Local Rules
AND APPLICATION OF LOCAL RULES ...................................................... 1
RULE 1005-1 PETITION - CAPTION ....................................................................................... 2
RULE 1006-1 FILING FEE .......................................................................................................... 2
DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................... 3
RULE 1007-2 MAILING LIST OR MATRIX ........................................................................... 6
RULE 1007-3 [REMOVED] ........................................................................................................ 6
SCHEDULES AND STATEMENTS ................................................................. 6
RULE 1014-1 CHANGE OF DIVISION WITHIN THIS DISTRICT .................................... 8
RULE 1015-1 JOINT ADMINISTRATION ........................................................................... 10
RULE 1017-1 DISMISSAL - CASE OR PROCEEDINGS..................................................... 10
RULE 1019-1 CONVERSION .................................................................................................. 11
RULE 1070-1 JURISDICTION ................................................................................................ 12
RULE 2002-2 NEGATIVE NOTICE PROCEDURE .............................................................. 13
RULE 2002-3 PREFERRED ADDRESS NOTIFICATION ................................................... 15
RULE 2004-1 EXAMINATION OF DEBTOR AND OTHERS ............................................ 16
RULE 2015-1 DEBTOR IN POSSESSION DUTIES ............................................................. 18
RULE 2015-2 CHAPTER 7 TRUSTEE EXPENDITURES...................................................... 19
RULE 2016-1 COMPENSATION OF PROFESSIONALS .................................................... 20
RULE 2071-1 COMMITTEES .................................................................................................. 22
RULE 2081-1 CHAPTER 11 - GENERAL ............................................................................... 23
RULE 2082-1 CHAPTER 12 - GENERAL ............................................................................... 25
RULE 2083-1
CHAPTER 13 - GENERAL ............................................................................... 28
RULE 2090-1 ATTORNEYS - ADMISSION TO PRACTICE .............................................. 29
RULE 3001-1 TRANSFER/ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIM ....................................................... 31
CHAPTER 13 ..................................................................................................... 33
RULE 3007-1 CLAIMS OBJECTIONS .................................................................................... 36
RULE 3012-1 VALUATION OF COLLATERAL ................................................................... 37
CONFIRMATION ............................................................................................ 42
RULE 3017-1 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT - APPROVAL ................................................. 43
RULE 3017.1-1 DISCLOSURE STATEMENT - SMALL BUSINESS ..................................... 44
RULE 3018-1 CHAPTER 11—ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF PLANS ..................... 45
RULE 3020-1 CHAPTER 11 - CONFIRMATION .................................................................. 46
RULE 3022-1 CHAPTER 11 - FINAL REPORT/DECREE ..................................................... 47
RULE 4001-1 AUTOMATIC STAY - RELIEF FROM ........................................................... 48
RULE 4001-2 AUTOMATIC STAY - CONFIRMATION OF NO STAY ............................ 50
RULE 4001-3 AUTOMATIC STAY - IMPOSING OR EXTENDING ................................. 50
RULE 4001-4 AUTOMATIC STAY - CO-DEBTOR RELIEF FROM ................................... 51
RULE 4002-1 TAX RETURNS ................................................................................................. 52
RULE 4003-1 LIEN AVOIDANCE .......................................................................................... 53
RULE 4004-1 GRANT OR DENIAL OF DISCHARGE ........................................................ 54
RULE 5005-1 ELECTRONIC FILING ..................................................................................... 56
RULE 5007-1 TRANSCRIPTS ................................................................................................. 57
PROCEEDING .................................................................................................. 59
RULE 6004-1 SALE OF ESTATE PROPERTY ....................................................................... 62
RULE 6007-1 ABANDONMENT ............................................................................................ 63
RULE 7001-1 ADVERSARY PROCEEDINGS....................................................................... 65
RULE 7004-1 SERVICE OF PROCESS ................................................................................... 66
RULE 7007-1 MOTION PRACTICE ....................................................................................... 66
RULE 7008-1 CORE /NON-CORE PROCEEDINGS ............................................................ 67
RULE 7016-1 PRE-TRIAL/MEDIATION PROCEDURES ................................................... 67
RULE 7026-1 DISCOVERY - GENERAL................................................................................ 68
RULE 7041-1 DISMISSAL - FAILURE TO PROSECUTE .................................................... 70
RULE 7042-1 CONSOLIDATION OF ADVERSARY PROCEEDINGS ............................ 70
RULE 7054-1 COST - TAXATION/PAYMENT ..................................................................... 71
RULE 7055-1 DEFAULT ........................................................................................................... 71
RULE 7067-1 REGISTRY FUND ............................................................................................. 72
RULE 9001-1 GENERAL DEFINITIONS ............................................................................... 73
RULE 9004-1 CAPTION - DOCUMENTS ............................................................................. 74
RULE 9006-1 TIME PERIODS ................................................................................................. 75
RULE 9013-1 MOTIONS, BRIEFS AND MEMORANDA OF LAW .................................. 76
RULE 9014-1 [REMOVED] ...................................................................................................... 78
RULE 9015-1 JURY TRIAL....................................................................................................... 78
RULE 9020-1 CONTEMPT PROCEEDINGS ......................................................................... 79
COURT .............................................................................................................. 79
RULE 9070-1 EXHIBITS ........................................................................................................... 80
RULE 9071-1 STIPULATIONS ................................................................................................ 82
RULE 9072-1 ORDERS - PROPOSED .................................................................................... 83
RULE 9073-1 HEARINGS ........................................................................................................ 84
RELATING TO ELECTRONIC CASE FILING............................................. 87
INDEX . .......................................................................................................................... 88
RULE 1001-1
(A) The title of these rules is "Local Rules, United States Bankruptcy Court,
Northern District of Florida." They may be cited in citation sentences as ”Bankr. N.D. Fla.
Loc. R. [number]" or “N.D. Fla. LBR [number]."
(B) These rules (“Local Rule(s)”) shall apply in all bankruptcy cases, including
contested matters and adversary proceedings, to the extent applicable and to the extent
not inconsistent with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (“Civil Rule(s)”) and the
Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (“Bankruptcy Rule(s)”). For cause, on motion of
a party in interest or sua sponte, the Court may direct that one or more provisions of these
rules not apply in a case, matter, or proceeding.
(C) The Local Rules of the United States District Court for the Northern District
of Florida (“District Local Rule(s)) shall apply in all bankruptcy cases, including
contested matters and adversary proceedings, to the extent applicable and to the extent
not inconsistent with the Civil Rules, Bankruptcy Rules, and these Local Rules.
(D) Definitions: The terms "Court," "Clerk," and "Judge," when those appear in
applicable District Local Rules, shall mean the Bankruptcy Court, Bankruptcy Clerk, and
Bankruptcy Judge, respectively, unless inconsistent with the language or meaning of the
particular District Local Rule.
(E) The term “self-represented” shall mean an individual that represents him
or herself in court without an attorney having appeared on his or her behalf. The term
“pro se,” as may be used in any other set of applicable rules, is synonymous with “self-
(F) All national “Official Forms” can be found at
http://www.uscourts.gov/forms/bankruptcy-forms/. “Local Forms,” as well as a link
to the national forms page, can be found at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Former subdivision B. is combined with former subdivision C. into
new subdivision (B) and later subdivisions are correspondingly
renumbered. Naming conventions for the various applicable procedural
rules are added for convenience throughout these rules. New subdivision
(E) is added to reflect a transition from the latin term pro se to a more
readable counterpart. The definition of this term is not intended to effect
any change in the substantive law, including the prohibition on
corporations proceeding without counsel. See, e.g., Palazzo v. Gulf Oil Corp.,
764 F.2d 1381, 1385 (11th Cir. 1985). New subdivision (F) is added to
differentiate between local and national forms throughout these rules.
RULE 1005-1
A petition filed on behalf of an individual or an individual and such individual's
spouse shall not include the name of any corporation, partnership, limited partnership,
or joint venture.
RULE 1006-1
The filing fee must be paid by an attorney's office or trust account, check, cash,
money order, or preapproved credit card. Documents filed electronically require
payment on-line by credit card at the time of filing. If paid by check, there should be a
separate check for each petition or item filed. Direct payments from debtors may only be
by cash, cashier’s check or money order – no personal checks, credit cards or debit cards
from debtors will be accepted.
RULE 1007-1
The following shall be filed at the same time as, but separately from, the petition
and submitted on the most current version of the prescribed form:
(A) Chapter 7, 12, or 13:
(1) List of Creditors (Names and Addresses).
(2) Master Mailing Matrix (see Local Rule 1007-2).
(3) Filing Fee.
(4) For individual debtors, unless the U. S. Trustee has determined that the
credit counseling requirement of § 109(h) does not apply in the district, one
of the following:
(a) a credit counseling Certificate and a debt repayment plan developed
under Section 109(h) through the approved agency, if any, required by
§ 521(b);
(b) a Statement that the debtor has received the credit counseling briefing
required by § 109(h)(1) but does not have the certificate required by §
(c) a certification under § 109(h)(3); or
(d) a motion for waiver of credit counseling because of incapacity, disability
(as defined in § 109(h)(4)) or active military duty in a combat zone,
under § 109(h)(4).
(5) A Statement of No Employment Income, form available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov, if the debtor is unable to file copies of all payment
advices or other evidence of payment received within 60 days before the
petition date in accordance with 11 U.S.C. § 521(a)(1)(B)(iv) because he/she
has no income.
(6) If the debtor is a corporation other than a governmental unit, a Corporate
Ownership Statement must be filed with the petition. This Statement
should disclose all corporations that directly or indirectly own 10% or more
of the class of the corporation’s equity interests. The Statement must be
provided even if there are no entities to report. This form is available at
Statement of Social Security Number: Failure of a self-represented
debtor to submit the Statement of Social Security Number, form available
at www.flnb.uscourts.gov, may lead to dismissal of the case. In cases
filed electronically, the Statement is not required to be filed with the
Court and shall be maintained by the registered user/attorney in
accordance with Section II.L.1.b. of this Court’s Administrative
Format for Paper Filings: With the exception of Official Forms or forms
provided by this Court, all documents tendered for filing, or filed
electronically, shall comply with District Local Rule 5.1.
(B) Chapter 9 or 11:
(1) List of Creditors (Names and Addresses)
(2) Form entitled “Attachment to Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals
Filing for Bankruptcy Under Chapter 11,” form available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov, if debtor is a corporation.
(3) List of twenty largest unsecured creditors excluding insiders.
(4) Master mailing matrix (see Local Rule 1007-2).
(5) Filing fee.
(6) For individual debtors, unless the U. S. Trustee has determined that the
credit counseling requirement of § 109(h) does not apply in the district, one
of the following:
(a) A credit counseling Certificate and a debt repayment plan developed
under Section 109(h) through the approved agency, if any, required by
§ 521(b);
(b) a Statement that the debtor has received the credit counseling briefing
required by § 109(h)(1) but does not have the certificate required by §
(c) a certification under § 109(h)(3); or
(d) a motion for waiver of credit counseling because of incapacity, disability
(as defined in § 109(h)(4)) or active military duty in a combat zone,
under § 109(h)(4).
(7) A Statement of No Employment Income, form available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov, if the Chapter 11 individual debtor is unable to file
copies of all payment advices or other evidence of payment received within
60 days before the petition date in accordance with 11 U.S.C. §
521(a)(1)(B)(iv) because he/she has no income.
(8) If the debtor is a corporation other than a governmental unit, a Corporate
Ownership Statement must be filed with the petition. This Statement
should disclose all corporations that directly or indirectly own 10% or more
of the class of the corporation’s equity interests. The Statement must be
provided even if there are no entities to report. This form is available at
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Various subdivisions and the note regarding social security numbers
are amended to maintain a consistent style for references to the court’s
website. The note regarding filing format is amended to incorporate the
applicable district rule. Subdivision (B)(2) is revised to refer to the form by
document title rather than number, following recent revisions to the
numbers of Official Forms. Other subdivisions are edited for readability.
RULE 1007-2
The debtor shall file separately, but at the same time as the petition, a list
containing the name and address of each creditor which shall serve as a mailing matrix.
The mailing matrix shall be signature verified and submitted in the format specified by
the Clerk’s Office, available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes two stylistic changes, deleting the name of the
identified form and the website reference to maintain a consistent style for
references to the court’s website throughout the rules. At the time of this
amendment, the form is titled “Instructions for Creating a Mailing Matrix.”
RULE 1007-3
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
This former rule required a statement of intention to “include the terms
under which the stated intentions will be accomplished by the debtor.” The
Committee recognized that this rule is generally not enforced any further
than the current Official Forms require.
RULE 1009-1
(A) Amendments to Voluntary Petitions, Lists, Schedules and Statements may
be made by filing the original with the Clerk. Amendments must contain a caption which
includes the case number, case name and the title of the document. The amendment must
be executed and acknowledged by the debtor and attorney of record, if any, in the same
manner that the item being amended was originally executed. Amended schedules
should be filed as complete versions of the schedules as opposed to merely identifying
changes. Any changes, additions, or deletions must be clearly indicated, whether by
separate notice or otherwise.
(B) The debtor shall notice the amendment to any person or entity affected
thereby, the case trustee, and to the U.S. Trustee's office. A certificate of service shall be
filed with the Clerk.
(C) Amendments adding additional creditors to the schedules require the
appropriate filing fee and shall be accompanied by an additional mailing matrix which
contains the names and addresses of only the creditors being added.
(D) Adding Creditors in a Closed No Asset Case: If the case is a closed Chapter
7 case with no distribution to creditors, a "Certificate and Affidavit for Adding Creditors
to Schedules in a Closed Case" form available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov, must be
completed and filed.
(E) An amended Statement of Social Security Number, form available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov, should be completed to correct a previously filed social security
or individual taxpayer identification number and retained by the filer for four years after
the case or proceeding is closed with a copy of the amended form mailed to the Clerk’s
Note to Self-Represented Debtors: As with the original Statement of Social
Security Number, the amended Statement of Social Security Number should NOT
be filed electronically or sent via e-mail. In addition, under the Bankruptcy Rules,
notice of the correct Social Security number needs to be sent to all creditors, the
United States Trustee, and the case trustee. A truncated or redacted copy of the
notice showing only the last four digits should be filed with the Court.
Note to ALL Debtors:
If the last four digits of the Social Security Number that
appear on the petition are incorrect, the debtor shall file an amended petition with
notice to all parties.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule only includes stylistic, non-substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivisions (D) and (E) are amended to maintain a consistent style
for references to the court’s website. The notes following the rule are
amended to improve readability.
RULE 1014-1
(A) Divisions. This district has four (4) divisions as follows:
(1) Pensacola Division shall be composed of the following counties: Escambia,
Santa Rosa, Okaloosa and Walton.
(2) Panama City shall be composed of the following counties: Jackson, Holmes,
Washington, Bay, Calhoun, and Gulf.
(3) Tallahassee Division shall be composed of the following counties: Leon,
Gadsden, Liberty, Franklin, Wakulla, Jefferson, Taylor, and Madison.
(4) Gainesville Division shall be composed of the following counties:
Alachua, Lafayette, Dixie, Gilchrist, and Levy.
(B) Commencement of a Case. Cases shall be commenced in any Division in
which the domicile, residence, principal place of business, or principal assets of the
person or entity that is the subject of such case have been located for the 180 days
immediately preceding such commencement, or for a longer portion of the 180 day period
that the domicile, residence, principal place of business or principal assets of such person
were located in any other Division; or in which there is pending a case under the
Bankruptcy Code concerning such person’s affiliate.
