Evaluation of
DHS' Information
Security Program for
Fiscal Year 2022
April 17,
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Evaluation of DHS’ Information Security
Program for Fiscal Year 2022
April 17, 2023
Why We Did
This Evaluation
We reviewed the Department of
Homeland Security’s information
security program for compliance
with Federal Information Security
Modernization Act of 2014
(FISMA) requirements. We
conducted our evaluation
according to fiscal year 2022
reporting instructions. Our
objective was to determine
whether DHS’ information
security program and practices
were adequate and effective to
protect the information and
information systems that
support DHS’ operations and
assets for FY 2022.
What We
We made one recommendation
to DHS to address the
deficiencies we identified.
For Further Information:
Contact our Office of Public Affairs at
(202) 981-6000, or email us at
What We Found
DHS’ information security program for FY 2022
was rated “effective,” according to this year’s
reporting instructions. We based this rating on
our evaluation of DHS’ compliance with the FISMA
requirements on unclassified and National
Security Systems, for which DHS improved its
maturity level in three functions compared to FY
2021. DHS received “Level 4 Managed and
Measurable” in the Identify, Protect, Respond, and
Recover functions, and a Level 3 Consistently
Implemented” in the Detect function.
Based on our evaluation and testing, we identified
the following six deficiencies:
1. Systems were operating without an Authority to
Operate and without Contingency Plan Testing.
2. Plans of Action and Milestones used to mitigate
known information security weaknesses were
past due or not updated.
3. Security configuration settings were not
implemented for all systems tested.
4. Some components had identity and access
5. An unsupported version of a Windows operating
system was running on a component
6. Some components did not promptly apply
security patches to mitigate critical and high-
risk security vulnerabilities on selected systems
DHS Response
DHS concurred with the recommendation. We
included a copy of DHS’ comments in Appendix B.
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Department of Homeland Security
Table of Contents
Background ………………………………………………………………….…………….….1
Results of Evaluation……………………………………………………….…………….…5
DHS Improved the Effectiveness of Its Information Security
1. Identify………………………….……………………………………………………6
2. Protect………………………………………………………………………………11
3. Detect…………….………………………………………………………….…..…15
4. Respond…………………………………………………………………………....16
5. Recover………………………………………………………………………….….17
Management Comments and OIG Analysis .....…………………………………...…19
Appendix A: Objective, Scope, and Methodology ................................... 23
Appendix B: Management Comments to the Draft Report..................... 25
Appendix C: Major Contributors to This Report.................................... 29
Appendix D: Report Distribution………….………………………………….....30
ATO Authority to Operate
CIO Chief Information Officer
CISA Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
CISO Chief Information Security Officer
FISMA Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014
HQ Headquarters
HVA High Value Asset
ICE U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
IG Inspector General
IT Information Technology
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NSS National Security System
OCIO Office of the Chief Information Officer
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Department of Homeland Security
OMB Office of Management and Budget
PIV Personal Identity Verification
POA&M Plan of Action and Milestones
SCRM Supply Chain Risk Management
SP Special Publication
USCIS U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
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Recognizing the importance of information security to the economic and
national security interests of the United States, Congress enacted the Federal
Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 (FISMA).
Information security
means protecting information and information systems from unauthorized
access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
provides a framework for ensuring effective security controls are in place to
protect the information resources that support Federal operations and assets.
FISMA focuses on program management, implementation, and evaluation of the
security of unclassified and National Security Systems (NSS).
FISMA requires Federal agencies to develop, document, and implement agency-
wide information security programs.
Each program should protect the data
and information systems supporting the operations and assets of the agency,
including those provided or managed by another agency, contractor, or source.
According to FISMA, agencies are responsible for conducting annual evaluations
of information programs and systems under their purview. Each agency’s Chief
Information Officer (CIO), in coordination with senior agency officials, is
required to report annually to the agency head on the effectiveness of the
agency’s information security program, including progress on remedial actions.
The Department of Homeland Security has various missions, such as
preventing terrorism, ensuring disaster resilience, managing U.S. borders,
administering immigration laws, and securing cyberspace. To accomplish its
broad array of complex missions, DHS employs approximately 240,000
personnel, all of whom rely on information technology (IT) to perform their
duties. It is critical that DHS provide a high level of cybersecurity
for the
information and information systems supporting day-to-day operations.
The DHS Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) bears primary responsibility
for protecting information and ensuring compliance with FISMA. The DHS
CISO heads the Information Security Office and manages the Department’s
information security program for its unclassified systems, its national security
44 United States Code § 3551 et.seq.
Id. at § 3552(b)(3).
Id. at § 3551(1).
DHS defines NSS as systems that collect, generate, process, store, display, transmit, or
receive Unclassified, Confidential, Secret, and Top-Secret information.
Id. at § 3554(b).
Id. at § 3554(a)(1), (2) and 3554(b).
Id. at § 3554(a)(5).
Cybersecurity is the process of protecting information by preventing, detecting, and
responding to attacks.
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systems classified as “Secret” and “Top Secret,” and systems operated by
contractors on behalf of DHS. As part of the Department’s continuous
monitoring strategy, DHS CISO maintains awareness of the Department’s
information security program through: (1) Continuous Diagnostics and
Mitigation, (2) Ongoing Authorization Program, and the (3) Network Operations
Security Center.
