the people, shaping the
image of our army's justice, and exposing and attacking the enemy. In wartime, we must closely focus on
strategic intentions and vigorously promote the justice and legitimacy of our positions, propositions, and
operations, and the mighty power of People's War.
(6) Do a good job in the hidden front struggle
The rivalry between the enemy and ours on the battlefield is not only a visible military wrestling, but the
struggle on the hidden front is also extremely sharp and complicated. Fighting under the conditions of
informatization and intelligence, the enemy's infiltration and sabotage activities will be more diverse, the
struggle against enemy infiltration, cognitive warfare, counter-rebellion, and secret theft will be more intense,
and the task of pure and consolidating troops will be more onerous. In wartime political work, we must
further highlight the strengthening of hidden front struggles.
(7) Disintegrate the enemy's attacking spirit
Disintegrating the enemy is an important strategy and means to politically shake the enemy's mind and
destroy the enemy's combat effectiveness. It is one of the three major principles of our military's political
work during wartime. It is our military's fine tradition and a magic weapon for defeating the enemy. In
information-based local wars, we must vigorously carry forward this fine tradition and make good use of this
magic weapon to speed up the disintegration of enemy forces and accelerate the process of war victory.
(8) Extensive development of military democracy
Military democracy is the specific application of the party's mass line in our military work, especially in
combat. It is an important way for our military to defeat and beat the enemy during the revolutionary war. To
win a local war in the future, we will face many unprecedented new situations and new problems. It is even
more necessary to develop military democracy extensively, to concentrate the wisdom of officers and
soldiers, and to study and explore methods and means of defeating the enemy.
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2. The process of planning wartime political work
Political work planning for wartime must be carried out in accordance with the strategic command process.
One is to understand the strategic intent. Organize to learn and understand strategic intentions, unify
thinking, understand tasks, and clarify combat objectives and directions. On this basis, formulate and issue
political mobilization orders. The second is to analyze the political work situation. Understand and grasp the
ideological status of the troops and the people’s conditions in the theater, study and judge the enemy’s
social conditions, analyze the factors that influence and restrict military operations, and form the initial
situation of wartime political work, which provides a basis for making strategic determination. The third is to
make suggestions for political work. Make overall plans for wartime political work, list wartime political work
tasks, and form a wartime political work concept. The fourth is to revise the political work plan. In
accordance with the strategic determination of the strategic commander and the strategic combat plan,
revise and improve the wartime political work plan. The fifth is to formulate a political work plan for approval.
Simultaneously formulate a wartime political work plan, propose a timetable and road map for political work,
and incorporate it into the overall strategic combat plan. The sixth is to issue political work instructions. To
formulate and issue instructions for political work in wartime, and to make an overall plan for military
mobilization, party and league organization construction, human resource deployment, military news and
publicity, security, mass work, military supervision and justice, public opinion and legal struggle,
psychological offense and defense, and prisoner of war management. Deploy and put forward clear
requirements. The seventh is to complete political work and prepare ahead. In accordance with the timing of
strategic operations, comprehensively inspect the political work preparations of the participating troops,
supervise the participating troops at all levels to resolutely implement the political work instructions of the
strategic command organization, and complete various preparations.
3. Requirements for planning wartime political work
When planning wartime political work, the following basic requirements should be observed.
(1) Comprehensive analysis and judgment
According to the idea of multi-source convergence and comprehensive research and judgment, the following
conditions are analyzed and judged mainly: first, the political situation of the enemy's political factions, party
camps, military-political relations, high-level decision-making psychology, and association with foreign
forces. The second is the public opinion support rate, popular sentiments, military-civilian relations, and war
attitudes during the war. The third is social conditions such as social order, social psychology, and social
groups during the war. The fourth is media reports, Internet public opinion, and international public opinion.
Fifth, the situation of the enemy's race, national character, and language customs.
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Sixth is our social, people, and affection. The above-mentioned situation should be integrated into the
strategic intelligence analysis system for joint and comprehensive analysis and judgment.
(2) Integrated planning
In accordance with the requirements of joint organization, integrated planning, and integrated control, closely
focusing on the needs of strategic operations, strengthen the unity and cooperation with the elements of the
strategic command organization, so that the elements of political work can coordinate with reconnaissance
intelligence, control, and control in strategic operations planning and strategic command and control.
Elements such as command support, logistics equipment, and war mobilization are seamlessly linked,
organically integrated into the strategic command chain and multi-domain integrated joint operations system,
and political work effectiveness is incorporated into the strategic combat effect for joint evaluation and
(3) Innovative methods and methods
In accordance with the requirements of informatization, rule of law, and science, innovate methods and
methods of wartime political work. One is to use information technology. We should actively explore the new
model of "political work + information network,” rely on information means to carry out wartime political work,
and pay attention to the active role of new media such as information network, WeChat, Weibo, and
microvideo in wartime political work. The second is to carry out political work in accordance with the law.
That is, political work in wartime should realize a fundamental change from the practice of relying solely on
administrative orders to administration according to law, from the method of relying solely on habit and
experience to relying on laws and systems to carry out work. The third is to scientifically evaluate the
effectiveness of political work. Deeply explore the characteristics and laws of wartime political work under
the conditions of the new era, strengthen the quantitative management of wartime political work, and
improve the accuracy of wartime political work benefit evaluation.
(4) Military and Civilian Joint Organization
In accordance with the principle of military-civilian integration and overall control of the enemy, actively
strengthen the contact and coordination with local party committees and governments, the military and the
local governments jointly strengthen the political mobilization of the people, organize the masses to support
the army and support the people, inspire and boost the morale of the people; make full use of national and
social resources The military and the local governments coordinated to carry out public opinion and legal
struggles and psychological offenses and defenses, forming an all-round, wide-ranging, and military-civilian
wartime political work pattern.
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Chapter 11 Operation of War
As the main link and concentrated embodiment of war implementation, war action is very rich in content.
War action styles mainly include: strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning, strategic projection
and strategic deployment, strategic assault, strategic counter-air attack, strategic blockade, border defense,
island operations, maritime mobile operations, cyber electromagnetic space warfare, and opinion and legal
struggles and psychological offense and defense, etc.
Section One: Strategic Reconnaissance and Strategic Early Warning
Strategic reconnaissance is a reconnaissance activity carried out to obtain information about national
security and the overall situation of war. It is an important guarantee for making strategic decisions,
formulating strategies and strategic campaign plans, and planning and guiding wars. Strategic early warning
is an activity that pre-warns the enemy's strategic attacks. The strategic early warning system is composed
of multiple detection systems, information processing systems, and information transmission systems. The
main tasks of strategic reconnaissance and early warning are to obtain the enemy's strategic deployment
and attempts, to determine threats and crisis symptoms, etc.; to detect incoming targets and various
parameters as early as possible, and to provide intelligence support for strategic decision-making and war
preparations. Strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning are the cornerstone of national security,
an important part of military conflict, and a key element of military combat effectiveness. They play an
irreplaceable role in defending national interests and safeguarding national security.
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1. Organization and implementation of strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning
The organization and implementation of strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning mainly include
requirements, mission planning, differentiation and organization of strength, intelligence collection, analysis
and processing, classification and distribution. The first is to propose requirements and carry out mission
planning. According to strategic intentions and strategic tasks, sort out the specific requirements of strategic
reconnaissance and strategic early warning. The second is to distinguish and organize forces to obtain
information. According to the needs and the nature of the task, reasonable grouping, differentiation,
integration and coordination are carried out according to the characteristics of different forces; the means
and methods are flexibly selected to give full play to the advantages of each force. The third is to collect,
analyze, integrate, and categorize and distribute intelligence information.
2. Requirements for strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning
(1) Overall planning, overall planning and integration
The goals and effects of strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning are strategic and require
overall planning, overall planning and integration. The strategic nature of the target means that the target of
strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning is military, political, and diplomatic intelligence
information that has an important impact on national security and strategic decision-making, and target
information that poses an important threat. The strategic nature of achieving an effect means that strategic
reconnaissance and strategic early warning information serve the overall national security and provide
support for strategic decision-making and planning and commanding of important operations of the force.
The strategic nature of objectives and effects determines that strategic reconnaissance and strategic early
warning must stand at the height of the overall situation, macro grasp the strategic situation, coordinate the
use of forces, and strengthen the integration of resources.
(2) Scientific layout, integrated linkage
Strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning have a wide range, diversified forces and diverse
means, requiring scientific layout and integrated linkage. There are many means of strategic reconnaissance
and strategic early warning, including radio technology reconnaissance, aerial reconnaissance, early
warning radar reconnaissance and so on. This requires building an efficient strategic reconnaissance and
strategic early warning command chain, distinguishing the functions of all levels, services, arms, and units,
so as to achieve horizontal coverage, vertical connection, and clear responsibilities and powers. It is
necessary to lay out and deploy all forces in a scientific manner, so that various means are coordinated with
each other and are integrated and linked.
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(3) Actively lead, fast and efficient
Strategic reconnaissance and strategic early-warning operations are highly time-sensitive and require
proactive, fast and efficient actions. In the information age, the national security situation is changing rapidly,
and the pace of information warfare is fast. Strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning are the
leading forces of strategic decision-making and war operations. Objectively, it is required to be in near real-
time and real-time from intelligence collection, analysis and judgment, decision-making to distribution.
conduct. Strong timeliness requires highlighting the initiative and advancement of strategic reconnaissance
and strategic early warning, strengthening pre-research and judgment and foresight, uninterrupted real-time
acquisition of intelligence information, analysis, integration and sharing, minimizing transmission links and
fast and efficient processing.
(4) Pioneering and developing, brave to innovate
Strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning technology frontiers and capability expansibility require
pioneering development and innovation. With the progress of the times, the expansion of new fields, and the
emergence of new threat targets, the needs and focus of strategic reconnaissance and strategic early
warning are constantly changing, and the capabilities of strategic reconnaissance and strategic early
warning are bound to continue to expand. In the future, stealth equipment, unmanned systems, and targets
from new areas such as space and networks are becoming the focus of strategic reconnaissance and
strategic early warning. These new technologies and new areas will inevitably lead the development of
future strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning systems and capabilities, requiring strategic
reconnaissance and strategic early warning should expand into new areas, innovatively develop and use
strategic reconnaissance and strategic early warning technology and equipment, and strengthen the
integration of traditional and new capabilities.
Section Two: Strategic Projection and Strategic Deployment
Strategic projection and strategic deployment are both interrelated and relatively independent. Strategic
delivery is the comprehensive use of various delivery methods to transport strategic forces and materials in
accordance with specific strategic requirements. Strategic deployment is an action to form an immediate
battle posture in accordance with the established strategic combat plan. Under normal circumstances,
strategic projection is the precursor and support of strategic deployment, as well as a style and means of
strategic deployment; under certain circumstances, strategic projection can directly serve the realization of
strategic goals, and even directly achieve the goals of strategic actions. Strategic projection and strategic
deployment are both an important part of war operations and an important prerequisite for the
implementation of war. They directly affect or even determine the process and outcome of the war. At the
same time, they are also an important way to implement strategic deterrence or contain war.
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Strategic projection and strategic deployment mainly include: the projection and deployment of strategic
operations groups (clusters), the projection and deployment of strategic cover forces, the projection and
deployment of strategic support forces, the deployment of strategic reserves and other related forces and
with institutions sending and unfolding, etc. The strategic operations group (cluster) includes the theater joint
operations command organization and its affiliated army, navy, air force, rocket force, strategic support force
and joint logistics support force and other combat forces, which constitute the main combat force to carry out
strategic combat operations. Strategic delivery and strategic deployment require that the assembly and
deployment be completed at the fastest speed, ready to implement strategic actions at any time. Strategic
cover forces include border areas and border and coastal defense forces, maritime patrol guard forces, air
defense guard forces in various strategic directions and important target areas, armed police forces, etc.
Strategic delivery and strategic deployment are usually implemented in their own theaters, usually by border
and coastal defense duty, combat readiness on duty, air-to-sea alert, etc. to implement partial delivery and
deployment; complete the full delivery and deployment quickly during the war, and arrive in accordance with
the prescribed time limit. Designate a location to support and cover the strategic projection and deployment
of the main battle force. Strategic support forces include strategic intelligence support forces, strategic
information support forces, strategic logistics support forces, and strategic equipment support forces. Its
strategic projection and strategic deployment are usually carried out in advance, not only to implement its
own projection and deployment, but also to implement uninterrupted support for the strategic projection and
deployment of troops. The strategic reserve team is the follow-up echelon of strategic forces. It is composed
of combat groups (clusters) deployed in the depth of the strategy or newly formed. It is the main force that
supports and supplements the first-line operations of the strategy and enhances the follow-up combat
capability. For strategic projection and strategic deployment, it is necessary to correctly grasp the timing
according to the course of the war and the comparison of forces between the enemy and ourselves, quickly
and covertly enter the standby area, and make various preparations for maneuvering and putting into action
as planned.
1. The timing of strategic delivery and strategic deployment
In the immediate war situation, there are two main situations of strategic projection and strategic
deployment: one is that the strategic projection that has already started before the war or the deployment
has not been completed in time, and needs to be continued during the war. Under this circumstance, it is
necessary to organize both the current combat and the continued deployment of troops that have not yet
completed the strategic projection or deployment. The second is the urgent need for strategic projection or
deployment when the enemy is carrying out a surprise attack. In this case, the threat of the enemy is great,
and the organization and command are extremely complicated and difficult.
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Chapter 11 Operation of War
Its main actions require the strategic cover forces to implement a resolute resistance to maximize time,
create conditions, ensure the rapid completion of strategic projection or deployment, and form combat
deployments as soon as possible. Under certain circumstances, combat and projection, deployment and
action can be implemented simultaneously.
2. The method of strategic delivery and deployment
(1) Concealment and publicity
Strategic delivery and strategic deployment can be divided into concealed actions and public actions.
Concealed delivery and deployment are actions implemented in a hidden or concealed state. In order to
achieve strategic abruptness, strategic projection and strategic deployment should usually be carried out in
a concealed manner, and measures such as strategic disguise, strategic deception, and strategic
accompaniment should be taken to confuse the enemy and conceal one's true intentions and actions. Public
delivery and deployment are essentially actions integrated with strategic deterrence to show strength and
determination, and thus play a role in deterring war.
(2) Comprehensive and partial
Strategic delivery and strategic deployment can be divided into partial actions and overall actions. Local
operations are the projection and deployment of limited military forces, including: the projection and
deployment of cover forces deployed in the strategic forward zone; the projection and deployment of limited
airspace and sea areas in limited airspace and sea areas with limited naval and air forces; emergency
mobile forces or the strategic reserve force is the projection and deployment of crisis events; the joint
combat force within a theater is the projection and deployment of small and medium-scale combat
operations. Comprehensive operations are the projection and deployment of all or most of the military
forces, including: preparing and implementing large-scale wars or strategic decisive battles, the projection
and deployment of joint combat forces of various services and arms in the main strategic directions and
several strategic directions; preparation and the implementation of strategic anti-air strikes and projecting
and deployment in the forefront of the strategy, the depth of the strategy, and even the entire territory of the
country. The two methods of local action and comprehensive action should be implemented simultaneously,
which can not only effectively deal with local crises and conflicts, but also fully respond to the escalation of
war and the occurrence of various complications
(3) At war and during war
Pre-war strategic projection and launch of operations is the implementation of the delivery and deployment
projecting and deployment based on strategic needs when a crisis has already occurred and may escalate
into a war. It can not only enhance the momentum and power of deterrence through strategic projecting and
strategic deployment, but also cover strategic projecting and strategic deployment actions through
deterrence building.
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The main purpose of projecting and launching in battle is to establish a combat group to carry out strategic
combat missions, and to form a deployment capable of fighting at any time. Depending on the situation of
the military conflict, the time limit for immediate projection and deployment may be long or extremely short.
The speed at which the military force completes its immediate projection and deployment depends on the
usual combat readiness level, theater traffic conditions, and battlefield readiness. Pre-combat strategic
projection and strategic deployment are implemented under the concerns of the enemy, and may face the
threat of the enemy's first-made warfare. Wartime projection and deployment refers to the strategic
projection and strategic deployment after the beginning of the war. There are mainly two situations: one is
that the strategic projection and strategic deployment that have started before the war have not been
completed in time and need to be continued during the war. In this case, it is necessary to organize the
current operations, but also to organize the troops that have not yet completed the strategic projection and
strategic deployment to continue. The second is to be forced to carry out strategic projection and strategic
deployment when the enemy is carrying out a surprise attack. The project and the unfolding of the war after
the beginning of the war face great threats to the enemy, and the organization and command are extremely
complicated and difficult. The main actions are: the strategic cover force implements a resolute fight, the
strategic front-line combat group launches the first campaign as planned, and the strategic support force
strengthens strategic intelligence, strategic information, strategic logistics and strategic equipment support to
maximize time, create conditions, and ensure strategy projection and strategic deployment are completed
quickly; follow-up forces can form operational deployments as soon as possible. Under certain
circumstances, they can project and deploy while fighting, and complete strategic projection and strategic
deployment in the course of operations.
(4) Independence and Union
Independent projection and deployment refers to the independent operations carried out by a single service
arm or related combat group from land, air, and sea. Land-based delivery and deployment is the basic
method of strategic delivery and deployment. It is mainly implemented through roads, railways and other
channels. It is less affected by the climate and relatively safe and reliable, but it is subject to large
restrictions on the geographical environment and difficult to organize and support. Projection and
deployment at sea are mainly carried out by means of transportation and maneuvering of ships. It has long
distance, large range, slow speed and long time, and it relies heavily on air supremacy, sea supremacy and
information control. Air delivery and deployment are mainly implemented through strategic air transport,
strategic airborne, and aviation air maneuvering. They are far away and fast, but they are small in scale and
vulnerable to weather conditions and air threats. Joint projecting and deployment means that the various
services and arms are projected and deployed separately by land, sea, air or land, sea and air.
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The projection and deployment of combat forces on land includes the projection and deployment from sea to
land and from air to land. It can be land, air, and sea, or combined. Combat forces at sea can advance to a
predetermined combat area, standby sea area or position, and can be projected and deployed in a
combined air, water, and underwater manner. Air combat forces are forwarded to a predetermined combat
area, and can be jointly projected and deployed by means of transition, air transport, and shipboard.
3. Requirements for strategic delivery and strategic deployment
(1) Comprehensive planning and full preparation
The first is to formulate strategic projection and strategic deployment plans based on strategic needs, and
clarify relevant elements, mainly including the intent, tasks, and methods of strategic projection and strategic
deployment; the sequence, scale and time limit of strategic projection and strategic deployment in theaters
and across theaters; methods of implementing cover and guarantee for strategic delivery and strategic
deployment, etc. The second is to improve the military's combat readiness status, especially the troops
responsible for emergency operations and support tasks, to maintain a state of being able to walk and fight
at any time. The third is to carry out related battlefield construction in advance, especially the construction of
combat readiness transportation and the construction of main positions. The fourth is to improve the
mobilization mechanism, and adjust and control enough mobile tools and materials at any time to ensure the
quality, quantity and time of delivery.
(2) Strengthen defense and attach importance to cover
Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the strategic projection and strategic deployment of
war are faced with the enemy's all-round, multi-method, continuous reconnaissance, surveillance, and long-
range precision strike threats, and strong defense and cover measures must be taken. The first is to conduct
strategic camouflage, create false information, set false targets, implement deception and accompaniment,
and reduce the enemy's reconnaissance and strike effects. The second is to organize air defenses and
implement resolute and powerful resistance and counterattacks against enemy air strikes to ensure the air
safety of strategic projection and strategic deployment forces. The third is to strengthen the alert and
defense of border areas, important targets and communication lines to prevent enemy attacks and damage.
The fourth is to project and deploy strategic cover forces in predetermined areas, focusing on preventing
and smashing possible pre-emptive actions to ensure the smooth implementation of strategic projection and
strategic deployment.
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(3) Carefully organized and unfolded in order
The sequence of strategic projection and strategic deployment depends on the actual situation, and there is
no fixed model, but the principle of echelon deployment should usually be observed when forming and
deploying strategic operations groups, that is, first to project and deploy strategic cover and strategic air
defense forces in the specified area, the first echelon of the strategic operations group and the weapons
used for the first strike. According to the actual situation and strategic needs, strategic projection and
strategic deployment can be implemented one by one or simultaneously. In the implementation process, the
parallel operation method is helpful to speed up the delivery and deployment progress. Regardless of the
order in which they are launched, they should be carefully organized to do a good job of linking and
coordinating various actions to be timely, fast, and orderly to ensure that strategic projection and strategic
deployment are completed or basically completed before the outbreak of war. The organization of military
forces' strategic maneuvers should be implemented as scheduled, and appropriate adjustments should be
made according to the situation. Pay attention to grasping the time limit for the start and completion of the
maneuver, and clarify the maneuvering route, transportation method, assembly area, loading (unloading)
area and coordination and safeguard measures. In the process of maneuvering, if the enemy intercepts and
destroys it, they should launch and fight while they are. After arriving at the designated location, they quickly
formed combat deployments and completed various combat preparations.
(4) Do a good job of mobilization and comprehensive protection
Strategic projection and strategic deployment are usually carried out at the same time as national war
mobilization. In the process of strategic deployment, it is necessary to mobilize the national economy,
science and technology, and the masses of the people as planned, especially in transportation,
communications, engineering construction, and civil air defense to support and guarantee the projection and
deployment of the army and other military operations. The military's strategic intelligence, strategic
information, strategic logistics, and strategic equipment support departments, while deploying themselves,
implement support for the projection and deployment of the troops. When carrying out prepared combat
operations in a predetermined combat direction and a predetermined area, a combination of early support
and accompanying support can be adopted; when emergency operations are implemented in an unplanned
combat direction and in an uncertain area, emergency support and follow-up support can be a combined
form. All support should be timely, appropriate, and in place to provide the necessary material conditions for
the completion of strategic projection and strategic deployment.
Section Three: Strategic Assault
Strategic assault is the use of heavy forces or strategic weapons against the enemy's military, political,
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economic, etc. targets with strategic value implement violent and lethal combat operations. The purpose of a
strategic assault is to destroy the enemy’s important targets, destroy its combat system, severely damage its
viable power, weaken its military strength and war potential, and create favorable conditions for a strategic
1. The timing of a strategic assault
Strategic assaults can be carried out at the beginning of the war or during the course of the war. There are
usually the following situations: first, at the beginning of the war, when fully prepared and the situation is
favorable, directly launch a strategic assault; the second is that the war force is relatively disadvantaged,
and the strategic defense is implemented at the beginning of the war to gradually change the war situation
and the situation. The balance of forces should be transferred to strategic offense at the right time; the third
is to implement strategic assault in the main direction and implement strategic defense in other directions
when strategic operations are carried out in multiple directions at the same time. Strategic assaults should
focus on the first assault, while emphasizing multiple waves of continuous assaults. Strategic assaults are
not only used in the first battle, but can also be repeated throughout the course of the war, which has a
major impact on the course and outcome of the war.
2. The style of strategic assault
A strategic assault is usually a joint operation of various services and arms, and under certain conditions, it
can also be carried out by a certain service. The objectives of the strategic assault mainly include: the
enemy's strategic command and control system, airports, ports and military bases, heavy forces groups and
strategic weapon systems, transportation, communications, power, energy and other key infrastructure. The
type of strategic assault is divided into strategic force assault and strategic fire assault according to the
means of assault; according to the combat space, it is divided into air strategic assault, maritime strategic
assault, ground strategic assault and joint fire assault; according to the degree of assault, it is divided into
major large-scale assaults, limited-scale assaults and special assaults; according to the direction of the
assault, they are divided into frontal strategic assaults, flank strategic assaults and rear strategic assaults.
3. Requirements for strategic assault
In information warfare, due to the development and application of high and new technology, especially
stealth technology, the suddenness, speed and accuracy of strategic assaults have been greatly enhanced;
various services and arms can carry out large-scale joint assault operations, making strategic assaults
deepness and three-dimensional; all kinds of new weapons and new combat methods are applied to the
battlefield, and they can carry out strategic assaults continuously and frequently.
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The requirements of the strategic assault: first, the correct selection of the target and direction of the
strategic assault. Usually choose the enemy's key and weak points to carry out the main assault, and at the
same time carry out auxiliary assaults in one or several directions. Forces and firepower should be
concentrated on the main assault direction, and continuous assaults in all directions and large depths should
be carried out. The second is to use a variety of means and methods flexibly. Strategic forces assaults and
strategic fire assaults should be closely integrated. According to the strategic mission and the battlefield
situation, different assault methods such as centripetal pincer assault and counter assault should be
adopted, and various strike weapons in multidimensional space should be used to attack the enemy's key
targets or heavy groups. Carry out continuous assaults or intensive assaults. The third is to implement a
strong first assault. Incorporate the more powerful assault forces into the first echelon of the strategic assault
group to form an absolute advantage in the whole or part, and increase the first assault effect by
concentrating troops and firepower. The fourth is to give full play to the overall effectiveness. When various
services and arms conduct joint assaults, they must closely coordinate various assault forces, clearly
distinguish the area of action, the target and time of annihilating the enemy, and form a deep, three-
dimensional assault.
Section Four: Strategic Anti-Air Attack
Strategic counter air strike is the sum of a series of counterattacks, counterattacks, protective measures and
actions taken against the enemy's strategic air strikes. It is an overall air-to-space defense action. Its
purpose is to smash the enemy's strategic airstrike attempts, preserve the military's combat capabilities and
the country's war potential, defend important strategic goals, minimize war losses, stabilize the strategic
defense system, and create conditions for subsequent operations. Its main features: First, the duration is
long, and the air defense system is always in a state of combat readiness; the second is the large defense
range, which will cover the full depth of the strategic defense, and even extend to outer space; the third is
the short preparation time for battle, requiring high speed and speed. Rhythm; the fourth is the difficulty of
target protection. The huge assault effectiveness of modern air strike combat weapons and the use of long-
range precision guided weapons make the protection of important urban targets and large strategic
economic targets more difficult; the fifth is the fierce information confrontation, which seriously restricts the
full play of combat effectiveness of the air defense system.
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1. Implementation of Strategic Anti-Air Attacks
Strategic anti-air strikes are organized and implemented by strategic command organizations, which may be
carried out in one or several theaters (strategic directions), or they may be carried out around major targets
that are related to the overall situation. Strategic counter-air strikes are joint operations of various services
and arms, including counterattack, counterattack, and defense. Counterattack is the basic combat operation
of strategic counter air strikes. Its mission is to directly destroy enemy air strike weapons in the air through
long-range interception and layer interception, or to block or interfere with enemy air strikes; counter strikes
are offensive combat operations in strategic counter air strikes. Its mission is to destroy enemy airstrike
forces and weapons on its base or launch site, destroy enemy airstrike forces, and undermine enemy
airstrike plans; protection is an important part of strategic counter airstrikes, and its mission is through
evacuation, concealment, camouflage, deception, firefighting, rescue, emergency repairs and other
measures to reduce the hazards of air strikes and eliminate the consequences of air strikes. The
implementation of strategic anti-air strikes should be carried out both soft and hard, destroying enemy
nodes, intercepting near and far, resisting at all levels, combining military and civilian, and focusing on
Strategic anti-air strikes under the conditions of informatization and intelligence require various forces to be
closely integrated to form a strategic anti-air strike system supported by network information. This system is
mainly composed of a strategic early warning system, a command and control system, a counterattack
system, a combat support system, a defense protection system, and a civil air defense system. With the
widespread application of high-tech air strike weapons, the functions of the strategic anti-air strike system
are becoming more diversified, integrated, and systematic, and will become an important part of the national
defense system.
2. Requirements for strategic anti-air strikes
With the development of air strike weapons and the diversification of air strike methods, strategic anti-air
strikes have evolved from traditional air defense to a comprehensive combat operation combining air
defense, space defense and anti-missile defense. The defense of various missiles and space-based
weapons has become an important part of strategic anti-air strikes. The basic requirements: first, unified
layout and partitioned defense. Build a national overall strategic anti-air attack system, and implement a
zoned defense system under unified command on the basis of comprehensive and thorough deployment.
Combine mobile air defense, key air defense and civil air defense organically, establish an integrated,
complete and focused strategic anti-air attack system with all services and other armed forces, and give full
play to the maximum effectiveness of various anti-air attack forces.
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The second is rational use and effective configuration. Use the main force in the main direction and
important areas or targets to form a deep echelon defense, and form a high, medium, low altitude, and long,
medium and short range air-to-air firepower distribution, and strive to be carry out effective intercepts
against the enemy's air strikes at the longest distance. The third is the integration of resistance and the
overall victory. It is necessary to integrate counterattack, counterattack and protective operations, insist on
active air defense, implement offensive defense, and wipe out enemy airstrike forces and weapons in the
air; also actively seize favorable opportunities to counterattack and destroy enemy airstrike weapons on the
base or launch site. Contain the enemy's air strikes in order to achieve the goal of overall victory. The fourth
is centralized command and close coordination. Establish a highly centralized and unified strategic anti-air
raid command system, maintain the coordination of various services and other armed forces, and ensure
close coordination and organic linkage in wartime.
Section Five: Strategic Blockade
Strategic blockade is based on military means, combined with other means such as politics and economics,
to block the enemy's combat operations from land, sea, and air. The purpose of the strategic blockade is to
destroy the enemy's economic and military relations with the outside world, weaken its combat capability
and war potential, and make it isolated and helpless, so as to directly achieve strategic goals or create
conditions for the implementation of the next strategic action. Strategic blockade is an important form of
strategic offensive operations. Its main characteristics are: first, it has various methods, flexible retracting
and release, and strong controllability; second, it shocks the enemy politically, economically, and
psychologically; thirdly, it is affected by politics and diplomacy. Restricted by factors such as international
law, political, policy, and legal rationality are strong; fourth is the fierce struggle for control of the blockade;
fifth is the long duration of operations, the demand for sea and air forces, and the intensity of use; sixth is
the battlefield environment is complicated, and it is difficult to organize coordination and support.
1. The style of strategic blockade
According to the space to be implemented, the strategic blockade can be divided into land blockade, naval
blockade, air blockade, and land, sea and air blockade; according to the scale of use, it can be divided into
full blockade and partial (key) blockade; according to the selected object, it can be divided into blockade
against enemy countries, blockade of strategic areas and blockade of enemy strategic groups. There are
four main methods of strategic blockade, namely, force, firepower, obstacles, and comprehensive blockade.
Force blockade is mainly to occupy strategic locations such as transportation key positions, ports, and
straits, and cut off various channels for the enemy's external contact; fire blockade or various obstacle
blockades are mainly to use various weapons or obstacles to prevent areas that cannot be occupied by
troops. The enemy’s external relations cut off the enemy’s strategic coordination; a comprehensive blockade
is a multi-space and multi-domain blockade using various comprehensive means.
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Different forms of strategic blockade can be used independently or comprehensively. At the same time, it is
necessary to use electronic interference and other means to destroy the enemy's information acquisition,
transmission and use, etc., to achieve information blockade. In informationized local wars, blockade
methods such as sea and air blockade and network information blockade will play an increasingly important
2. Requirements for strategic blockade
Strategic blockade operations are joint operations. The forces required to be used are compatible with the
combat missions and can form a greater comprehensive advantage against the enemy. The various
services and arms participating in the war have an appropriate ratio of forces and a reasonable structure.
They can give full play to their overall effectiveness, maximize the adaptability of combat forces to the
battlefield environment, and improve their comprehensive confrontation capabilities. In guiding the strategic
blockade, we should focus on the following points: first, grasp the policy and strive for the initiative. The
strategic blockade has a great impact on the surrounding strategic environment and is likely to cause
foreign-related issues. We must accurately grasp policies and foreign-related struggle strategies, win the
understanding and support of international public opinion, and ensure the initiative of action. The blockade
must be carefully delineated. When determining the scope of the blockade, it should refer to the relevant
provisions and practices of international law, avoid disputed areas and sea areas, and minimize the impact
on international air routes and waterways. Actively strive for the support of international public opinion, and
at the same time minimize the incidental casualties to the civilian lives and property of the blocked party, and
isolate the enemy to the greatest extent. The second is to adapt measures to local conditions and focus on
blockade. According to the natural and geographical conditions of the blockade area, the blockade method
should be selected appropriately, the blockade force should be used rationally, and the communication
channels and communication channels of the blocked party should be cut off in all directions, so that it can
be used without gaps. For the main direction of blockade, according to the purpose of blockade, the key
areas, ports, navigation channels, or necessary straits of the blocked party should be selected according to
the purpose of blockade. For the main target of blockade, when the purpose of blockade is to block the
blocked party's traffic line and weaken its war potential, its means of delivery can be used as the main block
target; when the blockade is to control the military operations of the blocked party, mobile forces should be
the main strike target. The third is to plan to use troops and continue the blockade. Strategic blockade
usually lasts for a long time, and adopts a variety of mobile combat styles, has a large number of
coordinated forces, and support and support are difficult. It is necessary to scientifically coordinate military
forces, plan the use of troops, and leave room for it.
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It is necessary to handle the long-term blockade, key blockade and continuous blockade coordination
relationship, and rationally arrange strategic reserve teams. Use the main forces in important directions,
important stages, and important tasks to form a local military advantage. On the premise of focusing on the
use of troops, other directions and stages should be taken into consideration to prevent one from losing
one's attention to the other.
Section Six: Border Defense
Border defense refers to strategic defensive operations carried out against invading enemies in the border
area. Usually the shallow, near and deep frontier areas are the main battlefields, the frontier defense forces
and the deep mobile forces are the main forces, and the main combat styles are defense and self-defense
counterattack. Its purpose is to annihilate and expel the invading enemy, restore the territorial sovereignty of
the border area, and maintain the security and stability of the border area. The battlefield in the border area
is remote, complex terrain, inconvenient transportation, difficult to support, and involves ethnic and religious
issues, so combat operations are subject to many restrictions.
1. Implementation of Border Defense
In border defense operations, there are both defensive operations and counterattack operations. The style of
counterattack operations mainly includes attack points, front-line attacks, etc. The implementation may be
before the implementation of defensive operations, or during the implementation of defensive operations.
The purpose is to improve the battlefield situation in the border area and create favorable defensive
conditions. In order to prevent the enemy from harassing and encroaching on our border areas, and
preventing them from passing through border points or line-riding points to contain us, border defense
operations usually remove the line-riding points on the border occupied by the enemy first, and then
organize defenses, or at the border. The region directly organizes defensive operations. When implementing
defense, rely on favorable terrain, use position defense, mobile defense and other actions to stifle the
enemy's offensive momentum and create a favorable counterattack situation; when counterattack is
implemented, elite forces should be concentrated to carry out a three-dimensional, focused continuous
counterattack, annihilate or expel invading enemies.
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2. Requirements for border defense
Border areas often have complex geographic environments, poor traffic conditions, and arduous combat
support tasks. The implementation of border defense and counterattack operations should focus on the
overall situation of the country's political and diplomatic struggle, and give play to the overall power of the
joint operations of the various services and arms. One is tit for tat to prevent the enemy from cannibalizing.
In the initial stage of border operations, we are in a passive defensive position. We must react quickly and
calmly. Through adjustment and deployment, we can improve the situation, stick to the defense, block
offensive enemies, and buy time and create favorable conditions for the counterattack. The second is to be
fully prepared, and you will win if you fight. The victory or defeat of border warfare is related to the territorial
integrity of the country. While conducting defensive operations, it is necessary to quickly project emergency
mobile combat troops, quickly change the strength of the enemy and the battlefield situation, and fully
prepare for counterattacks in the shortest time to ensure the smooth progress of counterattacks. The third is
to seize the opportunity and hit hard. When the invading enemy's offensive is frustrated, its back-up is
insufficient, or it enters the area where we are scheduled to counterattack, or we are ready for combat, it will
launch counterattack operations at the right time to fight wolves and pain. The fourth is to be rational and
restrained, and withdraw troops at the right time. The purpose of the border counterattack operations is to
fight the enemy's arrogance, maintain the territorial integrity of China's borders, and deter the enemy's
attempts to invade. After the goal of the war is achieved, troops should be retreated in a reasonable and
timely manner in order to win the understanding and support of international public opinion, and to force the
enemy to return to the track of political negotiations under a favorable situation.
Section Seven: Island Operations
Island operations are joint operations conducted on large islands or important islands and reefs by
comprehensively using various elite forces. The purpose of island operations is to seize control of important
islands, achieve national unity and territorial integrity, and effective control of related sea areas. The
characteristics of island operations are as follows: first, the combination of combat forces and arms. The
elite forces of the army, navy, air force, rocket force, and strategic support forces are the mainstay. At the
same time, the joint logistics support force, the armed police force, the militia reserve force and other local
forces participate in the war. The second is the complex battlefield environment. Island operations must
cross oceans and seas. During the voyage, not only must the natural obstacles of the sea be overcome, but
also the continuous harassment and obstruction of the enemy's navy, air force, and coastal defense forces;
the command structure is mostly in a state of movement and in a complex electromagnetic environment,
command coordination is difficult.
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The third is the multidimensional combat space. It involves not only the ground, sea and air, but also the
field of network electromagnetics and space, and it is highly dependent on the power of information, air and
sea. The fourth is the diversification of combat methods. There are not only large-scale regular battles on
the ground, sea, and air, but also irregular operations of varying scales. Operations on the island also
include urban offensives, mountain offensives, and mobile operations. Fifth, comprehensive security is
arduous. Island operations rely on a wide variety of warfare forces, a large consumption of various combat
materials, and high requirements for various guarantees.
1. Types of island operations
The main types of island operations are island blockade operations and island landing operations. Island
blockade operations usually constitute a three-dimensional blockade with joint forces, joint firepower, and
comprehensive obstacles. Landing operations are cross-sea offensive operations against enemy-occupied
islands, which can be divided into landing operations on large islands and landing operations on coral
islands. With the development of equipment and technology, the space and scale of island operations will
expand, and the combat style will also develop into a multi-dimensional space.
2. Requirements for island operations
With the continuous emergence of informatized weapons and equipment and their use on the battlefield,
major changes have taken place in the form of warfare, and island operations are also facing new
challenges. In the guidance of island operations, the following aspects should be grasped: first, adequate
preparation and careful planning. Compared with other combat operations, island combat missions are
arduous, complicated, subject to many constraints, fierce confrontations, and high risks. Adequate
preparations are directly related to the victory or defeat of the war. Therefore, to highlight planning, to
prepare and coordinate various force operations in a planned manner; it is necessary to highlight
predictability, to be prepared for various situations that may occur in the operation, and to formulate multiple
plans; and it is necessary to highlight flexibility and deal with all situations that occur in the battlefield
promptly, flexibly and decisively. The second is to focus on the elite and comprehensively gather the best. In
island operations, it is necessary to concentrate the elite weapons that are sufficient for victory in the
direction of the main island, especially the elite forces of the navy, air force, and rocket force, to seek
comprehensive advantages from the combination of quantity and quality, and to ensure victory in the battle.
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The third is to highlight key points and ensure effective protection. The islands have fierce combat
confrontation and high material consumption, making it extremely difficult to implement support. Various
support forces should be planned in a unified manner, the comprehensive support effectiveness of the
various services and arms should be fully utilized, and the local human and material resources should be
fully mobilized and utilized to realize the overall support of military-civilian integration. In all stages of island
operations, on the basis of comprehensive support for each combat direction, combat area, and combat
group, key support is implemented for the main attack direction, main assault force, and main combat
operations. At the same time, strengthen the defense of the support force itself and ensure that the main
combat missions are completed.
Section Eight: Sea Mobile Operations
Mobile maritime operations refer to joint operations carried out on the sea in order to achieve certain
strategic objectives, with maritime combat forces as the main force and with the cooperation of other forces.
The purpose of combat is to seize control of important sea areas or control of important strait passages,
improve the situation of naval battlefields, or create favorable conditions for other strategic operations. Main
features: First, the battlefield space is vast and the ability to fight independently is strong; the second is the
limited intelligence and information support, and it is difficult to capture fighters; the third is the fierce
competition for information, sea, and air dominance, and the dependence on strategic support is large; the
fourth is the relatively short time of engagement It has high requirements for command and decision-making;
the fifth is to highlight precise damage and high requirements on the performance of weapons and
equipment; and the sixth is that it is far away from the homeland and it is difficult to support operations.
1. Methods of maritime mobile warfare
Maritime mobile combat is one of the forms of maritime combat. According to the nature of operations, it can
be divided into offensive maritime mobile operations and defensive maritime mobile operations. The styles
of offensive maritime mobile operations include: attacking enemy sea formations, naval attacks, maritime
joint fire strikes, maritime anti-submarine, maritime offensive mine-laying, and attacking important targets
across the sea; defensive maritime mobile operations include: maritime formation defense, maritime
Security and escort, maritime air defense and anti-missile, maritime mine clearance, maritime defense
against bases, etc.
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2. The organization and implementation of maritime mobile operations
Marine mobile operations usually use the shore command post as the basic command post, which uniformly
directs the operations of marine mobile combat forces. In terms of combat preparation, it is necessary to
collect intelligence, grasp and judge the maritime situation by adopting a variety of reconnaissance methods;
to prepare a number of combat plans, and modify and improve them at any time according to changes in the
maritime situation; to mobilize elites based on situation analysis and mission requirements Strength and
preparation for combat; various forms of rapid and concealed deployment at sea must be carried out. In the
implementation of operations, in the early stages of operations, take advantage of the enemy's
unpreparedness and carry out sudden attacks to seize the maritime strategic initiative; in the course of
operations, use the elite maritime forces that can achieve strategic objectives to unexpectedly carry out
decisive maneuver attacks and annihilate the enemy's sea forces; in the later stages of combat, strengthen
maritime control and shape a long-term strategic situation that is beneficial to us.
3. Requirements for maritime mobile operations
The three-dimensional maneuverability requirements of maritime mobile operations are high. The battle for
information, sea, and air dominance is fierce, and the battlefield conditions are complex and changeable,
which has a significant impact on the entire maritime operations and even the overall war. We must grasp
the laws and requirements of modern maritime mobile operations: first, highlight the offensive and avoid
strong attacks and weak attacks. Make full use of the complex and changeable characteristics of the naval
battlefield, work hard to find the weakness of the opponent, and make quick decisions. The second is to be
surprised and win quickly. Seizing the advantageous fighters, maneuvering quickly, and constantly changing
the maneuvering styles, so that the opponent has no time to react and is always passive. The third is to
grasp the center of gravity and focus on combat. Accurately grasp the key points and vital points of the
opponent's combat system, concentrate superior forces, select targets to strike, and paralyze its maritime
combat system in one fell swoop. The fourth is close cooperation and joint operations. Coordinating various
maritime combat forces, unified planning, unified command, unified action, exerting their respective
advantages, forming a systematic combat capability, and exerting overall effectiveness in rapid movement
and organic coordination.
Section Nine: Cyber Electromagnetic Space Warfare
Cyber electromagnetic space warfare refers to the fact that the opposing parties are composed of various
information technology infrastructures in an interdependent cyberspace, and attack important targets in the
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electromagnetic field of the enemy's network through methods such as denying, weakening, interrupting,
destroying, or deceiving. Military operations to maintain, protect, restore, and rebuild the electromagnetic
space capabilities of one's own and friendly networks. The cyber electromagnetic space under the
information warfare covers a wide range: one is the information technology infrastructure network composed
of the Internet, telecommunication networks, sensors, weapon platforms, computer systems, and embedded
processors and controllers; the second is the time domain, air domain, frequency domain, and energy
domain; the third is a virtual reality environment where key talents play a controlling role. Cyber
electromagnetic space warfare is divided into offensive and defensive. Offensive cyber electromagnetic
space warfare mainly seizes the electromagnetic power of cyberspace control by controlling operational
data, interrupting the enemy's command center, and weakening and restraining the operation of its joint
combat system. Attack targets include the enemy's ground-based, air-based and space-based infrastructure
network facilities, as well as the enemy's armed forces, equipment systems, mobilization response
mechanisms, and integrated support systems. Defensive cyber electromagnetic space warfare mainly
includes cyber electromagnetic space attack deterrence, enhanced network resilience, electromagnetic
protection and infrastructure protection, etc. The cyber electromagnetic space defense in the information
age always exists in peacetime or wartime.
Cyber electromagnetic space warfare is a product of the development of electronic technology and
information technology to a certain stage, and is a new manifestation of modern warfare operations. As the
fifth space of human activities, cyber electromagnetic space is juxtaposed with land, sea, air, and space, but
it is embedded in it as a whole, which has the virtuality of the boundary, the efficiency of action and the
instability of the state. Therefore, cyber electromagnetic space warfare is far more rich in connotation than
traditional computer network warfare. It is a generalized form of war action, involving both computers and
computer networks, as well as combat system networks; it includes both information warfare in the military
field and Information confrontation activities in the civil field; it acts not only in wartime, crisis, but also in
peacetime; it occurs both on the battlefield and in the vast space outside the battlefield; it involves both the
electromagnetic spectrum and other physical fields, as well as human affairs. Cognition, psychology and
other thinking fields. The key targets of cyber electromagnetic space warfare are the national and military
decision-makers, strategic early warning systems, military information systems, and information systems in
national information infrastructure such as finance, energy, and transportation. The main body of cyber
electromagnetic space warfare includes: strategic reconnaissance and early warning forces, satellite
countermeasures, cyber warfare, electronic countermeasures, new concept weapons, and other information
warfare forces directly controlled by strategic command organizations.
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The power that relevant national departments can use to fight against cyber electromagnetic space is also
an important part of cyber electromagnetic space warfare. In war operations, cyber electromagnetic space
warfare often starts before other combat operations and runs through the entire process of the war. It is not
only the basic means to seize the right to control information, but also the forerunner and foundation for the
control of the air, sea, and even the entire battlefield. Its effect affects the process and outcome of the war.
Cyber electromagnetic space warfare uses information control methods to control the enemy's command
chain and joint combat system. Its effect can be the same as nuclear strike to produce a powerful deterrent,
and even directly achieve the goal of war.
1. Characteristics of cyber electromagnetic space warfare
(1) The scope of confrontation is wide, and multiple methods are used together
Cyber electromagnetic space warfare will change the way of hard killing and hard destruction in the past,
and it will be manifested in paralyzing the enemy's equipment, and even controlling the enemy's equipment
for our use. The scope of the confrontation is embodied in a wide-area time and space, covering two major
fields, military and civilian, involving various departments and fronts such as politics, economy, diplomacy,
science and technology, and culture. The methods of cyber electromagnetic space warfare are also diverse,
including conventional methods such as reconnaissance, attack, and defense, as well as special methods
such as cyber warfare and psychological warfare; including both soft strikes and hard destruction. Various
methods are closely connected and play a role in simultaneous and alternate use.
(2) Special targets and obvious strategic effects
The essence of cyber electromagnetic space warfare is to fight for control and dominance over digital
information. It mainly targets the opponent's psychology, cognitive domain and decision-making system, as
well as the electromagnetic and information infrastructure with lifeline significance, which shocks the overall
situation and is politically sensitive. By influencing leaders' cognition and psychology and changing their
decision-making and behavioral methods, they can directly cause overall changes; by destroying the
electromagnetic, network, and information infrastructure that maintains the normal operation of modern
society, it can cause unbearable losses for the other party. The implementation of such actions can easily
lead to the escalation of the war, which needs to be grasped from a strategic height.
(3) Diversified power composition and strong resource potential
Cyber electromagnetic space warfare is not only an army action, but also a state action, and its power
composition is pluralistic. The military's cyber electromagnetic force is the backbone of war
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operations; the relevant forces of the national network, electromagnetic and information departments, private
related enterprises and professionals, and even some amateurs with special skills are all forces that can be
used in cyber electromagnetic space warfare. With the development of high-tech and informatization
process, the relevant forces hidden in the national economy, science and technology fields and the private
sector continue to increase, so that cyber electromagnetic space warfare has more and more abundant
resource potential.
(4) Use throughout, and the definition is relatively vague
Cyber electromagnetic space warfare is a special kind of strategic confrontation behavior, which presents a
kind of ambiguity in peace warfare, offense and defense, combat level and even the definition of opponents.
From the perspective of peacetime and warfare, cyber electromagnetic space already exists in peacetime,
and it tends to be fierce during wartime, and it is often directly integrated into actual combat in continuous
confrontation; from the perspective of offensive and defensive operations, cyber electromagnetic space
defense attacks and offensive protective actions are closely intertwined, there is defense in offense, offense
in defense, and there is no clear boundary; from the operational level, technical and tactical cyber
electromagnetic space warfare may also directly produce strategic effects, and it is difficult to strictly
distinguish the level of cyber electromagnetic warfare; from the combat opponent, the concealment of
network electromagnetic countermeasures is outstanding, it is difficult to detect and identify the intervention
and intervention of the third party, and it is difficult to take timely countermeasures.
2. The main forms of cyber electromagnetic space warfare
(1) Command and control warfare
Command and control warfare is a confrontational activity carried out by opposing parties in the field of
command and control in cyber electromagnetic space. Its purpose is to influence, weaken, and destroy the
opponent's command and control system and capabilities through various soft strikes and hard destruction
methods, while protecting one's own command and control system and capabilities, so as to use the
enemy's weaknesses in a planned way to create advantageous fighters and achieve a big victory at a small
price. Command and control warfare can be carried out at all levels of warfare. Strategic command and
control warfare is a command and control warfare at the strategic level. It includes two basic operations:
cyber electromagnetic space offensive operations and defensive operations. Offensive operations are to
destroy the enemy's strategic command and control system by means of attack, block and disrupt its
information flow and command process, making it impossible to implement command and control
strategically; defensive operations are to protect one's own strategic command and control system and
make it impossible for the enemy to influence and destroy it.
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(2) Cyber warfare
Cyber warfare is an offensive and defensive operation carried out in the entire cyberspace with computers
and computer networks as the main objective and information technology as the means. What is adopted is
to attack, destroy, and interfere with the enemy's network information system and to protect one's own
network information system. The purpose is to gain information superiority and then seize the initiative in
war. Its combat object may be a military network information system, or it may be a civilian network
information system. Its combat space is not restricted by region, and wherever computer networks are
connected, cyber warfare can be carried out. The combatants are also not restricted by their identity, as long
as they have certain computer and network knowledge and attack methods, they can intervene. The main
means of implementing cyber warfare are: using the network characteristics and electromagnetic
characteristics of computer information systems to conduct network reconnaissance; using computer
viruses, logic bombs, chip weapons, etc. to implement network attacks; using protection technologies for
network protection, etc.
(3) Electronic warfare
Electronic warfare is a measure and action taken to weaken and destroy the use efficiency of the enemy's
electronic equipment and protect the normal performance of the electronic equipment on the other side.
Series of activities. Its purpose is to destroy or disrupt the enemy's command and control system, affect the
normal operation of the enemy's weapon equipment system, delay and contain the enemy's combat
operations, and create favorable conditions for victory. Electronic warfare mainly includes three aspects:
electronic reconnaissance, electronic offense, and electronic defense. It has the soft kill capability that
causes the enemy's electronic information system to suffer electronic interference. It also has the use of
anti-radiation missiles, strong laser weapons and electromagnetic pulse weapons and other hard kill
capabilities that directly destroy equipment and systems. The scope of electronic warfare operations
penetrates into the fields of land, sea, air, and space. It not only involves electronic countermeasures forces,
but also extensively involves various combat personnel and all combat forces that operate and use
electronic equipment; no matter the scale or the length of the combat process in combat, electronic warfare
will be its forerunner and will run through the whole process of war.
3. Requirements for cyber electromagnetic space warfare
(1) Pre-planning and actively preparing for cyber electromagnetic space warfare is a contest between the
enemy and ourselves in the electromagnetic and information fields.
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The scope is wide, the technology is complex, and the confrontation is fierce. Only by fully preparing can we
strive for strategic initiative. Attention should be paid to analyzing the struggle situation in the field of cyber
electromagnetics, understanding the frontier dynamics of the development and application of related
technologies, and studying the characteristics and laws of cyber electromagnetic space warfare. Extensively
collect intelligence on the enemy's network electromagnetic system and information capabilities, focusing on
identifying the structure and configuration of the opponent's network electromagnetic system, especially its
key nodes and other vital parts and vulnerable weaknesses, as well as the opponent's strategic attempts to
implement cyber electromagnetic warfare, Main forces and means, possible actions, etc. On this basis, a
cyber electromagnetic space warfare plan is drawn up, the timing, method, and strength of combat
operations are determined, and multiple plans and multi-handed preparations are achieved.
(2) Combat as a whole to form a joint force
Cyber electromagnetic space warfare involves multiple elements, and various methods have their own
strengths and weaknesses. Integrate various network electromagnetic forces inside and outside the
battlefield, give full play to their respective functions and advantages, and form an overall combat force.
Reasonably determine the combat missions, combat positions, and operations of various forces to lay the
foundation for the formation of joint forces. In accordance with the overall strategic intent and common
strategic objectives, the cyber electromagnetic space warfare is integrated into the overall situation of the
war, and coordinated with other strategic operations; the cyber electromagnetic space warfare is combined
with the national political, diplomatic, economic and other fields of struggle, so that It became an integral part
of the overall struggle of the country.
(3) Offensive-oriented, offensive and defensive combined
Cyber electromagnetic space warfare is a combat action with both offensive and defensive capabilities. It is
at a disadvantage for the overall technical level, and for a party with asymmetrical local advantages or
greater potential in some aspects, the offensive action that highlights the integration of cyber and
electromagnetic is of special significance. Relevant forces and resources should be concentrated on the
main directions and key nodes to form a strong offensive; when the enemy's attempt to implement cyber
electromagnetic space warfare is discovered, we should strive to be the first to implement cyber
electromagnetic offensives, strive for the advantages of opportunities, and seize the initiative in one fell
swoop; alternately use a variety of attack methods to implement uninterrupted network electromagnetic
attacks, and strive to not give the enemy a chance to breathe, recover and counterattack. While focusing on
the offense, strengthen the protection of the electromagnetic system of one's own strategic network and
maintain the stability of the electromagnetic system of the strategic network.
(4) The integration of technology and strategy and flexible use
Cyber-electromagnetic space warfare has high technological content, and the role of technological means
must be emphasized. Want to make efforts to improve the level of science and technology, focus on
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the development of cutting-edge electronic warfare and information warfare weapon systems, master the
"hands-off copper" means, and enhance the ability to conduct cyber-electromagnetic technological
confrontation with the enemy. At the same time, pay attention to the role of strategy, establish the concept of
using wisdom to defeat the enemy, enhance the initiative, flexibility and creativity of the struggle, use
strategic driving techniques, and strive to win the enemy in terms of combat thinking, command art and the
use of tactics. Strengthen the study of asymmetric tactics in the field of network electromagnetics, be good
at discovering, creating and grasping the weaknesses of the enemy's network electromagnetic system,
avoiding actual attacks, and winning the struggle through asymmetric attacks.
(5) Combining peacetime and wartime, tapping the potential of multiple parties
Actively and effectively carry out normal cyber electromagnetic struggles, deter and build momentum, deter
opponents, contain wars, and prepare to switch to cyber electromagnetic space warfare at any time when a
war breaks out. Coordinate the construction of the electronic information infrastructure of the country and the
military, integrate the military network electromagnetic infrastructure into the overall construction of the
country, proceed from the overall situation, unified planning, joint construction and shared use, and obtain
the dual benefits of economic and technological development and military conflict preparation. Relying on
the advantages of local electronics and information technology, training network electromagnetic warfare
talents, and mobilizing local relevant professional and technical personnel to actively participate in the war,
forming a strong network electromagnetic talent team. Fully exploit the potential of cyber electromagnetic
space warfare in relevant state departments, enterprises and the people, and continuously absorb and adopt
the most advanced research and application results for civilian use, and form a national cyber
electromagnetic application and construction system that is integrated with the military and civilians and
promotes jointly.
Section Ten: Public Opinion Jurisprudence Struggle and Psychological Attack and
Public opinion struggle is a public opinion confrontation activity in which the hostile parties use public opinion
as a weapon to control and use various communication tools and information resources to conduct oriented
propaganda on major issues involving war. The struggle of public opinion is a multiplier of political influence,
mental lethality, and military deterrence. It is a war action with special power. It has an important position
and role in guiding and controlling public opinion and creating a public opinion situation that is beneficial to
oneself and not to the enemy. The main tasks of the public opinion struggle are to unify the military and
civilian ideological will, weaken and disintegrate the enemy's fighting will, create a favorable environment for
public opinion, and control and discuss information.
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Under the conditions of the new era, with the development of mass media and its simultaneous
dissemination of war situations in all directions and in large quantities, public opinion has become an
important field for both sides of the war and an important factor that influences the development of the war.
Jurisprudence struggle refers to the struggle for legal superiority, political initiative and military victory
through legal means. The laws applicable to legal struggles include domestic law, international law, and the
law of war. The domestic law includes both the domestic law of the party or belligerent country, and the
domestic law of a country that is not involved in the conflict or a neutral country. Jurisprudence struggle is an
important form of cooperating with the country’s political, diplomatic, and military conflicts, and is an integral
part of modern warfare operations. The legal struggle in war operations revolves around military operations
as the main line, and is carried out with military strength as the backing. In the process of legal struggle, the
pursuit of legal victory is not the fundamental goal, but to achieve victory in the war or create the necessary
for victory. Favorable environment and conditions. Jurisprudence struggle actions at the strategic level
include: jurisprudence preparation and deployment operations, formulation and promulgation of wartime
military laws, issuing military legal statements to the outside world, holding press conferences to clarify
sensitive and significant legal issues in the war, and investigating external military forces for violation of
international law responsibilities etc.
Psychological offense and defense is a combat action that uses specific information and media to influence
the psychology and behavior of the target object through rational propaganda, deterrence and emotional
guidance based on strategic intentions and combat missions. Psychological offense and defense affect the
understanding and decision-making system of the enemy country and its military, and spiritually disintegrate
the enemy. Its purpose is to attack the enemy's heart, exert an influence on the opponent's psychology,
disintegrate its morale, and exchange a small price for a big victory or direct realization. A soldier who
surrenders without a fight. Strategic psychological offensive and defensive actions are not only a method of
war action, but also an important means to cooperate with the country's political and diplomatic struggles.
The main tasks of psychological offense and defense are to weaken and disintegrate the enemy's combat
effectiveness, influence and divide the enemy's camp, establish and consolidate one's own psychological
defense line, and serve the national strategy and military action decision-making. Psychological offense and
defense can be implemented independently and exert great combat effectiveness, and it is also regarded as
"the fourth combat style different from land, sea, and air combat."
1. The connection and difference between the legal struggle of public opinion and the
psychological offense and defense
In modern warfare operations, public opinion struggles, legal struggles, and psychological offenses and
defenses are all to fight for political initiative and military victory, characterized by spiritual conquest and
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will destruction, and backed by military strikes. The three are interconnected. They infiltrate each other and
take advantage of each other to form a unified whole that is not only distinguished from each other but also
closely connected.
In terms of basic principles, all three serve the overall situation of the country’s political, diplomatic, and
military conflicts. The difference is that the struggle of public opinion emphasizes grasping the first
opportunity of the struggle of public opinion to compete for and maintain the dominance; the struggle of
jurisprudence respects legal principles and ensures that military operations are rational, advantageous, and
disciplined; the struggle of jurisprudence uses the law as a weapon, through legal deterrence, legal
sanctions and other means strive for political and military initiative. At the functional level, they are all
implementing the decision-making instructions of superiors, and flexibly using struggle strategies.
Psychological offense and defense emphasizes the use of various means to comprehensively exert
pressure and continuously break through the psychological defense line. In terms of application methods,
they all belong to the category of political warfare of non-armed forces, belong to non-violent "soft strikes,”
and act on the field of human cognition. They also use and rely on information and information technology to
conduct operations. The difference is that the main means of warfare in public opinion struggles are various
media, including newspapers, radio and television, and the Internet; the main means of psychological
offense and defense are psychological means such as mental deterrence, emotional inducement, and
fraudulent conspiracy. In terms of the mechanism of action, they are all pluralistic, which not only reflect
direct attack and confrontation, but also reflect indirect and circuitous attack and confrontation. Public
opinion struggles and legal struggles mainly focus on influencing the international society and public opinion,
while psychological offensive and defensive actions, in addition to affecting national society and public
opinion, often act more directly on opponents’ military and public opinion.
2. Implementation methods and requirements of legal struggles and psychological offenses and
defenses of public opinion
The implementation of public opinion struggles is usually based on force deterrence and actual combat.
Through the dissemination of discourse information, the violent deterrent effect of war is formed, and the
destructive power of spirit and will is formed, and the effect of soft killing is realized. The requirements of its
implementation: first, it must be the first to win. That is to say, during the war, it is necessary to preemptively
release information and actively guide public opinion on important actions at various stages, major events of
public concern, and sensitive issues that may be used by the enemy. The second is to create momentum to
control the bureau. As the main body of information field and campaign activities, public opinion must
occupy a multi-dimensional favorable situation, form a scale, grasp the overall situation, and lead the
initiative of the public opinion battlefield. The third is to attack the key points. It is necessary to grasp the
opponent’s important spiritual support and public opinion support, and directly attack its shortcomings, pain
points, and unknowable places to shock and disturb the enemy, weaken the enemy's command authority,
disrupt the combat plan, shake the morale of the army, and defeat the opponent spiritually.
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The fourth is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When there is a public opinion struggle, there is
an anti-public opinion struggle. For unfavorable public opinion information, we should actively transfer or
evade, change passive to active, and master the initiative of public opinion dissemination, and suppress and
limit the effectiveness of the enemy's public opinion dissemination to the greatest possible extent.
