Supporng SmartZone 6.1.1
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Publicaon Date: January 2023
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SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
2 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Document History.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
New in This Release............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Wi-Fi 6e Access Points ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2-5-5 and 2-5-6 Radio Mode at Dierent Level..........................................................................................................................................................6
11.5 Regulatory Domains .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Countries Supported on 6Ghz ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
AAA Server Conguraon Enhancement................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6Ghz BSS Minimum Rate – HE MCS........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6Ghz Mulcast Rate Liming .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
CAC and PIV................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Characterizing Dierent Trac Types for Quality of Experience (QoE) ..................................................................................................................... 8
Change in Default TLS Version....................................................................................................................................................................................8
Chat Bot Integraon................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Client Isolaon per VLAN .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Cloud Radio Resource Management ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Device Fingerprint Enhancement .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Enhance Dynamic Packets Capture on APs................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Hanshow Dongle Support.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Hotspot 2.0 Data ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
IPv6 AVC Enhancement.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Link to RUCKUS Analycs........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Mesh Enhancements..................................................................................................................................................................................................9
Mulple Devices Support .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Network Segmentaon............................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Passpoint/HS2.0 v2 Support.....................................................................................................................................................................................10
PoE Healing and LLDP Values................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
R760 UI/UX Unicaon............................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Removed IoT Radio Status from the Controller UI/UX............................................................................................................................................. 11
Service Validaon for RUCKUS Analycs.................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Support 3.6.2 Zone...................................................................................................................................................................................................11
Supports OWE Transion Mode in RUCKUS APs...................................................................................................................................................... 11
Switch Management................................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
UNII-2 Extended and UNII-3 for Israel Country Code............................................................................................................................................... 12
UI/UX RUCKUS Logo Update.................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Verizon-RFC 5580 for Virtual Zone Phase2 Cercaon.......................................................................................................................................... 12
Hardware and Soware Support.......................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Release Informaon................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Known Issues ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Changed Behavior................................................................................................................................................................................................ 35
Resolved Issues ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Interoperability Informaon.................................................................................................................................................................................41
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 3
Cluster Network Requirements................................................................................................................................................................................ 41
Client Interoperability.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 41
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
4 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Document History
Revision Number Summary of changes Publicaon date
C Added ER-11388/SCG-137191, ER-11519, ER-11594, ER-11682, ER-11729,ER-11793 to
Resolved Issues on page 36.
27, January 2023
B Deleted the note on R760 APs in a dierent AP Zone in Supported AP Models secon 23, January 2023
A Inial release notes 16, December 2022
New in This Release
This secon provides a high-level overview of several key features that are introduced in the SmartZone (SZ) soware release 6.1.1. The release
6.1.1 is applicable to the RUCKUS SmartZone 300 (SZ300), SmartZone 144 (SZ144), SmartZone Data Plane virtual (vSZ-D) and physical (SZ100-D),
Virtual SmartZone – High Scale (vSZ-H), Virtual SmartZone – Essenals (vSZ-E) and controller plaorms.
Wi-Fi 6e Access Points
The RUCKUS R560 is a 2x2:2 Wi-Fi 6E mid er indoor Access Point (AP) that supports six spaal streams (2x2:2 (6GHz) + 2x2:2 (5GHz) + 2x2:2
(2.4GHz) 802.11ax Indoor AP).
The RUCKUS R760 is our highest capacity tri-band, tri-concurrent Wi-Fi 6GHz Access Point (AP) that supports 12 spaal streams (4x4:4 in 6GHz,
4x4:4 in 5GHz, 4x4:4 in 2.4GHz).
When the AP operates in 6GHz mode, the 6GHz radio:
Operates in Low Power (Indoor) mode.
Automac Frequency Coordinaon (AFC) is required for standard power support and is not expected to be raed for approved use at
Defaults to 160MHz.
Only Channely as the automac channel selecon.
Background scan default interval is 10 seconds.
6GHz radio only supports WPA3 and OWE security protocols.
AP R760 and R560 features not supported for this release
2SS downlink/uplink MU-MIMO (Mul-User Mulple Input Mulple Output)
FILS (fast inial link setup) authencaon
Auto Cell Size*
BSS Priorizaon*
6E Spectrum Analysis*
BeamFlex *
6Ghz BSS coloring*
UNI4 channels
* Features not supported on 6Ghz radio
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 5
Limitaons for this release
6GHz MBSS - Maximum service WLANs on a 6GHz radio is limited to ve.
AP when powered by AF power source is not supported.
Power Modes
The table below depicts the operaonal state of each interface based on the negoated/congured PoE Mode between AP (R560) and PSE Switch.
6G Radio
Tx Power
6G Tx Power
IoT USB (3W) Measured
LLDP Power
48V DC, BT
POE Switch/
2x2/2x2 2x2 23/22 22 Yes Yes Yes 33.4W 35.0W
POE 802.3at ** 48V DC,
2x2/2x2 2x2 23/22 19 O Yes O 25.0W 25.5W
POE 802.3af * AF POE
2x2/2x2 O O O O O O 11.4W 12.9W
*AF mode - When AP is powered by AF power source cannot discover the controller. It is required that AP be powered by either 802.3at
or 802.3bt5 or DC source.
**Whenever a POE injector is used, the AP operates in 802.2at power mode. However, if the administrator knows that POE injector is
capable of providing higher waage, 60 was for example, then administrator can change the AP's power mode to 802.3bt5 through
controller (vSZ) web user interface.
2-5-5 and 2-5-6 Radio Mode at Dierent Level
Simplies the controller web user interface for APs points with tri-band radio.
11.5 Regulatory Domains
Update of regulatory domains for new APs.
Countries Supported on 6Ghz
1. Countries supported on 6Ghz U-NII frequency bands 5, 6, 7 and 8 supporng channels: 1, 5, ..., 233:
Brazil (BR)
Canada (CA)
South Korea (KR)
2. Countries supported on 6Ghz U-NII frequency band 5 supporng channels: 1, 5, ..., 93:
Australia (AU)
Austria (AT)
New in This Release
2-5-5 and 2-5-6 Radio Mode at Dierent Level
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
6 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Belgium (BE)
Bulgaria (BG)
Croaa (HR)
Cyprus (CY)
Czech Republic (CZ)
Denmark (DK)
Estonia (EE)
Finland (FI)
France (FR)
Germany (DE)
Greece (GR)
Hong Kong (HK)
Hungary (HU)
Iceland (IS)
Italy (IT)
Latvia (LV)
Luxembourg (LU)
Malta (MT)
Netherlands (NL)
Norway (NO)
Poland (PL)
Romania (RO)
Slovakia (SK)
Slovenia (SI)
Spain (ES)
Sweden (SE)
Switzerland (CH)
United Kingdom (GB)
AAA Server Conguraon Enhancement
This release supports use of Fully Qualied Domain Name (FQDN) for RADIUS server conguraon. This allows the user to connect to the RADIUS
server with a DNS name in addion to the IP address.
6Ghz BSS Minimum Rate – HE MCS
Adds the High Eciency (HE) MCS rates to the BSS min rate opons.
6Ghz Mulcast Rate Liming
Added support for 6Ghz mulcast rate liming.
New in This Release
6Ghz Mulcast Rate Liming
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 7
Gives you the ability to implement Common Access Card (CAC) / Personal Identy Vericaon (PIV) card and Two Factor Authencaon from the
controller on Switches.
Characterizing Dierent Trac Types for Quality of Experience (QoE)
Controller or APs gathers relevant metrics to be able to characterize dierent trac types for applicaon QoE.
Controller and Access Points gather relevant metrics to help classify dierent types of trac (for example, video streaming, audio streaming, mail,
web, le transfer) and sends the informaon to RUCKUS Analycs.
Change in Default TLS Version
Change in default TLS version from version 1.0 to 1.2 in Access Points (AP).
This increases security by making the AP default to using TLS version 1.2 for communicaons instead of version 1.0. TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 will no longer
work by default. User can allow version TLS1.0 and TLS1.1 if required by conguring it through AP CLI.
If LBS is congured in AP Zone, the controller LBS/vSPoT prole and LBS/vSPoT server should do the corresponding adjustment (change to
TLSv1.2) aer the AP rmware upgrade to release 6.1.1.
Chat Bot Integraon
Added Chat Bot to the controller web user interface for customers to open ckets directly from the chat opon.
Client Isolaon per VLAN
Allows client isolaon based on the VLAN. This can be applied to AP wired or wireless clients. It allows for beer security and easier conguraon of
client isolaon.
Cloud Radio Resource Management
Ability to use RUCKUS Analycs to manage the Radio Resource Management on the controller. RUCKUS Analycs has visibility into the enre
environment and can use that informaon to plan radio channels more eecvely.