Foremost to all DHS components is adhering to the IT security requirements
set forth in the Department’s security authorization process,
which involves
comprehensive testing and evaluation of security features of all information
systems before becoming operational
within the Department. This evaluation
process results in an Authority to Operate (ATO) decision, whereby a senior
official authorizes the operation of an information system based on an agreed-
upon set of security controls. Per DHS guidelines,
each component CISO is
required to assess the effectiveness of controls implemented before authorizing
the systems to operate, and periodically thereafter. According to applicable
Office of Management and Budget (OMB),
and National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST)
policies, all systems must undergo the
authorization process before they become operational. The DHS CISO relies on
two enterprise management systems to keep track of security authorization
status and administer the information security program. Enterprise
management systems also provide a means to monitor plans of action and
milestones for remediating information security weaknesses related to
unclassified and Secret-level systems.
FISMA Reporting Instructions
FISMA requires each agency Inspector General (IG) to perform an annual
independent evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the agency’s
information security program and practices. The FY 2022 Core Inspector
General Metrics Implementation Analysis and Guidelines
(Fiscal Year 2022
DHS Information Security Continuous Monitoring Strategy, Version 5.0, May 20, 2022.
NIST defines a security authorization as a management decision by a senior organizational
official authorizing operation of an information system and explicitly accepting the risk to
agency operations and assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation based on
implementation of an agreed-upon set of security controls.
According to DHS policy, an information system must be granted an Authority to Operate.
DHS System Security Authorization Process Guide, Version 14.1, April 4, 2019.
DHS System Security Authorization Process Guide, Version 14.1, April 4, 2019.
OMB Circular A-130, Managing Information as a Strategic Resource, July 2016.
NIST Special Publication (SP) 800-53, Revision 5, Security and Privacy Controls for
Information Systems and Organizations, September 2020.
The FY 2022 Core Inspector General Metrics Implementation Analysis and Guidelines was
based on coordinated discussions between representatives from OMB, the Council of the
Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency, Federal Civilian Executive Branch CISOs and
their staff, and the Intelligence Community.
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FISMA Reporting Metrics) provide reporting requirements for addressing key
areas identified during independent evaluations of agency information security
programs. IGs are required to assess the effectiveness of information security
programs on a maturity model spectrum, in which the foundational levels
ensure that agencies develop sound policies and procedures, while the
advanced levels capture the extent to which agencies institutionalize policies
and procedures. Within the maturity model context, agencies should perform
risk assessments to identify the optimal maturity levels that achieve cost-
effective security, based on mission, risks faced, risk appetites, and risk
tolerance. NIST provides agencies with a common structure to identify and
manage cybersecurity risks across the enterprise, in alignment with five
functions from its Cybersecurity Framework.
Table 1. NIST Cybersecurity Functions and FY 2022 FISMA Domains
FISMA Domains
Risk Management
Supply Chain Risk Management
Configuration Management
Identity and Access Management
Data Protection and Privacy
Security Training
Develop and implement the appropriate activities to
identify the occurrence of a cybersecurity event.
Information Security Continuous
Develop and implement the appropriate activities to take
action regarding a detected cybersecurity event.
Incident Response
Cybersecurity Functions
Develop the organizational understanding to manage
cybersecurity risk to systems, assets, data, and
Develop and implement the appropriate safeguards to
ensure delivery of critical services.
Develop and implement the appropriate activities to
maintain plans for resilience and to restore any
Recover Contingency Planning
capabilities or services that were impaired due to a
cybersecurity event.
Source: NIST Cybersecurity Framework and FY 2022 FISMA Reporting Metrics
According to the FY 2022 FISMA Reporting Metrics, each Office of Inspector
General evaluates its agency’s information security program using selected
metrics from the FY 2021 IG metrics
for their applicability to critical efforts
emanating from Executive Order 14028
and OMB M-22-05
and cited in the
reporting instructions for the five cybersecurity functions listed in Table 1. The
questions are derived from the maturity models outlined within the NIST
Cybersecurity Framework. Based on its evaluation, OIG assigns each
Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, Version 1.1, April 16, 2018.
FY 2021 Inspector General FISMA Reporting Metrics, Version 1.1, May 12, 2021.
Executive Order 14028, Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity, issued May 12, 2021.
OMB Memorandum 22-05, Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and
Agencies, December 6, 2021.
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cybersecurity function a maturity level of 1 through 5, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. OIG Evaluation of Maturity Levels
Maturity Level Maturity Level Description
Level 1 Ad-hoc
Policies, procedures, and strategies are not formalized; activities are performed
in an ad-hoc, reactive manner.
Level 2 Defined
Policies, procedures, and strategies are formalized and documented, but not
consistently implemented.
Level 3 Consistently
Policies, procedures, and strategies are consistently implemented, but
quantitative and qualitative effectiveness measures are lacking.
Level 4 Managed and
Quantitative and qualitative measures on the effectiveness of policies,
procedures, and strategies are collected across the organization and used to
assess them and make necessary changes.
Level 5 Optimized
Policies, procedures, and strategies are fully institutionalized, repeatable, self-
generating, consistently implemented, and regularly updated based on changing
threats and technology landscape and business/mission needs.
Source: FY 2021 FISMA Reporting Metrics
Per the FY 2022 FISMA Reporting Metrics, when an information security
program is rated at “Level 4, Managed and Measurable,” the program is
operating at an effective level of security.
Scope of Our FISMA Evaluation
This report summarizes the results of our evaluation of the Department’s
information security program based on the FY 2022 FISMA Reporting Metrics.
We performed our fieldwork at DHS Headquarters (HQ), DHS Office of the
CISO, and at three selected DHS components. To determine whether DHS
components effectively manage and secure their information systems, we
reviewed the Department’s monthly FISMA Scorecards for unclassified systems
and NSS. As part of discretionary audits conducted over the past year, we
conducted technical testing to assess configuration management practices on
eight selected systems at two components (referred to as “Component E” and
“Component J”). Two of the eight systems assessed were designated as High
Value Assets (HVA).
