IoannidisJP. BMJ Open 2022;12:e052891. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052891
Open access
Citation impact and social media
visibility of Great Barrington and John
Snow signatories for COVID- 19 strategy
John P Ioannidis
To cite: IoannidisJP. Citation
impact and social media
visibility of Great Barrington
and John Snow signatories for
COVID- 19 strategy. BMJ Open
2022;12:e052891. doi:10.1136/
Prepublication history for
this paper is available online.
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Received 28 April 2021
Accepted 25 January 2022
Departments of Medicine, of
Epidemiology and Population
Health, of Biomedical Data
Science, and of Statistics,
Stanford University, Stanford,
California, USA
Correspondence to
Dr John P Ioannidis;
jioannid@ stanford. edu
Original research
© Author(s) (or their
employer(s)) 2022. Re- use
permitted under CC BY- NC. No
commercial re- use. See rights
and permissions. Published by
Objective The Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) and the
John Snow Memorandum (JSM), each signed by numerous
scientists, have proposed hotly debated strategies for
handling the COVID- 19 pandemic. The current analysis
aimed to examine whether the prevailing narrative that
GBD is a minority view among experts is true.
Methods The citation impact and social media presence
of the key GBD and JSM signatories was assessed.
Citation data were obtained from Scopus using a
previously validated composite citation indicator that
incorporated also coauthorship and author order and
ranking was against all authors in the same Science-
Metrix scientic eld with at least ve full papers. Random
samples of scientists from the longer lists of signatories
were also assessed. The number of Twitter followers for all
key signatories was also tracked.
Results Among the 47 key GBD signatories, 20, 19
and 21, respectively, were top- cited authors for career
impact, recent single- year (2019) impact or either. For
comparison, among the 34 key JSM signatories, 11,
14 and 15, respectively, were top cited. Key signatories
represented 30 different scientic elds (9 represented
in both documents, 17 only in GBD and 4 only in JSM).
In a random sample of n=30 scientists among the
longer lists of signatories, ve in GBD and three in JSM
were top cited. By April 2021, only 19/47 key GBD
signatories had personal Twitter accounts versus 34/34
of key JSM signatories; 3 key GBD signatories versus
10 key JSM signatories had >50 000 Twitter followers
and extraordinary Kardashian K- indices (363–2569). By
November 2021, four key GBD signatories versus 13 key
JSM signatories had >50 000 Twitter followers.
Conclusions Both GBD and JSM include many stellar
scientists, but JSM has far more powerful social media
presence and this may have shaped the impression that it
is the dominant narrative.
The optimal approach to the COVID- 19
pandemic has been an issue of major debate.
Scientists have expressed different perspec-
tives and many of them have also been
organised to sign documents that outline
overarching strategies. Two major schools
of thought are represented by the Great
Barrington Declaration (GBD)
and the
John Snow Memorandum (JSM)
2 3
that were
released with a short time difference in the
fall of 2020. Each of them had a core team of
original signatories and over time signatures
were collected for many thousands of addi-
tional scientists, physicians and (in the case
of GBD) also citizens.
A careful inspection
is necessary to understand the differences
(but also potential common points) of the
two strategies.
4 5
The communication of these
strategies to the wider public through media
and social media has often created confusion
and tension. The communication includes
what endorsing scientists state and how oppo-
nents describe the opposite strategy. Oversim-
plification, use of strawman arguments, and
allusions of conflicts, political endorsements
and ad hominem attacks can create an explo-
sive landscape.
Briefly, GBD is focused on targeted protec-
tion of high- risk individuals, while JSM
considers that such a strategy may not be
achievable. Much tension
surrounds also
the concept of herd immunity, where GBD
declares that herd immunity is unavoidable
eventually (much like gravity is unavoidable),
while JSM stresses that aiming for herd immu-
nity through natural infection is unethical.
JSM proponents often accuse GBD propo-
nents as urging the population to be infected,
while GBD signatories deny this accusation.
The two schools also tend to differ in terms of
their approach towards lockdowns, seen in a
far more negative light in GBD than in JSM.
It is often stated in social media and media,
by JSM proponents in particular, that JSM is
by far the dominant strategy and that very few
Strengths and limitations of this study
Citation impact metrics and Twitter followers can be
measured with relatively high accuracy.