Device Fingerprint Enhancement
Enhancement to take care of Client roaming and re-connecons scenarios on same/neighboring APs. This enhancement makes device nger
prinng reporng more accurate and uniform.
Enhance Dynamic Packets Capture on APs
Dynamic packet captures will be collected on an APs per client basis when a client connecon fails. This informaon is provided to RUCKUS Analycs
to help troubleshoong.
New in This Release
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
8 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Hanshow Dongle Support
An electronic shelf label (ESL) system is used by retailers for displaying product pricing on shelves. The product pricing are automacally updated
whenever a price is changed from a central control server. Typically, electronic display modules are aached to the front edge of retail shelving. This
feature allows support of ESL soluons on the RUCKUS APs. It supports third party USB device that ulize the cdc_eem driver. This USB device
is used to communicate with the ESL devices with their proprietary protocols.
Hotspot 2.0 Data
Controller sends all the connecon informaon and stascs for Hotspot 2.0 networks to RUCKUS Analycs and SmartCell Insight (SCI).
IPv6 AVC Enhancement
Allows applicaon control and visibility when clients are using IPV6 address.
AVC enhancement aims to provide IPv6 support for AVC features like applicaon recognion and control, URL Filtering and Wi-Fi calling. These
features can now be congured and enabled in pure IPv6 network. Feature support provides beer policy control and helps to monitor IPv6 trac
Link to RUCKUS Analycs
This feature adds a link to the controller web user interface to make it easier for end users to sign up for RUCKUS Analycs.
Mesh Enhancements
Mesh Basic Service Set (MBSS)
Changes are made to Mesh Basic Service Set (MBSS) feature in this release to support mesh in 6Ghz radios.
5G and 6G Network Dierenaon
Provides the ability to choose if wireless mesh uses the 5Ghz radio or 6Ghz radio. AP will compare throughput between 5G radio and 6G radio and
choose the beer one to be uplink if seng is auto mode.
Mesh User Interface Improvement
Mesh UI now shows the uplink and downlink MCS rates for Mesh APs.
Added MCS Rate to Mesh View
Adds the MCS informaon to the wireless mesh view to help with conguraon and troubleshoong of mesh links.
Mulple Devices Support
Mulple devices support third party Wireless Distribuon System (WDS) in Tunnel mode.
Supports third party wireless bridges with mulple Ethernet ports when using tunnel mode. This allows mulple wired devices to be connected to a
single wireless bridge.
New in This Release
Mulple Devices Support
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 9
Network Segmentaon
Network Segmentaon allows a network administrator to easily on-board thousands of wireless and wired devices.
Data Plane Redundancy
This feature allows redundancy for VNIs, NAT, and DHCP. Aer implemenng this feature, users will not lose these services if there is a failover to a
redundant data plane.
AP Changes
AP changes will trigger an event when a Network Segmentaon port is down due to non-assignment of VNI. It will also report VNI for wired
Network Segmentaon clients in the controller.
Data Plane Integraon with Switches
VXLAN capable switches will be able to use the same Network Segmentaon funconality as access points. This will make it simpler to provide a
unied wired and wireless network for customers using network segmentaon.
Prole Conguraon
Adds the ability to select both Wi-Fi and Switch Zones to parcipate in network segmentaon.
UI/UX Enhancement
Controller web user interface enhancements for seng network segmentaon in WLAN secon of the controller.
Enhanced troubleshoong opons for devices using Network Segmentaon. Provides troubleshoong with Client Connecon Diagnoscs (CCD) and
Historical Client Connecon Diagnoscs(HCCD) for network segmentaon.
Data Synchronizaon
Cloudpath will now synchronize the current state of network segmentaon with the controller. This makes it so that conguraon changes on one
system will propagate to the other system.
Performance Tuning
Speed is increased of Cloudpath integraon when using large numbers of APs with network segmentaon.
Passpoint/HS2.0 v2 Support
Passpoint/HS2.0 v2 support with Onboarding(OSU) and SoGRE in 5.2.2 code.
Allows to use of Hotspot 2.0 online sign-up when using SoGRE.
New in This Release
Network Segmentaon
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
10 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
PoE Healing and LLDP Values
PoE Healing
Sends sends informaon to RUCKUS Analycs for PoE (Power over Ethernet) Healing Network Insight.
PoE LLDP Values (35W to 40W)
Updates LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol) codes to provide proper PoE values in specic situaons.
AP R760 request a maximum value of 40W through LLDP packets, whereas AP R560 requests a maximum value of 35W through LLDP
R760 UI/UX Unicaon
Simplies the conguraon for AP R760 access points tri-band radio.
Removed IoT Radio Status from the Controller UI/UX
The IoT radio status is removed from the controller user interface to prevent confusion for users that are not using IoT radios.
Service Validaon for RUCKUS Analycs
Change in default TLS version from version 1.0 to 1.2 in Access Points (AP).
Added the ability to use the R760 for service validaon in RUCKUS Analycs.
Support 3.6.2 Zone
This allows you to run older access points that require a 3.6.2 Zone on controller with 6.1.1 rmware. This makes it possible to run dierent
generaons of access points on the same controller.
Supports OWE Transion Mode in RUCKUS APs
Supports Opportunisc Wireless Encrypon (OWE) Wi-Fi standard to ensure that communicaon between endpoints is protected from other
Switch Management
RUCKUS Switch ICX-8200
Supports RUCKUS Switch ICX-8200 on the controller - Future release will allow the controller to manage Switch ICX-8200.
New in This Release
Switch Management
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 11
Switch Port Template
Added the ability to create a template for port sengs on Switches managed in the controller. This will make it simpler to assign the exact same
conguraon to mulple ports easily.
Conguraon Change Alert
Provides an opon to designate a selected switch conguraon backup as the Master backup. If the subsequent backup diers from the master, the
controller will display an alert informing the user that a conguraon change is detected.
Filters Alarms for Specic Switch Interfaces
Added the ability to lter each alarms on Switches by specic text paern on the controller.
CLI Template Enhancement
Added the ability to re-use (copy) variables across templates and provide an opon to apply the conguraons to stacks. This feature is for users
using the controller for managing switches.
Schedule Switch Conguraon Backup
Added the ability to schedule backups of switches that are managed by the controller.
Updates to Switch Synchronizaon
Lowers the me between switch synchronizaons to three minutes and automacally triggers synchronizaons aer some specic conguraon
(Port/VLAN/LAG/Specic Seng) change is iniated on the controller and also when the user closes a Switch CLI session. This improvement makes
the switch conguraon changes appear faster on the controller whenever they are iniated by the controller.
UNII-2 Extended and UNII-3 for Israel Country Code
Israeli Ministry of Communicaons recently opened up bands 5470 to 5725 and 5.7525 to 5.875 . This update will allow the use of UNII-2 Extended
and UNII-3 bands when using the country code for Israel.
Israel country code does not support 6Ghz radio on AP R760 and R560 but supports 2.4GHz and 5GHz. This will be addressed in a future
release. [SCG-136558].
UI/UX RUCKUS Logo Update
The controller web user interface is updated with the new RUCKUS theme.
Verizon-RFC 5580 for Virtual Zone Phase2 Cercaon
This feature supports RFC 5580.This will convey access-network ownership and locaon informaon based on civic and geospaal locaon formats
in Remote Authencaon Dial-In User Service (RADIUS).
New in This Release
UNII-2 Extended and UNII-3 for Israel Country Code
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
12 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Hardware and Soware Support
This secon provides release informaon about SmartZone 300 (SZ300), SmartZone 100 (SZ100), Virtual SmartZone (vSZ), Virtual SmartZone Data
Plane (vSZ-D), SmartZone Data Plane appliance (SZ100-D), SmartZone 144 (SZ-144), SmartZone 144 Data Plane appliance (SZ144-D) and Access Point
The SZ300 Flagship Large Scale WLAN Controller is designed for Service Provider and Large Enterprises, which prefer to use appliances.
The Carrier Grade plaorm supports N+1 Acve/Acve clustering, comprehensive integrated management funconality, high
performance operaons and exibility to address many dierent implementaon scenarios.
The SZ100, developed for the enterprise market, is the next generaon midrange, rack-mountable WLAN controller plaorm for the
enterprise and service provider markets. There are two SZ100 models: the SZ104 and the SZ124.
The vSZ, which is available in High Scale and Essenals versions, is a Network Funcons Virtualizaon (NFV) based WLAN controller for
service providers and enterprises that desire a carrier-class soluon that runs in the cloud. It supports all of the WLAN controller features
of the industry, while also enabling the rollout of highly scalable and resilient wireless LAN cloud services.