The methods of legal struggle mainly include: legal deterrence, legal counterattack, legal restraint, legal
sanction, legal protection, etc. Jurisprudence struggles under the conditions of the new era are highly
political, policy-oriented, and strategic. We must give full play to the role of law in military conflicts and
provide legal support for winning combat. Its implementation requirements: first, safeguarding national
interests is the highest criterion. National interests are the objective basis for strategic decision-making and
war actions, as well as the starting point for legal struggles. When formulating and implementing legal
struggles, choosing legal fighting tactics and using legal fighting weapons, it is necessary to weigh the pros
and cons politically to ensure the correct direction of legal struggles. The second is to respect the basic
principles of the law. With the increasing awareness of countries to restrain war and oppose the illegal use
of force, the influence of laws on wars and armed conflicts is increasing. To carry out legal struggles, we
must follow the basic norms of international law, maintain the authority of domestic laws, accurately
understand relevant laws and regulations, and apply them flexibly. In war operations, ensure that the
initiative is won. The third is to revolve around military operations. Whether it can directly provide timely and
powerful legal support for combat operations is an important criterion for measuring the effectiveness of
legal struggles. Jurisprudence struggles in modern warfare must be closely centered around military
operations. At different stages, in accordance with different combat requirements, timely legal struggles can
be carried out to promote the smooth implementation of military operations. The fourth is to grasp the norms
and apply them flexibly. In accordance with the development and changes of the war situation, we must
accurately grasp the specific application of legal norms in different situations, seek advantages and avoid
disadvantages, and take the initiative.
The implementation methods of psychological offense and defense mainly include: winning over hearts and
minds propaganda, warning and intimidation, soft-hearted probation, benefit induction, divorce instigation,
and psychological protection of one's own side. Psychological offensive and defensive operations in war
operations must conscientiously implement the strategic intentions and decision-making of the country and
the military, and launch a psychological offensive closely focusing on weakening the enemy's fighting will, so
as to maximize the disintegration of the enemy and win the hearts of the people. Its implementation
requirements: first, it is combined with armed strikes. Psychological offense and defense should be run
through the entire process of war operations, and psychological strikes should be carried out with the
backing of armed strikes, so that the entire combat command and war operations should be integrated, and
the effects of armed strikes should be strengthened and expanded through psychological strikes. The
second is to focus on both offense and defense.
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It is necessary to fully understand the enemy's psychological offensive and defensive strength and the
severe challenges of modern warfare to our side, attach great importance to the psychological offensive and
defensive self-defense work, take precautions first, have both offensive and defensive capabilities, and
maintain a strong combat effectiveness. In particular, we must keenly judge the situation, seize the
opportunity, preemptively, and always grasp the initiative of psychological offense and defense. The third is
the comprehensive use of various forces. It is necessary to integrate the use of professional psychological
offensive and defensive forces, the psychological offensive and defensive backbone of active forces,
reserve forces, and social and psychological offensive and defensive forces, give full play to the role of
modern media, electronic information combat platforms and special combat methods, and strengthen overall
operational effectiveness.
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Chapter 12 Control of the War Situation
In information-based local wars, various conflicts are complicated and the battlefield conditions are changing
rapidly. Only by firmly controlling the war situation can we grasp the initiative of war. Therefore, it is
necessary to scientifically design and actively control the beginning, process, and outcome of the war, and
strive to closely cooperate with political, economic, and diplomatic struggles with limited combat operations
to obtain a favorable war situation and lead the war to victory.
Section One: The Meaning and Characteristics of War Situation Control
Control of the war situation refers to the strategic director's control of the objectives, means, timing, process,
scale, intensity, and consequences of the war according to the development of the situation, striving to win
the strategic initiative, obtain the greatest war benefits, and appropriately achieve political goals.
1. The meaning of war control
The reality of close correlation of war situation control and strategic objectives, and effective control of the
war situation is not only a requirement for victory in the war, but also a requirement for political goals. In
informationized local wars, the significance of war situation control is prominently manifested in the following
One is to win the initiative in war. Effectively controlling the situation and driving the war freely have always
been the diligently pursued goals of Chinese and foreign strategic instructors in ancient and modern times.
In the long history of human warfare, due to the limitations of control methods, it is often difficult for the war
machine to stop once it is activated. However, changes in the war environment and the growth and decline
of the strength of the two warring parties have made it commonplace for the initiative of war to change
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With the emergence of information technology and its application to the three levels of war: strategic,
operational, and tactical have significantly improved their ability to grasp and handle battlefield conditions as
well as overall control of the situation and effectively gain the initiative of war.
The second is to achieve the best coordination between military and political, economic, and diplomatic
means. In past wars, due to the lack of timely and accurate control of combat operations, it was objectively
difficult to achieve cooperation between military and non-military means in the course of the war, so military
victory was more emphasized. Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the means of war
control are highly developed, which can promote the close interaction between military strikes and political,
economic, diplomatic and other means to form an organic whole. War situation control can actively regulate
the joint actions of military forces and economic, diplomatic and other departments, promote the overall
linkage of multi-domain struggles, and achieve comprehensive victory, so that the evolution of the war
situation can meet the strategic needs.
The third is to reduce the risk of war. War is a field full of uncertainties, and even a war that is sure to win,
there are risks. Because of this, to conduct a war, we must carefully analyze various possibilities, control the
situation, deal with sudden changes, and reduce risks. In particular, information technology and intelligent
technology have rapidly materialized into new weapons and equipment, and the destructiveness of war has
reached an unprecedented level. At the same time, the international background of information warfare is
extremely complex, and uncertain factors have increased dramatically, leading to the possibility that the war
will be drawn out. Therefore, only by flexibly and effectively controlling the war situation can we be
The fourth is to improve the effectiveness of warfare. The control of the war situation must not only ensure
that the war is won, but also work hard to reduce the losses in the war and increase the efficiency of the war.
In fact, the high demand on resources for information warfare can hardly be sustained for a long time by a
rich country like the United States. The first five years of the Iraq War consumed 648 billion U.S. dollars,
which is close to the total expenditure of the Vietnam War. By the time President Obama announced the end
of the U.S. military's combat mission in Iraq in 2010, it had consumed US$1 trillion, which severely affected
the U.S. economy and exacerbated the financial crisis.
The fact that in the Afghanistan and Iraq
wars the U.S. was victorious (in battle) but not successful proves that effectively controlling
the war situation and limiting war expenditures are absolute necessities of strategic direction.
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Chapter Twelve Control of the War Situation
2. The characteristics of war control
Control of the war situation is a dynamic process, requiring strategic instructors to continuously track,
analyze and judge the situation, predict the development of the battle situation, determine the war situation
control objectives, select control methods, and influence the war situation through continuous control
activities to achieve strategic goals.
One is the whole process. The control of the war situation exists in the whole process from the beginning to
the end of the war. It exists in every link of the initiation, process and end of the war, covering the tangible
battlefields on the ground, sea, air, and space, as well as the invisible battlefield of cyber electromagnetic
space. To implement effective battle situation control, strategic instructors are required to stand at the height
of the overall situation and regulate the mobilization and deployment of war forces, the deployment and
development of war operations, the raising and deployment of war resources, and the selection and
transformation of offensive and defensive situations.
The second is coordination. Control of the war situation not only involves confrontation on the battlefield, but
also affects international political, economic, diplomatic, technological, and cultural struggles. Any factor may
have a major impact on the situation of the war, and relying solely on military means is far from meeting the
requirements. Therefore, war situation control should take care of military and non-military motives, conduct
horizontal coordination and comprehensive control of combat operations and non-combat operations, and
strive to adopt appropriate means of action for different types of control targets, coordinate and promote
each other, so as to achieve effective control of the battle.
The third is restriction. The control of the war situation includes both objective constraints and subjective
constraints. First of all, the control of the war situation is restricted by strategic objectives. Purpose is the
cause of all control. If the purpose is lost, control will be without a target. In the battle situation control, the
strategic instructor should implement the control of the war according to the strategic goal and adjust the
battle situation to the target situation. In the final analysis, battle situation control is based on whether the
goal is achieved and whether it can be achieved as the criterion. Secondly, the control of the battle situation
is restricted by the means of control. Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the
transparency of the battlefield objectively stipulates the knowability of the battle situation, which is the
prerequisite for the control of the war situation. Whoever has more control over the current situation and
development trend of the war situation will tilt the balance of the war situation to that side, otherwise the
constraints will be even greater. Third, the battle situation control is restricted by the battlefield command
and control ability. The C4ISRK system is the backbone of control of the war situation, especially the
network information level of the command system, which determines the ability to coordinate and control the
operations of various services and arms. In addition, the control of the war situation is also restricted by
diplomacy, public opinion and international law.
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The fourth is risk. Control of the war situation is through the effective control of our combat forces and their
actions, and influences the enemy's control of combat forces and their actions, and promotes a battlefield
situation and strategic situation that is beneficial to us. Therefore,control of the war situation follows the
general law of cybernetics, which has the characteristics of more regulation and risk, stronger regulation and
greater risk. Practice has shown that in the process of implementing control, various factors interact and
have different effects on the battle situation. Especially under the conditions of informatization and
intelligence, the factors affecting the battle situation interact faster, and the unpredictable, sudden and
accidental factors are very active. They often cause the control of the war situation l to deviate from the
correct track under unexpected external intervention, and even lead to a war situation. The control failed and
the war situation was reversed.
Section Two:War Control Principles
The essence of the control of the war situation is to keep abreast of the development and changes of the
war situation, make full use of the conditions that are favorable to us and the conditions that are unfavorable
to the enemy, and comprehensively adopt various methods to make use of the situation, seek advantages
and avoid disadvantages, expand our advantages, and restrain the enemy's advantages. And control the
cost of war to a minimum to win victory. In the control of the war situation, the following principles should be
One is to seize the initiative in war as the whole focus, and to promote the development of the war in a
favorable direction. The purpose of controlling the war situation is to promote the battlefield situation,
domestic and foreign situations to develop in a direction that is beneficial to us and not to the enemy, so as
to seize and maintain the initiative in the war. Specifically, it is to control the situation, create a situation,
control the opening of the war to create a favorable situation for the development of the war, and control the
development of the battle to create a favorable situation for the end of the war. To this end, first, it
emphasizes the implementation of meticulous guidance and effective driving in the whole process of the
war, avoiding the front and the back, and avoiding the ability to control when the fight is good, and take the
initiative to give up control when the fight is not good; second, the emphasis is on purposeful and planned.
Implement war situation control, avoid randomness and blindness; again, emphasize adaptive adjustment
control, adjust control in response to emerging new situations, adjust control according to changes in
strategic objectives, rather than statically implement control.
The second is to focus on comprehensive victory in multiple fields, and coordinate and support military and
political, economic, diplomatic, and public opinion struggles. The outcome of war in the information age is
not simply determined by military power, but depends on the comprehensive use of various powers such as
politics, military, economics, diplomacy, and public opinion. Military and non-military conflicts are usually
used interchangeably or at the same time to achieve the best results.
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For this reason, control of the war situation is not limited to combat control. It also controls the close
coordination of combat operations with political, economic, diplomatic and public opinion operations, and
uses political control, battlefield control, economic control, and theory control methods to form a joint force in
multi-domain operations, to avoid mutual constraints. Specifically, on the one hand, we must control many
areas of struggle to improve the situation at home and abroad. Create momentum with politics and
diplomacy, strive for all forces that can be united, form a united front, obtain maximum international support
for our side, compress the opponent's international activity space, and create a favorable internal and
external environment. At the same time, it effectively controls the possible impact of war actions on the
interests of relevant countries and the public, and establishes a favorable external environment for the entire
process of the war. On the other hand, various actions must be well regulated to improve the battlefield
situation. By taking proactive deterrence actions, public opinion offensives, and legal offensives, we can
maximize the deterrence of the enemy, mobilize the enemy and boost our morale, maximize the control of
the allocation and application of key weapons and resources, and control the preset battlefield and strategic
deployment. Strive for the initiative for the correct use of military power and better control of the battle.
The third is to adhere to partial obedience to the overall situation and maintain a high degree of consistency
between strategic control and combat tactical control. Game control emphasizes the overall idea of a game
of chess. On the one hand, it is emphasized that the control of multiple directions should highlight the
integrity and unify the battle situation in each strategic direction. For example, Mao Zedong coordinated the
layout of the three major battles as a whole in the control of the battle situation of the War of Liberation, not
only to pursue one direction and victory in one battle, but to control the overall situation of each battlefield
from an overall perspective. In particular, the development of the Battle of Huaihai and the development of
the Battle of Tianjin were combined, in order to stabilize the enemy in North China, the Huaihai battlefield,
which was thousands of miles away, was surrounded by the enemy without fighting, so that the division who
won the battle of Liaoshen was given time to move south. Achieve both great victories in the Battle of
Huaihai and the Battle of Tianjin. War practice shows that war control requires a high degree of consistency
in multi-level control, and low-level control obeys high-level control.
The fourth is to grasp the limitations of wars, control the scale and cost of wars, and improve the
effectiveness of wars. The war should be limited to a local area as much as possible. This is the requirement
of the historical trend of human peace and development. Achieving the finiteness of war depends on the
control of the battle situation, that is, actively controlling the goal, scale and time of the war. The future war is
a war of high technology and high consumption, but also a war with strong destructive power and high
lethality. To win the war quickly and well, we must precisely control the course of the war, war consumption,
and war casualties.
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Try to avoid turning small battles into big battles, turningcivil wars into foreign wars, turning one opponent
into multiple opponents, turning quick-decision battles into stalemate battles, and dragging the country into
an endless war quagmire.
Fifth, grasp the critical point of the transition of the war and try to avoid adverse chain reactions. The key to
the control of the battle situation is the critical point of the transformation of the battle situation. A good grasp
of the critical point has a decisive influence on the development of the battle situation. Under the conditions
of informatization and intelligence, the emergence of the critical point of the battle situation is dynamic.
Especially affected by the wave-like influence of uncertain factors, the criticality of the war situation is not
only produced at the apex that marks a turning point in the war, but also a large number of inflection points
that may trigger the transition of the battle situation. Grasping the tipping point is of great significance to the
stability and development war. The critical point is not only an important factor in the planning of military
operations, but also a sign of the transformation of the initiative of military operations. Controlling the critical
point also masters the initiative of the battle. Therefore, for the strategic instructor, we should try our best to
promote the emergence of the critical point of the battle that is beneficial to him, and expand it with the
trend; at the same time, prevent the critical point of the unfavorable battle from appearing, try to avoid the
reversal of the battle, and contain the unfavorable chain reaction.
Sixth is the highly efficient use of information means to master information and achieve control
objectivesKnowing oneself and another can control words, without information, no matter how clever
strategic instructors are, they will become "deaf and blind.” Decision-making information is the engine of
controlling the war situation. Control of the war situation is actually the process of transforming intelligence
information into decision-making information. Strategic instructors always make decisions to adjust and
transform combat operations based on new intelligence information, and act on the combat process to give
information superiority. Transform into action advantage to lead the development of the battle situation. In
the information age, the battlefield is transparent, and the controllability of the battle situation is significantly
improved. Information control has become the commanding height of war and the key position of battle
situation control. In the final analysis,control of the war situation should establish the principle of obtaining
and using information as the center, and control of the war situation should be based on knowing oneself,
the enemy, the politics, the economy, the environment, and the social conditions. At the same time, try to
prevent opponents from obtaining and effectively using information in a timely manner.
Section Three: Controlling the Start of the War
The factors that determine the victory or defeat of a war are often hidden in the beginning of the war. The
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Chapter Twelve Control of the War Situation
mistakes at the beginning of war may continue to be magnified in the development of the war, and have an
immeasurable impact on the outcome of the war and the course of the war. Therefore, to grasp the
beginning of a war, we should strictly control the conditions for the start of the war, exercise careful control,
and make prudent decision-making, to maximize the direct result of the war to victory, and at the same time
reduce the negative impact.
1. Control the target of war
Reasonably determining strategic objectives and scientifically grasping the degree of military strikes are the
primary issues in controlling the start of a war. This must not only proceed from the needs of the operation
itself, but also consider the strategic situation, national development, and power base conditions.
One is to control strategic goals. The finiteness of the political objectives of the war determines the finiteness
of the strategic objectives. It is necessary to seriously consider the adaptability to the strategic environment,
and the principle of not destroying the overall peaceful environment, not causing chain reactions, and not
leading to a sharp escalation of war. To meet the needs of national development, we should fully consider
whether the intensity of war operations required by the strategic objectives will adversely affect the security
and development of the country. To be compatible with one's own military capabilities, the determination of
strategic objectives must be based on one's own military strength. Without this foundation, no matter how
good the goal is, it is difficult to achieve it. Not only will it fail to achieve the political goal, but it will have
adverse consequences. Therefore, when determining strategic goals, the boundaries should be grasped and
not divorced from reality.
The second is to control combat objectives. The combat objective is the stipulation of the results to be
achieved in the implementation of combat operations. It determines the time, means, scale, and intensity of
the war, and plays a directional role in the development of the battle situation. Generally speaking, the
combat goal is large, the war time is long, the means are many, the scale is large, and the intensity is high
and vice versa. Therefore, the screening of combat objectives should be based on the need to achieve
political objectives, maintain the consistency of combat operations and strategic objectives, and
appropriately determine the operational objectives and specific indicators. Two extremes need to be
prevented in this regard: first, the mere pursuit of the finiteness of combat objectives, which is lower than the
requirements of political objectives, cannot achieve strategic objectives, and it is difficult to achieve victory.
The second is that the combat objectives exceed the limits of political objectives. Even if the battle is
tactically won, it will bring passivity to the strategy. Therefore, as long as the political goals can be achieved,
the smaller the combat objectives, the better. Determining combat objectives must pay attention to the
benefits of both military and political aspects. It is not only convenient for the effective implementation of
military operations, but also can produce an overall shocking effect in politics, and strive to achieve the
established political goals at a lower cost.
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This requires that when determining the combat target, we must carefully analyze the situation of the
opponent in all aspects, find out its key points, and use it as the target of military strikes, so as to achieve
the effect of hitting one point, shaking the whole situation, and affecting the whole body.
The third is to control the scope of operations. In order to be able to control the scale and intensity of the war
and prevent the expansion and escalation of the war, it is necessary to formulate policies on the area of
operations, the means of warfare, and the use of forces.
2. Control the intensity and scale of war
Controlling the intensity and scale of war requires a reasonable choice of war methods. The choice of
means of war mainly includes what kind of weapon to use, what form of warfare to take, and some other
auxiliary means. In choosing weapons, the following principles should be followed: do not use weapons of
mass destruction first, such as nuclear, biological and chemical weapons; limit the use of weapons of mass
destruction; for general conventional weapons, we should also minimize destruction and harm to the civilian
Controlling the scale of war requires controlling the scale of force used. The political purpose of war is
limited, which determines the finiteness of military objectives. Political goals can be achieved with the use of
elite weapons, and there is no need to use a huge army to conduct large-scale operations. Although the
entire battlefield space for war is large, the combat space for direct combat is relatively small, especially the
prominent position of sea and air combat, which requires the reduction of large corps operations and the use
of limited elite forces to defeat the enemy. With the development of society, the status of key targets such as
politics, economy, and military has become increasingly prominent. Direct strikes on key targets can
promote the realization of political goals. In this case, the use of elite forces with long-range precision strikes
becomes an inevitable choice.
3. Control the timing of war
In modern warfare, at the beginning, both sides will utilize elite weapons for fierce competition, and the first
battle often has the nature of a decisive battle. If you win the first round of the contest, it will lay the
foundation for the next battle, and even directly achieve the final outcome. If you lose as soon as the war
starts, it will be difficult to reverse the passive situation. Therefore, whether to win the initiative in the war,
the first battle is very important, and the right time, the right battlefield, and the right goal must be carefully
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We must pay attention to grasping the threshold of war, and we must be cautious and decisive in launching
a war. The so-called prudence is to fully realize that war is the last resort to solve the problem. Before the
war begins, the cost of achieving the expected goal must be carefully evaluated. Unless the country is in an
extremely critical situation or the interests of survival are threatened, or war can resolve disputes without
causing similarly serious new problems, war should not be used as a reasonable means to implement
policies. The so-called decisiveness is to fully realize that the opponent has already activated the war
machine, and it is impossible to avoid war, and we must take the initiative to respond. Therefore, to control
the beginning of a war, you need to determine the red line of the war, control the level of combat readiness,
and strictly control the threshold of war.
It is necessary to correctly analyze and judge the international and domestic situations, and strive to launch
a war under the most favorable conditions to ensure strategic initiative. Only in this way can we avoid falling
into passivity and ensure victory at a relatively small cost. On this issue, the key is to properly grasp the
timing of the war. The start is early, and the struggle goals in other fields, such as politics, economy, and
diplomacy, have not been fully achieved in the early stage, and the conditions for the implementation of war
have not yet been fully mature. A late start, changes in the opponent's situation and changes in the battle
environment may increase the difficulty of implementing battle situation control and even lose control of the
battle situation. In future wars, the implementation of battle situation control should be closely monitored
according to changes in the situation of both sides, timely analysis of the current situation and possible
future developments, accurate judgments of the possible starting timing, correct selection of the timing of the
launch of operations, and alleviation of threats and pressure on one's side.
It is necessary to control the first strike action, because the first strike action has a direct or even decisive
influence on the development of the war situation. If you choose the wrong one, you may unintentionally lose
everything. Therefore, the choice of the first annihilation target must aim at the sensitive target that changes
the battlefield situation and promotes the battle situation to benefit one's own development. The three
principles of the first battle proposed by Mao Zedong must be followed, that is, the first battle must be won,
the entire campaign plan must be taken care of, and the next strategic stage must be taken care of. The first
strike action of information-based local war control should be based on the principle of conducive to the
development of the war situation. It should not only have the option of attacking and annihilating the enemy's
command and control system and effective forces, but also have the option of attacking and destroying the
enemy's politically and economically sensitive, thereby causing a psychological shock to the enemy.
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Section Four: Control the Development of the War Situation
The motivation of the war is Intricately complex, the battlefield situation is changing rapidly. Only by carefully
guiding and effectively driving the whole process of the war, and firmly grasping the initiative of the war, can
the final victory of the war be ensured. Therefore, to guide information-based local wars, it is necessary to
scientifically plan the combat objectives, timing, style, scale, rhythm, and progress, implement small,
ingenious, precise, and fast operations, and cooperate with political, economic, and diplomatic struggles with
limited military operations, and strive to achieve strategic goals with minimal cost.
1. Regulate the rhythm of the war and stabilize the development of the war
The control of the rhythm of war, including the conversion of stop and stop, the adjustment of speed, the
grasp of offense and defense, and so on. The purpose of controlling the pace of war is to firmly grasp the
initiative of war, control the development direction of the war situation, and properly cooperate with political
and diplomatic struggles to prevent the transformation of war in unfavorable directions, so that the progress
of war can be controlled according to one's own will, thereby improving the effectiveness of war. Specifically,
the following points should be grasped.
The first is to grasp the stability of the war. Stabilizing the war situation is the basis for advancing the war
situation. Maintain a high degree of consistency between war control and strategic objectives in a favorable
situation, and prevent the military from becoming hot-headed, disregarding political goals, and expanding
the results of the battle unconditionally and indefinitely. Under unfavorable situations and violent fluctuations,
it is even more necessary to stabilize the war situation, make decisive adjustments in response to changes
in th ewar situation, the international situation, and the surrounding environment, to contain the sudden
change of the war situation in an unfavorable direction, and to guide the steady development of the war
situation. The second is to grasp the degree of relaxation. The implementation of war is to achieve political
goals, so the pace of war must meet the needs of political struggle. Sometimes it is necessary to speed up
the pace to create a favorable military situation for political negotiations; sometimes it is necessary to slow
down the pace to create a relaxed atmosphere for peace negotiations; sometimes it is necessary to stop to
create favorable conditions for political pressure. Modern warfare is increasingly subject to political
constraints. Whether it is to fight or stop, whether it is fast or slow, whether it is to beat wolves, or to attack
side by side, everything is shifted by political needs. When in an active position, we should continue to
develop the offensive, accelerate the pace of war, maintain a favorable situation, and end the war as soon
as possible. When the enemy takes the initiative, he should slow down or switch to defense, looking for
opportunities to seize the opponent's key parts or weak links, surprise the opponent, and reverse the
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Chapter Twelve Battle Control of the War Situation
It is necessary to maintain sustained attack power and fast-paced combat operations in the main combat
directions and key links.
The third is to grasp the phase transition. It is necessary to foresee possible phase transitions in terms of the
degree of achievement of the objectives of the current combat phase, the degree of changes in the enemy's
power, and the degree of changes in the warsituation. It is necessary to accurately grasp the timing of the
transition, and the transition is too early, which is not conducive to the completion of the current task, nor is it
conducive to the next stage of operations. If the conversion is too late, favorable opportunities and
conditions will be lost. It is necessary to carefully manage and control the phase transition, and before
implementing the strategic phase transition, sufficient preparations must be made for the transition; in the
transition to the new combat phase, the transition must be gradually carried out. At the same time, it is
necessary to adopt a variety of strategic disguise and deception measures to conceal conversion attempts,
and strive to achieve the suddenness of the phase conversion action.
2. Grasp the focus of combat and lead the development of the war situation
The focus of combat is the key position of the war situation and is essential to the victory of the war.
Grasping the center of gravity is the key to controlling the whole thing. To guide operations, we must always
pay attention to the center of gravity, tightly hold the center of gravity, and make every effort to ensure the
center of gravity to strive for strategic initiative.
The first is to grasp the primary and secondary relationship of the battle. In combat, if multiple opponents in
different directions, especially strong enemies, intervene, it is necessary to distinguish the primary and
secondary priorities and grasp the main opponent and direction. The main opponent and direction are the
center of gravity, and the main battlefield and main goal of the main opponent is the specific performance of
the combat center of gravity. They affect the overall situation, victory means everything is alive. And other
problems will be solved easily. Failure will cause disasters and it will be difficult to deal with. Therefore, it is
necessary to recognize the main enemy clearly. You cannot easily change your determination because of
some local temporary situations or difficulties. Opponents and specific targets in combat. The second is to
control key combat operations. Controlling key combat operations is the basic way to grasp the center of
combat focus and seize control of the battlefield, and is the focus and object of the control of the war
situation. The control of key combat operations should focus on the overall need to seize comprehensive
control of the battlefield, highlighting the active orientation of offensive operations, rather than passive
defense. If it is difficult to seize and maintain control of the battlefield in all time, space, and the entire
process, you must ensure that you control the main direction, key actions in important seasons, and actively
control the war situation.
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In order to ensure the victory of key combat operations, strategic instructors must not only be good at using
key troops, concentrate their elite forces on the center of combat, form a strong local advantage, implement
key strikes, but also supervise and adjust strategically significant battles from an overall perspective, to
ensure that the elite force is used in the most critical moment and the most valuable and most effective key
The third is to shift the focus of operations in due course. The combat center of gravity is not static, but
advances or changes as the battlefield situation changes. This requires strategic instructors to discover,
adjust, and take care of the center of gravity based on objective reality. During the War of Liberation, the
Central Military Commission and the General Front Committee of the Huaihai Campaign, based on the
reality of the national battlefield and the overall situation of the campaign, determined that the focus of the
first stage of the campaign was to concentrate forces to annihilate the Huang Baitao Corps, and the focus of
the second stage was to annihilate the Huangwei Corps, and the center of gravity of the third stage is to
completely wipe out the Tu Yuming Group. Different stages of the Huaihai Campaign determined different
combat focuses, fought three major battles of annihilation, achieved complete victories, and promoted the
development of the national war situation. Judging from historical experience, to shift the focus of
operations, on the one hand, it is necessary to adapt to changes in the war situation and flexibly adjust the
operational plan. The combat plan is determined based on one's own combat objectives and objective
factors affecting combat. When the situation changes fundamentally, or when subjective needs change, the
plan should be adjusted in time or the main direction of operations should be changed, and actions in other
directions should be quickly coordinated and controlled based on the new main direction to achieve the
combat goal. On the other hand, we must capture and create favorable fighter opportunities to promote the
development of the war situation. Seizing a fighter that is beneficial to us but not to the enemy can enable
the rapid development of the combat process in combat and enable the commander to firmly drive the
initiative on the battlefield. The key to the use of fighter planes lies in whether we can organize the main
troops and coordinate the various actions of the relevant troops so that the fighter planes can be used by us.
3. Control the escalation of the war and avoid losing control of the war situation
The escalation of war is a key issue related to the victory or defeat of the war, and it requires the strategic
instructor to make a cautious decision. Fundamentally speaking, the use of war methods is to effectively
achieve political goals, and whether war needs to be escalated should be determined by the degree and
requirements of achieving political goals.
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Chapter Twelve Battle Situation Control
Strategic directors should focus on the characteristics of the times of peace and development, and strictly
control the escalation of war. The large-scale war caused by continuous escalation will not only adversely
affect domestic politics, economics, and social stability, but also cause tensions in the regional or world
situation, and even arouse widespread attention and condemnation from the international community, and
enter into an extremely passive situation in politics. The continuous escalation of the war may also trigger
high-intensity military intervention and economic sanctions by external forces, which will affect the course of
the war and the long-term development of the country. Therefore, the war should not be escalated as much
as possible, and efforts should be made to solve problems with lower-intensity war operations to meet
political needs.
Under conditions where the escalation of war cannot be avoided, the strategic instructor must grasp the
timing and scope of the escalation in accordance with the situation of the enemy and us in all aspects.
Generally, the method of "gradual escalation"[1] should be adopted, and the method of skipping stages
should not be adopted as much as possible. The strength must be gradually increased, the means must be
gradually increased, the scope must be gradually expanded, and military and non-military means must be
used in a comprehensive manner, both soft and hard, combined with talks, strive to control the war at a
relatively low level, and win a great victory at a small price.
Section Five: Controlling the End of War
Under the conditions of the new era, the political purpose of war is limited, the combat time is short, and the
constraints are increasing. The mode of war termination shows a diversified trend. It has increasingly
become a major issue that must be paid attention to by war directors.
1. In 1965, Herman Kahn, director of the Hudson Institute in the United States, proposed the "gradual
escalation" theory. The main idea is based on the increasing intensity of war, from low-level crisis to full-
scale war divided into six thresholds, seven stages and four steps. He believes that after the balance of
power of nuclear terrorism is established, the role of negotiation, bargaining, and various non-military
operations is much greater than the actual use of force. He regards the use of force as a political bargaining
power, and advocates increasing pressure and controlled escalation of war to force the other side to make
concessions. This "gradual escalation" battle situation control mechanism is not purely pursuing military
victory, but contains military deterrence intentions. When a lower-level action deterrence fails, a higher-level
action is initiated for deterrence, always attempting to pay a smaller price in exchange for a larger
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1. Seize the opportunity and take the initiative to end the war at the right time
Proactively ending the war at the right time has a great bearing on preventing the expansion and escalation
of the war. Seizing the timing of ending a war is an important link in the control of thewar situation. It is
affected and restricted by factors such as military objectives, war situation, overall national situation, and
international and domestic situations. To grasp the timing of terminating combat operations, it is necessary
to comprehensively consider political, economic, and military factors, take national interests as the criterion,
and strive to end the war under the most favorable conditions. To grasp the timing of the end of the war, we
must focus on the following situations.
The first is whether it is beneficial to achieving political goals. The military objectives of the war are
determined on the basis of political objectives. If the desired goal has been achieved, we will never engage
in combat beyond political goals. Otherwise, things will be reversed. On the contrary, the benefits of war will
be reduced due to the expansion of the results of the war, and the advantage will be wiped out. When
military objectives are not fully achieved but special circumstances arise, such as new political needs, or
serious military difficulties, major changes in the war situation, etc., you can also abandon certain
predetermined objectives as needed and end military operations early, but the end of the war must be
achieved in the way that is most beneficial to oneself.
The second is whether a favorable war situation can be obtained. The most direct impact on the termination
of combat operations is the situation of the war, because the situation is an intuitive indicator of the degree
of control of the initiative. Affect the realization of national interests. When in a favorable situation, if internal
and external conditions permit, and the next war action will not cause undue political, economic and military
losses, you can take advantage of the situation, take advantage of the attack, and achieve greater results,
and create a more favorable situation for political and diplomatic struggle; but if it continues to fight, it will
not bring higher benefits, and may even lead to a transformation of the battle situation in an unfavorable
direction. Even if the situation is favorable, it should be decisive and decisively terminate combat operations.
When in an unfavorable situation, two possible situations should also be considered: If the war can be
reversed quickly, the enemy should be hit hard with short and powerful actions, and when a situation
favorable to me emerges, we should immediately seek political solutions to solve the problem; If the war
cannot be reversed in a relatively short period of time, the loss may outweigh the gains if the fight continues.
At this time, it is better to terminate combat operations as early as possible, and use vigorous political and
diplomatic struggles to reduce losses and strive for the initiative.
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The third is whether it is beneficial to safeguarding national interests. The purpose of war is to safeguard
national interests. If the war is fought to a certain extent and conflicts with the national interests, we must
consider ending combat operations. Specifically, there may be four situations: First, the war is facing the
danger of escalation, and continuing to fight will inevitably rise to a larger-scale war, which will seriously
affect the stability of the country and the overall situation of economic construction; second, the international
community intervenes The intensity is relatively large, especially the implementation of joint economic
sanctions, which affects national security and long-term development; third, the war is too expensive, and
the country’s human, material, and financial resources are unbearable; fourth, the other party plans to carry
out a devastating blow to the lifeline of our national economy, which may lead to structural destruction of the
economic foundation. Under the above-mentioned circumstances, it is necessary to conduct a thorough
analysis of the pros and cons, grasp the most fundamental requirements of national interests, choose small
ones, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and decisively terminate combat operations when
The fourth is whether the international and domestic situation is favorable. Under the conditions of the new
era, the international and domestic situation has an increasing influence on the termination of combat
operations, and we must pay close attention to it. When a large-scale external military intervention occurs
and the situation is extremely unfavorable to me, and we have basically achieved the goal of the war,
combat operations should be terminated immediately to avoid a passive situation. If not confronting foreign
enemies will cause even more unfavorable consequences, we should fight against them resolutely. When
the situation is favorable for us, we can also consider terminating combat operations, and use the strong
pressure of the international community to force the enemy to submit, so as to reduce losses and increase
efficiency. Regarding the domestic situation, we should pay close attention to the problems that arise in
other strategic directions. If you are forced to be in an unfavorable situation of fighting on both sides, you
should first stabilize the situation in the secondary direction, and at the same time accelerate the progress of
the war in the main direction, end combat operations as soon as possible, and avoid passiveness in the
overall situation.
2. Choosing the way to end the war and leading political negotiations
Wars always have a specific way to end. To grasp the way to end wars, we must conduct in-depth analysis
and accurate judgments on military objectives, war situations, the overall situation of the country, and the
international and domestic situation. Historical experience tells us that a local war must use a combination of
military action and political negotiation to terminate the war.
In choosing the way to terminate the war, we must grasp the unity of principle and flexibility. Taking the
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national interest as the fundamental, safeguard the national interest as much as possible. There can be a
certain degree of flexibility on some non-principle issues, but there can be no compromise on major issues
of principle such as national territorial sovereignty and integrity, national honor and dignity. For this reason,
military operations and political negotiations must be used interchangeably or simultaneously to achieve the
best results. Under the information-based local war, political negotiation has become the main way to end
the war. The political goals of local wars are limited. In many cases, military operations are to create
favorable conditions for political negotiations.
The transition from combat operations to political negotiations requires attention to three issues: First,
combat operations must strive to create the most favorable war situation. The more favorable this situation
is, the more proactive and comfortable political negotiations will be; the second is that combat operations
must build momentum. Mainly, carry out a moderate attack on the enemy, leaving sufficient room for political
negotiations; third, after the transition from combat operations to political negotiations, we must continue to
maintain military pressure on the enemy, and use a strong military force as a backing to promote the
process of political negotiations. At the same time, to prevent the breakdown of the negotiations and the
rebound in the war, they will be put into combat operations again.
At the end of the war, the strategic director needs to regulate the connection between battlefield operations
and political negotiations. Sometimes battles and negotiations are carried out at the same time, and talks
are conducted while fighting to promote the talks; sometimes combat operations are temporarily stopped
and the two sides conduct political negotiations, and the problems cannot be resolved at the negotiating
table, and then battlefield operations continue. In the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Mao
Zedong adopted the policy of fighting while talking, organically combining battlefield operations with
diplomatic negotiations, grasping victory with one hand and negotiations with the other. Although our military
lags far behind the U.S. military in weaponry and technology, it has taken the initiative in strategyIt can be
seen that at the end of the war, the role of combat operations is still very prominent, not to mention that
fighting while talking is inseparable. Even if combat operations are transferred to political negotiations, it
does not mean that the war is completely over. As long as the negotiations do not reach an agreement,
Wars are likely to be repeated. Therefore, in the process of political negotiations, continuing to maintain
strong military pressure on the enemy can promote the negotiation on the one hand; on the other hand, it
can prevent the enemy from counterattacking and ensure strategic initiative.
3. Quickly achieve post-war stability and contain the resumption of war
Proper post-war arrangements in order to prevent the recurrence of wars are an inevitable requirement for
achieving conducive peace. In fact, the ending of the war must ultimately be implemented to be conducive to
the real peace of the country and the people. Therefore, it is necessary to mobilize the most extensive
international justice force to defend the people's peaceful interests and achieve stability after the end of the
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Chapter Twelve Battle Situation Control
The first is to mobilize all peaceful forces to resolve post-war conflicts through political, diplomatic and other
means. It is necessary to properly handle the aftermath of the end of the war and a series of aftermaths after
the end of the war. During this period, since the situation has not yet been completely stabilized, and there is
still the possibility of accidents and military conflicts, it is still necessary to maintain the necessary vigilance
and make full preparations. Efforts should be made to eliminate all kinds of hidden dangers that may
destabilize the situation, and strive to avoid intensification of contradictions, especially to avoid sudden
factors that cause the war to get out of control and the war to restart. In this regard, we must not take the
initiative to provoke incidents and keep the war situation relatively stable. Once contradictions and conflicts
occur again, we must focus on safeguarding the overall situation and shift from political needs, try our best
to adopt a calm and restrained attitude, use combat operations prudently, and strive to deal with them in a
low-key manner, and do our best not to evolve into war again.
The second is to give play to the role of international law and international public opinion to restrain war
stalkers. Existing international law represented by the Charter of the United Nations has made many specific
provisions on war-related issues. Although its binding and coercive power is limited, and countries have
different understanding and application of relevant provisions, it has been widely adopted. Accepted by most
countries. Therefore, giving play to the positive role of international law can not only reduce the risk of war,
but also persuade people by reasoning, guide people in the light of the situation, and take the initiative after
the war. At the same time, we must also mobilize the peace-loving forces of the world, especially the forces
of public opinion, to guide the enemy's camp to have a voice of peace at the end of the war, and encourage
the people of the world to oppose the resumption of war and jointly maintain the peace situation.
The third is to maintain a certain degree of military pressure and deterrence. In a certain period after the end
of the war, when trying to alleviate conflicts through political, diplomatic and other means, we should not
relax the preparations for military conflict, deploy a certain counterattack force in the theater, and at the
same time do not relax the combat readiness in order to cope with the unexpected. The enemy's military
provocations are mainly countered by military deterrence, and warring actions are taken cautiously.
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Chapter 13 Operational Guidance
Operational guidance is a principled instruction and guidance for the planning and implementation of
operations. It is an integral part of strategic guidance and runs through the entire process of war planning
and implementation. Correct operational guidance is an important prerequisite for ensuring victory in the
war. Operational guidance of information-based local wars has the characteristics of many targets, wide
areas, complex planning content, and difficult command and control.
Section One: Basic Operational Thought
Basic operational thinking is a rational understanding and overall grasp of the laws of war, and a basic
viewpoint for giving overall instructions and guidance to combat operations. It is based on the scientific
prediction of the law of future wars by war directors. It mainly answers the question of "how to fight.” It has a
decisive influence on the victory of war, and at the same time it has the command and traction effect on
military conflict preparation and army building. In different historical periods and in the face of different war
situations, different basic combat ideas should be established and followed. Innovating basic combat
thinking under the conditions of the new era, we should adhere to the principles of flexible, mobile and
autonomous operations. You fight yours, I fight mine. Use the integrated combat forces of all services and
arms to implement information-led, focused, and multi-domain integration, systematic combat for joint
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Chapter 13 Operational Guidance
1. Asymmetric Independent Operations as Fundamental Guidance
Asymmetric independent operations refer to operations that focus on ourselves, flexibly use forces,
weapons, strategies and tactics, and skillfully use the combat environment to create and maintain local or
overall advantages against the enemy. Its characteristics: one is initiative. Asymmetric autonomous combat
can be either a means of defeating the strong by the weak, or a means of coercing the weak. Regardless of
whether the weak wins the strong or enforces the weak, asymmetric and autonomous operations are active.
The second is flexibility. There are many factors that can be used to achieve asymmetric autonomous
combat. It is necessary to flexibly use combat forces, combat means, and combat methods, and accurately
grasp combat time, combat rhythm, and strike center of gravity. The third is autonomy .Maintain initiative
where different forces can employ their respective strengths against enemy weak points and safely maintain
operational initiative, and in this way control the adversary rather than being controlled."he main
considerations based on asymmetric independent operationst are as follows: first, it is to adapt to the needs
of the general law of victory in war. More wins less, strong wins weak, fast wins slow, advanced wins and
backwards, preparedness wins but unpreparedness, etc. These are the general laws of victory in war. The
pursuit of asymmetric independent operrationsis to be more, stronger, faster, higher, and more unexpected
than the enemy within a certain time and range. The second is to meet the needs of the special winning laws
of informatized local wars. Under information-based local wars, politics and military are still the decisive
factors restricting wars. At the same time, economics, diplomacy, science and technology, culture, society,
etc. have more and more influence on wars. For example, NATO’s 78-day bombing of Yugoslavia did not
cause the Yugoslav Army to surrender. An important reason is that NATO has shifted its focus from military
targets to civilian infrastructure targets, and expanded its strike range from Kosovo to the entire territory
including Belgrade, the capital of the Yugoslav Federation, thus crushing the will of the Yugoslav Federation
to war. Asymmetric autonomous operations in information-based local warfare is to break the traditional war
model of soldiers to block and cover the ground, and to take a proactive attitude to firmly grasp the weak
links and key parts of the enemy's combat system and the war system, maybe strike hard, or skillfully, or
wolf-like, or beat and stop, paralyzed to attack the heart, defeat the enemy and win. We should give full play
to the overall advantages of joint operations based on information systems, comprehensively use various
forces, means, and methods to implement offensive operations against the enemy, firmly grasp the initiative
of the battlefield, and continue to create and continue to maintain asymmetric advantages against the
enemy, and ultimately win victory.
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The implementation of the idea of asymmetric independent operations should focus on two points: One is to
take the initiative. Superiority and initiative are the core elements of asymmetric autonomous operations.
Mao Zedong pointed out that "both the enemy and us in all wars strive for the initiative in the battleground,
war zone, theater, and even the entire conflict." “If the army loses the initiative, it is forced into a passive
position. If the army is not free, it is in danger of being wiped out or defeated.”[1] Taking the initiative is to
actively seek out the situation, take the initiative to control the situation, and take the initiative to close the
situation. Active planning is to plan the war as a whole in accordance with the purpose of the war and the
ability of the war, to win first and then to fight. Active control of the situation is to adjust the combat
deployment, change the center of attack, and control the combat rhythm according to the actual situation of
the battlefield, so as to promote the development of the battle situation in a direction that is beneficial to us.
To take the initiative to close the game means to work hard to create and maintain strong military pressure
on the enemy, regardless of whether the situation is favorable or unfavorable. It is necessary to strictly guard
against the enemy's struggle and counterattack, but also to create good conditions for the restoration and
reconstruction of post-war order. "Regardless of the complex, serious, and miserable environment, what a
military instructor first needs is to organize and use his own power independently. It is common to be forced
into a passive position by the enemy, and it is important to quickly resume the initiative."[2] The second is
bold innovation. Soldiers are impermanent, water is impermanent, and the essence of asymmetric and
independent operations is innovation. For example, in the innovative use of military weapons, it is necessary
to use the forces of various services and arms, especially new combat forces, to give full play to the
asymmetric advantages of different forces. The strong must have their weaknesses, and the weak must
have their strengths. As long as they are bold and innovative, they will definitely be able to avoid the actual
attack and defeat the system, and transform the advantages of asymmetric autonomous operations into the
victory of information-based local wars.
2. Taking multi-domain integrated joint operations as the basic form of operations
The combat form is the overall or basic manifestation of combat operations. The basic form of combat is the
dominant form of combat under a certain form of war. Determining the basic form of warfare is one of the
main tasks of war guidance. It is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as the form of war, the
purpose of the war, the situation of the opponent, and international and domestic conditions. Generally
speaking, only one basic form of warfare can be prescribed in a period.
1. "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1991 edition, p. 410.
2. "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1991 edition, p. 223.
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Chapter 13 Operational Guidance
Multi-domain integrated joint operations are based on unified command and centered on unified combat
purposes. Various combat forces, combat units, and combat elements are integrated into a seamlessly
linked combat system through a network information system. A highly coordinated overall joint warfare
carried out in various fields such as sea, air, space, network, electricity, and intelligence. It is the advanced
stage of joint operations, and it is a brand-new manifestation of combat operations adapted to the
requirements of informationized warfare. Main features: first, information dominance. Through basic
information systems, unified information interaction standards are formulated, various information is
comprehensively integrated, and elements such as command, intelligence, communication, weapon
platforms, and various supports are closely linked, and strive to promote command integration and force
integration through information integration, and guarantee with information advantages Decision-making
advantage and action advantage, dominate material flow and energy flow with information flow. The second
is power integration. The forces of various services and arms are integrated in the joint combat system, and
various elements participating in the war are interconnected and coordinated with the support of the
information system, and the overall linkage is integrated. The third is the integration of command and
control. Through an authoritative command organization and a flat command system, unified, uninterrupted
and efficient command of the participating forces; through formatted information standards, intelligence
information from different channels, command information at different levels, and status information from
different units are integrated in real time. Transmission and on-demand distribution to commanders and
weapon platforms at all levels; through diversified control methods, to ensure that various orders are issued
in a timely manner, and effectively regulate the actions of the troops. The fourth is the multi-domain linkage
of combat operations. The actions of any combat force, combat unit, and combat element in any one field
may be related to the actions of other combat forces, combat units, and combat elements, so as a whole, it
is represented as the overall linkage of combat operations at all levels of strategy, campaign, and tactics,
Land battlefields, naval battlefields, air battlefields, space battlefields, cyberspace battlefields,
electromagnetic space battlefields and other fields of action are integrated as a whole, and various forms of
operations such as information warfare, cyber warfare, fire warfare, special warfare, public opinion legal
struggle, and psychological offense and defense The overall linkage of actions. Combat operations such as
soft kill and hard destruction, system destruction and precision strike are combined with each other, and
non-contact, non-linear, and asymmetric operations are widely used. Fifth, system confrontation and
decisive victory. The integrated joint combat system C4KIRS3 (command, control, communication,
computer, weapon platform, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, logistics support, equipment support)
that incorporates firepower, logistics, and equipment support elements is an information-based local war.
Generally speaking, whoever has the more complete elements of the joint combat system and the higher
degree of integration in operations, the shorter the decision-making cycle and the higher the efficiency of
action, the more sure of victory.
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Sixth, is all types of accuracy assurance. Since the multi-domain integrated joint combat system is based on
the network information system, whether it is intelligence support, information support, or logistics and
equipment support, it can achieve accurate support for the required troops at the appropriate time and place,
thereby greatly improve support efficiency and effectively maintain the stability of the combat capability of
the troops.
The main considerations for taking multi-domain integrated operations as the basic form of information-
based local warfare are as follows: First, it meets the needs of the development of information technology.
Technology determines tactics. The development of information technology not only enables the
commander to perceive the battlefield situation and changes in the battlefield situation in real time, but also
expands the commander’s thinking so that he can use the intelligent auxiliary decision-making system to
make scientific decisions on the complex battlefield situation; at the same time, it extends the commander's
ability to control the force to plan, organize, coordinate, supervise, and adjust the combat operations of each
unit module at the same time, and realize real-time control of each combat unit, each key operation, and
each important post in each field. This makes it possible to integrate the core combat capabilities of the
various services, thereby ensuring that the forces of the various services can be integrated under unified
planning, unified organization, and unified control to release combat energy in an orderly manner. The
second is to meet the needs of the development of war patterns and combat methods. The world's military
powers attach great importance to the important role of information in future wars, vigorously build
informationized troops, and actively explore new paths for multi-domain integrated operations. It is a general
trend to use multi-domain integrated operations as a basic form of combat. The third is the need to win the
high-end information war. No matter which direction the security threats our country faces in the future, the
opponents will be armed groups with a high degree of informatization. To deal with the threats, we must
make the most adequate and surest preparations, especially the strengthening of informatization and
integration preparations. The fourth is the need to give full play to the power of the People's War. Multi-
domain integrated joint operations can organically link politics and military, civilians and military, support and
operations, and realize scientific overall planning, unified command, overall linkage, and precise support,
forming a powerful advantage of people's war in the new era.
Multi-domain integrated joint operations is a brand-new form of operations, which puts forward many brand-
new requirements for operational guidance. One is to organize operations closely around strategic intent. In
multi-domain integrated joint operations, regardless of the scale, it is necessary to pay close attention to the
international and domestic situation and the strategic trends of relevant parties, to grasp the development
and changes of the situation in a timely manner, to focus on strategic objectives, scientifically plan and
combat targets, carefully choose the timing of action, and firmly control the combat process, flexibly organize
combat operations.
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Chapter 13 Operational Guidance
The second is to comprehensively use various combat forces and tactics. Multi-domain integrated joint
operations are system-to-system confrontations. Multiple combat fields and spaces, various combat forces,
all combat operations and tactics must be planned as a whole. In terms of operational force planning, it is
necessary to carefully organize participating forces and scientifically organize combat groups in accordance
with the requirements of combat objectives and strike targets, and strive to form obvious advantages in the
main directions, important occasions, and core areas of combat. In the application of combat methods, it is
necessary to comprehensively use information warfare, firepower warfare, special warfare, public opinion
legal struggle and psychological offense and defense, etc., and flexibly implement contact and non-contact,
linear and nonlinear, symmetrical and asymmetrical, and regular and irregular operations. Efforts to find the
strengths, weaknesses, and joints of the enemy's combat system, especially the information system, break
the network, and the system wins. The third is to make every effort to coordinate and control. On the basis of
strengthening unified command and command by level, task-based command can be appropriately adopted
depending on the situation, supplemented by necessary leapfrog command; on the basis of strict planning
and coordination, timely ad hoc control should be carried out according to changes in the battlefield situation
to achieve unified and unified command. Immortality, division without chaos, orderly control, and proper
coordination, truly integrate various combat forces into a whole, integrate various combat elements into a
whole, unify various combat operations into one goal, and conduct operational tasks in a coordinated
3. Relying on the joint combat system based on the network information system as the main
The joint operation system based on the network information system is an integrated system based on the
information system, with the network as the link, and composed of subsystems such as reconnaissance and
early warning, command and control, combat forces, and support forces. The joint operations system based
on the network information system can implement full control of battlefield information acquisition,
information analysis and processing, auxiliary combat decision-making, issuing action instructions, guiding
weapon attacks, organizing various support, evaluating attack effects, etc., and will control the original
operations in different fields. Services and arms, information and firepower, combat and support, strike and
evaluation, etc. are integrated, and the overall linkage is to maximize the effectiveness of information use
and combat command effectiveness, increase the accuracy of firepower projection, and enhance the
damage effect and various effects of firepower. The timeliness and accuracy of this kind of support will
greatly improve the combat capability of the system. The joint combat system based on the network
information system can flexibly construct a combat system with appropriate scale, diverse force composition,
and appropriate levels according to different combat purposes.
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Relying on the joint combat system based on the network information system, the main consideration is:
system confrontation is the inevitable future of war. War is a confrontation between people, and the focus of
confrontation reflects the development level of military technology. The development and application of
information technology has resolved many problems with sharing information between systems. Contests
between systems-of-systems with system-versus-system contests at its foundation will inevitably become a
primary pillar of future combat.The second is that the joint combat system based on the network information
system is of decisive significance for winning informatized local wars. In information-based local wars,
system confrontation is better than platform confrontation, and a contest between systems is better than a
contest between system of systems. Third, the joint combat system based on the network information
system is a winning tool for the world's major military powers to compete to develop. The U.S. Army’s "Multi-
Domain Operations 2028 Concept,” the Air Force’s "Multi-Domain Command and Control,” and the
Department of Defense’s "Nuclear Posture Assessment" all advocate the creation of a cross-domain
network information system that can give full play to the advantages of the U.S. military in various fields.
Achieve seamless links from sensors to shooters, from the top commander to the skirmishers, and from the
field of conventional operations to the field of nuclear operations. From satellite detection, navigation and
positioning to computer operating systems, the Russian military completely avoided the technical system of
the US military. It independently developed an information system with independent intellectual property
rights and a unique system. A joint combat system based on the network information system is taking
Relying on the joint operation system based on the network information system as the main support, it will
inevitably require the construction of a new type of joint operation system. The first is complete elements
and complete functions. In the future, whether you are fighting an enemy with a higher degree of
informationized combat system or a lesser degree of informationized opponent, you must use a network-
based information system-based joint combat system with complete elements and complete functions to
compete against it. Only in this way can we effectively dissolve the enemy's superiority, shorten the course
of war, and minimize war losses. The second is that the various elements should be organically linked. It is
necessary to attach great importance to the integration of information and other elements. Through the
normalized processing, network transmission and intelligent screening of information resources, information,
commanders, combat platforms, and support elements should be organically integrated to improve the
efficiency of decision-making and action can realize the real "discovery and destruction.” The third is that it
can operate effectively in a complex electromagnetic environment. The effectiveness of the joint combat
system based on the network information system is extraordinary, and its weaknesses are also very
obvious. The most prominent weakness is that a large number of electronic devices require an
electromagnetic environment that can ensure their stable operation.
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Chapter 13 Operationalt Guidance
To achieve this, in addition to suppressing the electromagnetic interference of the enemy's combat system
during wartime, we should also pay attention to the spectrum coordination and management of various
electronic equipment in the system during the construction of the system, even for civilian use in the theater.
Frequency management of electronic equipment. Fourth, it is adaptive. On the one hand, the joint combat
system based on the network information system is not static, and should be continuously improved with the
development of technology and changes in requirements; on the other hand, the network system that links
the entire combat system must have the ability to self-repair and ensure the system The overall structure is
stable and functions are functioning normally.
4. The basic method of combat is the systematic destructive warfare that hits the key targets
Method of warfare is a collective term for various methods of carrying out combat missions. It is the specific
application of the law of operational guidance, and it is the link that connects combat forces and combat
methods with combat objectives and combat missions. The basic method of warfare is located at the
strategic level. It is the general method of warfare that governs other methods of warfare, and plays a
leading and guiding role for other methods of warfare. In operational guidance, the choice of combat
methods is the most intelligent and dynamic. The same battlefield situation and different combat methods
may lead to different war endings; the same combat method has different effects on different battlefield
situations, and even different times of use may lead to different war endings. Therefore, the choice of
combat methods should be adapted to local conditions, time conditions, enemy conditions, and
circumstances, and strive to combine subjective wishes with objective reality, and be brave and good at
The critical system of destructive warfare is to concentrate elite combat forces, focusing on asymmetric,
non-contact, and non-linear medium and long-range precision strikes, combined with other combat methods,
against the enemy's combat system and even the nodes in the entire war system. The key target
implements structural destruction and strategic paralysis, reduces and weakens its overall combat capability,
shakes and destroys its will to war, and thus achieves the basic combat objectives quickly at a relatively
small cost. The significance of fighting hard is to control the targets and the cost of war, and obtain
international support from the moral point of view, thereby disintegrating the enemy's military-civilian fighting
spirit and weakening the enemy's war potential; the key points refer to those key targets that affect the
enemy's combat power and will. Different combat objectives have different key points, and the key points of
the same combat objective are in different operations and stages.System breaking is mainly used to destroy
and paralyze the enemy's combat system, weaken the function of the enemy's combat system, seize and
maintain the enemy's superiority, and create conditions for ultimately winning the war.
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Regarding the critical system of decisive combat as the basic method of warfare, the main considerations
are as follows: first, comply with the need for clever combat to win. Unlike mechanized warfare, although
information-based local warfare is also inseparable from a force contest, its focus is not only on the size of
the force, but more emphasis on the point of action of force. That is, how to use the force finely, skillfully,
and to the joint points. In information-based local wars, whether it is to construct a combat system or a war
system, when several systems are integrated, multiple centers, nodes and key parts related to the functions
of the entire system will inevitably be formed. Precise strikes on these key positions, nodes and key parts
can effectively destroy the stability and order of the enemy's combat system, inhibit its function, quickly seize
strategic initiative, and receive a combat effect that affects the whole body and multiplies the effort with half
the effort. Even if the enemy cannot be completely surrendered, the enemy can still make concessions
under an unbearable blow and achieve the strategic goal of a conquered soldier. The second is the need to
pursue autonomous operations. Ensuring the freedom of action of one's side and restricting the freedom of
action of the enemy are strategic issues that commanders have attached great importance to from ancient
times to the present, and information-based local warfare is no exception. The basic method of combat is to
use the critical system of decisive combat as the basic method of combat. It is to focus on seizing and
controlling the initiative on the battlefield, insisting on "you fight yours, I fight mine,” and does not follow the
enemy's set procedures and does not expect the enemy to fight. The way of fighting, with precise
asymmetric, non-contact, and non-linear long-range firepower strikes, destroys the enemy's combat system,
forcing the enemy to fight against us at unexpected opportunities, inadequately prepared regions, and using
incomplete systems and hastily selected tactics. Confrontation, so as to firmly control the initiative on the
battlefield. The third is the need to develop the overall advantages of multi-domain integrated joint
operations. The basic method of combat is to use the critical system of destructive warfare as the basic
method of warfare. It is to give full play to the overall advantages of the integration of various forces and the
interconnection of various elements in multi-domain integrated operations. Information superiority is
transformed into decision-making superiority and action superiority, and the efficiency and benefit of combat
are constantly pursued.
The implementation of the critical system break warfare should focus on the following points: one is to find
out and firmly grasp the enemy's vital targets, and perform heavy blows on them. In peacetime, it is
necessary to closely follow the development of military theory and military building in various countries,
study the structural characteristics and operational laws of different opponents' combat systems, and be
aware of the targets that need to be hit during wartime. In wartime, it is necessary to select those important
targets that have a decisive influence on the battle situation according to the overall strategic intentions,
such as military and political leaders, command agencies, intelligence centers, observation and
communication networks, heavy weapons and important markers, etc., to carry out devastating strikes and
quickly cause them. The enemy's intelligence, deafness, command failure, communication interruption,
equipment defect, and psychological imbalance accelerate the process of disintegration of its combat
system, prompting it to lose resistance and determination.
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Chapter 13 OperationalGuidance
In the beginning of recent local wars, the U.S. military has chosen the enemy's military and political leaders,
command organizations, and television stations as the main targets, highlighting the importance of the
critical attack and the destruction system. The second is to seize the opportunity and pay attention to the
coordination of soft and hard attacks. With the continuous development of economic globalization and social
informatization, the outbreak of informatized local wars will become more and more difficult to conceal. Both
warring parties enjoy the same advantages. This requires war directors to attach great importance to the
timing of the war. For the warring parties with a high degree of military informatization, whoever can better
grasp the first opportunity, whose combat system can be protected to the maximum extent, will obtain
strategic initiative, and then win the war. At the same time, with the emergence and continuous development
of cyber warfare, it is necessary to combine the soft attack in the invisible electronic space with the hard
attack in the tangible physical space to grasp the first opportunity and win the war. Future warfare is likely to
begin with cyber warfare, electronic warfare, and psychological warfare. This requires war directors to
flexibly choose the methods and means of offensive warfare according to the specific conditions, and
transform the first-hand advantage before the war into a strategic initiative to control the overall situation of
the war. The third is to strategize and strictly control the scope and intensity of the attack. It is necessary to
attach great importance to the operational planning of informationized local wars. It is necessary to select
the target of attack and break the enemy's combat system. It is also necessary to guide international public
opinion in place. This requires war directors to stand at the height of the overall interests of the country and
the nation. When issuing combat orders, we must not only clarify the target and timing of the attack, but also
the extent of damage and the restrictions on collateral damage. At the same time, there must be coping
strategies for unexpected situations to prevent strategic passiveness caused by accidental injuries. The
fourth is to break the system through the entire process and all stages of combat. In the launching phase of
the operation, the priority is to destroy the enemy's information system. Through information suppression,
missile fire assaults and follow-up strikes by sea, air and land far fire forces, the enemy's reconnaissance
and early warning capabilities and command and control capabilities are greatly reduced, and the enemy's
air defense, antimissile and counterattack forces are effectively suppressed, and a strong deterrent effect is
formed on the enemy. In the subsequent stage of operations, according to the changes in the battlefield
situation and the transformation of combat styles, on the basis of basically seizing the comprehensive
control of the battlefield, various strike methods are alternately and repeatedly used toimplement
supplementary strikes against enemy information systems, air and sea forces, and long-range strike
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According to the situation, gradually expand the range of strikes, shift the focus of operations, and expand
the attack on the enemy's combat system to the attack on the enemy's entire war system. In the case of
escalation of combat operations, further increase the strength of the system to break through, adopt key
destruction, successive paralysis, etc., to increase the attack on the economic lifeline targets of the enemy's
national economy and people's livelihood, block the enemy's contact with the outside world, and basically
paralyze its war support and psychological support, until it loses the ability to resist and the will to war, and
strive to achieve the goal of a strong ending. Fifth, we must attach great importance to our own protection
and combine strict protection with key attacks. It is necessary to establish a rigorous strategic defense
system, integrate strategic early warning, tactical intelligence, and combat tactical defense measures, and
adhere to full defense, key defense, small offense and large defense, and defense before attack. It is
necessary to highlight the innovation and application of defense technology, give full play to the overall
advantages of the people's war, and ensure effective defense and a powerful offense.