(C) Improperly Filed Cases. If a case is filed in a Division other than as
provided for in paragraph (B) above, the Court on its own, or on motion of any interested
party, may order that the case be transferred to the proper Division. The attorney for the
debtor, or Clerk of Court if the debtor is self-represented, shall provide notice to all
parties of record of the transfer if the case was filed other than as provided for in
paragraph (B) above.
(D) Cases Transferred Within This District. A party that wishes a case to be
transferred to a different Division within this district shall file a motion with, or within
twenty-one (21) days of, the initial filing. A case will not be transferred absent a court
order. The moving party, or Clerk of Court if the moving party is self-represented, shall
provide notice to all parties of record of the transfer if the motion is granted by the court.
(E) Cases Transferred to This District. Cases or proceedings transferred to this
District from another District shall be assigned to a Division in the following manner:
(1) If the debtor is an individual, to the Division where any debtor lives, as
opposed to the debtor’s mailing address, according to the petition; or
(2) If the debtor is a non-individual, to the division that the petition indicates
is the location of the debtor’s principal assets, if different from its principal
place of business.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Rather than incorporating the applicable district rule by reference, as
did the old rule, the amended rule creates a self-contained parallel of the
district rule, altered as appropriate to a bankruptcy case under the
standards of 28 U.S.C. § 1408. Subdivision (E) is amended to remove quoted
descriptions of the living address and location of principal assets, which
appear to have been consistent with prior forms. The revised language is
consistent with current forms but is written without quotation in the event
such forms change.
RULE 1015-1
(A) Time for Filing Objection to Joint Administration. All cases involving two
or more related debtors may be jointly administered in accordance with Bankruptcy Rule
1015. A creditor or party in interest may file an objection to joint administration no later
than thirty (30) days after the first date set for the meeting of creditors under 11 U.S.C.
§ 341(a).
(B) Extension of Time. On motion of any party in interest, after hearing on
notice, the Court may for cause extend the time to file an objection to joint administration.
The motion shall be filed before the time to file an objection has expired.
(C) Until the Order for joint administration is entered, all items are to be filed
as applicable in each involved case.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (A) is amended to remove mandatory language
regarding joint administration. Subdivision (B) is amended to clarify the
time period intended in the last sentence. Subdivision (C) is amended to
remove a reference to consolidation as distinct from the joint administration
contemplated by this rule.
RULE 1017-1
Failure to comply with these Local Rules may be grounds for dismissal of a case
or conversion to a case under Chapter 7 of Title 11.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes a single stylistic change, distinguishing these
from other applicable rules.
RULE 1019-1
(A) In cases converted to Chapter 7,
(1) The debtor, or Chapter 11 trustee if one was appointed, shall file an original
of all lists, schedules, statements, and other documents required by
Bankruptcy Rule 1007, on the most current version of the Official Forms
that accurately reflects the condition of the debtor's estate at the time of
(2) The lists, schedules, statements, and other documents shall be filed within
the time provided in Bankruptcy Rule 1007 and 1019(1)(A). The final report
and schedule of post-petition debts shall be filed within the time provided
in Bankruptcy Rule 1019(5).
(3) If no debt or property was acquired after filing the case and prior to
conversion, the debtor or Chapter 11 trustee, if one was appointed, may file
a statement that no debts were incurred or property acquired since the case
was filed instead of filing new or amended schedules.
Note: If there are changes or amendments to be made to the lists, schedules, statements, or
other documents, this process is not applicable and the debtor shall comply with all other
requirements of Bankruptcy Rule 1019.
(B) The applicable current monthly income form, available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov, shall be filed in all cases within fourteen (14) days of conversion.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (A)(1) is amended to improve readability and is not
intended to effect a substantive change. Subdivision (A)(2) is amended to
correct the subdivision reference to the time to file a final report and
schedule of post-petition debts. Subdivision (A)(3) is amended to improve
readability and is not intended to effect a substantive change. Subdivision
(B) is amended to maintain a consistent style for references to the court’s
website and to remove references to specific official form numbers.
RULE 1070-1
Motions other than those filed in adversary proceedings shall be deemed to be core
proceedings unless a response asserting that the matter should be treated as a non-core
proceeding is filed within the time provided in Local Rule 9013-1.
RULE 2002-1
(A) Any party in interest who desires to receive copies of pleadings and notices
to which it is entitled under Bankruptcy Rule 2002 shall:
(1) File a request with the Clerk;
(2) Serve a copy of the request on the debtor, debtor's attorney, the attorney for
the debtor-in-possession, the trustee, the attorney for the trustee and the
U.S. Trustee; and
(3) Attach to the request filed with the Clerk a certificate of service which states
to whom a copy of the request has been given.
(B) Service copies of all pleadings and papers must be in the format provided
by the District Local Rules, or alternatively, no more than two pages may be placed on
one side of an 8 ½" x 11" page, unless otherwise authorized by the Court.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. New subdivision (B) is added to provide for an alternative mode of
service of pleadings and papers intended to reduce printing costs.
RULE 2002-2
(A) The Court has established a list (the “Negative Notice List”) of motions,
objections, and other papers that may be considered by the Court without an actual
hearing under the negative notice procedure described in this rule if no party in interest
files a response to the relief requested. The Negative Notice List is posted on the Court’s
website, www.flnb.uscourts.gov, and may be supplemented or otherwise amended by
the Court from time to time. If permitted by the presiding judge, other motions,
objections, and other matters may be considered by the Court using the negative notice
(B) Motions, objections, and other matters filed pursuant to this negative notice
procedure shall:
(1) Be served in the manner and on the parties as required by the provisions of
the Bankruptcy Rules, Local Rules, or any order of the Court applicable to
motions, objections, or matters of the type made and shall be filed with the
proof of such service in accordance with the provisions of Local Rule 7004-
1; and
(2) Contain a negative notice legend prominently displayed immediately
following the title of the paper. The negative notice legend shall be in the
approved format on the Court’s website as of the date of filing of the paper
available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
(C) The number of days during which parties may object that is placed in the
negative notice legend shall be twenty-one (21) days, unless otherwise specified in these
Local Rules or any administrative or standing order of the Court.
(1) In the event a party in interest files an objection within the time permitted
in this Rule, the Court may schedule a hearing on the motion, objection, or
other matter upon notice to the movant’s attorney, the objecting party or
parties, and others as may be appropriate.
(2) In the event no party in interest files an objection within the time permitted
in this Rule, the Court may consider the matter without further notice or a
hearing. The movant shall submit a proposed order not later than fourteen
(14) days after the expiration of the objection period. In the event the
movant fails to submit a proposed form of order within this time, the Court
may enter an order denying the relief requested without prejudice for lack
of prosecution. In addition to any other requirements, the proposed form
of order shall recite that:
(a) The movant has represented that the motion, objection, or other matter
was served upon all interested parties with the Local Rule 2002-2
negative notice legend informing the parties of their opportunity to
object within the proper days of the date of service;
(b) No party filed an objection within the time permitted; and
(c) The Court considers the matter to be unopposed.
(D) Nothing in this rule is intended to preclude the Court from conducting a
hearing on the motion, objection, or other matter even if no objection is filed within the
time permitted.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Various subdivisions are amended to add references to these local
rules applicable to certain filings in addition to the applicable Bankruptcy
Rule. Subdivision (A) is amended to incorporate by reference the court’s list
of motions that may effect service by negative notice. Subdivision (A)(3) is
amended to remove Rule 6004(c) sales free and clear of liens from the list.
Subdivisions (A)(7)–(8) are added as additional filings susceptible to filing
and resolution by negative notice. Additionally, the introduction in
subdivision (A) provides for the maintenance of a separate court-approved
list (commonly known as the “Negative Notice List”) of other filings that
can be filed on negative notice. Subdivision (B)(3) is renumbered to (B)(2)
and modified to remove the printed legend in lieu of reference to a form
maintained on the Court’s website and to clarify that the format operative
on the date of filing controls. Subdivision (C) adds reference to separate
local rules or an administrative order that can override the default negative-
notice period. Subdivision (C)(2) is amended to clarify that consideration
without hearing is permissive. Other changes are intended as stylistic to
improve clarity.
RULE 2002-3
(A) An entity and a notice provider may agree that when the notice provider is
directed by the Court to give notice to that entity, the notice provider shall give the notice
to the entity in the manner agreed to and at the address or addresses the entity supplies
to the notice provider. That address is conclusively presumed to be a proper address for
the notice. The notice provider’s failure to use the supplied address does not invalidate
any notice that is otherwise effective under applicable law.
(B) The filing of a notice of preferred address pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 342(f) by
the creditor directly with the agency or agencies that provide noticing services for the
Bankruptcy Court will constitute the filing of such notice with the Court.
(C) Registration with the National Creditor Registration Service must be
accomplished through the Bankruptcy Noticing Center, the agency that provides noticing
services for the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Florida. Refer to
www.flnb.uscourts.gov for more information.
(D) A local form for use by creditors for filing the notice of preferred address
under 11 U.S.C. § 342(e) is available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule only includes stylistic, non-substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivisions (C) and (D) are amended to maintain a consistent style
for references to the court’s website.
RULE 2003-1
Section 341 Meetings will not be continued except for good cause shown. All
requests for continuances must be made through the U.S. Trustee’s Office in Chapter 11
cases and through the trustee in Chapter 7, 12, or 13 cases.
RULE 2004-1
(A) This Rule Does Not Apply in Adversary Proceedings and Contested
Matters. This rule applies only to examinations conducted pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule
2004. The rules governing discovery in adversary proceedings and contested matters are
set forth in Part VII of the Bankruptcy Rules and Local Rule 7026-1.
(B) Manner of Setting Examination. A Court order is not necessary to
authorize an examination pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2004 or to require production of
documents at the examination. Examinations may be scheduled upon notice filed with
the Court and served on the trustee, the United States Trustee in Chapter 11 cases, the
debtor, the debtor’s attorney, if any, and the party to be examined.
(C) Reasonable Notice. The attendance of the examinee and the production of
documents may not be required less than 21 days after service of the notice, except by
agreement of the parties or order of the Court. To the extent that a request for production
of documents under this rule may be construed as a request under Bankruptcy Rule 7034,
the time to respond is shortened to 21 days. The notice of examination may provide for
the production of documents in advance of the examination, but in no event shall the
production of documents be required less than 21 days from service of the notice of
examination, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties or ordered by the Court.
(D) Who May Attend. Any party in interest who wishes to attend an
examination scheduled under this rule may do so by filing and serving a cross-notice of
examination in advance of the scheduled examination according to the following
(1) If the original notice is served at least 21 days before attendance is required,
the later of 14 days after service of the original notice or 14 days before the
scheduled examination; or
(2) If by agreement of the parties the original notice is served less than 21 days
before attendance is required, the earlier of 14 days after service of the
original notice or 3 days before the scheduled examination, except that if
service of the notice is first made within 3 days of the scheduled
examination, any other party shall be entitled to attend the examination
without filing and serving a cross-notice of examination.
(E) Motion for Protective Order. An interested party may file, prior to the date
of the proposed examination or production of documents, a motion for protective order
stating the reasons for prohibiting, limiting, or rescheduling the examination or
production of documents. The examination and/or production of documents shall be
stayed until the Court rules on the motion.
(F) Subpoena. No subpoena is necessary to compel the attendance of, or the
production of documents by, the debtor at an examination of the debtor. A subpoena is
necessary to compel the attendance of, or production of documents by, a witness other
than the debtor. The provisions of Civil Rule 45, as made applicable by Bankruptcy Rule
9016, apply to subpoenas issued under this rule.
(G) Videotaped Examinations. Examinations may be videotaped if the notice
of examination or subpoena states that the examination will be videotaped and whether
it will also be recorded stenographically.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
This new rule is intended to formalize standard court practice, adding
procedures and standards applicable to Rule 2004 examinations in the
district. These procedures include initiation of examinations, standard time
frames, protective orders, and the conduct of examinations.
RULE 2015-1
(A) A debtor-in-possession or a trustee who operates a business shall file signed
monthly financial reports in the form and containing the information as set forth by the
Office of the U.S. Trustee, available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov through a link to the U.S.
Trustee Region 21 Forms Page.
(B) A debtor-in-possession in a Chapter 11 case who is an individual not
engaged in business shall file signed monthly financial reports in the form and containing
the information as set forth by the Office of the U.S. Trustee, available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov through a link to the U.S. Trustee Region 21 Forms Page.
(C) The monthly reports shall be filed no later than the twenty-first (21st) day
of each month commencing with the month following the filing of the petition and shall
reflect all transactions during the immediately preceding month.
(D) The attorney for the debtor-in-possession shall not be required to sign the
monthly financial reports or file any notice of their filing.
(E) The debtor-in-possession or trustee in a Chapter 11 case shall file the
original monthly financial report with the Clerk and serve a copy of the reports and
financial statements upon the U.S. Trustee, the members of the creditors’ committee, if
one has been appointed, the attorney for the creditors' committee, if one has been
employed, and such other person or persons as the Court may from time to time direct.
The debtor-in-possession in Chapter 12 and Chapter 13 business cases shall serve a copy
of the reports and financial statements upon the trustee, the U.S. Trustee and upon such
other person or persons as the Court may from time to time direct.
(F) In Chapter 12 cases the debtor shall file signed Monthly Cash Receipts and
Disbursements Statements as set forth by the Office of the U.S. Trustee and available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov. The debtor shall file the original with the Clerk and provide a
copy to the Chapter 12 Trustee and the U.S. Trustee beginning with the filing of the
bankruptcy petition and ending when the payments under the Plan are complete. The
reports shall be filed by the debtor no later than the twenty-first (21st) day following the
end of the month and shall include all of the debtor's receipts or income, in cash or by
check, received during the month. The receipts should be itemized by kind, quantity, and
dollar amount. All expenses paid in cash or by check should be itemized.
(G) Failure to comply with this rule may be grounds for conversion to Chapter
7, if permitted by law, or for dismissal of the case.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivisions (A), (B), and (F) are amended to maintain a consistent
style for references to the court’s website. Subdivision (F) is also amended
to extend the time for filing the reports from the 15th day to the 21st day
following the end of the month, consistent with Chapter 11 practice.
RULE 2015-2
(A) Chapter 7 Trustee’s Limited Authority to Expend Funds for
Administrative Expenses. Chapter 7 trustees may incur and pay expenses directly
related to the administration of the estate not to exceed $500 in the aggregate without
order of the Court. The Trustee’s Final Report shall itemize all expenses incurred and
paid during the administration of the estate and shall be subject to review by the Court.
(B) Bank Servicing Fees. A trustee may pay bank servicing fees to the extent
authorized by the Uniform Depository Agreement that exists between the bank used by
the trustee as a depository for estate funds and the United States Trustee. These fees may
be assessed against the trustee’s bankruptcy accounts.
(C) Court Filing Fees. A trustee may pay any unpaid filing fees to the Court
without order of the Court.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
This new rule is intended to offer flexibility to Chapter 7 Trustees by
permitting Chapter 7 Trustees to pay minor expenses and filing fees
without obtaining a court order. Subdivision (A) can be analogized to a per-
case line of credit (the credit being authority to pay without prior court
approval) that must be refreshed by eventually obtaining a court order
authorizing any such transfers or approval of a trustee’s final report.
RULE 2016-1
(A) Applications for Compensation in Chapter 7 Cases:
(a) Final applications for fees and expenses of all professionals incurred
during the administration of the Chapter 7 cases and allowable under
11 U.S.C. § 503(b) must be filed not later than twenty-one (21) days after
service of notification by the trustee that the case is ready to close.
