18 Programming Stata
18.1 Description
18.2 Relationship between a program and a do-file
18.3 Macros
18.3.1 Local macros
18.3.2 Global macros
18.3.3 The difference between local and global macros
18.3.4 Macros and expressions
18.3.5 Double quotes
18.3.6 Extended macro functions
18.3.7 Macro increment and decrement functions
18.3.8 Macro expressions
18.3.9 Advanced local macro manipulation
18.3.10 Advanced global macro manipulation
18.3.11 Constructing Windows filenames by using macros
18.3.12 Accessing system values
18.3.13 Referring to characteristics
18.4 Program arguments
18.4.1 Named positional arguments
18.4.2 Incrementing through positional arguments
18.4.3 Using macro shift
18.4.4 Parsing standard Stata syntax
18.4.5 Parsing immediate commands
18.4.6 Parsing nonstandard syntax
18.5 Scalars and matrices
18.6 Temporarily destroying the data in memory
18.7 Temporary objects
18.7.1 Temporary variables
18.7.2 Temporary scalars and matrices
18.7.3 Temporary files
18.8 Accessing results calculated by other programs
18.9 Accessing results calculated by estimation commands
18.10 Storing results
18.10.1 Storing results in r()
18.10.2 Storing results in e()
18.10.3 Storing results in s()
18.11 Ado-files
18.11.1 Version
18.11.2 Comments and long lines in ado-files
18.11.3 Debugging ado-files
18.11.4 Local subroutines
18.11.5 Development of a sample ado-command
18.11.6 Writing system help
18.11.7 Programming dialog boxes
18.12 Tools for interacting with programs outside Stata and with other languages
18.13 A compendium of useful commands for programmers
18.14 References
2 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
Stata programming is an advanced topic. Some Stata users live productive lives without ever
programming Stata. After all, you do not need to know how to program Stata to import data, create
new variables, and fit models. On the other hand, programming Stata is not difficultat least if the
problem is not difficultand Stata’s programmability is one of its best features. The real power of
Stata is not revealed until you program it.
Stata has two programming languages. One, known informally as “ado”, is the focus of this chapter.
It is based on Stata’s commands, and you can write scripts and programs to automate reproducible
analyses and to add new features to Stata.
The other language, Mata, is a byte-compiled language with syntax similar to C/C++, but with
extensive matrix capabilities. The two languages can interact with each other. You can call Mata
functions from ado-programs, and you can call ado-programs from Mata functions. You can learn all
about Mata in the Mata Reference Manual.
Stata also has a Project Manager to help you manage large collections of Stata scripts, programs,
and other files. See [P] Project Manager.
If you are uncertain whether to read this chapter, we recommend that you start reading and then
bail out when it gets too arcane for you. You will learn things about Stata that you may find useful
even if you never write a Stata program.
If you want even more, we offer courses over the Internet on Stata programming; see [U] 3.7.2 Net-
Courses. Baum (2009) provides a wealth of practical knowledge related to Stata programming.
18.1 Description
When you type a command that Stata does not recognize, Stata first looks in its memory for a
program of that name. If Stata finds it, Stata executes the program.
There is no Stata command named hello,
. hello
unrecognized command
but there could be if you defined a program named hello, and after that, the following might happen
when you typed hello:
. hello
hi there
This would happen if, beforehand, you had typed
. program hello
1. display "hi there"
2. end
That is how programming works in Stata. A program is defined by
program progname
Stata commands
and it is executed by typing progname at Stata’s dot prompt.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 3
18.2 Relationship between a program and a do-file
Stata treats programs the same way it treats do-files. Below we will discuss passing arguments,
consuming results from Stata commands, and other topics, but everything we say applies equally to
do-files and programs.
Programs and do-files differ in the following ways:
1. You invoke a do-file by typing do filename. You invoke a program by simply typing the
program’s name.
2. Programs must be defined (loaded) before they are used, whereas all that is required to run a
do-file is that the file exist. There are ways to make programs load automatically, however, so
this difference is of little importance.
3. When you type do filename, Stata displays the commands it is executing and the results. When
you type progname, Stata shows only the results, not the display of the underlying commands.
This is an important difference in outlook: in a do-file, how it does something is as important
as what it does. In a program, the how is no longer important. You might think of a program
as a new feature of Stata.
Let’s now mention some of the similarities:
1. Arguments are passed to programs and do-files in the same way.
2. Programs and do-files both contain Stata commands. Any Stata command you put in a do-file
can be put in a program.
3. Programs may call other programs. Do-files may call other do-files. Programs may call do-files
(this rarely happens), and do-files may call programs (this often happens). Stata allows programs
(and do-files) to be nested up to 64 deep.
Now here is the interesting thing: programs are typically defined in do-files (or in a variant of do-files
called ado-files; we will get to that later).
You can define a program interactively, and that is useful for pedagogical purposes, but in real
applications, you will compose your program in a text editor and store its definition in a do-file.
You have already seen your first program:
program hello
display "hi there"
You could type those commands interactively, but if the body of the program were more complicated,
that would be inconvenient. So instead, suppose that you typed the commands into a do-file:
begin hello.do
program hello
display "hi there"
end hello.do
Now returning to Stata, you type
. do hello
. program hello
1. display "hi there"
2. end
end of do-file
4 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
Do you see that typing do hello did nothing but load the program? Typing do hello is the same as
typing out the program’s definition because that is all the do-file contains. The do-file was executed,
but the statements in the do-file only defined the program hello; they did not execute it. Now that
the program is loaded, we can execute it interactively:
. hello
hi there
So, that is one way you could use do-files and programs together. If you wanted to create new
commands for interactive use, you could
1. Write the command as a program . . . end in a do-file.
2. do the do-file before you use the new command.
3. Use the new command during the rest of the session.
There are more convenient ways to do this that would automatically load the do-file, but put that
aside. The above method would work.
Another way we could use do-files and programs together is to put the definition of the program
and its execution together into a do-file:
begin hello.do
program hello
display "hi there"
end hello.do
Here is what would happen if we executed this do-file:
. do hello
. program hello
1. display "hi there"
2. end
. hello
hi there
end of do-file
Do-files and programs are often used in such combinations. Why? Say that program hello is long
and complicated and you have a problem where you need to do it twice. That would be a good reason
to write a program. Moreover, you may wish to carry forth this procedure as a step of your analysis
and, being cautious, do not want to perform this analysis interactively. You never intended program
hello to be used interactivelyit was just something you needed in the midst of a do-file so you
defined the program and used it there.
Anyway, there are many variations on this theme, but few people actually sit in front of Stata and
interactively type program and then compose a program. They instead do that in front of their text
editor. They compose the program in a do-file and then execute the do-file.
There is one other (minor) thing to know: once a program is defined, Stata does not allow you to
redefine it:
. program hello
hello already defined
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 5
Thus, in our most recent do-file that defines and executes hello, we could not rerun it in the same
Stata session:
. do hello
. program hello
hello already defined
end of do-file
That problem is solved by typing program drop hello before redefining it. We could do that
interactively, or we could modify our do-file:
begin hello.do
program drop hello
program hello
display "hi there"
end hello.do
There is a problem with this solution. We can now rerun our do-file, but the first time we tried to
run it in a Stata session, it would fail:
. do hello
. program drop hello
hello not found
end of do-file
The way around this conundrum is to modify the do-file:
begin hello.do
capture program drop hello
program hello
display "hi there"
end hello.do
capture in front of a command makes Stata indifferent to whether the command works; see
[P] capture. In real do-files containing programs, you will often see capture program drop before
the program’s definition.
To learn about the program command itself, see [P] program. It manipulates programs. program
can define programs, drop programs, and show you a directory of programs that you have defined.
A program can contain any Stata command, but certain Stata commands are of special interest to
program writers; see the Programming heading in the subject table of contents in the Glossary and
6 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
18.3 Macros
Before we can begin programming, we must discuss macros, which are the variables of Stata
A macro is a string of characters, called the macroname, that stands for another string of characters,
called the macro contents.
Macros can be local or global. We will start with local macros because they are the most commonly
used, but nothing really distinguishes one from the other at this stage.
18.3.1 Local macros
Local macro names can be up to 31 (not 32) characters long.
One sets the contents of a local macro with the local command. In fact, we can do this interactively.
We will begin by experimenting with macros in this way to learn about them. If we type
. local shortcut "myvar thisvar thatvar"
then ‘shortcut’ is a synonym for myvar thisvar thatvar”. Note the single quotes around
shortcut. We said that sentence exactly the way we meant to because
if you type ‘shortcut’,
i.e., left-single-quote shortcut right-single-quote,
Stata hears myvar thisvar thatvar.
To access the contents of the macro, we use a left single quote (located at the upper left on most
keyboards), the macro name, and a right single quote (located under the " on the right side of most
The single quotes bracketing the macroname shortcut are called the macro-substitution characters.
shortcut means shortcut. ‘shortcut’ means myvar thisvar thatvar.
So, if you typed
. list ‘shortcut’
the effect would be exactly as if you typed
. list myvar thisvar thatvar
Macros can be used anywhere in Stata. For instance, if we also defined
. local cmd "list"
we could type
. ‘cmd’ ‘shortcut’
to mean list myvar thisvar thatvar.
For another example, consider the definitions
. local prefix "my"
. local suffix "var"
. ‘cmd’ ‘prefix’‘suffix’
would mean list myvar.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 7
One other important note is on the way we use left and right single quotes within Stata, which
you will especially deal with when working with macros (see [U] 18.3 Macros). Single quotes (and
double quotes, for that matter) may look different on your keyboard, your monitor, and our printed
documentation, making it difficult to determine which key to press on your keyboard to replicate
what we have shown you.
For the left single quote, we use the grave accent, which occupies a key by itself on most computer
keyboards. On U.S. keyboards, the grave accent is located at the top left, next to the numeral 1. On
some non-U.S. keyboards, the grave accent is produced by a dead key. For example, pressing the
grave accent dead key followed by the letter a would produce
a; to get the grave accent by itself,
you would press the grave accent dead key followed by a space. This accent mark appears in our
printed documentation as .
For the right single quote, we use the standard single quote, or apostrophe. On U.S. keyboards,
the single quote is located on the same key as the double quote, on the right side of the keyboard
next to the Enter key.
18.3.2 Global macros
Let’s put aside why Stata has two kinds of macros local and global and focus right now on
how global macros work.
Global macros can have names that are up to 32 (not 31) characters long. You set the contents of
a global macro by using the global rather than the local command:
. global shortcut "alpha beta"
You obtain the contents of a global macro by prefixing its name with a dollar sign: $shortcut is
equivalent to alpha beta”.
In the previous section, we defined a local macro named shortcut, which is a different macro.
‘shortcut’ is still myvar thisvar thatvar”.
Local and global macros may have the same names, but even if they do, they are unrelated and
are still distinguishable.
Global macros are just like local macros except that you set their contents with global rather
than local, and you substitute their contents by prefixing them with a $ rather than enclosing them
in ‘’.
18.3.3 The difference between local and global macros
The difference between local and global macros is that local macros are private and global macros
are public.
Say that you have written a program
program myprog
code using local macro alpha
The local macro alpha in myprog is private in that no other program can modify or even look at
alphas contents. To make this point absolutely clear, assume that your program looks like this:
8 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
program myprog
code using local macro alpha
more code using local macro alpha
program mysub
code using local macro alpha
myprog calls mysub, and both programs use a local macro named alpha. Even so, the local macros
in each program are different. mysubs alpha macro may contain one thing, but that has nothing to
do with what myprogs alpha macro contains. Even when mysub begins execution, its alpha macro
is different from myprogs. It is not that mysubs inherits myprogs alpha macro contents but is then
free to change it. It is that myprogs alpha and mysubs alpha are entirely different things.
When you write a program using local macros, you need not worry that some other program
has been written using local macros with the same names. Local macros are just that: local to your
Global macros, on the other hand, are available to all programs. If both myprog and mysub use
the global macro beta, they are using the same macro. Whatever the contents of $beta are when
mysub is invoked, those are the contents when mysub begins execution, and, whatever the contents
of $beta are when mysub completes, those are the contents when myprog regains control.
18.3.4 Macros and expressions
From now on, we are going to use local and global macros according to whichever is convenient;
whatever is said about one applies to the other.