5. To seize and maintain comprehensive control of the battlefield as the main focus
The initiative is the freedom of movement of the army. The success or failure of a war, and the success or
failure of a battle, depend on whether or not to grasp the initiative on the battlefield. With the continuous
emergence of informatized weapons and equipment, non-contact, nonlinear, and asymmetric operations
have become the basic characteristics of informatized local warfare. This makes the battlefield not only
confined to the area of crossfire, but may involve all the territories and all areas of the warring parties. In
recent local wars, the U.S. military has repeatedly sent long-range air power from its homeland to strike at
enemy targets thousands of miles away. When they have an absolute advantage, they will not hesitate to
use land, sea, air, space, information and other forces to deprive the other party of military capabilities and
guarantee their freedom of action in war. In the Chechen War, the Russian-Georgian conflict, and the Syrian
war, Russia also paid great attention to the struggle for control of information, network, and air control.
Comprehensive control of the battlefield is the sum of a series of control powers. Whoever possesses
comprehensive control of the battlefield will be able to take the initiative in the battlefield and have the
certainty of winning the war. All kinds of battlefield dominance are closely related and complementary to
each other. One is to seize and maintain the right to control information. Without the right to control
information as a guarantee, other control actions either cannot be carried out or are carried out ineffective.
Even under certain specific circumstances, it will be short-lived to obtain other powers, and it will be short-
lived and unable to maintain and carry forward.
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The second is to seize and maintain the right to control space and the network. With the continuous
development of satellite technology and network technology, the weaponization of space and the
networkization of combat systems continue to accelerate, and the role of space and network control in future
wars is becoming more and more important. Without control of space, there would be no control of
information and air; without control of the network, it would be difficult to form a combat system based on the
network information system, and combat confrontation would become a tree without roots. The third is to
seize and maintain air supremacy. Air supremacy is the most direct control that guarantees the army's
freedom of movement on the future land battlefields and naval battlefields. It is not only necessary for
defense but also necessary for offense, and it plays a central and leading role in the comprehensive control
of the battlefield. In a certain sense, the struggle for the control of information, space, and network is to
create conditions for seizing and maintaining air control in the warring area. The fourth is to seize and
maintain control of the sea and land. Control of the sea and land are the last means to guarantee one's own
and restrict the enemy's freedom of movement, and are the fundamental guarantee for victory in wars, and
play a huge role in informationized local wars.
To seize and maintain comprehensive control of the battlefield, we must focus on the following points: First,
we must scientifically coordinate all kinds of power control actions, and take the seizure and maintenance of
comprehensive control of the battlefield as the main focus of winning the war. Through the control of power
in various fields, the relative freedom of one's military operations and the ultimate realization of strategic
intent are guaranteed. According to our combat plans, we must carefully arrange the order of seizing power,
strictly grasp the timing of seizing power, scientifically use the weapons that participate in the seizing power,
and pay close attention to the mutual cooperation and convergence of various seizing power operations,
Using electronic warfare, cyber warfare, psychological warfare, firepower warfare and other means to attack
the enemy's information detection source, information transmission network, command and control center,
main battle force weapons, war support nodes, etc., to limit and deprive the enemy's information capabilities
and freedom of action, creating conditions for the smooth implementation of other combat operations by
one's side. Second, it is necessary to closely coordinate the struggle for information control, space control,
and network control. The struggle for the initiative in war often starts from the key areas that support the
battlefield, so as to control or gradually expand to other areas of the battlefield. The field of information,
space, and cyberspace are the key areas that support informatized local wars. The right to seize information
is mainly achieved by hitting the enemy's information detection source, information channel, information
processing center, and command and decision center, etc., and blocking the enemy's information link. The
seizure of space dominance is mainly achieved through various long-range precision fire strikes and special
operations. The seizure of network control is mainly achieved by means of network offense and defense, fire
attack, and special operations.
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The third is to take the seizure of air supremacy as the decisive link and core content. The air battlefield is
the key position that connects the space battlefield with the land battlefield and the naval battlefield. In war
planning, the extent to which information, space, and network rights are seized and maintained is often
based on the need for air supremacy; and the size of the air supremacy determines the power of the sea
and the land, and then to a considerable extent. The course and outcome of the war has a decisive
influence. Therefore, we must focus on obeying the overall situation and affecting the overall situation,
centering on the overall combat attempt and core combat missions, and planning actions to seize air
supremacy. Concentrate on the use of major combat forces, especially medium- and long-range precision
strike forces and air forces, with long-range precision fire strikes, aerial offensives, and aerial defenses as
the main means, and strive to first attack the enemy, implement continuous and high-intensity offensive
operations, and fundamentally weaken them and destroy the enemy’s air superiority, seize and maintain air
superiority. The fourth is to make various preparations for repeated struggles for control. As a leading
combat operation throughout the entire process of war, no matter how the opponent is, no matter how
advanced weapons and equipment are used, seizing comprehensive control of the battlefield will not be
accomplished overnight and a battle will be finalized. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the ideology of
continuous combat and repeated contention, and on the basis of obtaining preliminary combat results, fully
prepare for future combat. The combination of key control and full control, with the key to seize the
corresponding comprehensive control of the local battlefield, to ensure the main combat operations at all
stages. At the same time, with the development of the war process and changes in the strength of the
enemy and ourselves, we must continue to increase the intensity of battlefield control and expand the scope
of battlefield control until the enemy's combat capability is fundamentally deprived.
Section Two: Operational Guiding Principles
Operational guiding principles are the basic principles that war directors must follow in implementing
operational guidance. It is summarized from the practice of combat guidance and reflects the basic
requirements of combat guidance activities for combat rules, combat command rules, and combat guidance
rules. Laws exist objectively, and principles are artificially formulated based on laws and related constraints.
People's understanding of the laws of combat and the rules of combat guidance is developing, and the
depth and accuracy of their understanding determines the scientific nature of the combat guidance
principles. Therefore, the scientific formulation and correct application of operational guidelines are essential
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for the implementation of correct and efficient combat guidance is of great significance.
1. Grasp the overall situation and make correct decisions
Grasp the overall situation and make correct decisions. War instructors are required to have the overall
situation in mind, and when determining the target, target, method, timing, degree of attack, force formation,
command system, transition of combat phases, war opening, control, and termination of major issues.
Focusing closely on strategic objectives, fully carry forward the information advantages and firepower
advantages of the multi-domain integrated joint combat system based on the network information system,
pay close attention to the joints and weaknesses that affect the stability of the enemy's combat system, and
let the front-line commanders flexibly handle the battlefield situation It is also necessary to control the
orderly, efficient, and focused release of the overall combat energy of our army, and coordinate the
immediate and long-term interests, the partial interests and the overall interests, the phased interests and
the overall interests, and the military interests and political and economic interests, to coordinate the
intelligence and command, planning and operations, operations and support, offensive and defense, key
operations and coordinated operations in the multi-domain integrated combat system based on the network
information system, and always put the focus of operations on those that are the most important to the
overall situation of the war. Important and most decisive issues or actions, so that every major decision can
be able to fight at the right time with the right force to attack the most important part of the enemy's combat
system, and control the battle situation to continue to develop in the direction that is beneficial to us. Strive
to achieve strategic goals quickly with minimal cost.
This principle is the general principle of combat guidance in all forms of war throughout the ages. The
reason why it is listed as the first guiding principle of informatized local war operations is because it still has
a special and important guiding significance for winning informatized local wars. Under the conditions of the
new era, the scope of war's influence is not limited to the warring parties, it may involve many neighboring
countries and even most countries in the world; the field of war's influence is not limited to the military, and
its influence on politics, economy and other fields is also very profound. Even the war itself has complicated
issues such as fighting the enemy and protecting oneself, low-cost wars and high-cost wars, war destruction
and post-war reconstruction. Therefore, the war director must implement correct guidance for the war from a
strategic and overall perspective. First, we must focus on safeguarding the country's core interests and
realizing overall strategic goals to guide war. Efforts to reduce war consumption, damage, collateral damage
and war damage, etc., to win the widest international sympathy and support for war and even post-war
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The second is to focus on winning the war quickly with minimal cost. Fully promote military democracy,
mobilize all positive factors, and maximize concentration. Do not start the war lightly because the opponent
is weak and the problem is simple; do not be afraid of the end because the opponent is strong and the
problem is complex; do not be reckless because of the smooth start and easy success. Do not reduce or
even abandon the established combat goals due to the fierce confrontation and increasing difficulties. Once
a war starts, it is necessary to repeatedly weigh various interests in an all-round, multi-perspective, and
multi-level manner according to the actual situation at the time and on the ground, and make scientific and
correct combat decisions flexibly. When it's time to fight, we must summon the courage to fight resolutely,
and when it's time to stop, we must choose a favorable situation and stop resolutely. The third is to focus on
the center of gravity and grasp the pivot to guide the war. The focus and pivot of combat guidance in
previous wars were prominently manifested in issues such as the main combat direction, the main targets,
the timing of the war, and the handling of special circumstances. In the information-based local war, these
centers of gravity and key positions still need to be grasped. Compared with this, whether the multi-domain
integrated joint operation system based on the network information system is sound and functioning
smoothly; how to give full play to the overall advantages of multi-domain integrated joint operations, and use
the high to control the low; how to find and grasp the strong points, weaknesses, and joints of the enemy's
combat system, and use firepower to destroy them, all require war directors to invest longer and more
energy to grasp and guide. With the development of information technology and intelligent technology and
its extensive and in-depth application in the military field, the focus of guidance for future warfare will
gradually shift to the information field and intelligent field, and guidance of information warfare, network
warfare, and intelligent warfare will become the focus of combat guidance in future wars.
2. Information-led, system breaking
Information dominance requires war directors to regard information as the dominant factor in winning wars,
insist on controlling the flow of information to control the flow of material and energy, and then strictly control
the combat process to ensure that combat operations are purposeful and orderly as planned. System
breakage requires war directors to pay close attention to two aspects: first, pay close attention to the
construction and security of their own combat system, insist on using a multi-domain integrated combat
system based on the network information system to confront the enemy, and strive to prevent the enemy
from fighting against itself. The destruction of the system ensures that one's own side always has an
advantageous position in the system confrontation; the second is to pay close attention to the strengths,
weaknesses, and nodes of the enemy's combat system, and comprehensively use a variety of methods to
break the nodes and destroy the paralyzed system, so that the battlefield develops in a direction beneficial
to oneself.
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Since war entered the stage of human history, information has been an important factor in winning wars.
However, due to the constraints of technical means, information in previous wars belonged to the category
of intelligence and played a supplementary role. In informationized local wars, under the combined effects of
computer, network, and intelligence technologies, information has surpassed the scope of intelligence and
has become a link that connects various combat elements, combat forces, and combat units. First, the
emergence of a large number of information systems has not only changed the laws of combat and combat
guidance, but also forced war directors to place information as a dominant element in the core position of
combat guidance, and attach great importance to the source of information acquisition, the quality of
collection, and the conversion methods, circulation speed, use efficiency, and self-repair capabilities of
information systems, etc., seek decision-making advantages with information advantages. The second is
that the networked information system has previously changed the pattern of people and scattered
equipment needing information and using information, and it is mandatory to transform the enemy's
situation, our situation and the battlefield environment into commanders, combatants, and weapons and
equipment that can be identified. Standard information that is convenient for man-machine dialogue and
remote operation, constructing a multi-domain integrated joint operation based on a network information
system that seamlessly links between the top probe of the reconnaissance and surveillance system to the
command and dispatch station, the weapon launch console, and various support elements, and the whole
system, rather than a certain part or some parts, is used as the material basis of combat guidance in order
to seek the effectiveness and efficiency of material flow and energy flow. That is to use information
superiority to improve the accuracy and damage capability of firepower, to use decision-making advantages
to maintain the firepower response speed of the enemy one step ahead, to maximize the effectiveness of
firepower, and to transform combat capabilities into tangible results. Third, the major military powers in the
world are vigorously advancing informatization construction and improving the combat system, requiring war
directors to put the fulcrum of winning wars on system confrontation, and strive to preserve themselves and
defeat the enemy.
3. Centralized and unified, joint victory
Centralization and unification requires war directors to scientifically organize combat forces based on the
overall strategic intent, establish a unified, authoritative, and efficient combat command system and
operating mechanism, and implement a high degree of unification of various forces, various elements, and
various firepower units participating in the war. The command and control of the government make it a joint
force. Combining victory requires war instructors to regard multi-domain integrated operations as the main
form of combat to win informatized local wars. Through multi-domain integrated operations, the advantages
are gathered to make up for the disadvantages, and the strengths and weaknesses are used to strive for
and maintain the advantages of system confrontation. Promote the war situation in a direction that is
beneficial to me, and finally achieve the combat goal.
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Information-based local wars, with multiple combat forces, multiple combat styles, frequent conversions, and
accelerated combat rhythms and put forward very high demands for the convergence and cooperation
between troops and troops in combat, between elements and elements, between combat and support, as
well as different stages, different actions, and difference areas of struggle. The quality of cohesion and
coordination determines the function of the combat system and the success or failure of system
confrontation. Therefore, the principles of centralized unity and joint victory must be followed in combat
guidance. One is to build a network-based information system with complete elements, responsiveness, and
smooth operation, capable of timely, complete, and accurate acquisition of various information needed for
combat, and a joint combat command organization that implements battlefield control in real time, efficiently,
and flexibly. The second is to select outstanding officers who have good qualities such as perseverance,
courage, tact, calmness, acceptance of group words, and the courage to take responsibility, and who can
creatively complete combat tasks to serve as joint operations commanders. The third is to unify the combat
organization, combat plan, combat objectives, strike targets, coordinated control, combat operations,
scheduling support, and combat situation evaluation, fundamentally integrate the forces participating in the
war, coordinate combat operations, make up for system shortcomings, and create asymmetrical
confrontation advantages, to defeat the enemy by multi-domain integrated operations and ensure the
smooth realization of combat objectives. It should be noted that the emphasis on centralized and unified
operational guidance does not restrict the flexible use of other command methods under centralized and
unified operations. At the same time, we must attach great importance to the construction and maintenance
of the combat command auxiliary decision-making system. By establishing an intelligent combat command
auxiliary decision-making system, improve the means and methods of military democratic expression, and
solidify collective wisdom into the software and hardware of the combat command system to improve
decision-making efficiency. It is necessary to study the emergency command mechanism in various
situations, legalize and institutionalize it, and ensure that the combat command under any situation is
authoritative and uninterrupted.
4. Offensive and defensive integration, focusing on offense
The offensive and defensive integration, focusing on offense, requires war instructors to resolutely
implement the strategic thinking of active defense and unify offensive operations and defensive operations.
We must use proactive offensive actions to force the enemy to fight on the battlefield we preset, use our
good methods, engage in the process we envision, and lead the battle to develop in accordance with our
wishes; but also attach great importance to the defensive operations in the offensive. Defend first before
attack, small attack and big defense, full defense, comprehensive defense, and quickly achieve the combat
goal with minimal cost.
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In information-based local wars, the combination of information-based weaponry and weapons of mass
destruction makes offensive operations more important than any period in history. It is impossible to win the
war without offense or weak offense; on the other hand, because the opponent is either an army with a high
degree of information technology, or an army with support or even direct military intervention of the world's
military powers. Therefore, while emphasizing the offensive, if we do not provide strict protection, we are at
risk of being preemptively counter-attacked by the enemy at any time, leading to damage or even paralysis
of our combat system. Therefore, it is necessary to regard integrated offense and defense with offense as
the focus of basic principles for the guidance of informatized local war operations. To make good use of this
principle, we must grasp the following points: first, we must strengthen the concept of offense. Whether it is
a war against aggression, a war to safeguard the unity of the motherland, or a war to safeguard national
sovereignty, security, and rights and interests, offense must be the main line of combat operations. The
second is to combine offense and defense, combining offense with defense. Unify offensive and defense,
plan as one, prepare as one, and act as one, and relieve the worries of offensive operations through full-
range defense, all-element defense, and tight defense; through active and effective offensive, reduce the
pressure on defense and ensure the overall stability and smooth operation of combat system of our side ,
and create conditions for winning the war. The third is to establish a big defense concept. Include sensitive
political targets, high-value economic targets,symbolic civilian targets, and other strategic targets related to
the national economy and people's livelihood that may be attacked by our side into the defense target
system, and actively coordinate relevant party and government agencies, enterprises and institutions to
mobilize all forces that can be mobilized. All available resources and facilities are used to implement national
defense, stabilize social order, and maintain the potential for war.
5. Seize the opportunity and strive for the initiative
To seize the first opportunity and strive for the initiative, war instructors are required to strictly abide by the
operational laws of informatized local wars, and seize the first opportunity as the basic means of winning. By
seizing the first opportunity, we always create unexpected special circumstances for the enemy, and force
the enemy to deal with it in a rush, and fight according to our vision and rhythm, so as to firmly grasp the
initiative on the battlefield until the overall victory of the war is achieved.
With the continuous improvement of the information warfare system, the massive use of information
weapons and the emergence of intelligent weapons, seizing the opportunity has increasingly become the
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key to winning informatized local wars. With the advantage of the first opportunity, we can destroy the key
nodes and vital points of the enemy's combat system, or reverse the unfavorable situation, passively change
to the initiative, and defeat the strong with the weak; or expand the advantageous situation to win the victory
at the least cost. Losing the advantages of the first opportunity, one's own combat system may be
destroyed, strong and weak, victory and defeat. To correctly grasp the guiding principles of seizing the first
opportunity and striving for the initiative, we should focus on the following points: First, we must be keen to
seize the first opportunity. In an information-based local war, because of the extremely fast flow of
information, the opportunity for first-hand opportunities is almost equal for the commanders of both sides.
Whoever is more sensitive to the first opportunity will be able to seize the first opportunity before the
opponent in the fierce confrontation, seize the first opportunity, and win the initiative in the war. Therefore,
war directors must keep their heads clear at all times and be able to keenly perceive opportunities when
they come, and create conditions for making good use of them. The second is to firmly grasp the first
opportunity. The background of information-based local wars is complicated, and combat guidance is
restricted by multiple factors such as politics, economy, and diplomacy. Therefore, when the first opportunity
arises, we must accurately grasp and make decisive decisions. Whether it is offensive or defensive, we must
strive for the first enemy to complete the combat preparations, the first enemy to deploy the combat
deployment, the first enemy to launch a decisive attack, the first enemy to change the center of focus and
combat stage, and always maintain a battlefield situation that is one step ahead of the enemy, and always
lead the enemy by the nose. The third is to work hard to create opportunities. Opportunity is an objective
reflection in the human brain. In the fierce confrontation of information-based local wars, war directors must
not only have the ability to perceive and grasp opportunities, but also be good at creating opportunities.
Make full use of various resources to create a fog of war for the enemy, interfere with and influence the
enemy's judgment and determination, force the enemy to hesitate and then form an opportunity that we can
use, strive for the initiative, and win the war.
6. Careful preparation, comprehensive protection
Careful preparation and comprehensive support require war directors to confront the special requirements
for intelligence support, information support, logistics and equipment support based on the information
system. With the support of the information system, meticulously plan, fully prepare, and strive to provide
users in need with reconnaissance, early warning, targets, meteorology, communications, electronic
countermeasures, engineering, chemical defense, ammunition, supplies, transportation, transportation,
finance, and equipment purchase, forwarding, maintenance, and technology precise support at the required
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Informationized local war is a contest between system and system. What determines the level of the system
is not the most advanced element in the system composition, but the most backward element in the system;
it depends not only on whether the system components are complete, but also whether the system
composition is reasonable and the operation is standardized. Any lack of support or untimely supply or
insufficient quantity may cause the entire combat system to function poorly or even collapse. Therefore,
careful preparation and comprehensive support must be taken as important principles for the guidance of
informatized local war operations. One is to carefully prepare intelligence and information assurance. Real-
time collection and update of information on the enemy's situation, our situation, and the battlefield situation,
as well as its possible development and changes, provide command organizations with decision-making
information, and provide target information, navigation services, and nuclear, biological and chemical
guarantees for fire strikes. The second is to carefully prepare logistics and equipment support. Relying
closely on the network information system, adopt methods such as centralized supply and decentralized
supply, special supply and general supply, fixed-point supply and regional supply, regular supply and
random supply, etc., to ensure that materials, equipment, technology, etc. can be provided in a timely,
adequate, and manageable amount of land Give the required combat units and combat forces.
Section Three: Operational Instructional Art
The art of operational instruction is an innovative form of expression of combat instruction. It follows the law
of operational guidance and arises from the practice of operational guidance. It reflects the excellent ability
of war directors to creatively use multidisciplinary knowledge for operational guidance. The art of operational
guidance is manifested through operational guidance practice, and is a vivid reflection of operational
guidance capabilities, operational guidance methods, operational guidance skills, and operational guidance
strategy levels. The art of operational instruction has the characteristics of science, creativity, integrity,
transcendence, and non-replicability. As long as we correctly grasp the basic laws of the art of combat
instruction, persist in coming from and into war, and organically integrate knowledge and practice, theory
and practice, and ideas and methods, we will surely be able to innovate the art of combat instruction.
1. The art of planning
Strategic planning is the operational guidance that all war directors must use their main energy to carry out.
The main task is to choose a battlefield that is beneficial to us, deploy forces that can effectively control the
enemy, and organize actions to promote the development of the war situation according to strategic
intentions and the enemy's situation and our situation, so as to form a battlefield situation that is beneficial to
us but not to the enemy.
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The art of strategy and deployment is mainly manifested in guiding the troops to prepare for battle and
promoting major changes in the battle situation, which embodies the foresight ability and strategic level of
the war director. For example the battle plan of "take down Jinzhou, close the door and fight the dog" in the
Liaoshen Campaign, the battle layout of "eat one, clip one, watch the other" in the Huaihai Campaign, and
preparations for the anti-landing operations of the Chinese and Korean armies after the fifth battle of the War
to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea all showed superb art of strategy and layout. In the informatization
of local wars, the art of innovating strategy and deployment should focus on scientific foresight, active
preparation, and careful planning.
Scientific foresight. Without scientific foresight, there would be no operational instructional art. To achieve
scientific foresight, first, we must organize comprehensive reconnaissance and early warning. Gradually
build a C4ISRK system for opponents, involving land, sea, air, space, network, electricity and other fields,
and combine technical reconnaissance with manual reconnaissance, strategic reconnaissance and
campaign tactical reconnaissance, and track and master the main strategic opponents and possible combat
targets’ strategic intentions, military dynamics, economic and social developments, etc., fully understand the
environmental conditions of the possible battlefield, and make a comprehensive correct judgment of the
enemy's situation, our situation and the battlefield situation at a speed faster than the enemy, more
intelligence than the enemy, and information that is more accurate to the enemy. The second is to
scientifically analyze intelligence information. Information-based local war operations have multiple sources
of information, rapid changes, and strong timeliness. Processing massive amounts of information requires
commanders to establish a scientific, intelligent, and convenient man-machine dialogue auxiliary decision-
making system, and integrate the wisdom of the command group into scientific intelligence analysis models
and in the modern intelligence analysis means, so as to ensure the scientificity, timeliness and accuracy of
intelligence analysis. The third is to keenly perceive and deeply insight into changes in the enemy's situation.
In an information-based local war, both the hostile parties will make full use of their strategies, using
camouflage, accompaniment and other means to try their best to conceal the true intentions. This requires
war instructors to have the insight and knowledge and be able to grasp the essence from the ordinary, and
discover the inevitable from the accident.
Active preparation. Innovating the operational instructional art must give full play to subjective initiative and
creatively organize operational preparations. One is to prepare based on the most complicated situation. In
informationized local wars, national security presents a complex situation in which domestic and
international contradictions are intertwined, and traditional security threats and non-traditional security
threats are intertwined. Problems in one area can often cause confusion in many areas, and the two
countries are fighting forces. It may cause a chain reaction among many countries.
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Therefore, only by preparing for combat based on the most complex situation, can we cope with it freely.
The second is to prepare based on the most serious situation. The situation is constantly changing. A
problem that will not happen at this time does not mean that it will never happen; a problem that we hope will
not happen does not mean that it will not happen. In operational guidance, we must think more about the
difficulties and more seriously, and we must never take it for granted in wishful thinking. Only by guiding
operational preparations based on the most difficult situations, can we calmly deal with all kinds of
Plan carefully. Strategy is the way to victory and the soul of the art of operational instruction. In an
information-based local war, the opposing parties' operational forces, operational systems, and operational
operations are transparent to each other, which makes the tactics of operational guidance particularly
important. The first is to seek a change in offense and defense. Resolutely implement the strategic thinking
of active defense and attach great importance to defensive operations during offense and offensive
operations during defense. When active, we must be clear-headed and strive to maintain a balance between
offense and defense; when passive, we must take the initiative to actively promote the transition between
offense and defense. The second is to plan a strategy to break the enemy. Give full play to the overall
advantages of multi-domain integrated joint operations, insist on controlling the low with high, controlling
slow with fast, and controlling static with movement, aiming at the strong points, weaknesses, and key
nodes of the enemy's operational system, and implement an asymmetrical system destructive warfare. In
actual combat, one should flexibly choose to strike at the enemy’s strengths, weaknesses, and key nodes at
the same time or one after another, all strikes, or selective strikes according to their own abilities and
battlefield conditions. The third is to seek the strong and the weak. Persevere in your fight, I fight mine, do
not show weakness in the face of strong enemies, actively seek local advantages, change the inferior to the
good, and accumulate small wins into big wins; in the face of the weak, you must defend and break the
enemy. It is necessary to destroy the enemy, to maintain and carry forward the advantage of the enemy, and
to promote the transformation of the advantage to the victory in a timely manner. The fourth is to seek what
is false and true. Adhere to flexible and mobile strategies and tactics, using methods such as showing
strength to make a false reality, true and false, and strive to create an illusion for the enemy and
unwillingness, and force the enemy to choose the timing and the battlefield fought in a way they are not
accustomed to fighting; this will create a surprise victory.
2. The art of seizing the key position
Mao Zedong pointed out: "Leaders at any level should focus their attention on those issues or actions that
are the most important and decisive to the overall situation under his command, and should not distracted
with other issues or actions.”[1] "One principle is to pay attention to those important points related to the
overall situation. "[2] other issues or actions.”[1]
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These most important and decisive questions or actions, and important joints are the key positions in
combat guidance. Key positions are hierarchical, and wars, campaigns, and battles have their own key
positions key positions have attributes, and different combat fields have different key positions; key positions
can be changed, a certain stage, a certain field, a certain level of a key position may not be a key position in
the next stage, other fields or levels; a key position needs to be discovered, and different commanders have
different understandings of the key position. A good grasp of the key position is to firmly grasp the key
issues that are decisive to the overall situation of the operation, promote the development of the overall
situation, and win the battle. The art of grasping the key position reflects the level of problem discovery and
problem solving ability of war directors. Fighting Jinzhou prefecture in the Liaoshen Campaign, first
destroying the Huang Baitao Corps in the Battle of Huaihai, and attacking Tianjin in the Battle of Ping-Jin,
etc., are all combat instruction art for grasping the key position well. The art of grasping the key position well
in the informationized local war should focus on three aspects.
Accurately select the key position. The operational positions of information-based local warfare have their
unique characteristics, such as the construction of the combat system in preparation for war, the breaking of
knots and nets in the implementation of war, and the comprehensive control of the battlefield. These are the
key position issues that are not as important in other forms of warfare. War directors must regard the
selection of the right combat position as the core task of operational guidance. It is necessary to conduct a
comprehensive and systematic study of possible combat opponents. It is necessary to study not only the
pivots in the opponent's operational system, but also the pivots in the opponent's defense system and the
socio-economic system that support war. In view of the actual situation of different opponents, prepare for
military conflict to defeat the opponent's combat system, war system, and socio-economic system. It is
necessary to determine the operational, tactical, and operational key positions in various fields around the
strategic operational key positions. Combat serves the battle, the battle serves the war, and everything
serves to destroy the enemy's operational system. The war director not only finds the strategic operational
key position, but also guides commanders at all levels and all types to focus on the strategic operational key
position, accurately identify the operational key position in the battle, the operational key position in the
battle, and the combatkey position in various fields, and link up and down, left and right combat key
positions, planning, preparing, and handling as one.
1. “Selected Works of Mao Zedong,” Volume 1, People's Publishing House, 1991 edition, p. 176-177.
2. "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 1, People's Publishing House, 1991 edition, p. 177.
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Chapter 13 Operational Guidance
Finding the combat key position accurately only discovered the key problem, and solving the problem also
requires the war instructor to use strategy and focus on grasping the combat key position. It is necessary to
seize the strategic key position to deploy the battle and seize the battle key position to deploy the battle.
Closely focus on strategic key positions, deploy campaign tactical forces, coordinate campaign and tactical
actions, and promote the thorough settlement of strategic key position issues by solving the problems of
campaign and tactical key positions. In an information-based local war, the combat systems of the two
opposing parties are transparent to each other, and the pivot that our side wants to attack is also the pivot of
the enemy's key defense. Therefore, to seize the key position and push forward the battle situation, we must
fully display strategies, and use tactics such as manifestation, invisibility, and arrogance, which will cause
the enemy's illusion and unconsciousness and surprise the victory. For example, the Chinese People’s
Volunteers entered the North Korean war which the United States did not expect, and the Chinese People’s
Volunteers adopted the strategy of stealth accumulation to secretly enter the North Korea not only to
achieve the suddenness in strategy and campaign, but also to solve the problem of a strategic key position
for seizing the initiative in the early stage of the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea. As Mao
Zedong pointed out: "Illusions and unconsciousness can lose advantage and initiative. Therefore,
systematically creating the illusion of the enemy and giving unintentional attacks are the methods to create
superiority and seize the initiative, and it is an important method."[1]
Switch key positions at appropriate times. The phased characteristics of the key position determine that war
directors must closely follow changes in the battle situation and switch key positions in due course. If the
conversion is good and timely, there are conditions for victory; otherwise, it is hard to escape the fate of
failure. To switch key positions in time, one is to switch accurately. The ebb and flow of the enemy's strength
and the possible changes in the main combat targets exist objectively. Only by looking at the issue of
combat key positions in a developmental way can we always find the combat key positions in the ever-
changing military conflict situation and ensure that we do not fight unprepared battles. Therefore, it is
necessary to comprehensively and accurately judge the situation, and accurately transform the operational
key position according to changes in the situation. The second is to convert in a timely manner. The
fundamental change in the battlefield situation is the main basis for the transformation of the key position. In
addition, the probabilities of war may also cause misconceptions and mistakes of war directors. Therefore, it
is necessary to correct the judgment and conclusion of the combat key position in real time according to the
battlefield situation, and change the combat key position in a planned way. The third is to proactively convert
in a predictable manner. The development of everything has its own objective laws. Only by correctly
understanding the laws of combat and accurately grasping the laws of combat can we scientifically foresee
the next stage of combat situation, take the initiative to do a good job in the transformation of the key
position, and firmly grasp the initiative on the battlefield.
1. "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" Vol. 2, People's Publishing House, 1991 edition, . 491.
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3. The art of controlling the operational situation
To control the operational situation is to proceed from the political needs, through the orderly control of the
release of combat energy, to promote the development of the battle situation in a predetermined direction. It
is an extremely difficult and demanding operational guidance activity, which embodies the war director’s
grasp of the characteristics of war and the ability to control the overall situation of the war. The following four
key points should be focused on controlling the operational situation in an information-based local war.
Objectively determine the operational situation. The operational situation is formed in the military conflict
between the two opposing parties, and the degree of understanding of the operational situation determines
the scientific nature of combat guidance. Only by objectively judging the operational situation can the
subjectivity and objectivity be unified, and the key points that promote the development of the war situation
can be found and grasped, and the battle can be guided to victory. To objectively determine the operational
situation, it is necessary to actively broaden the source channels of battlefield information, continuously
enhance the credibility of battlefield information, focus on improving the identification and transmission
speed of battlefield information, and capture and maintain the information advantage of one step faster,
more enemies, and better than the enemy. It is necessary to scientifically interpret operational iinformation at
different levels and from different sources, and not be underestimated because of the low level of
information sources or accidental gains, and not be credulous because the sources of information are
reliable and widely disseminated. Adhere to a scientific and realistic attitude, a method of dividing in two,
and the habit of coherent thinking to carefully screen every piece of information. It is necessary to see the
small knowledge and to prevent the generalization, personal preference or dissociation of information, and
unwillingness to happen. Seeing that it hasn't happened, and seeing what you want to happen has
happened, which affects correct judgment and decision-making. It is necessary to fully promote military
democracy, pay attention to the collective wisdom, conduct comprehensive analysis of all kinds of
information to remove the false and keep the truth, and to grasp the essence through the phenomenon.
Timely control combat objectives. The system confrontation in the information-based local war requires rapid
changes in the operational situation. War directors are required to pay close attention to the changes in the
operational situation and regulate the operational objectives in a timely manner. When the operational
situation is favorable, the rapid development of the battle situation should be promoted by speeding up the
process and raising the combat target; when the operational situation is unfavorable, the combat target
should be appropriately lowered according to the situation, avoiding the enemy's edge, and waiting for the
opportunity to reverse the adverse situation. Regardless of whether it is to raise or lower the operational
objective, it must be based on political goals and the development of the operational situation, seek
advantages and avoid disadvantages, and strive for the dominance of controlling the operational situation.
Scientifically organize combat operations. In an informationized local war, different combat operations have
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Chapter 13 Combat Guidance
different impacts on the war situation, and different sequences of combat operations have different effects
on the battle situation and its effects. Therefore, it is necessary to scientifically design combat procedures
and strictly organize combat operations. The first is to determine combat operations based on the
development needs of the operational situation. For example, the opening battle requires the organization of
long-range precision strike operations, breaking the body and tearing the mouth, deterring the enemy, and
quickly seizing the control information, the space and the air control, and creating favorable conditions for
subsequent operations; the ending battle requires the orderly organization of troops to separate from hostile
contact to prevent heavy losses due to enemy counterattacks. The second is to control the combat rhythm
according to combat objectives. When combat operations should be fast, it is like a storm, do not give the
enemy a chance to breathe and counter, completely defeat the enemy's combat system and spirit of
resistance, and firmly control the development of the battle situation; when it is time to slow down, we must
take strict protection, stop and stop, maintain pressure, to prevent losing control of the battle situation due to
being caught by the enemy. The third is to adjust combat operations in accordance with the combat center
of gravity, combat key points, and combat peaks. The focus of operations is the focus that can control the
overall situation of operations. Combat key points are the key link linking action and action, force and force,
system and system, and are the key to the overall planning of operations. The combat culmination is the
critical point of the maximum combat capability of the opposing party or both parties in combat. It is
necessary to closely focus on the focus of combat and firmly grasp the joints of combat to create our
asymmetrical advantage against the enemy and push the war situation to victory.
Correctly handle various relationships. Information-based local wars involve many important strategic
relationships, which must be fully grasped and handled correctly. One is to correctly handle the relationship
between offense and defense. It is necessary to break the network, paralyze the heart, and deter the enemy
with lightning-fast offensive actions; it is also necessary to organize tight defense, full-area defense, and full-
range defense to ensure that our combat system is basically stable. Offensive and defensive, offensive and
defensive, offensive and defensive integrated, effective control of the enemy. The second is to correctly
handle the relationship between blows and checks and balances. Strikes must be firm and courageous, and
checks and balances must be tactical. Never turn a small war into a big one, turn a civil war into a foreign
war, and turn a conventional war into a nuclear war. The third is to correctly handle the relationship between
destroying the enemy's viable power and destroying the enemy's operational system. Destroying the
enemy's operational system is the key, and destroying the enemy's viable force is an important task. Only by
smashing the enemy's operating system can the material basis of the enemy's resistance be broken down
and the enemy's will and determination to resist can be deprived. At the same time, we must also realize
that destroying the enemy's viable power is still very important under certain conditions, and is closely
related to the operational system of destroying the enemy.
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4. The art of using tactics flexibly
To use the tactics flexibly is to expand the advantages through flexible use of the tactics, gain and maintain
the initiative on the battlefield, and win the war. The use of tactics should focus on the following three
Choose tactics flexibly according to different situations. The main battlefield of information-based local wars
may be on the sea or on land. The method of tactics must be selected flexibly according to the actual
situation. One is to use troops because of the enemy. To deal with powerful enemies, we must avoid real
attacks. By exploiting strengths and circumventing weaknesses, we will continue to create asymmetrical
local advantages against strong enemies, accumulate small wins into big victories, and finally defeat strong
enemies; to deal with weak enemies, we must fully develop our overall advantages and choose asymmetric
tactics that effectively control the enemy, strive to quickly defeat the enemy with an overwhelming
advantage, minimize the cost of war, and increase the effectiveness of war. The second is to oppose
common soldiers. According to the actual situation, flexibly adopt the abnormal tactics of using the weak to
control the strong and the low to control the high, causing the enemy to be unwilling. Take advantage of the
panic to win in chaos. The third is to give full play to the advantages. Regardless of whether it is normal use
of troops or anti-commonly used troops, the gist is to create a certain time and space advantage over the
enemy through flexible selection of tactics, and to continuously promote the transformation of the battle
situation from superiority to victory.
Change tactics flexibly according to changes in the situation. The ever-changing conditions on the battlefield
require war directors to respond to changes and firmly control the initiative. One is that the enemy has
changed and we have changed. Special attention must be paid to the internal changes and external
environment of the enemy's combat system. When fundamental changes occur, we must act decisively,
seize the main contradictions that affect the changes in the battle situation, adopt flexible and mobile
strategies and tactics, maintain and give play to the advantages of our army, and ultimately defeat the
enemy. The second is that the enemy changes and we remain unchanged. As long as there is no
fundamental change in the operational situation, no matter what tactics the enemy uses, he should stick to
the established goal and respond unchanged to all changes. The third is that the enemy remains unchanged
and we change. In the face of a strong enemy, we must strive to capture and create advantageous fighter
opportunities, disrupt the enemy's rhythm with flexible and changeable tactics, turn passiveness into
initiative, and defeat the strong with the weak.
Creatively use new tactics according to combat needs. It is necessary to break the shackles of stereotyped
thinking and improve and create tactics in accordance with the new environment, new situation, and new
opponents. It is necessary to attach importance to the combination and innovation of tactics to produce
surprising results. It is necessary to suddenly use new tactics to deter the enemy suddenly and win the
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Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
Non-war military operations refer to non-war military operations carried out by a country or political group to
achieve a certain political goal, using military force, using non-violent or limited violent means. Under the
conditions of the new era, with the expansion of national interests and the rise of non-traditional security
threats, the role of non-war military operations has become increasingly prominent, and has become an
important method of national military force use and an effective means to maintain national security and
Performing non-war military missions is an inevitable requirement for the military to perform its duties and
missions and an important way to enhance its combat capabilities. Its status is prominent in the following
aspects: first, it can play an important role in maintaining national stability. Natural disasters and public
health incidents are increasing and destructive. Various emergencies occur frequently and have great
psychological shock. The threat of terrorism is serious and political influence is great, which will have a
serious impact on economic construction and even social stability. Non-war military operations such as
counter-terrorism operations, stability maintenance operations, rescue and disaster relief, and security and
vigilance can ensure rapid response, control the situation, reduce losses, and restore stability. Second, it
can play a unique role in deterring war. The mediation and monitoring of hostile parties in international
peacekeeping operations can avoid or reduce the possibility of conflicts and wars. Border containment
operations can effectively control the border situation, prevent escalation, reduce conflicts, and avoid wars.
The third is to deepen international security cooperation. Non-war military operations such as international
rescue and escort are all of a military cooperation nature, which plays an important role in establishing an
international image, increasing mutual trust, and strengthening friendly relations with relevant countries.
Therefore, non-war military operations are an important means of national diplomacy and an effective tool
for strengthening international cooperation.
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The fourth is to enhance the ability to win wars. Carrying out non-war military operations is not only a
requirement for accomplishing missions, but also a test and exercise for the troops, which is conducive to
improving the combat capabilities of the troops. In the process of conducting non-war military operations, the
troops can be tempered and improved in planning, decision-making, organization, implementation,
command, and support, thus laying a solid foundation for winning the war.
Section One: The Main Form of Non-War Military Operations
The style of non-war military operations is dynamic and developing. In different historical periods, different
countries, and different stages of national development, the types of non-war military operations carried out
by the military are different. To study the possible non-war military operations patterns of our military in the
future, we should focus on three points: first, the non-traditional security threats facing our country in the
future are the basic basis for studying non-war military operations; second, our military fulfills the historical
mission of the new era. Strategic requirements are the fundamental guidance for the study of non-war
military operations; third, the actual capability and possible development of our military's non-war military
operations are important factors for studying non-war military operations. Analyzing from these three
aspects, our military's non-war military operations can be summarized into nine aspects.
1. Anti-terrorism operations
China is a country seriously threatened by terrorism. Using military means to fight against terrorism and
maintain national security is a long-term strategic task facing our military. Our military’s counter-terrorism
operations mainly refer to military actions taken against various terrorist activities by using military resources
and means. The main purpose is to prevent terrorist activities from occurring, combat various terrorist
forces, eliminate the consequences of terrorist attacks, and reduce the threat of terrorism. The terrorist
threats China faces in the future are mainly the "three forces." In counter-terrorism operations, the military is
mainly responsible for specific tasks such as intelligence reconnaissance, protection and defense,
deterrence and attack, and elimination of consequences. According to the nature of military operations, it
can be roughly divided into two categories: one is preventive action, which mainly refers to the
countermeasures taken before the occurrence of terrorist activities. Including various preventive and
protective measures taken to quell terrorist conspiracies, such as collecting intelligence on terrorist
organizations, formulating and improving anti-terrorism action plans, strengthening the security protection of
important targets, formulating rescue plans after terrorist attacks, and carrying out targeted anti-terrorism
exercises and training.
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The second is military strike operations, which mainly refer to various scale and various forms of strike
operations against terrorists, including pursuing and suppressing terrorists, attacking terrorist camps, seizing
important targets controlled by terrorists, and rescuing hostages.
As the threat of international terrorism rises, the future anti-terrorism tasks of our military are also changing.
First, counter-terrorism and stability maintenance are intertwined. The terrorist threats facing our country are
often closely related to religious extremist forces and ethnic separatist forces. In most cases, anti-terrorism
is closely linked with stability maintenance operations, with complex backgrounds and difficult handling. The
second is that overseas counter-terrorism tasks will gradually increase. Our army has held joint counter-
terrorism military exercises with many countries. In the future, with the strengthening of the "SCO" counter-
terrorism mechanism and the needs of China's counter-terrorism struggle, our army's outbound counter-
terrorism tasks will increase. The third is the expansion of the field of counter-terrorism. In the future, our
military may take on more tasks in dealing with super-terrorism, cyber terrorism, and terrorist threats in some
special areas that may be caused by the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
2. Stability maintenance operations
Stability maintenance operations refer to military operations that are used to cooperate with other powerful
departments of the country and local governments to deal with various large-scale mass incidents, and to
maintain the country's political stability, social stability, and the normal order of people's life and production.
Stability maintenance operations are sometimes closely linked with counter-terrorism operations, but in most
cases they are implemented relatively independently. Anti-terrorism operations are to deal with the threats of
hostile forces, while stability maintenance operations are mainly to deal with various mass incidents and
deal with contradictions among the people.
Our military's stability maintenance operations are mainly responsible for two tasks: the first is to deal with
large-scale mass incidents. Due to social transformation and economic system transformation, conflicts of
interests between different social classes have increased, and large-scale mass incidents have occurred
from time to time due to factors such as judicial unfairness and corruption. The purpose of stability
maintenance operations is to maintain national security and social stability. The second is to stop and quell
riots (turmoil, riots). Such tasks are mainly aimed at a small number of people who use contradictions and
accidents among the people to instigate a large number of people to cause trouble and cause large-scale
riots and social unrest.
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The main forms of stability maintenance operations are: forced isolation, forced dispersal, site closure, traffic
control, curfew and martial law, fixed-point inspections, search and arrest, alert on important targets, and
rescue of trapped persons. When carrying out the task of maintaining stability, most of them are faced with
the masses who do not know the truth. They are very political and policy-oriented. There are not only the
use of military forces, but also the problems of propaganda, education, and guidance of the masses. It is
necessary to strictly grasp the policies and give full play to politics. Advantages, accurately strike a small
number of hostile elements, maximize the support of the people, control the escalation of the situation,
reduce negative effects, and restore normal order as soon as possible.
3. Rescue and disaster relief
Emergency rescue operations refer to emergency rescue operations carried out by military forces when
major natural disasters, severe accidents, disasters and large-scale public health events occur. China is one
of the countries most threatened by natural disasters in the world. Every year, earthquakes, typhoons,
droughts and floods, and various geological disasters cause huge losses; in the context of rapid economic
and social development, due to various human factors the number of major accidents and disasters caused
is increasing; global warming, environmental degradation and other reasons cause some major infectious
diseases to occur from time to time.
Our military has a high degree of combat readiness, rapid response, tight organization, and strong
professional capabilities. It is an assault force for emergency rescue and disaster relief. Specific tasks that
may be undertaken in rescue and disaster relief: first, rescue, transfer or evacuate trapped persons. The
second is to protect the safety of important targets. The third is to rescue and deliver important materials.
The fourth is to participate in professional rescues such as road repairs (bridges, tunnels), maritime search
and rescue, nuclear and chemical biological rescue, epidemic control, and medical rescue. The fifth is to
eliminate or control other critical and dangerous situations and disasters. When necessary, they should also
assist local people's governments in post-disaster reconstruction and other work. Major natural disasters,
severe accidents, disasters, and major public health incidents often happen suddenly, time is tight, tasks are
heavy, and requirements are high. The military usually undertakes urgent, difficult, dangerous and heavy
tasks under the unified leadership and coordination of governments at all levels, and it is necessary to
improve rescue and disaster relief. For efficiency and effectiveness, unified command, joint operations, and
full use of the role of professional forces are required to achieve scientific use of troops and efficient disaster
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Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
4. Security and Guarding
Security and guarding operations refer to special security operations carried out in coordination with local
governments in accordance with the unified deployment of the country to ensure the smooth implementation
of major national activities and the safety of important strategic goals. Judging from the current situation and
future development, the security and guarding tasks undertaken by our military mainly fall into the following
three categories: first, security and guarding for major international activities. With the strengthening of
China's comprehensive national strength and the continuous improvement of its international influence,
more and more important international conferences, business activities, and sports events are held by
China. These occasions usually gather heads of state and politicians from all countries, and the international
influence is significant. Therefore, we must strictly guard against disruption and destruction by hostile forces.
The second is security guarding for major state events. It is mainly the security task of important meetings
and important celebrations of the party and the country. The third is the security and guarding of important
targets. With the rapid economic and social development, there are more and more high-value targets that
require security and guarding, such as the Three Gorges Dam, nuclear power plants, oil and gas pipelines,
etc., ensuring the safety of these important targets is essential to economic development and social security.
The main types of security operations include: intelligence collection, target guards, security inspections,
technical support, professional rescue, patrols, etc. Due to the large number of security and guarding targets
during major events, the concentration of personnel, and the large flow of people, it is very easy to be used
by terrorists and other hostile forces to take the opportunity to carry out terrorist activities and create
incidents. Once successful, the consequences will be serious. In security and guarding, the military mainly
undertakes critical target alert and air and maritime alert tasks. The range of security and guarding is large
and the situation is complex and changeable. It must be under the unified command and control of the joint
command organization, carefully planned, closely coordinated, and give full play to the overall force. It
should also be noted that our military may concurrently perform the task of counter-terrorism and stability
maintenance during the security and guarding operations, and we must make corresponding preparations.
5. International peacekeeping
International peacekeeping operations refer to the dispatch of military observers and peacekeeping forces to
disputed or conflict areas in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions, regional organization
resolutions, or agreements between countries, and through supervision and implementation of ceasefire
agreements and control of conflicts and wars, in order to finally create conditions for resolving disputes or
conflict through political channels. . So far, the international peacekeeping operations undertaken by our
military mainly include: armistice supervision, restoration of order in conflict areas, and demining,
engineering, medical treatment, transportation, security guards, armed guards, and patrols in war-torn
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From the perspective of development trends, the tasks and scope of our military's participation in
international peacekeeping may be further expanded in the future.
From the perspective of future development, although the international situation will remain generally stable,
local conflicts and wars will be difficult to quell, posing a threat to international security and regional stability,
and international peacekeeping tasks within the framework of the United Nations are on the increase. As a
permanent member of the United Nations, China will assume more responsibilities and obligations in
international affairs with the improvement of its national strength. It should participate more actively in United
Nations peacekeeping operations in order to fully demonstrate its good image as a responsible major
country and enhance its international status. Influence.
6. International Rescue
International rescue operations refer to humanitarian rescue operations that are carried out in accordance
with relevant agreements of the United Nations and other international organizations or the request of the
country concerned when natural disasters, accidents, disasters, public health incidents and wars occur in
other countries. The main purpose of our military's international rescue operations is to fulfill its humanitarian
and international obligations, and at the same time, it can display its image as a responsible major country,
enhance China's influence and voice in international and regional affairs, and cooperate with the country's
overall diplomacy to strengthen political, diplomatic and military relations with relevant countries.
There may be three situations in which our army can carry out international rescue operations: one is the
international rescue operation under the framework of the United Nations, led and coordinated by the
Security Council; the second is the international rescue operation jointly implemented by our country and
other countries under the leadership of regional organizations; the third is based on At the request of the
country concerned, our country implements an international rescue operation independently. International
rescue operations mainly include personnel search and rescue, engineering rescue, medical rescue, food
and material emergency support, and other forms of special rescue tasks. International rescue operations
are strong in policy, involving a wide range of areas, high sensitivity, long distances, tight time, high quality
of personnel, strong professional capabilities, and scientific dispatch, joint operations, and rapid Respond to
improve the rescue effect.
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Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
7. Escort
Convoy escort refers to the use of military forces to protect sea routes, strategic channels and important
ships from attacks by hostile countries, terrorism, and organized armed criminals, and to ensure the smooth
flow of maritime shipping and the safety of ships. With the rapid economic development, China's foreign
trade has grown rapidly, maritime traffic has risen sharply, maritime strategic channels and maritime
transport safety issues have become increasingly prominent, and escort has become an important task of
our military under new historical conditions.
Convoy escort includes the following specific tasks: one is maritime patrol. Mainly patrol important routes
and waters. The second is escort actions taken against specific threats. Possible forms include
accompanying escort, regional escort, and ship escort. The third is to show the influence and control
capabilities on important straits. Including joint military exercises and maritime deterrence operations against
maritime terrorist threats, piracy and other maritime crimes. At present and for a certain period in the future,
the main route of China's maritime transport is from the South China Sea into the Indian Ocean and the Red
Sea through the Strait of Malacca, and then into the Mediterranean and the Atlantic through the Suez Canal.
It not only has an important strategic position, but also has a very prominent security issue. It will be our
military. The key routes for the implementation of escort operations. From the development trend, there are
two points worthy of great attention: first, the current escort is mainly to deal with the threat of pirates, but
the content and scope of future missions may be expanded. Out of the strategic need to contain and contain
China, hegemonic countries may exercise control over important air routes that are of great interest to
China; some countries that have disputes with China may also pose a threat to the security of China's sea
lanes. The second is that the protection and escort operations currently implemented by our military are
basically organized and implemented separately. From the perspective of future development, in order to
effectively respond to threats such as international terrorism and piracy, it is necessary to strengthen joint
operations with foreign forces in terms of intelligence, command and security.
8. Border closure
Border closure and control operations refer to the use of military forces in border areas to implement
blockade and control operations on certain areas in order to maintain the security and stability of the
country's border defenses. In the following situations, it is necessary to take control actions: first, the hostile
country's infiltration, harassment, and sabotage activities have caused side effects.
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The situation in the border areas is turbulent; the second is that the "three forces" at home and abroad
collude with each other to create turmoil in the border area; the third is the illegal entry of refugees and
armed personnel in neighboring countries due to wars, civil disturbances, major epidemics, and severe
natural disasters, which have seriously affected China’s border areas safety and stability.
Border closure control mainly includes the following actions: one is inspection. That is, to strengthen patrols
and inspections of sensitive border areas and border areas to prevent foreigners from illegally crossing the
border. The second is blocking. That is, to adopt coercive measures to block and intercept the "three forces"
and illegal armed personnel abroad to ensure the security and stability of our border areas. The third is
isolation. That is, to establish special isolation areas for proper resettlement of refugees from neighboring
countries who have flooded our borders due to wars, civil strife, major epidemics, and severe natural
disasters to ensure the safety of our border areas. Border containment operations are compulsory and
confrontational. Under certain circumstances, it cannot be ruled out that they evolve into military conflicts.
Therefore, effective control of the situation and escalation of the situation and ensuring the security and
stability of the border area are the key to the success or failure of the closure operation.
9. Overseas evacuation
Overseas evacuation operations refer to the embassies and consulates, Chinese-funded institutions, and
Chinese-funded institutions stationed abroad that will be seriously threatened when a large-scale armed
conflict or war occurs in another country, a serious civil disturbance or a major natural disaster. Visit tourism
to visit relatives, nationals, overseas students, and Chinese and overseas Chinese, and evacuate or transfer
to the country or other safe areas. With the expansion of overseas interests, the number of people from our
country who are engaged in economic and trade activities, international exchanges, study abroad visits, and
travel to visit relatives around the world continues to increase. Overseas evacuation actions may be taken in
the following situations: first, armed conflicts or wars in the country concerned lead to political instability and
threaten the safety of our overseas personnel and property; second, serious anti-Chinese and anti-Chinese
incidents occur in the country concerned, which will affect the Chinese and overseas Chinese. The safety of
life and property poses a serious threat; the third is the occurrence of severe natural disasters, major
terrorist attacks, and major public health incidents in the country concerned, and local Chinese and overseas
Chinese are in difficult circumstances or suffer large losses.
Overseas evacuation operations are usually carried out in a peaceful manner, but under certain
circumstances, forced evacuation can also be used. The overseas evacuation operation is a limited military
operation carried out on the territory of another country. It requires the cooperation of the country concerned
and must be fully negotiated with the country concerned through diplomatic channels, carefully planned, and
strictly organized.
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Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
Section Two: Basic Features of Non-War Military Operations
To plan and direct non-war military operations correctly, we must first recognize the basic characteristics of
non-war military operations. Non-war military operations and war have common characteristics in many
aspects, but due to the influence and restriction of many factors, non-war military operations have their own
characteristics and laws.
1. Mission is important and politics is prominent
Non-war military operations, like war, are both the embodiment of national strategic interests and political
will, and they are also political continuations. International rescue, international peacekeeping, and escort
are all closely linked to the country’s political and diplomatic struggles, and are highly political in nature. Anti-
terrorism operations, stability maintenance operations, rescue and disaster relief, security and vigilance are
related to national security and social stability, the safety of people's lives and property, and the image of the
country. They are also highly political military operations. They are the political will of the party in peacetime
and the party in critical moments. The direct manifestation of his ability to govern is an important means to
achieve political goals.
From the perspective of non-war military operations, their purpose, process and effects are all strictly
restricted by politics. One is that the purpose of non-war military operations is directly regulated by political
goals, and the result of military operations is often the result of politics. Whether it is fighting terrorism and
maintaining stability, or responding to major natural disasters, whether operating within the country or
performing tasks outside the country, it must obey the political purpose of serving the country, with the
fundamental starting point of safeguarding the country's fundamental interests. The second is that the
course of action is strictly controlled by politics. The timing, methods, means and intensity of action, as well
as every level of action, are strictly restricted by political requirements. A little carelessness will have a major
political impact. The third is that the effects of actions are measured by political standards. The effectiveness
of non-war military operations mainly depends on whether limited military operations can achieve the
greatest political benefits.
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2. As actions are taken more frequently, a norm emerges
With the development of the situation, non-war military operations have rapidly increased, and the
characteristics of normalization have become increasingly prominent. From the perspective of security
threats, non-traditional security threats have increased. Although some can be resolved through political and
diplomatic channels, there are more and more cases of dealing with and responding to non-traditional
security threats by using military forces as the main or coordinated military means. From the perspective of
mission scope, non-war military operations missions are implemented in multiple fields. In order to maintain
national security and stability, it is necessary to perform tasks such as counter-terrorism and stability
maintenance; to protect people's lives and property, it is necessary to perform tasks such as flood relief,
earthquake relief and disaster relief; in order to cooperate with political and diplomatic struggles and
strengthen international military cooperation, it is necessary to carry out international peacekeeping and
international rescue and other tasks. From the field of operations and space, non-war military operations
may be implemented on land or at sea; they may be implemented at home or abroad. It can be seen that
non-war military operations have become regular and have become the most frequent and frequent way of
using military forces.
3. An incident happened suddenly and the emergency was prominent
Responding to multiple security threats by non-war military operations can be divided into two situations:
one is that the occurrence of a threat has a process from incubation, occurrence to escalation, and response
to such threats is generally prepared and planned actions. The other is a major emergency that occurs at a
time and place that is unpredictable in advance. This type of situation is increasing and it is very difficult to
deal with. It is the focus of preparations for non-war military operations. In this regard, we must pay special
attention to the following characteristics: the incident is sudden and the situation is urgent. Non-war military
operations respond to terrorist activities, mass incidents, major natural disasters, etc., which usually erupt
suddenly, and its time, location, and scale are difficult to grasp in advance. Once it occurs, the situation is
very urgent. The second is the rapid development and evolution of events. The event developed rapidly,
spread and escalated quickly. For example, terrorist and violent incidents are often caused by collusion
between internal and external forces. After some major natural disasters occur, they often cause secondary
disasters in a short period of time, making rescue more difficult. Third, the best time to control the escalation
of the situation is limited. Due to the continuous improvement of the degree of social informatization,
especially the popularization of communication methods such as information networks and mobile phone
text messages, very high requirements are put forward for the timeliness of handling major emergencies.
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Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
The best time to control the escalation of the situation is extremely limited. Fighters are fleeting,
determination must be decisive, and measures and means must be taken promptly and quickly. Fourth, the
requirements for emergency dispatch are high. Major emergencies often erupt suddenly in unpredictable
ways and places at unpredictable times and places. In this case, the force is usually mobilized temporarily
and dispatched in an emergency, requiring the force to complete the task without prior preparation or
insufficient preparation.
4. The confrontation intensity is low, and the flexibility is high
Some of the tasks of non-war military operations are to resolve confrontational conflicts, such as anti-
terrorism, escort protection, etc., require the use of lower-intensity violent means; some are to solve non-
confrontational conflicts, such as maintaining stability and handling large-scale mass incidents, with
relatively low confrontation intensity; others are for natural disasters, such as flood fighting and earthquake
resistance, disaster relief etc. These characteristics determine that non-war military operations are different
from war in the use of power, with greater flexibility, more selectivity, and stronger pertinence.
The flexibility of non-war military operations is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: First, there are
many types of operations. Non-war military operations tasks are distributed in various fields, and their nature
is also very different. With a single method and a single force composition, it is difficult to deal with the
increasingly complex and diversified security threats. The second is strong selectivity. Due to the many
types of non-war military operations, the use of power emphasizes the characteristics and needs of different
tasks, choosing corresponding power and means, and flexibly using troops to effectively achieve political
goals. The third is the command relationship. The command relationship of war is relatively fixed, while there
are many types of non-war military operations, and the command relationship is changing. Some tasks, such
as large-scale counter-terrorism operations and anti-riot operations, are often commanded by the military as
the main unit, and local support and cooperation; some tasks, such as rescue and disaster relief, security
guards, and overseas evacuation, are generally led by the locals and the military participates in the
operation; some tasks, such as counter-terrorism, escort, and international rescue, usually require a joint
command relationship with foreign forces.
5. The strength is diverse, and the unity is outstanding
Whether it is an information-based local war or a non-war military operation, it is necessary to implement
various joint operations forces, multiple departments, various services and arms. However, due to the
numerous styles and
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different characteristics of non-war military operations, there are also more ways of coalition. In major
disaster relief operations, the government, the military, and various local rescue forces need to cooperate
with each other; in stability maintenance operations, it is necessary to mobilize the party, government, and
military forces to conduct joint operations under the unified leadership of the party and government; in
international peacekeeping operations, international rescue, international joint anti-terrorism operations,
under the unified coordination of the United Nations, may establish synergistic relations with other countries
to implement joint operations.
6. The task are varied, and the professionalism is outstanding
Non-war military operations tasks are distributed in different fields, and the nature of the tasks is different.
Different tasks must use different professional forces to achieve the expected results. Such as earthquake
relief, we must focus on the use of professional earthquake rescue teams and engineers; anti-terrorism
operations and stability maintenance operations, we must focus on the use of anti-riot special forces;
international rescue operations, we must focus on the use of medical, engineering, transportation and other
professional rescue forces. Therefore, the use of professional power is extremely important to accomplish
various tasks with great differences. Professional equipment must be updated, professional training must be
strengthened, and professional capabilities for completing various non-war military operations must be
7. Increased overseas and prominent international operations
With the expansion of national strategic interests and the continuous improvement of China's international
status, our military "goes out" to undertake more and more non-war military missions such as international
peacekeeping, international rescue, escort, and overseas evacuation. In many cases, there are issues of
how to cooperate with international organizations, relevant countries and foreign militaries. Especially in the
task of dealing with some common international security threats, the characteristics of international
cooperation are more prominent.