(b) In cases that have been converted to Chapter 7, all final applications of
professionals for fees, costs, and expenses incurred in the superseded
case must be filed within ninety (90) days after the date of the order
converting the case.
(2) All applications for fees and expenses, whether interim or final, shall
contain the amounts requested and a detailed itemization of the work
performed including:
(a) the name of the individual performing the work;
(b) the amount of time expended for each item of work;
(c) the hourly rate requested; and
(d) a discussion of the criterion that are relevant in determining the
compensation to be awarded.
(a) Applications for fees and expenses totaling $1,000 or less will be
determined after notice and an opportunity for a hearing. Notice shall
go to all creditors, the U.S. Trustee, and all other parties in interest. A
hearing will not be held unless a timely objection is filed with the Court.
(b) Applications for fees and expenses under 11 U.S.C. § 326 will be
determined after notice and an opportunity for a hearing. Notice shall
go to all creditors, the U.S. Trustee, and all other parties in interest. A
hearing will not be held unless a timely objection is filed with the Court.
(B) Applications for Compensation in Chapter 11 Cases:
(1) Applications of attorneys, accountants, auctioneers, appraisers, and other
professionals for compensation from the estate of the debtor allowable
under 11 U.S.C. § 503(b), must be accompanied by the cover sheet available
at www.flnb.uscourts.gov and should be filed no later than twenty-one (21)
days after the entry of an order scheduling the confirmation hearing, except
for applications for fees and expenses totaling $1,000 or less, which may be
heard and determined pursuant to Local Rule 2016-1. A copy of the
application shall be served upon the trustee and attorney for the trustee, if
one has been appointed, the debtor-in-possession, the attorney for the
debtor-in-possession, the attorney for the creditors' committee, if one has
been appointed; if no creditor’s committee has been appointed, on the 20
largest unsecured creditors (see Bankruptcy Rule 1007(d)) and the U.S.
Trustee. Nothing herein shall preclude an application not filed pursuant to
this rule; provided, however, that debtor shall not be required to pay for
such services upon confirmation.
(2) All applications for compensation of professionals, including interim
applications, shall contain a detailed itemization of the work performed.
Applications by attorneys and accountants shall include the individual
performing the item of work, a description of the work performed for each
item, the amount of time expended for each item, the hourly rate requested,
and a discussion of the criteria that are relevant in determining the
compensation to be awarded.
(3) All disclosures required to be transmitted to the United States Trustee
under Bankruptcy Rule 2016(b) shall be served on the case trustee within
the time required for service on the United States Trustee.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (B)(1) is amended to require a cover sheet to be filed with
applications for professional compensation sought in Chapter 11 cases and
otherwise amended to improve readability. Subdivision (B)(3) is amended
to correct a scrivener’s error by changing the reference to Bankruptcy Rule
1026(b) to 2016(b).
RULE 2071-1
(A) Upon appointment of a committee of creditors pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 1102,
those creditors willing to serve shall have an organizational meeting and elect a chairman
who shall preside at meetings of the creditors' committee.
(B) The meetings of the creditors' committee may be held by telephone.
(C) The U.S. Trustee shall notice the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court of the
names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers of the members of the
committee. If no committee is appointed, the U.S. Trustee's Office shall notice the Clerk
of the Bankruptcy Court that no committee has been appointed. A copy of the appropriate
notice shall be served upon the attorney for the debtor and the members of the committee.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (C) is amended to require the U.S. Trustee’s Office to
provide the email addresses of all Committee members to the Clerk and
other interested parties, in addition to mailing addresses.
RULE 2081-1
(A) Authority to Operate Business/Manage Financial Affairs:
(1) The operation of a business by a debtor-in-possession in cases filed under
Chapter 11 shall be subject to the terms and conditions of an order
continuing the debtor-in-possession to be entered upon the filing of the
petition or entry of the Order for Relief. The debtor-in-possession shall also
deposit taxes and file tax returns in compliance with the terms of the Order
to File Federal and State Employment Tax Returns and To Deposit State and
Federal Taxes.
(2) Individual Chapter 11 debtors not engaged in business shall be subject to
the terms and conditions of the order authorizing individual debtors to
manage financial affairs to be entered upon the filing of the petition or entry
of the order for relief.
(3) All Chapter 11 voluntary debtors must comply with the Administrative
Order Establishing Initial Procedures in Chapter 11 Cases in effect as of the
date of filing the petition, available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
(B) Post-Confirmation Matters:
(1) Within twenty-one (21) days after the hearing at which the plan is
confirmed, the attorney for the proponent of the plan shall submit the Order
of Confirmation to the Court. Copies of the proposed order shall be served
upon the U.S. Trustee, any party in interest who filed an objection to the
confirmation and to any other person designated by the Court. The
proponent of the plan shall be responsible for the distribution of copies of
the Order Confirming the Plan and the confirmed plan to all creditors, the
U.S. Trustee, and other parties as may be designated by the Court.
(a) In addition to the report required by Bankruptcy Rule 2015(a), in those
instances where the plan requires longer than one hundred twenty (120)
days for consummation, the plan proponent shall file a Confirmed Plan
Status Report beginning the third month after the effective date of the
plan and every three (3) months thereafter. This report shall disclose any
distributions made, including the amount of each distribution to
creditors as identified in the plan, as well as a description of all other
matters which must be consummated in order to close the estate.
(b) If the plan provides for payments to any class of creditors over a period
of time which is longer than one hundred eighty (180) days from the
date of confirmation, the plan proponent shall execute an instrument
evidencing the indebtedness and deliver such instrument to each
creditor or other party interest. Such instrument shall provide for
payment of the amount due under the plan upon the terms set forth in
the plan. Delivery of instruments shall be deemed commencement of
distribution under the plan for purposes of closing the estate pursuant
to 11 U.S.C. § 1101(c). Such instruments shall be delivered to creditors
in each class within thirty (30) days after all objections to claims in that
class have been resolved or, if there are no objections to claims in any
class, then within sixty (60) days after the entry of an Order of
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. The introductory note is removed as redundant since subdivision
(A)(3) requires adherence to the Administrative Order Governing Initial
Procedures in a Chapter 11 case. Subdivision (A)(3) is amended to remove
the reference to a specific Administrative Order, replacing it with a website
link that can be maintained up-to-date more promptly than the local rules.
Subdivision (B)(1) is amended to require the plan proponent to serve the
confirmation order rather than the Court. Subdivisions (B)(2)(c) and (d)
have been relocated to Local Rule 3022-1. Any other changes not specifically
discussed are stylistic.
RULE 2082-1
(A) Duties of the Chapter 12 Debtor
(1) At least seven (7) days before the first meeting of creditors, the debtor must
provide the Chapter 12 Trustee with the Summary of Operations for
Chapter 12 Case, form available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
(2) At least seven (7) days before the first meeting of creditors, the debtor must
provide Income Tax Returns for the two (2) years immediately preceding
the filing of the bankruptcy petition.
(3) At least seven (7) days before the confirmation hearing, the debtor must file
and provide a copy to the Chapter 12 Trustee of the Chapter 12 Plan for a
three (3) year period indicating projected disposable income, and a
liquidation analysis reflecting the distributions to unsecured creditors if the
case proceeds as a Chapter 7.
(4) The debtor shall file and provide a copy to the Chapter 12 Trustee the
Monthly Cash Receipts and Disbursements Statement, form available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov, beginning with the filing of the bankruptcy
petition and ending when the payments under the plan are complete. The
Statements shall be filed by the debtor no later than the twenty-first (21st)
day following the end of the month and shall include all of the debtor's
receipts and/or income, in cash or by check, received during the month.
The receipts should be itemized by kind, quantity, and dollar amount. All
expenses paid in cash or by check should be itemized.
(5) Within sixty (60) days after the end of a calendar year (or fiscal year), the
debtor must provide to the Chapter 12 Trustee Internal Revenue Service
Form Schedule 1040 F together with all supporting schedules of Schedule
F, and Form 4835, for any part of the calendar or taxable period ending after
the date on which the Chapter 12 petition was filed. The Schedule F and
Form 4835 must report all income and all expenses to the end of the
calendar (or fiscal) year.
(6) All payments to the Chapter 12 Trustee shall be in the form of a cashier’s
check or money order.
(B) Pre-Confirmation Matters in Chapter 12
(1) In all cases filed under Chapter 12, the debtor shall file a statement which
contains "adequate information" about: (a) the debtor's ability to make all
of the payments under the plan and to comply with the plan, (b) the
financial condition of the debtor, including assets and liabilities of the
debtor as well as the income and expenses of the debtor for the preceding
calendar year, (c) the value of any property of the estate, whether being
retained by the debtor or surrendered, which is subject to a lien or security
interest as well as a description of the basis for such value, (d) an analysis
of the amount which would be received by unsecured creditors if the estate
of the debtor were to be liquidated under Chapter 7 of Title 11, and (e) a
projection of the net disposable income of the debtor for the term of the
(2) For purposes of this rule, "adequate information" shall mean information of
a kind, and in sufficient detail, as far as reasonably practicable in light of
the nature and history of the debtor and the condition of the debtor's books
and records, that will enable creditors and the trustee to make an informed
judgment about confirmation of the plan.
(3) In a Chapter 12 case, the pre-confirmation statement shall be filed upon the
filing of a plan. Copies of the pre-confirmation statement shall be served
upon all creditors, the trustee, the U.S. Trustee, and other persons who have
requested notice pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2002.
(4) All Chapter 12 individual debtors shall file with the Court and serve on the
Chapter 12 Trustee a certification that the debtor has paid all amounts to be
paid under a domestic support obligation that first became payable after
the date of the filing of the Chapter 12 petition if the debtor is required by
a judicial or administrative order, or by statute, to pay such domestic
support obligation. If the debtor is not required to pay any amounts under
a domestic support obligation, then the debtor shall file a certification
stating that the debtor is not required to pay said amounts. This form is
available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
(C) Local Rules 2081-1(B) and 3022-1 shall apply in Chapter 12 cases.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Former Subdivisions (A)(1), (A)(3), and (B)(4) are amended to
maintain a consistent style for references to the court’s website. Former
subdivision (A)(1) is divided into two subdivisions to separate the
Summary of Operations and Income Tax Returns provisions. Former
subdivision (A)(3) is further amended to extend the time for filing the
reports from the 15th day to the 21st day following the end of the month, to
be more consistent with Chapter 11 practice. Subdivision (C) is amended to
conform to the separation of Rules 2081-1 and 3022-1. Other changes are
stylistic and are not intended to effect a substantive change.
RULE 2083-1
(A) Pre-Confirmation Matters in Chapter 13. In all cases filed under Chapter
13 where the debtor is required to file monthly operating reports, the debtor shall file a
statement which contains "adequate information" about:
(1) the debtor's ability to make all of the payments under the plan and to
comply with the plan,
(2) the financial condition of the debtor, including assets and liabilities of the
debtor as well as the income and expenses of the debtor for the preceding
calendar year,
(3) the value of any property of the estate, whether being retained by the debtor
or surrendered, which is subject to a lien or security interest as well as a
description of the basis for such value,
(4) an analysis of the amount which would be received by unsecured creditors
if the estate of the debtor were to be liquidated under Chapter 7 of Title 11,
(5) a projection of the net disposable income of the debtor for the term of the
(B) For purposes of this rule, "adequate information" shall mean information of
a kind, and in sufficient detail, as far as reasonably practicable in light of the nature and
history of the debtor and the condition of the debtor's books and records, that will enable
creditors and the trustee to make an informed judgment about confirmation of the plan.
(C) In business Chapter 13 cases, the pre-confirmation statement shall be filed
twenty-one (21) days prior to the confirmation hearing. Copies of the pre-confirmation
statement shall be served upon all creditors, the trustee, the U.S. Trustee, and other
persons who have requested notice pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2002.
Note: Refer to Standing and Administrative Orders available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov
regarding Chapter 13 procedures.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule only includes stylistic, non-substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. The introductory notes have been replaced with a single note at the
conclusion of the rule, removing references to a specific Administrative
Order, replacing it with a website link that can be maintained up-to-date
more promptly than the local rules.
RULE 2090-1
(A) General Admission. Except as provided herein, the District Local Rules
govern the admission and appearance of attorneys before the Bankruptcy Court.
(B) Appearing Pro Hac Vice. In order to obtain leave of this Court to appear in
a case or an adversary proceeding, the attorney seeking to be admitted pro hac vice must
file a motion pursuant to the District Local Rules. Such motion must also comply with
any other Bankruptcy Court requirements identified at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
(C) Admission Not Required in Limited Circumstances. An attorney who is
not admitted to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida, but
is an active member in good standing of the bar of a Court of general jurisdiction in any
state or territory of the United States, may appear on behalf of a creditor in the following
(1) Preparation and filing of a notice of appearance and request for service of
notices pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2002; and
(2) The preparation and filing of a proof of claim.
(D) Conduct. All attorneys appearing in the Bankruptcy Court and all persons
at counsel table are expected to observe the rules described in Addendum A.
(E) Appearance and Withdrawal. The following rules additionally govern
appearances and withdrawals from representation in the Bankruptcy Court:
(1) No attorney, having made an appearance for a creditor in a contested
matter or adversary proceeding or having filed a petition on behalf of a
debtor, shall abandon the case or proceeding in which the appearance was
made or withdraw as counsel for any party, except by leave of Court
obtained after giving fourteen (14) days notice to the party or client affected
and to opposing counsel.
(a) The disclosure statement required by Bankruptcy Rule 2016(b) shall
include a statement as to whether the attorney has been retained to
represent the debtor in discharge and dischargeability proceedings
including those initiated via motion under Bankruptcy Rule 4004.
(b) If the disclosure statement recites that the attorney has not been retained
to represent the debtor in proceedings as described in (E)(2)(a) above,
the attorney shall not be required to represent the debtor in such
(c) If the disclosure statement fails to recite whether the attorney has been
retained to represent the debtor in proceedings as described in (E)(2)(a)
above, the attorney shall be deemed to represent the debtor in such
proceedings and shall not be allowed to withdraw from such
proceedings except as provided in paragraph (E)(1) above.
(3) Unless allowed to withdraw from a case, matter, or proceeding by order of
the Court, counsel filing a petition on behalf of a debtor shall attend all
hearings and meetings scheduled in the case or proceeding at which the
debtor is required to attend under any provision of the Bankruptcy Code,
the Bankruptcy Rules, or order of the Court; provided, however, counsel
need not attend a hearing in regard to a matter in which the debtor is not a
party and whose attendance has only been required as a witness.
(4) Any party for whom a general appearance of counsel has been made shall
not thereafter take any step or be heard in the case in proper person absent
prior leave of Court, nor shall any natural person, having previously elected
to proceed in proper person, be permitted to obtain special or intermittent
appearances of counsel except upon such conditions as the Court may
(5) An entity other than a natural person may not file any petition or pleading,
except a proof of claim or a ballot, or otherwise appear except through an
attorney; provided, however, that any creditor or party in interest may
participate in a Section 341 Meeting of Creditors without an attorney.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (A) and the note thereto have been amended to more
generally incorporate the applicable District Local Rules, including deleting
subdivision (A)(1) as duplicative of the district rule, and to separate pro hac
vice admission into a new subdivision (B). Previous subdivision (B) is
accordingly renumbered as subdivision (C) and includes other non-
substantive changes. Previous subdivision (C) is similarly renumbered as
subdivision (D) and is simplified to reference Addendum A, which itself
incorporates the District Local Rules standards of conduct. All other
changes are either stylistic or edits conforming to the subdivision
RULE 3001-1
(A) Scope of Rule. This Local Rule applies to the transfer or assignment of any
claim or interest filed pursuant to Bankruptcy Rules 3001, 3002, or 3003, or Local Rules
3002-1 or 3002.1-1. Nothing in this Local Rule shall be construed as an extension of any
time limit for filing a Proof of Claim or Interest.