The analysis focused primarily on the key signatories.
Both citation indices and Twitter followers have
limitations in face validity and construct validity as
measures of impact.
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IoannidisJP. BMJ Open 2022;12:e052891. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052891
Open access
scientists with strong credentials endorse GBD.
proponents are often characterised as fringe, arrogant
and wrong by their opponents.
However, are these views
justified based on objective evidence on scientific impact
or they reflect mostly perceptions created by social media
and their uptake also by media?
Here, an analysis is being performed to try to evaluate
the scientific impact and the social media visibility of the
key signatories who have led the two strategies. Scientific
impact is very difficult to evaluate in all its dimensions
and no single number exists that can measure scientific
excellence and scholarship. However, one can use cita-
tion metrics to objectively quantify the impact of a scien-
tist’s work in terms of how often it is used in the scientific
literature. Adjustments for coauthorship patterns, relative
contributions and scientific field need to be accounted
Concurrently, an additional analysis evaluated the
social media visibility of signatories, as denoted by Twitter
Documents and signatories
The two documents were retrieved online.
For the main
analysis, the 47 original key signatories of the GBD who
were listed on its original release online, and the 34 orig-
inal key signatories who authored the first release of the
JSM in a correspondence item published in the Lancet
were considered for in- depth citation analysis.
The two documents have been signed by many more
signatories. As of 2 April 2021, the GBD site
listed the
following signature counts: 764 172 concerned citizens,
13 796 medical and public health scientists and 41 895
medical practitioners. However, detailed data on names
and affiliations were provided only on 443 medical and
public health scientists. As of 25 November 2021, signa-
ture counts included 811 461 concerned citizens, 15 019
medical and public health scientists and 44 541 medical
practitioners. As of 2 April 2021, the JSM site
listed 3600
names of signatories (expanded to 4200 as of 25 November
2021). The sets of 443 and 3600 names included also the
original 47 and 34 key signatories, respectively. A random
set of 30 names was selected from the 443 GBD names
and from the 443 first- listed JSM names on 2 April 2021,
acknowledging that the earlier listed names may be more
likely to include highly cited, prominent scientists.
Citation data
Citation analyses used data on a validated composite
citation indicator that considers six citation indicators
(total citations, Hirsch H- index, coauthorship- adjusted
Hm- index, total citations to single- authored papers, total
citations to single or first- authored papers, total citations
to single, first or last- authored papers).
databases were used that contain all authors who are in
the top 2% of their scientific field based on career- long
impact until the end of 2019 and based on impact in a
recent single year (2019).
Given that field assignment
is not perfect, scientists who are in the top 100 000 in
the composite citation indicator across all scientists across
all science are also included, regardless of whether they
reach the top 2% in their specific field. Data were avail-
able including and excluding self- citations, as previously
11 12
and the latter are presented in the results,
unless otherwise specified. The databases are compiled
based on Scopus information on all authors who have at
least five full papers (articles, reviews, conference papers)
in their career (~8 million authors). Science is divided in
174 scientific fields according to the Science- Metrix classi-
fication that capitalises on the subject matter and journal
venues where articles appear.
Twitter information
For the 43 and 34 original key signatories, their names
were searched on Google to identify personal Twitter
accounts. Only accounts listed under their name were
eligible, excluding group or institutional accounts from
groups/institutions where they belonged or which they
may have led. The number of followers of eligible Twitter
accounts as of 2 April 2021 was recorded and an updated
search was performed on 25 November 2021.
Kardashian index calculations
The Kardashian K- index
is providing an impression
on whether the Twitter footprint of a scientist is dispro-
portionately high compared with the footprint of his/
her citation impact. It is calculated as the ratio of Twitter
followers divided by 43.3C
, where C is the total cita-
tions received in one’s career. The original publication
defining the index used citations from Google Scholar.
However, given that many signatories did not have Google
Scholar pages and Google Scholar citations may be more
erratic, Scopus citations (including self- citations) as of 2
April 2021 were used instead. Scopus citation counts may
be slightly or modestly lower than Google Scholar cita-
tions, and this may lead to slightly higher K- index esti-
mates, but the difference is probably small.
Patient and public involvement
There was no patient or public involvement in the study.
No patients were evaluated in the study.