The vSZ-D is a Virtual Data Plane aggregaon appliance that is managed by the vSZ that oers organizaons more exibility in deploying a
NFV architecture-aligned architecture. Deploying vSZ-D oers secured tunneling of wireless client data trac that encrypts payload trac;
POS data trac for PCI compliance, voice applicaons while enabling at network topology, mobility across L2 subnets and add-on
services like L3 Roaming, Flexi-VPN, DHCP Server/NAT as well as CALEA/Lawful Intercept.
The SZ100-D, is the Data Plane hardware appliance, which is funconally equal to the vSZ-D virtual data plane product. The appliance
provides turnkey deployment capabilies for customers that need a hardware appliance. The SZ100-D is managed by a vSZ Controller only
and cannot work in a standalone mode.
The SZ144 is the second generaon mid-range rack-mountable WLAN controller plaorm developed for the Enterprise and Service
provider markets. The SZ144 is funconally equivalent to the vSZ-E virtual controller product. SZ144 is rst introduced in the soware
release 5.2.1. It cannot run any soware prior to this release. It does not support any AP zones which run the AP rmware prior to 5.2.1.
The SZ144-D is the second generaon Data Plane hardware appliance which is funconally equivalent to the vSZ-D virtual Data Plan
product. The appliance provides turnkey deployment capabilies for customers that need a hardware appliance. The SZ144-D is managed
by a vSZ Controller only and cannot work in a standalone mode.
Access Point (AP): Controllers support 1000 APs per zone.
Release Informaon
This SmartZone release is a Long Term (LT) release. This secon lists the version of each component in this release.
It is recommended to upgrade the vSZ before updang the data plane version because if the data plane version is higher than controller
vSZ version then data plane cannot be managed by vSZ plaorm.
Upgrade from release to requires a patch to be installed rst. Please refer to hps:// for details.
Hardware and Soware Support
Release Informaon
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 13
For Network Segmentaon:
Ensure that all ICX switches are upgraded to rmware version 09.0.10d (or any 09.0.10 patches that may become available aer
The 10.0.00 release branch does not currently support network segmentaon.
Controller Version:
Control Plane Soware Version:
Data Plane Soware Version:
AP Firmware Version:
Controller Version:
Control Plane Soware Version:
Data Plane Soware Version:
AP Firmware Version:
Controller Version:
Control Plane Soware Version:
Data Plane Soware Version:
AP Firmware Version:
vSZ-H and vSZ-E
Controller Version:
Control Plane Soware Version:
AP Firmware Version:
Data plane soware version:
Cloudpath Version: 5.11 (5.11.5440)
Hardware and Soware Support
Release Informaon
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
14 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
By downloading this soware and subsequently upgrading the controller and/or the AP to release (or later), you understand
and agree that:
The AP may send a query to RUCKUS containing the AP's serial number. The purpose of this is to enable your AP to autonomously connect
with a wireless LAN controller operated by your choice of cloud service provider. Ruckus may transmit back to the AP the Fully Qualied
Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of the controller that the AP will subsequently aempt to join.
You also understand and agree that this informaon may be transferred and stored outside of your country of residence where data
protecon standards may be dierent.
It is strongly recommended to reboot the controller aer restoring the conguraon backup.
SZ Google Protobuf (GPB) Binding Class
Refer to the GPB MQTT Geng Started Guide and download the latest SmartZone (SZ) GPB .proto les from the RUCKUS support site:
1. SmartZone (GA) GPB.proto (Google ProtoBuf) image for GPB/MQTT [DNP]
File: ruckus_sz_6.1.1_protos.tar.gz
Checksum: f921c13c82a206d74761d0c9bf8ab6
2. SmartZone MockSCI-TLS (SZ to SCI MQTT subscriber soware) for CentOS / Ubuntu
File: scg-mock-sci-6.1.1-20221026.065353-56.tar.gz
Checksum: f959db14fce0579c5da72ec4b4413e6b
IoT Suite
This secon lists the version of each component in this release.
vSCG (vSZ-H and vSZ-E), and SZ-124:
Control plane soware version in the WLAN Controller :
AP rmware version in the WLAN Controller:
RUCKUS IoT Controller
RUCKUS IoT Controller version:
VMWare ESXi version: 6.5 and later
KVM Linux Virtualizer version: 1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu 10.42 and later
Hyper-Version - 6.5 and later
Google Chrome version: 78 and later
Mozilla Firefox version: 71 and later
Public API
Click on the following links to view:
SmartZone 6.1.1 Public API Reference Guide (ICX Management), visit
Hardware and Soware Support
Release Informaon
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 15
SmartZone 6.1.1 Public API Reference Guide (ICX Management)
SmartZone 6.1.1 Public API Reference Guide (SZ100), visit
SmartZone 6.1.1 Public API Reference Guide (SZ100)
SZ100 Public API link is for SZ144 as well.
SmartZone 6.1.1 Public API Reference Guide (SZ300), visit
SmartZone 6.1.1 Public API Reference Guide (SZ300)
SmartZone 6.1.1 Public API Reference Guide (vSZ-E), visit
SmartZone 6.1.1 Public API Reference Guide (vSZ-E)
SmartZone 6.1.1 Public API Reference Guide (vSZ-H), visit
SmartZone 6.1.1 Public API Reference Guide (vSZ-H)
Dynamic Signature Package (Sigpack) Update
Administrators or users can dynamically upgrade Sigpack from the RUCKUS support site.
For manual upgrade, follow below steps:
1. Download Signature package by vising the RUCKUS support site:
Regular Sigpack only for controller release 6.1.1: hps://ware/3473-smartzone-6-1-1-0-0-
Non-Regular Sigpack for 6.1.1 and older releases: hps://ware/3474-smartzone-6-1-1-0-0-
2. Manually upgrade the signature package by navigang to Security > Applicaon Signature package.
More details can be found in Administrator Guide, in secon Working with Applicaon Signature Package
If 802.11ac Wave 1 APs are on legacy rmware (AP rmware prior to R6.1.1 release), you cannot download the current Sigpack version 1-590-1
regular Sigpack but can download the current non-regular Sigpack. If 802.11ac Wave 1 APs are on on R6.1.1 rmware, clients can download both
1-590-1 regular and non regular signature packs. [SCG-123375]
As R5.1.x to R6.1.1 release upgrade is not supported, RUCKUS does not have any signature-package upgrade restricons during Zone
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models
Before upgrading to this release, check if the controller is currently managing AP models, IoT and Switch feature matrix.
APs precongured with the SmartZone AP rmware may be used with SZ300, SZ100, or vSZ in their nave default conguraon. APs factory-
congured with the ZoneFlex-AP rmware may be used with the controller when LWAPP discovery services are enabled.
LWAPP2SCG must be disabled on controller if Solo AP's running 104.x being moved under SZ Management. To disable the LWAPP2SCG service on
the controller, log on to the CLI, and then go to enable > mode > cong > lwapp2scg > policy deny-all. Enter Yes to save your changes.
Hardware and Soware Support
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
16 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Solo APs running releases 104.x and higher are capable of connecng to both ZD and SZ controllers. If an AP is running releases 104.x and
higher and the LWAPP2SCG service is enabled on the SZ controller, a race condion will occur.
Supported AP Models
This release supports the following RUCKUS AP models.
TABLE 1 Supported AP Models
11ax 11ac-Wave2 11ac-Wave1
Indoor Outdoor Indoor Outdoor Indoor
R760 T750 R720 T710 R310
R750 T750SE R710 T710S
R650 T350C R610 T610
R550 T350D R510 T310C
R850 T350SE H510 T310S
R350 C110 T310N
H550 H320 T310D
R560 M510 T811CM
H350 R320 T610S
R730 has to be removed from the AP Zone before upgrading the AP Zone to 6.1.1 AP rmware. R730 can be sll managed to an AP Zone
running rmware older than 6.1.1.
The below table list the supported AP models in this SmartZone release when placed in an AP Zone, which uses an older AP version.
TABLE 2 Supported AP Models for AP Zones using older AP versions
11ax 11n 11ac-Wave1
R730 R300 C500
ZF7055 H500
ZF7352 R700
ZF7372 R500
ZF7372-E R600
ZF7781CM T300/T301
ZF7782 T504
AP R310 is Wave 1 and supports WPA3 – this is the one excepon, the rest of the APs that support WPA3 are 802.11ac Wave2 or
Hardware and Soware Support
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 17
AP PoE power modes: AP features may be limited depending on power provided via PoE. Refer to AP datasheets for more informaon.
Unsupported AP Models
The following AP models have reached end-of-life (EoL) status and, therefore, are no longer supported in this release.