(B) Required Form and Content. Transfers or assignments of claim pursuant
to Bankruptcy Rule 3001(e)(2) shall be filed using the Transfer of Claim Other Than For
Security form, available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov, or a form that substantially conforms
to it. The transfer of claim form shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee and shall
include at minimum the following evidence of the transfer:
(1) The name and address of the transferee (person or entity that purchased or
otherwise acquired the claim);
(2) The name and address of the transferor (person or entity that sold or
otherwise relinquished the claim);
(3) The amount of the claim;
(4) The date the claim was filed;
(5) An actual or electronic signature(s) of the transferee; and,
(6) A reference to the claim number for the claim to be transferred.
Note: When the transfer or assignment of claim is filed in CM/ECF on the main case
docket, the filing event should also reference the claim number of the claim to be
transferred so that information will appear on the claim register.
(C) Service and Notice Requirement.
(1) Any person or entity filing a Transfer of Claim or Assignment of Claim
pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3001(e)(2) shall immediately serve upon the
transferor, the trustee and the debtor or debtor’s attorney, if any, a copy of
the Transfer of Claim Other Than For Security, form available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov, and supporting evidence of the transfer.
(2) At the same time of service as required in subdivision (C)(1), the person or
entity shall also immediately serve upon the transferor, the trustee and the
debtor or debtor’s attorney, if any, a Notice of Transfer of Claim Other Than
For Security, form available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
(D) Objection and Hearing.
(1) Any party objecting to the Transfer of Claim or Assignment of Claim shall
file an objection no more than twenty-one (21) days from the filing of the
Notice of Transfer of Claim. A timely objection will be set for hearing.
(2) Failure to timely object will result in the transferee being substituted for the
transferor as the holder of the claim without further notice or hearing.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The rule
has been renumbered from Local Rule 3001-2 to 3001-1. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
Subdivision (A) is amended to add a reference to Local Rule 3002.1-1.
Subdivisions (B) and (C) have been amended to (1) clarify that both
individuals and entities are affected by the rule equally, and (2) replace
references to a specific bankruptcy form number and notice format with a
reference to a specific named form on the Court’s website. Subdivision (E)
providing an alternative to standard notice is eliminated to ensure a
consistent format for notice to interested parties.
RULE 3002-1
(A) Upon confirmation of a Chapter 13 Plan that provides for surrender of
(1) The creditor shall have sixty (60) days from confirmation of the Chapter 13
Plan to amend a timely filed proof of claim regarding any unsecured
deficiency balance that may occur upon the sale of the subject collateral if
the collateral consists of personal property that was not liquidated within
the claims bar date period;
(2) The creditor shall have ninety (90) days from confirmation of a Chapter 13
Plan to amend a timely filed proof of claim regarding any unsecured
deficiency balance that may occur upon the sale of the subject collateral if
the collateral consists of real property that was not liquidated within the
claims bar date period;
(3) The time periods provided above may be extended by Court Order upon
the creditor filing an appropriate Motion stating the circumstances
necessitating a need for a longer period of time and an estimated deficiency;
(4) If the creditor does not file an amended proof of claim asserting a deficiency
balance within the given time period and does not file a timely Motion to
Extend the Time, then the claim will be automatically disallowed and the
Chapter 13 Trustee shall make no disbursement on such claim.
(5) If the Chapter 13 Plan provides for the surrender of collateral, that plan shall
constitute the debtor(s)’ consent to the immediate termination of the
automatic stay.
(B) If a Chapter 13 Plan does not provide for the surrender of property:
(1) If the collateral consists of personal property that was not liquidated prior
to the claims bar date, the secured creditor shall have sixty (60) days from
the date of an Order terminating the automatic stay to amend a timely filed
proof of claim regarding any unsecured deficiency balance that may occur
upon the sale of the subject collateral;
(2) If the collateral consists of real property that was not liquidated prior to the
claims bar date, the secured creditor shall have ninety (90) days from the
date of an Order terminating the automatic stay to amend a timely filed
proof of claim regarding any unsecured deficiency balance that may occur
upon the sale of the subject collateral;
(3) The time periods provided above may be extended by Court Order upon
the creditor filing an appropriate Motion stating the circumstances
necessitating a need for a longer period of time and an estimated deficiency;
(4) If no amended unsecured proof of claim is filed within the given time
period and no Motion to Extend the Time is filed, any claim filed outside
the time limits set forth in this Rule will be automatically disallowed and
the Chapter 13 Trustee shall make no disbursement on such claim unless a
Motion and Order allowing the filing of the claim has been entered.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Various subdivisions are amended for four key purposes. First,
subdivision (A) is amended to allow for the possibility that surrender does
not necessarily return property to the creditor, which is a legal question to
be decided by the Court. Second, references to the “secured” creditor have
been removed to avoid confusion in the circumstance where surrender of
collateral renders a creditor unsecured; removal of the qualifier is
appropriate because the term creditor sufficiently describes the originally
secured party. Third, the amendments clarify the process for a secured
creditor’s deficiency claim for surrendered collateral, clarifying that such
claims should be filed as amendments to the original, timely filed secured
claim. Fourth, the amendments remove any reference to filing by negative
notice as exclusively within the scope of Local Rule 2002-2.
RULE 3002.1-1
(A) In addition to the relief provided in Bankruptcy Rule 3002.1(i)(1) and (2),
the holder of the claim may not seek to collect any fees, expenses and/or charges included
in the omitted information required by Bankruptcy Rule 3002.1(b), (c) or (g).
(B) All notices required pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3002.1 shall be provided
to debtor, debtor’s counsel and trustee in accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 2002 and
shall include a certificate of service. If filing the required notices as a supplement to the
holder’s proof of claim does not result in notice to the debtor, debtor’s counsel and trustee
via CM/ECF electronic service, the holder of the claim shall serve the unnoticed party by
alternative means and so indicate on the certificate of service filed with the notice. If the
debtor is self-represented, the creditor must serve the debtor via United States Mail.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
Subdivision (A) is amended to correct a typographical error. Subdivision
(B) is amended to apply a consistent style for reference to the CM/ECF
system and to clarify service on self-represented parties.
RULE 3007-1
(A) Objections to timely filed claims shall be subject to Bankruptcy Rule 3007(a)
and, if not incorporated into an adversary proceeding, Bankruptcy Rule 9014(c).
(B) Objections to claims shall be filed individually for each claim objected to
and may name only one creditor.
(C) If no response to an objection to a claim is timely filed, the Court may
sustain the objection without a hearing if relief is otherwise proper.
(D) All proposed orders on objections to claims shall recite in the ordering
paragraph that the objection is either sustained or overruled, that the claim is either
allowed or disallowed, and if allowed, the amount and class of each such allowed claim.
(E) In all cases filed under Chapter 13, unless extended by the Court, objections
to timely filed claims shall be filed no later than sixty (60) days after the applicable claims
bar date.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivisions (A) and new subdivision (C) are amended to remove
the reference to Local Rule 9013-1 concerning memoranda of law, and
former subdivision “C.” is eliminated, because that local rule applies
generally without the cross-reference. Other subdivisions are renumbered
accordingly. Subdivision (A) is further amended to invoke the service rules
of Bankruptcy Rule 3007(a), rather than those of 9014, and to clarify that the
procedural elements of Bankruptcy Rule 9014(c) apply unless the claim
objection is incorporated into an adversary proceeding in which case entire
Rule 70xx series would apply. An example would be an objection to the
nature and extent of lien in a claim filed as a secured claim. Subdivision (B)
and new subdivision (C) are amended to remove any reference to filing by
negative notice as exclusively within the scope of Local Rule 2002-2. The
notes previously in the rule are deleted as redundant to the text of the either
this rule or the applicable Bankruptcy Rule 3007. Subdivision (E) is
amended to change the time to object to timely filed claims from the date of
the confirmation hearing to a date based on the claims bar date to avoid
stale objections. Subdivision (F) is deleted to allow for the process of
objections to claims to be defined in conjunction with the Chapter 11 Plan.
RULE 3012-1
(A) In cases filed under Chapter 11:
(1) If the plan proponent seeks to value collateral through the disclosure
statement and confirmation process, other than by motion, the plan
proponent shall serve all creditors a copy of any plan and disclosure
statement and any amendment thereto filed in the case. The value of
property set forth in the disclosure statement filed pursuant to 11 U.S.C.
§ 1125 shall be deemed at confirmation to be the value of the property for
purposes of the plan and confirmation of the plan, including the treatment
of creditors under the plan, unless not less than seven (7) days prior to the
hearing on confirmation a party in interest has filed a motion pursuant to
Bankruptcy Rule 3012, in which event such values shall be as determined
by the Court.
(2) The disclosure statement shall include the plan proponent's basis or
justification for all values shown.
(3) If the plan proponent seeks to value collateral pursuant to subdivision
(A)(1) of this rule, the title of the disclosure statement shall include a
statement that provides “AND NOTICE OF PROPOSED VALUATION OF
PROPERTY” or words to that effect.
(B) In cases filed under Chapter 12 or 13:
(1) Upon the filing of the plan or within seven (7) days thereafter, the debtor
shall file a separate notice and serve it on each secured creditor whose
claim(s) are being impaired under the plan of the value of the collateral that
secures their claim. The notice shall contain the following information:
(a) The value of the collateral and the basis or justification for the value
(b) In a case under Chapter 13, whether the collateral is or is not of a kind
described in § 1325(a)(9);
(c) The proposed use or disposition of the collateral, i.e., retain or
surrender; and
(d) If the debtor proposes to surrender the collateral in satisfaction of all or
a portion of the claim based on the valuation, the notice shall so state.
(2) The debtor's attorney, or the debtor if the debtor is self-represented, shall
file a certificate of service to evidence proper service of the notice. Service
shall be made as provided by Bankruptcy Rule 7004. The value of property
subject to liens or security interests as noticed shall be deemed to be the
value of the property for purposes of confirmation and treatment of such
creditor pursuant to a plan unless no later than thirty (30) days after proper
service of such notice any party in interest files a motion to value collateral
or motion to determine secured status pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3012.
(3) The notice sent to a secured creditor pursuant to this rule shall notify such
creditor, in large, bold-face type appearing just under the title of the notice,
that failure to file a timely motion to value collateral or motion to determine
secured status will result in such collateral being valued at the amount
listed for purposes of confirmation of the plan and treatment of such
creditor's claim pursuant to the plan.
(4) No such notice is necessary to secured creditors whose claims are impaired
only by a proposed change in the interest rate.
(C) A motion to value property or motion to determine secured status shall
state the value of the property as alleged by the moving party and the facts or
circumstances supporting such value and shall be accompanied by an appraisal or other
evidence of value. A motion to value or motion to determine secured status shall include
a certification as required by Local Rule 7007-1. The appraisal or other evidence of value
shall be filed and a copy served upon all adverse parties who are required to be served
with a copy of the motion. Any party who contests the motion and desires to appear and
be heard on the issue of value shall file an objection to such motion within fourteen (14)
days from the date of the service of the motion to value and shall file and serve not later
than seven (7) days prior to the hearing an appraisal or other evidence of value, unless
such party has already filed valuation evidence through a reasonably contemporaneous
filing under this rule, such as a plan proponent’s disclosure statement under subdivision
(A) or a notice under subdivision (B).
(D) In any case or proceeding in which the value of real property is an issue and
where a party intends to present appraisal testimony, the appraisal report and a
statement of the qualifications of the appraisal witness shall be filed with the Court and
served on all opposing parties as soon as the report first becomes available but in no case
less than seven (7) days before the trial or hearing wherein the testimony is to be
(E) All objections to the admissibility of the appraisal report or the
qualifications of the appraiser as an expert shall be filed and served upon the appraisal's
proponent no less than two (2) days prior to the trial or hearing at which the testimony is
to be presented. Absent any objections, the report shall be admitted into evidence without
further testimony.
(F) Admission into evidence of an appraisal report shall constitute the
complete direct examination of an appraiser witness. Cross examination of the witness
will begin immediately upon admission of the report followed by redirect and re-cross.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (A)(3) is added and subdivision (B) is amended to
require prominent notice of valuation issues in Chapter 11 disclosure
statements and Chapter 12 and 13 plans. Subdivision (B) is amended to
relocate and include the former freestanding note regarding the
inapplicability of notice when the only impairment is a modified interest
rate. Subdivision (B) is also amended to remove any reference to filing by
negative notice as exclusively within the scope of Local Rule 2002-2.
Subdivision (B)(1) is amended to reduce the standard response time from
fifteen to fourteen days, consistent with recent standardization of seven-
day multiples of time limits in other procedural rules.
RULE 3012-2
Notwithstanding the procedure for valuation of collateral of certain impaired
claims in Chapter 12 and 13 plans pursuant to Rule 3012-1(B), actions to determine
secured status and strip junior lien on the debtor’s principal residence in Chapter 13 cases
shall be brought by motion and subject to the following procedures:
(A) A motion filed under this Rule shall be docketed with an applicable
“Motion to Determine Secured Status” event and shall be filed in the following manner:
(1) The motion shall include as part of the title “determine secured status and
strip junior lien on the debtor’s principal residence” and shall not be filed
before the earlier of:
(a) the date the affected creditor has filed a proof of claim or
(b) the expiration of the time to file claims (claims bar date). A premature
motion to value will be denied without prejudice.
(2) The motion shall:
(a) clearly state
(i) if the secured claim consists of a mortgage, all known parties who
may have an interest in the mortgage;
(ii) the loan number (formatted as xxxx1234) and recording
information of all mortgage lien(s) affected by the Motion;
(iii) the legal description and street address of the subject property;
(iv) the basis of the valuation – private appraisal, county valuation,
or other; and
(v) the balance due on and identity of the holder of all mortgages or
liens senior or superior to the subject lien;
(b) be verified, or supported by an affidavit or declaration (pursuant to 28
U.S.C. § 1746) of the debtor;
(c) modify any applicable negative notice legend giving interested parties
thirty (30) days, rather than twenty-one (21) days, to file an objection;
(d) certify proper service on the following parties:
(i) all parties identified in Bankruptcy Rule 7004(b);
(ii) the person or party designated to receive notices on any proof of
claim filed by an interested party;
(iii) the attorney of record, if any, for such creditor; and
(iv) the Chapter 13 Trustee.
(B) The movant shall submit a proposed order no later than fourteen (14) days
after the expiration of the thirty (30) day objection period.
(C) The debtor’s Chapter 13 plan shall provide for the stripping off of the lien,
conditioned on the debtor’s obtaining a discharge or upon further Order of the Court.