We responded to the core questions cited in the FY 2022
FISMA Reporting Metrics based on our evaluation of DHS’ compliance with
applicable FISMA requirements.
The FY 2022 maturity levels were based on the FY 2021 FISMA Reporting Metrics.
An HVA is information or an information system so critical to the Department that the loss
or corruption of this information or loss of access to the system would have serious impact to
the organization’s ability to perform its mission or conduct business.
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To determine the effectiveness of components’ implementation of their
information security programs, our independent contractor performed work at
the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS). The contractor evaluated each component based on the
maturity model approach outlined in the FY 2022 FISMA Reporting Metrics
and NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework. We have incorporated the contractor’s
work in this report.
Results of Evaluation
DHS’ information security program for FY 2022 was rated as “effective,”
according to this year’s reporting instructions. We based this rating on our
evaluation of DHS’ compliance with the FISMA requirements on unclassified
and National Security Systems, for which DHS improved its maturity level in
three functions as compared to FY 2021. DHS received “Level 4 Managed and
Measurable” in the Identify, Protect, Respond, and Recover functions, and a
“Level 3 Consistently Implemented” in the Detect function.
Based on our evaluation and testing, we identified the following six deficiencies:
1. Systems were operating without an ATO or Contingency Plan Testing.
2. Plans of Action and Milestones (POA&M) used to mitigate known
information security weaknesses were past due or not updated.
3. Security configuration settings were not implemented for all systems
4. Selected components had identity and access weaknesses.
5. An unsupported version of a Windows operating system was running on
a component workstation.
6. Some components did not promptly apply security patches to mitigate
critical and high-risk security vulnerabilities on selected systems tested.
DHS Improved the Effectiveness of Its Information Security
DHS improved its maturity level in three functions as compared with FY 2021,
with a maturity rating of “Managed and Measurable” (Level 4) in four of five
functions. We summarized a comparison of FY 2021 and FY 2022 ratings in
Table 3.
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Table 3. DHS’ Maturity Level for Each Cybersecurity Function in
FY 2021 Compared with FY 2022
Maturity Level
FY 2021 FY 2022
1. Identify Level 3 Consistently Implemented Level 4 Managed and Measurable
2. Protect Level 4 Managed and Measurable Level 4 Managed and Measurable
3. Detect Level 3 Consistently Implemented Level 3 Consistently Implemented
4. Respond Level 3 Consistently Implemented Level 4 Managed and Measurable
5. Recover Level 2 Defined Level 4 Managed and Measurable
Source: DHS OIG analysis based on our FY 2021 report
and FY 2022 FISMA Reporting
The following is a complete discussion of all progress and deficiencies we
identified in each cybersecurity function as part of this evaluation.
1. Identify: The “Identify” function requires developing an organizational
understanding to manage cybersecurity risks to systems, assets, data, and
We determined DHS was operating at “Level 4 Managed and Measurable” in
this function. DHS can further improve this area by focusing on centralized
risk management practices. For example, DHS did not provide an enterprise-
wide (portfolio) view of cybersecurity risk management activities for all systems
across the Department. Further, DHS did not provide documentation to
support that it had integrated cybersecurity risk management information into
its Enterprise Risk Management process, including DHS’ agency-wide risk
assessment, as discussed in OMB Circular A-123, the U.S. Government
Accountability Office’s Green Book, and NIST Special Publications (SP) 800-37
and 800-39.
We also identified component systems that were operating with expired ATOs.
Without valid ATOs, DHS cannot be assured effective controls are in place to
protect sensitive information stored and processed by these systems. We also
identified deficiencies in security weakness remediation, as several components
did not effectively manage the POA&M process as required by DHS. POA&M is
a tool to correct information security weaknesses found during any review done
by, for, or on behalf of the agency, such as audits or vulnerability assessments.
A POA&M identifies tasks that need to be accomplished and details the
resources required to accomplish elements of the plan, any milestones for
meeting tasks, and scheduled completion dates for milestones.
Evaluation of DHS’ Information Security Program for Fiscal Year 2021, OIG-22-55, August 1,
OMB Memorandum 02-01, Guidance for Preparing and Submitting Security Plans of Action
and Milestones, October 17, 2001.
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Risk Management
Managing risk is a complex, multifaceted activity that requires involvement of
the entire organization. A key component of risk management is the security
authorization package (also referred to as an ATO package) that documents the
results of the security assessment. The ATO process provides the authorizing
official with information needed to make a risk-based decision whether to
authorize operation of the information system.
Per DHS guidance,
components are required to use enterprise management systems
incorporate NIST security controls when performing security assessments of
their systems. Based on OMB and NIST guidance,
system ATOs are typically
granted for a specific period, in accordance with terms and conditions
established by the authorizing official. DHS allows its components to enroll in
an ongoing authorization program established by NIST.
We determined that 5 of 11 DHS components did not meet the required
authorization target for high-value assets. DHS maintains a target goal of
ensuring ATOs for 100 percent of its 149 high-value systems assets. The ATO
target goal is 95 percent for its 449 other operational systems. In our review of
DHS’ May 2022 FISMA Scorecard for unclassified systems, we found that five
components did not meet the required authorization target of 100 percent for
high-value assets, as shown in Figure 1.
A Federal information system is an information system used or operated by an executive
agency, a contractor of an executive agency, or another organization on behalf of an executive
DHS FY22 Information Security Performance Plan, Version 5.0, January 18, 2022.
Enterprise management systems enable centralized storage and tracking of all
documentation required for the authorization package of each system.
OMB Circular A-130, Managing Information as a Strategic Resource, July 2016; NIST SP
800-37 Revision 2, Risk Management Framework for Information Systems and Organizations: A
System Life Cycle Approach for Security and Privacy, December 2018.