Top-cited scientists among the key GBD and JSM signatories
Among the 47 original key signatories of GBD, 20, 19
and 21, respectively, were among the top- cited authors
for their career impact, their recent single- year (2019)
impact or either. Among the 34 original key signatories
of JSM, 11, 14 and 15, respectively, were among the top-
cited authors for their career impact, their recent single
year (2019) or either. The percentage of top- cited scien-
tists is modestly higher for GBD than for JSM, but the
difference is not beyond chance (p>0.10 for all three
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IoannidisJP. BMJ Open 2022;12:e052891. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052891
Open access
Table 1 shows the 36 top- cited scientists from the key
signatories of the two documents along with their primary
and secondary scientific fields and their ranking among all
scientists in their primary scientific field. As shown, when
both the primary and secondary fields were considered,
both documents had top- cited signatories representing
nine fields (Developmental Biology, Endocrinology &
Metabolism, Epidemiology, General & Internal Medicine,
Table 1 Top- cited scientists among the key signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) and John Snow
Memorandum (JSM)
Scientists Primary field Secondary field
Single- year
rank (2019)
Career- long
Scientists in
same field
Walker, Alexander M Pharmacology & Pharmacy Epidemiology 353 78 94 611
Dalgleish, Angus G Oncology & Carcinogenesis Immunology 2632 922 230 678
Brookes, Anthony J Genetics & Heredity Developmental Biology 207 211 32 641
Janvier, Annie Pediatrics Applied Ethics 314 1065 49 820
Kotchoubey, Boris Neurology & Neurosurgery Experimental Psychology 5446 5595 227 881
Meissner, H Cody Pediatrics Microbiology 221 263 49 820
Katz, D L Public Health Nutrition & Dietetics 349 374 48 533
Livermore, David M Microbiology General & Internal Medicine 17 6 134 369
Shahar, Eyal Cardiovascular System &
Neurology & Neurosurgery 945 1203 152 312
Kampf, Günter Epidemiology Microbiology 102 183 9540
Colhoun, Helen M Endocrinology & Metabolism Cardiovascular System &
311 420 69 094
Ludvigsson, Jonas F Gastroenterology & Hepatology General & Internal Medicine 59 326 76 367
Ratcliffe, Matthew Philosophy Experimental Psychology 141 * 7775
Levitt, Michael Biophysics Bioinformatics 19 6 18 401
Hulme, Mike Meteorology & Atmospheric
Geography 52 45 54 940
Majumder, Partha P Genetics & Heredity Evolutionary Biology 544 412 32 641
McKeigue, Paul Endocrinology & Metabolism Genetics & Heredity 1170 326 69 094
Wood, Simon N Statistics & Probability Ecology 9 29 16 942
Bhattacharya, Jay Health Policy & Services General & Internal Medicine 281 * 16 521
Kulldorff, Martin Statistics & Probability Public Health 58 34 16 942
Friedman, Eitan Oncology & Carcinogenesis Genetics & Heredity * 1974 230 678
Bogaert, Debby Microbiology Respiratory System 1812 * 134 369
Dowd, Jennifer B Epidemiology Public Health 141 * 9540
Goldman, Lynn R Toxicology Epidemiology * 531 45 124
Greenhalgh, Trisha Health Policy & Services General & Internal Medicine 171 22 106 795
Hanage, William P Microbiology Developmental Biology 628 1236 134 369
Kellam, Paul Virology Microbiology 1075 553 58 416
Krammer, Florian Virology Immunology 21 708 58 416
Lipsitch, Marc Microbiology Epidemiology 189 172 134 369
McKee, Martin Public Health General & Internal Medicine 22 19 48 533
Rutter, Harry Public Health Endocrinology & Metabolism 811 * 48 533
Smith, Tara C Microbiology Epidemiology 1595 * 134 369
Sridhar, Devi General & Internal Medicine Developmental Biology 1321 1825 106 795
Swanton, Charles Oncology & Carcinogenesis Developmental Biology 47 445 230 678
Walensky, Rochelle P Virology Microbiology 436 670 58 416
Yamey, Gavin General & Internal Medicine Tropical Medicine 860 766 106 795
*Not in the top 2% of the eld or top 100 000 across all scientists and all science for the specic time frame.