(D) The movant must file a separate motion for each mortgage or lien it seeks
to “strip.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes to this
narrow rule regarding “lien stripping” motions directed to the debtor’s
principal residence in Chapter 13 cases. The rule title is amended to avoid
confusion with Local Rule 3012-1. The format of subdivisions is changed to
maintain a consistent style across all rules. Various subdivisions are
amended to remove any reference to filing by negative notice as exclusively
within the scope of Local Rule 2002-2, except for subdivision (A)(2)(c) which
modifies the standard negative-notice period. Subdivision (A)(1)(e) is
relocated to the subdivision (A) header and is amended to apply a
consistent style for reference to the CM/ECF system. At the time of this
amendment, there are two secured-status CM/ECF events, specifically
titled “Motion to Determine Secured Status & Strip Jr Lien of Govt Agency
on Dbtr's Principal Residence” and “Motion to Determine Secured Status &
Strip Junior Lien on Dbtr's Principal Residence (Neg Ntc).” The rule
requires additional information beyond prior practice and is clarified to
require a separate motion for each lien to be stripped.
RULE 3015-1
(A) Chapter 13 debtors shall file with the Court and serve on the Chapter 13
Trustee a certification that the debtor has paid all amounts to be paid under a domestic
support obligation that first became payable after the date of the filing of the Chapter 13
petition if the debtor is required by a judicial or administrative order, or by statute, to pay
such domestic support obligation. If the debtor is not required to pay any amounts under
a domestic support obligation, then the debtor shall file a certification stating that the
debtor is not required to pay said amounts.
(B) Chapter 13 debtors shall file with the Court and serve on the Chapter 13
Trustee a certification that all applicable Federal, State and local tax returns as required
by sections 1308 and 1325(a)(9) have been filed.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules. Any
other changes are not intended to effect any substantive change.
RULE 3017-1
(A) Upon the filing of the disclosure statement in cases under Chapter 11, the
proponent of the plan shall serve copies of the disclosure statement and plan upon the
debtor (if not the proponent), the debtor's attorney (if the debtor is not the proponent),
the trustee (if any), the attorney for the creditors committee (if any), each member of the
creditors committee, the 20 largest unsecured creditors if no creditor’s committee has
been appointed, the Internal Revenue Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission,
the U.S. Trustee, and all parties in interest who have filed with the Clerk a request for
notices pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 2002. A certificate of such service shall be filed with
the Clerk.
(B) The attorney for the plan proponent shall send copies of the disclosure
statement and plan to any other party in interest who requests a copy.
(C) Objections to the proposed disclosure statement shall be filed and served
on the debtor, the debtor's attorney, the attorney for the proponent of the plan (if other
than the debtor), the U.S. Trustee, and all parties entitled to be served copies of the
disclosure statement and plan as listed above at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing
on the disclosure statement. Any objections not timely filed shall be deemed waived.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (A) is amended to remove any reference to the applicable
department or office for the Internal Revenue Service, given the possibility
of reorganization. At the time of this amendment, the appropriate office for
service on the IRS is either the Centralized Insolvency Operation or, if
applicable, the appropriate local Field Insolvency office. The address
information for the Securities and Exchange Commission has been removed
for similar reasons. Governmental mailing addresses may be obtainable
through the register identified in Bankruptcy Rule 5003(e), which includes
a conclusive presumption of proper addressing if mailed to the address on
the register. Subdivision (B) is amended to preclude the plan proponent
from charging for delivery of the disclosure statement and plan.
RULE 3017.1-1
(A) In a small business case, a plan proponent may file a combined plan and
disclosure statement, provided that the title of the document so indicates.
(B) Objections and Hearing on Final Approval. Notice of the time fixed for
filing objections and the hearing to consider final approval of the disclosure statement
shall be given in accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 2002 and may be combined with
notice of the hearing on confirmation of the plan. Objections to the disclosure statement
shall be filed, transmitted to the U.S. Trustee, and served on the debtor, the plan
proponent, if not the debtor, the trustee, any committee appointed under the Bankruptcy
Code and any other person or entity designated by the Court at any time before final
approval of the disclosure statement or by an earlier date as the Court may fix. If a timely
objection to the disclosure statement is filed, the Court shall hold a hearing to consider
final approval before or combined with the hearing on confirmation of the plan.
(C) If a disclosure statement is conditionally approved under § 1125(f) subject
to final approval after notice and a hearing, and no timely objection to the disclosure
statement is filed, it is not necessary for the Court to hold a hearing on final approval.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Former subdivision (A) has been removed as duplicative of the
applicable Bankruptcy Rule and all subdivisions have been
correspondingly renumbered.
RULE 3018-1
(A) Ballots shall be sent to the proponent of the plan at least seven (7) days prior
to the confirmation hearing, and, if the plan proponent is not the debtor, a copy of all
ballots shall be served upon the debtor. No later than three (3) days prior to the hearing
on confirmation in Chapter 11 cases, the plan proponent or its attorney shall tabulate the
ballots and file a Chapter 11 Ballot Tabulation form, available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
The plan proponent or its attorney shall certify that the tabulation is accurate and that all
ballots received have been accounted for in the tabulation. The attorney for the plan
proponent shall retain the original ballots for the time period required under the
Administrative Procedures Regarding Electronic Case Filing and will make the original
ballots available in a format as directed by the Court for the confirmation hearing or other
required proceeding if so requested.
(B) In tabulating the ballots, the following rules shall govern:
(1) Ballots which are not signed or which do not identify the creditor will not
count as either an acceptance or rejection;
(2) Ballots which do not show a choice of either acceptance or rejection will not
be counted either as an acceptance or a rejection;
(3) Ballots submitted after the last date set for submission of ballots will not be
counted as either an acceptance or rejection except upon leave of Court; and
(4) Where duplicate ballots are submitted and one elects acceptance and one
elects rejection, then, absent leave of the Court, neither ballot will be
counted unless the later submitted ballot is designated as amending the
prior one.
(C) The proponent of the plan shall file a summary of the ballots submitted,
included in the form available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov, which shall list for each class:
the total number of claims voting, total dollar amount of claims accepting, percentages of
claims voting which accept the plan, and percentage of dollar amount of claims voting
which accept the plan. Such summary shall also indicate for each class whether that class
is or is not impaired and whether or not the requisite vote has been attained for each class.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
This new rule reflects a transfer of certain portions of Local Rule 3020-1 into
a separate local rule to better connect the plan balloting process to the
applicable bankruptcy rule addressing the same matters, Bankruptcy Rule
RULE 3020-1
(A) Objections to confirmation shall be filed and served not less than seven (7)
days before the hearing on confirmation or within such time as may otherwise be ordered
by the Court. A copy of any objection shall be served upon each of the persons set forth
in Bankruptcy Rule 3020(b), the U.S. Trustee, and the proponent of the plan (if other than
the debtor).
(B) All Chapter 11 individual debtors shall file with the Court and serve on the
U.S. Trustee a certification that the debtor has paid all amounts that are required to be
paid under a domestic support obligation that first became payable after the date of the
filing of the Chapter 11 petition if the debtor is required by a judicial or administrative
order, or by statute, to pay such domestic support obligation. If the debtor is not required
to pay any amounts under a domestic support obligation, then the debtor shall file a
certification stating that the debtor is not required to pay said amounts. This form is
available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
Excepting the relocation of former subdivisions (B)–(D) to new Local Rule
3018-1, the amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
Former subdivision (E) is amended to maintain a consistent style for
references to the court’s website.
RULE 3022-1
(A) Non-Individual Debtors. Upon substantial consummation of the plan for
cases other than those for an individual, the plan proponent shall file a motion for final
decree which shall certify compliance with 11 U.S.C. § 1101.
(B) Individual Debtors.
(1) Completed Plan Payments. After the last plan payment has been made in
an individual case, the debtor shall file:
(a) A certification that the final payment has been made, form available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov; and
(b) A motion for final decree which shall certify compliance with 11 U.S.C.
§ 1101.
(2) Administrative Closing. After the entry of an order of confirmation and
the disposition of all adversary proceedings, contested matters, and
objections to claims, individual debtors may file a motion to
administratively close the Chapter 11 case. The debtor, any creditor, or any
other party in interest may file a motion to reopen an administratively
closed case at any time without the necessity of paying a filing fee.
(3) Motion to Reopen for Purpose of Obtaining Discharge and Final Decree.
The debtor may move to reopen the case for the purpose of obtaining a
discharge and entry of a final decree after the completion of all payments
under the plan, or for the purpose of seeking a hardship discharge. The
motion to reopen shall include the total amount of payments made to each
creditor under the plan, shall be verified by the debtor, and shall be served
upon each creditor.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
This new rule reflects a transfer of certain portions of Local Rule 2081-1 into
a separate local rule to better connect the content of final decrees to the
applicable bankruptcy rule addressing the same matters, Bankruptcy Rule
3022. Provisions related to administrative closing and reopening are added
to reflect local practice.
RULE 4001-1
(A) Unless otherwise stated in the notice of hearing, a preliminary, non-
evidentiary hearing under 11 U.S.C. § 362(e) will be restricted to the pleadings, affidavits,
documents of record, and argument.
(B) The movant shall file with the Motion the following as appropriate in the
(1) An affidavit of indebtedness;
(2) Copies of documents, including filing and recording information necessary
to establish a perfected secured interest;
(3) An appraisal or other evidence of value together with the qualifications of
the appraiser;
(4) An affidavit showing such facts as may be necessary to demonstrate the
movant's right to relief from stay;
(5) A statement showing the debtor’s payment history.
(C) Unless the motion has been filed on negative notice with a specified
response period, any party opposing the motion shall file an objection within fourteen
(14) days after entry of the Court's order and notice of preliminary hearing. All objections
shall be accompanied by such appraisals, affidavits and documents as may be necessary
to demonstrate the movant is not entitled to relief from the stay. If no objection is filed
within the time provided by this rule, the Court may grant the motion without a hearing.
(D) In final hearings under 11 U.S.C. § 362(e), parties shall present competent
evidence admissible under the Federal Rules of Evidence either in support of, or in
opposition to, the motion.
(E) Not less than five (5) days prior to the final hearing, each party shall file
with the Court and furnish to all other participating parties a list of the names and
addresses of all witnesses (designating expert witnesses as such) and copies of all exhibits
that such party intends to introduce at trial.
(F) A party who intends to introduce the testimony of an expert witness shall
make such witness available for deposition upon reasonable notice.
(G) The moving party may, without leave of Court, take a deposition of the
trustee, debtor, and debtor-in-possession fourteen (14) days after the date of service of
the motion. Leave of Court must be obtained only if the moving party seeks to take the
deposition of the trustee, debtor, or the debtor-in-possession prior to the expiration of
fourteen (14) days after the date of service of the motion. Leave of Court is not required
if a trustee, debtor, or debtor-in-possession has served a notice of taking deposition or
otherwise sought discovery after service of the motion.
(H) Any party in interest shall be entitled to inspect the property which is the
subject of a motion under this rule upon reasonable notice. The notice shall provide for
inspection not less than seven (7) days from the date of service of such notice unless the
time is shortened or extended by the Court.
(I) For the purpose of this rule, the time for responding under Bankruptcy
Rules 7033, 7034 and 7036, is reduced to twenty-one (21) days unless otherwise directed
by the Court.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (C) is amended to adjust the response deadline from
fifteen days to fourteen days. Subdivision (E) is amended to adjust the time
for providing pre-hearing witness and exhibit lists from fourteen days to
five days, consistent with general pre-evidentiary hearing practice in Local
Rule 9070-1(C).
RULE 4001-2
If a party in interest contends the debtor is a repeat filer under § 362(c)(3) or
§ 362(c)(4), the party shall provide the following as appropriate in the circumstances for
each prior case:
(A) If prior filing was in this Court, the complete case caption, date of filing and
date of dismissal;
(B) If prior filing was in any other Court, then, in addition to the requirements
of subdivision (A), the movant shall also file relevant copies of all Court records reflecting
the information provided in subdivision (A).
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
RULE 4001-3
A motion to impose or extend the automatic stay under 11 U.S.C. § 362(c)(3) shall
be filed within five (5) days of the filing of the petition. The debtor shall properly serve
all interested parties simultaneously with the filing of the motion. Interested parties shall
include, but not be limited to, the U.S. Trustee, the case trustee, any co-owner of affected
property, and all lien holders of affected property.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes, including amending the
title to better parallel the titles of the other local rules applicable to
Bankruptcy Rule 4001 and making other clarifications. Note that as of the
time of the amendment, Administrative Order 15-002 provides a robust and
detailed set of requirements over and above what this Local Rule provides.
RULE 4001-4
(A) The movant shall file with the Motion the following as appropriate in the
(1) An affidavit of indebtedness;
(2) Copies of documents, including filing and recording information
necessary to establish:
(a) as between the debtor and the individual protected under 11 U.S.C. §
1301(a), such individual received the consideration for the claim held by
the movant;
(b) the plan filed by the debtor proposes not to pay such claim; or
(c) the movant’s interest would be irreparably harmed by continuation of
such stay.
(3) An affidavit showing such facts as may be necessary to demonstrate the
movant’s right to relief from stay.
(B) For the purpose of this rule, the time for responding under Bankruptcy
Rules 7033, 7034 and 7036, is reduced to twenty-one (21) days unless otherwise directed
by the Court.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
RULE 4002-1
(A) Except as otherwise provided, debtors in Chapters 7, 12, and 13 shall
provide copies of income tax returns to the trustee. The trustee is authorized to dispose
of such copies at such time and in such manner as the trustee deems appropriate. Nothing
in this rule shall prohibit or limit the trustee from requesting original documents;
provided, however, that in the event the trustee requires the debtor to turn over original
income tax return documents, the trustee shall return the originals to the debtor on the
debtor’s request.
(B) Copies of tax information provided to the trustee by the debtor are
confidential and dissemination of the tax information should be done only as appropriate
under the circumstances of the particular case. At the discretion of the Court, sanctions
may be imposed for improper use, disclosure, or dissemination of a debtor’s tax
(C) For parties other than trustees, in order to obtain access to a debtor’s tax
information, the requesting party must file a motion that shall include:
(1) A description of the movant’s status in the case, to allow the Court to
ascertain whether the movant may properly be given access to the required
tax information;
(2) A description of the specific tax information sought;
(3) A statement indicating that the information cannot be obtained by the
movant from any other sources;
(4) A statement showing a demonstrated need for tax information; and
(5) The name and address for mailing of confidential information.
(6) Any order granting a motion for access to tax information will be sumitted
by the movant and:
(a) must include language that the tax information obtained is confidential;
(b) may condition or prohibit movant’s dissemination of the tax
information as appropriate under the circumstances of the particular
case; and
(c) will state that sanctions may be imposed for improper use, disclosure,
or dissemination of the tax information.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (A) is amended to add an obligation that the trustee
return original tax documents and other language is converted from the
subdivision to an explanatory note. The prior note at the conclusion of the
rule is converted to new subdivision (C)(6). The general intent of this rule
is to relieve trustees of the burden of storage of documents such as tax
returns and to further relieve the trustee from any need to return
documents, except for original tax return documents as set forth in
subdivision (A), to the debtor.
RULE 4003-1
(A) A motion to avoid a lien under 11 U.S.C. § 522(f) and Bankruptcy Rule
4003(d) may name only one creditor as respondent. A separate motion is required for
each creditor whose lien or transfer is sought to be avoided.
(B) The debtor shall serve a copy of the motion on the respondent in accordance
with Bankruptcy Rule 7004.
(C) The motion shall describe with specificity the nature of the lien, recording
information, if applicable, and the property affected with legal description, as
(D) The respondent shall have twenty-one (21) days within which to file and
serve on the debtor a response to the motion.