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Figure 1. Selected Components’ Performance Meeting
the ATO Goal for High-Value Systems Assets
Source: DHS OIG analysis of DHS’ May 2022 FISMA Scorecard
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Component J
Component I
Component G
Component F
Component D
In addition, according to DHS’ May 2022 FISMA Scorecard, there were 40 other
systems from 6 of 11 DHS components that did not meet the security
authorization target of 95 percent, as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Selected Components’ Performance Meeting
the ATO Goal for Other Systems
78% 79% 80% 81% 82% 83% 84% 85% 86% 87%
Component J
Component H
Component G
Component F
Component D
Component A
Source: DHS OIG analysis of DHS’ May 2022 FISMA Scorecard
To determine the components’ compliance with DHS’ NSS security
authorization target, we examined the Department’s May 2022 NSS FISMA
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Cybersecurity Scorecard. We found that all DHS General Support
System/Major Applications met DHS’ NSS ATO target of 90 percent.
Our analysis of May 31, 2022, data from DHS’ unclassified enterprise
management system revealed that DHS and its components have made
progress reducing the number of systems operating without ATOs to 23,
compared to 56 of 600 (62 percent reduction) in FY 2021. Table 4 outlines the
number of unclassified systems operating without ATOs at selected
components from FYs 2020 to 2022.
Table 4. Number of Unclassified Systems Operating without ATOs
at Selected Components
Component FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Component A 2 6 0
Component B N/A N/A N/A
Component C 0 0 0
Component D 10 12 11
Component E 61 35 1
Component F 1 1 3
Component G 1 1 0
Component H 0 0 2
Component I 0 1 3
Component J N/A N/A 3
Component K 0 0 0
Total 75 56 23
Source: DHS OIG-compiled data from Evaluation of DHS’ Information Security Program for
Fiscal Year 2020, OIG-21-72, September 30, 2021, and analysis of data from DHS’
unclassified enterprise management system as of May 31, 2022
In our FISMA FY 2021 report, OIG-22-55, dated August 1, 2022, we
recommended DHS revise its (1) DHS 4300A Policy, (2) Handbook, and (3)
Ongoing Authorization Methodology to incorporate applicable changes from
NIST SPs, including SP 800-37, Revision 2,
and SP 800-53, Revision 5, and
SP 800-137A, to maintain consistency between the documents. In July 2022,
we reported to OMB that DHS had not yet updated this guidance to reflect the
new and revised controls. However, the Department updated its 4300A Policy,
Handbook, and Ongoing Authorization Methodology after our submission, in
September 2022. As a result of the Department incorporating the applicable
controls from various NIST SPs into its revised policies, it satisfied the intent of
one of the prior recommendations.
NIST Special Publication 800-37, Revision 2, was issued December 18, 2018, in which NIST
added a new "Prepare" step.
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Weakness Remediation
OMB and DHS require using POA&Ms to track and plan the resolution of
information security weaknesses.
We found several components did not
effectively manage the POA&M process as required by DHS. For example,
components did not resolve all POA&Ms within 12 months or consistently
include estimates for resources needed to mitigate identified weaknesses as
Our analysis of 8,344 open unclassified POA&Ms from DHS’ enterprise
management system as of May 31, 2022, showed that 2,350 were past due;
823 were overdue by more than a year, including 229 POA&Ms created for
HVAs; and 29 were overdue by more than 3 years. Of the 2,350 past due
unclassified POA&Ms, 396 had weakness remediation costs estimated at less
than $50,
as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Review of 8,344 Open Unclassified POA&MS
Source: DHS OIG analysis of data from DHS’ Enterprise Management System as of May 31,
Based on our review of the May 2022 NSS FISMA Cybersecurity Scorecard, we
found that DHS HQ did not meet DHS’ NSS weakness remediation metrics for
OMB Memorandum 02-01, Guidance for Preparing and Submitting Security Plans of Action
and Milestones, October 17, 2001; Policy Directive Number 4300A, Information Technology
System Security Program, Sensitive Systems, Version 13.2, September 20, 2022.
To ensure sufficient resources are available to mitigate known information security
weaknesses, DHS requires that components include a nominal weakness remediation cost of
$50 when the cost cannot be estimated due to the complexity of tasks or other unknown
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POA&Ms. This has been a consistent finding in our FISMA reporting since
Without valid ATOs and aggregated POA&M information, DHS cannot be
assured that effective controls are in place to protect sensitive information
stored and processed by these systems.
According to FY 2022 reporting metrics, our independent contractor rated
components’ Identify Risk Management domain “Level 3 Consistently
Implemented” for ICE, and “Level 5 Optimized” for CISA and USCIS.
Supply Chain Risk Management
The Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) domain focuses on the maturity of
agency SCRM strategies, policies and procedures, plans, and processes to
ensure that products, system components, systems, and services of external
providers are consistent with the organization’s cybersecurity and SCRM
requirements. This domain aligns with SCRM criteria in NIST SP 800-53,
Rev.5, Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations.
The Department’s management has developed draft SCRM policies and
procedures to ensure products, system components, systems, and services of
external providers are consistent with applicable cybersecurity supply chain
requirements. However, because the Department has not approved these draft
policies and procedures, the actions taken thus far do not effectively address
the maturity level indicators as discussed in the reporting metrics.
According to FY 2022 reporting metrics, our independent contractor rated
components’ Supply Chain Risk Management Domain “Level 3 Consistently
Implemented” for USCIS, “Level 4 Management and Measurable” for CISA,
and “Level 5 Optimized” for ICE.