In overseas operations, the content of international cooperation is very extensive, mainly in three aspects:
intelligence cooperation. In anti-terrorism, anti-piracy, and international rescue operations, intelligence
cooperation between countries is very important. Sometimes it is difficult to accomplish the task by relying
solely on one's own strength. Only by implementing intelligence and information sharing can the effect of the
operation be improved. The second is cooperation in command coordination. In principle, when our combat
troops perform tasks outside the country, they generally carry out independent and autonomous command.
However, if they assume tasks under the framework of the United Nations, joint command with foreign
troops cannot be ruled out.
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Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
The third is cooperation in safeguards. Undertake international tasks outside the country, and sometimes
implement independent logistics equipment support, but under certain circumstances, they must rely on the
United Nations to support, and even establish a joint support mechanism with foreign troops.
8. High Level of action and transparency
Non-war military operations are mainly to deal with non-traditional security threats, and most non-traditional
security threats themselves have high transparency. With the increase of social informatization and
openness, many non-war military operations are carried out under the supervision of public media and
public opinion at home and abroad. Therefore, the rationality, legitimacy and transparency of the use of
military forces and methods have a great impact on whether political goals can be achieved.
With the development of the Internet, TV, and mobile communications, social transparency has become
higher and higher. This highly transparent public opinion environment has had two effects on military
operations: on the one hand, correct decision-making, decisive handling, and effective measures In addition,
correct public opinion guidance can achieve the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort. On the
other hand, any improper mistakes in the military's mission, from command and decision-making to military
operations, will be exposed to the media. Confusion and wanton distortion may increase the difficulty of
controlling the situation and even cause overall passivity. Therefore, a sound policy and legal system, a
keen policy awareness, and a strong legal concept are of great significance to the completion of non-war
military operations.
Because the Western powers have the right to speak internationally, they have consistently adopted double
standards against China against the "three forces" by military means. They are full of prejudice against
China's use of military power to maintain domestic stability and quell various emergencies, and against
China's military power for the maintenance of international peace. The various diplomatic efforts made are
distorted and used as an excuse to create various "China threat theories." In such an environment of
international public opinion, our military must fully consider this characteristic of the international public
opinion environment when performing various non-war military missions. The negative impact of the
international public opinion led by me has been minimized.
With the development of social economy, in recent years, in order to maintain national security and social
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stability, the country and the army have formulated a series of laws and regulations to deal with various
emergencies, but on the whole, legislation, law enforcement, and justice are still lagging behind the
development of objective reality. Some related laws and regulations are not sound enough, and there are
legal gaps in some aspects. Some legal provisions have not yet been implemented, and the people’s
awareness of laws and rights protection is constantly improving. In such a social environment, the use of
military forces and means to perform non-war military missions, deal with and resolve various contradictions,
puts forward very high requirements on the policies, legal qualities, and capabilities of commanders and
Section Three: Strategic Guidance for Non-War Military Operations
The guidance of non-war military operations and war guidance are the same in main aspects. However,
non-war military operations have some characteristics and laws that are different from war. Therefore, in
addition to the same planning and guidance as warfare, flexible and correct guidance should also be
implemented in accordance with the characteristics and laws of non-war military operations.
1. Plan and guide non-war military operations from the perspective of national interests
National interests are the fundamental starting point and destination of non-war military operations, and
affect and restrict the purpose and methods of non-war military operations. Therefore, the strategic guidance
of non-war military operations must be carried out closely around the national interest, obey and serve the
requirements of the national interest. National interests include many contents, but fundamentally speaking,
there are two aspects, namely, national security interests and development interests. To carry out non-war
military operations, it is necessary to fully reflect the requirements of national security interests and
development interests, resolutely defend national territorial sovereignty and maritime interests, promote the
peaceful reunification of the motherland, maintain domestic social stability, and guarantee the country's due
international status. The construction and development of the country create a peaceful and stable
international and domestic environment. Since national interests are developing and changing, and have
different specific contents under different historical conditions, its requirements for non-war military
operations will also change with the changes in historical conditions. It is necessary to accurately grasp and
actively adapt to the changes.
Non-war military operations must obey and serve the overall situation of national economic construction and
development. The country's development interests are the long-term and fundamental interests of the
Chinese nation. Vigorously developing social productive forces and realizing the great rejuvenation of the
Chinese nation are a concentrated expression of national development interests.
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Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
In conducting non-war military operations, we must pay close attention to the interests of national
development and ensure the overall stability of the country's economic construction and development. To
carry out non-war military operations, we must firmly grasp the center of economic construction, and actively
support and guarantee the realization of this center task. When carrying out rescue and disaster relief
operations, we must respond quickly and go all out to resolutely protect the safety of people's lives and
property; when carrying out stability maintenance operations and security guards, we must grasp the policy,
take the overall situation into consideration, and maintain a harmonious and stable social order; in border
closure operations China must correctly handle the relationship between safeguarding security and
developing the economy, not only to seal borders and consolidate the country, and to prevent the border
from getting out of control, but also to develop border trade and promote friendly exchanges in accordance
with the country's basic national policy of opening up to the outside world. When dealing with various crises
with non-war military operations, we must strive to grasp the initiative of the struggle, actively resolve the
crisis, avoid the expansion and escalation of the crisis, and ensure a peaceful and stable construction
To carry out non-war military operations, we must proceed from the national interests to dare to fight and be
good at fighting. Although non-war military operations are not a battle of blood and fire on the battlefield,
some operations are still very antagonistic, and some even directly affect the country's core interests. When
conducting non-war military operations, sometimes a certain amount of patience and temporary compromise
are needed to find a breakthrough to solve the problem and strive for the initiative in the struggle, but if you
compromise and retreat without principle, the opponent will have to make progress, which will seriously
damage the interests of our country. Counter-terrorism operations, security and vigilance, escort protection,
border control and other operations, the contest of will is very prominent. Only by daring to take risks and
acting actively can we win the initiative and safeguard national interests.
2. Non-war military operations closely cooperate with politics, economy, and diplomacy
Non-war military operations have a natural connection with struggles in the political, economic, and
diplomatic fields. They interact and intersect each other, and continuously produce new non-war military
operations. Various types of non-war military operations, such as rescue and disaster relief, international
peacekeeping, international rescue, and escort, are to a large extent the product of the combination of
military and politics, economy, and diplomacy. Although some actions have a relatively high degree of
armed confrontation, they are inseparable from political, economic, and diplomatic struggles. Without
struggles in these fields, they cannot exist, let alone play a role.
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Therefore, non-war military operations are a comprehensive contest conducted by combining military forces
with political, economic, and diplomatic struggles in various fields. Without the active cooperation of other
means, it is difficult to achieve political goals by military means alone.
To coordinate non-war military operations with struggles in the political, economic, and diplomatic fields, the
following points should be emphasized.
Correct position. In the war years, everything is transferred by victory on the battlefield. Military conflict
comes first, and struggles in other fields must unconditionally cooperate and obey military conflicts. In a
relatively peaceful period, political, economic, and diplomatic struggles are relatively prominent, and military
conflicts, including wars, are all in a subordinate position, and must be subordinated to and serve the
political, economic, and diplomatic struggles. Non-war military operations are themselves derivatives of
political, economic, and diplomatic struggles. The objectives of their operations, the scale of power used, the
timing of their beginning and end, and the handling of various emergencies must shift based on the needs of
political and diplomatic struggles.
Ensure the realization of political intent. The decision-making and planning of non-war military operations,
the scale and timing of input forces, and the means and degree of use must be shifted by the needs of
political and diplomatic struggles, strictly in accordance with the requirements of strategic intent, and launch
military operations in a timely and appropriate manner. According to the overall needs of the national
strategy, comprehensive analysis of political, economic, diplomatic, and military aspects should be carried
out, and various contradictions should be carefully and carefully sorted out. Take targeted measures to
firmly control the initiative of the struggle to ensure the smooth realization of the country’s political intentions.
Correctly grasp the policy. Non-war military operations are military activities with a strong political and policy
nature. They are often implemented in a complex international and domestic context. They are intertwined
with conflicts of interest between countries, groups, and classes. With strong sensitivity, we must correctly
grasp the country’s foreign policy, limit military actions to the scope permitted by strategic intent, be rational,
advantageous, and disciplined, and avoid unnecessary troubles to political and diplomatic struggles.
Operations such as international peacekeeping, international rescue, and escort are often performed in
other countries' territories and international waters which are highly international. Any small mistakes may
cause serious international impacts. The country's foreign policy must be properly grasped, and we must
carefully guide every aspect and the whole process of military operations.
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Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
Some non-war military operations are fringe operations, such as anti-terrorism operations, border control,
and escort operations, which are obviously confrontational. According to political needs, the scope and
intensity of operations must be strictly controlled to prevent escalation to war. Some non-war military
operations are carried out within the country, such as anti-terrorism operations, stability maintenance
operations, and disaster relief operations. The contradictions are complex and involve a wide range of
areas. It is necessary to grasp the relevant policies of the party and the state, and actively and steadily
handle various complex situations.
3. Unified command and control of non-war military operations
Directing non-war military operations is the same as directing warfare. It is necessary to ensure that all
means are directed to a unified goal. Because non-war military operations are very complex, unified
command and unified operations face many difficulties. From the perspective of the forces participating in
operations, sometimes multiple forces may participate at the same time, for example, in rescue and disaster
relief operations, troops and militia reserves of various services and arms may participate. Non-war military
operations carried out overseas may involve multinational forces and command coordination is more
difficult.. From the perspective of the regions participating in the operation, some operations are carried out
at home and some are carried out abroad, which requires very high command methods. From the time of
action, some actions can be completed in a short time, and some actions take a long time. How to
implement continuous and uninterrupted command has become a prominent problem.
Although non-war military operations are not as high-intensity, costly and extensive as wars, they face a
very complex environment, operate in a wider area, and some operations last longer. In the use of power, it
is necessary to use military power as the backbone, closely cooperate with other forces, and achieve
strategic goals with overall power. To this end, it is not only necessary to give full play to the role of the
army, armed police, public security and militia, but also to obtain strong support from the local government
and the broad masses of the people. According to the nature, target, and scale of non-war military
operations, careful planning and coordination are carried out to make various forces act in a unified manner
to improve the overall effectiveness of the struggle.
Carrying out non-war military operations requires correct timing and rapid response on the basis of careful
preparation. Non-war military operations are usually contingency tasks. The incident happens suddenly, the
situation is urgent, and even faces the danger of escalation and expansion. It requires decisive decision-
making, rapid response, and rapid control of the development of the situation.
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Therefore, the implementation of non-war military operations must be fully prepared, strengthen the
awareness of emergency, according to the nature and characteristics of the operation, targeted formation of
elite forces, strengthen reconnaissance and early warning and intelligence collection, formulate a variety of
plans, strengthen simulation exercises, and improve rapid response ability and timely control.
Non-war military operations are often small in scale, but they affect the overall situation and are directly
related to political and diplomatic struggles. Therefore, they require accurate behavior control.
Confrontational non-war military operations are usually military operations taken to safeguard national
interests when it is inconvenient, unwilling, or inappropriate to take war operations. Therefore, in the course
of action, you must strictly and accurately control the use of military power, express your intentions and will
accurately and accurately, avoid crises or conflicts caused by mistakes in actions, fall into passivity, and
even cross the threshold of war. When the time was not ripe, they were forced to enter the war.
4. Strengthening the alliance of various forces in non-war military operations
Compared with war, joint operations in non-war military operations involve a wider range and involve more
elements. They include the joint problems of the task force itself and the joint operations between the
military and the police, as well as the joint military and civilian operations or even with foreign troops. Joint
problem. Every link and every level may affect the completion of the task.
One is the combination of services and arms. In non-war military operations, joint operations of services and
arms are interlinked with joint operations. They are both to achieve established strategic goals. However, in
non-war military operations, joint operations between services and arms are sometimes different from joint
operations in operations. We must have an accurate and common understanding of relevant policies and
legal regulations, and we must have a good grasp of the coordination and cooperation between the various
forces, the methods and methods of controlling the escalation of the situation, and the restrictions on the use
of force. Only when the forces from different theaters and different services and arms form an integrated
joint force can we take effective joint actions on a larger scale.
The second is the joint military and police. To carry out non-war military missions within the territory, in most
cases joint operations are carried out by the army, armed police and other powerful agencies. Due to the
different tasks assigned by the law to the army, the armed police, and the public security officers, special
attention should be paid to the implementation of joint operations within the legal framework.
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In joint operations, it is necessary to clarify the cooperation and support methods between the army and the
armed police, especially when it involves public interests, ethnic and religious contradictions, social conflicts
and other issues. It is necessary to take the law as the basis and take joint actions within the authorization of
the law.
The third is the combination of military and local forces. The outstanding feature of non-war military missions
is the combination of military and local forces, especially in rescue and disaster relief, handling of major
mass incidents, and other operations such as assisting local governments, stabilizing social order, and
restoring legal authority. In most cases, they are in the local party committee. Under the unified leadership of
the People’s Republic of China, the army, the armed police, and local powerful departments have taken
action together. The army is mainly responsible for urgent, difficult and dangerous tasks that the local
government cannot undertake without the corresponding capabilities and means. In joint military-to-land
operations, the command and mobilization of forces cannot be separated from the military command
system, and local governments can guide military operations by assigning tasks, so that various forces can
form a whole.
The fourth is to unite with foreign troops. In international anti-terrorism, international rescue, international
peacekeeping, evacuation and protection of overseas Chinese, they may all face the situation of alliance
with foreign military forces or cooperation with powerful agencies of other countries. The alliance with foreign
troops must be implemented in accordance with bilateral or multilateral cooperation agreements under the
framework of the United Nations and other international organizations. We must focus on improving the
capabilities of joint command, intelligence and information sharing, and mutual coordination and cooperation
to ensure the smooth progress of joint operations.
5. Carefully prepare and flexibly use various professional forces
Non-war military operations tasks are distributed in various fields, each task has its particularity, and the
completion of each task requires special capability requirements. In many cases, the ability to complete the
task does not depend on the number of troops invested, but mainly depends on the professional assault
ability, so that professional equipment, professionals, professional strength structure, professional training
level, etc., become the main factors for completing the task. According to the style and characteristics of our
military's non-war military missions, the requirements for professional assault capabilities are mainly
reflected in the following aspects.
First, the professional strength structure is reasonable. According to the needs of the situation, relying on the
development of the country and the military, in accordance with the needs of the military to perform
diversified military tasks in different regions, and based on the principle of emergency application, a
professional force with a reasonable structure should be established. This force can well take into account
combat operations and non-war military operations, can take into account various non-war military
operations tasks, can closely cooperate with the professional forces of the public security armed police
force, and can connect and supplement each other with national and local professional teams, which
constitutes a complete professional force system.
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The second is a complete set of professional equipment. According to the idea of combining general and
specialized fields, complementing military and local areas, highlighting urgent needs, and specializing in
multiple abilities, relevant equipment is selectively developed and purchased. The military should pay
special attention to the research and development and procurement of special equipment that is urgently
needed but not available in relevant state departments to meet the special needs in times of emergency.
The third is that professional training is highly targeted. Professional training should closely meet the needs
of the task, highlight the combination of personnel and equipment, and focus on the professional skills
required to complete combat tasks and non-war military operations tasks, and integrate the training of
commanders, command institutions and troops. At the same time, it is necessary to gradually expand joint
training and comprehensive exercises with relevant local departments, and organically integrate college
training, base training, and troop training to improve the actual combat ability to respond to various mission
Fourth, the deployment of professional forces is reasonable. Taking into account the characteristics of
performing non-war military missions in different fields, different regions, and different strategic directions,
the distribution of professional forces should be reasonable, easy to use nearby, easy to maneuver, able to
respond quickly, and maximize the effectiveness of professional forces.
6. Focus on improving the comprehensive support capabilities of non-war military operations
The support of non-war military operations is often time-critical, professionally complex, and highly
comprehensive. There are many random and temporary support tasks. It requires updating ideas, exploring
new support models, and improving comprehensive support capabilities.
One is emergency protection. Non-war military operations are often in response to emergencies, and the
time and location of the operations are difficult to determine in advance, requiring strong emergency support
capabilities. It is necessary to form a clear-level, focused, multi-functional and efficient emergency support
force system that can respond in the first time, provide timely intelligence information, command and
communication, navigation and positioning, meteorological and hydrological and logistical equipment
support to ensure emergency decision-making and emergency operations. need. In important strategic
directions, scheduled mission areas, and hazards-prone locations, there must be a reasonable layout of
materials, equipment and equipment presets to improve the timeliness of support. It is necessary to have a
military-civilian integrated support mobilization mechanism that can promptly mobilize forces from all
quarters to take immediate action and provide all-round support for non-war military operations.
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Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
The second is professional protection. Non-war military operations are highly professional, and professional
forces such as engineering, chemical defense, reconnaissance, communications, military supplies, medical
care, and transportation have outstanding roles. They have special requirements for equipment and
equipment, and require professional support. It is necessary to be able to carry out corresponding support
according to the different tasks and the special support requirements of professionals and professional
equipment. It can achieve the professional counterpart of the support personnel, the corresponding
equipment and equipment, and the support action is accurate and efficient.
The third is joint support. Non-war military operations are joint operations, and they must be joint in support.
They must be able to make full use of all aspects of support resources, complement local advantages,
strengthen the integrated use of military and land resources, and achieve timely and efficient support. It is
necessary to build an integrated support network platform to organically integrate the supply of military
materials, infrastructure, support personnel, and support tasks. It is necessary to improve information
technology standards, product specifications standards, and commercial circulation standards, promote the
compatibility and complement of military and civilian technologies, and create conditions for joint military and
civilian support.
The fourth is overseas support. The number of our military's overseas military operations is increasing, and
higher requirements are placed on support. It must have strong overseas intelligence information support
capabilities, communications support capabilities, meteorological and hydrological support capabilities, and
logistics equipment support capabilities. It can implement long-distance strategic projection according to
mission needs, and transport troops and equipment to the scheduled mission area in a timely and safe
manner. When conducting joint operations with foreign forces, it is necessary to be able to implement
corresponding joint support with foreign forces. It is necessary to be able to rely on overseas temporary and
fixed supply points, support bases or other channels to supplement materials and equipment.
7. Do a good job in public opinion and legal struggles and psychological offenses and defenses in
non-war military operations
The political nature of non-war military operations is very prominent and is greatly affected by public opinion,
public psychology, laws and regulations. The correct use of public opinion, psychology and law can create a
favorable environment, increase the effectiveness of military operations, and better achieve political goals;
otherwise, it will make non-war military operations passive and affect the completion of tasks. Therefore, we
must attach great importance to the role of public opinion, legal struggle and psychological offense and
defense in non-war military operations, and strive to improve relevant capabilities. The non-war military
operations that our army may carry out in the future are of various types and complex situations, which put
forward high requirements for a good public opinion, legal struggle, and psychological offense and defense.
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The first is the control of the theory and the building of public opinion in a timely and appropriate manner. In
various non-war military operations, we must be able to strengthen public opinion control and public opinion
building through the comprehensive use of various media means and information resources, inspire our own
spirit, influence the enemy’s judgment, and create a favorable public opinion environment. Under the
leadership of the party and the government, we can coordinate the use of military, geopolitical and public
opinion positions and professional public opinion forces, and set up relevant professional positions in the
military's middle and high-level political institutions, manage and timely release information about military
operations that are of public concern, and shape the positive image of the military. Establish an active,
active and open position of public opinion, grasp and control the dominant power of public opinion, and build
social consensus.
Timely and appropriate public opinion control needs to grasp the following points: relying on our military's
professional and opinion power, timely organization of on-site reports, according to the development of the
situation, guide public opinion attention, and give full play to the role of the backbone of public opinion
warfare in theaters and services, provide news resources for public opinion propaganda; be able to
accurately grasp the party’s line, policies, national laws and regulations, and international law, calmly
respond to the media, effectively cooperate with national news agencies in public opinion building, and
create a favorable internal and external environment; be able to grasp the development of the situation and
the real situation of the front line in a timely manner, and implement public opinion control in accordance
with news and publicity management regulations; to guide and standardize on-site interviews, important
manuscript approvals, and information release channels, block the dissemination of harmful information,
strengthen the protection of public opinion information systems, and maintain smooth flow of our public
opinion dissemination channels; able to mobilize and organize grassroots officers and soldiers extensively,
carry forward our army’s fine traditions, carry out mass propaganda and agitation, focus on making good use
of the preemptive and preconceived advantages of public opinion propaganda, and use or influence other
media to play an active role.
The second is to accurately grasp and apply laws and regulations flexibly. All kinds of non-war military
operations involve not only domestic laws, but also international law and the laws of related countries. The
military’s knowledge, usage, and appropriate actions are important factors that affect the effectiveness of
non-war military operations. This requires the military to fully grasp and flexibly use legal weapons, strive for
legal advantages, and win political initiative. Accurately grasp and flexibly apply the requirements of laws
and regulations: high-level political organizations can mobilize and organize legal professional forces in all
directions in the military, cooperate with the state to implement legal confrontations against hostile forces,
provide legal advice for decision-making on non-war military operations, and provide legal support for troops
operations; the troops can make full use of legal weapons to control the development of the situation and its
scope of influence, and implement relevant law enforcement, judicial and law protection actions in
accordance with legal authorization; can seize the initiative of legal struggle in the operation, such as taking
legal remedial measures for collateral damage caused by the operation, release legal information related to
the operation, publicize the legal basis of military operations, expose the illegal acts of hostile forces, etc.; be
able to take effective actions to maintain legal authority when necessary to illegally block or interfere with the
illegal acts of military operations. Implement military control over military operations areas in accordance
with the law, and impose legal sanctions on those who trespass into military restricted areas.
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Chapter 14 Non-War Military Operations
The third is the timely and effective psychological persuasion and psychological offense and defense. In
non-war military operations, it is necessary to be able to comprehensively use specific information and
media to implement psychological persuasion and psychological services, and conduct psychological
offensive and defense against hostile forces to isolate and attack the enemy to the greatest extent. The
timely and effective performance of psychological persuasion and psychological offense and defense is: the
ability to comprehensively use professional psychological warfare forces at all levels, through public opinion
propaganda, behavior demonstration, discipline restraint, action effect display, etc., to implement effective
attacking propaganda and emotional influence; able to exert the military’s own political advantages, do a
good job of propaganda, agitation, active communication, and active service, and work closely with various
local forces; able to closely follow the tasks and processes of military operations, and produce and
disseminate psychological warfare information according to the psychological characteristics of hostile
forces. The combination of deterrent propaganda and probation education propaganda affects the division of
hostile forces, prevents the spread of bad information, and cooperates with political and diplomatic
struggles; strengthens psychological protection of troops, implements psychological control on the
battlefield, strengthens internal political education, consolidates ideological defense, adopts external active
measures, implement psychological defenses, ensure the purity of the troops and the consolidation of
psychological defenses in complex situations, and improve the ability of officers and soldiers to fight against
the enemy's heart.
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Chapter 15 Overseas Use of Military Power
The overseas use of military power generally includes both non-war military operations and war operations.
China implements a peaceful foreign policy and a defensive national defense policy. It has always
advocated the settlement of disputes between countries through peaceful means and opposed the frequent
use of force. Therefore, the overseas use of our military power is mainly non-war use. The basic operation
patterns include: international peacekeeping, international rescue, maritime escort, overseas evacuation,
international joint military exercises and joint training, naval and air strategic cruises, open sea training,
military assistance, warship visits, international counter-terrorism, etc. Today's world is facing
unprecedented changes. Our country is developing rapidly from large to strong, and overseas interests are
expanding. The military must resolutely fulfill the mission and tasks of the new era, and further strengthen
the planning and guidance of the overseas use of military forces, and contribute to safeguarding the
country's overseas interests and promoting regional stability and the maintenance of world peace.
Section One: The Strategic Significance of Overseas Use of Military Power
For our country, the overseas use of military power is the "soft use" of "hard power" on the international
stage. It is an important means for the military to go abroad to complete international and diversified military
tasks, and has great significance for world peace, shaping a good image of the country, deterring potential
enemies, enhancing the capabilities of troops and other areas.
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Chapter 15 Overseas Use of Military Power
1. Effectively safeguard and expand national interests
Safeguarding national interests is the starting point and end point of military strategy. The mission of the
military overseas is a non-war military operation that the country needs to implement in accordance with the
international or regional situation. It is of great value for maintaining the security of the country's overseas
interests and supporting the expansion of strategic interests. The major countries in the world have paid
great attention to the maintenance of their own countries' interests through the overseas use of military
The first is to protect the safety of overseas personnel, assets and maritime strategic channels. Among the
many modes of operations used by military forces overseas, some of the direct purposes of operations are
to protect the safety of overseas personnel, assets and strategic channels. The army carried out overseas
evacuation operations, was able to move on command, set off immediately, quickly reached the country or
region where turbulence, war or major epidemic occurred, and transported overseas personnel from the
dangerous environment of a foreign country back to China to protect their personal safety. At the beginning
of 2011, the security situation in Libya deteriorated sharply, endangering the safety of our personnel and
assets in Libya. The military worked closely with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Transport, and
embassies and consulates abroad to quickly launch the evacuation of overseas personnel. It took only 10
days to complete the evacuation of overseas personnel. 35,860 Chinese citizens were evacuated from Libya
to the country. Among them, the Air Force sent 24 planes to retrieve more than 5,000 people. The military's
normalized maritime escort mission can form an effective deterrent and strike against pirate gangs, and
prevent passing ships from being harassed and hijacked, thereby protecting the smooth flow of maritime
strategic channels and the safety of foreign economic and trade materials transportation.
The second is to create an overseas investment environment to support the expansion of overseas
interests. The participation of the military in UN peacekeeping operations is not only an important way to
fulfill international responsibilities and obligations, but also to better improve the international security
mechanism, deepen the understanding of the situation of the country concerned, establish a trust
relationship with the government of that country, and create a good overseas investment for the future The
environment lays the foundation. The overseas use of rights-defending military power can fully demonstrate
the country's determination to safeguard overseas interests and the military's strategic ability to fulfill its
mission while completing tasks, and encourage and support companies investing overseas and personnel
far overseas. They create a sense of security that "the motherland is the backing,” so that they can better go
to the world and expand their interests.
The third is to deepen military exchanges and support national diplomacy. The overseas use of military
power plays an important supporting role in the country's political and diplomatic activities, and is an
important way to safeguard the country's diplomatic interests.
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The military can deepen mutual understanding with friendly countries, enhance mutual political and military
trust, and deepen strategic partnerships through warship visits and joint Sino-foreign military exercises and
other overseas operations. The use of military power in the form of a strategic game with potential
opponents provides military support for the country’s political and diplomatic struggle.
2. Promote regional stability and world peace
One of the important functions of the military is to stop wars and defend peace. In today's world where
regional turmoil and local wars frequently occur, the overseas use of military power is an important way and
strategic means for a country to exert its military functions and promote regional stability and world peace.
First of all, it will help stop wars and maintain peace. The purpose of UN peacekeeping operations is to
prevent, control or resolve armed conflicts and restore and maintain peace and stability in conflict areas. Our
military began to participate in UN peacekeeping operations in 1990, and then successively established
peacekeeping affairs offices, joined the UN level-one peacekeeping standby arrangement mechanism,
established peacekeeping professional training and international exchanges-the Ministry of National
Defense Peacekeeping Center, and participated in a large number of UN peacekeeping operations. It has
made important contributions to stopping regional conflicts and wars, maintaining regional stability and world
peace. Second, it will help strengthen international alliances and maintain regional stability. Carrying out
Sino-foreign joint military exercises is not only an important way to strengthen military training, it can also
improve the ability of countries to perform joint tasks, strengthen international bilateral or multilateral
relations, and demonstrate the common will of multiple countries to jointly maintain regional stability and
world peace. Within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, China has formed a stable
joint military exercise mechanism with Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries, and conducted
a series of "Peace Mission" joint military exercises, which have attacked the arrogance of terrorist forces in
Central Asia. It conveys the strong positive energy of maintaining regional stability and peace, which is of
great practical significance for maintaining stability in Central Asia and even world peace. In addition, the
maritime escort operation jointly participated by the multinational armies, its mission is to escort for peace,
can effectively maintain the safety and smoothness of the maritime strategic channel, restore peace and
stability to the international sea lanes infested by pirates, and maintain the safety of the sea; various
international humanitarianism rescue operations can assist the government in rescuing the injured when a
major disaster occurs in the country involved, help resettle the victims, and play an important role in the
social stability of the affected country or region.
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Chapter 15 Overseas Use of Military Power
3. Shaping a good image of the country
The image of a country usually refers to the impression of a country’s ability, determination, will, and
responsibility left by the international community. It is the country’s intangible assets and soft power in the
international community. Although it is invisible and intangible, it really has a huge impact on the future and
destiny of the country. The overseas use of military power has an important image-building function. It can
display the military image of a mighty division, a justice division, and a peaceful division, influence and guide
the international society's rational cognition of our country, and shape the image of a modern country with
peaceful development. China is a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has an important
international status, and shoulders important international obligations. The active participation of the military
in UN peacekeeping operations can show that China advocates peace, loves peace, and is willing to
contribute to the maintenance of regional stability and world peace. The spirit of responsibility is conducive
to shaping China's image as a responsible major country that has the courage to assume international
obligations. In the future, as our military's participation in international peacekeeping missions continues to
increase, more and more countries will see the continuous efforts and important contributions made by the
Chinese military to maintain regional stability and world peace. Our troops go overseas to carry out
international humanitarian relief operations such as earthquake relief, epidemic relief, and tsunami relief.
They are showing their skills in times of crisis. The countries being rescued will feel the warmth of sending
charcoal in the snow, and feel the affection and friendship of sharing weal and woe are helpful. In order to
convey the country’s political goodwill, enhance the relationship between the two countries, strengthen
international relations, and show our country’s national image of proactive assistance, active actions, and
friendly and mutual assistance in the face of disasters. At the same time, the use of military power overseas
can also demonstrate strategic capabilities, deter hostile forces, and shape an inviolable national image. The
implementation of large-scale and high-intensity international joint military exercises or naval and air
strategic cruises has the effect of demonstrating national strategic capabilities and determination on the
international stage. It can have a direct or indirect deterrent effect on potential enemies and deter
adventurous attempts by the enemy. They dare not act rashly, dare not infringe upon our territorial
sovereignty, and dare not infringe upon our overseas interests, so as to establish an image of an inviolable
and inviolable power. In recent years, our military has actively participated in the United Nations
peacekeeping, international humanitarian rescue, maritime escort and other overseas military operations
with an open and pioneering spirit. The task force with excellent quality and tenacious style has successfully
completed time and time again in many countries and regions. The dangerous task has won high praise
from the United Nations, the governments of the countries concerned and the people in the mission area,
and is of great practical significance in shaping the image of a responsible great power.
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4. Enhance the military's ability to perform diversified tasks
Military missions are not only the touchstone for testing the capabilities of the troops, but also the
sharpening stones for tempering the capabilities of the troops. The overseas use of military forces is mostly
carried out under unfamiliar and complex environmental conditions, with high political requirements, many
restrictive factors, and far from the mainland. The process of performing tasks objectively has the effect of
tempering style and enhancing capabilities. Troops performing overseas missions must not only complete
the missions assigned by the state in various unfamiliar environments, but also consider related issues such
as politics, diplomacy, law, and overseas guarantees. The degree of difficulty and complexity is much higher
than that of domestic officers and soldiers who are required to perform tasks. It is not only necessary to
possess excellent military and political qualities and professional skills, but also to master legal knowledge
and diplomatic capabilities. By performing such tasks, the capabilities of the troops will surely be greatly
improved. The overseas use of military forces with antagonistic force is a practical test of the military's
combat readiness level, and is also a pre-practice for carrying out war tasks. It plays an important role in
training new military talents and training the ability of the troops to perform diversified tasks. Through military
operations such as maritime escort, maritime joint military exercises, and ocean-going exercises, the military
can not only understand the geographical conditions or sea conditions of overseas mission areas, but also
accumulate troop training experience, cultivate joint operations awareness, and improve the organization
and command capabilities of command agencies. The problems and difficulties encountered in the course of
the operation can also promote our army's research and tackling of new problems and new situations,
thereby promoting the rapid development of national defense and army building, and comprehensively
improving the army's ability to complete diversified tasks.
Section Two: The Main Characteristics of the Overseas Use of Military Forces
The overseas use of military power has obvious international characteristics and strategic influence,
involving political diplomacy, national defense policy, international law, bilateral or multilateral agreements,
overseas guarantees, and many other issues, with many distinctive features.
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Chapter 15 Overseas Use of Military Power
1. Restricted by many factors
The mission areas of military power overseas use are mainly in the international commons or within the
borders of other countries, involving complex and sensitive issues such as territorial sovereignty and
international relations, and there are many restrictive factors.
One is restricted by political factors. War is a continuation of politics, and the use of military power overseas
is also a continuation of politics. The country's political strategy and development strategy have a clear
guiding and prescriptive effect on the overseas use of military power. If there is no political support and
demand, the overseas use of military power will lose its fundamental direction and basic conditions.
Therefore, the overseas use of military forces must be planned from the height of the implementation of
national political tasks.
The second is restricted by diplomatic factors. The overseas use of military power has unique diplomatic
attributes, and has a subordinate, expanding and supporting role in national diplomacy. It is a military
strategic means to manage international relations in a certain sense. It directly reflects and affects the
quality of national relations. This requires that the overseas application of military power must take the
national diplomatic factor as an important strategic consideration, and organize and implement it according
to the needs of the country's diplomatic situation.
The third is restricted by international factors. The military's overseas missions are obviously different from
those at home. The international sensitivity is very strong. Regardless of the scale and type of missions,
they will receive high attention from the international community and subjective interpretations of some
countries. They may be appreciated and supported, or they may be opposed and resisted, which requires
that the overseas use of military forces must take into account various international factors such as United
Nations resolutions, the attitude of partner countries, the response of relevant countries, and the situation of
the country concerned or the mission area.
2. Flexible style, with multiple functions
The style of overseas use of military forces has been continuously developed with the development and
changes of the times and the adjustment of national policies, and has been continuously enriched with the
expansion of the military's mission areas. At present, the basic styles of overseas use of China's military
power include: international peacekeeping, international rescue, maritime escort, overseas evacuation,
international joint military exercises and joint training, maritime and air strategic cruises, ocean training,
military assistance, warship visits, international counter-terrorism and other operations. In the specific
implementation of each type of overseas military operations, due to different factors such as participating
countries, mission types, and regional characteristics, they manifest themselves in multiple styles.
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For example, international joint military exercises can be divided into bilateral joint military exercises or
multilateral joint military exercises according to the number of participating countries; according to the theme
of the exercise, they can be divided into joint counter-terrorism exercises or joint search and rescue
exercises; according to the nature of the exercise, they can be divided into inspection exercises or research
exercises, etc. When carrying out the same type of overseas missions, different geographical characteristics
and different nature of the mission may lead to different means. International rescue operations may be
medical rescue, material rescue, maritime search and rescue or earthquake rescue. With the increasing use
of our country's military power overseas, its action patterns will change and continue to be enriched due to
circumstances. From the perspective of a functional role, the overseas use of military power is a non-war
military operation that can take into account both peacetime and wartime, short-term and long-term strategic
interests. It has multiple functional roles and can achieve multiple strategic goals such as politics, economy,
diplomacy, and security. Mainly includes maintaining national security and overseas interests; enhancing
mutual trust in politics, military and security between countries; displaying and shaping the image of the
country; fulfilling international responsibilities and obligations, maintaining regional stability, and promoting
world peace; training military capabilities to promote national defense and military development, etc..
3. Must comply with international regulations and agreements
Compliance with international law and the laws of the country concerned is an inevitable requirement for the
overseas use of military power. Although the relevant international laws and international conventions of the
United Nations Charter, as well as the constitutions and laws of various countries in the world, have clear
regulations and requirements on the entry and exit and legal status of foreign troops, but due to the social
systems, national cultures, historical traditions and national conditions and military conditions are different,
and national laws and national defense policies vary greatly. Countries often assign different missions and
tasks to the military according to actual political needs, and impose corresponding restrictions on the
overseas use of military forces, so that the military's mission abroad involves many international laws and
the laws and policies of the country concerned. The legality problem is very prominent, and there must be
clear legal guarantees that can be implemented. At the same time, in many cases, the overseas use of
military power is not our army alone performing tasks, but the joint participation of multinational armies,
which is accomplished through international cooperation. Military operations such as international joint
military exercises, international peacekeeping, and maritime escort often involve the military forces of
multiple countries. They must strengthen cooperation with the governments and militaries of relevant
countries to complete the tasks together. Multilateral cooperation agreements can guarantee mutual
cooperation between the armed forces.
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Chapter 15 Overseas Use of Military Power
For example, before the "Peace Mission-2007" joint counter-terrorism military exercise, legal experts from
China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan conducted three rounds of consultations
on the specific matters of the exercise, and the defense ministers of the six countries signed the agreement.
The multilateral international treaty that is binding by international law - "Agreement on Joint Military
Exercises of the Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization" ensures the legitimacy,
standardization and operability of joint counter-terrorism military exercises.
4. Comprehensive protection is more difficult
The overseas use of military forces has an unfamiliar geographical environment and complex conditions.
During the entire operation, the troops leave the local support, and comprehensive support faces many
The first is that the means of reconnaissance are limited, the reconnaissance force is weak, and it is difficult
to guarantee intelligence. Due to the military's outbound operations and the lack of corresponding
reconnaissance facilities overseas, the traditional military reconnaissance methods are restricted and the
target reconnaissance methods are lacking. For example, when dealing with pirate ships in escort
operations, it is difficult to find, identify, and handle. Traditional military reconnaissance methods are difficult
to identify and determine the identity of pirates. At the same time, the scale of military operations overseas is
limited, the environment in the mission area is unfamiliar, the operation process is full of uncertain factors,
the reconnaissance force is relatively weak, only emergency reconnaissance can be carried out, and there
are fewer sources of intelligence. The second is the inconvenience of material transportation and the
difficulty of comprehensive security. The military performs missions overseas, and the mission area is far
away from China. When crossing the border, personnel and materials must be strictly inspected by the
customs. Sometimes they can only be delivered by sea or air. It is highly dependent on strategic delivery
capabilities and encounters relatively numerous difficulties. In terms of support methods, due to the inability
of various domestic support facilities and support mechanisms to function overseas, and China's lack of
strategic presets, the support methods for overseas military operations have been significantly restricted.
The third is facing a variety of threats, the risk is high, and security is facing challenges. In international joint
military exercises, cross-border air maneuvers or live-fire exercises must be conducted under complex
climatic conditions, which is highly dangerous. For example, maritime escort operations will face pirate
attacks with live ammunition, international counter-terrorism will face crazy terrorists, evacuation and
protection of overseas Chinese will face serious turmoil, and international peacekeeping will face armed
conflicts and robber attacks.
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5. Concern for public opinion has a high degree of importance
The military has always been very sensitive when carrying out tasks outside the country, and has attracted
much attention from the public. There are three main reasons.
First, the special situation in the mission area has attracted the attention of the news media. The areas
where international peacekeeping missions are carried out are usually countries where armed conflicts or
continuous wars have occurred, and are hot spots of great concern to the United Nations and the
international community. The sea areas where maritime escort missions are carried out must be dangerous
sea areas where pirate forces are rampant, and ships are often hijacked; areas where humanitarian rescues
are carried out are mostly countries or regions where earthquakes, epidemics, tsunamis or other major
disasters have occurred, and the international community will very concerned. The military's missions in
these special areas will inevitably be tracked and reported by the news media and become the focus of
public opinion. In some cases, the military even performs missions in front of the cameras of journalists from
various countries.
The second is that the overseas use of military power has the political effect of seeing the big from the
slightest. It is an important reference for the international community to observe and analyze China's
strategic trend, and it is also a point of interest for the people to pay attention to the use of military power.
The overseas use of China's military power is a process of continuous development and gradual
development, and every breakthrough in the pattern of action will attract great attention from the
international community. For example, in 2008, China decided to send warships to escort the Gulf of
Somalia, which immediately aroused high attention and heated discussions in the news media of many
countries. TV, radio, Internet, newspapers and other media rushed to report, and the operation was also
rated as the top ten of the year. One of the international military news.
The third is that the overseas use of military power is, in many cases, the armies of multiple countries
performing tasks together in the same area, which is itself a non-competitive game. The performance of the
task force is related to the honor and dignity of the task force and even the country and is often highly
concerned and evaluated by participating countries and international public opinion.
Section Three: Strategic Guidance for the Overseas Utilization of Military Forces
The overseas use of military power must follow the basic principles of national defense policy and military
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Chapter 15 Overseas Use of Military Power
strategy. It is required to grasp the characteristics and laws of non-war military operations, comprehensively
consider both domestic and international overall situations, security and development factors, and plan and
guide from a strategic overall perspective.
1. To maintain overseas interests as the fundamental goal
Safeguarding national interests is the fundamental criterion for sovereign states' foreign exchanges. The
overseas use of military power belongs to the special category of international exchanges. It must be
focused on safeguarding national interests and insist on "acting for benefits, and stopping when they are
not." In addition to assuming international responsibilities and fulfilling international obligations, the main
purpose of military missions overseas is to safeguard the country's overseas interests. Under the conditions
of the new era, with the continuous deepening of China’s reform and opening-up policy and the rapid
advancement of the “Belt and Road” construction, the pace of state-owned enterprises’ “going out” has been
accelerating, overseas investment has grown substantially, international trade has developed rapidly, and
the distribution of overseas interests has increased. The wider and larger the scale, the closer the
connection between national security and development and the outside world. At the same time,
international terrorism is becoming more and more rampant, conflicts and wars in some areas continue, and
social turmoil has caused China's overseas personnel, overseas assets, investment markets, resource
supply areas, and maritime strategic channels to face various security threats, thus sending military forces to
China. There is a strong demand for forces to go overseas to safeguard national interests. In this context,
the overseas use of military power must take the maintenance of the country's overseas interests as the
primary goal.
2. Make scientific decisions based on international and domestic situations
The overseas use of military power is often intertwined with international and domestic political, diplomatic
and other factors. It has multiple strategic functions and extensive international influence. For each specific
practice of each mode of action, it must be based on the characteristics of the mission and comprehensive
consider the requirements of the international and domestic situation and the actual situation in the mission
area and carry out scientific decision-making on key issues such as "whether to go, when to go, and what to
First, weigh the pros and cons and carefully decide whether to go or not. Diplomacy is no trivial matter, and
the overseas use of military power is no trivial matter. In a specific international strategic situation, whether
to send troops to perform overseas missions must be based on the strategic needs of safeguarding the
country's political, economic, diplomatic and security interests. We should weigh the pros and cons, make
scientific demonstrations, and make prudent decisions based on the political, diplomatic, and military
conflicts at home and abroad.
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Those who have a great relationship with our country’s interests must dare to use troops, actively use them,
and carry out them immediately; those with a normal relationship with our country’s interests should be
carried out appropriately depending on the situation. In order to improve the scientific nature of decision-
making, it is necessary to further establish and improve the decision-making mechanism for the overseas
use of military forces, clarify the basis for decision-making, simplify decision-making procedures, and make
good decision-making plans.
Secondly, judge the situation and grasp the "when to go" flexibly. The military's implementation of
international rescue operations is a sudden emergency task. There is no choice of timing. It is necessary to
uphold the spirit of international humanitarianism and strengthen communication with the country concerned
as soon as possible. Once the two sides reach an agreement that our military needs to go out for rescue,
they will immediately dispatch and fight for it. Arrive at the scene as soon as possible, and implement rescue
during the golden time of rescue. For military and diplomatic operations such as international joint military
exercises and visits by warships, they must be carried out on schedule in accordance with the country's
overall diplomatic needs and military diplomacy principles, and in accordance with established bilateral or
multilateral agreements or plans, so that overseas military operations and major national diplomatic activities
are coordinated with each other, complement each other and better support national diplomacy. For
operations that require mutual cooperation between multinational armies, it is necessary to strengthen
strategic consultations, take the initiative to plan, create opportunities, and actively participate. For potential
overseas threats to national interests, we must establish a forward-looking thinking to prevent problems
before they happen, take proactive actions, and creatively carry out preventive overseas non-war military
operations to curb the occurrence of crises and prevent damage to national interests.
Again, clearly define "what to do.” Military missions overseas are mostly tactical-scale operations, with a
small number of personnel, clear regulations and restrictions on carrying equipment and materials, and
limited overall capabilities. Once they go abroad, it is very difficult to temporarily adjust their forces. The
mission must be clearly defined before going out in accordance with the principle of consistency between
missions and capabilities, so that the task force can be trained and prepared in the early stages of the
mission and can quickly launch operations after reaching the mission area. Especially for adversarial
missions of maritime escort, during the execution of the mission, there are many emergencies, high security
risks, and large international impacts. The mission forces must act cautiously in accordance with pre-
regulations, and control the way and intensity of the use of force.
3. Adhere to independent and flexible command and control
The overseas use of military power is mainly in the international seas (airspace) or the borders of other
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countries. Internal missions often involve multiple countries and regions, and are greatly affected by
international factors. Comprehensive support is more difficult. It is necessary to implement autonomous and
flexible command and control over the course of action.
One is to autonomously control command power. Command power used by military forces overseas is a
question of sovereignty and must be mastered independently. When our country performed escort missions
in the Gulf of Aden, it strictly followed the principle of foreign military cooperation, carried out escort
operations independently, did not accept the command of other countries and regional organizations, and
did not participate in joint escort and anti-piracy operations led by other countries. Of course, in international
operations such as joint military exercises and international peacekeeping, in order to better coordinate with
other countries, you should follow the pre-agreement or plan, obey the command of the unified command
organization, and clarify the command procedures and command relationships, under unified command and
coordination, share command information, cooperate closely with each other, and complete tasks together.
The second is to flexibly combine and adjust tasks. In order to improve the overall efficiency of the overseas
use of military forces, it is necessary to make an overall plan based on the characteristics and specific
conditions of the tasks, and to flexibly combine and adjust the operational tasks, so that one operation can
complete multiple tasks as much as possible and improve the strategic efficiency. For example, the flexible
combination of warship visits and maritime joint military exercises, maritime escort and warship visits,
international peacekeeping and international rescue, humanitarian rescue and joint exercises, etc., can
achieve a single operation compatible with multiple missions, achieving the effect of killing two birds with
one stone, and some overseas military tasks are constantly changing with the development of the situation.
It is necessary to focus on changes in the international and domestic situation, follow up and guide the entire
operation, and make flexible adjustments to participants, methods of action, and task time. Missions such as
maritime escort and international peacekeeping can be as short as a few months or as long as several
years. During this period, the mission area or the country involved may face a complex and severe situation
due to political instability or outbreak of war, or for various reasons. They were forced to stop, and even
suffered casualties and sacrifices. In this regard, they must be flexibly adjusted according to changes in the
The third is to control the use of force. The overseas use of military power involves both cooperation and
confrontation. In confrontational operations, the use of force must be strictly restricted to avoid serious
conflicts. For example, when riots or conflicts occur in the country concerned, the military will evacuate
personnel overseas. The policy and principle are strong, and it may involve armed confrontation. Once
improperly handled, it will cause political and diplomatic passivity. The task force must have a high degree of
political awareness. Accurately grasp the boundaries of the policy, and on the basis of observing the laws of
the country concerned, control the intensity of the use of force so as to be rational, beneficial, and
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Of course, when carrying out escort operations, you must be prepared for the harassment of the pirate
gangs. When an accident occurs, you should use force decisively to safeguard national interests according
to the situation on the spot.
4. Focus on the combined use of multiple forces
When planning and organizing the overseas use of military forces, it is necessary to consider joint actions
with foreign military or the government of the country concerned, as well as joint actions with China's foreign
affairs, economy and trade, transportation, propaganda, law and other departments, and insist on the
comprehensive use of multiple methods.
One is to focus on joint collaboration with multiple domestic departments. From the perspective of
participating forces, when the military goes overseas to carry out tasks such as evacuation, escort, rescue,
and joint exercises, in addition to the military, it also involves foreign affairs, transportation, economics and
trade, propaganda and other departments. Only when these forces cooperate with each other and efficiently
cooperate, can the mission be guaranteed to be done successfully. The evacuation of overseas personnel
generally involves the establishment of an emergency command agency under the unified coordination of
the State Council to mobilize multiple forces such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of
Transport, the General Administration of Civil Aviation, large state-owned enterprises, and embassies and
consulates abroad. Other departments coordinated and coordinated to complete the evacuation task. In
view of the fact that our country lacks overseas support bases and the military is facing outstanding
difficulties in support and replenishment in carrying out missions overseas, it is necessary to actively use
foreign trade forces to expand support channels and improve support capabilities.
The second is to focus on joint operations with foreign military forces. When performing tasks jointly with
foreign forces, it is necessary to ensure that all participating forces can coordinate and act in concert. It is
necessary to strengthen joint awareness, establish an efficient joint coordination mechanism, ensure that
joint operations with foreign forces are coordinated and organically coordinated in time, space, and purpose,
strengthen information and intelligence exchanges between countries, and ensure close cooperation and
consistency with foreign forces action. In establishing a joint coordination mechanism, China should make
full use of the role of the United Nations and related international cooperation mechanisms, and actively
establish a defense consultation mechanism at the strategic level, a bilateral coordination mechanism at the
operational level, and an international exchange mechanism at the academic level. At present, the
"Shanghai Cooperation Organization" and the Western Pacific Naval Forum have become important
platforms for our military to carry out international joint exercises. Within this framework, our country and
other member states have successfully held numerous counter-terrorism, rescue, non-proliferation, and anti-
piracy exercises. As the main content of joint exercises, valuable experience has been accumulated for the
overseas use of military forces.
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Chapter 15 Overseas Use of Military Power
The third is to handle the game in joint operations. Some overseas non-war military operations are a
process where cooperation and competition are intertwined. It is necessary to strengthen the awareness of
cooperation and establish the concept of competition, insisting on both cooperation and game. While our
country is escorting the Gulf of Aden, there are escort missions in the waters of the United States, Russia,
France, India and other countries. To deal with the threat of pirates, it is necessary to have the concept of
competition and game to prevent foreign troops from taking the opportunity to scout our military secrets and
harm our country's security interests. At the same time, in the process of unified operations, it is necessary
to handle the game in joint operations with foreign military forces. Sino-foreign joint military exercises not
only have the function of promoting national military strategy, but also have the function of carrying out
international strategic games; it has both the substantive function of training troops and the symbolic
meaning of showing power. This requires that when our military conducts joint Chinese-foreign military
exercises abroad, it should not only pay attention to the intentions of other participating countries in the
unified operation, strengthen the alliance between participating countries, but also pay attention to the
"corresponding" exercises held by other major powers in specific nearby areas, as well as exercises
organized by other countries in the same area or nearby areas, should be good at responding flexibly to
deterrence and containment military exercises against our country through corresponding joint exercises.
5. Vigorously enhance the maritime capabilities of military forces
Under the long-standing international background where traditional security and non-traditional security
issues are intertwined with each other, China's strategic interests will inevitably face increasingly diverse
security threats. With the rapid growth of comprehensive national strength and the continuous improvement
of international status, our country will assume more international responsibilities and obligations, which puts
forward a strong demand for our military to perform diversified tasks overseas. In this regard, it is necessary
to focus on the strategic needs of overseas missions in accordance with the development and changes of
the international situation, and continuously enhance the ability of military forces to use overseas.
The first is to explore and innovate overseas security methods and improve overseas comprehensive
security capabilities. With a view to improving the military's ability to carry out reconnaissance,
replenishment, and support and support in overseas missions, our military should, while improving its
overseas accompanying support capabilities, strengthen communication with countries along the coast of
the Pacific and Indian Ocean strategic maritime channels, and actively explore the establishment of Chinese
characteristics. Overseas supply points and support bases. At the same time, we should give full play to the
role of our overseas personnel and enterprises to provide support and guarantee to troops performing tasks
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The second is to strengthen targeted training and improve the ability to perform overseas special tasks.
Military forces perform special tasks such as international peacekeeping, international rescue, international
counter-terrorism, maritime escort, and joint military exercises in areas far from the mainland. It is necessary
for our military to select medical, transportation, engineering, search and rescue and even combat troops,
which requires the troops to be in the standby preparation stage. According to the characteristics of the
tasks that may be undertaken, we must strengthen targeted and adaptable training, improve professional
skills and tactics, and enhance the ability to perform special tasks.
The third is to improve legal protection and improve the ability to act in accordance with the law. The
overseas use of military power often involves international, domestic and legal issues of the country
involved. It involves the entire process, all employees, and all installations. It is necessary to improve
relevant legislation at both the international and domestic levels, sign cooperation agreements, and do so.
When there is a law to follow, and there is evidence for rights protection, to ensure that the operation is
smoother. Although our army has formulated the "Regulations on the Army's Participation in Military
Operations other than War" and the "Regulations on the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Participation in
United Nations Peacekeeping Operations," there are still many legislative vacancies. In order to make the
process of using military forces overseas more smoothly and efficiently, China should actively promote the
improvement of current international law rules, vigorously advocate the establishment of regional
organization agreements, and accelerate the signing of bilateral or multilateral security cooperation
agreements, including military status agreements, overseas support and supplies, and entry and exit
management. The rights and obligations, especially the establishment of bilateral or multilateral air traffic
control and security agreements with relevant countries, to facilitate transit and security when necessary. It
is necessary to step up the improvement of China's basic laws and special regulations and regulations on
foreign-related military operations, clarify the responsibilities, powers, tasks and relationships of relevant
functional agencies and troops in responding to overseas non-traditional security threats, and provide legal
guarantees for the overseas use of military forces.
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Part III
The construction and development of military power, as an important field of strategic research, and the use
of military power are like two wheels of a car and two wings of a bird. In the final analysis, military issues are
the use and construction of military power. As a discipline in the military field to study overall issues and its
laws, strategy has mainly studied the use of military forces for a long period of time in the past. Under the
conditions of the new era, the construction and development of military power has an increasingly profound
impact on the maintenance of national security and development interests, and its position in comprehensive
national power has become more prominent; especially to adapt to the trend of accelerated development of
the new military revolution in the world, military power The construction process is speeding up, and it is
more closely related to the use of military power. The construction and development of military power must
be guided by the maintenance of the country’s core security interests and meet the needs of the use of
military power. The strategic study of military force building and development is mainly to reveal the
essence, characteristics and basic principles of national defense and army building, and to explore the basic
laws, guiding principles, and development trends of military force building and development, in order to build
a new military force system and improve the military. Power deterrence and actual combat capabilities
provide systematic and innovative theoretical nutrition.
Part III thoroughly implements Xi Jinping’s thoughts on strengthening the army and Xi Jinping’s military
strategic thinking, adheres to the "Five Things To Which We Must Attach More Importance" strategic
guidance, focuses on actual combat, innovation-driven, system construction, intensive efficiency , and
military-civilian integration), first After studying the strategic guidance for the construction and development
of military forces, in accordance with the basic structure of the national armed forces, the army, navy, air
force, rocket force, military space force, cyberspace force, joint logistics support force, armed police force,
and reserve force The construction and development issues have been studied systematically and in-depth,
focusing on key issues such as the overall trend, capacity requirements, and main measures of the
development of various forces.
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Chapter 16 Military Power Construction and Strategic Guidance for
Military power is the collective name of various powers possessed by a country or political group in the
military field, including military power and military potential, referred to as military power. Military power is
the existing military power of a country or political group. China's military forces mainly include the active
and reserve forces of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the armed police forces and the militia, as well
as military-related comprehensive forces in political, economic, technological, and cultural aspects. Military
potential is the potential power that can be used for military purposes by a country or political group through
mobilization. Generally, it refers to the human, material, financial, scientific and technological innovation
power and information power that can be mobilized for military purposes. Military force construction and
development, including the army, navy, air force, rocket force, strategic support force, joint logistics support
force, armed police force and reserve force, must be scientifically coordinated, strengthened management,
coordinated development, and comprehensively strengthen the construction of revolutionization,
modernization, and regularization.
Section One: Basic Laws of Military Force Construction and Development
The construction and development of military power have inherent and essential connections and inevitable
trends, and these connections and trends determine the direction, process and outcome of the development
of the contradictory movement of military power. Understanding and mastering the basic laws of military
force building and development is the basic requirement for actively guiding national defense and army
building and strengthening preparations for military conflict.
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Chapter 16 Strategic Guidance for Military Force Construction and Development
1. Adapt to the needs of national security and development interests
Military power is the main force for a country or nation to safeguard its independence, sovereignty, and
territorial integrity, and it is also a basic force for safeguarding national security and development interests.
The construction and development of military forces must meet the needs of national security and
development interests. The area of national security concern is the space that military forces need to
involve. Where national interests lie, there should be strategic support from military forces. In the long
history of mankind, the threats to national security and development mainly come from the land, and national
interests are concentrated in the land borders. The military forces that are suitable for land operations,
marked by infantry, chariots, cavalry, and artillery, are constantly developing. When humans seek marine
resources, build ships, and open up maritime traffic, responding to maritime threats and maintaining
maritime interests have become an important mission to safeguard national security and development
interests, boats and ships began to enter the military field, and a navy with the ocean as the main battlefield
emerged from the composition of military power. At the beginning of the 20th century, air vehicles were
successfully developed. Aircraft were used for reconnaissance, air combat, and support for ground
operations. Air strikes and counter air strikes became a new form of military conflict, and maintaining air
security became a new proposition for the development of military forces. The practice of military conflict
shows that the country's need to maintain land, sea, and air security and development interests has given
birth to the construction and development of the army, navy, and air force, changed the single-service
structure of military forces, and expanded the field of military conflict.
In today's era, human society continues to develop high and new technologies, expand new fields, and
develop new resources. National security and development interests have gradually exceeded the traditional
territorial, territorial sea, and airspace, and continue to go overseas and space, network, deep sea, polar,
intelligent and other spaces. extend. The construction and development of military power must not only meet
the needs of safeguarding national sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity and traditional security and
development interests such as military and politics, but also meet the maintenance of economic security,
information security, social security, cultural security, maritime security, and the environment. Security,
financial security, energy security, biosecurity, network security and other non-traditional security and
development interests. The new era urgently needs to build a powerful military force commensurate with our
country’s international status and commensurate with national security and development interests.
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2. Based on economic construction and technological progress
Any military force is built on a certain economic and technological foundation. National economic
construction and social scientific and technological progress are the material basis for the construction and
development of military forces. The strength and weakness of military forces, advanced and backward, and
the fast and slow development speed are all closely related to the country's economic foundation and the
level of scientific and technological progress. To build a powerful military force, we must first strengthen
economic construction and scientific and technological innovation.
Only a rich country can strengthen the army, and a strong army can ensure national security. Economic
construction is an important material basis for the construction and development of national defense and the
army. Socio-economic conditions have a guiding and decisive influence on the construction and
development of military forces. Economic construction dominates the scale, quality, and development speed
of military power construction. The construction and development of military forces must be supported by a
corresponding economic foundation. The ancient Chinese military masterpiece "Sun Tzu's Art of War"
proposed that the army will die if there is no strength, will die if there’s no food, and if there is no build up,
the army will die. The classic works of Marxism have profoundly revealed the important role of economic
conditions in the construction and development of military power. Engels pointed out that nothing depends
on economic conditions as much as the army and navy. Equipment, organization, organization, tactics,
strategy, etc. firstly depend on the level of production and traffic improvement at that time. "The victory of
violence is based on the production of weapons, and the production of weapons is based on the entire
production. Therefore, it is based on "economic power,” "economic conditions,” and material data possessed
by violence. "[1] Social and economic conditions restrict the construction and development of military forces,
and affect the scale and quality of military forces. The more the social economy develops, the higher the
level of productivity and the more surplus products that can be provided, the better the scale and quality of
military forces can be guaranteed. The development and procurement of new weapons and equipment, and
the level of development of military education and training are all based on the development of national
productivity and economic construction. Under certain historical conditions, the faster economic construction
develops, the more defense funding is invested, and the faster military power develops; economic
construction develops slowly, and defense funding is insufficient, and military power construction and
development will inevitably be restricted. In building an informationized army, the production cost of
individual weapons has increased exponentially. Socio-economic conditions determine the structure of
military forces and the intensity of change.
1. "Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin's Military Essays,” Warrior Publishing House, 1977 edition, p. 208.
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Chapter 16 Strategic Guidance for Military Force Construction and Development
The organizational structure and development of military forces cannot be separated from the socio-
economic conditions and the level of productivity development. The development and use of new types of
weapons and equipment will inevitably change the internal structure of the military and the relationship
between services and arms. The entire organization of the military depends on material and economic
conditions. Of course, a country's wealth does not mean a strong military, and growth in economic strength
does not mean a strong military. National wealth will not be unconditionally transformed into national
capabilities, let alone transformed into military capabilities naturally. To speed up the building and
development of military forces, we must expand our national defense vision and strengthen our national
defense awareness. The state must gradually increase defense investment on the basis of economic
Science and technology are important factors in generating military power. The advanced scientific and
technological achievements of human society are often the first to be applied in the military field and most
directly affect the generation of combat effectiveness. Marx believed that science is the "revolutionary force
in the highest sense,” and science and technology is a powerful means to drive the forces of nature to serve
themselves. The development of weapons and equipment depends on social productivity, especially
scientific and technological progress. The development and production of military technology and equipment
is based on the level of scientific and technological development. Science and technology is the primary
productive force and the core combat capability. The progress of the chemical and metallurgical foundry
industry has made guns a decisive weapon of war; the wide application of electric power and internal
combustion engines has given birth to mechanized weapons such as tanks, aircraft and new types of ships;
the development of nuclear energy and the development of rocket technology have made missiles and
nuclear weapons become a new type of strategic force. Science, technology, engineering and other national
defense technologies directly used for national defense purposes are the material and technological basis of
national defense construction. The advanced achievements and industrialization of national defense science
and technology have spawned generations of new weapons and accelerated the development of weapons
and equipment. The rise of high and new technology centered on information technology and intelligent
technology has enabled military forces to develop from mechanization to informatization, and to advance
toward intelligence. Advanced science and technology stimulate the potential factors of military power.