(E) If a timely response is filed or the motion does not include the negative
notice legend required by Local Rule 2002-2(B)(3), the matter will be noticed for a hearing.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (C) is added to provide minimum requirements for lien-
avoidance motions. Subdivision (E) is amended for clarity and to reduce
redundancy with Local Rule 2002-2 and is clarified to allow for a
preliminary, non-evidentiary hearing as appropriate under the
RULE 4004-1
(A) Chapter 7 Debtors. If a Chapter 7 debtor files a Certification of Completion
of Instructional Course Concerning Personal Financial Management stating that no
personal financial management course is required due to incapacity or disability as
defined in 11 U.S.C. § 109(h) or being on active duty in a military combat zone, the debtor
shall file with the Certification an affidavit that sets forth the details of the claimed
incapacity, disability, or active military duty. Such affidavit shall be sworn and notarized,
and shall be construed as being filed under penalty of perjury.
(B) Chapter 13 Debtors. In order to obtain a discharge, all Chapter 13 debtors
shall file with the Court and serve on the Chapter 13 Trustee a certification that the debtor
has paid all amounts that are required to be paid under a domestic support obligation as
required by a judicial or administrative order, or by statute, that were due on or before
the date of the certification, including amounts due before the petition was filed, but only
to the extent provided for by the Chapter 13 Plan. If the debtor is not required to pay any
amounts under a domestic support obligation, then the debtor shall file a certification
that so states. Chapter 13 debtors shall certify compliance with 11 U.S.C. § 1328(h) using
the following language:
(1) The debtor has not claimed an exemption under § 522(b)(3) in an amount
which exceeds the specified § 522(q) dollar amount in value in property of
the kind described in § 522(q)(1) [generally the Debtor’s homestead]; or
(2) The debtor has claimed an exemption under § 522(b)(3) in an amount which
exceeds the specified § 522(q) dollar amount in value in property of the kind
described in § 522(q)(1) but there is no pending proceeding in which the
debtor may be found guilty of a felony of a kind described in § 522(q)(1)(A)
or found liable for a debt of the kind described in § 522(q)(1)(B).
(C) Individual Chapter 11 Debtors. In an individual Chapter 11 the debtor
shall certify compliance with 11 U.S.C. § 1141(d)(5)(C):
(1) The debtor has not claimed an exemption under § 522(b)(3) in an amount
which exceeds the specified § 522(q) dollar amount in value in property of
the kind described in § 522(q)(1) [generally the Debtor’s homestead]; or
(2) The debtor has claimed an exemption under § 522(b)(3) in an amount which
exceeds the specified § 522(q) dollar amount in value in property of the kind
described in § 522(q)(1) but there is no pending proceeding in which the
debtor may be found guilty of a felony of a kind described in § 522(q)(1)(A)
or found liable for a debt of the kind described in § 522(q)(1)(B).
(D) Chapter 12 Debtors. All Chapter 12 debtors shall file with the Court and
serve on the Chapter 12 Trustee a certification that the debtor has paid all amounts that
are required to be paid under a domestic support obligation as required by a judicial or
administrative order, or by statute, that were due on or before the date of the certification,
including amounts due before the petition was filed, but only to the extent provided for
by the Chapter 12 Plan. If the debtor is not required to pay any amounts under a domestic
support obligation, then the debtor shall file a certification stating that the debtor is not
required to pay said amounts. Chapter 12 debtors shall certify compliance with 11 U.S.C.
§ 1228(f) (Chapter 12):
(1) The debtor has not claimed an exemption under § 522(b)(3) in an amount
which exceeds the specified § 522(q) dollar amount in value in property of
the kind described in § 522(q)(1) [generally the Debtor’s homestead]; or
(2) The debtor has claimed an exemption under § 522(b)(3) in an amount which
exceeds the specified § 522(q) dollar amount in value in property of the kind
described in § 522(q)(1) but there is no pending proceeding in which the
Debtor may be found guilty of a felony of a kind described in § 522(q)(1)(A)
or found liable for a debt of the kind described in § 522(q)(1)(B).
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. A requirement for delivery of an affidavit is added to subdivision (A).
RULE 5005-1
The Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court may accept for filing documents submitted,
signed, verified or served by electronic means that are consistent with technical
standards, if any, that the Judicial Conference of the United States establishes and that
comply with the administrative procedures established by the Bankruptcy Court.
Note: Please see Standing Order #11Relating to Electronic Case Filing AND Administrative
Procedures for Filing, Signing, Verifying Pleadings and Papers by Electronic Means, available at
http://www.flnb.uscourts.gov, in conjunction with this Local Rule.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes a single stylistic change, moving the note from
before to after the rule text consistent with other notes in the local rules.
RULE 5007-1
(A) Hard copy access to all transcripts provided to the Court by a court reporter
or transcriber will initially be restricted to Court users and case participants for a period
of ninety (90) days from the date of filing to allow interested parties the opportunity to
review the transcript and file a request for redaction, requesting that personal data
identifiers be redacted prior to the transcript being made available to the public. Such
personal identifiers are:
(1) Social security numbers
(2) Financial account numbers
(3) Names of minor children
(4) Dates of birth
(5) Home addresses of individuals
(B) The clerk’s office will be prohibited from providing electronic access as well
as paper and/or electronic copies of such transcripts until ninety (90) days from the date
the transcripts were filed.
(1) Individuals wishing to purchase a copy of the transcript within the 90-day
period must contact the transcriber directly.
(2) An attorney who purchases the transcript during the 90-day period will be
given remote electronic access to the on-line transcript available at that
(3) Members of the general public, including self-represented parties who
purchase the transcript, will not be given remote electronic access to the
transcript during the 90-day period.
(4) After the 90-day period expires, transcripts will be available for public
access through the PACER system.
(C) Within seven (7) calendar days of the filing of the official transcript on the
docket, each party shall inform the Court, by filing a notice of intent to request redaction
with the clerk and serving a copy on the transcriber, of the party’s intent to redact
personal data identifiers from the electronic transcript of the court proceeding. The party
then has twenty-one (21) calendar days from the date of the filing of the official transcript
to file a request for redaction with a listing indicating where the personal identifiers to be
redacted appear in the transcript and serve a copy on the transcriber. The transcriber will
then have thirty-one (31) calendar days from the date of the filing of the official transcript
to file a redacted version of the transcript. Parties shall not include in their public filing
the information they want redacted. The transcriber must redact the identifiers as
directed by the party as follows:
(1) Social security numbers will be limited to the last four digits;
(2) Financial account numbers;
(3) Names of minor children;
(4) Dates of birth; and
(5) Home addresses of individuals.
(D) If no request for redaction is filed within the allotted time, the Court will
conclude that the parties to the action have no objection to the inclusion of personal data
identifiers in the transcript and the transcript will be made electronically available on the
91st calendar day, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable, unless the Court, for good
cause, related to the application of the Judicial Conference policy on privacy and public
access to electronic case files, finds that a transcript should not be made available.
(E) If a timely request for redaction is filed with the clerk’s office by any party
to the proceeding following the filing of the official transcript, the official un-redacted
transcript will not be made available. However, the redacted transcript will be made
electronically available to the general public on the 91st day following the filing of the
official transcript, or as soon thereafter as may be practicable.
(F) During the 90-day period, or longer if the Court so orders, any attorney who
wishes to redact information not covered in Bankruptcy Rule 9037(a), must file a motion
for protective order pursuant to part (d) of Bankruptcy Rule 9037. A transcript will not
be electronically available until the Court has ruled on the intervening motions for
extension of time or for protective orders related to the transcript.
(G) The cost of any redactions and the responsibility for monitoring the docket
to know when the electronic transcript of their hearing has been filed shall be the sole
responsibility of the parties to the hearing who have requested the redaction.
(H) It is the responsibility of the parties to avoid introducing personal identifier
information into the record, and attorneys are instructed to avoid eliciting information
from or formulating questions to witnesses during court hearings that include personal
identifier data and are further directed to be sensitive to the importance of protecting
such personal data during the conduct of hearings that are being transcribed.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
RULE 5011-1
(1) A case referred to the Bankruptcy Court may be withdrawn by the District
Court for cause shown on a timely motion filed by any party in interest. The
motion to withdraw the reference of a case, in whole or in part, shall be filed
with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court no later than thirty (30) days after
the 11 U.S.C. § 341(a) Meeting of Creditors is concluded. Parties in interest
without notice or actual knowledge of the pendency of the case may move
to withdraw the reference not later than twenty-one (21) days after having
acquired actual knowledge of the pendency of the case.
(2) Upon filing of a Motion to Withdraw Reference, the Clerk of the Bankruptcy
Court shall forthwith transmit the motion to the Clerk of the District Court
together with the pertinent record and any subsequent responses.
(3) The motion shall be served on counsel of record for the debtor or, if the
debtor has no attorney, on the debtor and U.S. Trustee. The debtor shall
have fourteen (14) days after service of the motion to file a response. The
District Court may dispose of the motion with or without a hearing.
(4) Upon final disposition of a case transmitted to the District Court pursuant
to an Order Withdrawing Reference of the case, the Clerk of the District
Court shall transmit to the Bankruptcy Court a copy of the entire case file
originally transmitted to the District Court together with the order,
judgment, or decree entered by the District Court.
(5) In the event the Motion to Withdraw Reference is denied, the Clerk of the
District Court shall forthwith transmit the motion to the Clerk of the
Bankruptcy Court together with the matters originally transmitted.
(1) A proceeding arising in, under or related to a case referred to the
Bankruptcy Court pursuant to the Order of General Reference may be
withdrawn by the District Court for cause shown on a timely motion filed
by a party in interest. The Motion to Withdraw Proceeding must be filed
with the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court not later than the date set for filing
an answer under Bankruptcy Rule 7012 or within twenty-one (21) days after
the Bankruptcy Court has made a determination that a proceeding is a non-
core matter.
(2) A Motion to Withdraw Proceeding must specifically identify the
proceeding sought to be withdrawn, setting forth the exact style, title, and
adversary number where applicable.
(3) Immediately upon docketing the Motion to Withdraw Proceeding, the
Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court shall forthwith transmit the motion to the
District Court together with all papers pertaining to the proceeding sought
to be withdrawn.
(4) A Motion to Withdraw Proceeding shall be served on counsel of record for
the debtor or, if the debtor has no attorney, on the debtor. The debtor shall
have fourteen (14) days after service of the motion to file a response. The
District Court may dispose of the motion with or without a hearing.
(5) Upon final disposition of a proceeding transmitted to the District Court
pursuant to an Order Withdrawing Reference, the Clerk of the District
Court shall transmit to the Bankruptcy Court a copy of the entire record
originally transmitted to the District Court together with any order,
judgment, or decree entered by the District Court.
(6) In the event that the reference of a proceeding is withdrawn by the District
Court and the bankruptcy case is subsequently dismissed by order of the
Bankruptcy Court, the Clerk of the Bankruptcy Court shall immediately
certify to the District Court that an order of dismissal has been entered.
(1) Unless otherwise ordered by the Bankruptcy Court, a Motion for
Abstention under 11 U.S.C. § 305 shall not toll, suspend, or otherwise
change the time period for filing responsive pleadings or motions in
pending matters.
(2) An Order of Abstention shall have the effect of closing the file of the case.
(3) All requests for the Court to abstain in a case under Title 11 shall be filed
no later than thirty (30) days after the 11 U.S.C. § 341(a) Meeting of
Creditors is concluded.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
RULE 6004-1
(A) Sales of property of the estate, other than:
(1) Sales free and clear of liens claims or encumbrances;
(2) Sales in the ordinary course of business; or
(3) Sales of personally identifiable information under § 363(b)(1)(B),
The trustee, or debtor, as appropriate, shall prepare, file, and serve pursuant to
Bankruptcy Rule 7004 a Report and Notice of Intention to Sell Property of the Estate, form
available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov. Where the value of the estate's interest in the
property is less than $1,000.00, notice need be given only to the debtor, debtor's attorney,
any committee or its authorized agent, the U.S. Trustee's Office, and to any creditor and
equity security holders who file a request that all notices be sent to them.
(B) Sales or leases of personally identifiable information under § 363(b)(1)(B)
shall be governed by Bankruptcy Rule 6004(g).
(C) Sales of property free and clear of liens pursuant to 11 U.S.C. § 363(f) and
Bankruptcy Rule 6004(c) shall be accomplished in the following manner:
(1) The Trustee or Debtor, as appropriate, shall file a motion pursuant to Rule
6004(c) for authority to sell property free and clear of liens or other interests,
and serve the motion on all parties who have liens or other interests in the
property to be sold; and
(2) Once the Clerk has scheduled a hearing on the motion, the movant shall file
a Report and Notice of Intention to Sell Property of the Estate containing
the date, time and place for the hearing on the motion. The moving party
may serve the Report and Notice pursuant to the negative notice procedure
under these rules (see local forms page on www.flnb.uscourts.gov) as
provided in Rule 6004(a), and serve the notice on all creditors and parties
in interest.
(a) If an objection to the motion is timely filed, the objection will be set for
hearing at the same time as the motion.
(b) If no objection to the sale is filed within the negative notice period set
forth in the notice, then the motion may be granted without a hearing.
If an order is entered granting the motion, the sale may proceed without
the necessity for the hearing. If no order granting the motion is entered,
the hearing will proceed as scheduled.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (A) is amended to maintain a consistent style for
references to the court’s website. Former subdivision D. is incorporated into
subdivision (C) and references to service by negative notice have been
changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
RULE 6007-1
(A) Any party in interest, other than a trustee, who seeks to have the trustee or
debtor in possession abandon property of the estate may do so by complying with the
(1) Prepare a Report and Notice of Trustee's Intention to Abandon Property of
Estate, form available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov, present the original to the
trustee, and provide to the trustee the following documentation or
(a) Evidence of indebtedness, including promissory notes, statements of
account or the like;
(b) Affidavit of amount due with calculations set forth in detail;
(c) Evidence of perfection of the lien or encumbrance including mortgages,
security agreements, UCC filings and copies of titles showing liens; and
(d) Evidence as to value.
(2) Once the Trustee or debtor in possession has signed the Report and Notice
of Trustee’s Intention to Abandon Property of Estate, the party in interest
seeking abandonment of the property shall serve the signed Report and
Notice on all creditors and parties in interest, except:
(a) If the property to be abandoned is encumbered by liens greater than the
value of the property, notice shall be given only to the debtor, debtor's
attorney, any known lien holders, the creditors' committee, if any, and
the U.S. Trustee's Office.
(b) If the property to be abandoned is not encumbered by any liens but has
a value totaling less than $500.00, notice shall be given to the debtor,
debtor's attorney, the creditors' committee, if any, and the U.S. Trustee's
(3) The party in interest who has requested the abandonment shall file the
Report and Notice and a Certificate of Service with the Clerk.
(B) A trustee who seeks to abandon property of the estate may do so by
complying with the following:
(1) Prepare a Report and Notice of Trustee’s Intention to Abandon Property of
(2) Serve the Report and Notice of Trustee’s Intention to Abandon Property of
Estate on all creditors and parties in interest, except:
(a) If the property to be abandoned is encumbered by liens greater than the
value of the property, notice shall be given only to the debtor, debtor’s
attorney, any known lien holders, the creditors’ committee, if any, and
the U.S. Trustee’s Office.
(b) If the property to be abandoned is not encumbered by any liens but has
a value totaling less than $500.00, notice shall be given to the debtor,
debtor’s attorney, the creditors’ committee, if any, and the U.S. Trustee’s
(3) File the Report and Notice and a Certificate of Service with the Clerk.
