USS Cowpens CVL-
25 and USS
Cowpens CG-63
By the dim light of
dawn on January
17, 1781, the
Americans under
Brigadier General
Daniel Morgan, and
the British under
Lieutenant Colonel
Banastre Tarleton,
met and fought a
battle that many
historians consider
to be the turning
point of the American Revolution in the Southern Campaign. The site of
the battle was a well-known pasturing area called the Cow Pens. In a little
less than an hour, the Americans had won. This victory gave them the
moral support that they needed to continue fighting the British and win at
Yorktown, the last major battle of the American Revolution, just nine
months later.
Two ships have commemorated the battle with the name USS Cowpens.
The first was a
light aircraft carrier
of the
Independence class
in World War II.
When her keel was
laid on November
17, 1941, she was
to be the light
Huntington, CL-
107. However, the Navy needed more carriers than cruisers. In the
meantime, George Dean Martin, owner of a drugstore in Cowpens, South
Carolina, had written to President Franklin D. Roosevelt suggesting that an
aircraft carrier be named for the nearby famous Revolutionary War battle,
Cowpens. In those days, carriers were named for battles, so the ship was
reclassified CVL-25, and named USS Cowpens. Her crew affectionately
called her the "Mighty Moo."
On October 5 and 6, 1943, she won her first Battle Star for the strike on
Wake Island. She went on to earn eleven more Battle Stars and one Navy
Unit Commendation before the war was over.
On December 18, 1944, a typhoon struck the Cowpens and one
crewmember was lost. Bombs and airplanes broke loose and careened
about the deck. Crewmembers struggled against 100 mph winds and the
rolling and pitching of the ship as they tried to secure the loose gear. The
crew’s skill prevented major damage to the ship. The Cowpens arrived at
Ulithi for repairs on December 21, and by the 30
she was at sea again for
the Lingayen Gulf landings.
The Cowpens also participated in the final raids on the Japanese mainland,
launching photographic reconnaissance missions to patrol airfields and to
locate and supply prisoner-of-war camps in August 1945. In addition,
Cowpens was the first light aircraft carrier in the Tokyo Bay (8-27-45).
From their ship, the Cowpens crewmembers watched the signing of the
peace treaty on the USS Missouri.
During the 22 ½ months that the USS Cowpens served in the war in the
South Pacific, she flew 10,634 flights, participated in 2,452 action sorties,
destroyed 108 enemy planes in the air, destroyed 198 enemy planes on
the ground, dropped 657 tons of bombs, fired 3063 rockets, and sank 39
merchant ships.
The USS Cowpens, CVL-25, was decommissioned January 13, 1947 and
reclassified as an aircraft transport, AVT-1, but she never served in that
role. She was sold for scrap in 1961.
On March 3, 1989, the US Navy launched the second USS Cowpens, CG-
63, a guided missile cruiser from Bath Iron Works in Bath, Maine. She was
commissioned two years later in Charleston, South Carolina, on March 9,
1991 and was the seventeenth Aegis cruiser of the Ticonderoga class. This
ship is also known as the "Mighty Moo" and her crew call themselves "the
CG-63 has state-
technology. Her
Mark 41 Vertical
System, SPY-1B
Phased Array
Radar, and
Phalanx Close In
Weapon System
(CIWS) enable the
USS Cowpens to
fight threats from
the air. Her
LAMPS Mark III SH-60B Helicopter combined with the AN/SQR-19
Tactical Towed Array Sonar (TACTAS) and AN/SQR-53B Hull Mounted
Sonar make up the Anti-Submarine Combat System. She can fire
Tomahawk Cruise Missiles, Harpoon Cruise Missiles, or her two 5- inch 54
Caliber Mark 45 Gun Weapon Systems against surface threats. Thus the
USS Cowpens, CG-63 can fulfill her mission in all directions, up, down,
and out.
On January 17, 1993, while serving in the Persian Gulf, the USS Cowpens
fired 10 Tomahawk missiles in response to Iraqi violations of sanctions that
the United States had imposed. Ten years later, on March 20, 2003, she
fired the first tomahawk missile into Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
The histories of the Battle of Cowpens and of CVL-25 are noted in CG-
63’s coat of arms. Muskets, bayonets, and a drum represent the
Revolutionary War battle. It is also depicted in the three lines that represent
the three lines which Brigadier General Daniel Morgan placed his troops.
In addition, the motto, "Victoria Liberatis Vindex", Latin for "Victory
Vindicates Liberty" was on the medal which Congress awarded Morgan for
his valor and leadership at the Battle of Cowpens. The colors blue, gold,
red, and green represent the Navy Unit Commendation that CVL-25
earned, and the twelve stars in a circle represent the battle stars. In addition
to symbolizing its history, the Coat of Arms denotes the capabilities of CG-
63. The Navy sword signifies both the heritage of service and the vertical
launch qualifications. The rays shooting upward represent the combat air
support and the Aegis Weapons System of CG-63.
The newest USS Cowpens expects to live up to her
heritage and serve the United States of America to
the best of her ability.
Cowpens National Battlefield is a unit of the National Park Service,
Department of the Interior. It commemorates the January 17, 1781 victory
of Brigadier General Daniel Morgan and his American forces over the
British forces led by Lieutenant Colonel Banastre Tarleton. For additional
information about the battlefield or the ships, please check with the Park
Ranger at the Visitor Center.