Unsupported AP Models
SC8800-S ZF7762-S-AC ZF2741 ZF7762-AC ZF7351
ZF7321 ZF7343 ZF7962 ZF7762-S ZF2942
ZF7441 ZF7363-U SC8800-S-AC ZF7363 ZF2741-EXT
ZF7762 ZF7025 ZF7321-U ZF7341
ZF7762-T ZF7351-U ZF7761-CM ZF7343-U
Switch Management Feature Support Matrix
Following are the supported ICX models:
TABLE 3 Supported ICX Models
Supported ICX Models
ICX 7150 ICX 7450 * ICX 7750
ICX 7250 ICX 7650 ICX 7850
** ICX 7550 ICX 8200
* ICX 7750 is supported through FastIron 08.0.95 release.
** FastIron 08.0.95a or later is required for managing ICX7550 switches.
ICX switches must be running FastIron 08.0.80a at a minimum to connect to SmartZone. An ICX switch running unsupported rmware can
sll connect to the SmartZone controller. Aer the switch is connected, you must upgrade it to a rmware version that is compable with
the SmartZone controller version. This can be achieved using the switch rmware upgrade opon in the Switch Group or by selecng one
or more switches and performing the upgrade.
ICX switches with FIPS mode enabled do not support management by SmartZone.
FastIron 09.0.10a and later releases support management by SmartZone 6.1 and later.
The following table denes ICX and SmartZone release compability:
Hardware and Soware Support
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
18 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
TABLE 4 ICX and SmartZone Release Compability Matrix
SmartZone 5.1.2 SmartZone 5.2 SmartZone
Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No
No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
No No Yes Yes Yes No No No No
No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
08.0.95 and
No No No No No No Yes Yes Yes
No No No No No No No Yes Yes
No No No No No No No No Yes
FastIron 08.0.80 – SmartZone 5.1.1 does not support ICX conguraon.
Following is the matrix for switch management feature compability:
Hardware and Soware Support
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 19
TABLE 5 Switch Management Feature Compability Matrix
Feature SmartZone Release ICX FastIron Release
Switch Registraon 5.0 and later 08.0.80 and later
Switch Inventory 5.0 and later 08.0.80 and later
Switch Health and Performance Monitoring 5.0 and later 08.0.80 and later
Switch Firmware Upgrade 5.0 and later 08.0.80 and later
Switch Conguraon File Backup and Restore 5.0 and later 08.0.80 and later
Client Troubleshoong: Search by Client MAC
5.1 and later 08.0.80 and later
Remote Ping and Traceroute 5.1 and later 08.0.80 and later
Switch Custom Events 5.1 and later 08.0.80 and later
Remote CLI Change 5.2.1 and later 08.0.90 and later
Switch Conguraon: Zero-Touch Provisioning 5.1.1 and later 08.0.90a and later
Switch-specic Sengs: Hostname, Jumbo Mode,
IGMP Snooping, and DHCP Server
5.1.1 and later 08.0.90a and later
Switch Port Conguraon 5.1.1 and later 08.0.90a and later
Switch AAA Conguraon 5.1.1 and later 08.0.90a and later
Switch Client Visibility 5.1.2 and later 08.0.90a and later
Manage Switches from Default Group in SZ-100 /
5.1.2 and later 08.0.90a and later
DNS-based SmartZone Discovery 5.1.2 and later 08.0.95c and later
Download Syslogs for a Selected Switch 5.2.1 and later 08.0.91 and later
Switch Topology 5.2 and later 08.0.92 and later
Designate a VLAN as Management VLAN 5.2.1 and later 08.0.92 and later
Change Default VLAN 5.2.1 and later 08.0.95 and later
Congure the PoE Budget per Port on ICX through
the Controller GUI with 1W Granularity
5.2.1 and later 08.0.95 and later
Conguring Protected Ports 5.2.1 and later 08.0.95 and later
Conguring QoS 5.2.1 and later 08.0.95 and later
Conguring Syslog 5.2.1 and later 08.0.95 and later
Download Syslogs for a Selected Switch 5.2.1 and later 08.0.90 and later
Geo Redundancy Acve-Standby Mode 6.0 and later 08.0.95b and later
Generic CLI Conguraon 6.0 and later 08.0.95b and later
Port-Level Override 6.0 and later 08.0.95b and later
Port-Level Storm Control Conguraon 6.1 and later 08.0.95 and later
IPv6 Support (connecon through stac
conguraon only)
6.1 and later 09.0.10a and later
Save Boot Preference 6.1 and later 09.0.10a and later
Virtual Cable Tesng 6.1 and later 09.0.10a and later
Blink LEDs 6.1 and later 09.0.10a and later
Send Event Email Nocaons at Tenant Level 6.1 and later 09.0.10a and later
Update the status of a Switch 6.1 and later 09.0.10a and later
Convert Standalone Switch 6.1 and later 09.0.10a and later
Flexible Authencaon Conguraon 6.1 and later 09.0.10a and later
Network Segmentaon (MDU) 6.1.1 and later 09.0.10d and later
Hardware and Soware Support
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
20 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
1. To download system logs from SmartZone for a parcular ICX switch, TFTP must be enabled.
2. FastIron 10.0.00 and later releases do not support management VLANs.
3. As an excepon, FastIron release 10.0.00 does not support Network Segmentaon.
IoT Suite
This release supports IoT Controller release and is compable with the following controller and access point hardware and soware.
Compable Hardware
H510/R510/T310D and i100 IoT Module
R610/R710 and i100 IoT Module
R720 and i100 IoT Module
R730 Access Point
R650 Access Point
R750/T750/T750SE Access Point
R850 Access Point
R550/H550 Access Point
R350/H350/T350D Access Point
R550 and i100 IoT Module
Compable Soware
Virtual SmartZone – High Scale (vSZ-H)
Virtual SmartZone – Essenals (vSZ-E)
SmartZone 100 (SZ100)
RUCKUS IoT Controller (RIoT)
The below table lists the supported IoT end devices.
Mulple other devices may work with this release but they have not been validated.
TABLE 6 Bulbs
Device Type Mode Manufacturer Basic Name Basic Model
Lighfy (RGB) Model 73674 Bulb Zigbee Osram OSRAM LIGHTFY A19 RGBW
Lighfy Model 73693 Bulb Zigbee Osram OSRAM LIGHTIFY A19 Tunable
Lighfy Model 73824 Bulb Zigbee Osram OSRAM
Element Color Plus Bulb Zigbee Sengled sengled E11-N1EA
Bulb - LED Bulb Zigbee Sengled sengled Z01-A19NAE26
E11-G13 Bulb Zigbee Sengled sengled E11-G13
Lux Bulb Zigbee Philips Philips LWB004
SLV E27 Lamp Valeto (Zigbee 3.0) Bulb Zigbee 3.0 SLV
Bulb Bulb Zigbee Aduro SMART ERIA
Bulb Bulb Zigbee Cree BA19-08027OMF-12CE26-1C100
Hue Bulb Zigbee Philips Hue White 840 Lumens
Hardware and Soware Support
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 21
TABLE 7 Locks
Device Type Model Manufacturer Basic Name Basic Model
Vingcard Signature Lock Zigbee Assa-Abloy AA_LOCK
Vingcard Essence Lock Zigbee Assa-Abloy AA_LOCK
RT+ Lock Zigbee Dormakaba Dormakaba 79PS01011ER-626
Yale YRD220/240 TSDB
Lock Zigbee Assa-Abloy Yale Yale YRD220/240 TSDB
Yale YRD210 Push Buon Lock Zigbee Assa-Abloy Yale YRD210 Push
Smartcode 916 Lock Zigbee Kwikset Kwikset SMARTCODE_DEADBOLT
Smartcode 910 (450201) Lock Zigbee Kwikset Kwikset
Device Type Mode Manufacturer Basic Name Basic Model
GE Smart Dimmer Switch Zigbee GE Jasco Products 45857
GE Smart Dimmer Switch Zigbee GE Jasco Products 45856
Smart Plug Plug Zigbee CentraLite CentraLite
Smart Plug Plug Zigbee Smart things Samjin
Smart Plug Plug Zigbee INNR
Zen Thermostat Thermostat Zigbee Zen Within Zen Within Zen-01
EcoInsight Plus Thermostat Zigbee Telkonet Telkonet
ZBALRM Alarm Zigbee Smartenit Model #1021 A
Smart Blinds Blinds Zigbee Axis Gear
UEI Thermostat Thermostat Zigbee UEI TBH300ZBSN
Hardware and Soware Support
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
22 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
TABLE 9 Sensors
Device Type Mode Manufacturer Basic Name Basic Model
Garage Door Tilt Sensor Sensor Zigbee NYCE NYCE NCZ-3014-HA
Curtain Moon Sensor Sensor Zigbee NYCE NYCE NCZ-3045-HA
Door / Window Sensor Sensor Zigbee NYCE NYCE NCZ-3011-HA
Temperature and
Humidity Sensor
Sensor Zigbee Aqara LUMI WSDCGQ11LM
Moon Sensor Sensor Zigbee Aqara LUMI RTCGQ11LM
ERIA Smart Door/
Window Sensor
Sensor Zigbee AduroSMART ERIA ADUROLIGHT 81822
ERIA Smart Moon
Sensor Zigbee AduroSMART ERIA ADUROLIGHT 81823
Mulpurpose Sensor Sensor Zigbee Smart things Samjin IM6001-MPP01
Buon Sensor Zigbee Smart things Samjin IM6001-WLP01
Moon Sensor Sensor Zigbee Smart things Samjin IM6001-MTP01
Water Leak Sensor Sensor Zigbee Smart things Samjin IM6001-BTP01
EcoSense Plus Sensor Zigbee Telkonet Telkonet SS6205-W
EcoContact Plus Sensor Zigbee Telkonet SS6255-W
Temp, Humidity Sensor Sensor Zigbee Heiman HEIMAN HS1HT-N
Gas detector Sensor Zigbee Heiman HEIMAN HS3CG
Contact Sensor/Door
Sensor Zigbee CentraLite CentraLite 3300-G
3-Series Moon Sensor Sensor Zigbee CentraLite CentraLite 3305-G
Temperature Sensor Sensor Zigbee CentraLite CentraLite 3310-G
3-Series Micro Door
Sensor Zigbee CentraLite CentraLite 3323-G