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IoannidisJP. BMJ Open 2022;12:e052891. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052891
Open access
Health Policy & Services, Immunology, Microbiology,
Oncology & Carcinogenesis, Public Health). Conversely
17 fields were represented only by key GBD signatories
(Applied Ethics, Bioinformatics, Biophysics, Cardio-
vascular System & Hematology, Ecology, Evolutionary
Biology, Experimental Psychology, Gastroenterology &
Hepatology, Genetics & Heredity, Geography, Meteo-
rology & Atmospheric Sciences, Neurology, Nutrition &
Dietetics, Pediatrics, Pharmacology & Pharmacy, Philos-
ophy, Statistics & Probability) and four fields were repre-
sented only by key JSM signatories (Respiratory System,
Tropical Medicine, Toxicology, Virology).
Random samples of scientists from the longer list of
In a random sample of n=30 scientists among the longer
list of GBD signatories, five were included in the data-
bases of top- cited authors (in career- long and/or recent
single- year citation impact), while this was true for n=3
of 30 JSM controls, a difference not beyond chance
(p>0.10). These sampled scientists included three of
the key signatories (Helen Colhoun and Michael Levitt
(GBD) and Martin McKee (JSM)), and five additional
ones (Dusko Ilic (Developmental Biology, Biochemistry
& Molecular Biology), Michael Jensen (Endocrinology &
Metabolism, General & Internal Medicine), Guy Hutton
(Tropical Medicine, Health Policy & Services) in GBD;
David Schwappach (General & Internal Medicine, Health
Policy & Services) and Jose M Martin- Moreno (General &
Internal Medicine, Nutrition & Dietetics) in JSM).
Excluding the key signatories, the proportions were
3/26 and 2/27 (p>0.10). The original key signatories
were far more likely to include top- cited scientists in the
GBD list (21/47 vs 3/26, p=0.004) and the same was true
also for the JSM list (15/34 vs 2/27, p=0.002).
Personal Twitter accounts
As of 2 April 2021, only 19/47 key GBD signatories had
a retrievable personal Twitter account, while every single
one of the 34 key signatories of JSM had a personal Twitter
account (p<0.001). The median number of followers of
the 34 JSM scientists was much larger than the median
number of followers of the 47 GBD scientists (31 600 vs 0,
p<0.001, figure 1).
Only 4/47 GBD signatories versus 17/34 JSM signato-
ries had over 30 000 Twitter followers (3/47 vs 10/34 for
signatories with over 50 000 Twitter followers). Twitter
and citation data, and inferred Kardashian K- indices for
the scientists with >50 000 followers appear in table 2. The
values of K- index in these scientists were extraordinarily
high (363–2569).
An updated search for Twitter accounts and followers
on 25 November 2021 found that 22/47 key GBD signa-
tories versus 34/34 key JSM signatories had a retriev-
able Twitter account (p<0.001). The median number of
followers was 0 vs 34 600 (p<0.001). The number of key
signatories with >50 000 followers was 13 vs 4.
An analysis of citation and social media impact of GBD
and JSM signatories shows that both documents have
been signed by many leading stellar scientists with very
high citation impact in the scientific literature. Random
sample data on the longer list of signatories suggest that,
expectedly, the longer lists are less thickly populated with
extremely highly cited scientists. The total number of
top- cited scientists cannot be compared for the two docu-
ments because the GBD site does not provide details on all
the signatories and signatures are still verified and vetted.
Thus, it is unclear whether the much larger total number
of signatures in GBD would also translate to a substan-
tially larger total number of top- cited scientists endorsing
it as compared with JSM. Regardless, GBD is clearly not
a fringe minority report compared with JSM, as many
social media and media allude.
GBD may be a more
commonly espoused narrative than the JSM narrative
among most cited scientists. Acknowledging uncertainty
given the fragmentary nature of the presented names of
signatories, it is safe to conclude that both documents
have been endorsed by many scientists who are very influ-
ential in the scientific literature.
Conversely, the two cohorts of key signatories have a
stark difference in Twitter follower counts. The majority
of key GBD signatories have no personal Twitter account
that could be readily identified. While it is possible
that some accounts might have been missed (eg, if not
directly named after the individual scientist’s names),
the difference is so major that it is very unlikely to be a
data retrieval artefact. Even among those GBD signato-
ries who do have Twitter accounts, very few have a high
number of followers. The key JSM signatories have a
Figure 1 Number of Twitter followers of John Snow
Memorandum (JSM) and Great Barrington Declaration (GBD)
key signatories in April 2021. Twenty- eight of the 47 GBD
signatories had no identied personal Twitter accounts.