Consider the definitions
. local one 2+2
. local two = 2+2
(which we could just as well have illustrated using the global command). In any case, note the
equal sign in the second macro definition and the lack of the equal sign in the first. Formally, the
first should be
. local one "2+2"
but Stata does not mind if we omit the double quotes in the local (global) statement.
local one 2+2 (with or without double quotes) copies the string 2+2 into the macro named one.
local two = 2+2 evaluates the expression 2+2, producing 4, and stores 4 in the macro named
That is, you type
local macname contents
if you want to copy contents to macname, and you type
local macname = expression
if you want to evaluate expression and store the result in macname.
In the second form, expression can be numeric or string. 2+2 is a numeric expression. As an
example of a string expression,
. local res = substr("this",1,2) + "at"
stores that in res.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 9
Because the expression can be either numeric or string, what is the difference between the following
. local a "example"
. local b = "example"
Both statements store example in their respective macros. The first does so by a simple copy operation,
whereas the second evaluates the expression "example", which is a string expression because of
the double quotes that, here, evaluates to itself. You could put a more complicated expression to be
evaluated on the right-hand side of the second syntax.
There are some other issues of using macros and expressions that look a little strange to programmers
coming from other languages, at least the first time they see them. Say that the macro ‘i’ contains
5. How would you increment i so that it contains 5 + 1 = 6? The answer is
local i = ‘i’ + 1
Do you see why the single quotes are on the right but not the left? Remember, ‘i’ refers to the
contents of the local macro named i, which, we just said, is 5. Thus, after expansion, the line reads
local i = 5 + 1
which is the desired result.
There is a another way to increment local macros that will be more familiar to some programmers,
especially C programmers:
local ++i
As C programmers would expect, local ++i is more efficient (executes more quickly) than local
i = i+1, but in terms of outcome, it is equivalent. You can decrement a local macro by using
local --i
local --i is equivalent to local i = i-1 but executes more quickly. Finally,
local i++
will not increment the local macro i but instead redefines the local macro i to contain ++. There is,
however, a context in which i++ (and i--) do work as expected; see [U] 18.3.7 Macro increment
and decrement functions.
18.3.5 Double quotes
Consider another local macro, ‘answ’, which might contain yes or no. In a program that was
supposed to do something different on the basis of answs content, you might code
if "‘answ’" == "yes" {
. . .
else {
. . .
Note the odd-looking "‘answ’", and now think about the line after substitution. The line reads
if "yes" == "yes" {
if "no" == "yes" {
10 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
either of which is the desired result. Had we omitted the double quotes, the line would have read
if no == "yes" {
(assuming ‘answ’ contains no), and that is not at all the desired result. As the line reads now, no
would not be a string but would be interpreted as a variable in the data.
The key to all this is to think of the line after substitution.
Double quotes are used to enclose strings: "yes", "no", "my dir\my file", "‘answ’" (meaning
that the contents of local macro answ, treated as a string), and so on. Double quotes are used with
local a "example"
if "‘answ’" == "yes" {
. . .
and double quotes are used by many Stata commands:
. regress lnwage age ed if sex=="female"
. gen outa = outcome if drug=="A"
. use "person file"
Do not omit the double quotes just because you are using a “quoted” macro:
. regress lnwage age ed if sex=="‘x’"
. gen outa = outcome if drug=="‘firstdrug’"
. use "‘filename’"
Stata has two sets of double-quote characters, of which "" is one. The other is ‘""’. They both
work the same way:
. regress lnwage age ed if sex==‘"female"’
. gen outa = outcome if drug==‘"A"’
. use ‘"person file"’
No rational user would use ‘""’ (called compound double quotes) instead of "" (called simple double
quotes), but smart programmers do use them:
local a ‘"example"’
if ‘"‘answ’"’ == ‘"yes"’ {
. . .
Why is ‘"example"’ better than "example", ‘"‘answ’"’ better than "‘answ’", and ‘"yes"’
better than "yes"? The answer is that only ‘"‘answ’"’ is better than "‘answ’"; ‘"example"’
and ‘"yes"’ are no betterand no worsethan "example" and "yes".
‘"‘answ’"’ is better than "‘answ’" because the macro answ might itself contain (simple or
compound) double quotes. The really great thing about compound double quotes is that they nest.
Say that ‘answ’ contained the string I "think" so”. Then,
Stata would find if "‘answ’"=="yes"
confusing because it would expand to if "I "think" so"=="yes"
Stata would not find if ‘"‘answ’"’==‘"yes"’
confusing because it would expand to if ‘"I "think" so"’==‘"yes"’
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 11
Open and close double quote in the simple form look the same; open quote is " and so is close
quote. Open and close double quote in the compound form are distinguishable; open quote is ‘" and
close quote is "’, and so Stata can pair the close with the corresponding open double quote. ‘"I
"think" so"’ is easy for Stata to understand, whereas "I "think" so" is a hopeless mishmash.
(If you disagree, consider what "A"B"C" might mean. Is it the quoted string A"B"C, or is it quoted
string A, followed by B, followed by quoted string C?)
Because Stata can distinguish open from close quotes, even nested compound double quotes are
understandable: ‘"I ‘"think"’ so"’. (What does "A"B"C" mean? Either it means ‘"A‘"B"’C"’
or it means ‘"A"’B‘"C"’.)
Yes, compound double quotes make you think that your vision is stuttering, especially when
combined with the macro substitution ‘’ characters. That is why we rarely use them, even when
writing programs. You do not have to use exclusively one or the other style of quotes. It is perfectly
acceptable to code
local a "example"
if ‘"‘answ’"’ == "yes" {
. . .
using compound double quotes where it might be necessary (‘"‘answ’"’) and using simple double
quotes in other places (such as "yes"). It is also acceptable to use simple double quotes around
macros (for example, "‘answ’") if you are certain that the macros themselves do not contain double
quotes or (more likely) if you do not care what happens if they do.
Sometimes careful programmers should use compound double quotes. Later you will learn that
Stata’s syntax command interprets standard Stata syntax and so makes it easy to write programs
that understand things like
. myprog mpg weight if strpos(make,"VW")!=0
syntax workswe are getting ahead of ourselvesby placing the if exp typed by the user in the
local macro if. Thus ‘if’ will contain if strpos(make,"VW")!=0 here. Now say that you are
at a point in your program where you want to know whether the user specified an if exp. It would
be natural to code
if ‘"‘if’"’ != "" {
// the if exp was specified
. . .
else {
// it was not
. . .
We used compound double quotes around the macro ‘if’. The local macro ‘if’ might contain
double quotes, so we placed compound double quotes around it.
18.3.6 Extended macro functions
In addition to allowing =exp, local and global provide extended functions. The use of an
extended function is denoted by a colon (:) following the macro name, as in
local lbl : variable label myvar
local filenames : dir "." files "*.dta"
local xi : word ‘i’ of ‘list’
12 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
Some macro extended functions access a piece of information. In the first example, the variable label
associated with variable myvar will be stored in macro lbl. Other macro extended functions perform
operations to gather the information. In the second example, macro filenames will contain the
names of all the .dta datasets in the current directory. Still other macro extended functions perform
an operation on their arguments and return the result. In the third example, xi will contain the ‘i’th
word (element) of ‘list’. See [P] macro for a list of the macro extended functions.
Another useful source of information is c(), documented in [P] creturn:
local today "‘c(current_date)’"
local curdir "‘c(pwd)’"
local newn = c(N)+1
c() refers to a prerecorded list of values, which may be used directly in expressions or which may
be quoted and the result substituted anywhere. c(current date) returns today’s date in the form
dd MON yyyy”. Thus the first example stores in macro today that date. c(pwd) returns the current
directory, such as C:\data\proj. Thus the second example stores in macro curdir the current
directory. c(N) returns the number of observations of the data in memory. Thus the third example
stores in macro newn that number, plus one.
Note the use of quotes with c(). We could just as well have coded the first two examples as
local today = c(current_date)
local curdir = c(pwd)
c() is a Stata function in the same sense that sqrt() is a Stata function. Thus we can use c()
directly in expressions. It is a special property of macro expansion, however, that you may use the
c() function inside macro-expansion quotes. The same is not true of sqrt().
In any case, whenever you need a piece of information, whether it be about the dataset or about
the environment, look in [P] macro and [P] creturn. It is likely to be in one place or the other, and
sometimes, it is in both. You can obtain the current directory by using
local curdir = c(pwd)
or by using
local curdir : pwd
When information is in both, it does not matter which source you use.
18.3.7 Macro increment and decrement functions
We mentioned incrementing macros in [U] 18.3.4 Macros and expressions. The construct
command that makes reference to ‘i’
local ++i
occurs so commonly in Stata programs that it is convenient (and faster when executed) to collapse
both lines of code into one and to increment (or decrement) i at the same time that it is referred to.
Stata allows this:
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 13
while (‘++i’ < 1000) {
. . .
while (‘i++’ < 1000) {
. . .
while (‘--i’ > 0) {
. . .
while (‘i--’ > 0) {
. . .
Above we have chosen to illustrate this by using Stata’s while command, but ++ and -- can be used
anyplace in any context, just so long as it is enclosed in macro-substitution quotes.
When the ++ or -- appears before the name, the macro is first incremented or decremented, and
then the result is substituted.
When the ++ or -- appears after the name, the current value of the macro is substituted and then
the macro is incremented or decremented.
Technical note
Do not use the inline ++ or -- operators when a part of the line might not be executed. Consider
if (‘i’==0) local j = ‘k++’
if (‘i’==0) {
local j = ‘k++’
The first will not do what you expect because macros are expanded before the line is interpreted.
Thus the first will result in k always being incremented, whereas the second increments k only when
18.3.8 Macro expressions
command that makes reference to ‘=exp
is equivalent to
local macroname = exp
command that makes reference to macroname
although the former runs faster and is easier to type. When you use ‘=exp within some larger
command, exp is evaluated by Stata’s expression evaluator, and the results are inserted as a literal
string into the larger command. Then the command is executed. For example,
summarize u4
summarize u‘=2+2’
summarize u‘=4*(cos(0)==1)’
14 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
all do the same thing. exp can be any valid Stata expression and thus may include references to
variables, matrices, scalars, or even other macros. In the last case, just remember to enclose the
submacros in quotes:
replace ‘var’ = ‘group’[‘=‘j’+1’]
Also, typing
command that makes reference to ‘:extended macro function
is equivalent to
local macroname : extended macro function
command that makes reference to macroname
Thus one might code
format y ‘:format x’
to assign to variable y the same format as the variable x.
Technical note
There is another macro expansion operator, . (called dot), which is used in conjunction with
Stata’s class system; see [P] class for more information.
There is also a macro expansion function, macval(), which is for use when expanding a macro
‘macval(name)’which confines the macro expansion to the first level of name, thereby suppressing
the expansion of any embedded references to macros within name. Only two or three Stata users have
or will ever need this, but, if you suspect you are one of them, see [P] macro and then see [P] file
for an example.
18.3.9 Advanced local macro manipulation
This section is really an aside to help test your understanding of macro substitution. The tricky
examples illustrated below sometimes occur in real programs.
1. Say that you have macros x1, x2, x3, and so on. Obviously, ‘x1’ refers to the contents of x1,
‘x2’ to the contents of x2, etc. What does ‘x‘i’’ refer to? Suppose that ‘i’ contains 6.
The rule is to expand the inside first:
‘x‘i’’ expands to ‘x6’
‘x6’ expands to the contents of local macro x6
So, there you have a vector of macros.
2. We have already shown adjoining expansions: ‘alpha’‘beta’ expands to myvar if ‘alpha’
contains my and ‘beta’ contains var. What does ‘alpha’‘gamma’‘beta’ expand to when
gamma is undefined?
Stata does not mind if you refer to a nonexistent macro. A nonexistent macro is treated as a macro
with no contents. If local macro gamma does not exist, then
‘gamma’ expands to nothing
It is not an error. Thus ‘alpha’‘gamma’‘beta’ expands to myvar.
3. You clear a local macro by setting its contents to nothing:
local macname
or local macname ""
or local macname = ""
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 15
18.3.10 Advanced global macro manipulation
Global macros are rarely used, and when they are used, it is typically for communication between
programs. You should never use a global macro where a local macro would suffice.
1. Constructions like $x$i are expanded sequentially. If $x contained this and $i 6, then $x$i
expands to this6. If $x was undefined, then $x$i is just 6 because undefined global macros, like
undefined local macros, are treated as containing nothing.
2. You can nest macro expansion by including braces, so if $i contains 6, ${x$i} expands to ${x6},
which expands to the contents of $x6 (which would be nothing if $x6 is undefined).