(C) The Report and Notice may be filed on negative notice pursuant to Local
Rule 2002-2. Unless an objection is timely filed in accordance within the negative notice
period set forth in the notice, or within such other time fixed by the Court, the
abandonment will be deemed final and no order will be issued.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
Subdivision (A)(1) is amended to maintain a consistent style for references
to the court’s website. Subdivision (C) is amended to clarify the
applicability of the negative notice period.
RULE 7001-1
An adversary proceeding governed by Part VII of the Bankruptcy Rules shall be
commenced by the filing of a complaint. The filing shall include an Adversary Proceeding
Cover Sheet, form available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov,,and the appropriate filing fee. The
caption of the complaint shall conform substantially with the applicable Official Form for
Captions. Upon the filing of the adversary complaint and cover sheet, the Clerk's office
shall issue the summons. The plaintiff's attorney shall receive the summons electronically
and shall be responsible for printing and serving the summons along with a copy of the
complaint upon the defendant(s) in accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 7004. If the plaintiff
is self-represented, the Clerk’s office will mail the summons to the plaintiff, who will be
responsible for serving a copy of the summons and complaint upon the defendant(s) in
accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 7004.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The rule is amended to
maintain a consistent style for references to the court’s website. The rule is
also amended to remove references to specific official form numbers in light
of the recent renumbering of forms (the rule previously referenced Form B
104, which was replaced by Form B 1040, and Form B 16D, which was
replaced by Form B 416D).
RULE 7004-1
Service is the responsibility of the plaintiff's attorney, or the plaintiff if the plaintiff
is self-represented, and must be affected in accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 7004. Upon
completion of service, the plaintiff's attorney, or the plaintiff if the plaintiff is self-
represented, shall execute and file a certificate of service showing compliance with
Bankruptcy Rule 7004, and serve a copy of the certificate to the defendant(s).
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes, clarifying that the rule
similarly applies to self-represented parties. The official form for a
certificate of service is included with the summons as the second page; the
rule’s prior reference to the “back of the original Summons” has been
deleted as current practice generally involves the certificate being printed
as a separate page and not on the back of the summons as was done in the
RULE 7007-1
For all motions filed in adversary proceedings and contested matters, the
provisions of Local Rule 9013-1 shall apply.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule reflects the migration of the previous rule’s contents to
the more generally applicable Local Rule 9013-1 and incorporates such rule
by cross-reference.
RULE 7008-1
If an issue is raised under Bankruptcy Rule 7008 as to whether a proceeding is core
or non-core, the party instituting the proceeding shall, within twenty-one (21) days after
the service of the pleading creating the issue, file a motion seeking a determination as to
whether the proceeding is core or non-core.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only a single stylistic change, broadening the
reference to the entirety of Bankruptcy Rule 7008 rather than just
subdivision (a) of that rule.
RULE 7016-1
(A) Generally. District Local Rule 16.3, concerning Mediation shall be
applicable in all adversary proceedings and contested matters as directed by the
Bankruptcy Court.
(B) Mortgage Modification and Other Specialty Mediations. For Mortgage
Modification Mediations, see the Court’s website for orders, procedures, forms and
instructions, available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov. The Court may establish procedures,
policies and orders to deal with other specialty mediations. Otherwise, other specialty
mediations shall be conducted pursuant to orders or procedures adopted on a case by
case basis.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (A) is amended to add a subdivision heading distinct
from new subdivision (B) and to simplify the reference to the applicable
district rule. New subdivision (B) is created to provide notice to
practitioners of the Court’s authority to craft mediation orders specific to
meet systemic or recurring issues as they arise.
RULE 7026-1
(A) Before filing any motion related to discovery, counsel for the moving party
shall confer with counsel for the opposing party in a good faith effort to resolve by
agreement the issues raised, and shall file with the Court at the time of filing the motion
a statement certifying that counsel has so conferred with opposing counsel and that
counsel have been unable to resolve this dispute (“Certification”).
(1) Consistent with District Local Rule 7.1(B), the requirement for the moving
party to “confer” within the meaning of this rule requires such party to at a
minimum afford counsel for the non-moving party twenty-four (24) hours
to respond, absent extraordinary circumstances. Counsel for the moving
party must make at least two attempts to contact the non-moving party,
with a minimum of one telephonic attempt, before filing a motion without
having actually conferred. In such an event, the Certification shall identify
each attempt to reach the non-moving party, identifying the time of the
attempt and the means employed for each attempt, as well as any applicable
extraordinary circumstances.
(2) As a general rule, exchanges of email or other correspondence alone do not
constitute a proper conferral within the meaning of this rule.
(3) The failure of a moving party to properly confer prior to filing a discovery
motion pursuant to this rule may subject the filer to sanctions.
(4) The refusal of a non-moving party to engage in a conferral, when the
moving party has attempted to confer in good faith, may subject the non-
moving party to sanctions in the form of fees and costs incurred in filing the
(B) Motions to compel discovery pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 7037 shall:
(1) Quote in full each interrogatory, question on deposition, request for
admission, or request for production to which the motion is addressed;
(2) The objection and grounds therefore as stated by the opposing party; and
(3) The reasons such objection should be overruled and the motion granted.
(C) For the guidance of counsel in preparing or opposing contemplated
motions for protective order, related to the place of taking a party litigant's deposition, or
the deposition of the managing agent of a party, it is the general policy of the Court that
a nonresident plaintiff may reasonably be deposed at least once in this District during the
discovery stages of the case; and that a nonresident defendant who intends to be present
in person at trial may reasonably be deposed at least once in this District either during
the discovery stages of the case or within a week prior to trial. A nonresident, within the
meaning of this rule, is a person residing outside the Northern District of Florida.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. The discussion of what constitutes a proper conferral prior to the
filing of a motion is substantially expanded to guide practitioners in the
RULE 7041-1
In any adversary proceeding, whenever it appears that no activity by filing of
pleadings, orders of the Court or otherwise has occurred for a period of ninety (90) or
more days, the Court may, on motion of any party in interest or on its own initiative,
enter an order to show cause why the action should not be dismissed. If no satisfactory
cause is shown, the Court may dismiss the action for want of prosecution without any
further notice or hearing.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes.
RULE 7042-1
(A) Civil Rule 42 applies in adversary proceedings.
(B) Until an order consolidating adversary proceedings is entered, all items are
to be filed as applicable in each separate adversary proceeding.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
RULE 7054-1
District Local Rules 54.1 and 54.2 apply to motions for attorney’s fees and the
taxation of costs, respectively, in adversary proceedings.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes one substantive change, removing the original
30-day time period for taxing costs and the filing of fee motions. In its place,
the current rule confirms that the standard District Local Rules will apply,
which provide procedural requirements in addition to timing details. Of
particular note is the standard time period under the District Local Rules,
as of the time of this amendment, is 14 days from the entry of judgment or
closing of the case. This reflects a significant reduction in the time period
under the previous local rule but is now more consistent with standard
federal practice.
RULE 7055-1
(A) When a party fails to respond after being timely served with a summons
and complaint, cross-complaint, or third-party complaint, the party that filed the
complaint shall seek entry of a clerk’s default and default final judgment. A party seeking
entry of a Clerk’s default shall file a motion that states:
(1) Upon whom, how, and when service was made, with reference to the
applicable Bankruptcy Rule;
(2) The date on which a responsive pleading was due;
(3) That no extension of time was sought or obtained by the adverse party; and
(4) That the movant seeks an entry of a Clerk’s default.
(B) The party seeking a judgment by default shall:
(1) File a verified motion or a motion with a sworn affidavit attached,
requesting entry of a default final judgment and containing facts in support
of the allegations set forth in the complaint, cross-complaint, or third-party
(2) File an affidavit of non-military service (where applicable); and
(3) Submit a proposed order granting the motion for entry of default final
judgment; and a proposed final judgment.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
Additional changes are intended to improve readability.
RULE 7067-1
(A) Whenever a party seeks a Court order for money to be deposited by the
Clerk in an interest-bearing account or investment, the party shall file with the Clerk’s
Office a motion and submit a proposed order.
(B) If the Court issues the order, the Clerk is authorized and directed to deduct
from the income earned on the deposit a fee not to exceed that authorized by the Judicial
Conference of the United States and set by the Director of the Administrative Office of
the U.S. Courts in accordance with the schedule which shall be published periodically by
the Director in the Federal Register. This fee shall apply to all registry fund investments
regardless of the nature of the case underlying the investment at the conclusion of the
Note: See Standing and Administrative Orders, available at
www.flnb.uscourts.gov, regarding procedures, fee information, and tax
administration policies specific to registry funds.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only stylistic changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules. An
advisory note has been added directing parties to current information
located on the court’s website for registry-fund policies.
RULE 9001-1
The definitions of words and phrases in §§ 101, 902, 1101, and 1502 of the
Bankruptcy Code, and the rules of construction in § 102, shall also apply in these rules.
The following words and phrases used in these rules have the meaning indicated:
(A) “CM/ECF” means the court’s online case management and electronic filing
(B) “Electronic Filing User” means an attorney or other entity given a Court-
issued login and password, who is thereby given authority to file papers through
CM/ECF. As set forth in Local Rule 1001-2(h), Electronic Filing Users are deemed to have
consented to electronic service via CM/ECF.
(C) “Electronic Transmission” or “Email” means delivery through electronic
communication of papers to be filed with the Court or to be served on creditors or other
parties in interest.
(D) “File” or “Filed” means the legal receipt of documents by the Court; by
paper, acknowledged by date stamp affixed to the paper by the Clerk or Judge; or by
electronic transmission, acknowledged by the date verified by CM/ECF.
(E) “Electronic Means” or “Electronic Methods” means a non-paper system of
delivering documents to and from the Court and to and from attorneys and other parties,
the original form of which may also be electronic. Such systems include the use of
facsimile machines, Internet email systems, and CM/ECF.
(F) “Notice of Electronic Filing” means an electronic document produced by
CM/ECF that certifies each filing with the Court.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
This new rule is intended as a parallel to Bankruptcy Rule 9001 to clarify
that these rules employ the same conventions and definitions generally
applicable in the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. Additional
subdivisions are added to define terms applicable to electronic filing.
RULE 9004-1
(A) The first page of all petitions, pleadings, motions, and other papers filed
with the Court shall contain a caption as in the Official Forms. In addition shall state in
the title the designation of the party, and the party’s name if the designation is
insufficiently specific, by whom or on whose behalf the paper is filed. The document title
shall also describe the paper’s contents or the relief requested. If the filling contains a
memorandum, the caption shall so state. For example, "TRUSTEE'S MOTION TO
(B) If a pleading contains a prayer for injunctive relief pursuant to Bankruptcy
Rule 7065, the title of the pleading shall include the words: "AND PRAYER FOR
(C) Unless otherwise directed by the Court, any party permitted to amend a
pleading, motion, or other document filed with the Court shall file the amended pleading
in its entirety, designating “Amended” in the title and relating it to the docket number of
the original filing.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivisions (A) and (B) have been reversed as injunctive relief is less
common than the general document title rules. New subdivision (A) is
expanded to reference the official form and note the possibility that a
party’s designation (e.g., creditor) may be insufficient to expressly identify
the party. Subdivision (C) is amended to remove the explicit reference to
the CM/ECF system.
RULE 9006-1
(A) All time periods established in these rules may be extended or shortened
by the Court upon a showing of cause, unless otherwise prohibited by Bankruptcy Rule
(B) In computing any period of time prescribed or allowed by an order of this
Court, the date such period shall commence is the date the order is docketed by the Clerk
pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 5003, unless otherwise stated in the order.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes stylistic and substantive changes. The format of
subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
Subdivision (B) is clarified to allow for the possibility that the order may
itself provide express timing rules, which would control over this default
RULE 9013-1
(A) Motions.
(1) Each motion shall contain no more than one claim or request for relief
unless the prayer is seeking alternative relief provided for in a single section
of the Bankruptcy Code or Rules.
(2) In adversary proceedings and contested matters, counsel for the moving
party shall confer with counsel for the opposing party and shall file with
the Court at the time of filing a motion a statement certifying that he has
conferred with counsel for the opposing party in a good faith effort to
resolve by agreement the issues raised and the result thereof. If certain of
the issues have been resolved by agreement, the certificate shall specify the
issues resolved and those remaining for resolution. All motions which are
consented to in their entirety shall contain “Agreed” or “Consent” in the
(B) Legal Support for Motion. A moving party shall serve and file with every
motion or application in a contested matter or adversary proceeding a memorandum of
law or other citation of authority in support of the motion.
(C) Opposition to Motions and Applications.
(1) Deadline to File Response in Opposition. Each party objecting to the relief
being sought shall file and serve, within fourteen (14) days after service of
the motion or application, a response and memorandum with citation of
authority. Failure to file such a response shall indicate that the party against
whom the motion or application is filed does not contest the relief
requested, and shall be sufficient cause for granting the motion or
application without further notice or a hearing.
(2) Certificate of No Objection. If the objection deadline has passed with no
objection having been filed or served, counsel for the movant, or the movant
if the movant is self-represented, may file a Certificate of No Objection that
shall constitute a representation to the Court that the movant and its
counsel are unaware of any objection to the motion or application and have
verified that no objection appears on the Court’s docket. Upon receipt of
the Certificate of No Objection, the Court may enter the Order submitted
by the movant without further pleading or hearing. The proposed order
shall specify that any hearing on the motion or application is canceled.
(D) Length of Briefs and Memoranda. All briefs and legal memoranda shall
comply with the limitations set forth in the District Local Rules, absent prior permission
of the Court.
(E) Paper Copy for Lengthy Filings Requiring Hearing. Any party that files a
paper in a contested matter or adversary proceeding that, together with any memoranda,
attachments, affidavits, exhibits, or depositions referenced, exceeds fifty (50) pages, must
supply to chambers a full paper copy thereof. The paper copy shall be supplied
contemporaneously with filing in matters in which the filing party reasonably expects
opposition, such as non-consent dispositive motions. Where a paper filed in an
administrative case does not become a contested matter until another party files its
opposition, the paper copy shall be supplied no fewer then seven (7) days before the
scheduled hearing.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. New Subdivision (A) is a new rule reflects a transfer of certain
portions of Local Rule 7007-1 into a local rule applicable to contested
matters as well as adversary proceedings. Subdivision (B)(1) is amended to
reduce the standard response time from fifteen to fourteen days.
Subdivision (C) is amended to incorporate the district’s length limitations,
consistent with these rules generally incorporating the district’s font-size
limitations. As of this amendment, District Local Rule 5.1(C) requires at
least 14-point font, District Local Rule 7.1(F) sets a limit of 8,000 words for
supporting and opposing memoranda, and District Local Rule 7.1(I) limits
reply memoranda to 3,200 when replies are allowed. Practitioners should
also note the requirement for a certificate stating the number of words in
the memorandum.
RULE 9014-1
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
This local rule previously required movants to estimate the amount of time
necessary for an evidentiary hearing. The rule was removed as inconsistent
with local practice, where preliminary non-evidentiary hearings are held
and all interested parties propose the amount of time necessary at that time,
after any narrowing of the issues has occurred.
RULE 9015-1
(A) Applicability of Certain Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Civil Rules 38,
39, 47-49 and 51, and Civil Rule 81(c) insofar as it applies to jury trials, apply in all cases
and proceedings, except that a demand made under Civil Rule 38(b) shall be filed in
accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 5005.
(B) A demand for a jury trial shall include a statement indicating the
demanding party's consent or non-consent to have the jury trial conducted by a
bankruptcy judge. The adverse party shall file a statement of consent or non-consent
within twenty-one (21) days after the demand is made.