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IoannidisJP. BMJ Open 2022;12:e052891. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052891
Open access
very large number of followers in highly active personal
Twitter accounts. The most visible Twitter owners include
some of the most cited scientists in the analysed cohorts
(Trisha Greenhalgh, Marc Lipsitch, Florian Krammer,
Rochelle Walensky, Michael Levitt, Martin Kulldorff, Jay
Bhattacharya) and others who have little or no impact in
the scientific literature, but are highly remarkable and
laudable for their enthusiastic activism (eg, Dominic
Previous work that introduced the Kardashian K- index
stated that K- index values above 5 suggest an overem-
phasis of social media versus scientific literature presence
and called such researchers ‘Science Kardashians’.
characterisation has not caught up with evolutions in the
last few years. Many signatories, especially of JSM, have
extraordinarily high K- index, with values in the hundreds
and thousands. However, one should account that the
volume of Twitter users and followers has increased mark-
edly since the K- index was first proposed, even before
the COVID- 19 pandemic and even for specialists in disci-
plines that are not very likely to attract massive social
media interest (eg, urology).
As COVID- 19 has attracted
tremendous social media attention, Kardashian K- indices
are skyrocketing. While no past data were available for
the number of followers of the analysed scientists pre-
COVID, anecdotal experience suggests that many, if not
most, saw their followers increase tremendously during
the pandemic. Substantial increases were documented
even in the short 7- month interval between April and
November 2021.
The massive advent of social media contributes to a
rampant infodemic
with massive misinformation
circulating. If knowledgeable scientists can have strong
social media presence, massively communicating accu-
rate information to followers, the effect may be highly
beneficial. Conversely, if scientists themselves are affected
by the same problems (misinformation, animosity, loss of
decorum and disinhibition, among others)
19 20
when they
communicate in social media, the consequences may be
The current analysis has several limitations. The anal-
ysis focused primarily on the key signatories and only a
small sample of the other signatories from the longer
lists was perused. More importantly, both citation indices
Table 2 Key signatories of John Snow Memorandum (JSM) or Great Barrington Declaration (GBD) with over 50 000 Twitter
followers as of April 2021: citation impact, H- index and K- index
Twitter followers
(April 2021)*
Twitter followers
(November 2021)* Citations H- index K- index
Deepti Gurdasani (JSM) 50 400 103 900 5799 19 454
Angela Rasmussen (JSM) 210 800 283 900 1378 18 1931
Dominic Pimenta (JSM) 53 900 58 300 37 2 997
Trisha Greenhalgh (JSM) 121 700 150 000 28 003 81 689
Nisreen Alwan (JSM) 50 700 69 100 1059 19 456
Emma Hodcroft (JSM) 56 900 65 700 577 13 578
Florian Krammer (JSM) 192 600 232 300 11 288 61 1194
Marc Lipsitch (JSM) 226 900 235 800 23 565 82 1279
Devi Sridhar (JSM) 281 100 310 100 2720 23 2380
Rochelle Walensky (JSM) 90 000 345 800 10 561 54 580
Karol Sikora (GBD) 330 300 331 800 4401 30 2569
Michael Levitt (GBD) 86 900 105 300 40 731 106 451
Martin Kulldorff (GBD) 58 800 171 300 14 081 62 363
Only scientists with >50 000 Twitter followers as of April 2021 are shown in the table. As explained in the asterisk footnote below, by
November 2021, there were three more John Snow Memorandum key signatories (Isabella Eckerle, Zoe Hyde, Viola Priesemann) who
had increased their Twitter followers to >50 000 and one more Great Barrington Declaration signatory (Jay Bhattacharya) who had
acquired a Twitter account in the meanwhile and had also exceeded 50 000 Twitter followers. H- indices in November 2021 were 26 for
Isabella Eckerle, 22 for Zoe Hyde, 21 for Viola Priesemann and 37 for Jay Bhattacharya.