Door Sensor Sensor Zigbee Ecolink Ecolink 4655BC0-R
Temp & Humidity Sensor Sensor Zigbee Sono Sono SNZB-02
Celling Moon Sensor Sensor Zigbee NYCE NYCE NCZ-3043-HA
Ecolink Flood Detecon
Sensor Zigbee Ecolink Ecolink FLZB1-ECO
Device Type Mode Manufacturer Basic Name Basic Model
Panic Buon Beacon BLE TraknProtect
Tray Beacon Beacon BLE TraknProtect
Asset Beacon Beacon BLE TraknProtect
Card Beacon Beacon BLE TraknProtect
Card Tag Beacon BLE CT18-3
Beacon Pro Beacon BLE BP16-3
Asset Tag Beacon BLE S18-3
TABLE 11 Wired
Device Type Mode Manufacturer Basic Name Basic Model
Vape/Sound Sensor Sensor Wired Soter - FlySense
Hardware and Soware Support
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 23
TABLE 12 Supported Devices tested with SmartThings
Device Type Mode Manufacturer Basic Name Basic Model
Yale YRD220/240 TSDB
Lock Zigbee Assa-Abloy Yale YRD220/240 TSDB
Lighfy (RGB) Model
Bulb Zigbee Osram OSRAM LIGHTFY A19 RGBW
Mulpurpose Sensor Sensor Zigbee SmarThings Samjin
Buon Sensor Zigbee SmartThings Samjin
Moon Sensor Sensor Zigbee SmartThings Samjin
Water Leak Sensor Sensor Zigbee SmartThings Samjin
Smart Plug Sensor Zigbee SmartThings Samjin
Bulb Bulb Zigbee Aduro SMART ERIA
AEOTEC Mul Sensor Sensor Zwave AEOTEC AEOTEC ZW 100-A
Hue Hub Hub Wired Philips Philips 3241312018A
TABLE 13 Device not QA tested but supported
Device Type Mode Manufacturer Basic Name Basic Model
Vingcard Sigma Lock Zigbee Assa-Abloy AA_LOCK
Vingcard Alpha Lock Zigbee Assa-Abloy AA_LOCK
Vingcard Classic Zigbee Assa-Abloy AA_LOCK
Vingcard Allure Zigbee Assa-Abloy AA_LOCK
Hardware and Soware Support
Supported Matrix and Unsupported Models
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
24 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Known Issues
The following are the known issues in this release.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138792
Descripon Intermiently, the IPad Pro 6e fails to show MBSSID non-txvap in the scan list.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-128288, SCG-128287
Descripon R550 AP Ethernet ports at me negoates to 100 Mbps instead of 1000 Mbps speed on the
switch ports supporng Mul-Gig.
Workaround If you see it go into 100Mbps, congure the speed-duplex port on the switch to disable auto-
negoaon and set the stac to 1000 Mbps(1Gbps).
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138384
Descripon Controller 6.1.1 supports 6Ghz mesh link between MAP and RAP. However the PMF (Protected
Management Frames) capability is likely to be supported in future release.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136054
Tunneled wired clients are not able to reach any tunneled wired and wireless clients.
Tunneled wireless client are not able to reach any tunneled wired clients.
Tunneled wireless clients are able to reach each others.
Tunneled wireless clients are able to reach non-tunneled wired and wireless clients.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-131270
Descripon Hotstar applicaon fails to get detected when AP or the controller runs on Sigpack version 540.1
or 590.1.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-135129
Descripon When random target asserts occur, the AP recovers automacally without a reboot. It currently
takes around 40 to 60 seconds to recover and be completely operaonal for R560 and R760 APs.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-135256
Descripon When the AP is running in 2-5-5 mode, some condions MAP's are connected to a lower 5Ghz
instead of balancing or being connected to both the radios.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138426
Known Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 25
Component/s AP
Descripon Corporate environments (HCCD [Historical Client Connecon Diagnosc] and RUCKUS Analycs),
observed re-associaon response failures or client connecon failures even though client
successfully roams. This does not have an impact to client connecvity or performance and it is a
false alarm.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137705
Descripon Service validaon with virtual wireless client randomly fails when the SNR (signal-to-noise rao)
between target and staon APs are less than 30 decibels.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-127253
Descripon When DHCP-NAT hierarchy network is used, the Non-Gateway AP remains disconnected (goes
oine) from the controller once rmware upgrade is completed. The non-gateway AP becomes
operaonal aer it is rebooted
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-127767
Descripon DHCP/NAT performance drop is observed, when running back to back performance tests with Ixia
or any performance benchmark tool. This drop is observed due to row age out mer not
updang or entry not refreshed while running back to back test iteraons.
Workaround Give a ve minute gap between each iteraon of performance test, for row entries to clear.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-135845
Descripon Radio informaon eld (PHY type, NSS) is decoded incorrectly for the packets captured in the
controller UI or AP shell on 11ac APs.
Workaround To get accurate radio informaon, use an external snier.
Component/s AP
Issue AP-18235
Descripon Dynamic Packet Captures: Few scenarios are seen where clients can send 802.11 authencaon
request immediately aer 802.11 deauthencaon (deauth sent by Client). In these cases, AP
cannot lter the packets as they are received in quick succession, which is lower than minimum
granularity of me on the AP as a system (micro seconds Vs milli seconds). In these few scenarios
it is seen 1-2 packets from previous session is seen in the current ltered packet capture also.
Workaround To get accurate radio informaon, use an external snier.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137133
Descripon For tri-band radio supported APs and when operang in 2-5-5 mode and when Spectrum Analysis
is enabled it will only work for lower channels on 5Ghz. Spectrum Analysis is not supported on
the third radio (upper 5Ghz).
Known Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
26 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137219
Descripon Control frames may not follow the 6Ghz management Tx rates and might send packets in Non-HT
basic data rates.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137236
Descripon AP uses rates lower than the congured 6GHz BSS minimum rates.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137278
Descripon APs R760/R560 do not currently support third radio use for Spectrum Analysis, which means that
the controller will regard an R760/R560 as a two-radio AP for Spectrum Analysis.
Component/s AP
Issue AP-18583
Descripon This release does not support enabling reduced neighbor report (RNR) on 6Ghz. RNR eld is
about 240 bytes per Non Tx VAP prole and the maximum size of beacon is 1,500. It corrupts the
Component/s AP
Issue AP-18716
Descripon When PMF (Protected Management Frames) is enabled on WLANs and if the client fails to
respond to a SA (Security Associaon) query request, the client is deauthencated by AP with
reason: Associaon Request rejected temporarily: try again later .
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138069
There is a very small possibility of this known issue. Do contact RUCKUS support in
case this issue occurs.
This issue occurs when cloning a WLAN fails though the WLAN is not displayed on the controller
web user interface but a WLAN with the same name is actually present in the database.
Component/s AP
Issue AP-19214
Descripon Channel selecon algorithms opons in controller web user interface is not inline with AP RKCLI
1. Background scanning algorithm can be congurable only through vSZ UI. This opon is
not available on AP RKCLI.
2. Legacy channely algorithm can be congurable only through AP RKCLI. This opon is
not available in vSZ UI.
3. Chanybg algorithm is available as channely in vSZ UI where as Channely+ in AP
Known Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 27
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138310
Descripon Laptop keeps apping or switching between 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz if the RSSI of both the radios
comes closer to each other, which is +_ 2dBm. This could cause disconnecons during longer
connecvity duraon. Impacted clients:
Windows laptops
Workaround Reduce RSSI of 2.4 Ghz at least to +-5dBm for controlling UE apping or switching.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138763
Descripon AP R720 power by AF (Ampere Frame) mode cannot be formed as MAP (802.3AF).