2. Protect: The “Protect” function entails developing and implementing the
appropriate safeguards to ensure delivery of critical services based on four
FISMA domains: (1) Configuration Management, (2) Identity and Access
Management, (3) Data Protection and Privacy, and (4) Security Training.
We determined DHS was operating at “Level 4 Managed and Measurable” in
the Protect function. For example, DHS employs automation to resolve found
issues and address configuration changes. However, DHS has not addressed
its identified knowledge, skills, and abilities gaps. In addition, the results from
our August 2022 audit on cyber attack protections
revealed that some
components did not (1) ensure all users completed required cybersecurity
DHS Can Better Mitigate the Risks Associated with Malware, Ransomware, and Phishing
Attacks, OIG-22-62, August 22, 2022.
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awareness training; (2) consistently educate users about the risks of malware,
ransomware, and phishing attacks; and (3) conduct at least one phishing
exercise in the period sampled. Based on technical testing results, DHS had
not implemented security configuration settings for all systems tested; one
component was running an unsupported version of a Windows operating
system on a workstation; and some components did not apply security patches
timely to mitigate critical and high-risk security vulnerabilities on selected
systems tested.
Configuration Management
We determined DHS was operating at “Level 4 Managed and Measurable” in
the Configuration Management domain. As part of DHS OIG audits and
technical testing conducted during the year, DHS OIG performed security
assessments on six systems, including one HVA at two components
(Component E and Component J). Our testing confirmed that both
components had implemented a vulnerability patch management program.
However, the components did not ensure all known security patch and
software updates were remediated timely. In addition, we found an
unsupported version of Windows operating system on a workstation at
Component J.
We also identified misconfigured security settings on selected workstations,
domain controllers, servers, and mobile devices that may expose DHS data to
unnecessary security risks at the components tested. DHS requires
components document any deviation in implementing the control settings
through waivers or risk-acceptance. When factoring in all available waivers
through a risk acceptance memo, along with our assessment results,
components should arrive at 100% compliance. However, we determined that:
Component E implemented between 98 to 100 percent of the Defense
Information Security Agency Security Technical Implementation Guide
baseline settings.
Component J implemented from 58 to 97 percent of the required Defense
Information Security Agency Security Technical Implementation Guide
baseline settings.
Further, our security assessment revealed critical and high-risk Common
Vulnerability Scoring System vulnerabilities were not remediated timely on the
eight systems tested, including two HVAs at Components E and J. Specifically:
At Component E, we assessed 2 systems, including 1 HVA, and identified
8 critical and 30 high risk unique/individual weaknesses on 527
workstations, domain controllers, and servers tested. Further, at
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Component E, we identified 1 unique critical vulnerability, occurring 32
times, that is listed in CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities catalog.
We also assessed two mobile applications and identified two critical and
seven high risk unique/individual weaknesses.
At Component J, we assessed 4 systems, including 1 HVA, and identified
14 critical and 201 high risk unique/individual weaknesses on 780
workstations, domain controllers, and servers tested.
When security patches are not applied in a timely fashion, components could
be subject to potential exploitation. Personnel within Components E and J
stated that the components are taking corrective actions to remediate the
security vulnerabilities identified during our other discretionary audits
conducted this year.
Our independent contractor rated components’ Configuration Management
Domain “Level 1 Ad-hoc” for CISA, “Level 4 Managed and Measurable” for
ICE, and “Level 5 Optimized” for USCIS.
Identity and Access Management
We determined DHS was operating at “Level 4 Managed and Measurable” in
the Identity and Access Management domain. Identity and access
management is critical to ensuring only authorized users can log onto DHS
systems. DHS has taken a decentralized approach to identity and access
management, leaving its components individually responsible for issuing
Personal Identity Verification (PIV) cards (access cards) for computer and
building access, pursuant to Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12.
DHS requires all privileged and unprivileged employees and contractors to use
PIV cards to log onto DHS systems.
Our audit of Component E revealed it does not consistently enforce multifactor
authentication. Component E requires non-privileged and privileged user
accounts to use multifactor authentication with PIV cards for workstations via
Microsoft’s Active Directory Group Policy Object.
However, Component E
does not enforce multifactor authentication with PIV cards for servers. Instead,
CISA Binding Operational Directive 22-01 Reducing the Significant Risk of Known Exploited
Vulnerabilities, issued November 3, 2021, establishes a CISA-managed catalog of known
exploited vulnerabilities that carry significant risk to the Federal enterprise and establishes
requirements for agencies to remediate any such vulnerabilities included in the catalog.
Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12: Policy for a Common Identification Standard for
Federal Employees and Contractors, dated August 27, 2004, requires Federal agencies to begin
using a standard form of identification to gain physical and logical access to federally
controlled facilities and information systems.
Active Directory keeps track of users, computers, and groups. Active Directory uses Group
Policy Objects to enforce security and to limit access to protected resources.
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Component E has allowed its privileged user accounts to authenticate with a
username and strong password in accordance with applicable policy. Further,
we identified 259 of 44,585 total users who were allowed to reset the password
for a powerful, privileged account, which Windows used to encrypt access
tickets at Component E. Component E personnel agreed that account
permissions should be reviewed. As of June 2022, Component E stated it had
already disabled some of the identified accounts and removed unnecessary
permissions from others.
As part of our technical testing, we accessed Component J implementation of
Microsoft’s Active Directory and determined that multifactor authentication via
PIV was enforced for its non-privileged users. For privileged accounts,
Component J has implemented strong authentication mechanisms. However,
Component J allowed 61 of 38,102 total users to reset the password for a
powerful, privileged account, which Windows used to encrypt access tickets.
Component J personnel stated that two Active Directory security groups were
inheriting password change permissions they were not intended to have. To
mitigate this weakness, Component J personnel stated they would break these
permission inheritances and correct the problem during their next update.