3. You can mix global and local macros. Assume that local macro j contains 7. Then, ${x‘j’}
expands to the contents of $x7.
4. You also use braces to force the contents of global macros to run up against the succeeding text.
For instance, assume that the macro drive contains d:”. If drive were a local macro, you could
to obtain b:myfile.dta. Because drive is a global macro, however, you must type
You could not type
$drive myfile.dta
because that would expand to b: myfile.dta. You could not type
because that would expand to .dta.
5. Because Stata uses $ to mark global-macro expansion, printing a real $ is sometimes tricky.
To display the string $22.15 with the display command, you can type display "\$22.15",
although you can get away with display "$22.15" because Stata is rather smart. Stata would
not be smart about display "$this" if you really wanted to display $this and not the contents
of the macro this. You would have to type display "\$this". Another alternative would be
to use the SMCL code for a dollar sign when you wanted to display it: display "{c S|}this";
see [P] smcl.
6. Real dollar signs can also be placed into the contents of macros, thus postponing substitution.
First, let’s understand what happens when we do not postpone substitution; consider the following
global baseset "myvar thatvar"
global bigset "$baseset thisvar"
$bigset is equivalent to myvar thatvar thisvar”. Now say that we redefine the macro
global baseset "myvar thatvar othvar"
The definition of bigset has not changed it is still equivalent to myvar thatvar thisvar”.
It has not changed because bigset used the definition of baseset that was current at the time
it was defined. bigset no longer knows that its contents are supposed to have any relation to
Instead, let’s assume that we had defined bigset as
global bigset "\$baseset thisvar"
16 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
at the outset. Then $bigset is equivalent to $baseset thisvar”, which in turn is equivalent to
myvar thatvar othvar thisvar”. Because bigset explicitly depends upon baseset, anytime
we change the definition of baseset, we will automatically change the definition of bigset as
18.3.11 Constructing Windows filenames by using macros
Stata uses the \ character to tell its parser not to expand macros.
Windows uses the \ character as the directory path separator.
Mostly, there is no problem using a \ in a filename. However, if you are writing a program that
contains a Windows path in macro path and a filename in fname, do not assemble the final result as
because Stata will interpret the \ as an instruction to not expand ‘fname’. Instead, assemble the
final result as
Stata understands / as a directory separator on all platforms.
18.3.12 Accessing system values
Stata programs often need access to system parameters and settings, such as the value of π, the
current date and time, or the current working directory.
System values are accessed via Stata’s c-class values. The syntax works much the same as if you
were referring to a local macro. For example, a reference to the c-class value for π, ‘c(pi)’, will
expand to a literal string containing 3.141592653589793 and could be used to do
. display sqrt(2*‘c(pi)’)
You could also access the current time
. display "‘c(current_time)’"
C-class values are designed to provide one all-encompassing way to access system parameters
and settings, including system directories, system limits, string limits, memory settings, properties
of the data currently in memory, output settings, efficiency settings, network settings, and debugging
See [P] creturn for a detailed list of what is available. Typing
. creturn list
will give you the list of current settings.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 17
18.3.13 Referring to characteristics
Characteristicssee [U] 12.8 Characteristicsare like macros associated with variables. They
have names of the form varname[charname]such as mpg[comment]and you quote their names
just as you do macro names to obtain their contents:
To substitute the value of varname[charname], type varname[charname]’
For example, ‘mpg[comment]’
You set the contents using the char command:
char varname[charname] [["]text["]]
This is similar to the local and global commands, except that there is no =exp variation. You clear
a characteristic by setting its contents to nothing just as you would with a macro:
Type char varname[charname]
or char varname[charname] ""
What is unique about characteristics is that they are saved with the data, meaning that their contents
survive from one session to the next, and they are associated with variables in the data, so if you ever
drop a variable, the associated characteristics disappear, too. (Also, dta[charname] is associated
with the data but not with any variable in particular.)
All the standard rules apply: characteristics may be referred to by quotation in any context, and the
characteristic’s contents are substituted for the quoted characteristic name. As with macros, referring
to a nonexistent characteristic is not an error; it merely substitutes to nothing.
18.4 Program arguments
When you invoke a program or do-file, what you type following the program or do-file name are
the arguments. For instance, if you have a program called xyz and type
. xyz mpg weight
then mpg and weight are the program’s arguments, mpg being the first argument and weight the
Program arguments are passed to programs via local macros:
Macro Contents
‘0’ what the user typed exactly as the user typed it,
odd spacing, double quotes, and all
‘1’ the first argument (first word of ‘0’)
‘2’ the second argument (second word of ‘0’)
‘3’ the third argument (third word of ‘0’)
. . . . . .
‘*’ the arguments ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, . . . , listed one after the other
and with one blank in between; similar to but different from ‘0’
because odd spacing and double quotes are removed
18 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
That is, what the user types is passed to you in three different ways:
1. It is passed in ‘0’ exactly as the user typed it, meaning quotes, odd spacing, and all.
2. It is passed in ‘1’, ‘2’, . . . broken out into arguments on the basis of blanks (but with quotes
used to force binding; we will get to that).
3. It is passed in ‘*’ as ‘1’ ‘2’ ‘3’ . . .”, which is a crudely cleaned up version of ‘0’.
You will probably not use all three forms in one program.
We recommend that you ignore ‘*’, at least for receiving arguments; it is included so that old
Stata programs will continue to work.
Operating directly with ‘0’ takes considerable programming sophistication, although Stata’s syntax
command makes interpreting ‘0’ according to standard Stata syntax easy. That will be covered in
[U] 18.4.4 Parsing standard Stata syntax below.
The easiest way to receive arguments, however, is to deal with the positional macros ‘1’, ‘2’,
. . . .
At the start of this section, we imagined an xyz program invoked by typing xyz mpg weight.
Then ‘1’ would contain mpg, ‘2’ would contain weight, and ‘3’ would contain nothing.
Let’s write a program to report the correlation between two variables. Of course, Stata already
has a command that can do this correlate and, in fact, we will implement our program in
terms of correlate. It is silly, but all we want to accomplish right now is to show how Stata passes
arguments to a program.
Here is our program:
program xyz
correlate ‘1’ ‘2’
Once the program is defined, we can try it:
. use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r13/auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. xyz mpg weight
mpg weight
mpg 1.0000
weight -0.8072 1.0000
See how this works? We typed xyz mpg weight, which invoked our xyz program with ‘1’ being
mpg and ‘2’ being weight. Our program gave the command correlate ‘1’ ‘2’, and that expanded
to correlate mpg weight.
Stylistically, this is not a good example of the use of positional arguments, but realistically, there
is nothing wrong with it. The stylistic problem is that if xyz is really to report the correlation
between two variables, it ought to allow standard Stata syntax, and that is not a difficult thing to do.
Realistically, the program works.
Positional arguments, however, play an important role, even for programmers who care about style.
When we write a subroutinea program to be called by another program and not intended for direct
human usewe often pass information by using positional arguments.
Stata forms the positional arguments ‘1’, ‘2’, . . . by taking what the user typed following the
command (or do-file), parsing it on white space with double quotes used to force binding, and
stripping the quotes. The arguments are formed on the basis of words, but double-quoted strings are
kept together as one argument but with the quotes removed.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 19
Let’s create a program to illustrate these concepts. Although we would not normally define programs
interactively, this program is short enough that we will:
. program listargs
1. display "The 1st argument you typed is: ‘1’"
2. display "The 2nd argument you typed is: ‘2’"
3. display "The 3rd argument you typed is: ‘3’"
4. display "The 4th argument you typed is: ‘4’"
5. end
The display command simply types the double-quoted string following it; see [P] display.
Let’s try our program:
. listargs
The 1st argument you typed is:
The 2nd argument you typed is:
The 3rd argument you typed is:
The 4th argument you typed is:
We type listargs, and the result shows us what we already knowwe typed nothing after the
word listargs. There are no arguments. Let’s try it again, this time adding this is a test:
. listargs this is a test
The 1st argument you typed is: this
The 2nd argument you typed is: is
The 3rd argument you typed is: a
The 4th argument you typed is: test
We learn that the first argument is this’, the second is is’, and so on. Blanks always separate
arguments. You can, however, override this feature by placing double quotes around what you type:
. listargs "this is a test"
The 1st argument you typed is: this is a test
The 2nd argument you typed is:
The 3rd argument you typed is:
The 4th argument you typed is:
This time we typed only one argument, this is a test’. When we place double quotes around
what we type, Stata interprets whatever we type inside the quotes to be one argument. Here ‘1’
contains this is a test (the double quotes were removed).
We can use double quotes more than once:
. listargs "this is" "a test"
The 1st argument you typed is: this is
The 2nd argument you typed is: a test
The 3rd argument you typed is:
The 4th argument you typed is:
The first argument is this is and the second argument is a test’.
18.4.1 Named positional arguments
Positional arguments can be named: in your code, you do not have to refer to ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’,
. . . ; you can instead refer to more meaningful names, such as n, a, and b; numb, alpha, and beta;
or whatever else you find convenient. You want to do this because programs coded in terms of ‘1’,
‘2’, . . . are hard to read and therefore are more likely to contain errors.
20 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
You obtain better-named positional arguments by using the args command:
program progname
args argnames
. . .
For instance, if your program received four positional arguments and you wanted to call them varname,
n, oldval, and newval, you would code
program progname
args varname n oldval newval
. . .
varname, n, oldval, and newval become new local macros, and args simply copies ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’,
and ‘4’ to them. It does not change ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, and ‘4’you can still refer to the numbered
macros if you wishand it does not verify that your program receives the right number of arguments.
If our example above were invoked with just two arguments, ‘oldval’ and ‘newval’ would contain
nothing. If it were invoked with ve arguments, the fifth argument would still be out there, stored in
local macro ‘5’.
Let’s make a command to create a dataset containing n observations on x ranging from a to b.
Such a command would be useful, for instance, if we wanted to graph some complicated mathematical
function and experiment with different ranges. It is convenient if we can type the range of x over
which we wish to make the graph rather than concocting the range by hand. (In fact, Stata already
has such a command range but it will be instructive to write our own.)
Before writing this program, we had better know how to proceed, so here is how you could create
a dataset containing n observations with x ranging from a to b:
1. clear
to clear whatever data are in memory.
2. set obs n
to make a dataset of n observations on no variables; if n were 100, we would type set obs
3. gen x = ( n-1)/(n-1)*(b-a)+a
because the built-in variable n is 1 in the first observation, 2 in the second, and so on; see
[U] 13.4 System variables ( variables).
So, the first version of our program might read
program rng // arguments are n a b
set obs ‘1’
generate x = (_n-1)/(_N-1)*(‘3’-‘2’)+‘2’
The above is just a direct translation of what we just said. ‘1’ corresponds to n, ‘2’ corresponds
to a, and ‘3’ corresponds to b. This program, however, would be far more understandable if we
changed it to read
program rng
args n a b
set obs ‘n’
generate x = (_n-1)/(_N-1)*(‘b’-‘a’)+‘a’
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 21
18.4.2 Incrementing through positional arguments
Some programs contain k arguments, where k varies, but it does not much matter because the
same thing is done to each argument. One such program is summarize: type summarize mpg to
obtain summary statistics on mpg, and type summarize mpg weight to obtain first summary statistics
on mpg and then summary statistics on weight.
program . . .
local i = 1
while "‘‘i’’" != "" {
logic stated in terms of ‘‘i’’
local ++i
Equivalently, if the logic that uses ‘‘i’’ contains only one reference to ‘‘i’’,
program . . .
local i = 1
while "‘‘i’’" != "" {
logic stated in terms of ‘‘i++’’
Note the tricky construction ‘‘i’’, which then itself is placed in double quotes"‘‘i’’"for the
while loop. To understand it, say that i contains 1 or, equivalently, ‘i’ is 1. Then ‘‘i’’ is ‘1’ is
the name of the first variable. "‘‘i’’" is the name of the first variable in quotes. The while asks
if the name of the variable is nothing and, if it is not, executes. Now ‘i’ is 2, and "‘‘i’’" is the
name of the second variable, in quotes. If that name is not "", we continue. If the name is "", we
are done.
Say that you were writing a subroutine that was to receive k variables, but the code that processes
each variable needs to know (while it is processing) how many variables were passed to the subroutine.