Workaround Power either through DC (Direct Current) or AT power mode.
Component/s AP
Issue AP-19942
Descripon User may see packet loss and less throughput while SSID (Service Set Idener) rate limit
(wireless) is enabled on R760 AP in uplink direcon.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138294
Descripon Wired client with MAC address based authencaon - When a user enters wrong credenals, the
AAA server rejects the authencaon and the wired client does not get the IP address from the
Guest VLAN.
This issue is specic to wired client running Linux OS but works with Windows or MAC based
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138888
Descripon If R760 AP Zone (2-5-6 radio mode) is running with builds, it needs to
be mandatorily upgraded to build, before upgrading to 6.1.1 GA.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-132435
Descripon Bing FQDN in safe search does not get resolved for IPv6.
Component/s AP
Issue AP-18407
1. WLAN conguraon of Inacvity Timeout is correlated to the GTK (Group Temporal
Key) Rekey, which is acvated by system default.
2. For 11ac AP, the maximum WLAN Inacvity Timeout are 65530 seconds as menoned
in SCG-128672.
3. As congured the huge WLAN Inacvity Timeout values (for example, 65530, 86400),
a 5 to 10 seconds deviaon may occur due to the target mer processing.
Known Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
28 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138963, SCG-132965
Descripon For 11ax APs, Airme Ulizaon Pie Chart > Under Health tab is planned to be released in
subsequent releases once all Airme stats are addressed by the chip vendor.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136547
Descripon Mesh APs IP address fails to updated correctly in RAP APs mesh table but updates it correctly in
the controller UI. This case can happen when Mesh AP reboots and connect to RAP or when
Mesh link disconnects and reconnects.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138764
Descripon During voice calls the ChannelFly gets triggered, which interrupts the call for a short duraon.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138175
Descripon In controller web user interface Access Points > Select AP > Clients packets dropped per client is
seen as zero. To debug low throughput or packet drops, use below command in AP shell
Workaround To debug low throughput or packet drops, use the below AP CLI command:
wifistats wifi1 11 --mac <mac address> | grep -i dropped_count
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136304
Descripon When 11ax AP is congured for 160MHz channelizaon, chain mask RSSI values are shown
intermiently in athstats -i wi1 -a 1. This is only issue with athstats command in AP CLI and
does not impact client performance.
Component/s AP
Issue AP-19666
Descripon Number of simultaneous VOIP calls handled by 11ax APs is slightly less in 6.1.1 when compared
to release 6.1.0.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138946
Descripon Split-tunnel conguraon may not get updated on AP, when AP is moved from the controller
default zone to a zone with split-tunnel enabled WLANs. This may not happen always but is
inconsistent due to a ming issue.
1. In the controller web user interface navigate to AP Group > WLAN Group assign it
back to default (which has no WLAN).
2. Wait for AP conguraon update and then re-assign the WLANs again.
Aer the update, split tunnel will be enabled.
Known Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 29
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137371
Descripon When client with wrong SAE (Simultaneous Authencaon of Equals) connects to WPA3-SAE
enabled WLAN, HCCD (Historical Client Connecon Diagnosc) in controller UI shows failures for
both second and fourth authencaon packets instead of showing failure only for fourth
authencaon response.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-134763
Descripon Packet loss is observed and wireless client trac is impacted when Mulcast Rate Limit is
enabled and users send a burst of mulcast trac from wired to wireless client.
This is mainly observed with Mulcast hammer tool with high burst value.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138038
Descripon R760/R560 AP fails to join the controller under 802.3af power mode.
Workaround Connect to 802.3at or 802.3bt to PoE Injector or DC power.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138184
Descripon FaceTime applicaon may not get detected, which is known issue with Sigpack version 590.1.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138321
Descripon Failed to send msg to RCCD for mac messages may appear on AP CLI, when WLAN is congured
with 802.1x-EAP and sudden burst of clients connect.
Once Clients get the IP address and starts browsing the network, these messages are not seen.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138610
Descripon Mqstats command in AP CLI cannot see trac ideners (TID) (A-MSDU, A-MPDU in downlink),
airme and media queue ags.
Workaround For debugging purpose, use alternate command:
nodestats wifi2 -DP <mac>
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138290
Descripon At the current stage, it is allowed to congure non BSS minimum rate as Mgmt Tx rate for specic
applicaon scenarios as correlated to SCG-138606.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136481
Known Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
30 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Component/s AP
Descripon In some rare scenarios, where authencaons packets are sent aer deauthencaon within few
micro seconds or when packet capture (pcaps) is ltered with zero mestamp, (SCG-136448)
dynamic pcaps may be seen with a few extra packets and therefore may not match with the
ladder diagram in Troubleshoong page on the controller UI. In general, dynamic pcap will be
equal or a super set of ladder diagram.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137263
Descripon APs do not check the packet capture le (pcaps) size. In a few scenarios where radius packet
exchange occurs during client connect and clients connecon fails, which may result in a larger
pcap les size based on the number of clients performing 802.1x
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136448
Descripon This is a rare condion where clients connect and disconnect back to back and packet capture
les may generate with mestamp zero.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-132076
Descripon Debug message hostapd: failed to send msg to RCCD, errno:11 is frequently seen on the AP
console logs during high client connecon/failure rate scenarios.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137810
Descripon AP hostname size is restricted to 24bytes for 6Ghz radio only.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138297
Descripon For dual boot system, Client Finger Prinng (CFP) shows the details of the rst boot which
connects for the rst me. When the client switches to the second boot, device informaon is as
per rst boot, because CFP's cache is based on hardware MAC address.
Component/s Control Plane
Issue SCG-138299
Descripon Radio Frequency band informaon for events RogueAPdetected(186), RogueAPdisappeared(185)
and RogueClient(194) is not sent to RUCKUS Analycs from the controller.
Component/s Cloudpath
Issue SCG-137222
Descripon Trac is interrupted for end-users when the controller makes VNI changes (the VNI assigned to
the device) because Cloudpath requests the controller to place the Access Switch Ethernet port
back to web authencaon VLAN.
1. Administrator needs to remove the port assignment of Access Switch on the
2. User would need to re-authencate the Web.
Known Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 31
Component/s Switches
Issue FI-266177
Descripon Trust port/uplink port CLI is appending as LAG interface when it is tagged as LAG interface under
Web authencaon VLAN.
1. Select the Access Switch > Port > LAG Seng to create a LAG prole without Web
authencaon VLAN and then save the LAG prole.
Make sure the LAG conguraon is applied in the Switch. (Check Conguraon
History from the controller UI to conrm that the status is successful.)
2. Select the same prole and click Congure buon to add the VLAN (for example.
VLAN 10).
3. Save the LAG prole.
Component/s Switches
Issue SCG-138785
Descripon The exisng mapping VLAN for the uplink port in the Access Switch should update accordingly if
the user edits the uplink port sengs.
Workaround User needs to add the exisng mapping VLAN on the uplink port/LAG of Access Switch or
downlink port/LAG of distribuon switch when user changes the network deployment between
access/distribuon Switch.
For example:
1. Scenario 1 - Change the uplink port from port to LAG on Access Switch. Before
updang the uplink port from port to LAG in Network Segmentaon prole, user
needs to add all the exisng mapping VLANs as tagged VLANs and Web authencaon
VLAN when creang the LAG prole on Access Switch. User also needs to add all
exisng mapping VLANs as tagged VLANs when creang the LAG prole on
Distribuon Switch.
2. Scenario 2 - Change the uplink port from original Ethernet port to another Ethernet
port on Access Switch. Aer updang the uplink port in Network Segmentaon prole
the user needs to add all exisng mapping VLANs as tagged VLANs in another
Ethernet port on Access Switch.
3. Scenario 3 - Change uplink port from original LAG to another LAG on Access Switch.
Before updang the uplink port in Network Segmentaon prole, user needs to add
all exisng mapping VLANs as tagged VLANs and Web-authencaon VLAN when
creang the LAG prole on Access Switch.
Do not create LAG and tagged VLAN at the same me on Access Switch
due to one known issue FI-266177 in ICX rmware 9010d.
Component/s Switches
Issue SCG-138835, SCG-137222
Descripon When you select ICX Switch mode to upgrade FI10000 from the controller, it will not correspond
to the switch rmware upgrade since ICX build FI10000 only supports router rmware version
with the following:
Known Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
32 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Component/s Switches
Issue FI-260961
Descripon When Switch is oine and the user deletes TACACS+ server prole, the TACACS conguraon in
the Switch is not deleted when the Switch reconnect to the controller.