Various high and new technologies act on weapon systems and military systems at the same time, speeding
up the upgrading of weapons and equipment, changing the mode of combat power generation, and
improving the efficiency of military power generation. The previous military revolutions of human society
have shown that scientific and technological progress has promoted the transformation of combat
effectiveness generation mode. Fully implement the strategy of strengthening the military through science
and technology, rely on scientific and technological progress to strengthen military forces, integrate national
defense scientific and technological innovation into the scientific and technological innovation system, and
effectively coordinate economic construction, scientific and technological development, and national defense
construction from the perspective of national security and development strategies, and become the
consensus of building of military forces.
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3. Adapting to the development and changes of the form of war
In the history of human warfare, there have been major changes in the form of war from cold weapon wars
to hot weapon wars, and from hot weapon wars to mechanized warfare. Each change has had a profound
impact on the development of military forces. The basic purpose of military power building is to win wars.
This must resolve the contradiction between the level of military power's combat effectiveness and the
development of war patterns. Resolving the contradiction that military power building must be compatible
with the need to win wars runs through all aspects of military power building, and runs through military power
building from beginning to end. The form of war changes with the development of productivity and social
progress, and the building of military power must also change accordingly. This is the common law of
military power building and development of all countries in the world. In the agricultural era, the main
battlefield of the cold weapon war occurred on the land. The main body of the military force was the army,
and the construction and development of infantry and cavalry were highly valued. In the industrial society’s
thermal warfare, mechanized weapons and equipment such as warships and airplanes are on the stage of
war. The ocean and the air have become important battlefields for military power contests. Building a
mechanized army and strengthening the building of the navy and air force have become the mainstream of
military power construction and development. After the end of the Second World War, especially since the
end of the Cold War, high technology with information technology as the core was widely used in the military
field, which caused profound changes in the form of war. Local wars such as the Gulf War, the Kosovo War,
the Afghanistan War, and the Iraq War showed the characteristics of high technology, high intensity, high
investment, and high consumption. Informatization has become an increasingly distinctive feature of modern
warfare. Mechanized warfare has become the basic form of contemporary warfare, which puts forward new
strategic demands on the construction and development of military power. Only by constantly adapting to
changes in the form of war can military power building master the initiative to win wars and be in a
strategically active position.
The major changes brought about by the transformation of the form of war from mechanized war to
information warfare are: future operations will have asymmetric, non-contact, and non-linear characteristics,
in the integration of land, sea, air, space, network, and electric multi-dimensional space. Information
becomes a key element for victory in wars in integrated operations. Adapting to changes in the form of war,
building an informatized military has become the theme of the times in the development of military power. In
the information age, the military has extensively developed and used information technology and information
resources, and utilized information networks as the foundation, with command automation as the core, and
carried out information transformation and information integration in all aspects of military building. The
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Chapter 16 Strategic Guidance for Military Force Construction and Development
extensive application of information technology in the military field has increased the military's combat
effectiveness exponentially. In the end, the military is fully informatized and has the ability to win
informatized wars. To adapt to the new changes in the form of war from mechanization to informatization
and to intelligentization, the construction of military forces must establish the concept of system integration,
efficiently integrate military resources, scientifically use information technology, and vigorously improve the
scientific and technological quality of officers and soldiers and the information technology of weapons and
equipment. Intelligent technology content, speed up the construction of a military power system that adapts
to the form of informationized warfare, and effectively enhance the ability to win informationized warfare.
4. Focus on modernization
The modernization of military forces is an important indicator of the strength of the military's combat
effectiveness. Modernization is the concept of historical development, and the process of military force
building to reach a certain level of the times. The modernization of military power is mainly manifested in the
modernization of military theory, the modernization of military organization, the modernization of military
personnel, and the modernization of weapons and equipment. center. Affected and restricted by the level of
technological development and social and historical conditions, the standards for measuring the level of
modernization of military forces in different eras are different. The modernization of the military forces of
different countries is uneven. Throughout the ages, continuously improving the level of modernization has
been the basic law of military force building and development. As an important material basis for military
combat effectiveness, weapons and equipment directly reflect the level of military modernization. All
countries in the world regard the modernization of weapons and equipment as the top priority of military
power modernization.
The modernization of military forces is a concentrated expression of revolutionization and regularization.
Modernization is an objective requirement for winning modern wars. It is an important way to resolve the
main contradictions in army building and promote the development of army building from a low-level stage to
a high-level stage. Revolutionization is the cornerstone to ensure the nature and direction of our army, and
we must always put the construction of revolutionization in the first place. Regularization is an important
foundation and guarantee of modernization, and it plays a direct role in promoting modernization. The more
advanced the military's weapons and equipment, the more regularization must be strengthened. Building a
powerful modernized and regularized revolutionary army is the direction and overall goal of the people's
army building and development.
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The revolutionization, modernization, and regularization of the military are a unified whole, and must be
comprehensively strengthened and promoted in a coordinated manner. The higher the degree of
modernization of military power building, the more it is necessary to establish a complete military regulation
system, and the more it is necessary to adhere to formal education and training, and to implement scientific
management. The overall advancement of revolutionization, modernization, and regularization can
comprehensively improve the military's combat capabilities and comprehensively improve the quality and
efficiency of military construction.
5. Coordinated development of various forces
Military force is a large system with clear levels and clear functions. Force elements at different levels and in
different fields are interconnected and interact with each other to jointly generate combat capabilities. The
coordinated development of various forces can effectively improve the overall combat capability.
The coordinated development of various structural elements of military forces. The military system is a unity
of structure and function, and a scientific and reasonable structure can improve combat capabilities. The
construction and development of military power must coordinate mechanization, informatization and
intelligence, and realize the coordinated development of ground power, sea power, air power, space power,
and cyber electromagnetic power. In terms of service force building, optimize the arms structure, the
structure of officers and soldiers, the structure of combat troops and non-combat troops, and realize the
coordinated development of new types of arms and traditional arms. In the development of weapons and
equipment, we pay attention to the reasonable combination of high, medium, and low technologies, drive
mechanization with informatization, and lead informatization with intelligence, so as to realize the integrated
development of mechanization, informatization, and intelligence. In terms of support force construction,
actively build a military-civilian integration support system to achieve the coordinated development of
multiple support paths. In terms of combat force construction, optimize the integrated joint combat system,
and integrate combat forces, information support and support systems, command automation systems, and
joint combat command systems as a whole to achieve battlefield perception capabilities, information
transmission capabilities, rapid mobility capabilities, and precision strikes. Coordinated development of
The short-term and long-term goals of military force development are organically unified. The short-term
goal and long-term plan for military power building and development are two aspects that are mutually
connected and mutually promoted. Long-term goals are the foundation of military power building and
development, and have a traction and guiding role for short-term goals. To determine long-term
development goals should proceed from the reality of national defense and army building, while taking into
account short-term goals. Unrealistic pursuit of long-term development will not only make it difficult to
achieve the expected requirements, but will also reduce the quality and efficiency of military force building
and development.
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Chapter 16 Strategic Guidance for Military Force Construction and Development
The short-term goal lays the foundation for the realization of the long-term goal. It must be integrated into
the long-term development plan, and on the basis of striving to complete the short-term goal, focus on the
long-term development of military power building.
The ability to complete emergency tasks is coordinated with the ability to win future wars. Military force
building and development is a dynamic process led by tasks and composed of several development stages.
The staged emergency missions play an important role in the construction and development of military
forces. Improving the ability to win informatized wars is a fundamental requirement for military force building
and development. In the construction and development of military forces, it is necessary to integrate phased
tasks into the ability to win informatized wars, and the ability to win informatized wars provides the
necessary conditions for completing phased tasks. The ability to complete phased tasks and the ability to
win information warfare must be organically combined. In the allocation of strategic resources, it is
necessary to prevent excessive emergency investment, resulting in insufficient stamina to improve the ability
to win information warfare. Military force construction and development must correctly handle the
relationship between emergency construction and long-term construction, realize the organic unity of local
leap and comprehensive development, and improve the ability of emergency operations and the strategic
ability to win information warfare.
Section Two: Military Power Under the Conditions of the New Era; Guiding Principles
for Construction and Development
Since the 1980s, with the rapid development and widespread application of a large number of high and new
technology centered on information technology, human society has gradually entered the information age,
which has triggered revolutionary changes in the military field. The construction and development of military
forces in the information age is mainly to accelerate the transformation of combat effectiveness generation
mode, enhance the joint combat capability based on the network information system, and comprehensively
improve the level of modernization. Our military must actively adapt to the new conditions, new tasks and
new requirements of the new era, actively explore and implement guiding principles that are universal and
regular, but also have Chinese characteristics, so as to better guide the construction and development of
military forces.
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1. Information-led
Information technology is a comprehensive technology for all related information generation, transformation,
storage, display, control and utilization. Information technology, like steam engines and electrification in
history, has brought unprecedented prosperity to the world economy. The application of information
technology in the military field has caused major changes in the style of warfare and army building. The core
of the world's new military revolution is informatization, which is essentially the fundamental transformation
of the military construction model and the fundamental transformation of the war pattern. Therefore, the
construction and development of military power must adhere to information-led development.
Information technology is leading the renewal of weapons and equipment. The development of science and
technology and its application in the military field have a huge impetus to the construction and development
of military forces. In the information age, information capabilities play a leading role in the generation of
combat effectiveness. The construction and development of military forces must vigorously increase the
content of information technology. The military combat effectiveness generation model must be effectively
transformed to rely on scientific and technological progress, especially high-tech progress with information
technology as the main symbol. Solidly improve the capability of joint operations based on the network
information system. The informatization of weapons and equipment makes firepower strikes more precise. In
the Iraq War, various precision-guided weapons have become the main body of firepower strikes on the
battlefield. Information technology, through the updating of weapons and equipment and the improvement of
the command system, has made the organization more capable and the organizational structure more
Information fusion leads the construction of combat systems. The information flow that plays a key role in
information warfare has extensively affected the land, sea, air, space, network, electricity and other multi-
dimensional spaces. The role of information control, space control, and electromagnetic control has become
more and more important. The release of combat energy is the linkage of the entire combat system, and the
confrontation between the two militaries has become a confrontation between systems. The combat space is
multidimensional, and the field of activity is broader; the forms of combat are diversified, and the system
confrontation is more intense; the command and control are real-time, and the information transmission is
smoother. In recent local wars in the world, the U.S. military relied on the C4ISRK (Command, Control,
Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, Kill) system to form a dense
network of reconnaissance, early warning, and command, realizing the interconnection, real-time and
synchronization of combat commands at all levels.
Information and knowledge lead the improvement of the military quality of officers and soldiers. In the
information age, the knowledge and technology required for military operations are highly intensive. The role
of scientific and technological literacy, especially information literacy, in the generation of combat
effectiveness has become more prominent.
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The mastery and use of science and technology by officers and soldiers is mainly reflected in scientific and
technological capabilities, scientific and technological awareness, scientific and technological concepts, and
scientific and technological atmosphere. Adapting to the new military revolution and the trend of
informatization and intelligentization, vigorously improving the scientific and technological quality of officers
and soldiers, and cultivating a large number of high-quality new-type military personnel are the basic
projects for the construction and development of military forces.
2. Demand traction
The demand for military power continues to develop with the changes in social and historical conditions. In
different historical periods, countries have had different needs for military power. At present, to adapt to the
new requirements of safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity, military force
building and development must pay close attention to changes in the security situation, national interests,
and strategic tasks, and effectively improve the overall capability of safeguarding national security and
The historical mission of our army in the new era leads to the construction and development of military
forces. The historical mission of the military is that the military must perform its functions in a certain
historical period. It has a strong political character and a distinctive epochal character. Our military’s
historical mission in the new era is very different from the mission of fighting for national liberation and
national independence during the Revolutionary War. It puts forward new requirements for the construction
and development of military forces. The military must provide strategic support for consolidating the
leadership of the Communist Party of China and China's socialist system, provide strategic support for
safeguarding national sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity, provide strategic support for expanding
China's overseas interests, and provide strategic support for promoting world peace and development.
These "four strategic supports" are a new summary of our military's functions, a new expansion of missions
and tasks, and a new requirement for national defense construction. The construction and development of
military forces must be guided by missions and tasks. To ensure that the military fulfills its missions and
tasks in the new era, it must continuously enhance its military capabilities centered on winning information
warfare. This is the fundamental function of our military, and it is also the basis for the ability to accomplish
diversified military tasks. It is necessary to vigorously improve the joint combat capabilities based on the
network information system, ensure that informationized wars are won, effectively deal with the threat of
aggression, division, and subversion of the country, and firmly safeguard national sovereignty, unity, and
territorial integrity.
Comprehensively improve the ability to win information-based warfare and lead the construction and
development of military forces. Modern wars are conducted in multi-dimensional fields such as land, sea,
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air, space, network, and electricity, and are integrated joint operations carried out by various forces. The
construction and development of military power must meet the needs of winning informatized warfare, do a
good job in the construction of combat systems, and achieve system matching and link linkage. With
information technology and intelligent technology as the core linking widely distributed combat forces, the
reconnaissance and detection system, communication liaison system, command and control system, and
weapon equipment system form a compatible and horizontally integrated information network system for all
services and arms; breaking the command automation system The military branch or professional self-
contained system structure model establishes standardized information exchange channels between all
informationized combat equipment through standardized information interface equipment; the space-based
system is in a leading position in the military system, and resources must be concentrated and effectively
constructed. Various forces must be able to focus on a unified combat goal, starting from time, effect, and
space, to implement an overall joint action warfare.
Responding to non-traditional security threats and progressive non-war military operations lead the
construction and development of military forces. Under the conditions of the new era, our country is facing
both traditional security threats and non-traditional security threats. The military is required to continuously
improve its ability to respond to non-traditional security threats and conduct non-war military operations. At
present, the non-traditional security threats facing our country are mainly security issues caused by
terrorism, natural disasters, public security incidents and so on. The military must focus on responding to
traditional security threats, continuously improve its ability to win information warfare, and at the same time
pay close attention to non-traditional security threats, and continuously improve the implementation of anti-
terrorism and stability, rescue and disaster relief, protection of rights and interests, security and vigilance,
international peacekeeping, and international rescue and other non-war military operations capabilities.
3. System construction
The essence of system construction is to use information technology to integrate various combat forces and
combat elements to form an interrelated and mutually supporting integrated combat system. The
development of information technology can combine various complex combat elements and combat units
into a closely integrated and coordinated construction system and combat system. Informationized warfare
is a system confrontation. It is the system that fights and the system that wins. Building an integrated combat
system has become an important way to build and develop military forces. At present, the construction of
our military system has entered a critical period of overcoming difficulties. It is necessary to hold back the
grasp of the network information system and speed up the construction and development of the military. Pay
attention to system construction, and focus on the following aspects.
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Chapter 16 Strategic Guidance for Military Force Construction and Development
The first is to strive to build an integrated joint combat system. Winning information warfare requires
systematic combat capabilities. System combat capabilities mainly include five aspects of comprehensive
perception, real-time command, precision strike, full-dimensional protection, and focused support.
Comprehensive perception is like human eyes, real-time accusations are like human brains, precision
strikes are like human fists, full-dimensional protection is like human armor, and focused protection is like
human supplies. These five aspects are enabled through the network information system. Melt into one. To
win informatized warfare, we must strive to build an informatized joint operations system with an integrated
network information system as the platform, reconnaissance and early warning as the source, command and
control as the key position, combat force as the backbone, comprehensive support as the support, and
battlefield environment as the condition to achieve Intelligence reconnaissance, command and control, fire
strike, information confrontation, and integrated support are integrated.
The second is to grab the grip of the network information system. Xi Jinping pointed out that the true combat
effectiveness is the joint combat capability based on the network information system. It can be seen that the
network information system is the core support for winning the information war. It is necessary to make full
use of the permeability and connectivity of information technology, build a strong network information
system, integrate various combat forces, combat units, and combat elements into an organic whole, forming
a "one network" and "one game of chess" for the entire army. The various constructions depend on the
degree of integration and contribution to the system. The "blood" of the network information system is data.
We must attach great importance to data construction, strengthen the acquisition, classification, update, and
analysis of data, and effectively enrich and unify the basic data of combat forces, battlefield environment,
war storage materials, and weapons and equipment. Establish a data update mechanism to ensure that the
data is fresh and effective.
The third is to make good use of the network information system. To win an information war, we must not
only build a good network information system, but also make good use of it. In regular military practice
activities, the use of integrated command platforms, data links, and various military business information
systems is intensified to promote the organic integration of people and systems. Commanders at all levels
must take the lead in understanding and making good use of the network information system, truly
mastering the power of discourse and decision-making in informatization, and improving the ability to use
the network information system to win battles.
The fourth is to strengthen the characteristics of our military in the combat system. To build an efficient and
effective combat system, we must combine the general laws of system construction with China's national
conditions and military conditions, and create a path to build a combat system that can effectively deter the
enemy in peacetime, seize control of the battlefield and win wars in wartime.
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Starting from the asymmetric development concept of deterring the enemy and controlling the enemy, we
will focus on optimizing our military's strength structure and create a systematic combat capability that is
conducive to the formation of our military's unique advantages. Give full play to the advantages of
latecomers, rely on the national information industry development platform, and extensively introduce the
"Internet+" development concept, subversive development concept, and industrial revolution 4.0
development concept, and strive to build a world-class combat system with Chinese characteristics.
4. Intensive and efficient
The intensive and high-efficiency of military construction and development is to break the inertia of simply
relying on increased investment, shop for new talents, and pursuit of quantity, establish a value trend of
concentration, frugality, restraint, and efficiency, and achieve overall planning, optimized configuration,
resource conservation, and cost reduction. Efficient management promotes the sustained, efficient, healthy,
and rapid development of the military. At present, the organizational structure of our army is becoming more
and more complex, the division of specialization is more refined, and the requirements for standardization,
standardization, and refinement are getting higher and higher. This is a basic feature of today's modern
military development. Our military must deeply grasp and actively adapt to this characteristic, transform from
extensive development to precise development, and take the path of intensive and efficient development.
Pay attention to intensive and efficient, and should pay attention to the following aspects.
First, the development of the army must be precise. The construction and development of the army must be
precise, so as to achieve precise planning, precise planning, precise deployment, precise implementation,
and precise inspection. The principle of precision must be implemented in what problem to solve, how to
solve the problem, and how to solve the problem. It is necessary to accelerate the advancement of the
military management revolution centered on efficiency, improve the precision-oriented management system,
and improve the accuracy of national defense and military development. Under the conditions of the new
era, the construction and development of the army must establish precise concepts, realize the preciseness
of the army's management model and operating mechanism, and accelerate the transition from experience-
based army-building to scientific army-building.
The second is to improve decision-making methods and procedures. Establish and improve the decision-
making consultation system, improve the information and intellectual support system, and improve the level
of scientific decision-making. Correctly grasp the characteristics and laws of army building in the information
age, and correctly use methods such as precise decision-making, systematic decision-making, and
quantitative decision-making to improve the scientific level of army building.
The third is to place process control in a strategic position. Strengthening strategic management and
highlighting process control can fully estimate and scientifically predict risks, and scientifically formulate
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Chapter 16 Strategic Guidance for Military Force Construction and Development
corresponding measures to achieve the intensive and efficient development of army building. Follow the
principle of process control, work hard to unify words, and seek breakthroughs. Strengthen engineering
management and professional evaluation, strengthen the pertinence of supervision, and strengthen
successive control and targeted control, so that all aspects, stages, and links of military construction are
closely connected, coordinated and promoted, and sustained development.
Fourth is to coordinate the deployment of major resources.. The allocation of manpower, financial resources,
material resources, science and technology, information and other major resource elements used for army
building must be planned in a unified manner, managed throughout the process, with appropriate ratios,
reasonable speed, and overall deployment to ensure the intensive and efficient development of army
building. Strengthen centralized management, make good use of incremental resources, integrate existing
resources, revitalize idle resources, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, and maximize the
conversion of resources into combat effectiveness.
5. Scientific coordination
Military force building and development is a large and complex system, and various systems must be highly
coordinated and unified to ensure the effective improvement of comprehensive capabilities.
Scientifically coordinate the country's national defense construction and economic construction. Promoting
economic construction and building a strong national defense are the two major strategic tasks of China's
modernization drive. We must stand at the height of the overall national security and development strategy,
coordinate economic construction and national defense construction, and achieve a prosperous and strong
country in the process of promoting national modernization. The unification of the army. We must persist in
focusing on economic construction, and national defense construction must be subordinated to the overall
situation of national economic construction. Maintaining sustained economic development and continuously
enhancing the country’s economic strength are the basis for solving all problems including the modernization
of national defense. It is also the key to improving international competitiveness and safeguarding national
sovereignty, security, and core interests. The construction and development of military forces must closely
cooperate with the overall situation of national economic construction. While concentrating on economic
construction, efforts must be made to strengthen national defense and army construction, so that military
strength can continue to develop on the basis of the country’s financial resources. If we can't work hard to
strengthen national defense and army building along with economic development, and constantly improve
our military strength, once a war breaks out, we may become passive and it will be difficult to effectively
safeguard national sovereignty, security and core interests. Therefore, it is necessary to form a mechanism
for mutual promotion and overall development of national defense and economic construction. Always
adhere to the policy of taking economic construction as the center and giving consideration to both
economic construction and national defense construction and developing in a coordinated manner.
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Scientifically coordinate preparations for military conflict and army building. Persisting in the overall
development of military preparations and army building is the fundamental requirement for military power
building and development. Preparation for military conflict is not only a process of testing army building, but
also a process of cultivating and enhancing military capabilities. Preparation for military conflict is the
modernization of the military with a clear goal, which provides a real starting point for the modernization of
our military and forms a huge traction force. The modernization of the armed forces provides a strength
basis and potential development for military conflict preparations. Preparations for military conflict must
scientifically coordinate the construction of the main strategic direction and the construction of other strategic
directions. It is necessary to properly handle the relationship between preparations for military conflicts and
the development of military power building, so as to realize the organic unity of preparing for military conflicts
and carrying out military modernization in a planned and step-by-step manner.
Scientifically coordinate the construction of mechanization, informatization and intelligence. It is necessary to
adhere to mechanization as the basis, informatization as the leading, and intelligence as the direction, and
accelerate the integration and development of mechanization, informatization and intelligence.
Mechanization-based means that the mechanization of weapons and equipment is the material basis and
carrier for the development of informatization and intelligence. Informatization requires mechanization of
weapons and equipment, and intelligence also requires mechanization as support. Informatization is the
leading factor, which means that informatization plays a connecting role between mechanization and
intelligence, and plays a very important role in the integration and development of weapons and equipment
"three modernizations.” Intelligence as the direction means that although intelligence cannot surpass
informatization and mechanization, it can lead to the development of informatization and mechanization.
Mechanization, informatization, and intelligence are progressively progressive, orderly dependent,
interpenetrating and promoting each other. The former lays the foundation for the latter, and the latter leads
the development of the former, resulting in superimposition, aggregation and multiplier effects to achieve
improvement in combat effectiveness. To promote the integration and development of mechanization,
informatization, and intelligence, we must adhere to demand-driven, integrated design, key breakthroughs,
and implement the strategic deployment of national defense and military modernization in a planned and
step-by-step manner.
6. Military-civilian integration
Persist in military-civilian integration, improve military-civilian compatibility, and enhance the ability to
convert between peace and war. This is a manifestation of the Marxist concept of war and military. It reflects
the essential characteristics of military conflict preparation and army building, and is a guiding principle that
must be adhered to in the construction and development of military forces. Our army is the people's army,
and our national defense is the national defense of the whole people.
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Chapter 16 Strategic Guidance for Military Force Construction and Development
The people cannot do without the army, and the army cannot do without the people. In the new era, we must
adhere to the balance of development and security, enrich the country and strengthen the military,
implement the national strategy of military-civilian integration, and strive to form an all-element, multi-
domain, and highly effective development pattern of deep military-civilian integration.
Persist in the in-depth development of military-civilian integration with Chinese characteristics. Establishing
an innovative system of military-civilian integration has become a common policy orientation for the
construction and development of military forces in major countries in the world. The People's Army has a
solid political and social foundation for strengthening military-civilian integration. Promote the in-depth
development of military-civilian integration, covering fields such as defense technology industry, weaponry,
personnel training, military support socialization, and national defense mobilization. It is necessary to
strengthen overall planning and coordination at the national level, give play to the leading role of military
demand, and better integrate national defense and army building into the national economic and social
development system. To promote the in-depth development of military-civilian integration with Chinese
characteristics in the new era, we must take the goal of strengthening the military as the guide, improve the
organization and management system, work operation system, and policy system for the in-depth
development of military-civilian integration, formulate special plans for overall economic construction and
national defense construction, and deepen the defense technology industry. Institutional reform, the
establishment of a national defense science and technology collaborative innovation mechanism, advance
legislation for the in-depth development of military-civilian integration, accelerate the development of
military-civilian integration in key construction areas, and comprehensively promote the establishment and
improvement of military-civilian integration and military-civilian weapons and equipment scientific research
and production systems, military personnel training systems, and military support systems. The military
support system, the national defense mobilization system will be improved, and a new situation of deep
military-civilian integrated development will continue to be created.
Expand the scope and depth of military-civilian integration. The new type of military force develops into a
multi-dimensional space and multiple fields, and the space for military-civilian integration is further
expanded. High and new technology is compatible with military and civilian, and the field of military-civilian
integration is further deepened. To build and develop military forces, we must make full use of national
resources. The state should consider the overall situation of economic and social development, improve the
institutional mechanisms that are conducive to military-civilian coordination, formulate corresponding laws,
policies and military-civilian technical standards, take into account military needs in economic and social
development plans, and gradually establish military-civilian integration and military integration. The people’s
economic and social development system. In the development of new military technology, it is necessary to
consider the prospects of civilian use and focus on the needs of commercialization and industrialization.
Actively promote the transfer of military technology to the civilian economic field and civilian superior
technology to the military field, and use the development of dual-use technology to promote the close
integration of military-civilian scientific research and production at the high-tech level. Pay attention to
cultivating military and civilian scientific and technological personnel, improve the training of military
personnel relying on the national education system, and give play to their dual role in national defense and
economic construction.
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Through military-civilian integration, a virtuous circle between the defense technology industry and the
civilian technology industry will be realized, and the survival and development capabilities of defense
research and production will be enhanced. For the fields of economy, science and technology, education,
and talents, it is necessary to integrate in a wider range, higher level, and deeper level. If you can use
civilian resources, you will not spread your own pavement; if you can be included in the national economic
and technological development system, you will not start anew; social security must be implemented for
things that can be done with social security resources.
Realize the benign interaction of the deep integration of military and civilian. The deep integration of military
and civilian development is not only conducive to national defense and military modernization to obtain
deeper material support and development stamina from economic construction; it is also conducive to
economic construction to obtain more powerful security and technical support from national defense and
military modernization. Further play the role of national defense science and technology industry in
promoting the national economy, promote the exchange and integration of scientific and technological
achievements, talents, funds, information and other factors in the national defense and civilian fields, and
form a strong support for the national economy to national defense construction, and national defense
technology is especially important for the national economy. A strong traction for the development of the
technology industry. Increase policy support, comprehensively promote the construction of a military-civilian
integrated military support system, and explore ways to improve the development of weapons and
equipment based on the defense industry system and the social security system to promote socialized
logistics support. Extensively carry out military-civilian joint construction of common infrastructure, promote
the rational development and cooperative use of military-land marine, space, airspace, cyberspace,
surveying and mapping, navigation, meteorology, frequency spectrum and other resources, and promote the
mutual complementation and mutual use of military-land resources. Promoting the in-depth development of
military-civilian integration is the common responsibility of the whole party and the country. Local party
committees and governments at all levels must fully consider and take into account military needs, care
about supporting army building, and army building provides a strong backing.
Section Three: Building a New Military Power System
The new military force most represents the development trend of military technology and combat methods. It
is an innovative development of traditional military forces. It is a military force with distinct strategic, forward-
looking, and expansive nature. It is also an important indicator for measuring the level of informatization of
national defense and army building. Modern warfare is an open system composed of a huge flow of people,
logistics, information, and energy. The two sides are confrontations between combat systems, not between
single or several combat force units.
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Chapter 16 Strategic Guidance for Military Force Construction and Development
The building of a new type of military force has evolved from a single force and local force to a systematic
force. Military conflict is the competition and confrontation between military power systems. If a country’s
military power system has an irrational structure, incomplete functions, and inadequate technology, even if it
possesses a few advanced weapons, it cannot form a powerful combat capability. Adapting to the trend of
accelerated development of the world's new military revolution and accelerating the construction of a new
type of military force system with Chinese characteristics are strategic measures and urgent tasks for
military force construction and development.
1. Accelerate the development of new military forces
The construction and development of a new type of military force is related to the overall national security
strategy, affects the future of army building, and determines the scientific and technological content and
military power index of the military force system. To build a new type of military force system, new types of
combat forces must be the main body, supported by forward-looking, strategic, and systematic new types of
military forces. The construction and development of a new military force system involves a wide range of
fields and complex innovation content. It must be adapted to the needs of national security and development
interests. It must be based on scientific and technological progress, with informatization as the core, and
intelligence as the direction, and adhere to forward-looking planning, independent innovation, and scientific
Highlight the construction and development of various new types of military forces. Take the construction
and development of military forces in new fields as a basic project for building a military power system, seize
opportunities to accelerate the development of new types of forces such as strategic early warning, military
aerospace, air defense and antimissile, information offensive and defense, strategic projection, and open
sea defense; adhere to the use of various services high-tech emergency mobile combat forces as the main
body, focusing on improving the content of information technology. The development of military force
building in new fields has accelerated, and the military's combat effectiveness will have a qualitative leap,
and the overall outlook of our military will inevitably undergo profound changes. This plays an important role
in laying the foundation and making forward-looking breakthroughs for the effective construction of a new
military power system.
Improve the system functions of the new military force. Attach great importance to structural coordination
and optimization of functions among various new military forces. In information warfare, the effectiveness of
military power is more dependent on the application capability of information technology. If the technology
content is not high and the functions are not perfect, it is difficult to improve the overall effectiveness of the
military power system. The initial stage of the construction of a new type of military force must be
scientifically planned, and the system and function of the new type of military force must be improved as a
key link in the construction and development of the military force. Focusing on the basic elements of the
military power system, it is necessary to highlight key points and strengthen weak links.
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Closely focus on improving information capabilities, strike capabilities, protection capabilities, and support
capabilities, improve the structure of services and arms, the structure of officers and soldiers, the structure
of combat and non-combat forces, increase the scientific and technological content, and optimize overall
functions. Actively explore organizational methods for optimizing the structure of military forces, so as to
coordinate theoretical innovation and construction practices with the needs of the administrative organs at all
Establish experimental bases for new types of troops. The formation of combat effectiveness of a new type
of force is inseparable from experimentation and testing. In order to improve the efficiency of building a new
military power system and reduce the risk of system structure adjustment, the new service arms, new
equipment, and new system should be comprehensively demonstrated and tested by specialized units
before they are fully promoted, and the system structure should be further improved through experiments.
To meet the needs of building new types of forces such as digital forces, information operations forces,
cyber operations forces, special operations forces, and cross-service construction forces, we must jointly
establish comprehensive experimental and test bases to provide an experiment and test environment for the
construction of new types of troops required to build a new military power system..
2. Strengthen the integration of elements of military power
To build a new military power system, it is necessary to base on new military power elements such as
strategic early warning forces, military aerospace forces, and information offensive and defensive forces, but
also to focus on the integration of the various elements of the new military forces. Using advanced science
and technology and systems engineering methods, the various subsystems and sub-systems that generate
combat power in the fields of land, sea, air, space, network, electricity, and intelligence are integrated into an
organic military force as a whole, so that it can produce "1 + 1 > 2" as the overall effect. In the past, due to
the limitations of military technology, the elements of military forces were relatively independent, and forces
in different battlefield spaces fought independently, with little influence on each other. With the rapid
development of modern information technology and its application in the military field, various complex
military elements and combat units can be combined into a closely integrated and coordinated force system,
and the combat forces in various fields can be organically connected into a whole. In the Gulf War, the U.S.
military relied on its advanced combat system to combine the combat forces of more than 30 countries into a
whole, and its combat effectiveness was significantly improved.
Realize the power integration of the joint combat system. To build a new military power system, we must
make overall plans for reconnaissance and early warning, command and control, weaponry and equipment,
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Chapter 16 Strategic Guidance for Military Force Construction and Development
combat forces, and comprehensive support construction, grasp the integration and integration of various
combat forces, combat units, and combat elements, and accelerate the construction of a joint combat
system under the conditions of informatization and intelligence of our army. Strengthen the overall concept
of combat and firmly establish the concept of the military power system; resolutely avoid self-construction,
repeated development, inconsistent standards, and difficult data sharing that weaken the functions of the
military power system; enhance the effectiveness and applicability of the combat system, and vigorously
improve the ability of the information system to support the joint combat system.
Accelerate the construction of joint operations capabilities based on the network information system. To
meet the needs of expanding national interests and winning future wars, establish a network information
system as soon as possible, strengthen the construction of the system's combat capabilities, and strive to
build a military force system reasonable in structure, complete in functions, and responsive, which can give
full play to the joint combat effectiveness of the services and arms and the potential of national warfare.
Military power system. Adhere to the coordination of offense and defense, the combination of software and
hardware, and scientifically coordinate the coordinated development of information warfare forces.
Vigorously improve the information technology content of various services and arms, and make every effort
to promote joint operations capabilities based on network information systems.
Promote the integration of military power structure. A new type of military force is an innovative development
of traditional military force. The construction of a new type of military force system must rely on the
foundation of traditional military force, meet the needs of winning information warfare, widely absorb
advanced scientific and technological achievements, and vigorously promote the integration of military force
structure. One is the integration of software and hardware attack capabilities. We must have new
breakthroughs in the informatization of weapons and equipment, narrow the gap with the informatization
level of the armed forces of developed countries, improve information strike capabilities, form a local
information advantage, and realize the integration of soft and hard attacks. The second is the integration of
combat platforms. Strengthen the organic combination of military services' combat platforms, intelligence
reconnaissance systems, weapon equipment systems, and logistics support systems, accelerate the
construction of informatized, stealth, and highly mobile combat platforms, and comprehensively improve
combat capabilities. The third is the integration of the command system. Speed up the integration process of
the command system, strengthen the construction of network integration, realize the sharing of information
resources, improve interoperability, high mobility, and high survivability, and adapt to the needs of local wars
and non-war military operations.
3. Give full play to the advantages of military power with Chinese characteristics
Vigorously promote the reform and innovation of organizational forms. The construction and development of
a new type of military force must be supported by corresponding organizational forms. A new type of military
force must have a corresponding organizational form to support it to generate a new quality of combat
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The organizational form of the military is a key link in generating military capabilities, and it continues to
develop with social progress and technological innovation. Any revolution in the military power system is
ultimately marked by the establishment of a brand-new military organization form. In the current era, the
world’s new military revolution is accelerating, which has had an extremely profound impact on the
organization of the military. The transformation of military construction from mechanization to informatization
and the development of intelligence is closely related to the transformation of military organization. The new
organizational form generates super combat effectiveness. Compared with the mechanized army, the size of
the informationized army is significantly reduced, but the combat capability is significantly improved. The
fundamental reason is that relying on the guarantee of organizational form, the combat power that can be
used per unit time has been significantly improved. To speed up the construction of a new military power
system, it is necessary to take the reform and innovation of the military organizational form as the main task
of strengthening the military, vigorously promote the modernization of the organizational form, and
accelerate the construction of a modern military power system with Chinese characteristics. This is also the
only way to gradually narrow the gap with the international advanced military technology level, build a world-
class army in an all-round way, and achieve the goal of strengthening the army.
Improve the quality of officers and soldiers to meet the needs of new military forces. To build a new military
force system, we must proceed from the reality of our country and our military, comprehensively analyze
various factors, and correctly handle the relationship between inheritance and development, peacetime and
wartime, local and overall, current and long-term, deepening reform and maintaining stability. Learn from
foreign military experience and maintain our military's characteristics and advantages. With the fundamental
focus on advancing military reforms with Chinese characteristics and improving information warfare
capabilities, we will enrich the high-tech and informatized arms, improve the policy system for officer
selection, training, and promotion, and vigorously improve the overall quality of the officers and soldiers.
Strengthen the establishment of policies and regulations for the military power system. The construction of a
new type of military force system is closely related to the international situation, security environment,
economic development, and technological level. It is closely related to the modernization of weapons and
equipment and the quality and capabilities of officers and soldiers. Policies and regulations are the
guarantee; without corresponding policies and regulations, even if a scientific military force structure model
is established, it is difficult to implement it. Strengthening the construction of policies and regulations is an
indispensable basic project for building a new military power system.
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Chapter 17 Army Construction and Development
With the accelerated evolution of warfare, the land battlefield has been injected with many new elements
and new connotations. Revolutionary changes are taking place in the way of land warfare. The development
of the army is facing both new opportunities and severe challenges. Facing the new situation and new
challenges, we must actively adapt to the profound changes in the army's construction mode and application
methods in the era of informatization and intelligence, and in accordance with the strategic requirements of
mobile operations and three-dimensional offensive and defense, further promote the lean, diversified, and
modular development pace, and accelerate realizing the transformation from a regional defense type to a
global combat type, and strive to build a powerful modern new army.
Section One: Army Construction and Development Trend
Since entering the 21st century, major countries in the world have increased their investment, vigorously
develop army weapon systems with information technology and intelligent technology as the core,
accelerate the restructuring of the army force and military theory innovation, build digital battlefields and
intelligent forces, and vigorously promote Army construction and transformation with informatization and
intelligentization as the main feature.
1. The scale and organization are more rational
The development of the Army in a more rational direction means that the construction of the army will further
promote the transformation from a quantity-scale type to a quality-efficiency type, so that the overall size and
combat forces of the army will be more lean and agile. From a global perspective, with the continuous
increase in the power of weapons and equipment, especially the existence of nuclear weapons, the
possibility of large-scale ground wars such as World War II between major powers has further reduced, in
order to openly seize territory and wars aimed at plundering resources are unlikely to occur.
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Localized and limited will become the basic trend of war development, and the multi-domain and integrated
joint operations of various services and arms will become the basic form of operations. Compared with the
era of mechanization, the main position of the army in war has changed. In order to adapt to the trend of war
development, the Army must carry out a strategic transformation. The establishment of a more capable army
is a basic trend in the development of armies of all countries in the world. After the reforms since the end of
the Cold War, the overall size of the armies of various countries in the world has been continuously reduced,
and the reform aimed at reducing the number of posts has been basically completed. After several rounds of
reforms in our army, especially the new round of deepening national defense and army reforms, the overall
size of the army has been greatly reduced, and the scale of its combat forces has gradually become more
reasonable and appropriate. One of the goals of advancing the transformation and development of the army
is to reduce the number of active personnel, increase the proportion of civilian personnel, and make the
army more capable by implementing and improving the joint combat command system and the reform of the
army's policies and systems. While the overall scale is reduced, the army's combat force composition will
also tend to be miniaturized. Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the combat capability
depends more and more on the quality of the army rather than the quantity, and the military significance of
the number and scale of the combat unit or group is relatively weakened. The suddenness, complexity,
diversity, and uncertainty of future threats also require faster response capabilities of all combat units.
Therefore, the miniaturization of woven structures is the basic trend. The armies of the world's major powers
have all realized the reform from the one-division, one-regiment, one-battalion system to the one-brigade,
one-battalion system, making the combat group more portable, flexible, mobile, and deployable. This kind of
miniaturization is not a simple compression of quantity, but a miniaturization based on high energy and high
quality. China is a large land border country, and the surrounding geo-environment and domestic security
issues around the land are very complicated, and the tasks undertaken by the army are very heavy. At
present, there is still a certain gap between the level of our army’s weapons and equipment compared with
military powers, and a certain amount is still needed to make up for the lack of quality. At this stage, our
army must maintain an appropriate scale, but making the army more capable and flexible is a basic
development trend.
2. The power structure tends to be three-dimensional
The three-dimensional development trend of the army means that the army's force composition changes
from the traditional model, vigorously develops the army's new combat forces, and gradually develops in a
three-dimensional and multidimensional direction. The future land warfare will be carried out in a three-
dimensional and multi-dimensional space, and the struggle for air supremacy and information control will run
through the entire process of combat. Large three-dimensional and multi-dimensional warfare are important
features of future land warfare.
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Chapter 17 Army Construction and Development
The three-dimensional formation of the army's power is a new trend that has emerged to meet the objective
needs of this land warfare characteristic. In order to realize the three-dimensionality of the army, we will
vigorously develop air assault forces, give priority to the development of army aviation, and improve the
ability to compete with the enemy for a tree-high space, and win ground wars from the air. Vigorously
develop large-scale aerial delivery platforms, strengthen the construction of airborne troops that carry out
assaults on the enemy by plane and parachute landing, and improve the army's strategic projection and
assault capabilities. Vigorously develop surface-to-air missile units and antiaircraft artillery units with medium
and high altitude protection capabilities, and continuously improve the army's own air control and protection
capabilities. Vigorously improve the Army’s information operations capabilities, advance the Army’s
informatization and intelligence construction, increase the informatization and intelligence content of the
Army’s equipment, gradually expand the size of the information operations force, and add various types of
electronic countermeasures to the theater and the group army. Comprehensively improve the army’s
information offensive and defensive capabilities, and enable the army to move from plane to three-
dimensional, and from single-dimensional to multi-dimensional.
3. The proportion of light-duty and self-propelled equipment has increased
Increasing the proportion of light equipment in the army means that the development of the army has
gradually changed the status quo of excessive heavy mechanized troops in the past, equipped with more
light equipment with stronger adaptability and faster maneuvering speed, and continuously improved the
mobility and deployment of ground combat forces. Heavy mechanized troops have great lethality, protection
and long-lasting combat capabilities. They are the core force of large-scale land operations and the basis for
army building. They will still play an important role in future wars. However, as large-scale mechanized
warfare gradually fades out of the stage of history, it adapts to the characteristics of diverse threats,
diversified opponents, and volatile battlefields in future wars, which puts forward higher requirements for the
army's mobility and deployment. Lightweight has become an important direction for the army's development.
One of the important goals of the U.S. Army’s reform is to overcome the deficiencies in the mobility and
deployment of the heavy forces and build a fast-reacting and more agile land force. To realize the lightening
of the army in our country, we should mainly increase the proportion of wheeled and amphibious armored
forces. The army’s autonomy is closely related to its lightness. In the future, the army will continue to
increase the proportion of its own equipment, so as to achieve lighter, more agile, and faster.
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4. Organizing method to achieve modularity
The modularization of the army is a requirement for the organization of combat units or combat groups.
Modularity is a common trend in the development of armies of all countries in the world. As early as 2004,
the U.S. Army issued the "Army Modular Construction Comprehensive Guide" to specifically guide and
promote the U.S. Army's modular construction. In 2008, the "Modular Force" field order was issued,
proposing that the U.S. Army should transform into a Modular Army. Modular organization usually takes the
battalion as the basic tactical module and the brigade as the basic synthetic unit, which is organized by
building blocks. At present, the reform of the military battalion system of our army is basically completed, but
the organization and structure of the basic tactical module of the battalion still needs further development
and improvement. The realization of modularization will make the organization of troops more flexible and
faster. During wartime, operations can be organized temporarily as needed to quickly generate troops
capable of performing various combat tasks.
5. Combat capabilities tend to become more versatile
Under the conditions of the new era, the army has more diverse missions. In order to deal with multiple
threats and different opponents, troops are required to have the ability to perform a variety of combat
missions under various environments and conditions, that is, combat capabilities develop towards versatility.
The organization should pay attention to the optimal combination of various combat functions, so that the
basic combat units of the Army can implement various types of operations without strengthening and
supplementing, and comprehensively improve the ability to perform missions, especially to win informatized
6. The army’s intelligentization accelerates development
Military intelligence is revolutionizing the way of land warfare and the organizational structure of the army.
The U.S. Army widely uses various surface robots, including "SWORDS" combat robots, on the battlefields
in Afghanistan and Iraq. In recent years, the development strategies and plans of ground unmanned
autonomous systems such as "U.S. Ground Unmanned System Roadmap,” "U.S. Army Robotics and
Autonomous System Strategy" have been issued, and it is planned to realize the intelligent formation of
manned and unmanned systems coordinated operations by 2030. The Russian army used combat robots in
the Syrian battlefield to conduct coordinated combat operations, and the battle was successfully ended in
only 20 minutes, achieving very good results. Various types of unmanned ground systems represented by
the "Uranus" series and "Platform-M "Argo" models have been developed, and the BMP-3 infantry fighting
vehicle and the "Amata" main battle tank have been modified to be unmanned.
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Chapter 17 Army Construction and Development
The Chief of Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Gerasimov said that mankind will soon witness the robot
army fighting independently. Britain, Israel and other countries have also made rapid progress in the
development of army intelligence equipment. It can be seen that the army, like the navy and air force, is also
accelerating its development from mechanization to informatization and intelligence, and the era of robot
warfare will soon come.
Section Two: Army Capability Requirements Under New Era Conditions
Under informatization and intelligent conditions, the Army’s capability building has many things in common
with other services, such as battlefield perception capabilities, information combat capabilities, command
and control capabilities, and comprehensive support capabilities. All services need to be greatly improved.
However, the Army also has its own characteristics in these capacity building. For example, in terms of
information warfare capacity building, the Army should focus on solving the problem of seeing far,
distinguishing, and positioning accurately, improving early warning, target recognition, and positioning and
tracking capabilities, and increasing the electronic countermeasures force. Through the informatization of
main battle equipment and the main battle of information equipment, the army’s information warfare
capabilities have been continuously improved. The Army, as the main service performing ground combat
missions, meets the requirements of building an informationized army and winning informationized wars,
and should focus on improving the following capabilities.
1. Sustained ground assault capability
Sustained ground assault capability, that is, the ability to continue ground offensive and defensive
operations, is the foundation and support of the Army's combat capabilities. The main units that perform
ground assault missions are infantry, armored, and artillery, and they are the main body of the army's
combat forces. The main purpose of army operations is to consolidate the results of operations through
ground control and occupation, and achieve the strategic goals completely and thoroughly. Ground assault
operations are the main means to achieve the purpose of land warfare, and other Army operations are to a
large extent served for ground assault operations. To improve the continuous assault capability on the
ground requires the strengthening and improvement of various ground assault forces. The first is to increase
the degree of armored infantry, further reduce the proportion of motorized infantry, and completely get rid of
the semi-mechanized component of the army; the second is to increase the development of armored forces,
mainly to increase the development of light armored units, and accelerate the replacement of tanks. The
third is to continuously improve the artillery’s degree of self-sufficiency, and to enhance the artillery’s
firepower and mobility; the fourth is to vigorously strengthen the ground assault force, especially the
information and intelligent construction of weapons and equipment.
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2. Medium and long-range precision strike capability
The medium- and long-range precision strike capability is the ability of the Army to strike medium- and long-
range targets and conduct large-depth, non-contact operations. The future land warfare will transform large-
scale ground contact operations into large-depth, non-contact, and multi-dimensional three-dimensional
operations. The medium- and long-range precision strike capability is an important symbol of the army's
deterrence and actual combat capabilities, and is an important direction for the army's future firepower
development. To improve the Army's medium- and long-range precision strike capabilities, it is required to
expand the size of the long-range artillery force, increase the range and accuracy of long-range multiple
rocket launchers, and enhance the precision strike capabilities of the main weapons and equipment and the
mobile capabilities of rapid configuration, rapid launch, and rapid transfer. Perform precision strikes of
various damage levels on various types of targets such as underground, semi-underground, and heavy
forces within the scope of the battlefield.
3. Three-dimensional mobility and assault capabilities
Three-dimensional maneuvering and assault capabilities mainly refer to the ability to perform maneuvers
and strikes from the air. Due to the fast pace of modern warfare and the large demand for weapons,
equipment and materials, troops and their weights are required to arrive and deploy in real time, and the
importance of maneuvering speed has become more prominent. This puts forward higher requirements for
three-dimensional delivery. Therefore, rapid mobility is the goal pursued by the modern army. Starting from
the battlefield environment facing our army, we should further increase the proportion of army aviation and
airborne forces, increase the strategic aerial delivery platforms such as large transport aircraft, and shift from
ground-based maneuvering to three-dimensional maneuvering to improve the capability of global mobile
operations. At the same time, the air assault force with army aviation as the backbone should have the
capability of rapid maneuverability, high-speed penetration, and special operations under complex terrain
and weather conditions, as well as the reconnaissance, harassment, damage and destruction of important
targets such as enemy command and control centers and communication key positions and strike ability. By
vigorously increasing the proportion of the Army’s aviation and airborne troops, improving the structure of
the Army, increasing the three-dimensional assault capability, and successfully completing the tasks of
destroying, assaulting, seizing, and defending predetermined targets in various battlefield environments.
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Chapter 17 Army Construction and Development
4. Field air defense capabilities
The field air defense capability is the army’s own air defense capability and an important symbol of the
army’s survivability. In future operations, preventing and countering enemy air strikes is an urgent issue that
needs to be resolved. The focus of field air defense is to solve the problem of being able to defend against
long-range precision strikes with a high degree of informatization. From the perspective of recent local wars,
the air defense of our army will face severe challenges in the future, and it will need to exert the overall
power of multiple air defense forces. We should focus on building regional air defense and anti-missile
systems in major strategic directions and important areas, vigorously strengthen the army’s own air defense
capabilities, and increase the strike distance of air defense weapons, as well as search and response
capabilities. Strengthen close coordination with air cover forces, highlight that field battles are accompanied
by air cover, and focus on combating mid-to-low-altitude and ultra-low-altitude air strike weapons, especially
to improve the resistance and counterattack capabilities against cruise missiles, drones, and armed
5. Special operations capabilities
Special operations capabilities is the ability of a force to perform special combat missions. Special
operations forces mainly include special reconnaissance forces, special strike and destructive forces, and
psychological offensive and defensive forces. Special operations can go deep behind the enemy or close to
the enemy to conduct asymmetric operations. They can also conduct reconnaissance, sabotage, and
harassment operations. They can also use various technologies and means to conduct psychological
warfare. It is an effective combat style under the conditions of informatization and intelligence. Since the
beginning of the 21st century, the trend of specialization of land warfare has further developed, and the
importance of special operations has become increasingly prominent. In recent local wars in the world,
special operations forces have been widely used, which has had an important impact on the course and
outcome of the war. We should increase the size of special operations forces, improve special operations
equipment, and comprehensively improve special reconnaissance and guidance capabilities, special strike
capabilities, and survivability behind enemy lines, so that special operations forces can adapt to various
environments and conditions and complete various special tasks.
Section Three: Main Measures for Army Construction and Development
Xi Jinping pointed out that the Army must “in accordance with the strategic requirements of mobile
operations and three-dimensional offensive and defensive operations, strengthen the top-level design and
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leadership management, optimize the force structure and army composition, accelerate the realization of the
transition from a regional defense model to a global combat model, and strive to build a powerful modern
new army."[1] To build a powerful modern new army, we must intensify reforms and take effective measures
to achieve coordinated development with other services.
1. Adjust and optimize the organizational structure of the Army
The organizational structure of the army is an organic combination of all parts and elements of the army, and
is an important part of the army's system. Its essence is the combination of people and weapons in the
army, which has an important influence on the function and combat effectiveness of the army. Constructing
a scientific and reasonable organizational structure is an important part of the reform and development of
the armies of all countries in the world. The new round of deepening the reform of national defense and the
army has made major adjustments to the organizational structure and system of the Chinese army, and has
achieved obvious results. However, there is still a big gap compared with the requirements for winning an
informationized war, and the army’s organizational structure must be further optimized. One is to improve
the force structure of the army. Gradually compress or even eliminate arms that do not meet the needs of
information warfare, and vigorously develop new combat forces such as air assault forces, light armored
forces, medium and long-range precision strike forces, information combat forces, and special combat
forces, and fully realize the mechanization of the army. Significant progress has been made in this field and
is moving towards intelligence. The second is to improve the structure of the army. Promote the versatility,
lean, and synthesis of the army's organization to make the army's command and control faster and more
flexible. The third is to improve the type structure of the army. It is necessary to adapt to the characteristics
of future land warfare and establish a global mobile force with long-distance strategic maneuverability, but
also to adapt to the natural environment of the land battlefield in different directions and different regions and
the characteristics of different opponents. Explore the construction of experimental troops and realize the
rolling development of army construction.
2. Vigorously develop army weapons and equipment
Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the importance of weapons and equipment has
become more prominent, and it’s influence on victory and defeat in war continues to increase. Improving
1. "Xi Jinping awarded military flags to the Chinese People's Liberation Army Army, Rocket Forces, and
Strategic Support Forces and gave instructions,” "Liberation Army Daily,” January 2, 2016, first edition.
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Chapter 17 Army Construction and Development
weapons and equipment is an urgent need to realize the transformation of the army, and it is the top priority
of the army's construction. The construction and development of army weapons and equipment must focus
on improving precision operations, three-dimensional operations, global operations, multi-functional
operations, and continuous operations capabilities, forming a mechanized and informationized weapon
platform as the backbone, tactical Internet and tactical data links as the link, and battlefield awareness,
command and control, force maneuver, fire assault, field air defense, and combat support are closely
integrated weapons and equipment systems, and comprehensively promote the leap-forward development
of the army’s weapons and equipment construction.
3. Continuously innovate army military theory
With the transformation of warfare from mechanized warfare to information-based intelligent warfare, the
time and space concept, energy concept, benefit concept, and values in traditional land warfare are
undergoing major changes. The traditional army's command system, structural functions, weaponry and
combat methods are also undergoing fundamental change. The theory of army construction and application
under mechanized conditions is facing severe challenges. It is necessary to vigorously innovate the army's
military theory and lead the army's construction and transformation. At the strategic level, the army's
theoretical system should be innovated and perfected to provide scientific guidance for the army's
application and development. At the operational level, in accordance with the changes in the form of war and
the security environment, we should vigorously innovate the army's operational theories, explore the
characteristics and laws of the army's operations in the multi-domain integrated joint operations under the
conditions of informatization and intelligence, and propose the army's operational guidelines that meet the
requirements of future wars, Principles and operational concepts, forming a systematic army combat theory
system. At the construction level, scientifically answer the fundamental question of "what kind of army is to
be built and how to build a new type of army,” explore the characteristics and laws of army construction
under the conditions of the new era, and conduct in-depth research on the establishment of systems,
combat forces, and the construction of policies and systems. Develop and improve the theoretical system of
army construction to provide scientific guidance for army construction and development.
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Chapter 18 Naval Construction and Development
The navy is an important part of the country's armed forces and has a very important position in the overall
situation of national security and development. After more than 70 years of development, the Navy has
grown from nothing, from small to large, from weak to strong, and from near seas to far seas. The
international military has become a modern maritime combat force that can effectively defend national
sovereignty, security, and development interests, and effectively complete diversified military tasks. Under
the conditions of the new era, the strategic environment and main tasks faced by the navy have undergone
major changes. How to build a powerful navy commensurate with the country’s status and fulfilling its
missions has become a major strategic issue that needs to be resolved urgently. Xi Jinping emphatically
pointed out: "On the journey of the new era, in the struggle to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese
nation, the task of building a powerful People’s Navy has never been so urgent as it is today."[1] The
strategic capabilities of the navy under the conditions of informatization and intelligence will accelerate the
modernization of the navy.
Section One: Naval Construction and Development Trend
With the in-depth development of the new military revolution centered on information technology, military
power building has shown a series of new characteristics and new trends, and naval building has
accelerated development in the direction of integration, large-scalification, systemization and
1. “Build the People's Navy into a world-class navy in an all-round way," People's Liberation Army Daily,
April 13, 2018, first edition.
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Chapter 18 Naval Construction and Development
1. The composition of power tends to be diversified
The Navy is a high-tech service composed of multiple levels and multiple branches. The strategic goals of
the Navy’s development determine the complexity of the force structure, and the diversity of missions and
tasks determines the diversity of force composition. From the perspective of strategic goals, the Navy, in
accordance with the strategic requirements of "offshore defense and far-off sea defense,” must not only
safeguard the country's offshore territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, but also maintain
the security of the country's long-sea strategic channel and the expansion of interests. From the perspective
of mission and mission, the navy not only has to deal with traditional maritime security threats, but also
various non-traditional security threats. From the perspective of power utilization, the navy must not only
have the ability to win maritime wars, but also have the ability to deter wars and shape the maritime security
The nature of the navy determines the composition of power. In the future, maritime information warfare is
no longer a military confrontation in the traditional sense, but a comprehensive confrontation that integrates
reconnaissance, early warning, communication, command, control, firepower, and defense. In the coastal
waters, there will be joint operations of multiple services and arms, and integrated operations of land, sea,
air, space, network, and electricity will be implemented. The firepower of the various services and arms
overlaps and covers each other, and jointly seizes and maintains the power of information, air and sea
control in coastal waters. In the high seas, it will be in the support of relevant services, with the navy as the
main body of operations, to maintain the security of sea passages and to perform non-war military missions.
All these require the navy to gradually build a force system that meets the requirements of naval strategy,
increase new elements of combat force, optimize the force structure, and while strengthening the
construction of traditional forces, face future maritime operations and vigorously strengthen the construction
of new combat forces. Develop a close-knit integrated combat force, integrate different arms and different
weapon systems, and form an all-round battlefield system in the air, surface, and underwater. Develop
flexible and changeable mobile combat forces to form the ability to effectively intercept and attack enemy
naval forces. Develop advanced and efficient information warfare forces to seize operational opportunities
and initiative in warfare. Develop systematic far-sea combat forces to ensure the completion of far-sea
combat missions.
2. Information capabilities are more efficient
The Navy is a service with complete arms, advanced technology, and complex integration. Building an
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information navy, winning informatized naval warfare and continuously improving information warfare
capabilities are the main trends in the future development of the Navy. The naval battlefield situation has
become more transparent. Reconnaissance satellites and early warning aircraft will become the main force
of battlefield surveillance. The marine satellite reconnaissance, surveillance and positioning system can
provide real-time battlefield situations for command organizations at all levels and maritime forces
simultaneously. It is not restricted by territorial air and territorial waters. It can conduct seamless
reconnaissance around the world and provide real-time unified time and space benchmarks for various force
platforms. So as to lay a solid foundation for the use of long-range precision strike weapons on the
battlefield. The use of early warning aircraft in the ocean will be more extensive. It can not only perform air
defense early warning tasks independently, but also form an air defense early warning network with ground
radar. Each combat direction communicates with the command center for real-time intelligence information,
command and control various combat platforms to complete defense or resistance. From the perspective of
development trends, the global, open sea, offshore, and nearshore reconnaissance and early warning
systems composed of satellites, early warning aircraft, ships and shore-based radars will be further
The battlefield control capability is significantly enhanced. The integrated combat command system has
become the main command platform for command organizations at all levels. It is combined with various
intelligence systems, command and control systems, and computer interconnection networks to enable
battlefield commanders to have all-time, all-weather, and all-weather fast battlefield awareness capabilities,
Realize command and control in all space, sea area, and time period, greatly enhance the ability of air and
sea dominance, and provide strong support for command and decision-making.
3. Coordinating development of both short and long range equipment
The diversity of naval missions determines that the development of naval equipment will show a trend of
combining large and small and matching far and near. On the one hand, naval equipment will develop
towards large-scale and ocean-going development. The future naval warfare will be beyond visual range,
non-contact warfare. The war can be launched directly from the depth of the battlefield. The attacking party
can use ship platforms to carry out precision strikes on land targets from the sea thousands of kilometers
away from the other's territory. The concepts of "air-sea integrated warfare,” "global public domain
intervention and mobile joint,” and "distributed killing" successively launched by the U.S. military all use the
advantages of sea, air and space to counter the opponent's "anti-access and area denial" capabilities and
pursue their advantages, pursuing its global free entry, including continuing to seek and maintain absolute
control and military advantage over the so-called "commons" of the ocean outside the territories of other
countries, and these have posed serious challenges to our country's security. Maintaining national security
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Chapter 18 Naval Construction and Development
requires expanding the depth of maritime defense, which can form an effective deterrence and strike
capability against powerful naval forces in the ocean far away from the country. The expansion of national
interests and the protection of sea passages require the navy to go to the open sea and complete diversified
military tasks. Therefore, the development of aircraft carriers, large destroyers, strategic nuclear
submarines, large ocean-going supply ships, long-range carrier-based aircraft, etc. will become an important
trend in the construction of naval equipment. On the other hand, offshore combat equipment will also be
more perfect. Responding to the security threats in the offshore waters requires a practical improvement in
the ability to perform combat missions in the offshore waters. In terms of equipment construction, more
attention will be paid to the development of mobile, flexible, fast, accurate, and strong assault force offshore
4. Unmanned weapons are gradually increasing
Technological progress has given birth to the development of weapons and equipment. A new round of
technological revolution with artificial intelligence as the core has given birth to a large number of forward-
looking, pioneering, and disruptive technologies that have made breakthroughs, and promoted the gradual
evolution of information warfare to intelligent warfare. There will be more and more unmanned platforms
participating in maritime operations. One is the carrier-based drone. Shipborne UAVs have the advantages
of high performance, miniaturization, stealth, and strong attack capabilities. They can complete a variety of
tasks, including long-range and large-area reconnaissance and early warning, as well as long-range
precision strikes. With the development of military information construction, the status and role of ship-borne
UAVs will gradually increase. The use of carrier-based UAVs will bring revolutionary changes to surface
warship operations, including aircraft carriers, and prompt changes in aircraft carrier flight deck operation
procedures, carrier-based aircraft take-off and landing methods, and carrier-based aircraft structure. The
second is unmanned surface ships. Unmanned ships are small in size, flexible in maneuverability, difficult to
find, and low in construction and operating costs. In the future, unmanned warships can not only take up the
missions of reconnaissance, mine-laying and mine-clearing, but also expand the commander's observation
range and control area of the battlefield. Unmanned ships carrying long-range missiles can also assault
enemy naval aircraft carrier formations and attack enemy-occupied islands and reefs. The third is the
underwater unmanned submarine. The underwater unmanned submarine is an unmanned intelligent
weapon equipment platform that uses submarines or surface ships as support platforms and can
autonomously and remotely navigate underwater for a long time. It is capable of carrying sensors and
different mission modules to implement combat missions such as attacking underwater targets (such as
surface ships, submarines, military ports, and underwater facilities), security, search, reconnaissance,
surveillance, tracking, mine detection, mine suppression, and relay communications, etc.