You need first to count the variables (and so derive k) and then, knowing k, pass through the list
program progname
local k = 1 // count the number of arguments
while "‘‘k’’" != "" {
local ++k
local --k // k contains one too many
// now pass through again
local i = 1
while ‘i’ <= ‘k’ {
code in terms of ‘‘i’’ and ‘k’
local ++i
In the above example, we have used while, Stata’s all-purpose looping command. Stata has two
other looping commands, foreach and forvalues, and they sometimes produce code that is more
readable and executes more quickly. We direct you to read [P] foreach and [P] forvalues, but at this
point, there is nothing they can do that while cannot do. Above we coded
local i = 1
while ‘i’ <= ‘k’ {
code in terms of ‘‘i’’ and ‘k’
local ++i
22 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
to produce logic that looped over the values ‘i’ = 1 to ‘k’. We could have instead coded
forvalues i = 1(1)‘k’ {
code in terms of ‘‘i’’ and ‘k’
Similarly, at the beginning of this subsection, we said that you could use the following code in terms
of while to loop over the arguments received:
program . . .
local i = 1
while "‘‘i’’" != "" {
logic stated in terms of ‘‘i’’
local ++i
Equivalent to the above would be
program . . .
foreach x of local 0 {
logic stated in terms of ‘x’
See [P] foreach and [P] forvalues.
You can combine args and incrementing through an unknown number of positional arguments.
Say that you were writing a subroutine that was to receive varname, the name of some variable;
n, which is some sort of count; and at least one and maybe 20 variable names. Perhaps you are to
sum the variables, divide by n, and store the result in the first variable. What the program does is
irrelevant; here is how we could receive the arguments:
program progname
args varname n
local i 3
while "‘‘i’’" != "" {
logic stated in terms of ‘‘i’’
local ++i
18.4.3 Using macro shift
Another way to code the repeat-the-same-process problem for each argument is
program . . .
while "‘1’" != "" {
logic stated in terms of ‘1’
macro shift
macro shift shifts ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, . . . , one to the left: what was ‘1’ disappears, what was ‘2’
becomes ‘1’, what was ‘3’ becomes ‘2’, and so on.
The outside while loop continues the process until macro ‘1’ contains nothing.
macro shift is an older construct that we no longer advocate using. Instead, we recommend
that you use the techniques described in the previous subsection, that is, references to ‘‘i’’ and
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 23
There are two reasons we make this recommendation: macro shift destroys the positional macros
‘1’, ‘2’, which must then be reset using tokenize should you wish to pass through the argument
list again, and (more importantly) if the number of arguments is large (which in Stata/MP and Stata/SE
is more likely), macro shift can be incredibly slow.
Technical note
macro shift can do one thing that would be difficult to do by other means.
‘*’, the result of listing the contents of the numbered macros one after the other with one blank
between, changes with macro shift. Say that your program received a list of variables and that the
first variable was the dependent variable and the rest were independent variables. You want to save
the first variable name in ‘lhsvar’ and all the rest in ‘rhsvars’. You could code
program progname
local lhsvar "‘1’"
macro shift 1
local rhsvars "‘*’"
. . .
Now suppose that one macro contains a list of variables and you want to split the contents of the macro
in two. Perhaps ‘varlist’ is the result of a syntax command (see [U] 18.4.4 Parsing standard
Stata syntax), and you now wish to split ‘varlist’ into ‘lhsvar’ and ‘rhsvars’. tokenize
will reset the numbered macros:
program progname
. . .
tokenize ‘varlist’
local lhsvar "‘1’"
macro shift 1
local rhsvars "‘*’"
. . .
18.4.4 Parsing standard Stata syntax
Let’s now switch to ‘0’ from the positional arguments ‘1’, ‘2’, . . . .
You can parse ‘0’ (what the user typed) according to standard Stata syntax with one command.
Remember that standard Stata syntax is
by varlist:
using filename
, options
See [U] 11 Language syntax.
The syntax command parses standard syntax. You code what amounts to the syntax diagram of
your command in your program, and then syntax looks at ‘0’ (it knows to look there) and compares
what the user typed with what you are willing to accept. Then one of two things happens: either
syntax stores the pieces in an easily processable way or, if what the user typed does not match what
you specified, syntax issues the appropriate error message and stops your program.
Consider a program that is to take two or more variable names along with an optional if exp and
in range. The program would read
24 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
program . . .
syntax varlist(min=2) [if] [in]
. . .
You will have to read [P] syntax to learn how to specify the syntactical elements, but the command
is certainly readable, and it will not be long until you are guessing correctly about how to fill it in.
And yes, the square brackets really do indicate optional elements, and you just use them with syntax
in the natural way.
The one syntax command you code encompasses the parsing process. Here, if what the user
typed matches “two or more variables and an optional if and in”, syntax defines new local macros:
‘varlist’ the two or more variable names
‘if’ the if exp specified by the user (or nothing)
‘in’ the in range specified by the user (or nothing)
To see that this works, experiment with the following program:
program tryit
syntax varlist(min=2) [if] [in]
display "varlist now contains |‘varlist’|"
display ‘"if now contains |‘if’|"’
display "in now contains |‘in’|"
Below we experiment:
. tryit mpg weight
varlist now contains |mpg weight|
if now contains ||
in now contains ||
. tryit mpg weight displ if foreign==1
varlist now contains |mpg weight displ|
if now contains |if foreign==1|
in now contains ||
. tryit mpg wei in 1/10
varlist now contains |mpg weight|
if now contains ||
in now contains |in 1/10|
. tryit mpg
too few variables specified
In our third try we abbreviated the weight variable as wei, yet, after parsing, syntax unabbreviated
the variable for us.
If this program were next going to step through the variables in the varlist, the positional macros
‘1’, ‘2’, . . . could be reset by coding
tokenize ‘varlist’
See [P] tokenize. tokenize ‘varlist’ resets ‘1’ to be the first word of ‘varlist’, ‘2’ to be
the second word, and so on.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 25
18.4.5 Parsing immediate commands
Immediate commands are described in [U] 19 Immediate commands they take numbers as
arguments. By convention, when you name immediate commands, you should make the last letter
of the name i. Assume that mycmdi takes as arguments two numbers, the first of which must be a
positive integer, and allows the options alpha and beta. The basic structure is
program mycmdi
gettoken n 0 : 0, parse(" ,") /* get first number */
gettoken x 0 : 0, parse(" ,") /* get second number */
confirm integer number ‘n’ /* verify first is integer */
confirm number ‘x’ /* verify second is number */
if ‘n’<=0 error 2001 /* check that n is positive */
place any other checks here
syntax [, Alpha Beta] /* parse remaining syntax */
make calculation and display output
See [P] gettoken.
18.4.6 Parsing nonstandard syntax
If you wish to interpret nonstandard syntax and positional arguments are not adequate for you,
you know that you face a formidable programming task. The key to the solution is the gettoken
gettoken can pull one token from the front of a macro according to the parsing characters you
specify and, optionally, define another macro or redefine the initial macro to contain the remaining
(unparsed) characters. That is,
Say that ‘0’ contains this is what the user typed
After gettoken,
new macro ‘token’ could contain this
and ‘0’ could still contain this is what the user typed
new macro ‘token’ could contain this
and new macro ‘rest’ could contain is what the user typed
and ‘0’ could still contain this is what the user typed
new macro ‘token’ could contain this
and ‘0’ could contain is what the user typed
A simplified syntax of gettoken is
gettoken emname1
: emname3
, parse(pchars) quotes
match(lmacname) bind
where emname1, emname2, emname3, and lmacname are the names of local macros. (Stata provides
a way to work with global macros, but in practice that is seldom necessary; see [P] gettoken.)
gettoken pulls the first token from emname3 and stores it in emname1, and if emname2 is
specified, stores the remaining characters from emname3 in emname2. Any of emname1, emname2,
and emname3 may be the same macro. Typically, gettoken is coded
gettoken emname1 : 0 [, options]
gettoken emname1 0 : 0 [, options]
26 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
because ‘0’ is the macro containing what the user typed. The first coding is used for token lookahead,
should that be necessary, and the second is used for committing to taking the token.
gettokens options are
parse("string") for specifying parsing characters
the default is parse(" "), meaning to parse on white space
it is common to specify parse(‘"" "’), meaning to parse on white space
and double quote
(‘"" "’ is the string double-quote-space in compound double quotes)
quotes to specify that outer double quotes not be stripped
match(lmacname) to bind on parentheses and square brackets
lmacname will be set to contain (”, [”, or nothing, depending on
whether emname1 was bound on parentheses or brackets or if match()
turned out to be irrelevant
emname1 will have the outside parentheses or brackets removed
gettoken binds on double quotes whenever a (simple or compound) double quote is encountered
at the beginning of emname3. Specifying parse(‘"" "’) ensures that double-quoted strings are
quote specifies that double quotes not be removed from the source in defining the token. For
instance, in parsing "this is" a test”, the next token is this is if quote is not specified and
is "this is" if quote is specified.
match() specifies that parentheses and square brackets be matched in defining tokens. The outside
level of parentheses or brackets is stripped. In parsing “(2+3)/2”, the next token is 2+3” if match()
is specified. In practice, match() might be used with expressions, but it is more likely to be used
to isolate bound varlists and time-series varlists.
18.5 Scalars and matrices
In addition to macros, scalars and matrices are provided for programmers; see [U] 14 Matrix
expressions, [P] scalar and [P] matrix.
As far as scalar calculations go, you can use macros or scalars. Remember, macros can hold
numbers. Stata’s scalars are, however, slightly faster and are a little more accurate than macros. The
speed issue is so slight as to be nearly immeasurable. Macros are accurate to a minimum of 12
decimal digits, and scalars are accurate to roughly 16 decimal digits. Which you use makes little
difference except in iterative calculations.
Scalars can hold strings, and, in fact, can hold longer strings than macros can. Scalars can also
hold binary “strings”. See [U] 12.4.13 Notes for programmers.
Stata has a serious matrix programming language called Mata, which is the subject of another
manual. Mata can be used to write subroutines that are called by Stata programs. See the Mata
Reference Manual, and in particular, [M-1] ado.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 27
18.6 Temporarily destroying the data in memory
It is sometimes necessary to modify the data in memory to accomplish a particular task. A well-
behaved program, however, ensures that the user’s data are always restored. The preserve command
makes this easy:
code before the data need changing
code that changes data freely
When you give the preserve command, Stata makes a copy of the user’s data on disk. When
your program terminatesno matter howStata restores the data and erases the temporary file; see
[P] preserve.
18.7 Temporary objects
If you write a substantial program, it will invariably require the use of temporary variables in the
data, or temporary scalars, matrices, or files. Temporary objects are necessary while the program is
making its calculations, and once the program completes they are discarded.
Stata provides three commands to create temporary objects: tempvar creates names for variables
in the dataset, tempname creates names for scalars and matrices, and tempfile creates names for
files. All are described in [P] macro, and all have the same syntax:
{ tempvar | tempname | tempfile } macname [macname . . .]
The commands create local macros containing names you may use.
18.7.1 Temporary variables
Say that, in making a calculation, you need to add variables sum y and sum z to the data. You
might be tempted to code
. . .
gen sum_y = . . .
gen sum_z = . . .
. . .
but that would be poor because the dataset might already have variables named sum y and sum z
in it and you will have to remember to drop the variables before your program concludes. Better is
. . .
tempvar sum_y
gen ‘sum_y’ = . . .
tempvar sum_z
gen ‘sum_z’ = . . .
. . .
. . .
tempvar sum_y sum_z
gen ‘sum_y’ = . . .
gen ‘sum_z’ = . . .
. . .
28 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
It is not necessary to explicitly drop ‘sum y’ and ‘sum z’ when you are finished, although you
may if you wish. Stata will automatically drop any variables with names assigned by tempvar.
After issuing the tempvar command, you must refer to the names with the enclosing quotes, which
signifies macro expansion. Thus, after typing tempvar sum ythe one case where you do not put
single quotes around the namerefer thereafter to the variable ‘sum y’, with quotes. tempvar does
not create temporary variables. Instead tempvar creates names that may later be used to create new
variables that will be temporary, and tempvar stores that name in the local macro whose name you
A full description of tempvar can be found in [P] macro.
18.7.2 Temporary scalars and matrices
tempname works just like tempvar. For instance, a piece of your code might read
tempname YXX XXinv
matrix accum ‘YXX’ = price weight mpg
matrix ‘XXinv’ = invsym(‘YXX’[2..., 2...])
tempname b
matrix ‘b’ = ‘XXinv’*‘YXX’[1..., 1]
The above code solves for the coefficients of a regression on price on weight and mpg; see
[U] 14 Matrix expressions and [P] matrix for more information on the matrix commands.