Our independent contractor rated components’ Identity and Access
Management domain at “Level 4 Managed and Measurable” for CISA, ICE,
and USCIS.
Data Protection and Privacy
We determined DHS was operating at “Level 2 Defined” in the Data Protection
and Privacy domain. DHS has not defined policies and procedures to mitigate
against Domain Name System infrastructure tampering. The Department has
not fully encrypted personally identifiable information and other sensitive data.
As part of DHS’ efforts to meet Executive Order 14028’s full encryption
requirement, program officials reported in March 2022 that DHS had only
applied encryption on 86 percent of DHS’ systems for data at rest and 96
percent for data in transit. Under Executive Order 14028, Federal agencies
were required to meet the President’s 180-day target for full encryption by
November 8, 2021.
Our independent contractor rated components’ Data Protection and Privacy
domain at “Level 1 Ad-hoc” for CISA, “Level 2 Defined” for ICE, and “Level 5
Optimized” for USCIS.
Security Training Program
We determined DHS was operating at “Level 3 Consistently Implemented” in
the Security Training domain. Educating employees about acceptable practices
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and rules of behavior is critical for an effective information security program.
DHS has a security training program that DHS HQ, the Office of the Chief
Human Capital Officer, and the components manage collaboratively.
Specifically, the Department uses a Performance and Learning Management
System to track employee completion of training, including security awareness
courses. Components are required to ensure all employees and contractors
receive annual IT security awareness training, as well as specialized training
for employees with significant responsibilities.
DHS has not resolved its identified knowledge, skills, and abilities gaps of its
cyber workforce. As a result, the Department cannot ensure its employees
possess the knowledge and skills necessary to perform job functions, or that
qualified personnel are hired to fill cybersecurity-related positions.
In addition, the results from our August 2022 audit on cyber attack
revealed that some components did not (1) ensure all users
completed required cybersecurity awareness training; (2) consistently educate
users about the risks of malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks; or (3)
conduct at least one phishing exercise in the period sampled.
Although the Department has made overall progress in the “Protect” function,
DHS components can further safeguard the Department’s information systems
and sensitive data by:
implementing all configuration settings;
improving identity and access weaknesses at selected components;
replacing unsupported operating systems;
implementing security patches timely; and
resolving identified gaps outlined in its cyber workforce.
According to FY 2022 FISMA Reporting Metrics, our independent contractor
rated components’ Security Training domain at “Level 1 Ad-hoc” for CISA,
“Level 4 Managed and Measurable” for USCIS, and “Level 5 Optimized” for
3. Detect: The “Detect” function entails developing and implementing
appropriate activities, including ongoing systems authorization and continuous
monitoring, to identify any irregular system activity.
DHS Can Better Mitigate the Risks Associated with Malware, Ransomware, and Phishing
Attacks, OIG-22-62, August 22, 2022.
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Information Security Continuous Monitoring
We determined that DHS was operating at “Level 3 Consistently
Implemented” in this function. The Department updated its 4300A Policy,
Handbook, and Ongoing Authorization Methodology after our FY 2022
submission to OMB, as referenced earlier in this report. As a result of the
Department incorporating the applicable controls from various NIST SPs into
its revised policies, it satisfied the intent of one of the prior recommendations.
As of May 2022, eight components were enrolled in the Department’s ongoing
authorization program. The Department had decreased the number of systems
enrolled in the program by 2 percent from FY 2021 to FY 2022, as shown in
Figure 4. According to a DHS official, the decrease in system enrollment was
due to components decommissioning systems previously in the Ongoing
Authorization Program.
Figure 4. DHS Systems Enrolled in the Ongoing
Authorization Program from FY 2020 to FY 2022
FY 2022
FY 2021
FY 2020
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Systems Enrolled
Total Systems
Source: DHS OIG-compiled based on DHS Office of the CISO data
Our independent contractor rated components’ Detect function at “Level 1
Ad-hoc” for CISA and “Level 4 - Managed and Measurable” for ICE and USCIS.
4. Respond: The “Respond” function entails developing and implementing
appropriate responses to detected cybersecurity events.
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Incident Response
We determined DHS was operating at “Level 4 Managed and Measurable” in
this function. However, our August 2022 audit on cyber attack protections
revealed that DHS can better protect its sensitive data from potential malware,
ransomware, and phishing attacks by revising its policies and procedures to
incorporate applicable new controls, in accordance with OMB policy. DHS can
also ensure its users receive the required security awareness training to
mitigate the risk.
Our independent contractor rated components’ Respond function at “Level 3
Consistently Implemented” for CISA, “Level 4 Managed and Measurable” for
ICE, and “Level 5 Optimized” for USCIS.
5. Recover: The “Recover” function entails developing and implementing plans
for resiliency and restoration of any capabilities or services impaired due to
outages or other disruptions from a cybersecurity event.
Contingency Planning
We determined DHS was operating at “Level 4 Managed and Measurable” in
this function. DHS defined its policies, procedures, and strategies for
information contingency planning, but did not fully test these plans. For
example, as of May 2022, DHS had not tested 17 unclassified systems
contingency plans.
DHS has a department-wide business continuity program to restore essential
business functions and resume normal operations in response to emergency
events. As part of this program, DHS implemented a Reconstitution
Requirements Functions Worksheet to collect information about components’
key business requirements and capabilities needed to recover from attack or
disaster. DHS used this information to develop a Reconstitution Plan outlining
macro-level procedures for all DHS senior leadership, staff, and components to
follow to resume normal operations as quickly as possible in the event of an
emergency. The procedures may involve both manual and automated
processing at alternate locations, as appropriate.