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The underwater unmanned submarine can be autonomously and intelligently controlled to effectively avoid
casualties; it can be submerged underwater for a long time and has good stealth performance; it can
navigate long distances and maneuver in a large range; it is light in weight and small in size, which is
convenient for tactical use. Underwater unmanned submarine is an important manifestation of the
unmanned and intelligent development trend of maritime military equipment, and it will add important means
for future battlefield control.
Section Two: Naval Capability Requirements Under New Era Conditions
Naval strategic capacity building is affected by many aspects such as naval missions, military strategic
orientation, national economic strength and scientific and technological level, and is a development process
that keeps pace with the times. Under the conditions of the new era, the Navy must accelerate the transition
from offshore defense to far-sea defense in accordance with the strategic requirements of offshore defense
and far-sea defense, and improve strategic deterrence and counterattack, maritime mobile operations,
maritime joint operations, integrated defense operations, and comprehensive support capabilities, and strive
to build a powerful modern navy. The navy, as the main service performing maritime combat missions,
meets the requirements of building an informatized army and winning informatized warfare, and achieving
the strategic goals of naval construction and development, should focus on improving the following main
1. Sea-based strategic deterrence and counterattack capabilities
Sea-based strategic deterrence capability refers to the ability to use sea-based strategic forces to effectively
deter the enemy. It is an important part of national strategic deterrence capabilities. It usually includes sea-
based strategic forces' rapid maneuverability and strategic pre-position capabilities, and strategic
reconnaissance and early warning capabilities, strategic strike capability, etc. Sea-based strategic
counterattack capability refers to the ability of sea-based strategic forces to retaliate against the enemy. It is
a major strategic capability related to the overall outcome of a country’s political, diplomatic and military
2. High-sea mobile combat capability
High-sea mobile operations refer to maritime operations conducted in open sea areas far away from land.
The long-sea mobile combat capability is based on the integrated offshore combat capability, which mainly
controls key strategic channels, protects maritime communication lines, maintains overseas interests, and
contains maritime military crises and the task of safeguarding world peace.
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Chapter 18 Naval Construction and Development
Due to the lack of fire support and close logistical supplies of shore-based aviation forces in the
implementation of mobile operations in the far seas far away from the mainland, the navy must concentrate
its elite maritime forces to persist in guerrilla operations in the open seas, and strive to be fast and effective.
To this end, it is necessary to enhance the capabilities of battlefield early warning and monitoring,
information data collection and processing and release capabilities, the decision-making and command
capabilities of the battlefield command post, the coordinated action capabilities of the warship formation, the
precision strike capability of the main battle weapon, and the self-protection capability of the mobile
3. Integrated offshore combat capability
The comprehensive offshore combat capability refers to the combat capability of multi-arms coordinated and
multi-specialized support in the coastal waters, such as homeland defense, island and reef defense, escort
protection, and maritime attack. It mainly includes the reconnaissance and early warning capabilities of
naval forces in the coastal waters, the ability to control the situation, the ability to respond quickly to
emergencies, the ability to strike against enemy targets and the ability to self-defense, as well as the ability
to provide effective support to the combat sea area. It is necessary to persist in using offshore areas as the
main training ground, effectively perform offshore defense tasks, and gradually move towards the open sea
to consolidate the basis of capabilities.
4. Comprehensive sea area control capability
The comprehensive sea area control capability refers to the ability to effectively grasp the battlefield situation
on the surface, underwater, and air in the area where troops are active, and to seize and maintain
comprehensive control rights in the main combat sea areas. Comprehensive sea area control capabilities
mainly include: all-weather, omni-directional, multi-dimensional, multi-band battlefield perception, target
recognition, tracking and positioning capabilities; seamless links between shore, sea, air, space, and
submarine, multi-channel, networked interoperability, efficient and safe confidential information transmission
and exchange capabilities; effective information destruction, suppression, interference, deception and
protection capabilities; navigation and positioning, meteorological surveying and mapping, hydrological and
other comprehensive information guarantee capabilities; capable of detecting and early warning, intelligence
reconnaissance, command and control, communication and electronics to counter the integrated integration
of various systems, rely on an integrated combat command platform to implement flexible, efficient, and
rapid combat command and fire strike capabilities.
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5. Amphibious combat capability
Amphibious operations, also known as landing operations, refer to the ability to project marines and special
forces on a campaign scale to implement amphibious operations across seas and landings (islands and
reefs). It is one of the most complex military operations in modern warfare and requires strong mobility, air
support, maritime transportation and logistics support, effectively assault and attack the enemy. Amphibious
landing operations capabilities mainly include large-scale weapon delivery capabilities, reconnaissance and
early warning capabilities, coordinated command capabilities of various arms, and deep strike capabilities
against targets.
6. Comprehensive Maritime Support Capability
The comprehensive maritime support capability refers to the capability of information support, navigation
support, logistical support, and equipment technical support that are compatible with the execution of
maritime military operations. The Navy completes diversified military tasks and faces a complex naval
battlefield environment. It must have comprehensive, comprehensive, rapid, and continuous comprehensive
support capabilities. Battlefield survivability, simultaneous development of mobile support forces, speed up
the construction of comprehensive repair ships, medical rescue ships, large-scale comprehensive supply
ships, strengthen the construction of life-saving forces such as ocean-going rescue ships, and provide a full
range of comprehensive technical support for naval forces to perform tasks.
7. Non-war military operations capability
The non-war military operations carried out by the navy refer to military operations in which the country uses
naval forces in a non-war manner in order to achieve certain political, economic, diplomatic, military and
humanitarian relief purposes. The non-war military operations carried out by the navy mainly include:
maritime rights protection, maritime counter-terrorism, escort at sea, maritime rescue, overseas evacuation,
overseas joint exercises and joint training, etc. Naval non-war military operations, like war operations, are
both important means of safeguarding national security interests. The two are both related and different in
terms of capability requirements. The building and development of the navy should focus on improving the
core military capabilities to win wars, and at the same time, attach importance to the building of capabilities
for non-war military operations.
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Chapter 18 Naval Construction and Development
Section Three: Main Measures for Naval Construction and Development
Building a powerful modern navy is an important symbol of building a world-class military, a strategic support
for building a maritime power, and an important part of realizing the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation
of the Chinese nation. At present, the country is actively advancing the "One Belt and One Road" initiative,
and China's strategic interests are accelerating the expansion of the oceans and even the world, effectively
safeguarding the sovereignty, security and development interests of the country's maritime direction, actively
expanding the depth of maritime defense, and combating the country's maritime forces, especially the navy.
Ability puts forward new and higher requirements. To this end, the Navy must adhere to system
construction, coordinate the construction of mechanization, informatization, and intelligence, coordinate the
construction of offshore and offshore forces, coordinate the construction of surface, underwater, and air
forces, and coordinate the construction of combat forces and support forces to ensure the formation of
systematic combat capabilities.
1. Accelerate the overall transformation of naval construction
In order to adapt to the development of the world's new military revolution, the change of war patterns and
the need to maintain national security, the construction and development of the navy should accelerate the
overall transformation and realize the historic transition from an offshore defensive navy to a long-sea
defensive navy.
In terms of the development strategy, the focus is to shift from focusing on improving the ability of offshore
defense operations to focusing on improving the ability of defense operations in far seas. With the rapid
development of China's economy and the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up, marine
interests have further expanded, and foreign trade and energy imports have increasingly increased demand
for maritime transportation. It is extremely important to ensure the safety of maritime oil and trade and
shipping channels for the development of China's economy. The navy must ensure the security of the
national maritime strategic channel, push the strategic defense frontier from the offshore to the open sea
involving the country's survival and development interests, continuously improve the defense capabilities of
the far sea, and effectively respond to security threats from the sea.
In terms of development thinking, it has shifted from building a mechanized navy to building an informatized
and intelligent navy. Several local wars that have occurred since the 1990s have shown that the right to
control information has become the key to determining the outcome of the war. To realize the overall
transformation of naval construction, the core is to realize the informatization of naval construction and the
development of intelligence. The construction and development of the navy must grasp the opportunities
and challenges brought about by the new military revolution in the world, and take the road of integration of
mechanization, informatization and intelligence.
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In terms of force structure, the structure is shifting from light, offshore force structure to building a new type
of force structure centered on aircraft carrier formations and nuclear submarines. On the one hand, it is
necessary to effectively resolve the problem of the incompatibility of naval combat forces with missions.
Focusing on the formation of combat capabilities of new-generation main combat equipment such as aircraft
carriers, the development of supporting ships, aircraft, and support forces will be planned and developed
simultaneously. On the other hand, in order to meet the needs of multi-domain integrated joint operations,
accelerate the construction of new combat forces such as reconnaissance and early warning, long-range
precision strikes, maritime attacks, and information operations, and establish a combination of underwater,
surface, ground, air, and space. The three-dimensional firepower strike system that is coordinated in the
middle and close range effectively solves the problem of naval combat capability, especially the inadequate
combat capability in long seas.
2. Strengthen the construction of system combat capability
System construction is the key to the formation of the navy's combat capability. The navy's systematic
combat capability is a combat force that integrates various naval combat forces, combat elements, and
combat units through comprehensive integration, forming an overall combat capability with the ocean as the
main battlefield and integrated value added. This capability is based on information systems as the link,
supported by information technology, and systematic operations with the core elements of reconnaissance
and early warning, information processing, command and control, information confrontation, rapid
maneuverability, precision strikes, full-dimensional protection, and comprehensive support capabilities.
Capability is an important symbol of naval combat effectiveness in the information age. The navy's joint
combat capability based on the network information system is the core project of the navy's informatization
construction, which is long-term, complex and arduous. To promote the construction of the naval information
system's systematic combat capability, the development of naval equipment must actively adapt to the
characteristics of the informationized warfare system and system confrontation, with the goal of improving
the combat capability of the equipment system, balanced development of main combat equipment, support
equipment, and electronic information equipment, and coordinated development of offensive and defensive
equipment, hard-kill and soft-kill methods, and practically improve the combat capability of the system based
on information systems as the fundamental focus of military conflict preparations. Strengthen the
construction of the main battle weapon platform and its supporting construction, develop information
operations and support and support forces, improve the level of information acquisition, transmission,
processing and sharing, and realize the overall improvement of firepower, mobility, protection, support and
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Chapter 18 Naval Construction and Development
3. Actively promote the modernization of naval equipment
The navy must follow the idea of integrating into the system, breaking through bottlenecks, and leapfrogging
development, focusing on improving naval combat capabilities and completing naval missions to plan
equipment construction, integrate information resources, strengthen comprehensive integration, and focus
on the development of new combat force equipment. The first is to coordinate the construction of
mechanized, informatized, and intelligent equipment. To deal with the current urgent needs and long-term
development, while strengthening the construction of new information equipment, increase the information
transformation of mechanized equipment, forward-looking research and development of intelligent
equipment, and continuously improve the modernization level of naval equipment. The second is to
strengthen the construction of the maritime reconnaissance and early warning system. Focus on the
development of maritime reconnaissance, maritime early warning, battlefield surveillance, and positioning
satellites, improve the auxiliary decision-making and command and control performance of the integrated
combat command system, and realize the system and the integrated confrontation of the system in the
maritime direction. The third is the construction of the combat command system. Focus on building an air,
space, sea, and land integrated command and control network based on a network information system to
achieve efficient decision-making, scientific coordination, real-time command and precise control of combat
operations. The fourth is to highlight the construction of a long-sea combat equipment system. Speed up the
construction of the navy's long-sea combat equipment and strategic transportation force equipment, develop
aircraft carriers, large destroyers, large transport ships, large integrated landing ships, and helicopters, and
gradually form an appropriate-scale long-sea strategic projection force.
4. Develop new combat forces
With the accelerated development of the new military revolution in the world, the evolution of maritime
warfare is accelerating. The trend of naval weapons and equipment to be remote, precise, intelligent,
unmanned, and networked has become more prominent. Naval warfare presents the characteristics of large
depth, long distance, and non-contact, and unmanned, invisible, and silent warfare is beginning to emerge.
Major countries in the world continue to increase the research and development of disruptive frontier
technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum information, and nanotechnology, and start a new round
of military revolution with intelligence as the core. In order to adapt to the changes in the form of maritime
warfare, avoid new technological gaps between China and the world's military powers, accelerate the
transformation and upgrading of equipment construction, promote the development of new maritime combat
forces to unmanned, intelligent, and networked, and create new asymmetric checks and balances
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5. Build a comprehensive security system
The navy's combat missions in the open sea cannot be separated from the comprehensive support of
logistics and equipment. The capability and level of its support determines the ability of combat forces to
complete combat tasks. With the improvement of naval combat capability and the expansion of combat
scope, the requirements for maritime logistics and equipment support are getting higher and higher.
According to the strategic requirements of "offshore defense and far-sea defense,” in order to ensure the
formation of long-sea combat capabilities as soon as possible, it is necessary to vigorously strengthen the
construction of comprehensive long-sea support capabilities. One is to optimize and adjust the naval
battlefield system. The naval battlefield system is an important part of the maritime-oriented joint combat
system, and is the basic support for the joint combat forces to successfully implement the maritime-oriented
joint combat. It is necessary to actively adapt to the requirements of the navy's strategic enthusiasm,
initiative, and moderate outward orientation, accelerate and improve the construction of naval bases, and
provide strong security guarantees for safeguarding national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests,
and safeguarding the security of the "Maritime Silk Road.” The second is to start from improving the navy's
mobile combat capabilities in the open sea, and promote the transformation of naval logistics and equipment
support from shore-based support to maritime support, with maritime support as the core, forming an
integrated naval support system with sea-based as the main body, shore-based as support, and shore-to-
sea connection. It is necessary to strengthen and improve the construction of the shore-based support
system with the central port and the central airport as the core, the construction of the maritime support
system with the integrated maritime mobile support fleet as the backbone, and the construction of the
emergency support system for the emergency mobile combat force. The construction of a material support
system based on support and the construction of a support command system focusing on adapting to joint
operations will form a more scientific support system and stronger support capabilities.
6. Strengthen the capacity building of overseas military operations
The focus of overseas military operations capabilities is to improve the comprehensive far-sea combat
capabilities, especially the ability to respond to multiple security threats and complete diversified military
missions. The first is to improve all-round and multi-level intelligence reconnaissance capabilities. To carry
out overseas military operations, the navy must have three-dimensional information acquisition methods
covering land, sea, air, space, internet, and electricity, and multiple reconnaissance capabilities all-time and
all-weather. The second is to improve the fast and mobile three-dimensional projection capability. From the
successful cases of overseas military operations carried out by various countries in the world, it can be seen
that the fast and mobile three-dimensional projection capabilities determine whether the military can
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Chapter 18 Naval Construction and Development
respond quickly and respond in time in overseas military operations, effectively control the situation and
resolve crises. The third is to attach importance to the construction of long-distance marine comprehensive
supply points. With the increasing number of naval missions in overseas military operations and the
expansion of the scope of operations, the requirements for logistics and equipment support are getting
higher and higher. To improve the naval force's ocean-going support capabilities, in addition to the
development of large-scale accompanying support ships, we must also attach importance to the
construction of long-distance maritime comprehensive replenishment points, and multi-channels to ensure
naval forces carry out overseas military operations in the ocean. The fourth is to improve synergy efficiency.
The Navy's overseas military missions are diverse, including maritime joint military exercises, maritime
counter-terrorism, maritime escort, and maritime rescue. They often have complex international
backgrounds. The navy's military-ground coordination and international coordination capabilities in the
execution of overseas military operations directly affect the completion of the mission. It is necessary to
focus on strengthening coordination with relevant local departments, especially diplomacy, commerce, and
overseas enterprises, and strengthen cooperation and exchanges with relevant countries and international
institutions, to ensure that various overseas military operations tasks are better completed.
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Chapter 19 Air Force Construction and Development
The air force is an important part of the country's armed forces. Under modern conditions, with the
widespread use of high-tech with information and intelligent technology as the core in the aerospace field,
aerospace threats have become a serious challenge to national security, and the construction and
development of the air force has become increasingly prominent in the armed forces. The construction and
development of the Air Force should conform to the development trend of the times, follow the strategic
requirements of air and space integration, offensive and defensive, clarify the overall development thinking,
take practical and effective strategic measures, and continuously enhance the air force's ability to contain
and win informatized warfare.
Section One: Air Force Construction and Development Trend
The continuous and in-depth development of the new military revolution, the rapid changes in the overall
level of aviation and air defense weapon systems, and the increasingly close combination of air and space,
have continuously injected new vitality into air force construction and presented new development trends.
1. Stealth weapons will become the main battle equipment of the Air Force
The Air Force is a high-tech service with aircraft as its main combat equipment. The development of its main
combat equipment has always been a core project in the construction of the Air Force. Since the birth of the
Air Force, the main battle equipment has been continuously developed with the development of technology.
It has experienced high-speed, high-altitude, high-mobility, and long-range, heavy-load development
periods, and is currently developing rapidly towards stealth. Stealth technology originated in the early 1970s
and was first applied to aviation technical equipment.
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Chapter XIX Air Force Construction and Development
Aircraft stealth technology is a comprehensive technology that uses various technical means to weaken
radar reflections, infrared radiation, light and electricity and other characteristic information, so that the
enemy detection system is not easy to find or the discovery distance is shortened. Military aircraft using
stealth technology can effectively improve the aircraft’s survivability and penetration capabilities, greatly
reduce the operational burden of electronic warfare systems, and improve the effectiveness of electronic
warfare. The development of stealth technology and its application on combat aircraft have caused the
existing air defense system to face the dilemma of invisible, un-interceptable, unstoppable, and
unattackable, has further expanded the contrast between offensive and defensive advantages, and has had
a major impact on aviation technology and equipment and air combat methods.
The U.S. Air Force has been leading the way in the development and use of stealth aircraft. Its F-22A and F-
35A stealth fighters have been deployed in large numbers to take on the duty of combat readiness and
become the main fighter of the U.S. Air Force. At the same time, stealth bombers such as B-1B and B-2
have become the main types of U.S. Air Force bomber forces, and more advanced B-21 stealth strategic
bombers are still being developed. In the face of the stealth of the U.S. Air Force’s main combat equipment,
Russia is not far behind. It has already developed and equipped the Tu-160 "Jolly Roger" stealth bomber in
the 1990s, and successfully developed the T-50 stealth fighter in the early 21st century. In 2018 The first
SU-57 stealth fighter has been equipped with troops and put into use, and the stealth process of the main
combat equipment of the Air Force is accelerating. Other major countries in the world have also used their
respective advantages to step up the development or introduction of stealth aircraft. Therefore, the stealth of
the main combat equipment of the air force has become a common trend in the development of air force
equipment in major countries in the world.
2. The air combat power system will be more perfect
The combat force of the Air Force has gone through a historical process from a single arms dominance to a
combination of multiple arms. Before the emergence of the independent air force, aviation weapons and
equipment were mainly aircraft such as reconnaissance, communications, and school shooting; after the
establishment of the independent air force, the main battle equipment of the air force was mainly fighters
and bombers. In the operation, the 371 fighter and bombers cooperated with each other and began air force
operations. The simple synthesis of power, this situation lasted for a long time. Since the 1970s, with the
application of a large number of high and new technology with information technology as the core in the
military field, new types of aviation weapons and equipment such as electronic interference, early warning
command, communication control, and aerial refueling have gradually joined the ranks of the air force's
combat forces and formed a close-combined synthetic air force combat force with attack forces, fighter
bombers and bombers as attack forces, fighter planes as cover forces, and early warning command planes,
electronic jammers, aerial tankers and reconnaissance planes as support forces.
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The U.S. Air Force’s combined level of combat power has long been in the forefront of the world, and its air
combat power has maintained a 2:1:1 ratio of offense, defense, and support. Not only air early warning
command aircraft, electronic jammers, and air tankers Support forces such as air reconnaissance aircraft
and air reconnaissance planes account for a high proportion, and the dispatch rate in actual operations is
much higher than other forces. In the Gulf War, the U.S. military support aircraft movements accounted for
more than 50% of the total aircraft movements; in the Kosovo War, the electronic warfare aircraft alone
accounted for more than 40% of the U.S. military aircraft movements. The U.S. Air Force combat power
system has produced a great demonstration effect, which has led to the development of the combined air
force combat power of major countries in the world, making it an important trend in the development of air
force combat power.
3. The role of offensive combat forces will be more prominent
In connection with the integration of air force combat forces, the offensive structure of air power is also an
important development trend. The founders of air force strategy theory represented by Douhet of Italy and
Mitchell of the United States all insist on offensive operations as the main means of combat, and offensive
ground attack aircraft occupy a relatively high proportion in the United States and British Air Forces. The air
force represented by the Soviet Union insisted on air combat as the main combat method, and defensive
fighters, mainly air combat, accounted for a relatively high proportion of its air force. In World War II, the
Soviet Air Force faced the Luftwaffe, which was dominated by air offensives. It insisted on fighting against
the Luftwaffe in fighter air combat, and achieved brilliant results. More than 70% of the total number of
machines. However, with the widespread application of high and new technology in aviation weapons and
equipment, air offensive operations are almost invincible in local wars, and the purely defensive air defense
is almost bound to defeat in every battle. The practice of war has effectively promoted the development of
offensive combat forces such as attack planes, fighter bombers and bombers, and the trend of offensive
forces in the air force structure has become increasingly prominent.
At present, the ratio of offensive aircraft and defensive aircraft in the U.S. Air Force has been maintained at
2:1. The U.S. Air Force also pays special attention to the development of multi-purpose aircraft that can be
used for both air combat and ground attack. There are fewer and fewer aircraft in air combat. The newly
equipped F-22A and F-35 main fighters are all multi-purpose aircraft with both high-level air combat
capabilities and strong ground attack capabilities.
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Chapter XIX Air Force Construction and Development
Russia, India and other countries' air forces combat power structure is also accelerating its offensive
development. Offensive combat power has received more attention and strengthening.
4. Precision guided weapons will become the main means of attack
In the course of the development of the air force, in addition to the rapid development of the aircraft platform
itself, the airborne weapons are also constantly updated, and the means of attack are becoming more and
more precise. With the rapid development of microelectronics technology, radar navigation, infrared, laser
technology and information processing technology, computer technology and its application in the military
field, precision guidance technology includes autonomous guidance, non-autonomous guidance, and
composite guidance. Astonishing development has made modern air operations not only accurate air-to-air
weapons, but also ground attack weapons. At present, precision guided weapons have the ability to quickly
and reliably intercept, identify, lock, accurately track, and strike any target in a complex electromagnetic
environment. The strike distance has grown from several kilometers, ten kilometers, tens of kilometers, and
hundreds of kilometers to thousands. From kilometers to thousands of kilometers, and the accuracy of hits
has also entered the meter level of water.Compared with the hit accuracy of dozens of meters and hundreds
of meters of hand-controlled bombs, combat aircraft using precision-guided weapons have increased their
combat effectiveness from dozens to thousands of times.
The widespread use of precision guided weapons in air operations has changed the way air operations and
even warfare to a large extent. In the past, a large number of aircraft, time-consuming, repeated missions,
and heavy costs were required to complete tasks. Now it only takes a few. Even an airplane can complete
the mission once dispatched. Attaching great importance to the development and application of precision
guided weapons, especially long-range precision guided weapons, has become an important trend in the
construction of modern air forces.
5. UAVs will become an important combat force of the Air Force
In the construction and development of the Air Force, the unmanned operation of combat aircraft is also an
important development trend that deserves attention. Among the main combat weapons of the U.S. Air
Force, not only unmanned reconnaissance aircraft, battlefield unmanned surveillance aircraft, anti-radiation
unmanned aerial vehicles, and unmanned attack aircraft have received extensive attention and
development, but also unmanned aircraft that integrate battlefield reconnaissance, surveillance and target
strikes. The aircraft has also been equipped with a large number of troops and is widely used in actual
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By 2015, U.S. drones dropped more bombs than manned aircraft on the battlefield in Afghanistan. On the
Syrian battlefield, the Russian army widely uses drones, which fly as many as 23,000 sorties to ensure the
implementation of 24-hour uninterrupted air and ground surveillance. At the same time, unmanned aerial
drones and unmanned fighter jets are also undergoing intensive development. According to statistics, by
2030, the U.S. Air Force's UAV equipment will exceed the number of manned aircraft, accounting for more
than 50%. By 2035, the attack missions undertaken by UAVs will reach 75%. The Russian military plans to
reach 30% of unmanned combat aircraft by 2030, making it an important combat force. At that time,
unmanned, stealth, remote and intelligent will be integrated, and the air force's combat capability will have a
qualitative leap.
Section Two: Air Force Capability Requirements Under New Era Conditions
The development of the new military revolution in the world has brought about profound changes in the
forms of war and combat methods, thus putting forward new requirements on the capabilities of the air force.
The demand for traditional capabilities such as air offensive capability, air delivery capability, airborne
combat capability, and base support capability will be further strengthened, and the demand for new
capabilities such as air early warning capability, air defense and anti-missile capability, and information
combat capability will be more urgent.
1. Airborne early warning capability
The practice of modern air operations shows that the control of information is the key link to seize and
maintain the initiative of war, and the ability of air early warning is an important guarantee for the control of
information in air operations. The Air Force is a combat force that integrates information, maneuverability,
firepower, and protection. The strength of air early warning capabilities directly affects the authenticity of air
battlefield early warning information, which is related to the accuracy of command and guidance, the
effectiveness of weapon control, and even the process and ending combat operations. The party with strong
air-warning capability can often occupy the information superiority in air combat and create favorable
conditions for other combat operations on the battlefield; the party with weak air-warning capability often
loses the initiative on the battlefield and falls into a passive situation of being beaten. In recent years, the air
forces of various countries have regarded informatization as an important link in enhancing the combat
effectiveness of the air force, and vigorously developed a large number of highly informatized weapons and
equipment, which has significantly improved the air force's reconnaissance and early warning, command
and control, precision strikes, and information offensive and defensive capabilities. The improvement in
airborne early warning capabilities has been the most significant.
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Chapter XIX Air Force Construction and Development
With the further development of the Air Force's informatization construction, new requirements have been
put forward for air early warning capabilities: first, the integration of air, space, ground, and sea. On the
basis of highlighting the construction of space-based early warning forces with airborne early warning
command aircraft as the backbone, attach importance to the construction of space-based early warning
forces with satellites as the backbone, and strengthen the improvement of radar systems deployed on the
ground and sea to form air, space, and ground, sea-integrated reconnaissance, early warning and detection
system to improve the ability of battlefield situation information assurance. The second is the integration of
early warning, command and control. Accelerate the improvement of the integrated command and control
system that combines air and ground, fixed and mobile, and gradually realize the automatic link between the
air force's early warning system and the command and control system, and promote the overall
improvement of the air force's informatization level. The third is the combination of offense and defense.
Accelerate the development of countermeasure equipment for the information offensive and defensive
system, build an integrated information attack capability of software and hardware, and a comprehensive
information defense capability based on precision-guided weapons to ensure the safety and reliability of the
airborne early warning system.
2. Air offensive capability
The wide application of high and new technology such as information and intelligent technology in the field
of aviation weapons has greatly improved the combat effectiveness of air offensive weapons, the combat
power has rapidly increased, and the importance of air offensive capabilities has become more prominent.
Information-based local wars show that air offensive capabilities play an irreplaceable role in strategic
deterrence and war fighting. Under the conditions of the new era, improving the air offensive capability faces
new tasks and requirements. One is systematization. Air offensive operations under the conditions of
informatization and intelligence must have a complete offensive combat force system. It must not only have
hard kill capabilities such as precision destruction, but also have soft kill capabilities such as information
offense, as well as air-space offensive capabilities that can make full use of space-based information
resources. The second is scale. Increase the scale of air offensive forces and improve the capability of
large-scale air offensive operations. The third is remote precision. To meet the needs of winning
informatized warfare, attach importance to the development of weapons and equipment with long-range
precision combat capabilities, so that the air strike radius can effectively cover areas that threaten national
3. Air defense and anti-missile capability
Without air defense, there would be no airspace, and without air defense, there would be no national
defense. Ensuring the safety of national air defense is a prerequisite for the security of the country’s survival
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and development is also a prerequisite for the military’s smooth implementation of air offensive operations
and even the entire combat operations. Air offensive operations under the conditions of informatization and
intelligence include not only modern combat aircraft with long range, high stealth, strong maneuverability,
and great assault power, but also various air and space platforms and unmanned platforms to provide
support and support, and long-range cruises. Advanced attack methods such as missiles and ballistic
missiles can carry out air-space integrated, full-depth, rapid and precise strikes on important targets in a
wide space, which requires that air defense and anti-missile must be integrated. Information-based local
wars have repeatedly proved that the strength and weakness of the Air Force's air defense and missile
defense capabilities have become an important indicator of the stability of the country's air defense. To
actively respond to air and space threats, the Air Force is urgently required to have air defense, anti-missile,
and even air defense capabilities. The first is to have the strategic early warning capabilities of air, space,
ground, and sea integration, especially for ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and stealth aircraft. The second
is to establish an air defense and anti-missile strike force system that integrates air, space, earth, and sea,
and connects long, medium, and short ranges. The third is to combine offense with defense, and have the
ability to counter the source of enemy air strikes. To achieve offensive air defense and anti-missile, that is,
air defense and anti-missile strike force, it must have an offensive force capable of attacking enemy air
bases, missile launch bases, sea launch platforms and other sources of air strikes to form an integrated
power system.
4. Airdrop delivery capabilities
Aerial projection has the advantages of fast speed, long range, and less influence by geographical factors.
Compared with land and sea projection, it is the fastest and most flexible method of projection. It is the
preferred delivery method to ensure the rapid response and seize the opportunity. The practice of war and
non-war military operations has shown that aerial projection capability has become an important way for the
country and the army to project power, and an important choice for implementing military deterrence and
realizing the country's military strategic intentions. In recent local wars, the powerful aerial projection
capabilities of the U.S. military have had an important impact on the course of the war. Under the conditions
of informatization and intelligence, the missions and tasks of the militaries of all countries are expanding,
especially in response to multiple security threats, the number of non-war military operations has increased,
and the dependence on air delivery capabilities has increased significantly, putting forth new requirements
for air delivery capabilities. One is to have a sufficient scale. The air delivery capability must not only meet
the needs of air transportation and guarantee airborne operations in wars, but also take into account the
requirements of current emergency rescue and disaster relief and overseas crisis management. The second
is to have a reasonable structure. The proportion of large, medium, and small transport aircraft in the air
delivery force must be scientific and reasonable, especially for large transport aircraft.
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Chapter XIX Air Force Construction and Development
The third is to be able to respond quickly. The air projected force must be able to perform all-round rapid
deployment and strategic maneuvering tasks in the shortest time within the country, surrounding areas, and
intercontinental areas.
5. Base support capability
The Air Force is a fast-reaction service, and the country's first choice in response to emergencies. Air force
activities are restricted by various support levels on the ground. If the ground comprehensive support
capability is strong, the air force can react quickly and extensively maneuver; if the ground comprehensive
support capability is weak, the response of the aviation force will be slow. Sometimes even if the troops are
deployed in place, it is difficult to carry out effective air operations. Under the conditions of informatization
and intelligence, the air force's support capability is increasingly dependent on the air force base's
comprehensive support capability, and the construction of the air force's comprehensive base support
network is increasingly important for the smooth execution of the air combat mission of the air force. For a
long time, air forces of various countries have established a relatively complete logistics equipment support
network to ensure the stability of homeland and air defense. The increase has made the problems behind
the construction of the air force support system increasingly prominent. The traditional aviation logistics and
equipment support model is basically a professional support system for one airport to support one type of
aircraft. New fighters must have the necessary accompanying support for cross-theater maneuver training
and combat missions, and transport a large number of special equipment and materials. The need for a
large amount of transportation capacity and the rapid movement of troops are not conducive to the formation
and development of the combat capabilities of new fighters. In the event of emergencies, whether the Air
Force can give full play to its advantages in response speed and effectively respond to crises depends to a
large extent on the level of the comprehensive support capability of the air base, which puts forward new
requirements for the comprehensive support capability of the base. One is networking. Under modern
conditions, the Air Force is used for local, global or even global operations. Large-scale maneuvering
requires high comprehensive ground support capabilities. It should be planned in a unified manner
throughout the territory, and a comprehensive support base should be established with several backbone
airports as the center. It is networked and undertakes the multi-functional and multi-machine guarantee task.
The second is focused. Focusing on the main strategic directions and regions of military conflict, increase
the number of air force comprehensive support bases and improve the quality of construction to ensure that
various air forces have sufficient logistical support and equipment support capabilities for large-scale use.
The third is to improve control. Focusing on key and core comprehensive support bases, with the focus on
comprehensive support for new weapons and equipment, the formation of emergency mobile support forces
will enhance the Air Force's strategic support control capabilities.
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Section Three: Main Measures for Air Force Construction and Development
Air force construction and development under the conditions of informatization and intelligence should
correctly grasp the characteristics and laws, proceed from the overall and long-term, scientifically plan,
grasp the main links of air force construction, take targeted effective measures, and actively and steadily
1. Establish the goal of being advanced, capable and top-of-the-line
Information-based local warfare, while its intensity continues to increase and the relevant space continues to
expand, the scale of direct combat is shrinking, and the trend of miniaturization of war continues to develop.
In miniaturized wars, the number of troops directly participating in the war has decreased sharply, and the
war scenes in which hundreds of thousands and millions of troops confront each other in the two world wars
have become history. The trend of miniaturization of war is more prominent in the air. In 1986, the US air
strikes Libya, and the navy and air force jointly dispatched 150 aircraft, all achieving specific strategic goals.
With troops, what counts is quality, not quantity. Building an advanced and capable air force has become the
general trend. The so-called "advanced" means that the air force must be of high quality. The typical sign is
that its main combat equipment must be in a leading position in the world or in the region where the country
is located, and the air offensive and defensive combat methods that reflect the overall level of the air force
must be advanced. The so-called "highly capable" means that the air force is required to have an
appropriate scale, which is compatible with the country's economic support and the tasks undertaken by the
air force, and pursues the high efficiency of air force operations. The so-called "useful" means that the air
force's two combat capabilities, both offensive and defensive, and their actual deployment of forces are
required to be in a superior position in comparison with the main combat opponents in the surrounding
hotspots, so as to ensure that there is sufficient air force to complete the military conflict mission given by
the state.
2. Building an integrated air-space combat force system
Information-based local wars, with the continuous expansion of the air force's combat range, have
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Chapter XIX Air Force Construction and Development
increasing dependence on air-based systems, the integration of air and space has become a major trend in
the construction of the air force's combat power system. In the Gulf War in the early 1990s, the U.S. Air
Force set the precedent for the organic combination of air and space in the war with its extraordinary combat
capabilities. During the war, the U.S. Air Force relied on advanced satellite systems to know every move of
the Iraqi army. The photographic reconnaissance satellites can accurately identify the Iraqi artillery, tanks
and even individual soldiers from an altitude of 300 kilometers; electronic reconnaissance satellites can be
used 24 hours a day. The ground simultaneously monitors 10,000 wireless telephone communications; the
early warning satellite can detect the Scud missile launched by the Iraqi army at any time, and provide an
early warning time of 90 seconds to 5 minutes for the interception of the "Patriot" air defense missile, making
the air and space integrated. Both offensive and air defense have achieved good results. For the first time,
air power has become the decisive combat force in a large-scale local war. War practice has proved that air
and space have become an indivisible unified battlefield. Without the guarantee and support of the space-
based information platform, the combat capability of the Air Force will drop exponentially. Without the
reliable guarantee of space-based satellites, the U.S. Air Force, which has reached 80% of its information
level, will have its combat effectiveness reduced by more than 80%. Building an integrated air and space
combat force system has become an inevitable choice for air force construction under the conditions of
informatization and intelligence. At this stage, the space-based platform system will mainly undertake
information protection tasks such as the acquisition and transmission of intelligence, the navigation and
positioning of combat aircraft, and confidential communications. With the successful development of
aerospace aircraft and space-based high-energy laser weapons and the equipping of troops, the space-
based platform system will also undertake offensive operations, air defense and anti-missile operations, and
the level of air offensive and defensive operations integrating air and space will have a new leap.
3. Form a force structure that coordinated offense, defense, and security
Integrated joint operations under the conditions of informatization and intelligence have further strengthened
the integrity of the various combat forces within the Air Force. Defensive forces dominated by fighter planes,
and support-type forces dominated by reconnaissance aircraft, early warning command aircraft, electronic
jammers, and tankers are developed in a coordinated manner. At present, the ratio of offense, defense, and
protective forces between the U.S. and Russian air forces is basically maintained at a 2:1:1 level. The gap in
other countries is mainly due to two low ratios: first, the offensive and defensive ratio is low, mostly within
1:1, and some even 1:2, which does not meet the air force's combat requirements of focusing on offense.
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The second is the protection ratio is low,, and the support and defense forces are mostly maintained at the
level of 1:10. This is a typical structural model of a single operation, and it is difficult to implement modern air
joint operations. Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, to create an air force structure with
an organic coordination of offense, defense, and protection, it is necessary to reduce the proportion of
defensive forces as much as possible, increase offensive forces, and especially increase the proportion of
support forces. Among the support-type forces, the early warning command aircraft and electronic jammers
are the most important, and they must not only have a certain number of scales, but also have a
considerable level of quality.
4. Build a multi-network integrated combat support system
Under the conditions of informatization and intelligence, the strength of air power depends not only on the
quality of combat aircraft, but also on the capabilities of reconnaissance, early warning, and command
support. Several recent local wars have shown that the improvement of the air force's operational support
effectiveness should be aimed at expanding the battlefield capacity, enhancing survivability, and improving
support efficiency, focusing on the needs of air-space integrated offensive and defensive operations, and all-
round mobile operations, and the system and the network should be used to ensure adequate support.
System construction. One is the construction of the command network, ground, underground and air
command platforms are combined, and fixed command posts are combined with mobile command posts to
form an information-sharing command network covering the entire battlefield space. The second is the
construction of airports and position networks. While highlighting the needs of air offensive operations, it
also takes into account the needs of air defense and anti-missile operations, forming a network of airports
and positions with prominent key points, reasonable layout, and deep echelon. The third is the construction
of a logistics support network. Build a logistic support network with a comprehensive support base as the
core, combine base support with accompanying support, and insist on fixed support for general materials
and accompanying support for special materials. The fourth is the construction of the equipment technical
support network. Adhere to the combination of fixed support and mobile support, attach great importance to
the construction of the equipment technical support command automation information system, so that the
equipment technical support information can be collected accurately, transmitted in time, and processed
quickly, and comprehensively improve the ability of equipment technical support.
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Chapter 20 Rocket Force Construction and Development
The Rocket Force is a strategic service that uses ground-launched missile weapon systems to perform
combat missions. It has multiple combat capabilities such as strategic nuclear counterattack and medium-
and long-range conventional precision strikes. It is the core force of China's strategic deterrence and the
strategic support of China's status as a major power. An important cornerstone for maintaining national
security. In the historical process of safeguarding national sovereignty and security, and realizing the great
rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it has always played a crucial role. Under the conditions of the new era,
the construction and development of the rocket force faces both opportunities and challenges. It must adapt
to the development of the world's strategic situation and the needs of national security strategies, and in
accordance with the strategic requirements of both nuclear and conventional and global deterrence,
accelerate the promotion of informatization transformation and rely on science and technology. Progress
promotes independent innovation of weapons and equipment, enhances the safety, reliability, and
effectiveness of missile weapons, improves the nuclear and permanent force system, and strives to build a
modern rocket force that is commensurate with China's status as a major country and commensurate with
the mission and mission requirements of the military in the new era..
Section One: Rocket Force Construction and Development Trend
With the deepening of the new military revolution, the improvement of the country's comprehensive national
strength and the development of space technology, information technology and new material technology, the
construction and development of the rocket force will show new characteristics and trends.
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1. Integration of various strike capabilities such as nuclear weapons
The integration of nuclear strike capability refers to the organic integration of nuclear counterattack capability
and conventional strike capability in the promotion of the combat capability of strategic missile forces, so that
the tactical-level combat units are under the command of a unified information platform support and
command system, and at the same time possess both nuclear and conventional dual combat capabilities.
The advanced stage of the development of both nuclear and permanent forces is the integration of nuclear
and permanent forces. This is inevitable for the construction and development of the strategic missile force
and is also an objective need for the full implementation of the mission of the rocket force.
With the increasing demand for attacking and strengthening deep-buried targets, time-sensitive targets,
moving targets, and time-and-see targets, active strategic nuclear missiles are increasingly unable to meet
operational needs, and conventional strategic missiles with rapid global precision strike capabilities will
become an important part of the strategic missile forces of the main military major powers. The United
States has stepped up its transformation of intercontinental ballistic missiles to equip them with conventional
strike capabilities. Russia attaches great importance to the construction of conventional strike capability of
strategic missiles, installs conventional warheads for some nuclear missiles, and has the ability to carry out
conventional strikes on some sensitive targets of special nature. China began to develop conventional
missiles in the early 1990s and embarked on the development path of both nuclear and standing.
2. The status of mobile combat force construction will be more prominent
Mobile combat units refer to missile units that use ground roads to maneuver to predetermined or near-
aircraft launch positions to carry out operations, and are relative to fixed combat units. Fixed combat forces
refer to missile forces that use fixed positions to conduct operations. Fixed operations and mobile operations
are the two main operational forms of land-based strategic missile forces. Fixed operations have the
characteristics of state secrecy and strong concealment due to the preparation of operations in underground
silos. However, due to the fixed positions, once they are discovered and positioned, the survival problem is
very serious. Mobile operations can use caverns for technology and pre-launch preparations, and the
number of ground launch positions is large, the distribution is wide, and the survivability is strong, but it is
easier to be exposed when maneuvering on the ground.
The U.S. land-based strategic missile forces have a relatively high level of alert, and all adopt the form of
fixed launching underground silos. The Russian strategic rocket force adopts a combination of fixed launch
and mobile launch. Mobile launch accounts for a larger proportion. At the beginning of the development of
our country, due to the limitation of the technological level of weapons and equipment, the fixed launch
method was generally adopted. With the advancement of technology and the improvement of
understanding, mobile operations have been made a priority, and both mobile and fixed combat forms have
been developed simultaneously.
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Chapter 20 Rocket Force Construction and Development
Taking into account China's national and military conditions, the combination of mobile operations and fixed
operations, and more emphasis on the construction of mobile combat forces will be the direction of the
construction and development of strategic missile forces. The combination of fixed and mobile missile forces
can complement each other's advantages and increase the flexibility of strategic choices. With the
continuous expansion of combat missions, the implementation of mobile operations by strategic missile
forces will become an important form of combat in the future.
3. Realize the high alert and rapid response of the troops
The high level of alertness and rapid response of the strategic missile force means that it maintains a
relatively high alert state at ordinary times and can launch the missile in a relatively short period of time after
receiving an order. Due to the huge lethal power of nuclear weapons, nuclear wars are extremely
destructive. In order to reduce losses as much as possible and grasp the initiative of counterattack, the
defending party particularly emphasizes rapid response. The strategic missile forces of the major powers in
the world are generally on a high level of alertness. The land-based strategic missiles on duty in the United
States can leave the silo within a few minutes after receiving the order to carry out nuclear strike operations.
Russia has a very high level of alert for strategic missiles on duty. Our country pursues a military strategy of
active defense, does not use nuclear weapons first, and implements the latter to control others. Rapid
response is the prerequisite for late development, and to improve the rapid response capability, it is
necessary to increase the alertness of the strategic missile force and always maintain a high alert state.
4.Give full play to the advantages of equipment and realize the expansion of the ability to fight in
multiple fields
The strategic missile force is an important asymmetrical strategic check and balance force. While focusing
on the development of ground-to-surface missile combat forces that implement strategic strikes on ground
targets, it must also base on its own equipment advantages and develop the means and capabilities that can
strike targets in multiple fields. Giving full play to the equipment expertise of the surface-to-surface missile
force and developing asymmetric strike methods are of great strategic significance for making up for the lack
of naval and air combat capabilities. At the same time, under the condition that nuclear war is restricted by
many factors, the development of the asymmetric strike capability of the strategic missile force for expanding
the construction and development space of the strategic missile force, and increasing the flexibility of the
use of strategic forces in information warfare also has a major strategic value.
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5. Pay more attention to the construction of survival protection system
The construction of the survival protection system refers to the overall construction of various systems of
strategic defense and position protection to ensure the survival of the strategic missile force. In terms of
nuclear arms control, the international community has imposed more and more restrictions on the
development of nuclear offensive forces. While major nuclear powers are reducing their nuclear forces, they
are paying more and more attention to building a missile defense system. In order to maintain its absolute
nuclear superiority, the United States has been vigorously developing national and theater missile defense
systems, and has begun actual combat deployment, which will break the original fragile and stable state of
mutual deterrence and directly affect the effectiveness of nuclear deterrence. In order to maintain strategic
stability, the construction of the missile defense system has begun to receive the attention of major nuclear
powers. Our country adheres to a nuclear strategy of self-defense and does not use nuclear weapons first.
The main task of China's nuclear forces is to protect the country from nuclear blackmail and nuclear strikes.
The major nuclear powers have strengthened the construction of their nuclear defense system, which has
increased the threats and challenges facing our country. We do not compete with nuclear powers, but our
country conducts nuclear counterattack operations after being attacked to strengthen the deterrent effect of
strategic nuclear forces and provide a solid guarantee for latecomers.
Section Two: Rocket Force Capability Requirements Under New Era Conditions
In order to effectively fulfill the strategic mission under the new era conditions, the Rocket Force must firmly
grasp the foundation of joint combat capability building based on the network information system, adhere to
the quality of the military, and unswervingly follow the path of lean and effective construction and
development. Improve system penetration, rapid response, long-range conventional precision strikes,
comprehensive damage and survival protection capabilities.
1. Quick response ability
The rapid response capability refers to the rapidity of the strategic missile force in the implementation of
combat operations. There are many factors that affect this ability. In addition to strategic reconnaissance,
commanders' rapid judgment of enemy actions, command and control communication capabilities, troop
training level, comprehensive support capabilities, etc., the most important thing is the level of alertness of
the missile force and the operating time of the weapons and equipment.
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Chapter 20 Rocket Force Construction and Development
In information warfare, the rapid response capability of the troops is of great significance to winning strategic
initiative. Especially for the defensive party, the ability to react quickly can reduce losses to a large extent,
give the enemy an effective counterattack in a short time, and ensure the achievement of strategic goals.
Therefore, we must focus on the needs of deterrence and actual combat, and vigorously improve the rapid
response capability of the strategic missile force.
2. System penetration capability
System penetration capability refers to the ability of the strategic missile force to comprehensively use
various technical and tactical measures to break through the enemy's missile defense system with an overall
force system. It is mainly reflected in two levels of penetration technology and penetration tactics of missile
weapons. The technical measures for penetration of missile weapons mainly include warhead maneuvering,
stealth, decoy deception, electronic jamming, and multiple warhead penetration. The tactical penetration
measures of the missile force mainly include the timing of nuclear counterattacks, the destruction of the
enemy's defense system, and the coordination of multiple forces, which mainly depend on the use of forces
during combat. The system penetration capability is an important part of the counterattack capability of
nuclear forces, and a strong system penetration capability is the most effective strategic deterrence.
Especially when the world's military powers vigorously strengthen the construction of missile defense
systems, enhancing the system penetration capability of strategic missile forces is an important measure to
ensure the effectiveness of strategic deterrence.
3. Long-range large-scale conventional precision strike capability
The long-range, large-scale precision strike capability is the ability to guide the bomb force to carry out a
certain scale of conventional precision strikes against the enemy’s deep and important strategic targets. This
capability mainly depends on the number, range and accuracy of the missiles. In an information-based local
war, the targets that need to be hit with surface-to-surface missiles are mostly in the enemy's strategic
depth, and the ability of long-range conventional precision strikes becomes even more important. Therefore,
it is necessary to vigorously strengthen the construction of conventional missile forces, improve the ability of
long-range conventional precision strikes, and provide important support for winning informatized wars.
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4. Comprehensive damage capability
The comprehensive damage capability is the ability to guide the missile force to destroy and destroy the
target. This capability requires the performance of the missile warhead to meet the damage requirements of
different targets. Loss of function. To achieve these damage requirements, warheads with different
performances are needed, and warheads with diversified mechanisms of action should be developed and
equipped. The U.S. and Russian armies are at the forefront of the world in this regard.
5. Survival protection ability
Survival protection capability is the ability to guide the bomb troops to perform combat missions even after
being attacked by the enemy. It mainly depends on the defensive capabilities of the position, the degree of
concealment and the maneuverability of the troops. In a war, whether a nuclear counterattack can be carried
out even after being hit by an enemy's nuclear attack, the survival and protection capability of nuclear forces
is very important. In the information-based local wars, the fierce fire fighting has severely threatened the
survival of personnel and weaponry. To this end, attention should be paid to the construction of the survival
protection capability of the strategic missile force, the establishment and improvement of the national
strategic defense system, the improvement of the mobile combat capability of the missile force, the
enhancement of the anti-destructive ability of the position, the improvement of the anti-destructive
reinforcement measures of the missile weapon system, and the strengthening of the defense system
construction at the end of the position, etc.
Section Three: Main Measures for Rocket Force Construction and Development
The construction and development of the Rocket Force has high technical content, a long construction
period, many elements involved, and great political influence. It is an extremely large systematic project.
Facing the challenges of the new military revolution, we must follow the development and changes of the
international strategic situation, highlight the traction of missions, continuously strengthen the overall
construction of the rocket force, and effectively improve the combat effectiveness of the army.
1. Adhere to the lean and effective development path of nuclear power
Nuclear power is the strategic cornerstone for safeguarding national sovereignty and security. China’s
nuclear power building must take a lean and effective development path with Chinese characteristics,
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Chapter 20 Rocket Force Construction and Development
ensure effective nuclear counterattacks against the enemy, and maintain and consolidate China's important
position among the world's major nuclear powers.
Adhering to the lean and effective development goal is the consistent thinking of China's strategic nuclear
force construction. Lean means that the number of nuclear weapons can be less, but the quality is better;
the number of personnel can be less, but the quality should be high; the organization must be lean, the
relationship must be smooth, and the organization must be scientific. To be effective means to be effective
and to have real combat capabilities. In peacetime, it can maximize its deterrence and effectively deter the
enemy from launching a war of aggression and nuclear attack on our country; it can effectively save itself
and carry out an effective nuclear counterattack in wartime.
China is a large developing socialist country. The purpose of developing nuclear weapons is to deter nuclear
war and deter other countries from using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against China. China has
always pursued a policy of no first use of nuclear weapons, adhered to a nuclear strategy of self-defense,
unconditionally refrained from using or threatening to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapons
and nuclear-weapon-free zones, and did not engage in a nuclear arms race with any country. Nuclear forces
have always been maintained in the need to maintain national security. We will strive to build a lean and
effective strategic nuclear force commensurate with China’s international status and commensurate with
national security and development interests.
2. Actively improve the supporting construction of the combat system
To improve the system and support, we must focus on improving the rocket force's joint combat capabilities
based on the network information system, correctly handling the relationship between development and
consolidation, local breakthroughs and overall advancement, highlighting the key points and comprehensive
improvement, and focusing on the core of combat effectiveness to realize the missile force. The coordinated
development of the model and range, technology and tactics, talents and equipment, combat weapons and
engineering facilities, and supporting command and support equipment is integrated.
The missile force relies on the established positions to operate, and the position is an important factor in
ensuring the effective execution of the combat mission of the rocket force. The construction of rocket force
positions must focus on the overall functions and long-term benefits of the positions, and must have good
protection functions and operational and living facilities, which are conducive to command, protection,
maneuverability and support, and the layout is reasonable to maximize survivability. In the process of
rebuilding the old and building the new, it is necessary to take a long-term plan, make a comprehensive
plan, pay attention to the compatibility and stability of the newly-built combat positions, and at the same
time, do a good job of strategic prepositioning.
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To maintain the continuous nuclear counterattack capability and to enhance the conventional missile combat
capability as soon as possible, the supporting construction of weapons and equipment is particularly urgent.
The supporting construction of the rocket force’s weapons and equipment must be completed in series,
updated successively, and developed in a balanced manner. In accordance with the principles of combining
nuclear with commonweal, equal emphasis on new and old, raising the starting point, and highlighting key
points, scientifically formulate development plans to form a series of short-range, medium-range, long-range,
and intercontinental weapons composed of ballistic missiles and cruise missiles; in terms of reaction speed,
great breakthroughs have been made in striking distance, hit accuracy, penetration capability, and reliability.
Among the various elements of the construction and development of the rocket force, the construction of
supporting command, equipment, and logistics support systems is a systematic project with many clues,
large stalls, high cost, and difficulty. Missile force operations are highly dependent on these support
elements, and any weakness in any aspect will directly affect the effective display of the missile force's
combat capabilities. It is necessary to fully understand from a strategic perspective and place the
construction of related supporting projects in the same important position as the construction of main battle
equipment. It is necessary to scientifically demonstrate, optimize the combination of various supporting
elements, improve the mechanism, and ensure that the construction of all supporting elements is
3. Develop new combat forces
While strengthening the offensive combat capability of land-based intercontinental missile forces, the United
States is also actively establishing a national strategic defense system to defend against the opponent's
strategic missile attacks. In the face of threats and challenges, our country must strive to establish and
improve the strategic missile reconnaissance and early warning system, and control the signs of the
enemy's possible nuclear attack, especially the early warning of the enemy's incoming strategic missiles. At
the same time, give full play to the advantages of surface-to-surface missiles, actively use intelligent
technology, and develop asymmetric strategic checks and balances.
4. Strengthen the construction of missile weapons and equipment penetration capability
In order to cope with the interception of the enemy's missile defense system and enhance the deterrence
and actual combat effectiveness of our strategic missiles, we must actively seek effective strategic
countermeasures. Russia has always attached great importance to the construction of penetration means of
missile weapon systems, and has taken several penetration measures such as maneuvering orbiting and
electronic jamming, so that its strategic missile force has a world-class penetration capability.
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Chapter 20 Rocket Force Construction and Development
China should also focus on the research and development of penetration technology, and strive to achieve
breakthroughs in missile penetration. Attention should be paid to the development of penetration methods
such as deception, interference, stealth, and active evasion, so as to effectively improve the penetration
capabilities of missile forces.
5. Build a sufficiently effective conventional missile force
Conventional missile forces are an important strategic assault force for winning informatized wars. Starting
from the requirements of winning an informationized local war, we should focus on achieving sufficiently
effective development goals and intensify the construction of conventional missile forces.
Sufficient is a quantitative requirement, which means that the number of conventional missile units of the
Rocket Force must at least meet the needs of combat missions in the main strategic direction. Conventional
missiles usually focus on attacking the enemy’s important military targets. In a campaign, such targets are
both strategic and operational, and they are large in number. In order to achieve strategic or operational
goals and make missile assaults truly effective, a lot of missiles are used. Regarding the scale of
conventional rocket forces, it is necessary to conduct scientific demonstrations and reasonably determine
the number of conventional missile forces so that they can meet the needs of winning informatized local
wars. To be effective means that the performance of the missile weapon system must be excellent and able
to achieve the desired purpose. In the missile range, it should have a relatively large fire control range. In
terms of missile accuracy, power, and performance, it must have the ability to strike targets of different
nature and types. In terms of combat command, the means must be advanced, efficient and reliable. In
peacetime, it can work well with other strategic forces of the country to play a deterrent effect and contain
the outbreak of war. In wartime, it can ensure the implementation of key strikes against the enemy and
complete the combat tasks assigned by superiors.
6. Build a reliable survival protection system for missile forces
The construction of the missile force survival protection system is an important part of the national strategic
deterrence system. Reliable survival protection itself is a powerful strategic deterrent. To safeguard national
sovereignty, security, and development interests, we must not only have a strategic offensive capability, but
also the necessary strategic defensive methods to ensure survival to the maximum extent and lay the
foundation for latecomers.
The construction of the survival and protection system of China's missile forces should follow an economic
and practical development path subject to the state's technology, financial and material resources permitting,
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shall be implemented step by step. Strengthening the construction of this system is of great significance to
improving the survival and rapid response capabilities of the strategic missile force. It is necessary to
conduct overall planning and implementation from the level of the national grand strategy.
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Chapter 21 Military Space Forces Construction and Development
The construction of military aerospace forces began in the early stages of the Cold War, and developed
rapidly in the middle and late stages of the Cold War. After the end of the Cold War, military space forces
played an important role in local wars. At present, the world's military and aerospace forces have entered a
new round of accelerated development. The relevant countries continue to increase their investment in the
military and aerospace fields and accelerate the pace of military and aerospace capabilities. The competition
in the military and aerospace fields is becoming increasingly fierce. In future information warfare, the
battlefield is likely to unfold in the air and space first. Military and aerospace powers rely on space
superiority to obtain global mobility, global situational awareness, global offense and defense, and multi-
dimensional space control capabilities, which will greatly affect and restrict traditional military activities.
Space will become an increasingly important battlefield, and military aerospace forces will become a pivotal
strategic force.
Section One: Military Space Force Construction and Development Trend
Military aerospace activities have developed along with human exploration of space, following the general
laws of national defense and army building and military conflict, from simple to complex, from low to
advanced, and evolving to a high-level and high-stage that adapts to the situation, tasks and environmental
1. Military aerospace forces have become an important strategic force
Major countries in the world attach great importance to the construction and development of military
aerospace forces, and regard space power as an important strategic force. In August 1992, Russia
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established the Russian Space Forces. Its predecessor was the Spacecraft Department of the Ministry of
Defense. It is an independent branch directly under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It is
mainly responsible for launching various spacecraft including reconnaissance satellites, communication
satellites, and positioning satellites, and is responsible for the command and control of space anti-missile
systems, anti-satellite systems, and satellite defense systems. In 1997, the Russian army merged this force
together with the space missile defense force of the original air defense air force into the strategic rocket
force. However, with the improvement of military satellite performance and the overall development of
combat thinking, on January 25, 2001, the Russian President Putin signed an order to reorganize the
"independent space force." On June 1, 2001, Russia separated its space force and missile and space
defense force from the strategic rocket force, and formed a new independent unit, the space force, on the
basis of it. The Russian space force mainly includes military space forces and missile space defense forces.
On December 1, 2010, Russia formally formed a new type of air and space defense force. The Air and
Space Defense Force is composed of independent arms space forces and the Moscow Region Air and
Space Defense Campaign Strategic Command, which is affiliated with the Air Force, and is mainly
responsible for space combat missions. On August 1, 2015, Russia merged the Air Force and the Air and
Space Defense Force to form the Air and Space Force, which integrates aerospace, air defense and space
defense, and possesses aviation, adjacent space, and space orbit cross-domain combat capabilities.
The research on theories of US military aerospace and the development and application of military
aerospace forces are carried out almost simultaneously. In 1959, after the United States launched satellites,
it promulgated the "U.S. Air Force Aerospace Guidelines." In 1982, the first space operations doctrine was
formally promulgated. With the continuous emergence of U.S. military aerospace power construction and
application theories and the gradual introduction of a series of regulations and regulations, the United States
has formed a relatively complete military aerospace theory and policy framework system. Subsequently, the
U.S. military continued to introduce new ideas for enriching space strategies. These ideas all inherited the
essence of the "High Frontier Strategy,” and their essence is to dominate space. In 1996, the U.S. Air Force
released "Global Participation: A Vision of the U.S. Air Force in the 21st Century,” which proposed that the
U.S. Air Force should be transformed from an "aviation force" to an "aerospace force." On May 9, 2000, the
Chief of Staff of the U.S. Air Force and the Secretary of the Air Force jointly issued the white paper
“Aerospace Forces; Defending the United States in the 21st Century'', again emphasizing the transformation
of the Air Force from a force dominated by air combat to a unit that can conduct both air combat and space
combat. The combat "aerospace integrated air force,” that is, the aerospace force. For this reason, it was
decided to closely integrate air power and space power, make full use of the US military's space
advantages, and vigorously develop the aerospace expeditionary force.
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Chapter 21 Construction and Development of Military Aerospace Forces
According to the United States Air Force’s aerospace expeditionary force formation and deployment plan,
the U.S. Air Force first organized and deployed 17 aerospace expeditionary forces, which are divided into
three types: basic, emergency, and mobile, and they are responsible for different tasks. The aerospace force
has four basic functions: air and space control, force application, force enhancement, and force support. In
recent years, the United States regards space as a key area for competition among major powers and the
fourth independent combat domain after land, sea, and air. In June 2018, US President Trump ordered the
Department of Defense to initiate the formation of a Space Force. In February 2019, Trump signed a space
policy order, proposing that "the Space Force will have both operational and support functions, capable of
rapidly continuing space offensive and defensive operations, but also conducting joint operations in all
territories."[1] In August 2019, the US military established the Space Command, becoming the 11th first-
level combat command of the US military, realizing centralized command and unified management of space
operations. In December 2019, the U.S. Military officially established the sixth largest service - the Space
Space is not only a space for important national strategic interests, but also a new strategic commanding
height for international military competition. The strength of military aerospace forces will determine a
country's international status and security. Strengthening the construction of military aerospace forces is an
important prerequisite and foundation for safeguarding national space interests, and an important part of
national defense and military development strategies. It is not only a political issue related to the country's
long-term stability, but also a strategic issue related to the country's strategy in the information age and even
the intelligent age. To meet the challenges of the world's new military revolution and win information warfare,
it is necessary to build a powerful military space force.