As with temporary variables, temporary scalars and matrices are automatically dropped at the
conclusion of your program.
18.7.3 Temporary files
In cases where you ordinarily might think you need temporary files, you may not because of
Stata’s ability to preserve and automatically restore the data in memory; see [U] 18.6 Temporarily
destroying the data in memory above.
For more complicated programs, Stata does provide temporary files. A code fragment might read
preserve /* save original data */
tempfile males females
keep if sex==1
save "‘males’"
restore, preserve /* get back original data */
keep if sex==0
save "‘females’"
As with temporary variables, scalars, and matrices, it is not necessary to delete the temporary files
when you are through with them; Stata automatically erases them when your program ends.
18.8 Accessing results calculated by other programs
Stata commands that report results also store the results where they can be subsequently used
by other commands or programs. This is documented in the Stored results section of the particular
command in the reference manuals. Commands store results in one of three places:
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 29
1. r-class commands, such as summarize, store their results in r(); most commands are r-class.
2. e-class commands, such as regress, store their results in e(); e-class commands are Stata’s
model estimation commands.
3. s-class commands (there are no good examples) store their results in s(); this is a rarely used
class that programmers sometimes find useful to help parse input.
Commands that do not store results are called n-class commands. More correctly, these commands
require that you state where the result is to be stored, as in generate newvar = . . . .
Example 1
You wish to write a program to calculate the standard error of the mean, which is given by the
/n, where s
is the calculated variance. (You could obtain this statistic by using the ci
command, but we will pretend that is not true.) You look at [R] summarize and learn that the mean
is stored in r(mean), the variance in r(Var), and the number of observations in r(N). With that
knowledge, you write the following program:
program meanse
quietly summarize ‘1’
display " mean = " r(mean)
display "SE of mean = " sqrt(r(Var)/r(N))
The result of executing this program is
. meanse mpg
mean = 21.297297
SE of mean = .67255109
If you run an r-class command and type return list or run an e-class command and type
ereturn list, Stata will summarize what was stored:
. use http://www.stata-press.com/data/r13/auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. regress mpg weight displ
(output omitted )
. ereturn list
e(N) = 74
e(df_m) = 2
e(df_r) = 71
e(F) = 66.78504752026517
e(r2) = .6529306984682528
e(rmse) = 3.45606176570828
e(mss) = 1595.409691543724
e(rss) = 848.0497679157351
e(r2_a) = .643154098425105
e(ll) = -195.2397979466294
e(ll_0) = -234.3943376482347
e(rank) = 3
30 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
e(cmdline) : "regress mpg weight displ"
e(title) : "Linear regression"
e(marginsok) : "XB default"
e(vce) : "ols"
e(depvar) : "mpg"
e(cmd) : "regress"
e(properties) : "b V"
e(predict) : "regres_p"
e(model) : "ols"
e(estat_cmd) : "regress_estat"
e(b) : 1 x 3
e(V) : 3 x 3
. summarize mpg if foreign
Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max
mpg 22 24.77273 6.611187 14 41
. return list
r(N) = 22
r(sum_w) = 22
r(mean) = 24.77272727272727
r(Var) = 43.70779220779221
r(sd) = 6.611186898567625
r(min) = 14
r(max) = 41
r(sum) = 545
In the example above, we ran regress followed by summarize. As a result, e(N) records the
number of observations used by regress (equal to 74), and r(N) records the number of observations
used by summarize (equal to 22). r(N) and e(N) are not the same.
If we now ran another r-class commandsay, tabulatethe contents of r() would change,
but those in e() would remain unchanged. You might, therefore, think that if we then ran another
e-class command, say, probit, the contents of e() would change, but r() would remain unchanged.
Although it is true that e() results remain in place until the next e-class command is executed, do
not depend on r() remaining unchanged. If an e-class or n-class command were to use an r-class
command as a subroutine, that would cause r() to change. Anyway, most commands are r-class, so
the contents of r() change often.
Technical note
It is, therefore, of great importance that you access results stored in r() immediately after the
command that sets them. If you need the mean and variance of the variable ‘1’ for subsequent
calculation, do not code
summarize ‘1’
. . .
. . . r(mean) . . . r(Var) . . .
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 31
Instead, code
summarize ‘1’
local mean = r(mean)
local var = r(Var)
. . .
. . . ‘mean’ . . . ‘var’ . . .
tempname mean var
summarize ‘1’
scalar ‘mean’ = r(mean)
scalar ‘var’ = r(Var)
. . .
. . . ‘mean’ . . . ‘var’ . . .
Stored results, whether in r() or e(), come in three types: scalars, macros, and matrices. If you
look back at the ereturn list and return list output, you will see that regress stores examples
of all three, whereas summarize stores just scalars. (regress also stores the “function” e(sample),
as do all the other e-class commands; see [U] 20.6 Specifying the estimation subsample.)
Regardless of the type of e(name) or r(name), you can just refer to e(name) or r(name).
That was the rule we gave in [U] 13.6 Accessing results from Stata commands, and that rule
is sufficient for most uses. There is, however, another way to refer to stored results. Rather than
referring to r(name) and e(name), you can embed the reference in macro-substitution characters
‘’ to produce ‘r(name)’ and ‘e(name)’. The result is the same as macro substitution; the stored
result is evaluated, and then the evaluation is substituted:
. display "You can refer to " e(cmd) " or to ‘e(cmd)’"
You can refer to regress or to regress
This means, for instance, that typing ‘e(cmd)’ is the same as typing regress because e(cmd)
contains regress”:
. ‘e(cmd)’
Source SS df MS Number of obs = 74
F( 2, 71) = 66.79
Model 1595.40969 2 797.704846 Prob > F = 0.0000
(remaining output omitted )
In the ereturn list, e(cmd) was listed as a macro, and when you place a macro’s name in single
quotes, the macro’s contents are substituted, so this is hardly a surprise.
What is surprising is that you can do this with scalar and even matrix stored results. e(N) is a
scalar equal to 74 and may be used as such in any expression such as display e(mss)/e(N)
or local meanss = e(mss)/e(N)”. ‘e(N)’ substitutes to the string 74 and may be used in
any context whatsoever, such as local val‘e(N)’ = e(N) (which would create a macro named
val74). The rules for referring to stored results are
1. You may refer to r(name) or e(name) without single quotes in any expression and only in
an expression. (Referring to s-class s(name) without single quotes is not allowed.)
1.1 If name does not exist, missing value (.) is returned; it is not an error to refer to a
nonexistent stored result.
1.2 If name is a scalar, the full double-precision value of name is returned.
1.3 If name is a macro, it is examined to determine whether its contents can be interpreted
as a number. If so, the number is returned; otherwise, the first 80 characters of name are
32 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
1.4 If name is a matrix, the full matrix is returned.
2. You may refer to ‘r(name)’, ‘e(name)’, or ‘s(name)’note the presence of quotes
indicating macro substitutionin any context whatsoever.
2.1 If name does not exist, nothing is substituted; it is not an error to refer to a nonexistent
stored result. The resulting line is the same as if you had never typed ‘r(name)’,
‘e(name)’, or ‘s(name)’.
2.2 If name is a scalar, a string representation of the number accurate to no less than 12
digits of precision is substituted.
2.3 If name is a macro, the full contents are substituted.
2.4 If name is a matrix, the word matrix is substituted.
In general, you should refer to scalar and matrix stored results without quotesr(name) and
e(name)and to macro stored results with quotes‘r(name)’, ‘e(name)’, and ‘s(name)’but
it is sometimes convenient to switch. Say that stored result r(example) contains the number of
periods patients are observed, and assume that r(example) was stored as a macro and not as a
scalar. You could still refer to r(example) without the quotes in an expression context and obtain
the expected result. It would have made more sense for you to have stored r(example) as a scalar,
but really it would not matter, and the user would not even have to know how the stored result was
Switching the other way is sometimes useful, too. Say that stored result r(N) is a scalar that
contains the number of observations used. You now want to use some other command that has an
option n(#) that specifies the number of observations used. You could not type n(r(N)) because
the syntax diagram says that the n() option expects its argument to be a literal number. Instead, you
could type n(‘r(N)’).
18.9 Accessing results calculated by estimation commands
Estimation results are stored in e(), and you access them in the same way you access any stored
result; see [U] 18.8 Accessing results calculated by other programs above. In summary,
1. Estimation commandsregress, logistic, etc.store results in e().
2. Estimation commands store their name in e(cmd). For instance, regress stores regress
and poisson stores poisson in e(cmd).
3. Estimation commands store the command they executed in e(cmdline). For instance, if you
typed reg mpg displ, stored in e(cmdline) would be reg mpg displ”.
4. Estimation commands store the number of observations used in e(N), and they identify the
estimation subsample by setting e(sample). You could type, for instance, summarize if
e(sample) to obtain summary statistics on the observations used by the estimator.
5. Estimation commands store the entire coefficient vector and variancecovariance matrix of the
estimators in e(b) and e(V). These are matrices, and they may be manipulated like any other
. matrix list e(b)
weight displ _cons
y1 -.00656711 .00528078 40.084522
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 33
. matrix y = e(b)*e(V)*e(b)’
. matrix list y
symmetric y[1,1]
y1 6556.982
6. Estimation commands set b[name] and se[name] as convenient ways to use coefficients
and their standard errors in expressions; see [U] 13.5 Accessing coefficients and standard
7. Estimation commands may set other e() scalars, macros, or matrices containing more infor-
mation. This is documented in the Stored results section of the particular command in the
command reference.
Example 2
If you are writing a command for use after regress, early in your code you should include the
if "‘e(cmd)’" != "regress" {
error 301
This is how you verify that the estimation results that are stored have been set by regress and not
by some other estimation command. Error 301 is Stata’s “last estimates not found” error.
18.10 Storing results
If your program calculates something, it should store the results of the calculation so that other
programs can access them. In this way, your program not only can be used interactively but also can
be used as a subroutine for other commands.
Storing results is easy:
1. On the program line, specify the rclass, eclass, or sclass option according to whether
you intend to return results in r(), e(), or s().
2. Code
return scalar name = exp (same syntax as scalar without the return)
return local name . . . (same syntax as local without the return)
return matrix name matname (moves matname to r(name))
to store results in r().
3. Code
ereturn name = exp (same syntax as scalar without the ereturn)
ereturn local name . . . (same syntax as local without the ereturn)
ereturn matrix name matname (moves matname to e(name))
to store results in e(). You do not store the coefficient vector and variance matrix e(b) and
e(V) in this way; instead you use ereturn post.
4. Code
sreturn local name . . . (same syntax as local without the sreturn)
to store results in s(). (The s-class has only macros.)
A program must be exclusively r-class, e-class, or s-class.
34 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
18.10.1 Storing results in r()
In [U] 18.8 Accessing results calculated by other programs, we showed an example that reported
the mean and standard error of the mean. A better version would store in r() the results of its
calculations and would read
program meanse, rclass
quietly summarize ‘1’
local mean = r(mean)
local sem = sqrt(r(Var)/r(N))
display " mean = " ‘mean’
display "SE of mean = " ‘sem’
return scalar mean = ‘mean’
return scalar se = ‘sem’
Running meanse now sets r(mean) and r(se):
. meanse mpg
mean = 21.297297
SE of mean = .67255109
. return list
r(se) = .6725510870764975
r(mean) = 21.2972972972973
In this modification, we added the rclass option to the program statement, and we added two
return commands to the end of the program.
Although we placed the return statements at the end of the program, they may be placed at the
point of calculation if that is more convenient. A more concise version of this program would read
program meanse, rclass
quietly summarize ‘1’
return scalar mean = r(mean)
return scalar se = sqrt(r(Var)/r(N))
display " mean = " return(mean)
display "SE of mean = " return(se)
The return() function is just like the r() function, except that return() refers to the results that
this program will return rather than to the stored results that currently are returned (which here are due
to summarize). That is, when you code the return command, the result is not immediately posted
to r(). Rather, Stata holds onto the result in return() until your program concludes, and then it
copies the contents of return() to r(). While your program is active, you may use the return()
function to access results you have already “returned”. (return() works just like r() works after
your program returns, meaning that you may code ‘return()’ to perform macro substitution.)
18.10.2 Storing results in e()
Storing in e() is in most ways similar to saving in r(): you add the eclass option to the
program statement, and then you use ereturn . . . just as you used return . . . to store results.