Component/s Switches
Issue FI-266896, FI-265881
Descripon DHCP server conguraon is moved through controller, shows the status as success from Switch,
even though DHCP client is enabled on the Switch.
Workaround Disable the DHCP client from Switch CLI and then enable DHCP server through controller.
Component/s Switches
Issue FI-195837
Descripon ICX switches with rmware 08.0.90 may become oine when the controller upgrades from
release 6.1 to 6.1.1.
Workaround Upgrade the switch to 08.0.95 soware before upgrading the controller to release 6.1.1.
Component/s System
Issue SCG-135740
Descripon Controller version 6.1.1 has capability to support both TLSv1 and TLSv1.2 at the same me, but
RUCKUS vSPoT may not support it.
Workaround It is recommended to setup vSPoT server for dierent TLS version.
Component/s System
Issue SCG-135808, FI-260414
Descripon User may fail to do a Web authencaon with Cloudpath RADIUS server if the Switch has
mulple AAA servers when it joins the Network Segmentaon group.
Workaround User needs to dene only Cloudpath as the RADIUS server(s) on the Access Switches.
Component/s System
Issue SCG-136964
Descripon Controller may not overwrite/update the seng under VXLAN successfully when distribuon
Switch has scale VXLAN sengs.
1. Controller may fail to overwrite the VXLAN seng when joining a distribuon Switch
with a large amount of VLAN/VNI mapping.
2. Controller may fail to update the site seng (data plane seng in distribuon Switch)
when distribuon Switch with a large amount of VLAN/VNI mapping.
Component/s System
Issue SCG-135682
Descripon Controller does NOT compare the latest conguraon similar to Golden conguraon or does not
pop-up or clear the conguraon change alerts when a user deletes the latest conguraon
Known Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 33
Component/s System
Issue SCG-136885
Descripon The packet cannot forward from Virtual Data Plane to distribuon switch in VXLAN environment.
Workaround User needs to add the stac route in the router with the VXLAN environment.
Component/s System
Issue SCG-136387
Descripon Controller does not block users from ICX rmware upgrade to unsupported Network
Segmentaon rmware versions by Switch group level when the Switch joins the Network
Segmentaon prole.
Component/s UI/UX
Issue SCG-137149
Descripon In AP R760 white spaces in AP name are truncated.
Component/s UI/UX
Issue SCG-138178, SCG-138712
Descripon Airme Ulizaon (Airme detail pie chart) shows TxFailed and RxDataB inaccurate stascs on
all 11ax, R760 AP.
This will be addressed in future release.
Component/s UI/UX
Issue SCG-138936
Descripon At the current stage, the OWE Transion validaon logic does not support the controller
template handling. However, the OWE Transion validaon logic can support the funcon of
apply and extract on the controller template.
Component/s Virtual SmartZone
Issue SCG-138206
Descripon The OWE-Transion WLAN SSIDs bound to the original Open WLAN SSID with None encrypon
can only be displayed on the MVNO conguraon menu in the current implementaon.
Component/s Virtual SmartZone Data Plane
Issue SCG-138986
Descripon In 6.1.1 zone anity proles will be migrated to data plane (DP) group proles. In the previous
GD release (5.2.2), when an AP zone does not associate with a user dened DP zone anity
prole, the zone can establish a tunnel to any of available DP. In 6.1.1 the AP zone will be linked
to default DP group automacally. When upgrading from 5.2.2 to 6.1.1 the AP only can establish
a tunnel to the DPs in the default DP group, and a DP can only be assigned to one DP group
prole in 6.1.1.
Known Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
34 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Changed Behavior
The following are the changed behavior issues in this release.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136335, ER-11480
Descripon MU-MIMO (mul-user, mulple-input, mulple-output) is disabled by default in release 6.1.1 on
all 2x2 APs like R560, R550, R350, H550, H350 and T350 series.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138506
Descripon Users upgrading to 6.1.1 GA will observe 16db (approximately) lower RSSI and SNR values for Wi-
Fi clients as compared to previous release of 6.1. RSSI/SNR values are corrected in this release
and hence these values are as expected.
Changed Behavior
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 35
Resolved Issues
The following issue is resolved in this release.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11665
Descripon Resolved an issue where only one of two SoGRE tunnels were displayed for vSZ AP.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11255
Descripon Resolved an issue where Web authencaon for UEs reported an error of System is too busy,
please try again.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11169
Descripon Resolved an issue where:
AP conguraon preview table showed default values for Band/Spectrum
Zone conguraon preview table showed default values for Band/Spectrum
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-128288, SCG-128287
Descripon Resolved an issue where R550 AP Ethernet ports at me negoated to 100 Mbps instead of 1000
Mbps speed on the switch ports supporng Mul-Gig.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11267
Descripon Resolved an issue where WLAN QoS map set table was missing in WLAN form.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11079
Descripon Resolved an issue by changing the strategy of AP re-balance on data plane.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11074
Descripon Resolved an issue where AP support bundle feature failed to upload the le when AP is behind
NAT server.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11231
Descripon Resolved an issue where AP T350D was found to be tagging Nave VLAN, which was congured
on the Ethernet 0 port.
Resolved Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
36 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11374, 10837
Descripon Modern 802.11ac, 802.11ax including 802.11ax-6E clients support 2by2 streams. As a result the
MU-MIMO funconality with 2by2 AP's: R510 etc., is inherently not exercised. As such CLI
support to enable MU-MIMO is provided. By default it is disabled.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-10674, ER-10760
Descripon Modied AP internal logic for client disconnecon due to inacvity to adhere to Inacvity
Timeout congured in WLAN. In this release this is available in 802.11ax and 802.11ac wave 2 AP
Component/s AP
Issue ER-10474
Descripon Resolved an issue of AP R710 throughput issue with 3 er client.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-10671
Descripon Enhancement in WISPr survivability feature allows the use of custom cercate loaded for this
service during client authencaon using HTTPS.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-10892
Descripon Resolved an issue where AP name defaulted back to RUCKUS AP aer upgrade to
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11308
Descripon Resolved an issue where the AP CSV le failed to download because of an invalid fwVersion.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11449
Descripon Resolved an issue of WPA2 decrypon on 2.4G radio of 11ac Wave 1 APs.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11497
Descripon Resolved an unexpected memory leakage reboot issue on 11ac APs.
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11792
Descripon Resolved an issue of a looping condion when the network forwarded client packets from a
roamed AP to the original AP.
Resolved Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 37
Component/s AP
Issue ER-11793
Descripon Resolved an issue where API call 'Retrieve AP model' from AP group was not providing expected
reply: if AP model conguraon is not overwrien, then return payload should be empty (return
1); otherwise, it would provide the conguraon.
Component/s Control Plane
Issue ER-11005
Descripon Resolved an issue of missing strict transport security header.
Component/s Control Plane
Issue ER-11541
Descripon Resolved an issue where by adding the missing aributes in North Bound Interface (NBI)
authorizes the API, such that the API call with UE-Session-Timeout, including other needed
aributes, for example, works.
Component/s Control Plane
Issue ER-11458
Descripon Resolved an issue where Public API was set to an incorrect default value for AP LAN port.
Component/s Control Plane
Issue ER-11627
Descripon Resolved an issue where when WISPr UE failed authencaon, the URL redirected does not
include the full path.
Component/s Control Plane
Issue ER-11546
Descripon Resolved an issue where data plane snapshot le failed to be transfer from data plane to control
plane aer it was created.
Component/s Control Plane
Issue ER-11720
Descripon Resolved an issue where WISPR ZD login failed to redirect URL, which resulted in portal aributes
not being passed. This is xed by adding missing user portal aributes to the redirected URL
when ZD login fails and the client gets redirected to the expected URL.
Component/s Control Plane
Issue ER-9797
Descripon VMware vulnerability was idened in Open VM Tools (open-vm-tools) version 10 and has been
xed in version 11, which is included controller release 6.1.1.
Component/s Data Plane
Issue ER-11594
Descripon Resolved an issue where new clients connected to tunneled WLAN may fail to have connecvity
due to a host table leak issue in data plane.
Resolved Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
38 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Component/s Data Plane
Issue ER-11143
Descripon Resolved an issue where the CLI command Show dhcp binding for a specic UE MAC address
failed in vSZ-D.
Component/s Data Plane
Issue ER-11019
Descripon Resolved an issue where the data plane upgrade procedure was halted due an internal RPM
Component/s Data Plane
Issue ER-11425
Descripon Disk full is from large size of logs and need to avoid large size of logs by detecng the failure of
log rotaon funcon and recovering the log rotaon funcon due to any failure. This issue is
resolved in this release of 6.1.1.
Component/s Data Plane
Issue ER-11397
Descripon Wireless client Mac address was learnt on controller SZ-144-D interface from more than one
VLAN. Enhancement is made on data plane to make it wait for the ow to come up fully and then
send out the packets. This will make MAC address of one UE be learnt from only one VLAN in
core switches, instead of from mulple VLANs.