The construction of military aerospace forces is a groundbreaking project that involves the overall strategic
situation, and is related to the core interests and development prospects of the country, the nation, and the
military. It is of great significance and difficulty. It cannot be built overnight, whether it is in theory or practice.
Compared with the United States and Russia, China’s military aerospace foundation still has a certain gap. It
must be from a strategic overall perspective, closely focus on missions and tasks, and firmly grasp the
strategic goals and key elements of military aerospace force construction and development, on a road of
military aerospace development with our military characteristics.
1. White House Statement on Space Policy Directive 4 (SPD-4), see the website of White House. February
19, 2019.
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2. Military aerospace technology will reach a new stage
Space military technology mainly includes spacecraft technology, spacecraft operation control technology,
spacecraft application technology, space vehicle technology, spacecraft launch technology, space
measurement and control technology, manned spaceflight technology, space attack and defense
technology, etc. At present, the rapid development of high and new technology with information technology
and intelligent technology as the core has occupied the commanding heights of technology and has
mastered the strategic initiative. In the coming period, military aerospace technology will show four
development trends: first, the scope of spacecraft continues to expand to adjacent space and deep space,
diversified orbits, and more complex missions; second, the application field of military aerospace technology
Increasingly widespread, and the degree of application continues to deepen, from the development of space
utilization to the control of space, from strategic applications to combat and tactical applications; the third is
the obvious trend of networking and integration of military aerospace systems, which are deployed on
different orbits and perform different missions. Aircraft and ground systems form an integrated information
network of space, space and ground, and the aerospace system is integrated with other information systems
to form a comprehensive information network. Fourth, the system’s rapid response capability and
survivability under confrontation conditions have been further enhanced.
The rapid development of military aerospace technology has made it more widely used and its role is
increasing day by day. In terms of spacecraft technology, military spacecraft are becoming increasingly
functional, autonomous, and cost-effective. They are flexible, maneuverable, highly reliable, anti-jamming,
networked, intelligent, and available. Orbital services and emergency launches have become important
development trends. In terms of space offensive and defensive technology, the development focus of space
weapons such as kinetic energy and directed energy will gradually develop from land-based, sea-based,
and air-based to space-based, and mobile flexibility, rapid response, low cost, high reliability and strong
penetration have become the main development directions and reached the actual combat level. Currently,
the space powers are developing and about to deploy: distributed small satellite constellations, space-based
sensor networks, space-based combat platforms and interception weapons, single-stage orbital reusable
vehicles, space power plants, and military aerospace equipment. From the expansion of space-based
information system utilization to space-based direct strikes and space-based energy supply, the ability to
enter, use, control, and compete for space will be comprehensively improved.
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Chapter 21 Construction and Development of Military Aerospace Forces
3. Accelerate the development of military aerospace combat equipment
Military aerospace weapons and equipment will accelerate their development towards actual combat
applications. Developed countries are racing to develop application satellites for reconnaissance, early
warning, communication, navigation, positioning, meteorology, etc., with special emphasis on enhancing the
tactical application capabilities of satellites. The US military's next-generation space-based early warning
system, the "Space-based Infrared System,” is planned to consist of two large elliptical orbit satellites and
four geosynchronous orbit satellites, which will replace the existing "National Defense Support Program"
satellites. The U.S. Air Force has launched a number of "Global Broadband Communication Satellites" and
"Advanced Very High Frequency Satellites.” The second-generation "Iridium Satellite" constellation has also
been formally networked and operated, and communication bandwidth and confidentiality have been further
enhanced; Space Exploration Corporation plans to launch 12,000 satellites. As of April 2020, "Starlink"
satellites have been put into orbit in 7 batches. The U.S. Air Force has installed antennas on its aircraft
platforms to verify the interconnection with the "Starlink" constellation. The United States and Russia have
respectively modified their global navigation and positioning systems to further improve navigation and
positioning accuracy and anti-jamming capabilities. In December 2018, the United States launched its first
third-generation GPS satellite. Its accuracy and anti-jamming capabilities are greatly improved compared to
second-generation satellites. It can also quickly turn off navigation signal transmission for specific
geographic locations as needed. In May 2019, Russia successfully launched a GLONASS-M navigation
satellite, keeping the GLONASS system in orbit with 27 satellites. The European Space Agency is speeding
up the construction of the "Space Situational Awareness System" and the "Data Relay System” and is
striving to realize the integration of European military reconnaissance.
While developing aerospace information support equipment, the United States, Russia and other countries
have also vigorously promoted the construction of aerospace situational awareness systems, and stepped
up the development of aerospace offensive and defensive weapons and equipment. The perception of the
space situation is an important prerequisite for the implementation of military aerospace confrontation. The
U.S. Department of Defense takes the development of space situational awareness as the highest priority,
deploying geosynchronous orbit space situational awareness satellites to patrol and approach the
geosynchronous orbit; continuously improving the ground-based space surveillance system and upgrading
the "Space Fence" system. In order to gain control of space, the United States and Russia are actively
developing hard-killing methods such as ground-based kinetic energy defense and laser defense weapons,
and attaching importance to the development of soft-killing methods such as blindness and interference. The
U.S. Air Force’s X-37B "orbital test vehicle" has conducted five secret flights, with the longest in orbit time of
780 days. The “Global Space Confrontation Capability: Open Source Evaluation'' report released by the
U.S. World Security Foundation in 2019 stated that “In recent years, the United States has conducted
multiple tests and demonstrations of autonomous rendezvous, tracking, targeting, and interception
technologies in low-Earth orbit and geosynchronous orbit. These capabilities can be transformed into
common-orbit anti-satellite capabilities; the United States has verified the anti-defense capabilities of mid-
range missile defense interceptors against low-Earth orbit satellites.
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Russia is developing direct ascent anti-satellite capabilities and has executed autonomous rendezvous
maneuvers in near-earth orbit[1]
4. The legal system of space military activities is improving
The existing international treaties and agreements on outer space play a positive role in regulating military
activities and non-weaponization in outer space. However, With the rise of the strategic position of space,
especially the rapid development of space technology, the existing outer space law has serious
shortcomings and is not sufficient to restrict the military competition in space. Therefore, the call for
supplementing and improving the international laws and regulations on military activities in space is
Although the relevant provisions of the Outer Space Treaty have been supplemented and improved since
the 1980s, they are still not comprehensive. Since the formulation of laws and regulations on outer space
activities always lags behind practice, this provides an opportunity for countries that have carried out space
activities in advance. In the future, if the development of space weapon technology is mature enough and
space conflicts break out, many international law problems will arise. The existing outer space regulations
do not restrict the research and deployment of some new concepts and new mechanisms of weapons, and
are unable to solve the problem of space pollution.
To adapt to the development of space military activities, international space law may be gradually improved
in the following aspects. One is the legal positioning of military satellites and new concept weapons.
Regarding the issue of whether military satellites should be attacked, the development of new concept
weapons using new technologies and new mechanisms, and the deployment and use in outer space, the
major aerospace powers will continue to engage in legal struggles around safeguarding their own space
interests and restricting the development of other countries. International regulations that may compromise
each other. The second is how to deal with space debris. How to deal with the ever-increasing amount of
space garbage and debris, how to allocate its disposal costs among the relevant countries, and how to bear
the relevant responsibilities will be a long-term dispute in the international community. The third is the legal
1. "Global Counterspace Capability: an Open Source Assessment," Secure World Foundation, April 2019.
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Chapter 21 Construction and Development of Military Aerospace Forces
status of the empty space station. Space powers build space stations in space as their transit bases for
space activities. It is necessary to clarify the legal status of space stations. The fourth is the rules of
engagement for space wars. Just as land, sea, and air have successively become human battlefields, once
space becomes a battlefield, the existing laws of war and laws of armed conflict cannot be used in space at
all. It is necessary to study and formulate new rules of space military activities to make the legal system of
space military activities improve day by day.
Section Two: Military Space Capability Requirements Under New Era Conditions
To adapt to the development of aerospace technology and the new situation of military conflicts, the military
space capabilities of major countries in the world are built with focus on the development of the following
1. Spatial information support capabilities
Space information support capabilities refer to the unique capabilities of using military aerospace equipment
to collect, process, and transmit information. This capability is essential to joint operations. One is the all-
weather, all-hour, near real-time space reconnaissance and surveillance, space surveying and mapping, and
meteorological support capabilities. Through space means, we can acquire and accumulate information
about enemy targets and combat environment, discover signs of war, monitor combat progress, evaluate
combat effectiveness, and provide relevant information for force building, deployment, and use. The second
is broadband, large-capacity, anti-interference, and high-secure satellite communication capabilities. This
capability enables remote data relay to ensure the reliable, real-time, and confidential transmission of
various intelligence information. The third is autonomous, confidential, and real-time satellite navigation and
positioning timing capabilities. Provide all-weather, large-capacity, high-precision, global-scale navigation,
positioning and timing services for agencies, troops, weapon systems and spacecraft operating in low earth
orbit. The fourth is certain information integration and combat management capabilities.
2. Space control ability
Space control capabilities mainly include: space situational awareness, space target soft killing ability, space
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target hard destruction ability and space defense ability. Space situational awareness capabilities require
long-term tracking, monitoring, cataloging and forecasting of targets in the entire space, especially small
space targets, providing environmental information for spacecraft launching, measurement and control, and
providing intelligence support for command and control. The soft kill capability of space targets includes
ground-based and part-space-based electromagnetic interference and deception capabilities for space
targets and their communication links, as well as the killing capabilities of low-energy directed energy
weapons. Hard destruction capabilities of space targets, including the hard destruction capabilities of various
space targets including kinetic energy destruction capabilities. Space defense capabilities require effective
passive protection measures and active defense methods for military aerospace systems, such as stealth
and concealment, deception and maneuvering, reinforcement and encryption, etc., to reduce the degree of
external threats.
3. Space offensive and defensive capabilities
Space offensive and defensive capabilities mainly include: strategic early warning and surveillance
capabilities, ballistic missile long-range precision strike capabilities, space-to-ground fire strikes, and anti-
space defense capabilities. Strategic early warning and surveillance capabilities require the ability to monitor
enemy space launches through space-based and ground-based early warning methods, study and judge
their missile landing points, flight trajectories and time, evaluate missile strike effects, and provide
commanders with high-value target surveillance and early warning information to support nuclear and
conventional ballistic missile strikes and anti-missile defense operations. The means of air-to-ground fire
strikes include space combat aircraft and orbital weapons. Anti-sky defense capabilities include the ability to
defend and intercept enemy ballistic missiles and the ability to evaluate interception effects.
4. Support capability for space military activities
Space military activities support capabilities mainly include aerospace carrying capabilities, aerospace
emergency launch capabilities, aerospace measurement and control capabilities, spacecraft recovery
capabilities, and logistics support and command and control capabilities. The main purpose is to provide the
infrastructure, technical means, and various guarantees required for spacecraft launch, measurement and
control, and combat use. At the same time, it plans to build forces, design plans, and coordinate internal and
external relations to ensure the completion of the mission.
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Chapter 21 Construction and Development of Military Aerospace Forces
Section Three: Main Measures for the Construction and Development of Military
Aerospace Forces
The construction and development of military aerospace forces requires a good top-level design,
strengthening of overall planning and coordination, and adopting practical and feasible strategic measures to
actively and steadily advance.
1. Scientific integration of military and aerospace forces
The construction and development of military aerospace forces is an extremely large and complex system
project that involves all aspects of the country and the military. It is strategic and overall. It is necessary to
strengthen top-level design, scientifically integrate military aerospace forces, and do a good job in the overall
planning of construction and use. Since the establishment of the Space Force, the United States has
transferred space-related Air Force units to the Space Force to integrate space forces; Russia has also
undergone several adjustments and eventually evolved into the Space Force; Europe is planning the
construction of military space forces, and in July 2019, France announced the establishment of a space
command within the Air Force and the establishment of an space force in the future; in April 2020, the
Japanese Diet passed legislation to form the first space combat squadron, which is part of the Japanese Air
Self-Defense Force. In the face of the new upsurge of military aerospace force construction, when planning
the construction and development of military aerospace forces, the construction and application of military
aerospace forces should be coordinated to promote the use of construction, and grasp the integration and
the completeness and improvement of overall functions of force construction in the system structure.
2. Step up research and development of military aerospace weapons and equipment
Military aerospace weapons and equipment are crucial to improving national defense capabilities and
protecting our space security. With the aid of the country’s leading aerospace technology, military aerospace
weapons and equipment with our military’s characteristics can be developed. We must break through key
technologies, improve existing equipment, vigorously develop, and master effective defense methods as
soon as possible.
3. Attach importance to the building of space protection capabilities
In view of the fragility of the space system, special attention should be paid to its protection to improve its
survivability. To strengthen the building of space protection capabilities, we should focus on the following
aspects: one is to combine the building of the survivability of air systems with the development of military
aerospace weapons and equipment. The second is to combine the construction of space system
survivability with the process of localization of space industry, technology, and products to ensure that safety
hazards are fundamentally eliminated.
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The third is to check the effects, defects and hidden dangers of the space system's survivability construction
through experiments and exercises, conduct necessary risk assessments, and propose corresponding
countermeasures to ensure that survivability is built on a solid practical foundation. The fourth is to consider
reliability and safety in the design and demonstration stage, and regard survivability as a basic performance
requirement. Through the design of space system reliability, safety and survivability, it will comprehensively
improve its own inherent anti-kill ability and inherent reliability and develop effective safety measures in the
three areas of management, operation, and technical safety. The fifth is to increase the diversity of space
systems through international aerospace cooperation and globalized space commercial activities, thereby
improving survivability.
4. Strengthen research on military aerospace theory
Advanced theories are the forerunner of the construction and development of military aerospace forces.
Military aerospace theory provides correct guidance for the construction and application of military
aerospace forces through in-depth study of the law of military conflict in space, and to a certain extent
makes up for the disadvantages of military aerospace weapons and equipment. Although what kind of
military space force to build depends on the security environment, strategic needs, economic strength, and
technological level, the first thing that can directly guide and traction for the construction of a military space
force is advanced military aerospace theory. To build a military space force, we must strengthen forward-
looking theoretical research, and promote the construction of a military space force through continuous
innovation of military space theory. Focus on the special laws of military aerospace force building and
operations. The development of military aerospace technology and the construction of military aerospace
forces in all space countries in the world share a common law. Different countries have different
characteristics in the process of building military space forces. The study and creation of the theory of
military space force construction should fully absorb the essence of other countries' military space force
construction theory and explore the construction and application of military space forces, and focus on the
special laws of the construction and use of national military space forces to determine the country's military
space force construction. The strategic objectives, development models, and development paths of the
military are used to guide the construction and development of military aerospace forces.
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Chapter 21 Construction and Development of Military Aerospace Forces
5. Pay close attention to the training of talents in the military and aerospace field
The future military conflict in space will fundamentally be a contest of military aerospace talents. Without a
large number of high-quality military aerospace talent, it is impossible to master aerospace equipment
proficiently, and cannot create and effectively protect space security. Vigorously training military aerospace
talents is an important part of the construction of military aerospace forces. Military and aerospace talents
should be technology-based compound military talents. They should not only meet the requirements of
general military talents, but also have special requirements that are compatible with future space military
conflicts. The first is to establish and improve military and aerospace personnel training institutions.
Establish and improve military and aerospace academies, and strengthen the training of military and
aerospace command, staff, and theoretical personnel. The second is the combination of military and local
forces to broaden the training channels for military and aerospace talents. The third is to adapt to the
characteristics of the comprehensiveness, particularity, and complexity of military aerospace, regardless of
mode, and to train military aerospace talents in different categories. Through selection from a high starting
point, advanced education in colleges, foreign exchanges and inspections, academic advancement, practice
training, entrusted with important tasks, exercise and improvement in practice.
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Chapter 22 Cyberspace Power Construction and Development
Cyberspace has become a new space for military conflict, and cyberspace power, as a new combat force
that adapts to the transformation of war patterns, has become an important part of the country's military
power. Cyberspace power construction includes the construction and development of cyber warfare forces,
command systems, means and resources, military strategy theory, institutional mechanisms, and related
Section One: Cyberspace Power Construction and Development Trend
From the perspective of the development trend of the military of various countries, as a new type of military
force, the construction of cyberspace power has become a priority area of military competition. Under the
principles of demand-driven, technologically promoted, offensive and defensive, people-oriented,
coordinated development, and focus on efficiency, it shows a development trend that is closely related to the
development of traditional space power and has unique characteristics.
1. Towards a critical combat force
The development of cyberspace power has gone through three stages. The first stage is to provide
information support for traditional operations. The main business is to use cyberspace, and the core is to
operate and maintain the C4ISRK system to maintain uninterrupted, high-efficiency and high-quality network
information interaction. During this period, the various U.S. military services established computer
emergency response centers, which became the prototype of cyberspace forces. The second stage is to
deal with the general confrontation of cybercrime and hacker attacks. During this period, the construction of
networked military in major countries in the world has become common practice.
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Chapter 22 Cyberspace Power Construction and Development
Since the Kosovo War, as combat command, projection, and support operations have become more and
more dependent on network execution, at the same time, hackers and viruses have appeared to destroy
open networks, and network security has become a new proposition. Since 1998 when the U.S. Department
of Defense established the directly affiliated Joint Task Force for Computer Network Defense (JTF-CND),
the militaries of various countries have been paying more and more attention to network security protection
and their investment has been increasing. The third stage is cyberspace operations. The network has
become the basic platform for information warfare. Destruction of the network can paralyze the enemy's
combat system. Therefore, cyberspace has also rapidly developed into a combat space for high-intensity
confrontation. Preventing the enemy from controlling the network guarantees victory. The control of the
network will occupy the commanding heights of the war, which means victory; if the control of the network is
lost, you may face the doom of failure. In this situation, cyber warfare forces have gained huge room for
development, and their role has shifted from auxiliary warfare forces to key warfare forces.
2. Development towards formalization and specialization
As the network entered military applications, the military personnel who formed the network became the
earliest military forces in cyberspace. With the armament of cyberspace confrontation, confrontational cyber
warfare forces have emerged as the times require, and they have rapidly developed into unique new types
of arms. Under this situation, the power of cyber warfare has shifted from the guerrillas to the regular army.
After the Kosovo War, countries around the world have set up cyber warfare units. The U.S. cyber warfare
forces have developed the fastest and established the Cyberspace Command. The military of Russia,
Japan, Israel, France, Germany, Singapore, India, and South Korea have also established their own cyber
warfare units. The cyber warfare forces of various countries in the world are transforming into "cyber forces"
and become specialized forces that use information and network technology to implement network
reconnaissance, network attacks, and network defense operations. They are mainly composed of
professional and technical personnel in computer, information security, and cryptography. It can be said that
cyberspace combat forces are developing into a knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive high-tech
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3. Development towards weaponization and actual combat
Any warfare requires weapons, and the weapons for cyberspace warfare are quite special. Compared with
traditional combat weapons which are hard kills, cyber weapons are soft kills in the form of computer
software. With the militarization of confrontation in cyberspace, the means of confrontation in cyberspace
has shifted to weaponization. The U.S. military has the most advanced network technology and the most
reliance on the network for survival. Therefore, the U.S. military has invested heavily in the weaponization of
computer software. The research and development of cyber weapons involves various aspects of attack and
protection. Driven by the U.S. military, the Japanese Self-Defense Force has independently developed
computer viruses and hacking techniques for testing since 2001, and the Taiwan military has also developed
more than 1,000 computer viruses. It is foreseeable that various countries’ computer network offensive and
defensive weapon platforms are accelerating, and weaponized computer software will continue to penetrate
the Internet and military networks. In the future, computer software such as computer viruses, Trojan horses,
and backdoor programs will continue to develop and update, and gradually become practical computer
network warfare weapons. Moreover, this software weapon will be continuously upgraded with the
development of computer technology in order to counter the ever-increasing computer network protection
capabilities. Under the development trend of computer software weaponization and actual combat, terrorist
organizations and criminal groups can also become the developers, owners, users and marketers of
cyberspace combat weapons.
4. Develop towards the integration of military and civilian
The militaries of various countries in the world have reached a consensus on the development of
cyberspace power, that is, cyberspace is a man-made space, and the proportion of military control or
influence is relatively limited, and the government departments, private enterprises, and non-governmental
organizations involved are extremely complex. To maintain national security and maintain combat
superiority, it is necessary to adopt a multi-party cooperation model. The military has no conditions or ability
to fight alone in cyberspace. Cyberspace operations are not divided into military and civilian use, technically,
and tactically. Therefore, all countries in the world have integrated government departments, private
companies, and private cyber forces with cyberspace military forces for development and construction, so
that the military and civilians can merge into cyberspace combat forces. The most significant feature of the
construction. The realization of military-local cyberspace joint operations even reflects the trend of military-
civilian integration in personnel training. Cyber warfare technology is common to both military and civilians,
and the development of civilian cyber security technology is more active than that of the military. The military
of various countries strives to give full play to the advantages of the civilian population, relying on the
advanced network technology and platforms of universities, research institutes, and enterprises to cultivate
talents, and absorb network warfare outstanding talents from the private sector.
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Section Two: Cyberspace Capability Requirements in the New Era
Cyberspace is a virtual information space that is not only relatively independent of tangible military space,
but also closely related to tangible space. It has novel and extensive capacity building content.
1. Cyberspace reconnaissance capabilities
Network reconnaissance uses network characteristics, electromagnetic characteristics, and information
storage characteristics to carry out reconnaissance on enemy computer information systems to obtain
intelligence information. It is not only a public basic capability for network attacks and network defenses, but
also a cyberspace combat operation capability that can be carried out independently, especially in
peacetime cyber reconnaissance is the most common form of military conflict in cyberspace. The
construction of network reconnaissance capabilities mainly includes three capabilities: network secrets
stealing, electromagnetic stealing, and media stealing. Network secrets stealing is the use of security
vulnerabilities in the enemy's network to enter the information system and reconnaissance C4ISRK system,
electronic warfare system, and weapon control system. Electromagnetic theft is the use of various electronic
reconnaissance equipment to search, locate, detect, identify, record and analyze the electromagnetic
signals emitted (or radiated) by various electronic equipment in the enemy's computer information system,
and decipher the information in the other party's computer information system. Relevant information and
intelligence; media secrets refer to information obtained by obtaining information storage equipment through
spies, hackers, and purchases from third parties.
2. Cyberspace attack capability
In cyber attack and defense, cyberspace attack is a stronger form of combat than cyberspace defense, and
cyberspace attack capability is the core combat capability of cyberspace. Cyberspace attack capability
refers to the penetration of the enemy's network system through information interference, information
jamming, information destruction, etc., and the information left in the network by the enemy, or the host and
the network system itself, to disrupt and destroy combat capability.
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Its main form is to launch computer viruses and hack attacks on the enemy's network, causing the enemy's
information system to be completely paralyzed, and stealing information and data; at the same time, using
the transmission channel in the computer space to enter the enemy's cyberspace and tamper with the
enemy's information and materials. Disturb the network and provide simulated false information, so that the
enemy cannot judge the real situation and take advantage of the falsehood. In the Kosovo War, the U.S.
military and NATO already had primary cyber attack capabilities, that is, interference capabilities. NATO
caused certain network information systems in the Yugoslavia to fail due to overload, or used fake and
altered data to protect certain NATO aircraft that performed air strikes. The US Air Force also uses
electromagnetic means to infiltrate some false target information into the opponent's air defense system to
deceive its electronic intelligence department. In view of the remarkable results of cyber attacks, the US
military vigorously develops computer cyber warfare weapons, including virus weapons, e-mail bombs, logic
bombs, electromagnetic interference methods, and combined with physical destruction methods. The
"Stuxnet virus" developed by the United States in 2010 caused major damage to Iran's nuclear facilities,
coupled with the successive outbreaks of "Poison Sparrow" and "Flame" viruses in Iran in 2011 and 2012,
indicating that the US military already possesses high-value target cyber attack capabilities.
3. Cyberspace protection capabilities
Network protection is a shield to guard the information frontier, standing on the opposite side of cyber
attacks, resisting enemy network reconnaissance and attacks, and by improving the protection of one's own
network equipment and host system, preventing the enemy from accessing the network through illegal
means and intruding into the network to destroy the network The operation of facilities and networks
prevents the weakening and reduction of the operational effectiveness of Party B’s network, especially to
prevent its own network from being paralyzed, so as to seize the right to control the network with active and
stable defensive support and ensure the security of its computer network system. From an overall point of
view, the development needs of network protection capabilities increase simultaneously with the
improvement of network attack capabilities. At the same time, network protection is more complex than
network attacks, and it is more difficult to realize the needs of cyberspace protection capabilities.
Specifically, the first is the construction of interception capabilities, which is mainly reflected in intrusion
detection system capabilities and firewall capabilities. Establish electronic security barriers to block
unauthorized access or illegal intrusion from external networks to internal networks. The second is the
construction of anti-virus capabilities, which is mainly aimed at invading viruses, designing and deploying
virus identification, virus
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scanning and virus removal software. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the development of anti-virus
capabilities has progressed from virus-killing to anti-virus. The third is the ability to encrypt data, mainly by
encrypting the transmitted and stored data, even if the data is stolen, it cannot be opened. Data encryption is
the last hurdle of cyber defense. Militaries around the world have spared no effort to improve data encryption
4. Network operation and maintenance recovery capabilities
With the continuous expansion of the network, and the unlimited expansion of cyberspace, the infrastructure
is becoming larger and larger, including the Internet, communication networks, computer systems, and
embedded processors and controllers. Network operation and maintenance capabilities determine the real-
time, full-time, and full-frequency domain reconnaissance and surveillance capabilities of the battlefield,
determine the timely and comprehensive perception of the battlefield situation of commanders at all levels,
and also determine the close cooperation and the ability to coordinate at a high degree of weapon platforms
on the multi-dimensional battlefield. In addition to operation and maintenance capabilities, network backup
and recovery capabilities are becoming more and more important. When network system hardware,
software or data is destroyed by the enemy, it can use data backup and recovery methods to recover in
Section Three: The Main Measures For the Construction and Development of
Cyberspace Power
The goal of cyberspace operations is to ensure the security of national cyberspace in peacetime and to win
cyberspace superiority in wartime. To achieve this goal, we must carefully plan the construction of
cyberspace power from a strategic level, and calmly respond to various security threats from cyberspace.
1. Building an integrated command and mobilization system for reconnaissance, offense and
defense in cyberspace
Under unified leadership and command, the goal of cyberspace combat force construction is to maximize
the formation of an overall joint force, rather than the ability to fight alone. An integrated, unified and efficient
system and mechanism.
The integration of reconnaissance, offense and defense forms the most powerful overall combat capability in
cyberspace. Cyberspace forces are divided into four parts: offensive force, defensive force, reconnaissance
force, and support force. Among them, the attack force is the leader, the defensive force is the main body,
and the reconnaissance force is the cornerstone.
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Because of cyber electromagnetic space operations, it is necessary to destroy and interfere with the
enemy's networks and electronic systems, while at the same time protecting one's own networks and
electronic systems from damage. Reconnaissance runs through it and serves both offense and defense.
Therefore, reconnaissance offense and defense are cross-penetrating each other. It is necessary to take the
development path of comprehensive integration and build a cyber electromagnetic space combat force
system that integrates reconnaissance, offense and defense. Reconnaissance, offense and defense
cooperate in coordination and promote each other to form an overall joint force.
2. Speed up the development of cyberspace resources
The network is a huge resource space, and its resources are mainly information channels and information
systems. Compared with other resources, network resources have natural infinite repetitive usability.
Therefore, the integration and utilization of cyberspace resources have opened up a new direction for
cyberspace power construction and become an important part of cyberspace power construction.
Construction of electromagnetic spectrum resources. The (telecommunications) channel is the carrier and
channel of all activities in cyberspace, and is the key resource of the network. It is a scarce resource, so it
has become the top priority of the integration of cyberspace resources. With the deepening of cyberspace
confrontation, the management of channel spectrum has more and more impact on cyberspace operations,
and the requirements are getting higher and higher. For this reason, the construction of cyberspace power
needs to prioritize the development of electromagnetic spectrum integration and utilization plans, and
establish and improve channel management and control methods to achieve scientific planning and optimal
scheduling of spectrum resources.
Construction of network information resources. Information resources have endless development space,
including all digital signals, data, text and video images on the Internet. Currently, information services
tailored to the needs of users have become the mainstream trend in the use of cyberspace information
resources. Carrying out a variety of information resource development activities on this basis is a general
trend for the country and the military to develop various online businesses. For example, the U.S. military
took the lead in proposing the concept of "big data,” which is to integrate and process all the information
existing on the GIG (Global Information Grid) and the global Internet to produce more quality intelligence
and decision support information, representing the construction of network information resources to fully
serve national security operations and the actual combat phase of combat operations.
Information system resource construction. Information system is the material resource of the network, which
is represented as software and hardware resources. The main purpose of system resource construction is
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to maximize the utilization of software and hardware resources, and its basic form is to implement system
services. For example, various computing modules, global geographic information modules, and information
search software loaded on the U.S. GIG (Global Information Grid) can be remotely shared and used by all
users, thereby greatly reducing the repetitive construction and waste of software and hardware resources.
In the construction of network resources, the focus should be on the relationship between security and
sharing. Sharing is the essential requirement of network resource construction, and resources without
sharing are not real network resources. However, due to the characteristics of national security and military
activities themselves, this sharing cannot be unregulated, but can only be shared within a certain range on
the basis of command authority Therefore, while carrying out the construction of network resources, through
effective technical means and standardized operating procedures, safe sharing is realized.
3. Promote actual combat training of cyber warfare troops
The degree of organic integration between humans and weapons determines the strength of combat
effectiveness. This law is also applicable in cyberspace. Cyber warfare training is the most important factor
in exploring new combat styles and maintaining a high degree of war preparedness, and it is the basic way
to improve the combat capability of cyber forces.
Strengthen the integrated training of tactics and technology. Compared with traditional warfare, a distinctive
feature of cyber warfare is its strong technical confrontation. Therefore, cyber technical confrontation and
tactical confrontation need to be closely integrated. This also puts forward higher requirements on people's
tactical literacy and strategy level, as well as their ability to innovate. Only by combining strategic innovation
with technological innovation can we be invincible on the unpredictable network battlefield. This requires
strengthening the integrated training of technology and tactics. It is necessary to pay more attention to the
comprehensive benefits of training, and strive to comprehensively improve the quality of the troops through
the integrated training of technology and tactics. It is necessary to highlight the comprehensiveness of the
training content, that is, both technical offensive and defensive training and tactical confrontation training
should be carried out in the training content of the anti-virus and anti-hacking struggle.
Carry out network countermeasure training based on simulation systems. Compared with traditional military
confrontation training, network confrontation training has an outstanding difficulty, that is, it is difficult to carry
out live ammunition training on the actual network. This requires as much training as possible on the
simulation system. In order to meet the needs of future cyber warfare, countries around the world are
actively carrying out cyber confrontation training and establishing cyber confrontation training simulation
systems to provide confrontation simulations, effect demonstrations, and offensive and defense training for
cyber attacks, cyber defenses and other operational styles and the use of cyber warfare tactics environment.
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The network confrontation training simulation system is a platform for learning, research and training of
network confrontation technology. Through the research of network confrontation technology, the network
confrontation mechanism and offensive and defensive methods are introduced into the network
infrastructure and environment. Simulating offensive and defensive exercises, through offensive and
defensive practice, enables the defender and attacker to obtain more application skills, thereby improving
the offensive and defensive level of the trainees. The establishment of the network confrontation training
simulation system can also provide researchers with a verifiable network confrontation evaluation
environment, and provide an objective scientific basis for the situational awareness, security evaluation and
decision-making of network managers and security personnel. Its main functions: First, it can simulate the
main steps of network attacks to achieve target detection, information theft, network intrusion, information
theft, information or service destruction and other attack methods; second, it can observe and detect various
network attack behaviors, and correctly evaluate the attack effect; third, it can control security risks by taking
effective protective measures, and compare the offensive and defensive effects based on the evaluation
results after defense training; fourth, it can improve the information security awareness of trainees and
enhance the practical skills of network confrontation.
Establish a network shooting range and improve the level of strategic campaign training through network
confrontation exercises. Just as the land, navy, and air force need to establish shooting ranges for weapon
testing, new weapons and new methods of cyber warfare also need to be tested through the cyber shooting
range, and on this basis, tactical research and comprehensive confrontation exercises are carried out to test
actual combat capabilities. In this regard, the U.S. military has always been in a leading position in the world.
The U.S. National Cyber Range Project is also set up to achieve the above goals. Realize a major change in
cyber warfare capabilities and win cyber warfare. With the help of the network range, the U.S. military
conducts similar actual combat cyber confrontation exercises, which has become an important measure for
the U.S. military to test the effectiveness of cyber operations forces training, test the effects of various
existing cyber weapons, and verify operational theories.
4. Establish and improve laws and regulations on the construction and use of cyberspace forces
Cyberspace is the most active emerging space involving laws. Strengthening cyberspace laws and
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regulations construction is of great significance for guiding, regulating and promoting the construction and
use of cyberspace forces.
Establish and improve legal norms for the management of sovereignty in cyberspace. At present, some
developed countries have established a complete legal system in maintaining information security. For
example, the United States is a country with a relatively systematic construction of information security legal
and regulatory systems. In 2009, the U.S. published the report “Cyberspace Policy Evaluation-Ensuring
Reliable and Robust Information and Communication Infrastructure'', emphasizing that the economic
prosperity of the United States in the 21st century will depend on cyberspace security, and proposed the
formulation of cybersecurity-related laws and regulatory frameworks. It is necessary to refine the
determination of legal responsibilities, strengthen the legislative work in cyberspace such as information
security and data security, and clearly define illegal activities in cyberspace, so that the development and
management of cyberspace forces can be followed by law, which is conducive to stopping any individual,
enterprise, and even other countries illegal activities in the cyberspace of sovereignty.
Promote the construction of cyber warfare laws and regulations. The overall goal of the construction of
military cyber warfare laws and regulations is to establish rules and regulations covering all fields and levels
of military cyber warfare capacity building and future cyber warfare. Specifically, it is necessary to establish
a network warfare regulation with full domain coverage, complete system, scientific content, and rigorous
support. Global coverage means to cover all areas of the army's cyber warfare capability building and
combat activities, and put all people, things, and things under the organizational system and behavioral
norms. The integrity of the system means the formation of a legal system with a clear structure and a
reasonable layout. Scientific content means that the formulation of laws and regulations must conform to the
law of operations and construction and development of cyber warfare, and is operability and realistic
guidance. Strict matching is from obligatory norms to rights norms, from organizational institutional norms to
operational mechanism norms, from encouraging norms to punitive norms, with complete content, mutual
cohesion, rigorous structure, and non-conflict.
What needs attention is that cyber warfare is also subject to the laws of war or the rules of the law of armed
conflict, and its unique combat method also brings new questions to the application of the rules of war. A
series of legal issues arise with determination to launch cyber warfare, such as the rules of cyber warfare in
avoiding harm to third parties which has yet to be studied. During the period of ambiguity, some countries
attempt to obtain hegemony in cyberspace and the right to launch wars, which deeply affects the direction of
cyberspace power construction and the balance of power.
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5. Cultivate professional cyber warfare
The core of network warfare capacity building is to train and possess a group of outstanding talents who are
proficient in network warfare, that is, experts who are proficient in network technology and knowledgeable
commanders who are familiar with network technology and are proficient in network warfare techniques and
tactics. To seize the commanding heights of network confrontation, it is necessary to start early to train and
bring up a large number of high-quality network confrontation talents who understand technology and
precise tactics. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the "net military" of various countries has
strengthened the training of network warfare talents while strengthening the research of network security
technology and developing network attack methods.
The training of network warfare talents needs to highlight the characteristics of professionalism and
intelligence. Based on foreign military experience, we should focus on training four types of cyber warfare
talents, namely, senior network commanders who specialize in cyber warfare research, responsible for
establishing cyber warfare strategies and tactics, and formulating cyber warfare plans; staff personnel who
are proficient in cyber warfare technology, responsible for organizing network construction at this level, and
carry out cyber warfare tasks; senior professionals who have mastered the special technology of cyber
warfare and can develop special cyber warfare weapons; network security talents responsible for daily duty,
operation and maintenance and security defense of the network. The basic mode of training cyber warfare
talents is organizing phases and batches of professional training classes, set up specialized cyber warfare
majors, conduct special research and train expert-level "cyber fighters" with professional knowledge and
special skills.
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Chapter 23 Joint Logistics Support Force Construction and Development
Joint logistics support force construction is an important component of military force building, and improving
the joint logistics support capability is an inevitable requirement for winning the war. In the context of the
continuous development of the world's new military revolution and the continuous evolution of war patterns,
strengthening the construction and development of joint logistics support forces is a common issue faced by
the armed forces of all countries in the world.
Section One: Joint Logistics Support Force Construction and Development Trend
For the joint logistics support of the armed forces of the world's major countries, different joint logistics
systems such as headquarters joint logistics, military joint logistics, and regional joint logistics have been
adopted, and different forms of joint logistics support agencies and support troops have been formed. For
example, the U.S. military adopts a support system that combines headquarters joint logistics and service
joint logistics. In peacetime, various support agencies under the Ministry of National Defense implement joint
logistics support. In wartime, a certain service is used to organize joint logistics support in a war zone. From
a long-term perspective, joint logistics support is a common trend of military support in various countries,
which is mainly manifested in the following aspects.
1. Joint logistics support forces are deployed in a global multi-dimensional space
The joint logistics support force adapts to the needs of military activities, especially combat, and is the
essential characteristic of the support force. As military activities continue to expand into wider spaces and
newer areas, the construction of joint logistics support forces pays more attention to cross-domain and
cross-dimensional support issues, and gives full play to the strategic role of going first, stabilizing, and
building and forming a joint logistics support force layout in a broad space and new areas has become the
general trend.
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2. Joint logistics and support is developing towards the integration of logistics equipment.
The integration of logistics equipment can greatly concentrate resources, and it has become a common
practice for the military organizations of major countries in the world to organize joint logistics support. The
development of joint logistics support services and the requirements for simplicity and speed in wartime
support have urged the development of joint logistics support in the direction of integration of rear-loading.
To solve the problem of integrated development of after-equipment, the military of most countries starts from
the institutional aspect. The reconstruction of our army reconstructed the scale structure and force
composition of the joint logistics support force, divided the general and special support interfaces, and
solved the problem of separate systems for the logistics support and equipment support of the troops below
the theater. In the future, the construction of joint logistics support forces will focus on the needs of joint
operations, pay more attention to the efficiency of joint logistics support, innovate support concepts,
organization, force use, etc., and further integrate the after-installation integration from organizational form,
service integration, and action control, and realize the full integration of joint logistics support.
3. Joint logistics support methods are developing towards precision distribution
Accurate distribution and implementation of precise support are one of the development goals of joint
logistics support, and it is the inevitable result of the promotion of scientific and technological development
and the traction of war practice. A new round of military revolution in the world is developing in depth. The
form of warfare is rapidly evolving into informationized warfare. The combat process has been significantly
accelerated. The combat phases are frequently changed. Precision strikes have become the main means of
fighting for the initiative in war. The joint logistics support must be rapid response, precise and efficient. The
extensive use of the latest scientific and technological means and the continuous exploration of cutting-edge
technologies provide development space and favorable conditions for the construction of joint logistics
support means. The joint logistics support force will rely on the "Internet +" and "Internet of Things +" models
to further increase the data, informatization, and intelligent deployment of joint logistics resources, and seek
to match the development of new combat areas and the construction of new combat force systems,
reconstruct a precise distribution joint logistics support system with real-time demand perception, fine control
of resources, precise distribution of materials, and visual control of actions.
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Chapter 23 Joint Logistics Support Force Construction and Development
4. The main channel of joint logistics support develops towards military-civilian integration
Joint logistics support is an important key position for transforming national power into military power and an
important bridge linking the military and the economy. As the main position and incubator for the deep
development of military-civilian integration, the joint logistics field has strong versatility and complementarity,
rich military-civilian integration resources and huge potential, and can achieve high-end integration and deep
integration in the organizational system. From 2005 to 2017, when the US military moved around the world
and performed overseas missions, nearly 50% of the support missions were completed by socialized
logistics forces. The development of support channels in the direction of military-civilian integration is
conducive to planning and designing military-civilian integration platform paths, improving demand docking
and resource sharing mechanisms, and accelerating the formation of a multi-domain, all-element, and high-
efficiency military-civilian deep integration development pattern.
5. The joint logistics support method develops comprehensively and flexibly
The joint logistics support method tends to be comprehensive and flexible, which can not only actively adapt
to the multi-domain and multi-directional support needs of future wars, but also promote the innovative
construction of the joint logistics support force. The diversified military needs of future wars require the
establishment of the concept that science and technology are combat effectiveness and support capabilities,
boldly explore and apply cutting-edge technologies, carry out joint logistics support theoretical innovation,
promote the revolution of joint logistics support methods, and use various methods with a high degree of
flexibility and resilience. A method and method of guarantee to continuously improve the comprehensive
support capability. From the perspective of the self-construction of joint logistics support, the reform and
innovation of support methods is an effective way to promote joint logistics support capacity building and
service development, which can reduce the joint logistics support force and improve the effectiveness of
support to a large extent.
Section Two: Joint Logistics Support Force Capability Requirements under the New Era
The construction of joint logistics support forces must obey the national security strategy and military
strategy, rely on the country's comprehensive strength, base on the advantages of intensive support, insist
on multi-party integration, proactive shaping, convenient and efficient, and build joint logistics based on
national territory and forward radiation. The support pattern, comprehensive use of multiple support
methods, strong point support, three-dimensional projection, and precise energy release, provides high-
quality, efficient, timely and reliable support for various strategic directions and various military operations.
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From the perspective of capacity requirements, the following aspects should be strengthened.
1. Joint energy gathering, global support and guarantee capabilities
Joint energy gathering and global support and support capabilities are to focus on joint logistics support first,
and take the expansion of national interests and the needs of joint operations as the traction, relying on the
joint combat force and command system to integrate the military and the local, strategic and operational
forces in all directions, forming organic peace and warfare integration, multi-party integration, flexible
distribution, and accurate and reliable support capabilities; through multiple methods such as partition
support, three-dimensional projection support, preset support, and precise direct support, implement reliable
and efficient support for joint operations. Specifically, it can be decomposed into joint logistics support
command and control capabilities, system operation capabilities, and survival and defense capabilities. The
joint logistics support command and control capability requires that under the framework of the joint combat
command system, a command and control link be built as needed to coordinate the joint logistics support
operations around the overall combat objectives. The system operation capability requires the command
and control information network as the basis, the peacetime and wartime support standards as the basis,
and the peacetime emergency and wartime needs as the orientation, to achieve real-time awareness of
battlefield and support situation, intelligent analysis of intelligence information, automatic generation of
support plans, support operations are carried out in an orderly manner, the support network is self-repairing,
and the support relationship is autonomously integrated. Survival defense capabilities require the ability to
withstand the harsh battlefield survival environment, effectively deal with the enemy's multi-method, multi-
spectrum, multi-dimensional reconnaissance, hide the truth and show the false, and have sufficient
battlefield protection capabilities.
2. Material supply guarantee capability with integrated financing, storage and supply
The materials provided by the joint logistics support force are mainly general-purpose materials, including
finance, supplies, clothing, energy, etc., which are the material basis for the entire military force system to
perform tasks. It must be ensured that the supply is sufficient, high-quality, and timely. Combining the work
flow division of material supply guarantee, material supply guarantee capacity can be decomposed into:
material raising capacity, material storage capacity, and material supply capacity. The ability to raise
materials requires the ability to use procurement service agencies as the backbone to build a material
financing network, complete material financing according to the guarantee needs, and take into account the
time cost and economic cost of material financing. The material reserve capacity requires the ability to rely
on modern specialized warehouse facilities and equipment to strictly keep the reserve materials, realize the
orderly rotation of the reserve materials, and maintain a reasonable scale structure of the war preparation
material reserve and the connection of the layout system.
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Chapter 23 Joint Logistics Support Force Construction and Development
The material supply capability requires that the material supply support force be used reasonably according
to the support plan and the troops' application, and the troops can be supplemented with materials in a
timely manner.
3. Fast and accurate medical support capabilities
The medical support capability aims at meeting the needs of peacetime and wartime, and in accordance
with the requirements of "covering all the staff and the whole process, rapid and accurate treatment,
organizes the construction of medical combat readiness, strengthens the research of new areas such as
health and epidemic prevention, biosecurity, and ensures the support of medical services. It can not only
serve the construction of troops in peacetime, but also complete the mission of medical service and rescue
in warlike times. Specifically, it can be broken down into: medical treatment capability, health care capability,
hygiene and epidemic prevention capability, and biosafety protection capability. The ability of medical
treatment requires not only the realization of "full Netcom" in the military hospital system, but also the ability
to grasp the best treatment opportunity, perform operations on site, and quickly organize evacuation. Health
care capabilities require the ability to conduct regular health checks on personnel, implement special service
recuperation and regular recuperation plans for officers and soldiers, and maintain physical and mental
health of personnel. Hygiene and epidemic prevention capabilities require the ability to organize and
implement disease prevention education, carry out various epidemic monitoring, promptly warn of possible
epidemics and take necessary epidemic prevention measures to reduce the incidence of infectious diseases
and the rate of attrition. Biosecurity protection capabilities require the ability to rely on professional biological
monitoring points and high-level biological laboratories to build a military biological security defense system,
effectively defend against biological weapons and biological terrorist attacks, and deal with major biological
epidemics in a timely manner.
4. Multi-dimensional and efficient transportation and delivery capabilities
Transportation delivery capability refers to meeting the needs of joint operations transportation delivery,
relying on the joint logistics support force itself or coordinating other military and local transportation forces,
using roads, railways, water transportation, air transportation, pipelines and other means to complete
various types in a timely manner. Transportation and delivery tasks. Specifically, it can be decomposed into:
professional decision-making ability for transportation and delivery, transportation loading and unloading
ability, transportation and delivery ability for special materials, transportation and dispatching ability, and
transportation and delivery service guarantee ability. The professional decision-making ability of
transportation delivery requires the ability to accurately calculate transportation capacity requirements,
formulate transportation delivery plans and plans, determine transportation delivery forces and scales, and
reasonably select transportation delivery routes (airlines). Transportation loading and unloading capabilities
require the use of multiple tools and means, loading and unloading of trains, large helicopters, transport
aircraft, transport ships, automobiles, etc.
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Special material transportation and delivery capabilities require the ability to transport and deliver materials
and equipment with special requirements, and provide corresponding aseptic, vacuum, freezing, constant
temperature, low vibration and other transportation and delivery capabilities during the transportation and
delivery process, with large and heavy equipment transportation and delivery capacity. The ability to
dispatch and dispatch transportation requires the joint logistics support force to coordinate with the military's
transportation forces, local airports, railways, and shipping departments, unify the dispatch of the forces and
resources for transportation within and outside the military, and complete transportation and delivery tasks
on time. The ability to support transportation and delivery services requires the ability to provide the
necessary services for military transportation and delivery operations.
5. Standardize and intensive military facility support capabilities
Military facility support capability refers to the overall planning of the general military facility support work of
the entire army, giving full play to the professional advantages of joint logistics support, and providing the
troops with high-quality military facility support in accordance with the requirements of standardization,
standardization, and intensiveness. It can be broken down into: military facility construction capability, asset
management capability, and engineering agent construction capability. The ability to build military facilities
requires the organization of military facilities construction, professional engineering supervision and
inspections, and the formation of professional camping mobile support forces in accordance with the needs
of combat and daily combat readiness. Tasks such as rushing to set up and build emergency facilities. Asset
management capabilities require the ability to focus on the scientific management of the assets of the
military facilities, maintain good operating conditions and use order, give full play to the advantages of joint
logistics support and overall deployment, and use military facilities assets intensively to improve support
efficiency. The engineering agent construction capability requires that the construction of the barracks and
barracks of various types of troops should be completed with high standards in accordance with the actual
needs of the troops and the environmental conditions of the station.
6. Autonomous and efficient unmanned intelligent support capabilities
Unmanned intelligent support capabilities require the use of unmanned intelligent technology for the after-
installation support of the battlefield, and enhance the autonomy of support means, intelligent command, use
of clusters, and cloud organization, with new support concepts, support models and support methods to
promote the leap-forward and new generational changes in support capabilities.
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Chapter 23 Joint Logistics Support Force Construction and Development
Specifically, it can be decomposed into: human-computer interaction decision-making ability, autonomous
organization ability, task substitution and enhancement ability. Human-computer interaction decision-making
capabilities require that the focus is on the intelligent perception of security tasks, intelligent recognition of
the environment, intelligent planning of actions, and autonomous execution of activities. Through
technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, cloud computing, and deep learning, the automatic
collection and independent analysis of security information are required. Guarantee situation real-time
assessment, intelligent monitoring, autonomous planning and sensitive control of guarantee actions,
guarantee resource data sharing and timely deployment, and improve the command and decision-making
ability of man-machine coordination and the action ability of man-machine integration. The ability of
autonomous organization requires the use of advanced technology in certain key areas to combine manned
and unmanned systems, or focus on unmanned systems, to implement safeguard operations in a relatively
long period of time. Task replacement to enhance capabilities requires the application of unmanned systems
to replace manpower and enhance manpower to implement support activities in dangerous, heavy support
tasks or harsh environments, such as the application of individual flexible exoskeletons and intelligent
prostheses to enhance the mobility of soldiers, and the application of intelligent life support systems to
improve medical treatment capabilities, and use modular materials and 3D printing to improve on-site
support capabilities.
Section Three: Major Measures for the Construction and Development of Joint
Logistics Support Force
The construction of joint logistics support forces must focus on achieving leapfrog and connotative
development, tightly grasp the key links in the generation and leap of combat force support, and in
accordance with the requirements of joint operations, joint training, and joint support, accelerate the
integration of joint support forces into joint operations systems, forward-looking layout, focus on actual
combat, key breakthroughs, and improve integrated joint support capabilities.
1. Optimize and improve the joint logistics support layout
Based on the needs of future warfare, focusing on strategic development, we will build a joint logistics
support layout that "supports important points and supports all regions." On the one hand, optimize the
overall layout. While maintaining the advantages of the original layout, further highlight the main strategic
direction, strengthen the focus of support, optimize the support layout, and better meet the diversified joint
logistics support needs with military conflict preparation as the core. On the other hand, proper advancement
of land support and expansion of maritime fulcrums. According to the needs of the task, adjust and optimize
the layout of the battle front-line support force to enrich the coastal and land support. At the same time,
rationally shrink the depth of land area guarantee points, accelerate the development of storage and supply
bases, and realize the transformation from sitting-diagnostic request to radial distribution through
standardized operations, specialized division of labor, and networked combination.
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2. Shaping the joint logistics support force system
Established the "universal use, modular combination, military-civilian fusion" joint logistics support force
construction ideas, accelerate the comprehensive force construction in various directions, the construction of
various specialties, the coordinated construction of military and civilian forces, promote the leap-forward
development of joint logistics construction, and the overall improvement of support capabilities. The first is to
streamline and integrate fixed support forces. In areas with strategic depth, important fulcrums, and
concentrated support force deployment, optimize and integrate warehouses, hospitals, transportation and
other elements to gradually improve regional support forces. The second is to enrich the joint logistics
mobile support force for strategic battles. According to the thinking of battle, specialization and mobilization,
build a strong joint logistics support brigade, pre-organize and assemble professional technical support
teams to perform mobile support tasks. Integrate strategic delivery forces with organizational sea and air
transportation capacity as the mainstay and local transportation capacity as a supplement. The third is to
establish and improve the military-civilian integration support force. Carefully build an integrated military-
civilian transportation and delivery system, a military-civilian shared medical and health system, a military-
civilian joint military energy system, a military-civilian coordinated military procurement system, and a social
security system, The military-civilian compatible scientific and technological information system forms an
overall support force structure that combines military and civilian organically.
3. Adjust and form a combat readiness reserve system
Closely integrate combat missions in various strategic directions, scientifically predict support requirements,
coordinate wartime support, emergency supply and rapid delivery requirements in different directions, attach
great importance to the hidden layout design of civilian resources, deepen the military-civilian federation
system and mechanism, and adjust the formation of an appropriate scale. A combat readiness reserve
system with reasonable structure and flexible methods. First, in terms of the scale of reserves, in
accordance with military construction plans in various directions and fields, we will improve the inventory of
war preparation materials, optimize the amount of reserve funds invested, improve key reserves and
urgently needed reserves, and reduce the size of ordinary material reserves. Second, in terms of the reserve
structure, in accordance with the model of early mobilization, timely support, and emergency procurement,
continue to adjust and optimize the layout of reserves in various strategic directions, and study and clarify
the strategic operational reserve structure and mobilization authority. The third is to increase the scope of
local agency reserve and contract reserve in terms of reserve methods, and coordinate the construction and
development of military and land material reserves.
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Chapter 23 Joint Logistics Support Force Construction and Development
4. Accelerate the development of joint logistics support equipment system
Looking ahead to future battlefield needs, establish a joint logistics support equipment development concept
of "information-led, same-generation and system integration,” improve the equipment construction
management system, accelerate the research and development of joint logistics support equipment, and
improve the supporting capabilities of the equipment system. The first is to reasonably learn from the
development models of various services and arms, use information systems as the starting point, and use
data as the core to comprehensively improve the collection and harvest of battlefield data, fusion
processing, shared services, and decision-making support, and do a good job in the research and
development of joint logistics support equipment. The second is to focus on coordinating with the
development of equipment systems of other services and arms, and gradually realize real-time interaction,
precise positioning, and automatic update of combat operations and support data, and develop unmanned
intelligent support systems suitable for joint battlefield search and rescue, nuclear, biological and chemical
monitoring. The third is to adhere to the integration of battlefield operations, upgrade and develop support
equipment, improve supporting joint logistics support data platforms, and promote joint logistics support to
"Internet + joint logistics,” "big data joint logistics,” and "intelligent joint logistics.” Level iterative
5. Innovatively build a joint logistics command system
Focus on the integration of the joint command system and the needs of cross-domain coordination, improve
demand synchronization awareness, command integrated linkage, data integration and interoperability, and
innovate to build a joint logistics command system that integrates combat and security, supports each other,
and covers the entire domain. The first is to accelerate the integration of the joint logistics support chain of
command into the joint operational chain of command. Scientifically define the functional positioning, mutual
relationship, and application principles of joint logistics command in joint combat command, as well as the
division of command powers and responsibilities, and the refinement of command procedures, so as to open
up the joint logistics support command decision link, demand reporting link, and action control as soon as
possible link. The second is to accelerate the construction of a joint logistics support command model based
on the network information system. Utilizing core technologies in the information field, using artificial
intelligence-based wide-area distributed decision-making and commanding, reshaping the joint logistics
support model, realizing real-time demand perception, visible control of resources, timely and correct
determination, accurate delivery, effective treatment of the wounded, and full control of actions. The third is
to be based on the region and focus on the overall situation, maximize the overall support force, optimize the
support resources, improve the reliability of the joint logistics support chain, and build a robust joint logistics
command and support network that can not only meet the regional support, but also dynamically respond to
multiple directions, respond to each other, and cover the entire region..
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6. Consolidate the actual combat training system
Promoting the combination of troops and personnel of the joint logistics support force and between
personnel and equipment is the basic way to generate the capabilities of the joint logistics support force. We
must always adhere to the requirements of actual combat, carry out military training with standards derived
from actual combat and higher than actual combat, and continuously improve the emergency response
support level of the joint logistics support force. One is to adhere to the traction of actual cases. According to
the combat support plan, follow the general rules of training, pay attention to distinguishing the levels of
campaign training and tactical training, agency training and troop training, officer training and soldier
training, individual training and unit training, scientifically formulate training plans, and insist on training
according to the case. According to the case review. The second is to adhere to actual combat standards.
On the basis of training skills according to professional skills, training synergy according to groupings,
training synthesis according to organizational systems, and training integration according to regions, the
system organizes integrated training, strengthens the integration of front and rear training, and highlights the
complex enemy situation, complex weather, and complex environmental condition training. Improve the
docking capabilities of joint logistics support and combat operations. The third is to improve related
mechanisms. Establish a scientific evaluation mechanism, clarify training evaluation methods and standards,
increase training rewards, strictly supervise the mechanism, and promote the actual combat training of the
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Chapter 24 Construction and Development of the Armed Police Force
The Chinese People’s Armed Police Force is abbreviated as the Armed Police Force. It is an important part
of the national armed forces. It shoulders major responsibilities in maintaining national security and social
stability and defending the people’s good lives. It has an important role in maintaining political security,
especially regime security, and institutional security. The armed police force is under the centralized and
unified leadership of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission. Under the conditions
of the new era, the construction and development of the Armed Police Force will fully implement Xi Jinping’s
thinking on strengthening the military, accelerate the integration of the entire military’s joint operations
system, accelerate the establishment of a new pattern of military-local coordination and linkage, and strive to
build a powerful modern armed police force.
Section One: The Construction and Development Trend of the Armed Police Force
Entering the new era, in accordance with the strategic requirements of “multi-functional integration, stability
and rights maintenance,” the armed police force has vigorously strengthened security on duty, handling
emergencies and maintaining stability, counter-terrorism operations, air support, maritime rights protection
and administrative law enforcement, emergency rescue, and defense operations capabilities. The force on
duty, mobile force, special warfare, air force, and maritime force are the mainstays, supplemented by
intelligence reconnaissance, information interconnection, unmanned operations, network and power
confrontation and other forces, and the modern armed police force supported by the network information
system is constantly improving the core capabilities of maintaining stability and rights.
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1. Integration of Multiple Capabilities of the Force Structure
With the development and changes of the domestic and foreign environment and situation and tasks, the
diversification of tasks, the normalization of diversified tasks, and the diversification of capability
requirements have become the salient features of the armed police forces in fulfilling their duties and
missions. From the perspective of the types of tasks performed, it has expanded from a relatively single duty
in the past to emergency handling, stability maintenance, anti-terrorism, maritime rights protection and
administrative law enforcement, emergency rescue and so on. On the basis of six common duty types:
security guard, defense guard, protection, watching detaines, guard duty, and patrol, the duty has also
increased the role of such tasks as overseas guards and maintaining the order of the Spring Festival
transportation. From the perspective of the area to perform the tasks, from the region to the entire territory,
from the territory to the outside world, from the land to the sea, the armed police force began to take on
maritime rights protection and administrative law enforcement tasks, the security tasks of China's embassies
and consulates in some countries or regions, and international rescue tasks. Judging from the number of
missions performed, it has shown a trend of increasing year by year, putting forward higher requirements for
the capacity building of the armed police force. To adapt to the needs of mission expansion and the
requirements of system construction, the Armed Police Force must focus on missions and tasks to plan for
the construction of a modern armed police force system. We must not only pay attention to the
modernization of traditional armed police forces, but also strengthen the construction of new types of armed
police forces, and build whatever the task requires,, follow the development idea of one specialization with
multiple abilities, one team with multiple uses, distinguish the professional strengths and related strengths
required for different tasks, the main tasks of various strengths and other tasks, and take the appropriate
scale, optimized structure, reasonable organization, and complementary advantages as the goal,
continuously promote the innovation and development of the armed police force system, actively explore the
operation mode of the integrated use of multiple force units, and strive to achieve a flexible combination of
force elements, an organic integration of force systems, and a high degree of integration of system
effectiveness. In the new era, the Armed Police Force has adapted to the new needs of performing
diversified tasks, and in accordance with the strategic requirements of "multi-function integration, stability
maintenance and rights protection,” it has initially constructed the task force with the force on duty as the
main task force, the mobile force as the main body of the task, and the special combat force as the force.
The new modern armed police force system, which uses air power as efficient support, sea power as the
main force for rights protection, and comprehensive integrated network information system as the support,
has initially formed a "multi-functional" force construction pattern.
2. Three-dimensional expansion of mobility
The Armed Police Force is an assault force for handling public emergencies, and is responsible for force
attack missions in handling terrorist incidents. In the face of security threats, to ensure that the handling
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Chapter 24 Construction and Development of the Armed Police Force
forces respond quickly and be in place in time at the early stage of the incident are the prerequisites for
striving for the initiative and quickly quelling the situation. Especially in the implementation of long-range
rescue, hostage rescue and other operations, it is necessary to react quickly and get in place quickly,
otherwise the fighter will be missed. Therefore, the armed police force must strive to appear on the first
scene as soon as possible. Helicopter units are fast and are not affected by terrain factors, especially in
high-cold mountains, tropical mountains, jungles, swamps, deserts, and urban residential areas to perform
missions. The advantages of air mobility are more obvious. Focusing on the urgent need to effectively
perform diversified tasks, the armed police force should regard the helicopter force with rapid response,
three-dimensional mobility, diversified applications, and vertical attack capabilities as an elite force, and
prioritize development and focus on construction. The construction of the helicopter force must adhere to
long-term planning, system construction, mission traction, peacetime and warfare integration, and military-
civilian integration, and strive to become a new type of force with rapid deployment, multi-functional and
efficient support across the region, and ensure that it can complete reconnaissance command in multiple
regions and different environments. Propaganda and deterrence, aerial transmission, firepower strikes,
search and rescue, personnel and material delivery and other tasks.