*Twitter followers for other key signatories in April 2021 and (in parenthesis) in November 2021: Rochelle A. Burgess 3281 (4504), Simon
Ashworth 8246 (9124), Rupert Beale 15 500 (19 200), Nahid Bhadelia 33 700 (39 400), Debby Bogaert 2574 (3030), Jenn Dowd 6933
(7221), Isabella Eckerle 48 800 (61 200), Lynn R Goldman 909 (922), Adam Hamdy 10 100 (12 000), William Hanage 39 500 (48 700), Zoe
Hyde 39 100 (55 300), Paul Kellam 1069 (1107), Michelle Kelly- Irving 10 200 (10 500), Alan McNally 16 300 (19 300), Martin McKee 33 800
(40 300), Ali Nouri 31 600 (34 600), Viola Priesemann 37 700 (54 900), Harry Rutter 8714 (8859), Joshua Silver 13 300 (15 800), Charles
Swanton 7724 (8721), Gavin Yamey 10 200 (26 100), Hisham Ziauddeen 2025 (9795) for JSM; and Andrius Kavaliunas 182 (3479), Ariel
Munitz 952 (1013), David Katz 46 000 (46 000), Eyal Shahar 2619 (6152), Gabriela Gomes 10 500 (14 400), Gerhard Krönke 69 (117),
Jonas Ludvigsson 2693 (7140), Lisa White 586 (642), Matthew Strauss 14 200 (22 700), Rajiv Bhatia 187 (1525), Salmaan Keshavjee 1955
(2213), Simon Thornley 520 (1207), Sylvia Fogel 614 (3405), Udi Qimron 2695 (4374), Yaz Gulnur Muradoglu 26 (39) for GBD. No personal
Twitter accounts were found for the remaining GBD signatories in April 2021, but three of them had detectable Twitter accounts in
searches done in November 2021 (Ellen Townsend 18 400 followers, Stephen Bremner 15 followers, Jay Bhattacharya 80 800 followers).
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IoannidisJP. BMJ Open 2022;12:e052891. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052891
Open access
and Twitter followers have limitations in face validity and
construct validity as measures of impact. A lesser concern
is also that both can have errors of measurement, as
discussed below. The most important caveat is that scien-
tific impact is difficult to capture fully with any quantita-
tive metrics.
Specifically, citation indices do not capture necessarily
all aspects of scholarship.
The standardised, validated
composite index used here overcomes many of the limita-
tions of crude citation counting, but it is still not perfect.
For detailed description of the methods (and their valida-
tion) involved in selecting the top- cited scientists across
disciplines, one is referred to the background work done
to generate the lists of top- cited scientists.
and recall (author disambiguation in assigning papers)
are not perfect in Scopus, and some authors may have
underestimated or overestimated citation metrics, but
large errors are very uncommon.
Publications in Scopus
author profiles have 98.1% average precision (ratio of
publications correctly assigned to an author) and 94.4%
average recall (ratio of an author’s papers captured
compared with a gold set).
The precision for citation
linking in Scopus is measured at 99.9% and the recall is
Regardless, of the high technical accuracy of
these citation data, many scientists who are not included
in the lists of top- cited scientists may be at least as
outstanding as those who are included, and many dimen-
sions of scholarship, social responsibility and broader
impact may be missed by citation indices.
Twitter follower counts are practically impossible to
see as measures of excellence in the absence of context.
Social media impact may not necessarily be positive,
and massive misinformation and despicable behaviour
may still generate huge follower lists. Personal Twitter
accounts are easy to match against a specific person,
provided that the identity of that person can be discerned
in Twitter. One cannot exclude the possibility that some
of the people for which no Twitter account could be
identified may have a pseudonymous Twitter account
that hides their true identity. However, in this case, they
are not using their personal credentials and overall
expertise profile to support the credibility and validity
of their Twitter content. Moreover, some academics or
researchers may not have personal Twitter accounts, but
the centre, institute or other organisation they work in
may have some social media presence. The current anal-
ysis did not aim to capture these Twitter accounts, since,
by definition, they are not personal accounts, but serve a
very different role.