Note: This rule is not intended to expand or create any right to trial by jury where such
right does not otherwise exist.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both substantive and stylistic changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Former subdivision C. is deleted as an unnecessary reference to the
general order of designation. Subdivision (B) is amended to remove an
alternative time frame for filing the statement of consent or non-consent.
RULE 9020-1
(A) A party moving for an order of contempt shall file:
(1) A verified motion for contempt, or a motion for contempt with an
accompanying affidavit sworn under penalty of perjury, stating with
specificity the grounds, act or violation alleged to have been committed by
the party the movant seeks to be held in contempt.
(2) Any other documents or evidence attached as exhibits which support the
motion for contempt.
(3) A certificate of service reflecting service on the party sought to be held in
contempt, in compliance with Bankruptcy Rule 7004.
(B) A party moving for contempt shall submit a proposed Order to Show Cause
directing the opposing party to appear at an evidentiary hearing, date and time to be left
blank, and show cause as to why the Court should not grant the motion and find the
opposing party in contempt for the alleged conduct that is the grounds for the motion.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes stylistic changes. The format of subdivisions is
changed to maintain a consistent style across all rules.
RULE 9037-1
Procedures to protect personal identifiers and information are governed in
accordance with Bankruptcy Rule 9037 and this Court’s Administrative Procedures for
Electronic Filing, Signing and Verifying Pleadings and Papers by Electronic Means, available
at www.flnb.uscourts.gov. Bankruptcy Rule 9037(h) applies if a document containing
information in violation of those provisions is filed.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes one substantive change, removing the prior
procedure for restricting information in favor of the December 1, 2019
amendment to Bankruptcy Rule 9037.
RULE 9070-1
(A) Submission of Exhibits in Electronic or Paper Format. Unless the Court
orders otherwise, if all parties in an adversary proceeding or contested matter are
represented by counsel, exhibits shall be exchanged and submitted to the Court in
electronic format through CM/ECF and shall be text-searchable when possible. In
Adversary proceedings or contested matters in which any party is self-represented,
participating counsel shall file exhibits with the Court electronically through CM/ECF
and self-represented parties shall file in paper. Participating counsel shall also provide
paper copies of electronically filed exhibits to self-represented parties in advance of the
hearing as set forth below.
(B) Redaction of Personal Data Identifiers. Exhibits must be redacted prior to
electronic or paper filing in accordance with Local Rule 9037-1.
(C) Exhibit Filing. No later than five (5) calendar days prior to trial or a non-
emergency evidentiary hearing, counsel for the parties and self-represented parties shall
mark, list, file, and exchange all exhibits they plan to introduce into evidence. If for some
reason the exhibit or a facsimile of the exhibit cannot be filed, clarifying information for
the non-filed exhibit is to be provided with the items that are filed. All exhibits must be
listed in order on a separate Exhibit List, form available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov. The
time requirements set forth herein shall not apply to exhibits for hearings on Motions for
Relief from the Automatic Stay, which shall be governed by Local Rule 4001-1(E).
(D) Exhibit Cover Sheet. Each exhibit shall be preceded by an 8 1/2 x 11-inch
Exhibit Cover Sheet, form available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov, and numbered
sequentially beginning with the number 1.
(E) Original and Hard Copy Exhibits. A minimum of four (4) copies of the
original, hard copy, and/or printable version of the documentary exhibits and Exhibit
List shall be furnished to the Courtroom Deputy prior to the commencement of the
hearing or trial. Counsel are encouraged to utilize the Court’s electronic exhibit display
(F) Additional Exhibits. In the event that additional exhibits that were not filed
in CM/ECF are offered or introduced into evidence during the evidentiary hearing or
trial, the party responsible shall file a complete set of such additional exhibits via
CM/ECF within seven (7) days following the conclusion of the evidentiary hearing or
(G) Large Items and Exhibits Other Than Paper Documents. Items to be
introduced into evidence other than paper documents should be photographed,
accompanied by an Exhibit Cover Sheet, and listed on the Exhibit List. Paper documents
larger than 8 ½ x 14 inches should be listed on the Exhibit List and accompanied by a
reduced 8 ½ x 11-inch copy (“substitute”) and an Exhibit Cover Sheet. Counsel shall
attach Exhibit Cover Sheets to exhibits and substitutes, identifying corresponding
exhibits and substitutes with the same number. At the conclusion of the trial or hearing,
upon request by the offering party granted in open court or with a separate order, the
Courtroom Deputy may return original exhibits to counsel. If possible, the physical object
shall be brought to court for trial. If an appeal is taken, the substitute exhibit will be
included in the record on appeal, unless otherwise ordered by the bankruptcy or
appellate court.
(H) Use of Electronically Stored Exhibits in Court. Exhibits filed through
CM/ECF are the official exhibits for purposes of the evidentiary hearing or trial, except
that electronically stored exhibits shall not be used in adversary proceedings or contested
matters in which any of the parties are self-represented.
(I) Upon the expiration of thirty (30) days after entry of an order or judgment
concluding a contested matter or adversary proceeding, including the entry of an order
disposing of any post-judgment motions, and provided that no appeal is pending, or if
an appeal is taken, upon filing of the mandate, the Clerk shall give notice to all parties to
reclaim their exhibits. The parties shall have thirty (30) days from the date of said notice
to either reclaim their exhibits or to make arrangements with the Clerk to do so. Exhibits
which are not reclaimed shall be discarded or destroyed.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Various additional subdivisions are added to update the rule to better
define required practices for electronic filing, including subdivisions (A),
(B), (F), (G), and (H). The amended rule establishes the general primacy of
electronic filing, including making the electronically-filed exhibits as
“official” for the purpose of evidentiary hearings and trials except where
any of the parties is self-represented. This rule also amends the time frame
for filing exhibits from three business days to five calendar days before an
evidentiary hearing, except for the possibility of separate time requirements
under Local Rule 4001-1(E). Note that in this revision cycle the Local Rule
4001-1(E) time period was reduced to the same five-day period in this rule
but the possible distinction has been left in this rule. The amended rule
substitutes a pre-exhibit cover sheet for the requirement of “tagging”
exhibits that was time-consuming for electronic documents. Subdivision
(H)(2) was removed as duplicative of Subdivision (C). Other changes are
stylistic in nature.
RULE 9071-1
All factual and procedural stipulations must either be in writing and filed with the
Court or stated on the record in open court.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes only a stylistic change for readability and is not
intended to be a substantive change. While the previous rule expressly
required execution by both the party and attorney, the revised rule treats
the presentation to the Court as the effective equivalent.
RULE 9072-1
(A) All proposed orders shall comply with the Court’s Proposed Orders
Guidelines, available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov, and shall be otherwise formatted in
accordance with the District Local Rules.
(B) No order or judgment will be entered where the date or signature of the
Court is the only text on a page.
(C) Proposed orders and judgments shall be submitted electronically as
instructed in the ECF User Manual, available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov. Paper copies
may be submitted only by self-represented parties.
(D) The proposed order shall be furnished electronically to the parties in
interest affected by the order. If parties disagree on the form of an order, they must follow
the Proposed Orders Guidelines, available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov.
(E) All orders should be submitted within three (3) business days after the date
of the hearing or expiration of the response deadline, unless directed otherwise by the
Court or under a separate order-related provision contained within these rules.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Various subdivisions were amended to direct parties to the currently
applicable standing orders regarding, and guidelines for, proposed orders.
Subdivision (A) concerning the required elements of proposed orders has
been eliminated as addressed by the guidelines.
RULE 9073-1
(A) Motions Requesting Emergency Hearings.
(1) When filing a motion, response to a motion, or pleading which seeks an
emergency hearing, the docket text should be modified to include the
wordsEmergency Motion.” After filing the emergency motion and the
statement of need described in subdivision (B)(3) below, counsel for the
moving party may contact the Judge’s chambers by telephone if an
emergency hearing is requested. Counsel for the moving party shall follow
any other instructions that are provided by the ECF filing system when
docketing an emergency motion.
(2) Emergency hearings shall ordinarily be held only where direct, immediate,
and substantial harm will occur to:
(a) the interest of a person or entity in property;
(b) the estate; or
(c) the debtor's ability to reorganize if the parties are not able to obtain an
immediate resolution of the dispute.
(3) A motion seeking an emergency hearing shall be accompanied by a
"Statement of Need For Emergency Hearing" containing:
(a) An explanation as to why the relief requested requires an emergency
(b) A certification that the need for an emergency hearing is not caused by
lack of due diligence by the party, or its counsel, seeking the relief; and
(c) A certification that the movant or its counsel have made diligent efforts
to confer with any opposing party or its counsel to resolve the issue
without an emergency hearing.
All hearings may be adjourned or continued from time to time by announcement
made in open Court without further written notice.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amended rule includes both stylistic and substantive changes. The
format of subdivisions is changed to maintain a consistent style across all
rules. Subdivision (A) has been removed as current local practice ordinarily
uses preliminary non-evidentiary hearings in situations where a party
would otherwise request a hearing.
Consistent with Local Rule 1001-1, the addendum found in the District Local Rules
titled “Customary and Traditional Conduct and Decorum in the the United States District
Court is incorporated as though all relevant references were made to the Bankruptcy
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The amendment shifts from reproducing the conduct and decorum rules of
the district court in full to incorporating those rules by reference.
Standing Order #11 and the Administrative Procedures for Filing, Signing, and
Verifying Pleadings and Papers by Electronic Means, as well as any amendments to either
document as available at www.flnb.uscourts.gov, are incorporated as though stated
herein for the purpose of establishing procedures related to electronic case filing and use
of CM/ECF in the Bankruptcy Court.
Advisory Committee Notes
2020 Amendment
The original Addendum B has been deleted in favor of Local Rule 7016-1.
Former Addendum C has been redesignated Addendum B. The
amendment shifts from reproducing the standing order on electronic case
filing to incorporating the applicable standing orders by reference.
Briefs and Memoranda of Law … 76
Consolidation … 70
Core/Non-Core Proceeding … 59, 67
Cost - Taxation/Payment … 71
Discovery, Generally … 68
Dismissal of, Failure to Prosecute … 70
Filing of Complaint 65
Governed by … 65
Mediation 67
Motions Practice …59, 66
Pre-Trial Procedures … 67
Service of Process … 66
Adding Creditors in Closed Cases … 6
After Conversion to Chapter 7… 11
Generally … 6
To Proofs of Claim After Chapter 13 Confirmation … 33
Admission, not required … 29
Admission to Practice … 29
Appearance & Withdrawal … 30
Conduct & Decorum … 29, 86
Automatic Stay – Confirmation of No Stay … 50
Automatic Stay – Co-Debtor, Relief From … 51
Automatic Stay – Imposing or Extending … 50
Automatic Stay – Relief From … 48
Chapter 13 Certification for Confirmation … 42
Credit Counseling … 3–5
Compensation of Professionals … 20
Discharge Related … 30, 41, 54
Domestic Support
Chapter 11 … 46
Chapter 12 … 27, 55
Chapter 13 … 42, 54
Financial Management … 54
Monthly Income Form 11
Pay Advices – No Income … 3–5
Tax Returns … 23, 25, 42, 52
Abstention from … 59–61
Conversion … 10, 11, 19
Withdrawal of Reference … 59
Claims for Debtors Principal Residence35
Claims Objections … 36
Filing Proof of Claim or Interest … 33
Transfer/Assignment of Claim … 31
Code of Professional Responsibility … 86
Customary … 29, 86
Required filings … 79
Abstention … 61
Appraisals … 39, 48
Automatic Stay – Confirmation of No Stay … 50
Automatic Stay – Re-Imposing or Extending … 50
Briefs; Memorandums of Law … 76
Jury Trial … 78
Lien Avoidance … 53
Lien Stripping Motions 40
Liens 39
Liens, Sales Free & Clear of … 62
Mediation 67, 87
Motion & Objection Practice … 13, 76
Objections re Claims 33, 36
Pre-Trial Procedures … 78, 80, 82
Proposed Orders & Judgments
Claims Objections 36
Contempt … 79
Generally … 83
Stay Litigation … 48–51
Stipulations, procedure … 82
General … 11, 20
Monthly Income Form … 11
Case … 4, 10, 19
Failure to Prosecute … 70
Entry of Default 71
Default Judgment … 72
Chapter 11 … 46
Chapter 12 … 27, 55
Chapter 13 … 42, 54
Document Formatting … 4
Electronic Filing … 56
Privacy Protection … 79
Standing Order and Administrative Procedures … 87
Contempt Proceedings 79
Exhibits 80
Generally … 78
Motions for Relief from Stay 48
Contempt Proceedings 79
Generally … 80
Motions for Relief from Stay … 49
Payments 2
See local forms page on court Internet site – www.flnb.uscourts.gov
Registry Fund, Deposits … 72
Joint Administration … 10
Lien Avoidance … 53
Lien Stripping Motions 40
Liens 39
Liens, Sales Free & Clear of … 62
Effective Date … Title Page
General Statement & Application … 1
Time Periods … 75
Addendum B … 87
Pre-Trial Procedures … 67
Hearings, Request for Hearing … 84
Hearings, Emergency … 84
Proposed Orders … 83
Abandonment … 63
Claims Objection … 36
Exception to Local Rule 3012-1.B 40
Legends 13
Lien Avoidance … 53
Procedure 13
Sale of Estate Property 62
Valuation of Collateral … 37
Proposed … 83
Amendments … 6
Conversion … 11
Credit Counseling … 3–5
Dismissal 10
Jurisdiction 12
Lists, Schedules, Statements, and other Documents … 3
Matrix, Mailing List … 6
Meeting of Creditors and Equity Security Holders … 16
Notice to Creditors … 12
Statement of Intention … 6
Abandonment of Estate Property … 63
Compensation of Professionals, Application … 20
Conversion … 11
Discharge, Grant/Denial … 54
Sales of Estate Property 62
Authority to Operate … 23
Compensation of Professionals … 20
Confirmation … 46
Confirmation, Order of 23
Confirmed Plan Status Report … 24
Consummation … 47
Creditors' Committees … 18, 22
Discharge Related … 30, 54
Disclosure Statement – Approval … 43
Disclosure Statement - Small Business … 44
Duties of Debtor in Possession … 18
Monthly Financial Reports … 18
Post Confirmation Matters … 23, 47
Proposed Plan, Acceptance/Rejection … 45
Valuation … 37
Chapter 12 Plan … 25
Discharge … 55
Duties of Debtor in Possession … 18, 25
Monthly Reports … 18
Post-Confirmation Matters … 23, 27, 47
Pre-Confirmation Matters … 26
Certification of Information under BAPCPA … 42
Claims Secured by Debtor’s Principal Residence … 35
Discharge Related … 41, 54
General 28
Pre-confirmation Matters … 28
Statement and Plan 3
Notification 15
Personal Identifiers … 57, 79
Statement of Social Security Number … 4, 6
Abandonment of … 13, 63
Sales of … 13, 62
Continuation of … 16
Procedure 82
Filing Procedures 23, 52
Hard Copy Access … 57
Electronic Access Prohibition … 57
Redaction Requests … 58
General Info … 37
Lien Stripping, Chapter 13 … 40
Change of … 8
Attorney, Appearance and Withdrawal … 30
Cases, Motion to Withdraw Reference, Timely Filing of … 59
Proceedings, Core- Non-Core … 59
Appraiser 39
Stay Relief Motions, Expert Depositions … 49
Stay Relief Motions, Pre-Hearing Disclosures … 49
Subpoena to Non-Debtor … 17