Component/s Public API
Issue ER-11073
Descripon Resolved an issue of slower response to snmpwalk.
Component/s SPoT
Issue ER-11208
Descripon Resolved an issue of unique visitor count mismatch.
Component/s Switches
Issue ER-11248
Descripon Resolved an issue where when downloading a parcular Switch port conguraon displayed all
the connected switches port conguraon from the controller (vSZ).
Component/s Switches
Issue ER-11223
Descripon Resolved an issue of failing to view the conguraon back up from the controller and events/
alarms by using getQueryFiltersWithoutGlobalFilter for switch pages.
Component/s Switches
Issue ER-10417
Descripon Resolved an issue where Switch stack failed in inializaon state on the Cloud GUI.
Resolved Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 39
Component/s Switches
Issue SCG-128287, FI-255079
Descripon Resolved an issue where R550 AP Ethernet ports at me negoated to 100 Mbps instead of 1000
Mbps speed on the switch ports supporng Mul-Gig.
Component/s Switches
Issue ER-11682
Descripon Resolved an issue where port view for switches could be missing when some port has over 1000
VLANs assigned.
Component/s System
Issue ER-11388, SCG-137191
Descripon Resolved an issue where the correct AAA server fails to display on the troubleshoong page.
Component/s System
Issue ER-11519
Descripon Resolved an issue where AP radio sengs are shown dierently on controller UI aer upgrading
to 6.1.
Component/s System
Issue ER-11729
Descripon Resolved an issue where the controller version fails to change aer upgrade, which causes the
controller to be out-of-service aer service restart and crash mode aer reboot.
Component/s System
Issue ER-11040
Descripon Resolved an issue of lost Switches and Switch Groups aer upgrading to vSZ rmware.
Component/s System
Issue ER-11606
Descripon Resolved an issue where third party AP broadcasted a hidden SSID to simulate NULL SSID rogue.
The AP failed to match the rogue classicaon policy Default Policy with rule Null SSID.
Resolved Issues
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
40 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Interoperability Informaon
Cluster Network Requirements
The following table lists the minimum network requirement for the controller's cluster interface.
Minimum Cluster Network Requirement
Model SZ300 vSZ-H SZ144 SZ100 vSZ-E
Latency 34ms 34ms 68ms 76.5ms 76.5ms
Jier 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms 10ms
Bandwidth 115Mbps 92Mbps 40.25Mbps 23Mbps 23Mbps
Client Interoperability
SmartZone controllers and ZoneFlex APs use standard protocols to interoperate with third party Wi-Fi devices. RUCKUS qualies its funconality on
the most common clients.
Component/s AP
Issue AP-18708
Descripon Windows laptops will not be able to connect intermiently to FT (Fast BSS Transion) enabled
WLANs due to wrong AKM (Authencaon and Key Management) type sent by Windows laptops.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138759
Descripon Intel AX210 with driver level is not sending 802.11v BTM (BSS Transion
Management) response when queried with BTM request.
While not sending BTM response has not aected roaming or latency, the BTM request from the
AP will contain the preferred roam candidate, and perhaps. when there's high populaon of AP's
in same BSS (Basic Service Set), the staon may not have all the roaming assistance needed to
make the correct decision.
This behavior is not present in driver version
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138875
Descripon With Intel AX210 driver version, 80 milliseconds latency is observed when roaming
using WPA3 PSK.
This specic driver 22.180 has a malformed roaming behavior, when using WPA3 PSK in all bands
and the same is not observed with Enterprise. This behavior may result in slight VoIP degradaon
during roam.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136257
Descripon iPhone 11 Pro with iOS version-14.8 has a connecvity issue with WPA3-SAE-AES WLAN.
Interoperability Informaon
Client Interoperability
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 41
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136468
Descripon Model name and OS vendor are shown as Roku streaming sck for Canon printer on the
controller web user interface > Client Informaon .
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136473
As Wi-Fi 6E cannot support Open-Security WLAN, the OWE-Transion mode (Wi-Fi
Enhanced Open) is not supported for Wi-Fi 6E.
As stated on the Apple website, Apple devices are not currently supported for OWE-
Transion mode. Refer to hps://
To associate WLAN UE to the AP in OWE-Transion mode, the WLAN UE is required to
support the OWE-Transion mode feature. It is recommended to consult with the
device vendor for relevant product informaon.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138747
Descripon OS vendor and model name for Wyze camera is displayed as Amazon Kindle as DHCP ngerprint
sent by client is similar to Amazon Kindle.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138463
Descripon FT roaming failure is observed on below client-OS version combinaon:
Samsung S21, Android version: 11
iPhone XR, iOS version: 15.6.1
iPhone8, iOS version: 15.6
iPhone11, iOS version: 15.5
Workaround Update OS versions to Android 12 and iOS 16 respecvely.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138375
Descripon Majority iOS devices display Reason code 23 during a longer run and frequently fail to connect
back automacally. Impacted clients:
IPhone 12
IPhone 13
iPad Air Pro Max
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138310
Descripon Laptop keeps apping between 2.4GHz and 5GHz if the RSSI of both the radio comes closer to
each other - +-2DBM. This can create disconnecons during longer connecvity cases. Impacted
Windows laptops
Interoperability Informaon
Client Interoperability
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
42 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Component/s AP
Workaround Reduce RSSI of 2.4 Ghz to +-5DBM to control UE apping.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137240
Descripon Mi TV connecvity is not smooth as somemes client does not respond to EAP messages which
results in EAPOL meout. It was also observed that the UE disconnects when a channel changes.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-133156
Descripon Aer successful UEs iOS, MAC devices connecon, if the device moves away from the AP RF
coverage and if the client comes within the AP RF coverage and within the inacvity meout
then the device goes for a full authencaon instead of skipping the authencaon process.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136634
Descripon Intermiently Sonos product client informaon is reported as unknown on the controller web
user interface as the client fails to go through DHCP process on re-connecon.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136510
Descripon Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3 (SM-F926U1, Android 12, Build Number : SP1A.
210812.016.F926U1UES1CVC9) fails to connect on Channel 40 intermiently.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136839
Descripon Mac mini devices with Intel chip sets do not support FT (Fast BSS Transion) roaming.
FT roaming is supported on Mac mini running on Apple M1 chip sets.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136942
Descripon Few clients fail to re-associate to SSID aer either enabling or disabling WLAN service of radio.
Workaround Manually aempt connecng to the SSID.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-136946
Descripon 802.11r roaming fails on iPhone 11 (2019, IOS version 15.4) and iPad Pro (10.5 inch, 2017, IOS
version 15.4).
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137196
Interoperability Informaon
Client Interoperability
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 43
Component/s AP
1. Model: Dell 5490
2. Operang System: Windows 11Driver
3. Version and NIC: and AX210
Intel 6E clients with AX210 show a scky behavior when connected to 6GHz radio and fails to
roam to a beer signal AP when RSSI is greater than -70 dBm.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137209
Descripon Windows client processes full authencaon when OKC (Opportunisc Key Caching) is enabled
with WPA3-prole. This is because Windows does not support OKC for WPA3 but only supports
Workaround For Windows clients use WPA2 as the encrypon type if OKC is enabled.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137239
Descripon All Windows 11 clients are reported as Microso Windows/Windows 10.0.0 on the controller
web user interface > Client Informaon (Model Name).
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137243
Descripon Apple MAC devices having macOS Big Sur and above (version 11+) reports OS version as Apple
Mac/Mac OS X 10.15.7 on the controller web user > Client Informaon (Model Name.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137244
Descripon With MAC randomizaon enabled, iPhone13 Pro hostname is not displayed on the controller
web user Zone > Client Informaon (Model Name.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-137294
Descripon Samsung 6E client is not able to connect to R760 with 6.1.1 on 6Ghz radio.
Workaround Devices must have capabilies element set to High Eciency (HE) to associate to Wi-Fi 6E AP's
with 6Ghz frequency.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138535
Descripon When QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connecon) session by YouTube resumes without any client-
hello/server-hello handshake, ow is not detected by DPI (Deep Packet Inspecon) and therefore
ARC policy will not be applied if it is congured for YouTube.
Component/s AP
Issue SCG-138910
Interoperability Informaon
Client Interoperability
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
44 Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C
Component/s AP
Descripon Client fails to connect to the WPA3 EAP TLS prole with AES_GCMP_256 bit encrypon. This issue
is specic to Android 13 QPR (T1B3.221003.008). It works with the earlier version of Android 13
QPR (T1B2.220916.004).
Interoperability Informaon
Client Interoperability
SmartZone 6.1.1 (LT-GA) Release Notes
Part Number: 800-73141-001 Rev C 45
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