There are, however, some significant differences:
1. Unlike r(), estimation results are stored in e() the instant you issue an ereturn scalar,
ereturn local, or ereturn matrix command. Estimation results can consume considerable
memory, and Stata does not want to have multiple copies of the results floating around. That
means you must be more organized and post your results at the end of your program.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 35
2. In your code when you have your estimates and are ready to begin posting, you will first
clear the previous estimates, set the coefficient vector e(b) and corresponding variance matrix
e(V), and set the estimation-sample function e(sample). How you do this depends on how
you obtained your estimates:
2.1 If you obtained your estimates by using Stata’s likelihood maximizer ml, this is automat-
ically handled for you; skip to step 3.
2.2 If you obtained estimates by “stealing” an existing estimator, e(b), e(V), and e(sample)
already exist, and you will not want to clear them; skip to step 3.
2.3 If you write your own code from start to finish, you use the ereturn post com-
mand; see [P] ereturn. You will code something like ereturn post ‘b’ ‘V’, esam-
ple(‘touse’)”, where ‘b’ is the name of the coefficient vector, ‘V’ is the name of
the corresponding variance matrix, and ‘touse’ is the name of a variable containing 1
if the observation was used and 0 if it was ignored. ereturn post clears the previous
estimates and moves the coefficient vector, variance matrix, and variable into e(b), e(V),
and e(sample).
2.4 A variation on (2.3) is when you use an existing estimator to produce the estimates but
do not want all the other e() results stored by the estimator. Then you code
tempvar touse
tempname b V
matrix ‘b’ = e(b)
matrix ‘V’ = e(V)
qui gen byte ‘touse’ = e(sample)
ereturn post ‘b’ ‘V’, esample(‘touse’)
3. You now store anything else in e() that you wish by using the ereturn scalar, ereturn
local, or ereturn matrix command.
4. Save e(cmdline) by coding
ereturn local cmdline ‘"‘0’"’
This is not required, but it is considered good style.
5. You code ereturn local cmd "cmdname". Stata does not consider estimation results complete
until this command is posted, and Stata considers the results to be complete when this is posted,
so you must remember to do this and to do this last. If you set e(cmd) too early and the user
pressed Break, Stata would consider your estimates complete when they are not.
Say that you wish to write the estimation command with syntax
myest depvar var
[if exp] [in range], optset1 optset2
where optset1 affects how results are displayed and optset2 affects the estimation results themselves.
One important characteristic of estimation commands is that, when typed without arguments, they
redisplay the previous estimation results. The outline is
36 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
program myest, eclass
local options "optset1 "
if replay() {
if "‘e(cmd)’"!="myest" {
error 301 /* last estimates not found */
syntax [, ‘options’]
else {
syntax varlist [if] [in] [, ‘options’ optset2 ]
marksample touse
Code contains either this,
tempnames b V
commands for performing estimation
assume produces ‘b’ and ‘V’
ereturn post ‘b’ ‘V’, esample(‘touse’)
ereturn local depvar "‘depv’"
or this,
ml model . . . if ‘touse’ . . .
and regardless, concludes,
perhaps other ereturn commands appear here
ereturn local cmdline ‘"‘0’"’
ereturn local cmd "myest"
/* (re)display results ... */
code typically reads
code to output header above coefficient table
ereturn display /* displays coefficient table */
ml display /* displays header and coef. table */
Here is a list of the commonly stored e() results. Of course, you may create any e() results that
you wish.
e(N) (scalar)
Number of observations.
e(df m) (scalar)
Model degrees of freedom.
e(df r) (scalar)
“Denominator” degrees of freedom if estimates are nonasymptotic.
e(r2 p) (scalar)
Value of the pseudo-R
if it is calculated. (If a “real” R
is calculated as it would be in linear
regression, it is stored in (scalar) e(r2).)
e(F) (scalar)
Test of the model against the constant-only model, if relevant, and if results are nonasymptotic.
e(ll) (scalar)
Log-likelihood value, if relevant.
e(ll 0) (scalar)
Log-likelihood value for constant-only model, if relevant.
e(N clust) (scalar)
Number of clusters, if any.
e(chi2) (scalar)
Test of the model against the constant-only model, if relevant, and if results are asymptotic.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 37
e(rank) (scalar)
Rank of e(V).
e(cmd) (macro)
Name of the estimation command.
e(cmdline) (macro)
Command as typed.
e(depvar) (macro)
Names of the dependent variables.
e(wtype) and e(wexp) (macros)
If weighted estimation was performed, e(wtype) contains the weight type (fweight, pweight,
etc.) and e(wexp) contains the weighting expression.
e(title) (macro)
Title in estimation output.
e(clustvar) (macro)
Name of the cluster variable, if any.
e(vcetype) (macro)
Text to appear above standard errors in estimation output; typically Robust, Bootstrap, Jack-
knife, or "".
e(vce) (macro)
vcetype specified in vce().
e(chi2type) (macro)
LR or Wald or other depending on how e(chi2) was performed.
e(properties) (macro)
Typically contains b V.
e(predict) (macro)
Name of the command that predict is to use; if this is blank, predict uses the default predict.
e(b) and e(V) (matrices)
The coefficient vector and corresponding variance matrix. Stored when you coded ereturn post.
e(sample) (function)
This function was defined by ereturn posts esample() option if you specified it. You specified
a variable containing 1 if you used an observation and 0 otherwise. ereturn post stole the
variable and created e(sample) from it.
18.10.3 Storing results in s()
s() is a strange class because, whereas the other classes allow scalars, macros, and matrices, s()
allows only macros.
s() is seldom used and is for subroutines that you might write to assist in parsing the user’s input
prior to evaluating any user-supplied expressions.
Here is the problem that s() solves: say that you create a nonstandard syntax for some command
so that you have to parse through it yourself. The syntax is so complicated that you want to create
subroutines to take pieces of it and then return information to your main routine. Assume that your
syntax contains expressions that the user might type. Now say that one of the expressions the user
types is, for example, r(mean)/sqrt(r(Var))perhaps the user is using results left behind by
38 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
If, in your parsing step, you call subroutines that return results in r(), you will wipe out r(mean)
and r(Var) before you ever get around to seeing them, much less evaluating them. So, you must
be careful to leave r() intact until your parsing is complete; you must use no r-class commands,
and any subroutines you write must not touch r(). You must use s-class subroutines because s-class
routines return results in s() rather than r(). S-class provides macros only because that is all you
need to solve parsing problems.
To create an s-class routine, specify the sclass option on the program line and then use sreturn
local to return results.
S-class results are posted to s() at the instant you issue the sreturn() command, so you must
organize your results. Also, s() is never automatically cleared, so occasionally coding sreturn
clear at appropriate points in your code is a good idea. Few programs need s-class subroutines.
18.11 Ado-files
Ado-files were introduced in [U] 17 Ado-files.
When a user types gobbledygook’, Stata first asks itself if gobbledygook is one of its built-in com-
mands. If so, the command is executed. Otherwise, it asks itself if gobbledygook is a defined program.
If so, the program is executed. Otherwise, Stata looks in various directories for gobbledygook.ado.
If there is no such file, the process ends with the “unrecognized command” error.
If Stata finds the file, it quietly issues to itself the command run gobbledygook.ado (specifying the
path explicitly). If that runs without error, Stata asks itself again if gobbledygook is a defined program.
If not, Stata issues the “unrecognized command” error. (Here somebody wrote a bad ado-file.) If the
program is defined, as it should be, Stata executes it.
Thus you can arrange for programs you write to be loaded automatically. For instance, if you were
to create hello.ado containing
begin hello.ado
program hello
display "hi there"
end hello.ado
and store the file in your current directory or your personal directory (see [U] 17.5.2 Where is my
personal ado-directory?), you could type hello and be greeted by a reassuring
. hello
hi there
You could, at that point, think of hello as just another part of Stata.
There are two places to put your personal ado-files. One is the current directory, and that is a
good choice when the ado-file is unique to a project. You will want to use it only when you are
in that directory. The other place is your personal ado-directory, which is probably something like
C:\ado\personal if you use Windows,
/ado/personal if you use Unix, and
if you use a Mac. We are guessing.
To find your personal ado-directory, enter Stata and type
. personal
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 39
Technical note
Stata looks in various directories for ado-files, defined by the c-class value c(adopath), which
The words in capital letters are codenames for directories, and the mapping from codenames to
directories can be obtained by typing the sysdir command. Here is what sysdir shows on one
particular Windows computer:
. sysdir
STATA: C:\Program Files\Stata13\
BASE: C:\Program Files\Stata13\ado\base\
SITE: C:\Program Files\Stata13\ado\site\
PLUS: C:\ado\plus\
PERSONAL: C:\ado\personal\
Even if you use Windows, your mapping might be different because it all depends on where you
installed Stata. That is the point of the codenames. They make it possible to refer to directories
according to their logical purposes rather than their physical location.
The c-class value c(adopath) is the search path, so in looking for an ado-file, Stata first looks
in BASE then in SITE, and so on, until it finds the file. Actually, Stata not only looks in BASE
but also takes the first letter of the ado-file it is looking for and looks in the lettered subdirectory.
For files with the extension .style, Stata will look in a subdirectory named style rather than
a lettered subdirectory. Say that Stata was looking for gobbledygook.ado. Stata would look up
BASE (C:\Program Files\Stata13\ado\base in our example) and, if the file were not found
there, it would look in the g subdirectory of BASE (C:\Program Files\Stata13\ado\base\g)
before looking in SITE, whereupon it would follow the same rules. If Stata were looking for
gobbledygook.style, Stata would look up BASE (C:\Program Files\Stata13\ado\base in our
example) and, if the file were not found there, it would look in the style subdirectory of BASE
(C:\Program Files\Stata13\ado\base\style) before looking in SITE, whereupon it would
follow the same rules.
Why the extra complication? We distribute hundreds of ado-files, help files, and other file types
with Stata, and some operating systems have difficulty dealing with so many files in the same directory.
All operating systems experience at least a performance degradation. To prevent this, the ado-directory
we ship is split 28 ways (letters a z, underscore, and style). Thus the Stata command ci, which
is implemented as an ado-file, can be found in the subdirectory c of BASE.
If you write ado-files, you can structure your personal ado-directory this way, too, but there is no
reason to do so until you have more than, say, 250 files in one directory.
Technical note
After finding and running gobbledygook.ado, Stata calculates the total size of all programs that it
has automatically loaded. If this exceeds adosize (see [P] sysdir), Stata begins discarding the oldest
automatically loaded programs until the total is less than adosize. Oldest here is measured by the
time last used, not the time loaded. This discarding saves memory and does not affect you, because
any program that was automatically loaded could be automatically loaded again if needed.
It does, however, affect performance. Loading the program takes time, and you will again have to
wait if you use one of the previously loaded-and-discarded programs. Increasing adosize reduces
this possibility, but at the cost of memory. The set adosize command allows you to change this
40 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
parameter; see [P] sysdir. The default value of adosize is 1,000. A value of 1,000 for adosize
means that up to 1,000 K can be allocated to autoloaded programs. Experimentation has shown that
this is a good number increasing it does not improve performance much.
18.11.1 Version
We recommend that the first line following program in your ado-file declare the Stata release
under which you wrote the program; hello.ado would read better as
begin hello.ado
program hello
version 13
display "hi there"
end hello.ado
We introduced the concept of version in [U] 16.1.1 Version. In regular do-files, we recommend that
the version line appear as the first line of the do-file. For ado-files, the line appears after the
program because loading the ado-file is one step and executing the program is another. It is when
Stata executes the program defined in the ado-file that we want to stipulate the interpretation of the
The inclusion of the version line is of more importance in ado-files than in do-files because
ado-files have longer lives than do-files, so it is more likely that you will use an ado-file with a later
release and ado-files tend to use more of Stata’s features, increasing the probability that any change
to Stata will affect them.
18.11.2 Comments and long lines in ado-files
Comments in ado-files are handled the same way as in do-files: you enclose the text in
/* comment */ brackets, or you begin the line with an asterisk (*), or you interrupt the line
with //; see [U] 16.1.2 Comments and blank lines in do-files.
Logical lines longer than physical lines are also handled as they are in do-files: either you change
the delimiter to a semicolon (;) or you comment out the new line by using /// at the end of the
previous physical line.
18.11.3 Debugging ado-files
Debugging ado-files is a little tricky because it is Stata and not you that controls when the ado-file
is loaded.