Acknowledging these caveats, the data suggest that the
massive superiority of JSM over GBD in terms of Twitter
firepower may have helped shape the narrative that it is the
dominant strategy pursued by a vast majority of knowledge-
able scientists. This narrative is clearly contradicted by the
citation data. The Twitter superiority may also cause, and/or
reinforce also superiority in news coverage. In a darker vein,
it may also be responsible for some bad publicity that GBD
has received, for example, as evidenced by plain Google
searches online or searches in Wikipedia pages for GBD, its
key signatories or even for other scientists who may espouse
some GBD features, for example, scepticism regarding the
risk- benefit of prolonged lockdowns. Smearing, even vandal-
isation, is prominent for many such Wikipedia pages or
other social media and media coverage of these scientists.
This creates a situation where scientific debate becomes vitri-
olic, and censoring (including self- censoring) may become
prominent. Perusal of the Twitter content of JSM signatories
and their op- eds suggests that some may have sadly contrib-
uted to GBD vilification.
A major point of attack has been alleged conflicts of
interest. However, GBD leaders have repeatedly denied
conflicts of interest (see also the site of GBD
). Key JSM
signatories appropriately and laudably disclosed upfront all
potential conflicts of interest in their original letter publica-
tion in the Lancet; the long list is available in public.
on this list, it is possible that JSM leaders have more conflicts
than GBD leaders, but the social media superiority of JSM
controls also the narrative surrounding conflicts. A similar
vitriolic attack has been launched against the American
Institute of Economic Research that offered the venue for
hosting the launch of GBD.
Experimental studies show that
mentioning conflicts may have the same degree of negative
impact as attacks on the empirical basis of the science claims;
allegations of conflict of interest are as influential as allega-
tions of outright fraud, when the value of scientific evidence
is appraised.
Non- scientists’ trust is eroded by allusions of
conflicts of interest, while it is not affected much by percep-
tion of scientific (in)competence (which is also impossible
for a non- expert to appraise).
25 26
In good faith, reporting
of potential conflicts of interest should be encouraged and
transparency maximised. However, spurious allegations of
hidden agendas and conflicts should not become a weapon
for invalidating one or the other document. While excep-
tions may exist, probably the vast majority of scientists who
signed either document simply had good intentions towards
helping in a major crisis.
Number of signatures and/or scientific or other impact
and visibility of the signatories does not prove that a docu-
ment is correct. While such petitions are becoming increas-
ingly common in science,
it is erroneous to imagine
that scientific knowledge should be decided by crude,
expertise- weighted, citation- weighted or Twitter- weighted
vote counting.
Moreover, while both documents include
a massive number of stellar scientists, the vast majority of
the most influential scientists have not signed either docu-
ment. Some of them may be embarrassed to sign given the
adversarial, smearing environment that has emerged. Alter-
natively, many probably see that neither document contains
the perfect truth. And, of course, many scientists generally
abstain from signature collections.
Finally, while the data analysed here are limited to a
relatively small number of top- cited scientists, the eval-
uation of the key scientific fields where these scientists
publish offers some interesting hints. Both GBD and JSM
include top signatories in disciplines such as epidemi-
ology, public health and general and internal medicine
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IoannidisJP. BMJ Open 2022;12:e052891. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052891
Open access
that are core pertinent fields in the pandemic. GBD has
more diversity in field expertise and includes top signa-
tories in quantitative disciplines such as statistics and
bioinformatics, as well as paediatrics and ethics that are
not represented among key JSM signatories, while JSM
has superior representation in virology. These patterns
may be due to chance given the relatively small sample
analysed, and given the many thousands of additional
signatories, these fields may well be represented in the
longer lists. However, these patterns could also reflect
some genuine differences in overall perspective between
the two strategies. For example, GBD focuses more on the
potential multifaceted collateral damage of lockdowns
and on prioritising quantitative assessment of risk (where
children and young people have far lower risk than
elderly, vulnerable people),
while JSM depends more
heavily on basic virology expertise. Given the magnitude
of the COVID- 19 crisis, it is important to ensure that
scientific disciplines can collaborate dispassionately and
that different views can be juxtaposed and integrated.
GBD and JSM may have more in common than it is often
thought. Critical differences between them should be
probed with rigorous science rather than defended on
partisan grounds and with social media warfare.
Contributors JPI conceptualised the original idea, collected the data, analysed the
data and wrote the manuscript. JPI is guarantor.
Funding The author has not declared a specic grant for this research from any
funding agency in the public, commercial or not- for- prot sectors.