DHS components are responsible for developing and periodically testing such
contingency plans outlining backup and disaster recovery procedures for the
respective information systems.
However, as of May 31, 2022, we identified
the following deficiencies:
DHS Can Better Mitigate the Risks Associated with Malware, Ransomware, and Phishing
Attacks, OIG-22-62, August 22, 2022.
DHS Policy Directive Number 4300A, Information Technology System Security Program,
Sensitive Systems, Version 13.2, September 20, 2022.
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Our review of the May 2022 NSS FISMA Cybersecurity Scorecard showed
that DHS HQ did not meet DHS’ NSS compliance target for contingency
plan testing.
More specifically, ICE, the Management Directorate, the Science and
Technology Directorate, the Transportation Security Administration,
and USCIS had not tested contingency plans for 17 of 600 unclassified
systems, based on our analysis data from DHS’ enterprise management
A well-documented and tested contingency plan can ensure the recovery of
critical network operations. Untested plans may create a false sense of
security and an inability to recover operations timely.
According to FY 2022 FISMA Reporting Metrics, our independent contractor
rated components’ “Recover” function at “Level 2 Defined” for USCIS and
“Level 3 Consistently Implemented” for CISA and ICE.
Summary of Selected Components’ Implementation of Information
Security Programs
Our independent contractor rated component information security programs
effective for ICE and USCIS, as each achieved “Level 4 Managed and
Measurable” or higher in three of the five functions. CISA’s overall information
security program was rated not effective because it only achieved “Level 4
Managed and Measurable” or higher in one of five functions. Table 5
summarizes the implementation of information security programs by CISA,
After the issuance of our draft report Transportation Security Agency informed DHS OIG the
system was decommissioned in September 2022.
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Table 5. Summary Status of CISA, ICE, and USCIS Information Security
Programs for FY 2022
Identify Level 5 Optimized Level 5 Optimized Level 5 Optimized
Protect Level 1 Ad-hoc
Level 4 Managed
and Measurable
Level 5 Optimized
Detect Level 1 Ad-hoc
Level 4 Managed
and Measurable
Level 4 Managed and
Level 3
Level 4 Managed
and Measurable
Level 5 Optimized
Level 3
Level 3 Consistently
Level 2 Defined
Overall Rating Ineffective Effective Effective
Source: DHS OIG contractor-compiled summary status information
Since 2019, our independent contractor has performed fieldwork at 12 selected
components and rated 5 components’ information security programs as
“ineffective” because the components achieved below “Level 4 Managed and
Measurable” in three of five functions, in accordance with the FY 2022 FISMA
Reporting Metrics.
Recommendation 1: We recommend the DHS Chief Information Officer
enforce the requirements for components to obtain Authority to Operate their
systems, promptly use sufficient resources to create and monitor Plans of
Action and Milestones to mitigate known information security weaknesses, and
ensure contingency plans are tested.
Management Comments and OIG Analysis
We obtained written comments on a draft of this report from the Director of the
Departmental Government Accountability Office-OIG Liaison Office (Director),
who expressed the Department’s appreciation for OIG’s work planning and
conducting its review and issuing this report. We reviewed the Department’s
comments, as well as the technical comments previously submitted under
separate cover, and updated the report as appropriate.
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Response to Report Recommendation:
The Department concurred with the recommendation. Following is a
summary of DHS’ response to the recommendation and the OIG’s analysis.
DHS Comments to Recommendation: Concur. The Department provided the
corrective actions to address deficiencies identified.
Deficiency 1: Systems were operating without an Authority to Operate.
In FY 2022, DHS CISO worked through the DHS CISO Council on a weekly
basis to address compliance and security matters facing the Department, such
as system authorizations, compliance with Executive Order 14028, and Zero
Trust architecture development. As a result, the percentage of systems
operating with a current ATO and updated contingency plans rose from 78
percent of the Department population in the first quarter of FY 2022 to 97
percent in the fourth quarter of FY 2022.
Throughout FY 2022, DHS CISO established the Department’s standards for
Ongoing Authorization. The DHS CISO Council approved this program on
January 26, 2023. The Department expects the new standards for Ongoing
Authorization will be published by the end of March 2023 as Attachment BB,
DHS Ongoing Authorization Program, of DHS Policy Directive 4300A, Information
Technology System Security Program, Sensitive Systems. This program provides
all DHS FISMA reportable system owners the opportunity to streamline their
compliance activities to avoid the scheduling factors that sometimes complicate
system ATO renewal. Estimated Completion Date: September 30, 2023.
Deficiency 2: POA&Ms used to mitigate known information security
weaknesses were past due or not updated.
In March 2022, DHS leveraged its Unified Cybersecurity Maturity Model
framework to prioritize the overdue POA&M in the Management Directorate
immediate prioritized remediation. According to the Department, the Unified
Cybersecurity Maturity Model framework was key to identifying which overdue
POA&Ms needed to be addressed immediately to improve the cybersecurity
posture of the Management Directorate’s systems and successfully closed
about 64 percent of the overdue POA&Ms. The Department is implementing
this POA&M prioritizing method at other components. Additionally, DHS
implemented this framework in FY 2023 as part of its monthly scorecard
process to guide cybersecurity maturity improvements for the Department.
Estimated Completion Date: September 30, 2023.
Deficiency 3: Security configuration settings were not implemented for all
systems tested
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DHS has developed an annual Information Security Performance Plan based on
OMB’s FISMA cybersecurity metrics, which includes new standards and
associated scoring for compliance with Defense Information Security Agency
Secure Technical Implementation Guide. This new standard has increased
awareness and compliance with system configurations across all Department
components and FISMA systems. The DHS Office of the Chief Information
Officer (OCIO) expects this will improve security configuration settings
compliance for all DHS FISMA systems throughout FY 2023. Estimated
Completion Date: September 30, 2023.