Assume that you wanted to change hello to say “Hi, Mary”. You open hello.ado in the Do-file
Editor and change it to read
begin hello.ado
program hello
version 13
display "hi, Mary"
end hello.ado
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 41
After saving it, you try it:
. hello
hi there
Stata ran the old copy of hello the copy it still has in its memory. Stata wants to be fast about
executing ado-files, so when it loads one, it keeps it around a while waiting for memory to get
short before clearing it from its memory. Naturally, Stata can drop hello anytime because it can
always reload it from disk.
You changed the copy on disk, but Stata still has the old copy loaded into memory. You type
discard to tell Stata to forget these automatically loaded things and to force itself to get new copies
of the ado-files from disk:
. discard
. hello
hi, Mary
You had to type discard only because you changed the ado-file while Stata was running. Had you
exited Stata and returned later to use hello, the discard would not have been necessary because
Stata forgets things between sessions anyway.
18.11.4 Local subroutines
An ado-file can contain more than one program, and if it does, the other programs defined in the
ado-file are assumed to be subroutines of the main program. For example,
begin decoy.ado
program decoy
. . .
duck . . .
. . .
program duck
. . .
end decoy.ado
duck is considered a local subroutine of decoy. Even after decoy.ado was loaded, if you typed
duck, you would be told “unrecognized command”. To emphasize what local means, assume that
you have also written an ado-file named duck.ado:
begin duck.ado
program duck
. . .
end duck.ado
Even so, when decoy called duck, it would be the program duck defined in decoy.ado that was
called. To further emphasize what local means, assume that decoy.ado contains
42 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
begin decoy.ado
program decoy
. . .
manic . . .
. . .
duck . . .
. . .
program duck
. . .
end decoy.ado
and that manic.ado contained
begin manic.ado
program manic
. . .
duck . . .
. . .
end manic.ado
Here is what would happen when you executed decoy:
1. decoy in decoy.ado would begin execution. decoy calls manic.
2. manic in manic.ado would begin execution. manic calls duck.
3. duck in duck.ado (yes) would begin execution. duck would do whatever and return.
4. manic regains control and eventually returns.
5. decoy is back in control. decoy calls duck.
6. duck in decoy.ado would execute, complete, and return.
7. decoy would regain control and return.
When manic called duck, it was the global ado-file duck.ado that was executed, yet when decoy
called duck, it was the local program duck that was executed.
Stata does not find this confusing and neither should you.
18.11.5 Development of a sample ado-command
Below we demonstrate how to create a new Stata command. We will program an influence measure
for use with linear regression. It is an interesting statistic in its own right, but even if you are not
interested in linear regression and influence measures, the focus here is on programming, not on the
particular statistic chosen.
Belsley, Kuh, and Welsch (1980, 24) present a measure of influence in linear regression defined as
which is the ratio of the variance of the ith fitted value based on regression estimates obtained by
omitting the ith observation to the variance of the ith fitted value estimated from the full dataset.
This ratio is estimated using
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 43
n k
n (k + 1)
1 h
(1 h
where n is the sample size; k is the number of estimated coefficients; d
= e
e and e
is the
ith residual; and h
is the ith diagonal element of the hat matrix. The ingredients of this formula
are all available through Stata, so, after estimating the regression parameters, we can easily calculate
. For instance, we might type
. regress mpg weight displ
. predict hii if e(sample), hat
. predict ei if e(sample), resid
. quietly count if e(sample)
. scalar nreg = r(N)
. gen eTe = sum(ei*ei)
. gen di2 = (ei*ei)/eTe[_N]
. gen FVi = (nreg - 3) / (nreg - 4) * (1 - di2/(1-hii)) / (1-hii)
The number 3 in the formula for FVi represents k, the number of estimated parameters (which is an
intercept plus coefficients on weight and displ), and the number 4 represents k + 1.
Technical note
Do you understand why this works? predict can create h
and e
, but the trick is in getting
e the sum of the squared e
s. Stata’s sum() function creates a running sum. The first observation
of eTe thus contains e
; the second, e
+ e
; the third, e
+ e
+ e
; and so on. The last observation,
then, contains
, which is e
e. (We specified if e(sample) on our predict commands to
restrict calculations to the estimation subsample, so hii and eii might have missing values, but that
does not matter because sum() treats missing values as contributing zero to the sum.) We use Stata’s
explicit subscripting feature and then refer to eTe[ N], the last observation. (See [U] 13.3 Functions
and [U] 13.7 Explicit subscripting.) After that, we plug into the formula to obtain the result.
Assuming that we often wanted this influence measure, it would be easier and less prone to error
if we canned this calculation in a program. Our first draft of the program reflects exactly what we
would have typed interactively:
begin fvaratio.ado, version 1
program fvaratio
version 13
predict hii if e(sample), hat
predict ei if e(sample), resid
quietly count if e(sample)
scalar nreg = r(N)
gen eTe = sum(ei*ei)
gen di2 = (ei*ei)/eTe[_N]
gen FVi = (nreg - 3) / (nreg - 4) * (1 - di2/(1-hii)) / (1-hii)
drop hii ei eTe di2
end fvaratio.ado, version 1
All we have done is to enter what we would have typed into a file, bracketing it with program
fvaratio and end. Because our command is to be called fvaratio, the file must be named
fvaratio.ado and must be stored in either the current directory or our personal ado-directory (see
[U] 17.5.2 Where is my personal ado-directory?).
Now when we type fvaratio, Stata will be able to find it, load it, and execute it. In addition
to copying the interactive lines into a program, we added the line drop hii . . . to eliminate the
working variables we had to create along the way.
44 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
So, now we can interactively type
. regress mpg weight displ
. fvaratio
and add the new variable FVi to our data.
Our program is not general. It is suitable for use after fitting a regression model on two, and only
two, independent variables because we coded a 3 in the formula for k. Stata statistical commands
such as regress store information about the problem and answer in e(). Looking in Stored results in
[R] regress, we find that e(df m) contains the model degrees of freedom, which is k 1, assuming
that the model has an intercept. Also, the sample size of the dataset used in the regression is stored
in e(N), eliminating our need to count the observations and define a scalar containing this count.
Thus the second draft of our program reads
begin fvaratio.ado, version 2
program fvaratio
version 13
predict hii if e(sample), hat
predict ei if e(sample), resid
gen eTe = sum(ei*ei)
gen di2 = (ei*ei)/eTe[_N]
gen FVi = (e(N)-(e(df_m)+1)) / (e(N)-(e(df_m)+2)) * /// changed this
(1 - di2/(1-hii)) / (1-hii) // version
drop hii ei eTe di2
end fvaratio.ado, version 2
In the formula for FVi, we substituted (e(df m)+1) for the literal number 3, (e(df m)+2) for the
literal number 4, and e(N) for the sample size.
Back to the substance of our problem, regress also stores the residual sum of squares in e(rss),
so calculating eTe is not really necessary:
begin fvaratio.ado, version 3
program fvaratio
version 13
predict hii if e(sample), hat
predict ei if e(sample), resid
gen di2 = (ei*ei)/e(rss) // changed this version
gen FVi = (e(N)-(e(df_m)+1)) / (e(N)-(e(df_m)+2)) * ///
(1 - di2/(1-hii)) / (1-hii)
drop hii ei di2
end fvaratio.ado, version 3
Our program is now shorter and faster, and it is completely general. This program is probably good
enough for most users; if you were implementing this solely for your own occasional use, you could
stop right here. The program does, however, have the following deficiencies:
1. When we use it with data with missing values, the answer is correct, but we see messages
about the number of missing values generated. (These messages appear when the program is
generating the working variables.)
2. We cannot control the name of the variable being produced it is always called FVi. Moreover,
when FVi already exists (say, from a previous regression), we get an error message that FVi
already exists. We then have to drop the old FVi and type fvaratio again.
3. If we have created any variables named hii, ei, or di2, we also get an error that the variable
already exists, and the program refuses to run.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 45
Fixing these problems is not difficult. The fix for problem 1 is easy; we embed the entire program
in a quietly block:
begin fvaratio.ado, version 4
program fvaratio
version 13
quietly { // new this version
predict hii if e(sample), hat
predict ei if e(sample), resid
gen di2 = (ei*ei)/e(rss)
gen FVi = (e(N)-(e(df_m)+1)) / (e(N)-(e(df_m)+2)) * ///
(1 - di2/(1-hii)) / (1-hii)
drop hii ei di2
} // new this version
end fvaratio.ado, version 4
The output for the commands between the quietly { and } is now suppressed the result is the
same as if we had put quietly in front of each command.
Solving problem 2 that the resulting variable is always called FVi requires use of the syntax
command. Let’s put that off and deal with problem 3 that the working variables have nice names
like hii, ei, and di2, and so prevent users from using those names in their data.
One solution would be to change the nice names to unlikely names. We could change hii to
MyHiiVaR, which would not guarantee the prevention of a conflict but would certainly make it unlikely.
It would also make our program difficult to read, an important consideration should we want to change
it in the future. There is a better solution. Stata’s tempvar command (see [U] 18.7.1 Temporary
variables) places names into local macros that are guaranteed to be unique:
begin fvaratio.ado, version 5
program fvaratio
version 13
tempvar hii ei di2 // new this version
quietly {
predict ‘hii’ if e(sample), hat // changed, as are other lines
predict ‘ei’ if e(sample), resid
gen ‘di2’ = (‘ei’*‘ei’)/e(rss)
gen FVi = (e(N)-(e(df_m)+1)) / (e(N)-(e(df_m)+2)) * ///
(1 - ‘di2’/(1-‘hii’)) / (1-‘hii’)
end fvaratio.ado, version 5
At the beginning of our program, we declare the temporary variables. (We can do it outside or inside
the quietlyit makes no differenceand we do not have to do it at the beginning or even all at
once; we could declare them as we need them, but at the beginning is prettiest.) When we refer to a
temporary variable, we do not refer directly to it (such as by typing hii); we refer to it indirectly by
typing open and close single quotes around the name (‘hii’). And at the end of our program, we
no longer bother to drop the temporary variablestemporary variables are dropped automatically
by Stata when a program concludes.
Technical note
Why do we type single quotes around the names? tempvar creates local macros containing the
real temporary variable names. hii in our program is now a local macro, and ‘hii’ refers to the
contents of the local macro, which is the variable’s actual name.
46 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
We now have an excellent program its only fault is that we cannot specify the name of the new
variable to be created. Here is the solution to that problem:
begin fvaratio.ado, version 6
program fvaratio
version 13
syntax newvarname // new this version
tempvar hii ei di2
quietly {
predict ‘hii’ if e(sample), hat
predict ‘ei’ if e(sample), resid
gen ‘di2’ = (‘ei’*‘ei’)/e(rss)
gen ‘typlist’ ‘varlist’ = /// changed this version
(e(N)-(e(df_m)+1)) / (e(N)-(e(df_m)+2)) * ///
(1 - ‘di2’/(1-‘hii’)) / (1-‘hii’)
end fvaratio.ado, version 6
It took a change to one line and the addition of another to obtain the solution. This magic all happens
because of syntax (see [U] 18.4.4 Parsing standard Stata syntax above).
syntax newvarname specifies that one new variable name must be specified (had we typed
syntax [newvarname]’, the new varname would have been optional; had we typed syntax
newvarlist’, the user would have been required to specify at least one new variable and allowed
to specify more). In any case, syntax compares what the user types to what is allowed. If what the
user types does not match what we have declared, syntax will issue the appropriate error message
and stop our program. If it does match, our program will continue, and what the user typed will be
broken out and stored in local macros for us. For a newvarname, the new name typed by the user
is placed in the local macro varlist, and the type of the variable (float, double, . . . ) is placed
in typlist (even if the user did not specify a storage type, in which case the type is the current
default storage type).
This is now an excellent program. There are, however, two more improvements we could make.