Competing interests The author has signed neither of the two documents and
has many friends, collaborators and other people who he knows and he admires
among those who have signed each of them. JPI has previously published
that he is very skeptical about signature collection for scientic matters (BMJ
2020;371:m4048). He has no personal social media and he believes that the fact
that his citation indices are extremely high only proves (when compared against
his self- acknowledged vast ignorance) that these indices can occasionally be very
unreliable. JPI congratulates all the thousands of signatories (of both documents)
for their great sense of social responsibility.
Patient and public involvement Patients and/or the public were not involved in
the design, or conduct, or reporting, or dissemination plans of this research.
Patient consent for publication Not applicable.
Ethics approval This study does not involve human participants.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
Data availability statement All data relevant to the study are included in the
article. Data are available in a public, open access repository. All the data are in the
manuscript and tables and additional detail on citation data are available in publicly
deposited data sets in Mendeley.
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY- NC 4.0) license, which
permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non- commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is
properly cited, appropriate credit is given, any changes made indicated, and the use
is non- commercial. See:http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.
John PIoannidis http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3118-6859
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on September 12, 2024 by guest. Protected by copyright.http://bmjopen.bmj.com/BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052891 on 9 February 2022. Downloaded from
BMJ Open 2022;12:e052891corr1. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052891corr1
Open access
Correction: Citation impact and social media visibility of
Great Barrington and John Snow signatories for
COVID- 19 strategy
Ioannidis JP. Citation impact and social media visibility of Great Barrington and John
Snow signatories for COVID- 19 strategy. BMJ Open 2022;12:e052891. doi: 10.1136/
bmjopen- 2021- 052891.
1. The methods section does not indicate the statistical tests being used. The statistical
tests are: (i) the Fisher’s exact test for 2x2 tables (ii) the Mann- Whitney U test for
two groups.
2. The Kardashian K- index was originally presented in satirical tone in an article,
has been used in numerous studies as a measure of an author’s scholarly output
compared to their social media presence.
3. The competing interests declaration of the author has been disputed, particular-
ly the author’s relationships to researchers closely linked to the Great Barrington
Declaration, most notably Jay Bhattacharya and Scott Atlas. Please see the rapid
responses to the article for the criticisms and the author’s response. The author has
now provided a more detailed statement relating to his professional collaborations:
As of February 2022, the 443 signatories from GBD included four scientists with whom I
have co- authored, and three with Stanford affiliation. The respective first 443 signatories of
JSM included five scientists with whom I have co- authored, and 15 with Stanford affiliation.
I have co- authored COVID- 19 scientific papers with both GBD and JSM signatories (more with
the latter). I have more close ongoing collaborators and friends in JSM than GBD. According to
Scopus I have 6590 co- authors and probably>200 have signed GBD or JSM. I have learnt from
both JSM and GBD colleagues and I thank them all for sharing their wisdom. Some readers rumi-
nated on potential relationships specifically with Jay Bhattacharya (JB) and Scott Atlas (SA), so
I provide more in- depth details: I have co- authored five papers with JB, talked with him and met
in person several times, and enjoyed dinner together once (in April 2022). Comparatively, with
several JSM signatories I have co- authored more papers (up to 19), talked and met more often and
shared more meals. An interview (https://www. youtube. com/ watch? v= x0u8jWMluSk) highlights
my agreements and disagreements with JB. I have not co- authored with SA, I have talked a few
times with him, but haven’t met in person yet. I have interacted with several thousand people more
than with SA. I am among several thousands of Stanford faculty and staff who did not sign an
open denouncement letter against SA; the approximately 100 who signed include some of my best
friends and collaborators. I wish people with opposing views could meet and discuss dispassion-
ately 1 day, and I offer to moderate such discussions. I thank everyone who made well- intentioned
contributions to the COVID- 19 crisis.
Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution Non
Commercial (CC BY- NC 4.0) license, which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non- commercially,
and license their derivative works on different terms, provided the original work is properly cited, appropriate credit is given,
any changes made indicated, and the use is non- commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/.
© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re- use permitted under CC BY- NC. No commercial re- use. See rights and
permissions. Published by BMJ.
BMJ Open 2022;12:e052891corr1. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052891corr1
1 Hall N. The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media prole for scientists. Genome Biol