Deficiency 4: Selected components had identity and access weaknesses.
OCIO continues to lead the adoption of Multifactor Authentication for 100
percent of Department’s FISMA systems. By the first quarter of FY 2023, the
Department stood at 93 percent compliance. OCIO also initiated an overhaul
of the entire Department’s standards for privileged account issuance and
management. Since the beginning of FY 2023, OCIO has been updating an
attachment to DHS 4300A to clearly reflect the minimum standards for the
review, approval, and issuance of privileged accounts on any DHS FISMA
system. This effort will standardize the process for the provisioning and
deprovisioning of privileged accounts department-wide. Estimated Completion
Date: September 30, 2023.
Deficiency 5. An unsupported version of a Windows operating system was
running on a component workstation.
OCIO continues to work with the components to improve compliance with all
Information Security Performance Plan metrics, one of which is using fully
supported operating systems by upgrading to the current approved version of
Windows. The Department tracks this metric in the DHS Monthly FISMA
Scorecard using Information Security Performance Plan-defined metrics for
prohibited operating systems. DHS will continue to work to upgrade all
systems found to be using an unauthorized version of Windows. Estimated
Completion Date: September 30, 2023.
Deficiency 6. Some components did not promptly apply security patches to
mitigate critical and high-risk security vulnerabilities on selected systems tested.
OCIO prioritized the maturation of component patching capabilities in FYs
2022 and 2023. To date, the Department has increased its centralized
patching capability to reach 88 percent of all DHS. OCIO has prioritized
increasing the adoption of centralized patching capability so that it reaches 100
percent of DHS endpoints. Estimated Completion Date: September 30, 2023.
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OIG Analysis of DHS Comments
DHS’ actions are responsive to the recommendation, which will remain open
and resolved until DHS provides documentation showing that all planned
corrective actions are completed.
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Appendix A
Objective, Scope, and Methodology
The Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General was
established by the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 107−296), which
amended the Inspector General Act of 1978.
The objective of our evaluation was to determine whether DHS’ information
security program and practices were adequate and effective to protect the
information and information systems that support DHS’ operations and assets
for FY 2022. Our independent evaluation focused on assessing DHS’
information security program using requirements outlined in the FY 2022
Inspector General Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014
(FISMA) Reporting Metrics. Specifically, we evaluated DHS’ information security
program’s compliance with requirements outlined in five NIST Cybersecurity
We performed our fieldwork at the DHS Office of the CISO and at selected
organizational components and offices: CISA, ICE, and USCIS. To conduct our
evaluation, we interviewed relevant DHS HQ and component personnel,
assessed DHS’ current operational environment, and determined compliance
with FISMA requirements and other applicable information security policies,
procedures, and standards. Specifically, we:
reviewed the results from our FY 2019, FY 2020, and FY 2021 FISMA
evaluations and used them as baselines for the FY 2022 evaluation;
evaluated policies, procedures, and practices DHS implemented at the
program and component levels;
reviewed DHS’ POA&Ms and ongoing authorization procedures to
determine whether security weaknesses were identified, tracked, and
evaluated processes and the status of the department-wide information
security program reported in DHS’ monthly information security
scorecards regarding risk management, contractor systems,
configuration management, identity and access management, security
training, information security continuous monitoring, incident response,
and contingency planning; and
developed an independent assessment of DHS’ information security
We incorporated technical testing results from other projects, and we also
included results from discretionary projects conducted during the same fiscal
year. We reviewed information from DHS’ enterprise management systems to
determine data reliability and accuracy. We found no discrepancies or errors
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in the data. OIG contractors performed fieldwork at CISA, ICE, and USCIS to
support our evaluation.
We conducted this review between May 2022 and February 2023, under the
authority of the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, and according to
the Quality Standards for Inspection and Evaluation issued by the Council of
the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency. We did not evaluate OIG’s
compliance with FISMA requirements during our review.
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Appendix B
Management Comments to the Draft Report
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Appendix C
Major Contributors to This Report
Chiu-Tong Tsang, Director
Shawn Hatch, Audit Manager
Stefanie Tynes, Auditor-in-Charge
Sonya Davis, Auditor-in-Charge
Brendan Burke, Auditor
Bridgette OgunMokun, Auditor
Lawrence Polk, Cybersecurity Specialist
Thomas Rohrback, Director, Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Division
Rashedul Romel, Supervisory IT Specialist
Jason Dominguez, IT Specialist
Taurean McKenzie, IT Specialist
Thomas Hamlin, Communications Analyst
Brandon Landry, Referencer
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Appendix D
Report Distribution
Department of Homeland Security
Deputy Secretary
Chief of Staff
Deputy Chiefs of Staff
General Counsel
Executive Secretary
Under Secretary, Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans
Assistant Secretary for Office of Public Affairs
Assistant Secretary for Office of Legislative Affairs
Chief Information Officer
Chief Information Security Officer
Audit Liaison, Office of the Chief Information Officer
Audit Liaison, Office of the Chief Information Security Officer
Audit Liaisons, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Federal Emergency
Management Agency, ICE, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, USCIS, CISA,
Science and Technology Directorate, Transportation Security Administration,
Coast Guard, and Secret Service
Office of Management and Budget
Chief, Homeland Security Branch
DHS OIG Budget Examiner
Congressional Oversight and Appropriations Committees
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Additional Information and Copies
To view this and any of our other reports, please visit our website at:
For further information or questions, please contact Office of Inspector General
Public Affairs at: DHS-OIG.OfficePublicAffair[email protected].
Follow us on Twitter at: @dhsoig.
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