First, we have demonstrated that, by the use of ‘syntax newvarname’, we can allow the user to
define not only the name of the created variable but also the storage type. However, when it comes
to the creation of intermediate variables, such as ‘hii’ and ‘di2’, it is good programming practice
to keep as much precision as possible. We want our final answer to be precise as possible, regardless
of how we ultimately decide to store it. Any calculation that uses a previously generated variable
would benefit if the previously generated variable were stored in double precision. Below we modify
our program appropriately:
begin fvaratio.ado, version 7
program fvaratio
version 13
syntax newvarname
tempvar hii ei di2
quietly {
predict double ‘hii’ if e(sample), hat // changed, as are
predict double ‘ei’ if e(sample), resid // other lines
gen double ‘di2’ = (‘ei’*‘ei’)/e(rss)
gen ‘typlist’ ‘varlist’ = ///
(e(N)-(e(df_m)+1)) / (e(N)-(e(df_m)+2)) * ///
(1 - ‘di2’/(1-‘hii’)) / (1-‘hii’)
end fvaratio.ado, version 7
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 47
As for the second improvement we could make, fvaratio is intended to be used sometime
after regress. How do we know the user is not misusing our program and executing it after, say,
logistic? e(cmd) will tell us the name of the last estimation command; see [U] 18.9 Accessing
results calculated by estimation commands and [U] 18.10.2 Storing results in e() above. We should
change our program to read
begin fvaratio.ado, version 8
program fvaratio
version 13
if "‘e(cmd)’"!="regress" { // new this version
error 301
syntax newvarname
tempvar hii ei di2
quietly {
predict double ‘hii’ if e(sample), hat
predict double ‘ei’ if e(sample), resid
gen double ‘di2’ = (‘ei’*‘ei’)/e(rss)
gen ‘typlist’ ‘varlist’ = ///
(e(N)-(e(df_m)+1)) / (e(N)-(e(df_m)+2)) * ///
(1 - ‘di2’/(1-‘hii’)) / (1-‘hii’)
end fvaratio.ado, version 8
The error command issues one of Stata’s prerecorded error messages and stops our program. Error
301 is “last estimates not found”; see [P] error. (Try typing error 301 at the command line.)
In any case, this is a perfect program.
Technical note
You do not have to go to all the trouble we did to program the FVARATIO measure of influence or
any other statistic that appeals to you. Whereas version 1 was not really an acceptable solution it
was too specialized version 2 was acceptable. Version 3 was better, and version 4 better yet, but
the improvements were of less and less importance.
Putting aside the details of Stata’s language, you should understand that final versions of programs
do not just happen they are the results of drafts that have been refined. How much refinement
depends on how often and who will be using the program. In this sense, the “official” ado-files that
come with Stata are poor examples. They have been subject to substantial refinement because they
will be used by strangers with no knowledge of how the code works. When writing programs for
yourself, you may want to stop refining at an earlier draft.
18.11.6 Writing system help
When you write an ado-file, you should also write a help file to go with it. This file is a standard
text file, named command.sthlp, that you place in the same directory as your ado-file command.ado.
This way, when users type help followed by the name of your new command (or pull down Help),
they will see something better than “help for . . . not found”.
You can obtain examples of help files by examining the .sthlp files in the official ado-directory;
type sysdir and look in the lettered subdirectories of the directory defined as BASE:
48 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
. sysdir
STATA: C:\Program Files\Stata13\
BASE: C:\Program Files\Stata13\ado\base\
SITE: C:\Program Files\Stata13\ado\site\
PLUS: C:\ado\plus\
PERSONAL: C:\ado\personal\
Here you would find examples of .sthlp files in the a, b, . . . subdirectories of C:\Program
Help files are physically written on the disk in text format, but their contents are Stata Markup
and Control Language (SMCL). For the most part, you can ignore that. If the file contains a line that
Also see help for the finishup command
it will display in just that way. However, SMCL contains many special directives, so that if the line
in the file were to read
Also see {hi:help} for the {help finishup} command
what would be displayed would be
Also see for the command
and moreover, finishup would appear as a hypertext link, meaning that if users clicked on it, they
would see help on finishup.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 49
You can read about the details of SMCL in [P] smcl. The following is a SMCL help file:
begin examplehelpfile.sthlp
{* *! version 1.2.1 07mar2013}{. . .}
{vieweralsosee "[R] help" "help help "}{. . .}
{viewerjumpto "Syntax" "examplehelpfile##syntax"}{. . .}
{viewerjumpto "Description" "examplehelpfile##description"}{. . .}
{viewerjumpto "Options" "examplehelpfile##options"}{. . .}
{viewerjumpto "Remarks" "examplehelpfile##remarks"}{. . .}
{viewerjumpto "Examples" "examplehelpfile##examples"}{. . .}
{bf:whatever} {hline 2} Calculate whatever statistic
{marker syntax}{. . .}
{p 8 17 2}
{synoptset 20 tabbed}{...}
{synopt:{opt d:etail}}display additional statistics{p_end}
{synopt:{opt mean:only}}suppress the display; calculate only the mean;
programmer’s option{p_end}
{synopt:{opt f:ormat}}use variable’s display format{p_end}
{synopt:{opt sep:arator(#)}}draw separator line after every {it:#} variables;
default is {cmd:separator(5)}{p_end}
{synopt:{opth g:enerate(newvar)}}create variable name {it:newvar}{p_end}
{p 4 6 2}
{cmd:by} is allowed; see {manhelp by D}.{p_end}
{p 4 4 2}
{cmd:fweight}s are allowed; see {help weight}.
{marker description}{. . .}
{cmd:whatever} calculates the whatever statistic for the variables in
{varlist} when the data are not stratified.
{marker options}{. . .}
{opt detail} displays detailed output of the calculation.
{opt meanonly} restricts the calculation to be based on only the
means. The default is to use a trimmed mean.
50 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
{opt format} requests that the summary statistics be displayed using the display
formats associated with the variables, rather than the default {cmd:g} display
format; see {bf:[U] 12.5 Formats: Controlling how data are displayed}.
{opt separator(#)} specifies how often to insert separation lines
into the output. The default is {cmd:separator(5)}, meaning that a
line is drawn after every 5 variables. {cmd:separator(10)} would
draw a line after every 10 variables. {cmd:separator(0)} suppresses
the separation line.
{opth generate(newvar)} creates {it:newvar} containing the whatever values.
{marker remarks}{. . .}
For detailed information on the whatever statistic, see {bf:[R] intro}.
{marker examples}{. . .}
{phang}{cmd:. whatever mpg weight}{p_end}
{phang}{cmd:. whatever mpg weight, meanonly}{p_end}
end examplehelpfile.sthlp
If you were to select Help > Stata Command, and type examplehelpfile and click on OK, or if
you were to type help examplehelpfile, this is what you would see:
Calculate whatever statistic
[varlist] [if] [in] [weight] [ options]
options description
display additional statistics
suppress the display; calculate only the mean;
programmer’s option
use variable’s display format
# draw separator line after every # variables; default
newvar create variable name newvar
is allowed; see .
s are allowed; see .
calculates the whatever statistic for the variables in varlist when
the data are not stratified.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 51
displays detailed output of the calculation.
restricts the calculation to be based on only the means.
The default is to use a trimmed mean.
requests that the summary statistics be displayed using the display
formats associated with the variables, rather than the default display
format; see .
# specifies how often to insert separation lines into the output.
The default is , meaning that a line is drawn after every 5
variables. would draw a line after every 10 variables.
suppresses the separation line.
newvar creates newvar containing the whatever values.
For detailed information on the whatever statistic, see .
Users will find it easier to understand your programs if you document them the same way that we
document ours. We offer the following guidelines:
1. The first line must be
This notifies Stata that the help file is in SMCL format.
2. The second line should be
{* *! version #.#.# date}{...}
The * indicates a comment and the {. . .} will suppress the blank line. Whenever you edit the
help file, update the version number and the date found in the comment line.
3. The next several lines denote what will be displayed in the quick access toolbar with the three
pulldown menus: Dialog, Also See, and Jump To.
{vieweralsosee "[R] help" "help help "}{. . .}
{viewerjumpto "Syntax" "examplehelpfile##syntax"}{. . .}
{viewerjumpto "Description" "examplehelpfile##description"}{. . .}
{viewerjumpto "Options" "examplehelpfile##options"}{. . .}
{viewerjumpto "Remarks" "examplehelpfile##remarks"}{. . .}
{viewerjumpto "Examples" "examplehelpfile##examples"}{. . .}
4. Then place the title.
{bf:yourcmd} {hline 2} Your title
52 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
5. Include two blank lines, and place the Syntax title, syntax diagram, and options table:
{p 8 17 2}
syntax line
{p 8 17 2}
second syntax line, if necessary
{synoptset 20 tabbed}{...}
{synopt:{option}}brief description of option{p end}
{p 4 6 2}
clarifying text, if required
6. Include two blank lines, and place the Description title and text:
description text
Briefly describe what the command does. Do not burden the user with details yet. Assume that
the user is at the point of asking whether this is what he or she is looking for.
7. If your command allows options, include two blank lines, and place the Options title and
{opt optionname} option description
continued option description, if necessary
{opt optionname} second option description
Options should be included in the order in which they appear in the option table. Option
paragraphs are reverse indented, with the option name on the far left, where it is easily spotted.
If an option requires more than one paragraph, subsequent paragraphs are set using {pmore}.
One blank line separates one option from another.
8. Optionally include two blank lines, and place the Remarks title and text:
Include whatever long discussion you feel necessary. Stata’s official system help files often omit
this because the discussions appear in the manual. Stata’s official help files for features added
between releases (obtained from the Stata Journal, the Stata website, etc.), however, include
this section because the appropriate Stata Journal may not be as accessible as the manuals.
[ U ] 18 Programming Stata 53
9. Optionally include two blank lines, and place the Examples title and text:
{cmd:. first example}
{cmd:. second example}
Nothing communicates better than providing something beyond theoretical discussion. Examples
rarely need much explanation.
10. Optionally include two blank lines, and place the Author title and text:
Name, affiliation, etc.
Exercise caution. If you include a telephone number, expect your phone to ring. An email
address may be more appropriate.
11. Optionally include two blank lines, and place the References title and text:
Author. year.
Title. Location: Publisher.
We also warn that it is easy to use too much {hi:highlighting}. Use it sparingly. In text, use
{cmd:. . . } to show what would be shown in typewriter typeface it the documentation were printed
in this manual.
Technical note
Sometimes it is more convenient to describe two or more related commands in the same .sthlp
file. Thus xyz.sthlp might document both the xyz and abc commands. To arrange that typing help
abc displays xyz.sthlp, create the file abc.sthlp, containing
begin abc.sthlp
.h xyz
end abc.sthlp
When a .sthlp file contains one line of the form .h refname’, Stata interprets that as an instruction
to display help for refname.
Technical note
If you write a collection of programs, you need to somehow index the programs so that users
(and you) can find the command they want. We do that with our contents.sthlp entry. You should
create a similar kind of entry. We suggest that you call your private entry user.sthlp in your
personal ado-directory; see [U] 17.5.2 Where is my personal ado-directory?. This way, to review
what you have added, you can type help user.
We suggest that Unix users at large sites also add site.sthlp to the SITE directory (typically
/usr/local/ado, but type sysdir to be sure). Then you can type help site for a list of the
commands available sitewide.
54 [ U ] 18 Programming Stata
18.11.7 Programming dialog boxes
You cannot only write new Stata commands and help files, but you can also create your own
interface, or dialog box, for a command you have written. Stata provides a dialog box programming
language to allow you to create your own dialog boxes. In fact, most of the dialog boxes you see in
Stata’s interface have been created using this language.
This is not for the faint of heart, but if you want to create your own dialog box for a command,
see [P] dialog programming. The manual entry contains all the details on creating and programming
dialog boxes.
18.12 Tools for interacting with programs outside Stata and with other
Advanced programmers may wish to interact Stata with other programs or to call programs or
libraries written in other languages from Stata. Stata supports the following:
Shell out synchronously or asynchronously to another program See [D] shell
Call code in libraries written in C, C++, FORTRAN, etc. See [P] plugin
Call code in libraries written in Java See [P] java
Control Statasend commands to it and retrieve See [P] automation
results from itfrom an external program via OLE Automation
18.13 A compendium of useful commands for programmers
You can use any Stata command in your programs and ado-files. Also, some commands are
intended solely for use by Stata programmers. You should see the section under the Programming
heading in the subject table of contents at the beginning of the Glossary and Index.
Also see the Mata Reference Manual for all the details on the Mata language within Stata.
18.14 References
Baum, C. F. 2009. An Introduction to Stata Programming. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
Belsley, D. A., E. Kuh, and R. E. Welsch. 1980. Regression Diagnostics: Identifying Influential Data and Sources of
Collinearity. New York: Wiley.
Gould, W. W. 2001. Statistical software certification. Stata Journal 1: 29–50.
Herrin, J. 2009. Stata tip 77: (Re)using macros in multiple do-files. Stata Journal 9: 497–498.