Revised 10.2022
Environment Rating Scale Certification FAQ
What is a certification?
Certification on an Environment Rating Scale (ERS) is a way to demonstrate a depth of knowledge on an
ERS scale. Anyone is able to become certified. The actual certification is a paper certificate signed by a
Quality Advancement Team (QAT) member declaring certification on that scale.
What are the benefits to certification?
Certification on an ERS scale demonstrates a level of understanding on the scale that cannot be achieved
through a training alone. The live observation is an opportunity to ask questions and be mentored by a
Clayton QAT team member who obtains reliability each year with the authors (ERSI) of the
Environmental Rating Scales.
What are the requirements?
In order to go through the certification process for ECERS-3, ITERS-3, or FCCERS-3, one must first attend
a Clayton facilitated full day training based on the scale one wishes to become certified on.
Are there any alternatives to the live Clayton conducted trainings?
For the Environment Rating Scales, you may purchase and complete an online training from the
Environment Rating Scale Institute (ERSI). Information and registration can be found here: Additionally, there are PDIS courses available for each of the
scales. Please provide Clayton with proof of training completion prior to becoming certified.
How much does certification cost?
Certification costs $350.00 for local counties. If you would like one of our team members to travel to
your county (if it is not in the Denver Metro area), we will send you a cost estimate with travel costs
What does a Certification consist of?
When you are added to the waitlist (see next steps section below), a Quality Advancement Team (QAT)
member will reach out to you to schedule your certification. On the day of certification, you will meet
with your QAT member at a predetermined time, at a predetermined location. You and your QAT team
member will do a live, three-hour observation utilizing the ERS scoresheet and scale. Following the
observation, you and your QAT team member will find a place to score your observation (usually a
restaurant or office). You will then compare scores to ensure a solid understanding of the ERS scale that
was used. Plan for a full eight-hour day for certification (although sometimes you may finish sooner).
Please note, this process is intended to be a learning opportunity, thus, questions and discussions are
encouraged throughout the observation and during the scoring portion afterwards.
Are there any other steps?
Following the scoring portion of the certification, you will write a feedback report that will delivered to
the program that was observed. Your QAT team member will send you a report template and a sample
report to assist in this process and walk you through writing the report. The report will consist of
Revised 10.2022
strengths and areas of improvement noted during the observation. After you have completed the
report, you will send it to your Clayton QAT team member for edits. Reports are due one month after
the observation and will be returned to you anywhere from two weeks to one month after the
observation. If a report is needed sooner, please make that request with your QAT Member. Once a
report is edited and finalized, you will receive your official ERS Certificate, certifying you for one year.
Where do these observations occur?
If there is a site you know would like to receive an observation with feedback, we would be happy to
observe at a site of your choosing. We can help locate a local site as well, if assistance is needed. We
strongly encourage you to observe at a program you are not a direct supervisor, staff member, or
coaching in, to ensure you are able to take a non-biased approach to observing.
Will I receive credit with PDIS?
In addition to the training hours clocked during the trainings themselves, these certifications will each
earn two points in the PDIS. Users can earn points for each ERS certification they have. These points are
mapped under Professional Development. The first 15 points under Professional Development come
from standard clock hour trainings. The remaining 15 points must be earned through certifications or
trainings that must meet a higher criterion, such as ERS certification.
What are my next steps?
To schedule a certification, please fill out the Certification Request Form on the Clayton Early Learning
website, and you will be added to the waitlist. We typically are booked out two months in advance, so
please try and plan ahead to schedule as soon as you can.