3. Featured equipment system support
The Armed Police Force is an armed force that undertakes the task of national security protection. In terms
of equipment construction, it can neither simply use the weapons and equipment of the People's Liberation
Army, nor can it mechanically use the police weapons of the public security. Under the dual promotion of
mission requirements and technological development, the armed police force will focus on the development
of urgently needed new quality equipment, non-lethal weapons and special anti-terrorism equipment,
intelligent unmanned equipment, and maritime rights protection naval equipment. Combining, supporting the
system, compatible with peacetime and warfare, with the characteristics of the armed police equipment
system, strive to achieve the same type of equipment to form a series, different types of equipment function
complementary, special equipment multi-functional inlay, and individual equipment both offensive and
defensive. Duty equipment will focus on the development of intelligent monitoring, information management,
sentinel defense, and emergency response equipment to provide support for the establishment of a
networked intelligent duty system; emergency and stability maintenance equipment will focus on the
development of aerial, ground and water with the use of helicopters, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and
riot armored vehicles to achieve rapid maneuverability, three-dimensional coordination and efficient
management.; anti-terrorism equipment will focus on the development of informatized unmanned equipment
that meets mission needs, and strive to achieve world-class standards; maritime rights protection and
administrative law enforcement equipment, adhere to systematic research, professional design, systematic
demonstration, modernization, and actual combat application. In accordance with the requirements of
highlighting quality, improving efficiency, filling shortcomings, and perfecting the system, we will coordinate
and strengthen ship equipment, aviation equipment, weaponry, and law enforcement. The construction of
equipment and shore-based support force equipment system will form an equipment system with distinctive
characteristics of the maritime police; emergency rescue equipment will focus on strengthening the
equipment for earthquake relief, flood relief, and geological disaster relief, and realize the transformation
from human-based rescue to professional scientific rescue; defense combat equipment will focus on
strengthening troop transport, command, armored vehicles, lethal weapons, and engineering and chemical
defense equipment to improve the combat capabilities of air strikes, anti-interference, and anti-rescue
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4.Safe Guard Law Enforcement in Maritime Area Control
The reorganization and formation of the maritime police force on the basis of the national maritime law
enforcement, and the inclusion of the armed police force formation system, marks that our country has since
entered the era of centralized and unified leadership and management of our country’s advocated maritime
areas. The maritime police force is mainly responsible for defending national sovereignty and maritime rights
and interests, implementing maritime security management, protecting marine resources and ecological
environment, guarding important maritime targets, handling maritime emergencies, and participating in
maritime emergency rescue. To adapt to the strategic needs of managing the oceans, safeguarding sea
power, and building a maritime power, the coast guard units must focus on the goals of effective rights
protection in the far seas and effective law enforcement in the offshore waters, continuously deepen
reforms, accelerate development, and build professional, integrated, mobile, versatile and efficient. A
modern maritime power system that can implement comprehensive and effective control over the seas
where we advocate jurisdiction, forming a power deployment of moderate scale, combination of distance
and near, integration of the coast, rapid maneuverability, and global control.
5. Accelerate the construction of informatization
The informatization construction of the Armed Police Force adheres to the development concept of a
network center, information leadership, and system support. In accordance with the requirements of full
dimension integration, connect from top to bottom, and information sharing, highlights the end applications,
optimizes resource allocation, strengthens system support, and comprehensively improves informatization
and intelligentization construction and application level. We will continue to rely on the national and military
information infrastructure, comprehensively use advanced information technology, adopt development,
transformation, embedding, and integration methods to accelerate the construction of information
infrastructure, strengthen the development and utilization of information systems and information resources,
and comprehensively strengthen the development of information technology. Leading role in the
construction of the power system and the generation of combat effectiveness. By improving the basic
network construction, expanding the functions of information systems, and doing a good job in the
development and utilization of information resources, the functions of various systems, elements, and units
of combat effectiveness and the overall effectiveness of missions are continuously improved.
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Chapter 24 Construction and Development of the Armed Police Force
Mission requirements are guided by and supported by the legal system, data system, and talent system, and
by means of military-civilian integration, we will vigorously develop intelligent and unmanned combat forces.
Section Two: The Capability Requirements of the Armed Police Force in the New Era
Adapt to the development trend of the information age and the strategic requirements of "multi-functional
integration, stability and rights maintenance”. Capacity building of the armed police forces should focus on
the ability to perform duties, handle emergencies, and counter-terrorism and stability maintenance
capabilities, so as to improve capability, handle emergencies, and counter-terrorism stability maintenance
based on the network information system. Capability means continuously improving the ability to respond to
multiple security threats and complete diversified tasks, to ensure that the central task is completed with
confidence, the ability to perform diversified tasks, and the armed forces are prepared for defense
1. On-duty security capability
The security capability of the armed police on duty is the quality and related conditions that the armed police
force should have to perform security tasks on duty, mainly including the effective implementation of
important target guards, defense guards, protection custody, guards and armed patrols, armed escorts,
armed escorts, temporary guards and major activities The ability to perform duties such as security is mainly
supported by the capabilities of civil air defense, material defense, technical defense, and joint defense.
They must have the ability to observe, guard, and safely manage. Establish a three-dimensional,
multidimensional, global, and efficient comprehensive prevention and control system for duty security, which
can ensure that all targets are safe and controllable, important targets are safe underpinning, core and
important targets are absolutely safe, major state events are safe and smooth, and specific border control is
strict and efficient. "First-line sturdiness, second-line emergency, third-line support, and highly effective
linkage" modern duty force. Second, we must adhere to information-led, and strive to promote science and
technology. Firmly establish the concepts of advancing with the times, information dominance,
comprehensive integration, and talent-oriented, take the road of strong science and technology, vigorously
strengthen the construction of command, communication, and network management centers, implement
combat readiness on duty, and implement step-by-step full-time control measures to ensure efficient linkage
of the whole system, forming a strict and efficient duty management and control system. Third, we must
improve the duty facilities, implement the system, and perform regular duties. On the basis of realizing civil
air defense, material defense, technical defense, and joint defense, we should focus on strengthening the
management of duty, perfecting the rules and regulations of regular duty, and establishing a regular order of
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Fourth, we must strengthen duty training, implement dedicated duty training, and improve duty security
capabilities. It mainly includes the planning and guidance ability of the leading organs, the ability of cadres to
organize and the ability of guards to ensure security. Duty training should focus on strengthening special
duty training, and strictly organize training on business theories, basic skills, situation handling, and plan
exercises, so as to continuously improve the troops’ duty security capabilities.
2. Ability to maintain stability
The ability to deal with emergencies is the quality and relevant conditions that the armed police force should
have in carrying out the task of dealing with emergencies. It is the ability to effectively handle various
emergencies and maintain social order and stability. It is one of the core capabilities of the armed police
force. It is mainly supported by capabilities such as intelligence reconnaissance, emergency command,
rapid delivery, and legal disposal. To consolidate and improve the ability to maintain stability, it is necessary
to focus on the core area, highlight key directions, build grid distribution, tier investment, overall linkage force
deployment, strengthen tactical research and training, and the mobile force of the Internal Guard Corps can
stably control the territory, effectively reinforcements, and maneuver. The mobile force of the corps is
capable of maneuvering and responding quickly in all areas. To improve the armed police force's ability to
deal with emergencies, we should focus on the following aspects: first, strengthen the construction of the
force system for dealing with emergencies and maintaining stability, and form the basis of power for dealing
with emergencies. The emergency and stability maintenance force is the armed police force to maintain
national security and social stability. To strengthen the construction of the emergency and stability
maintenance force system, it is necessary to scientifically coordinate various forces in accordance with the
requirements of full and well-trained personnel, and insist on efficient response and rapid investment. The
principle of delivery and safe handling, establish and improve the emergency selection and deployment
mechanism, form a force system for emergency and stability maintenance with mobile troops as the main
body, supplemented by the selection of troops on duty, and supported by academies, and build sudden
incident stability maintenance forces with stable local, rapid support, and overall interlocking quality. The
second is to strengthen the construction of the system to form a joint advantage in handling emergencies.
To deal with emergencies, there are many units participating in the war, involving a wide range of areas, and
complex command relationships. The armed police forces must proactively straighten out the relationships
among all levels, elements, and participating groups, and fully aggregate the party, government, police and
civilian forces, so that all parties can cooperate closely, support each other, and maximize the overall
combat power. The third is to vigorously improve the capacity for safe and efficient management. Steady
and efficient are the two basic principles for maintaining stability. Security is a prerequisite and a condition.
Before handling, we must make full preparations, mobilize sufficient police force, equip with effective
equipment, do a good job of coordination, and adopt the method of large troops to suppress the border to
form a powerful
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Chapter 24 Construction and Development of the Armed Police Force
deterrent, Efficiency is the requirement and the goal. It is necessary to adopt strategies and tactics
according to the situation, and to settle the situation resolutely, quickly and decisively in the shortest time. To
implement safe and efficient handling, we must strictly control laws and policies, flexibly use military
deterrence, political deterrence, and legal disposal, and insist on the careful use of force, coercive
measures, and police equipment and weapons. The fourth is to do a good job of on-site publicity. Doing a
good job of propaganda work during on-site handling can alleviate conflicts, resolve conflicts, win people's
hearts, win understanding, reduce confrontation, and stop violations. It is a necessary means to achieve
safe and efficient handling.
3. Anti-terrorism combat capability
The armed police force is the basic force of the country's anti-terrorism, and ensuring that the anti-terrorism
can be defeated is the responsibility and mission of the armed police force. Anti-terrorism capabilities, that
is, the ability to effectively respond to various types of terrorist events, which are mainly supported by
capabilities such as intelligence early warning, emergency command, rapid response, armed assault,
explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) and rescue support. The construction of anti-terrorism capacity must
follow the requirements of particularly firm politics, particularly strong military, particularly quick response,
and particularly tenacious style, and focus on the construction of power system, talent team, actual combat
training, equipment construction, and combat readiness to form anti-terrorism capabilities. There are three
ways of construction: first, we must organize professional specialization according to the needs of the anti-
terrorism struggle, with the goal of system construction, in accordance with the rationilization of the force,
reasonable layout, prominent focus, and system support, integrate the existing counter-terrorism department
(sub) team to form a counter-terrorism special warfare forces system with clear functions, complementary
specialties, and complete functions. Anti-terrorism special forces should be capable of rapid response,
efficient action, and precision strikes. To consolidate and improve anti-terrorism combat capabilities, we
must focus on winning standards, strengthen the concept of special operations and constuction, separate
construction, and level-by-level construction, deepen the research on anti-terrorism tactics, strengthen joint
training with foreign military and police forces, and fight in an environment similar to actual combat. Refining
officers and soldiers to ensure that they can perform tasks such as counter hijacking counter hostage taking,
anti-explosion, anti-attack, and "beheading" operations under special and complex conditions. Second, it is
necessary to perfect our equipment. Our equipment should reach a level of being both specialized and
complimentary. It is necessary to strengthen the construction of anti-terrorism equipment as a basic link,
keep a close eye on the development of international anti-terrorism equipment, take the task as the lead,
and strive to build an equipment system that can meet the needs of anti-terrorism combat missions and
provide means to support the victory of anti-terrorism. Third, intensive training is required to achieve
professionalism and actual combat training. In accordance with the standards of high quality and sharp
counter-terrorism, the emphasis is on strengthening the training of anti-terrorism actual combat capabilities,
so as to realize the organic integration of counter-terrorism forces and intelligent information systems.
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4. Maritime rights enforcement capabilities
The Armed Police Coastal Police Force is an important maritime armed force of the country and a national
administrative law enforcement force that uniformly performs maritime rights protection and law enforcement
duties. It is mainly responsible for maritime rights protection and law enforcement and cooperating with the
PLA to carry out combat operations and other tasks. Coastal police forces should have the ability to
effectively defend rights in the far seas and efficiently enforce law in the offshore waters. To consolidate and
improve maritime rights law enforcement capabilities, we must highlight the construction of law enforcement
teams, strengthen the construction of ships and aviation equipment, do a good job in command and
communication construction, improve the level of specialization, militarization, and internationalization, and
ensure the effective development of normalization, all-sea area, and multi-dimensionality. Rights protection
and law enforcement. First, we must focus on strengthening the construction of five powers, namely, the
power of long-sea maintenance, the law enforcement power in the coastal waters, the special warfare
power, the aviation power, and the support power. Consolidate efforts to build a modern maritime police
force with integrated linkage, mutual support, effective protection of rights in the far seas, and efficient law
enforcement in offshore waters, and comprehensively form the ability to effectively respond to major
maritime infringements. We must vigorously improve network information capabilities. With the goal of being
agile, unimpeded command, and sound network, it will be incorporated into the network information system
of the People's Liberation Army and the Armed Police Force to accelerate the construction of
informatization; strengthen the construction of shipboard command, intelligence processing, early warning
detection, navigation and positioning, and electromagnetic spectrum management and control systems. With
complete hardware facilities, security and stability of information systems, and all data barriers opened up,
information advantages can be effectively transformed into decision-making and action advantages. Third,
we must vigorously improve the ability to stabilize the situation and control the situation. The coastal police
force needs to continuously optimize the layout of maritime forces, strengthen the main directions of rights
protection and law enforcement, the pre-positioning of forces in key sea areas, forward deployment and the
construction of battlefield facilities, and improve the system and mechanism of joint early warning, joint
command, and joint operations with the navy. Build a new coordination and linkage pattern of integrated
linkage, high-efficiency early warning, effective prevention, and control and shaping of the bureau, and
vigorously improve the strategic ability of stabilizing the situation, controlling the bureau and shaping the
bureau. Fourth, we must improve the legal system that regulates maritime rights protection and law
enforcement. Vigorously strengthen the construction of informatization, intelligence and standardization of
law enforcement, improve the law enforcement command system for rights protection, standardize maritime
rights protection and law enforcement behaviors of maritime police forces, and ensure smooth operation of
law enforcement cooperation, litigation connection, and coordination of law enforcement mechanisms,
sound law enforcement supervision mechanisms, and standard operation of law enforcement powers, to
form a complete system of laws and regulations for the maritime police force, an efficient law enforcement
case-handling system, and a strict law enforcement supervision system.
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Chapter 24 Construction and Development of the Armed Police Force
5. Rescue capability
The rescue missions of the armed police force include the rescue during natural disasters and the rescue
during man-made accidents and disasters. Rescue capabilities is the ability to effectively perform rescue
tasks such as earthquake relief, flood relief, and medical rescue. It is mainly supported by capabilities such
as intelligence early warning, emergency command, rapid response, and on-site search and rescue. First,
we must strengthen professional equipment and personnel. Ensure rescue during major natural disasters
and accidents is assured, strategic channels can be unblocked, and public health emergencies can be
effectively responded to. Second, we must vigorously improve the professional capabilities of emergency
rescue. The armed police forces are likely to perform rescue and rescue tasks at any time as needed. It is
necessary to focus on the tasks that may be undertaken, equip the troops with necessary rescue and rescue
equipment, and strengthen targeted training to ensure that the tasks can be carried out effectively. Third, we
must improve safety protection capabilities. In emergency rescue operations, commanders at all levels must
always put the safety of officers and soldiers in a prominent position, correctly handle the relationship
between completing tasks and self-protection, correctly handle the relationship between not being afraid of
sacrifice and reducing casualties, and do a good job of safety management throughout the entire process.
Resolutely avoid unnecessary sacrifices. Fourth, we must improve comprehensive support capabilities. It is
necessary to adhere to the principle of "based on self-protection and win the support of all parties," and
integrate military support with local support, organizational support with regional support, and fixed-point
support with mobile support, and do everything possible to ensure operational support.
6. Defensive combat capability
Defensive combat capability is the ability to effectively perform wartime defensive combat missions. It is
mainly supported by the capabilities of ground offense and defense, border control, border clearance,
wartime duty, handling emergencies during combat, emergency rescue support in wartime, and support for
military operations. The armed police force should be capable of rear defense, maintaining order, and
supporting operations. To consolidate and improve defense capabilities, it is necessary to effectively
cooperate with the establishment of offensive and defensive operations in important directions and the
establishment of post-war order, to be able to rush to repair and build important road passages, to maintain
the stability of the theater and the entire territory, to coordinate to win the informationized local war, and to
ensure the theater and the rear of the battle. The overall situation of society is stable. To strengthen the
building of defense operations capabilities, we should focus on the following aspects: first, we must
strengthen the building of defense forces for important targets. Construct important target defensive power
clusters to ensure the wartime safety of important targets and the safety of newly added targets on duty.
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Second, we must strengthen the building of ground offensive and defensive combat forces. Construct a
regional joint defensive force cluster. Third, we must strengthen the construction of various support forces
and emergency rescue forces. Build a cluster of support forces in wartime. According to the needs,
scientifically organize the armed police forces in the theater to provide support for logistics transportation,
materials, engineering, technology, communications, and medical services for the main force operations. It
is necessary to strengthen the construction of professional emergency rescue teams of the armed police to
ensure that the battlefield is connected to bridges, water and electricity. We will work hard to eliminate the
consequences of air strikes and ensure the order of production, life and battlefields during wartime. Fourth,
we must strengthen the control of social stability. Build a cluster of counter-terrorism and stability
maintenance forces; make preparations for various emergencies to ensure the overall stability of the society.
Section Three: Main Measures for the Construction and Development of the Armed
Police Force
The construction and development of the Armed Police Force is an extremely complex system project. It is
necessary to closely focus on the construction and development of a clear goal of strengthening the military
in the new era, fully implement the strategic requirements of "multi-functional integration, maintenance of
stability and rights,” and accelerate the modernization of the armed police force construction.
1. Vigorously improve the core capabilities of maintaining stability and rights based on the
network information system
The core capability of maintaining stability and rights based on the network information system is an overall
capability formed by using the permeability and connectivity of information technology, integrating
intelligence reconnaissance, command and control, information connectivity, efficient disposal, and
comprehensive support. From the perspective of the composition of the core capabilities of maintaining
stability and rights based on the network information system, it can be divided into four levels: one is the
overall level, that is, the overall capability of the armed police forces to effectively perform their duties and
missions. The second is the task level, which is mainly composed of mission system capabilities such as
duty, emergency handling, anti-terrorism, rights protection and law enforcement, emergency rescue and
defense operations. The third is the element level, which is mainly composed of elements such as
intelligence reconnaissance, command and control, force use, and comprehensive support. The fourth is the
support level. Under the guidance of information and information systems, the intelligence, command,
strength, and support elements of the troops when performing tasks are closely connected and connected
vertically and horizontally. The relatively independent state is integrated into an organic whole,with the
integration of people and equipment. The efficiency is reasonably configured and effectively used, resulting
in an overall multiplier effect.
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Chapter 24 Construction and Development of the Armed Police Force
2. Accelerate the construction of command and control informatization and intelligence
Informatization of command and control is a key factor in transforming the mode of combat power
generation and improving the ability of the information system to perform duties and deal with emergencies.
To accelerate the construction of command and control information and intelligence, first, we must pay close
attention to the construction of the command platform. In accordance with the construction ideas of relying
on established, through the end, highlighting the node, and global coverage, adopt the method of combining
reconstruction, reforming with construction, and gradual transition, and strive to build an integrated
communication platform with on-site perception, communication in motion, and full control. Second, we must
do a good job in supporting the construction of the system. Focusing on functions such as deepening
information fusion processing, intelligent auxiliary decision-making, target situation display, etc., integrate
various information systems to realize the integration and sharing of multiple sources and various types of
information, forming a command and control, intelligence reconnaissance, surveying and mapping
information, meteorological and hydrological integrated network system to speed up the advancement of the
informatization and intelligentization of the Armed Police Forces. Third, we must upgrade and improve the
informatization and intelligent infrastructure, strengthen the comprehensive integration of command
elements, build an informatization and intelligent network information system with the characteristics of the
armed police, and vigorously improve the effectiveness of command.
3. Cultivate high-quality professional new military talents with both ability and political integrity
Judging from the historical position of the construction and development of the Armed Police Force, the
severe and complex security situation and the ever-expanding mission and tasks are increasingly urgent for
the talent team. Therefore, it is necessary to earnestly place the efforts to train and bring up a group of high-
quality new-type military personnel in the strategic position of the construction and development of the
armed police force. To train high-quality military talents in the Armed Police Force, it is necessary to improve
the new-type military talent training system of “three in one” of military academies education, military training
practice, and military vocational education, and vigorously implement the strategy of strengthening the army
with talents. Implement the new era military education policy, deepen the educational reform of colleges and
universities, promote the construction of discipline engineering, talent engineering, and smart campus
engineering, accelerate the construction of a new type of academy structure system, actual combat teaching
system, and talent training quality assurance system, and give full play to the main channels of talent
training effect. Highlight key areas, key directions, and the talent needs of front-line troops, do a good job of
normalizing and precise control of human resources, and improve the systems and mechanisms for various
types of outstanding talents to support various forces.
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4. Comprehensively promote the development strategy of military-civilian integration
Actively integrating into the process of social modernization and taking the road of police-civilian integration
is the only way for the armed police force to modernize. The modernization of the Armed Police Force must
break through the traditional concepts of self-enclosure, self-contained system, and self-protection, and
firmly establish the concepts of military-civilian integration, integrating the military with the people, military
and local integration, and integrated development, etc. In the process of advancing modernization, actively
borrowing wisdom and strength. We must keep abreast of missions and tasks, broaden the scope of
integration, take the path of multi-channel integration, and continue to explore the joint education of talents,
social resource sharing, professional team training, equipment sharing, emergency force joint construction,
goal safety joint protection, etc. An effective way to integrate development. It is necessary to focus on the
goal of benefiting the country and the people, establish a normal organization and leadership mechanism,
improve an efficient work coordination mechanism, establish a rapid emergency response mechanism, and
build a diversified comprehensive security mechanism.
Improve the military-civilian integration of weapons and equipment research and production systems that
integrates the military with the civilians. Give full play to the basic role of market resource allocation, improve
the competitive mechanism for weaponry and equipment research, production, and procurement, absorb
socially superior resources to serve weaponry and equipment research and production, and optimize the
structure of police equipment research and production. Deepen the reform of the weapons and equipment
procurement system, establish a weapons and equipment procurement system with unified leadership,
hierarchical management, competitive selection, and strong supervision to promote the scientific
development of equipment construction.
Improve the personnel training system that integrates the military and the civilian population and integrates
the military into the civilian population. Improve the system and mechanism for cultivating talents relying on
national education, broaden the use of national education resources and the pipeline of national talent
resources, and incorporate the training of military and civilian personnel into the national education system.
Improve the management mechanism for the selection and management of civilian personnel, improve the
method of training military personnel relying on national education, and expand the number and scope of
high-end personnel directly recruited from the society. Optimize the allocation of military education
resources, coordinate the training of various types of personnel, and improve the overall efficiency of
running schools and the quality of personnel training.
5. Comprehensively build modern logistics
The construction of modern logistics is an important part of the construction and development of the armed
police force. The key to the construction of modern logistics is to improve the comprehensive logistics
support capabilities, which mainly include a joint and efficient support system, military-local integration
support methods, information-led support methods, scientific and modern management methods, multi-
functional support forces, and system supporting facilities. To improve the comprehensive
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Chapter 24 Construction and Development of the Armed Police Force
logistics support capability, we must focus on the tasks of modern logistics construction, follow the system to
build ideas, and steadily promote the integration of the support system, the socialization of support methods,
the informatization of support means, and the scientific management of logistics. In accordance with the
logistic requirements of the warfare type, change from step-by-step upward request to active downward
distribution, rear centralized storage to front pre-storage and preset, and prioritizing centers of gravity is to
support centers of gravity at the bottom. Strengthen the supporting construction of logistical support
facilities, optimize the layout of reserve materials for combat preparations, build emergency equipment and
materials reserve warehouses in key mission areas, vertically build a four-level logistical emergency support
system for headquarters, region, corps, and force, and horizontally improve the country, locality, enterprise,
market, and self. Guarantee the "five-in-one" joint support structure, achieving peace and war as one,
military and local integration, a reasonable structure, high efficiency and smoothness. Promote the "Internet
+,” apply the Internet of Things, mobile Internet and other information technologies, build a logistics service
platform, accelerate the construction of logistics information and intelligence, and promote the high
integration of logistics information systems with support equipment and support facilities. Efforts will be
made to build the logistics of the rule of law, improve the standard system, strengthen business
management, strictly audit and supervise, and standardize military and economic order. In accordance with
the principles of centralized deployment, integrated construction, intensive support, scientific management,
conducive to combat readiness, and practicality, sufficient durability, continuous improvement of military
combat readiness, education, training, and cultural living conditions are required to improve the overall
construction of modern logistics quality and efficiency.
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Chapter 25 Construction and Development of Reserve Forces
Reserve forces refer to forces that make necessary preparations in peacetime and can directly participate in
and support wars after being mobilized in wartime. They mainly include reserve forces, militias, pre-
commissioned forces and other personnel registered for reserve service. The building of reserve forces is an
important part of national defense construction, and is a basic and strategic project to consolidate national
defense. At present, our country is in a critical period of the new journey of comprehensively building
socialist modernization. The modernization of national defense and the armed forces has entered a new
stage of development, and higher requirements have been placed on the quality and effectiveness of the
reserve forces. Further strengthening the building of reserve forces is of great significance for
comprehensively preparing for military conflicts, enhancing the overall power of national defense, effectively
responding to multiple security threats, and ensuring the country's long-term stability, prosperity and
Section One: Reserve Force Construction and Development Trend
There have been changes in [China’s] security situation and the pattern of warfare. While making strategic
adjustments and advancing military transformations, countries around the world have also adjusted the
guidelines and principles of reserve force construction accordingly. They generally pursue appropriate scale,
reasonable structure, well-equipped, and well-trained, capable of responding to calls at any time and quickly.
Responding to and completing a variety of tasks at home and abroad has made the construction of
contemporary reserve forces present a new development trend.
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Chapter 25 Construction and Development of Reserve Forces
1. Accelerate the improvement of quality level
To adapt to the development of the situation and the needs of information-based local warfare, major
countries in the world have made structural adjustments to their reserves from large to specialized. Since
the 1990s, countries have reduced the size of their reserve forces to varying degrees. France has made
major amendments to the "General Mobilization Law" and "National Defense Obligation Law" and other
major laws, changing the implementation of "general mobilization of the people" in wartime to "controlling the
number of reserve personnel strictly in accordance with the needs of the army.” The total scale of reserves
in the United States, Britain, and Germany are also greatly compressed. While reducing the size of the
reserve force, a series of measures have been taken to improve the quality level of the reserve force in
order to maintain and enhance the overall power of the armed forces.
One is to attract high-quality talents. Take measures such as expanding the scope of recruitment and
improving welfare benefits to attract and retain outstanding talents and improve the overall quality of reserve
The second is to reform military training. Britain, France, Germany, Russia and other countries adjusted the
training content of reserve forces in accordance with the changes in the situation, focusing on responding to
terrorist attacks and threats of weapons of mass destruction, and added new subjects such as anti-terrorism
and special operations to their reserve training. After the "9.11" incident, the United States implemented
more "mission-oriented" training, and listed anti-terrorism operations, information warfare, and maintenance
of stability as key subjects of reserve training. Use information technology such as virtual reality to improve
training methods, create a realistic training environment, and improve training quality.
The third is to update weapons and equipment. In recent years, the United States has invested billions of
dollars each year to purchase advanced weapons for the reserve forces, distribute F/A-22 Raptor fighters
and F-35 fighter jets to the reserve forces, and replace the Hawkeye early warning aircraft with the E-2C
type replaceof E-2D "Apache" attack helicopter from AH-64A to AH-64D, "Black Hawk" multi-purpose
helicopter from UH-60A to UH-60L, and infantry fighting vehicle from M2 Replace with M2A2 type. Britain,
France, Germany and other countries continue to upgrade their reserve forces' weapons and equipment,
and move closer to active-duty forces in terms of technology to achieve the overall transformation of their
armed forces.
The fourth is to improve the strength structure. All countries have put the reserve forces of the navy, air
force, and army technical arms to a more prominent position and carried out key construction. In accordance
with the characteristics of future military operations, the United States has made new structural adjustments
to the reserve forces of various services, reducing infantry forces, and increasing the number of specialized
technical forces and reserve personnel with specialized skills that are in high demand during wartime.
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The Army National Guard focuses on strengthening the construction of special operations forces and
aviation; the Air National Guard focuses on strengthening professional forces such as strategic air
transportation, aerial refueling, and electronic countermeasures; the Navy Reserve focuses on strengthening
strategic maritime and maritime patrol forces and the number of reconnaissance, surveillance, anti-
submarine, and logistical support aircraft has increased significantly.
2. The actual combat preparations are continuously strengthened
In the past, reserve forces were mainly used to supplement active forces in the middle and late stages of the
war. The level of combat readiness in peacetime was not high, and mobilization and use required a long
preparation time. The practice of information-based local warfare shows that the pace of operations has
been significantly accelerated, and the decisive battle process is short, requiring that the reserve forces and
active-duty forces be mobilized and participated in the war simultaneously. Therefore, various countries
have further improved the degree of combat readiness of the reserve forces, and often used and exercised
the reserve forces in military operations, so that the reserve forces showed a trend of standing-ready
development. The United States adheres to the "overall power policy" in the building of its armed forces, and
strives to integrate the combat capabilities of reserve forces and active forces in the most effective way.
After the Gulf War, the United States further developed and perfected its "overall power policy,” proposed
the construction standard of "seamlessly integrated overall power,” emphasized the close connection
between reserve forces and active forces, and included reserve forces in all war plans and military action
plans, so that the headquarters of various services and theaters more effectively help reserve forces to
improve their integrated combat capabilities.
After the "September 11" incident, the United States continued to use its troops abroad, and its reserve
forces continued to increase their combat readiness, and their use became more regular. In addition to the
recruitment of many reserve personnel during the main combat phases of the Afghanistan War and the Iraq
War, the United States also used a large number of reserve forces in maintaining stability and other military
operations. Approximately 40% of the U.S. troops stationed in Iraq are from the National Guard and
Reserves, and at most over 50%. During the flight ban in Libya that began in March 2011, the Air National
Guard dispatched 11 air refueling wings to provide support for NATO fighters. According to the
announcement of the U.S. Department of Defense, from September 11, 2001 to February 1, 2013, a total of
865,859 reserve personnel were recruited to perform missions overseas or at home.
In response to the fact that the U.S. military's overseas deployment is highly dependent on the reserve force,
while the U.S. is implementing the defense transformation, it has stepped up the transformation of the
reserve force.
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Chapter 25 Construction and Development of Reserve Forces
The goal of transforming reserve forces from strategic forces into combat forces has been clearly put
forward, turning it from the ultimate force that mainly exerts a deterrent effect and is used at the last minute
to the first-choice force that can be used in combat at any time. Adjust the mobilization and use mode of the
reserve forces, from the past early warning-mobilization-training-check-deployment to training-early-warning-
deployment, which means that the reserve forces are required to be trained in accordance with actual
combat requirements and meet the qualification standards. In the event of a war or a country in a state of
emergency, it can be deployed immediately without preparation for mobilization, no training on the
battlefield, and no assessment and inspection. The United States has built its reserve forces in accordance
with new goals and models, and further improved the rapid mobilization and actual combat capabilities of the
reserve forces, which have basically reached the standing level.
3. The functional tasks are gradually expanded
For a long time, the reserve forces of various countries have basically undertaken a single task, that is,
training reserve soldiers to meet the needs of wartime expansion of active forces. After the end of the Cold
War, the security threats faced by various countries have become more diversified. The reserve forces are
required to have the ability to perform multiple tasks, not only to deal with local wars and armed conflicts, but
also to undertake the tasks of combating terrorism, disaster relief and responding to other emergencies.
Therefore, countries have repositioned the role of the reserve force and assigned more functions to the
reserve force. France has adjusted the principles of mobilization and use of the reserve. In the past, it was
stipulated that the reserve could only be called up in wartime. Now it is stipulated that in times of crisis, even
in peacetime, reserve personnel can be called up for active duty as needed to undertake emergency tasks
such as humanitarian rescue and disaster relief. Britain has set up a 6,000-strong reserve rapid reaction
force to deal with possible terrorist attacks on the British mainland. In order to enhance the rapid response
capability in emergency situations, Japan has selected 15,000 emergency reserve personnel. These
personnel can be recruited during wartime, as well as when public security deteriorates and emergency
rescue and disaster relief.
The United States pays attention to the use of reserve forces in all possible situations to further expand the
scope of its duties. The U.S. reserve forces not only provide strong support for overseas military operations,
but also often undertake domestic security and emergency tasks, and participate in military and diplomatic
activities. The National Guard and the reserve team participated in the "September 11" incident handling
operations, the "Katrina" rescue operation, and undertook to assist the Department of Homeland Security in
strengthening the security management of the southwest border, assisting law enforcement agencies in
combating drug trafficking and manufacturing, and guarding important facilities and other missions, and
participated in international humanitarian relief operations such as the earthquake relief in Haiti and Japan.
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In order to effectively respond to domestic security threats and prevent nuclear, biological, and chemical
weapons attacks, the US Congress initiated a plan to establish a "civil support team for weapons of mass
destruction" in the National Guard in 1999. As of 2011, 57 civil support teams have been established,
distributed in various states and overseas dominions. They are responsible for assisting local governments
in dealing with serious explosions, implementing nuclear, biological, and chemical rescues, providing
technical support to public security, health and other departments, and undertaking usual tasks. Various
security tasks. In view of the increasing threats to cyber security, the U.S. National Guard deployed officers
and soldiers with information technology expertise in accordance with the requirements of the Department of
Homeland Security, and established various information defense units, such as the network vulnerability
analysis unit, the information support unit, and the computer emergency response unit as a first response
force after an information attack. In order to implement the U.S. national security strategy and create a more
favorable international security environment, the National Guard began to implement the "State Partnership
Program" in 1993, that is, the National Guard of each state establishes partnerships with one or more
countries (regions) Relations, through planned exchanges and visits, joint training and exercises, to enhance
military cooperation between the United States and partner countries, to demonstrate the civilian military
system, to help improve the democratic system, and to promote the humanitarian value of the United States.
As of 2013, the National Guard of the United States has established partnerships with 65 countries (regions)
around the world, including Mongolia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh and Central Asia. It
can be seen that the mission scope of the reserve forces changes with the changes in national security
requirements. Due to the continuous emergence of new security threats, the tasks undertaken by the
reserve forces will continue to expand, and the construction of a diversified reserve force is an inevitable
Section Two: Reserve Force Capability Requirements Under New Era Conditions
According to the complex security environment facing the country and adapting to the development trend of
contemporary reserve force building, the capacity building of reserve forces should focus on effectively
responding to various emergencies and military threats, effectively safeguarding national sovereignty,
security and development interests, and insisting on the core security of the country. Demand-oriented, to
further improve the core ability to support and win information-based local wars, and at the same time to
improve the ability to perform non-war military operations.
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Chapter 25 Construction and Development of Reserve Forces
According to the characteristics of the reserve force, the ability requirements are mainly embodied in three
aspects: rapid mobilization, support and emergency response.
1. Rapid mobilization
The ability to quickly mobilize is the prerequisite and the foundation is an important part of the combat
effectiveness of the militia and reserve forces. The militia reserve personnel are also soldiers and civilians,
and they usually practice their own professions, scattered in thousands of households and in all directions;
in wartime or emergency situations, they must first be mobilized and assembled before they can become
usable forces. Information-based local wars have a fast process and short duration. The militia reserve
forces must be mobilized quickly, deployed quickly, and quickly participate in the war; otherwise, even with a
large-scale reserve force, it will be difficult to effectively play a role in the war. Various emergencies in
peacetime, especially earthquake disasters, forest fires, public health incidents and industrial accidents,
have no obvious signs or warning time before they occur. Compared with war operations, the timeliness of
non-war military operations is more prominent. The militia reserve forces that are responsible for rescue and
disaster relief tasks are often too late to prepare for battle, so they have to be mobilized urgently and start
operations immediately. In short, whether it is a battle or an emergency, the militia reserve force must first
have the ability to quickly mobilize.
Due to the changes in the economic and social environment and the shortcomings of the reserve force
building, there are still some problems in improving the rapid mobilization capability of the militia reserve
force. Therefore, in accordance with the mission and tasks of the militia reserve force, effective measures
should be taken to solve the contradictions and problems that affect the rapid mobilization of the militia
reserve force in response to the different requirements of wartime response and peacetime emergency
response, and further improve the rapid mobilization ability to ensure that if needed it can gather together,
pull out, use, and work.
The reserve forces are responsible for the task of replenishing troops and supporting and guaranteeing
operations for active forces during wartime, and they must further improve their rapid mobilization
capabilities. In joint operations under the conditions of informatization and intelligentization, there are many
types of armed forces participating in the war, the demand for professional and technical personnel is large,
and the requirements for professional counterparts of reserve personnel are high. The construction of
reserve forces must meet the needs of supplementary and expansion of joint operations of various services
and arms, and earnestly do a good job in the basic work of mobilization of troops. Adhere to and improve the
reserve system for reserve personnel, focus on the registration and dynamic management of the reserve for
veterans, do a good job in the registration of technical personnel reserve for local and military professional
counterparts, strengthen the construction of reserve areas for reserve professional and technical troops, and
implement reserve personnel for professional and technical positions in the service force. Organize tasks,
train and reserve sufficient high-quality reserve personnel, and actively explore methods and ways of rapid
mobilization in wartime.
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Once needed, mobilize quickly and accurately to ensure that the participating troops are quickly
supplemented and expanded.
2. Support and Guarantee Ability
Wartime support and guarantee is the basic function of the reserve force. The reserve forces belong to the
People's Liberation Army's organizational sequence and will be transferred to active service during wartime,
carry out mobile operations, on-the-spot ground defense operations, and support missions. As a powerful
assistant of the People's Liberation Army, the militia can be assigned to the troops to perform combat tasks
during wartime, accompanied by the troops or on the spot to provide service support for the operations of
the troops, or they can perform combat tasks alone. Organizing militias to perform various support and
guarantee tasks is an excellent tradition of our party leading the people in armed struggle, and an important
form of mobilizing the masses, organizing the masses, and arming the masses in a people's war under the
new historical conditions. In future wars, the militia mainly participates in combat operations such as air
defense operations, maritime operations, border and coastal defense operations, and information
operations, and is responsible for transportation support, material and oil support, medical rescue,
equipment repair, communication support, intelligence reconnaissance, camouflage protection and other
war services. In recent years, the militia reserve forces have been closely following their combat missions,
working hard to strengthen combat effectiveness, and their safeguard and support capabilities have been
significantly improved. However, there are still some weak links in the construction of the reserve force. The
main reason is that the technology content of the reserve force is not high enough, and the ability of science
and technology to participate in war, science and technology support, and science and technology support is
not strong enough to meet the needs of informationized local wars. According to the mission and tasks of
our military in the new era, we should make preparations for support and fully utilize and give full play to the
advantages of local military and civilian personnel and technical resources, and comprehensively improve
the support capabilities of the reserve forces, especially the following five capabilities.
One is the ability of air defense operations. In information-based local wars, long-range precision strikes
have become an important means of warfare, and large and medium-sized cities along the coast and
strategic depths are facing serious threats of air attacks. Whether or not we can effectively fight the enemy's
air strikes is directly related to the process and outcome of the war. In accordance with the characteristics of
air strike operations, we must further strengthen the construction of air defense capabilities of the militia and
reserve forces, and gradually form a combination of missiles and guns with portable surface-to-air missiles,
new anti-aircraft artillery, anti-aircraft rockets, and multi-barrel anti-aircraft machine guns as the main
direction and key areas. Air defense weapon system; establish an all-round, multi-level reconnaissance and
early warning system that is composed of photoelectric reconnaissance equipment and low-altitude short-
range radars, which can quickly receive distant communication and detect low-altitude short-range air
conditions; improve the air defense combat command structure, and build a command and control system
with interface, interconnection and lateral intercommunication to achieve an overall leap of the reserve
force's air defense combat capability.
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Chapter 25 Construction and Development of Reserve Forces
The second is the strategic delivery and support capabilities of the sea and air. Strategic projection
capability is an important symbol of a country's strategic capability, and it is the prerequisite and basis for
maintaining the freedom of movement of the military. Under the conditions of informatization and
intelligence, sea and air battlefields have become the main battlefield, and land operations must also be
maneuvered and deployed quickly. Our military's demand for naval and air delivery capabilities continues to
increase. With the accelerating pace of China's integration into the international society, its dependence on
overseas markets, resource origins, and strategic channels is increasing. Ensuring the security of strategic
resources and strategic channels has become an important mission under the conditions of the new era.
The strategic space for our military's activities is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more
ways to carry out military tasks, which puts forward higher requirements on the ability of strategic projection.
Making full use of local transportation resources and strengthening the building of a reserve force for sea
and air delivery are important measures to comprehensively improve our military's strategic delivery
capabilities. It is necessary to actively rely on state-owned large and medium-sized transportation
companies to further establish and develop strategic delivery support and support forces, and form a
strategic delivery force system that integrates military and local forces to meet the needs of our military to
quickly maneuver in multiple directions within the country's territory and deliver elite forces to overseas
interest-related areas.
The third is the maintenance and support capabilities of high-tech weapons and equipment. With the
continuous improvement of our military's modernization level, the number of high-tech equipment has
increased significantly, and the task of equipment maintenance and support has become more onerous. In
future wars, our military will face opponents with considerable strength or even technological advantages.
Weapons and equipment may have a higher rate of battle damage; most of our new weapons and
equipment have not been tested in actual combat. There may be a higher failure rate. Therefore, it is
necessary to further strengthen the construction of the equipment maintenance support team, conduct
targeted professional training and comprehensive drills, and effectively enhance the battlefield repair
capabilities of high-tech weapons and equipment to ensure that the equipment maintenance support tasks
are successfully completed in wartime.
The fourth is communication and intelligence support capabilities. In the future, whether it is the
implementation of naval and air operations or border countermeasures operations, the operational
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environment is very complex, the communication infrastructure in the theater is insufficient, and it is difficult
to reliably guarantee the effectiveness of field communication. In the reserve force, there are not only
communication technical personnel, but also military and civilian equipment. It is necessary to focus on
strengthening the interface training and replenishment training of the communication professional team, and
realize the interconnection and intercommunication of the military and on the ground, so that it can
effectively assist the troops in maintaining the smooth flow of command and communication during wartime.
Pay attention to strengthening the construction of the militia reserve reconnaissance team and information
personnel team, using its identity as a soldier and the civilian and the military-civilian compatible remote
sensing monitoring technology, adopting various means to extensively collect the enemy's social conditions,
and provide all kinds of intelligence information to our army in time to make up for the active duty forces’
insufficient reconnaissance capabilities.
The fifth is electronics, information, and network support capabilities. In information-based local wars,
electromagnetic space and cyberspace will be fiercely contested. The boundaries between the front line and
the rear are becoming increasingly blurred. Electronic warfare, information warfare, and network warfare
have become important forms of operations that mutually penetrate and align with firepower warfare, and
give new connotations to the strength and support guarantees of the reserve forces. China's reserve forces
have formed relevant professional teams, and they should further strengthen their construction and improve
their actual combat capabilities in order to better support and assist the military's professional forces in the
implementation of electromagnetic spectrum control during wartime, conduct electronic offensive and
defense, network offensive and defense operations, and cooperate with our military to seize control. The
right to information gives new vigor and vitality to the people's war under the conditions of informatization
and intelligence.
3. Ability to deal with emergencies
In the new era, China has accelerated the great cause of realizing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,
the people's living standards have been continuously improved, and the social order is generally good.
However, factors affecting social stability, economic development and ethnic unity still exist, and various
hostile forces constitute an actual threat to national security. With the deepening of China's economic
system reform and the acceleration of the pace of urbanization, a series of contradictions brought about by
economic transformation, social transformation, and uneven distribution of benefits have become prominent.
Mass incidents caused by the expression of interest demands and social security issues occur from time to
time, which is not conducive to social harmony and stability. China has a vast territory, and various natural
disasters and public health incidents occur frequently, causing the people's lives and property to suffer
accidental losses from time to time. Strengthening emergency management and effectively responding to
emergencies such as natural disasters, public health incidents, and social security incidents have become
major events related to national security and development.
The reserve force is not only an important force for support and guarantee in wartime, but also an important
emergency response force in peacetime. The militia reserve personnel are large in number and widely
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Chapter 25 Construction and Development of Reserve Forces
distributed. They act on the spot and are familiar with the situation. They have unique advantages in
completing emergency response tasks. In recent years, militia reserve personnel have dispatched millions of
people to participate in emergency rescue and disaster relief and deal with other emergencies each year,
making positive contributions to rescuing people’s lives and property and maintaining social stability. While
the reserve forces play a significant role in counter-terrorism, stability maintenance, emergency rescue and
disaster relief, they have also withstood exercises and tests in training , enhancing their ability to deal with
emergencies. However, due to deficiencies in the strength structure, professional quality, technical
equipment, etc., the greater role of the reserve force is limited to a certain extent. According to the
diversified security threats faced by the country, the emergency function of the reserve force should be
further strengthened, and the ability of counter-terrorism, stability maintenance, rescue and disaster relief
and other emergencies should be improved. Practice shows that emergency response not only requires
rapid response, but also requires corresponding professional skills. Therefore, according to the
characteristics of disasters and social security in different regions, various types of emergency professional
teams should be formed in the militia reserve force to adapt the structure of the professional team to the
disasters and threats faced by the region, and form an emergency response system in advance. To form a
favorable situation according to the needs of the mission, all kinds of professional teams are equipped with
necessary transportation vehicles, communication equipment and life-saving and rescue equipment to
enhance their mobility, communication and professional rescue capabilities. In response to various disasters
and other emergencies that may occur, formulate and improve various emergency plans, and make careful
arrangements for the use of power, task division, and service support. Carry out the necessary professional
technical training and comprehensive drills in accordance with the emergency plan, master the counter-
terrorism and stability maintenance tactics and rescue and disaster relief skills, and be familiar with the
methods and steps of mobilization and assembly, rapid maneuverability, emergency response, and
implementation of rescue operations, so as to be able to quickly follow the plan whenever possible. Take
action to further standardize the organizational procedures and command relationships of the reserve forces
to perform emergency response tasks, straighten out the military-to-community communication channels,
improve the military-to-community coordination mechanism, improve the command network, and implement
centralized, unified and efficient command for emergency operations to ensure that under various complex
situations various emergencies are effectively handled, social stability maintained, and social harmony
Section Three: Main Measures for the Construction and Development of Reserve
Persist in taking reform and innovation as the driving force, scientifically coordinating the current
construction and long-term development of the reserve force, strengthen key construction, promote all-round
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development, do a good job of education and training, improve quality and efficiency, and strive to build a
reserve force that is moderately scaled, reasonable in structure, standardized in management, and reliable
and effective.
1. Optimize the layout of the reserve force structure
Focusing on the needs of winning informatized local wars and performing non-war military missions,
adapting to the requirements of military reforms with Chinese characteristics and army building and
development, further optimizing the structure, improving the layout, and promoting the reserve force from
participating in the war under the conditions of mechanization and supporting forward information. Under the
conditions of intelligentization, support and support will be transformed, from supporting army operations to
supporting joint operations of various services and arms, from traditional combat forces to new support
forces, and from corresponding construction with active forces to complementary construction, transition
from a simple response to an emergency response.
The first is to optimize the force structure, and focus on the construction of reserve forces for the service and
arms and new qualities. In accordance with the requirements of the reserve force construction and
development plan, appropriately reduce the army reserve force, increase the navy, air force, rocket force,
and strategic support force reserve (department) squads, organize and build strong military militia
professional units, and make the reserve force structure more reasonable. To adapt to the expansion of
national strategic interests and the development of new combat forces, to seize the opportunity of the
country to accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries, in accordance with the principles of
information leadership, complementary construction, and system support, relying on the high-quality
resources of national high-tech industry enterprises to actively promote the construction of new quality
reserve forces in the fields of marine, networks, electromagnetics, and artificial intelligence.
The second is to optimize the functional structure and strengthen the construction of the service support
team. Efforts should be made to do a good job in the organization and equipment of service support teams
such as communications, chemical defense, engineering, transportation, medical service, and maintenance,
so as to make up for the lack of support for active forces.
The third is to optimize the professional structure and strengthen the construction of professional teams with
high technological content. Fully tap local scientific and technological talent resources, organize militia
reserve teams in industries with strong military-civilian compatibility and high-tech content, and increase the
professional counterpart rate of various personnel. In particular, it is necessary to keep up with task
requirements and increase the allocation ratio of professionals in the information field.
The fourth is to optimize the layout structure and strengthen the team building in main directions and key
areas. Comprehensive consideration of different regional mission requirements, personnel potential,
economic development level and other factors, rationally distinguish and organize tasks, and gradually form
a reserve force layout focusing on main directions, large and medium cities, important transportation routes,
and border and coastal defense areas.
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Chapter 25 Construction and Development of Reserve Forces
2. Strengthening military training of reserve forces
The military training of the reserve forces must meet the needs of national security, deepen the training
reform, actively promote the innovative development of military training under the conditions of
informatization and intelligence, gradually realize the standardization and systematization of military training,
and comprehensively improve the rapid mobilization and mission performance abilities of the militia and
reserve forces.
Reform training content. In accordance with the tasks undertaken by the militia and reserve forces,
strengthen mission training and enhance the pertinence of training. Focus on the characteristics of
informatized local warfare, highlight new knowledge, new skills, and new equipment training, and master
new equipment operations and operational command information system skills. Actively create conditions to
make full use of militia reserve training bases and local scientific and technological resources, and gradually
carry out training in a complex electromagnetic environment to understand basic knowledge of
electromagnetic spectrum, battlefield electromagnetic environment, and computer networks. Focus on
maintaining national security and stability, expand training content, carry out research training in public
opinion warfare, psychological warfare, and legal warfare, strengthen anti-terrorism and stability
maintenance, rescue and disaster relief, nuclear, biological and chemical rescue, maritime search and
rescue and other emergency training, and do a good job in mobilization and assembly with real case drills
such as maneuvering and launching operations.
Highlight the focus of training. Focus on doing well the militia reserve department (subsidiary) of the service
and arms to cooperate with active troops to carry out combat and service support operation training, militia
reserve air defense team reconnaissance and early warning, command control, comprehensive support
training and live ammunition tactical exercises, rapid mobilization of militia emergency teams, border and
coastal defense services, training to maintain stability and improve the ability of the organizational system to
carry out tasks. Strengthen the core training of the cadres, establish a military-local integration and
hierarchical training mechanism, increase the training of academies, give full play to the functions of the
provincial military region system and the training institutions at all levels of the service and arms, and do a
good job in the training of military personnel, reserve officers, specialized military cadres, basic personnel
militia company platoon leaders, coaches and professional and technical core.
Innovative training methods. In accordance with the idea of "integrating resources, pooling advantages,
layered training, and cross-regional joint training,” with large-scale training bases in provinces (autonomous
regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) as the backbone, cities (prefectures) and
professional training bases for reserve forces as the main body, and counties (city, district), reserve force
training bases to build a comprehensive training facility system, and implement classified training for militia
reserve forces.
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The teams with a large number and low professionalism will organize training in batches according to the
method of "large majors and small concentration"; teams with a small number and strong professionalism
will be divided into different majors according to the method of "small majors and large concentration.” The
district organizes training in a centralized manner. Relying on the training base to build a simulation training
platform, and actively carry out simulation training and comprehensive drills of new equipment and complex
professional technologies. Relying on the military's comprehensive military information network and the local
area network of training bases at all levels to build a network training platform, and gradually promote online
teaching and online training. Use local scientific and technological equipment to build a post training
platform, combine work and production to carry out the training of local and military professional
counterparts, and use production gaps to organize interface and make-up training. Actively carry out linked
training and joint training and joint exercises. In accordance with the principle of "local professional
counterparts," the militia reserve forces are organized to carry out training in garrison troops, related
academies, and equipment manufacturers to solve the problem of insufficient training technical personnel,
equipment and training venues for the militia reserve forces. In accordance with the requirements of joint
operations and joint maneuvers, strengthen militia and reserve forces, militia reserve forces and active
forces, and joint training and joint logistics exercises between the militia and reserve forces, as well as
military-police-civilian joint training and joint operations, so as to improve the overall mission capability.
Strengthen training management. Insist on governing training according to the law, training according to the
guidelines, standardizing the training order, and organizing training based on difficulties and strictness
based on actual combat needs. Improve the responsibility system for training leaders, strengthen inspection
and supervision, and implement full-process supervision of training plans, preparations, implementation,
registration statistics, and summary reports to ensure the implementation of training personnel, content,
time, and quality. Establish and improve the training level evaluation and assessment system, standardize
the assessment content, refine the assessment standards, and insist on the assessment according to the
law and the promotion of training through examinations. It is necessary to use training results as an
important basis for unit evaluation and cadre inspection, implement reward and punishment measures, and
mobilize the enthusiasm of units to organize training and participate in training. People's governments at all
levels must establish a training fund growth mechanism in accordance with the local economic development
level and military conflict preparation needs to gradually increase funding input, raise subsidy standards, and
ensure training needs.
3. Improving the weapons and equipment of the reserve forces
In recent years, the state has increased its investment in the construction of reserve forces and has issued
some new weapons and equipment to the militia and reserve forces in the main strategic direction. In the
future, with the development of the national economy and the improvement of military weapons and
equipment, further investment should be increased so that the weapons and equipment of the reserve forces
can develop in coordination with the active forces.
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Chapter 25 Construction and Development of Reserve Forces
It is necessary to further broaden and standardize the weapons and equipment support channels of the
reserve forces in accordance with the development thinking of task traction, peacetime and wartime
integration, and joint military and local support. Special military equipment is incorporated into the entire
military equipment system, and is uniformly guaranteed by relevant military departments according to the
division of responsibilities; military and civilian general equipment is included in the scope of national
defense mobilization pre-collection and pre-storage, and requisition or lease is implemented based on social
resources; emergency equipment is included in local emergency equipment support In principle, the local
people's government is responsible for solving the scope.
In information-based local wars, reserve forces and active-duty forces are often used at the same time. We
should change the traditional concept of "reserve forces to be used in the future and advanced weapons to
be deployed.” According to the tasks of the reserve forces, we should simultaneously improve the weapons
and equipment of the reserve forces. In particular, we must concentrate on strengthening the main directions
of air defense combat equipment, services and militia equipment, The construction of frontier and coastal
defense combat equipment as well as the construction of emergency rescue and disaster relief equipment in
key areas, as well as the construction of riot control equipment, provide a reliable material foundation for
improving the ability of the reserve forces to perform diversified military tasks.
Combat operations under the conditions of informatization and intelligence are systematic confrontations,
and the development of reserve forces' weapons and equipment must also adapt to this characteristic and
strengthen the construction of systemization. On the one hand, the weapons and equipment of the reserve
forces themselves must form a system. We must not only continue to improve firepower strike equipment,
but also pay attention to improving command and communication equipment, reconnaissance and
surveillance equipment, and support equipment, and use information technology to connect various
equipment to form a relatively complete combat system. On the other hand, the weapons and equipment of
the reserve forces should form a system with the weapons and equipment of the active forces. Realize the
interconnection and intercommunication in the command and communication, and realize the
complementary capabilities in the combat function, so as to facilitate coordinated operations and give full
play to the role of reserve forces in informationized local wars.
4. Improve the laws and regulations of the reserve force
On February 26, 2010, the 13th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's
Congress passed the "National Defense Mobilization Law of the People's Republic of China,” marking that
China's national defense mobilization construction has entered a new stage of legalization and standardized
development. On October 29, 2011, the 23rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National
People's Congress passed the decision on amending the Military Service Law of the People's Republic of
China, and regulations on the classification, training, and wartime mobilization of reserve personnel have
been adjusted and improved.
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The "National Defense Mobilization Law" and the "Military Service Law" regulate the major issues of
principle in the field of national defense mobilization and reserve force construction, laying a foundation for
further strengthening the reserve force construction.
In accordance with the principles and provisions of the National Defense Mobilization Law and the Military
Service Law, to adapt to the new situation of the country's economic and social development and the new
requirements of military conflict preparations, we should promptly formulate a special law for reserve force
construction, and further clarify the overall goals, basic tasks and safeguard measures for reserve force
construction. Clarify the rights and obligations of state institutions, social organizations, and citizens in the
construction of reserve forces, clarify the subjects of law enforcement, and standardize the organization and
construction of the reserve forces, political education, military training, equipment and funding sources, and
enable all aspects of the construction of the reserve forces. There are laws to follow in all aspects and links.
According to the characteristics of reserve force construction under market economy conditions, relevant
supporting laws and regulations, rules and implementation rules shall be formulated to form a relatively
complete legal system and enhance the operability of laws and regulations. Further refine the preferential
support methods, subsidy compensation standards, rewards and punishment measures related to the
construction of reserve forces, form an effective incentive mechanism, mobilize citizens and organizations to
support and participate in the construction of reserve forces, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and
interests of units and individuals.
Strengthen legal propaganda, strengthen the concept of the legal system, intensify law enforcement, act in
strict accordance with the law, give full play to the role of laws and regulations, and maintain the seriousness
of laws and regulations. Further adjust the working methods, shift from administrative means to legal means,
and implement the combination of legal means with administrative means, education means, and economic
means to promote and ensure the smooth progress of various tasks in the construction of the reserve
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“Science of Military Strategy” is a theoretical system about strategy, which occupies an important position in
military academics. The “Science of Military Strategy” evolves with the development of military practice,
especially strategic practice. The "Science of Military Strategy,” compiled and published by the National
Defense University in 1999, mainly summarized the strategic theoretical results under the historical
background of the transition from dealing with full-scale war to dealing with local war, and explored the
disintegration of the bipolar structure and the Gulf War, which was a sign of new strategic issues. After the
rise of high-tech local wars, China has played an important role in advancing the development of strategic
theories in our country. Since the beginning of the 21st century, the international strategic situation has
undergone profound changes, the world military revolution has continued to deepen, the forms of war and
combat styles have accelerated, and military reforms with Chinese characteristics have developed in depth,
and the research on strategic theories has continuously achieved new results. There was an urgent need for
new strategic theories and practical results to carry out a systematic summary that provided theoretical
support for military strategy practice under the new situation. To this end, after several years of hard work,
the former Strategic Teaching and Research Department of the National Defense University compiled and
published a new version of "Science of Military Strategy" in 2015, which was revised in 2017. This new
version of "Science of Military Strategy" has developed the definitions and connotations of military strategy,
expanded the content and fields of strategic research, revealed the basic principles of strategic operation,
and constructed a new theoretical system of strategy, which has had a wide range of influences in and
outside the military, at home and abroad.
This new version of "Science of MilitaryStrategy'' is edited by Lieutenant General Xiao Tianliang, Vice
President of the National Defense University, Major General Lou Yaoliang, Deputy Dean of the National
Security Academy, and Professor Yuan Wuchao and Professor Cai Renzhao from the Military Strategy
Teaching and Research Office as the deputy editors, responsible for framework design and organizational
leadership and writing a unified manuscript. The writers of each chapter are: Introduction, Lou Yaoliang;
Chapter One, Lou Yaoliang, Cai Renzhao; Chapter Two, Zhang Yukun; Chapter Three, Sun Kuaiji; Chapter
Four, Li Guoting; Chapter Five, Wang Hongfu; Chapter 6, Xiang Xiaoling; Chapter 7, Zhao Zijin; Chapter 8,
Xiao Tianliang; Chapter 9, Xiang Xiaoling, Lin Dong, Zhang Yukun, Xu Qiyu, Lu Xin, Pang Hongliang;
Chapter 10, Yuan Wuchao; Chapter 10 Chapter 11, Zhang Jing, Zhong Jing; Chapter 12, Lin Dong; Chapter
13, Cui Wenjie; Chapter 14, Xiao Tianliang; Chapter 15, Wu Zhanguo; Chapter 16, Cai Renzhao; Ten
Chapter 7, Lou Yaoliang; Chapter 18, Liang Fang; Chapter 19, Wang Hongfu; Chapter 20, Sun Kuaiji;
Chapter 21, Ji Rongren; Chapter 22, Lin Dong; Chapter 23, Li Ruixing, Pan Jingke, Li Xuejun; Chapter 24,
Zhang Zhe, Chen Jie; Chapter 25, Yao Zhenyu.
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Since the publication of the 2015 edition of "Science of Military Strategy,” China's strategic theory and
practice have made new major developments. Xi Jinping's military strategic thinking has formed the practice
of strengthening the military and formulated military strategic policy for a new era. Military conflict and army
building have provided fundamental follow-up and scientific guidance, and major breakthroughs have also
been made in military conflict and army building and reform. In order to better adapt to the overall trend of
the development of response to war from informatization to intelligence, reveal the characteristics and laws
of military conflict in the new era, reflect the latest achievements in national defense and military reform, and
promote the innovative development of China's strategic theories, we have reviewed the 2015 edition of the
" Science of Military Strategy" and greatly enriched and revised. During the revision process, a drafting
group consisting of Xiao Tianliang, Lou Yaoliang, Yuan Wuchao, Cai Renzhao, Zhang Yukun, Li Guoting,
and Yang Yang was established, and the whole book was compiled based on the revisions of the authors of
each chapter. In the process of writing this book, I have received enthusiastic support and help from relevant
units inside and outside the school, and referenced the relevant academic research results of peer experts,
and absorbed the opinions and suggestions put forward by the students of the National Defense University
in the teaching process. I would like to thank you here. This book, a group product that was not made by just
one person, will inevitably have limitations and deficiencies. We sincerely invite readers to criticize and
July 2020
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Chinese Outstanding Publication Award
Book Nomination Award of the 6th China Outstanding Publication Award
Price: 60.00 Yuan